#It’s going greatttt
chaosduckies · 1 month
Today was not a good day TwT
I need a giant to just hold me in their hand and give me a big hug. I think that would make my entire day so much better
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okthatsgreat · 8 days
i’m realizing that one of my favorite ways to create a character is by first establishing a major flaw of theirs and then examining how that will inevitably fuck them up a bit. then fleshing them out from there
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linkito · 6 months
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hhau doodl
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theknifeinyou · 2 months
have a handful of drafts to finish (all to @cfthesoul lol) and get them queued - i work Wednesday and Thursday but have friday off so I'm hoping i can get everything done so i can clear my likes of muse post/gif packs but hey progress is being made yippeee
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babymagi · 1 year
Decided to torture myself and draw Kougyoku's djinn equip and so far it's been a lot of AHHHHHHHHHHHHH and wanting to claw my eyes out from looking at the references for too long and regretting choosing a dynamic pose bc HOW THE FUCK WOULD THAT PART OF HER OUTFIT BEND LIKE THAT AT THE ANGLE??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
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fossys · 11 months
me: glad we havent split in a while!
glitch (gatekeeper): oh no we definitely have lmfao
me: I? WHEN?? i barely ever leave front when did this happen
glitch: good fucking question
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apollos-olives · 10 months
I really like “Ana Lahale” by Elyanna. Elyanna is Palestinian herself.
mashallah what a beautiful voice she has. thank you for sending this recommendation!!
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nightlist · 2 years
minecraft oh minecraft where art thou
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oflgtfol · 11 months
The Human Cosmos is a book that has overall made me very conflicted. The first half or so was mainly just discussing the intersection of astronomy and human history, a really engaging mix of anthropology, religion, politics, history, and astronomy. But as the central thesis of the book began to uncover itself to me, the more conflicted I got.
In the final chapter of the book, Marchant herself clearly states what the thesis is: "This book has followed how, in the Western world at least, we have inexorably removed personal experience from our understanding of the universe." And I think that's an engaging idea of its own right, and in simple terms I do agree as well. There is absolutely something lost when we remove the tangible aspects of astronomy, the actual senses of our own bodies as we stargaze and navigate the world around us, and rely solely on instruments and data. But like, we still need those instruments and data to learn more beyond the limitations of our bodies. And Marchant does make sure to include that qualification, but she seems more like she's conceding rather than actually believing in both things being true. And so something about it just doesn't sit entirely right with me.
The final few chapters in particular she seems to bring up the idea of credulity vs. skepticism (which is so funny since the last book I read was Sagan's The Demon Haunted World which was basically entirely about credulity vs. skepticism, those exact words even), or sometimes phrased as subjectivity vs. objectivity. But she seems to give like, way too much faith in credulity/subjectivity? Something about the tone seems to act like skepticism and objectivity are like, boring, as it takes away the magic of navigating the cosmos through our minds and bodies; or that skepticism is like, mean, because actual scientists believe life exists on Mars but oh these skeptics keep coming up with alternate explanations (which is so. ??? to me. life on Mars is such a bold claim you need steadfast proof to hold up to scrutiny and skepticism, if your evidence can be explained through nonbiological means, then that's not skeptical scientists being mean or anything, it's just being rigorous and diligent?) And one chapter in particular just gave a lot of credence to certain ideas that could lead into actual pseudoscience, which also made me a bit uncomfortable; ie, the idea of the Moon being able to actually affect human beings in significant ways. This idea is one I don't have strong opinions about, as I believe ultimately it's a question for biology and not astronomy, since there are soooo many factors behind the Moon that could potentially cause biophysical effects (are we talking gravity, tides, 30-day cycles, phases, just brightness in general?), but the way Marchant was wording the proponents in Moon-affecting-humans vs. skeptics, just felt like it could veer very well into like, astrology, especially because at one point in a single sentence she said something about how if the Sun, Moon, and the Earth's magnetic field, all can affect life on Earth, then why not the stars (I'm paraphrasing). And whatever, yes, she absolutely is correct in citing all these scientific studies of those celestial bodies and phenomena very much actually affecting biorhythms in multiple species including human beings, but like, there is a huge difference between the things that are huge and visible in our sky and are actually located inside of our solar system, vs. pinpricks of light in the sky that are located trillions upon trillions upon trillions of miles away from us. And to her credit, she doesn't follow through on that line of thought beyond just that one single sentence, but it just dealt a heavy heavy blow of doubt to my ability to give her the benefit of doubt, and it became easier for me to disagree with her about everything else that wasn't sitting entirely right with me this whole time.
