#Interlude 11h
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Interlude 11h, Live Reactions
This is the one I've been really waiting for. So I'm going to go all out for this, because it's, you know, the Interlude. The only one from Arc 11 really worth reading. A key reason I'm even reading Worm in the first place, since if Amy hadn't done this and all that flows from it, Worm probably wouldn't have caught my interest enough back when I made that errant comment.
All the attendant 'this is a live reaction' stuff applies.
Amy sat on her bed, staring at the piece of paper in her hands. The header at the top was stylized, a silhouette of a superhero with a cape flowing, with a script reading ‘The Guild’ extending to the right.
Given how Amy is going to be reasonably important for the next few arcs, and then show up significantly more in the back half of the work than she did Arcs 1-11, I kind of feel like...
This is too late to be getting our first Amy POV?
I mean, Amy's been sort of lurking at the end of the narrative for a while, and blind readers have presumably guessed all the teases about Amy are building up to something, and they are, but like...
A lot has to be fit into this Interlude, all at once, and maybe some of it could have, and indeed should have, been shown earlier, I'm gonna guess?
Like, any hypothetical worm TV show is absolutely going to have to show some of Amy's life much sooner than this. It's just not going to work if this is suddenly the first glimpse we get of Amy's perspective.
Mrs. Carol Dallon. Brandish, Let me open by stating my condolences for the loss of your brother-in-law, nephew, and your husband’s injury. I have heard New Wave is currently considering disbanding, and you have my best wishes, whatever route you end up taking. We have too few heroes and heroines to lose them, and even fewer of the truly good heroes and heroines who set the standard for everyone else, parahuman and human alike. If finances ever become a concern, know that all you need to do is ask, and we will find you employment among the Guild’s uncostumed staff. Knowing what you have been through as of late, it is with a heavy heart that I send you this message with further bad news. Marquis, interred in the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center, confided to another inmate that he fears for his daughter’s life. I have checked the facts to the best of my ability, and the details I have been able to dig up match with his story. I must warn you that Allfather may have arranged for Amy Dallon to be murdered at some future date, in revenge for his own daughter’s death at Marquis’ hands.
WHY? Allfather is dead. Kaisar is dead. What made you think that this threat is at all likely to be borne out?!
She had to stop reading there. The paper had been on Carol’s bedside table, and Amy had found it while collecting a change of clothes for Mark a week ago. Carol had probably been reading it to him late the previous night, and maybe forgot to put it away due to a mixture of exhaustion and the distractions that came with waking up each morning to a disabled husband and a ten-year career in jeopardy.
This is Carol. Fuck her. She left it out on purpose.
(Okay, probably not, but remember This Is A Carol Dallon Hate Blog)
Marquis had been an aspiring crime lord in the bad old days of Brockton Bay. It had been a time when the villains had been flocking to the city to profit off the booming tech and banking sectors, to recruit mooks and henchmen from the city’s unemployed dockworkers. It had been an era when the heroes hadn’t been properly established, and the villains had been confident enough that some didn’t give a second thought to murdering any heroes who got in their way. Marquis included. The bad old days were how Carol and Mark referred to that time. There were more heroes now, and there was more balance between the good guys and the bad, but things were arguably worse now. Everything was in shambles. Marquis had been an osteokinetic. A manipulator of both his own bone and, provided some was exposed, the bones of his enemies. He’d been notorious enough that she’d heard about him despite the fact that he’d been arrested more than a decade ago, that the city and the public had remembered him. He’d lived in the outskirts of the city, residing in a large house in the woods, just beneath the mountains.
If Amy wasn't quite so neurotic, and hadn't been gifted by so many fucking issues by Carol, Marquis being her dad shouldn't have bothered her this much.
Because yes, villain. Yes, evil. But also - less evil than the Teeth. Less evil than E88. Less evil than Galvante. He was notorious. He did do a lot of bad things. But of all the options that were likely, he's... the best one? Unironically, any of the alternatives of that era would have been worse.
It's kind of hilarious, in an infuriating way, she melts down so much over the news that the best behaved of Brockton Bay's old class of villains is her dad. And it's because Carol gave her this stark, black and white 'Criminal is a state of being, not defined by choice' mindset.
So convinced that she's a monster already, between her power, her feelings for Vicky and Mommy dearest, this just feels like proof.
To all reports, the man had been heartless, callous. Wasn’t she? She couldn’t bring herself to care anymore when she went to the hospitals to heal the injured and sick. It was a chore, something she made herself do because people wouldn’t understand if she stopped. There were only so many people she could heal before she became desensitized to it.
Because you became inured to it, Amy! You did care once! Don't do this to yourself!
*shakes Amy by the shoulders* PLEASE!
Not hard to pull the pieces together. She could remember how quickly Neil had dropped the subject when he realized she was listening. He hadn’t outright said that they’d caught Marquis, but she could imagine that the weaknesses that Neil had been outlining had been what they’d used. Send Lady Photon, Brandish and Fleur against the man. Add the fact that Amy had been there, a toddler, and Marquis had been too concerned about collateral damage to go all out.
Toddler? Wait, I thought Amy was six?
Oh, right, #Wildbowsucksattime
But yeah. Let's attack the supervillain in his own home and let his daughter get caught in the crossfire! Oh, you didn't know about her? And if you'd killed her, that would have mattered not at all.
The slight hurt more than she’d expected. It wasn’t like it was something new. It had been going on for weeks. And it was fully deserved.
No. It really isn't. Fuck you Victoria. Amy has very good, if probably misguided, reasons for not doing brains. Leaving aside the fact of her fears of her power and stuff, messing with brains is no simple prospect. Even if she could heal him, there's no guarantee it's Mark again. And if she did heal him and he came out not Mark, not the Mark they knew, who the fuck do you think gets the blame for that from Carol?
Sure as shit not you, Vicky!
Like, yes, Back in Interlude 2, we get a bit of foreshadowing, Vicky's belief that Amy does need to learn to do brains, needs to accept she may need to do them. And Vicky was right then. But she has no right to get angry at Amy, to act like what Amy is doing by refusing to break her rule, is doing something wrong. Yes, I wish Amy would do this. I wish Amy would be willing to break her rule, just a little, to help Mark.
But pressuring Amy like this, getting upset with her, guilting her - fuck you, Vicky. Fuck you.
Again, I feel like this is the sort of thing we needed to see sooner.
It was all falling apart. This family had never fully accepted her. Being in the midst of a family that all worked together, it was hard to preserve secrets. Amy had learned a few years ago, overhearing a conversation between Carol and Aunt Sarah, that Carol had initially refused to take her in. Her adoptive mother had only accepted in the end because she’d had a job and Aunt Sarah didn’t. One kid to Aunt Sarah’s two. When she’d taken Amy in, it hadn’t been out of love or caring, but grudging obligation and a sense of duty.
Hm. And maybe, just maybe, that's why Amy feels so obligated to burn herself out by constantly healing. Maybe, just maybe.
