#Israeli trance
sleepwithgiggli · 8 months
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The text of this post will change. This blog is under design, and will likely change a lot.
For now, expect to see a lot more original posts (about hypnosis and maybe some sexy stuff - but I repeat myself) and even responses to asks than at my old blog @wakewithgiggli
The serious stuff, like tales of the holodomor or israeli genocide, won't appear here. The other blog is for that. But this still holds the same viewpoint, so DNI if you are an asshole.
More to come
Some tags I will be using:
Babe: sexy girls, the kind I aspire to be or find aesthetically pleasing.
Bimbo: Lots of my posts will crossover with bimbo concepts, or doll concepts, and will have those tags.
Cute: how could I not post kitties? There might be other cute posts, but it'll be mostly kitties.
Entranced: posts designed to entrance you - spirals, trances, and the like. These follow my usual rules - if they include unsourced comics or pictures of women without names, I wont post them no matter how entrancing they are.
Hypnosis: Posts about hypnosis from a meta level - not fiction, bbut the practicalities of hypnosis.
Second Life: I practically live there now, and the hypnosis scene there has a few things work talking about.
Stories: Erotic stories whether created by me or others, nearly usually involving mind control of some sort.
SWG: All my original posts will have this tag. It's a catch-all.
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groennuuk · 4 months
El que no tenga acceso en su paîs puede verlo directamente aquî:
Aquí os dejo el duro documental que ha realizado la productora @YESSTUDIOSTV llamado “Nova”. Unas imágenes duras de ver y de recordar de aquel terrible 7 de octubre de 2023. Yo soy uno de los que pudo ver y narrar minuto a minuto la dureza de todas las imágenes que iban llegando de lo que sucedía y asi os lo conté aquel día y los posteriores.
El documental de 52 minutos (largo, lo sé, pero merece la pena) se compone de imágenes de video y audio realizadas por algunos de los más de 3.000 asistentes a la fiesta, así como por los terroristas de Hamas que llevaron a cabo la masacre
Para los pro-palestinos, este es el motivo por el que se està librando una guerra contra el terrorismo de Hamas. Si tenéis que echarle la culpa a alguien hacerlo a Hamas, sus secuaces y seguidores. Para todos aquellos anormales que piensan, dicen y mantienen que los asistentes al festival fueron asesinados por los apaches de las FDI...mirad las imágenes.
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mariacallous · 11 months
Before he was kidnapped, Hersh Goldberg-Polin was a big reader. He would absorb himself in different types of books at different times, according to his father, Jonathan Polin. For a while, he was obsessed with biographies of presidents. There was a period he read exclusively about the Holocaust. Lately, he’s been reading books that, Polin says, reflect his son’s curiosity about the world. Right now, the tome by his bed is The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. For 21 days, it has sat there untouched, as his family waits for Goldberg-Polin to come home.
Polin’s nightmare started on October 7, a date now etched into the Israeli psyche, when Hamas gunmen forced their way through the Gaza border wall, killing entire families, destroying border towns, and kidnapping men, women, and children. Polin was at his local synagogue when the air raid sirens went off. By the time he got home around 9 am, his wife Rachel Goldberg showed him two WhatsApp messages she’d received from their 23-year-old son an hour earlier. “We had back-to-back messages sent to us by Hersh at 8:11 am,” Polin told WIRED. “The first one said, ‘I love you.’ The second one said, ‘I'm sorry.’” They’d seen Goldberg-Polin, a dual Israeli-American citizen, the night before. The family thought he was going camping with a friend. But they soon realized he’d spent the night at the Supernova trance music festival, now known as the place where 260 people were murdered. Many others were taken back to Gaza as hostages.
Polin has spent the past three weeks sifting through photos and videos on social media, trying to piece together what happened to his son after he sent those early morning messages. The day of the attack was well documented, with both victims and perpetrators posting footage online. But most of it was filmed inside Israel. Fewer families have seen videos showing their loved ones inside Gaza. For many, the trail ends at the border, leaving families to look for other signs, such as phone location signals, to try to confirm that their loved ones are among the 224 people now believed to be held hostage.
Polin says the Israeli authorities confirmed the last signal they detected from his son’s phone was on the Gaza side of the border. “When you're living the awful life that we're living today, you have to look for hope and optimism anywhere you can get it,” he says. “So having a phone identification come in from Gaza is something that gave us a small dose of—I don’t know what the word is, not strength, not optimism, it’s hope—hope that he is with his phone and that he is alive.”
