134 posts
Mostly just an Obey Me! fan acc, with sprinkles of other fandoms
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t0tallycoolname · 4 months ago
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
Lucifer spreading the peacock feathers of his demon outfit and wiggling his butt in an attempt to seduce MC
"Do you feel it?"
"Go away, Lucifer."
"These hips don't lie, MC."
"Are you mesmerized?"
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
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Oh, the many faces of the Morningstar
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
“not all men” you’re right - mammon, the second born avatar of greed, would never do this to me
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
hello! I've been reading your SCP work and saw you add OM to your writing list.
Can I please get Lucifer with an adoptive teen reader? Sibling relationship please
AN: I wasn't sure what you wanted as far as like headcanons or oneshots go, So I just went with a short oneshot because that's what I'm most comfortable with writing. Hope you don't mind!
I took some creative liberties with the plot, since your request kinda left it open. I also left the age non-specific, except implying that the reader is a teenager... I may have gotten carried away, soft big brother Lucifer incoming.
TW: slight angst
Different yet the same... (Lucifer & Adoptive teen sibling reader)
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Your shoes thud softly against the ground in the carpeted halls in the house of lamination. Your pace is slowed though you already have your destination in mind; Lucifer study. Your sure he's in there, he always is during the afternoon. Often doing paperwork assigned to him by diavolo that day.
This routine isn't unusual for you. The house gets too rambunctious, so you seek the tranquility and comfort of the eldests workspace.
It's the arguably quietest place in the house. with spells and enchants to make sure that the only thing heard within the space is the gently thrum of whatever cursed vinyl Lucifer happens to fancy that day.
Lucifer never seemed to care if you were there as long as you were quiet and didn't disrupt his work.
Yes, this isn't unusual for you... Yet today the circumstances for your visit are different.
The house isn't bustling. in fact, this is the most calm it's been in awhile: Mammon Is out gambling with the money he made from modeling, Levi is holed up in his room playing some new video game that just came out, Satan is out reading in a newly built library, Asmo is clubbing with Solomon, Beel is out at an all you can eat buffet, And belphie is napping in the planetarium.
You pause your thoughts when you make it to the grand mahogany door that holds Lucifer and his office behind it. Hand raising to knock on the door but falling short and stopping just before it makes contact.
Does he even want you in there? Maybe this whole time he hasn't, and is just too polite to tell you off.
Part of you realizes that that sentence sounds ridiculous. Lucifer never has a problem telling his siblings to leave him alone when he needs private time...
But you're not really his sibling, are you?
They're all so close to each other... They fought together, fell together, and survived together when devildom refused to accept them.
Your hand that was hovering just before the office door drops to your side, and you turn around the glance at the mirrors lining the hallway behind you. If you look hard enough, you can still picture the beautiful and pristine white of your wings.
It was a few dumb decisions that got you banished from the celestial realm and made you fall from grace.
You were growing weary with the standards you had to constantly upkeep. The realm values excellence over anything, and they won't settle for any less. Angelic voices always ringing in your ears pushing you to be something you weren't; perfection.
It was that same weariness that blossomed into intrigue when you first heard the name 'Lucifer' be uttered. His name was always spoken with a hushed voice, as if he was some sort of deadly curse.
And when you begin poking around for more information about him you were quickly shut down...
Until you spoke to Simeon about it. Simeon had always been one of the most relaxed and understanding of all of the angels. And because he was so well liked and respected they let it slide.
So when you spoke to him about your curiosity, he was happy to divulge as much as he saw fit for your younger mind. Contrary to every other angel you talked to, he spoke about Lucifer with high regards. Often speaking about how kind and giving the morning star was, and still is, even if he doesn't always show it.
When you asked what happened to him he told you the truth. He fell from grace along with six other angels he was closest with. Though simeon told you he wasn't allowed to speak of why they fell from grace, he did however give you a key to access the vaults that held files on what you were looking for.
That's when you first began properly learning about the great celestial war.
It dazzled you're young mind, the thought of seven angels taking on the entirety of the celestial realm with such bravery. And although you weren't about to try and start a rebellion like Lucifer did, seeing him fight for what he thought was right encouraged you to begin declining the high expectations of the realm.