Jesus christ, I will be forever amazed that Wildbow created a character that is the fucking PLATONIC IDEAL of a Woobifiable character and then had the gall to be surprised people were woobifying her.
Man just never has understood how fandom works.
Victoria was appalled, seething with anger, brimming with resentment, because Amy couldn’t, wouldn’t, heal their father. They’d fought, and Amy hadn’t been able to defend her position,
I find that very hard to believe. it's not hard to defend 'doing brains is a very bad idea'.
Then again, Amy is under insane stress and pressure and people aren't very good at reasoning through shit under pressure.
Again, I really feel like this needed to be spaced out better. Maybe 11h being the first Amy POV is fair, I can see why he'd do that, but these details about Mark, at least? That needed to come out sooner. It's just -
Too much is being packed in here. Too much.
The letter. Carol wasn’t angry in the same way Victoria was. What Amy felt from her ‘mother’ was a chill. She knew that she was only justifying the darker suspicions Carol had harbored towards her since she was first brought into the family. It was doubly crushing now, because Amy knew about Marquis. Amy knew that Carol was thinking the same thing she was. Marquis was one of the organized killers. He had his rules, he had his code, and so did Amy. Amy wouldn’t use her power to affect people’s minds. Like father, like daughter.
I mean, a lot of this is just Amy's own neuroses working against her, but seriously, people who act like Carol isn't the source of virtually every one of Amy's problems baffle me. People don't think like this without a reason. Carol's behavior gave her reasons to think like this.
A girl stood in the living room, five or so years younger than Amy. Her blond hair had been curled into ringlets with painstaking care, but the rest of her was unkempt, filthy. She stared at Mark, who was struggling and failing to stand from the couch.
Fucking Bonesaw.
Normally I like to call people by their names, rather than dignify them with their stupid cape names, though it depends, but no. Bonesaw doesn't get a name. Fuck her. I hate Bonesaw. Unfair? A little, yeah. She's a victim, a worse victim than nearly anyone else in Worm, arguably.
I just don't care.
Amy, kill her. Kill her right here. Right now.
“Yes! I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was. I mean, I had to conduct the operation from a remote location, using robots, because I would lose my Tinker powers if I got too close to the big lug. And I had to fit their bodies and nervous systems together so that they could use their powers without messing up the other.”
Oh, my heart bleeds for you, Bonebitch. Tell us all about how hard it was to make a monstrous freak of nature! As if you and your little brain parasite (shard) didn't love every psychopathic second of it.
Bonesaw smiled. “I thought you’d appreciate this more than anyone.” “Appreciate this.” “You’re the only other person who works with meat. I mean, we’re different in some ways, but we’re also really similar, aren’t we? You manipulate people’s biology, and I tinker with it. The human body’s only a really intricate, wet machine, isn’t it?”
I can honestly only laugh at the level of delusion this horrible little girl possesses. Not funny laugh, just... what the fuck else is there to do laugh.
“That’s good!” Bonesaw smiled at Amy, “I knew we’d make a good team!” “Team?” What could she say or do to escape? Failing that, was there anything she could use to kill herself, so Bonesaw couldn’t get her hands on them, turn them into something like those things? In the worst case scenario, she could use her power on Mark before finishing herself off.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw never gets it into her head that Amy should be her buddy.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw gets killed in a freak accident involving a frozen turkey falling from a great height at high velocities and squashing her.
Alternate universe where Bonesaw dies messily and bloodily and her body burns in a fucking nuclear fire.
“Language!” Bonesaw admonished, with surprising fierceness.
I...I can't take this seriously.
I hate Bonesaw, for what she does to Amy, for how her fucking delusions lead to Amy's life being destroyed, but again, she's not actually that compelling. She's just...
Sick and twisted and...
Fucking annoying.
'Language'. Right. She really cares that much about it. Because Jack Slash really cares that much.
“Jack’s taken me on as his protegé. Teaching me the finer points of being an artist.
Artist? Artist? Artist? Artist? ARTIST?
My GOD is Jack Slash pretentious.
Actually, dare I say it?
Jack Slash is Edgy.
(What. I need to find something to laugh at as I read this or I'll combust with how much I hate Bonesaw right now)
(I genuinely don't understand fics that want to imagine some Amy & Bonesaw friendship, or Amy and 'Riley' or whatever, in some universe where Bonesaw does what she does to Amy and then survives to be redeemed or something. Even if Amy went evil and joined S9, I can't imagine her gleefully embracing Bonesaw's delusions. an S9 Amy probably murders Bonesaw at the first opportunity.)
and they’re kind of family. I want you in my family, Amy Dallon.”
And I want to enter this work of fiction, grab you, and string you up by your entrails.
But we can't always get what we want, Bonebitch.
Amy looked at her hand. She’d just taken a life. A mercy, most probably, but she’d killed. Something she had promised herself she would never do. She shivered. It had been so easy. Was this what it was like for her father? Had she just taken one more step toward being like him?
See, and now this is where the problem with rigid moral codes hits. When they don't have any flexibility, for situations like this, when you build this hard, solid edifice and expect it to hold up against everything...
It's strong, sure, but it's brittle. And when you, like Amy, pin your entire sense of yourself, your entire sense of being a good person, on a few rigid codes, you absolutely will shatter.
Amy absolutely shouldn't have built herself such an inflexible moral edifice. If the girl had had any sort of actual therapy, she might not have. If she'd had a mother that wasn't Carol, she might not have.
But she did.
And it shattered.
Again... I just don't understand Wildbow, and Ward. Slaughterhouse Nine, and the role they played in destroying Amy's psyche and sense of herself and sense of morality barely shows up in the text, because god forbid we allow context to get in the way of his weird attempt at a rape culture metaphor or whatever the fuck he was on.
“Ready to join?” Bonesaw asked, looking for all the world like a puppy when her master had the leash out, ready for a walk. Eager, brimming with excitement.
And the funny part is that this useless waste of carbon atoms actually thinks that's all that's needed.
and then we could make one superperson out of a hundred capes, and all of the powers would be full strength because you helped and we could use it to stop one of the Endbringers,
Oh fuck off Bonesaw. You wouldn't dare do anything so interesting as use your creations to fight an Endbringer. and even if you were capable of mustering enough vision for that, Jacky McEdgelord would hardly let you do something so creative.
“No,” Amy said. Then, just to make it clear, she added, “No, it’s not going to happen. I won’t join you.” “You will! You have to!” “No.” “I have to do like Jack said. He said I won’t be a true genius until I’ve figured out how to get inside people’s heads.” “Maybe- Maybe you won’t be inside my head until you realize there’s no way I’m going to join the Slaughterhouse Nine.”
You know, I'm not really interested in 'Amy goes off the rails level evil' fics, but you know what? Let's have one of those. Bonesaw breaks Amy and then Amy kills her and the rest of Slaughterhouse Nine because why the fuck would she hang out with them? If Amy really stopped caring and wanted to go evil, there's still no reason for her to be so BORING as to join Uselesshouse Nine
“I’m doing you a favor, really!” Bonesaw raised her voice to be heard over the screams. “You’ll thank me!”
