#Is methi vegetable good for health ?
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smartbloggs · 1 year ago
Fenugreek leaves, also known as methi leaves, are a popular ingredient in many cuisines and are renowned for their numerous health benefits. for more visit smartbloggs.com
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🍃🕊🍃 Health Remedies 🍃🕊🍃
In Tadbiyat-e-Hikmat it is narrated that Maula Ali (as) says like soap cleans clothes but it also wears off the clothes, so too many medications temporarily cleanses the body from diseases but it makes it boosedah.
We are obliged to all those who helped us in the making of this booklet. May Allah Bless them health and prosperity. Please excuse us in case of any error.
Imam Ali (as) said: "Never, never will prosperity be reached by remaining idle and lazy."
Ayatullah Nasrullah Burujardi says the patient should pray himself (if the mareez is unable to pray himself then some one should pray on his behalf) 17,000 times salwat. 1000 salwat hadiya to each of the 14 masoomeen (pbbut), 1000 salwat as hadiya to Bibi Zainab (sa) 1000 salwat as hadiya to Hazrat Abbas (ra) and 1000 salwat as hadiya to Umul baneen (sa). (very effective if prayed in one sitting)
Pray 1000 times in one sitting Allahumma Laan Muawiya ibn Abi Saffyan. (Laan (part of tabbarrah), is very effective because it makes you realize why the laan is being sent on the person, and awakens you
to stay away from evil deeds. Praying laan fulfills desires quickly,also pray salwat before and after the tasbihs, also do istigfar)
The Prophet (S) Says- 77 diseases are cured by honey.
Do not stand and drink water at night, incurable disease will be contracted (6th Imam as)
Drinking Rain water is beneficial for health
21 raisins (kishmish) on an empty stomach for good memory and good health.
Do not sleep on an empty stomach.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Use the washroom before sleeping.
Do not sleep in a straight position immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion and causes gastric problems.
Do not bathe immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion.
Best not to eat anything except fruits between breakfast and dinner.
Do not eat fruits immediately after a meal, wait for a hr before eating fruits.
Eat the fruits at the beginning of their season.
Don't drink tea immediately after a meal as tea has acid in it and food has protein in it therefore digestion is hindered.
Do not smoke a cigarette immediately after a meal it is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes at other times and is the main cause of cancer.
Never urinate in the sea or swimming pools, one contracts incurable disease.
After a hot water bath put a mug of cold water on your feet
Best time to sleep, which is most beneficial, is 2½ hrs after sunset.
Start and end your food with a pinch of salt to ward off 70 kinds of diseases.
End your meal also with a pinch of salt.
Waking up 2½ hrs before sunrise is very beneficial for health.
Namaz-e-shab is best for good health.
Try to do all work facing qibla and in a state of wuzu- Tilwat-e-Quran, cooking, studying etc.
Alims say that honey serves a dual purpose i.e. in the winter it has a warm effect and in summer it has a cooling effect.
Cutting nails on Friday cures many diseases.
Elaichi to be chewed thoroughly with the skin, after meals for at least 40 days to see results.
Dairy products, egg yolk, soya beans,garlic, vegetables and fish. Feet should always be clean. Keep your feet dry of moisture and sweat and keep them warm by wearing cotton socks not nylon socks. This plays a very important role for good blood circulation for sugar patient.
Drink garlic juice
Methi seeds (better used in the winter) one teaspoon nihar mouth or in powdered form. And one teaspoon 1 hr before meals.
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
Remove potato eyes from a raw potato, wash well and liquidize and drink immediately.
Fill water in a copper vessel at night and drink it in the morning.
Mix honey 1 teaspoon and 2 teaspoons luke warm water and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (dalchinni powder) to be slowly massaged on joint pains.
1 cup hot water, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix well and drink twice a day.
Ginger juice and salt to be mixed and massaged
Massage back with hot olive oil (always use hot oil for massage, it is very effective)
Clove oil massage
½ teaspoon Ajwine and ½ teaspoon ghur to be chewed well twice a day. If back pain is very severe then increase the quantity to 1 teaspoon each
massage with hot coconut oil
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
one teaspoon of honey at night
Hadiths of Imams (pbbut) For good colour: - use the following in your diet: - Egg plant (began), onion, bahi (queens), bananas and olives
Rub cucumber juice on the face.
Besan ka atta, ghee and water to be mixed and rubbed on face.
Boil 1 liter water till ½ liter remains, then mix glycerin and lime together and use twice a day.
Drink carrot juice (carrot juice not recommended for pregnant women).
Mix water and ginger juice in equal parts and drink daily.
For pain in the heart- 8-10 tulsi leaves mixed with 2-3 black peppers to be chewed and swallowed
Eat 3-4 garlic cloves daily.
Drink milk mixed with crushed lasan.
Nihar mouth 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Bananas and melons are especially beneficial.
2 teaspoon of honey mixed with 1 teaspoon lemon juice to be taken twice a day.
For High and low Blood Pressure: Do deep breathing.
Chew 1 teaspoon tea leaves mixed with sugar
Mix luke warm water, lime juice and 1 pinch salt and drink
Rub ginger juice around the naval
A lemon a day keeps the cold away.
Orange (mosambi) juice.
1 tblspoon of ginger juice mixed with ½ teaspoon honey.
2½ cups water to be boiled then add juice of 2 lemons and honey and drink at night.
Drink onion juice and honey mixed together.
For coughs ½ onion dipped in honey overnight and drink the juice
For excessive coughing and to avoid coughing continuously keep pomegranate skin in the mouth
Inhaling steam of hot water mixed with garlic cloves.
5 grms of honey 4 times in the day.
For Phlegm (balghum)-chew dates well and drink hot water over it.
For Colds, Coughs and Phlegm (balghum) in hot milk add haldi, salt and ghur and drink at night.
(Dua to be prayed for results within 40 days or 3 months) -
Surah Taha- to be prayed for 41 to 90 days. Better to be prayed at time of shab and completed 5 mins before Namaz-e-Fajr.
Surah Baqarah ayah 137 to be recited 100 times for marriage proposal, family problems and for anger
فَإِنْ آمَنُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا آمَنتُم بِهِ فَقَدِ اهْتَدَوا ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِي شِقَاقٍ ۖفَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللَّـهُ ۚ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ﴿١٣٧﴾
Translation: "So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All- Hearing, the All-Knowing."
If you wear black shoes.
If you wear clothes in the standing position.
If you wipe your hands or face with your clothes.
Negative thinking.
Lack of something in your body.
Recalling old memories.
Remedies For depression:
Do not wear black shoes.
Wear your dress/clothes in a sitting position.
Do not wipe your hands or face with the clothes you are wearing (also adversely effects rizk and rozi).
Keep a positive attitude towards others even if they do not show a friendly attitude towards you.
Use raw vegetables.
Eat oranges, berries, black grapes, olives.
Eat dry fruits before meal.
Drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon powder (equal quantity) at night.
Drink warm water with 1tbs honey at daytime.
Wash your hair with water of bairi leaves.
Wear yellow slippers or shoes (also beneficial for barkat in rozi/rizk); if yellow can not be worn then wear white slippers or shoes. (Yellow color is a much liked color in Islam).
Eat fruit of the season in the beginning of the season.
Recite salwat 100 times daily.
Drink orange juice to overcome deficiencies in your body.
