#Isaiah Ramirez
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oceanusborealis · 2 months ago
Earth Abides: Forever is Tomorrow is Today & Full Season – TV Review
TL;DR – A beautifully contemplative end to a fascinating series. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Disclosure – I paid for the Stan service that viewed this series.Warning – Contains scenes that may cause distress. Earth Abides Review – One of the interesting little gems that I found towards the end of the year was an exploration of life and death in the aftermath of absolute tragedy. What do you do…
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jemgirl86 · 16 days ago
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wenellyb · 19 days ago
Captain America: Brave New World Spoilers
I loooved the movie.
What I didn't like:
I wasn't a big fan of the ending. I didn't hate it but I wish they had chose another path for the outcome of the final fight.
I didn't like what they did to Isaiah. That man has been through enough... If I hadn't paid for the ticket I would have paused and left. Carl Lumbly's acting was amazing, but the scene broke my heart.
The villain was "meh" but the movie plot more than made up for it.
What I liked:
Loved the characters. Loved the chemistry between Anthony and Danny.
I loved the plot, I wish the trailers hadn't given so much away because the storyline was brillant.
Loved the cameos.
They couldn't have cast a better actor than Harrison Ford to play such a complexe character. I still hate Ross, but the acting was great
Anthony's acting was impressive! I love it when you go into a movie and feeling that you're experiencing everything with the character.
Loved the husbandism, I dont think a ship has even been more canon in shipping history.
I loved that it's a done deal that Sam is cap and nobody is challenging that.
Last but not least, give Carl Lumbly an Oscar or I will riot. If he doesn't get least get a nomination then the Oscars are a scam (I'm serious).
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sharonccrter · 8 days ago
So, I watched Brave New World - I liked it; did I think it was the best cap movie? Honestly no. But I thought it was good, and I just really love Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) as Captain America and after Marvel spent years, pushing Captain Carter instead. I'm so happy he's getting his moment in the sun. And I'm looking forward to his role in the Avengers movies. For me the highlights were Sam and his relationships with Joaquin and Isaiah - the three of them make such a strong team and I want to see more.
However I am bummed by the inclusion of Ruth Bat-Seraph, and how it detracted from my enjoyment of this movie. Her character was unnecessary and added nothing. Yet her inclusion tainted the movie for me and I don't think Mackie or any of the other actors deserved it. I hope Marvel doesn't use her in the future, there are plenty of other characters from the comics that can take her place.
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greysanatomy-bts · 2 months ago
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pookiepanda1 · 16 days ago
Captain America BNW was good! No, it wasn't fantastic, but it was good.
I think it's a white thing, as I'm not and I managed to connect to it very easily, and a majority of the peeps calling it bad are white, sorry not sorry. There's a lot to pick up on the treatment and the words used that I feel like white people wouldn't, that do have an impact the moment to hear/see it.
Like, of course they wouldn't like this movie and this cap! I bet they love Steve Roger's captain america... you know? Like it says a lot and everything so easily.
First, thank you so much for being the first person to ask me a question on here! I love you!😘
Second, I've noticed that correlation too and I find it so braindead. Reviewers like that are the worst because even if that movie was a 10 out of 10, they will still bullshit some way into not liking it. The "not my Captain America" and "Captain Falcon" crowd can suck my imaginary dick. Because the racism these types of people show is strong, like they're so bothered. I always feel like these types of people are two sentences away from calling him the n word.
And I do agree that the movie does have moments where you probably wouldn't get it if you weren't black or of color. Because there were moments where it was like iykyk. That is something in the movie where I wish they just said it. More people could enjoy the movie on a deeper level, and also because it will have a much larger impact on the story in my opinion. I haven't seen Falcon and the Winter Soldier. But from what I've heard about it, they are much clearer in those aspects.
I do see how you can see it as a "white thing". The majority of these types of reviews are made by white people. But I've also seen some other POC creators trash this movie in the same unintelligible way.
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thenerdsofcolor · 20 days ago
'Brave New World' Star Carl Lumbly on the Forgotten Captain America
'Captain America: Brave New World' Star Carl Lumbly on The Forgotten Captain America @MarvelStudios @CaptainAmerica #CaptainAmericaBraveNewWorld
“The Forgotten Captain America.” It is perhaps the most tragic title to bestow any character in the MCU. Not just from a narrative standpoint, but also because of the historical implications behind what America has done to forget about its veterans, especially its POC ones. The aforementioned title belongs to Carl Lumbly’s Isaiah Bradley, who returns in Captain America: Brave New World on…
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corikane · 8 months ago
About an hour ago, Marvel Entertainment released the following on its YouTube channel: ‘Lose the mustache or lose the election,’ I guess that’s a way to put a new face in the MCU. And Harrison Ford’s face at that. The recast followed the death of William Hurt who played Thaddeus Ross in several MCU projects – or maybe they would’ve done it anyway because we’re in the Multiverse and I’m not sure…
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wickedjr89gaming · 1 year ago
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Tessa Ramirez and Isaiah Gavigan.