I mean, I hate Bonesaw, I hate her with the heat of a million suns. And I don't hate any of the other members of S9 because again, BORING.
So in that sense, Bonesaw is a compelling villain.
But she's also boring, because she's just...
Nothing interesting about what she's doing. Torture and hybrid monsters and plagues and murder just for the sake of it. She learns all this shit about powers and does nothing with it.
I hate her so much not because she's compelling in her own right, but because I'm so obsessively into Amy as a character, and so desperately want her to be happy.
Everything else in the world seemed to drop away. She pressed her forehead to his. Everything biological was shaped in some way by what it had grown from and what had come before. Rebuilding the damaged parts was a matter of tracing everything backwards. Some of the brain was impossible to restore to what it had once been, in the most damaged areas or places where it was the newest growths that were gone, but she could check everything in the surrounding area, use process of elimination and context to figure out what the damaged areas had tied to. She felt tears in her eyes. She had told herself she would heal him and then leave the Dallon household. Actually doing this, fixing him, taking that plunge, she knew she would probably never have found the courage if she hadn’t been pushed into it. It wasn’t that she was afraid to get something wrong. No. Even as complicated as the mind was, she’d always known she could manage it. No, it was what came after that scared her more than anything. Just like finding out about Marquis, it was the opening of a door she desperately wanted to keep shut.
Again. Platonic ideal of a woobifiable character.
I just
I just don't get so many people.
This this -
Who the fuck reacts to 'I'm saving my dad from a serial killer by healing his brain' with 'I need to run away from home as soon as I'm done?'
Someone who desperately doesn't want to do bad things. Who is terrified of themselves. Who has more baggage than an airport and more issues than a Hudson News.
Someone who is intensely fucked up, and knows it and doesn't know what to do about it.
Certainly not someone who has just been... what, we're supposed to believe she was just waiting for the opportunity to mess with Vicky's brain? The excuse? That what she does to Vicky was the real her the whole time?
If I somehow had enough money to convince Wildbow to sell all the legal rights to all of the Wormverse, nuking Ward from existence across the Internet would be step 0. Also nuking r/parahumans.
The tagline of the Wormverse may as well be 'creating compelling characters the author somehow doesn't understand since 2011. Now with bonus queerphobia and racism!'
Her face burned with shame. She made her way to her room and began packing her things into a gym bag. Clothes, toiletries, and other things, mementos. A small scrapbook, a memory card filled with pictures of her, her cousins and her sister. She found a pad of post-it notes and scribbled out a few words. I’m sorry it took me so long to help Mark. Good bye. I love you all, Amy. She wouldn’t be coming back. Amy opened her bedroom window and climbed out, pulling the bag out behind her.
Amy Please, fucking hell just - no.
“We could get you a therapist. I mean, Mom was setting aside money for Dad’s care, we could use that to give you someone to talk to.” “I… a therapist wouldn’t be able to help.”
Yes, yes it could.
But she's so convinced, so sure there's no coming back from it.
“Fuck that! I’m not about to let you walk away!” Victoria floated closer, reaching out. “Don’t touch me,” Amy warned her sister.
It's hard to say. We don't see them just... existing in normal circumstances. Not in Worm. We don't know what their life was like before it all collapses.
But it's really hard to not look at... everything Victoria says and does, from Interlude 2, and this, and the fact that she does end up touching Amy despite the 'don't touch' and...
I'm pretty sure Vicky has a long history of ignoring or pushing Amy's boundaries. Of touching her when Amy doesn't want to be touched. Dragging her on those double dates she manifestly doesn't want to go on. Pushing her to keep healing all those people she nearly kills to cover up her crimes. Constantly pushing Amy to heal Mark.
And Amy, because she was probably too afraid to have boundaries when she first moved into the Dallon household, and then too used to letting Vicky get away with it, and then Vicky was her only source of stability and affection so of course Amy lets her get away with it.
And then she falls in love with Vicky and the idea of saying no to her becomes a lot harder.
And Vicky, of course, just sees that Amy's boundaries aren't really boundaries. She just needs to push a little and her sister's totally cool with whatever. Amy loves her. She loves Amy. Boundaries are what now?
(I say this with love, I really do, but I'm pretty sure Vicky isn't the most respectful of boundaries in general. Not intentionally, just... you know, by accident, a lot).
Vicky does not deserve what happens to her next, or later. Again, shouldn't need to say it, but this fucking fandom.
But she absolutely should have listened when Amy said 'no!' Time and again.
No is always a complete fucking sentence.
“Idiot,” Victoria grabbed her sister by the shirt collar and pulled her into a painfully tight hug. “Don’t,” Amy moaned into her sister’s shoulder. “All of this? We’ll work it out. As a family. And if your idea of family means it’s just you and me, then we’ll work it out together, just the two of us.”
A perfect storm of the worst possible fucking thing to say when you're already shattering her boundaries.
All it took was one moment of weakness, and she was weak. At the end of her rope, desperately lonely, haunted by her father’s shadow, her shame at being unwilling and unable to help Mark until now, the idea that one of the Slaughterhouse Nine thought she belonged with them? She was losing everything so quickly. Victoria was all she had, and it was the choice between abandoning that for everyone’s good and keeping Victoria close. She felt Victoria’s body more acutely than she felt her own. Every heartbeat, every cell brimming with life. Like a flame at the end of a long fuse, leading to a stick of dynamite, her power traveled from the side of Victoria’s neck to her brain. It was barely a conscious action on Amy’s part.
Again it's so weird that Wildbow can write this, and then... not get it? Powers work on thoughts. Powers work on errant impulses and yes, you can restrain your thoughts, prevent them to become action, but intrusive thoughts are a thing, and it really isn't always easy to hold them back, especially in the state she's in, the state he put her in, with the way powers work, the way he decided powers work...
The man builds this elaborate device made of dozens of checkov's guns and then insists, years later, he never fired a single one of them.
The plain fucking TEXT makes it clear, christ on a fucking bike.
The magnitude of what she’d just done hit her with a suddenness and pain she likened to a bullet to the chest. “Oh god. Please, let me undo it.” She reached out, but Victoria stepped back. “What the hell did you do?” Victoria asked, her eyes wide, “I felt something. I feel something. You’ve used your power on me before, but not like this. I- You changed the way I think. More than that.” Tears welled at the corners of Amy’s eyes. “Please. This is what I was afraid of. Let me undo it. Let me fix it and leave, and you can go back to Mark and Carol and you three can be a family, and-”
If we're supposed to believe this was a deliberate, willing, fully conscious choice by her (which is what Wildbow and his Church insist is what 'barely a conscious action' means here), then this makes no sense.
But of course, Why would Wildbow care about a coherent narrative? Why would his Church? They have Words of God! Those matter more than the fucking TEXT.
