#Is cooked onion good for gastric?
khulkarjiyo · 1 year
Onion soup benefits (All what you need to know)
There aren’t many foods in the world of food that can compare to the love and satisfaction provided by a steaming bowl of onion soup. More than just a meal, onion soup is a soothing embrace for the soul, a reminder of the warmth of home-cooked food, and an example of the magic that can be created from a simple vegetable. How do I make classic onion soup? Onion soup benefits To make classic…
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recipeclips · 2 years
Gyoza Filling
TRY: 1.75 times to DOUBLE the salt content TRY: Use gastric 2 lbs Ground Pork 2 lbs Cabbage, finely chopped 80 g Green Onion, green part, finely chopped 80 g Chines Chives,  finely chopped 10 g Salt 10 g Shantan  (=4g salt) 1 tbsp Sake 2 tsp Brown Sugar 4 tsp (32 g) Oyster Sauce  (=2.8g salt) 2 tsp (12 g) Soy Sauce (=1.7g salt) 10 g Garlic, ground 6 g Ginger, ground 1/2 tsp Black Pepper 1 tbsp Sesame Oil 0.8%-1% sodium is good par meat / Gyoza filling contains veges though 濃口しょうゆ大さじ1杯あたりの食塩相当量は2.6g、オイスターソース大さじ1杯あたりの食塩相当量は2.1gです。 https://cookpad.com/recipe/3399393 (25~30個分位) 豚ひき肉 200g キャベツ 200g 青ネギ(白ネギでも可) 50g(1/2本) ニラ 50g(1/2束) ☆鶏ガラスープの素(顆粒) 2g(小1/2) ☆酒 5g(小1) ☆みりん 6g(小1) ☆濃口醤油 6g(小1) ☆おろしにんにく 5g(小1) ☆おろししょうが 3g(小1弱) ☆ごま油 4g(小1) 塩(野菜の塩揉み用) 5g 塩 少々 こしょう 少々 https://cookpad.com/recipe/1361242 (40個分(大判20個分)) 豚ひき肉 220g きゃべつ 140g にら 1/3束 30 g 長ねぎ 1/2本 35g ●にんにくすりおろし 1かけ ●しょうがすりおろし にんにくと同量 ●酒 (紹興酒) 大さじ2 ●ごま油 大さじ1 ●醤油 小さじ1 ●鶏がらスープのもと 小さじ1 ●ねぎ油(無くても大丈夫) ID:2702409 小さじ1 ●砂糖 小さじ1/2 ●塩こしょう 少々 https://www.moranbong.co.jp/tuqro/mak/mak_01_00.html 餃子25個分(3~4人分) 豚ひき肉150g キャベツ(または白菜)180g にら30g(約1/3束) 餃子の皮1袋(約25枚) 【調味料】 にんにく1かけ 生姜1かけ 醤油大さじ1 ごま油小さじ1 砂糖小さじ1 酒小さじ1 片栗粉小さじ1 塩小さじ1/2 こしょう少々 https://www.kurashiru.com/recipes/e46cc938-cc55-42c9-99a4-2a35b0085873 (2人前)餃子の皮 20枚 豚ひき肉 160g 塩こしょう 小さじ1/2 (A)キャベツ 80g (A)ニラ 40g (A)すりおろし生姜 小さじ1/2 (A)すりおろしニンニク 小さじ1/2 (A)砂糖 小さじ1/2 (A)しょうゆ 小さじ1 (A)オイスターソース 小さじ2 (A)ごま油 小さじ2 https://www.sapporobeer.jp/feature/recipe/0000001393/ (4人分) 餃子の皮 25~30枚 豚ひき肉 150g キャベツ 3枚(150g) にら 5~6本 塩 小さじ1/3 A にんにく(みじん切り) 1かけ分 しょうが(みじん切り) 1かけ分 酒 大さじ1 ごま油 大さじ1 しょうゆ 小さじ2と1/2 砂糖 小さじ1/2 塩 少々 こしょう 少々 https://park.ajinomoto.co.jp/recipe/card/707175/ (4人分)餃子の皮 25枚 豚ひき肉 125g キャベツ 4枚(175g) ねぎのみじん切り 12cm分(25g) しょうがのすりおろし 小さじ1 にんにくのすりおろし 小さじ1 「Cook Do」オイスターソース 大さじ1 「丸鶏がらスープ」 小さじ2
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pokerecipes · 2 years
Charmander Chili
This is like the ultimate feel good food for when you're sick or cold, it warms up your insides and tastes really well. My dad made this for me and my sibling all my childhood, he still sometimes makes it when I visit him.
The stuff that makes things spicy is called capsaicin, it triggers your heat receptors in your mouth, which is why spicy doesnt actually belong to the 5 elemental tastes but is instead a pain reaction. Capsaicin causes you to produce more spit which is good for your teeth and more gastric juice which aids in your digestion.
This recipe is ideal for 4 people but you can freeze it for a really long time so doing that is fine too.
800g minced charmander meat
2 big onions
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons oil for frying
1 bell pepper, red or orange
2 tablespoons tomato paste
800g diced tomatoes, canned (storebought or selfmade is fine)
500g kidney beans
500ml broth (storebought or selfmade is fine)
Spices (I use cayenne pepper, pepper powder, chili powder, salt, pepper and tabasco)
Strip your onions and fry them until they're golden-brown. Use a pot for this and not a little frying pan.
Add your meat and take your time in letting it take colour and make sure it's evenly spread out and fried.
Dice your bell pepper and throw it into the pot
Add the tomato paste first and let it sit there a bit before adding the tomatoes as well and stirring all of it well
Add the garlic (skinned and chopped or minced) and season the contents of the pot thoroughly
Now add the broth and give everything in there a good and thorough stir
Cook the chili at medium temperature for 45 minutes, should the liquid cook away, just add some more broth
Shortly before the time is up (maybe 10 minutes) throw in the kidney beans after WASHING THEM
Take the pot off the heat once the time is up and let it sit for a while.
Serve it with some nice and crunchy bread or nachos
Clean the kitchen and feel accomplished
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huntmark · 4 months
Foods That Are Not Safe for Gun Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide
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Gun dogs, known for their incredible skills in hunting and retrieving, require a balanced diet to maintain their health and performance. However, not all foods that are safe for humans are safe for our canine companions. In fact, some common foods can be downright dangerous for gun dogs. This article explores the foods that should be strictly avoided to ensure the well-being of your loyal hunting partner.
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1. Chocolate
Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound highly toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can lead to severe health issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and, in extreme cases, death. Dark chocolate and baking chocolate have the highest theobromine levels and are particularly dangerous.
2. Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and raisins can cause sudden kidney failure in dogs. The exact substance causing this reaction is unknown, but it is best to avoid these fruits entirely. Symptoms of toxicity include vomiting, lethargy, and depression.
3. Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic contain thiosulfate, which can damage red blood cells in dogs, leading to hemolytic anemia. This condition can cause symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. Both raw and cooked forms are dangerous.
4. Avocado
Avocados contain persin, a substance that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. While small amounts might not be deadly, it's best to keep avocados away from your gun dog to avoid any potential health risks.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol consumption can be fatal for dogs, leading to intoxication, respiratory failure, and death. Even small quantities of alcoholic beverages or alcohol-containing foods should be strictly avoided.
