fanatical4creation · 3 months
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Finally made her up, I was just putting it off and putting off designing her but then I took my pen, my new laptop and drew it, now look at her!!!
Alright let's start shall we?
"OMG FANATICAL WHY DOES POPPY LOOKS LIKE A FRISK-" Shhhhh, you need to calm down, i'll explain everything;
Alright, bare with me: The original Poppy mentions in an animation, that she's talking to her therapist, that people usually thinks she's a Chara, but she's none! And I think, I theorize, I suppose that the reason why she looks like a Chara is bc an Frisk was drawing her (you know her lore?), so supposing that the whole concept of Invertedverse is that the original universe Underswap, that Frisk who drew her is an Chara, so if the Frisk drew a Chara in the original, here the Frisk that is now a Chara would draw a Frisk....... so, that's the logic here.;
Even though Poppy is still not a Frisk nor a Chara, but I don't think I translated that into her design, maybe I'll redo it sometime.
Her clothings are intriguing. It's her original teenage/adult clothings but with some green and a purple cloak or cape, whatever that is. This cloak represents her importance inside OmegaTimeline, that reminds me;
View from back Ω:
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Made it with wind because it's cool, plus, her silhouette is cool too
Core was the "ruler" of Omega Timeline, everyone would look for them when there was a problem and needed help, everybody trusted them, but they put Poppy on their place... Core is a very mischievous character, no one really knows why they put Poppy in charge.
Omega citizens theorize that the reason is because Core was lazy, or that they didn't like the attention, or maybe they wanted to focus fully on recruting people, even thought after Poppy got in charge Core was rarely seen interacting with people and also the numbers of new survivors to get to the OT decreased.
Poppy tries her best to help remain peace within Omega Timeline, even if it requires all of her energies, thought she could really use some help, she thinks that the reason why her parent is more absent while she was in charge was because they knew she could everything alone, and that she should do it.
She doesn't have many friends, and the old ones got far away because she's too busy working signing papers, solving problems, financing projects, etc, etc.
She suffers. That's the truth, she just needs a vacation and a hug from her girlfriend.
She doesn't like parties... just thought it was important to mention.
Poppy doesn't like her parent, almost hates them even, they seem so irresponsible, imature and a coward, after just letting their daughter in charge of a (practically) country in surprise, it's expected for her to feel that way
Poppy has to be the clueless character in the whole Invertedverse, the reason is that she's so busy at work, or too busy being tired, and she usually gets information on what's going on from Core, but Core have been very silent lately, wonder why...
She has the hobby of playing board games, dancing and origamis!
She likes to cook more for others than herself
Sometimes she would visit the Madame T's orphanage, mainly to see Cadence and her friends, but also to donate and all of that things famous ppl do in orphanages idk.
Even thought she does a lot of hard work sometimes she'd take credit over someone elses work unintentionally, i mean, she's kind of the president.
She can't lie, like literally, maybe it's just her morals, or maybe it's a supernatural force idk.
She also keeps taping her fingers in hard surfaces all the time, I think it's anxiety.
Oh yeah, her full name is still Poppy Marusina, but she can also be called Iris Marusina, or maybe I'll change that to her original name, idk
Poppy (c) fmsdraws
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ut-poppy-askblog · 1 month
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Happy Anniversary, Poppy's Story!
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superkirbylover · 2 years
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made some 88x31px buttons for aus i like (and some, even worked on)!!
list of AUs in order that i made buttons for:
Inverted Fate
Omega Timeline: Poppy's Story
feel free to make your own 88x31px buttons! they're very fun to make
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tramon81 · 1 year
poppy by @fmsdraws from @ut-poppy-askblog
dohj from @invertedfate
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:0 Tumblr is comparing me to @ut-poppy-askblog And @invertedfate?
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thats really cool
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sillybond · 1 year
So I’ve just thought about a theory that involves the new screenshot from Fionna and cake.
It builds upon the idea that every one of the characters we see on this promo art id from a different universe. I’ll make a quick análisis of Gumball bavuse it’s the one I’ll be discussin l. He seems a lot more serious and cold that the one we know of. And, this just might be me but I think the jacket he is wearing comes from a more militaristic style.
