#It helped me reach a satisfactory choice ^^
lunalycana · 1 year
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Always wanted to do one of these! 💕
Thank you for 100 followers! I plan to keep writing and drawing so i hope you'll stick around for things to come.
Here's a ref of my sona(s). Majority opinion was that a good Mobian sona for me would be a rabbit, so alongside my usual self persona, here's my Sonic persona: Luna the Dwarf Rabbit! 🐰💕
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slayfics · 6 months
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Izuku overhears your late night call with Katsuki.
800 Words~
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Izuku shuffled in bed becoming conscious of his surroundings as he blinked heavily. His hotel bed was nowhere near as satisfactory as his one at home. Not that Izuku was one to complain- but he found it amusing that Japan’s top two heroes were placed in a shared mediocre hotel while out on a mission.
Shuffling around once more Izuku became aware of what had woken him at such a late hour. It must have been two or three in the morning, but his friend’s low voice surrounded the silent room. Trying not to make Katsuki aware, he peeped an eye open and was met with the sight of his friend on the phone. Even though he was across the room on his own queen-sized bed, Izuku could see the tension in the way Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his hand over his face.
It didn’t take Izuku long to guess who Katsuki was talking to. It had to be you, there was no one else Izuku had seen Katsuki speak to with such softness. Not to mention how strict he was with his sleep schedule. No one else would be lucky enough to get away with calling Katsuki at this hour.
“You don’t need ta’ worry about me- you know that” Katsuki spoke quietly into the phone. “No- I’m not going to hang up… I’ll stay right here till you’re asleep, ok? So quite down… breath alright…”
Izuku fought the urge to interrupt and ask what was going on. It sounded like you must have been upset on the other line. Despite his helpful nature, he resisted the urge knowing Katsuki would only be infuriated by his interruption.
“It’s fine I’m-… I’m glad you called… I missed you too,” Katsuki spoke into the phone, causing Izuku to hold back an audible gasp. The words sounded so foreign coming from Katsuki. He always knew Katsuki had an affinity for you but- it felt so surreal to hear it with his own ears. It was such a sharp contrast to the Katsuki he was used to.
“I’m sorry I haven’t called or- reached out to you since we’ve been gone… I’m just- not good at this stuff you know…,” a low chuckle came from Katsuki at whatever you said next.
“It’s… nice to hear your voice again…I’ll come to see you when we’re back ok? … Yeah, yeah I promise brat. Now sleep for me alright? It’s late as hell and I can hear how exhausted you are… Good just drift off- and I’ll see you soon,” Katsuki said.
Izuku wasn’t sure if the conversation continued any longer because the next thing he knew his alarm was buzzing and waking him up for their mission.
He and Katsuki both sleepily stalked around the room getting ready. Against his better judgment, Izuku had to ask.
“Hey… last night… were they ok?” Izuku asked.
“HAH?! You listened to my phone call?!” Katsuki yelled; the annoyance clear on his face.
“Sorry-,” Izuku stuttered. “It’s not like I had a choice though. This room they gave us isn’t very big!”
“Yeah, cheap asses- whatever… they are fine don’t ask me about it again,” Katsuki spoke sternly.
“Ok Kacchan,” Izuku spoke respecting his friend's privacy as he continued to get ready, but to Izuku's surprise Katsuki called back out to him.
“Hey-…” Katsuki exclaimed, keeping his gaze away from Izuku.
“Yeah?” Izuku answered back.
“… What…,” Katsuki groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “What the hell do I say to them? I… I don’t know how to do this crap.” He spoke. Katsuki knew he wasn’t good at showing affection. He hadn’t even reached out to you in the week that they had been gone- which caused you to call him in panic. He hated that he did that to you but- these things just didn’t come easy to him like they did to Izuku.
“Well- I think that depends. What do you want them to know?” Izuku asked, treading carefully with his friend.
“I don’t fucking know… I just want the brat to take care of themselves…” Katsuki said frustrated.
“That doesn’t sound like such a bad thing to say: Take care of yourself.” Izuku answered.
“Fine…” Katsuki huffed and typed a quick message on his phone before tossing it aside. “Let’s fucking get this mission over with- wanna go home.”
Izuku nodded in agreement.
The next morning you woke up to a text from Katsuki.
Take care of yourself, idiot.
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tags: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @zanarkandskylines @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55
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misstycloud · 1 year
Bear hybrid
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Synopsis: you were on your way to work, when suddenly a bear-hybrid sees you. The look in his eyes says everything you need to know. Not wanting to spend the rest of your life as someone’s possession, you bolt. Too bad he won’t let you get away a second time.
Ugh, another long day ahead of me.
You thought tiredly. The long shifts at the diner you worked at really took its toll on you. If you could, you’d quit. But free time wasn’t worth getting starved.
You sighed and stared down at the gum stuck on a trash can. There was a hint of pale pink on it, signaling the colour it was.
Gum sticking to practically every surface in the subway station wasn’t the only defects. There were plastic cups, cigarettes, paper towels and a lot more unidentified items scattered freely.
Frankly, it was disgusting. If the government spent less on hybrid establishment improvement and more on the condition of public spaces, the maybe it wouldn’t look like shit everywhere.
You felt like a shitty person for thinking such things, hybrids have endured thousands of things in the past and now with modern development, they can finally lead satisfactory lives.
However, the government have begun to focus all their attention to the welfare of hybrids and neglecting humans in the process. It wasn’t their fault, you knew that. Still, one couldn’t help what they felt.
It’s not like you disliked hybrids, yet you did not love them either. You were neutral in that department. There were still humans with the old views, but they weren’t as many anymore or they simply didn’t run around telling people since it wouldn’t be very well received. The biggest problem and maybe the only problem you had with hybrids were their mating culture.
Clearly, no one in the relationship had a choice(not that they complained) and suddenly you’re supposed to be together until you die.
And now that they’re allowed to mate with humans legally, there is little that can stop them from forcing their human partner from submitting to their will; living and accept them as a lifelong partner.
It was wrong to force someone into a relationship they clearly express they didn’t want, unfortunately the animal-hybrids did not care for unwanted courting and do what they want anyway.
You shuddered at the thought of being mates to one of those creatures. It must be hell. Especially if you already have a partner previous to meeting them.
The train arrived and you made an annoyed face at how crowded it was. What felt like hundreds of people were squeezed into one cart, rubbing against each other and breathing as one being, making it incredibly warm inside.
You grabbed a pole with your right hand, trying to steady yourself and also liking to have something solid ground you. You’ve seen way to many consequences of people not holding on to anything while standing.
It was uncomfortable. Arms and elbows poked you from all sides, and two teenagers were talking way beyond the proper volume in such a cramped space. You couldn’t wait to get off.
Suddenly, commotion stole your attention elsewhere. Sounds of irritated folk earned everyone’s stares. You heard men and women alike, complaining about movement and pushing.
“Hey, stop pushing me!”
“Don’t look at me, it’s someone else!”
“Alright, who is then?”
Angry remarks were thrown. Not that you could blame them. The uncomfortable ride paired with lack of oxygen were not suited for enjoyable time.
An apologetic voice exclaimed, “Sorry! I need to get through, it’s important. Sorry, didn’t mean to step on your toes!”
Eyes widening and mouth nearly falling wide open, you turn to see the biggest man you’ve ever seen! His form was easily towering above all others, making you think that he was part of the reason why the train cart was so crowded.
The ginormous man had dark brown hair reaching his broad shoulders, the locks were messy and thick, slightly falling in front of his eyes.
What stood out the most however wasn’t his unnatural size. It was the pair of two brown, rounded ears atop his head.
It instantly hit you. The inhuman height was because he wasn’t human at all. He was a hybrid. A bear one at that! One of the most dangerous hybrids there is. While they might not attack unless provoked or caught off guard, meeting one is definitely something most would avoid.
Your heart nearly beat out of your chest when the bear-man’s eyes connected with yours. They were an odd amber colour, you noticed.
Fuck! You shouldn’t have looked his way.
And like the dumbass wannabe-dead, something in your brain forces your gaze back up and you freeze. The look on his face when he sees you. The look. It was the look.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
This could not be happening. It was obvious what was happening. You’d heard about it. On TV. From friends. Seen it in real life. There was no way you could be someone’s mate. Not when you’d spent so many nights praying it wasn’t your fate, since you didn’t want to end up like those humans you’ve heard about.
Well now you knew why he was causing a disturbance on the train. It was to get to you. A hybrid can easily smell its mate hundreds of meters away. He must have smelt you the second you got on that train and gone searching for you.
A squeak escaped your lips as you saw him waving at you while attempting to close the distance. Of course it did not go fast because of all the people between you.
No. You refused to be chained down to some animal. You had to get out. And as if someone above heard you, you heard the train voice speak, “Station X.”
That was your station.
The hybrid seemed to have noticed someone was off, he observed your face before glancing at the approaching platform. Then it clicked in his head.
“No, wait!”
Too late. You were already bolting out the doors, listening to angry comments after you. You only had time to rush a hasted ‘sorry’ before making it on the platform. The man did not have the same luck.
“Don’t go! Please! Don’t leave! No. ”
He desperately tried to shove passed all the passengers to get to the doors, but there was no time left and the doors closed shut before he managed to reach within one meter of them. The wheels of the train were rolling the connected vehicles away.
You had no interest to stay and watch, though. You still had a job to go to and you couldn’t afford to be late, or else your boss would scold you fiercely again.
Half running and half jogging, you hurried to the diner while in deep thought. Had you lost him? Maybe, but probably not forever. As hybrid will stop at nothing to find their mate once they’ve entered their sights. Fuck. My. Life. The next station the train would stop at was a bit away, so perhaps you were lucky this time? If you were careful from now on and don’t go out as much, then you could possibly avoid being found. Also, your work place was somewhat far from the subway.
If you saved up a bit, then you could also by a scent masking spray to hide yourself further. Although it was risky to do that. Because hybrids need a fair chance of finding their mate, masking spray became forbidden after people started using it. So now the only place you can buy it is from shady markets or people who may or may not want to steal your kidneys. Besides all that, it was very costly too.
You dragged a hand through your hair and heaved a deep sigh. What were you going to do?
“Y/N stop daydreamin’ an get back ta work!” Your bosses yelled and slapped you on the back.
Massaging your shoulder you answered, “Sorry boss…”
The diner wasn’t too busy so you had no idea of why he tried to rush you. Sure, there were some customers here and there filling the tables, but you weren’t so understaffed that youd have to srint around like a maniac trying to get everyone’s orders.
Approaching a table with customers, you put on you employe smile, “Hello, what can I get for you today?”
The man looked at the menu an extra time to finalise his decision, “I’ll have the chicken pasta with sundries tomatoes and red wine, can we also order some garlic bread?”
“Yes,” you wrote down the dishes on your small notepad, “and you, ma’am?”
No answer.
But she wasn’t paying any attention to you. It was as if you didn’t even exist, looking passed you like air with wide eyes. Finding this weird you turned back to her husband. Feeling your gaze he chuckled awkwardly.
“Honey? Aren’t you going to order?” She still didn’t respond which forced her husband to see whatever she was focusing so intently on.
It was then you realised they weren’t the only ones acting unusual. In fact, everyone inside the establishment had their eyes turned in the same direction. You swing around to witness the horror.
There, in the resturant entrance stood he. His form creating the illusion of the door being as insignificant as an ant. With heavy breath and droplets of sweat collecting on his forehead, you frantically whirling around until he noticed you.