When you wake up from sleep recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times while lying down. Again recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times in a sitting position. Repeat the amaal again when you stand up, when in washroom and finally when washing hands. (In total the amaal should be done 5 times).
Apply honey and cinnamon powder in equal quantity.
Massage the effected area with the paste of baisan flour (for itching).
Do not use egg, peanuts, sugar and dairy products.
Massage with the juice of tulsi leaves
Apply coconut oil on the beginning stage of pimples on a continuous basis for 7days.
Wash your face with lassi.
Wash your face with paste of besan flour.
To Change on nature (especially for children):
Recite 5 times durud followed by 21 times Surah Qadr and again 5 times durud in a moderate voice near the person's ear, then make a speech of 5 to 7 minutes of what changes you want in him (as the brain is conscious),while he is sleeping. The amaal will break if the person wakes up during the amaal. The amaal shall be performed for 21 days on the same time everyday. The person performing it shall be in state of wuzu and should be facing the qibla. (However, if the person is abroad then the same amaal shall be performed at the time when that person is sleeping. That person should be in your imagination and your hand should be on the pillow in that person's room or another room-this should be done with full concentration)-You can tell the child of the amaal but it is better not to tell him.
Eat two apples a day.
Every morning eat a handful of any sesame seeds (till) either black or white.
Liquidize or blend 10 almonds with a cup of milk. Drink this mixture twice i.e. one cup before breakfast and another before sleeping.
Eat more of dark green leafy vegetables.
Eat low fat dairy products.
Give them carrot and orange juice.
The child should eat as many bananas as he/she can after meals.
Boil Figs (angeer) with milk and give the milk to child to drink and the Figs to eat.
Chew ½ spoon of Ajwaeen twice a day.
Wash hands after meals and apply your wet palms to your eyes reciting ayat 82 of Surah Bani-Israel, seven times.
Recite Ayat-al-kursi and blow your warm breath on your palms and keep your palms on your eyes.
Put drops of pure honey in your eyes everyday.
Drink 3 sips of water every time after you do wudhoo (ablution) with the intention of decreasing anger.
Recite Ya Wadudo 360 times on any sweet thing for 40 days and then eat (can also do it for someone else and give it to them to eat).
Recite Al Mubdiyo or Ya Mubdiyo 56 times. Inshallah the work will get completed.
This can be also recited on a pregnant woman, for avoiding miscarriage and having a safe delivery.
Recite Ayat 70 of Surah Baqrah.
قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّن لَّنَا مَا هِيَ إِنَّ الْبَقَرَ تَشَابَهَ عَلَيْنَا وَإِنَّا إِن شَاءَ اللَّـهُ لَمُهْتَدُونَ ﴿٧٠﴾
“They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is, for surely to us the cows are all alike, and if Allah please we shall surely be guided aright.”
the above ayat can also be recited while going shopping, or before starting any business or housekeeping task or before marriage
Recite ayat 73 and 74 of Surah Al Imran 350 times in one sitting. This does wonders. Recite it preferably every day.
One who is weak in Mathematics, should recite YA MUHSEEYI (ONE WHO COUNTS), as many times as possible.
To aquire concentration while studying, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas once before starting.
Eat sesame seeds (till), white or black.
Take 20 tola water and 1 tola black sesame seeds (till) and boil them together until only 5 tola water is left. Then add gurr for as sweet as you want and drink the mixture.
Recite Ziyarat-e-Ahsura.
Recite Tasbih-e-Fatima Zahra(a.s).
After namaz-e-fajr recite Surah Qadr and Surah Ikhlas.
Recite at least 50 quranic ayats with concentration everyday.
Recite Ayat-e-Karima 400 times everyday for one year (to change a bad habit),
One should recite Surah Alam Nashra 7 times, before going to sleep.
Inshallah the next day when he wakes up, his heart will be free of any kind of hatred and impurity towards any one or for anyone
Mix a little ghee in milk and drink it.
Massage the forehead with a little ghee or clove oil
In one cup of water, put 1 tsp of haldi, boil it and then drink it
In order to normalize blood cholesterol the best things to drink are: Carrot juice, Celery juice
Best to eat are apples, bananas, grape fruit, carrots and dry beans
Also during our food intake to take a little bit of honey
If one is suffering from very high cholesterol and wants to normalize it in two hours has to have the following mixture:
In 16 oz of tea water, mix 2 tbsp of honey and 3 tsp of Cinnamon powder and then drink it.
Eat Figs
Have lemon juice twice a day
1 cup of ripe tomato juice
To have first thing in the morning hot water mixed with 2tsp of honey
To have hot milk mixed with 2 tsp of honey at night before sleeping
Carrot juice
If suffering from dry piles, then have lassi mixed with a little bit of gur.
To Liquidise have coriander leaves (dhanya) with water and drink it.
To liquidize neem leaves with water, sieve and then drink
If suffering from painful piles, then eat masoor daal with roti and lassi.
Stop having hot spicy food
Highly recommended to eat figs.
To massage the head with: hot olive oil mixed with 1 tsp cinnamon powder + 2 tsp honey. Keep it for 15 mins before washing.
Mix a little sugar in lemon juice and apply it on the hair, then wash it off.
Make a powder of neem leaves, then in about 100 gm of neem leaves powder, mix it in coconut oil and apply it in the hair once a week
In order to have shiny hair, have cucumber
To eat twice a day
Make a mixture of: 1 cup apple cider + 1 cup honey + 16 pieces of lasan (garlic), liquidize it for 1 min, put it in a glass cylinder with a tight lid and put it in the fridge for one week. After one week, put 2 tsp of this mixture in a glass of hot water and have it twice a day preferably first thing in the morning and not to eat anything for half an hour after this.
Make them eat tiil
Make them eat gurr and onions
Glucose water and lemon water, 2 tbsp four times a day
Recite Surah Jumah on water and make them drink
One should open the Holy Quran and start reciting 100 ayats from the page where ever he has opened it and then after 100 ayats, say 3 times
"YA ALLAH please help me overcome my fear".
This can also be done when one is facing any kind of problem and difficulty. After reciting 100 ayats, say 3 time
“YA ALLAH please solve this problem for me".
Inshallah either the problem will be solved or one will get an idea as to how to deal with the problem.
To have adrak water + lemon water + half tsp black pepper powder
To cure indigestion and gas problems mix ajwain powder in hot water and drink it
Mix channa + gurr and have it with hot water and drink it
Mix 1 tsp adrak water + 2 tsp lemon water + saakar (misri) powder and have it before eating .This is good for gas, acidity and indigestion.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said: In order to prevent stomach ailments, recite surah Teen on the food and then eat, it is so mujarrab that even if some one has mixed poison in food it will not effect.
For every dish we have, we should recite a different 'Bismillah’
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fytikahealthcareproduct · 1 month ago
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How Does Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds) Help Weight Loss?
Everyone must have heard the name of Methi (Fenugreek). Its leaves and seeds are common ingredients in dishes from the Indian subcontinent, and have had many traditional uses in Ayurveda since ancient times.
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But do you know that Methi seeds have also been used for weight loss? Yes, it's the same methi you might have tasted in pickles, vegetable dishes, dal, spice mixtures, etc.
If you don't believe it, come to this blog, we will tell you how methi seeds are beneficial in weight loss.