6. Caffeine
Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and many sodas, can cause serious health issues in dogs, including restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Ensure your dog does not have access to any caffeinated products.
7. Xylitol
Xylitol is a sugar substitute commonly found in sugar-free gum, candies, and baked goods. It causes a rapid insulin release in dogs, leading to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure, and death. Always check labels for xylitol before sharing any food with your dog.
8. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors, and hyperthermia in dogs. Even small amounts can be harmful, so it’s best to avoid giving any nuts to your gun dog.
9. Bones (Especially Cooked Bones)
Cooked bones can splinter easily and cause blockages or tears in a dog’s digestive tract. While raw bones are generally safer, they should be given under supervision to prevent choking and other hazards.
10.  Salt and Salty Foods
Excessive salt intake can lead to sodium ion poisoning in dogs, causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and seizures. Avoid giving your dog salty snacks like chips and pretzels.
11. Fat Trimmings and Greasy Foods
High-fat foods can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas that can be life-threatening. Keep fatty foods and table scraps away from your gun dog to prevent this painful condition.
12. Yeast Dough
Raw yeast dough can rise and expand in a dog’s stomach, causing severe discomfort, bloating, and even life-threatening gastric torsion (bloat). Ensure any dough is fully cooked before allowing your dog to consume it.
13. Certain Fruits with Pits or Seeds
Fruits like cherries, apples, and peaches have pits or seeds that contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide when ingested. This can lead to cyanide poisoning, a serious and potentially fatal condition.
14. Milk and Dairy Products
Many dogs are lactose intolerant, meaning they lack the enzyme lactase needed to digest lactose found in milk and dairy products. This can result in digestive upset, including diarrhea and stomach pain.
Providing your gun dog with a safe and balanced diet is crucial for their health and performance. Avoiding the foods listed above can help prevent serious health issues and ensure your dog remains a happy and active companion. Always consult with your veterinarian for tailored dietary advice and keep a watchful eye on what your gun dog consumes. Their well-being is in your hands, and with the right precautions, you can ensure they stay healthy and ready for the hunt.
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kanupriyakhanna · 4 months
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Root vegetables are defined as edible plants that grow underground. Nutritious and delicious — these vegetables are key to a healthy pregnancy.
In this section, we bring to you a list of root vegetables that can be incorporated into one’s pregnancy diet plan.
1. Onion
A staple ingredient in many cuisines — this vegetable has many health benefits. Onions are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber. The antioxidants in onions not only protect body cells against oxidative damage but also help regulate blood sugar levels.
2. Potato
Potato is an incredibly popular root vegetable. They are rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese. In fact, when you cook and cool potatoes they become high in resistant starch — and this aspect is linked to good gut health.
Instead of fried or processed potatoes — expectant mothers should include baked, boiled or steamed potatoes in their pregnancy diet plan — in order to get the most nutrients.
3. Carrots
Carrots are one of the most popular veggies worldwide. An excellent source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin A and C — these much-loved staples help expectant mothers fight anaemia during pregnancy.
4. Radish
It belongs to the brassica family. radishes are low in carbs and calories, but rich in fiber and Vitamin C.
5. Fennel
A flowering plant species — fennel is full of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and low-calorie food.
6. Sweet Potato
Vibrant and delicious — sweet potatoes offer good nutrition to pregnant women. Rich in fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and several other antioxidants like beta-carotene and chlorogenic acid — this vegetable not only improves blood sugar level but also preserves good vision and skin health.
7. Taro root
Arbi or taro root is packed with magnesium, potassium, carbohydrates, phosphorous, copper, manganese and several other essential minerals such as calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E. In addition, it is also rich in dietary fiber which makes it really helpful in fighting constipation during pregnancy.
8. Turnips
A good source of vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and potassium — turnips are known to have an impressive nutrient profile. This delicious root vegetable can be included in the pregnancy nutrition plan to boost immunity.
9. Beet Root
Dieticians recommend adding beetroot to a balanced nutritional diet during pregnancy.
Beets are rich in many nutrients and components that are helpful for the growing foetus. It regulates metabolism, boosts immunity, and reduces the risk of birth defect
10. Ginger
Ginger is another root vegetable that has a variety of health benefits to offer. From reducing nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy to reducing body pain and gastric issues, there are enough reasons why you must include ginger in your pregnancy diet plan.
Root vegetables not only offer numerous health benefits during pregnancy but are also extremely versatile in the kitchen. These vegetables can be prepared in a myriad of ways — be it baked, sauteed, steamed, stir-fried, or roasted. However, if you wish to explore some interesting healthy, delicious pregnancy recipes — contact Kanupriya Khanna. One of the best nutritionists and dieticians in Delhi, Kanupirya will make the pregnancy meal planning duty simple for you!
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toneoparticle13 · 1 year
The Use of Red Onion For Hair Loss
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The red onion gets its name from the reddish-purple colour of its flesh, which contrasts with the onion's white skin. These are the onions that are most frequently used in preparing food in the home.
Compared to white onions, the flavour of these red onions has a touch of sweetness to them. Raw red onion is often used in salads because of its crisp texture when eaten in this form.
This onion is available throughout the year and is particularly high in flavonoids. Because it contains a lot of sulphur, the red onion has a potent odour that stands out.
Every person is looking to make some sort of transformation before their wedding now that wedding season has begun. We all have the same goal: to achieve flawless, glowing skin and long, lustrous hair. So let us look at how red onions can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss.
The Nutritional Value Of Red Onions
100 g of red onion contains the following nutrients: 
Calories- 42 kcal
Fat- 0.08 gm
Protein- 0.92 gm
Carbohydrates- 10.11 gm
Fibre- 1.4 gm
Sodium- 3 mg
Calcium- 22 mg
Potassium- 144 mg
Vitamin C- 6.4 mg
Health Benefits Of Red Onions 
1. Improves Your Heart's Condition
The flavonoids found in red onion benefit the heart's health. The chemical substance known as organosulfur is responsible for lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular problems and any medical condition related to the heart. Additionally, red onions contain thiosulfates, blood thinners that reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
2. Helps To Fight Against Cancer
These characteristics are a result of the presence of a compound known as anthocyanin, which also contains quercetin.
Additionally, there is some evidence that onions may reduce the risk of developing heart disease. As a result of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it contributes to the overall health of the heart.
The use of onions is widespread in traditional French cooking. Despite the French diet being high in calories, this points to low rates of heart disease among the French population.
3. Promotes Good Digestion In The Body
It was discovered that oligofructose's soluble fibre in onions could treat and prevent several kinds of diarrhoea. In addition, onions contain phytochemicals that have been shown to lower the risk of developing gastric ulcers.
The other study conducted by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) demonstrated that naturally occurring prebiotics in onions might assist in relieving constipation.
4. Beneficial To The Bones
The substance that is known as GPCS plays a role in reducing the risk of bone loss.
The Arthritis Foundation states that onions contain quercetin, which has the ability to inhibit the activity of leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and histamines in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, it alleviates joint pain and inflammation.
According to another study, women who regularly consumed onions had 5% more bone mass. Another benefit of onion consumption for women over the age of 50 was an increase in bone density.
The Use Of Red Onion To Prevent Hair Loss
Everyone has the fantasy of having thick, lustrous, and shiny hair, and we all try a variety of home remedies to achieve that goal. But, on the other hand, some treatments do not produce any results.
