#Is safari or chrome e
nahasworld · 2 years
Is safari or chrome e
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Read on below as I cover in more detail on what sets Safari and Google Chrome apart from each other, and which might be the better web browsing option for your devices. There are also a range of features that makes Safari and Google Chrome different from each other, as well as a few that are quite similar. Google Chrome is also a web browser like Safari, but differs in that it is owned and operated by Google. Google is a search engine that is powered by Google under parent company Alphabet, and can be used within the Safari web browser. Safari is a web browser that is owned and operated by Apple. Safari and Google are two of the most recognized browsing and search engine platforms on the entire internet.
This is done for all the following tests.Owning an iPhone, Android smartphone, Mac or PC, you most likely have come across the words “Safari” and “Google” at some point in time. This value is passed to indexOf() method to detect this value in the user-agent string.Īs the indexOf() method would return a value that is greater than “-1” to denote a successful search, the “greater-than” operator is used to return a boolean value on whether the search was successful or not.
Detecting the Chrome browser: The user-agent of the Chrome browser is “Chrome”.
The presence of the strings of a browser in this user-agent string is detected one by one. The user-agent string of the browser is accessed using the erAgent property and then stored in a variable. If the value does not come up in the string, “-1” is returned. The indexOf() method is used to return the first occurrence of the specified string value in a string. The presence of a specific user-string can be detected using the indexOf() method. This user-agent string contains information about the browser by including certain keywords that may be tested for their presence. The userAgent property of the navigator object is used to return the user-agent header string sent by the browser. The browser on which the current page is opening can be checked using JavaScript.
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The paradox of choice screens
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I'm coming to BURNING MAN! On TUESDAY (Aug 27) at 1PM, I'm giving a talk called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE!" at PALENQUE NORTE (7&E). On WEDNESDAY (Aug 28) at NOON, I'm doing a "Talking Caterpillar" Q&A at LIMINAL LABS (830&C).
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It's official: the DOJ has won its case, and Google is a convicted monopolist. Over the next six months, we're gonna move into the "remedy" phase, where we figure out what the court is going to order Google to do to address its illegal monopoly power:
That's just the beginning, of course. Even if the court orders some big, muscular remedies, we can expect Google to appeal (they've already said they would) and that could drag out the case for years. But that can be a feature, not a bug: a years-long appeal will see Google on its very best behavior, with massive, attendant culture changes inside the company. A Google that's fighting for its life in the appeals court isn't going to be the kind of company that promotes a guy whose strategy for increasing revenue is to make Google Search deliberately worse, so that you will have to do more searches (and see more ads) to get the info you're seeking:
It's hard to overstate how much good stuff can emerge from a company that's mired itself in antitrust hell with extended appeals. In 1982, IBM wriggled off the antitrust hook after a 12-year fight that completely transformed the company's approach to business. After more than a decade of being micromanaged by lawyers who wanted to be sure that the company didn't screw up its appeal and anger antitrust enforcers, IBM's executives were totally transformed. When the company made its first PC, it decided to use commodity components (meaning anyone could build a similar PC by buying the same parts), and to buy its OS from an outside vendor called Micros-Soft (meaning competing PCs could use the same OS), and it turned a blind eye to the company that cloned the PC ROM, enabling companies like Dell, Compaq and Gateway to enter the market with "PC clones" that cost less and did more than the official IBM PC:
The big question, of course, is whether the court will order Google to break up, say, by selling off Android, its ad-tech stack, and Chrome. That's a question I'll address on another day. For today, I want to think about how to de-monopolize browsers, the key portal to the internet. The world has two extremely dominant browsers, Safari and Chrome, and each of them are owned by an operating system vendor that pre-installs their own browser on their devices and pre-selects them as the default.
Defaults matter. That's a huge part of Judge Mehta's finding in the Google case, where the court saw evidence from Google's own internal research suggesting that people rarely change defaults, meaning that whatever the gadget does out of the box it will likely do forever. This puts a lie to Google's longstanding defense of its monopoly power: "choice is just a click away." Sure, it's just a click away – a click, you're pretty sure no one is ever going to make.
This means that any remedy to Google's browser dominance is going to involve a lot of wrangling about defaults. That's not a new wrangle, either. For many years, regulators and tech companies have tinkered with "choice screens" that were nominally designed to encourage users to try out different browsers and brake the inertia of the big two browsers that came bundled with OSes.
These choice screens have a mixed record. Google's 2019 Android setup choice screen for the European Mobile Application Distribution Agreement somehow managed to result in the vast majority of users sticking with Chrome. Microsoft had a similar experience in 2010 with BrowserChoice.eu, its response to the EU's 2000s-era antitrust action:
Does this mean that choice screens don't work? Maybe. The idea of choice screens comes to us from the "choice architecture" world of "nudging," a technocratic pseudoscience that grew to prominence by offering the promise that regulators could make big changes without having to do any real regulating:
Nudge research is mired in the "replication crisis" (where foundational research findings turn out to be nonreplicable, due to bad research methodology, sloppy analysis, etc) and nudge researchers keep getting caught committing academic fraud:
When the first nudgers were caught committing fraud, more than a decade ago, they were assumed to be outliers in an otherwise honest and exciting field:
Today, it's hard to find much to salvage from the field. To the extent the field is taken seriously today, it's often due to its critics repeating the claims of its boosters, a process Lee Vinsel calls "criti-hype":
For example, the term "dark patterns" lumps together really sneaky tactics with blunt acts of fraud. When you click an "opt out of cookies" button and get a screen that says "Success!" but which has a tiny little "confirm" button on it that you have to click to actually opt out, that's not a "dark pattern," it's just a scam:
By ascribing widespread negative effects to subtle psychological manipulation ("dark patterns") rather than obvious and blatant fraud, we inadvertently elevate "nudging" to a real science, rather than a cult led by scammy fake scientists.
All this raises some empirical questions about choice screens: do they work (in the sense of getting people to break away from defaults), and if so, what's the best way to make them work?