Phone pings can help triangulate a device, a method that approximates location based on the signal a phone sends to nearby cell phone towers when the device makes phone calls, sends messages, or accesses the internet. A person doesn’t have to be actively using their phone for it to send these signals. As long as the device is still on, apps working in the background can also create a “ping” that indicates location according to Scott Greene, a digital forensics expert. In terms of finding where a device is, triangulation is “pretty darn reliable,” he says.
When Israeli officials do not provide families with triangulation data from cell phone towers, families have been trying to track down phones themselves, using the find-my-phone features offered by iPhones and Androids. If family members know, or can guess, a loved one’s password, they can use the feature to ask the device to report back its location. “As long as the phone is on and has a signal, then the GPS will be received by the cell phone device,” he adds. “You can say ‘Where's my device?’ And it will tell you.”
But phone pings are not conclusive proof of life. Phones can be separated from their owners, or they can, rarely, provide faulty data. WIRED has spoken to one person, who declined to comment for this article, whose relative’s phone was traced by the authorities to Gaza, only for their body to later be identified inside Israel.
Others have not found the answers they’re looking for. Inbar Haiman, 27, was also at the Supernova music festival when Hamas attacked. She is, her boyfriend Noam Alon says, “a true artist … a magical girl … everything I ever wanted.” Like Polin, Alon has spent the past two weeks trying to piece together what happened to her.
So far, he knows that the last text message she sent was at 7:30 am, warning a friend to find somewhere to hide. Two other festivalgoers, who were with Haiman when they were trying to outrun gunmen chasing them, told him what happened next. “She froze, she was so panicked, she started to cry, and she couldn't run anymore,” Alon recounts. “In that moment, a motorbike with two terrorists came, and they took her.” Friends later sent Alon a video they found on Telegram. From that footage, he could identify Haiman being dragged across the field. There is blood on her face. She appears unconscious. But he recognized her by the distinctive leggings she was wearing that day.
The gap in information is what happened next and where Haiman is now. Alon believes she is in Gaza. But for confirmation, like many others, he turned to her mobile for clues. “We tried to locate her phone,” he says, adding that they used her Android’s Find My Device feature. “Perhaps it is in Gaza. But the last signal was in the area we know she was kidnapped from.”
Where families have struggled to trace their loved ones’ phones, many of Israel’s cyber experts have volunteered to help. NSO Group and Candiru, two surveillance companies blacklisted by the US, have been asked to upgrade their spyware capabilities to help find hostages, according to a report by Bloomberg.
“We were also trying, when we didn't think it's damaging, to assist families to track down phones,” says Omri Segev Moyal, CEO of Israeli cybersecurity firm Profero, adding that this is an activity he and his colleagues do in a personal capacity, not as representatives of the company. He declines to comment on whether they have tracked anyone’s phone to Gaza. Instead, he says, he has helped relatives locate their loved ones’ bodies or find people who were still in hiding. “It's not something that only we are doing,” he says. “I bet everyone with knowledge of mobile devices is trying to help.”
Volunteer cyber experts are not forthcoming about how exactly they are accessing phones’ locations, in case they give details away to the people holding the hostages. Karine Nahon, a professor of information science at Israel’s Reichman University, started a civilian war room of cyber experts to try to locate missing people in the hours after the October 7 attack. The team—which started at 450 people and has now downsized to less than 50 as the number of unsolved cases has shrunk—used a series of algorithms to try to match missing people’s faces, voices, and clothing in the huge amounts of social media content posted to online platforms. “We also use location technologies, but unfortunately I can't speak about it more,” Nahon says.
Families of Israel’s missing aren’t interested in the exact techniques that decipher where their loved ones are or how they are brought home. “I want to see every hostage brought back to their families alive,” says Goldberg-Polin’s father. “That's the goal. The means to get there is something I don't really weigh in on. That’s other people's jobs.”
Polin, at least, has now found further evidence that his son crossed the border. A video, shared with his parents on October 16 by CNN journalist Anderson Cooper, shows Goldberg-Polin being forced at gunpoint into a truck. He is missing his left hand and part of his arm. After speaking to eyewitnesses, Polin believes this was the result of a grenade blast.
