#It’s also reminds me of RDR
ilovepapahet · 2 months
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I know I just posted but I have more James photos, I’m sorry it’s blurry but it’s him!
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jagalart · 5 months
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Yarrow and Feverfew
Art trade with the incredible @liscepu, I'm so grateful for the chance! Thank you for fueling my love for the game again <3
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ranna-alga · 6 months
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"Do the Evolution" - Pearl Jam
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@slicedmayonnaise when the slow burn is so slow u have to take matters into ur own hands🔥
Washed up helped me out of art block like 3 separate times im so happe!1!1!1
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michsmeesh · 2 years
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just some modern au javier playing guitar :3 i tried drawing all day but this is the best y'all will get
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lukeskqwalker · 8 months
john marston making plans like "so we get a vehicle-"
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heavenlymorals · 2 months
Biblical References in the RDR Games: Part 2
You guys seemed to LOVE my original biblical references post for Red Dead so I am here to post some more because there are SO MANY. And like before, I am aware that some of these may be complete reaches, but it's my blog and I do what I want 🙃
Enjoy babes ❤️
@headersandheelers @secretcheesecakenacho Since you guys wanted to get tagged ❤️🤭
Arthur and Dutch mirror Moses and Pharaoh in chapter six. Arthur begs Dutch to let his "chosen" go, who are the people who he believes have a chance in living without the baggage of the gang (the women and John and his family). Dutch refuses to let them go, which creates the biggest conflict in chapter 6.
Arthur kicking out Strauss gives me heavy Matthew 21:12-14. Basically, Jesus kicks out loan sharks and sellers from a temple designated as a house of worship where people can be helped. Their presence destroyed the sanctity and the purity of the temple. Both the gang and the temple existed originally to help folks, but the presence of people like loan sharks destroy that original mission. So yes, Arthur kicking out Strauss is a parallel to Jesus kicking out the loan sharks from the temple.
The color for high honor is blue while the color for low honor is red. Blue in the bible is very often associated with heaven and God. Red in the bible represents the flesh that humans are trapped in during their time on earth, which can then correlate back to sin and violent.
Micah was a prophet in the bible who is most known for predicting the fall Jerusalem. Micah in the game also predicts the fall of the gang in the sense that he was the one who caused it. The name Micah also means he who is like God, so the irony is kinda funny.
John being able to see the cracks in the gang before many of the other characters could very well be a reference to this passage: "For you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free" - John 8:32. Abigail in RDR also says this which is a reference to this passage: "You knew the truth, John. And they hated you for it."
Just another passage that reminds of Arthur's redemption and the whole searching for peace thing: "Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it" Psalm 34:14
The mission "A Fisher of Men" is a reference to Matthew 4:18-20. "While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him." Of course, beyond just the action of fishing with Jack, this is also a parallel to Arthur's empathetic yet still firm style of talking to Jack. "It's about time you earned your keep." "You got to stick at things, Jack."
The mission "The Sheep and the Goats." In Matthew 25:31-46, it describes how God will separate people in two groups. The "sheep" will inherit heaven and the "goats" will be damned. You can connect that to the gang as well. The sheep are the ones who leave Dutch while the goats stay with him and become damned or a shameful version of who they once were.
Also note in the epilogue how John says he doesn't like goats and chooses sheep as the first animals to raise on his ranch. That could also connect to Matthew 25:31-46.
The mission name "Do Not Seek Absolution" is really interesting to me because it's the first biblical mission name that could either be a reference to scripture, which I'm thinking Deuteronomy 12:13 in the sense that one shouldn't offer their praise or worship to false gods who won't answer prayers (think Arthur and Dutch and how Arthur was still following Dutch after the gang lost it's original image) or a rejection ofa the Christian mindset of the time. Absolution is the idea of the promise of having your sins forgiven by God. It might be saying that Arthur should try to redeem himself by his action towards the person rather than his guilt towards a higher power.