This is an area with a pretty good literature, as it turns out, thanks in part due to some natural experiments, like when Russia forced Google to offer choice screens for Android in 2017, but didn't let Google design that screen. The Russian policy produced a significant switch away from Google's own apps to Russian versions, primarily made by Yandex:
In 2023, Mozilla Research published a detailed study in which 12,000 people from Germany, Spain and Poland set up simulated mobile and desktop devices with different kinds of choice screens, a project spurred on by the EU's Digital Markets Act, which is going to mandate choice screens starting this year:
I'm spending this week reviewing choice screen literature, and I've just read the Mozilla paper, which I found very interesting, albeit limited. The biggest limitation is that the researchers are getting users to simulate setting up a new device and then asking them how satisfied they are with the experience. That's certainly a question worth researching, but a far more important question is "How do users feel about the setup choices they made later, after living with them on the devices they use every day?" Unfortunately, that's a much more expensive and difficult question to answer, and beyond the scope of this paper.
With that limitation in mind, I'm going to break down the paper's findings here and draw some conclusions about what we should be looking for in any kind of choice screen remedy that comes out of the DOJ antitrust victory over Google.
The first thing note is that people report liking choice screens. When users get to choose their browsers, they expect to be happy with that choice; by contrast, users are skeptical that they'll like the default browser the vendor chose for them. Users don't consider choice screens to be burdensome, and adding a choice screen doesn't appreciably increase setup time.
There are some nuances to this. Users like choice screens during device setup but they don't like choice screens that pop up the first time they use a browser. That makes total sense: "choosing a browser" is colorably part of the "setting up your gadget" task. By contrast, the first time you open a browser on a new device, it's probably to get something else done (e.g. look up how to install a piece of software you used on your old device) and being interrupted with a choice screen at that moment is an unwelcome interruption. This is the psychology behind those obnoxious cookie-consent pop-ups that website bombard you with when you first visit them: you've clicked to that website because you need something it has, and being stuck with a privacy opt-out screen at that moment is predictably frustrating (which is why companies do it, and also why the DMA is going to punish companies that do).
The researchers experimented with different kinds of choice screens, varying the number of browsers on offer and the amount of information given on each. Again, users report that they prefer more choices and more information, and indeed, more choice and more info is correlated with choosing indie, non-default browsers, but this effect size is small (<10%), and no matter what kind of choice screen users get, most of them come away from the experience without absorbing any knowledge about indie browsers.
The order in which browsers are presented has a much larger effect than how many browsers or how much detail is present. People say they want lots of choices, but they usually choose one of the first four options. That said, users who get choice screens say it changes which browser they'd choose as a default.
Some of these contradictions appear to stem from users' fuzziness on what "default browser" means. For an OS vendor, "default browser" is the browser that pops up when you click a link in an email or social media. For most users, "default browser" means "the browser pinned to my home screen."
Where does all this leave us? I think it cashes out to this: choice screens will probably make a appreciable, but not massive, difference in browser dominance. They're cheap to implement, have no major downsides, and are easy to monitor. Choice screens might be needed to address Chrome's dominance even if the court orders Google to break off Chrome and stand it up as a separate business (we don't want any browser monopolies, even if they're not owned by a search monopolist!). So yeah, we should probably make a lot of noise to the effect that the court should order a choice screen, as part of a remedy.
That choice screen should be presented during device setup, with the choices presented in random order – with this caveat: Chrome should never appear in the top four choices.
All of that would help address the browser duopoly, even if it doesn't solve it. I would love to see more market-share for Firefox, which is the browser I've used every day for more than a decade, on my laptop and my phone. Of course, Mozilla has a role to play here. The company says it's going to refocus on browser quality, at the expense of the various side-hustles it's tried, which have ranged from uninteresting to catastrophically flawed:
For example, there was the tool to automatically remove your information from scummy data brokers, that they outsourced to a scummy data-broker:
And there's the "Privacy Preserving Attribution" tracking system that helps advertisers target you with surveillance advertising (in a way that's less invasive than existing techniques). Mozilla rolled this into Firefox on an opt out basis, and made opting out absurdly complicated, suggesting that it knew that it was imposing something on its users that they wouldn't freely choose:
They've been committing these kinds of unforced errors for more than a decade, seeking some kind of balance between monopolistic web companies and its users' desire to have a browser that protects them from invasive and unfair practices:
These compromises represent the fallacy that Mozilla's future depends on keeping bullying entertainment companies and Big Tech happy, so it can go on serving its users. At the same time, these compromises have alienated Mozilla's core users, the technical people who were its fiercest evangelists. Those core users are the authority on technical questions for the normies in their life, and they know exactly how cursed it is for Moz to be making these awful compromises.
Moz has hemorrhaged users over the past decade, meaning they have even less leverage over the corporations demanding that they make more compromises. This sets up a doom loop: make a bad compromise, lose users, become more vulnerable to demands for even worse compromises. "This capitulation puts us in a great position to make a stand in some hypothetical future where we don't instantly capitulate again" is a pretty unconvincing proposition.
After the past decade's heartbreaks, seeing Moz under new leadership makes me cautiously hopeful. Like I say, I am dependent on Firefox and want an independent, principled browser vendor that sees their role as producing a "user agent" that is faithful to its users' interests above all else:
Of course, Moz depends on Google's payment for default search placement for 90% of its revenue. If Google can't pay for this in the future, the org is going to have to find another source of revenue. Perhaps that will be the EU, or foundations, or users. In any of these cases, the org will find it much easier to raise funds if it is standing up for its users – not compromising on their interests.
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Community voting for SXSW is live! If you wanna hear RIDA QADRI and me talk about how GIG WORKERS can DISENSHITTIFY their jobs with INTEROPERABILITY, VOTE FOR THIS ONE!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: ICMA Photos (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/icma/3635981474/
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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gamerwoman3d · 1 year
Listen, if Ed Boon asked me to write official tie-in novel filth for Mortal Kombat, I would. I don't care if he sends a studio note that says "If you make Sub-Zero any gayer I'll rip your fucking head off," I'd still work for him. Who needs a head anyways. Love that guy.
Anyways here's a wonderwall of filth.
[🔞🔞🔞Check below the cut🔞🔞🔞]
Explicit, Spicy, Juicy, and definitely🔞🔞🔞past this point
I should mention- You can actually read all of my writings directly on my masterlist without logging in to tumblr.