“It's every parent's worst nightmare to see a video of their child bloodied, with a limb missing, being put onto a pickup truck of terrorists,” says Polin. But he is encouraged to see that, in the video, Goldberg-Polin is walking on his own. “He looks, given the circumstances, to be somewhat composed. And I'm encouraged that with his weak hand he pulled himself onto the truck. So those things—that composure and that sign of some strength—gave me a sense of strength myself, that he's got fortitude and strength and perseverance. And maybe he can fight his way through this.”
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today's mix:
Global Underground 014: Hong Kong by John Digweed 1999 Progressive House / Progressive Trance
So, I guess I'm just ping-ponging back and forth between Global Underground mixes by Sasha and Global Underground mixes by John Digweed now. Back when these guys teamed up in the past to do things like Northern Exposure, it yielded some absolute magic, but when they're doing their own separate mixes for Global Underground, I haven't found their output nearly as satisfying. Many would disagree with me on this, though 😅.
But this Digweed double-disc is pretty frickin' good, in my estimation. And what's a little surprising about it to me, in particular, is that I actually really like the first disc—the progressive house one—a lot more than the second disc—the progressive trance one. I've definitely spieled about the late 90s era of progressive house before and how I find it to be largely boring, and the past two mixes that I've dug into from both Sasha and Digweed have much acclaimed progressive house discs on them that seem to cement my view even further.
And yet, the progressive house disc from this set really clicked with me. Diggers gets into a ~deep zone~ in the middle that I don't really jibe with, but a lot of the selections that surround that part are nothing short of excellent. The opener is this sleek and classy, talkbox-infused mix of Underworld's "Cups," by Manchester trio Salt City Orchestra, that sounds like it belongs in some kind of nocturnal-set Mercedes-Benz ad; Leiva's "Something for the Soul" has this fantastically hazy and dubby lead synth to it; Luzon brings in some old world flavoring with his sampling of a late 80s tune by Israeli world music-pop star Ofra Haza in "The Baguio Track;" and then the disc closes with a dark, brooding, and ominous monster from London's Medway, with "Flanker," a song whose constant synth chirps have a way of sounding like an approaching swarm of killer hornets who have their stingers at the ready 😧.
A good amount to enjoy in the second disc here too, especially in its latter half. Digweed runs back-to-back with two different mixes by The Netherlands' Lucien Foort, aka Funk Function; first with Science Dept.'s "Persuasion," which has a bit of an aquatic vibe to it, thanks to a catchy lead synth melody that sounds like rapid, whimsical flute stabs; and then with something smooth in Johan's "Crash." And immediately following that pair is a remix of Dutchman Hole in One's "Amrad in the 7th Phase" by the legendary Ferry Corsten, which features a great, sudden infusion of whistling synths 😌.
Still though, I didn't find this second disc to be as entertaining or cohesive or consistent as the first one. And while people rave about both of these CDs and consider the whole package to be one of the greatest commercial DJ mix releases of all time, I definitely disagree. But out of the trio of GU Digweed mixes I've now ventured into, this one might be my favorite, overall, with Sydney second, and Los Angeles definitely a distant third.
Listen to CD1 here. Listen to CD2 here.
