#It could happen I didn't know I was Bisexual until I was 25
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jackdoe · 1 year ago
What's something that most of fandom forgets about Gar that you'd like to take a moment and remind them of?
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I want to take moment to remind people of Gar's crush on Jericho
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caliburn-the-sword · 2 years ago
first cress thoughts!!! and reactions!!! and everything else!!!
i am so sorry that it's literally the first paragraph of the first page but "It was a prison that came with an endlessly breathtaking view" literally no view is breathtaking once you get used to it enough why would a CHILD be banished
omg this poor girl is named after the MOON?? the irony. she literally hides from the moon when she sees it. i would go on about the symbolism and stuff but i'm not going to because my brain is too tired to function rn
cress IS a shell. but then why isn't she dead?? they're meant to be killed. erland mentioned that he lost his daughter and would be about cinder's age, but did he actually SEE it happen?? if not then i reckon she's his daughter (again cause i'm braindead obsessed with ouat not because i'm serious. i'm only 25% sure of this). but i also reckon that she's VERY valuable if she HASN'T been killed. link it to rich people having one rule for themselves and one for everyone else. so either she's useful. or someone wants her alive and is bending the rules for her. otherwise they would not be going to ALL this effort of the satellite
looks like my spy theory in the eastern fed is null - but to be fair cress might just not know about it yet. it's not exactly like she would be trusted with all state secrets and what not
"felt almost like a mother's approval" metaphorically or is sybil ACTUALLY her mother???
i love that despite the stress of having to face off against the queen, figure out how to deal with genetically engineered soldiers and all the weight they have on their soldiers they're still able to act their age and tease each other - except poor cinder
omg does cress have a little crush on thorne??? she is LITERALLY the same as those braindead gen z's on tiktok that simp for killers and stuff
"Cress was convinced that she knew more about Carswell Thorne than anyone else alive" stalker alert!!! lines are blurred tho because this is literally war
oh no. scarlet has a french accent. jail. (but then is everyone speaking the same language?? or does everyone have a universal translator chip inserted???)
"said Cinder, and Scarlet could have kissed her" i KNOW it's figurative language but also i like diagnosing characters with bisexual/too damn hot disease so scarlet is now bi. if it was wolf that i called bi as well then they're bi4bi. but also i don't want to reread the entire first half of scarlet to try and remember which guy it was i decided was bi and for what reason
between cress playing like 10 different video games at once she's basically an ipad kid. her attention span has been fucked up by tiktok (just like me fr) she can't read or watch anything without subway surfers playing beneath it
also something i haven't said before now: i LOVE how all the girls of tlc have noun names. they're just like me fr. it's so gnc of them. i love their names SO much. it's giving nonbinary. evocative but like in a whimsical way~ it's somehow so fantasy but so futuristic at the same time and i live for it
DAMMIT I FUCKING DELETED AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH OF THOUGHT. gonna paraphrase here cause i'm too lazy. i'm very curious that cress calls the people of the moon lunars, mainly because she's lunar herself. like imagine i pass by a car and unironically think "oh there go the humans". it's strange. maybe it's her separation?? or is she part human and thus doesn't see herself as fully lunar??? i don't think it's because she's a shell. since the whole shell eugenics thing is a stand in for the lunar equivalent of poc, people with disabilities, minority religions, queer people etc who are all STILL human beings, hence the shells are still LUNAR. i'm sticking with my partial human theory until proven otherwise.
how FUNNY would it be if cress was completely wrong about thorne and he was just a douchebag and he was just lying after all that for sympathy. however given the textual evidence from scarlet, it would completely explain how he was completely open minded and down to support a lunar cyborg. honestly it makes him a lot more three dimensional. that said cress is still delulu
YES after what happened in scarlet i'm GLAD to see scarlet's mixed feelings towards wolf and his place in what happened to granny. forgiveness doesn't come easy!! love is hard. and yes, he has a dark side!! and she's just a normal girl. she's having one of the most human reactions i've ever seen to that kind of thing in fiction. i would have lost so much respect for her if she just ran back into his arms after all that, even tho i don't fully blame him. thanks miss marissa meyer for not just writing idiot lovesick teenagers. i can't wait to see him earn that trust back
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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localplaguenurse · 1 year ago
Tell me about your boy Jason 🔫
The amount of lore this mf has and you are getting the most condensed version of it!
So Jason is married to @wretchedshade's oc Olivier. He's bisexual and goes by he/they. I've drawn him a couple times now, and will draw more of him when I'm on my writing break.
Before getting married he was Jason Myers, who grew up in a very religious household with a homophobic father, which is where Jason gets his temper. His hair also started going from blond to white prematurely because of a gene on his mom's side of the family where all the men start turning grey before they hit like 35, so he kept dyeing it blonde until he was 25.
As a teen, he started to rebel by drinking and smoking dope, as well as getting into fights and playing "devil's music." When he graduated high school, he left to become lead singer of the metal band Bombshell Pinup (which I might change that name I just don't know what I'll change it to). Musically he was very gifted but things did not turn out well due to his growing addiction issues as well as an extremely abusive ex girlfriend. He left that life behind so he could get his life back on track, opening a flower shop that just so happened to be across the street from his future husband's tattoo parlour.
Nowadays, he's Jason Brodeur, owner of Everyday Persephone. He's been thinking about writing music again, but he and Oli have a daughter now and she is Jason's absolute pride and joy, so they take priority. He's also still haunted by the abuse he suffered in the past and has been clean for years now, he doesn't want to repeat past mistakes now that he's actually happy with his life.
