#Iron Condor
signode-blog · 1 month
Effective Trading Strategies Using Options
Options trading offers a variety of strategies that can be tailored to different market conditions, providing traders with flexibility and opportunities to manage risk. Here, we explore multiple options trading strategies, each designed to capitalize on specific market environments, including volatile markets, bull markets, bear markets, and consolidation phases. 1. Covered Call Overview A…
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niftyopeninterest · 2 years
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What is iron condor ?, learn with quantsapp classroom.
An iron condor is a choices technique comprising of two puts (one long and one short) and two calls (one long and one short), and four strike costs, all with a similar termination date. The iron condor procures the most extreme benefit when the hidden resource closes between the center strike costs at lapse. All in all, the objective is to benefit from low unpredictability in the fundamental resource.
The iron condor has a comparable result as a normal condor spread, yet utilizes the two calls and puts rather than just calls or just puts. Both the condor and the iron condor are augmentations of the butterfly spread and iron butterfly, separately.
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Me, on Wanda's motivation to join the experiments pre AOU
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litefuzz · 2 years
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Max Irons in Condor (TV 2018)
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nagabajuungu · 3 months
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Ci Sha is THE Guo Jing, nobody else 🔥🔥🔥.
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Art Edit Credit to Roberto Coltro
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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actor-max-irons · 2 years
Condor, Episode 1, Season 1
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I know this series came out in 2018 but I love Max Irons so once I saw he was starring in it I couldn't resist giving it a watch!
(Read on IF you can handle Spoliers)
Things really kick off once CIA Analyst, Joe Turner(Max Irons)is on a run and his friend who also works in the CIA, Sam, calls him into his office...Joe is told that the CIA has found a suspicious person using a program he created 2 years ago(and had forgotten about). They tell him they've been monitoring a Saudi muslim immigrant man for 6 weeks(who wasn't even on their radar before using Joe's tech)and find out this man has gotten an unknown package from a secret P.O. box and is on his way to a football stadium(where the suspect works)with 80,000 people inside...but Joe's program wasn't supposed to be used on US citizens...and his uncle Bob, who's in the CIA too, is the one who's been misusing Joe's programming...the CIA is also planning to kill the suspect(despite having NO real evidence he's dangerous)and Joe is NOT on board with their plan at all...
Joe's uncle, Bob: "You wrote the program, Joe."
Joe: "Yeah, I did, so you guys would know who to look at, but not through the scope of a fucking sniper rifle."
(Up above is just a little snippet of Joe arguing with his uncle, Bob, about killing a man who's and I quote Max Irons himself here: "Now forgive me for taking a second to contemplate the 88% likelihood that this man is guilty of nothing more than coming from the wrong country and applying for the wrong fucking job").
Joe leaves after arguing over the life of a possibly innocent man...and to make things even more complicated for poor Joe, he ends up going on a date he forgot about with a woman his friends(Sam and Mae)set him up with on Tinder....and this is just the first 15 minutes of the episode, there's so much more tension and murder and lust(yes Max Irons' character, Joe Turner, has sex with a girl he met at the bar and doesn't even know her name). If you don't like spicy scenes, might want to just skip past this but I feel like it actually contributes to the plot(trust me when I say it's MORE than just a sex scene)so things might get confusing later on if you don't watch it...otherwise I'll leave it to you to watch the 1st episode and see how Joe goes from arguing with his uncle about killing a man to banging a girl he just met to everyone he works with in the office dying...
Sidenote: Without anymore spoilers, I'd like to say Condor(at least from what I've seen so far since I've only watched the 1st episode)is a really good series and Max Irons does an amazing job playing Joe Turner, making him a very believable character, which is good since some characters just seem so unrealistic and not relatable making it hard to believe someone like this could ever really exist but NOT with the way Max Irons plays Joe. This episode also makes people(or at least me anyway)really think about those hard, morally questionable times you get into sometimes where there's not one obvious answer but you're still trying to make the right call(like in Joe's case where he has to decide whether or not a man who hasn't actually done anything wrong and he's 88% sure is innocent should live or die).