Underworld - "Cups (Salt City Orchestra Mix)" A.D.N.Y. Presents Leiva - "Something for the Soul" LSG - "Into Deep (Medway Remix)" Luzon - "The Baguio Track" Jean Phillippe Aviance - "Useless" Medway - "Flanker"
Breeder - "Sputnik (New York FM Mix)" Science Dept. - "Persuasion (Funk Function Future Mix)" Johan - "Crash (Funk Function Groove Mix)" Hole In One - "Amrad in the 7th Phase (Ferr's Subliminal Recut)" Bedrock - "Heaven Scent (Evolution Unreleased Mix)"
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jbfly46 · 10 months
The idea that the internet causes mental illness arouse because the majority of Americans were already mentally ill and social media was initially designed to gather like minded individuals into echo chambers where they began to believe their mental illnesses were normal, and then began exhibiting those behaviors as normal around other people in public, eventually causing mass psychosis and division in America spread via the internet. This phenomenon eventually spread to our military effectively making the biggest threat to national security the military themselves. The CIA had to step in on America’s own soil. I would write a thesis on this but I never went to college because that was another place where the mentally ill obviously liked to gather, and if everyone involved caught the digitally viral psychosis, America was going to get nuked, since it I was able to extrapolate this inevitable outcome by observing people’s behavior on the internet, then so did Russian, Israeli, and Chinese intelligence. Most of you were put into a trance by a CIA/NSA mental health task force to avoid a catastrophic apocalyptic situation. This is all the fault of U.S. politicians and high ranking military personnel who refused to take the CIA’s psychological assessments and scientific data seriously because they had something to hide.😎🥳🫡
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sutrala · 2 months
‘If Only You Knew’, the 2023 collaborative effort of Hel:sløwed and Israeli duo Amber Revival, sees its run of success elongated through a designated remix EP. Between the emotional Intro Mix, Bogdan Vix’s highly uplifting edit and Mitch de Klein’s […]
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marcogiovenale · 3 months
the kind of things israel is capable of (3) - dec. 2023 / feb., 2024
israeli sniper shooting on mother and childhttps://www.instagram.com/reel/C3PbZEqsccX/+ https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1757516293752926468
El terror en los ojos de esta bebé palestina de apenas unos meses llamada Maryam, que llegó herida al hospital en estado de shock, con los ojos en trance reviviendo el bombardeo sionista que mató a su madre delante de ella.Maryam terminó muriendo…
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makemytraveling · 4 months
Kasol - Tourist Places & Top Things to Do 
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Nestled in the heart of the Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh, Kasol is a serene hamlet that has increasingly gained popularity among travelers seeking a blend of adventure, tranquility, and cultural immersion. Known as the "Amsterdam of India," Kasol's charm lies in its lush green landscapes, gurgling Parvati River, and a laid-back vibe that attracts backpackers and nature enthusiasts alike. This blog will guide you through the top tourist places and activities to experience in this idyllic village.
Explore the Scenic Beauty of Kasol
Nature Walks and Trails
Kasol is a haven for nature lovers. The scenic trails along the Parvati River offer breathtaking views of the lush green mountains and dense forests. A leisurely walk by the river, listening to the soothing sounds of the water, is a rejuvenating experience.
Chalal Village Trek
A short trek from Kasol, Chalal Village is known for its rustic charm and vibrant culture. The trail is relatively easy and offers stunning views of the valley. Chalal is also famous for its trance and psychedelic parties, adding a unique cultural flavor to your trip.
Visit Manikaran Sahib
Spiritual Retreat
Just 4 kilometers from Kasol, Manikaran Sahib is a revered pilgrimage site for Sikhs and Hindus. The gurudwara is famous for its hot springs, which are believed to have therapeutic properties. The serene ambiance and the langar (community kitchen) serving free meals make it a must-visit.
Discover Tosh Village
Rustic Mountain Village
A bit further up the valley, Tosh Village is another gem that offers breathtaking views and a peaceful environment. The village is perched at an altitude of 2,400 meters and is surrounded by snow-capped peaks. It is a perfect spot for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
Indulge in Israeli Cuisine
Café Hopping
Kasol is often referred to as Mini Israel due to its significant Israeli population and influence. The village is dotted with numerous cafes offering delicious Israeli cuisine. Places like Moon Dance Café, Evergreen Café, and Little Italy serve mouthwatering dishes like shakshuka, hummus, falafel, and more. Don't forget to try the famous apple pie and a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
Adventure Activities
Trekking and Camping
Kasol serves as a base for several treks, including the Kheerganga Trek, which is renowned for its hot springs and spectacular views. The Sar Pass Trek is another popular trek that attracts adventure enthusiasts from all over the world. Camping under the starry sky in the serene meadows of Kheerganga is an unforgettable experience.
Fishing and Angling
The Parvati River is ideal for fishing and angling. With a permit, you can try your hand at catching trout in the clear waters of the river.
Shop at the Local Markets
Handicrafts and Souvenirs
The local markets in Kasol are perfect for picking up souvenirs. You can find a variety of handmade items, woolen clothes, and jewelry. The vibrant markets reflect the local culture and are a delight to explore.
Attend the Local Festivals
Cultural Immersion
Kasol is known for its vibrant festivals and music events. The Parvati Peaking and Magica Festivals attract music lovers from around the world. These events are a great way to experience the local culture and enjoy some good music amidst nature.
