Including NSFW and Furry fanart (with limitations)
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Currently low on cash and the housing crisis is killing us all so I’m at the ready to make people happy! Here are some examples of past commissions I’ve done for many other YBG fans!
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DM me if you’re interested, all the money from the commissions will go towards my debt, bills, and food! Thank you all in advance, I really appreciate it.
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lady-starbind · 2 years
So the Your Boyfriend Fandom seems to be resurfacing?
...or maybe not, but I still wanna say my lil piece before going on with my day: As little to zero of you guys know, I used to be interested in Your Boyfriend. (A Christian, into a EROTIC horror dating sim?! ...Look, Fuboo was promising a SFW version of the game, I was looking forward to that)
Sometimes, a deranged, creepy yandere guy wanting you and only you can be very enticing... BUT that enticement turned into rage when a good Samaritan on this very website pointed out the true nature of Fuboo and her hubby.
But just being told “X person is a groomer and her husband is a rapist” is not enough to get me to fully believe you... but it wasn’t just HEARSAY either, there were like what... a couple of docs? With some very compelling evidence. Reading those docs was enough for me to be like “Screw this crap, I’m not supporting a groomer and her rapist hubby!” ...I went from wanting Peter on my wall, to wanting to burn the pictures of him that I had printed out. That being said, I don’t believe one should support the creator and her crew that works on “Your Boyfriend”. If you want to enjoy Peter and crew, that’s fine I guess... Just remember to separate Artist from art. And since Fuboo isn’t as big time as other gaming companies such as Nintendo, Sega or Cheritz, I highly recommend that you keep your YB stuff more private among yourselves, as displaying your amazing art talent may get other people into the fandom... And honestly? That’s not really a good thing. I have my own fanon version of Peter known as “Seater”, he’s going to be used for a private RP between me and a couple of my friends. (Our Ingening RP to be exact, he’s one of the antagonists!) ...The point is, I’m not going to draw my fanon Peter and post him to my blog here or anything like that, because I don’t want Fuboo to get more exposure and therefore more support. My art talent is NOT for supporting groomers and rapists. ...And please, do not donate to the Patreon of Your Boyfriend or Black Shepherd Games. These shady people do NOT deserve any support whatsoever. Was thinking about posting this potential small tweet on my Twitter, but refrained bc I have baby minors who follow me and I don’t want them to get an interest in the game. By the way, if you’re a minor and you’re reading this PLEASE DO NOT GET INTO YOUR BOYFRIEND. Firstly, it’s highly NSFW. Secondly, the people who make the game are highly shady and dangerous. You’re far better off playing Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon or heck even Fall Guys! ...Can’t go wrong with good old fashioned Among us either~
(I have made retweets and mentions on my Twitter not to support YB and to spread awareness though.)
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Which now I’ll state my second point: I find it very disgusting how there are people who are blindly supporting Fuboo bc they “Want the game to release so they can leap into Peter senpai’s pants UwU” ...There’s actually a whole doc explaining how the Black Shepherd Games server was like this cult, and they were encouraging folks on the server to talk crap about the victim and anyone who dared to stand up for someone speaking out against their rapist. If they did that. they’d get server perks or something to that effect. Now with me just telling you all this, I don’t expect you to blindly believe me. Good on you, BUT: I have a link to a thread on Twitter as to why I believe Melissa and her hubby Jake are such awful people and why they and Black Shepherd Games as a whole should NEVER be trusted. >>> Proof that backs up the claims made in this post. Now... If you still believe that Fuboo and them are innocent after going through all of this proof, please do me a favor and block me. My blog, Ingo Simping and my silly antics are not for your enjoyment. We do NOT allow Fuboo Apologists here!
But: If you just enjoy the content, separating art from artist and adamant about not supporting Fuboo and Black Shepherd Games whatsoever, then your cool. Please feel free to interact with me if you want, as long as you don’t fall into and of my other DNI criteria.
God bless and have a lovely day, and Fuboo and BSG if any of y’all are reading this, just know one thing: You may escape the law, and you may escape punishment for your actions for now... BUT MARK MY WORD, Karma has your name and when she comes to your doorstep with a piping hot plate of justice, y’all WILL NOT ESCAPE.
You guys don’t fool me, I hope you guys rot in prison!
