chicinsilk · 9 months
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"Jolie Madame du Printemps"
Pierre Balmain Haute Couture Collection Spring/Summer 1954. Geneviève Richard in an ivory “Iruz” wool canvas dress by Lesur, white leather belt, large black doormat boater with black grosgrain ribbon.
Pierre Balmain Collection Haute Couture Printems/Été 1954. Geneviève Richard dans une robe en toile de laine ivoire "Iruz" de Lesur, ceinture en cuir blanc, grand canotier en paillasson noir à ruban en gros-grain noir.
Photo Tom Kublin
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azura-levidre · 2 years
Separation failure
The day after D1im’s arrival at my Zim’s base, my Zim saw @tallest-blue-nerd checking @zim-exe‘s notebook. She gave it to him for him to read it too. He saw its content. The book was containing the programmatic forms of the irkens Zirus infected, including my Zim’s. It also contained drawings of people he encountered and plans to free everybody from Iruz.
Once he finished checking it, they went to check on Tazline and to bring her on Irk. Tazline, though, wasn’t cooperative at all and told them she was hungry. Despite @invader-d1b‘s reluctance, my Zim let her drink some of his own blood to calm her down. They finally went on Irk where they could install her properly.
My Zim had warned Miyuki someone else was waiting in her lab. D1im wanted to try to be separated. They left D1b to join them in the lab. However, no new PAK was attaching properly to Dim. When Miyuki checked why, she discovered Dim’s implants were making the replacement of D1m’s PAK by an other impossible. They chose to give up and to stay a Zib instead of trying something risky for one or for the other. After having lost everything to Iruz, they didn’t want to risk to lose each other.
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invaderprymes · 1 year
Fallen Timeline pt.4
Hunter gasped. He tried to move. He looked around. He saw an Irken, they wore a dark suit, a trademark of Iruz's empire. Over his eyes were a set of dark red goggles
"Hello, do not resist, it'll all be over soon" his voice was devoid of any volume and tone. Hunter growled at him.
"Where is she?! What did you do to her?!" He struggled in the shackles
"Phoebe is fine." He spoke. Pulled out a small device. Implanting it into the table "though, her safety won't remain in you conscious anymore."
Zirus growled, the alarms blared and the lights blinded his eyes. He needed more time, but he couldn't leave behind everyone, not when they were this close to escaping. The echoes of Guards' stopping came from outside the door. Zirus sighed, he tried finishing the Breach. He grabbed two wires, connecting them together. A light, weak light came from the Breach, Zirus's face lit up. He jumped down. He put in a set of coordinates. A small portal formed. Zirus sighed, he couldn't do anything in the small time he had, he grabbed a peice of scrap metal, scratching an S.O.S into it, and throwing it through, then shut down the Breach. He couldn't do anything to stop Iruz, but he could create a distraction.
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ukagaka-zim · 7 months
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fastenwick · 2 years
Aik vs. Iruz - Doomed Timeline (Part Three)
(Featuring @aik-membrane and Gaz from @game-slavers, and mentions of @invader-d1b, @tallest-blue-nerd, and @survivor-zim 's bad version.)
Tw/ blood, violence, death.
"Did you catch them??" Iruz spat.
"No sir, the entire sector was suddenly washed with flames out of nowhere. They must have rigged several explosives. Several of our soldiers were caught up in it, we can't even locate their bodies."
"And the humans?" Iruz said.
"They were in the center of it when it happened. There's no way they could have survived. They're both dead, sir."
Back in the junk bay, the ship was no longer cloaked. Gaz was sitting inside, her right arm bandaged up tight. She was awake, just watching Aik.
Aik was working silently on D1b's laptop. He had a bit of dried blood and a splint on his nose.
It had been almost a week since Aik rescued Gaz from Iruz. Almost two months since D1b stopped communicating.
"How's your nose?" Gaz asked, not moving.
"It'll heal, it's fine," Aik responded simply. "How do you feel?"
Gaz huffed. "Like shit."
"The offer to take you home is still on the table," Aik said.
Gaz shook her head. "No."
Aik shrugged and went back to the laptop.
Gaz watched for a moment. "Do you really believe he's still alive?"
"I do. D1b is smart, and Iruz had many reasons to lie," Aik replied.
"Did you find anything?" Gaz asked.
"Not yet."
Gaz huffed.
"Well, except that the Massive is headed for Earth," Aik corrected.
"That it's what!"
"Yes…" Aik continued. "Iruz has the course set for Earth. I can't triangulate our position or speed, so I have no idea how much time we have before the Massive arrives."
"What so we do! He could blow up the whole planet!" Despite panicking, Gaz was very still because of her arm.