Sulfur, which is present in red onion, is the element that is responsible for halting hair loss and encouraging the development of new hair follicles, which makes the hair thicker by boosting the antioxidant catalase, which is responsible for hair growth.
The sulphur in red onions helps promote collagen, which in turn helps reduce hair loss and thinning.
1. Take one large red onion, chop it into pieces, and blend it with a little water if necessary. Drink this mixture once daily to prevent further hair loss.
2. Then, strain this juice through the muslin cloth and apply it to your scalp with cotton.
3. Allow it to sit for some time, and then wash it.
4. For optimal results, you should use this red onion juice twice weekly.
5. Always use freshly squeezed juice, as this type of juice is loaded with sulphur and other nutrients that are good for the hair.
6. Distribute the juice of the red onion throughout your hair. It will improve growth by increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles, which is necessary for healthy hair.
7. A study published in the journal of dermatology found that participants who applied onion juice to their scalps and washed their hair with onion juice experienced greater rates of new hair growth than those who did not.
NOTE: The smell of onion juice is potent and intense, and it may be intolerable for some people. If this is the case, you can mask the smell by adding a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or tea tree, and then applying it to the affected area with cotton.
The Bottom Line
We use red onion daily as a vegetable in the preparation of salads, raitas, sabji, and the stuffing for parathas. In general, red onion is good for one's health in a variety of different ways. 
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healthherbsfood · 5 years
I'm a 33-year-old-woman. I am 5' 9" and 130 pounds. I changed my lifestyle a year ago, and I have lost 22 pounds since then. I drink 12 cups of water a day. I make sure that I eat many times a day, a little at a time. I always read the ingredients list and if there is anything unnatural, I do not eat it. I do not eat bread, sugar or meat. I do yoga three times a week. Despite all my efforts I often feel bloated and my abdomen hurts. I do not know why I have these symptoms.
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Since you have no other symptoms beside bloating and abdominal pain and you lead a very healthy lifestyle, it is very unlikely that you have a serious illness. But if you worry about a serious illness, contact a gastroenterologist and have colonoscopy and gastroscopy.
Your abdominal pain and bloating is most likely caused by acid reflux or gastrooesophagal reflux disease (GERD). Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle, but take into consideration that if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, they can increase gastric acid production and cause bloating.
I recommend the therapies below:
These therapy options can be used in combination or alone.
Dietary changes: I recommend avoiding fruit juices, spicy foods, onion and fresh vegetables that can cause acid reflux and bloating. You should eat vegetables cooked.
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I recommend eating artichoke, bone broth, dill, fennel bulb, sage, mashed potatoes, yogurt, squash, cucumber, coconut water, oatmeal. These foods can relieve bloating. I recommend you to have one of these fruits or vegetables every day.
I recommend consuming coconut oil three times a week. Coconut oil can improve GERD symptoms. Cook with coconut oil instead of other oils.
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Anise tea (Pimpinella anisum): Anise seed can be used to relieve bowel cramps. Pour a cup of boiling water (2,5 dl) over one teaspoon of anise seed, and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the tea. Add honey or other sweetener to taste. Drink the tea three times a day.
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Chamomile tea (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile flower can be used to relieve bowel inflammation and bowel cramps. Pour a cup of boiling water (2,5 dl) over one teaspoon of chamomile flower, and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the tea. Add honey or other sweetener to taste. Drink the tea twice a day.
Contact your doctor, and discuss the recommended therapy. If your symptoms persist despite the recommended therapies, you might have to take an antispasmodic.
Thank you for your question! You received the advice on the basis of the information you had provided us by filling out the form. That means if you did not point out that you are pregnant, you received the advice as though you are not pregnant. If you did not point out that you have allergy or other conditions, you received the advice as though you have none of these conditions. If you did not point out that you have other symptoms, you received the advice as though you have no other symptoms. Please, always contact your doctor and discuss the recommended therapy before using it. Have a healthier life!
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redroseinsanity · 6 years
Late Night Fever Dream
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Tags: Ramen Shop AU/Ramen chef! Iwa/Astrophysicist! Oiks/Fluff/mild angst/copious mentions of ramen
A love story charted by the stars and ramen receipts.
Iwaizumi makes Oikawa fall in love and ramen in pretty much the same breath.
Hajime peered up at the trails of muddled pink curling around rapidly darkening clouds, fingers absentmindedly peeling beansprouts in preparation for the next day. It was probably going to rain and while the little awning covering the seats in front of the ramen stand were sufficient to shelter anyone sitting there, he highly doubted anyone would brave the rain just to eat at the cheerfully lit stall.
A blessing in disguise, he concluded, because now he had time to prep ingredients for the next day so that his father would have less to do. A small grin quirked up at the corner of his mouth as he deftly flicked beansprouts into their containers. 
People commented that he inherited his stubbornness from his father and he could see why, for the moment the doctors had deemed the old man semi-recovered and doing well, his father had insisted on coming back for the afternoon shift at his ramen stall.
The smirk edged into a grin as Hajime recalled his father waving his arms around with more vigour than he had shown in the past six months and declaring brashly that he would make a comeback to the stall. Not that Hajime objected, of course, the long working hours were definitely taking their toll and rubbing another knot of muscles at the base of his neck, Hajime could admit that he was grateful for the chance for a break.
“Yahoo~,” Hajime startled and was instantly grateful he’d been holding only beansprouts and not a knife because he’d mostly likely have had cut off a finger given his jumpy response to the greeting that broke through his thoughts.
Turning to the seats facing his little kitchen area, he was faced with a ridiculously handsome man. A ridiculously handsome man who was waving at him and smiling very charmingly. Hajime scrambled for a greeting as his gaze took in something like a Greek statue brought to life. 
The customer was all high cheekbones and perfectly tousled hair, his neck and shoulders carved in clean lines and set in the sunset’s shadows that shifted behind him.
Oh my God, Hajime, don’t go gaga over a good looking customer. Be professional! Wiping his hands on a damp cloth, he regained his composure.
“Welcome! Sorry, I didn’t think anyone would come because of the rain,” Hajime nodded at the chestnut haired man, silently noting the work of a few odd raindrops on the customer’s light blue shirt. The customer laughed, a light, tinkly kind of laugh that both cut Hajime’s air supply and yet, made him furrow his brow because it sounded so… Rehearsed.
“Psh, rain won’t stand in the way of me getting to some good food! I’m starving, Ramen-kun! I’d like a shio ramen, please!!!”
Hajime blinked twice, processing.
The Unfortunately Attractive Weirdo (as Hajime had begun calling him in his head) widened his eyes, looking unfairly adorable and propped his head on his hands. Again, Hajime was struck by how cute this guy was and yet, how underneath it all lay a hint of pretence.
“What, Ramen-kun?” And then he, oh god, he fluttered his stupidly long eyelashes and Hajime nearly forgot what he was miffed about for a few seconds. But it was too glaring for Hajime to ignore and letting some annoyance seep into his tone, he assumed a neutral face.
“What did you call me?” He narrowed his eyes because this guy was almost agitating enough for him to forget how handsome he was. Almost. And there it was again, the tinkly laugh that Hajime was sure to be engineered specifically to enamour the listener (definitely not because it was doing an admirable job at enamouring Hajime).