“You have to understand, for so long, you were all I had. I was so desperately lonely, and that was at the same time I was starting to worry about my dad. I got fucked up, my feelings got muddled somewhere along the line, and it’s like… maybe because you were safe, because you were always there.” “You have feelings for me,” Victoria answered. She couldn’t keep the disgust out of her voice, she didn’t even try. “That’s what Tattletale was using as leverage, wasn’t it?”
Let's circle back to something I said earlier -
This needed to be revealed sooner, to us, the reader. Or... something.
Revealing all this, all at once, all in one chapter?
There's just too much going on here.
Amy found out Marquis is her dad
we find out about Mark
we find out about Vicky pressuring Amy to heal Mark
Bonesaw and all her shit
Amy runs away
Vicky finds her
Vicky finds out about Marquis
Amy changes Vicky and the full story of Amy's feelings come out and it's just...
Worm suffers from too much happening in quick succession in general, but man this Interlude is the fucking textbook case.
“Please. Let me fix it. Then I’ll leave. You’ll never have to see me again.” “What in the world makes you think I’d let you use your power on me again!?” Victoria shouted, taking to the air, out of reach. “Who knows what you’re going to do to me!?”
Okay, so like...
I do get this, I really do. You just had your entire sense of... everything shattered, with regards to how you see your Sister, and you're under a lot of stress too but -
You've known and trusted your sister for years. You just fucking said it. She's explicitly saying she didn't mean to, that this isn't something she wanted to do...
I mean, I imagine if not for... everything that's about to happen, Vicky might calm down in a few days and give Amy a chance to fix this. I'd like to believe that anyway.
I get it. I do. I don't... I don't blame Vicky for this, but...
Still. Wrong choice, Glory Girl.
Victoria shook her head slowly, then scoffed. “Good job, Amy. You just did an excellent job of taking every instance of me defending you, every instance of my giving you the benefit of a doubt, and proving me fucking wrong. You were worried about being as fucked up as your dad? Congratulations, I’m pretty goddamn sure you just surpassed the man.”
Jesus christ, Vicky.
Again. Heat of the moment. You're furious.
But like...
If she was surpassing him, she'd have changed your brain more. To make you like it. You're supposed to be smart. Be smart.
Interlude 11h. The only Interlude really worth reading for this Arc, and jesus fucking christ I'm emotionally exhausted. My own fault, but fucking fuckfuckfuckfuck.
#Amy Dallon#Victoria Dallon#Worm#Wormblr#Kylia Reads Worm#Interlude 11h#This Is A Carol Dallon Hate Blog#Anti-Wildbow#Die In A Goddamn Fire Bonesaw#Youtube
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My take on interlude 11h from Worm.
#worm#wormblr#art#amy dallon#bonesaw#riley grace davis#parahumans#worm parahumans#one last painting before winter break ends…#this thing was a blast to work on btw
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Worm Patch Notes v1.103
• Added more bugs (6 new species of insect can now be found in Brockton Bay)
• Vista now acknowledges Browbeat's death
• Added another Tooth to the Teeth (The Grinner)
• Adjusted Brian's Summer of the Forest to be slightly more memorable
• Implemented AMV support
• Fixed an error that could sometimes cause Lisa's face scar to remain, even after being healed
• Reverted the Mrs. Knott description from Gestation 1.1 to its original state
• Removed Interlude 11h
• Added a Cody epilogue
• Inserted a chapter of Twig at the end of every arc in a desperate bid to get more people to read it, please for the love of god read twig
• Amy Dallon is no longer eligible for use in Jackbox games
• Fixed a potentially story-breaking bug* related to giving Atlas human teeth
• For consistency with last update's Contessa patch, the Simurgh now wears modest clothes and is described as "not especially attractive" by Taylor
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ok, these are my thoughts on interlude 11h, aka “the amy interlude,” aka “this is where things start to suck forever, right”
Abolish the nuclear family
Amy reiterating over and over that she’s not good at being a sister… god god goddddd
Up to this point, I can’t fathom feeling anything other than profound sympathy for Amy — a damaged, scared girl caving in under the weight of the unspeakable
Abolish the nuclear family
“The unspeakable” is the note dominating the story here: it’s the foundation for trauma, for abuse, for secrets that fester and explode and deal unimaginable collateral.
Fork found in kitchen, incestuous feelings found in the adopted girl deprived of any consistent, reliable definition of family
Maybe because you were safe, because you were always there.
Abolish adoption also
Copying this from my friend who read worm: “Amy sees Victoria as an idealistic paragon and the only source of any of her happiness (this becoming very much an obsession/favorite person), and Vicky sees her as "her sister" who will absolutely never hurt her and always help her without really considering the impact on Amy herself. Tragedy for the ages.”
^ this partially in response to how Victoria was told twice (in no uncertain terms!) not to touch Amy, and ignored her — because Amy doesn’t really mean it, right? What she really needs right now is a hug from her sister, right?
There is probably a whole essay to be written on What’s In A Name, the Amy/Ames/Panacea and Victoria/Vicky/Glory Girl distinction, the way they use nicknames and aliases as a reflection of the interiority they refuse to afford each other — it all comes down to coercively assigned roles, doesn’t it
Fuck Wildbow for writing the confrontation/confession scene so homophobically it was giving me deja vu about hays code era films. FUCK OFFF!!! Just have Victoria call her a dyke and drop the farce!
I can’t stop imagining alternate realities where it didn’t happen like this. A world where Amy never became a Dallon. A world where she was never adopted at all. A world where her feelings for Victoria never morphed beyond the familial. A world where Bonesaw never showed up at her door. A world where Amy left for good and never saw Victoria again. A world where Victoria didn’t touch her after that warning.
But that’s not how the story goes.
Abolish the nuclear family.
#wormblogging#long post#(sorry)#I am aware of the broad strokes of What Amy Does To Victoria later on but I do NOT know specifics so no spoilers. please. I implore you#god I need to pull out the apparitional lesbian again and use it to talk about how amy is written don’t I
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Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense”
Minden vallásban nagy szerepe van a várakozásnak, és ti, mint gyakorló traxeletoristák minden évben 12 hónapon át követhetitek, halljátok-látjátok, ahogyan gyarapszik a szelekt, hogy aztán év végén, a traxelektori szentháromság szuperszelekcióján áthaladva meghallgathassátok a mind/move/sense kompilációkat. Áldott legyen a teljesség! Xelektbe! Randomba! Krosszfédbe!
Az elektronikus zene egyik abszurduma, hogy a chill out kifejezést a legpunkabb bandának, a The KLF-nek köszönhetjük. Nem állítom, hogy chill-out válogatás a „Sense”, de ez a figyelős, hátradőlős zenehallgatás forrása. Másik érdekesség, hogy a történelmien fontos, első ambient album, a nagy Brian Eno – Music for Airports-sza ma nem férne be a legjobb 100 ambient album közé. Azért ez vicces. Harmadik évösszegző válogatásunk downtempoban mozog tehát, műfajilag ambient, drone, kortárs, experimental, dub, trip hop, field recordings, minimal, krautrock, etno elemekből építkezik. A terjedelme 140 felvétel, cirka 12 óra, és az online verzió is 11 óra felett van a maga 123 track-jével.