"I'll have to find a way to stop him," Aik said simply.
"We have to find a way to stop him."
"Gaz, you can barely move your arm. You need to let those burns heal," Aik pointed out.
"But… You're right…" Gaz muttered.
"If you had listened in the first place, you wouldn't even be burned," Aik added. "That was uncalled for, I take it back."
"No you're right… I should've listened…" Gaz said with a small sigh. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Gaz."
"No its not, we're dealing with an alien invasion! D1b would know what to do… but he's dead…" Gaz whimpered, lowering her head.
"No, he's not." Aik stopped typing on the computer and turned to Gaz.
Gaz glanced up at Aik. "You're just borrowing hope…"
"It's better than borrowing trouble." Aik turned back to the laptop. "At least we know he isn't on the ship."
Gaz nodded stiffly.
"As a matter of fact, we're the only two people on the ship that aren't crazy planet killers currently…" Aik mused.
"What are you getting at…" Gaz muttered.
Aik shrugged. "We have to stop Iruz from blowing up the planet, right? It would be kind of hard to blow up the planet when the ship is blown up."
"Wha… you used all the explosives already?" Gaz said.
"They aren't powerful enough anyway. Even overheating the engine room would only take out a portion of the Massive. Leaving Iruz alive and able to rrebuild. But according to this, there is a self destruct sequence."
"Self destruct?" Gaz repeated.
Aik nodded. "It's still intact too. I can rig up almost everything remotely then it's just getting to the control room to activate the detonation. We'd have to leave the ship and take an escape pod to Earth."
"When do we do this?" Gaz asked.
"As soon as possible. I don't have full access to all the Massive systems yet, I can't figure out how much time we have til we get to Earth. It could be days still, it could be hours." Aik continued to work on the computer.
"... hours?" Gaz sounded scared.
Aik stopped working to look at Gaz. "Listen, if you don't trust me this time, you could die. I need you to follow my instructions and believe I won't let anything happen to you. Okay?"
Gaz nodded stiffly.
"Good. Here's what we're going to do."
After sneaking Gaz into an escape pod and getting her set up safely there, Aik made his way to the control room.
He had snuck in once before, he was completely confident that he could do it again. Gaz had wanted to help, but with her burned arm, it was better for Aik to go it alone.
Who would have guessed he'd end up having to save the planet…
Aik was perched above the control room. The ceiling was high enough, none of the Irkens sensed him and he could see all of them working. There were only two Invaders there currently, there were mostly navigation drones and repair unites. And of course Iruz.
Aik knew he'd have to work fast, Irken antennas were very sensitive and even in the dark, they'd be able to tell he was there. He cut the power again using some tools with his arm.
The control room went dark. Immediately the Irkens began to panic.
"Not again! Find the source and terminate it!" Iruz's angry voice barked at the scattered and confused Irkens.
Using the grappling hook built into his arm, Aik dropped down to the proper control panel. His hand hovered over the keyboard, waiting for the power to come back on. He retracted the grappling hook and unsheathed his knife from his robotic arm. He was prepared.
"I know you're here!" Iruz's voice was somehow clear over loud panicked chatter of other Irkens. "The human! The girl isn't here, find her!"
The power came back on. 
Aik pressed the button to activate self destruct timer. Then he promptly stabbed the closest Irken in the chest. Time to fight.
Six or seven Irkens immediately leapt at Aik, PAK legs extended. The two Invaders were at the head.
Aik shot a laser from his thumb at the two Invaders, killing them instantly. The worst threats out of the way now. He blocked attacking PAK legs with his robotic arm, grabbing them and squeezing with all his strength, causing the PAK legs to crack. He dodged a few lasers aimed at him.
"How is the human still alive, you should've already incinerated him!!" Iruz screamed. He was about to leap into the fight when the door opened again and two Irkens dragged Gaz in.
"Hold!" Iruz snapped, noticing Gaz.
All the Irkens stepped away from Aik. He spotted Gaz. "Shit."
"Before you say anything, I came because I was trying to tell you they already blew it up!" Gaz's tone of voice made it clear she was in a lot of distress, she had even possibly been crying. "They killed everyone, Earth is…"
"Earth? Oh that's gone. You just missed the fireworks, we did it almost an hour ago," Iruz laughed. "Ah, such a shame. Kill the girl."
An Irken aimed a weapon at Gaz.
Aik aimed his thumb at Iruz. "Pull that trigger and his brains get splattered from here to kingdom come."
Iruz rolled his eyes, then smirked. "Hold. Kill him first."
All the Irkens aimed their weapons at Aik.
Aik fired the laser at Iruz. It struck Iruz's chest and shoulder, blowing a hole into him. Iruz shrieked with rage and the Irkens leapt to attack again, even letting Gaz go.