Molly getting burnt rather than having a funeral is less a biblical detail but more a cultural detail. Though cremation wasn't really condemned in the Bible, the passages about being buried in the ground or in tombs was the people's standards in how they wanted their dead body to be handled due to religious reasoning. Whether or not Molly is Protestant or culturally Catholic (I lean the latter), the fact that Grimshaw asks for her body to be burnt just adds so much more weight to how cruelly traitors of the gang were dealt with
Love this stuff sm
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veritasangel · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none {wc: 479}
↣ john just always make me think of childhood sweethearts
↣ also looking for rdr mutuals ♡
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That’s what John always thought of when he looked at you.
Maybe it was because as kids he would always pick them up to show you, loving the way your face lit up whenever one had a new pattern.
Or maybe it was the way you reminded him of a butterfly, especially as you grew alongside one another. Whimsical innocence shifting to maturity as you grew into a wonderful and beautiful person that just seemed to flourish. 
But he knows it's really because butterflies are what he feels whenever he looks at you.
Tender touches whenever you patched him up after small injures he got whilst hunting or out doing god knows what.
“M’sorry sweetheart, I promise to be more careful in future.” he’d said with a slight head tilt and a sheepish smile, earning him a grumbled, “You better.”
Fleeting glances across camp…except they could hardly be called fleeting when his eyes were always so drawn to you, gazing long enough to memorise every inch of you.
“You stare any longer and you’ll look like a creep.” Dutch notes as the two of them sit by the fire, John’s eyes tearing away from where you’re tending to the horses. 
“I was not staring.” He mumbles, drinking from his flask.
“Right, well tell that to your eyes next time.” Dutch jokes as he gives him a friendly pat on the back.
Sweet moments when the two of you would stay up late in your tent, talking about everything and nothing whilst he played with your hair and you sketched in an old journal Arthur had handed you.
It was times like this that reminded John of when you both did this as teenagers. You were always inseparable, still are, the only difference is now you’re both older.
A fact John’s reminded of when some ranch hand a little ways away flirts with you whilst the gang were looking at some of their horses.
“Y’alright man? You’re gripping your revolver kinda hard there.” Arthur teases with a knowing smile as he looks over to where you’re laughing with the man.
“Jus’ don’t like how he’s looking at her, is all.” John mutters, holstering the revolver.
“He’s looking at her the same way you do, that why you don’t like it?” Arthur laughs a little.
“He’s not looking at her the way I do. He’s leering at her like a sleaze, and I look at her adoringly....lovingly.” John says, turning to Arthur.
“Lovingly, huh?” He grins, “So why haven’t you told her?”
“I will, one day.” he says, “Assuming I’m not in jail for shooting this fool, because if he gets any closer to her, I swear-”
“Alright, buddy, let’s go and see the horses with Dutch and Charles.” Arthur says as he puts his hand on John’s shoulder and steers him away.
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༄ m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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arthvrmvrgan · 11 months
Arthur Morgan x Male!Reader Hcs
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Hey!! I wanted to make another hc list cuz the last one did so well! I made this an x male!reader because as a gay trans guy, there really isn’t too much when it comes to male readers. I just wanna make other people who feel the same and myself feel happy and represented!
Also to add Arthur is autistic in this
Warnings: Mention of vomit
Though he maybe aversive to touch with others, arthur is SUCH a cuddle bug with his partner. When they first start out he’s shy and will hold your hand or wrap his arm around your shoulders.
but once it’s long term arthur gives you big bear hugs, hands around your waist, holding you close by the fire, and of course those soft kisses <3
When he’s drunk, he pulls you onto his lap, smothers your face in kisses, and yells about how much he loves you.
Arthur also gets shy when it comes to talking about his interests. If you mention something like drawing or horses, he’d make a small comment or addition to the conversation. But once he’s comfortable enough, he’ll infodump for hours about horses to you!
Just hold him close, let his head rest on your chest while you pet his hair and he infodumps, and he’s in heaven!
Some pet names he’d call you would include: “Darlin, Sweetheart, My prince, My man, Hun, and Sunshine” :3 When you call him any pet name, his heart melts and his legs feel like jelly
He loves giving and receiving praise! He’ll whisper in your ear “good boy” just to mess with you cuz he know it makes you BLUSH! But he’ll also be like “atta boy!” or “yup, that’s my boy.”
