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Sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación en la cual aclararemos las diferencias entre un templo y un santuario japonés dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Seguramente, todos hemos visto alguna vez en fotos templos y santuarios que están por todo el archipiélago nipón y más de una vez nos hemos preguntado: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre ellos? - Primero la palabra santuario ¿Qué significa?: Es el lugar en el que los japoneses adoran a todos los kamis por lo cual cada uno tiene el suyo propio, también cabe destacar que puede ser una montaña un lago ect.. Cuando buscamos esta palabra en español, hace referencia a un templo,entonces ¿Cuáles son las principales diferencias? la principal sería que los santuarios sintoístas, disponen de una puerta principal llamada torii a diferencia de los templos budistas, que disponen de una pagoda. Ejemplos de templos budistas por ciudades Templo de Kiyomizu-dera (Kioto) Templo Kinkakuji (Kioto) Templo Senso-ji (Tokio) Templo de Hokokuji (Kamakura) Templo Todai-ji (Nara) Templo de Sanjusangendo (Kioto - Santuarios japoneses por ciudades: Santuario de Ise – Ciudad de Ise Santuario Meiji – Tokio Santuario Itsukushima – Miyajima Santuario Sumiyoshi Taisha – Osaka Santuario Hie Jinja – Tokio Santuario Izumo – Ciudad de Izumo - Para aclarar las dudas, entre un santuario y un templo: También hay que tener en cuenta los distintos nombres y otras de las cosas que caracterizan un templo son las siguientes : Komainu, Temizuya o chōzuya, Salas principales, Amuletos,Komainu, Temizuya el honden y el haiden. En próximos capítulos podemos hablar de cada uno de ellos, aparte de seguir realizando publicaciones de historia, arqueología, geografía entre otros temas de japón os deseo un cordial saludo. - Welcome to a new publication in which we will clarify the differences between a temple and a Japanese sanctuary. That being said, make yourself comfortable and let's get started. - Surely, we have all seen temples and sanctuaries that are all over the Japanese archipelago in photos and more than once we have asked ourselves: What are the differences between them? - First, the word sanctuary What does it mean?: It is the place where the Japanese worship all the kamis, so each one has their own, it is also worth noting that it can be a mountain, a lake, etc. When we look for this word in Spanish, it refers to a temple, so what are the main differences? The main one would be that Shinto shrines have a main door called torii. unlike Buddhist temples, which have a pagoda. Examples of Buddhist temples by city Kiyomizu-dera Temple (Kyoto) Kinkakuji Temple (Kyoto) Senso-ji Temple (Tokyo) Hokokuji Temple (Kamakura) Todai-ji Temple (Nara) Sanjusangendo Temple (Kyoto) Shitennoji Temple (Osaka) - Japanese shrines by cities: Ise Shrine – Ise City Meiji Shrine – Miyajima Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine – Osaka Fushimi Inari Shrine – Kyoto Hie Jinja Shrine – Tokyo Izumo Shrine – Izumo City - To clarify doubts, between a sanctuary and a temple: We must also take into account the different names and other things that characterize a temple are the following: Komainu, Temizuya or chōzuya, Main rooms, Amulets, Komainu, Temizuya the honden and the haiden. In future chapters we can talk about each of them, apart from continuing to publish publications on history, archaeology, geography, among other topics about Japan, I wish you a cordial greeting. - 寺院と日本の聖域の違いを明確にする新しい出版物へようこそ。そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。 - 確かに、私たちは皆、日本列島各地にある寺院や聖域を写真で見たことがあり、それらの違いは何だろうかと自問したことが一度や二度ではありません。 - まず、聖域という言葉はどういう意味ですか?: それは日本人がすべての神を崇拝する場所であり、それぞれに独自の神があり、それが山や湖などであることも注目に値します。この単語はスペイン語で寺院を指しますが、主な違いは何でしょうか? 主なものは、神社には鳥居と呼ばれる表扉があることです。 塔のある仏教寺院とは異なります。 都市別の仏教寺院の例 清水寺(京都) 金閣寺(京都) 浅草寺(東京) 報国寺(鎌倉) 東大寺(奈良) 三十三間堂(京都) 四天王寺(大阪) - 都市別の日本の神社: 伊勢神宮 – 伊勢市 明治神宮 – 東京 厳島神社 – 宮島 住吉大社 – 大阪 伏見稲荷大社 – 京都 日枝神社 – 東京 出雲大社 – 出雲市 - 聖域と寺院の間の疑問を解消するには、次のような名前や寺院を特徴付けるその他のものについても考慮する必要があります: 狛犬、手水舎または手水舎、主室、お守り、狛犬、本殿と拝殿。 今後の章では、歴史、考古学、地理、その他日本に関するトピックに関する出版物の発行を続けることに加えて、それぞれのテーマについてお話します。心からご挨拶を申し上げます。