◜Sub-Zero, Smoke, Liu Kang options - Please Be Bi-Han 🙏◞
Just use any browser app and type in mk1erotica.netlify.app in the browser's address bar to access my masterlist from anywhere on any device.
Yes. Any device. This may even work on an Apple watch, on the Parrity browser. You can probably ask Siri to open a browser and navigate to the masterlist. You can use any browser. You can use Safari, Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. It can work on a Roku if you have a web browser like Web Browser X or Xfinity. It will run on ųBrowser or Opera. But I recommend DuckDuckGo!
Multi-Character Choose your own MK1 Adventure
Reptile [Syzoth, MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 1 of ?◞
Sub-Zero [Bi-han, MK1 version]
Neck tattoo imagines parts 1 2 AND 3
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜ mk1 men using their powers in the bedroom part 2 of ?◞
◜I Need Attention◞
◜mk1 Sub-Zero: sexiest angst trope?◞
Johnny Cage [MK1 Version]
◜ mk1 men kinks & darker motivations part 2 of ?◞
Scorpion [Kuai Liang, MK1 version]
Beta Tester [Can be read as Hanzo if you're imaginative]
Bloody Horny Kuai Liang Scorpion - https://www.tumblr.com/gamerwoman3d/737285442221801472/%F0%9D%9F%B9
Skins That Would Be in MK1 If I Had A Voodoo Doll of Ed Boon [Fun, Sexy skins for Kenshi, Scorpion, Kitana, & Sub-Zero]
The Gollum Test [Essay about writing better x readers]
Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Part 2 : Sub-Zero Long Hair Posts[linked without box because of tumblr post limitations]
Other horny drabbles [separate list]
About This Blog [links to post about guidelines reqs etc]
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
Permissions summary: YOU HAVE MY EXPRESSED PERMISSION TO USE ANY SCREENSHOTS, GIFS, ASSETS OR CONTENT THAT I HAVE MADE OF THE GAME MK1 [MORTAL KOMBAT 1 (2023)]. EVERYONE has my enthusiastic consent. You don't have to make something I *enjoy* with those assets. You're under no obligation to please me with your content, even if it's made with bits of my content. Enjoy yourselves, go wild! Any MK1 screenshots or gifs that I make can be used for your fanworks as long as you have the legal rights to do so. [I'm pretty sure you all have the legal right to make any fanart/icons/reposts/headers/photo edits/collages/parody that you like, but I do not know every single law for every country. You're on your own to research whether you'd get in trouble for SubScorp art in Indonesia or the PRC or Alabama or wherever you are where all the rules get weird. But as long as you're not getting punished for using my MK1 gameplay in your work, go nuts! You have my permission to use the assets I've made from the game.]
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wip · 1 year
re the new messaging: I use desktop and multiple tabs at once and switch back and forth- the new messaging does not know how to handle this. When I switch tabs the conversation will be stalled way back wherever it last was in THAT tab until I close and reopen, and when I close and reopen (as I must do to get my updated messages or to switch convos and back), even in the same tab, when I reopen it will show an unsent draft of the last message I sent (or occasionally one from somewhere further back) rather than an empty field to type in, until I select and delete it so I can enter a new message; it's pretty annoying. Also it covers the scroll bar of the dash view pop up so you have to close the messages to access it, would be great if you could make the various changes work with rather than against each other
Answer: Hey, @b-a-n-d-e-r!
Thanks for getting in touch with this, and let us address your question in parts.
"and when I close and reopen (as I must do to get my updated messages or to switch convos and back), even in the same tab, when I reopen it will show an unsent draft of the last message I sent (or occasionally one from somewhere further back) rather than an empty field to type in"
This is intentional! The message window will cache type, but not send messages when you minimize and reopen a conversation window. This won’t sync within browser tabs, and mobile apps have the same behavior.
"Also it covers the scroll bar of the dash view pop up so you have to close the messages to access it"
If we understand this question correctly, from what we have seen on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on Mac, the conversation window does not overlap with the browser’s vertical scrollbar. And it also does not overlap with the scroll-to-top button on the timeline. It is possible we have misunderstood your question and would invite you to clarify this one with us in case there is an issue.
Finally, as for that shortcut and scroll-to-top button problem, we are already on this and planning to work on it as soon as we are able!
Thanks for your question, here. For any updates on the points raised, keep an eye here on WIP or over at @changes.
—Jasper and Maxime
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weatrareklam · 1 month
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PDF Küçültme, PDF dosyasının boyutunu azaltma işlemidir. Büyük PDF dosyaları, depolama alanı, e-posta gönderimi veya internet üzerinden paylaşım gibi durumlarda zorluk yaratabilir. PDF küçültme işlemi, dosyanın içerdiği resimlerin ve diğer medya öğelerinin kalitesini düşürmeden dosya boyutunu optimize eder. Adobe Acrobat, Smallpdf, ILovePDF ve PDF Compressor gibi araçlar, PDF dosyalarını küçültmek için kullanılabilir. PDF dosyasının boyutunu küçültmek, özellikle çok sayıda sayfa veya yüksek çözünürlüklü görseller içeren belgeler için önemlidir. Bu işlem, dosyanın daha hızlı paylaşılmasını ve daha az depolama alanı kaplamasını sağlar.
PDF Düzenleme
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PDF Dönüştürücü
PDF Dönüştürücü, PDF dosyalarını farklı formatlara (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, PNG, vb.) veya diğer formatları PDF’ye dönüştüren araçlardır. Bu dönüştürücüler, kullanıcıların PDF dosyalarını düzenlenebilir veya farklı platformlarda kullanılabilir hale getirmelerine yardımcı olur. Adobe Acrobat, Smallpdf, ILovePDF, Zamzar ve Online Convert gibi popüler PDF dönüştürücüler, kullanıcıların PDF dosyalarını hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde dönüştürmesini sağlar. Dönüştürme işlemleri, özellikle iş ve eğitim alanında belge paylaşımı ve düzenleme ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için sıklıkla kullanılır. PDF dönüştürücüler, dosyaların daha geniş bir uyumluluk yelpazesine sahip olmasını sağlar ve kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarına göre farklı formatlarda belgeler oluşturmasına olanak tanır.