"Gaz, shut off the timer!" Aik leapt back into the fight, gesturing to the control panel where the countdown had appeared.
Gaz bolted to a control panel and started trying to shut it down. "It's all Irken!!"
"Go to the left, that one is English now!" Aik broke the neck of one Irken, and stabbed another. A PAK leg nicked his shoulder, but he grabbed it with the robot arm and shattered it.
Iruz finally recovered enough to bark orders again. "Get them!!!!" He was soaked in blood already.
There were still so many Irkens to fight, and they were all coming at Aik. He got hit with a laser in the leg, he managed to deflect most of the blow so that he could still fight. He blocked a PAK leg with his robotic arm again. It stabbed into the metal this time. Aik grabbed at an Irken's throat and his robotic arm began to smoke and sizzle.
"I shut down the timer!" Gaz said with relief. She picked up a gun that had fallen and started shooting at the other Irkens.
One by one, the Irkens were failing. But Iruz must have called back up, the door was being opened.
Gaz noticed however and shot the controls for the door, locking everyone out. 
Iruz leapt at Aik, PAK legs bared and screaming with rage. Aik caught two of the PAK legs, one with each hand, and landed a solid kick into Iruz's gut, knocking him back. Besides Iruz, there were two Irkens left alive. Aik stabbed one in the PAK, killing it. Iruz leapt on him again as the second Irken went after Gaz.
Gaz shot the gun at the Irken, but she was out of power. She discarded the gun and grabbed a decapitated PAK leg to defend herself.
Iruz wrestled with Aik, managing to tackle him to the ground. "Give it up, measly human! You'll never win against all of Irk! It's only a matter of time before backup arrives!"
Aik grabbed Iruz's face with his robotic arm and squeezed. His robotic arm was overheating, it immediately began to cook Iruz's face on contact. And the strength left in the fingers tore holes into Iruz's skull. He screamed, unable to pull away.
"That's for D1b!" Aik's robotic arm started to twitch, sparks flew from it. He kicked Iruz off of him and ripped his arm free from Iruz's face.
The last Irken was about to stab Gaz. Gaz yelped in fear.
Aik used the last of the energy from his robotic arm to shoot the last Irken in the head with a laser. It fell to the ground, unable to harm Gaz. Gaz was breathing heavily, staring at Aik.
Aik glanced at Iruz. The bastard was still alive, just writhing in pain.
Aik disconnected Iruz's PAK and stabbed it with another decapitated PAK leg. He then fell to the ground as physical turmoil of the fight caught up to him. His robotic arm had lost all power, it was dented, crushed, smoking, stabbed, and covered in Irken blood. As far as physical injuries, none of them were life threatening to him. Some scratches, burns, and a few fairly minor stab wounds to his leg and shoulder.
Gaz approached Aik carefully and sat near him. She had a few scratches too, but aside from her already burned arm, she seemed unharmed. Aik gave her a weak smile.
"Are you okay?" Gaz asked hesitantly.
"I've had worse, I'll be alright…" Aik sighed. He sat up slowly. "Are you hurt?"
Gaz shook her head. "I'm okay…"
There was a thud from the door. There were hundreds of Irkens trying to get inside.
Aik tried to stand, but he didn't have any strength left. "Earth is gone?"
Gaz nodded slowly. "I found out on the computer after you left… We were too late…" She scooted closer to Aik. "Are… are we going to die too?"
Another thud came from the door.
"Not if I have anything to say about it…" Aik looked to Iruz.
Iruz was still now. The ten minutes were up. His face was mangled beyond recognition. And there was a comm device that fell from his uniform.
Aik moved enough to grab the device and spoke into it, disguising his voice. "Nix on the back up, everything is fine, the power is back on. There was a weapon malfunction as well, but it's been settled. Repeat, return to your posts."
The noises from the door stopped.
Gaz breathed a sigh of relief, hugging Aik without thinking about it.
"Huh?" Aik was kind of frozen by the gesture, but hesitantly hugged Gaz back with his good arm. "You're… not really one for hugging."
"I don't care…" Gaz muttered, trying to hold back tears.
"That order won't hold them forever, I'll send them to the engine room to die or something," Aik patted Gaz's head hesitantly. "You and I are at least safe."
Gaz nodded with a sniff. "Then… it'll just be us on the Massive?"
Aik sighed. "Yes. We can try to establish communications with other species or someone out there, but we can't go back to Earth. Or Irk for that matter. Iruz already killed everyone loyal to Miyuki…"
Gaz nodded again. She was crying into Aik's bloodied coat now. Aik didn't mind, he just let her hug him.