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theuntitledblog · 3 days ago
Captain America: Brave New World (2025) - REVIEW
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It seems a long time ago now since a new film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe felt like an event to be savoured, but such is the current reality of things. The dramatic highs of Infinity War and Endgame have long since passed and Captain America: Brave New World is the latest to perhaps feel the weight of comparison to other, better films. It's such a shame and feels somewhat unfair because this is a much better film than its critical reaction would suggest and had this been released several years earlier, I suspect the reception would've been more positive than it is. All that is certainly debatable and despite the mixed critical reaction, I found Brave New World to be a very entertaining, political/action thriller and does a few unexpected but interesting things with parts of the MCU that seemed forgotten about. But it is also a film that sticks to a well established formula and hits those familiar beats without offering something new which is what I feel the MCU is seriously lacking at the moment. This is a solid, very watchable and entertaining film that I feel could have been greater.
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Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson has long proven himself to be a principled and capable character within the MCU and there's no question that he's up for it as the lead here. He enjoys great chemistry with Danny Ramirez's charismatic side kick, Joaquim Torres, and Carl Lumbly's sympathetic Isaiah Bradley whose plight is at the centre of Brave New World's political thriller based story. What also helps is that he has a very good foil in Harrison Ford's Thaddeus Ross who has long been an underrated antagonist within the MCU and steps into the forefront for the first time since his underrated showing in 2008's The Incredible Hulk. The late William Hurt deserves plenty of credit for Ross' standing in the MCU and Ford steps into the role seamlessly in a film that has multiple antagonists looking to challenge the new Captain America. The MCU doesn't have a great track record with villains but Brave New World does better than most from Ford's Ross to Giancarlo Esposito's Sidewinder who is the least served in terms of screentime if not necessarily in screen presence, and then there's Tim Blake Nelson's long forgotten Samuel Sterns. Blake Nelson does what he can to make the most out of Stern's mysterious villain but by the end, it is the moments he creates that are perhaps more memorable than Sterns himself.
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There's plenty here to have a good time with, the action sequences are suitably hard hitting with Sam's Captain America upgrade impressing in particular, Harrison Ford is a fine antagonist and I particularly enjoyed his arc here even if the trailers bafflingly spoiled the appearance of the Red Hulk. The Hulk effects have come along way and here it looks very good which isn't always the case for the film as a whole with some background effects in particularly looking unforgivably out of place. Brave New World is the sequel to The Incredible Hulk that we never thought we'd get and it does have MCU-wide altering implications that I appreciate even if the film itself doesn't reach the level that The Winter Soldier and Civil War did. Despite the political thriller themed story, it doesn't stop to allow any real tension to take hold, it doesn't work as a mystery either because we quickly know who's behind it. It does have some outstanding moments including the assassination attempt on Ross, the battle at Celestial Island and of course Cap vs. Red Hulk. It's a fun film that I would happily revisit, but it is not one of those MCU films that left me feeling WOW at the end of it.
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Brave New World is a solid first outing for Sam Wilson's Captain America, perfectly entertaining but not able to reach the same heights of its excellent predecessors.
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marvelmadam08 · 10 days ago
Random Ranking of MCU Movies
I was on the phone with my bestie and she asked me where I raked CA:BNW in my MCU line-up. So, I thought I'd post it here because why not! This is out of all 35 current MCU timeline movies, not including Fox/Sony (X-Men, Fantastic 4, etc.). Purely opinionated, but I can defend my reasonings.
Black Panther
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. Spider-Man: No Way Home
4. Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings
5. Captain America: Civil War
6. Deadpool & Wolverine
7. Captain America: Brave New World
8. Iron Man
9. Wakanda Forever
10. Black Widow
11. Avengers: Age of Ultron
12. Spider-Man: Homecoming
13. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3
14. Captain Marvel
15. Iron Man 2
16. Iron Man 3
17. The Avengers
18. Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness
19. Spider-Man: Far From Home
20. Captain America: The First Avenger
21. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 1
22. The Marvels
23. Thor
24. Avengers: Infinity War
25. Avengers: Endgame
26. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2
27. Thor: Ragnarök
28. Ant-Man
29. Ant-Man and The Wasp
30. Doctor Strange
31. The Incredible Hulk
32. Eternals
33. Thor: The Dark Word
34. Ant-Man and Wasp: Quantumania
35. Thor: Love and Thunder
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thevibraniumveterans · 8 days ago
Joaquín Torres, the human golden retriever 🤣
He’s just so so so excited to be there (and almost seems like he’s having trouble trying to not let it show) cuz like, not only is he in the same room as his mentor (the one and only Sam Wilson — HELLO?!) who is the guy he’s certainly the #1 fan of, he’s also in the same room as America’s forgotten Captain America Isaiah Bradley. In Joaquín’s eyes, he’s in the same freakin’ room with TWO LEGENDS! How cool is that!
