#Iron Beam
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eretzyisrael · 2 months ago
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 2nd Feb 2025
In the 2nd Feb 25 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
An Israeli university offers full scholarships to freed Gaza hostages.
An Israeli life-support system is being deployed to US hospitals.
The Head of Hadassah hospital saved a passenger on an El Al flight.
Israeli organizations saved lives in Las Angeles and Georgia.
See how cows are milked on an autonomous Israeli dairy farm.
Israeli tech will protect India and its trains.
You can behave like an animal at a new Israeli zoo.
Buy a home in Israel – while you can.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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The portions of the Torah read in most synagogues during the last two weeks included the hardening of Pharaoh's heart and its disastrous consequences for Egypt. In contrast there have been many recent heartening and enheartening events and activities in Israel which are strengthening the nation and benefiting the world.
Medical news includes the US launch of a unique Israeli respiratory system to boost the heart's function of oxygenating the blood in life-support patients. Read how Israeli charity Belev Echad ("One Heart") helps rehabilitate wounded IDF soldiers. The AI system of Israeli emergency NGO United Hatzalah sent its EMTs to a shopping mall to treat a heart attack patient that it had predicted would need saving. And it certainly was a heart-stopping moment when an El Al passenger had a heart attack and was saved thanks to the Head of Hadassah hospital being on the flight.
There have been many enheartening stories in the last week, not least that of released hostages being reunited with their loved ones. The sight of Israeli SmartAID volunteers restoring power to dialysis patients in Los Angeles. New housing for Israeli lone soldiers. Free scholarships for ex-hostages at Israeli Universities. And the Swedish Member of the European Parliament who fights anti-Zionism. 
Finally, thanks to the generous hearts of Australians who made cases for mezuzahs that will be fixed to the doors of residents of Israel returning to their rebuilt homes. And we hope that the heart of 101-year-old Walter Bingham, the world's oldest journalist, will keep beating until he reaches 120.
The photo is of early spring roses emerging on top of Netanya's "Wall of Hearts".
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girlactionfigure · 13 days ago
Israel's Iron Beam laser defense system will soon go operational!
Defense Minister Israel Katz confirms that the Iron Beam—Israel’s high-power laser air defense system—will be fully operational within months! 
This game-changing tech will take down rockets, mortars, drones, and even cruise missiles for just a few dollars per shot—a fraction of Iron Dome’s cost.
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infosisraelnews · 5 months ago
Le ministère de la Défense accélère l'achat du système laser "Magen Or"
Bientôt, le système antimissile israélien (Dome de fer) coûteux sera complété par un système laser moins cher “Magen Or” (“Iron Beam” dans la version anglaise). Le ministère de la Défense a annoncé lundi avoir signé un contrat avec Elbit Systems pour fournir à Tsahal un nouveau système de défense antimissile à courte portée. La valeur du contrat est de 200 millions de shekels. Au total, le…
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radioshiga · 6 months ago
Israel terá sistema de defesa a laser até 2025
Tel Aviv, Israel, 10 de outubro de 2024 – Agência de Notícias Israel Hayon – A empresa israelense Rafael Advanced Defense Systems anunciou que seu revolucion��rio sistema de defesa a laser “Iron Beam” estará operacional e nas mãos das Forças de Defesa de Israel (IDF) até o final de 2025. A revelação foi feita pelo CEO da Rafael, Yoav Turgeman, durante o Farnborough International Airshow. O…
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shreejisteelprivatelimited · 11 months ago
Why are MS Beams used in Structural Steel Construction?
Why are MS Beams Used in Structural Steel Construction? The MS beam is also known as the I beam or H-beam. It is broadly acknowledged for its great functionality. The construction industry mainly uses MS beams for strong functionality for buildings, malls, and architecture. MS beam comes in different sizes and shapes.
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paulthepoke · 1 year ago
A Hospital, Hamas, & Media/Lebanon & Hezbollah/Iron Beam & Lasers/Lawless in Europe/Russia & China
A Hospital, Hamas, & Media/Lebanon & Hezbollah/Iron Beam & Lasers/Lawless in Europe/Russia & China
Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. And the main stream media wonders why some folks don’t find them credible. These are the same people who lecture the world about “fact checkers” and “truth”. A couple of nights ago, the world was lead to believe that Israel had bombed a hospital in the Gaza Strip killing over 500 and destroying the hospital. The incident…
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prettyboyvanto · 3 months ago
the reason iron fist is so jacked in marvel rivals compared to the comics is because his t started to finally hit guys trust me
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vintagehomecollection · 2 years ago
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This caption is *chef's kiss
One of the primary human needs is warmth, and at some point in human history, fire was discovered as an important ingredient for food preparation. Since then, inventors have concocted various methods to bring raw food and fire together to produce the desired menu. Eventually it was learned that an actual flame was not necessary - heat was. And so in our own century we have seen the old-fashioned woodstove and the gas range replaced by electric stoves and microwave appliances, both of which cook a meal without a flame. Even in this kitchen where a love of the past is so meticulously expressed, the "fireless" ovens have found a niche.