The first time you praised him, it felt really odd for him. He hadn’t been praised like that ever since he’d been with Mary. It felt so foreign but so…good.
His big ol’ heart skips a beat when you tell him how proud you are of him, or how he looks so handsome in that new shirt you got him. He feels like the happiest man on earth
Now unfortunately, times weren’t as accepting as they are now. You and Arthur knew it had to be kept secret for fear of what might happen. You two don’t feel any embarrassment at all, just a need for a safety. The gang knows about you two, most of them accepting you with welcome arms!
You also help Arthur out more with errands, jobs, and chores. Ever since an incident were Arthur worked his way up to illness like vomiting, you’ve made it your duty to lay off the weight on Arthur’s shoulders.
If he needs help with the hay bales, you’ll be right next to him holding one. If he’s going out on a stage job from alden, you ask if you can tag along!
Arthur has gotten better with accepting help or rest, but not so much asking for it. You still encourage Arthur to request help if he needs it, and how he’s not weak for doing so.
There have even been times where you’d yell at Dutch and Strauss to leave Arthur be for a bit.
He’ll sometimes doodle little drawings of you in his journal as well as writing lovey dovey passages about you and putting “A<3Y/N” with a big heart too. He’ll even just doodle random hearts while spacing out and thinking about you..
He gets so excited to see you, even if you can’t tell. The way his eyes light up like a big puppy dog’s as he speed walks over to your horse to greet you and give you a welcome back kiss
He also penguin pebbles and finds random stuff that reminds him of you!! Whether it be a cigarette card, a flower, or even some artifact or object he found…he WILL give it to you!
That’s all for now! If y’all wanna send in your arthur or just any other rdr hcs, feel free! I also wouldnt mind writing more arthur hcs so please feel free to send me rqs!
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zanazirafanfic · 9 months
I absolutely adore Benjamin Byron Davis and Roger Clark's pronunciation of some of the characters' names in the RDR games.
It's literally just like:
Dutch: May I introduce my sons, Orthur and Jahn.
Arthur: Shoah, thanks Detch.
Hosea and John: *facepalm*
I'm from Oklahoma and it reminds me of so many people down here. (One of which may or may not be me.)
** Also the fact that they all pronounce Javier's last name with a hard "L" kills me. They are literally calling the man "Javier School" in Spanish. I'm sure it's deliberate on the devs' part because most Americans today can't be bothered to learn the pronunciation let alone those in 1899, but GAH!
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chubbysciencenerd · 1 year
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Who do you belong to?
Aggressive, Knife play, possessiveness, Dutch also wants reader, jealousy, orgasm control, breeding? Kinda?
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Javier x fem!reader smut ♡°∘
Minors pls dni! This might be my last rdr post, ofc I will still do request but what I write for fun will mainly be jacob seed from far cry 5 now. I highly recommend you play it if you haven’t.
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Javier had been.. distant lately. Ever since the failed robbery in Saint Denis every has been off especially Dutch, something was off with him. No one said exactly what happened besides the fact that it went wrong. Today though, he was even different, he seemed to be paying a lot of attention to you. You were doing laundry with Tilly and Karen while gossiping a little, before you realize it Dutch is behind you towering over you, “Y/N, may I have a word with you?” You look over your shoulder and see Dutch and his large figure, you felt so small in this moment. You get up and walk with him, he stays silent until you are both by the lake, the sun was setting for the day and it was beautiful. “So what did you need to talk to me about?” You ask looking over at him but he continues to watch the sunset. “You don’t need to be washing clothes anymore. You’re not like the other girls.” He hands you a revolver, you look up him confused. “This.. This doesn’t seem fair, the other girls are just as if not more capable than me. Why me?” Dutch looks you in the eyes before in a voice considered soft for him, “I see something in you, You’re different than the other girls. I can tell”
You look at him and then back at the girls doing laundry, chopping vegetables and all the other duties the girls have around the camp. “Tilly can handle a gun just as well as me. This doesn’t seem right.” You say sheepishly. Dutch snakes his hand to your waist revolver still in the other he pulls you close and mutters in your ear. “Maybe I just like you a little better.”