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Spotify Playlist Link
[123/140, 11h 15m / 12h 10m, 87,8%]
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Full Playlist
3.14 - Taltos Remembers Newmix [VA - Life Death Resurrection Revenge, Limbic Resonance]Actress - Oway ( f 7 )[LXXXVIII, Ninja Tune] African Head Charge - Push Me Pull You [A Trip To Bolgatanga, On-U Sound] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Removing Infinities [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Singularity [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Ana Quiroga - We, The Witches [Azabache, Houndstooth] Ancient Plastix - Museum Of Barbed Wire [II, Maple Death] Andrea - Chessbio [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Jaim [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Anthony Linell - Advanced Spiritual Evolution [Advanced Transcendent Evolution, Northern Electronics] Atom™ - Midnight Shopping [Soft Opening, NN Audio] Ayaz - Reprise [Unpinned, phase group] Beau Wanzer - STEAR [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Beau Wanzer - WARM WATERBOARDING [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Biosphere - Delta Function [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - Random Walk [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - The String Thing [Inland Delta, Biophon] Black To Comm - On the Grass Her Shoes of Deer-Skin [At Zeenath Parallel Heavens, Thrill Jockey] Blevin Blectum - Soft Death (Afresymegol)[Omnii, Deathbomb Arc] Burial Hex - A Kiss To Birth The Rotted Sun [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Burial Hex - Of Roses, Astronomers & The Falsely Accused [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Carmen Villain - Violet [Music From The Living Monument, Smalltown Supersound] Carrier - Ten by Ten [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes] cEvin Key - Sonic Interlude [bRap and fOrth, vol. 9, Artoffact] Chantal Michelle - Borghese Gardens September [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Civilistjävel! - Kolugn [Fyra Platser, FELT] Civilistjävel! feat. Cucina Povera – Louhivesi [Fyra Platser, FELT] Coco Bryce - Make U Mine [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86] CoH - Habitable [Radiant Faults, Dais] CoH - Nereides [Radiant Faults, Dais] Cosmo Vitelli - 7 Foot Clown in My Bed (Krikor Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Just Like His Dad (Froid Dub Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Dasha Rush - Hans Rivers [Contemplating, Raster] David Toop & Lawrence English - Whistling In The Dark [The Shell That Speaks The Sea, Room40] Dino Sabatini - Reversus Sum [Opera Quattro, Outis Music] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Flusso II [Crono, Gang of Ducks] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Bond [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Deep Water Branches [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Skyward [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile]
Eivind Aarset & Jan Bang - Seraphine [Last Two Inches Of Sky, Punkt Editions] Elin Piel - Skog [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Erwan Sene - Zones [JUnQ, PAN] Erwan Sene - Block That Kill [JUnQ, PAN] Evitceles - Reveal [Velvet Room, Opal Tapes] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Sinnervisions [Fire, Salgari] Flesh & The Dream - Book Of Daniel Part 3 (The Image of Gold and The Blazing)[Choose Mortality, Everything Forever] Freak Heat Waves - Altered States [Mondo Tempo, Mood Hut] Froid Dub - Isla Morada [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Original Stalker [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Future Sound of London, The - A Desolate Stretch Of Night Road [Environment 7.003, fsoldigital.com] Future Sound of London, The - Clear Mass 4 [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Future Sound of London, The - Vertical Reflections [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Gazelle Twin - Author of You [Black Dog, Invada] Geins't Naït & Scanner & Laurent Petitgand - MT-26 [OLA, Ici d'ailleurs] German Army - Last Habitat [Caras Rotas, Faith Disciplines] German Army - Ponapea Hentyi [Boising, IDS] German Army - Santalum Macgregorii [Boising, IDS] Greg Foat & Gigi Masin - Viento Calido [Dolphin, Strut] Harmonious Thelonious - Back from the Primitive Galaxy [Cheapo Sounds, Bureau B] Holy Tongue - Am Here In A Place Beyond Desire And Fear [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Holy Tongue - Where the Wood is The Water is Not [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Hortobágyi László - Fugamelānrāga (Banjar vādak)[6th. All India Music Conference 1990-2023 -Re-Mix Mastered Version Series Vol. 1, aMarxe] How To Dress Well - My Body (Carmen Villain's „My Body Rework”)[What Remains (Remixes), Domino] Ilija Rudman - Pulsar Diaries [Pulsar Diaries, International Feel] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Marcella - Waltz [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Spivak - Narcissus [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques]
Khidja - Roata [Transmissions Part 1, Malka Tuti] Khidja - Under Stressure [Transmissions Part 2, Malka Tuti] Kim Oxlund - How Long Does It Last [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kim Oxlund - Older Than the Sea [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kurvenschreiber - Doppelwortbefehl [Licht Ausgang, Udacha] Labelle - Apporter l'amour [Noir Anima, InFiné Éditions & Eumolpe] Laibach - Lepo - krasno [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Lia Kohl - Sit on the Floor and Wait for Storms [The Ceiling Reposes, American Dreams] Loraine James - I'm Trying To Love Myself [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] Loraine James - Tired of Me [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] L'vovna - 07182018-02.03.05 [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Maara - Yearning [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain] Maps and Diagrams - Brume [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Maps and Diagrams - Slopewater [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Marmo - Fenomenologia Del Giudizio [Epistolae, Utter] Marmo - Semiotica [Epistolae, Utter] Material + Object - x6x [Telepath, Editions Mego] Mouse on Mars - Bilk A3 [Bilk, Sonig] Nihiloxica - Postloya [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] Nihiloxica - Trip Chug [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] nueen - III [Link, 3XL] nueen - IV [Link, 3XL] NVST - Fourissfourisnoanswer (The VERSION)[Filled with Oil, Les Disques Magnétiques] O Yuki Conjugate - Deep Head Scene [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] Om Unit & Dego Rankin - Bristol Theme (V.I.V.E.K Remix)[Acid Dub Versions II, Self-Released] Oval - Wildwasser [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Zauberwort [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey]Palestre - Coexistència[Sciogli Assurdi, The Trilogy Tapes] Paul St. Hilaire - Little Way [Tikiman Vol.1, Kynant]Polypores - Our Tiny Orbits [Praedormitium, Castles in Space] Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 23 [26 Lives, Diagonal]Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Darkening Rain (Killer Whale Atmospheres) For Phillipe [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Grown In The Shade Of The Glacier [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rhys Fulber - Night Render (Evitceles Remix)[Brutal Nature Redux, FR]
Saint Abdullah - Visit to the Optometrist [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary & Peter Eldh - Divine Timing Is Intuitive [Evicted In The Morning, Disciples] Sam Goku - Zoom Out [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Saphileaum - Dear [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Saphileaum - Interlingua [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Saphileaum - Useful Wisdom [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes]Scaafandre - A Ticket To Unknow [Outer Edges , Believe Digital] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Shattered [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Shackleton - The Dying Regime [The Scandal Of Time, Woe To The Septic Heart!] Shackleton & Waclaw Zimpel feat. Siddhartha Belmannu - Your Love Pours Like Water [In The Cell Of Dreams, 7k!] She Spread Sorrow - Queen of Guilt [Orchid Seeds, Helen Scarsdale Agency] Spivak - Mid Week Ritual [You Win Again, Ecstatic] Stefan Dubs - Saudrune Dub [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Coral Reef [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Golden Apples Of The Sun [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Oceanium [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Terrain - Blind Spot [Corners, Varmal] The Black Dog - Beton-Brut [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Future Townscapes [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - SHF Is Dead [Music For Dead Airports, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Unité d’Habitation [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Mole - #ew Horseplay [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Mole - Weak Stranger [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Orb & David Gilmour - Flat Side Seamlessly Martian Spheres of Reflection Mix Movement 3 [Metallic Spheres In Colour, Sony] Totek - Touchh [ttk. 1, Darker Than Wax] Ultramarine - Dawn [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Decima [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Xylonite [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Vague Imaginaires - Onde cosmique [L'Île Volante, Versatile] Vanishing Twin - Lazy Garden [Afternoon X, Fire] Vanishing Twin - The Down Below [Afternoon X, Fire] VC-118A - Replace Image [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VC-118A - Ufonic [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VHS Head - Devour the Heart [Phocus, Skam] Vince Clarke - Red Planet [Songs Of Silence, Mute] Void - Circadian Rhythm [REM, Agos] Void - Midnight [REM, Agos] Wata Igarashi - Floating Against Time [Agartha, Kompakt] Yushh - OXI Ambigan [Siro Silo EP, Well Street]
#grand traxelektor#traxelektor#2023#sense#underground#electronic#music#zene#intelligent dance music#spotify#playlist#compilation
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just read worm interlude 11h haha what the fuck amy.