Watching CABNW, and I admit to say I've never turned more heads in my life than I did today when I audibly GASPED out loud in a jam-packed theater while watching Joaquin Torres in that blue tank top.
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I earned some looks, but...
I mean... LOOK AT HIM????
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GIF by @gaybuckybarnesss 🙏🏽✨️
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arcenciel-par-une-larme · 18 days ago
PSA to my brethren
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Because St. Valentine's day has ONCE AGAIN given fake news regarding Christian holidays AMPLE opportunity to spread like wildfire, I am obligated to point out the following, for the umpteenth time:
No, Christmas is NOT Saturnalia or Sol Invictus. Jeremiah 10, by the way, is NOT a text about Christmas trees.
No, Easter does NOT come from feasts of Ishtar. It is literally called an equivalent of "Passover" in practically all non-English Western languages.
No, Halloween is NOT Samhain. The two do not even fall close on the calendar.
No, St. Valentine's day is NOT Lupercalia. There is no link between the two, any more than the Greco-Italian war is related to the fiscal policies of the Song Dynasty.
No, Sunday worship is NOT a hidden celebration of Sol. We celebrate Communion on Sunday because our Lord rose from the dead on a Sunday, not because we have "changed the day of the Sabbath"; we have not, and I also assure you that Constantine had NOTHING to do with this.
I cannot believe that we have reached the point where I really have to emphasise this: St. Patrick has nothing to do with Pan, much less with Peter Pan.
If you are interested in learning about the origins and evolution of Christian feasts, consult the work of actual scholars like Ronald Hutton. Jack Chick, John Ramirez, The History Channel, and ChatGPT are NOT reliable sources, for crying out loud.
Quoting Isaiah 5:20 and James 4:4 whilst presupposing that your argument about holidays is true...does not prove that your argument about holidays is true.
Most importantly: especially if you are a follower and worshipper of Jesus Christ, washed in the blood of the Lamb and partaker of the holy Sacrament of the altar, then you cannot "accidentally" worship pagan deities which nobody has worshipped for millennia simply by virtue of decorating a tree, or making a log-shaped pudding, or hunting for chocolate eggs, or going to a ball dressed up as Legolas or Esmeralda, or giving your wife red roses.
Please let us calm down at last. The Holy Spirit does not go on annual leave on 2/14, 10/31, 12/25 or ANY other day of the year. Stop propagating lies and half-truths peddled by attention-seeking "armchair pastors" -- this cultivates an increasingly strong mentality of "touch not, taste not, handle not" which borders on adding to the Gospel.
Stop giving the devil right to call dibs over innocuous practices; rather reclaim the good things of life in the power of Christ.
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sunsetmaidenwrites · 17 days ago
Just got back from seeing Captain America: Brave New World. Below are nothing but thoughts and spoilers. Read at your own peril.
The fight scenes were fantastic. Anthony Mackie did awesome. Sam Wilson is the hottest character in the MCU.
Thankfully they did not kill Isaiah, which has been my biggest fear since I first saw him in the trailer.
Isaiah and the suit...so sweet and heartbreaking. Carl Lumbly, y'all.
The bond between Sam and Isaiah was so moving, especially given how much Sam has canonically lost. The fact that he made it out of the movie alive and will serve as an added support system to Sam means so much to me as a Sam fan.
That being said...where was Elijah? I do not buy there wasn't room for him in this movie. This is not a throwaway character. He didn't even get mentioned, which feels unforgivable given his inclusion in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. (Seriously, I might have to write about it.)
Love Joaquín as fresh-faced and eager. Anthony Mackie and Danny Ramirez have a natural chemistry that really sells this partnership.
Am quite happy with the Bucky mentions and scene (and will break those down in a separate post), but also want equal measure for Sam in Thunderbolts*. I expect multiple mentions and at least a phone call or something. (An end credit scene would be awesome too, while we're at it.)
Overall, a great, entertaining movie. As with all MCU movies, not everything can be/was included and developed, so that leaves a lot of room for fanfic to fill in the gaps here (notably, like Sam having another partner fall from the sky. And also, his friendship with Leila Taylor), so hopefully we'll get on that.
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greysanatomy-bts · 3 months ago
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thenerdsofcolor · 22 days ago
A Conversation with 'Captain America' Himself, Anthony Mackie
A Conversation with 'Captain America' Himself - Anthony Mackie @CaptainAmerica @MarvelStudios #CaptainAmericaBraveNewWorld @anthonymackie
It’s time to head into a Brave New World, as the next Captain America epic soars into theaters this Friday, February 14. To celebrate the latest MCU chapter, we were fortunate enough to get to chat with Captain America himself, Anthony Mackie. Continue reading A Conversation with ‘Captain America’ Himself, Anthony Mackie
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