PDF ne demek, (Portable Document Format), dijital belgelerin evrensel olarak paylaşılmasını ve görüntülenmesini sağlayan bir formattır. Güvenli, sabit ve platform bağımsız yapısı sayesinde dünya çapında milyonlarca kullanıcı tarafından tercih edilir. Özellikle dijital ortamda belge paylaşımı, arşivleme ve sunum için ideal bir formattır. PDF, akademik, ticari ve kişisel kullanımlarda vazgeçilmez bir araç haline gelmiştir.
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codewithrandomartical · 8 months
50+HTML, CSS and JavaScript Projects With Source Code
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The 50+ HTML, CSS, and Javascript projects list is a boon for beginner developers who wish to make a career in the field of web development. But for that, developers have to go through a lot of learning and project building, and while on the path of skill enhancement, they take a bit of stress because they don’t easily find the topics on which they create their projects. So in the world of web development, we have curated a list of 50+ beginner-friendly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript projects.
Almost 50 of the most significant projects will be covered in this post; these Web Development Projects With Source Code will help you build a strong foundation. You will gain practical experience with the project and be able to develop new, large projects that involve numerous websites as a result of working on this front-end project.
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You Get 50+ Web Development Projects with Source Code for total beginners using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
We include projects using HTML CSS and Javascript with source code from beginner to intermediate levels covered in this article.
you get all project source code with code explanation. project is very helpful for practicing coding skills and logic building so you definitely need to create some projects that help you to get a dream job and you can add projects to your CV/Resume.
If you want more frontend projects then don’t forget to visit my 100+ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects with the source code, So Must Visit the article👇.
100+ JavaScript Projects With Source Code ( Beginners to Advanced)
1. Social media share icon  animation 
Project details – Social media icons are used for the identification of specific social media platforms. Each social media platform has different icons. Social media platforms are used to connect people from faraway places and provide a feeling of closeness. Adding animations to icons provides great user interaction.
Browser support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari
Responsive:  Yes
language: Html, CSS
Project Code Download: Click Here
Project Demo :
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3. Card With Hover Effect
Project Details – Cards are small pages that are used to display product information. Cards with a hover effect provide a great user experience, and when the user hovers over the cards, information about the product is displayed to the customer. These cards are generally used on e-commerce websites.
Browser Support: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari
Responsive:  Yes
language: Html, CSS
Project Code Download: Click Here
Project Demo:
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read full artical and more intresting projects with source code
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okelmirospinoff · 6 months
Oii, pessoal! Tudo bem? 💙
Fizemos esse Tumblr com a intenção de compilar os recadinhos de vocês. Mandem no nosso ask uma mensagem do coração. Pode ser sobre a importância que Kelmiro teve pra vocês, sobre o carinho pelos personagens ou por Diego e Amaury, também! Sintam-se livres pra escreverem o que quiserem.
As mensagens de vocês ficarão expostas aqui, no nosso mural, para outras pessoas verem também. Coloquem o nome e o @ de vocês nas mensagens pra que a gente possa te identificar 🥰
Quem sabe um dia essas mensagens não chegam neles também?
1. Se você estiver pelo Safari, Google Chrome ou outro aplicativo de internet pelo celular, clica na aba “Recadinhos” para mandar sua mensagem (imagem 1)
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2. Se você estiver pelo app, você pode clicar no botão “Recadinhos” que fica embaixo da bio (imagem 2)
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3. Caso você esteja no computador, clique no ícone de email (a cartinha), abaixo da caixinha de texto na esquerda com a nossa bio (imagem 3)
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puffpasstea · 1 year
Hey, I’ve read Matilda and loved it, as someone who’s got a tough relationship with my family this meant so much to me,
I rlly wanna read satellite on the tumblr app on my phone e, but the links aren’t rlly working past chapter 3, takes me too like chrome or safari and then I press open on app at the top but it just takes me back to ur main master list.
Just thought I’d let u know xx
Omg THANK YOUUUU so much for your kind words 🥹♥️♥️ this means so much to me. I wrote Matilda because the song means so much to me as someone who has a really difficult relationship with my family. Made me feel seen and loved in a way. So writing the fic was therapeutic and I hoped that it would make anyone who reads it feel less alone. Or feel seen the way that the song had made me feel. So this message basically just made my whole year. ♥️♥️ thank you.
As for satellite, here are the rest of the chapters. I hope you like them. Thanks so so so so much for reading.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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levysoft · 8 months
È bene specificare, infatti, che anche se App Store esistevano già altri browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc), fino ad ora tutti i browser alternativi erano costretti a utilizzare lo stesso browser engine di Safari, chiamato WebKit. Il browser engine (chiamato anche motore di rendering) è il componente del browser che a tutti gli effetti interpreta i dati forniti dal sito e ricostruisce graficamente la pagina web: è il "cuore" del browser, quello che esegue effettivamente il lavoro principale.
Al momento, tutti i browser pubblicati su App Store utilizzano lo stesso engine di Safari: al netto delle personalizzazioni estetiche, dell'esperienza utente e della gestione dei profili, tutti i browser sono quindi una versione rivista e abbellita di Safari.
Con iOS 17.4, invece, non sarà più così e ogni browser potrà utilizzare il proprio motore di rendering. Oltre WebKit di Apple, in ambito desktop i motori di rendering più famosi in giro sono sostanzialmente due: Blink (Chromium), ossia quello che muove Chrome (ma anche Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, Arc...) e Gecko, quello sviluppato da Mozilla per Firefox.
Vale la pena precisare che con iOS 17.4 non solo Apple consentirà l'installazione di browser completi, ma che anche i browser integrati all'interno delle applicazioni potranno usare motori di rendering diversi da WebKit. Inoltre, per favorire la libera concorrenza, al primo avvio di iPhone verrà chiesto all'utente quale browser vuole utilizzare.
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wisertech · 3 days
Mobile App vs. Website: Which is Right for Your Business in 2024?
In 2024, the digital world is buzzing with opportunities. As more people rely on their smartphones and tablets, businesses face a crucial question: Should you invest in a mobile app or a mobile website? The right choice can greatly impact your success. Let’s dive into how to make the best decision for your business.