The show also seems to play heavily on the government, whether it's corrupt or not, if all the people in it are truly evil, where to draw the line on protecting the public...on the surface it probably just looks like a dramatic, action series but it's honestly so much more than that and I might've went into this just wanting to watch Max Irons in the leading role but I came out hooked on this amazing show! Seriously I really hope you guys will give Condor a watch!
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leonw4nter · 6 months
maybe like a lil drabble (or whatever you’d like to do) where instead of hunnigan working with leon, it’s the reader. and they be all flirty and cute and kinda like 👉👈
tbh it can work for anything post-re2r, even if its still before re4r. you can do how he acts around you in different eras (if you want to at all, or just choose an era)
sooo whatever you have most inspo with! thank youu
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RE4R!Leon x FOSAgent!F!Reader drabble
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After Ashley and Luis had gone to sleep in the small ramshackle shed Leon had managed to locate for the night, he sat by the entrance of their temporary shelter and turned on his comms, waiting for his radio to pick up a stable wavelength to relay information back to HQ. The dingy little thing still wouldn’t pick up a frequency, which the blond didn’t wonder about since he’s been thrown around one too many times, the walkie-talkie probably also got a small beating along with the impact his body took. After giving a small pat to the black box in his hands, he finally managed to hear the static of his handler’s voice.
“Condor One to Roost, baby Eagle is currently taking shelter in this… dilapidated hut,” he sternly reports. “Along with Sera. Luis Sera.”
A moment of silence fills the air, accompanying the gentle pitter patter of the rain on the thickening mud before you respond to his reports.
“Hmm… aerial imaging tells me you’re near a lake, am I right? Can hear the rain from here,” you say.
“Yeah. We’re not too far from a lake,” he responds. “Guess we got eyes in the sky too, huh.”
He hears a faint little breath coming from you, probably a soft scoff. He smiles to himself, the first time in a long time before he brings his wrist near to his face.
“What time is it back home?” he asks.
“You should probably get some rest, baby. Don’t worry about me, I’m making sure we all get out of here in one piece.”
“I want to but I can’t bring myself to,” he hears you softly respond. “I can’t risk losing you, you know. I gotta keep guard on comms 24/7 even though I know you’re great at your job.”
Leon’s heart squeezes a little bit; he knows how important rest is to someone, which is ironic considering how he hasn’t had proper rest in over 96 hours and is desperately craving a good, lengthy sleep though he doesn’t mind if it means keeping Ashley and the flirty Spaniard safe and sound. He won’t mind, most of all, if it meant keeping in touch with you.
“And besides, I have reports to send to Graham– location updates, aerial view images, all that jazz. I have many things to work on,” you say before he hears you yawn quietly. “It’s not like I can just stop doing these because I’m tired; at the end of the day, the president is a father who wants to know how his daughter is doing all the way on the other side of the world. He’s worried sick.”
“And at the end of the day, I’m just your boyfriend who wants to make sure my girlfriend is still taking care of herself despite all her workload,” Leon responds. “I know baby, I know but still take some time to rest– even for a little bit.”
A soft sigh can be heard from your end.
“Fine. But aren’t you supposed to be resting too? Don’t see any threats within a 3-mile radius, you’re good.”
“Nah. Gotta keep watch, can’t be too vigilant. You’ll be the one resting for both of us tonight,” he says.
“I’ll get rest later, honey. I promise,” Leon pleads.
Another sigh. Gosh, Leon hates how you’ve been sighing a lot more lately, which meant that a lot was weighing on your mind.
“Promise me that. Or I’ll personally fly there to beat your ass.”
“I’d rather you beat something else of mine instead,” Leon jokes.
“I’ll remind you, agent Kennedy, that we’re still on government-operated frequencies so I highly recommend communicating in a professional manner.”