Hajime never had much patience with insincere people and the time spent manning his father’s ramen stand had forced him to grow more tolerant, or at least better at handling them. But he sniffed out bullshit a mile away and as painfully attractive as this man was, Hajime refused to stand for or be made a fool of by his showy insincerity.
“Ramen-kun!!!” the Unfortunately Attractive Weirdo clasped his hands together and smiled prettily, “I didn’t know how to address you so I just picked something! I didn’t want to be rude after all.” His voice lilted with mischief and Hajime caught a glimmer in the other man’s dark brown eyes. I’m not going to be caught up in your games.
“Iwaizumi,” He caught and held those dark eyes steadily, keeping his voice on an even keel, “Please call me Iwaizumi.” For a second, that brilliant façade flickered and Hajime witnessed something human, something like genuine delight run down his face like a water droplet sliding down a glass window. 
Then the perfect smile and lowered lashes were back in place again and Hajime practically heard the ‘bang’ of shutters as he lost sight of the Unfortunately Attractive Weirdo behind this sleek, glamorous exterior. Sighing, Hajime turned to prepare the dish and then paused.
“Um,” he mentally debated with himself for a split second before throwing caution to the wind and facing the slightly surprised looking customer, “If you’re starving, why not order the tonkotsu ramen? It’s rich and filling which would be more suited to your current appetite…” He trailed off, taking in the other man’s slightly stunned look. Pink lips just parted and his eyes were no longer gleaming and playful but mildly surprised with just a dash of vulnerability.
It was gone in a second as he recovered quickly, waving an elegant hand flippantly as another bright smile was flung at Hajime.
“Ah! It’s only because my stomach is very delicate when I’m stressed, and I tend to get gastric very easily so I have to eat light things, for the sake of my fragile health!” Overly dramatic near the end, the Unfortunately Attractive Weirdo smote his brow and partially collapsed on the countertop, peeking up at Hajime with cheeky brown eyes.
Suppressing a chuckle, Hajime raised an eyebrow and managed a cool “I see” before heading back to prepare the ramen. Working in relative silence as he sliced the chashu and ladled the broth onto freshly cooked noodles, he decided to file this away under “Strange Customer Encounters” to tell his sister about some time.
But it seemed that while Hajime was ready to move past this strange encounter, the universe was not. As he sprinkled chopped spring onions over the piping hot bowl of ramen he heard in a crystalline voice behind him, slowly and deliberately:
Read the rest on AO3
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petculiars · 2 years
Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/foods-you-should-never-feed-your-cat/
Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat
A lot of people know that cats love to beg for food. But this habit should not be encouraged, because once she has learned to beg, it will be a hard thing to unlearn. It is not good to teach her to meow in front of the plate until you, out of pity, give her something to taste.
When you have a cat, teach her to eat at meal times set by you and only from her bowl. And with all these rules, how many of us don’t give in to the begging eyes of our favorite pet?
If you have a cat and you give it small snacks from your food from time to time, it’s good to know the following things. The main reason is that some foods that are edible for you, can be harmful to the cat. An example of a food that the cat should not eat is onions. Did you know that?
Next, I will list what other foods should never be in your cat’s diet.
Onions or garlic. Both onions and garlic contain a substance called N-propyl disulfide. This substance attacks red blood cells, and the cat will get anemia. So don’t give your cat any vegetables from the garlic and onion family.
She’s not allowed to eat raisins and grapes. The harmful effect of these foods was seen more in dogs. Specialists have not yet discovered what makes these fruits cause allergic reactions. Although the dosage differs from animal to animal, it is good not to risk giving it these types of fruits, because the kidneys will be most affected. Even if the effects are not immediate, the damaged kidneys do not recover.
Mushrooms. There are species of fungi that are toxic to the cat. To avoid harmful fungi, it is good to give up feeding your cat any kind of mushroom.
Milk is so associated with cats that it’s hard to believe it would hurt them. There are cats that are lactose intolerant.
If your cat has this intolerance, she will experience gastric discomfort immediately after eating, like stomach pain, cramping, and bloating. If she is not lactose intolerant, you can offer her milk and cream with a higher fat content, as the amount of lactose is lower.
You might also like my articles on whether cats should eat oats, raspberry, or mayo.
The cat should never eat chocolate. Although many cat owners know that this food is harmful, there are numerous cases of poisoning, annually, at the veterinarian.
If you forget an opened bar of chocolate on the table, it is very accessible for a curious cat. Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine. Chocolate, like any other food that contains caffeine, can also cause serious problems if ingested. It will affect the central nervous system, lead to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. There are cases where chocolate consumption can lead to coma or even be lethal.
Xylitol. This substance is found in “sugar-free” products, but also in many kinds of sweets. In cats, this substance produces heightened hypoglycemia, and when consumed in large quantities, it can be lethal.
Cats should not eat green tomatoes. Tomatoes contain a substance called solanine which is very toxic to cats. For example, a single cherry tomato can cause severe gastrointestinal discomfort. Instead, ripe tomatoes, whose green tail has been removed, are very healthy for cats.
Large amounts of salt can cause excessive thirst and urination, or even sodium poisoning in pets. Signs that your pet may have eaten too many salty foods include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, increased body temperature, convulsions and may even turn bad for it. As such, avoid feeding animals with salty cooked food, chips, pretzels, or other salty or spicy snacks.
Alcohol. It is toxic to us, so imagine how it is to cats. It’s extremely dangerous for felines. Two teaspoons of whiskey ingested by a 2.5-pound cat will result in a coma and 3 teaspoons can be lethal. Watch out! Many foods contain alcohol, so be careful what your cat eats.
Caffeine. A cat can be poisoned by caffeine ingestion. The first symptoms are agitation, palpitations, rapid breathing, and convulsions. Many drinks and foods contain caffeine, including soft drinks and certain sweets.
Raw eggs could lead to food poisoning due to salmonella or E. coli infection. Another danger is the avidin protein, from eggwhite, which can cause problems with your cat’s skin and fur.
Raw meat and raw fish. As with raw eggs, raw meat can contain dangerous bacteria. An enzyme in raw fish can destroy thiamine, an essential vitamin for your cat.
Too much liver. Small amounts of liver are safe, but eating too much liver can cause serious vitamin A toxicity. Your cat’s bones can be really affected by this serious condition. Symptoms include deformed bones, bone growths in the elbows and spine, and osteoporosis. Vitamin A toxicity can also turn really bad for your cat.
Yeast dough. Before baking, the bread dough must grow, which would do the same in your cat’s stomach, if your cat ate it. As it grows inside, the dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when yeast ferments the dough to make it grow, it produces alcohol, which can lead to poisoning.
Medicinal products for human use. Ingestion of a medication prescribed to humans is one of the most common causes of poisoning in cats. As you would do for your children, so should you do for cats. Put all the medicines where the cat cannot reach them. And never give your cat anything that’s not prescribed by a veterinarian. Ingredients like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, common in painkillers and cold medications, can be deadly to your cat.
If your cat is not well, you should take it to the veterinarian, not improvise. Cats are very curious, so you have to hide your medication.
We feel that cats know what is best for them and that they could not eat anything that would harm them. There are many accidents and in some you can even be part of, amused, not knowing that some foods can give serious poisoning or irreversibly affect the internal organs of a cat.