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My theory is regarding the new screenshot and the clip of Fionna and Cake fighting Ice-cream monsters that we got a wild ago. We currently only know of three confirmed universes, the regular one, the Fionna and cake non magical one and the one that hosts this ice cream place.
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In the screenshot we can see the two people from the trailer that were skating as Ice King)? played the piano. So we know that they are from the same universe or that they tagged along to acompany our heroes. But I belive its  the first option beacuse (and here is where my theory begins) I belive that the Gumball from the promo poster has somehow managed to harvest the power of the ice crown in order to make sentient ice-cream beings and a Ice cream realm.
Just think about it, ice/cold + candy = ice-cream, it makes seens!
So, why are they fighting then? I’ve already stablished that, in this scenario Prince Gumbal would be a militaristic and serious ruler and, on the other side The Ice King is a cheery guy, like we saw in the trailer. So the roles would be sort of inverted. You could say that normal PB is arlready militaristic and serious, but at least she doesn’t outright show it, only when it’s necesary. And this is like an extream versión of her that in order ot get more poweful it has managed to harvest the power of ice and snow for his benefit. A power that is known to make a person mad. And that is why they are fighting, and why everything is covered in Ice Cream. The maddness of the crown has made him want to control everything and want to expand his domain. Fionna and Cake have to now stop him, with the help of Ice king's (I’ll just call them) assintents because this Gumball is trying to conquer the Ice kingdom
I think it makes seens idk.
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aeste · 2 years
Since we are celebrating the first anniversary of Nu:Carnival, here's to you a completely ot list of my five favorite h-scenes of the game.
I started two days after launch and in this long year I've grinded 200 rooms with the strength of a thousand suns and a lot of patience, so here's my rambling about this crappy game that makes me cry at every cliché put up like I've never seen one in my life <3
5) Quincy Forest Guardian Room 5
I know, all the SR h-scenes are a bit cringeworthy, both in length and in how they are written, and it was only by re-watching them that I actually realized how much they have improved over time.
Anyway, this one is hands down my favorite because I love how super soft Quincy is with Eiden despite how at first impression it may seem otherwise. In general all of Quincy's rooms are super wholesome, even those of Eclipse event, but here a little bit of the atmosphere, a little bit of the location, make it even more intimate.
By the way, being precisely among the first scenes, compared to all the other members you really notice the difference.
((Then excuse me but Quincy is an absurd simp for Eiden, like, he keeps going along with any of his shit without blinking from the second zero?? iconic))
4) Edmond Sweet Aroma Room 2 || Kuya Kitsune Dream Room 5
I KNOW There are supposed to be only one scene for point, but I am weak and indecisive so I put both💀
Let's start with Edmond, I'm going to put my hands up and say that all the rooms in this event have emotionally destroyed me, BUT!
This scene because a) it finally removed the Hamletic doubt we all had about Edmond whether his nipples were really inverted and not just a collective mass hallucination and b) because it is like Room 2 of White Lover (Valentine's Day event) but better. Edmond is a tsundere and so far we all know that, but this was actually the event where he embraced his bottom being and seeing him so surrendered in Eiden's arms behind some trees... Yes.
Usually room 2 of events don't say much to me made a few exceptions (COFF KUYA COFFCOFF DANTE COFFCOFF YAKUMO AT HALLOWEEN) But here I swear to you the first time I saw it I gasped so hard I had to watch it a second time instantly to make an indecent amount of screens, and flood my friends' memory with endless spam on WhatsApp.
Kuya, on the other hand, there is only one thing that makes me love this room madly namely: the moment when Eiden asks him if he can take off his glasses because he wants to look at his face, and he goes along with it by doing so🥺
It's a single gesture, but the very fact that he listened to him instead of continuing to fuck him against the wall>>>>
I really liked Kuya in this event even though he was still an unqualified asshole; but he has his own traumas about abandonment and stuff so we forgive him. By the way those glasses in his skin keep killing me, it was like the last thing I expected and I don't know if I love the fact that they look so good on him, or the endless amount of memes that resulted then LMAO
(( Also bonus because Eiden is adorable in this event and in this scene in particular <3))
3) Dante Icy Equilibrium Room 5
Dante is like my biggest ??? within this game ahahaha, I like his design a lot but at the moment I'm still not too fond of him.