Whenever he and Oli go walking around, they like to joke about being each other's scary dog privileges. On most days, Oli looks super intimidating with his height and tattoos, but he's actually the biggest softy around, where Jason doesn't look as intimidating but will throw a punch the moment the opportunity presents itself.
That is the condensed version. I haven't even gotten into specifics or the million AUs we have for them. You know how you said Wifey is your go to whump character? Jason is mine. I didn't wanna go into detail here but he goes through the fucking wringer. He gets better though so good for him.
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what-if-rpg · 2 years ago
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Welcome to the family, KARY! Your application to ARTIE ABRAMS was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Arthur Tristan Abrams (Artie) CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28. November 19 OCCUPATION: Audio Supervisor for a Reality show (Love is Blind). FACE CLAIM: Kevin McHale HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Hometown: Lima, Ohio, lives in New York. SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Bisexual, male. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Divorced, but doesn't talk about it much. POSITIVE TRAITS: Smart, funny (quick-witted), and independent. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, insecure, secretive. CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: "I gave up on being Nice. I started putting more value on other qualities instead: passion, bravery, intelligence, practicality, humor, patience, fairness, sensitivity." — Anna Kendrick,
During his last semester of College, Artie got an internship offer on a very prestigious tv show. Since it was very demanding, he quit school just months before graduation. He was expecting to get a job offer once his internship period was over, but it didn't happen. He's been working in tv -jumping from one tv show to another -ever since. He makes pretty good money and has been in some projects he's really loved, even if the tv was never his dream.
He writes a lot in his free time. He's got a handful of screenplays that could be solid movies, but he's done nothing to develop any of them.
Artie got married at 25 after getting an old acquaintance pregnant. They sadly lost the baby and got divorced five months after. He never even told his family ( or most of his friends) that he got married.
Artie has a pretty active sexual life (he is openly bisexual) but hasn't had a relationship since the divorce.
PARENTS: Jonathan and Nancy Abrams : they were always good, present parents. They became pretty over protective after the accident, his father driving him everywhere and his mom quitting her job to care for him. He loves them profoundly but has made a real effort to be independent of them and never asks anything from them. He hides a lot from them. ISABELLA, WREN & HAZEL ABRAMS (Half-Siblings): Has met them several times but has never made an effort to have an actual relationship with them. BRITTANY PIERCE (Ex-Girlfriend & Close Friend): One of the people he trusts the most. She's one of the few people who know about his lost family. TINA COHEN-CHANG (Ex-Girlfriend & Friend): They dated twice (once in high school and once in College), and Artie genuinely cares for her to this day, but there's a small part of him that needs to show her she made a wrong decision when she broke up with him. So, even if there's a genuine friendship between them, Artie always goes out of his way to pretend he's living his best life in front of her. EX-WIFE (Open to anyone that could be interested in portraying this connection): They knew each other for some time but didn't like each other until they had drunk hate-sex and she got pregnant. They decided to get married for the baby, but she sadly lost it while giving birth. They got a divorce five months after, even if Artie didn't want to do so.
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raspberryconverse · 1 year ago
I definitely could have used Heartstopper 25 years ago.
I already wrote a post about this, but I honestly didn't realize I was bisexual until I was 18. Nick's whole story about having a crush on his rugby coach and not realizing it really struck a nerve with me because I think I had crushes on friends that I didn't realize were crushes. And even on my first watch, I thought, "Nah, that was never me."
Of course, that makes me wonder if I'd have spent as much time with Rachael if I realized our close friendship and near inseparability was a crush. Honestly, I think when I came out, she might have realized it was a crush when I didn't. I know she got a little weird about it because we did things like smack either others asses and jokingly call each other sexy. That all stopped when I came out.
Last week on Facebook she posted a side by side of a photo from high school that her mom unearthed with a current photo. A mutual friend joked that he stood by his theory that she was a Christian ska nerd in high school, which I had to counter, "Ska nerd? Yes. Christian? No, but she was really into MxPx." Another friend replied, "MxPx!" and I went into how I remembered her playing their Let It Happen CD for me and gushing about how much she loved it, specifically "Do Your Feet Hurt." She applauded my excellent memory.
And why do I remember that so vividly? I think I know why.
If I had had Heartstopper as a tween/teen and saw that scene, I think I might have put the pieces together sooner. IDK what that would have done for my life, but I gotta wonder. Maybe there would have been others who figured it out sooner. Maybe that would have been in my favor.
As a grown ass adult who found a home in Heartstopper, I sometimes wonder what my life would’ve been like if this show/the comics existed 20 years ago.
I’m so thankful we all have it now. Amazing that even at my age, I’m healing and being confident in my bisexuality.