#wormblr#this is delicious tho#she's like. number one character i want to see Get Worse#LOVING this whole 'picking new NINE members' thing#kind of might be my favourite plot point so far#amyyyy cmon do more fucked up stuff yesss#also Bitch time...
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interlude 11h
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SUGA’s YouTube Data
SUGA and PSY are the only Korean solo artists to have 2 music videos with over 7M likes on YouTube (Interlude: Shadow + Daechwita)
SUGA’s fastest music video to reach 100M views on YouTube
Daechwita – 43 days Eight (with IU) – 183 days Agust D – 1417 days Interlude: Shadow – 498 days
SUGA and PSY are the only Korean solo artists to have 4 music videos with over 100M views on YouTube
SUGA was the only Korean solo artist to have 2 music videos with more than 100M views in 2020 (Eight + Daechwita)
Daechwita reached 23,9M views and 4,7M likes during the first 24H after the release
Daechwita was the fastest MV by a Korean Soloist to reach 1M-11M likes on YouTube until the record was broken in 2021
Daechwita reached 200M views in 284 days, 300M views in 503 days.
Daechwita was the most viewed MV by a Korean soloist in 2020 with 177M views
Daechwita was 8th most liked MV by a Korean artist in 2020 with 8,8M likes
Daechwita was among the most liked MVs on Youtube in 2020:
#1 Dynamite #2 How You Like That #3 Ice Cream #4 Life Goes On #5 Lovesick Girls #6 ON (Film) #7 GOOBA #8 ON #9 Stay Gold #10 Yummy #11 Daechwita #12 Black Swan
Big Hit’s Youtube channel gained 200,000+ subscribers during 24h after the release of Daechwita
After the release Daechwita became: #1 Most Viewed Korean Solo Music Video since Youtube Change in 24H #1 Most Liked Korean Solo Music Video in 24H
Daechwita spent 7 days at #1 under Youtube Video Trends in the Music category on Youtube Daechwita trended #1 under Youtube Video Trends in Music Category for 10 days - trended in 86 countries under Music Video Trends - trended in 88 countries under Video Trends in Music Category - trended in 86 countries in Youtube Videos Trends worldwide
Daechwita debuted at #1 on South Korean Youtube MV Chart with 2.89M views, his 2nd MV to debut and top the chart Daechwita spent 10 days at #1 on South Korean Youtube MV Chart under Music category
Daechwita debuted at #2 on the Global Youtube MV Chart with 55M views and #2 on Top Songs Chart with 58M views
Daechwita was #1 Most Liked MV by a Korean soloist in the first 24H (Record broken by Lisa’s Lalisa with 5,3M likes) Daechwita was #2 Most Viewed MV by a Korean soloist in the first 24H after PSY’s Gentleman (Record broken by Rose’s On the Ground with 39M views)
NOTE: Ranks below are the ranks of Daechwita MV from the time that it was released, the ranks keep changing as new MVs are being released, these rankings are NOT updated: #4 Most Liked Korean MV in the first 24H #11 Most Viewed Korean MV in the first 24H (before change) #3 Most Viewed Korean MV in the first 24H (after change)
Agust D earned a top debut on Global Youtube Artist Chart at #34
Daechwita MV – Number of likes reached + Time 1M – 47min 2M – 2h 41min 3M – 5h 41min 4M – 11h 12min 5M – 30h 50min 6M – 5 days 7M – 40 days 8M – 116 days 9M – 231 days 10M – 326 days 11M – 398 days 12M – 489 days
At the moment of the release Daechwita MV was the fastest MV by a Korean solo artist to reach each milestone of MV likes.