BUT HERE MY GUYS Apart from the fact that I LOVE the skin of this event despite the dubious gravity with which the coat is on his shoulders; for the first time his rooms are not just endless scenes of him fight with Eiden every second to prove that he's the best like children, but I really felt a little more depth, and the fact that there was the first kiss between the two of them AAAAAH turned the whole thing around because it went to a search for even emotional intimacy if you can call it that. The whole part where Eiden drags him into the room, and he laughs as he loosens his hair, and he teases him because that's his first kiss and Dante is pretty much as inexperienced as Edmond even though he doesn't look>>>>
I was moved. It was beautiful and I'm glad that Dante is slowly overcoming this terrible wall of arrogance to mask his weaknesses!
Then, really, he is super cute in this event so easy win in my heart.
2) Kuya Afternoon Daze Room 5
Okay guys, Kuya again because this old shit attends to any form of control I have and makes me cry as if I were five years old and seeing The Lion King for the first time.
Anyway, honorable mention to the walking stick, rightly so after glasses for eyesight, the arthritis stick is also important. It cracks me up that until now he has literally been an old man watching others sweat and bust their asses to organize the tea party LMAO
Rush this room unseemly, obviously , and everything I would have expected, EVERYTHING, given even the premise of Room 2, was not what I actually read.
GUYS This room is 18 minutes of Eiden trying to make out with Kuya with all the force in the world. That is, his only goal is to stick his tongue in the old fox's mouth, and Kuya goes along with him only to push him away half-impressed/scared when he realizes he's enjoying it a little too much. Kuya be like "ehww what's that, feelings??"
Kuya completely wasted after this event, I'M WHEEZING; By the way the way he looks at Eiden is illegal, it gave me goosebumps!!! Oh, and of course after breaking out dick all last event blabla young master you can't hug me blabla NOW not only is Eiden all over him with his legs folded in the worst weave ever that not even playing tetris, but while kissing him he's holding him so close and even running his hands through his hair.
I will keep screaming until the end of time, I tell you.
1) Edmond Sweet Aroma Room 5
So. At this point no one is surprised probably ahahah but I think I will never recover from this room.
Months later it remains the high point of my experience on Nu:Carnival, and not only because Edmond's skin literally generated panic for a week as soon as they revealed the artwork, but also because it kicks off what I like to call the "kissing revolution"
Before this room, this event, there were very few onscreen kisses, maybe like two? One with Olivine and maybe one from Quincy; the rest a few scattered among various rooms of R cards like Kuya or of course Blade's treacherous smoochies. Which was consistent with the fact that IN THEORY this is a porn game, no one cares about context more than the BL. IN PRACTICE after 8 months and three rollercoaster events of excitement, the devs started to make EVERYONE kiss. Guys, there has been the hard lemon fair from August to December: Quincy, Olivine, Dante, now Kuya; resulting in a deepening of the clan member and their stories, and this gives me so much joy every time I think back on it.
Edmond in this Room getting his hair untied and slammed against a tree ( what can I say but YES) but most importantly letting Eiden kiss him after he practically confessed that he never did it and didn't understand the point of it because he was forced to be repressed all his life that he never desired intimacy with anyone.
And I was already in tears here, but what destroyed me were the last three minutes when Eiden and Edmond are talking and Eiden at one point takes Edmond's face in his hands, looks at him, and leaves kisses on his eyelids, cheeks, nose, and mouth. And Edmond looks at him and says nothing AND I SWEAR, I SWEAR I felt in my heart, in my bones the realization that he had in that moment. An awakening, an endless gay panic and I closed that screen with the knowledge that Edmond had just become my fave boy and that I would probably sell a kidney to pull all his banners.
Well, this endless rambling has come to an end!!! Honestly, I still have so much more to say but I will contain myself for this time; see you next year with the updated version which honestly, if I already have to reduce myself like this at the first banner it will all be a mess, I can already feel it.
Bonus: if you have the time and will, make your own list too!!! I am super curious and would love to read it <3
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sillyfairouz · 6 months
some CrimsonFang/FangCrimson (Faïrouz Zaïna Benrahma X Miguel O'Hara) drabble that has been marinating in my brain just because
WARNING: SLIGHTLY SUGGESTIVE (they're making out, but it's not too graphic/descriptive)
also i think it can be considered as sensory focus on facial hair due to Miguel's stubble being mentioned more than once
It was only five in the afternoon when Faïrouz opened those tired eyes of hers from her afternoon nap. She could not believe herself, she could not believe that she had him wrapped up all around her, calling her his, showing affection and such…
She couldn’t believe it…
Faïrouz felt his sleeping weight over her tired body, his leg hooked into hers, his arms enveloping her and the air blown from his nose against her neck as the prickly sensation of regrowing stubble grazed her skin. She felt protected in his embrace and so did he feel protected in hers.