Everyday when you got free time, you would sneak back off to the vault to read more on the rebellion and war, while sneaking conversations with simeon in between.
It kept you content...
Until one day, you made the mistake of getting too comfortable and sloppy while sneaking off. Unfortunately, you were blissfully unaware of the fact that you had been spotted and were being followed the whole time.
It's safe to say the higher ups weren't pleased...
So they gave you two choses:
Stay and be held on trial for treason. Which who knows what would happen after you were inevitably found guilty.
Or be stripped of your grace and be banished to devildom...
You choose the latter...
So you fell...
And fell...
And fell some more...
Devildom was beautiful, and it's Prince was nothing short of gracious. A far cry from the pompous aristocrats of the celestial realm, and of course diavolo knew just where to stick you. Where else if not with the demon brothers? Considering your circumstance, you should get along swimmingly.
Yeah, no... it's safe to say they were not happy about the idea of a freshly fallen angel teenager stuck living with them. For the first couple of months they either avoided you like the plague, or were confrontational.
All but one... Lucifer.
He wasn't peachy with you, but he held an air of understanding with your situation. He allowed you to express your woes, and offered a guiding hand when you seemed stuck.
Eventually all of the brothers warmed up to you, and came to view you as their eighth sibling. Though you always had a hard time feeling like you fit...
"I can see you standing out there, Y/n. Come in." Lucifer startles you out of your thoughts as he calls out to you from behind the door.
You grip the door handle and open the heavy wooden door. It squeaks on it's hinges, the sound normally doesn't bug you, but today it makes your anxiety spike. You look up from the ground and see Lucifer at his desk writing away at some paperwork, he raises his none occupied hand and gestures for you to have a seat on the leather chair off to the side in the room.
As you scuttle over and plant yourself in the chair, you fidget nervously with your hands. The room is quiet, too quiet. The only thing heard is the scratching of Lucifers quill against the paper.
"I take it you'd like to talk? You seem tense" Though he acknowledges you verbally, he continues to work on his paperwork. Despite this you know you have his full attention.
"I guess?.. I'm really not sure." you shuffle around in your seat to get comfortable. He hums in thought.
Maybe you should've just gone to your room and dealt with your feelings yourself... He seems so busy, he shouldn't have to deal with your self-consciousness.
"tell me what's on your mind, Y/n..."
His voice has that certain tone to it, the closest it gets to 'soft'. You feel your self doubt fade away slightly... So you decide to spill your guts.
"I guess I've just been feeling a little out of place lately? Like I don't really fit in anywhere in the family..." Your voice falls to a hesitant whisper at the end.
Lucifers writing halts but he doesn't look at you yet. It feels like he already knows where this conversation is going. A light sigh falls from his mouth.
You pause and think about how you want to respond. the topic is uncomfortable for you to approach, but it weighs heavy on your shoulders, so it's better to talk about it then let yourself stew...
"it's just... the seven of you are so close, you've been together for your entire life. You guys didn't even know me when I was still in the celestial realm, I was kinda just placed here after i fell from grace because there was nowhere else for me to go..." You pause for a moment and look to the ground, avoiding Lucifers gaze. "I feel like I don't belong..."
There's a silence that falls over the room as you finish your rant, only thing heard is your shuddery breathing and the scuff of Lucifers chair being pushed away from his desk. You hear here the sound of his dress shoes approach you, but you don't look up from the ground. Scared you'll meet his gaze and be ment with a lecture about how you need to be more secure with yourself.
You fidget a bit more when he stops in front of you, his shoes now in your vision as you continue to avoid looking at him properly. Two gloved fingers swoop into your view as well when he gently places them under your chin, tilting your head up carefully.
When you meet his gaze, your surprised to see his eyes half lidded with sympathy and understanding. His other hand coming up to gently run through your hair to clear it from you face, before falling to rest your shoulder in a grounding grip.
You both stay silent for a short while, before Lucifer speaks.
"how long have you felt like this?" His words are simple, but encourage you to delve deeper into your feelings.
