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Sometimes u just get bored, read adult magazines, then make out with your homies 😘
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Bonus Sean:
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Wanted to redraw the old photo of the Ragtime Crew
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So I live in a different time zone and I remember when I was a teen I’d wake up in the morning and get SO EXCITED to open this fucken app to have a lookeyloo at all the new AA content that had been uploaded over night. It was the best feeling :)
this is making me smile so much STFUUUUUUUUUUUU ilu
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When Terry and Finn lived together did things between them serious or was it even a relationship at all?
It crossed the boundary once or twice, where Terry would forget who he was in the moment. Like kisses that happened often when drunk or having that domestic feeling of coming home to a home cooked meal. Never was it official though, an unspoken attraction, but never pursued due to Terry's own internalized anguish and Finnick's needy persistence.
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concept: terry breaking into his dad's old office and taking sid on a rebellious adrenaline rush until one of them ends up in the hospital or missing pants or both
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I have a headcanon that Finnick has HUGE hands. Like, he can palm someone’s head like a basketful easily.
no yeah for sure he's a burly motherfucker yet so gentle
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now i’m not about to say that i FORGOT abt the crush i had on terry. but i will say. that i forgot just how intense it is. and it has not gone away at all
thank u from the bottom of my lil gay heart
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ty ty ty his expressions are so fun
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i dont use tumblr so i made a whole new tumblr just to submit this LOL im the sid kinnie from a few asks ago, and i did a sid cosplay 5ever ago. digging it back out eventually.. i’ve never actually submitted my art to u b4 bc i was too nervous but uhhh yall remember virus terry :eyes: ill eventually finish this too and make it nice and Good. but for now. slides this to u
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Concept of Terry’s half-sister, Felicity. She has her brother’s nose and has never met him.
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Pablo: I had kept his music in my ears for years.
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Has Sid ever been with anyone before?
Sid has never been with anyone before. Finnick was his first crush and his first relationship!
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Can I just say that the love and attention YIU give to your characters is some of the most inspiring and heart felt things I’ve ever seen
stfu make out with me oh my GOD
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Terry has John Arbuckle energy
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stfu ur correct
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So do Finnck and Sid ever end up together in some way? Or is it just heartbreaking pining :’)
They do! In the Survival AU they live together and eventually become parents once it's legalized. In the canon AU, Sid and Finnick become closer once Melody passes on which results in them kissing for the first time in the arcade room.
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Why’s the soda sexy like that
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Sid: Pfft! You tell me, dude!
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i literally come back to this blog like once every few months.. been around since like at least 2016? or something idk like when sid dropped LOL. ive done like cosplays, fanart, all that shit back in the day. now im like 21 and a sid kinnie who STILL wants to do cosplays and fanart. someday ill get that confidence to send in the cosplay pics and all that, but until then, keep doin what makes u happy and dont forget to take breaks and shit!! <3 <:)
GAH! I remember all of y'all's cosplays, I loved every single one.
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Your art has improved so much and I'm so glad that you're back!
I was wondering what are the current canon pairings since I thought I remembered Melody and Terry and Finnik and Sid but lately there is the most lovely Poly Panic Pettiness™ (and I'm absolutely living for it!)
So timeline wise, the main relationship was Terry and Melody, with Finnick pining after Terry, then Sid pining after Finnick. After their deaths, the pairings remain the same until 1994 when Terry realizes he also has feelings for Melody and Finnick, even a few feelings for Sid. Didn't need a label, they just needed each other. So they have this unspoken polyamory relationship in the end before their reincarnated into the next cycle! In our Survival AU, I'm a firm believer that Terry and Melody still marry and have kids, but also have Finnick and Sid apart of their lives frequently enough where Terry and Melody's kids consider the two to be their additional dads.
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