“Ma’am yes ma’am agent Kestrel, the absolute love of my life.”
“I’m going to go on the break you’ve been forcing me to have instead.”
Leon chuckles to himself, a small puff of air leaving his cracked and pale lips.
“Okay, okay. Good night, baby. I’ll talk to you 4 hours from now.”
“Good night, hon. I… I miss you and… please stay safe,” you sincerely whisper to him, unable to switch off the frequency connecting you to him.
“Me too. I miss you. I love you,” he says before turning the radio off and placing it back in one of the many fancy pockets he had.
He props one leg up while he sits, resting his forearm on his knee as he looks out into the dark and foggy scenery. The rain would be nice if he was back home with his girlfriend, cuddling and joking in the bed of their shared apartment instead of this miserable hellhole infested with mutants and murder-crazed cult fanatics. As much as he wanted to bring along a locket or a small picture of you he couldn’t, out of making sure that there would be no traces of foreigners that the crazy locals could use to somehow involve all of America into this. A faint creak of the rickety wooden floorboards has the hairs on the back of his head standing, his hands flying to the sleek silver pistol on his holster to point it at the source of the noise, only for the source of the noise to be the nosy Spaniard who was unfortunately very much wide awake and conscious throughout the conversation he had.
“Didn’t know you had a ladylove, sancho.” was all the man said after raising his arms up as the agent pointed his gun at him.
Leon put his gun back down, the usual smoulder and frown taking its place back into his haggard features as he sat back down and stared out into nothingness again.
“Didn’t peg you as the type to call a lady ‘baby’ or ‘honey’,” he teases. He walks up to Leon, taking a spot beside him and placing a cigarette to his lips before lighting the end of it with his lighter.
“‘You should probably get some rest, baby’,” Luis repeats with a sly smirk as he shoots Leon a curious look.
Leon simply gives him a death glare, squinting his eyes before turning his attention back to somewhere that isn’t irritating or getting on his last nerve.
“That’s not what it was.” It was what it was.
“Mhm, Sancho.”
“You be thankful she hasn’t ratted your ass out to the president yet,” he hisses.
“Good point there,” Luis sneers. “No… no anything then?”, to which Leon responds with silence.
“Then… perhaps she’d like to go out for a jive, a little dance of bachata with me,” the Spaniard presses with a shit-eating grin. “Since you two don’t seem to be anything.”
“Back off from my girlfriend,” Leon blurted as he froze the man in front of him with his steel blue gaze.
Luis puts out his cigarette, chucking it somewhere and gets up as he walks back to where he ‘slept’ moments ago.
“Okay, sancho. I can clearly see that you’re hers,” he comments. “I guess only you have the pass to call her ‘the absolute love of your life’. Buenas noches, amigo.”
With a wink, he lays back down on the floor and turns to his side to fall asleep.
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NOTES - It feels great to finally get back to posting again!!! It's been quite some time and since I'm finally finished with the third quarter and my tests, I'll be more active with posting fics :)) Requests have been marinating in my inbox and I know ppl have been waiting for quite some time so here's the request, more otw!!!! I'm also eepy rn so I'm going to go to bed after I post this <3 Neways, thanks for reading my works and I <3333 UUUU!!!!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY WHEREVER YOU ARE <3
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signode-blog · 2 months
Effective Trading Strategies Using Bearish Options
Options trading offers a versatile toolkit for traders to navigate various market conditions. Bearish options strategies, in particular, are designed to profit from declining markets. This comprehensive guide will explore several effective bearish options strategies, detailing how they can be applied across different market conditions, including volatile markets, bull markets, bear markets, and…
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 months
I think we're all ready for Tim Drake to move on from the Robin codename and costume and take on a new identity just like he had right before New 52. However, while I liked the costume... the name? Red Robin? It wasn't the best. Certainly better than other names that have been suggested for him (looking at you... Drake) but it still didn't give him his own identity, you know? Red is Jason's color, and he's still clutching tight to the Robin mantle. Hell, even the costume he wore was originally worn by Jason during the Countdown series before Final Crisis.