I know a part of me being baffled by this is how I just came from The Demon-Haunted world which took such a strong stand against credulity and which I had pretty much zero disagreements with at any point throughout the book (pretty much the entire experience was just staring at each page and shouting "yes! you get it!") so I am trying to keep an open mind and accept other viewpoints to this as well, but also I am just really stuck on the weird tone to these last few chapters.
And now, here in the final chapter, Marchant moves away from the credulity vs. skepticism concept again and moves back into the main thesis, the removal of personal experience from scientific missions. Which again, I agree with that, that there's something lost in doing so, but also again, something in her tone made me uncomfortable with fully agreeing with her, and it finally set off the alarm with this passage:
"Until a few years ago, scientists ignored [the] more human side of stargazing, preferring to leave such musings for artists and poets to explore. Now, though, they are fasting realizing that far from being merely aesthetic, direct contact with the cosmos can have profound, practical effects for our mental health, and how we choose to live."
It just does not sit right with me that she is presenting science as this cold, sterile, inhuman and unlively thing that we indulge in our quest for Cold Hard Knowledge, and how she presents it almost as the opposite of emotions and human connection! The idea of advances in technology having led to modern science, particularly astronomy, becoming estranged from the lived human experience due to the reliance on instruments, tools, and institutions to do research, rather than your own hands, eyes, and backyard - that is an intriguing idea, and one that I definitely agree with and love to ponder! It's something that I grappled with as well in my own life and my own path in astronomy, how I fell in love with a certain idea of astronomy which conflicted with my experience as a college student.
But god damn if astronomers don't also love the work they do? I find it kind of insulting to insist otherwise?! As if astronomers themselves aren't the ones hosting dark sky parties for lay people to look through their giant telescopes, because astronomers themselves know the human importance of seeing these celestial objects with your human eye? "Scientists ignored the more human side of stargazing" as if stargazing, in and of itself, no matter what side of it you look at, isn't intrinsically human? As if astronomers aren't the absolute nerds we are and constantly trying to get lay people to stargaze with us? As if astronomers aren't the people championing for an annual dark sky night despite the insistence of everyone else that oh we can't possibly shut our fucking lights off at night. Every time I get home from work after sunset, my mom asks me why it took so long for me to get to the front door after she heard the sound of my car door closing, and it's always because I had glanced up at the sky and gotten stuck there for five minutes just looking up at the stars. The last time I was outside at night with my parents with me I pointed out the Summer Triangle to them and was explaining the three star names and the constellations they're inside of.
Sorry I'm just utterly baffled at the idea of astronomers being uncaring over the loss of dark skies across the world, of astronomers just shrugging their shoulders and saying "ugh, whatever, we got other telescopes we can use instead, who cares" (in my experience, the only people who act like that are the "space nerds" on the internet who are not actually involved in the field in any official capacity). And I'm baffled at the idea of scientists not being utterly enamored with the night sky and the very subject we dedicate our lives to, that like what, with the modern development of advanced technology and instrumentation that also alienates us from the night sky, that also means we ourselves become increasingly sterile, cold, uncaring, boring, on a personal level? That there's some sort of fundamental contrast between science and humanity, as if science isn't an intrinsically human endeavor in and of itself?
Yes, there's something to be said about this alienation that comes about with the reliance on machines and institutions, rather than your own personal senses and experiences, and I personally believe (as well as like, any sane astronomer otherwise) that science, and astronomy in particular, needs to have a balance of both to hit the sweet spot (personal experience, to feel the true passion and heart behind why we do what we do, to really fall in love with what you study; instrumentation, to learn of the things that exist beyond our limited, human senses), but to try to pin the blame on the scientists themselves is just a bit mean-spirited, and well, honestly, bad faith to me, as well, considering the earlier credulity vs. skepticism and subjective vs. objective arguments brought up earlier in the book. Skepticism and objectivity is necessary in science and I really don't give a fuck what you think, and no, that does not make science cold, sterile, inhuman - that makes science science, and it's what helps us separate the truth from misconceptions, and giving any sort of lenience to credulity and subjectivity beyond just the idea of "emotions can and should go hand in hand with logic and reason, because the two are not mutually exclusive, because human beings contain multitudes" honestly also gives lenience to pseudoscientific ideas like astrology, or "UFOlogy" or whatever else. And in an increasingly anti-intellectual, anti-science world, I'm finding that I have less and less tolerance for this kind of indulgence, which is why I'm annoyed enough to be sitting here writing an entire essay about this lol
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ihave-atummyache · 4 months
3 way with ur roomie, hey roomie
ot8 blurb/imagine
stray kids
just my personal thoughts on the topic of ur skz!bf sharing u with another member (;
1.5 words
just hard thoughts i guess? idk im just horny and thinking
bang chan:
would share u with seungmin.