Dropping your notepad and hand clasping over your mouth, you thought fuck, so I didn’t get rid of him?
Okay, even though it was kinda delusional to believe you could shake him off, you were surpsised he found you so fast. The hybrid wiped his eye and it was then you noted the redness surrounding them, an obvious sign of crying.
He stumbled forward, “There you are, I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to find you!”
Suddenly you were the centre of attention.
“W-what….?” Backing, you feigned ignorance.
“You saw me on the train earlier, I tried to stop you getting off but you took off without warning…” he hung his head in despair.
Yeah, guess why?
“You should leave..”
“Huh? No, I can’t g-“ the hybrid rushed.
“What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” The voice of your boss interrupted. With a deep scowl he paraded into the scene and crossed his arms in a defensive stance as soon as he laid eyes in the bear-man. “W-whatddya you want?” His gruff voice sounded unusually weak. “If there’s any trouble I’ll ‘ave ta call the cops, ya got me?” He said despite appearing like a newborn deer.
A bewildered expression crossed the tall man’s face, “No I’m not here to cause anything! I’m here for someone!” He explained while waving his arms. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect, the humans in the diner cowered lightly at the gesture and he instantly stopped. “Sorry…”
Your boss cleared his throat, “Alright. Who ya ‘ere for?” He’d make that person go with the scary man to make him leave as soon as possible. Not that he’d admit it, but he never liked those hybrid people. They just seemed unreliable it all. Nothing to be trusted. With their animal intincts present and sharp teeth, he couldn’t allow them to be in his resturant. He hadn’t the curious he to blatantly kick them out but he could at least give them what they wanted to make them lose interest as fast as possible.
The bear’s gaze searched yours and your boss put two and two together. “Oi, Y/N, come ‘ere. Someone’s looking for ya!” The man pulled your collar to drag you forward, earning a small frown from the hybrid but it vanished just as quickly.
You refused to look at him, keeping your attention to the floor and praying for him to go away. A rough hand carressed your cheek and you flinched and after hestitation it pulled away.
“Won’t mate look at me..?” A saddened voice said.
A twinge of guilt started brewing in your mind but you pushed it down. “I see this is new to you-being human and all, haha.” He tried to liven up the atmosphere. “Umm…you know what this is, though? Me seeing you and then following you here must be creepy, haha- but it’s not I promise! I just want to love you. Because we’re,” he giggled, “mates!” He happily sighed. “And you know what that is, right? If you don’t it’s fine, I’ll tell you. Being mates is loving someone no matter what, be it looks or personality nothing is important. Mates take care of each other, providing for your mate and making them happy is the best feeling in the world! There doesn’t exist anything that can compare!- not that I know that personally or anything since I haven’t had a mate before but I’ve heard from all my friends who have mates. Oh, I’m so jealous of them whenever I see them together with their mates doing fun things. Though it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing as long as it’s with your ma-“
“Please stop!” You yell, several customers flinch at your tone, not that you cared anymore. Having to listen to his constant talk about being mates had brought you over your boiling point. The man silenced at your exclamation. “Sorry, but I don’t give a shit about all this mate stuff or whatever- it doesn’t mean anything to me so please leave! I’m sorry that this isn’t what you want to hear but I have no interest in being your mate, not now, not ever.” You pointed at the door. “So go.”
The hybrid was stunned and stood quiet, appearing hurt. Then your boss promptly spoke, “Y/N, you showing speak to someone like that! Especially someone who loves you so much!”
“Huh?” What the hell was he going on about? He never cared for hybrids, certainly not their feelings. You’ve heard all those thing he said about them when he thought no one was listening.
“Clark.” The hybrid said and lowered his head.
“My name- I apologise. I shouldn’t have barged in here expecting you to be chill about everything, I’m a fool. I’m just a stranger to you. The least I could do is tell you my name.” The apology sounded so sincere.
“No, it’s uh- fine..” you scratched your arm anxiously. Luckily he seems pretty nice and not someone who would just take their mate and go; it’s happened before. Perhaps you’ve got a chance?
“Oh come on Y/N! Give the poor fella a chance!”
You crash into the giant’s chest from the shove.
“He clearly loves you!
What the hell was he going on about?
Strange that the man was encouraging your reunion, you thought.
“Actually, since I’m so nice, why don’ I do ya a favour and let ya go? Someone like ya shouldn’t have to work in a place like this. This’a happy day!” Then he pointed at the beak room, “Get ya stuff and celebrate.”
“Excuse me-wha- let me go? As in I’m fired?” Your brain tried to comprehend what just happened and words fell out in unfinished sentences. Despite yourself, you fixed your eyes at Clark.
“Don’ worry he’ll be ‘ere when ya get back!” The rough man shooed you towards the break room.
Having no choice but to comply, you do as he wishes and abandons the scene, which might’ve been the best thing really, the continued staring of the present customers was starting to make you uncomfortable.
Glaring at your locker like it was the cause of your I’ll mood, you harshly ripped your jacket off the hook and stuffed some scattered items back in your bag. You could not believe it. Fired? You? You have been nothing but a good employee at the diner, even taking all the shit from the boss and not complaining once.
Through the small window in the door, you spot the cause of your troubles thoughts walking by. Angrily you grab his arm and pull him inside the room, a surprised noise leaving him.
“What the hell, why am I being laid off? I haven’t done anything.”
He expressed a long breath. “Sorry, but I can’t ‘ave some brute hangin ‘round here ‘cause of you, customer don’t like it and I won’t sacrifice my business for someone like you. Surely you understand.”
“He won’t hang around the diner, we’re not together! Besides, it not my fault!” You pleaded with him. You needed this job. Without it you’d definitely die in the end.
“Well, we both know he won’t leave so don’ make this any harder than it already is.” He said before leaving to do whatever shit he did instead of being a good manager.
Bullshit. It wasn’t hard at all. In fact, you bet he loved an recuse to get rid of you. He never liked you from the very beginning.
With despair, you left through the back door and as you listened to it close, you did not react to the loud bam of the heavy metal slam. Recalling at how you flinched the first time you went out the back, you clench your fist. How’re you gonna make it now? You doubted you had much savings in the bank.
Making your way to the station, blew passed you that there was still a bear waiting for you so he could properly introduce himself. He was in his own mind so much that he didn’t realise you’d already left until it was too late.
Good that he was born with a great sense of smell. How stupid of him not to consider your perspective in the beginning! Not to worry, he’ll make sure he doesn’t scare you off the next time. His species didn’t have the best reputation so he understood why you acted the way you did; it still hurt though.
The next time he’d just need to show you he wasn’t dangerous at all.
Sorry the ending sucked and was rushed. I wasn’t really sure how I wanted to end it so it turned into this.
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
𝐢: 𝐏𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐑.𝐂
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𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Rafe is finally ready to let you take control for a night, allowing himself complete and total vulnerability with you. It's not a responsibility you take lightly and you're determined to make sure he has a good time.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): language, college!au, use of a strap-on, praise and affirmations, oral (m), anal penetration, light overstimulation, this is actually quite soft tbh, a nice introduction! if I missed anything lmk!
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Rafe's dorm room was cosy with blankets and pillows on his double bed as the rain beat down outside. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, sweatpants around his ankles with you between his knees. Your actions were slow and deliberate; each bob of your head and stroke of your hand along his shaft has his head thrown back, eliciting delicious noises from him.
Tonight was going to be a big step in your relationship, so you were determined to have him relaxed and at ease before the main event. It was no secret between you that Rafe had been with both men and women and had been open about his past relationships and hookups. And now he'd asked you to do something you'd not tried before. He wanted you to peg him.
The talking process around this choice was fairly straightforward. You'd let him pick from an online retailer which strap-on he wanted, trusting his judgement that he'd be able to handle it before pressing buy now. So here you were, getting him good and ready for such a vulnerable and intimate act.
"Fuck -" he groaned, throaty and breathless. The subtle cues from his body warned you that he was close and now you could progress to part two of the plan. Slowly, you pulled away, still gently stroking him as you looked up at Rafe with his rosy cheeks and heavy breathing.
"Wanna get naked?" He nodded and shed his sweatshirt and t-shirt over his head. You pulled his sweatpants off all the way and climbed up onto the bed to join him. You were still wearing one of his athletic department t-shirts but with no underwear and the strap-on hanging between your legs. It was a decently sized 8.5 inches and a little wider than what you thought he'd go for, but you didn't question it.
"Deep breaths, remember?" Rafe nodded as he lay back, hooking his legs around your waist as you leaned over him to reach for the bottle of lube from the nightstand. Once you'd added a satisfactory amount you waited for Rafe to tell you it was okay to go ahead.
"I'm right here," you assured him, leaning in to share a soft, tender kiss as you pressed the tip of the toy against him. As you pushed forward, slowly, the noises that left Rafe were swallowed by a string of kisses.
"Breathe, baby..." you cooed in his ear, kissing along his jaw and cheek as your hips came flush to the backs of his thighs. Rafe drew in a shaky breath as you began slowly moving your hips, grinding into him with each push forward. The noises he made were heavenly. Breathy moans and whimpers that were music to your ears with each thrust.
"Feels s' good..."
"You're bein' such a good boy, takin' me so well," you praised, letting him reach between you to stroke himself in time with your thrusts. Foreheads pressed together, and your one hand threaded through his hair, tugging gently on the soft tresses.
"Shit, I'm - "
"I know, I know," you cooed, picking up your movements and allowing him to keep matching your thrusts into his hand. With a loud moan that turned into a whimper, Rafe came undone and his cum painted his stomach in hot, white spurts. Not quite ready to be done, you carried on, stuffing him full of the silicone toy despite his attempts to tell you he was too sensitive.
"Sound so pretty, baby... Just wanna make you feel good." A second wave of that first orgasm hit Rafe and had him begging for a reprieve with teary eyes and a white-knuckle grip on his bedsheets. That's when you decided to stop being mean and gradually slowed to a stop. When you pulled out, Rafe couldn't help but squirm at the loss of contact.
"I'll be back in just a minute," you assured him, climbing off his bed to put the strap in the bathroom, so you could clean it later and grab a warm washcloth to clean him up with. The sight of him on his bed, legs outstretched, cheeks flushed and rosy as he tried his hardest to stay awake. It made you melt more than a little.
"How d' you feel?" you asked softly, wiping away the streaks of cum off of his stomach and the remnants of lube from around his ass.
"Good... Tired," he admitted, almost shyly as you finished and handed his sweatpants and hoodie back to him, with a fresh pair of boxers.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He nodded, making room for you to lie next to him as you settle with your laptop open, loading Netflix. You were more than content in just your (his) t-shirt and underwear once the two of you got comfortable under the sheets.
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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
Imagine Eddie and Steve teasing the reader for being shy, but the moment someone else does it they immediately become all protective over you 😭
Oh my god they so would…this is the cutest fucking thing ever!!!
You’d just look up at them with a big ole’ pout on your lips, arms crossed over your chest, and they’d be staring down at you with shit eating grins.
“C’mon princess— no need to be so shy.” Eddie would lightly pinch your reddened cheek between his ringed fingers, “Dawww, look at those cheeks blush Stevie.”
The fluffy haired man would chuckle, bending down to your level and making you squirm under his gaze, “What’s the matter baby?” Tucking a stray hair behind your ear, “It’s just us… why so nervous?”
“Stop ittt!” You’d whine and stomp your foot, hiding your face in your crossed arms. They’d chuckle, relishing in your bashfulness. Eddie’d bend down next to Steve, smiling wide.