Tips for Visiting Kasol
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Kasol is from March to June and from September to November when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities.
Accommodation: Kasol offers a range of accommodation options, from budget hostels to luxury resorts. For a unique experience, consider staying in a riverside camp.
Safety: While Kasol is generally safe, it's always advisable to be cautious, especially when venturing into remote areas. Ensure you have all necessary permits for trekking and fishing.
Respect Local Culture: Kasol has a rich cultural heritage. Respect the local customs and traditions, and always seek permission before photographing people.
Kasol is a hidden gem in the Parvati Valley that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural richness. Whether you're a backpacker, a nature lover, or someone seeking a peaceful retreat, Kasol has something to offer everyone. So pack your bags, and get ready to explore the enchanting beauty of Kasol and its surroundings.
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hazzpizazz · 6 months
okay so there's something that's really bothering me and i feel like i have to say something.
my heart goes out to the people of gaza. honestly. it's terrible and horrible and truly there are no words.
but. at the same time i feel like the separation between gaza and hamas isn't being acknowledged. as well as what happened in israel.
as an israeli i have no compassion for my government. a ceasefire is necessary and the killing should stop. 100%. but the separation between israeli people and their government should also be acknowledged. a lot of people in israel rn are protesting and begging for a ceasefire and the return of all the hostages. and that should be acknowledged as well.
death and war is terrible and i can't begin to explain what it's doing to my soul.
i'm part of the trance community since i was a child and i have friends that were slaughtered and kidnapped by hamas on october 7th (in the rave that was happening by the gaza strip).
i just feel like both sides should be acknowledged and made aware of.
honestly - there's a reason why i left and don't live there for almost a year now.
anyway yeah.
ranting over.
i'm sorry.
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businesspr · 9 months
As Israel Weighs Honoring Oct. 7 Victims, Exhibit Memorializes Trance Festival
Israelis seeking to memorialize the hundreds killed in the Hamas assault on a trance festival, and help the survivors, retrieved hundreds of objects from the site. source https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/15/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-nova-festival-exhibition.html
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antonio-velardo · 9 months
Antonio Velardo shares: As Israel Weighs How to Honor Oct. 7 Victims, Festival Exhibit Serves as ‘Hallowed Space’ by Isabel Kershner
By Isabel Kershner Israelis seeking to memorialize the hundreds killed in the Hamas assault on a trance festival, and help the survivors, retrieved hundreds of objects from the site. Published: December 15, 2023 at 09:43AM from NYT World https://ift.tt/evEyV4m via IFTTT
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deadlinecom · 10 months
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christineremos · 11 months
The war between Islam and Judaism is greatly impacted by religion, particularly for sacred sites and end of the world predictions. Extremely religious Zionists in Israel command to tight compromise to Arabs, seeing themselves as the Jewish state's preserver. Islamist institution in Palestine and the Islamic world advocate for the liberation of "holy" sites and territories while commend violence and hostility toward Israel and the Jewish people. These theological issues impede the possibility of long-term peace between the two sides.
Because of the inflow of soldiers near the border, the Israel government has extended the deadline for northern Gaza civilians to leave. Over the last week, one million Palestinians have been displaced in Gaza, with tens of thousands fleeing to the south. Israel continues to strike Gaza, destroying government buildings, houses, and refuge camps. As Israeli military prepare for a ground invasion, a huge number of foreign nationals are awaiting entry into Gaza at the Rafah border crossing. Israeli soldiers imprisoned 70 individuals, including two journalists, and killed at least 71 others in midnight raids on Khan Younis, Rafah, and Deir el-Balah in the occupied West Bank. Israel has attacked the Rafah crossing four times in the last ten days.
The Israeli political system is founded on parliamentary democracy, with "peace camp" parties dominating the political landscape. However, Palestinian suicide bombs select Israeli civilians, creating a fall in their influence. This signified a fundamental change from the less violent First Intifada to a more violent conflict resolution. Many people that lived in israel saw the surge of Palestinian violence as a rejection of Palestinian efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict peacefully, undercutting Israeli efforts to establish Palestinian authority and bolstering the notion that a long-term agreement was unattainable.
