#Iolaus Scylla
knavestrolls · 2 years
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Hearts, Iolaus, and Liegia now have icons to match everyone else's!
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Greek Mythology Characters And Their MBTI Types
Note: I tried to include as many gods, demigods, mortals, creatures etc. as possible.
INTJ: Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Feeling (Fi), and Extraverted Sensing (Se);
Characters: Athena, Hades, Nyx, Diomedes, Nemesis, Moirai (The Fates), Minos, Ixion, Tantalus, Melinoe, Styx, Graeae, Erebus, Hydra;
INTP: Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Feeling (Fe);
Characters: Pandora, Scylla, Daedalus, Chaos, Urania, Sphinx, Coeus, Aergia;
ENTJ: Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Feeling (Fi);
Characters: Zeus, Helios, Medea, Clytemnestra, Ouranos, Eteocles, Charybdis, Hyperion, Moros, Stheno, Nereus, Perses, Caucasian Eagle;
ENTP: Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Sensing (Si);
Characters: Hermes, Odysseus, Prometheus, Oedipus, Sisyphus, Chimera, Eris, Atë, Enyo, Damocles, Proteus, Momus, Apate, Niobe, Hermaphroditus, Hippomenes;
INFJ: Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Sensing (Se);
Characters: Hestia, Hecate, Psyche, Circe, Oizys, Chione, Medusa, Cassandra, Iphigenia, Selene, Asclepcius, Chiron, Okeanos, Aether, Theia, Harmonia, Phoebe, Asteria, Astraeus, Alcmene, Callisto, Geryon and Orthus;
INFP: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Thinking (Te);
Characters: Persephone, Hypnos, Morpheus, Orpheus, Eurydice, Pygmalion, Antigone, Amphion, Plutus, Ariadne, Zephyrus, Euterpe, Hemera, Lethe, Bellerophon, Melpomene;
ENFJ: Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Thinking (Ti);
Characters: Apollo, Gaia, Atlas, Aeneas, Nike, Peitho, Peleus, Admetus, Calliope, Cadmus, Iasion;
ENFP: Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Sensing (Si);
Characters: Dionysus, Eos, Icarus, Thalia, Ganymede, Polynices, Tyche, Philomela, Aglaea, Euphrosyne, Phaethon, Io, Iolaus, Clymene, Amphitryton;
ISTJ: Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Intuition (Ne);
Characters: Thanatos, Penelope, Electra, Clio, Echidna, Charon, Argus, Adrastea, Geras, Glaucus;
ISFJ: Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Intuition (Ne);
Characters: Demeter, Patroclus, Cyparissus, Telemachus, Ismene, Leto, Mnemosyne, Macaria, Polymnia, Leda, Thetis, Amphitrite, Maia, Euryale, Amalthea, Merope;
ESTJ: Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Characters: Hera, Poseidon, Cronus, Creon, Cerberus, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Zelus, Themis, Pentheus, Boreas, Zethus;
ESFJ: Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extraverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Thinking (Ti);
Characters: Hector, Perseus, Echo, Erato, Rhea, Eileithya;
ISTP: Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Feeling (Fe);
Characters: Artemis, Hephaestus, Polyphemus, Typhon, Pontus, Tartarus, Keres, Lycaon, Zagreus, Erychthonius;
ISFP: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extraverted Thinking (Te);
Characters: Narcissus, Achilles, Helen of Troy, Eros, Hebe, Andromeda, Iris, Orestes, Adonis, Triton, Endymion, Danae, Hyacinthus, Daphne;
ESTP: Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extraverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Intuition (Ni);
Characters: Ares, Pan, Heracles, Kratos, Midas, Theseus, Ajax the Greater, Jason, Orion, Iapetus, Priapus, Tityos, Pelops;
ESFP: Extraverted Sensing (Se), Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extraverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni);
Characters: Aphrodite, Paris, Calypso, Epimetheus, Terpisichore, Atalanta, Hedone, Hyppolita, Lamia, Achelous;
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thepagansun · 7 years
Zodiac Signs as "Typhon’s Brood" (aka "The Monster Zodiac")
ARIES: Draco/Colchian Dragon
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--Giant never-sleeping dragon or serpent that guarded the Golden Fleece
--Eventually put to sleep by Medea’s magic
--Faithful, Vigilant, Sacred to Ares/Mars, Gullible, Selfish, Ferocious
TAURUS: Crommyonian Sow