i feel like they would have very different approaches to how they are intimate, however, they both very much so give off brat tamer vibes in my opinion! i think seungmin would be more of a hard!dom brat tamer and chan would be more of a soft!dom brat tamer or even like more of an emotional brat tamer than a physical one. in the context that seungmin would spank you, smack you, spit on you, degrade you, chan would rather have you write that youre sorry 100 times on a piece of paper. im sorry its hot idk dont ask me!
i think their dynamic would work well together because they are so opposite but also so similar that it would be really easy to break you.
also they both would definitely love to see you cry. idk thats what theyre saying!!
lee know:
would share u with chan.
okay, hear me out. i know most people would think that he would share you with jisung but i so disagree!! minho is a possessive, jealous, mfer (hot). that being said, he is also basically joined at the hip with jisung and when you come around, its probably quite often the three of you together.
i dont think minho could stand the idea of you being around someone 24/7 that has seen you naked and felt every inch of you. hes sooo jealous.
but!! i think minchan would make for a great time tbh. theyre both so strong and yummy that it could get really rough, fast!! they're both very conscious of your body and how it is reacting to everything and they work in perfect tandem to make sure youre having a good time :p
you definitely cum so many times you can’t walk by the end of it all!
oh! and they both have greatttt stamina so i can just imagine you guys going at it for hours and hours.
most likely to have been made self indulgently, fueled by my own personal desires.
-on my knees for minchan.
would share u with hyunjin.
changbin is so obsessed with hyunjin and its the cutest thing in the world. he thinks he can never be more obsessed with anyone but then, he meets you!
the idea of the two people he adores most in the world being intimate with him at the same time??? hot. hot hot hot. i also think that binnie is such a visual person. seeing you and hyunjin together is probably just pure art in his eyes.
i think that it would actually be super intimate. it would definitely not be something that happens often or casually. it probably happened one night on accident and it was a lot more intimate and intense than you all figured it would be.
changbin and hyunjin definitely kiss while they eiffel tower u. im sORRY!
would share u with felix.
hyunjin loves felix so much. we all know this. i think that it would be very important that you and felix get along for hyunjin to make the relationship work.
honestly, it wouldnt surprise me if hyunjin were to make you two meet before you meet anyone else. he just values lix's opinion so much and its so cute. with that being said, i think that the idea of sharing you would kind of come naturally.
you and felix have GREAT chemistry and i think it would be hyunjin that suggests it. you three are probably sitting around the table or in the living room and he's just listening to you and felix talk and then he just speaks up with something stupid and hyunjin-like, for example: 'do you wanna have a threesome. like us three?' and obviously you and felix are quite surprised but after it being talked about, youre all down.
felix is probably a little softer in bed and i imagine hyunjin being the same way, except if he get particularly worked up. i imagine sex with hyunjin is usually pretty intimate and more like love-making. he is just such a romantic and values intimacy so much.
theres probably a lot of you receiving great head from the two boys and a LOT of kissing. and they have such nice lipshshshsjash
u definitely have a few bruises left as a reminder.
would share u with minho.
okay okay okay so
im sensing the dynamic of minho actually not really participating and youre both kind of submissive BECAUSE voyeur minho>>>>
him telling jisung exactly how he should touch you or what he should say to you and then he gets all frustrated when jisung doesnt do it right and pushes him out the way and is like 'do it like this' and then showing him exactly how its done.
you're definitely being treated like an object more than a person and it's embarrassingly just that much hotter. i feel like jisung would follow every one of minho's commands without much thought. he trusts him whole heartedly even when it comes to you.
when you do actually have sex with both of them, it’s probably super rough. i feel like jisung would feed off minho’s energy and try to match it, yk?
would share you with changbin.
okay....hear me out! why do i lowk feel like you could dom changbin and felix so well.... and theyre so muscly and like masculine but you can get them both on their knees for you????? HOT
anyways, felix trust changbin a lot and he has said that changbin is his ideal type in men so... youre his ideal type, changbin is his ideal type, felix is in heaven.
a lot of praise from you has them both flustered and blushing and like putty in the palm of your hand. they could definitely dom you too tho!!! dont get me wrong.
manhandled, thrown up against a wall, rough, marked up, the works. they would probably hold you up at an insane angle so they can both fuck into you at the same time. some crazy karma sutra shit. i think they would be the first ones out of all these duos that would be found out. the way that changbin just suddenly gets a lot closer and touchier with you and the way the three of you would interact, it would be suspicious
most likely to end up in a poly relationship, methinks!
would share u with i.n.