If your cat has one or more of the following symptoms, then it may be because of something they’ve eaten:
Difficult breathing
Lack of appetite
Abundant saliva
Weight loss
Bad breath
Decreased urinary stream
Increased urination
Red or inflamed skin
If you have reason to believe that your cat has eaten something toxic, contact your veterinarian immediately. They are the only ones able to recommend treatment for a quick recovery. At the same time, make sure you take preventive measures, keeping toxic substances, foods, and plants in places your cat can’t reach.
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natuend · 2 years
Can you give liver to your dog?
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Is liver one of the foods that you should avoid giving to your dog? As part of a so-called household diet, it is quite possible to give liver to your dog. However, the liver should be distributed sparingly, as it is not without risk to your companion's health.
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How much liver can you give your dog?
If you have chosen to prepare your dog's rations yourself, it is quite possible to give liver to your companion and therefore incorporate it into their diet. Given in reasonable quantities, with parsimony the liver is not contraindicated in the context of home food for your dog. It is therefore not in this case only part of the toxic food for dogs. What liver to give to your animal? The liver is excellent for the dog and is rich in nutrients. Thus, can be distributed in small quantities: - Beef liver, - Pork liver, - Lamb's liver, - Chicken liver.
Can you give foie gras to your dog?
Foie gras should be avoided. During festive periods when it is eaten, or even at other times of the year, foie gras given – or stolen by the dog – can be the cause of pancreatitis: an inflammation of the pancreas, which is a real veterinary emergency. What are the benefits and dangers of the liver for your dog? The liver is rich in good fats and proteins. Furthermore, it contains many vitamins interesting for your dog: vitamins A, B, D, and iron as well as minerals such as zinc or even copper. Note that in the barf diet for dogs, the fact is used a lot. Raw offal is mixed with meat. But do not abuse the liver of your dog. Too excessively distributed, the liver may be responsible for hypervitaminosis A. In addition, the copper contained in the liver can prove to be toxic for the dog. This is particularly the case in certain breeds of dogs that are more sensitive than others, including: - The Dobermann, - The Labrador, - The Westies, - The Dalmatian… What is hypervitaminosis A due to the liver in dogs? An excessive distribution of liver in dogs can be the cause of hypervitaminosis A. That is to say a vitamin A overdose. This disease is characterized by: - deformation of the bones, - and/or excessive bone growth in the shoulders and spine, - digestive disorders, - skin problems, - weight loss... Give cooked or raw liver to your dog? It is preferable in order to preserve its nutritional qualities to give raw rather than cooked liver to your dog by incorporating it into his diet. Choose a good quality liver and distribute it sensibly, once or twice a week at most. If you are feeding liver to your dog, monitor your dog's stool in order to make sure that he is digesting it well and does not present gastric disorders such as diarrhea for example. In order to feed your dog by preparing homemade meals without making mistakes, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian for advice. Also to read - Sheet no. 1: How dangerous is chocolate for my dog ​​or cat? - Sheet no. 2: Watch out for fish bones! - Sheet no. 3: Are potatoes toxic to my dog? - Sheet no. 4: Can you safely give bones to your dog? - Sheet no. 5: Why can alcohol be dangerous for my dog? - Sheet no. 6: Are onions and garlic toxic to dogs? - Sheet no. 7: Dog poisoning by grapes and gooseberries - Sheet no. 8: Avocado is toxic to your dog - Sheet no. 9: Are nuts toxic to my dog? - Sheet no. 10: Lactose intolerance in dogs - Sheet no. 11: Can I give canned tuna to my dog? - Sheet no. 12: Mushrooms can be toxic for your dog? - Sheet no. 13: Can my dog ​​eat eggs? - Sheet no. 14: Is coffee dangerous for my dog? Read the full article
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awakening1234 · 3 years
Diet Chart of Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi
Distinguishing the best products from the fruitful regions, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi delivers all the ranges of fruits and vegetables to their patients. From storing the vegetables and fruits in a cool environment to maintaining a hygienic peace, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi, keeps the fruits and vegetables fresh. Offering a high-quality diet charge, the Rehabilitation Center in New Delhi believes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by fulfilling the eating habits via going for organic products for the patients only satisfying and aiming for the best for them.
 Some of the unique vegetables included in the diet are as follows:
It is a smooth-skinned and dark green in color, this three sided vegetable is also known as the Moringa tree. Exported from India in tonnes every year across the globe, drumsticks are used in various daily lunch recipes and are excessively known for their nutritional qualities. Due to its healthy qualities, a the exporting number of these drumsticks have severely increased in the past years and also has a forthcoming large business opportunity. Having qualities of Vitamin C, K, B12, A and B, it also contains Magnesium, Iron, calcium and Niacin.
 Small Onion:
Either small onions or button onions or sambar onions, we call it all, are relatively smaller kinds of onions, which have a slightly sweet taste with a mild flavor sense. Containing high amounts of flavonoids and fibre benefits, small onions are extremely good for your health, having various nutritional benefits, keeping you fit and fine.
 Ash Gourd:
Ash Gourd or the wax gourd is a low calorie and high fiber vegetable, containing high water contents. Consumption of ash gourd helps in improving digestion and also promotes a healthy body weight as low calorie and water-dense foods help in losing weight. Also, Ash Gourd is a valuable and a good source of soluble fiber.
 Pointed Gourd:
Pointed Gourd mainly comes from a vine plant family, with a bitter and mild flavour. Studded with several nutritional values, the Pointed Gourd severely purifies the blood, reduces any mild flu, whereas boosting your immunity, is good for digestion and also has anti-ageing qualities.
 Ivy Gourd:
Known as Tindori in India, Ivy Gourd is a highly nutritional source for diabatic patients. Being helpful for gonorrhea, wounds and constipation problems, the Ivy Gourd’s fruits and leaves are also used as a cooking vegetable in many parts of India and in several Asian countries.
 Red Banana:
Smaller and sweeter than yellow bananas, Red Bananas are usually considered as a cooking vegetable, rather than a fruit. Rich in antioxidants and having the nutritional qualities of Vitamin C and B6, they mainly offer low-calorie. However, having a high-fiber addiction towards snacks, meals and nourishing desserts, Red Bananas highly contribute towards the improvement of heart and digestive health problems are also included in a healthy diet.
 Elephant Yam (Suran):
Crisp and firm, with a dark brown skin texture, Elephant Yam, is usually known as Suran in the Indian household. Filled with healthy and good gut bacteria, Suran rebuilds your complete digestion process and also promotes weight loss. Individuals experiencing weight problems due to gastric issues, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome can get healthier solutions by eating this vegetable.
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buddy-basket · 3 years
One-Stop Destination for Exquisite Online Liquor Delivery in Toronto, GTA
The following time you have a get-together, don’t choose any fit pondering which tidbit to combine with beverages to be served. Here are the absolute most noteworthy liquor food pairings. Despite the fact that there’s no immovable guidelines, however assuming you are enamored with drinking, raise a toast to these yummy dishes which will draw out the liquor flavor to the ideal. The sole motivation behind matching dinners with a beverage is to supplement the both, by differentiating or blending correlative flavors. Among a series of alcohols, the prevalence of wine, tequila, and whiskey are arriving at skies.