I want him to have his own name. His own costume. His own color.
And then I saw Juni Ba's interpretation of the Red Robin suit and... it hit me -
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The wings, the curved shape of the helmet looking like a beak... it would be so easy to translate this design into a new costume for Tim. Especially since it looks like a condor more than a Robin. Especially since the symbol he wore while Red Robin never 'looked' like a Robin.
And yes there are questions -
Isn't there already a hero named Condor? Yes. Two heroes and a villain. However we haven't heard much about them in recent comics. Black Condor, to my knowledge, currently only exists on Earth X as there's yet to be a Freedom Fighters team on the main DC Earth even after Heavy Metal. The other Condor was last seen during the New 52 run of Birds of Prey. And the villain Condor exists as a Hawk parallel who, let's be honest, we will most likely never see again.
Why Condor? Aren't there other names, similar names, you could use? Yes, these similar names exist, but it wouldn't sound right or be feasible in the current comics universe. Hawk? Already exists, Hank Hall. Vulture? Villain name. Raptor? Already taken by a Nightwing Rogue. Falcon? Hero for Marvel.
The only name I could also see other than Condor is Eagle, which would also be a great nod to Alfred Pennyworth, but the symbolism of Eagle is also too wrapped up with the government that it would muddle the messaging and vigilante brand.
Condor, however, makes perfect sense.
And you wouldn't have to tweak the costume much! My only thing would be to change the color from red... to green.
Green is currently an unclaimed color amongst the Bat Family and I think Tim would rock it. We've seen him leaning on the color green more and more as Robin, ironic as his most famous costume is when he ditched green all together after Superboy's death. Him choosing green, reclaiming green, would show him fully stepping out from the shadows to be his own hero.
Tl; dr Tim Drake should take on a new codename, Condor, wear a suit similar to Juni Ba's design, but green.
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tavina-writes · 11 months
CQL and Genre Intertextuality
I'm being bashed over the head with the "nhs's fan in CQL is made of xuantie/dark iron" thing again and @poorlittleyaoyao please understand that I am thinking of this constantly since you made that post talking about it because I'm just.
holding my head in my hands bc ye gods the cql show writers were genre savvy in ways that are hilarious but also make me feel like I've been hit upside the head with a waffle iron.
For those of us who are no longer damaged by the post or hadn't seen it (I don't actually know where it's gone bc the search feature doesn't work on this webbed site):
Xuantie/Dark Iron is a Jin Yong created metal that famously was used for the blade of the Dragon Slaying Sabre in the third novel of the Condor Trilogy, 倚天屠龍記/The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber.
The Heaven Reliant Sword 倚天劍 was created from Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv's Gentleman and Lady swords, whilst the Dragon Slaying Saber 屠龍刀 was created from Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-a-Loss's Dark Iron Sword.
Can we please all take a moment to appreciate how NHS's fan not his saber, NHS, from The Family With The Sabers, gets to shout about how his fan is made of xuantie. The most famous for being the metal that made up The Dragon Slaying Saber. His fan. Not his saber. his fan. dark iron. Dragon Slaying Saber. This is so funny I'm about to mcfucking lose it yet again while typing this.
Going back to Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-A-Loss (who appears in both Return of the Condor Heroes and Xiao Ao Jianghu) and his giant pet condor (sadly, only a ROCH feature) who might've been his one true soulmate for a second, this situation from episode 7, when the Yunmeng Siblings are leaving the Cloud Recesses:
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Now, the subtitles here really DO NOT do this line justice because when I first saw it it took me FLAT THE FUCK OUT and I had to lie on the floor laughing for like, 80 seconds before I got my breath back.