"seungmin, how do i make a girl cum with my fingers?"
"i can show u better than i can tell u"
and thats how you end up sprawled out on the bed getting edged over and over and over until you can barely feel your body!
"no angle your hand like this, there you go! you feel how this pretty pussy just clenched around you? thats good"
"you could probably make her squirt, she does all the time"
seungmin's words would be filthy. actually talking like youre just a sex doll that they can use for their own pleasure. i.n would probably often return and ask you and seungmin different questions and then youre all in the bedroom
he just happens to be more of a visual learner is all!
least likely to become poly, methinks! im under the impression that out of everyone, seungmin and jeongin would be the two that are most likely to keep things platonic. i think these would also be the most likely two members that have a friend with benefits and genuinely never catches feelings, yk?
okay and maybe it's just my own personal hand kink.... but they both have such fucking pretty hands like oh my goshdmsmshx put them down my throat pls!
would share u with jisung.
tbh i think jeongin would be the most likely to share you with multiple members (maybe at the same time but uh anyways) but him and jisung just work.
jeongin is genuinely sooooo fond of jisung and you can just tell. he takes good care of jisung, even though he's younger and i think he trusts him a lot.
however, i think there could be a crazy dynamic here...
dom i.n x sub hannie x sub you?????
why is that kind of hot... and you all know im a big advocate for dom!han but i imagine him being a softer dom, at least a lot softer than jeongin. i.n and minho seem like they would be very similar in their dom ways.
i just cant imagine jeongin being a sub!!! like he IS an aquarius…lets not forget.
him and han’s dynamic is very silly and you can tell that they love each other dearly and feel very safe with one another. like they’re very much themselves around one another. i think thats why han would be able to sub to jeongin. and the irony of him being younger and he’s bossing him around… he would dig. jisung a freak!
han is a certified pussy addict. he eats coochie off the bone!! im imagining you sat back against i.n’s chest and jisung is between your legs just devouring and jeongin has his fingers practically gagging you omg i gtg N O
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Your barbenheimer fic was greatttt!!!
I was wondering if you could make a social media fic of reader being nolan's daughter and being a physicist and she has been married to cillian for a long time and has like 3 or 4 kids and she is very shy but helped in the theoratical part of the movie.
Also she gave lessons to the cast and florence developed a little(huge) crush on her and every cast member talks and jokes about it.
Sorry for the long request
With lots of love
family | cillian murphy
love this request!! also I’m going to make up the names for the kids because in this imagine, y/n and cillian will not have instagram
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liked by florencepugh, tomhardy and 23,467 other
alexdandriamurphynolan the past months with them ❤️
murphyfamlove when your only source of y/n nolan and cillian murphy content is through their 17 year old daughter
tomhardy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
celebupdates y/n in the fourth pic omg she looks so beautiful, alexandria you look just like her
cilliansmurphys cillian’s gene’s didn’t even try with their first born alexandria is her mother’s twin
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
hii, I've been thinking a lot recently about bonten and y/n at the casino (like all of them together) and how would they interact with her and with the others. I got the idea after seeing a fanart of sanzu playing poker and I thought this could be greatttt
Tysm in advance and I hope you have a good day! <3
Thank you so much for requesting! This is my first writing about Bonten so I'm quite excited here!!
Depends on the kind of relationship you have with Bonten. What are you to the organisation? But let's say that you're quite close to them and worked with them in underground too so they really don't have negative impression of you.
SANZU would play poker with you (if you're good at it) to pass time and talk about your miserable lives. Turned out he tried new drug on one of the traitor, which caused the memory loss. You were quite intrigued, to be honest. Drug that caused amnesia? Pretty useful.
Sanzu and you would bet on something else than money, hence why KOKO wasn't playing, since betting on money was basic already and being already rich, money didn't seem impressive at all anymore. So you two would bet on something more...Exciting (I'm letting you imagine) which would have RAN joining.
Either Ran or KAKUCHO would buy you drink. What's the point of going to casino if you can't even have a drink, to be honest.
There's no way any of Bonten members or you would win against Sanzu in poker game, hence why you decided to play Craps, which MOCHI happily agreed to. Turned out you and Mochi were pretty good at it, which definitely boosted you ego up.
Ran would be the most chatty with you, followed by Sanzu. Definitely not Mikey tho, I can't even imagine him going to Casino. He'd probably be in his apartment BUT let's say he was there, he'd just drink alcohol and listen, hardly uttering any words. He's not very good in casino games too soo...Maybe he'll be lucky in slots.