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 9M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (33 hours) 2. Rose – On The Ground (167 days) 3. Agust D – Daechwita (231 days) 4. J-Hope – Chicken Noodle Soup (553 days) 5. Jennie – Solo (744 days) 6. PSY – Gangnam Style (907 days)
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 10M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (2 days) 2. Agust D – Daechwita (326 days) 3. J-Hope – Chicken Noodle Soup (662 days) 4. Jennie – Solo (856 days) 5. PSY – Gangnam Style (3 years)
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 11M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (5 days) 2. Agust D – Daechwita (398 days) 3. Jennie – Solo (996 days) 4. PSY – Gangnam Style (3 years)
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 12M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (10 days) 2. Agust D – Daechwita (489 days) 3. PSY – Gangnam Style (4 years
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 13M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (22 days) 2. PSY – Gangnam Style (5 years)
Fastest MV by a Korean Solo Artist to reach 14M likes on YouTube 1. Lisa – Lalisa (48 days) 2. PSY – Gangnam Style (5 years)
Daechwita MV – Number of views reached on the first week Day 1 – 23,952,168 Day 2 – 10,282,543 Day 3 – 6,715,289 Day 4 – 4,622,460 Day 5 – 3,820,740 Day 6 – 3,320,525 Day 7 – 3,147,605
Daechwita MV – Number of views reached + Time 10M – 7h 53min 20M – 17h 5min 30M – 1day (May 23) 40M – 2 days (May 24) 50M – 5 days (May 27) 60M – 9 days (May 30) 70M – 14 days (Jun 4) 80M – 21 days (Jun 11) 90M – 32 days (Jun 22) 100M – 44 days (Jul 4) 110M – 60 days (Jul 20) 120M – 80 days (Aug 9) 130M – 99 days (Aug 28) 140M – 122 days (Sep 20) 150M – 147 days (Oct 15) 160M – 174 days (Nov 11) 170M – 204 days (Dec 11) 180M – 233 days (Jan 9) 190M – 258 days (Feb 3) 200M – 283 days (Mar 1) 210M – 306 days (Mar 24) 220M – 330 days (Apr 17) 230M – 353 days (May 10) 240M – 372 days (May 29) 250M – 392 days (Jun 18) 260M – 411 days (Jul 7) 270M – 433 days (Jul 29) 280M – 456 days (Aug 21) 290M – 480 days (Sep 14) 300M – 503 days (Oct 7) 310M – 531 days (Nov 4)
– It was 6th Most Viewed BTS M/V in 24 hours at the moment of the release – It reached #1 on YouTube in 23 countries – It reached 19,6M views in 24 hours – It reached 3,8M likes in 24 hours – It was the Most Liked comeback trailer in 24 hours at the moment of the release – It was the Most Viewed comeback trailer in 24 hours at the moment of the release – It was the Fastest BTS video and comeback trailer to reach 1M likes (30min) at the moment of the release – It was the Fastest comeback trailer to reach 10M views – It was the First comeback trailer to reach 5M likes
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Prey 14.10
Well this is a fine pickle. Let’s see how Taylor solves this!
Last time, Taylor once again proved much smarter than me, even though I was supposed to figure it out before she did. Hell, I had a major advantage, even, and she still beat me to it. Let’s see if I can be less of an idiot this chapter. :p
She was still fooled long enough for it to count, though, and now Jack and Bonesaw know where Amy (and seemingly Victoria, who might be an issue for them) is, and intend to make it so she isn’t. There or elsewhere.
Oh cod, Bonesaw probably wants to turn her into part of an amalgamate so she can use Amy’s power on her creations like she asked of Amy in Interlude 11h. I’m guessing she’d find it appropriate to mash her up with Victoria in particular, if she knows anything about their relationship.
Meanwhile, Taylor needs to do what she can to save Amy and probably Victoria. She has a couple school stories worth of time to do it, but I kinda doubt it’ll be that easy.
I’m guessing we’ll see the return of some of the tactics she used last time she was protecting Amy from one of the Nine, such as using her bugs to reduce visibility for the Nine, and perhaps setting decoys in a bunch of spots in Arcadia High. She should probably make the decoys seem to collapse if sliced through, so the Nine have to take a closer look to determine if they got Amy or not.
Like I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, I have a feeling Bonesaw will die soon, possibly in this chapter, but Jack might make a break for city limits.
I don’t really know what else to speculate on, so I think it’s time to jump in and see what Taylor does with this situation!
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“Everything that happened to me, it’s like it all snowballed out from the moment you assholes robbed the bank.”
its fascinating because - this isn't true. The bank isn't the cause of everything going to hell for Amy. If we want to pick a point, it's Leviathan's attack but...
On the other hand, Leviathan's attack is the result of the unmasking of the Empire (and maybe Noelle's presence, according to common fanon) and the chaos that had created, and Coil was only able to do that because of Dinah which he captured during the Bank job.
Also the whole Lung being caught and Bakuda going nuts thing, etc.
So she's sort of right.
This is where it becomes really hard to actually get a good understanding of what exactly happens to take the Amy we see in Interlude 2 (the girl who is trying to be the voice of moral reason for Vicky, little miss police brutality herself - that is the takeaway from Interlude 2, coming in blind) to... the girl who is going to (according to the 'Official Interpretation™' anyway) rape her sister.
We only get a first look at her in Interlude 11h, and 11h crams so many revelations into one chapter and doesn't give us a chance to digest and then Amy vanishes again for a whole arc and then only a little shows up in 13.
Obviously, a lot is going on in the story, but I do think if it was really important to Wildbow that we take a certain POV on Amy, as he purportedly intended, maybe he should have shown more of her.
So we don't really know what was going through her mind, or what her life was like after the Bank and before Leviathan. Vicky does say in 11h that after the Bank Amy was acting differently... it both does and doesn't make sense she'd react so badly to the near miss in the Bank (near miss in terms of the reveal of her horrible secret that actually had it been revealed in the bank probably wouldn't have ruined her life as much as she was afraid of).
So without that look, it's hard to say if Amy is right that everything went bad because of the Bank. On the one hand, it's easy to say that's all nonsense. On the other hand, the Bank could have been the catalyst that ramped up all her anxieties and issues and set into motion the thought patterns that made her run away after healing mark.
(i.e. perhaps no Bank, Amy is in just enough of a better enough mental state to not run off. Probably not but... maybe)
Narratively, of course, the bank is indeed when everything goes downhill for her and for the entire city, implicitly. Arc 1 and the capture of Lung is the start of the story for us the reader, but for the city at large, Arc 3, and all that comes with it wrt to Dinah does end up being the point where the story really kicks into motion and gear, and where wider events go nuts.
As for Amy's immediate 'fuck off Tattletale'... yeah, I mean, if I was Amy, I would be like that too. Tattletale isn't evil, exactly, but she's not exactly a nice person to be around, especially when you're as wound tight as Amy, and the girl just can't not poke at shit. And to be honest, I'm not sure Tattletale's track record of eliciting intended reactions from the people she's poking at is as good as she, or some fans, seem to think. She's great at knowing shit, sorta, but she's not great at actually using what she knows on people, arguably.
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Interlude : Jour 5
Dimanche 14 avril : 11h du matin, je suis toujours en pyjama. Passionnant, non ?
Je mets les infos : Gilets jaunes, M. le Ministre de l’Intérieur a compté 31 000 personnes. Cela dit, on connaît les capacités de comptage de notre ministre. Même, il connaissait les chiffres de participation dès Vendredi. Quoi qu’il en soit, pas de problème, puisque le mouvement essouffle. Ca fait même 21 samedis qu’il s’essouffle (Ben oui,le premier samedi, le 17 novembre, on pouvait pas dire qu’il s’essoufflait, puisque c’était le premier ! On disait juste que la participation était faible et que le mouvement ne parvenait pas à mobiliser) Après 21 séances d’essoufflement, je ne vous raconte pas dans quel état il est, le mouvement ! Anémique ! Négatif ! D’ailleurs les dizaines de milliers de policiers mobilisés déambulent tristement, à la recherche de délinquants à admonester, même petits, même vieux, même sans gilet jaune, même sans gilet du tout, qui justifieraient leurs émoluments ...
Ah misère !
Sinon, ben j’ai toujours aussi mal. Si une fois dans la journée, je mets un pied devant l’autre sans serrer les dents, je crie victoire ...
Je suis allé voir le coucher de soleil au Crotoy. Sympa, non ?