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ace-burger-cafe · 2 years ago
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2023.03.15.Wed おはようございます! 本日もどうぞ宜しく☺️ 3月は毎年忙しい時期で、有難い事に普段来れない卒業式を終えた学生さん達が連日沢山来て頂いてます。 わざわざ遠方からみえる方もいらっしゃっいますので、確実にご来店されたい方は、平日のみ席予約を承っておりますので是非ご利用ください。☎️0596-65-6224 席に余裕があれば当日のご予約でも大丈夫ですのでー🙆‍♂️ ではでは、本日も 10:00〜16:00 (ラストオーダー15:30) までお待ちしてます🙌 #aceburgercafe#三重#三重県#伊勢#伊勢市#三重カフェ#伊勢カフェ#mie#ise#mieprefecture #isecity#伊勢志摩#伊勢神宮#iseshima #iseshrine #hamburger#hamburgers#sandwich#ハンバーガー#サンドイッチ#カリフォルニアスタイル#東海カフェ#retrip_mie#しんぷるぐらむ #Avocado#retrip_mie#retrip_japan#テイクアウト#togo#コーヒーのある暮らし (Ace Burger Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyXmFIBV16/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tripnest · 2 months ago
Gateways to Japan’s Sacred Sites: Spiritual Journeys for Mind and Body
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Introduction Japan’s spiritual landscape is deeply intertwined with its physical environment. Many of the country’s most sacred sites serve as gateways to Japan’s sacred sites, offering pathways to wellness and introspection. From the pilgrimage trails of Kumano Kodo to the sacred grounds of Mount Koya and Ise Shrine, these destinations provide not only religious experiences but also a deep connection to nature. In this article, we will explore Japan’s most revered spiritual sites and how they serve as wellness gateways for both body and soul. Mount Koya: A Spiritual Haven in Wakayama Mount Koya (Koyasan) is one of Japan’s most sacred mountains and the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism. Founded in the 9th century by Kobo Daishi, Mount Koya houses over 100 temples. Many of these temples offer shukubo (temple lodging) for visitors. When guests stay overnight, they can participate in meditation sessions, morning prayers, and Buddhist vegetarian meals (shojin ryori). These activities promote mental clarity and physical wellness. Furthermore, the mountain serves as the starting point for several pilgrimage routes, including the Koya Pilgrimage. This trail takes hikers through serene forests and past ancient temples, acting as a gateway to Japan’s sacred sites. Walking these paths is deeply meditative, offering travelers a chance to reflect and reconnect with nature. Kumano Kodo: Ancient Pilgrimage Routes The Kumano Kodo is a network of ancient pilgrimage routes winding through the mountains of the Kii Peninsula. These routes lead to the three grand shrines of Kumano Sanzan: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, and Kumano Hayatama Taisha. Pilgrims have walked these trails for over a thousand years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Today, the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage invites modern travelers to embark on both a spiritual and physical journey. The trails require stamina and endurance, making the experience rewarding. The pilgrimage serves as a gateway to Japan’s sacred sites while also promoting personal wellness. Along the way, visitors can enjoy onsen bathing, especially at Yunomine Onsen, one of Japan’s oldest hot springs. Walking the Kumano Kodo combines physical exertion with spiritual contemplation. Ise Shrine: Gateway to Japan’s Spiritual Heart Ise Jingu, located in Mie Prefecture, is Japan's most important Shinto shrine. It is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami. As Japan’s spiritual heart, Ise Jingu attracts millions of visitors annually. Many undertake the pilgrimage to connect with their spiritual roots. The shrine is surrounded by ancient forests, creating a peaceful and reflective atmosphere. Visitors can participate in traditional Shinto rituals and stroll along the sacred Uji Bridge. This bridge symbolizes the transition from the physical world into the spiritual realm. The combination of nature, ritual, and reflection at Ise Shrine makes it a powerful place for spiritual and mental well-being, reinforcing its status as one of the key gateways to Japan’s sacred sites. Conclusion Japan’s sacred sites offer more than just spiritual enlightenment; they are gateways to Japan’s sacred sites, providing opportunities for personal wellness. Whether you seek the solitude of Mount Koya, the ancient paths of Kumano Kodo, or the serenity of Ise Shrine, these spiritual destinations allow travelers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. They are deeply grounded in Japan’s rich traditions and connection to nature. Read the full article