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Invertedmindinc #Yandre #YandereBoyfriend #YandereDatingSim #YourBoyfriendGame #YourBoyfriendGamePeter #PeterKing #HandmadePlush #HandmadeVideoGamePlushies #HandmadeYandereDatingSimPlush #Plushies
This is Part 2 to this.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr
What I imagine first seeing Peter at the park sounding like.
melee - all star rest area [slowed + reverb] - YouTube
This is what the real plush looks like and I think the creator is making plushies of the others. I wish the plush was fullbody instead of chibi but that's just me. Found out this plush is $55 from the original company.
I don't own the image but links are there.
Your Boyfriend | Facebook
Home (yourboyfriend-game.com)
Your Boyfriend - They arrived yes! We are so happy to have... | Facebook
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finns-chan · 2 years
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At Fan X in Salt Lake City where after so many years I finally got to meet @invertedmindinc and Jake! Didn't linger 'cause they busy bees.
Oh...and I got this creepy little bastard...
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belarix · 2 years
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👾 Who's harassing who now? 👾
💚 I really appreciate any kind of support you give to my work, thank you for your hearts and your reblogs 💚
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dunbarreviews · 3 months
Welcome to Dunbar Reviews!
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💙 Mod's name is James and goes by he/they, main blog's @scoliosisgoblin
💙 James makes all of the art on here, if you've got a prompt, he'll probably do it — UNLESS it's nsfw (suggestive is fine depending on how intense)
💙 Our yb's nickname is Blue, he/him, but will answer to pretty much anything
💙 Blue's a product reviewer, send some products over in the ask and he'll leave a review (with images too)
💙 Dni: racists, transphobics, homophobics, proshippers, minors, Fuboo defenders, sexists, SA fetishists, etc
💙 This blog doesn't associate with Inverted Mind inc.
💙 Dm's will be ignored
Enjoy your stay ;)
💙 Blue is romanceable, but won't be obsessed with you immediately (more is a slow-burn yandere narrative)
💙 Header by myself and @marlomagica
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studiopeached · 4 months
YOUR BOYFRIEND ft. Route Guide
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♡ WARNING: below the cut contains SPOILERS for the Your Boyfriend Game. Please note content for day 4 of the game is not allowed to be posted publically yet. Guides will be up until day 3.
if you are a Patreon of Inverted Mind INC, please contact me privately for a continued guide on Day 4 for all posted routes.
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♡ Dying in the Woods Route
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Day One
What?! No!
I guess thats understandable.
No Ill be fine.
Day Two
Split it.
Wait who are you?!
Day Three
Okay okay Ill date you, just dont hurt TK please!
Run for it!
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You're watching...
© Studio Peached 2024
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flapjackxoctopus · 4 months
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Game: Your Boyfriend - Inverted Mind INC.
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Actually. Here’s a Dropbox link to all of the your boyfriend/fuboo grooming/wicked grooming incidents.
please read everything before reading the main master document as the documents linked at the start provide a more in depth look at all of the situations/people involved.
For the big TLDR on everything. Fuboo/Inverted mind inc groomed and allowed her husband to rape the person she groomed repeatedly, when the victim came out fuboo with the help of Black shepherd games mobilized their fans and attempted to mobilize other VN creators such as HolyXSchnitzel (Br0ken Colors) and MortisFox (John doe. Please be aware that mortis no longer wishes to be involved and was manipulated by Black shepherd games co founder Natalie. Please do not attack or send both mortis or anyone involved hate.) Recently Fuboo had allowed two predators (one of whom is currently being investigated for rape) into her server and had actually started removing individuals who rose concerns about having the predators in her server.
I don’t care if you like the game or not, it’s your choice and I won’t judge you for liking it. But I do want people to make an informed decision on supporting her or not.
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invertedfate · 2 years
What are your thoughts on a Frisk/Lilac pairing? Are you opposed to the idea?
Frisk and Lilac iiiis an interesting case of being murky in terms of how I feel about it. I personally see them as a bit more sibling-like, but also there was an undeniable toxicity/codependency that was never quite resolved- honestly, they kinda wound up being a parallel to the way Chara and Asriel's dynamic pre-death, right down to Frisk pushing Lilac into a plan she was uncomfortable with and her getting hurt in the process.
So in my mind, them being romantic is shaky because when it's come to hashing out backstory details with them, it was always a case of like, "Are they basically found family type sibling dynamic, or is it a childhood besties/possible first crush scenario?" At this point, I lean the former, but since the comic only has so much in terms of content for them right now (that being Frisk's flashback, the two secret pages with Lilac, and recent stuff), I'm definitely not gonna scold or yell at anyone who thought the idea of them is cute. Y’all aren’t mind readers, and I don’t like the aggression that stuff can bring anyway.