You grab the revolver and walk away, you start to look around the camp before spotting Javier cleaning his knife he seemed.. off? You weren’t quite sure why but you come up and before you say anything he starts speaking first. “You messing with Dutch now? Who else?” You look at him with a confused look. He grabs your arm and takes you to the edge of camp so no one heard your bickering. “I saw the way he grabbed your damn waist and it’s not the first time. What are you doing when you go into his tent when he closes it? You always giggle at his stupid jokes. Y/N You need to tell me what’s going on.” You can’t help but smirk a little before becoming serious again. “It’s nothing like that I promise. He’s just friendly, we don’t do anything in his ten-” Javier cuts you off by grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. “Do I need to remind you who you belong to you pequeña perra? (Little bitch)”. While you weren’t the best and Spanish yet you knew damn well the message he was putting out. You couldn’t help but nod as you grew more and more flustered as he looked into your eyes with a mixture of lust and rage. He takes you further away from camp still gripping onto your arm tightly. You weren’t even that far from camp before he slams you against a large tree and starts attacking your neck with bites and occasional kisses. He starts to unbutton your jeans and quickly pulls them down, you felt so exposed even though you had undergarments on, it didn’t last long as you felt the cold blade of his knife against your side. Before you and interject he cuts them clean off your body.
The next feeling sent shivers down your spine, he had the blade of the knife at your throat. He rests his head next to your shoulder as he takes the knife and drags it down your chest, it was so sharp your clothes didn’t stand a chance, how were you going to get back to camp? There was no way you were going naked. You figured when he cut the rest of his clothes he would stop, but he kept dragging the knife lower.. and lower… it was resting at your core which was an absolutely flooded mess. He changes the hold on the knife and holds it by the blade before slowly dragging the handle through your folds. The hardness against your clit sent a jolt up your spine and you craved for more. You start to rock on his knife rubbing it against your clit to bring you to your release that you’re craving so badly. You clutch to your revolver as tight as you can, panting mumbling Javiers name. “What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you. Your gimiendo como una perra. (Moaning like a bitch)”
You had no clue what he said but you could care less, that is until he pulls the knife away from you. You gasp at the loss but Javier’s hardness trapped in his pants quickly presses against your core. He pulls you into a passionate kiss, he wanted to make this day hard to forget. He tears the scraps of clothes off her before quickly freeing himself from his pants. You feel the familiar blade back against your throat, you look at him with needy eyes, he rubs himself against your slick folds as he pumps himself a couple times before quickly pressing into you. The thrusts begging hard and fast, this was far from normal of him he always builds up to this pace but this time was different. You were doing anything but complaining he uses his free hand to grab you breast and mumbles through the pants and groans, “You cum when I say. No sooner, no later. Understand?” You nod but he presses the blade harder against your neck, “yes, sir.” You manage to blurt out through the noises you were making. You both ere trying to stay quiet as possible as you guys were just outside of camp and anyone could see you both. He brings his hand fondling your breast down to your clit quickly almost desperately rubbing it, The blade presses harder against your throat as his pace starts to go sloppy. “Who do you belong to?” He looks deeply in your eyes as you mutter out a soft “You” That wasn’t good enough, “Louder.” He commands, “You! Javier, I belong to you.” As you say that he finishes inside of you painting your walls with his children. He wanted to claim you and this is how he did. The rubbing on your clit never stopped, he was fully inside of you completely still rubbing your clit vigorously. You toss your head back against the tree begging him under your breath to let you cum, tears were starting to come to your eyes needing nothing more than your release right now. ‘If I ever see you flirt with Dutch or any other man remember this right here.” You look at him with needy and desperate eyes. “You can cum in three..” You squeeze your eyes tight digging your nails into his arm holding it out for as long as you could, “two…’
-You just needed him to say one, one number and you can finish but he didn’t. “Javi, p-please I can’t.. I can’t do this any longer!” He looked at you with a smirk as he pulls out quickly slamming back in as he whispers in your ear, “one.” You cum the second he says it your surroundings slowly coming back to you after. He pulls out of you painfully slowly as he carefully sets you down at the base of the tree. He takes his poncho off and gives it to you to wrap around yourself so you’re not exposed. he gives you a long kiss as you run your fingers in the back of his hair taking his ponytail out, as he pulls away you put your own hair up. “I’m sorry about your clothes mi amor (my love), I’ll run back into camp and get you some more. After that he can ride into town to get you a holster for that.” He nods at your revolver Dutch had given you, you honestly forgot that you were holding it, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before getting up and quickly going back to camp to grab you new clothes. God you love that man.