Kakucho and RINDOU are definitely good at Sic Bo. Rindou would also play Roulette. You may think that they're playing lot of games but, I mean, why not? Unlike other people, they haven't come to casino for money but for fun. They'd try many games! So should you. Mochi and Sanzu definitely would urge you to.
TAKEOMI is most likely good at Craps and Baccarat, tho he lost to Mochi and you in Craps. Too bad for him I guess. Meanwhile Koko would be insanely lucky in Roulette. It's crazy really. As if he was God's favourite.
Now to talk about conversation, they all would be quite chatty with you and each other. The conversation won't be serious, just some snarky and sarcastic comments here and there but otherwise--pretty humorous.
Okey okey, some flirty remarks from Ran maybe. If Sanzu took liking in you, then he would too.
Rindou would be pretty awkward with you at first but after playing some games with you such as Sic bo, Keno and Blackjack, he wouldn't have any problem chatting with you, rather he'd become quite bold.
While Kakucho would remain respectful and all of his focus would be on games, also pretty annoyed at Sanzu but wouldn't show it MUCH. Would just smile if he lost to you, he'd just take it easy.
Can't say same about Sanzu, who's not used to losing in casino games. He'd be frowning and sulking, asking for another round.
Ran and Rindou would, like, compliment you when you would win. Mochi would also be frowning and asking for another round. While Takeomi would use "I'm too old for these games. Back in my days..." at that time and would get Sanzu's snarky comments delivered on silver platter which would cause small argument between two. Koko would rarely be losing, actually. If he does tho, he'd just frown and play another round or another game.
If I had to name the people who'd be the MOST chatty with you l, that'd be Sanzu, Ran and Koko. Probably Mochi and Rindou too. Takeomi just slightly ig.
You'd have sm fun with Haitani Brothers, Sanzu, Koko and Mochi tbh!
Please don't kill me if it's bad😔🙏🏼 I genuinely tried my best here.
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outivv · 2 months
Hi hi!!
This is gonna be a whole guide on how to and how not to boycott hoyoverse!! Also to answer some questions and educate people as best as I can!!
Firstly: why are we boycotting hoyoverse?
Mainly because Hoyoverse has (and is continuing to) ignored the complaints people have about the lack of representation and diversity in the entirety of their all their games, including Zenless Zone Zero, Tears of Themis, Honkai: Star Rail, Honkai impact 3rd, and mainly Genshin Impact. They also have a history of being racist in all of those games, and flat out refusing to give playable characters diverse skin tones.
Why is this bad?
Taking cultures for aesthetics in a video game is just… blatantly racist, and there’s no excuse for Hoyoverse to do this, because there are other Chinese companies that have made dark skinned characters. To name a few, Riot games, Lilith games, and Bluepoch. Hoyoverse is known to take cultures for their games but not give proper representation, make slavery jokes, be passively racist and stereotype cultures, and just overall be… not greatttt.
Can I still play Hoyoverse games?
Yes! Play Hoyoverse games, interact with fan content, just do not give any money to Hoyoverse! That’s completely like… counterproductive to what we’re trying to do here which is make Hoyoverse lose money, so they fix their issues!
How to boycott!! (I got a lot of these from @ nyaamari on Twitter, whose post inspired me to make this thread!)
Do spread awareness as much as you can!
Listen, and educate yourself based on the people whose cultures have been outright stolen by Hoyoverse.
Submit complaints through the in game surveys or feedback.
Email Hoyoverse! Specifically genshin, at [email protected]
Encourage others to speak up, and inform others who play Hoyoverse games!
Repost anything informative!
Review Hoyoverse games on the App Store! Don’t go review bombing other games, just Hoyoverse owned ones!
Argue with racists and colorists! Keep yourself safe, and block if they are refusing to let you inform them, it takes a want to learn on their end to actually take in any info!
Speak over other people of the cultures Hoyoverse has stolen from!
Spend any kind of money on any Hoyoverse games. No welkin, no top ups, no battle pass, or nameless whatever- nothing! Show them that we will spend money on their game if they give us characters that have some actual color and representation to them!!
Buy any official merch from Hoyoverse collabs!! Also use this as an excuse to support a small business that isn’t partnered with Hoyoverse or anything and get some sick ass merch from them instead!!
Harass Va’s and assume they haven’t spoken up! A lot of Va’s have spoken up already, and are completely on our side with this one!! Just please don’t harass them, the Genshin fandom specifically has a notorious issue with harassing Va’s.
Follow @ HYVboycott on Twitter!! They have a petition on their page that already has 25,000+ signatures as I’m making this!