Okay, what this line ACTUALLY says is "I am Dugu Qiubai (Grandmaster Dugu Seeking-A-Loss), what's wrong with seeking a match?"
Now, to understand this, we come to this backstory on Dugu Qiubai in XAJH:
“Senior master Dugu Seeking-A-Loss, who created this set of sword techniques, had a name ‘Seeking-A-Loss.’ He had been seeking a loss all his life and still couldn’t get one. Once the sword techniques were executed, he would become unmatched anywhere in the world. Why would he have to defend? If anyone could have forced him to draw his sword back and defend himself, the respectful master would have burst with joy and be delighted beyond measure.” Feng Qingyang said. “Dugu Seeking-A-Loss, Dugu Seeking-A-Loss,” Linghu Chong muttered as he imagined how the senior master had wandered about the Martial World, unmatched anywhere, with only his sword, and couldn’t even find a single one who was capable of forcing him into a defending stance. That was truly admirable.
from Chapter Ten of XAJH: Sword Training.
"If anyone could force him to draw his sword back to defend himself, the grandmaster would have burst with joy and be delighted beyond measure" DO YOU SEE WHY JC STARTED CALLING WWX SHAMELESS NOW. they're JUNIORS. WWX is calling himself "the greatest man of all, who'd sought the feeling of losing just ONCE being forced to defend himself just ONCE in a LIFETIME" and saying "LWJ might be my equal. my soulmate. the loss I was seeking my whole life."
All 15 years of it I'm sure, WWX.
I'm not going to get into finding martial arts manuals or a respected grandmaster who taught you incredible things in a cave bc 1) LHC and Feng Qingyang up there are sitting together, in a cave and LHC is being taught incredible things and 2) Duan Yu from Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils once found the magic finger lasers of ultra laser in a cave. In front of the statue of a goddess. (don't talk about the dancing goddess statue now, Tav. We don't have time for that in this post.)
Not kidding the intertextuality of CQL and how much it plays with and against the tropes of its genre, especially other wuxia tv adaptations as well as wuxia novels is insane. There's other ones I'm missing for certain and these were just the most funny to me, personally, but! just! oh my god! insane! insane! SO funny, so clever in so many ways
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daughter-of-melpomene · 6 months
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭/𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭.
given that i’ve just revamped my marvel ocs, i figured it was time to share the casting for my personal version of the mcu! please note that this is a combination of my own ideas for recasts and popular castings that i’ve seen on other platforms, and also that not every character has been included here because there are several that i like with the actors currently portraying them. you all can definitely feel free to use any and all of these for yourselves!
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scott eastwood — steve rogers a.k.a. captain america.
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pedro pascal — tony stark a.k.a. iron man.
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boyd holbrook — clint barton a.k.a. hawkeye.
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marina alexandrova — natasha romanoff a.k.a. black widow.
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gratiela brancusi — wanda maximoff a.k.a. scarlet witch.
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jesús castro — pietro maximoff a.k.a. quicksilver.
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ian anthony dale — stephen strange a.k.a. doctor strange.
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michael ealy — james “rhodey” rhodes a.k.a. war machine.
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lana condor — gwen stacy.
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charlie rowe — harry osborn.
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sydney park — cindy moon a.k.a. silk.
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christian kane — logan howlett a.k.a. wolverine.
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kirby howell-baptiste — ororo munroe a.k.a. storm.
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jesse spencer — scott summers a.k.a. cyclops.
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sophie skelton — jean grey a.k.a. marvel girl.
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elizabeth lail — raven darkhölme a.k.a. mystique.
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cody fern — warren worthington the third a.k.a. angel.
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stephen lang — erik lensherr a.k.a. magneto.
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rowan blanchard — kitty pride a.k.a. shadowcat.
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caity lotz — emma frost a.k.a. white queen.
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ryan hurst — victor creed a.k.a. sabretooth.
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john krasinski — reed richards a.k.a. mr. fantastic.
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emily blunt — susan “sue” storm a.k.a. the invisible woman.