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I will do request for almost anything! Feel free to ask and please give feedback and let me know what I can do to improve ♡°∘
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skylarisaverage · 1 year
i just finished Red Dead Revolver
I really liked it!
It greatly disheartens me that a lot of Red Dead fans don't really know a whole lot about Red Harlow and his story, and a few don't even want to give him the time of day at all. Sure, people come across him mentioned in RDR 1 and 2, but never really look further.
I get it if you don't want to play the game. It is hard, and VERY different to what we're used to in Redemption. Playing this game has reminded me time and time again that most modern video games tend to baby us quite a lot.
But anyway yes even if the game isn't your thing PLEASE pop onto the Red Dead wiki and give it a looksie, read up on the story of the game!
Revolver was originally a Capcom game and intended to have some supernatural elements and you can tell Rockstar kept a lot of those elements after they picked up the game.
There's so many cool bosses, a lot of the character's designs and concepts are so insanely cool(Mr. Kelley I'm lookin' at you, the drip is INSANE) and ultimately I am a SUCKER for the story.
I love how you get to play different characters to connect the dots on some plot points and such as well, you even get to play a stage as one of the main antagonists!!
My personal favourite stage is one where you have to take out a bounty, a gothic fella with a coffin on his back that has a gatling gun inside. You fight him in a cemetery. When being told about the bounty the sheriff says something to the effect of "I don't even know if this guy is alive or not.", implying he's an undead creature.
Anyway, Red Dead Revolver is an ESSENTIAL piece of Red Dead history. Robert T Bogue did an awesome job as Red and needs more recognition for it.
Red Harlow walked so that John Marston and Arthur Morgan could run!!!
Also I am a SUCKER for Annie Stoakes, that is all <3
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moeitsu · 5 months
Arthur Morgan wouldn’t have fucking body image issues are you serious💀
Hey partner,
first, i want to remind you that Arthur Morgan is not real. He is fictional, and the entirety of RDR is fictional. So you honestly can’t argue that he would or he wouldn’t. Because he’s not real.
second, this fanfic is my story I can make Arthur feel whatever I want him to feel because it’s.my.story. If i want him to feel insecure about his body then guess what, that’s what I’m gonna do. Because nobody can tell me not to. Not even you.
Also, not for nothing. But I didn’t give him that insecurity out of nowhere. If you read as far as his weight issue then that means you read the explanation behind it too, unless you chose to be ignorant. Arthur’s shame comes from what happened to Eliza and Issac. He succumbed to the grief/survivors guilt and developed unhealthy habits with food and alcohol. And tbh, I think that’s pretty in-character for him. (Not to mention a very realistic way ppl deal w/ guilt and grief)
Even if Arthur wasn’t insecure about his weight, he is insecure just in general. And that is literally canon in the game. He calls himself ugly more than once, also calls himself an idiot too. I don’t see why you draw the line at his weight.
last but not least, don’t fucking read my stuff if you don’t like it. I know I asked for constructive criticism, but this is not it. It’s comments like these that make writers question their work and their characters. I am doing this for free, nobody is paying me to write. I write because I enjoy it, and I enjoy sharing it with others.