Also please don’t let the Hoyoverse boycott deter you from any of the boycotts going on for Palestine, or just what’s happening in Palestine in general. Remember what is happening, stay informed, don’t stop talking about it just because we’re talking about Hoyoverse. I’m gonna start spreading more info about Palestine on this account cause it’s my most followed social media, and I wanna spread more awareness.
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timeslugarts · 7 months
Hellooooo I just saw that you’re taking HH requestsssss!!! Also I hope you’re having an amazing dayyyy!! (Also take your time, no rush here hun)
Ok so a Lucifer x (f) reader where she and a few of her performance group get invited to do a dance for the king of hell himself and many others at a party with some of the most important figures of hell. The reader, while performing, catches Lucifer’s eye and so after the group performs Lucifer FINALLYY gains the courage to speak with her and appreciate her talent.
If you can do this that would be greatttt!!! ♡♡
Ahahaha! I did it! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you'll enjoy reading it 💖
Your nerves were singing, this might be the biggest performance of your whole career here in Hell. The Lucifer, King of Hell, big boss on campus, asked for your group to dance at his gala personally. This could be everything, the thing to bring your group to the next level.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, you needed to make sure everything was perfect. You were fidgeting with your bottles, and palettes, making sure your makeup was perfect. Adding extra glitter to make sure you stood out and sparkled on stage.
"Alright ladies, it's time to go, break a leg everyone!" Your manager announced to the group of you. Taking a slow steadying breath you stood up. Time to go.
Lucifer sat on his throne at the far back of the ballroom, Asmodeus and him deep in conversation, just trying to catch up since he's been away for so long. It was nice seeing Ozzie again, he was always one of Lucifer's favorites and they fell right back into the rhythm of things.
"So have you been looking for any fresh meat since Lil's been gone?" Ozzie said, wiggling his brows, Lucifer blushed.
"Wha… I, no-" Lucifer stammered, he really hadn't thought about anyone like that in a long time.
"Oh come on your highness," Ozzie said with a grin, "you have to get your tail wet at some point, it's not good to be hung up over the same woman for the rest of your life."
He sighed, "yeah I know, it's just-"
Your performance had begun.
You had stepped out center stage to a single spotlight and begun to move your body to the rhythm. Lucifer was starstruck, he had frozen mid sentence, enraptured by your beauty and grace. Ozzie noticed too, he raised an eyebrow at his demon lord, grin growing ever wider.
The rest of your group had joined you on stage as the music came to a crescendo. All of you moving in time, bodies sweaty adding extra shine to the already copious amounts of glitter.
Lucifer still hadn't moved, Ozzie wasn't even sure he'd blinked, growing a little concerned he waved a hand in front of his face. Lucifer reached out and held his wrist tight to stop it from moving, it was an automatic reaction, like a robot. Lucifer held Ozzie's wrist for the whole rest of the performance.
Once your group had finished, taking a bow as everyone clapped, Ozzie leaned over and whispered, "you know I can get you her number if you want?"
"I, what?" Lucifer had snapped back to reality all at once, dropping Ozzie's wrist instantly. He was so stoopified by your dance that he hadn't even realized what he'd done.
"Yeah, they perform for me in the Lust Ring all the time," Ozzie leaned even closer, brow cocked, "who do you think suggested they perform tonight?" He grinned at his easily flustered boss, noticing the pink dusting his cheeks. The King of Hell was such a baby sometimes. "Or… I could introduce you?"
"I think I… have to go." Lucifer rose from his throne and dashed away in a panic hearing Asmodeus' laughter the whole way.
He was in a quiet hallway far from the rest of the crowd, his heart was hammering in his chest, his blood felt thick. He hasn't had that sort of immediate reaction to anyone since he saw Lillith in the garden. He placed a hand to the wall to steady himself, his knees wobbled a little.
"Are you ok?" Lucifer whipped around, and just his luck, there you were. You had changed out of your dance outfit and were wearing something more casual. Glitter still stuck to your face and hair though. He wanted to reach out and brush it away.
Instead he rubbed his hands together and noticed how sweaty they had gotten.
"Y-yeah, I'm… I'm ok." He chuckled weakly. God he was making such an ass of himself.
"Oh my god, you're Lucifer." You had looked starstruck. "Thank you so much for letting us perform here for you, it was such an honor." You bowed before him a shy smile gracing your features.
"No no, don't… don't do that." He said taking your shoulders and correcting your posture. "You were truly an experience, I'm the one who should be honored."
His charming smile lit your cheeks on fire, not to mention his hands still lingering on your shoulders. You couldn't believe how kind Lucifer was being, you could feel the butterflies in your chest.