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rudy pankow — johnny storm a.k.a. the human torch.
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temura morrison — ben grimm a.k.a. the thing.
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tagging @endless-oc-creations, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, and @dancingsunflowers-ocs because they’re my marvel girlies so they might find these useful!!
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daily-lego-sets · 28 days
LEGO Exo-Force:
Iron Condor
Set: 8105
Pieces: 141
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soylent-crocodile · 2 months
Hagsfiend (Monster)
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(Art by Richard Cowdrey)
(The genre of animal fiction is a famed and storied one, and one that was important to me growing up. I read Warriors, and that still has a thriving fandom, but I also read a series called Guardians of Ga'Hoole, which was about owls and had a more fully fantastical setting. Short of a 2010 movie by Zach Snyder, I've seen very little attention given to it.
Hagsfiends are magical monsters that are extinct in the "modern" day of the series, but dangerous threats in the main book. They appear to be both mortal beings and also what owls turn into when they go to Owl Hell. I'm statting them up as the former, but I gave a little nod to this in the flavor text.
One last note, the book cover this image is from caught my father's eye years ago, and him buying that book for me is what got me reading Ga'Hoole. So thanks, hagsfeinds.)
Hagsfiend are condor-sized black birds born of, and infused with, negative energy and witchcraft. They are chittering, raucous animals who have a penchant for cruelty and greed, and a particular fascination with creatures weaker than them. Hagsfiend feathers lack the sleek, oily sheen of natural birds, and are often in disarray, giving them the look of something dead or dying. They have a similar look when walking, often having an awkward hopping shuffle to their movement. In the air, though, they are powerful fliers, capable of hunting and killing even an eagle. 
Hagsfiend are sometimes called “crowl” and conjectured to be a dark hybrid of the two; indeed, with their flat faces, black feathers, and combination of hunting and scavenging, they appear to be a sort of in-between. Either bird, when suffused with enough evil magic and negative energy, can transform into a hagsfiend, which appears to be the true origin of these creatures, which now breed true.
Hagsfiend are often found in the employ of dark witches and clerics of evil gods; there, they are typically loyal believers in the cause of some great evil, happy to take part in the violence and pain inflicted on the world. They often form such cults themselves, great rookeries nestled in the heart of dark forests and inland swamps. In such an environment they thrive, and many hagsfiend there advance in level as witches, alchemists, or oracles. Hagsfiend are even known to reside in hell, preferring its icy or citybound layers. 
An evil spellcaster of level 7 or higher can take a hagsfiend as a familiar with the feat Improved Familiar.
This black bird is larger than an eagle, with tattered black feathers and piercing yellow eyes.
Misc- CR2 NE Small Magical Beast HD3 Init:+2 Senses: Perception:+8, Darkvision 60ft Stats- Str:12(+1) Dex:14(+2) Con:9(-1) Int:14(+2) Wis:8(-1) Cha:14(+2) BAB:+3 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft Defense- HP:16(3d10) AC:15(+2 Dex, +2 Natural, +1 Size) Fort:+2 Ref:+5 Will:+2 CMD:15 Immunity: Cold Weakness: Weak to Saltwater Special Defenses: Negative Energy Affinity, DR2/salt Offense- 2 Claw +5(1d3+1 plus 1 bleed) CMB:+3 Speed:20ft, Fly 40ft (Good) Special Attacks: Bleed Feats- Toughness, Iron Will Skills- Fly +12, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception +8 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster level 3, Concentration +5) Color Spray (DC13) /at-will Special Qualities- Change Shape (An owl, Beast Shape II) Ecology- Environment- Forests (Cold) Languages- Common, Infernal Organization- Flock (2-8) Treasure- Standard Special Abilities- Weak to Saltwater (Ex)- A hagsfiend that gets saltwater on its feathers is unable to fly and loses its immunity to cold until it spends a full minute preening.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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