The aggression against Israel was launched, by Palestinian militant institutions handle by Hamas, and involved a concerted surprise attack shooting on Israel, launching at least 3,000 rockets from the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip. According to Hamas, Iran supported its strike in response to Israeli cruelty, the blockade of Gaza, the demolition of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Israeli act of brutality against Palestinians over many years. Hamas resist a two-state solution for Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza because it seeks to destroy Israel. Israel contends that a demilitarized Palestinian state is required to prevent a security danger.
On Saturday morning, Hamas gunmen surrounded a psychedelic trance music festival in Israel, killing many residents of rural kibbutzim villages. After scaling border barriers, they drove down Route 232 and closed entrances to the festival. The militants then surrounded the people on all sides, shooting at them as they run off over the fields to the east. The incident highlights the ongoing tension between Gaza and Israel.
One week after the terror attack, The Islamist militant group's terror attack on a party in Israel was well coordinated and designed for maximum harm. CNN's assessment of over 50 recordings and interviews with 13 survivors revealed that heavily armed shooters nearly removed escape routes, trapping crowds and shooting at shelters. Thousands of people who lived on Israel and visitors gathered on the desert for the Nova music festival, which happen at the same time with the Jewish holiday of Sukkot and was described as a celebration of unity and love. all people on that event who jumped in their cars and and go to the nearby bomb shelters are met by militants on the roads, who just fired them. other people was scrambling themselves under the cactus, and covering themselves with sand to survive. they said that they were hunted by the terrorist for hours, they saw how other people were killed helplessly and dragged away by armed captors.
Other people would choose to be allies of Palestine, and some would choose Israel because of their own beliefs. So, on my part, I would choose to be pro-Israel. first, Hamans use their own civilians as a shield, and they also said that it is effective to do over the israel. Hamans killed thousands of people by shooting a rockets in Israel, they killed and killed many civilians. Hamas militants stormed and bombed Israel cities in a shooting attack.
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xyrilsapida · 11 months
Nova Music Festival
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The most persistent and well-planned attack inside Israel ever launched by Hamas militants targeted various targets on Saturday morning, including the Nova Festival in a remote farming area close to the Gaza-Israel border.
At sunrise on Saturday morning, Hamas gunmen launched hundreds of rockets and breached the border between Gaza and Israel, speeding through farmland towards a psychedelic trance music festival that had continued through the night, into the morning.
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arziel8 · 11 months
War in the Middle East: The Unending Century War Between Palestine and Israel.
On October 7, 2023, a terrifying incident shook the already unstable peace in the Middle East. Hamas, the militant organization, launched a relentless and coordinated assault in southern Israel. In under 20 minutes, nearly 3,000 rockets rained down on various Israeli cities, leaving them under a barrage of destruction. And at the same time terrorist group take hundreds of individuals and held as a hostage, including Israeli citizens, soldiers, and foreigners, putting the region into chaos.
This alarming escalation drew global attention to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. And Around three miles away from the Gaza Strip, where the Supernova Trance Music Festival were celebrating a sense of unity and cultural celebration. However, as Hamas arrived with violence on their minds, the once-festive atmosphere turned into a scene of tragedy.Israeli officials confirmed the devastating toll, with at least 260 people killed, and many others taken captive, their fates uncertain.
The incident served as a stark reminder of the enduring tensions in the region and the urgent need for diplomacy and resolution.
However, this is not an first conflict between Palestinians and Israel. To truly understand the depth of this enduring struggle, we must travel back in time till November 29, 1947. when the United Nations passed Resolution 181. This historic resolution called for the partition of the land of Palestine into two separate states – one for the Jewish population and the other for the Arab community.Yet, this division was met with resistance by the Palestinian population, who expressed their opposition to coexisting with Jewish settlers. As a result, a fierce period of civil strife and escalating violence began intense. The declaration of independence by Israel
on May 14, 1948, marked the end of British rule. This declaration was briefly since the first Israel-Arab conflict broke out shortly after. Where Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria collectively invaded Israel, sparking a conflict that lasted until 1949.
In June 29, 1948, in the middle of the Arab-Israel war, around 700,000 Palestinians were forced to flee their homes, which resulted in a catastrophe that is known as Nakba. The Israel emerged as a victorious and As a result acquiring control over West Jerusalem, Jordan became the de facto ruler of the west bank,and the old city of Jerusalem including its Jewish quarter and east Jerusalem.In response, the UNGA passed resolution 194 calling upon the repatriation of Palestinian refugees. This was what the Palestinians referred to as their “right of return,” and generated controversy in the succeeding years. Moreover, the costs of the conflict went way beyond what the families who had directly suffered did, as the descendants of the 1948-refugees also experienced forced displacement. Besides those 300,000 Palestinians who were displaced during 1967 war.
