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djgposters · 6 years ago
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Poster Date: 06-16-2009
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craigwclough · 6 years ago
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Drawing of Woman Playing a Grand Piano, Iowa City, IA Piano Tuning in 52242, Craig W. Clough, [email protected] (309) 786-8617
Iowa City, IA Piano Tuning and Repair - Piano Tuner for Iowa City, IA 52240
For piano tuning, repair, refinishing, keytop replacement, regulation and rebuilding in Iowa City, Iowa 52240, please call Craig Clough at (309) 786-8617. Email is [email protected] If the answering machine is full, please send an email. Complete internal and external restoration of pianos.  Player piano and harpsichord service are also available. Price depends on the services provided. Why not have your piano tuned by someone who can really play the piano and who knows how your piano should really play? Serving the Iowa City, IA area, and the greater Quad Cities region as a piano tuner since 1974! Thanks! Quad Cities Piano Tuning and Repair Websitehttp://quad-cities-piano-tuner.webs.com/ Craig W. Clough on Google+https://plus.google.com/+CraigWCloughRockIslandIllinois Craig W. Clough on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/craigclough Craig W. Clough on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/craigwclough?lang=en
Pianos for sale in Iowa City, IA 52240 Piano lessons in Iowa City, IA 52242 Iowa City, IA 52243 Piano Tuning and Repair Piano teacher in 52244 Used pianos in Iowa City, IA 52245 Piano Repair in Iowa City, IA 52240 Piano Service in Iowa City, IA 52242 Piano Restoration in Iowa City, IA 52243 Piano Refinishing in Iowa City, IA 52244 Iowa City, IA Piano Tuning 52245 Iowa City, IA Piano Tuner 52246 Iowa City, IA Piano Repair 52240 Iowa City, IA Piano Tuning Service 52242 Piano Tuning in Iowa City, IA 52243 Piano Tuners in Iowa City, IA 52244 Piano Tuning Service in Iowa City, IA 52245 Piano Repair in Iowa City, IA 52246 Piano Tuners in Iowa 52240 Johnson County, IA Piano Tuning 52242 Musical Instrument Repair in 52243 Iowa City, IA Piano Tuning and Repair in 52244 Iowa piano tuners, piano tuners in Cedar Rapids, IA 52227. Piano tuning in Coralville, IA 52241. Piano tuning and repair in West Branch, IA 52358. Piano tuners in Downey, IA 52358. Piano tuning and repair in Centerdale, IA 52358. Piano Tuning in Tiffin, IA 52340. Piano Tuner in Springdale, IA 52358. Piano Tuning in North Liberty, IA 52317. Pianists in Iowa 52242. Iowa City, IA piano recital 52240. Piano recital in West Liberty, IA 52776. Cedar Valley, IA piano teachers 52358.
Homes for Sale in Iowa City, IA 52240 House for Sale in Iowa City, IA 52242 Apartments for Rent in Iowa City, IA 52243 Investment Property in Iowa City, IA 52244 Iowa City, Iowa Realtor in 52240
Brown Street, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brown+St,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.670145,-91.52932,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e441f897a3cb7f:0xd6083f687e385038!8m2!3d41.670141!4d-91.527126 E Washington Street, Iowa City, IA 52240 https://www.google.com/maps/place/E+Washington+St,+Iowa+City,+IA+52240/@41.660008,-91.5287078,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e441e4b0fcbaa9:0xbc0ca00541511e65!8m2!3d41.660004!4d-91.5265138 Amhurst St, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Amhurst+St,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6639966,-91.488144,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a2c4b440cf1:0xe5ca164c037a95b5!8m2!3d41.6639926!4d-91.48595 Hotz Ave, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotz+Ave,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6629188,-91.5194242,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a065b4fb137:0xaad13602a01a1016!8m2!3d41.6629148!4d-91.5172302 Rochester Ave, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rochester+Ave,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6668063,-91.50205,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a1f550b1833:0xb9aa543344eab6e0!8m2!3d41.6668023!4d-91.499856 