Also Read: Why Fytika Let It Melt? The Key To Effortless Weight Loss
Benefits of Methi Seeds in Weight Loss
Let us discuss the effectiveness of fenugreek(methi) in weight loss.
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1. Appetite Control: Fenugreek or methi is a natural appetite regulator that keeps us fuller for a longer period of time managing the hunger urges that we get, making it easier to stick to a healthier eating routine.
2. Boosts Metabolism: It has high fiber content which improves fat metabolism by supporting fat burn and weight loss.
3. Increase Satiety: Methi seeds have a high fiber content, which can help promote satiety, making you feel satisfied for a longer period of time and less likely to overeat. A study published on a renowned website showed that consuming fenugreek fiber with breakfast can significantly increase satiety, leading to reduced intake at the next meal.
4. Promotes Healthy Digestion: Good digestion promotes better metabolism, better nutrient absorption, and reduces bloating aiding in effective calorie burn and weight loss.
Health Benefits Beyond Weight Loss of Fenugreek
Anti-inflammatory Effects: Fenugreek reduces the inflammation in our body which is linked to various chronic diseases.
Liver Health: Fenugreek supports liver function protecting it from heavy metals and alcohol.
Improved Skin Health: Fenugreek soothes the irritation of our skin promoting collagen production.
Why Methi Seeds in Fytika Let It Melt?
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Methi is one of the powerful natural ingredient in Fytika Let It Melt, it inhibits cholesterol production, supports appetite control, boosts metabolism, and enhances fat burning.  All the natural ingredients of Fytika Let It Melt include Garcinia Cambogia, Triphala, piperine, and green coffee, combined with these, methi offers a wide range of benefits. Incorporating healthy dietary patterns, physical activity, and Let It Melt into your daily routine can provide an extra push in your weight loss journey.
Take Away
To reach your weight loss goals, focus on building simple, healthy habits. Eat more whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Stick to regular meals, avoid overeating, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Focus on nourishing your body and celebrate every small victory along the way.
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bestsupermarketinadelaide · 3 months ago
Best Indian Supermarket in Adelaide: A Comprehensive Guide for Food Lovers
Adelaide is known for its rich cultural diversity, and nowhere is this more evident than in its grocery stores. If you're a fan of Indian cuisine or looking to try something new, the Indian grocery stores in Adelaide offer a wide array of products that will transport you to the vibrant markets of India. Whether you're searching for fragrant spices, ready-to-eat snacks, or traditional sweets, these stores cater to all your needs. In this article, we'll explore what makes these supermarkets special and why they are the top choice for Indian food lovers.
The Rich Selection of Indian Spices and Ingredients
When it comes to preparing Indian food, the use of fresh and aromatic spices is essential. Asian Food Adelaide excel in providing a vast selection of spices that are integral to Indian cooking. Whether you're making a flavorful curry, a spicy biryani, or a simple dal, you'll find everything you need under one roof. Staples such as cumin, coriander, turmeric, garam masala, and cardamom are available in both ground and whole forms, ensuring you can create the perfect balance of flavors in your dishes.
Beyond spices, these stores also offer other essential ingredients such as lentils, rice, and specialty flours like gram flour and rice flour. These items are not only crucial for traditional Indian recipes but also versatile enough to be incorporated into modern, fusion-style dishes. Whether you're an experienced chef or a novice, Indian grocery stores in Adelaide have all the tools you need to create authentic Indian meals at home.
A World of Traditional Indian Sweets and Snacks
No Indian meal is complete without indulging in traditional sweets and snacks. Indian cuisine is famous for its variety of sweets, from the syrupy goodness of gulab jamun to the delicate, milk-based barfi. Indian grocery stores in Adelaide offer a wide range of freshly made Indian sweets, perfect for celebrating festivals or satisfying your cravings. Additionally, these stores often stock pre-packaged sweets, allowing you to enjoy them on the go or share them with friends and family.
For snack lovers, Indian grocery stores provide an assortment of savory treats such as samosas, pakoras, and namkeens. These crispy, spicy snacks are perfect accompaniments to tea or coffee and offer a delightful taste of India. The stores also carry popular packaged snacks like sev, murukku, and bhujia, ensuring that you never run out of options for your snack cravings.
The Importance of Fresh Vegetables and Ingredients
In Indian cuisine, fresh produce plays a crucial role in creating flavorful dishes. Many Indian supermarkets in Adelaide prioritize stocking fresh vegetables such as okra, eggplant, and bitter gourd, as well as staple items like onions, tomatoes, and potatoes. Leafy greens like spinach and fenugreek are also commonly available, essential for preparing dishes such as saag and methi aloo.
For those who are health-conscious, some Indian grocery stores even offer organic options for their produce, ensuring that you get the highest quality ingredients for your meals. Shopping for fresh ingredients at these stores not only enhances the flavor of your dishes but also ensures that you're using the best possible products.
Specialty Items and Organic Options in Indian Grocery Stores
Indian grocery stores are known for carrying unique and hard-to-find products. Whether you're looking for specialty items like rose water, tamarind paste, or paneer (Indian cottage cheese), these stores offer a comprehensive selection. These specialty products are often necessary for creating specific Indian dishes and add an authentic touch to your meals.
In addition to traditional products, many Indian grocery stores in Adelaide are now offering organic options for health-conscious shoppers. Organic lentils, grains, and spices are available, allowing you to enjoy the vibrant flavors of Indian cuisine while making healthier food choices. This shift towards organic products reflects the growing demand for sustainable and health-conscious options within the grocery industry. Pickle lovers rejoice! Find the best variety of Bhujia and tangy pickles at unbeatable prices only at Ethnic Indian Grocer in Adelaide.
The Best Indian Supermarket in Adelaide: A One-Stop Shop for All Your Needs
When it comes to finding the best supermarket in Adelaide, several stores stand out for their wide range of products, quality, and customer service. These supermarkets cater not only to those familiar with Indian cooking but also to individuals looking to explore Indian cuisine for the first time. They provide a welcoming environment with knowledgeable staff who can guide you through their vast selection of products, helping you find exactly what you need.
These stores are more than just places to buy groceries; they are cultural hubs that connect you to the vibrant traditions of India. Whether you're preparing a simple weeknight dinner or hosting a festive celebration, the Buy Grocery Adelaide offer everything you need to make your meals memorable.
Why Shop at an Indian Grocery Store in Adelaide?
Shopping at an Indian grocery store in Adelaide is more than just a trip to the supermarket—it's an opportunity to explore a rich culinary heritage. From the wide variety of spices and ingredients to the freshly made Indian sweets and snacks, these stores offer everything needed to create authentic Indian dishes. They cater to home cooks, food lovers, and health-conscious shoppers alike, offering both traditional and organic products.
The Indian grocery stores in Adelaide not only provide access to high-quality, authentic ingredients but also foster a sense of community. For anyone passionate about Indian cooking, these stores are essential for finding the best products and discovering new flavors. Whether you're a seasoned cook or just beginning your journey into Indian cuisine, these stores are the perfect place to start.
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agresearchlabs · 5 months ago
Discover the Nutritional Powerhouses being produced by hydroponic growers
India’s culinary landscape is as diverse as its culture, and leafy green vegetables are a staple in Indian cuisine. These greens not only add vibrant colours and flavours to dishes but also pack a nutritional punch. Here are some of the most commonly grown and consumed leafy green vegetables in India and their incredible health benefits. Hydroponic farming solutions are flooding the market with such produce for consumers to eat and benefit from.