“Look at me honey.” And you’d shake your head, responding with a muffled “uh-uh.” Steve would snicker at that, hand reaching out to gently rub your lower back.
“Poor thing, can’t even look at us.” He’d make eye contact with Eddie, whose still enjoying this as much as he is. “You guys are mean.” You’d pout, still hiding your face, and Eddie would smirk, lifting your chin between his fingers so you have no other choice but to look at him and Steve.
“I know baby,” he’d look over to Steve and wink, “We’re just the meanest aren’t we?”
You’d nod, still pouting at them. Steve would lean forward, placing a kiss on your flushed cheek.
“We can’t help it though sweetness, you’re just too cute.”
But god help anyone else who tried to use your shyness against you. Maybe you’d helped another student by doing their homework for them, and hadn’t gotten a high enough grade on it to be satisfactory.
“You gonna say something?”
You’d want to tell them that it’s just a B+ and it’s nothing to cry over, but your shyness would get the better of you, and you’d shrink in on yourself.
“What, cat got your tongue? Too scared to own up to this— this bullshit?” Tears would begin to well in your eyes and you’d bite your lip, looking anywhere but at them. “Oh here we go, shy, stupid, and a crybaby. Can’t say I’m surprised.”
The booming voice would appear out of nowhere, startling both of you.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Another voice would fill the silence as you’d watch Eddie brush past you. Steve would be right behind him, stepping in front of you to keep you from the person’s view.
“Say that shit again, I dare you.” Eddie would seethe, towering over them, and the person would tremble underneath his gaze, rambling out apologies as they step away from the three of you.
“Shut the fuck up and get lost.” Steve would spit, and they wouldn’t hesitate, turning on their heel and scrambling down the hallway. They’d forget where they were for a second as they watch the student run, until they’d hear you sniffle behind them, spinning around to find you with a trembling lower lip and teary eyes.
“They- they said I’m shy and stupid and-” you’d cut yourself off with a choked sob. The boys would be on you in a second, cradling your face, whispering reassurances, whatever you needed.
“Oh honey, they don’t deserve these tears.” Steve would thumb away the salty wetness from your puffy cheeks, while Eddie’d hold you from behind, arms around your waist and his chin resting on your head. “You’re so perfect, there’s nothing wrong with being shy.”
“But I-”
“Ah ah-” Eddie would cut off your worried remark, “You heard Stevie. You’re perfect. Our perfect, smart little thing.”
You’d nod slowly, sniffling as Eddie’d place a gentle kiss to the top of your head, “You guys didn’t have to do that for me.”
“Course’ we did,” Steve would grin at you, “Besides, we’re the only ones who get to tease you for being shy.”
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Love for Duties Sake
AN: Hey y’all, truthfully, honestly, dead ass I am a SLUT for fake dating or enemies to lovers trope. I really eat that shit right the fuck up I love it. I saw this post and this idea just kinda popped up in my head and I HAD to write it. I like how cocky this Shuri is, I’m a fan. As always to be added to my tag list comment below!
Summary: As the only daughter of Geneliea, there were things you just had to do, and marrying the Queen of Wakanda was one of those things.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, l think that's it.
Word count: 2,821
Suggested listening: Die For You - The Weeknd
“I don't want this feelin', I can't afford love I try to find a reason to pull us apart It ain't workin', 'cause you're perfect, and I know that you're worth it I can't walk away, oh”
“You know you could at least pretend to like me sometimes,” Shuri said to you as you two sat side by side on the couch in the living room of your shared home. The cameras in front of you had been abandoned for a quick systems check, momentarily leaving you and Shuri alone in the room. 
You scoffed at Shuri’s comment and rolled your eyes. “Is the act I’m putting on not satisfactory for you, your majesty?” You asked, adding emphasis to her title. 
That got under Shuri’s skin enough to have her turn to face you. “No, my queen, it’s not. Try harder, this ‘I hate you with everything in me.’ act is getting old.’” She scooted slightly closer to you on the couch so that your bodies were within reach of each other. “Especially when we both know it isn’t true.” 
You snapped your neck to face her and sent her a glare that held a thousand knives. “You know I’m really starting to think I hate you.” 
The Queen let out a gasp with a smile before speaking. “You’ve been thinking about me usana?”
“Fuck you, Shuri.” You spat, never dropping your glare the same way she never dropped that stupid devilish smile that you couldn’t help but find a little cute. 
She leaned in closer to you and you immediately turned back to face forward. You heard her chuckle at your action but she still stayed close to you, now whispering in your ear. “You sound so pretty when you say my name like that sthandwa.” 
The feeling of Shuri’s breath hot on your neck in combination with the sound of her voice sent shock waves through your body. God, she was electric. No. Shuri Udaku was not supposed to be electric. You swore to never allow yourself to develop any feelings for her other than hate. And this feeling, the one that you were too afraid even to name in your head because of its power, was definitely not one you were supposed to be having. 
Just as you tried to scoot away from her, to give yourself room to breathe away from her magnetic energy, the first beginnings of the camera crew started rolling in. Shuri quickly grabbed your hand and took it in hers, preventing you from moving any farther away. You shot her a look of warning, but when she didn’t let you go you had no choice but to attempt to pull your arm away from her. 
They weren't kidding about that Black Panther strength. 
Shuri didn’t move an inch but you did and you made a sound when you were pulled back down to the couch. “Careful my love, people are watching.” 
You looked around the room, more people had come and Shuri was right. A few people were looking at you two. ‘Fuck.’ You thought. This facade you had to put up with Shuri was your job and despite your personal feelings toward her you always did a good job. You pulled your hand from her grasp and brushed some dust off your skirt. 
“I like it when you wear skirts, did you know that?” Shuri asked, still looking at you. You could feel her eyes on the exposed skin of your legs and you rubbed your thighs together involuntarily. 
“Shut up.” 
“I like the short ones, like this one.” She reached out to touch the hem of your skirt but you slapped her hand away lightly earning a chuckle from her. “But I also like the long ones that you wear when it’s just us in the house. The flowy ones that touch the floor when you walk.” 
Had she really paid so much attention to you when you were together that she knew what you wore? Sure you two lived in the same house and slept in the same bed but truthfully you lived two completely separate lives. You assumed that she paid you no mind but her comment about your attire seemed to prove different.
 Before you could speak, the woman who was interviewing you two came back into the room. Without thinking you scooted your body closer to Shuri’s, ready to put on the show that your job required. Shuri wrapped her arm around your waist and pulled you so that your bodies were touching, you naturally leaned into her, and the way you two fit together felt right. As much as your mind wanted to hate being so close to her, your body felt like it was right where it was supposed to be. 
The interviewer stood in front of you and Shuri for a moment with the biggest grin you’d ever seen on her face. “Oh my Bast, you two are just the cutest! Can’t keep your hands off of each other for a minute, can you!” She exclaimed with a laugh. 
“What can I say, Asha, when Bast has blessed you with a beautiful wife you don’t let her go!” Shuri joked back with the woman, tapping the side of your hip where her hand rested sending shivers she no doubt felt up your spine.
‘Laying it on thick today, are we?’ You thought. ‘Two can play that game.’ 
“Oh, my Queen you’re gonna give me cavities with how sweet you are on her! Alright well, we got everything figured out on the back end so if you two are ready we can start back up again?” Asha looked between you and Shuri for confirmation. 
“Just one second. Look at me, baby.” Shuri turned to face you and you tilted her chin up and wiped an imaginary fleck of dust off of her lip. The way her eyes watched you made you feel like prey. “Now we’re ready, I think I may have left some of my lip gloss on her lips. Sorry!” You said with a chuckle. 
That was a lie that only you and Shuri knew. You hadn’t gotten anywhere close to her for your lip gloss to end up on her lips, you touched her because you wanted to get under her skin. And it worked. She wanted to lay it on thick in front of reporters, you could do just the same. 
“What is Wakanda going to do with you two love birds!” Asha squealed after you two had finally turned your attention back to her. She sat down across from you and looked to a producer in the back who gave her a thumbs up. “Ready?” She asked one last time. 
You both nodded and the cameras started rolling. Game time. 
“Hello and welcome back to Wakanda’s favorite source of social news, I am your host Asha Mehfume and this is The Hot Seat! Today I’ve got with me two of my favorite guests to have here on The Hot Seat and in fact this time they’ve dragged me out of the studio and into their gorgeous home. Any guesses? I’ll give you a hint. Their whirlwind romance started two years ago and the country, scratch that, the world hasn’t been able to get enough of them since.”  
You couldn’t help but let your mind wander as you listened to Asha’s opener. While you always enjoyed Asha’s energy and even watched her show occasionally, you’d heard some version of this cold open a million times. You wondered if Shuri’s mind wandered the same as yours and you glanced over at her quickly to see if she was paying attention. She was facing forward, eyes on Asha but you could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn’t mentally there. It was the same look you’d seen throughout the majority of your courtship. 
“For those of you who’ve been living under a rock, or just were not quick enough to catch my clues today's special guests are the queens of our nation, Queen Shuri Udaku and her wife Queen Y/N Y/L/N Udaku!” Asha applauded and you and Shuri couldn’t help but smile at her excitement over you two. 
“Thank you for coming over Asha really, we’re so happy to have you here.” You beamed. 
“Oh my Queen, thank you! It’s not every day you get invited into the personal home of the Queens' of Wakanda.” She replied with a smile. 
“Asha we’ve got to have you over one day without all the pomp and circumstance.” Shuri gestured around the room. “We’ve done how many of these now? I’d like to think we’re friends.” 
All three of you shared a laugh at Shuri’s comment. It was true you had done countless interviews during your relationship with Shuri but your favorites and most frequent were always with Asha. 
“If you two would go as far as to consider me a friend I would love to come over.” She let the last bit of her laughing out before turning back to her notes. “So, as we’ve already hinted at, today's show doesn't take place in the studio or even at the palace. Today we are in the Queen’s private residence. Now obviously for safety reasons, we aren't going to disclose where in Wakanda we are. Even if I wanted to, I’m sure the Dora Milaje would have my tongue before I could get a location out.” You laughed politely at her very true joke. 
“Before we get into what we’re really here to talk about I have to say, your home is beautiful!  Who's the interior decorator of the relationship?” 
“Oh Y/N a hundred percent,” Shuri stated emphatically. 
“Really?” Asha asked, surprised by the response. 
Shuri waited for you to speak, but when you didn’t she spoke up for you. “Don’t shy up now, usana, tell them how you decorated the house.” Shuri nudged you gently with your body when she saw the shy smile on your face, having learned you weren’t one to take credit for that type of stuff. 
“I may have dabbled in the design plan a little bit.” You said with a smile. 
“My wife’s too humble,” Shuri interjected. “Everything in here was her choice and doesn't it look great? If it were up to me this whole thing would look like a lab but she’s created a home for us.” 
Shuri’s comments warmed your heart and you smiled. “I took some inspiration from everywhere I lived. It’s the openness of US design, French-inspired decor, and the color palette from right here in Wakanda.”
“Wow and it all came together so well, I’m amazed,” Asha remarked looking around your living room. “Speaking of everywhere you’ve lived, you’ve been in Wakanda now full-time for a year. How does it compare?” 
Shuri looked over at you, wondering what your answer was going to be. “I’ve loved it here so much Asha you have no idea!” You giggled. “I drag Shuri out with me to the markets just to be out in the city, it’s so beautiful.” 
What you said wasn’t a lie, you and Shuri did go out to the markets to look around together once a month. But the romantic way you described it as if you two were sneaking off, was far from the truth. It was a planned event, a work event that you two both had to show up to and play the in-love couple for the people of Wakanda.