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roundtripjp · 8 months ago
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hi-technique · 6 years ago
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20190222 Chita peninsula 7 by BONGURI on Flickr
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wolf1980taka · 5 years ago
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#令和元年 の#お伊勢参り 。 宇治の五十鈴川を過ぎて、ようやく来ることが出来た。 . #traveler #travelersnotebook #travel #ise #mieken #japan #iseshrine #isejingu #shrine #team_jp_ #ig_thisworld #ig_japan #神社巡り #神社 #伊勢神宮 #伊勢 #伊勢神宮内宮 #ぼにすま #日本人 #カメラ散歩倶楽部 #旅人の交換日記 #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #旅行 #三重県 (伊勢神宮 内宮 / Naiku) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RznNZgPrB/?igshid=lqcdotoettir
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atison2107 · 5 years ago
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japanathletes · 5 years ago
Kumano Kodo Iseji - Pilgrimage to a Sacred Land Episode.1
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den-ichinomiya · 6 years ago
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The Ise Grand Shrine Mie, Japan Japanese Sake Casks by Hakutaka Sake Co. Ltd. (Hakutaka means White Hawk.)
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takabo77 · 6 years ago
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I went to Ise Shrine for prayer. It was rainy season but when it went outside it stopped raining and was saved by the power of Ise Jingu ♪ 伊勢神宮へ参拝に行ってきました。 梅雨なのに外に出ると雨が止み、お伊勢さんのパワーに助けられました♪ #iseshrine #prayer #rainyseason #jingukaikan #kansaisightseeing #mieprefecture #japan #伊勢神宮 #参拝 #梅雨 #神宮会館 #関西観光 #三重県 (伊勢神宮 / Ise-Jingu) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BXPVNhIlq/?igshid=1tts2333ikt0x
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naokikouno · 3 years ago
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ソウルフードが食べたくて…🦑🇮🇹 #NOPPO #iseshrine #noweekend #伊勢グルメ #アオリイカ (at NOPPO local food laboratory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeJXV9VvgIM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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travelphotosasia · 6 years ago
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Two wonderful calendars to give you a view of the beauty inside of Japan. These calendars contain the best of my photography. With your support I can produce more great photos of Japan and I can show you more in 2019. These calendars are perfect for Japanophiles and travellers alike. Gett’em while they’re hot! #japan #japanese #travel #traveller #travelholic #calendar #2019 #travelbug #iseshrine #sumo #sumowrestling #travelphotographer #travelphoto #travelphotography (at Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BntPQW7l_Aj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19a12ow1m6yhe
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ace-burger-cafe · 2 years ago
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いつかの休日。 喫茶モリのスパゲッティ大盛りと共に必ず注文する玉子サンドイッチ🍳 ここ最近テレビの影響で平日のランチタイムで時間ずらしても結構並んでたりするのと車停めるのに手こずるから段々ハードル高くなってきたけどやっぱり定期的に食べたくる🍝 しかし玉子サンドイッチ530円って安っす。 #喫茶モリ#モリスパ #伊勢三大ソウルフード #三重#三重県#伊勢#伊勢市#三重カフェ#伊勢カフェ#mie#ise#mieprefecture #isecity#伊勢志摩#伊勢神宮#iseshima #iseshrine #sandwich#サンドイッチ#東海カフェ#retrip_mie#しんぷるぐらむ #Avocado#retrip_mie#retrip_japan#テイクアウト#togo#コーヒーのある暮らし (喫茶モリ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqNQYBjJH5C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tripnest · 2 months ago
Gateways to Japan’s Sacred Sites: Spiritual Journeys for Mind and Body