1. Spinach (Palak)
Nutritional Benefits:
- Rich in Iron: Spinach is an excellent source of iron, which is crucial for maintaining healthy blood cells and preventing anaemia.
- High in Vitamins: It contains vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A is essential for eye health, vitamin C boosts immunity, and vitamin K is vital for bone health.
- Antioxidants: Spinach is packed with antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein, which help protect the body from oxidative stress.
Culinary Uses:
Being grown by many hydroponic growers, spinach is versatile and can be used in curries, soups, and salads. Palak paneer, a popular dish, combines spinach with paneer (Indian cottage cheese) in a flavourful gravy.
2. Fenugreek Leaves (Methi)
Nutritional Benefits:
- Fibre-Rich: Fenugreek leaves are high in dietary fibre, which aids digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
- Anti-inflammatory: These leaves have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing inflammation in the body.
- Rich in Iron and Calcium: Fenugreek is also a good source of iron and calcium, essential for maintaining healthy bones and blood cells.
Culinary Uses:
Hydroponic farming solutions produce fenugreek leaves in season as they are often used in parathas (stuffed flatbreads), curries, and stir-fries. Methi thepla, a Gujarati delicacy, is a popular way to enjoy these nutritious leaves.
3. Mustard Greens (Sarson)
Nutritional Benefits:
- High in Vitamin K: Mustard greens are particularly rich in vitamin K, which plays a crucial role in blood clotting and bone health.
- Detoxifying Properties: They contain compounds that support the liver’s detoxification processes.
- Rich in Antioxidants: Mustard greens have a high antioxidant content, helping to combat oxidative stress.
Culinary Uses:
Mustard greens are famously used in Sarson ka Saag, a traditional Punjabi dish, often paired with makki di roti (cornbread). Hydroponic growers produce these greens as they are cooked and pureed with spices for a comforting and nutritious meal.
4. Amaranth Leaves (Chaulai)
Nutritional Benefits:
- Protein-Rich: Amaranth leaves are a great source of plant-based protein, making them ideal for vegetarians and vegans.
- Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: They provide a good amount of vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
- Antioxidant Properties: These leaves are rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against free radicals.
Culinary Uses:
Amaranth leaves can be used in a variety of dishes, including stir-fries, soups, and stews. In South India, they are often used to make a nutritious dal (lentil curry) called thotakura pappu.
5. Coriander Leaves (Dhaniya)
Nutritional Benefits:
- Rich in Antioxidants: Coriander leaves are packed with antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress.
- Digestive Aid: These leaves have digestive properties and can help alleviate indigestion and bloating.
- Vitamin C: They are an excellent source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity and promotes healthy skin.
Culinary Uses:
Hydroponic growers know that is a household staple. Its leaves are widely used as a garnish and flavour enhancer in Indian cuisine. They are essential in chutneys, salads, and as a finishing touch to curries and soups.
Incorporating these leafy greens into your diet can provide numerous health benefits, from boosting your immune system to improving bone health. Whether you’re making a hearty saag, a refreshing salad, or a flavourful curry, these greens are sure to elevate your meals and your health.
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jkdbfcb · 5 months ago
What are the health benefits of Indian spices, and where can I buy them in Hong Kong?
Indian spices are celebrated for their rich flavors and numerous health benefits. Here's an overview of some popular Indian spices and their health benefits:
Health Benefits of Indian Spices
Turmeric (Haldi):
Benefits: Contains curcumin, known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can help reduce inflammation, improve brain function, and lower the risk of heart disease.
Cumin (Jeera):
Benefits: Aids in digestion, boosts the immune system, and is a rich source of iron. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections.
Coriander (Dhaniya):
Benefits: Helps in lowering blood sugar levels, reducing bad cholesterol, and improving digestion. It is also rich in antioxidants.
Cardamom (Elaichi):
Benefits: Good for digestive health, helps combat bad breath, and may lower blood pressure. It has antibacterial properties as well.
Benefits: Known for its anti-nausea effects, ginger aids in digestion, reduces muscle pain and soreness, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Fenugreek (Methi):
Benefits: Helps control blood sugar levels, improves cholesterol levels, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Cinnamon (Dalchini):
Benefits: Can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk factors, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Where to Buy Indian Spices in Hong Kong
Kohinoor Foods:
Location: Tsim Sha Tsui
Description: Offers a wide range of Indian spices and other grocery items, ensuring you can find all the essentials for your cooking needs.
Spice Store Hong Kong:
Type: Online Store
Description: Provides a variety of Indian spices and other groceries delivered right to your doorstep, making it convenient to get authentic ingredients.
Apna Bazaar:
Location: Chungking Mansions
Description: Known for its extensive selection of Indian and South Asian products, making it a go-to place for authentic spices.
Dhanlaxmi Store:
Location: Mid-Levels area
Description: Offers fresh vegetables and a wide variety of Indian spices, ensuring quality and freshness.
Type: Online Store
Description: While not exclusively Indian, iHerb offers a range of organic and health-focused products, including popular Indian spices.
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indusroots · 6 months ago
Can natural testosterone boosters help in increasing sperm count?
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Men’s health plays a vital role in a couple’s fertility journey. Sperm count is a topic of taboo but also extremely important in conceiving. Let’s explore the relationship between testosterone and sperm production, and some natural ways to increase it.
Understanding what is Testosterone:
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which regulates multiple parts of male physiology including facial hair growth, muscle building and sperm production. When testosterone levels dip, sperm count, motility (movement), and overall fertility can suffer. The good news? By naturally supporting your body’s testosterone production, you have the potential to enhance sperm health.
Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone
Natural testosterone boosters does not pump testosterone directly into your body but might help in increasing the production of the hormone. Let’s look into some of them.
Herbal Powerhouses:
Ashwagandha has been linked to improved testosterone levels and sperm quality. It also has other benefits like stress reduction, improved metabolism. You can also consume it in the form of supplements.
Fenugreek Extract: Fenugreek extract may also help with testosterone levels. It contains compounds that the body can convert into substances similar to testosterone. However, consuming methi may not be enough and you might need supplements.
Korean Ginseng: Korean ginseng has been traditionally used to improve overall health and vitality. Some studies suggest it might have a mild effect on boosting testosterone, particularly in men with erectile dysfunction.
Ginkgo Biloba: Primarily known for cognitive health benefits, some studies suggest it might improve blood flow, which could be beneficial for male fertility.
Essential Minerals: Zinc is a key player in testosterone synthesis and sperm development. Consider incorporating zinc-rich foods like oysters or pumpkin seeds into your diet.
Vitamin D Sunshine: This essential vitamin is linked to testosterone production, and deficiency has been associated with low sperm count. Sunlight exposure or a Vitamin D supplement can help.
You may also consider best testosterone booster supplements which contain these vitamins, minerals and herbs. If you want to read more about different types of testosterone boosters and their safety, refer to our blog here. However, supplements alone cannot work and need to be combined with healthy habits.
Beyond Supplements: Lifestyle Habits for Success
Lifestyle changes are important along with right nutrition:
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can negatively impact testosterone levels. Don’t deal in extremes to ensure healthy testo levels.
Move Your Body: Regular exercise can help boost testosterone production.
Stress reduction: Goes without saying that stress is bad for testosterone. Try to reduce it by regularly meditating.