Thanks @chronicintrovert 🩷
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thetrashywritingwitch · 4 years ago
I just saw the post you made about bisexuality and like:(( I dealt with so much struggle accepting I was bi because people I know were so against the LGBT+ community and even those who DID accept it were like “bi? lies”. so many people said there was no way you could like both genders at once so you’re just going back and forth based on who you like at that moment which??? no???
i’m sorry for the vent here feel free to just ignore this ask if you don’t wanna answer but like ahdjfjf
I feel weird coming out to people now just because I have had zero experience with women at all. I came to terms with being bi not that long before I met my bf, and i’m in a conservative area so being open about liking both is A Bad Idea. I accepted that some of the attraction I felt to people I met was because I wanted to date them, but I was not ever wanting to pursue it since I still lived at home, and now i’m in a long term relationship.
i’ve had people ask if I feel like i’m missing out since i’ve never even kissed a girl lmao. all my friends who are bi have kissed a girl (or more) except me because they all came to terms with it way before we all met the guys were currently with
first of all, thanks for feeling comfortable being open with this even if its on anon. i know its not always easy to talk about or be transparent about sexuality and gender and things like that so i'm glad you feel comfortable coming here to share your feelings and story
but yeah, i feel a lot of this VERY hard. i've been attracted to women since i was much younger, like middle school, but i had zero interaction with the LGBTQA+ community. I knew guys could be gay, but i had no idea at the time that girls could like other girls. like it didn't cross my mind at all as a thing! I had a massive crush on my best friend in high school and i remember her saying something bigoted one time like "girls who like other girls weird me out i dont get it" even though we had a gay guy friend so there's some big anti wlw issues there that i'd like to think she addressed later on (we aren't friends anymre and no longer talk). but i remember just being really bummed out when i heard that on a level outside of the casual homophobia and i just.. didn't understand why at the time.
but i'm sorry you've had folks say stuff like that to you and invalidate your experiences and attraction. it sucks!!! we can't control how we feel or who we're attracted to, it JUST IS and JUST HAPPENS and we should be totally cool with whoever it is regardless of gender.
and i feel you on the lack of experience with women. i'm an adult, been only with cis men my entire life and have a long term partner of almost a decade but i've never dated or been with folks of other genders and yeah... sometimes it does feel like im missing out because i just didn't get to experiment or date around before i found my partner. who i love dearly and am happy with. but yeah, the feeling hits me sometimes and i do feel guilty about it. i didn't come to terms with being bi until i was like... 25. and i'm uh, closeted still to all my family. none of them know and i'm too scared to tell them. and idk if i can gather up the courage to be honest about it. one day. idk.
so we're kinda in the same boat of being in relationships but having no experience outside of what we currently know. and sometimes i do feel judged and invalidated for that, but know that you're not alone and i hope that your partner supports you and understands and looks at hot ladies with you at the very least <3
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rj019 · 5 years ago
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The characters don't belong to me. All credits to Marvel or Disney or Stan Lee idk.
So this is my first ever Tumblr Post (人*´∀`)。*゚+
Hope you guys will like it.. I'm new to this & I might make some mistakes so I hope you guys can understand and help me throughout my journey (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Title : Genius, YouTuber, Artist, Musician and Spider-Man
Fandom : MCU
Pairing : Starker(tony stark x peter parker)
Rating : Mature (NSFW, Sexual Content)
Prompt : Social Media
Summary :
Tony started crushing on a guy who is 5 years younger than him... And You all know who that is 😉 one and only Peter Parker.
And Peter has a very famous Youtube channel since he was 6. But he always wears mask in his videos to hide his face. He often mentions his crush on Tony Stark since he was 12 in his videos.
" CHAPTER - 0 "
The notes below are for the things that happened till Peter is 20 from when I'll actually start the story. I didn't wanted to get it all mixed up. So I wrote these so you guys can understand the AU better and how everything came to be and not get confused. It explains everything about Pete's social media, everyone's ages and which part of MCU is included and which is not, and the changes in the whole storyline. So these are must read it if you want to read the actual chapters. (☆▽☆)
Notes :
Tony is 25 year old in this and Pete is 20 and they're both certified geniuses. And they are both Bisexual.
Tony's perants are alive. Pete's uncle Ben is also alive.
Howard is a good parent and husband in this fic and he himself is a Bi so congrats!! No homophobia 🤗
Howard made Tony CEO of the company when he was 22 and only took semi retirement and only went to company once in a while to keep an eye on things. Tony graduated from MIT when he was 17 and then he started helping with company 😀
So Avengers and S. H. I. E. L. D. does exist in this AU but sheild isn't publicly known nor does anyone knows Avengers' real identity that includes Tony's😉 but that was just until New York battle.
Howard and Maria obviously knew about Tony being Iron Man. Tony told them after he came from Afghanistan and created the armor. There was no way to keep it hidden from them. Like all the parents they were reluctant to accept it as it will endanger his life but the accepted it at last.
Tony was kidnapped when he was 19 and when he went to Afganistan for his first ever deal without his father. And bla bla happened and he became Ironman and then he told his father about the Arc reactor tech and told him that there are many other things that can get their company to it's peak and asked him to stop the weapon business and Howard aslo thought about it cause after all he almost lost his one and only son (told ya he is good parent it this one) and then you know what happened 🙃
Howard is alive so no Obadiah Stane.. So no IM 1 events after he came from Afghanistan happened. They hid the fact that tony has arc reactor in his chest though. And world only knew that Iron Man is getting help from SI because of the arc reactor technology in the armor but they could never expect that it's Tony Stark himself. ( yeah yeah I know not very convincing but bear with it cause its a fiction right😅)
Papper, Rhodey and Tony are best friends from childhood cause their parents are friends. So he tell them about IM too. Papper works with him at SI as secretary for few years but when Tony turns 24, He suggest his father to make her CEO and he will be working and providing for Techs and important business deals. And Howard knows his son very well and that doing office stuff ain't getting to Tony plus his IM activities. And Papper was already doing more than half of his paper and meeting work so he makes Papper CEO. And yep Papper and Tony did try relationship but it just didn't clicked so they are still friends and no awkward feelings.