“So it’s safe to say it tops France and the United States?” Asha asked curiously. 
You nodded, the smile still on your face. “Wakanda has my heart now. Literally and physically.” Shuri looked over and smiled at you, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. Your brain temporarily checked out upon feeling her lips on your skin, but they were gone just as soon as they came. She always knew how to leave you wanting more. 
“And what about home? Everyone couldn’t stop talking about your pride in your country when you married. How does Wakanda weigh up against Geneliea?”
Hearing the name of your home made your heart feel suddenly heavy in your chest. You involuntarily started tapping your leg the more you thought about Genelia. The last time you were home you swore to your parents that you would never forgive them for forcing this “duty” upon you and taking your life away. That’d been a year ago and you hadn’t been back or voluntarily thought about it since. 
Shuri felt your leg start tapping and put two and two together that your sudden irritation or anxiety was due to your home being mentioned. You never spoke about Genelia and Shuri never asked about it, it was just one of those things that were best left tucked away and not thought about. 
“Genelia was where I was raised Asha, so you have to understand I’ll always have some love for it. But Wakanda is my home, there's not really anything to compare anymore. I’ve built my life and plan on continuing to build it here.” While your statement may have fooled Asha and the rest of the public, Shuri could tell some part of what you were saying wasn’t true. Your hip bouncing was an obvious tell. 
Shuri slipped her hand in the space between your skirt and shirt so her hand was touching your skin and she rubbed gently. Her touch shocked you at first but you soon melted into it, allowing yourself to be calmed by it. After a few moments, your leg stopped bouncing and your heart felt normal again. 
The rest of the interview went well. Asha asked you and Shuri a series of questions that had been sent in by viewers of the show and you two answered. Most of them were sweet like what you thought of the other when you first met or who made the first move. Those were easy, you two had concocted the story of your relationship months ago so it was just a matter of spewing the same lines. When Asha asked the last question you and Shuri laid it on thick, ending the interview with a big kiss. 
You tried to put your feelings aside when you kissed, it was a work thing, something you had to do because it was your job to look like you were in love with your wife. But something in you told you that wasn’t the case, the feeling of butterflies that she sent through your body when she took your face in her hand or the blush that ripped across your cheeks when she pulled away and smiled at you. Those weren’t work-related feelings.
It took twenty minutes for everyone to clear out of your home. You and Shuri stayed in each other's physical presence, you leaning your head on her shoulder until the last sound person left. Leaving you with just Ayo, Aneka who were your personal guards, and Okoye who had come to supervise. In just the presence of the three women you knew it was safe to drop the act. 
You lifted your head off of her shoulder and waited for her to unlatch herself from you. “You can remove your arm from my waist now.” 
“What if I like it there?” Shuri questioned, rubbing your skin again and sending the same shock waves through your body. 
You scoffed at her boldness and stood up from the couch facing her. “I’m going out.” 
“Why do you care?” You asked, scrunching up your face at her interest in your whereabouts. 
“I’m your wife, it’s my job to care for and know my wife's location.” Shuri countered, keeping cool despite your building attitude. 
You held your wrist up in the air, jangling your kimoyo beads against your other beaded bracelets. “You’ve got my location twenty-four seven and you have guards follow my every step. Is that not enough for you my queen?” 
“Nope.” She replied simply folding her arms over her chest, not moving from her position in the argument or her spot on the couch. 
Her coolness bothered you deep to your core and it took everything in you not to scream. “I’m leaving.” You turned on your heels and walked towards the door. You only noticed Ayo and Aneka behind you when you reached for the handle. “I do not need my shadows today, you are dismissed.” 
Ayo looked you up and down while Ankea tried to reason with you. “But my Queen-” 
“You have to follow my orders correctly as Dora Milaje?” You asked tilting your head to the side. 
“Yes, your majesty but-” 
“Then my order is that you and Ayo spend the day not following me around. You are dismissed.” You said one final time before turning back around and exiting the room. 
Aneka looked up at Ayo, unsure of what to do. Ayo just sighed and turned her attention to Shuri. 
“She never knows when something is in her best interest,” Shuri said with a sigh. “Follow her please, make sure she doesn't get herself into any trouble.” 
Tag List: @shuriszn @sokkasbae25 @verachii @cuddl3s4shur1 @takeyaki @jinnie10101 @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @beautybyfire @6-noir @mocha-aya @yvxmpire @mysticalmarss @ziayamikaelson @youralphawolf72 @n7cje @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisjournal
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lemotmo · 3 months
What do you think about this ?
I…kinda have to agree. Like I’m already a little iffy going into season 8 because I honestly felt like if nothing massive happened in season 7 then it probably wasn’t going to happen since they had new network, new audience, it was the time to weed out any of the old (old as in everyone who watched it on fox) audience who would have an issue with buddie, get the new audience on board with it etc. Which Bi Buck helped but then nothing else really happened. Are there threads? Yes. But the shows more known for having threads and then just pretending they never existed.
So if after season 8 it’s still not happening then I really do think it’s time for the fandom to accept it’s not going to. Because at this point, the shooting and then breakdown were the perfect set ups for it. And it was such a baffling concept to learn it was shut down and then for us to have to sit here and think how are they going to reach the same level of the shooting and breakdown aftermaths to make it happen again. And they have hit it now with what is probably the only realistic way with what happened by the end of season 7 with the Kim of it all and the Chris of it all. So if they don’t do it now? I really and truly do not think they plan to because there really won’t be any other way to reach those levels for Eddie to look deeper and accept and acknowledge etc.
Hey Nonny! I had already seen this on Twitter and I fully agree with it. The time is now. If they don't start Eddie's journey and eventually Buddie's journey in season 8? I don't think it will ever happen and ABC will have wasted the biggest chance of making history.
A lot of people will be disappointed if that happens and I won't lie, so would I. 6 years of shipping, only for one half of the ship to end up in a lackluster, unsatisfactory and boring relationship and the other half probably shoved into a new nothing relationship again? No, not for me. Thank you. I would retreat to fanon-land where Buddie are happily in love and together.
However, I feel like we have seen plenty in season 7 that is highly promising for season 8. So I really don't think my retirement into fanon-land will be happening anytime soon. :) I have a good feeling about season 8.
It's obvious that they were planning to go all in with Buddie when they thought they would only get one season. The promo was insane. But then they got that renewal and I think they decided right there and then to push Eddie's storyline to season 8, giving them time to prepare it properly. Since we now know that they are already writing season 8, I think they have a chance to really do the storyline justice.
The thing is, when Buck was outed as being bisexual it was a big shock to the general audience. Not to any of us, because we have seen this coming for years now. Buck was always queer-coded and so was Eddie by the way. Even more than Buck in my opinion.
However, Eddie having some sort of queer awakening in the same season? I really think ABC wanted to slow the pace a little. See how the general audience would react with Buck, which didn't turn out to be such a big problem after all. 911 is still leading strongly in viewership.
Another perk of pushing the Eddie storyline to season 8? It gives the story room to breathe and percolate. It will only make the payoff even more satisfactory.
The reason why Tommy was used to out Buck is obvious as well. He's an easy choice. Nobody remembered Tommy from season 1 and there is no emotional attachment to the character. He came into season 7 as an established gay character. When eventually Buck and Tommy break up, not a lot of people of the general audience will actually care about it, because there is no emotional connection to Tommy. He is just a new character they brought in as a narrative device. He will eventually disappear again, maybe showing up once in a while as a friend to Buck.
If they had gone for Eddie, the stakes would have been so much higher, because he is a beloved main character. It was safer to start with Tommy.
Besides, Eddie has so many canon issues with his previous relationships that his story needs more time. With the Vertigo arc (which I hated by the way) he is now in a perfect place to take a good look at himself and his past relationships. He might start comparing all these relationships to what he has with Buck.
Who knows how they are planning this? I just know it has the potential to be so good and satisfying after 6 years of shipping. And the fact that this show will now have a canon queer slow burn? Epic! Something ABC wouldn't want to drop. It's dream promo for a network.
Also, the reason why they never went through with the original storylines was because of FOX. Seeing as ABC has shows like 'Grey's anatomy' which has had many popular queer characters, I really don't think they have told 911 to cut the storyline. I just think it's all about pacing and getting the general audience on board.
Now, all that being said, if season 8 ends up giving us nothing? Sorry for being wrong about this. I humbly apologise. :b
But I don't think I'm wrong though. And a lot of people in this fandom share that conviction.
So yeah, who knows? Buddie season 8? Yep, it's highly possible at this point.
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The Other Side of Drew
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TW: rough sex. DominantDrew! Language. Degrading Language. Edging. Teasing. 
SUMMARY: Drew decides to teach you a lesson when your teasing goes a bit too far…
The Other Side of Drew
Drew could not be any more different than the roles he played before a camera. Portraying the archetypes of men controlled by their vices, lacking the ability to differentiate between right and wrong by the acts of selfish indifference, he rivaled this to every degree. And for the most part, you favored this as he was chivalrous and kind, always a source of comfort and reliability,  where others in your past would abuse your loyalty, which you gave tenfold to your amorous boyfriend. 
However, you also couldn’t help but tease him because of this. The way he would take his time, thoroughly and efficiently, always left you satisfied with the perfect hum of an orgasm remaining for some time well after the sweat had dried. And yet, you wanted more. Specifically, you wanted to see what existed beneath this sweetness…
And so you set the stage. His favorite shampoo lingering through your locks in loose tendrils and a high bun so he could apply pecks across your neck as he loved to do every so often to take in your scent. A dress complimenting your figure to every degree wrapped around the frame he knew well, now harbored his beloved set of lingerie in preparation for his discovery. You ensured you were as angelic and mouth watering to him, having taken notes throughout your relationship to just what it was he loved most about you, before appearing to him as a vision as you made your way out of the back bedroom. He had only remained invested in his cufflinks for a second before you came to view. 
“Shit…” Although it had been your intention to garner such a reaction, to hear it made you grin a schoolgirl smile as you never got tired of making him speechless. 
“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to focus on anything except you in this dress…” He moved behind you in the mirror set just beside the door, the same one harboring your keys, as you reached to apprehend them with a playful eye roll playing back to you in the reflection, "Maybe have to bend you over one of those tables right then and there…"
“Not like you'd actually do anything about it…" You teased, casting bedroom eyes to him in the mirror as he raised his brows in consideration of your challenge. 
"Don't think I will?"
You turned to him, hand to his chest, before offering a confident smile. 
"You're too…soft. Sweet." Your choice of words had become blows to his ego, that amusement fading to something you'd never seen before, spread across his face. 
"You're too gentle, you'd never do anything rough-"
His jaw cocked to the side as he slowly nodded, taking the keys from your hand, before leading you down the steps of your apartment. For a moment, you'd questioned if you'd really hurt him as he did take pride in knowing your sex life was satisfactory. The question weighed heavy on you as you would turn to address him, feeling him take you against the open wall opposite the one with the railing, before taking his hand to your next. 
"THIS too soft for you, baby?" He asked while applying a small amount of pressure to test the limitations of this kink while you kept your eyes to him with renewed excitement. 
"How about THIS?!" He grunted while taking your hand to his pants, unbuckling his belt and leasing you to his shaft, fully prepared to take you when the moment would beckon. 