Manitou Trl, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Manitou+Trail,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6832447,-91.5553508,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e44230e02c02fd:0x37ebb3c864bebcfd!8m2!3d41.6832407!4d-91.5531568 Tamarack Trail, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Tamarack+Trail,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6735844,-91.4958834,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e469885e72566f:0xfbbbe7429919d7a0!8m2!3d41.6735804!4d-91.4936894 Wakefield Ct, Iowa City, IA 52240 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wakefield+Ct,+Iowa+City,+IA+52240/@41.643525,-91.4931398,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a4f9ed12daf:0x62f43c11d5d81dae!8m2!3d41.643521!4d-91.4909458 Do not forget Ct, Iowa City, IA 52246 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aburdeen+Ct,+Iowa+City,+IA+52246/@41.6440729,-91.5672137,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e4410ecf30084f:0x9a1baf1dfb1ebffc!8m2!3d41.6440689!4d-91.5650197 Briar Dr, Iowa City, IA 52240 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Briar+Dr,+Iowa+City,+IA+52240/@41.6361542,-91.5225712,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a7f545ce795: 0xb54b4242929bf 537! 8m2! 3d41.6361502! 4d-91.520 3772 Arbor Dr, Iowa City, IA 52245 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Arbor+Dr,+Iowa+City,+IA+52245/@41.6536818,-91.4870633,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e46a345181de57:0x2b2a1452127f65ec!8m2!3d41.6536778!4d-91.4848693 #100yardfight #7hillsbrew #HawkeyePride #HawkeyesWin #Iowa-Illinois #IowaCorn #KinnickCorn #Mississippi #SteepleSquare #Swarm17 #acoustic #acousticmusic #acousticpiano #acoustics #acousticsofmusic #ahca #artsiowa #baconfest #beautifulpiano #bigten #blackandgold #blackandwhite #botanicalgardens #cityofiowacity #classicalmusic #comiccon #concertband #craigwclough #downtowniowacity #elpianista #elpiano #entertainer #entertainment #farmlife #fightforiowa #fingerdexterity #fryfest #germanhawks #gohawks #gospelpiano #grand #grandpiano #harpsichord #hawkeyenation #hawkeyes #highlightiowa #ia #ia-il #iail #iowa #iowaarts #iowaboy #iowacity #iowacityfarm #iowacityfood #iowacityhighschool #iowacityhome #iowacityhouse #iowacityia #iowacityiowa #iowacityjazz #iowacitymusic #iowacityschools #iowacitywest #iowacolleges #iowacorn #iowacountry #iowadanceteam#iowadog #iowafarm #iowafarmboy #iowafarmer #iowafarmgirl #iowafarms #iowafashion #iowafootball #iowagirl #iowagovernment #iowagram #iowahawkeyes #iowahealth #iowahistory #iowaillinois #iowajazz #iowalegislature #iowalife #iowamodel #iowamusic #iowanationalguard #iowapassion #iowaphoto #iowaphotographer #iowaphotography #iowapianos #iowaplow #iowaquadcities #iowaschools #iowasports #iowastatefair #iowastudents #iowatattoo #iowauniversity #ivorypianokeys #ivorypianokeytops #jazz #jazziniowa #jazziowa #jazzmusic #johnsoncountyia #johnsoncountyiowa #keyboard #keyboards #kfxb #kinnickstadium #knights #kwwl #livepiano #midwest #midwestdogs #mightymississippi #millworkdistrict #mississippiriver #music #musicacoustics #musicalinstrument #musicalinstruments #musician #musicinstrument #musicinstruments #musiclife #musiclive #orchestra #passion #passioniowa#pianist #piano #pianoaction #pianoactionregulating #pianoactionregulation #pianobar #pianobench #pianocover #pianoduet #pianoensemble #pianoexpert #pianofingering #pianofingers #pianohands #pianoharmonics #pianoharmony #pianoivories #pianojazz #pianokeyboard #pianokeys #pianoliv #pianolive #pianolove #pianoman #pianomusic #pianopassion #pianopalayer #pianoplaying #pianoplayer #pianoplaying #pianoplaylist #pianopractice #pianoquartet #pianoquintet #pianorefinishing #pianorepair #pianorepairman #pianorestoration #pianos #pianoservice #pianosolo #pianosoloist #pianosolos #pianosong #pianotechnic #pianotechnician #pianotheme #pianotheory #pianotrio #pianotune #pianotuner #pianotunertechnician #pianotuning #pianoversion #pianovirtuosity #pianovirtuoso #playerpiano #playlist #playthepiano #practicemakesperfect #practicepiano #practicethepiano #prettypiano#quadcitiespianotuning #quadcitiespianotuningandrepair #ragtime #ragtimemusic #ragtimepiano #repairapiano #repairpiano #rockmusic #schoolofmusic #soloist #solopianist #solopiano #sundayfunday #tailgateiowa #telegraphherald #thisisiowa #tickletheivories #tuneapiano #uiowa #univercityofiowa #uofi #uprightpiano #vegansofiowa , @Drewwags77 @VZWSupport @WendtCenterUD @craigwclough @hawkeyefootball @heavenshawkeye @iowaawesome @joniernst @lmayeatery Corning, El Klavierreparatur, Klavierstimmer, Klavierstimmung, Ni Piano, Pianochūningu, Pianochūnā, Piyānō, Saṅgīta, Shuri,ピ Suli, Techno afinación afinador banco blancas, chi cola, cropped cuerdas, de dlya el fortepiannaya fortepiano, have instruments, la las los music, musical muzyka, música, nastroyka negras, nn notas, one, orchestras pedales, pianino piano piano, pianomusik, pianos, pianostämmare, playing, remont,reparación reparation, stringed strings, tecla, teclado, teclas the tocar tuner, tuning, tyuneo, tyuner tyuning, vertical, vocals, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि नो पिया पियानो मरम्मत, संगीत, 피아노 수리, 피아노 튜너, 피아노 튜닝
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iowacity · 12 years ago
According to records released Monday, Salameh applied for a gun permit in March 2010, but UI Dean of Students David Grady recommended that the Johnson County Sheriff's Office deny his application. Since Grady became dean of students in 2009, Salameh is one of only two students that Grady recommended the Sheriff’s Office deny a permit.
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craigwclough · 6 years ago
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Illiinois Piano Tuner, Beautiful Young Lady, Grand Piano, Violin, Cat, Flowers - Craig W. Clough, [email protected] (309) 786-8617
Craig Clough is a piano tuner who tunes and repairs pianos in the Iowa - Illinois Quad Cities area and beyond.  He has been doing this kind of work since 1974! For piano tuning, piano repair, piano refinishing, piano action regulating, piano restringing, piano keytop replacement and more in Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois in the IA-IL areas on either side of the Mississippi River, please contact him at (309) 786-8617.  If the answering machine is full, please send him an email at [email protected] 
He is also a well established professional musician with decades of experience performing on a number of musical instruments as well as vocally.  Performing on the piano in a wide variety of styles and genres is one of his specialties, so he is able to tell you how your piano should play from the standpoint of a professional musician, rather than just doing the mechanical chore of tuning your piano without a thought as to the musicality of the results, like you will usually find with piano tuners who are not really musicians.
He will even play a mini-concert for you when he is finished tuning your piano! Why not have someone tune your piano who can really play the piano and who knows how your piano should really play?
The formal name of his piano tuning and repair business is "Quad Cities Piano Tuning and Repair". Player piano and harpsichord services are also available.
Some of the cities and towns in Iowa and Illinois in which he tunes and services pianos are as follows:
Rock Island IL, Davenport IA, Moline IL, Bettendorf IA, East Moline IL, Le Claire IA, Milan IL, Eldridge IA, Silvis IL, DeWitt IA, Sherrard IL, Clinton IA, Aledo IL, Rock Island Arsenal, Long Grove IA, Colona IL, Buffalo IA, Colona IL, Muscatine IA, Hampton IL, Princeton IA, Port Byron IL, Park View IA, Coal Valley IL, Blue Grass IA, Andalucia IL, Walcott IA, Edgington IL, Stockton IA, Sherrard IL, Fyre Lake IL, Durant IA, Orion IL, Delmar IA, Joslin IL, Maquoketa IA, Fulton IL, Hillsdale IL, Dubuque IA, Thompson IL, Tipton IA, Geneseo IL, West Branch IA, Galesburg IL, Wheatland IA, Knoxville IL, Wilton IA, Macomb IL, West Liberty IA, Kewanee IL, Iowa City IA, Sterling IL, Bennett IA, Viola IL, Galena IA, Springville IA.
As you can see from the above, he tunes in both Iowa and Illinois.  But, there are people who will simply do a search for "Illinois Piano Tuner", and this ad is what he would like for them to find!