From IM 2, he did get palladium poisoning but he hid it from his family and friends. He did parties and drinking (but without the armor ofcourse) and Rhodey got really angry at his behaviour and recklessness and told him that he will beat him up with his own armour. And then Nat and Fury came and all that injection stuff.. after that he told his father about it and they worked together and made the new element and saved him. After that he apologized to everyone and told the truth and even made Rhodey War Machine suit and Rhodey helped him with it at Expo. Race incident doesn't happen. But Vanko still tried to get revenge by helping Hammer. So Stark expo incident still happened with drones only, not the War Machine armour.
I'll say IM 3 doesn't happen cause we don't have that much time you know fitting all IM parts and then 2 avangers part just within 6 years is impossible 😅
So after that NY invasion happened and Avangers got formed. People didn't know who they atually were just their alter egos and that also not everyone. People were really shocked and afraid after the battle so the government decided to make shield publicly known. Not all the information but just lil bit parts here and there to ensure everyone that there were people and organisation who were ready for something big like this. But it was still not enough to make people safe.
So then Avengers decided that they'll reveal their identities so people will know that there is a group of people who are there and capable enough to save them from something like this and it worked. They did got positive response. But it was uproar it the world. And they had to deal with media and fans. When the world got to know about Tony Stark being Iron Man, SI's PR department was in chaos.
All Avengers are around 24 to 30 except for Wanda and Pietro. They are 21. But they got into team after Ultron and yep Pietro survived.
Events of Captain America and CA : Winter Soldier did happen except for Bucky killing Tony's perants part. And they are both 30. Clint doesn't have secret wife and children (sorry Laura and kids) cause he is 25. Nat is 24. Papper and Rhodes are 27. Thor looks like 28 but is 1500 as we all know. Loki looks like he is 26 and yepp he was mind controlled by Chitauri but he was at Asgard during Age Of Ultron. Sam is 23. Scott is 25 and he is divorced and has a daughter. He is in relationship. Hope is 24. Bruce is 29. (These are their ages at the starting of the 1st chapter, from when I'll actually start writing the story.)
In NY invasion only original 6 were included in Avengers Initiative and after that they lived together too, at the Stark tower which was turned into Avengers Tower. Later Shield recruited others and they trained and did mission together but didn't live with the original 6.
Then Age Of Ultron happened and Vision Wanda and Pietro also joined. At that time they decided to move to the compound Tony built for them in upstate so everyone can live there.
And time period between these all events is smaller than in movies cause you now 6 years time period ain't that long to fit 'em all.
No CW or IW or Endgame happened.
Mary & Richard unfortunately had to die in plane crash 😅 when Pete was 5 so his uncle and aunt looked after him from then.
When Peter was struggling to recover from his parents death, May got an idea to help him *tada* a youtube channel to distract him because she knew Pete liked to watch things on YT. Pete was a genius and he was great at art too and he is an obvious cinnamon roll so she knew it will be a success and Pete will be distracted too. But she didn't want her nephew's face all over the internet if he gets popular and then can't have normal life so she helped him make his videos with him wearing a mask. So here's where Pete's YouTube journey started 🤭
Peter being an adorable and telented and a genius he is, he got famous on YT over the years and got millions of subscribers and views. He even made accounts on other social medias like Insta and Twitter stuff releted to his YT when he was 12 and it was success too he posted his art and photography their. ( His art and videos do contain his fanboying stuff and crushing on Tony Stark🤭)
And yes Pete is Spider-Man. He became SM when he was 13. Same radioactive spider at oscorp stuff but without Ben dying.
Ben has his own business which is good enough to have stable and cozy life with his wife and nephew. May is house wife and she likes to do volenteer work oftenly. They have two story house with a garden and a backyard. Nither too big nor too small.
Ben has always taught Pete about responsibility and righteousness. (With great powers comes great responsibilities.) So when Peter got his powers he decided to help people by being Spider-Man and looking out for little guy. After sometime he told Ben and May about it and they were at first hesitant but then they got over it and were proud of him and supported him.
After a year, it was getting too much at the same time... being at school, managing social media and YT channel, being Spider-Man and all.
Ben and May wanted him to have normal life so even if he was a genius and could graduate early, they still wanted him to complete high school and make friends. But let's be genuine nothing in life is gonna be normal so he told them about his plan to graduate early from both school and college. And he loved his YT and social media cause it helped him so he didn't wanted to stop that and to stop being SM is out of the picture. Ben and May understood him so they allowed him.
He took this opportunity to tell his only 2 and closest friends Ned and MJ about him being SM. He trusts them alot and they didn't disappoint him and even helped him with keeping his secret identity.
So he graduated from high school early, got full scholarship to MIT.
He was fifteen when he saw Iron Man first. He and Ned became fans but Tony was still his idol and his crush. He also started making fanarts about Iron Man on his account. He liked Dr.Banner's work too. He was only 20 when he wrote his thesis about gamma radiation and his books are awesome and he has 7 PhDs by the age of 25.
Peter earned a good amount from his YT channel and he still had money his perants left so he made one of the vacant room in the house his lab after he became SM and he makes videos in his lab after that about his inventions and experiments but ofcourse nothing regarding SM. He and Ned even made a cool SM suit with AI which they named Karen. (The one from the Homecoming) He got his AI inspiration from his Idol's AI called JARVIS. (Tony made JARVIS when he was at MIT and then used him for the company and his lab and he gave an interview about it. That's how Pete knows about it. Tony used Friday for his suits and IM releted activities after he became IM but then after AOU he used Friday for everything.)