"You did good, kid." Aik patted her head again. "You did good…"
The engine room plan worked, leaving Aik and Gaz entirely alone on the Massive. At least they had access to the medbay healing androids to recover from their injuries, but since it was only them on the ship, they couldn't stay here for more than 6 months before it fell into disrepair. And plus, they still didn't know what happened to D1b.
About a week later, Gaz was resting in the medbay. Aik sat a short distance from her, working on D1b’s laptop. He had access to everything on the ship now, and he was searching all the records to find out what happened to D1b.
"It's hopeless, Aik, give it up…" Gaz muttered, hugging her arms around herself.
"I have to know, Gaz," Aik sighed. His eyes lit up. He found something.
Gaz rolled her eyes. "You've been looking this entire time, it's hopeless."
"He's alive."
"Aik, he's not…"
"Yes he is, Gaz." Aik turned the computer screen so Gaz could see it. Footage of what seemed to be D1b sneaking around a ship dock was displayed. He climbed into a nearby Voot and escaped.
"Wait… that… that's him, he's alive!" Gaz squealed excitedly.
Aik nodded with a big grin. "He's alive. And we have six months to find him before we need a new mode of transportation. Other than that, we can take our time."
"This… yeah, he's alive!"
Aik chuckled softly. "He's alive."
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pocketfulofrecs · 3 years
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black clouds obscuring the sky by iruze
not rated | 4.1k | wei wuxian centric | complete | yiling laozu wei wuxian
Despite the rumors, Wei Wuxian was a kind and compassionate man. His heart was big, he cherished those he loved, and the bonds he had with them was something he was never going to trade with anything else. His love for his found family ran so deep that he was willing to become the villain and be shunned by the rest of the world. He did not care for his reputation as long as his family was safe. That was all it mattered to him.
Even the most patient of souls had limits and when the line was crossed, it could lead to disastrous consequences.
or: Wei Wuxian refuses to die in the Burial Mounds because he is tired of people badmouthing him and killing innocents in the name of justice.
Dee’s thoughts - A delightfully dark answer to what would happen if WWX lost his patience at the BM mounds siege. There’s a hint of manipulation because WWX honestly has the patience of a saint and won’t really snap otherwise. Enjoyable read.
Ju’s thoughts - The moment WWX destroys the seal and the corpses attack him, one of the spirits there talks to WWX to convince him not to give up, because he still has a family to protect (the Wens). I have always been mad and sad about what happened to the Wen remnants, and having this spirit show and convince WWX that he was not wrong to fight against the self-righteous sects for the only family that really treated him like family? *chef’s kiss*
Author’s tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Yílíng Lǎozǔ Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Dark Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, No beta we die like Jiang Yanli, Dark Character, Happy Birthday Wei Wuxian, First Siege of the Burial Mounds (Módào Zǔshī), i will probably edit it later, Emotional Manipulation, Prompt: Hard Choices/Burial Mounds, Wēn Remnants Live (Módào Zǔshī)
Remember to leave feedback to the author! <3 Comments and kudos feed the author’s soul.
Please be respectful to the authors and treat them kindly!
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momtaku · 3 years
While AOT has ended, and while thought that the final chapter was alright, albeit with a few plot points, my greatest confusion was with Eren admitting to Armin that he has romantic feelings for Mikasa. Now, I'm happy for the Eremika fans. But, was it not in an interview that Isayama said that Eren had always viewed Mikasa as a 'mother figure'? That he had never seen her as anything than family? Or maybe I just failed to read the situation.
That interview was from Feb 2016. You can read it here. The relevant part is this:
For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable [precious], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well [laugh]. Just like towards one’s actual mother, Eren will start to grow up when he becomes independent [move away/not dependent on] from Mikasa, I might draw this scene one day.
I remember reading that interview and agreeing with it. Isayama didn’t deny the love that was there but their dynamic up to that point had very much been portrayed as familial with over protective Mikasa and jealous, rebellious Eren. 
But it was also around that time in the story that I saw a shift start to occur in their relationship. They began maturing and moving past that childhood dynamic of jealousy and over-protection to something more mature and respectful. 
It started in the the cavern collapse, when Mikasa went first to Historia, not Eren. (ch64)
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In chapter 72 I first noticed Eren looking to Mikasa, expecting her attention, and being surprised when she didn’t give it. 
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That trend continued. Mikasa became not so quick to step in. Eren became more appreciative when she did. I saw them very believably growing and changing with each chapter.
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For me the shift from “more mature and respectful” to something clearly romantic happened with the train scene in 108 but I wasn’t convinced until his “What am I to you” question in 123. It was so clearly framed as romantic that it physically pained me when people refused to see it.  Eren’s persistent questioning about their relationship to Zeke was more proof. So when in 138 people were calling the dream sequence “Mikasa’s idealized delusion” I was ready to scream. 