In the midst of a scope of cocktails, wine and brews assist with purifying the sense of taste and prep it for tasting more flavors. Gins are typically devoured before a weighty feast (supper in the vast majority of the cases). Gin is said to help in settling the stomach or getting the gastric juice streamed preceding having a supper. In spite of the fact that mixed drinks are much more mind boggling because of their different flavors and tastes. Joining chilled and new mixed drinks with yummy platters can be fun, on the grounds that the stunt can offer phenomenal outcomes.
Presently before any further ado, how about we dive in the conversation of blending drinks with right dinners
Beer is that cocktail which supplements a variety of lip-smacking dishes, on account of its assortment of flavors. It’s said, lighter beverages can combine well with less hot food varieties, while solid refreshments work out in a good way for tart bites or munchies. It’s ideal to collaborate ales with poultry and fishes. Unexpectedly, wheat lagers can make an astonishing pair with solid cheddar or red meats.
The vegan lager darlings can likewise crunch on green plates of mixed greens while tasting brew. With regards to mouth-watering tidbits chicken wings, onion rings, chicken tenders, and nachos with a yummy salsa sauce taste totally yummy with chilled lagers. Try to pick light beverages when the starter is firmly spiced up. Something else, both the force stuffed things will strengthen the ‘consume’ to an undesirable level. Order beer online from Buddybasket an LCBO Liquor delivery partner that has all your favorite liquors, bee, wine just for you.
Generally, wine ought to be matched with dishes that have practically comparative attributes. Wines have various flavors. Vest your time in picking the right food sources which can blend well with various wine flavors, in this way taking your culinary experience to an unheard of level.
Food varieties that are wealthy in taste and zest are bound to supplement the red wines. White wines ordinarily come as a main priority when the dinners are non-zesty and light. You can settle on a non-fiery club sandwich or plates of mixed greens spread in white sauces to supplement white wines.
The solid kinds of whiskey is nice to match with mainland cooking styles. You should vest time in picking the right fixings and flavors, which will praise the valid scottish sense of taste. The astounding limit of malt bourbon to supplement various kinds of cooking styles has drawn a lot of appreciation from in general.
Non-fiery dishes including Japanese Sushi, Ravioli and Mediterranean Cheese work out in a good way for a glass of chilled bourbon. It is safe to say that you are partial to smoked meat dishes? To tidy up its bona fide flavor, group up the platter with dazzling whiskies. Yummy chocolate bread pudding or choco brownie initiate superb delights when served alongside bourbon or scotch.
Order Alcohol Online from Eminent Liquor Stores
Online liquor delivery from a figured alcohol store isn’t simple. Visiting a few stores is surely an overwhelming undertaking. Buddybasket offers a quick, cost- effective and convenient online liquor delivery service in Toronto, GTA
We have an incredible assortment of wine, brew, gin, champagne, scotch, bourbon, rum, tequila, vodka, wine and the sky is the limit from there. You need to dial their number, put in your request, tell your preferred time, brand and area, and your request will be conveyed inside the referenced time.
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pattycordoba · 4 years
PATTY CORDOBA | While most people focus on social distancing, face coverings, hand washing, and even self-isolation to protect against the deadly coronavirus now ravaging the world, too few are paying enough attention to two other factors critically important to the risk of developing a Covid-19 infection and its potential severity.
Those factors are immunity, which should be boosted, and inflammation, which should be suppressed. Severe Covid-19 illness is accompanied by acute inflammation throughout the body, including the lungs, heart, and brain.
Older people have weaker immune defenses and are especially vulnerable to this disease and its potentially fatal consequences. With advancing age, the natural killer cells, a major immunological weapon, become less effective at destroying virus-infected cells. At the same time, inflammation in tissues throughout the body also increases with age. This allows the coronavirus to get into the body, bind to molecules in the nose and lungs, and wreak havoc.
People who are obese, have cancer or chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart conditions have higher inflammation in the body as well and hence, are more vulnerable to a severe outcome when infected with Covid.
Thankfully, there are manageable ways to enhance immunity and diminish inflammation. The basic lifestyle weapons, like diet and exercise, are available to everyone and can have a major impact on a person's immune system.
Skeletal muscles reinforce the immune system because their contractions produce small proteins called myokines that dampen inflammation and increase potency of natural killer cells. The more extensive or vigorous the exercise is, the lower the inflammation. Studies found that people who do fewer than 3,000 steps a day have much more inflammation than those who do 10,000 steps or more daily.
The other big health challenge during the coronavirus crisis is to consume a varied, nutrient-rich diet and keep calorie intake under control. As baking has become a popular pastime for many sheltering at home, overconsumption of sugar and refined flour can lead to increased weight, abdominal fat, and a weakened immune system. For this reason, it is advantageous to eating a wholesome, varied diet comprised of grassfed/organic meats, sustainable seafood, healthy fats, as well as vegetables and fruits.
The following will focus on plant foods and how their unique phytonutrients can support your immunity and tame inflammation in the body. Phytonutrients are chemical compounds produced by plants to help them resist fungi, bacteria, and virus infections. Unlike protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals, phytonutrients are not essential for keeping you alive, yet, they can help prevent disease and keep your body working in tip-top shape.
Since every plant food has its own unique benefits, it is helpful to organize them into different colors - white, yellow, orange, red, green, and blue-purple. Certain colors are particularly useful for supporting immunity and lowering inflammation. Nevertheless, it is beneficial for everyone, no matter whether you are a carnivore or a vegan, to incorporate different colors of plant foods in your diet.
Why Plant Foods Are So Remarkable
1. Plant foods benefit your gut microbiome
The average human gut microbiome is made up of about 40 trillion bacteria and consists of more than 1,000 microbial species, although most of the gut bacteria belong to just 30-40 species. The vast majority of these bacteria reside in the colon.
Numerous research studies have confirmed that the microbiome has an enormous impact on almost every aspect of health, including immunity, inflammation, gut, brain, skin, and heart health.It is important to maintain not only a predominance of beneficial bacteria (versus bad bacteria) but also a high diversity of the types of bacteria in your gut microbiome.
Eating the wrong types of foods can promote the growth of bad bacteria. These include refined sugar, processed foods made of chemicals and artificial sweeteners, trans fats and bad oils, as well as animal foods that are sources of antibiotics and pesticides.
In contrast, by regularly eating more fermented foods (which contain live bacteria) such as sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, miso, and cultured yogurt, you can introduce different strains of healthful bacteria called probiotics into your gut.
Plant foods contain various types of fiber. Fiber is not digestible by the body, hence, it promotes regularity. One type of fiber called prebiotics is fermented by the good bacteria to use as food. Examples of some prebiotic foods include garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, unripe bananas, apples (with skin), jicama, wheat bran, oats, barley, flaxseeds, burdock root, cocoa, Jerusalem artichoke, and dandelion greens.
By eating a wide variety of probiotic (fermented) and prebiotic foods regularly, not only will they help increase the beneficial bacteria count, but also the diversity of the types of bacteria in the gut. Your immune health is greatly affected by your gut microbiome.
2. Plant foods lower inflammation
Inflammation is your body's normal response to injury and infection. It is when damaged tissues release chemicals that tell white blood cells to start the repair job. However, when inflammation is chronic, low-grade, and widespread, it starts to do damage to the body. For instance, it can play a role in the buildup of plaque in arteries that increases your chance of heart disease and stroke. Chronic inflammation is associated with a higher risk of cancer, obesity, and diabetes, and possibly a worse outcome in case of a Covid-19 infection.