"For awhile... I have a hard time feeling like I'm even slightly related to you guys sometimes" to your surprised, a light laugh falls from Lucifers mouth at this.
"none of us are related by blood, When has that ever made a difference?"
"that's not what I mean... Not biologically, more like our experiences feel so different, and you're all so close in age... I don't know" Lucifers gaze grows serious as he addresses you with a firm tone.
"Y/n, I know we don't always express it, but we all cherish you greatly. We may not share the same experiences, but we're still cut from the same cloth... We're family, Y/n" he pauses for a moment and sighs. "Why didn't you come to me if this was bothering you? We could've spoken about it sooner"
You gently push his hand away and he backs up to allow you to stand. Once standing, you hug your arms close to your body and shift your weight around nervously.
"it shouldn't be your job to deal with my emotions, you already have enough to deal with-" he quickly cuts you off.
"as your eldest brother it is my job to help you through things like this, my duties come second always. Y/n, you can always rely on me."
his firm response leaves no room for argument, and with his unusual sentiment, a dam breaks in you.
You take a few steps towards him and hug him close, sniffling lightly.
"I love you, Lucifer..."
His hands hover for a second, before gently pulling you closer.
"I love you too, Y/n"
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
Genshin men but in this hairstyle or sumthn
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
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So THATS what it looks like from the back. After all these years
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
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Red and corset ❤️
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
Arthur Morgan
need me a man who holds me in a chokehold while he forces his fat cock in and shushes me with a "easy girl, easy" as if he's breaking in a horse 😵‍💫
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
Obey Me AU where Lucifer is the yassified brother
taking pride quite literal i see i see
lucifer and asmo personality swap au
yassified avatar of pride WOULD make sense and more stuck up avatar of lust would be hot interesting to say the least
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
*kisses you while you're in the middle of infodumping* Sorry, you're just being really sexy right now. Continue.
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
why do i have to work??? i was clearly born to give head and look cute
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
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a year in review...! i drew lots again and also hit some personal goals, so i'm very happy🥹🥹thank you everyone for all the support this year...!! hoping to draw more again for next year🫶💖
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
People really think Lucifer is some cold villainous evil man when he's canonically gushed over Mammon calling him Dad once, gotten so embarassed over making Diavolo bad cookies he blushes at the mere mention of them, and gotten so enraptured in a novel he cried.
He can be a menace but he's also a mess, never forget.
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
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EVERYBODY SHUTUP AND LOOK HOW PRETTY THIS MAN IS 😭 I want to give him kisses all over his face
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
just me ranting about s*lmare again,,, sigh
it’s kind of getting on my nerves seeing people getting mad at others for pointing out s*lmare’s shitty behavior. like, i get that people may not want to see negativity about the games/devs but acting like people aren’t allowed to be negative is a whole different thing.
look. i’m not trying to be seen as the like “ultimate s*lmare hater™︎” or anything (or maybe i am), but i’m just going to compile a quick list for everybody so they understand why i and so many other fans are still so mad. because quite frankly i’m sick of people crying on twitter that i’m “just being mean” when what i’m really doing is calling a spade a spade.
for an ENTIRE YEAR before nightbringer was released, devs never told anybody that a new game was coming out. everybody grinded for an ENTIRE YEAR because we were kept under the impression that a new season was coming to OG only to be told “haha we’re going to make you pretty much redo the whole story again (but in the past :O !!!) only after which you’ll get a conclusion for OG :)” [the end of lesson 80 of OG literally said coming soon until AFTER nightflop was announced.]
devs waited until a reddit ama to even tell us that a new game was coming, but only when asked by a fan who’s question subsequently got buried in all the other responses. the only reason anybody else saw it is because it was screenshotted and posted to twitter and in its own post on reddit. no official announcement was made prior. the first official announcement we got was like a week or two before nightflop was released.
they keep pushing out terrible quality events back to back just to milk money from fans even though the vast majority of fans have said they don’t like back to back events because the quality of them are horrendous. most players would rather have fewer events with better writing then to have constant shit ones.
never told us that daily chats were ending in OG. we only know this was happening because someone send a ticket to the devs and it was then screenshotted and posted to twitter.