Through out the manga the progression was there. Not in a hit you over the head way, but enough that the 139 reveal felt perfectly natural and believable to me. 
Thanks for the ask!
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Wait! Wait! Wait! You speak Assamese?!
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sk-00-dge · 2 years
Invader Log: Entry Nine
So much has happened, and I was disconnected from my comms. No need to lurk anymore, enough people have found me on here and communicating with this Tumblr can be helpful moving forward.
I was caught on the Massive by the one called Iruz: a Zim with less than honorable intentions with Tallest Miyuki (@tallest-blue-nerd,) Irk, and its people.
Red, Purple, (@almighty-smallest) Survivor DiB (@zurvivor-zib) and Survivor Miyuki were all caught as well. Red, Purple, and I had all of our weapons and comms deactivated. Survivor Miyuki had been taken back to be questioned, and she wasn't the same when she returned...
We couldn't do anything but think and talk with one another. Spork (@i-am-spork) continued to work on evacuating the Massive before Iruz could do more damage.
The next one to be caught was Ukagaka Zim (@ukagaka-zim.) That's when it started to get interesting.
Red and Purple were cautious with the new Zim, but Purple eventually seemed to warm up to him and the discussions became less annoying. And my suspicions that D1b (@invader-d1b) and Ukagaka Zim were close has been confirmed. They were much closer than I thought, but I don't need to elaborate on that.
Anyway, Navigator Nii was eventually caught as well. She was determined to fightback.
Purple and Ukagaka Zim were taken back to be questioned as well. This set Red on edge. But Nii had a plan to escape, using @zim-exe's Gir. It failed and Gir was deactivated and captured. We haven't found the little robot yet.
Nii, Red, and I all received collars from Iruz's henchman. A torture method. But we held up. Nii and Red were fantastic. Iruz apparently didn't like that, because he came to the cells to talk to us himself.
I have no idea what started happening, but it was amazing.
Stuff started breaking. The collars just stopped working and fell off. My comms and weapons system came back online. Iruz took out his own guards. Ukagaka Zim and Purple were somehow freed and returned to the cells with knives and deactivated the cells.
Ukagaka Zim had to leave to repair his PAK legs, leaving me, Red, Purple, and Nii to fight back.
Iruz managed to stab Nii, Red, and Purple. He made a break for it, leaving all four of us. I wasn't about to let Iruz get away, so I pinged Tallest Miyuki to come help Nii, Red, and Purple and went after Iruz myself.
I'm still going after him...
End log.
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azura-levidre · 2 years
D1im appearance
After some time, @00-02tak healed enough and joined Tazline to support her. Somewhere else in the multiverse, a Zib called D1im connected. A split in the timeline happened during the coup. An other timeline, where @invader-d1b went to save my Zim when he had been captured but has been captured as well, appeared. My Zim in it has been interrogated with D1b and detached his PAK to free him and to teleport him away, loosing his body. Iruz won in this timeline. D1b saved my Zim by attaching his PAK, making them become Dim and D1m respectively, using the name D1im for us both, after my Zim told Iruz about his base and the portal to save D1b.
D1im connected to the multiverse in hope to find traces of the others of their universe but my Zim detected a new instance and found out about them. He hid their existence to his own D1b. D1m reprogrammed his PAK to adapt it to a human body to avoid mutations. They asked my Zim to run a simulation for them to know what was gonna happen to them. The result has been an improved hearing, the eyes turning pink and the air scythe splitting in two.
They infiltrated Iruz’s Massive to hack D1m’s base to make the portal overheat and break. Once they have been sure Iruz couldn’t go to other universes, my Zim teleported them in his base, giving them a room for them to stay and to hide until they find somewhere to go.
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invaderprymes · 2 years
Fallen Timeline pt.1
Inspired from FastenWick's Doomed Timeline series
She had been running, everything was blurry, her head throbbed, Irkens spoke and screamed, but they were no more than a hum to her. Irkens boarded escape pods, they were running out though, a crackle came over the intercom, this, however, she heard perfectly clear, it was the voice of the one she loved most, she had starting dating her a month or two before.
"Nii? Nii?! Wake up!" Nii woke up, sweat dripping down her body, being absorbed by her plain black tank top, beside her was a heavily scarred Zirus.
"Again?" He asked, his antennas faced downwards apposed from upwards as usual, Nii responded with only a nod, tears welled up in her eyes, this was just an infinite hell, one she'll never be able to escape, and neither could the other survivors.