Pete's YouTube videos are about everything and anything he loves to do since he was young. When he was young it was about his lil childish science experiments with help of Ben (ofcourse till he could it on his own) or his art or baking and cooking stuff with May and all but they all always wore the different different matching masks while making videos. When he became friends with Ned and MJ, he asked them to be there too. As he got older he started showing his genius brain cells in his experiments and invention. Same goes for his art, it started getting more and more detailed and he also got interested in composing music and songs and he eurned more followers. He even made his accounts unhackable so no one try to find out who he is after he became SM. He had so many happy moments with his family and friends while making his videos, that is why he kept his YT and accounts.
Shield doesn't know who the Spider-Man is. Pete found out about them cause he sensed someone (agents) following him during one of his patrols when he was 14. So he and Ned looked into it and his mind was blown when he found the organisation and all government behind it.
He wanted to know why they were after him cause he only helped people. So they hacked into Shield. He found out that they wanted to recruit him for something called Avangers Initiative and there he saw some other people's and superheroes' information too. (He didn't look into it because he knew that if he didn't anyone want to know his identity, they must not too and he had no right. ) But he knew it was not a good idea to join it cause then he will have to work for them do their missions and he didn't wanted to do that. He wanted to look out for little guy and help whoever, he can wherever he can. Plus he would have to reveal his identity and when they'll know he is so young, they'll try to stop him from being SM plus people close to him will get in danger. And they might even want to experiment on him so it was a big fat NO.
After that he took every cautious step to protect his identity and his aunt, uncle and his friends. He made a security system for their house and made a smart bracelet to communicate or send signal to each other if they were in danger. They all had one including himself. It looked simple and no one could tell it was actually for that.
When Newyork invasion happened, he was not there. He was at MIT for his PhD. He was so damn worried about Ben, May, Ned and MJ. The moment he heard the news he left for NY but by the time he got there the fight had been finished. So he directly went to check on May and Ben. He found them safe and was revealed. Then he called Ned and MJ to check on them and their families and found everyone was ok. After that he told May and Ben that he will go out and help people from the aftermath of the battle.
He stayed in NY for 2 weeks. In which he found out about the Avengers. He and Ned were shocked at the name and that it was the same Avengers Initiative stuff they read when they hacked into the sheild and Peter felt a pinch of guilt but it disappeared when he learnt that Avengers revealed their identities. He was in no condition to reveal his identity.
He was shocked when he learnt Avengers' identities especially Iron Man. He was like "how could I not understand that it had to be Tony.. there were all those connection like SI and no one is such a genius to make that kind of Tech except for his idol. He fell in love with Tony even more but he just thought it was some kind of superhero worship and teenage crush.
After that Ned and him being the 'nerds' as MJ calls them they are, they become fanboys and started to find out more thing about Avengers. Pete started to post more fanarts of them and he even made the reaction video of how he feels about Tony Stark being Iron Man and Bruce Banner being Hulk. Both his favourite scientists. He even made a song for Avengers. Which was total hit so he made more songs in the future.
Pete graduated from MIT even earlier than his Idol Tony Stark at the age of 16. He got his PHD in Biochemical Engineering at 17 and he wanted to get more Phds in Robotics, Nenotech Engeneering study and Astrophysics. (Which he did within next 2 years.) (Pete was 16 when NY invasion happened and 19 when Ultron happened)
And then Ultron happened, it was all over the news and all but Avangers once again saved the world. Pete was happy and revealed that there were Avengers to save them from world ending dangers but there gotta be someone down on the street too. Someone to help people from criminal and other dangers which may seem little in their or government's eye like Rhino, Doc Oct, Green Goblin, lizard, electro and many more with whom he fought. And he felt that his decision to not join Avengers Initiative was right. Though Shield was still eager to find out who he is like he will let them.
And then Homecoming happened except the part with Tony. ( But Peter doesn't go to homecoming because he graduated from high school )
As for the Ferry incident he saved everyone. He held the both part of ferry with his web and his strength ( Pete is very very strong in this fic ) till his latest Nenotech bot he invented arrived and held the ferry together and mend it. (Like Iron Man did. Just that it were bots who fixed the last part too. Where Tony flys around it and mend it.)
Peter had figured out the arc reactor technology a year and half ago but he didn't wanted any one to know cause it will attract the attention of many people and he didn't wanted that. That is also the reason he doesn't use his Nenotech suit he made. ( IW one ) But now that he has used his nenobots and his tech which was even better and cheaper, he knew for sure that it's going to fireback but he thought he'll take care of it later when he is not busy trying to capture a curtain alian tech loaded weapon selling Vulture.
Next day he had asked Karen to keep and eye over everything and at night Karen informed him about some movements at some abandoned warehouse. Then the whole warehouse dropping and plane crashing thing happened. He saved the Mr.stark's tech and averages stuff and weapons.
But now he will even have more attention but he then ask Karen to clear CCTV footage around the beach so no one knows about him leaving from the scene. He can only hope now. He'll have to lay low for now and even more careful.
Hope you guys will like it. I have thought so much for this fic. It's going to be exciting writing this.