Sleep Well, Feel Well: Adequate sleep is crucial for testosterone production. Aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night. In case you want to read about melatonin and foods, refer to our blog here.
Fuel Your Body Right: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients provides the building blocks for healthy sperm production. Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources.
The Takeaway: Empowering Your Fertility Journey
Increasing sperm count through natural testosterone boosters is a holistic approach to enhancing male fertility. By addressing hormone balance, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits, and providing your body with the right nutrients, you can take proactive steps to optimize your reproductive health and empower your fertility journey. Explore the potential benefits of these natural strategies and consult with a doctor to develop a personalized plan for a healthier, more fertile you.
Source : https://theindusroots.com/blogs/news/can-natural-testosterone-boosters-help-in-increasing-sperm-count
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dheemahi · 6 months ago
Managing Diabetes with Ayurveda
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Understanding Diabetes in Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, views diabetes as an imbalance in the body’s doshas, particularly Kapha and Pitta. This imbalance affects Agni (digestive fire), leading to poor metabolism and elevated blood sugar levels. In Ayurvedic terms, diabetes is categorized as “Prameha.” Effective management involves balancing the doshas through diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes.
Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendations for Diabetes
Ayurvedic principles emphasize a personalized approach, considering an individual’s constitution (dosha), current health status, and the nature of the disease. Here are some key dietary recommendations:
Balancing Kapha and Pitta: Focus on reducing foods that increase Kapha and Pitta doshas while favoring those that pacify them.
Enhancing Digestion: Opt for easy-to-digest foods. Prefer cooked foods over raw, warm meals over cold, and avoid heavy, oily foods.
Choosing the Right Foods: Incorporate whole grains (like barley and oats), legumes (like lentils and mung beans), bitter vegetables (like bitter gourd and leafy greens), and moderate amounts of fruits (like berries and pomegranates).
Avoiding Sugary and Refined Foods: Steer clear of sugary foods, refined carbohydrates, and heavy dairy products that can aggravate Kapha and worsen insulin resistance.
Herbal Support: Use Ayurvedic herbs such as fenugreek (Methi), turmeric (Haldi), bitter melon (Karela), and Indian gooseberry (Amla) to support blood sugar regulation. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before incorporating these into your diet.
Foods to Avoid for Better Diabetes Management
To manage diabetes effectively, it’s essential to avoid or limit foods that cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels. Here’s a list of foods to be cautious about:
Sugary Foods and Beverages: Avoid sodas, sweetened beverages, candies, cakes, and desserts.
Refined Carbohydrates: Limit white bread, pastries, white rice, and pasta.
Trans Fats and Saturated Fats: Steer clear of fried foods, commercially baked goods, and high-fat dairy products.
High-Sodium Foods: Reduce intake of processed meats, canned soups, and salty snacks.
Alcoholic Beverages: Drink alcohol in moderation and preferably with food.
Fruit Juices and Sweet Fruits: Limit consumption of sweet fruits like grapes, mangoes, and bananas, as well as commercially prepared fruit juices with added sugars.
Ayurvedic Foods Beneficial for Diabetics
Bitter and Astringent Tastes: Foods like bitter gourd (Karela), fenugreek seeds, turmeric, and leafy greens like spinach and kale help balance Kapha and Pitta doshas.
Whole Grains: Prefer whole grains like barley, oats, quinoa, and millets (such as ragi) over refined grains.
Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, mung beans, and chickpeas are rich in fiber and protein, supporting digestive health.
Healthy Fats: Moderate amounts of healthy fats from sources like ghee, cold-pressed oils, and nuts/seeds can be beneficial.
Herbs and Spices: Incorporate fenugreek, cinnamon, bitter melon, Indian gooseberry, and turmeric into your diet.
Practical Tips for Managing Your Diet
Read Food Labels: Pay attention to serving sizes, carbohydrate content, and added sugars.
Choose Whole Foods: Opt for whole grains, lean proteins, and plenty of vegetables.
Control Portions: Use smaller plates and measure portions to avoid overeating.
Monitor Blood Sugar Levels: Regularly check your blood glucose levels to understand how different foods affect your body and adjust your diet accordingly.
Dheemahi Ayurveda’s Expertise
Dheemahi Ayurveda offers a comprehensive Ayurvedic approach to managing diabetes, combining ancient wisdom with modern science. Their personalized therapies and dietary plans are designed to balance the doshas and improve overall well-being. With ongoing support and guidance, Dheemahi helps individuals manage their condition effectively and achieve optimal health.
For those seeking a holistic approach to diabetes management, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala offers personalized treatments and therapies that promote healing and well-being.
By following these Ayurvedic dietary guidelines and lifestyle changes, individuals can manage diabetes more effectively and enjoy a healthier life.
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psyspeaks07 · 6 months ago
Fenugreek leaves, also known as methi leaves, are a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine. They have a slightly bitter and earthy flavor, and are often used in curries, stews, and other dishes. Fenugreek leaves are also a good source of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
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Health benefits of fenugreek leaves
Fenugreek leaves have been shown to offer a number of health benefits, including:
Improved blood sugar control: Fenugreek leaves contain compounds that can help to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. This can be beneficial for people with diabetes or prediabetes.
Reduced cholesterol levels: Fenugreek leaves have also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, including both LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Improved digestion: Fenugreek leaves contain fiber, which can help to improve digestion and prevent constipation.
Reduced inflammation: Fenugreek leaves have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Weight loss: Fenugreek leaves may help to promote weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite.
Improved skin health: Fenugreek leaves contain antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage and improve its overall health.
Boosted immune system: Fenugreek leaves are a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can help to boost the immune system and protect the body from infection.
Side effects of fenugreek leaves
Fenugreek leaves are generally safe for most people to consume. However, some people may experience side effects, such as:
Digestive problems: Fenugreek leaves can cause digestive problems, such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to fenugreek leaves. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing.
Drug interactions: Fenugreek leaves may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners and diabetes medications. It is important to talk to your doctor before consuming fenugreek leaves if you are taking any medications.
Recipes with fenugreek leaves
Fenugreek leaves can be used in a variety of recipes. Here are a few ideas:
Methi chicken: This is a popular Indian dish made with chicken, fenugreek leaves, and spices.
Methi malai: This is a creamy Indian dish made with fenugreek leaves, spinach, and yogurt.
Methi paratha: This is a type of Indian flatbread made with fenugreek leaves and spices.
Methi thepla: This is another type of Indian flatbread made with fenugreek leaves, spices, and yogurt.
Methi soup: This is a hearty and flavorful soup made with fenugreek leaves, vegetables, and spices.
Fenugreek leaves are a nutritious and versatile herb that can be used to add flavor and nutrients to your diet. They have also been shown to offer a number of health benefits, including improved blood sugar control, reduced cholesterol levels, and improved digestion. Fenugreek leaves are generally safe for most people to consume, but it is important to be aware of the potential side effects and drug interactions.
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dr-arpit-garg-endocare · 6 months ago
Indian Diet Tips for Managing PCOS: A Guide by Dr. Arpit Garg, PCOS Doctor in Nabha
PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a hormonal imbalance that can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, fertility, and overall health. While there's no one-size-fits-all cure, managing your diet plays a crucial role. Here, Dr. Arpit Garg, a leading PCOS doctor in Nabha, dives into Indian dietary recommendations to help you manage PCOS effectively.