So go crawl back into whatever hole you came from and let me love my chubby Arthur Morgan in peace
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d-e-a-d-f-a-c-e · 9 months
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okay okay i decided to make a pinned post (finally)
i'm kaz !! this is my main/personal blog, meaning there will be a lot of medias of any kind that i am into and just me yapping on posts. as of the moment, this is a metalocalypse and black/death metal blog.
i think it's also important to note that i'm not very fluent in english. so forgive me in advance if there are grammatical errors, etc. on my posts :')
my dni list is pretty much the average criteria. if i find you disgusting or very weird, i won't hesitate to block you.
although i barely put tags on reblogs & such, i try to!! so here is the list of tags for people to filter/find. please don't hesitate to dm me cw that are not on the list!!!!
#kazfaceposting - my post/rambling tag
#kazfaceart - my art
#kazcore - me. gender. idk
#knoxcore ✟ #the rhys moodboard ✟ #a treat for kipa - posts that remind me of my friends
#metalocalypse ✟ #mtl ✟ #army of the doomstar
#red dead redemption ✟ #rdr ✟ #rdr2
#fear and hunger ✟ #funger
#sally face
... etc
#tw blood ✟ #tw gore ✟ #tw bandages ✟ #tw body mutilation ✟ #tw eyestrain ✟ #tw flashing lights ✟ #tw body horror ✟ #tw wounds ✟ #tw bite marks ✟ #tw guts ✟ #tw vomit / #tw emetophobia ✟ #disturbing imagery ✟ #suicide mention / #sh mention / #self harm mention ✟ #tw suicide ✟ #tw scars ✟ #f slur / #d slur ✟ #nsfw ✟ #tw hanging ✟ #tw loud audio ✟ #tw dermatillomania
MY OCS (self-indulgent)
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neechees · 2 years
Hey! I have some questions that i would like to get an indigenous persons perspective on though I'm not sure how much I can fit in an ask. But basically it pertains to me wanting to write twilight fanfic but being vastly uncomfortable with how the Quileute are depicted, their culture & history misused, appropriated etc etc. Personally i would prefer to just like...make up a fake tribe? And do my research on what to avoid. But I want to know if that's like a big no-no, or if there's a different way you think I could go about it. Or if you know anyone who mayhaps could if you don't? I don't want to just use & rehash that Bullshit S.M. did. So yeah, thoughts/advice/etc? TIA, if you don't feel like answering no worries!
Personally, I think that's a big no-no & a lot of other Natives would also probably say the same. I think it's a rather lazy solution & cop out for writing, because people often assume "what I write & worldbuild for this group can't be racist because they don't exist and I don't have to worry about appropriating beliefs, research, or writing inaccurate information about a specific tribe because I made them up". Inventing fictional tribes & inserting them into the real world (or stories that are close to irl & our world) is super duper iffy for me, & the only time it doesn't make me feel weird is for like fantasy worlds. It kinda reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Lisa decides to write an essay on the plight of Native Americans, but instead of writing about any actual tribe & their issues, she just makes one up. & obviously people can use this in gross ways, like brushing off any criticism of possible racism as "its fictional so it doesn't matter" while also still potentially acceptinf praise for writing a fictional tribe sympathetically or even at all.
I find that people just inventing tribes doesn't even dodge being offensive anyway, because they either STILL end up writing something racist (because of lack of effort and research or failing to recognize how their worldbuilding may be offensive despite being fictional, staring at YOU GRRM writing Dothraki), or it's just weird how they COULD have represented an actual tribe & clearly spent a lot of time in research, & the effort (& resources available) might even have been easier just focusing on an actual tribe & writing THAT accurately, but they just. Didn't.
A similar thing happened irl in different medias as well, where the character Night Wolf in Mortal Kombat was originally a stereotyped character with (afaik) no specified tribe, but over the years the games decided to build upon him more & make him less offensive, such as making him specifically Lakota & having his character designs, spiritual beliefs, dialogue, motivations, and backstory reflect this. Except later they retconned this & changed his heritage to a fictional tribe called the "Matoka", even though they literally didn't need to, & they were headed in the right direction. Mortal Kombat has also established there's people and characters from OUR world or the "normal" world and not just AU Earth (like Rambo), so they literally didn't need to do this under the reasoning that Mortal Kombat already has its own fictional world and universe. I think they did this, again, so they wouldn't have to put in effort in making sure their writing of his backstory and character in the future was accurate & inoffensive to Lakota people.