Understanding Mobile Apps and Websites
What is a Mobile App?
A mobile app is a software application designed to run on smartphones or tablets. Users download these apps from platforms like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Examples include social media apps, games, and banking apps.
What is a Mobile Website?
A mobile website is a version of a regular website that is optimized for smaller screens. It is accessed through a web browser like Safari or Chrome. Mobile websites are designed to be user-friendly and load quickly on mobile devices.
Web Apps: A Hybrid Option
Web apps combine elements of both mobile apps and websites. They are accessed via a browser but can offer app-like features. This option can be beneficial for businesses looking for versatility.
Key Differences Between Mobile Apps and Websites
Access and Usability
Apps: Require downloading and installation. Users need to find and install the app first.
Websites: Can be accessed instantly through a browser, making them easier to reach.
Performance and Speed
Apps: Typically load faster and can work offline.
Websites: Depend on internet connection, which can slow down loading times.
User Experience
Apps: Offer personalized experiences, like tailored notifications and features that use the device’s capabilities.
Websites: Primarily provide information and are easier to navigate for first-time visitors.
Advantages of Mobile Websites
Broader Reach
Mobile websites can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, making them more accessible than apps. They also benefit from search engine optimization (SEO), helping more potential customers find your business online.
Building a mobile website is often cheaper than developing a mobile app. You won’t need to create different versions for various platforms, saving both time and money.
Instant Updates
When you update a mobile website, changes are visible immediately to all users. In contrast, app updates require users to download the latest version.
Advantages of Mobile Apps
User Engagement
Apps tend to keep users engaged longer. They can send push notifications to remind users to interact with your brand, which helps build loyalty.
Access to Device Features
Apps can use features like GPS, camera, and push notifications, enhancing user experience. For example, a fitness app can track your location during a run.
Offline Access
Many apps can work without an internet connection. This is great for users who want to access content on the go, such as travel guides or games.
When to Choose a Mobile Website
Mobile websites are ideal for businesses focused on providing information, such as blogs or news outlets. If you want a broad audience reach and effective marketing, a mobile website is your best bet. Responsive design ensures that your site looks good on any device.
When to Choose a Mobile App
Choose a mobile app if your business requires frequent user interaction, like a shopping app or a social media platform. Apps are great for industries such as e-commerce or entertainment, where user engagement is crucial.
The Case for Both: Integrated Strategies
Many successful brands use both mobile apps and websites. For example, a restaurant might use a website for online reservations while offering an app for menu browsing and loyalty rewards. This dual approach can maximize reach and engagement.
Future Considerations
In 2024, keep an eye on trends like increasing mobile usage and evolving user expectations. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are also gaining popularity, offering the best of both worlds by combining the features of websites and apps.
Choosing between a mobile app and a mobile website is essential for your business strategy. Consider your goals, target audience, and budget before making a decision. Both options have their strengths, and understanding these can help you succeed in the digital world.
Ready to evaluate your mobile strategy? Contact us for expert guidance on how to choose the right platform for your business. Let’s make your digital presence impactful!
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Panno - The Plants & Organic Food eCommerce HTML5 template
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Panno is a creative and modern, boostrap eCommerce HTML5 template that can be used for online store selling plants, organic foods, or other related products, the Plants & Organic Food eCommerce HTML5 template is a great option. This template provides a user-friendly experience for any website managers and customers alike with its sleek and contemporary design.
Panno template look fantastic on all devices thanks to the responsive layout, and customising the template to fit your brand is made simple with the basic customisation options. Panno provides all the features you need to present your items in flair, including multiple homelayout, mobile banner slider, sticky header, product slider, easy to use, unique header & footer style, RTL support, built with boostrap and many more. Regardless of your experience level with eCommerce, this design is a fantastic choice for setting up a polished and eye-catching online store.
Additionally, Panno included premade 62+ pages, with various checkout pages, about us, contact us, FAQs, multiple carts, login and registration, collection page, blog, article page, terms and conditions, and many more that are essential to the creation of any eCommerce site.
Panno Features
62+ Premade pages
5+ Homepage Layout
Bottom Mobile Menu
Mobile Slider Banner
Multiple Product Layout
Blog Layout
Multiple Product Grid Options (3,4 and 5)
Product Stock Countdown
Product Grid & List Options
Various Product Details pages
Unique Sticky Header Variations
Unique & Multiple Footer Variations
Advanced Mega Menu
Mobile Optimized Design
Newsletter Popup
Quick View Design
Collection Pages
RTL Supported
Product Filters
Magnific Popup Integration With Product Slider Image
Ask a Question Features
Amazing 5 stars support
E-commerce Image Swatches
Social Sharing Features
Multiple Product Wishlist Pages Added
Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
Fully compatible with Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 11+
Build with Latest Bootstrap 5.0.X version
Modern & Clean Design
Google web fonts
Well Documented
SEO Optimization
Clean and Commented code
Life Time Free Update
404 Page
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potionservices · 5 days
Alternativas libres y resistentes a la censura para las herramientas digitales cotidianas
Como ya venimos avisando, se está haciendo un esfuerzo global por parte de los gobiernos de medio mundo para censurar e intervenir internet usando la regulación e incluso la coacción y amenazas a las empresas tecnológicas cuando la regulación no la pueden sacar adelante, para imponer la censura, como hemos visto en la UE o en Brasil recientemente.
No paran de llover propuestas y de aprobarse leyes, desde tener que identificar a cada usuario en una red social, a tener que ser identificado para visitar sitios web de adultos, como es el caso de España y su cómicamente denominado por los ciudadanos: "pajaporte".
Puedes leer en un poco más de detalle hasta que punto está avanzando este retroceso de la libertad y cómo se está dañando el último bastión de la libertad: internet. En este artículo.
Aquí hacemos una recopilación de herramientas que respetan la privacidad en mayor o menor medida y que son en muchos casos más resistentes a la censura que las herramientas que solemos usar. Sin embargo usar las herramientas listadas a continuación no es la panacea, más bien, es un primer paso a estar blindado en cuanto a privacidad y seguridad en la red.