"Th- thank you so much, that truly means a lot." You smiled gently his way.
It was his turn to blush, quickly taking his hands back and rubbing them together anxiously, when had they become so sweaty?
"Would… would you like to go to dinner sometime?"
You stared, wide eyed, mouth open. He looked so shy, his eyes were avoiding yours at all costs. You giggled causing him to perk up.
"Of course, I would love to." You smiled.
"So, tomorrow at 8?" He was so suddenly very excited, he did it, asked you out and better yet, you said yes!
"Perfect!" You were grinning ear to ear matching his enthusiasm.
"I'll see you then!" He gave your shoulder a warm squeeze and promptly exited the gala.
Lucifer was standing on the sidewalk outside of the building when he realized that in all his excitement he didn't ask you for your number, he had no way of contacting you.
"Shit." He mumbled as he made his way back inside.
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bun-z-bakery · 5 months
A/N: sorry for the super late repost 💀 but hey better late than never! If the format is weird on this post or the others, no it isn't it's just you (yes it is and my notes app is about to explode atp)
Deeper And Darker (5)
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You peek out of the safe room you were resting in, making sure it's safe for you to press on without having to put up a fight. Not a single soul in sight but yours. the echo of your footsteps and your shaky breath served as a reminder you were truly alone.
You played almost all of her little games.
As much as you regret your decisions leading up to this point, you wonder if pressing was worth it.
There's no prize for this and you knew that.
Placed ever so conveniently was a gate with a lever behind it.
Now you're even more frustrated, trying to reach the lever to pull it as useless, you've tried almost everything to get to it.
The sound of a siren blaring stops you, making you quickly move away from the gate.
A pink creature you've seen before reveals itself behind the rising gate, you instantly recognize her, kissy missy. She was adorable in the drawings and cardboard cutouts, but seeing her in person... And alive terrified you, especially after seeing what these monsters could do.
"Y-yes yes!"
You plead as she looks over to the lever, now inches away from you, you didn't exactly think this through, you almost didn't outrun Huggy, and this area didn't have many hiding spots either.
"O-open it please, I-I have to go over there"
She fumbles trying to pull the lever, and finally, the gate opens. She turns around and gives you a lingering look
Oh god she's gonna kill me
You give her a thumbs-up before she walks off.
You enter what you hope is the final game area. It's dimly lit just like the others, but this one wasn't exactly one you were too excited about.
‧₊ ๑˚.・
"What the hell is a pug-a-pillar?"
You whisper, raising your eyebrows.
"It was always so sad to see the kids go... They called me "Mommy" because I was the closest thing they ever had to one."
She startles you, making you jump.
"But they'd come for games, and never come back. They left Mommy to die alone."
She paused.
"Mommy didn't deserve that! But you? You're here, with no one to call for help. So if anyone deserves to die alone, it's you."       
You paled.
You quickly snapped out of your thoughts once you heard the sound of hundreds of little legs crawling right behind you.
You hated this game, and you hated that thing! The game was dragging on way too much. The office behind the glass glowed in the darkness.
That's when an idea struck. The lights flickered back on; there were only a few seconds before they'd dim again. You decide to take your chance and use your grab pack to swing from a pipe, crashing into the glass and falling onto the office floor.
The pain rushing through your arm forces you to look down, and you notice blood;
A shard of glass had sliced you through your jacket.
"Where did you go? The game is over, you won!" Her voice echoes through the intercom. You quickly pick yourself up and rush down a hole, which leads under the office. "You won! Come back and Mommy will give you the code. Pinky promise!"
You swing to the other side of the room with your grab pack. "Mommy knows the game is really hard, but Mommy just decided you won!" She let out a terrifying, high-pitched laugh.
"Come back!"
Her facade finally broke once she realized you weren't coming back; now you had to run.
Your arm is still bleeding; the gash wasn't too deep, but it was enough for blood to continue running.
You gasp, remembering you have something that would now be useful.
Quickly, you took it out of your pocket, noting you had to work fast. You cut away at the bottom of your pants, making a makeshift bandage as you mentally thanked Ethan. The deeper you go, the more you wonder if this is worth all the trouble. The sounds of dripping water and your footsteps echo through the halls.
"Oh crap!" You quickly turn and bolt the other way as Mommy starts chasing you from above. The number of sharp turns, jumps, and close calls was starting to take a toll on your body.
"Come on come on!!" The panic started to set in as the gate you accessed was rising a bit too slowly; she was gaining on you. Finally opening enough, you quickly slip into the room. A machine with sharp spikes catches your eye, and you quickly pull the lever. She rushes into the room, making you back into a corner.