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Introduction Japan’s spiritual landscape is deeply intertwined with its physical environment. Many of the country’s most sacred sites serve as gateways to Japan’s sacred sites, offering pathways to wellness and introspection. From the pilgrimage trails of Kumano Kodo to the sacred grounds of Mount Koya and Ise Shrine, these destinations provide not only religious experiences but also a deep connection to nature. In this article, we will explore Japan’s most revered spiritual sites and how they serve as wellness gateways for both body and soul. Mount Koya: A Spiritual Haven in Wakayama Mount Koya (Koyasan) is one of Japan’s most sacred mountains and the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism. Founded in the 9th century by Kobo Daishi, Mount Koya houses over 100 temples. Many of these temples offer shukubo (temple lodging) for visitors. When guests stay overnight, they can participate in meditation sessions, morning prayers, and Buddhist vegetarian meals (shojin ryori). These activities promote mental clarity and physical wellness. Furthermore, the mountain serves as the starting point for several pilgrimage routes, including the Koya Pilgrimage. This trail takes hikers through serene forests and past ancient temples, acting as a gateway to Japan’s sacred sites. Walking these paths is deeply meditative, offering travelers a chance to reflect and reconnect with nature. Kumano Kodo: Ancient Pilgrimage Routes The Kumano Kodo is a network of ancient pilgrimage routes winding through the mountains of the Kii Peninsula. These routes lead to the three grand shrines of Kumano Sanzan: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, and Kumano Hayatama Taisha. Pilgrims have walked these trails for over a thousand years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Today, the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage invites modern travelers to embark on both a spiritual and physical journey. The trails require stamina and endurance, making the experience rewarding. The pilgrimage serves as a gateway to Japan’s sacred sites while also promoting personal wellness. Along the way, visitors can enjoy onsen bathing, especially at Yunomine Onsen, one of Japan’s oldest hot springs. Walking the Kumano Kodo combines physical exertion with spiritual contemplation. Ise Shrine: Gateway to Japan’s Spiritual Heart Ise Jingu, located in Mie Prefecture, is Japan's most important Shinto shrine. It is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami. As Japan’s spiritual heart, Ise Jingu attracts millions of visitors annually. Many undertake the pilgrimage to connect with their spiritual roots. The shrine is surrounded by ancient forests, creating a peaceful and reflective atmosphere. Visitors can participate in traditional Shinto rituals and stroll along the sacred Uji Bridge. This bridge symbolizes the transition from the physical world into the spiritual realm. The combination of nature, ritual, and reflection at Ise Shrine makes it a powerful place for spiritual and mental well-being, reinforcing its status as one of the key gateways to Japan’s sacred sites. Conclusion Japan’s sacred sites offer more than just spiritual enlightenment; they are gateways to Japan’s sacred sites, providing opportunities for personal wellness. Whether you seek the solitude of Mount Koya, the ancient paths of Kumano Kodo, or the serenity of Ise Shrine, these spiritual destinations allow travelers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. They are deeply grounded in Japan’s rich traditions and connection to nature. Read the full article
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adventuresdonedaly · 7 years ago
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Star-ting point #iseshrine #osakajapan #dalyadventures • • 100+ New photos added! Click the link in my Bio for more from my trip to Japan👌🏼🇯🇵⛩🗾 (at Grand Shrine of Ise)
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akinyan0826 · 7 years ago
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Soooooo crowded!! (at Ise-jingu Shrine) お参りめっちゃ混んでた。 #digitalharinezumi #digitalharinezumi3 #toycamera #shrine #isejingu #iseshrine #japan #japaneseshrine #green #guardframe #デジタルハリネズミ #デジタルハリネズミ3 #トイカメラ #加工なし #時差スタグラム #伊勢神宮 #伊勢神宮内宮 #鳥居 (伊勢神宮 内宮 / Naiku)
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