"You wanna tease me, sweetheart? Huh? Tell me I'm too soft? Tell me I won't do it because I am too gentle? Maybe not at a restaurant with our friends, but we're alone now, aren't we?" There was something almost sinister in his voice to this remark, as if for a moment he was no longer Drew but one of those morally gray characters he portrayed. And it thrilled you to be on the receiving end of it. 
"Drew…" Your eyes shot in both directions of the steps as he moved quickly to the lower steps, reaching beneath your dress, and removing your panties. But instead of burying himself inside of you as he may have in any other instance, he carried them to your mouth. 
"Drew-" At the utterance of his name, the fabric was forced beyond your lips. 
"I'll take them out when I want to hear you talk. Until then, I'm gonna show you JUST how gentle I can be-" You were turned against the wall, absent any form of solace for a grip, as he bent you forward until his cock became aligned with your folds. 
"Are you this wet because you know how hard I'm gonna fuck you or because you want everyone to hear you come?" He asked this as more of a rhetorical question as you moaned at the idea. 
"That's the difference, baby. The gentle and sweet Drew would have spent hours making sure you were fully satisfied. Eating you out for however long it took before you were shaking…fingers curling JUST right-" Your nails clawed against the wall as you were desperate for even a second of what he spoke of, but his torments continued. 
"And finally when I was throbbing from watching you moan like that for me, arching your back from all that pleasure…I'd make love to you. Because that's what a sweet…and gentle boyfriend does-" You groaned as he kept a hand to your back before pulling your hair to leave you at somewhat of a bend so he could speak to you with this display of dominance. 
"But that's not what you're gonna get. You want rough and wild? Then that's that's you'll fucking get-" He was inside of you without the usual care of a slow insertion. 
As if now a wild animal let loose in the wild, he was untamed and animated, pumping in selfishness against the absence of your pleas. Drew was always attentive to share those sensations. If you were on your knees for him, he was using his foot between your legs, if you were riding him, he was playing with your sensitive nipples to increase your pleasure. But for now, he remained devoted to his release and his alone. 
"This what you wanted? Huh baby? So rough you can't fucking speak?" He teased as the panties remained in your mouth. 
"You want to fucking toy eith me? Tease me?" You attempted to lower your head for some form of stability, before feeling him pull you tighter. 
"THIS. IS. WHAT. YOU. FUCKING. GET." He spoke each word with a cruel thrust, slowly pulling out of you, only to continue in repetition until you his point now hung on the air. 
Your pleas were muffled beneath the panties, bringing him to tear them away as you gasped for breath. 
"Better make it quick, I'm losing my fucking patience-"
"Please Drew!"
"Oh, you wanna come, don'tcha sweetheart? Want me to rub your poor little clit?" He teased this, drawing circles just beyond the nerves he knew needed such a release as his words sounded sincere enough, at least they would have been if not for the sinister smirk that followed his question. Still you nodded through your whimpered, hoping it would be enough to convince him to take pity on you, but he was reveling in his torment of you. 
"That's what a gentle boyfriend would do…he'd make it soft and giving…make love…" You nodded. 
"But I'm fucking you. Because you wanted this. Because you challenged me. Because I'm NOT fucking gentle. I'm not fucking soft. And I will take you whenever the fuck I want, whenever I want!" His words became cold and harsh as he spent himself inside of you, a quickening pace through the utterance of words and clenched teeth, bringing him to this edge as you were winded before him. 
"And NOW we're gonna be late.." He groaned, leaving you behind as you found it difficult to walk, let alone follow behind him. But once you had, you found him waiting by the passenger side of the car, holding it open with annoyance for having to wait even longer. 
"I didn't mean-" You were sheepish, tears in your eyes from a denied orgasm, as he looked at you as if indifferent. 
"I want you to think about it the rest of the night…how easily I could make you come…but I won't. Because that would mean I was soft…" 
"You're perfect-" He silenced you with a kiss and a hand to your jaw. 
"If you manage to behave, maybe I'll make it worth it…" He slipped your ass as he moved to the driver's side of the truck before you were forced to endure this 'punishment'. As always, Drew didn't do anything half-assed and this was no exception…
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271
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beechersnope · 11 months
trick of treat!! pairing of ur choice 🫶🫶🫶
um. have dando furry p*rn i guess (dog/cat hybrids). 😭
Daniel watched Lando wander up the long driveway from the security cameras, pressing the button on the gate to let her into the courtyard, then the lock on the front door when she reached the steps. She had a starry-eyed wonder in her face, an enchantment borne from innocence. To her, everything in Daniel’s life must have been a novelty. He almost felt guilty about inviting her here, now that he’d seen just what effect his lifestyle had on the poor girl.
Lando’s tail was twitching uncontrollably when Daniel finally entered the foyer to meet her for the first time. Daniel wondered to himself if she’d never learned to control her instincts the way his kind were trained to practically from birth, or whether she was just so overwhelmed that she wasn’t aware that her body was betraying her.
“Would you like a cup of tea, lemonade?” Daniel asked with a friendly smile. “Water?”
“Water would be great, thanks,” Lando replied in a breathy voice. She followed him into the kitchen, her hands barely peeking out from under the sleeves of her sweater, making her look even smaller than she was. She waited for Daniel to hand her the glass and then took a careful sip before opening her mouth to speak once more. “Look, I’m—I’m not really sure that I should be here,” she told him.
Daniel raised an eyebrow and leaned back against the countertop. He crossed his arms over his chest, keenly conscious of the way Lando’s pupils dilated in response to the threat that her biology perceived him as. “You can always leave if you aren’t comfortable,” he replied. “I won’t be offended.”
Lando shook her head minutely. “It’s not you,” she said, her voice even quieter now. “It’s just…. Well, you should have seen the way people looked at me on the train.”
“Hat didn’t help?” Daniel asked, nodding toward the knit beanie covering her ears.
“I picked it up before I took a cab up here,” Lando explained. Her flush deepened with every word. “I don’t know that it would’ve made much of a difference anyway, though. I mean, you can smell me, can’t you?”
Daniel had been able to smell her the second that she’d set foot inside his home, but it felt rude to say as much, so he settled for a simple nod in agreement. “There’s not anything repulsive about it, contrary to the stereotypes,” he informed her. “It’s just different than what we’re used to.”
Lando glanced down at her feet, her fingers still picking at the sleeves of her sweater. “Some people don’t like different,” she pointed out.
“And some people do.” Daniel pushed away from the countertop, taking a step toward Lando instead. She didn’t look outwardly alarmed by his closeness, but he could detect a shift in her pheromones indicating that on some level, at least, she was a little bit afraid of him. “That’s actually why I wanted to speak with you.”
Lando squinted up at him, her eyebrows drawing together in confusion. “What do you mean?” she asked. “I thought this was about a job.”
“It is,” Daniel assured her. “And I do think your design work is quite good, but….”
“I’m a producer,” Daniel admitted. “I actually…I wasn’t entirely honest about the reason I wanted to bring you here.”
“What are you trying to say?” Lando demanded. Her pupils were blown out now, her long tawny tail bristling as it swished back and forth over her shoulders. Daniel had the sense that she was just mere seconds from bolting straight out the front door if he didn’t give her an explanation that felt satisfactory.
“I’ve seen your videos,” Daniel said.
Lando’s tail poofed out to twice its size as her expression went cold. “I’m leaving,” she said stiffly.
Daniel had to grab her arm to keep her from going. “Wait,” he pleaded. “Just wait, okay? I didn’t want to be entirely honest with you at first because I thought you wouldn’t meet with me if I told you up front that I was subscribed to you.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better about you lying to me?” Lando asked. She made an attempt to tug her arm away from Daniel’s vise-like hold, but to no avail. “Seriously?”
“I did want to talk to you about a job,” Daniel explained hastily. “It just isn’t the one I told you about in our emails.”
Lando suddenly stopped, turning her head to focus on Daniel again with a newly curious expression. Curious like a cat, Daniel thought to himself with a touch of humor.
“What job?” Lando asked in a slow voice.
Daniel cautiously let go of her wrist and gestured to the open door to his study. “I’d be happy to explain the details,” he told her. “I’ll pay for your ride home either way.”
Lando waited another second, sucking in a deep breath and holding it for a moment before finally nodding and proceeding into Daniel’s study. She seated herself in the armchair on the side of the desk facing the door, curling her legs up under herself and twisting into a position that would have been uncomfortable for anyone of canine persuasion. She seemed more at ease now that she was seated than she had in Daniel’s kitchen, however, and he took that as a positive sign as he sat himself down on the other side of the desk.
“Like I said before,” Daniel began again, “I’m a producer.”
“Okay…” Lando replied uncertainly. She put a finger to her lips and began gnawing at one of her fingernails without any care for how it might look to Daniel, who chose to ignore it as he continued.
“I make porn,” Daniel said bluntly. He watched as Lando’s expression rapidly changed from confusion to shock. “Specifically, knotting porn. And I want to hire you for a new VOD series.”
Lando blinked a few times as she stared at Daniel in disbelief. “But I’m…. Cross-species penetration is illegal in porn.”
“Not as of three weeks from now.” Daniel had expected that Lando wouldn’t be the type to have her thumb on the pulse of legislative politics, so he’d pulled up the press release on his phone before she’d arrived. He passed it to her, watching as the light of realization dawned on her.
Fairly soon, people were going to start cashing in on videos of young feline women like Lando lifting their tails to take canine knots. Daniel was planning on being the first out of the gate.
“Why me?” Lando said after she’d read her fill. She lifted her head, allowing her eyes to meet Daniel’s once more.
“I was impressed with your solo work,” Daniel told her. “And if you don’t mind my being a bit crass about it, you seemed a little more enthusiastic about the uh, size, of your toys than most of the other girls on KittyCams.”
Lando went beet red, perhaps remembering the way she’d forced a knotting dildo inside herself just last week—as close as anyone could get to the real thing before the new legislation went into effect. Daniel had been impressed with her tenacity when he’d watched the video, even if the dildo had been a few shades smaller than what she could actually expect to encounter if she took Daniel up on his job offer.
“I’m…flattered,” Lando managed. She’d somehow compacted herself even more in Daniel’s armchair, making herself a fraction of her true size. “But I’ve never…I haven’t ever slept with a canid before.”
Daniel’s eyes widened, his head cocking to the side as he processed her statement. That was a surprise to him; he’d assumed she was rather experienced judging from the amount of canid-on-felid roleplay that her customers seemed so partial to.
“Would you like to?” Daniel asked, before he could think better of it.
Lando sat up slightly. “What?”
Daniel braced his hands on the desk and leaned forward, toward Lando. “Would you like to?” he repeated, emphasizing every single word.
Lando’s quiet ‘yes’ didn’t come as such a surprise.
Daniel had seen Lando naked more times than he could count in the last month, but it was different seeing her like this, having her here in front of him, painfully real and close enough to touch. She was olive-toned everywhere except her nipples, a dark brown, and Daniel followed the milk lines down her torso with his tongue before ending up between her thighs.
She was already wet enough for his fingers, but Daniel ate her out anyway, lapping over her clit and dipping his tongue inside her until she was shaking, mewling, and crying. She was tight when he finally pushed into her with his fingers, and for a moment, Daniel was worried that she wouldn’t be able to take his cock, but then he recalled her videos, the way she’d split herself open on more than this with relative ease.
Still, he knew it wouldn’t be easy to knot her in the end. Slow and steady, he reminded himself.
One of the things Daniel had liked most about Lando’s videos was her voice. The way she yowled from the back of her throat, raw and husky, when he finally bottomed out inside her made every hair on the back of his neck stand up. He could feel himself getting rougher with every thrust, nearly sending her into the headboard every time he slammed into her.