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fearlyssa · 7 years ago
Something to consider
In honor of Karlie’s birthday today here’s something for those who don't believe Taylor could be with Karlie because they chose to only believe Taylor’s own words: a list of the lyrics on Reputation (Taylor’s own words) that reference Karlie vs those that reference Joe. I tried my best to be impartial and include everything on both sides but just a warning it’s SUPER long! So if you don’t feel like reading it or don’t have the time then keep scrolling. But for anyone who’s interested here’s what I came up with (including explanations of the references and links if I have them; feel free to disagree or add any I missed, I tried to think of everything so I realize some may be a bit of a stretch)
Lyrics that point to Karlie:
Ready for it:
1. Younger than my exes (she’s 26 today, younger than most people Taylor has supposedly dated, male or female)
2. No one has to know (they’re closeted)
End Game:
3. We got big reputations (they’re both famous; Joe was relatively unknown until recently)
4. You and me would be a big conversation (they’re both famous and both women who are supposedly dating men so if they were found out - at least right now - it would cause a scandal)
Don't blame me:
5. I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I'd lose my mind
6. For you I would fall from grace, just to touch your face (This applies to the line above as well; her reputation would be ruined if people found out she was lying about her dating life causing her to “fall from grace” but she loves her enough to risk it by continuing to date her secretly)
7. I once was poison ivy but now I’m your Daisy (at first listen this line might sound like nothing more than a Mavel and/or Great Gatsby reference but according to this person they both like Marvel comics and check out how the daisy she drew in the handwritten lyrics in one of the Reputation magazines looks just like the one Karlie posted from their Big Sur trip in 2014. 👀
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8. Dark jeans and your Nikes (she models for Adidas now but was doing Nike ads when they met)
9. Never seen that color blue (maybe a stretch but Karlie's eyes are a shade of green that can sometimes look blue so that may be a shade of blue she's never seen before. And I won’t add this to the list because it’s not Karlie-specific but the girls back home line is also not necessarily straight as lesbians and bisexuals, just like guys, date women and ‘back home’ can reference anyone who’s not from exactly where you’re from. They’re from different parts of the country for instance)
So it goes:
10. All eyes on us (they're both famous, have been on stage together three times and used to often be seen together by paps in public - which I do believe was on purpose; this line reminds me of the chorus of This is what you came for too)
11. Lipstick on your face (there's candids of Karlie with lipstick smudged on her face in pictures with Taylor from July 14th 2014 - as well as pictures of Taylor from her 25th birthday - and I believe another day too -, where she’s with Karlie and has on one shade of lipstick but a while has Karlie’s shade of lipstick smudged over hers and vice versa. Note how their lipstick looks in the top two photos from her birthday party compared vs the bottom two)
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12. I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk (the weird way Karlie says important)
13. Your magnetic field being a little too strong (they’re very physically affectionate with each other and often bump shoulders when sitting next to each other as if they literally have magnets in them)
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14. I got a boyfriend, he's older than us (she often dates guys older than her and Karlie is younger than them and her. Imo it refers to her bearding with Calvin specifically)
15. You’re so Gorgeous I can’t say anything to your face (At VSFS 2013 where they first met Taylor looks in awe of her like she doesn’t know what to say. She definitely looks like she thinks she’s gorgeous and while the term could refer to anyone, it's usually a female descriptor and she's literally a model for a living who is known for her beauty and has, seemingly on purpose, used the word on IG right around when the song came out. And on an unrelated note I also want to point out that the ‘If you got a girlfriend’ line is not strictly male-oriented so although it’s not specifically Karlie-related it could still apply to a bisexual or lesbian woman)
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King of my heart:
16. like trying on clothes (another somewhat female reference and she's a model so she does that for a living so therefore even more often than most people)
17. Move to me like a Motown beat (As mentioned in the caption of their IG post about it she & Karlie listened to Motown while getting ready for the Met Gala in 2014 so it's safe to say they’re both fans of the genre and enjoy listening to it together)
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18. American queen (I know they're both American but Karlie has referred to her as an American dream before which you'll notice was the original lyrics when Taylor was writing & recording the song)
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19. Your love is a secret I'm hoping, praying, dying to keep (this is pretty obvious but if she’s closeted then her love life is obviously a secret she’d want to keep)
20. Drinking beer out of plastic cups (I know this line is pretty general and she seems to be referring to a different time when she was up on a roof but it should be noted that the only time she’s been seen drinking beer in a plastic cup prior to the album coming out she was with Karlie)
21. Our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you (you can see them having private moments at events in candid photos and videos such at award shows, the VSFS and at the 1975 concert. All times when tons of people were around but didn’t seem to notice or care if they were affectionate with each other because everyone knows they’re close and just thinks they’re friends)
22. Golden tattoo (they wore them together at Drake's birthday party last October. And maybe this is reaching but some of them were stars and “gold star” lesbians are those who have never “been with” a man, Idk about Taylor, but Karlie is rumored to be one.)