The exact same thing happened with the Native characters in Red Dead Redemption 2; the Native characters in the first game are largely either enemies you have to kill, or the Noble savage that you help out, with no specified tribe(s) & a stereotyped "Indian" look. But in the sequel, they made up the fictional tribe "Wapiti" (the word itself actually being a Shawnee word), who speak the Lakota language & largely seem to be heavily Lakota coded. Some people might disagree with me on this one because the Wapiti aren't the only ones who get this treatment in rdr: for the most part the rest of the world is also like an alternate universe for the United States, with places like Saint Denis being analogous for New Orleans, Sisika penitentiary being based on Louisiana state penitentiary, and so on. But there's also mentions & incorporations of real life places & ethnicities that are the exact same too, like the island of Tahiti, Cuba, and Ireland. So if we acknowledge there's the Native Tahiti population, and Irish characters from Ireland like Sean MacGuire, then why not also just say the Wapiti are Lakota? If they wanted to make the Native characters more sympathetic & accurate to rectify the wrongs of the first game (which I think they largely did!), and they even went so far as to have their Wapiti characters speak Lakota in-game, based most of their culture and looks on the Lakota, then why not just make them Lakota?
But even if you mean well, I feel like the lore and location of Twilight is too tied up with the Quileute to just try and change it to a completely different tribe, and would be erasing them in order to just dodge potential offensiveness. The Quileute are Native to Forks, Washington & that's THEIR land, not a fictional tribe. Stephanie straight up stole the Quileute mythology as a main plot point for her characters and worldbuilding, so you'd still be using Quileute beliefs but applying it to a fictional tribe (just like with the Night Wolf & Wapiti situation) anyway. If you intend on doing a lot of research in order to try make this not offensive, I'd say it'd be even more worth the effort to just research Quileute history etc because you'd essentially be putting in the same amount of effort in anyway. Like, there's already an established tribe, why not just use it? I'd say do what Stephanie Meyer SHOULD have done and just portrayed the Quileute respectfully with research & Native sensitivity readers instead of taking what is seen as the "easy" way out.
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proxythe · 4 months
Hi again, I wanted to say thank you very much for answering my sent ask about Mitsuru & horses from a few days back and that I appreciate your response back.
The reason I asked that was because of your P3 Cowboy / Wild West / RDR AU art. I love that AU quite a lot. I can see Mitsuru having / riding a white horse there. Sure, she'll probably stand / stick out, but I think that she would definitely look sublime riding her white horse at least.
I actually HC Friesians as Mitsuru's favorite horse breed because Friesians tend to have majestic manes and Mitsuru also has exquisite hair as well (sidenote; I really adore how you draw Mitsuru's hair, it's so lovely and smooth-looking); so I thought Mitsuru & Friesians match / pair really well together. Mitsuru probably would (already) have a Friesian horse; if not, then she deserves to have one.
Be sure to take as much time as you need / want to rest. You deserve to take a break from drawing, even it's only for a little bit or while. Good luck on your future endeavors! : )
i lowkey forgot about the wild west au … i never went so far as to think about mitsuru’s horse in that au but her having a white one that stands out is fun. u will always see her coming .. if not bc of her horse then bc of her beautiful long ass flowing red hair 😭 (& ty for liking how i draw her hair. it kicks my ass every time.) god thank i for reminding me of that au cuz now i miss it. …….. wild west mitsuru save me….
& thank uu ur so nice i love ur hcs and mitsuru… ill try to take a break… i will try my best. i always want to be drawing and i push myself to my limit so much… RESTRAIN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways. after saying that i need to take a break, i still want to say that i want to draw mitsuru more <\3 for some reason she whoops my ass 😒
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