“Can I come inside you?” Daniel asked through harsh, panting breaths as he fucked her.
Lando nodded, her pupils slitted now, eyes heavy-lidded and sleepy.
“Can I knot you?” Daniel asked again, unable to keep the desperation out of his voice.
Lando answered with a throaty mewl as she bucked up into him, her clawed fingernails digging into Daniel’s lower back, pulling him into her like she needed him even deeper.
When Daniel felt his knot starting to pull at the entrance to her pussy, he slowed down the pace of his thrusts, using Lando’s frantic gasping as a gauge for just how much she could take. He fucked her shallowly as the base of his cock swelled larger and larger. He was about halfway there when Lando’s eyes suddenly flew open, her tail flailing wildly underneath her.
“Take it out,” she begged. “It’s too big.”
“I can’t,” Daniel said gently. “It’ll hurt you if I try. Just breathe, okay? You’re almost there.”
He pushed himself into her as deeply as he could, trying to relieve some of the pressure. He reached down between them with one hand and gently rubbed at her clit, trying to force her to relax just a little.
Lando’s pussy was almost painfully tight around his knot as it swelled even further, and he could tell she’d hit the breaking point when her fingers suddenly dug into his sides, drawing blood. Tit for tat, he supposed. She was justified in hurting him a little, too.
Daniel laid on top of her and remained as still as possible as he flooded her with come, listening to the frantic beating of her heart as they both waited it out. He felt a bit dizzy afterwards, overcome with a torrent of endorphins, but Lando still hadn’t come once since he’d eaten her out, and Daniel wanted to give her a treat before she had to go.
“Sore?” he asked after pulling out of her, leaving her pussy gaping open as soon as his knot was yanked free.
Lando nodded. “Just a little achy,” she informed him.
Daniel carefully turned her over onto her stomach and then probed at her with his fingers before slipping them back inside. “This okay?” he asked.
Lando closed her eyes and nodded again, her cheek pressed against the pillows. “Mhmm.”
“Good.” Daniel pressed hard against her G-spot, making her tail whip around wildly as she let out a loud yowl. “I know you can squirt like this,” Daniel told her as he continued to massage the same spot with his fingers, moving them in a rhythmic motion he practically had memorized. “I’ve seen you do it.”
It was less than thirty seconds before Lando’s cunt tightened up around his fingers as she drenched Daniel’s hand and his sheets. He pulled out of her with a satisfied smirk and helped Lando roll back over again.
“See you in three weeks?” he asked, wanting to confirm what he already knew.
Lando let out a loud, shuddering breath. “I think I need a bit more practice, actually,” she told him. “How about Tuesday?”
“Tuesday’s perfect.”
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sakkiichi · 1 year
MATCHUP FOR @lilikags
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hello, lia ! thank you for the info you provided and for trusting me to write your matchup, i hope you like it <3
i pondered quite a lot on my choice for who to match you with, i hope the result is satisfactory to you !
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your genshin impact match is someone who, similarly to you, pursues creativity. while he is more prone to working alone, your ability to fit in well in a group is something beneficial to him, helping him open up more. like you, he can be a perfectionist as well, pouring his all into the work he does, which also happens to be his passion. though detached and seemingly aloof at times, don’t let yourself be fooled, he is extremely perceptive, knowing just what someone needs at any given moment.
well, is an image already forming in your mind? venture further into the mysteries of teyvat to find…
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So, you and Albedo. Why do I think you’re a good match? Well, in my opinion, you share similarities, while being inherently different, like two sides of the same coin, the little contrasts making you fit, akin to complementary colors over canvas.
Your leadership qualities and bringing people together are characteristics that would go in very nice divergence with the Kreideprinz’s highly independent personality. While he tends to be alone while doing his research, Albedo is warm to his friends and is happy to meet new people. Your social affinity, even though according to your mbti type you’re introverted too, would play in his favor, serving as a bridge between the seemingly distant golden prince and the friends that look forward to meeting him. Besides, he’d feel at ease too, reassured he won’t be too overwhelmed if you are around.
Another aspect of your personality that made me lean towards the Knights of Favonius’ chief alchemist is your love for creative pastimes. Albedo highly values that, as seen in his own hobbies, painting and alchemy.
One of the chalk prince’s love languages being quality time, it is not rare for him to drop his experiments instantly as soon as your smiling face comes into view…
Warm light floods through bare trees, reflecting in shades of candlelight off of the abundant snow. Late winter’s approaching, the gates of spring within reach, contained in the chant of fluttering birds atop the cold mountains, in the slumbering cecilias that are starting to awake, in skies dyeing pink and orange and gold, as the sun still lingers for an evening stroll.
In your smile and the bounciness of your step.
The frost-kissed northern stars of the alchemist’s gaze set upon you, its stella illuminating your footprints over the grass-splattered layer of white.
A couple of notebooks under one of your arms, and what looks like brushes and a bag that can only contain inks and paints on the other, you brave the chilly breeze, the distance between you and your lover shortening.
A soft smile draws upon the prince of chalk’s iced lips, the gesture another mirror image of the blooms to soon sprout.
“Albedo!” You sing-song, somehow managing to wave at him, despite all the items you’re carrying.
He puts down his notepad, the pencil he was using haphazardly forgotten over his table, all the threads of thought in his mind leading solely to you.
Your lips form a crescent not unlike the moon that is to rise soon amidst the firmament of a dawning spring, when your partner meets you halfway.
The warmth of his proximity is enough to tempt you to lean your head against his chest, inviting you to dream sweetly.
And you’d do just that were it not for the several objects currently balanced on your grasp, and because you had planned this outing.
“My love,” he begins, the constellations not yet out already bright in his stare. “I would have carried all of this, dear.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” You perkily retort, a smile of your own linking the starlight in his gaze. “Are you ready now, Bedo? We’ve got so much to do!”
The prince takes a moment to memorize the lines of your visage, the curve of your contagious smile, the light and color that constitutes his beloved.
He could paint you a million times, yet none would come close to portraying the true magic he witnesses every time he looks at you.
Taking the bag from you despite your protests, Albedo falls in step by your side, your hands brushing every now and then.
Even though slightly out of breath, the trip you had planned is worth it. A frozen over lake extends before you, a myriad of dancing lights over its glazed surface. Shadows of a rainbow seem to form over it, as the sky deepens in hue, the color of late afternoons drinking warm tea from matching mugs with someone you cherish.
And yet, despite the natural light dimming, neither of you seem deterred on your respective creations.
Albedo’s svelte hands delicately hover over his sketchbook, light and dark colliding in the pastel watercolors that seem to come to life when he imprints them on paper.
Your side leans against the artist’s, dark ink filling the page you currently peruse, pondering if this or that is the perfect word to make a reality of the world taking form inside your mind.
When the wind picks up, announcing nightfall, you nuzzle further into Albedo’s body.
And because your focus is on the wonders you create through linked quotes, you don’t notice a new color being added into the picture-perfect scene.
As he feels your warmth pressed against his side, the alchemist’s cheeks take on a hue worthy of the most precious crystals.
If only all sunrises could be this color, you would think, the moment your eyes met his lovely face again.
You mention you always try to help others, and I genuinely believe that is a trait Albedo would find very endearing. From helping Sucrose with whatever she needs regarding her research, to finding a way for Klee to get out of solitary confinement, your boyfriend can’t help but stare at you with a fond look in his eyes, akin to the glittering surface of a clear spring on a sunny day. (Just make sure Klee doesn’t cause too much trouble while she escapes her scolding).
Delving deeper into your hobbies, if we consider a modern au and Albedo’s aforementioned love language, it is not rare for him to be busy doodling on his sketchbook while you play games on your phone. Comfy clothes on, I can easily imagine him curled up on the couch, while you lay your head in his lap, thumbs tapping at your screen to achieve the highest score (though nothing beats the feeling of your lover’s fingers delicately combing through your hair).
Taking your mbti personality type into account, you and Albedo are a very good match. As an INFJ, you tend to look for deep relationships, wanting to understand every puzzle piece that connects into your s/o’s mind. As an INTP, the chief alchemist seeks intellectual understanding of his lover. In addition, both your personality types are perfectionist and self-demanding, which can help you two understand each other’s motivations when really involved into an activity that piques your interest.
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While definitely more on the independent and “loner” side (not by choice), the Prinzessin der Verurteilung has plenty in common with you, especially when it comes to mutual interests.
She is one of the most creative and imaginative people you can encounter, her inner world brimming with life, heartache, and enigmas to be unveiled. Which I think pairs quite well with your love for art and writing. In turn, she’d feel understood, having met someone who also finds comfort in fiction and the arts.
If we talk about a modern au again, Fischl is definitely the type to play games. I think she’d enjoy rpg ones, but she’s secretly a fan of otome too, especially if the setting and aesthetics lean on a more gothic vibe.
Similarly to what I’ve mentioned in Albedo’s case, you could help Fischl be included in groups, and even though she tries not to break character, she is genuinely honored to make new friends. She may not verbalize it right away, but the blush she tries to hide with her hair and the smile she plays off are indication enough.
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11 notes · View notes
quietlyimplode · 2 years
leave everything but your bones behind
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Whumptober 2022: day 31 - you can rest now
Warnings: none I can think of (but if there anything please let me know).
Word Count: 2.6k (gif not mine)
Summary: Natasha becomes unwell and only the Red Room can fix her. The choice is die or go back to the very place that made her.
A/N: my goodness, look how far we’ve come team.
There have been some people that have been instrumental in making my writers heart sing with their thoughts and comments. I want to thank you properly from the bottom of my heart, but that might have to wait til tomorrow.
I am quite glad this is done as it’s just over 55000 words. I don’t think I’ve written anything this long, and in six weeks, (needless to say all mistakes are my own) it’s been a journey.
Thank you all for sticking with it if you have, or reading parts or commented or liked it. We have reached, the end. <3
Main Masterlist
Whumptober Masterlist
Three months later
Natasha closes her book, the ending somewhat satisfactory. She focuses on the feeling of the sand beneath her, and the sound of the waves of the sea below.
She digs her toes in further, glancing idly at her phone.
They have two hours before they arrive.
She should go help Clint.
Taking one last glance of the empty beach, she smiles softly to herself and picks up the book.
Clint had shooed her out around midday telling her to go finish her book and get the last bit of peace before the others arrived.
She’s laughed as he pushed her out the door, the sun bright, and the day perfect to relax.
Natasha wipes her feet at the door, dusting them off and smelling the cookies through the door, before she even opens it.
“You made cookies?” she calls, entering the house.
It’s not only that, he’s cleaned the house.
Clint rounds the corner, a smile on his face as he sees her.
“I made cookies,” he smiles, “the ones you like with the icing.”
She follows him into the kitchen seeing the brightly coloured cookies cooling on the bench.
Natasha hugs him, feeling more comfortable with touch now than she had when they first arrived. She’s able to offer it, receive it and sometimes even seeks it out.
The progress is praised, but it makes her feel more human, to have made it to this point.
No longer flinching as he kisses the side of her head, she beelines for the cookies, pulling out of his touch.
“How long til they get here?” he asks, looking at his phone.
Natasha shrugs, lost in a memory of the deliciousness of the cookie, the first time she had them.
“You okay?”
She hums, mouth full.
“You remember when you first baked these?” she mumbles.
Clint picks up another cookie that’s shaped like captain’s shield, and bites down on it.
“The first week we got here?” he asks.
She nods, “yeah, it was like the first food I enjoyed in so long.”