s*lmare has proved time and time again that they only care about whales. they’ve proved this by paywalling a lot of features in Nightbringer. and before anyone drops in with “but they give us more devil points in battles >:(“ shut up. haven’t you noticed the increase in need to spend devil points? whether for character outfits, sprite outfits level up sales (that they’ve made more frequent by making leveling up easier), ap sales, etc… they’ve only given you more DP so you’ll spend more DP.
they literally shoved an ad down our throats as many times as they could (in NB) by putting it on the HOME. SCREEN. as well as making it one of the first things you see when you boot up the app and in the side news thing. they didn’t do anything about it until fans complains relentlessly for WEEKS.
they took away the 10x free pulls for HDD 4 (which is OG’s birthday NOT Nightflop’s). they have always done the free pulls since the games inception. they did this so that fans are more likely to use they’re own vouchers or pay irl money for the cards they want.
they lowered nightmare drops EVEN LOWER to force players to draw more if they want certain cards (this goes back to putting players in a position to use irl money to buy devil points for nightmare summons if they want certain cards).
wanderers whereabouts and fabsnap are lazy and unnecessary and from what i understand, most people barely fool with it. the models are cheap and horrendous. (i get it’s a mobile game and the graphics are not going to be like PS5 level, but come on.)
they took away birthday events without an announcement. people were saving AP and demon vouchers for their favorite boys’ birthday events only to instead be given ONLY a birthday nightmare with a pity OF 200. they also stopped doing birthday events before asmo’s 2023 bday, leaving him as the only brother without a prince card. never mind the fact that they’ve paywalled birthday items in wonder’s whereabouts for $3.99 (usd).
they changed some devil grams (in OG) to make the please a loud minority of players that didn’t like having to kiss the brothers in the devilgrams. in a game about dating and kissing demons. they pandered to a small (but quite loud) minority of players BITCHING that they didn’t want to kiss the brother. in a game about dating demons.
they’ve infantilized the game and lowered the age rating (to 12+) to make it more accessible to younger audiences which has significantly lowered the quality of the writing. this is a game about demons !! they are not child friendly and they don’t need to be written as such. a game about dating and romancing demons is a kids game now.
i want to express very sincerely that i absolutely adore obey me. i have for the past four years. (you should see my collection of luci merch LOL). it’s the first franchise i have devoted myself to so strongly. i just really hate s*lmare and how they keep getting greedier while offering NOTHING to fans but lukewarm content and constant money pandering. this franchise means a lot to me, and i know that rings true for most of the players, and it hurts to see it going down the drain like this considering it is so special to me. i love this community (except when people are crying over misinterpreting criticisms against s*lmare/devs as personal attacks) and i love what everybody creates. it’s all so so very special to me and it’s important that we all understand this. these games and franchise could be something so very special. it started out so different (in a good way!) than almost all other otomes i’ve played, but now it’s getting left in the dust because a multimillion dollar company is more worried about how to milk an extra $3.99 from they’re fans than they are making quality content that fans would be WILLING to pay for, instead of locking content behind paywalls.
i wish nightbringer was never a thing. the story they wanted to make could have easily when a 1-2 season arc in OG. but instead we were forced to essentially play the same game over again, just in a different setting and time, and pretty much be told that the time we’ve spent grinding and leveling up our cards and getting through all the battles was wasted. all for a new game that nickels and dimes players while offering shit in return.
solmare was proven that they have no intention of being transparent with fans. that they only want to milk whatever money they can from us. it’s created a lot of distrust and aversion in the community. and believe me, after all this, and even after obey me is run through and isn’t a cash cow for them anymore, i’ll never play another fucking solmare game ever again.
❤︎ it’ll always be ‘one master to rule them all.’
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t0tallycoolname · 1 year ago
Obey me home/lockscreen templates !
Here is the link for the tutorial on how to do the icons if you need it!
Sorry I had to make two separate posts for the tutorial and the templates
For the widgets on the homescreen you can download color widgets it’s really easy to use! As for the character on the homescreen I just screenshotted my favorite character from majolish in game and put it on a photo widget
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I recommend turning off perspective zoom for the Lock Screen btw
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