His name was Miguel… Miguel O’Hara. Spider-Man of Nueva York ot the year 2099, Earth-928B. His dimension’s time was a century away from Faïrouz’s dimension, Nouvelle York, 1999, Earth-4725.
Faïrouz shifted a little bit, but to her surprise, his arm tightened around her strong, yet soft figure; A deep, low and long masculine hum rung against her ear, signaling that he wanted her to stay here with him, Miguel could never get enough of Faïrouz… She was his lucky star.
“Leaving so soon…?” he whispered groggily as he stirred awake, his head leaned away from the crook of her neck and looked into her tender, chestnut brown eyes with his own, giving her a smile as he took in her beauty beneath that VHS tape filter.
“Never expected you to wake up…” Faïrouz replied in a whisper, smiling back. Her fingernails were well trimmed as she scratched his cheek gently, playfully; her other hand was on the back of his head as her fingers played with his silken waves and curls of his hair.
“Do you think I should shave…?” Miguel asked as he felt her fingers scratch his stubbly cheek.
“If you don’t want to, I’m not the one to stop you.” Faïrouz replied, she wasn’t exactly sure on which one she liked, stubble or no stubble.
Miguel leaned forward until the side of his nose brushed against hers, their lips were a gentle whisper away from grazing against each other, “I’m asking you, Faïrouz… it’s what you want…”
Faïrouz chuckles at his response, “I have no preference, Miguel… I like you, stubble or no stubble…”
“Nah… You have to pick one… and only one…” Miguel leaned even closer, the distance between their lips was the breadth of a sewing needle; his hand curled around her waist and his other plunged through the curls of her hair, he whispered “God… you have such soft hair…”
“You’re so mean…” Faïrouz chuckled at his response. Miguel knew that now was his chance, “I’m so sorry… perhaps I can make up for it with this…?”
His eyes closed until his lips finally touched hers in a soft and tender kiss. Miguel pulled away for a little while until he gave Faïrouz another feather-weighted kiss on her lips before it turned into continuous lighter pecks. The kisses sparked something in the two like fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
Miguel’s arms tightened around Faïrouz as the kiss grew heavier and more fervent than before. That kiss created a violent swarm of butterflies in their stomachs until they pulled away from each other.
Miguel wiped his mouth before leaning towards the crook of her neck and planting tender osculations over the vulnerable skin. Faïrouz responded by leaning her head back against the armrest of the couch. Faïrouz’s breathing was shallow and heavy from the kisses Miguel planted on her neck, along with the scratches of the regrowing stubble on his face, this made Faïrouz’s insides squeeze and turn inverted from the joy of being with him.
“You smell amazing, it’s almost intoxicating…” Miguel whispered as he continued to kiss Faïrouz’s neck. His grasp on her tightened as his fingers danced among her curls, he then whispered “I can’t get enough of you…” He inhaled her vanilla and patchouli perfume as she inhaled the scent of seabreeze and eucalyptus that stuck to his skin.
Miguel pulled away from her neck and gave her a firm, but sweet kiss on her cheek, smiling at her and whispering to her with a streak of sarcasm, “Do you forgive me for how mean I was earlier…?”
“Consider your apology accepted, روحي…” Faïrouz replied with a kiss-drunken smile as she planted a kiss on his nose. [my soul in Arabic]
“Well, now that it’s settled… What's the plan for dinner, hm…?” Miguel asked her, stroking her soft, rosy cheeks with his thumbs.
“I was thinking about ordering takeout, I would kill for that teriyaki salmon and vegetable fried rice…” Faïrouz groaned in hunger, hoping that Miguel would agree with her request for dinner.
“I can tell someone’s hungry…” Miguel chuckled as he gave her two light, teasing smacks on her belly. “For two things, actually…” Faïrouz added on, playing with the soft little tufts of Miguel’s hair.