"Is everyone still-" Nii began to talk
"Yes, everyone is still safe" Zirus responded, the two of them looked out the bars of the cell, Irkens sat, shivering, coughing, dying, seeing the remnants of what was left of everyone made her want to scream with anger, but she couldn't, everybody needed to rest, especially during a time where everyone felt to weak to even move, she stood up and look through the bars, she looked two cells down from the one across her, a female Irken, wearing an scratched and battered invader suit, the sight made Nii smile once more
"No response from anyone on Tumblr yet?" Zirus asked, making sure his voice was a whisper, Nii shook her head, reaching out was their only hope of survival, but it was also very, very deadly, down the narrow hall, the clanking of locks could be heard, then the steps of heavy boots, almost as if someone was wearing boots made from pure steal, Nii growled as the sound got closer.
"Aww, looks like the Navigator is still feeling brave" a tall figure appeared in front the cell, the figure resembled Zuri, but there were differences, one was the fact he had an arm, unlike Zuri, and his neck and part of his chest were scratched, battle scars from when he killed Zuri, Miyuki, D1b, Uka, and almost everyone else, most killed themselves however. Iruz wrapped a hand around a bar "So tell me, what makes you think that you're intimidating?" His voice was like venom, sinking into the blood of those around him, causing them to jump back with fright. Zirus grabbed Nii's shoulder, pulling her back, but she didn't budge, she bared her teeth towards Iruz, but Iruz just smiled at her, before continuing his walk down the hallway, guards followed behind him, holding staffs that sparked with electricity and hatred. Nii finally let go of the bars and sat back down, Zirus sat next to her
"I understand you want to stand up to him, but you're bravery act is going to be dug up and underneath, all will be left is how you truly feel, just stand down for once. Okay?" Zirus placed a hand on Nii's shoulder, trying to comfort her. She thought, she needed a better strategy then just waiting to be rescued, she needed to take matters into her own hands.
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ukagaka-zim · 2 years
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fastenwick · 2 years
Aik vs. Iruz - Doomed Timeline (Part Two)
(Featuring @aik-membrane, Gaz from @game-slavers, and @i-am-spork, and mentions of @invader-d1b, @tallest-blue-nerd, @ukagaka-zim, and @survivor-zim 's bad version.)
Tw/ blood, violence, death.
It actually took two days for them to have an opening to board the ship without being spotted. Gaz was anxious to get inside and upset that Aik was taking so long. But Aik knew that they couldn't afford to screw this up. Not for their sakes, not for D1b's sake.
But once Aik had worked a safe and hidden path, boarding the Massive was easy. Aik landed the ship in a bay meant for trash and junk, and he kept it cloaked. This room was dangerous, very close to the engine room which was hot and loud. If something happened to the ship, this area would be the first place to blow up. And there were some discarded potentially dangerous pieces of tech here.
But they could hide the ship here at least.
Aik opened the hatch and stepped out of the ship carefully, listening for any signs of Irken life.
Gaz cautiously poked her head out of the ship. "Now what?"
"Stay here," Aik ordered quietly.
Gaz climbed out of the ship, shutting the hatch behind her.
"Gaz, I'm serious. This place could be dangerous, you need to stay out of sight until I can find out what happened to D1b and Miyuki," Aik insisted.
"They're my family, I'm coming. Besides, I don't trust you all the way. I need to keep an eye on you," Gaz argued.
Aik sighed heavily. The girl was determined, and if he left her alone like this she would undoubtedly get herself into more trouble. "Alright, fine." He gestured for her to follow him. He pulled up a scanner on his robotic arm to pick up cameras and other tech that might sense them.
"Wait, really??" Gaz squealed.
"Yes, but keep it down and touch nothing. Don't speak to anyone or do anything either." Aik led the way through the junk, looking for the exit.
Gaz huffed, but followed quietly.
"Where do you want to look first?" Aik asked.
"Miyuki's lab. If we can find the medbay, I can find the lab from there," Gaz said.
Aik nodded. Thanks to the arm, he was able to locate an exit fairly quickly. And since Irkens have PAKs, his arm picked them up, alerting him when there were some nearby. Of course he couldn't scan more than a dozen feet around them, but even that was handy.
They dodged a few Irkens, Gaz didn't recognize any of them. But they seemed stoic and unfeeling. Not like Irkens Gaz and Aik had seen before.
Not angry and deadly like Tak, not cheerful and easygoing like other Invaders, certainly not caring and wise like Miyuki.
Once two Irken guards had passed out of their range, Gaz looked to Aik. "What's happening?"
"I don't know. Stick behind me." Aik stepped into the open again, continuing to scan the halls for threats.
"What??" Iruz hissed.
An Irken nodded. "There are humans on board. We can't find them, but their scent is here."