En un mundo cada vez más digitalizado, es fundamental buscar alternativas a las herramientas convencionales que prioricen la privacidad, la seguridad y la libertad del usuario. A continuación, presentamos una lista no exhaustiva de opciones que sustituyen a las herramientas típicas, ofreciendo mayor control sobre tus datos y resistencia a la censura:
Sistemas Operativo
Los sistemas operativos son la base de nuestros dispositivos. Windows, macOS, iOS y Android son los más populares, pero no son las únicas opciones. Si buscas mayor control sobre tu privacidad y seguridad, puedes optar por alternativas de código abierto como:
Linux (distribuciones como Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian): Sistemas operativos robustos y versátiles, con una gran comunidad de usuarios y desarrolladores.
BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD): Sistemas operativos conocidos por su seguridad y estabilidad.
Navegadores Web:
Utilizamos navegadores web para acceder a internet, y opciones como Chrome, Safari y Edge son las más comunes. Sin embargo, estas recopilan una gran cantidad de datos sobre nuestra actividad online. Para una navegación más privada y segura, puedes optar por:
Firefox: Navegador de código abierto con un fuerte enfoque en la privacidad.
Brave: Navegador que bloquea anuncios y rastreadores por defecto, ofreciendo una experiencia de navegación más rápida y privada.
Tor Browser: Navegador que te permite acceder a la "dark web" y eludir la censura mediante el enrutamiento del tráfico a través de una red de servidores voluntarios.
Ungoogled Chromium: Versión de Chromium sin las funcionalidades de seguimiento de Google.
Almacenamiento en la Nube:
A día de hoy usamos aplicaciones como Google Drive, OneDrive o Dropbox para almacenar nuestros archivos en la nube. Estas aplicaciones son muy útiles para copias de seguridad de todo tipo, compartir archivos, etc. Sin embargo, aunque son útiles y cómodas tienen una contrapartida: al ser gratuitas, tus datos en gran medida son el producto. Aunque es cierto que también tienen versiones de pago, en la mayoría de los casos no evita lo primero. Por ello, si quieres proteger tu privacidad puedes usar herramientas como:
ProtonDrive: Fácil de usar, en la nube, gratuito hasta 1GB de la reputada empresa suiza Proton. Permite cifrado de extremo a extremo y se integra con otros servicios de Proton.
Nextcloud: Autoalojada, requiere gastar tiempo y conocimientos técnicos para su configuración. Ofrece un control total sobre tus datos y una gran flexibilidad.
Syncthing: Herramienta de sincronización de archivos punto a punto, sin necesidad de un servidor centralizado. Ideal para compartir archivos de forma segura y privada con amigos y familiares.
Seafile: Solución de almacenamiento en la nube de código abierto, con opciones de autoalojamiento y planes de pago. Ofrece un buen equilibrio entre facilidad de uso y seguridad.
Tresorit: Servicio de almacenamiento en la nube con un fuerte enfoque en la seguridad y el cifrado de conocimiento cero.
Suite Ofimática:
Microsoft Office, Google Workspace e iWork son las suites ofimáticas más populares, pero existen alternativas de código abierto que ofrecen una funcionalidad similar sin comprometer tu privacidad:
LibreOffice: Suite ofimática completa y gratuita, compatible con los formatos de archivo de Microsoft Office.
OnlyOffice: Suite ofimática online y de escritorio, con un enfoque en la colaboración y la compatibilidad con Microsoft Office.
FreeOffice: Suite ofimática gratuita para uso personal y comercial, con una interfaz similar a la de Microsoft Office.
Calligra Suite: Suite ofimática de código abierto con un enfoque en la creatividad y el diseño.
Correo Electrónico:
Gmail, Outlook y Yahoo Mail son los servicios de correo electrónico más utilizados, pero recopilan una gran cantidad de información sobre nuestros correos electrónicos y contactos. Para una mayor privacidad, puedes optar por:
ProtonMail: Servicio de correo electrónico cifrado de extremo a extremo, con sede en Suiza.
Tutanota: Servicio de correo electrónico cifrado de código abierto, con un enfoque en la seguridad y la privacidad.
Mailfence: Servicio de correo electrónico seguro y privado, con sede en Bélgica.
Posteo: Servicio de correo electrónico anónimo y respetuoso con la privacidad, con sede en Alemania.
Mensajería Instantánea:
WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger e iMessage son las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea más populares, pero no todas ofrecen un cifrado de extremo a extremo por defecto. Para una comunicación más segura, puedes optar por:
Signal: Aplicación de mensajería instantánea con cifrado de extremo a extremo y un fuerte enfoque en la privacidad.
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narolainfotechus · 13 days
How to Build a Successful Web App for Your Business
Building a web app for your business can unlock numerous opportunities, whether you're a startup or an established enterprise. A well-crafted web application can enhance your online presence, streamline operations, and boost customer engagement. This guide will cover the essentials of web app development and share best practices to help you create a web app that aligns with your business goals efficiently.
What are Web Applications?
A web application is a type of software that runs on remote servers and can be accessed through any web browser, such as Chrome or Safari. Unlike traditional desktop apps that need to be installed or downloaded, web apps are easy to use across different devices and platforms without any extra steps. This makes them highly accessible, allowing businesses to reach more people, improve operations, and provide better customer experiences.
Here are some key reasons why web apps are crucial for businesses:
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Web apps help businesses connect better with their customers.
Operational Efficiency: They make day-to-day operations smoother and more efficient.
Scalability and Flexibility: Web apps can easily grow and adapt as the business grows.
Cost-Effectiveness: They are often more affordable than traditional apps.
Enhanced Accessibility: Customers and employees can access the app anytime, anywhere.
Streamlined Business Processes: Web apps simplify and automate many business processes.
Easy Updates and Maintenance: Keeping the app up-to-date is simple and does not require complex installations.
Steps to Build a Web App
1. Identify Business Goals and Requirements
Clearly define what you want to achieve with your web app, such as increasing sales or improving customer engagement.
Outline the key features needed. For example, an e-commerce app might need a product catalog, secure checkout, and order tracking.
2. Validate Your Web App Idea
Ensure your idea meets a real market need by conducting research on competitors and potential users.
Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test your concept with users, gather feedback, and make improvements.
3. Design and Prototyping
Focus on designing a user-friendly interface (UI) and smooth user experience (UX).