“I wonder what the second one is…” Miguel continued stroking her cheeks. “You, silly.” Faïrouz answered, playing with his hair.
“Likewise, Faïrouz… likewise…”
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dronebetter · 6 months
dear friends and esteemed associates (@walkingsophie, @ascendantdreamweaver, @zackbuildit and @eranstockdale), new cool imagery
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it is the same OT map as I had made previously, except rules are coloured green iff they have a (1,1)c/3 spaceship, grey if spaceships have been proven not to exist, and red if there exists a disproof of the existence of (1,1)c/3's that does not pertain for more general spaceships (in this case, (x,y)c/p is possible in B3 rules (without any of B012) if 2*(|x|+|y|)≤p, unless they have S4 or S5, in which case it is loosened to 2*max(|x|,|y|)+min(|x|,|y|)≤p)
I am not entirely convinced that I generalised the conditions to strobing rules correctly, they are extremely weird in nature, but I seem not to have caused any disproofs in rules known to contain spaceships, and also it looks a bit like a horned centipede if you squint a bit
the reason for their relative sparseness amongst the strobing rules (in the top-right quadrant) is that they must be (2,2)c/6's, since they may only have an even period, increasing search difficulty
ignore the bottom-right quadrant, for it is unimportant (rules are only duplicates of the top-left albeit reflected along the diagonal and (due to the Gray coding) with survival transition precedence (equivalent to birth when spaceships are against a background of on-cells) inverted)
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
Guess who's figured out how to do polls? :D So of course the first question I ask is...
Just enough options ot over all of my AUs hdjfsklhjkl
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fanatical4creation · 7 months
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*Insanity joined your party!
Alright now do someone can tell how he always has blood in him? It's not even his. It's supernatural i'm telling ya, i'm scared of this guy.
He's such a insane gremlin tho, kepping him in a cage was a mistake.
Insanity sans (c) Zero Danteero
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ut-poppy-askblog · 7 months
Ucans, why are you called they way you are? Why not just sans?
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tramon81 · 1 year
And by that i mean petaly stuck poppy to himself with glue... considering she is made paper, oh well ahem UNLIKELY ALLIES FACING THEIR EVEN UNLIKELIER RIVALS, GO VOTE NOW AND BRING OUR STRENGTH TOGETHER.
@fmsdraws @invertedfate @the-winterer
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unit3-fmp · 7 months
Fabric Manipulation
Knife Pleats
Knife Pleats are equal sized, narrow pleats in which allow the garment to expand and relax in shape when moving.
cut out a piece of white cotton
measure even sections across your fabric e.g. 2.5cm
fold the fabric all in the same direction and iron into place
Once ironed sew along the top to keep the pleats in place
Knife pleats were commonly used in the Georgian period and Queen Charlotte, making it a viable option to use in my final piece. I like the structure and organised feel it creates as well as the way it fans open at the bottom.
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Box Pleats / Inverted Pleats
Box pleats are one of the most common types of pleats, they are formed when two equal folds of fabric are folded away from each other in opposite directions. Inverted pleats are on the opposite side of a box pleats, they are created when two equal folds of fabric are folded towards each other rather than away.
Box Pleats Instructions:
measure 6 even sections on too a piece of cotton e.g. 3cm
grabbing the second and forth measurement mark fold them away from each other so they are touching at the back and press
sew the pleat into place along the top of the sample
Inverted Pleats Instructions:
measure 6 even sections on too a piece of cotton e.g. 3cm
grabbing the first and sic measurement mark fold them toward each other so they are touching at the front and press
sew the pleats into place along the top of the sample
Having more of these layer next to each other I think it would look really nice and create this very elegant design whilst also adding some structure and depth to the piece. I found this technique fairly simple and love how a box pleat and inverted pleat are formed in the same piece adding more layers to my design.
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(left = box pleat) (right = inverted pleat)
Pin Tucks
A pin tuck is Avery narrow, small tucks formed to add decoration to fabric without majorly effecting its composition. Here I have created this gridded design using pin tucks.
cut out a square of cotton
fold the fabric where you want your tuck and sew along the fold as close to the edge as possible
relate this as many times as you want.
In conclusion, I really like the effect and texture pin tucks create on both sides of the design although I think it would look even cleaner if the thread was also black however I still love how it turned out.