Iruz gripped the Irken around the throat and held them in the air. "Find them and gut them, or I gut you!"
"Y-yes sir!" The Irken sputtered. Iruz dropped them harshly, and they hit the ground with a thud, then scrambled away to do as they were told.
They found nothing in Miyuki's lab, no sign of her. They found the Breach destroyed, the medbay empty, and even went to D1b’s room on the Massive. No sign of anyone.
They hid in D1b’s room to avoid a passing garrison of Irkens. Aik was using D1b’s laptop computer to look for any clues. Gaz was sitting on D1b’s bed, fidgeting with the blanket anxiously. 
"Anything?" Gaz asked hesitantly.
"No. Except they didn't know to kick D1b's things out of the system. He still has access to all of the security systems from this computer. Of course he doesn't have permission to adjust anything, but…" Aik continued typing.
"But?" Gaz prompted.
Aik didn't look up from his work. "Nothing a little hacking won't fix. We can monitor the cameras and sensors, even turn them off. It'll take some time… Irken technology isn't easy to hack, but I've done it before with Tak. And since D1b has some permissions granted already, it should be possible. Then I can use all that to see what's happening here."
"How long?" Gaz asked. "Till the hacking is done?"
"It'll take me a few hours," Aik said, glancing at Gaz. "We'll need to stay here for a while. The garrison is still moving around outside. We'll be notified if someone comes too close to us. It's late though, you should get some sleep."
Gaz nodded slowly and laid down on the bed to try to sleep.
Aik continued to work for a bit, but he eventually dozed off as well. He woke up before Gaz in the morning and continued to work.
When Gaz did wake up, she seemed surprised to see Aik awake. "Were you up all night?"
Aik shook his head. "No, but now that you're up, we can head back to the ship, it's safer there."
"Alright…" Gaz said slowly.
"We'll get something to eat at the ship too, or snag something from those snack machines they have here." Aik unplugged the laptop and tucked it under his arm. "Battery fully charged, let's get out of here."
Gaz nodded and stood up, staring at the floor.
"Gaz?" Aik approached her carefully. "Are you alright?"
"I just want my brother back…" Gaz said softly.
"We're going to find him, don't worry," Aik encouraged her.
"Over a month, Aik…" Gaz muttered. "What if he's… dead…"
"We don't know that, take a deep breath, okay?" Aik said.
Gaz shook her head. "Let's just get the stupid hacking thing over with and try to find him…" She headed for the door.
Aik hurriedly stepped in her way. "Wait." He used his arm to scan the hall outside. "Alright, follow me and move quickly." He opened the door and slipped into the hall. Gaz followed closely, glancing around nervously.
Aik eventually gestured for her to stop, he held his regular arm in front of her to almost shield her, backing against the wall.
Gaz froze and pinned herself against the wall. She said nothing.
Around the corner, five Irkens were marching. Four armed Invaders, positioned around a tall Irken dressed in green.
"Spork!" Gaz said in a hushed voice. "That's Spork, he works for Miyuki!"
"Gaz, don't." Aik tried to back her away from the Irkens. They hadn't seen the humans.
Gaz quickly pulled away from Aik. "Spork!" she called out loudly.
The Irkens whirled around and spotted her. Aik managed to duck behind the wall edge, but Gaz didn't even try to hide. She ran right up to them.
"Gaz, why you here!" Spork asked frantically.
"Radio the boss, we found the human intruder," one of the Irkens spoke into a head piece. A second Irken grabbed her arms.
"Ow, what the hell!" Gaz tried to pull herself free, but they were much stronger than her. She turned to Spork to try to ask him what was going on, but then she saw he was in handcuffs.
"Move it, both of you." A third Irken forced Spork and Gaz to move.
"Spork, what's happening??" Gaz asked nervously.
"It… It a Zim, he name Iruz." Spork always spoke in broken English. "He look like Survivor Zim, but he not good."
"Aik was right…" Gaz muttered as she was forced to follow the Irkens. At least Aik got away. She didn't even have a chance to see where he went. "Where's D1b and Miyuki?"
Spork swallowed. "Uhm. My Tallest was taken to the Ukagaka Zim universe. But Iruz got there too and… no good."
"No good?" Gaz whimpered.
Spork shook his head. "No good."
"Wh-where's D1b??" Gaz was desperately trying to hold it together.
"I not know. He was taken to be asked the questions, Iruz caught him. Spork… not see him again," Spork said dejectedly. 
Gaz's hands started to shake involuntarily, but the Irken holding her tightened their grip on her to keep her still. She winced and bit her tongue. "Where are they taking us…"
"To see they boss," Spork said. "They finally catch me. I the last survivor of the resist."
