irridessas · 3 years
Pregnancy HC with Poly!DTeam 🥰🙉
Warning: Contains some major fluff and comfort!!
-He would one hundred percent be the dad to read every single pregnancy and parenting book under the sun
-Spend hours researching vitamins you should be taking, what foods to avoid
-He even gives up caffeine in solidarity with you because he thinks it's unfair that you can't have any
-He 100% fusses over the room they have converted into a nursery, he has changed the colours of the walls a million times, and ordered every single thing that could possibly be needed for the baby's room, to the point that it was over flowing and the amazon delivery driver knew you guys by name.
-Dream is also the one to get up at the early hours of the morning, holding your hair back as you retch into the toilet, the other boys don't even stir from their deep sleep, but Dream is by your side, hair in one hand, the other rubbing sooting circles on your back
-George is obsessed with your body, worshipping it at every chance he gets
-Constantly rubbing bio oil and shea butter on your stretch marks because you complained that you couldn't see underneath your fat belly
-If he's standing near you, he'll just hold you, put his hands protectively (but gently) over your tummy
-He also takes it upon himself to give you foot rubs/massages when you're laying down on the couch, he knows that your feet are sore and your ankles are swollen and he would leap at any opportunity to make you feel even a tinier bit better
-Is absolutely the best at appeasing your food cravings, if you want mcdonald's chicken nuggies at 2am, you bet your ass that Sap is in the car by 2:01am
-He also texts you while he's grocery shopping to make sure that he doesn't miss anything you might need or crave
-Sapnap loves to run you baths all the time, knowing how tiring it is to stand up in the shower, he also knows that you're starting to struggle to reach a lot of places, so instead he offers for you to sit back and relax in the bath while he uses a gentle sponge to clean you
All of them
-By some miracle, all of the boys are finally home when the baby kicks, you called out to them, clearly hearing the urgency in your voice the boys come rushing to you in an instant from different points of the house, you place their hands over the bump. Sapnap is proud of this, he says the baby is born to be a soccer player with those kicks. George is in awe, his doe eyes full of wonder and love as his mind tries to wrap around the fact that there is a growing, living thing inside you. Dream being the tallest thinks he can hide his watering eyes from the others, he is so incredibly happy with his expanding family; but you look up at him and catch the sight of a tear sliding down his cheek. You kiss where the tear had fallen, not minding the slightly salty taste, he smiles at you but his cheeks flush knowing that he's been caught crying.
-The ultrasound: They had all debated whether they should find out the gender of the baby or leave it a surprise, you settled the debate by stating that you would find out at the ultrasound, you were sick of Dream changing the painted walls every two seconds and Sapnap constantly trying to think of the best gender neutral baby names. The moment you found out that it was a baby girl, all the boys started cheering. The ultrasound tech was not used to a poly relationship and was startled when all three boys started cheering loudly. The usual nurse you normally saw earlier on in the pregnancy wasn't working today. "Uhh so which one of you is the father?" The nurse's eyes bounced from each of the boys, "Um well..." You started awkwardly.
Bonus: Patches
-She clings to you long before you're even aware that you're pregnant
-The moment you start to think you might be, she starts sleeping on your stomach, purring so loudly you think you feel it throughout your whole body.
-She gets protective over you too, Sapnap tried to move her off your stomach so he could pull you in for kisses but she hissed at him! For the first time ever, he was so offended, but left her on your stomach.
-The moment the baby is born, you're a bit wary of having Patches near the baby, but the second you bring your little baby girl home with you, Patches is like your baby's guardian angel. She is sleeping by your baby's side day and night, only ever leaving her when Patches is busting for the toilet or needs to eat.
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irridessas · 3 years
Put your head on my shoulder 💕
A/N: Just some cute lil drabble, needed to write and this is what came out. I did not at all proof read this so sorry if there are mistakes!!
Dream x GN!Reader
Word Count: 564
Summary: You missed your boyfriend dearly, working too hard and hauled up in his room all day. You craved his attention, and maybe if you were lucky enough, he would give it to you.
Dream had been endlessly working on video ideas, you knew that he had been on call with Sap and George for hours now. His closed door told you that he was not to be disturbed. You respected his space, you had just moved into his home after all.
Patches had kept you company on the couch as you mindlessly surfed through Netflix, settling on whatever was next on the recommended list. You and Sapnap often fought for the little kitty’s attention and it finally seemed like you had won, Patches seemed to prefer your lap more often these days. Maybe it was because you were the only one not hauled up in your office/room all day, every day.
You longed for Dream’s attention, trying very hard to not act like the clingy partner you knew he didn’t want, but you couldn’t help it. Finally getting to be around him, in person and not just online meant so much to you. Every part of you begged just to be close to him, to run your fingers through his hair, gaze into his eyes in real life and not just through a monitor screen. He was every bit as beautiful as you thought when you’d first heard his voice in that discord call.
The soft close of the door upstairs shook you out of your thoughts, judging from the direction you could tell it was Dream’s room, you couldn’t help the way that your heart sped up at the thought of Dream coming down to see you.
Soon a pair of hands ran through your hair from behind you, you immediately leaned into the touch. The feeling makes you feel so content that you could almost purr like Patches.
“I’m so sorry baby, I know that I’ve been distant and I’m sorry.” The way his voice soothes you instantly reminds you of honey.
“It’s nothing baby, come here.” His apologetic words didn’t need forgiveness, it was his job, you didn’t want him to feel guilty for that. You twisted your arm behind you to pull him closer to you, soon he made his way around the couch and leaned in close to you. He was careful not to disturb Patches’ deep sleep.
You could practically feel the stress coming off your boyfriend like steam. You cooed at him again to come closer. He pressed his side entirely up against you, slouching so that he could rest his head on your shoulders.
One arm around him and one hand settling on Patches’ fur, you felt utterly content right where you were. You turned your head to the side, pressing your lips against his blonde wavy hair, you whispered, “I love you baby.”
You felt him sigh heavily, whispering the same back to you. It wasn’t long before Dream’s breathing evened out and he’d succumbed to sleep. You dared not to move, not even when Netflix had asked you if you wanted to continue watching whatever show you had put on earlier.
Soon sleep took you too, your head resting comfortably on top of Dream’s. You couldn’t have felt happier with your found family, you wanted to remember this forever.
Thankfully, Sapnap had come down at some point for a snack break, and took a photo of the adorable sight, showing you guys later when you both woke up. It was now both yours and Dream’s lockscreen.
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