He looks at her strangely.
“I didn't know that,” he confesses.
Chewing thoughtfully, she wonders just how much to tell him.
“I don’t think I’d slept in like almost three days, and hardly eaten anything and you made them. The smell broke me out of some panic attacks so much so that I wanted to taste them.”
She pauses.
“So I did. And then I ate another. And I forgot that some food in your stomach could make some of the ugliness go away.”
He looks contemplative, “you went outside the next day?”
Natasha nods, remembering the first step out the door being hard, but the sea had drawn her in.
“It gave me energy to face the day, in a way that I hadn’t been able to.”
He looks at the cookie in his hand.
“Well shit, maybe I should be cooking these more often.”
Laughing lightly, she grabs another and nods.
“Magical cookies you have here.”
They putt about the house, music on in the background, readying the bedrooms for the soon to arrive guests.
Tony arrives early. Entering the house he bursts in without knocking, talking loudly.
“You’d better come help me, the car is full, and I come with food and a whole bunch of toys.”
Clint is first to see him, clasping hands and hugging in delight at the sight of his friend he’s only been talking to on the phone.
“Hey man,” he smiles.
“It’s good to see you.”
Tony hands him a basket of strawberries and then gestures to the car.
“Come help me.”
Clint frowns, “we said not not bring anything.”
Tony laughs.
“Yeah sure, and you think I’d listen?”
The answer is flippant but Clint feels like Tony does everything in abundance, why should this be any different?
Natasha appears, and laughs at them both, carrying a variety of fruit up to their chins.
“We said not to bring anything.”
Tony carries his keys in his mouth as he answers.
“Go help,” comes the muffled reply, and Natasha dutifully heads to his convertible.
Her breath catches when she sees the box of Russian candy.
He’d remembered.
She picks it up, the box fairly light, and hugs it close to her body.
Natasha looks into the car, not seeing anything else to bring in, but hears the roar of Steve’s bike coming up the drive.
Deciding to wait to greet him, Tony and Clint come back out to see what’s held her up, and all three wait.
Steve’s hair is longer than she remembers and for some reason it makes a breath catch in her throat about just how long she’s been away. How long this has taken her, still taking her to heal; to get over this.
But she swallows it down and greets him with a hug as well.
“Hey,” he says, hanging onto her a little longer and a little harder than she’s used to.
“Hey,” she replies.
“Don’t leave me in the tower with Tony again, okay?”
He says it with a tone of seriousness and mirth but she understands the underlying sentiment.
Steve has lost so many people in his life, but in ways they’ve just disappeared or he has.
She nods, grinning, “you guys are bunking together in the same room, you know?”
Tony groans, overhearing the conversation.
“Why didn’t you take me up on the offer for the bigger house on the hill?”
Clint hugs Steve too, taking his bag from his bike and leading the way in.
“Because that’s not what we needed,” he replies with a flick of his hand.
Steve takes in the cottage and all the considerations in it, built perfectly for two spies. Up high enough for Clint, smaller windows for Natasha, multiple exits and he’s sure he’s not seeing everything.
She nudges him.
“What are you thinking about?”
Steve covers his thoughts.
“When does Bruce get here?”
Tony answers readily, and Steve knows he’s been keeping a close eye on everyone from afar.
“He’s coming from an island I bought him. He’ll probably be here tonight.”
Clint nods and opens the back door up, the smell of the sea air permeating through. He shows the two men around whilst Natasha sits in the kitchen, waiting for their return.
He catches her alone in the kitchen, bringing in the glasses that have held wine, spirits and vodka. Taking them from him, she rinses them out, and he grabs a tea towel to dry them.
“Thanks,” she nods.
Tony hands them back to her to put away.
“How are you?” he asks, softly, quietly like the secret can stay between them.
“And don’t give me the bullshit response that you gave the others that things were hard but now they’re better.”
He pauses.
“I know you.”
His piercing stare makes her drop her gaze.
“I know you.”
She nods. He does.
Sometimes she thinks they’re cut from the same cloth and although lives two separate lives, there’s similarities that she loves they share; a darkness that not everyone understands.
“How’s Liho?”
He stares, frustrated at her non answer.
“She’s fine, she’s with Pepper, they’ve got a bond. Did you know she likes being on a lead outside?”
Natasha laughs at that, something she would have never have thought of doing with a stray cat, would be to train it to go on a lead.
He waits her out.
“I don’t know,” she says finally.
“I think I’m okay, but then little things will happen and I won’t be. It was bad that first month. I can’t even tell you what happened, Clint probably can.”
Natasha looks at him as a slight realisation dawns.
“Thank you, for taking care of him, whilst I couldn’t. I know it was you calling and making sure he was okay here.”
Tony waves her off.
“It been getting better, I’m not there yet. I don’t think I’m ready… for a lot of things. There are things that… still hold strong memories, but I’m working on it. I’m working through it.”
She laughs.
“It’s a daily job.”
Tony smiles with her.
“You’re so bored aren’t you?”
Natasha laughs again.
“So much.”
“And the therapist?”
“She’s been so patient. I think I’m her full time job.”
Offering Tony a drink, she sits down at the table next to him.
“Clint’s going now too,” she mentions, “sometimes together, which I think helps.”
“I’ve been seeing mine,” he confesses.
“Seeing you, like that…I think it brought up some things for me.”
They’re quite, hearing Steve, Clint and Bruce talk loudly in the other room.
“Steve’s been going too.”
Tony shrugs.
“I guess we all have a lot of baggage to work through.”
“I think so.”
She clinks her glass with his, and notices Clint at the door.
He still hasn’t been able to leave her for long periods, calling it separation anxiety, but she knows that the fear that she’s going to leave still holds strong.
“You like the therapist?” she calls.
Clint nods, “you guys coming back.”
Tony is first to stand, grabbing his drink and nudging Natasha as they walk back together.
“I’ll help you with the boredom thing.”
She eyes him, pursing her lips and smirking.
“Get it past Clint first and we’ll talk.”
There’s a slight heaviness that settles on her.
She watches the others talk and laugh and can’t help but feel a bit removed, her mind wandering and creating scenarios that she reframed consciously.
They’re here out of pity and curiosity, a part of her says, but she knows it’s not true. They wouldn’t have come out, not here, if they rudely didn’t want to.
Tony wouldn’t have brought her candy, Steve wouldn’t be making plans with her, and the thing that makes her smile, Bruce wouldn’t have come and brought them flowers from his island.
Claiming he didn’t know what to bring, when they told him not to bring anything, he’d turned up with an array of beautiful flowers she couldn’t stop looking at.
“What do you think, Nat?” Clint asks, touching her hand gently, but she hasn’t been listening.
He covers quickly, seeing the confusion pass her face.
“Sweet or sour candy? Steve thinks that sweet candy is the best but Tony contends that sour is, you know my opinion.”
“And I prefer savory, over either,” Bruce comments.
Natasha gives a shrug and comments that she doesn’t mind either option.
“But,” she clarifies, “I’ll always take the sweeter option.”
Clint and Steve look smug as Tony pouts and Bruce cracks up.
Glancing at the time, she realizes it’s just past 1am.
No good thoughts happen past midnight, and it’s likely she needs to go to bed.
Yawning, she stands.
“Sorry boys, I think I need to sleep.”
They nod, standing as well.
“No no, stay, you know where your rooms are?”
Clint throws a pillow at Steve.
“If your old brain can remember where I said,” he goads.
“Hey! Technically he’s older,” Steve exclaims, throwing it to Tony.
“Lies! He’s a year older than me,” Tony growls, throwing it to Bruce.
She can’t help but smile by their antics, but still, she knows if she has any chance at sleep, she needs to go now.
“Goodnight boys, play nice,” she departs, giving them a nod as she heads for her bedroom.
She’d forgotten how exhausting being around people was. Even when it’s people that she loves and likes spending time with.
Quickly brushing her teeth, swallowing the medication and washing her face, she climbs into the cold bed, curls in on herself.
Everything is okay, she rehearses.
Everyone is safe.
Tomorrow will be a good day.
And she hopes like hell she’s not wrong.
“How is she really?” Steve asks, Natasha’s lithe form now not in view.
Clint sighs, knowing the question was coming. They’d all been in various stages of communication after they’d left, Tony checking in the most, Steve a close second and Bruce doing what he can.
He’d kept them updated as much as he could, but how do you tell someone over the phone that someone they love is drowning, and the only lifeline they had was time and space?
“Better,” is the word he decides on, feeling comfortable with it as soon as he says it.
“Lots of things are helping. She wouldn’t have agreed for you to come if she wasn’t in a space to see people.”
He looks to Tony.
“You know she wouldn’t.”
“So… so she just…” Steve sighs and rubs his face, the same way Tony usually does.
“We send her back to Russia, she gets tortured, we rescue her and then she goes looking for them to finish them off… then you two just disappear here for over three months, and she’s just ‘better’?”
Clint feels anger at the oversimplified version of events and the work they’ve done to get here. For Natasha to be better.
“No,” he frowns.
“That’s not it, that’s not…”
He forces himself to take a breath.
“She’s worked hard on getting better, talked to the therapist daily, worked on sleep and talking through things.”
It’s only then he realises Steve has manipulated him.
“We are doing better. We are. It’s just that it takes time and it’s hard.”
His voice peters off.
“It’s hard,” he whispers.
Bruce hands him a cookie and he takes it in thanks.
“She seems better,” he says, “than when I last saw her.”
“And she’s talking more,” Tony adds.
“And she’s better at concentrating and not getting… stuck? I think?” Steve comments.
It’s nice, having them realize that there have been changes, sometimes he’s too close to see any change is happening; sometimes he knows intimately what those changes are.
“Thanks for coming.”
The words are slightly forlorn.
“She’s been looking forward to seeing you all… I have too. I hope you have some fun here, even if it is under.. these circumstances.”
Bruce is first to talk.
“We’re already having fun, Clint, being together, being a team, having parts of us that are more heavy than others, that doesn’t change things. There can still be laughter even if it feels dark.”
“Yeah,” Tony agrees. “I mean look at us.”
“Green man.”
“Metal man.”
Clint can’t help but smile.
“Yeah,” he replies.
“I guess we’re all a little fucked, right?”
Tony laughs.
“I’ll drink to that.”
She’s still awake as he slithers into bed, breath toothpaste fresh as she curls into him.
“Did they find their way to their beds?” she whispers.
He doesn’t even ask her why she’s still up. He doesn’t have to.
“Yeah,” he laughs, “Tony and Steve aren’t so happy they’re bunking together.”
She smiles in the dark.
“It’s late Nat,” Clint states, the clock reading 3am.
“You’re one to talk.”
“Did they ask about her?”
“No, but I think Tony has an update for you.”
“Okay, I have one for him too.”
She closes her eyes, breath slow.
“He said he put Liho on a lead.”
Clint laughs.
“How did that go?”
She smiles, eyes still closed imagining Liho hating every moment.
“Apparently not bad.”
The silence doesn’t last long.
“Not tired?”
Natasha takes a deep breath.
“I think it just feels peaceful, and I don’t know what to do with that. I want to live in it whilst it’s here.”
She hears him huff out a breath.
“You can rest now?”
Natasha hugs him close, kissing the bottom of his chin and rests her head on his chest.
“Yeah,” she breathes.
“I can rest.”
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shallowseeker · 2 years
SPNwin & how Dean is on a road of self discovery and introspection, perhaps even trudging through the middling phase of grieving his own life
Reeling from the end of his life
Following the existential crises and severe moral injury Dean was struck by in events of season 15, it appears that even in Heaven, Dean is still struggling with meaning making.
