#Interfaith Harmony Week
humanfraternityday · 7 months
Partnering and Peacebuilding at the grassroots level.
Watch the Interfaith Harmony Week - Partnering and Peacebuilding at the grassroots level.
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spokanefavs · 8 months
Next week is World Interfaith Harmony Week!
In honor of the week (Feb.1-7), please consider becoming a sustaining donor to support our decade-long mission to bridge divisions in the Inland Northwest.
Learn more about how faith makes us more curious individuals.
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royal-confessions · 5 days
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“surprised to see Boris at World interfaith Harmony week & going on activities with Bridges Forum,it’s good,Congrats to Bridges on winning the prize but honestly idk why he was with the Jordanian ambassador so I searched & found that Royal Aal AlBayt Institute for Islamic Thought establish the Prize in 2013 & guess who is the Institute president?Ghazi bin Muhammad,one of the prize Judges too,ghazi is married to Miriam Ungría Boris mom…excuse me but I can’t think of something else except NEPOTISM” - Submitted by Anonymous
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digitalagepulao · 1 year
thinking about the Expedition AU, and how those overlapping areas of influence can be less than harmonious...
cue a drastic and sudden storm with sheets of rain and bracing winds, that the group is forced to find shelter on an abandoned temple. they curse the dragons of the regions for the brisk interruption, but they send Sha and Ao Lie to deal with them. after two days of endless rain and thunder, they send Zhu to check whats the hold up. the others return after another two days and turns out, this is a common occurrence in this land, because the rain deities keep receiving conflicting commands on when and how much it should rain, and now everytime there's friction, there's a huge storm that lasts for days if not weeks!
of course the three of them don't have what it takes to fight two armies to a stand-still, but Monkey does. problem is, the abandoned temple they've hunkered over has a small conglomeration of rakshas who have been bored out of their wits, and keep demanding tales from the pilgrims. Monkey has been entertaining them quite well so far, but now Lie, Bajie and Wujing have to come up with wild enough tales while Monkey wrangles some annoying rain spirits in record time, as well as handle interfaith bureocracies and diplomacy, something he's historically So Amazing at.
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casimirtully · 10 months
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The Seven Winter Feasts of the Riverlands, an annual Yuletide celebration inspired by Irish traditions, stands as a testament to unity and resilience in trying times, notably during winter's darkness and hardships. Hosted at Riverrun, this week-long festivity begins with smaller gatherings as travelers arrive at the castle. Inviting Houses from the Riverlands to join in this holiday at the Royal Tully Home, each night features a grand feast led by a different house, showcasing blended cultures and honoring harmony amidst adversity. These celebrations epitomize the unity of the Riverlands, where houses intertwine their unique cultures, weaving traditions into a vibrant tapestry of diversity. Amidst winter's challenges, these feasts symbolize the illumination of unity and cultural fusion. Each night's theme, from revelry rooted in Riverish traditions to reflections on maritime heritage and interfaith bridges, reflects the Houses' dedication to unity and resilience in challenging times. During times of war and winter's harshness, these feasts shine as beacons of cultural celebration and solidarity. They serve as reminders of the richness found in the Riverlands' diversity, demonstrating that unity, cultural harmony, and celebration can thrive, offering hope and warmth in the midst of winter's chill. The Houses selected to host these feasts rotate yearly, often based on their rank and contributions. This year, with the completion of The Trout’s Mouth Canal, The Seven Houses chosen hail from the main branches of The Trident, representing the diverse facets of Riverlands' culture and heritage.
ooc: this is just an info dump. the details of the first feast is coming later.
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blackberryjambaby · 2 years
today (february first) is the start of world interfaith harmony week!
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bharathidasanprabhu · 8 months
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🌍 WORLD INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK - (01 - 07) FEBRUARY 2024 - உலக சமய நல்லிணக்க வாரம் - (01 - 07) பிப்ரவரி 2024.
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atasya · 1 year
Memperkaya Batin Manusia melalui Tradisi Agama-Agama: Kisah Inspiratif Denny JA
Dalam perjalanan hidupnya, setiap manusia memiliki kebutuhan spiritual yang perlu dipenuhi. Agama-agama di dunia ini telah menjadi sumber kebijaksanaan, damai batin, dan inspirasi bagi banyak orang. Di tengah keragaman tradisi agama yang ada, ada seorang tokoh inspiratif dari Indonesia yang telah berhasil memperkaya batin manusia melalui pemahaman dan penggalian kearifan dari berbagai agama. Tokoh tersebut adalah Denny ja.