23. I don't want you like a best friend (they’re known as best friends so that one’s obvious)
24. I’m spilling wine in the bathtub (in the photo of her and Karlie getting ready for the Met Gala in 2014 you can see that Taylor has drunk wine in the bathroom with Karlie before)
25. Everyone thinks that they know us but they know nothing (A common problem when you’re famous because a lot of people know OF you but don’t really KNOW you or your relationships like they might think they do. She also references this in the album prologue but when it comes to Joe, not many people knew of him before he dated her so he doesn’t have a big reputation or people who think they know him) Dancing with our hands tied:
26. I loved you in secret (again sounds like it references being closeted)
27. 25 years old (Karlie’s age up until today and *almost* Taylor’s age when Kissgate happened)
28. People started talking putting us through our paces (again sounds like it refers to Kissate; people didn't talk about her and Joe, only the media did months later when the album was already finished and she says never to believe them anyway. Plus you have to wonder how they already knew of her secret relationship with him even before pictures had come out of them together)
29. I had a bad feeling...but we were dancing, dancing with our hands tied (they were dancing closely/kind of kissing at a 1975 concert in 2014 and someone got a video and pictures that made it into many articles starting Kissgate. You can see in pictures how upset Karlie and their friends looked walking back from the concert that night carrying a very drunk Taylor. Maybe she knew there'd be a shit storm about it the next day but didn't care and did it anyway because she was so drunk. Their hands would then have been tied metaphorically speaking and they would’ve had to do what they had to do which was to keep dating guys publicly and to stop being seen alone together)
30. I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would decide us (as the world sometimes tries to do with gay relationships, not so much straight ones)
31. So baby can we dance, oh through an avalanche (same points as above ^)
Call it what you want:
32. My baby's fit like a daydream (I know "fit" is English slang but still, Karlie is quite physically fit - she literally ran a marathon like the day after the song came out and in the Vouge Best friends video Taylor mentions her shiny abs)
33. Walking with his head down (I realize she's not a man but being as tall as she is she does do that a lot)
34. So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to (some people say they're friends, others say they're in a romantic relationship, a lot of people think they broke up or are no longer friends and don’t even talk anymore etc.)
New Year's Day:
35. This is maybe a slight stretch but the references to a girl's party and polaroids that she often takes with her friends make me think of women and not really men, and as someone whose been to her house I can vouch that she has a lot of polaroids of her female friends; many of Karlie specifically displayed in her sitting room as well as a photo of them at Big Sur that she keeps in one of her bathrooms but not as many photos of guys who it’s hard to imagine would fit in all that well at a party like that but maybe that’s just me)
lyrics that refer to Joe:
In general:
1. The words he, him & his (and anything else masculine-sounding like the word handsome and king in reference to a current relationship. I guess this is a bunch of references but I didn’t actually count how many times she said he on the album because that would be a lot. lol):
Ready for it:
2. Younger than my exes (some of them anyway; her two most recent ones)
Don't blame me:
3. Toying with them older guys (he's younger than Calvin and Tom as is she however note that she's admitting to using them which seems like more of a reference to a bearding contract unless we're to believe she's admitting to being horrible to her exes)
4. never seen that color blue (his eyes are blue)
5. girls back home (they live in different counties)
So it goes:
6. wear you like a necklace (she has one with his initial on it. I’ve been told it’s a lesbian term as well but I didn’t add it to Karlie’s list as it’s not specific to her)
7. I got a boyfriend he's older than us -Sunset & vine (where his movie premiere was last October although we now know the song was written in September and interestingly enough the area is also well-known for it's gay bars)
King of my heart:
8. king of my heart (king is a male term and they have royalty in England)
9. Say you fancy me not fancy stuff (fancy is British slang for liking someone)
10. salute to me I'm your American queen (she’s American and he’s from the UK where they still have royalty)
11. flashback when you met me your buzz cut, my hair bleached (if it's in fact true that they met at the Met Gala in 2016 that they both attended then that's a reference to the hairstyles they both had at the time though tbh the timeline doesn't really make sense for that to be true)
Call it what you want:
12. My baby's fit like a daydream (Fit is British slang for attractive and he's also physically fit)
13. Call it what you want (in reference to weather or not the relationship is real)
14. I want to wear his initial on a chain around my neck (because she wears a necklace with a J on it)
So there you go. I'm not saying you have to believe the album is about Karlie or not about Joe but there do appear to be a LOT more references to her so I'll just leave it up to you to decide what you want to believe, I just thought I'd post this to prove that there is in fact evidence to support Kaylor, it's not just a baseless conspiracy theory.
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aconstantode · 3 years ago
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#i don't know anything about warriorcats but i've never seen more definitive documentation that no one on social media can fucking read
My Top Posts in 2021
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kasuga Ichiban/Mukouda Saeko, Kasuga Ichiban & Mukouda Saeko, Kasuga Ichiban & Han Joon-gi Characters: Kasuga Ichiban, Mukouda Saeko, Adachi Koichi, Han Joon-gi Additional Tags: Sensory prompts, Shipping If You Squint, Fluff, Slice of Life Summary:
Glimpses of the small moments that get drowned out in the big city. Even if they seem forgotten, they stick to the back of the mind like flypaper in summer. WIP
0 notes • Posted 2021-02-24 16:00:42 GMT
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Adachi Koichi/Kashiwagi Osamu Characters: Adachi Koichi, Kashiwagi Osamu, Kazama Shintaro | Fuma Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, 1980s, Murder Mystery, Rare Pairings, Closeted Character, Bisexual Male Character, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Eventual Smut, Pre-Canon Summary:
Before the angry spluttering could get any further, Kashiwagi kissed him roughly. He shut his eyes to any reaction, but he heard the sharp intake of breath through Adachi's nose. That alone almost pushed him back, until Adachi's hand wrapped around the back of his neck. As the kiss ended, he kept Kashiwagi's face close enough to his that Kashiwagi could feel the smirk on his lips. “I don't even get a hello?” Kashiwagi gritted his teeth, but still loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor. “No.”