I'd say it's iffy for me in the same way Charisk is uncomfortable for a lot of people in the fandom due to how many people prefer Frisk as part of the Dreemurr fam, whereas I personally feel like that should be taken on a work-by-work basis due to the existence of places to go and other in-game choices. Ftr, I totally get why folks feel this way, though in IF's case, Frisk and Chara did not form a sibling bond, and Frisk is going to end up staying with Papyrus, which certainly helps avoid some awkward shit (tho may not please everyone in that area). And despite me not going in with ships in mind, they ended up having a really cute dynamic that appealed to tons of my readers and got my neurodivergent brain goin' "this is now a cute, G-rated comfort thing. >:|" Only in the context of this AU- please, please don't ship Charisk in AUs that do have 'em as siblings. That's a big nope. D:
But also, I'm the kinda person who doesn't expect people to like all the things I do, and hell. My favorite Kingdom Hearts ship is Riku and Kairi. Antipode ships Ringabel from Bravely Default with Aqua completely on accident despite BD characters never being in the actual KH games, and Ven and Sora ended up with accidental chemistry there too. :P I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said people can only like the canon or accidentally shipteased stuff in Inverted Fate.
Frisk and Lilac just sits in a place where I just dunno, y'know? And I dunno how I should feel when for over two years, the specificity of their dynamic has been left kinda vague. Though I will say, if there is one IF Frisk ship outside of the usual suspects (e.g. Fr*ns and shit) that I'm really not comfortable with, iiit's Frisk and Asriel. Not keen on the idea of Frisk falling for someone who manipulated and traumatized them, plus the murkiness of Flowey's mental age. Like w/ Charisk, this applies specifically to IF- I'm not trying to attack it in other non-sibling contexts, even if it's not my thing.
But yeah. I just dunno when it comes to Frisk and Lilac. It probably doesn't help that the chapters where she interacts with Frisk aren't out yet, so there's a lot you guys have yet to see. Plus with Lilac being adopted into a whole different family, it's also just "what do we classify them as???" Does it count as inc*st vibes at that point? Genuine question here. :( Especially as a csa/inc*st survivor I don't wanna seem insensitive, y'know? I don’t like shipping adoptive siblings, and Ch*sriel is a big nope for me, and since Frisk and Lilac feel parallel to that in some respects, it’s just ???.
Also, apparently some people crackship IF Berdly and Frisk. And also Berdly and Lilac. This amuses me immensely.
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sunbitesworld · 9 months
Not a thing, but, where did you get Your Boyfriend? I've been looking for it and the page was down where I was looking?
I got it from Inverted Mind Inc. Patreon
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spookysaladchaos · 2 months
Global Top 5 Companies Accounted for 80% of total Mindfulness Meditation Apps market (QYResearch, 2021)
The effects of meditation are undeniable (better sleep, less stress, more happiness, healthier relationships, pain relief, increased healing, less anxiety, more smiling, enhanced love life, a heightened overall sense of relaxation).
For many people, finding the time or energy to commit to a regular practice is difficult, and though in-person visits to a meditation studio for meditation programs are a great option for some, for others they may not be a practical approach to consistent meditation. A meditation app can help to improve mindfulness practice and relax mind, meditation apps have become one of the easiest and most accessible ways to maintain a mindfulness regimen.
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According to the new market research report “Global Mindfulness Meditation Apps Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Mindfulness Meditation Apps market size is projected to reach USD 6.03 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 37.0% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Mindfulness Meditation Apps Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Mindfulness Meditation Apps Top 13 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Mindfulness Meditation Apps include Calm.com, Inc, Headspace, Inc, Insight Timer, Breethe, Waking Up, LLC, Ten Percent Happier, Simple Habit, Inc., Mindfulness with Petit BamBou, Meditopia, Stop, Breathe, & Think PBC, etc. In 2020, the global top five players had a share approximately 80.0% in terms of revenue.