Denny ja, atau Denny Januar Ali, adalah seorang intelektual, pembicara motivasi, dan penulis terkenal di Indonesia. Namun, apa yang membuatnya sangat istimewa adalah pendekatannya yang inklusif terhadap agama-agama dan kemampuannya dalam memadukan berbagai tradisi keilmuan spiritual. Denny JA telah menginspirasi banyak orang melalui karya-karyanya yang memberikan sudut pandang baru tentang pentingnya kehidupan batin dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam perjalanannya, Denny JA telah mempelajari dan mendalami berbagai agama, termasuk Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Buddha, dan lain-lain. Ia memiliki kepekaan yang tinggi untuk merangkul nilai-nilai universal yang ada dalam setiap agama, sambil tetap menjunjung tinggi keberagaman dan keunikan masing-masing tradisi tersebut. Denny JA percaya bahwa setiap agama memiliki pelajaran berharga yang dapat memperkaya batin manusia. Salah satu contoh inspiratif dari pendekatan Denny JA adalah pemahaman dan pengaplikasian ajaran-ajaran agama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ia mengajarkan bahwa agama tidak hanya harus dipahami dan dijalankan dalam konteks ritual, tetapi juga harus diaplikasikan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia. Dalam pandangannya, agama tidak hanya tentang mengikuti aturan-aturan formal, tetapi juga tentang menjadikan setiap tindakan sebagai manifestasi dari nilai-nilai spiritual yang diyakini. Denny JA juga memberikan penekanan pada pentingnya toleransi antaragama dalam memperkaya batin manusia. Ia meyakini bahwa dialog antaragama dan kerjasama antarumat beragama adalah langkah penting dalam memperkuat harmoni serta pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang prinsip-prinsip spiritual yang terkandung dalam setiap agama. Dalam visinya, kesamaan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam berbagai agama dapat digunakan sebagai jembatan untuk memperdalam pemahaman dan saling menghormati. Karya-karya Denny JA juga merupakan sumber inspirasi bagi banyak orang. Puisi Esai-Puisi Esai dan pidato-pidatonya mengajarkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang agama-agama dan memberikan perspektif baru tentang kehidupan spiritual. Ia sering berbicara tentang pentingnya menjalani kehidupan yang bermakna, menghargai keberagaman, dan mencari kebijaksanaan batin melalui keilmuan agama. Tidak hanya melalui karya-karyanya, Denny JA juga memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam memperkaya batin manusia melalui pendirian berbagai lembaga dan komunitas yang berfokus pada pemahaman agama dan spiritualitas. Denny JA adalah pendiri World Interfaith Harmony Week Indonesia, sebuah inisiatif yang mengajak berbagai agama untuk bekerja sama dalam mempromosikan perdamaian dan kerukunan antarumat beragama. Melalui inisiatif ini, Denny JA berupaya untuk mendorong dialog lintas agama dan membangun pemahaman yang lebih baik antara umat beragama. Denny JA adalah contoh nyata bagaimana tradisi agama-agama dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk memperkaya batin manusia.
Cek Selengkapnya: Memperkaya Batin Manusia melalui Tradisi Agama-Agama: Kisah Inspiratif Denny JA
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
1)Plz share this & other parts I sent there’s no law in Jordan which require royals to do public work for events so some royals are low key but Areej does have an actual job she’s an educational consultant & runs the school she founded or she’s chairman of Board of Trustees of it, Al-Hayat school is where all her children study & one of few private schools with international standards in Jordan that’s not mixed it’s gender segregated since the age of 11-12 it’s a small school though.
2)alhayat means life in Arabic provides Islamic religious education with a Western system,Teaching is equal in both English and Arabic as well as classes in French also have Tawjihi exams check their Facebook“the school of life-Jordan”it has been said she’s the one who came up with the idea of World interfaith harmony week to ghazi & the king, she even pitched in the public letter that ghazi & many other muslim scholars sent to Christian religious leaders & the"A Common Word"in 2006 & 2007.
3)she’s senior consultant in educational matters at Aal alBayt Institute&Lead the committee for developing curriculum in social subjects in Jordan’s education ministry&member of King's Academy International Advisory Board&participate in few Orgs as a member or one of jurors or shareholders She do charity contributions in Oman,Jordan&recently donate to support cost of nurse training,scholarships&ICU nurse fellowships with Cleveland Clinic London in memory of her father check LinkedIn to confirm.