Fortunately, plant foods are full of anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help promote your health, such as:
Omega-3 fatty acids
- Flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and Brussel sprouts.
Hormone-like nutrients
- Vitamin D (mushrooms)
- Vitamin K (leafy greens, fermented foods)
- Apples, onions, kale, cherry tomatoes, and broccoli.
EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate)
- Green tea
- Red wine, red grape juice, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, peanuts, pistachios, cocoa, and dark chocolate.
3. Plant foods are a powerhouse of antioxidants
Antioxidants have the ability to prevent oxidative stress, destroy free radicals, and protect the structural integrity of cells, including immune cells. There is strong evidence that adequate antioxidant intake is key to a strong immune system, regardless of age. It is also important to take in antioxidants from different foods as each antioxidant serves a specific function and is not necessarily interchangeable with another.
Vitamin C
- Berries, citrus fruits, cherries, kiwi, papaya, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes.
Vitamin E
- Avocado, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and wheatgerm.
- Brazil nuts, brown rice, banana, mushroom, oatmeal, and spinach.
- Nuts, whole grains, and beans.
- Apples, berries, greens, and tea.
- Sweet potato, yam, carrots, tomatoes, red and yellow peppers.
Last but not least, spices are full of antioxidants too.
- Black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, oregano, and turmeric.
Benefits Of Different Colors Of Plant Foods
YELLOW for Digestive Health
Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin (e.g. ginger, lemons, pineapple, bananas, and plantains)
- Antioxidant
- Enzymatic activity
- Gastric motility and regulation
- Reduce glycemic impact
- Role in fostering a healthy gut microbiome
ORANGE for Reproductive Health
Rich in beta-carotene (e.g. carrots, oranges, orange sweet potatoes, and yams)
- Antioxidant for fat soluble tissues
- Hormonal modulation
- Role in ovulation and fertility processes
RED for Lowering Inflammation
Rich in lycopene (e.g. beets, red bell pepper, tomatoes, strawberries)
- Anti-inflammatory
- General antioxidant activity
- Immune modulation
GREEN for Cardiovascular Health
Rich in folates (e.g. leafy greens)
- Blood vessel support
- Role in healthy circulation and methylation (biochemical process in the body)
BLUE-PURPLE for Brain Health
Rich in flavonoids(e.g. purple grapes, blueberries)
- Antioxidant
- Cognitive support
- Healthy mood balance
- Role in health of nerve cells in the nervous system
Most COLOR-DENSE Plant Foods
These plant foods contain all the phytonutrients from the 5 colors:
- Carrots, grapefruit, mango, papaya, red cabbage, rutabaga, tomatoes, watermelon.
Practical Ways To Eat More Colorful Plant Foods
Think of eating by color helps to increase the intake of different plant foods. Make sure you cover all the colors at least several times per week.
Vary the cooking methods, such as eating raw as in salads, steaming, sautéing, or roasting.
Use spices, herbs, and seasonings.
For those having difficulty in making time to prepare vegetables, incorporating vegetable juices and powders can be helpful.
Eat more meals at home versus in a restaurant. People tend to eat more vegetables with home-cooked meals.
Not All Plant Foods Are Good For Everyone
If you have an allergy or food intolerance to certain plant foods, you should avoid them.
Some people have the genetic mutation that results in the inability to digest lectins (a type of protein in plants). Lectins are usually found in plant seeds. Some of the most lectin-rich foods include beans, lentils, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, soy, barley, eggplant, fruits, wheat, and rice. One way to avoid the lectins, say in tomatoes, is to peel off the skin and throw away the seeds. There are also methods to reduce lectins in beans, such as pressure cooking, soaking, fermenting, or sprouting. White rice has less lectins than brown rice.
PATTY CORDOBA | Individuals who have arthritis may find that nightshade vegetables worsen their condition. They include eggplant, Goji berries, peppers (bell, cayenne, chili, and paprika), pimentos, potatoes, tomatoes, and tomatillos.
Do not opt for processed or junk plant foods. Potato chips are usually fried in vegetable (seed) oils. Donuts, cookies, and sweets are often made with refined flour, vegetable oils, and sugar.
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arroseworld · 4 years
Gastric cancer
1. What is Gastric Cancer?
Gastric Cancer is a cancer that involves the stomach which is the part of the digestive system between the food pipe and the intestine.
2. What are the symptoms in a person with Gastric Cancer?
Gastric Cancers usually present with nonspecific symptoms such as indigestion, or upper abdominal burning or pain, which are often confused with ulcer disease, delaying diagnosis, and treatment. Unexplained anemia [low hemoglobin] or unexplained weight loss which is significant [more than 10% of body weight] is one of the presenting features and should be investigated with a colonoscopy to rule out colon cancer and an upper GI endoscopy if colonoscopy is normal.
3. What causes Gastric Cancer?
Dietary plays a major role. Consumption of pickled food, spicy food, excess chilli consumption, consumption of high-temperature foods [barbecued meats], smoked dried salted meat, use of soda in cooking, and consumption of dried salted fish have emerged as significant dietary risk factors in various parts of India. pickled and smoked and barbequed food, and a high salt diet predispose to Gastric cancer.
Tobacco consumption in any form- smoked or chewed, and alcohol consumption are also risk factors. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that grows in the stomach. It causes changes in the stomach lining, which can lead to gastric cancer. Around 10% of persons develop this cancer due to a change in the genes [called a mutation], some of these mutations may be inherited from the parents.
4. Can Gastric cancer be prevented?
Dietary modifications of non-starchy vegetables including specific allium (particularly garlic and onion) vegetables, green, and yellow vegetables as well as fruits (rich sources of antioxidants) probably protect against stomach cancer.
The only intervention, which can prevent gastric cancer is early detection and eradication of H. pylori infection. Good sanitation, hygienic practices, and clean water supply are measures when implemented on a large scale, can reduce H. pylori infection, and eventually gastric cancer.
5. What are the treatments available for Gastric cancer?
Surgery is the main treatment for this disease, which consists of removal of the portion of the stomach involved with a margin of normal stomach, all the lymph glands which are around the region of the stomach removed, and rejoining of the stomach to the intestine below.
When the tumour is large, and has gone through the stomach wall or there are enlarged nodes seen on CT scan, chemotherapy is used to shrink the tumour and the nodes followed by surgery. Typically 4 cycles of chemotherapy at 2-3 week intervals are required.
6. What types of surgery are available for Gastric Cancer?
There are 3 types of operations. If the tumour is involving the lower part of the stomach, removal of only the lower half of the stomach is required, this is called a distal radical gastrectomy.
If the upper part of the stomach is involved, the upper half of the stomach along with a small portion of the food pipe that joined the stomach is removed followed by rejoining the food pipe to the lower stomach- a proximal radical gastrectomy. If the entire stomach is diseased, a radical total gastrectomy is necessary. Typically these operations are performed by open methods, however, for early cancers, we perform these operations by laparoscopy and robotic surgical techniques.
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lndmagazine-blog · 7 years
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano: Take Care of Your Body
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All over the world people deal with intolerances, health issues like failures of the immune system, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric reflux and many other health problems that have been proven to be related to our diet.