#illinois, #illinoispiano, #illinoispianos, #illinoismusic, #illinoismusicians, #illinoispianotuner, #illinoisarts, #illinoispianotuning, #illinois, #iowapiano, #iowapianos, #iowapianotuner, #iowapianotuning, # RockIslandIL, #DavenportIA, #MolineIL, #BettendorfIA , #EastMolineIL, #LeClaireIA, #MilanIL, #EldridgeA, #SilvisIL, #DeWittIA, #SherrardIL, #ClintonIA, #AledoIL, #RockIslandArsenal, #ChicagoIL, #LongGroveIA, #ColonaIL, #BuffaloIA, #SpringfieldIL , #MuscatineIA , #PeoriaIL , #HamptonIL , #PrincetonIA , #PortByronIL , #ParkViewIA , #CoalValleyIL , #BlueGrassIA , #AndalusiaIL , #WalcottIA , #EdgingtonIL , #StocktonIA , #SherrardIL , #FyreLakeIL , #DurantIA , #OrionIL , #DelmarIA , #JoslinIL , #MaquoketaIA , #FultonIL , #HillsdaleIL , #DubuqueIA , #ThomsonIL , #TiptonIA , #GeneseoIL , #WestBranchIA , #GalesburgIL , #WheatlandIA , #KnoxvilleIL , #WiltonIA , #MacombIL , #WestLibertyIA , #KewaneeIL , #IowaCityIA , #SterlingIL , #BennettIA , #ViolaIL , #GalenaIL , #SpringvilleIA , # GalenaAntiques, # mississippiriver, # UlyssesSGrant, # elizabethil, # elpianista, # elpiano, # gospelpiano, # grandpiano, # histidofiowa, #illinoiafarm, # iowafarm, #illinois, #illinoisarts, #iowaarts, # artsiniowa, #iowaboy, #illinoisboy , # iowacorn, #illinoiscorn, #iowacountry, #illinoiscountry, #iowafarm, #illinoisfarmer, #iowafarmer, #iowahistory, #illinoishistory, #ivorypianokeys, #pianobench, #pianocover, #pianorefinishing, #pianorepair, #pianorepairman, #pianorestoration, # pianos, # burberthoover, # universityofiowa, # pianoservice, # pianotechnician, # pianotunertechnician, # playerpiano, #presidentgrant, Klavierreparatur, Klavierstimmer, Klavierstimmung, Musik, Ni Pianochūningu, Pianochūnā, Piyānō, Saṅgīta, Shuri, Pi Suli, Techno afinación afinador banco blancas , chi cola, cuerdas,de dlya el fortepiannaya fortepiano, have instruments,la las los music, musical muzyka, música, nastroyka negras, nn notas, orchestras pedales, pianino piano piano, piano, afinador pianomusik, pianos, pianostämmare, playing, remont, reparación reparation, stringed strings , tecla, teclado, teclas the tocar tuners, tuning, tyuneo, tyuner tyuning, vertical, vocals, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि पियानो मरम्मत, संगीत संगीत ピ ア Corning, Lucina Ni Techno ピ ュ nn Romeo and, repair, device, play music, strings, stringed instrument, playing music, musical instruments, band, music, playing, 絃樂, 수리, 튜너, 튜닝, 피아노teclas the tocar tuners, tuning, tyuneo, tyuner tyuning, vertical, vocals, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि पियानो मरम्मत,संगीत संगीत ピ ア Corning, Lucina Ni Techno ピ ュ, 수리, 튜너, 튜닝, 피아노, tyuner tyuning, vertical, vocals, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि पियानो मरम्मत, संगीत संगीत ピ ア Corning, Lucina Ni Techno ピ ュ, 絃樂, vocal music, 수리, 튜너, 튜닝, 피아노튜너, 튜닝, 피아노, teclas the tocar tuners, tuning, tyuneo, tyuner, tyuning, vertical, vocals, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि पियानो मरम्मत, संगीत संगीत, ピ ア Corning, Lucina Ni Techno ピ ュ, 絃樂, 수리, 튜너, 튜닝, 피아노튜너, 튜닝, 피아노, для музыка, настройка пианино ремонт, тюнер фортепианная фортепиано, ंग, ट्यूनर ट्यूनर, ट्यूनि पियानो मरम्मत, संगीत संगीत ピ ア Corning, Lucina Ni Techno ピ ュ, 絃樂, 수리, 튜너, 튜닝, 피아노
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