Understanding PCOS and Food:
PCOS is often linked to insulin resistance, where the body struggles to use insulin effectively. This can lead to blood sugar fluctuations and hormonal imbalances. The right diet can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve overall well-being.
Dietary Pillars for PCOS Management:
Focus on Complex Carbs: Swap refined carbohydrates like white rice, bread, and pastries for complex carbs like whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, oats), millets (jowar, bajra), and whole wheat rotis. These provide sustained energy and regulate blood sugar levels.
Embrace High-Fiber Foods: Fiber helps regulate digestion and manage blood sugar spikes. Include plenty of vegetables (spinach, methi, beans, lentils - dals), fruits (berries, guava, apples with skin), and flaxseeds in your diet.
Healthy Fats are Your Friends:
Contrary to popular belief, healthy fats are essential for hormonal balance. Include good fats from sources like nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds (flaxseeds, chia seeds), avocados, and olive oil in moderation.
Lean Protein is Key:
Protein helps manage hunger pangs and promotes satiety. Opt for lean protein sources like fish, skinless chicken, dals, and paneer in moderation. Limit red meat and processed meats.
Sugar Control is Crucial:
Excessive sugar intake can worsen insulin resistance. Limit sugary drinks, processed foods, and sweets. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey or jaggery in moderation. A PCOS doctor can guide you on healthy sugar substitutes.
Additional Tips for a PCOS-friendly Indian Diet:
Portion Control Matters: Enjoy your favorite foods, but practice mindful portions to avoid overeating.
Spice Up Your Life: Certain spices like turmeric, fenugreek (methi), and cinnamon have potential benefits for managing PCOS.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day aids digestion, flushes toxins, and keeps you feeling full.
Cook at Home More Often: This allows you to control ingredients and portion sizes. Opt for healthy cooking methods like grilling, baking, and stir-frying instead of deep-frying.
Are there any foods I should completely avoid with PCOS?
While moderation is key, sugary drinks, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and excessive red meat may worsen symptoms. Doctor can create a personalized diet plan based on your specific needs.
Can a PCOS diet help with weight management?
Absolutely! Following a healthy PCOS diet can promote weight loss or weight management, further improving overall health.
Do I need supplements with a PCOS diet?
Certain supplements like vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial, but consult your doctor before starting any supplements.
How important is exercise for managing PCOS?
Exercise, along with a healthy diet, is vital for PCOS management. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
When should I see a PCOS doctor?
If you experience irregular periods, excessive weight gain, acne, or other PCOS symptoms, consult a doctor, for diagnosis and treatment planning.
Remember, a PCOS-friendly diet is a journey, not a destination. By incorporating these tips and consulting Dr. Arpit Garg, your PCOS doctor in Nabha, you can create a sustainable eating plan that supports your overall health and well-being.
Contact Details
Name: Dr Arpit Garg Address: Jiwan Nursing Home, near Arya Samaj Chowk, Nabha, Punjab 147201 Phone Number: 07986933208 Google Maps Link
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jrpimpex99 · 6 months ago
Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Dana) Manufacturers & Suppliers in India: JRP Impex 
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Fenugreek seeds, commonly known as Methi Dana in India, are small, golden-brown seeds that have been cherished for centuries for their numerous health benefits and culinary versatility. These seeds are a staple in Indian households, often used in various dishes and traditional remedies. Among the many manufacturers and suppliers of fenugreek seeds in India, JRP Impex stands out as a leader in quality and reliability. 
The Rich Heritage of Fenugreek Seeds 
Fenugreek seeds have a rich history in Indian culture and cuisine. They are known for their distinctive bitter taste and strong aroma, which add depth to a variety of dishes. In Ayurveda, fenugreek seeds are celebrated for their medicinal properties, including their ability to aid digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and improve lactation in nursing mothers. The seeds are also used in beauty treatments, promoting healthy skin and hair. 
JRP Impex: A Trusted Name 
JRP Impex has established itself as a trusted manufacturer and supplier of fenugreek seeds in India. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, JRP Impex ensures that its products meet the highest standards. The company sources its fenugreek seeds from the best farms, ensuring they are free from impurities and contaminants. This dedication to quality has earned JRP Impex a reputation as one of the leading suppliers of fenugreek seeds in the market. 
Quality Assurance 
At JRP Impex, quality assurance is a top priority. The company employs stringent quality control measures at every stage of the production process. From sourcing and processing to packaging and distribution, each step is carefully monitored to ensure the seeds retain their natural goodness and potency. This meticulous approach ensures that customers receive only the best fenugreek seeds that are fresh, aromatic, and full of flavor. 
Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds 
Fenugreek seeds are packed with essential nutrients, making them a valuable addition to any diet. They are rich in fiber, protein, and essential minerals like iron, magnesium, and manganese. These seeds are known to offer several health benefits: 
Digestive Health: Fenugreek seeds are known for their ability to improve digestion and relieve constipation. They have soluble fiber which helps in softening stool and promoting regular bowel movements. 
Blood Sugar Regulation: Fenugreek seeds are often recommended for individuals with diabetes as they help in regulating blood sugar levels. The seeds contain soluble fiber which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars. 
Cholesterol Reduction: Regular consumption of fenugreek seeds can help lower bad cholesterol levels, thus promoting heart health. 
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling in conditions like arthritis. 
Culinary Uses 
Fenugreek seeds are a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. They can be used whole, ground into a powder, or sprouted. In Indian cuisine, fenugreek seeds are often used in spice blends like curry powder and garam masala. They are also used in pickles, chutneys, and various vegetable and meat dishes to enhance flavor. When soaked and sprouted, they add a crunchy texture and a burst of nutrition to salads and sandwiches. 
Sustainable and Ethical Practices 
JRP Impex is committed to sustainable and ethical practices in its operations. The company works closely with farmers to ensure fair trade practices and supports sustainable farming methods. By prioritizing the well-being of the farmers and the environment, JRP Impex contributes to the overall sustainability of the agricultural sector. 
JRP Impex has carved a niche for itself in the fenugreek seeds market through its unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. As a leading manufacturer and supplier of fenugreek seeds in India, the company continues to uphold its legacy of excellence, delivering premium products that meet the diverse needs of its customers. Whether for culinary or medicinal purposes, JRP Impex’s fenugreek seeds are a testament to the rich heritage and enduring benefits of this remarkable spice. 
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subikshafoods · 7 months ago
Taste the Tradition, Save Time: Readymade Paratha Madurai — Your Morning Savior
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A race against the clock in the morning in the bustling city of Madurai. Amid the rush, ensuring a nutritious and tasty breakfast can be challenging. Enter ready-made parathas — a convenient solution that lets you enjoy the traditional taste of parathas without the hassle of preparation. This article explores the world of Readymade Paratha Madurai, highlights its benefits, where to find the best options and how to enjoy this beloved dish effortlessly.
Paratha tradition: Types of Indian cuisine- Paratha, an unleavened flatbread, has been a staple of Indian cuisine for centuries. Paratha is known for its thin layers and rich flavor with a variety of toppings like yogurt, pickles and curries. The traditional preparation is to knead the dough, roll it and cook it in a hot pan with ghee or oil.
Varieties of Paratha- Parathas come in many varieties, each offering a unique taste experience. Some popular types include:
Aloo Paratha: Stuffed with spiced mashed potatoes.
Paneer Paratha: Stuffed with crumbled paneer and masala.