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Two Way Pleat
Here I used a very similar technique to pin tucks however with much larger pleats in which I manipulated into this wave like design.
cut out a sample of cotton
fold the fabric where you want your tucks and sew at least 0.5cm away from the edge
repeat this in even parallel lines as many times as you want.
folding all the tucks in the same direction sew them into place perpendicularly
repeat this however far along in the opposite direction so the pleats look twisted.
I really like the design this created and the 3D textured formed by the twisted fabric creating this wave / water like look linking in with the lakes and rivers at Cannon Hall.
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Lace Insertion
Using black cotton, lace, an overlocker and two closed seams I made this lace insertion, to create a panelled design and add a more technical element to my design.
cut out two strips of cotton and a strip of lace
making sure front sides are together sew a plain seam on each side to create a lace pannel
overlock the seams and iron the seams away from the lace
In conclusion, I found this very easy to do and it created this really cool design which would add a more unique and textured look to my final piece linking in with the extravagant gowns of the Georgian period.
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Lace Motif + Bondaweb
Here I have cute out this gold lace motif in which I have applied to the cotton using bondaweb and an iron.
cut out a square of cotton and your lace motif
cut out a piece of bondaweb, the same shape as your motif and remove the plastic cover.
layer your fabric, then bondaweb, then lace on top of each other then using a protective sheet iron it all together.
This is a really easy and simple technique to add detail to your design. You could also apply a lace motif by sewing it on however the effect wouldn't be as seamless.
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Angelina Fibres
Angelina Fibres, are very fine and glittery fibres that you can iron to create this thin sheet which u can then stick to the fabric with bondaweb or sew it on. Here I have tried both these techniques to create this more abstract design on to the cotton.
Bondaweb Instructions:
choose your Angelina fibre and get a small chunk
cut out a square of bondaweb, a similar size to your Angelina fibre and remove the plastic from the bondaweb
layering the fabric then bondaweb then Angelina fibre, using a protective sheet iron them all together
Sewn Instructions:
choose your Angelina fibre and get a small chunk
using a protective sheet iron the fibre to form a thin sheet
with your chosen fabric, layer the Angelina Fibre on top and sew on however you want.
I really like the look Angelina fibre creates and the metallic/ glittery effect created when the light catches it. As well as this the messy effect adds this textured and more detailed element, enhancing the properties of the cotton and forming this unique design.
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(left = bondaweb) (right = sewn)
Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric so that it can stretch. Here I have used Shirring elastic to create this ruched effect onto cotton allowing it to stretch and add texture to the fabric.
cut out a square of cotton
thread shirring elastic onto your sewing machines bobbin
once your machine is threaded holding your fabric flat and straight, run it through your machine as many times as you want
I really like how this turned out and even though the sections are a bit uneven, if I were to use this technique in my final piece I would measure the sections out. In addition, I found the technique very easy and fun to do and the texture formed adds this unique element to the fabric considering we can only use black and white cotton in our final piece.
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Swirl Pleats
For this piece I wanted to create a more abstract and detailed sample by creating these swirls in the fabric in which connect and form these really nice and puffy pleats.
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cut out a square of cotton
using the pattern above (black = thread) (arrow = direction) draw this onto your fabric
using a needle and thread sew this onto your fabric
repeat this as many times as you want then holding both sides of your thread so it doesn't unthread pull it so the fabric gathers and creates little swirls.
I really like how this sample turned out and how the swirls kind of look like flowers linking in with the gardens at Cannon Hall and the gardens in Queen Charlotte. I further like how the swirls on opposite sides form these pleats creating this really textured and unique design.
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Layered Inverted Pleats
For this sample I wanted to experiment more with inverted pleats, therefore I created this black and pice where when the inverted pleats fan out it reveals these strips of black cotton adding some more dimension into the piece.
cut out a piece of cotton and measure even sections of 2cm
cut out strips of black cotton 2cm wide
using the measurements fold inverted pleats into the fabric and iron
cut out 1.5cm strips of bondaweb then remove the plastic cover and place into the centre part of the inverted pleat.
layering the black fabric on top iron them into place
folding the pleats back up sew along the top hold it all in place
I really like the look of this and the cool effect it forms however when the pleats fully open it looks a bit messy therefore I think it would look really cool with striped fabric giving the effect its on one colour but when it opens in really two. In conclusion, I think this turned out really well and formed this really cool illusion.