Beyond The Kitchen: A Dreamer’s Guide, 1985
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nofatclips-home · 5 months ago
Anyone's Game by Iron & Wine, live at KEXP
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mutelunacy · 1 year ago
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Interchangeable format
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eretzyisrael · 5 months ago
Good News From Israel
Israel's Good News Newsletter to 3rd Nov 24
In the 3rd Nov 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Christian Zionists donate dozens of ambulances and emergency vehicles.
Israeli researchers discover a breakthrough mechanism for eradicating cancer.
Israeli volunteers rush to help Polish flood victims.
An Israeli startup has a unique method for detecting hostile drones.
Three new Israeli innovations to clean up our environment.
The 100th anniversary of the birth of Ephraim Kishon - Israel’s greatest satirist.
The festival of Simchat Torah was celebrated in Israel with joy and dignity.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Israel's seasonal rains are beginning, just after Jews finish reading the Torah portion about Noah and the Flood.  Israelis are currently helping flood victims in Poland, although Spain may have to wait a little longer for Israeli aid. Israel's enemies called their Oct 7 invasion a "Flood", and Israel is successfully responding to that desecration of its holy Simchat Torah festival. Finally, whereas Noah's Flood created a new, clean world, Israeli innovations are repairing this world by purifying the environment, desalinating sea-water, and generating clean energy. Israelis are working hard to eliminate many of the world's other major problems too.
The photo is of the sea from Israel's shoreline. It is probably similar to the harmonious scene that Noah experienced when the rains finally stopped those many years ago.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
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fionaapplerocks · 1 year ago
Fiona Apple features on Sam Beam’s 'Iron & Wine' album Light Verse - out 26th April.
Beam produced the album, which has contributions from keyboardist Tyler Chester, bassist Sebastian Steinberg, guitarist David Garza, violinist Paul Cartwright, and percussionists Griffin Goldsmith, Beth Goodfellow, and Kyle Crane. Fiona Apple sings on “All in Good Time.”
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I do genuinely wanna yap more about Eileen but I sadly do not have art of her. Also no idea how she'd be received considering she's big E's sis and the fact that she has her own weird cult that gets stamped out but is super hard to stamp out because bitch offers unconditional love and acceptance no matter if you're a psyker or a genetically fucked abomination. I even have come up with like how she's referred worship wise and put in thoughts like how Eileen Crowley is probs not her original name, just like how Big E's name is long forgotten. I just think she's cool. I also wanna yap about Lilith, but I also don't have art of her. I do have that she was probs raised by the blood angels and is a fucking menace on the battlefield. Might be a female Astartes as an adult. Haven't quite figured her out, but she is muscle mommy with wings. Have no idea who the poor woman who birthed her is. I say poor woman because this fucker had the audacity to inherit her father's ridiculous height. Her most adorable fact is that as a child she called the blood angels her 'big brothers'. Some of the older Blood Angels still tease her about this as an adult.
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oldfarmhouse · 9 months ago
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moe-broey · 6 months ago
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Kind of cutes, I guess. But I think I'm running into the age old My Art Style (focused on being able to draw a character as much as possible as quickly as possible and to mirco-organism them when necessary) is Fundamentally Incompatible With the FEH Art Style and SPECIFICALLY the Askr motifs/aesthetics. Problem.
I think what happened as time went on too, is I translated the chunky thigh armor into more of a solid shape on the knees of the boots.
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You can see the difference here! He doesn't have a solid knee-pad like diamond, he has a funky pattern. Not the worst example of extremely intricate pattern crimes but still the bane of my existence as an artist. (Worth saying, it works in Kozaki's art style!!!! And more conventional anime art styles, broadly speaking!!! Because those styles give you a lot more room to work with, on the character themselves, and they're more focused on details!!! That's just, my rough thoughts about it)
So there's like. Too Much Big Solid Shapes going on. Not enough space to give your eyes a break. Esp the way I ink. I think the negative space and all-blue ink Until you get to the knees, again, just gives your eyes a break.
See him Usual Style:
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I feel soooooooooo bad going "but my art style 😢" bc I feel like TYPICALLY. That sentiment is used to avoid learning new things. But like.......... do you see the Problem here. I need to draw this fucker a million times and sometimes I need to hit 'em with the shrink ray.
LIKE. MAYBE. WHAT I'M GETTING AT. Is The Purpose of an art style. What it's Supposed to Do. And how it functions in tandem with You, the artist.
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