Methi Paratha: Infused with fresh fenugreek leaves.
Lacha Paratha: Known for its multi-layered and crispy texture.
Convenience of Readymade Paratha:
Time-saving solution — One of the most important advantages of readymade paratha is that it saves time. On a busy morning in Madurai, spending time kneading dough and rolling parathas is impractical. Ready-made parathas are pre-made and only require heating, making them a great breakfast option.
Standard Quality — Ready-made parathas are prepared under strict quality controls, ensuring a consistent taste and texture every time. Brands that specialize in ready-made parathas use high-quality ingredients and traditional recipes to deliver an authentic experience.
Availability and Variety- Ready-made parathas are easily available in Madurai at supermarkets, local stores and online sites. They come in a variety of flavors and filling options, offering a variety of tastes and dietary preferences.
Health Benefits of Paratha:
Nutritional value — Made with whole wheat flour, parathas are a good source of carbohydrates that give you energy to start your day. Filled with vegetables or paneer, they provide a balanced intake of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Fiber content- Whole wheat paratha is high in fiber which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. Adding greens like spinach or fenugreek to parathas increases the fibre content, contributing to better digestive health.
Versatile for dietary needs — Parathas can be customized to meet different dietary needs. Those who prefer a low-fat option can use minimal oil or ghee during preparation. Additionally, gluten-free versions are available for those with gluten intolerance.
Tips to enhance your paratha experience: Adding extra flavor-
Spices: Sprinkle some chaat masala, cumin powder or red chili powder on your paratha for extra flavor.
Herbs: Fresh herbs such as cilantro or mint can be added to the batter or garnished to enhance flavor.
Creative Stuffings-
Vegetable mix: Make a mix of finely chopped vegetables like carrots, peas and bell peppers for a nutritious stuffing.
Cheese: Adding cheese to the stuffing will make your parathas more enjoyable and especially appealing to kids.
Leftover Curries: Use leftover curries or sabjis for a quick and tasty meal.
Cultural Significance of Paratha:
A family tradition — In many Indian homes, making Bharathas is a family tradition passed down through the generations. The process of making and sharing parathas fosters a sense of community and togetherness.
Festival Timings — Paratha is often prepared during festivals and celebrations. Their versatility allows them to adapt to different tastes and preferences, making them a popular choice for family gatherings and special events.
Street Food Delight- In addition to being a home-cooked option, parathas are a staple of Indian street food culture. Street vendors in cities like Madurai offer a variety of parathas, often served with spicy chutneys and pickles, providing a quick and satisfying meal for those on the go.
In conclusion, Readymade Paratha Madurai offers the perfect blend of tradition and convenience, making them the perfect breakfast for busy mornings in Madurai. With their rich taste, nutritional benefits and ease of preparation, ready-made parathas let you enjoy the taste of home without wasting time. Whether you buy them from local shops, supermarkets or online platforms, ready-made parathas are your morning saviour, bringing the favorite taste of tradition to your table in minutes.
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healthoncheck · 11 months ago
10 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables
Eat Your Greens”—isn’t this your mother’s or grandmother’s favourite phrase at lunch or dinner? To some extent, most of us kind of hate greens, but leafy green vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals and low in calories.
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Not to forget, they also prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and mental decline. In short, leafy greens are a must in your everyday diet. Therefore, down below, we have listed the 10 healthiest leafy green vegetables.
Spinach – Easily available in the market, spinach contains vitamin A, vitamin K, manganese and folate. It can be used in various types of dishes, such as cottage cheese, salad and more. Spinach is great for pregnant women who are going through their first trimester.
Lettuce – Usually perceived as an exotic green, a salad or sandwich full of lettuce can give you enough vitamin K for a day. The darker the leaves, the more nutritious it is.
Cabbage – A cluster of thick leaves, cabbage improves digestion and solidifies our immune system. It also helps in reducing weight and contains cancer-protective components. Cabbage is also full of glucosinolate.
Fenugreek leaves – Known as methi in India, fenugreek leaves are widely used in a variety of Indian dishes. The bitter leaves contain magnesium, phosphorus, protein, zinc, iron, and other nutrients. Fenugreek helps control diabetes and fights bad cholesterol in the body.
Broccoli leaves – People usually throw broccoli leaves but they are a great source of vitamin C. The leaves also contain the goodness of fibre, iron, calcium, carotene, potassium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and more.
Arugula – Arugula leaves belong to the same family as broccoli and cabbage. Used in salads and as pizza toppings, arugula leaves are rich in potassium, magnesium, folate, iron, calcium, and vitamin C. It also has the capability of keeping cancer at bay.
Amaranth – In India, amaranth comes in two colours – green and purple. Also known as red spinach, amaranth is gluten-free, has dietary fibre, and promotes weight loss. It also contains nutrients such as copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B6, etc.
Bokchoy – Bokchoy is most commonly used in Asian dishes and is a little hard to come by. However, they are great in taste and are a powerhouse of iron, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin K.
Turnip greens – Turnip greens are full of protein, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. It reduces anaemia, osteoporosis, and diabetes and improves sleep, muscle movement, and memory.
Green onions – Green onions contain calories, carbohydrates, and dietary fibre. Potassium in green onions lowers blood pressure and keeps hypertension at bay. It also controls diabetes, lowers cholesterol, and boosts immunity.
Read About 10 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables
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bhagwatiayurved · 1 year ago
Medicine of Diabetes in Patna
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Over 10% of the world's adult population has diabetes, making it one of the most prevalent diseases. Diabetes, called madhumeh in Sanskrit and Ayurvedic languages, can cause several difficulties in daily living. To begin, one's available food options are drastically reduced. Secondly, hyperglycemia can cause several health problems. The eyes, heart, neurological system, feet, and kidneys are all negatively impacted by diabetes.
Medicine of Diabetes in Patna The good news is that with the help of Bhagwati Ayurveda's recommended measures, treatment and Medicine of Diabetes in Ayurved the illness can still be controlled.
Ayurvedic Definition of Diabetes
Let's first examine the definition of diabetes in Ayurveda before moving on to Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes.
Diabetic symptoms and conditions are linked to urine abnormalities in Ayurvedic medicine. There are twenty main categories of diabetes complications. Diabetes mellitus is the most common kind of diabetes, accounting for 90% of all cases.
Ayurvedic Methods for Treating Diabetes
According to the original scriptures, Medicine of Diabetes in Patna include herbal medicines, the Panchakarma procedure, and its many sub-processes (Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, etc.). However, the treatment method chosen is heavily dependent on the seriousness of the patient's ailment.
It's also essential to remember that these treatments are made to increase the insulin sensitivity of type-4 glucose receptors. Reduced insulin resistance and increased insulin secretion promote better beta-cell renewal.
In terms of specifics, you can learn which Ayurvedic therapies are best suited for people with diabetes.
Bhagwati Ayurveda's Effective Ayurvedic Diabetes Care
Our experts have shown that a combination of a low carbohydrate diet, frequent physical activity (such as yoga), and a low-stress level in daily life, along with the individualised Kerala therapies we offer, can significantly impact blood sugar levels.
Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes emphasises making dietary adjustments that will positively affect blood sugar levels. Astringent or bitter foods are encouraged as part of the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes patients at Bhagwati Ayurved. The diet is suggested to incorporate bitter gourd, moong, and barley.
Spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and cardamom should be used while cooking; instead of three large meals, five or six smaller meals can be consumed to reduce blood sugar levels rises, and a diet high in fibre-rich fruits and vegetables is recommended.
Bhagwati Ayurved's Ayurvedic treatment for Type II Diabetes focuses on regulating blood sugar levels through herbal treatments. The following are examples of common Medicine for Diabetes used to treat diabetes:
Gymnema, also known as Gurmar, is a common plant used to treat diabetes because it reduces cravings for sweet foods.
Fenugreek (or Methi) seeds are high in fibre and may be useful in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
Jamun, a type of fruit, has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. In Ayurveda, it is considered a powerful medicinal.
Neem and Tulsi are two more typical herbs that aid in treating diabetes by enhancing the body's ability to control insulin.
Giloy, also known as Guduchi, is another potent Medicine for Diabetes and boosting immunity.
Early intervention with either a tried-and-true classical formulation or a customised recipe can help correct this metabolic condition if caught in its early stages. To aid with diabetes management, Bhagwati Ayurved provides access to a team of trained Ayurvedic professionals and therapists. Inquire further by contacting us.
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chiefobservationpeace · 1 year ago
Ways To Trick Yourself into Eating More Greens 
Ways To Trick Yourself into Eating More Greens
Are you someone who hates those greens on your plate?
Have you just been gulping down those veggies simply because they are good for health?
If yes, you are in serious need of our tips on how to trick yourself into eating vegetables. This is because greens help enhance your health in many ways. Here is how:
Green veggies improve metabolism.
They keep you fuller for longer.
They are a natural source of dietary fiber.
They keep you hydrated.
Green veggies are high in antioxidants and minerals.
They are great mood enhancers.
Here are some great ways to ensure that you eat your vegetables without scowling and rather, learn to enjoy them. The best ways to eat vegetables are as below:
Drink Them
Simply drinking them in their raw, pureed or blended form is the surest way to have the greens. Make yourself a Juice with some greens like spinach or cucumber and throw in some others that act as taste enhancers. These can be mint, lime, tomatoes, beets, or carrots. Add a dash of salt and you have a refreshing drink on hand to help you beat the heat and stay hydrated.
Add greens in your breakfast
Add some spinach, capsicum, coriander, and other vegetables to your healthy omelets so that your portion of greens is consumed smartly in a tastier way. You can also top your toast with stir-fried vegetables, or just make a simple Upma with lots of greens. Asparagus, beans, broccoli, capsicum are best when stir-fried.
Add them to soups
One of the best ways to eat vegetables is to add greens to your soup to make it healthy and delicious. Beans, corns, spinach, coriander, peas, capsicum, etc. all work well in soups. Soups can be a part of meals or can be had as fulfilling evening fillers.
Make a vegetable spread
Try to make a vegetable puree, which can be used as a spread on sandwiches, homemade pizza or to use as a healthy dip. You can add a base vegetable for this spread such as sweet potato, beetroot, pumpkin or even mushrooms along with the greens.
Green Veggie rice
One of the best ways to eat vegetables is to combine it with rice. There are many recipes in different cookbooks or websites on various types of rice which can be made with greens. For instance, we have palak rice, methi rice, mixed veg biryani, hariyali aloo biryani and so on. All these are a great way to add the greens in your diet in a delicious way.
Make salads
Eating salads are always healthy and fill you up without putting on weight. Ensure you add some kind of greens in your salads be it salad leaves, cucumbers, green onions, or cabbage.
Creative ways to incorporate veggies in your diet help keep one interested in the food. So go ahead and play around with different cooking methods to find what works for you.
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doctorbhargavahomeopathy · 2 years ago
What is the Safest Diabetes Homeopathic Medicine and Treatment ?
We have never consumed as much sugar as we do now. This is why diabetes mellitus is becoming a growing public health problem. Even youngsters are suffering from acquired insulin insufficiency, often known as type 2 diabetes, frequently caused by dietary mistakes. Another element that contributes is a change in lifestyle. Diabetes can be prevented, controlled, and even reversed with a healthy diet. Following these guidelines, you may still enjoy your cuisine without feeling hungry or deprived.
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How much carbohydrate or sugar should be consumed by a diabetic patient?
Many people are suffering with this question along with diabetes. The amount of carbohydrate that can be eaten depends on an individual’s nutritional status, age, gender, activity levels, medications and co-morbidities
Whether you're attempting to avoid or treat diabetes, your dietary requirements are not the same as everyone else's, therefore special meals are required to every different individual. You must pay attention to certain of your food choices, most notably the carbohydrates you consume. Just 5% to 10% of your overall weight loss will help you decrease your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Losing weight and eating better may significantly impact your mood, energy, and overall sense of well-being. Diabetes roughly doubles the risk of heart disease and increases the chance of acquiring mental health issues such as depression. However Diabetic patients can use Diaboglob tablet homeopathic medicine for reducing blood sugar level.
How often should a diabetic person eat?
A diabetes patient should eat regular meals, they should follow a 3 meal pattern with snacks in between.
What is a balanced diet? And why is it important for a diabetic patient to have a balanced diet?
A diet that contains adequate amount of carbs, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet is different for every individual and hence it is different for a diabetic patient.
Some points to keep in mind while making a diet plan for a diabetic patient.
Consume more healthy fats, such as almonds, olive oil, fish oils, flax seeds, and avocados.
Fruits and vegetables—ideally fresh and colourful; whole fruit rather than juices.
Whole grain cereals and bread with high fibre content.
Fish and shellfish, as well as organic chicken.
High-quality protein sources include eggs, beans, low-fat dairy, and plain yogurt.
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Foods that can assist in lowering blood sugar levels like Fenugreek or Methi seeds, Bitter Gourd (Karela), jamun seeds (jambolinum) Gymnema (Gurmar), and Guduchi (Amrit) are some herbal items that have been used with moderate effectiveness in reducing blood sugar.
Consume less packaged and quick meals, particularly those rich in sugar, such as baked goods, candies, chips, and desserts, White bread, sugary cereals, refined pasta, and rice are all examples of processed foods, Red meat and processed meat
Low-fat items contain added sugar in place of fat, such as fat-free yogurt.
Some foods that can be consumed by diabetic patients in unrestricted amounts are foods that does not spike blood sugar levels like black coffee, black tea, unsweetened lime juice, clear soups, salads, greens.
However always remember that excess of everything is bad.
Increase your level of activity. 
Exercise can aid in weight management and may increase insulin sensitivity. Walking for 30 minutes a day (or three 10-minute sessions if that's simpler) is an easy way to start exercising. You can also try swimming, bicycling, or any other moderate-intensity activity that causes you to break out in a sweat and breathe more deeply.
Diabetes is a long-term illness that may be controlled using a variety of medical approaches like homeopathy diabetes tablet or medicine.
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Homeopathy is a holistic method of treatment for curing diabetes from the root cause using safe, side-effect-free homeopathic medicine and constitutional modifications in early-stage cases. Along with Doctor Bhargava homeopathic remedies; many homeopaths utilize Yoga and Naturopathy. If one's blood sugar is really high, the first concern is to get it under control so that one does not face life-threatening problems. Doctor Bhargava Diaboglob Tablet Helps in reducing the high blood sugar level and enhances the digestive activities. It is very effective homeopathic medicine for diabetes type 1 and type 2. Also, it provides relief from frequent urination problems.
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