Collaborate with designers to create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the app.
Test interactive prototypes to refine the design before moving to development.
4. Choosing the Right Development Frameworks
Choose the right frontend (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) and backend frameworks (e.g., Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails) based on your app's needs.
The framework choice affects performance, scalability, and security.
At Narola Infotech, we help you select the best frameworks for a strong foundation.
5. Development and Integration
Begin building the app, focusing on both the frontend and backend.
Use APIs to connect different parts of the app and ensure seamless data flow.
Integrate third-party services like payment gateways or analytics as needed.
6. Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)
Conduct thorough testing (unit, integration, and user acceptance) to catch and fix bugs before launching.
A well-tested app improves user satisfaction and reduces downtime.
7. Deployment and Launch
Choose a reliable hosting provider (e.g., AWS, Azure) and set up the environment.
Implement a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the deployment process.
Deploy the app and monitor its performance using monitoring tools.
8. Post-Launch Monitoring and Maintenance
Keep an eye on the app's performance and gather user feedback to make necessary improvements.
Regularly update the app with new features, bug fixes, and security patches.
Plan for scalability to handle growing user traffic and data needs.
These steps will help you build a successful web app that meets your business goals and delivers a great user experience.
For business owners who want to create a web app, it's important to know the development process and follow the best practices. Picking the right type of web app, making sure your idea is solid, and partnering with an experienced development team can help you build a successful web app.
Source: How to Build a Web App
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hotnew-pt · 15 days
Aaron Taylor-Johnson e Russell Crowe estrelam trailer de 'Kraven the Hunter' | KLBJ-AM #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Aaron Taylor-Johnson e Russell Crowe estrelam trailer de ‘Kraven the Hunter’ | KLBJ-AM – Austin, TX 2733718635 Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, como Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 386b71203b1fd25594010dc5be23413c03054b1d 1 Leia a matéria completa Siga-nos nas redes sociais: Hotnews.pt | Facebook | Instagram | Telegram #hotnews…
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matrixegermany-blog · 17 days
Wie kann man die Website vor der Freigabe überprüfen?
Sie wollen eine Website veröffentlichen, haben aber Zweifel, ob alles fertig ist? Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich daran erinnern, kleine, aber notwendige Details hinzuzufügen? Wir haben die Kontrolle übernommen und einen Weg gefunden, solche Fehler zu beheben - die Matrixe Checkliste vor der Veröffentlichung. Wir hoffen, dass auch Sie davon profitieren werden.
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Sind Sie sicher, dass Ihre Website dem gewachsen ist?
Sie können nur durch Tests herausfinden, was Ihre Website bewältigen kann. Das Testen ist erforderlich, um zu wissen, wie gut das Produkt funktioniert und ob es für die Benutzer leicht verständlich ist. QA-Ingenieure sind für die Entwicklung von Testszenarien und die Aufbereitung und Auswertung der Testergebnisse verantwortlich, aber sie sind nicht die einzigen, die diese Aufgabe übernehmen.
Die Entwurfsprüfung ist eine Überprüfung des Layouts auf Übereinstimmung mit dem Entwurf. Hierfür ist ein Produktdesigner zuständig. Nachdem ein Entwickler seine Arbeit beendet hat, prüft der Designer, ob alles richtig aussieht und sich richtig verhält. Wenn es irgendwelche Fragen gibt, muss ein Designer einen Fehler melden oder mit dem Entwickler entscheiden, ob etwas neu gemacht werden muss.
Typische Probleme, die bei der Entwurfsprüfung festgestellt werden können:falsche Abstände; fehlende Zustände bei interaktiven Elementen; schlechtes Timing von Animationen oder Lockerungen.
Funktionale Prüfung
Damit soll bestätigt werden, dass das zu entwickelnde Software-Produkt die gesamte Bandbreite der vom Kunden erwarteten Funktionen aufweist und alle Erwartungen erfüllt. Dabei geht es vor allem darum, sicherzustellen, dass die Website selbst ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.
Beispiele dafür, was schief gehen kann:
Ein Login-Formular erlaubt es dem Benutzer nicht, sich mit der richtigen E-Mail anzumelden;
es ist nicht möglich, eine Kassenseite zu öffnen, obwohl die Produkte in den Warenkorb gelegt wurden;
buchstäblich jedes andere funktionale oder logische Problem.
Kompatibilität von Browsern
Auch wenn Google Chrome heutzutage der beliebteste Browser ist, gibt es kein Monopol auf dem Browsermarkt, und das ist auch gut so. Die wichtigste Aufgabe besteht also darin, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Anwendung in einigen Hauptbrowsern richtig aussieht und funktioniert. In der Regel sind das die neuesten Versionen von Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox und Microsoft Edge.
Das Testen der Website in verschiedenen Browsern ist ein Muss, da verschiedene Browser denselben Code leicht unterschiedlich interpretieren können. Selbst wenn Ihr Code absolut konform mit den Entwicklungsstandards ist, können auf Ihrer Website Probleme auftreten, die auf einen Fehler in einem Browser zurückzuführen sind.
Kompatibilität mit mobilen Geräten
Die Zahl der Geräte, mit denen die Menschen im Internet surfen, nimmt zu. Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Website auf mobilen Geräten korrekt angezeigt wird, sollten Sie sie testen. Je größer die Zahl der zu testenden mobilen Geräte ist, desto stabiler wird Ihre Anwendung sein. Vergessen Sie jedoch nicht, dass der Testprozess umso langwieriger und teurer ist, je mehr Geräte getestet werden. Wenn Sie eine kleine Anwendung haben, dann reichen wahrscheinlich zwei Mobiltelefone (iOs und Android) und ein Tablet aus.
Erleichtern, beschleunigen
Die Optimierung während des Entwicklungsprozesses ist für das schnelle Laden des Produkts auf allen Geräten unerlässlich und wirkt sich direkt auf die Platzierung in den Suchmaschinen aus. Dementsprechend wirkt sich dieses Kriterium auf die eine oder andere Weise auf die endgültige Monetarisierung aus.