December, 1986: A Tojo body washes up in Yokohama. What the police assume to be an open and shut case drags a young Detective Adachi Koichi into the intrigue surrounding the Kazama Family, and its current de facto leader.
2 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 15:04:34 GMT
The Creative Process
me: Okay, time to make some progress in writing the plot today
my goblin brain: oooor you could keep writing one of the sex scenes that won't happen for at least four chapters
3 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 16:25:27 GMT
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Disco Elysium (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Du Bois & Kim Kitsuragi Characters: Kim Kitsuragi, "Eyes", Harry Du Bois Additional Tags: Character Study, Grief/Mourning, Character Death, Heavy Angst, Kim has Shivers whether he likes it or not, Canon-Typical Violence, Pre-Canon, Non-Linear Narrative, Canon Compliant, One Shot, Gratuitous action scenes, Hurt/Comfort, post-tribunal flavor, Medical Procedures Summary:
EMPATHY - This partner of his, Eyes -- things didn't end well. It saddens him to say his name. Don't even ask. He wouldn't answer.
  EMPATHY - This is not the first person to die in his place.
  An exploration of who Eyes was, what happened to him, and how Kim weathered the aftermath. Also covers some of what went down in Harry's post-Tribunal blackout.
6 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 16:20:06 GMT
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kasuga Ichiban/Mukouda Saeko Characters: Kasuga Ichiban, Mukouda Saeko, Adachi Koichi Additional Tags: Sensory prompts, Shipping If You Squint, Fluff, Slice of Life Summary:
Glimpses of the small moments that get drowned out in the big city. Even if they seem forgotten, they stick to the back of the mind like flypaper in summer. WIP
9 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 16:51:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ljustcallmeyourdaddyl · 4 years ago
Dom related questions
I saw a 30 days of dom space picture and decided that instead of doing 30 days that I'd do it all today and remove some of the questions that don't seem to fit, i.e. my favorite food or dream house. 1. What do you like being called by your sub? I like being called master. It demands authority and it seems to roll off of her tongue a bit better than daddy or papa. 2. Do I have a sub? Yes, I do. My sub is @daddyssubmissiveropebunny she's my cute, yet dark and kinky bunny. She looks fabulous with a leash and collar. 3. How long have you been a dom? I was in my early 20's when I learned about BDSM and being a dom. I didn't really get a chance to implement it when I was married, my ex was very vanilla and extremely picky when it came to toys, and play methods, so it was always at the back of my mind. It wasn't until 5 years ago I had a chance to try it and I liked it! 4. What is your favorite method of punishment? Flogging and paddling. I used to love choking, but now that Bunny is expecting we can't choke anymore. 5. Describe the perfect date with your sub A hike in the woods, somewhere that not everybody goes to, so we can be alone to talk and have a little fun without someone showing up and ruining our fun. 6. What are the rules you give your sub? I don't have many rules. *Use the safeword without fear and with confidence if she wants to stop. *Her mental and physical health come before me. *Ask for permission before orgasming *Aim for cuddling time a few times a week *Now that she's expecting, when she's not working, having sex or parenting, she should be resting. *If something is bothering her, she must speak up. *If she's alone and horny when I'm at work, send me a message to be granted permission to enjoy herself. 7. Favorite outfit to see your sub/little in Something like this with a collar
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8. Do you give spankings, if so what is your favorite implement? I love spanking, and flogging. I have a purple and black flogger that I really love. I got it from etsy, it's both beautiful and strong. 9. Are you sexual? Yep, well only with my sub 10. Does your sub have rules for you? She has a few *To refresh my self with the Milestones for Master's chart at least once a week. *To treat her with the utmost respect *Whatever happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom, unless specified. *Be open about my feelings. 11. What inspires you to be dominant? I guess it's really the fun and the excitement in my subs face. She enjoys it as much as I do, so why not make the most of it? 12.What threatens your dominance? Not much threatens it. 13. Favorite thing to wear? In the bedroom, it'd be pajama pants. If I'm out and about and it's a nice day, a hoodie, jeans and a pair of sunglasses. 14. What things are strictly off limits? Bloodplay 15. What is your safeword Orange 16. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual. I like the best of both worlds. 17. What made you realize you were a dom? It's what felt right. I liked being a sub, but when it came down to it, I had a little more fun giving some orders. 18. What kind of sub do have? My sub is a rope bunny, she doesn't mind being tied up or cuffed. She's usually that cute fetish goth/punk type, whos a bit shy until she's provoked. 19. What are your turn ons? Snowballing with my own cum, pinning me against the wall, and stockings/garters. 20. What are your turn offs? Being overly pushy and close minded. 21. Do you have any daily routines with your sub? Nope. We're both parents with jobs when it comes down to it. If we could have a daily routine, I'd enjoy it, but I can't. 22. What is your favorite thing about your sub? It's the history we have together. She's been there for me when others haven't been and visa-versa. We've built so much trust in each other I couldn't imagine my life without her. 23. What is one of your securities? My eyes. I have complete heterocromia, while I know people don't make a big deal of it anymore not that I'm an adult, as a kid it used to be something that kids would make fun of. 24. What is one your favorite things about yourself?' My ability to dust myself off and start again. I've seen many men after their wife's/girlfirends/partners leave them, swear never to love again and start mentioning about how crappy love is. I was able to get back up and fall in love again. 25. What do you call your sub? I love to call my sub Hunny-Bunny or Sweetie.
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