He's not at peace.
Jack gently chides him for not accepting peace, almost as if the situation went like this: Dean begged for work and Jack relented on the promise of NOT interfering.
So, what's Dean trying to puzzle out?
The core Dean question for me looms large:
Was my life meaningful? Maybe I didn't do enough.
Maybe if my life were different, more perfect and cookie cutter, my life would have added up to something satisfactory.
Dean does not yet believe what Cas told him in 15x18. Dean is still reaching for that ephemeral specter of "perfect" life. As Amara might say, he has not yet accepted his life as it was. Is it penance? Is it healing? I think it's a little of both.
It feels a lit like the bargaining stage of grief to be honest. "If only I could find a place A was possible, I could accept B.
Bobby and Jack are gently nudging Dean forward
I'm not big brain enough to sort out the plot stuff: portals and between worlds, but I loved seeing Bobby and Jack.
Bobby seems wry, careful--almost tiptoeing around Dean.
Jack feels a touch overworked, exhausted, maybe even annoyed.
I think the Chuck traps must be numerous, all throughout the universe. Also, Jack was "the calvary" in this instance that Bobby was running to get. :)
Jack is allowing Dean to "work" through his grief of living (and dying)
Jack's allowing Dean to stay busy and help but is clearly conflicted about the decision to do so. Dean's not in a great headspace, but he seems to be healing a bit, while at the same time reeling from the sum total of his life.
It's no accident that so much of The Winchesters reckons with hunting as a concept. In the end, AU!Mary finds the balance of choosing a life that isn't an "apple pie" fantasy. It's a little bit of everything. Integrated. Open.
And Dean, like Mary, is finding himself. That's why his musical choices are so adventurous and his manner of dress so wildly different from Dean prime. :-) Yes, we got Zepp at the end, but it felt a bit farewell to the perfect ideal of what life "should" have been.
We've recentiy seen Dean angry and in denial, and this whole series was a bit of bargaining and introspection. So, what now? If we're moving linearly through a grief cycle, what's next for Dean is depression and acceptance. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Where is Cas?
It didn't feel to me like Cas was in jeopardy.
It felt more like, in true Cas fashion, he's overworking himself and focusing on the new cause (extinguishing Chuck's fail-safes) and keeping moving. That seems very in-keeping with a lot I've written about how I personally view Cas as something of a tethered soldier. Tale as old as time (for Cas anyways)!
(Cas is busy. Cas is always busy.)
IN FACT, the fact that Cas was not grouped into the family-talk makes me think that The Winchesters might be not so clear-cut cancelled. You know?
Is The Winchesters over? How could it continue?
IF The Winchesters were to continue (it feels quite wrapped up at present), I suppose because this universe is vulnerable due to the portal rip, and you could take the approach that this weak membrane serves as entry point for all sorts of trouble in the multiverse.
All you have to do to up the stakes is put Jack out of commission, really, and the danger rockets right back up to critical, you know? There can always be more monsters, more evil to be had.
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big-meows · 2 years
Salty ask list. 17. Fandom is salty answerer’s choice.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
hhhh hh I can't I can't keep digging up ducktales season 3, it's dead its over and it can't hurt me anymore
but I wouldn't have made Webby a Scrooge-based test tube baby when we could have used that arc to Say Something about how family is a choice instead of doubling down on the superior genetics of clan mcduck
I wouldn't have swept Lena under the rug for two seasons and just kept manufacturing problems for her and undermining her growth made in her previous appearances and always for Scrooge's benefit and never her own. she has her own baggage to deal with and i love magica as much as the next guy but running to her for help was bonkers shit
I wouldn't have introduced Drake and Gos KNOWING my show is ending and that I wouldn't possibly be able to a) bring their arc to something satisfactory before it does or b) make a spin off that makes any kind of sense considering the origin is so mired in the nonsense DT plot. They never got to reach "family" status in the show but no ones gonna pick up the threads laid in DT and pitch a spinoff. They would want to --and presumably are going to-- start from scratch. So why!!!
mmmmmmm season 3 was Bad
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aiswaryam · 7 months
Premium LED Video Walls and Outdoor Advertising Displays in UAE
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Looking for pinnacle-notch first-rate quality LED video wall in UAE and outdoor advertising display in UAE? Explore quality LED video wall in UAE's top rate selection,designed to raise your logo's visibility and captivate audiences throughout the place.
In the short-paced landscape of present day quality LED video wall in UAEand outdoor advertising display in UAE,taking pictures the attention of your target market is important.quality LED video wall in UAE and outdoor advertising display in UAEshows have turn out to be integral gear for companies seeking to make a long-lasting impression in the UAE marketplace.
At quality LED video wall in UAE, outdoor advertising display in UAE focus on presenting advanced exceptional answers that ensure your logo stands out amidst the competition.
Why Choose quality LED video wall in UAE?
Quality LED video wall in UAE provide extraordinary versatility and impact, making them a really perfect choice for agencies throughout various industries within UAE. Whether you are looking to showcase your brand new merchandise,sell upcoming activities, or interact audiences with interactive content material,Quality LED video wall in UAE provide a dynamic platform to carry your message effectively.
At Hawaii LED, outdoor advertising display in UAE know how crucial first-rate is for Quality LED video wall in UAE.Our outdoor advertising display in UAE are carefully crafted the use of the today's generation and top-satisfactory materials to make certain extraordinary overall performance and reliability.With high-resolution presentations and colourful colors, your content will captivate audiences and go away a lasting impression.
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Explore our variety of quality LED video wall in UAE and outdoor advertising display in UAE  today and take your logo to new heights 
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crehancarpentry · 8 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Attic Transformation and Conversion
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An attic is a space located on a house's upper level, immediately beneath the roof. When it comes to managing indoor temperatures, attics play a crucial role. They often contain insulation. They are known for having awkward shapes and difficult-to-reach corners, which makes them an excellent option for the storage of less-used items.
Making changes to your attic is a great way to get more living space and raise the value of your home. The current rate of increase in building costs means that extending your existing home is more cost-effective than renovating a newly purchased home from the ground up. An Attic Conversion in Ireland is a great choice for anyone who wants more space. If you look forward to converting your attic into a useful space, read on to learn some basic things.
Have an idea of what it is that you wish to use the space for. Will it be a living space? With or without a bathroom, the presence or absence of natural light and so on.
Set aside a budget for the renovation of the attic and see what is possible within it.
Gain better awareness of the regulations associated with the conversion of attics and get the requirements met in the form of documentation, if any.
Know the property's structure well. The great majority of attic conversions require steel beams. These beams come in different sizes based on how far apart the walls are spaced.
In certain older homes, the centre wall must be a supporting wall to avoid using steel, and instead, new flooring joists must be used to fill the spaces between the front and back wall plates.
Unless the span is twelve feet or shorter, timber beams cannot be used as an alternative to steel beams.
The span that needs to be covered affects the new flooring joists' size as well.
Certain new homes are constructed with structural timbers already installed to simplify attic conversions.
Insulating the attic floor is widely known to be the most cost-effective way to prevent heat loss from your home.
When insulating the space, do not squeeze fibreglass in a space half its size, causing the air to move out of it, as it would ruin its qualities. The fibreglass's effectiveness is diminished, which is due to the air trapped inside.
Quilted foil insulation can be the solution to many problems.
When choosing quilted insulation, how well it fits is entirely dependent on the fitter's expertise.
There needs to be an airtight seal between the insulation and the plasterboard for it to function correctly. If air can be let out through any openings created by careless installers, the insulation will not be effective.
If an attic room has been granted habitable status by the planning department, one is required to adhere to fire safety standards. It includes:
Making the ceilings of the bedrooms fireproof
Adding a special window for use in the event of a fire.
Putting in fire doors with automatic closers for every door in the house.
Putting in a network of smoke detectors around the house.
Seek professional help when needed in order to gain effective and satisfactory results.
If you do not know where to start with it all, fret not. You do not need to search "Attic Conversion services near me" anymore since Crehan Carpentry and Constructions are here to be of assistance. Forerunners in the market of attic renovations. They strive to provide their clients with only the best of services. Trust them to meet all your needs when it comes to attic renovations. Visit https://crehancarpentry.ie/attic-conversions/ to learn more.
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Pest Control Nampa
Making the Right Choice: Key Considerations For a Reliable Pest Control Service!
Searching for pest control near me services may seem easy, but the decision to hire the right pest control company involves more than a quick online search. Pest infestations can be a nuisance, posing health risks and potential damage to your property. 
It's crucial to choose a reliable pest control service that eliminates pests and ensures the safety of your family and home. 
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In this blog, we'll explore the key considerations to help you make an informed choice when selecting a pest control service.
i. Local Expertise and Reputation
When looking for pest control near me, prioritize companies with local expertise and a solid reputation. A service that knows your area's unique pest challenges is better equipped to address your needs. 
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Check for online reviews, ask for referrals, and research the company's history in your community. A pest control service with a positive reputation is more likely to deliver satisfactory results.
ii. Safety First: Licensing and Expertise
Safety should be paramount in pest control. Ensure that the company you choose is properly certified and has adequate expertise. Licensed professionals are trained to handle pesticides safely and effectively. 
Ask about the company's adherence to safety standards and their products and methods. A reliable pest control service will prioritize your family's well-being using safe and environmentally friendly solutions.
iii. Transparent Pricing and Services
Clear communication and transparent pricing are essential. Request a detailed quote that outlines the services to be provided and their respective costs. 
Be wary of companies that offer vague estimates or try to upsell unnecessary services. A reputable pest control service will be transparent about the scope of work and the associated fees.
iv. Comprehensive Services: Tailored Solutions for Your Needs
When selecting a pest control service, consider their range of services. A reliable pest control company should provide comprehensive solutions to various pest issues. Look for services such as:
• Yard Guard: If you want to protect your outdoor spaces from harmful insects like grubs, ants, earwigs, and spiders, choose a pest control service that offers yard treatments. These treatments create a barrier to keep pests away from your yard, ensuring your outdoor areas remain pest-free.
• Entry Guard: Windows and doors are common entry points for many pests. Whether they are open or shut, pests often find their way indoors. A reputable pest control service should offer specialized solutions to seal these entryways with a special solution that prevents pests from getting in.
• Eave Guard: Aerial pests like wasps, bees, and spiders can threaten your home. Choose a pest control service that provides eave guard services, which involve sweeping your eaves, clean of nests and webs. This protective measure ensures your home remains free from summer swarms.
v. Service across various locations
A reliable pest control company with a wide service area ensures your pest issues are addressed promptly and effectively. 
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Whether you need Pest control Nampa services or Whether you need Pest control Nampa services or assistance in a neighboring town like Meridian, ID, comprehensive coverage means you can count on their expertise no matter where you are located. 
This geographical reach provides convenience and peace of mind, ensuring consistent and reliable pest control solutions regardless of your specific location or changing needs.
Choosing the right pest control service is not a decision to be taken lightly. Your family's safety, property's well-being, and peace of mind are at stake. 
At Green Guard, we understand the significance of this choice. With over a decade of experience, we have committed ourselves to be the trusted partner you can rely on for all your pest control needs. Our local expertise, unwavering commitment to safety, transparent pricing, and comprehensive services make us the ideal choice to protect your home and loved ones.
Contact us today, and let us help you reclaim your home from unwanted Pest control Nampa !
Find Us On Google Map:  ( Green Guard Pest Control )
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