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Here I took the same concept a pin tucks however made them much larger creating this highly textured and decorative design.
cut out a square of cotton
fold the fabric where you want your tuck and sew along the fold roughly 0.8cm away from the edge
repeat this as many times as you want.
I love the texture and movement of this sample and although as you can see its not very straight however If I where to have done measurements I feel it would have come together much better but I still really like silhouette it creates and how different it would look on the body.
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Twisted Pleats
A twisted pleat consisted of an inverted pleat in which is repeated on the other side but switching box pleats with inverted pleats, and inverted pleats with box pleats.
cut out a piece of cotton and measure even sections across the sample
using measurements fold th inverted and box pleats into place and press.
sew along the top to hold the pleats in place
on the opposite end of the sample flip the pleats so they look twisted
press and sew into place.
I like the idea behind this however I really struggled to get it to look as good as the example as it looks very messy and uneven and I found it hard to press the pleats in the opposite direction leading to a not so accurate and neat design.
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babyawacs · 7 months
#witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #la wyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis #typical_germany_byfar_ not_only_abit_interpretation_hegemony #support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsec uritypolicy #deedbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships  (((@judge))) .@judg es @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart _is_exactly_how_ they_get_people #iddiocyoffmyhealth #inconvenience_quell #pallett en #pallettes #idiocy #singularity #non_singularity_of_damages #d efault #around_the_wall #until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #st ate_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYP OLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany _devious_version #blackwars_and_pets #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsch es_konto #ai_luck #aeh_nutsness_then #baby_lives_but_why #woopsie #trust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_no thilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_only_ known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_ germans #control_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitle r #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labe ls #batshxitnuts #hideous    #logic_consistency #forcertain #no # commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_ to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mis chievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick  #the‎ theyare germansthey donot map their crimes not during and not afterwards t hey germandeserve fromthe victims and toss in minors and hedge any misguided that assumed something during their crimes primed or n ot witnessprotect serotolerance withthe facts thattheydonot map t heir crimes during and after is selfevidence then lawyerspin onit t o germandeserve makesuremykidsareok
#witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis #typical_germany_byfar_not_only_abit_interpretation_hegemony #support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsecuritypolicy #deedbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24…
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chiefatticcreator · 11 months
Prompt: hormonal!Jack, be a good boy and visit Mary and fuck her and her Mom as any good guest does until her dad comes home
(not gonna lie, these "hormonal jack fuck normal-jack family" prompts are weird. Good! but weird, i perefer keeping the AUs separate)
The young blonde stud had done as asked. he had been very happy to meet a mother and sister that were so nice and welcoming.
So welcoming, even, that they had readily accepted another "Jack" fucking them.
"YESSS! YOUR COCK FEELS SO GOOD!" Mary cried out. She had loved it when he had fucked her the first time with his hyper huge, car-long, tree-trunk-thick cock, and now was no exception. The young Morrison girl was crying in pleasure as her thick ass ripppleD. each cheek wobbling loudly, clapping together in loud, primal breeding pumps, the sound echoing through the house as the teen stud used her.
"YOUR COCK IS AMAZING!" she blurted out as his balls smacked against her thighs. Her huge breasts pressed against the floor as the younger Jack fucked her like a whore. The yung teen himself was groanign in pleasure as his hands held onto the girls' hips, loving her thick, cumslut body. She was made ot be fucked, and little Jack absolutely loved it. Loved her body, loved fucking her.
Just as he had fucked her mom.
Lynn Morrison had already been thorough fucked into unconsciousness. Her thick milfy body was laying on the floor, enxt to her daughter. Utterly spent, leaking the young jack's hyper thick virile cum from all her holes, from her nose, crying it out.. she had been fucked until the young teen himself was getting tired, but she had insisted of making him enjoy himself as much as possible. And now that the hormonal teen had fully recuperated, he could see hsi handiwork. Her gigantic tits covered in enough cum to be nearly invisible, even if they were the size of throne.
And now, the young boy continued fucking Mary. Groping her own gigantic breasts, bulging her, makign her give him an inverted titfuck through the bulge, kissing his cock through her skin as she deliriously babbled, brain frying from the overwhelming pleasure.
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