Optimierung der Bilder
Die Optimierung von Bildern gehört zur Hygiene einer modernen Web-App. Obwohl das Internet heutzutage schnell genug ist, sollten Sie an langsame 3g-Netze und an Orte denken, an denen Menschen mit begrenzter Internetverbindung auf Websites surfen müssen, wie z. B. in der U-Bahn. Wenn Sie für Ihre Nutzer ein oder zwei Kilobyte einsparen können, sollten Sie das tun.
Google-Leuchtturm-Bericht testen
Google kann die Qualität Ihrer Webseite verbessern. Er enthält Prüfungen zu Leistung, Zugänglichkeit, progressiven Webanwendungen und SEO. Neben der Prüfung selbst bietet es Entwicklern Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, was sehr praktisch ist.
Sammeln Sie alles und vergessen Sie nichts
Ein paar Dinge von geringer Priorität können im Design- und Entwicklungsprozess einfach übersehen werden. Die einzige Möglichkeit, sie nicht während des gesamten Projekts unter Kontrolle zu halten, besteht darin, ihre Existenz ein paar Wochen vor der Veröffentlichung zu überprüfen. Das funktioniert immer noch gut.
404 Seite wurde erstellt
Die Seite 404 erscheint normalerweise, wenn Sie erfolglos versuchen, etwas im Web zu öffnen, das nicht existiert. Sie ist notwendig, weil Sie es nicht zulassen können, dass sich Ihre Nutzer auf Ihrer Website verirren. Das richtige Design der 404-Seite macht dem Benutzer klar, dass er eine Route benutzt hat, die nicht existiert, und hilft ihm, den Weg zurück zu Ihrer Website zu finden. Es ist auch ein hervorragender Ort, um Ihrer Website ein Osterei hinzuzufügen - sehen Sie sich diese Listen hervorragender Designlösungen bei der Erstellung von 404-Seiten an - webentwicklung leipzig.
Favicon wurde hinzugefügt
Das Favicon ist ein winziges UX/UX-Element, aber es ist furchtbar, wenn eine Website keins hat. Favicons helfen uns, Ihre Website schnell von vielen anderen zu unterscheiden: in einer Tab-Leiste, einer Liste von Lieblingsseiten usw.
Icons für soziale Netzwerke führen zu echten Konten in sozialen Netzwerken
Die Integration der Website in soziale Netzwerke ist heute eher erforderlich als erwünscht. Schließlich muss man nicht mehr den Namen auf einer bestimmten sozialen Plattform eingeben, sondern kann auf eine Schaltfläche klicken und zu einer bestimmten Seite gehen. Wir sollten also prüfen, ob sie zu den gewünschten Netzwerken führt.
Kumpel mit der Suchmaschine
Es gibt kaum jemanden, der nicht weiß, was SEO ist. Kurz gesagt handelt es sich um eine Reihe von Praktiken, die das Ranking Ihrer Websites in den Suchmaschinen erleichtern. Sie müssen die besten Methoden anwenden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Crawler der Suchmaschinen alle wichtigen Informationen von Ihrer Website erhalten können. Übrigens, Google Lighthouse (wir haben oben über dieses Tool geschrieben) erleichtert die Identifizierung von SEO-Problemen und gibt auch einige Tipps, wie man sie beheben kann. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste einiger Elemente, die auf der Website vorhanden sein sollten, damit die Suchmaschinen die Website korrekt einstufen können.
Basis-Meta-Tags hinzugefügt
Meta-Tags sind Teile der Hypertext-Auszeichnung, die den Suchrobotern helfen zu verstehen, worum es auf Ihrer Website geht und was einem Besucher auf der Seite mit den Suchergebnissen angezeigt werden soll.
Sitemap hinzugefügt
Bei einer Sitemap handelt es sich um eine XML-Datei, in der Sie Informationen über Seiten, Videos und andere Dateien auf der Website sowie über deren Zusammenhänge bereitstellen. Suchmaschinen wie Google lesen diese Datei, um die Website intelligenter zu crawlen. Eine Sitemap teilt Google mit, welche Seiten und Dateien auf einer bestimmten Website wichtig sein könnten, und liefert wertvolle Informationen.
Robots.txt hinzugefügt
Die Datei robots.txt hilft den Crawlern der Suchmaschinen zu verstehen, welche Seiten auf der Suchergebnisseite erscheinen sollten und welche nicht. Sie können sie verwenden, um Suchmaschinen das Lesen von Seiten mit privaten Daten zu untersagen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Anleitung von Google.
Open Graph- und Twitter Graph-Meta-Tags hinzugefügt
Das Open Graph- und Twitter Graph-Markup ist eine Reihe von Meta-Tags, mit denen Links zu Ihrer Website attraktiver aussehen, wenn Sie sie auf Facebook und Twitter teilen. Soziale Netzwerke sind heutzutage sehr beliebt, daher sollten wir diese Tags nicht ausklammern. Machen Sie es neuen Nutzern leichter, Ihre Inhalte zu lieben, bevor sie Ihre Website besuchen.
Alle Inhalte sind relevant und aktuell
Vor der Veröffentlichung muss auch die Relevanz der Inhalte der Website überprüft werden: Sind sie alle für das Produkt relevant? Vielleicht sind die Informationen veraltet, oder es findet sich irgendwo Lorem ipsum.
Analytische Tracker
Analytics-Tracker wie Hotjar und Google Analytics sind unverzichtbar, wenn Sie die Benutzerfreundlichkeit Ihrer Website verbessern und eine Marketingkampagne aufbauen wollen. Vergewissern Sie sich aber, dass sie wirklich benötigt werden, denn alle zusätzlichen Skripte verringern die Leistung der Website.
und, auf geht's
Jedes Produkt ist ein eigener Fall, der aus vielen Details besteht. Wie wir bereits gesagt haben, können einige Elemente leicht vergessen werden, weil man sie nicht ständig braucht. Um das Produkt zu vervollständigen, haben wir eine vor der Veröffentlichung erstellte Checkliste verwendet.
Wir denken ständig über alle möglichen Optionen nach, um Ihre Produkte zu verbessern, und achten dabei auf die digitale Qualität. Lassen Sie uns Ihre Website testen. Wir werden es sanft, aber qualitativ tun - webentwicklung agentur.
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enkeynetwork · 20 days
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