More and more people nowadays rely in fact on the elimination diet. This diet was specifically built to make our body get used to basic aliments to subsequently understand which one are triggering our symptoms. It is important to remember that the diet itself will not cure the medical issue but can significantly improve it.
The elimination diet consists in fact in eliminating foods containing dairy, eggs, soya, processed sugar, red meat, nightshades and gluten, while relying on simple foods like vegetables, fruits, white meat and fish. According to the diet the triggering food must be eliminated for at least 6 months and then gradually reintroduced into the diet while annotating any significant reaction they may cause. This diet then is very similar in many aspects to the vegan diet but, as a daily amount of proteins is needed, fish and white meat (like chicken) are inserted in the diet to provide proteins.
People with health issues are most likely to have some kind of imbalance and for this reason it is important to see a GP and run some blood tests to see if the levels of different minerals and vitamins are optimal. In the case we are missing some, food supplements will also be needed.
A great natural food supplement is turmeric. This spice is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and according to many doctors it is good practice to consume it on a daily basis. It is very common, in fact, to find turmeric shots that can be added to water in shops like Pret-a-manger and Waitrose.
Following a diet, however, is never as easy as it seems. I myself started the elimination diet in January and I must admit that the thing I miss the most is dairy. However, seeing a significant improvement in my condition gives me the strength to keep going.
Here are some tips on how to follow your diet:
-          Keep a food diary (Knowing exactly what you have eaten makes it easier for you to understand what food may have had a negative effect on your body).
-          Read the labels! (Food labels are vital while following the elimination diet as things like gluten and dairy are so commonly used that they can be found in the most unsuspected foods).
-          Sushi is your friend, but not soy sauce (I am a sushi lover and one thing I was happy to find out was that I could still eat sashimi and nigiri as long as I did not dip them in soy sauce).
-          Stay away from temptation (Try to find shops where they sell vegan foods so you will be allowed to eat those foods and absolutely do not buy junk food!)
-          Find recipes you like (This diet is going to stick around for 6 months so you should definitely find out what recipes and food you enjoy. It is also important to experiment, make the most of the ingredients you are allowed!)
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Being on this journey myself I discovered many yummy recipes which are allowed with this diet. One of them is the ‘Coconut Chicken Curry’ (serves 4):
-          2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or organic coconut oil
-          ½ cup of chopped onion
-          2 cloves of minced garlic
-          2 cups of diced fresh tomatoes
-          1 pound of boneless chicken breasts, cut into strips
-          1 tablespoon of curry powder
-          ½ cup of coconut cream
-          1/3 cup of water
-          1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
-          5 fresh basil leaves, chopped for garnish
-          ½ teaspoon of salt
-          ¼ teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
How to prepare it:
-          Heat oil over medium heat in a large skillet. Add onions and cook, stirring until softened. Add garlic and sauté for one more minute.
-          Add tomatoes, chicken strips and curry powder. Cook over low heat, stirring, for about 10-15 minutes, until chicken is cooked and the mixture is thick.
-          Add coconut cream and water, cook for 5 more minutes.
-          Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and garnish with basil.
-          Serve immediately with basmati rice.
This diet is really going to improve your situation if you give it a try and follow it with patience and perseverance and, as the Latin saying affirms, you can only have a healthy mind in a healthy body: so quit the junk food and try the elimination diet!
Words by Beatrice Baldiraghi
Image by Lisa Bryan, Downshiftology
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petculiars · 2 years
Can Dogs Eat Salad Greens Like Green Mix?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/can-dogs-eat-salad-greens-like-green-mix/
Can Dogs Eat Salad Greens Like Green Mix?
Let’s get right to the point and answer the question right off the bat. Then I can go into detail about what makes salad greens good or bad for dogs and some other issues concerning the topic.
So can dogs eat salad greens like the green mix?
The short answer is that yes, dogs can eat salad greens like green mix and any other kind for that matter. This is because these greens are healthy and won’t contain something that could be harmful to the pet.
Although salad greens are completely safe for your dog, you must make sure that they don’t contain garlic leaves, onions, onion leaves, or anything similar. You will have to remove them from the salad greens before you can actually give them to your dog.
You might also like my articles on whether dogs can eat quail eggs, kettle corn, or Vienna sausages.
Garlic, onions, and plants from their family usually cause intense gastric issues for most dogs. Out of them, onions are the worst, being so toxic for dogs that even a small amount might be a big hit on their health.
Some recent studies have shown that garlic leaves are also pretty bad for dogs and this is why I highly recommend you remove these too from any food you’re planning to give to your dog.
If you insist on feeding your dog with some vegetables, then why not go for kale instead? it is considerably lower in goitrogens and oxalates and is better for your pet’s health.
If you’re only looking for the same treat ideas, then go for broccoli stems and carrots, both very nutritious, healthy, and safe.
You might not know this, but carrots are actually cousins of lettuce, coming from the same big family, called the Apiaceae family.
Should you consider salad greens good for dogs?
Most salad greens, like lettuce, green mix, and even spinach, are very gentle to the digestive tract of animals because they are very tender.
The only thing that can go wrong when you feed your dog salad greens or other leafy vegetables, is that the pet would eat more than its stomach could handle, which would make its stomach upset.
This is easily preventable. All you will have to do to make sure you prevent any stomach issues is to give your dog only small amounts of leafy plants and other salad greens.
If your dog has never eaten salad greens before, or at least not under your supervision, then you should try to give them just tiny bits at first, to see how well it works for their stomach, and then just add more if everything is OK.
If your dog has eaten any of the leafy vegetables in the past and there were no issues, then you can give them salad greens as well.
Can salad leaves be bad for dogs?
The leaves of salad like lettuce, or any other kind for that matter, are actually high in both antioxidants and water.
The salad will also help to strengthen your dog’s blood vessels due to the folate and vitamin K found inside the plants.
That being said, there are a few ingredients that, if found in your dog’s salad, might actually be harmful to the pet.
A great example is the radish leaves, which are known to contain some traces of thiabendazole, a substance that is very bad for dogs. When ingested in considerable quantities, this substance can lead to some very nasty side effects or even death.
Raw spinach might also turn out to be bad when given in excessive amounts to your dog because it contains a considerable amount of iron, more than your dog would actually need.
If you were to feed your dog with too much iceberg lettuce, on the other hand, the considerable content of aucubin would lead to your dog suffering from diarrhea. I`m talking here about huge amounts of plants. Remember that in general, salad greens along with most of the common leafy greens, are considered low risk for pets and their health, especially if they are cooked properly.
Can small puppies eat salad greens?
Yes, puppies can eat salad greens also, both as treats or as parts of their balanced diet. But if you need some ideas for treats, then you should go instead for broccoli or carrot sticks, because they will be considerably better.
The same risks should be taken into account when feeding your pet salad greens like lettuce or different types of green mixes. They are so delicate and tender, that when eaten in a considerable amount can lead to an upset stomach for your pup.
Final words
So, to wrap it up: can a dog eat salad greens? As I said time and time again in this article, yes, a dog can eat salad greens as long as in moderate amounts and as long as you remove any garlic or onion from the mix. Of course, if you ever have a choice, go for broccoli stems or carrots instead, because they are a healthier alternative for treats for dogs.
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