From June 5, 1967, to June 10, 1967, Israel engaged in a decisive conflict known as the Six-Day War against its Arab neighbors. Despite achieving victory, Israel did not emerge unscathed, with hundreds of casualties, while its adversaries suffered nearly 20,000 losses.As a result of this war, Israel gained full control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, territories primarily inhabited by Palestinians. Additionally, Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. It's worth noting that Israel maintained control over the Sinai Peninsula until 1982.
In 1967, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 242, which was of critical importance for the post-war situation. The resolution demanded that Israelis should pull out their forces from those places where they had gone after the latest fight. It also stressed the need to end all wars, respecting territorial integrity of every state, and peoples’ right to lead peaceful lives within safe and recognized borders.Resolution 242 laid the groundwork for a crucial concept: exchange of land for peace.
On October 3, 1973, a significant chapter in the Arab-Israeli conflict unfolded, commonly referred to as the Yom Kippur War, the Ramadan War, or the October War. This intense conflict was primarily waged over territories held by Israel in the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula. Egypt and Syria, with support from the Soviet Union, embarked on this military campaign with the aim of regaining control over these occupied lands.In response, the United States extended assistance to Israel in this critical juncture.Over the years, the conflict in middle east has seen important events.
In 1978, Israel and Egypt signed a crucial peace treaty. There were two Palestinian intifada, and a historic peace agreement between Jordan and Israel. These are just some of the events that have shaped the ongoing Middle East story, extending to the year 2023.
And if the take a look at Biblical history, bible holds a significant place in the context of this land. For Jewish people, the Bible serves as a profound promise, with the land promise to the descendants of Abraham. This region represents the sacred 'Promised Land,' well tied to biblical figures such as Abraham, Isaac, King David, and Jacob.
From the Palestinian perspective, their connection to this land also finds roots in biblical history. Their heritage harks back to the ancient Canaanites and Philistines. Irrespective of their religious beliefs, many Palestinians regard themselves as descendants of these early inhabitants.
When discussing this complex issue with those informed people, a common proposed solution is to grant Palestinians their own state or address their desires. However, it's important to recognize that this isn't solely about land; it's also deeply entwined with historical grievances. Looking back, it's evident that Palestinians have consistently rejected offers of coexistence with Israelis.
“Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline.” World101 from the Council on Foreign Relations, world101.cfr.org/understanding-international-system/conflict/israeli-palestinian-conflict-timeline.
Mitchell, Andrea, et al. “The Significance of Why Hamas Chose to Attack Israel Now.” NBC News, 8 Oct. 2023, www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna119351. Accessed 18 Oct. 2023.
Iyer, Krishna. “Israel vs Palestine Conflict 2023, Israel Hamas War Update, Gaza Death Toll.” NEWS of UNIVERSE, 15 Oct. 2023, www.nalandaopenuniversity.com/israel-vs-palestine-conflict-war/.
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jhavelikes · 11 months
Fifty years and one day after the start of the Yom Kippur War, Palestinian militants from Gaza—where, under a 16-year Israeli occupation, only 10 percent of residents have direct access to clean water—attacked Israel in the bloodiest day for Jewish civilians since the end of the Holocaust.1 2 The fighters, who easily crossed a $1.1 billion border that is monitored above- and belowground 24/7, fired between 2,000 and 5,000 rockets and entered Israeli towns by speedboat, tractor, pickup truck, and makeshift hang glider, killing at least 900 Israelis, wounding 2,500, and kidnapping more than 150 from border villages, kibbutzim, and a trance music festival.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 “Everyone who has a gun should take it out. The time has come,” said Hamas’s military leader, decrying Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, police raids on the Aqsa Mosque, which included holidays, and the incarceration of thousands of Palestinians.11 “We are at war. Not an ‘operation,’ not a ‘round,’ but at war,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who canceled reservations at a resort in the Golan Heights because of anticipated anti–judicial overhaul protests and allegedly ignored an Egyptian intelligence report warning of an attack.
Weekly Review, by Harper’s Magazine
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