A demain, j’ai des choses à ajouter sur le Camino !
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Post-S9* Worm thoughts!
*Resisted the urge to liveblog it all because I imagine I’m already on thin ice with most of my followers for fixating on old web fiction to the neglect of whatever they’re here for LOL
Still an Amy sympathizer, baby, and it really truly is wildbow’s fault because it didn’t take any effort on my part, she’s literally textually sympathetic
The Incident was perfect horror, worm is so good at horror, actually
Tangential but I have a feeling I am going to have to write the fic where Amy and Victoria star as the main characters of a Metamorphoses story all by myself… guy who has only read metamorphoses and is getting a lot of metamorphoses vibes from The Incident…
Also kinda tangential but if I was Amy and I ran into Tattletale after the events of interlude 11h and some of her first words to me were “I know what you did” I would kill myself in front of her on the spot.
Taylor remains best girl <3333
Alec STAYS goofy
(Literally cannot stop thinking about ‘Hi! I’ve killed hundreds of people and maimed thousands’ and losing it)
The only time I have EVER been given pause about liking a worm character, and yes I’m including Amy in that, is when I was instantly endeared with Cherish and then Alec was like “btw she has forced people to mutilate and kill their kids and made them enjoy it 👍” I was like oh wow I think I might have finally found something that tests the limits of Girl Fun…
I am a simple bitch who got a little choked up when Marquis called Amy his most precious treasure
#long post#wormblogging#included a little stuff that comes after s9 and not nearly all my s9 thoughts because. long ass arc and I’ve moved on. but I had so much fun#buy my silence on amy dallon permanently for $8000 a month I will stop
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Oh, yeah, great job there Victoria, make it all about you. Just float in the air looking down on her as you always have, pretending to have the moral high ground.
Progress! Unfortunate given the other circumstances, but this at least would be the right thing to say to most people.
Second and third warnings now, completely ignored. Amy very much did try to stop her, because she knew she was in a volatile state at the moment.
For everyone's good... You see, people of Earth Bet (Dallons in particular), this is what happens when someone is forced to live with so much guilt over things she has never had any control over, forced to spend every waking moment pushing herself to her absolute limits helping every single person except herself. Deep down she knows it's unfair to her that this is expected, she's always known, and all it takes is one moment of the huge mountains of guilt heaped on her by the accident of her birth not quite being enough, and she finally lets herself do something for herself for once.
She did warn Victoria, three times, that coming closer was a bad idea, that Bonesaw had broken down those walls of guilt.
Barely a conscious action. Just automatic, instinctive, doing what she feels she needs rather than what she consciously wants, which is to push Victoria away and leave the Dallon family forever.
Good job, Victoria. You just did an excellent job of proving yourself to be just as bad as your mother. It was bad enough, leaving Amy with only a singular person in her entire life who even sometimes treated her decently, and now you've left her with none. You don't get to blame Amy for anything that happens next.
Hi, Interdimensional Airlines? I'd like one ticket to Brockton Bay, please. In 2012. One way, I'll arrange the return trip separately since I might need two seats on the way back. Yeah, there's a girl I need to hug. RIP to Victoria Dallon but I'm different.
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“I’ve had nightmares about her. Not saying I take back how I shouted at her, but she brought up shit, and the fact that Victoria heard it, I couldn’t shake it. It affected the way I thought, the way I acted. Victoria knew something was up, she respected my privacy, but she had suspicions. If Tattletale hadn’t said anything, I could have dealt with Bonesaw coming to my house and fucking with me, getting me to break my code. Or Bonesaw might not have come at all. I don’t know. Victoria would have listened to me, maybe. Given me the benefit of the doubt.”
The most I believe is that maybe without Tattletale kicking her decline into high gear she doesn't run off after Bonesaw. The rest... Bonesaw is still coming for you bc of your power. And Vicky...
Short of Vicky knowing how you feel ahead of time and thus not being hit with two whammies at once, I'm not sure she's gonna be willing to believe it was an accident. Might not ever, but if Vicky knows how you feel and knows you don't want to feel like this, because she doesn't (as she makes clear in Interlude 3) she might accept it wasn't on purpose. Or at least, it wasn't a manifestation of who she really was deep down the whole time, which is how Vicky treats it in her sudden (if understandable) 180 at the end of 11h.
So yeah, Tats not talking probably wouldn't have changed much for that. But Amy is desperate and clinging to her last few shreds of sanity so...
What really bugs me about this scene here, is the part just before, when Tattletale is like 'okay, fine, fuck it, not my problem, you deal with her Skitter'.
Tats has this magic knowing power, right?
Maybe, just maybe, a little bit of fucking empathy for the girl who you helped set off? The girl who has been on her own now for at least a week, running from the nine? The girl who you KNOW is fifteen pounds of issues in a three pound bag?
Tattletale acts as though Amy is being completely unreasonable and unfair in not wanting to talk to her, and while Amy is wrong to blame everything on Tattletale (Hmmm, wonder where Amy learned that habit!?), she's got really fucking good reason to not trust her. Tats really should at least be cognizant of that and act accordingly, instead of pretending butter wouldn't melt in her goddamn mouth.
(Oh, some hardcore 'Fuck Tattletale' emotions coming through. Haven't had that happen in a while)
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In reaction to your comments on Marquis in Interlude 11h:
If I lived in Earth Bet I would have 100% been a Marquis fan. That would be my hot take: “Yeah he did some crime, but he fought off Nazis and the Slaughterhouse 9! Why is he in jail instead of in the Protectorate?”
Out-of-universe I’m not a Marquis apologist, but I know if I lived in that world I would be.
100% agreed. Like yes, Marquis is a criminal. Having a code doesn't make him not evil. He is still fully willing to kill people, and while I give him props for being a good parent to Amy and loving her unconditionally as a parent should, he did have the chance to do something as smart and farsighted as quitting crime and moving somewhere with his money to keep his daughter safe, and he didn't do it. So a few minus props there, though his willingness to go to the Birdcage to keep her safe gives him more props too.
But evil and criminal as he is, there are degrees of both, and Marquis, while certain more of both than say, Uber and Leet or Circus or the Undersiders or even the Travellers, is still much more desireable as a local villain from the standpoint of a civilian than E88 or ABB or the Teeth or S9. I don't know enough about Galvante to know where he stands compared to Marquis.
My guess for why Amy melted down so much is A) The extremely black and white worldview that Carol gave her kids B) The idea that criminal is 'what you are' rather than 'what you do' that again, presumably came from Carol and C) She probably doesn't know much of the details of Marquis life and career, so all she knows is that he had a code and was super notorious, so she probably just kind of assumes that that means he was super evil and super bad. Plus, she's under all the preexisting stress and whatnot that makes rational thinking hard.
But equally... yeah, that's still one of the best choices for 'supervillain dad' that Amy could have landed. And I agree - if I lived in the Bay of Mid-2011, and was old enough to remember the days of Marquis clearly, I would absolutely miss Marquis, when compared to the people I have to deal with then.
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