Abruptly, her leg is caught in the machine, and her screams fill the room as she fails to escape the spikes. You quickly cover your ears and close your eyes, turning away from the scene unfolding in front of you.
Finally, her screams of agony stop.
hesitantly, you open your eyes as you uncover your ears.
You tremble as you fall to your knees; the victory was yours once again
"Good riddance!"
You laugh as you weakly try to stand. But, the sound of metal moving makes you freeze in place. A metal hand reveals itself, feeling around and finally taking hold of the dead spider toy, dragging her remains into the darkness.
‧₊ ๑˚.・
Silence followed you once again, but this time it was a welcome silence. With all these twists and turns, you wondered how anyone managed to get around.
Maybe they had shortcuts.
You dismissed your thoughts upon finding yourself in front of a control panel. Taking a step towards the controls, a familiar voice makes itself known.
"Did you kill her?"
"Poppy!" Relief washed over you once you realized she was safe.
"Yeah, she's um... Dead"
"Good, I'll board the train"
she says, making her way into a small vent.
"We need to leave."
The excitement rushes through your body upon hearing those last words, and tears swell in your eyes.
"I'm going home."
Your voice breaks as the memories of home rush through your head.
Taking a seat on the train, you pull out the train codes you fought so hard for; victory never tasted better. However you look around, the silence on the train is odd then you realize
"Poppy? Are you in here?"
The train moves slowly now, picking up momentum, you continue to look around, trying to find any small spots she might be hiding in.
"I was so scared she'd put me back in that case."
Poppy's soft voice came from the speakers.
"But you saved me... You're perfect!"
You smile at the odd compliment.
"Too perfect to lose. I'm sorry. I can't let you leave."
She goes on with her speech until she's randomly cut off, and the train starts to speed up a bit too fast for comfort.
A red light flashes as you frantically try pulling the brake lever.
"Poppy what the hell?! This isn't funny!"
Your screams were probably heard by the whole factory as you shut your eyes, preparing for the worst.
You feel helpless as sit there, bracing yourself for your inevitable death as the train finally derails, crashing into the darkness.
Pain courses through your body as you fade in and out of consciousness. Your body is fighting against you as you attempt to crawl away from the wreckage. For a split second, you could have sworn you saw a creature staring at you from a distance.
"N-no... Please"
Was all you were able to muster out as your body became weaker until your vision was entrapped by darkness
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wintfleur · 4 months
I feel like Rutger is going to go to the nhl next year so Stella and Rutger have to do long distance her senior year.
Doing long distance was hard on them but Stella would go bust him at least every month. When hockey season is over I just imagine them going to look at apartments. They are so excited to live together and start this new chapter in their lives. Also Rutger is spoiling her with his now professional paychecks and is getting anything Stella wants in their apartment.
a/n ﹒omg pls I also think he’s going to sign next year 😭
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
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I feel like it would be hard for them to get used to long distance , they are very attached to each other , physically and emotionally , so it would be hard for them to get used to not seeing each other every day. (I definitely plan on writing some angst) I can just imagine rut coming home from a bad game and he’s just so sad and wishes Stella could hold him but instead he lays alone in bed , he doesn’t call Stella because he knows it’s late for her and he wants her to get some good rest . . . he just looks at pictures of them :(
I feel like her brothers would get a little annoyed that she doesn’t come to visit them as much anymore because now she’s always visiting either any chance she can. Like they understand but they also really miss her. I also feel like they would be understanding but a little nervous about her going to move in with rutger !! Like it’s hard for them to fathom that their little sister is all grown up and looking for apartments with her boyfriend . . . Like it’s crazy to them.
Stella would honestly be so excited to go apartment hunting with Rutger !! She’s such a domestic person , she loves the whole family life , waking up and making breakfast together , all of that !! It would definitely take them a little to find the perfect apartment. Like it would need to have what they both want. 3 bedrooms, one for there room, a guest bedroom, an extra room for Stella’s art studio (she said she didn’t need one but Rutger is very clear they they need one) they also like a lot of windows , and a big kitchen !! But after some time they find the most perfect apartment , they also have a greatttt time decorating the apartment and picking all the furniture.
Ellen definitely flys out to help !! Helping make sure they get everything the need , she’s the best mom :(
But yes Rutger is definitely spoiling his girl , they go shopping with Ellen and Stella is just pointing at things and Ellen is like ‘sweetie you don’t need a pink kitchen aid , you already have a pistachio one’ and then when they both turn around Rutger is putting it in the cart !!
Awe and omg they have a housewarming party :(
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