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--Giant man-eating boar that belonged to evil old woman, Phaia and was probable mother of infamous Calydonian Boar  
--Both boar and Phaia were eventually killed by Theseus as he cleared land of bandits
--Dependable, Brawny, Courageous, Possessive, Fierce, Sluggish 
GEMINI: Anemos Thuella/Hurricane Winds
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--Spirits of the violent storm winds that were kept locked away by King Aelous  
--Sometimes confused with the gentler winds of the Four Directions (Boreas of the North, Notos of the South, Zephyros of the West, and Euros of the East) 
--Changeable, Resourceful, Swift, Blustery, Unpredictable, Shifty
 CANCER: Lernean Hydra
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--Huge nine-headed (one of which was immortal) water serpent that had extremely venomous breath and blood, and which regrew two heads for each one cut
--Eventually killed in the Second Labour by Heracles and Iolaus who cauterized the head stumps and buried immortal head under rock (her blood was then used to poison Heracles’ arrows) 
--Maternal, Protective, Resilient, Brooding, Venomous, Snappish
LEO: Nemean Lion
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--Large lion with the strength of ten normal lions and whose hide was impervious to all mortal weapons (which was then used by Heracles to protect him for his other labours)
--Eventually strangled to death by Heracles for his First Labour although he lost a finger in the fight and according to some, needed the help of a serpent 
--Super-Strong, Majestic, Invulnerable, Feral, Territorial, Berserk 
VIRGO: Theban Sphinx
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--Female monster with head and breast of a woman, body of a lion, and a serpent for a tail who would eat anyone who couldn’t answer her riddles
--Eventually threw herself off a cliff when Oedipus answered correctly
--Clever, Analytical, Meticulous, Anxious, Scheming, Overwrought 
 LIBRA: Ladon/Hesperian Dragon
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--Another huge never-sleeping dragon or serpent (some accounts give it a hundred heads) that guarded the Golden Apples of the Hesperides at the edge of the world
--Eventually killed by Heracles who needed the Golden Apples as part of his Eleventh Labour 
--Cherished, Beauty-Loving, Social, Vain, Brash, Distant
SCORPIO: Cerberus
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--Gigantic three-headed hound with a serpent’s tail and a mane of snakes that guarded the Gates of the Underworld
--Eventually taken up alive to the surface by Heracles for his Twelfth and Final Labour, but later returned
--Loyal, Instinctive, Sacred to Hades/Pluto, Intimidating, Shadowy, Vicious
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--Big two-headed and serpent-tailed dog that guarded the red cattle of three-bodied giant Geryon 
--Eventually slain (along with Geryon) by Heracles who needed the red cattle for his Tenth Labour
--Zealous, Astute, Spirited, Clumsy, Loud, Savage  
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--Enormous fire-breathing monster with head and body of lion, another head of goat on its back, and a serpent for a tail 
--Eventually killed by Bellerophon as he rode on winged horse Pegasus by putting molten metal in its mouth
--Persistent, Tough, Multi-Tasking, Relentless, Temperamental, Ominous
AQUARIUS: Aquila/Causican Eagle
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--Big eagle sent by Zeus to feed on Prometheus’ liver every day which would regrow again every night as punishment for giving the fire of the gods to mortals
--Eventually slain by Heracles who freed Prometheus on his way to get the Golden Apples of the Hesperides
--Keen, Dutiful, Agile, Detached, Barbed, Erratic
PISCES: Scylla 
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--Giant sea-monster with the upper body of a woman, bottom half of a water-serpent, and lower front that had six heads of dogs (once a nymph according to some sources) 
--She lurked across from whirlpool Charybdis and so sailors had to choose between them such as in the voyages of Jason & the Argonauts and Odysseus
--Aquatic, Irresistible, Patient, Deceptive, Indolent, Hidden
(Note: Images not mine!) 
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