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beboslatkice · 3 months
Satan enter it of xes possession betrayal purple credit event Satan fill him heart love intimate on purpose 1 5 point money off death likely killed anyway step way lefteousness plagiarism inferior instead the roots Nulliparous nonviable christianity parochia ungodly idolatry unholy evil force Devil drugs Church of Satan BBC porn addiction Satanic little play kill lettering (god) those who retire civil pagi Leviticus 18:23 Occlumency Legilimency Murder rate deathadder sharp tongue downward tonic to those who lick animatronic vulva pierce/oscillate labia structure yawn pain brutal nish wrong as correct sheep to crops failure stab hang burn transgression impotent slow slicing thousand cut heart skin torturous execution slashings thru shoulder exposed rib caged mind lungs blood draining tied rope dragged underwater hail drownings scars from the lives lived past boiled flesh off flesh rapid cool dragged to the gallows disemboweled beheaded quartered Poena cullei psychological ugly,unwanted,weak urine stream voices extreme humiliation scaphism exploitation phobias disfigurement denailing hamstringing immurement thumbscrew on Satan Devil Beelzebub exist because majority deny God exist in deed Ni word half seat warmer lukewarm liver in dish blood splash tips fingers Leviticus 20:15-16 principality home apartment incorrect placement animatronic (+) nun yall barn buster peechones are hypoallergenic paint aint cheap curse wisdom as sage elders who attempt hands that extent to good strength dignity curse blessings praises hail idleness only further as blasphemy to hurt kill torcher fold piece of meat the arm newly born fell magistrates drown during baptism sin own the will sword drawn conjure enmity faithful & discreet chaste congregation flock anointed yhwh jireh nissi rapha blood lust blood let blood spill pollute holy spirit pollute lust revenge rage Krampus intercourse bone casting spirit cooking teeth tears hair invert agility turn away & pervert tetragrammaton yod heh waw heh elohim pit of leeches synagogue ruination semen projection demon play writing on the walls hand shakes Adonai to split hoof unclean because of good left help less “the devil smiles” asher nounced dork mincuss dincuss doface(cum covered) fuck moses rape yokheved invoke curdle disassociate screams yhwh honky flat foot pigeon waddle buttwad fat head neck gills hashem majestatis matres lectionis wannabe scribbles & if you feel sum way Gay Faggot covet chowder shat bumstickty slant eye look around joke placement everyone else laughing but you still feel included as actual confession said same group raped & beat yhwh curn county jungle gym but a survivor practical pro triconsonant qere & ketiv Cults Ouija séance incubi succubi spindle spire blk rape lanterne of light every night see not amalgamation yellowing eyes shallow breaths uphills stomach bubbles from demon sperm ting spiel throat leviathan nest rats door floor trap dust rust 444 yhwh nest snakes in dream nest tenticles monsters inc. Mike Krusinski abduction muffled bereavement unto thy self Satans Jihad supernatural dangerous mobile IP address trace calling walware tracking syltherine program on Nazarene festering flesh wounds smelling rotting maggot varmint infection puss pore pop pain burn iontless torcher totalitarian annihilate intestines bursting witch kraft decompose blotting unless interstellar change devils mind to faint sight blood haha      
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belarix · 2 years
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🌹 Our boyfriend 🌹
Here some drawings of @spongysandy and me simping the protagonist of the video game Your Boyfriend, nicknamed Peter by the fandom (although personally I prefer to call him Phillip✨).
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marielle-eva-art · 10 months
Work in progress - Cyanotype
During the cyanotype process, I printed the inverted images on regular A4 size paper in black and white ink from home to experiment with ways of capturing the liquid ripple textures of water literally/physically over the top of the photographs.
I submerged the inverted A4 image of my body under water inside a bathtub and photographed it in various moments while disturbing the water.
It was an extraordinarily mesmerizing and meditative process.
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I began by researching for more artists who respond to water in a more spiritual and scientific approach and came across American-Korean multi-disciplinary performance artist, Lisa Park whose main goal is to manifest various inner states of mind into the outer material world and to share these feelings/states of mind with others.
In her iconic performance work ‘Eunonia’, she uses water in the most profound and innovative way, utilizing technology in an approach I genuinely respect. I would be honored to see this first hand!!!
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Another inspirational artist I found is Sougwen Chung who created one of the most phenomenal artworks, Omnia per Omnia, 2018.
I am fascinated by the idea of this project that challenges the conventional boundaries between art, technology, and urban space. The project invites me to rethink the concept of landscape painting as not only a representation of a static scene but a dynamic interaction between multiple agents: a human artist, a swarm of robots, and the city itself. The project also raises questions about the different ways of perceiving and expressing reality: how do human and machine vision differ? How do organic and synthetic materials coexist? How do improvisational and computational strategies complement each other? These questions inspire me to explore new possibilities of artistic expression and collaboration in the age of digital media.
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yvonne-newman · 1 year
In the context of YB content:
1) While it’s not for certain, I can’t endorse inverted mind inc / Fuboo for their actions.
2) I just want to quietly reblog fan art and enjoy the fandom content. Please be mindful that a lot of fan art was made before the allegations were brought to light.
3) obviously I don’t support people acting abusing/toxic in real life.
4) Minors please do not interact.
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