Gaz nodded silently. She didn't have the emotional strength to respond anymore.
And it didn't take much longer before she and Spork were both brought into the Massive control room. In the center of what seemed to be a hive of slaves, stood an Irken that looked so much like Survivor Zim. He was glaring at them with a wicked smile.
Spork growled. "Iruz."
"Hello." Iruz's voice was practically dripping with venom.
"You! You killed Miyuki and my brother!" Gaz struggled against the Irken holding her.
"Oh, D1b? Yes, he is quite dead," Iruz chuckled.
Gaz gritted her teeth to stifle an angry scream.
"You is monster Irken, you deserve to be in hell!" Spork spat.
"Wow, so very threatening," Iruz said with a fake yawn. "Look, as much fun as this is, I have a planet to destroy and I'd really just rather kill both of you now." He picked up a large laser gun. "Which one of you gets to die first…"
"You'll never get away with this!" Gaz screeched, struggling.
All the Irkens accept for the one holding Gaz took a step back to get out of Iruz's way.
"Oh my decision is made for me, nice!" Iruz aimed the gun at Gaz and fired.
Gaz winced and squeezed her eyes shut when she saw the laser heading her way. But something or someone stepped in the way and blocked it.
Gaz quickly opened her eyes in time to see Spork collapse in front of her, a hole burned into his abdomen and PAK. He barely alive, but his PAK was ruined. Pink blood was splattered everywhere.
"Spork!" Gaz screamed.
"That… all Spork can do…" Spork coughed and then lay still.
"Spork no! You son of a bitch!" Gaz struggled against the Irken again.
"Oops, I missed." Iruz shrugged and aimed at Gaz again.
The lights and computers suddenly all went dark, swamping the entire control room in black.
"What the hell!" Iruz barked.
"I don't know, sir!"
"We lost power!"
"Get the power back on!" Iruz screamed.
There was a muffled sound of a knife cutting flesh and a body hitting the ground. Gaz yelped.
"There's another human in here, I can sense it!" Iruz barked. "I can smell him!"
The presence of the humans was heading for the exit to the room. The door opened, shedding some light on them leaving. The power suddenly came back on. Lying next to Spork was the Irken that had been restraining Gaz, laying in a puddle of their blood.
Aik had Gaz in his arms and left the room, shutting the door quickly again as several lasers were fired at them. He used something on his arm to lock the door and give them time. He kept Gaz in is arms and started to run.
Gaz was trembling.
"Are you hurt?" Aik asked quickly.
"No." Gaz stifled a whimper. "He… he killed Spork… and Miyuki and D1b… They're dead…"
"Just hold on, we need to get out of here." Aik knew that by now, the Irkens had freed themselves and were chasing the two rogue humans. The sounds of their PAK legs scraping came down the hall.
"What do we do! What do we do!" Gaz yelped and clung to Aik.
"I've got it under control, you just have to listen to me," Aik reassured her, ducking around a bend. He picked a specific place in the hall and sat down with Gaz in his arms.
"They're going to find us!" Gaz was starting to panic. She tried to stand up.
"Gaz, trust me!" Aik used his flesh hand to keep a tight hold on Gaz's wrist, his robotic hand was too strong to hold her.
The scraping of PAK legs was coming closer. Gaz went full panick and punched Aik in the nose, causing him to accidentally let her go. She got up to try to run, Aik was right behind her.
There was an explosion and everything went white. Gaz's arm began to burn, she was almost enveloped by the flames. She screamed and stumbled backwards, Aik caught her and pulled her to a safe distance.
The explosion was all around them, there was no sign of Irkens anymore. But the place they were now was untouched.
The force from the initial blow was enough to knock Gaz unconscious. Aik picked her up carefully, she was burned and bloodied. She shouldn't have tried to run.
"Damn it," Aik muttered.
The initial explosion faded fairly fast and Aik covered Gaz's nose and his own, then vanished in the left over smoke. In his hand he held the detonator still. And once he was far enough, he pressed the button to trigger a final explosion to cover their tracks.
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zim-exe · 2 years
- @ukagaka-zim
I remember you, I will let my Zim know what you said. Thank you other Zim.
- Co
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cmatain · 2 years
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#Iruz (El Soto), ayuntamiento de #SantiurdeDeToranzo (#Cantabria), Museo Pobre del Pintor (https://museopobredelpintor.blogspot.com/), que exhibe la obra del pintor expresionista Pedro Díaz-Obregón, natural de Santander. #Cantur #CantabriaInfinita #CantabriaxDescubrir #Pintura #MuseoPobreDelPintor #PedroDíazObregón #ElÁureoHontanar https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZTAo_M5ef/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pocketfulofrecs · 3 years
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