Ok, thanks for sharing.
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crosshunting · 2 years
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“Building Sacred Bridges: An Interfaith Musical Experience” marked the end of another successful celebration of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week in Calgary, Alberta. Two concerts, held at the Knox United Church and the Beth Tzedec Congregation, supported the Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta initiative to build affordable homes for local families in need.
Featuring choirs and performers from faith communities throughout Calgary, the concerts included the All God’s Children Choir, consisting of children from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Beth Tzedec Congregation….”…..
3 hours ago I receive a fb notification of an update in the lds news room ; however when I click the notification , the link goes to the desired link - and then changes to the home page of the website , leaving the shortcut that I was trying to access.
It happens fast - if you aren’t looking you wouldn’t even notice it -
It annoys me.
So I google it to find the actual link -
And this is the link - it’s a 5 year old story.
Weird fact?
I was literally just voicing my testimony of why I joined the church.
The reason that I stated was how the church encouraged interfaith communication and understanding, not to be feared for people to leave - but as a means of having an even deeper understanding of what you know to be true -
If you continually hear the same thing without any questioning , how your your faith ever be tested and how would you ever k ow what is true if you didn’t here what wasn’t to be able to compare that “feeling” to?
They always gave me the agency to question, learn, understand, and choose.
Knowing the unknown.
And I feel like that is exactly how The Savior also deals with me , and exactly how He let’s me come to the understanding of His love for me.
What it ultimately is about.
And He always wants me to choose Him.
And so I will 💙💙💙
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janieunknownwriter · 2 years
pSarah Bowen is an animal chaplain and a co-founder of Compassion Consortium the first interfaith, interspiritual, and interspecies community for people who care about and advocate for animals and the planet where she leads the Animal Chaplaincy Training program. She companions animals through death, creates sacred memorial rituals, counsels humans grieving animal loss, and advocates for exploited and endangered species in both religious and secular contexts. Sarah is a columnist on animal/human relationships for Spirituality & Health magazine, and her work has been featured at the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week and the Compassion Arts Festival, as well as in a wide range of spirituality media. Her latest book is Sacred Sendoffs from Monkfish Publishing./p
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omcqin · 2 years
Daily Current affairs of 9th Feb 2023
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Practice daily Current affairs and give quiz for assess your knowledge. Today you can study current affairs of 9th Feb 2023 and this is suitable for almost all type of government competitive exams.
Daily Current affairs for 9th Feb 2023
1. Manuela Roka Botey has been appointed as the first female Prime Minister of which country? A. Finland B. Equatorial Guinea C. Norway D. Sweden AnswerAnswer Equatorial Guinea 2. Which country has found the radioactive capsule that went missing in January? A. USA B. Australia C. Russia D. Ukraine AnswerAnswer Australia 3. ‘World Interfaith Harmony Week’ is being observed in which month? A. January B. February C. March D. April AnswerAnswer February 4. Which cricketer scored 126 runs and set a new record for the highest individual score by an Indian in T20I cricket? A. Virat Kohli B. Shubman Gill C. Suryakumar Yadav D. Rohit Sharma AnswerAnswer Shubman Gill 5. Which Union Ministry along with the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment implements the NAMASTE scheme? A. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs B. Ministry of Rural Development C. Ministry of MSME D. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare AnswerAnswer Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 6. World’s first ‘super’ ,magnets for testing in nuclear fusion plant is developed by Tokamak Energy in February 2023. In which country is Tokamak Energy based? A. USA B. Japan C. China D. UK AnswerAnswer UK 7. Who has been awarded the Golden Book Awards 2023 for the book ‘Now You Breathe’ on 6 February 2023? A. VP Nandakumar B. Aparna Sen C. Rakhi Kapoor D. Ambikasuthan Mangad AnswerAnswer Rakhi Kapoor 8. In February 2023, who launched the ‘Save Wetlands Campaign’? A. Piyush Goyal B. Bhupender Yadav C. Kiren Rijiju D. Narendra Modi AnswerAnswer Bhupender Yadav 9. Visva-Bharati University, founded by Rabindranath Tagore, is set to become the world’s first “living heritage university”. It was founded in which year? A. 1920 B. 1921 C. 1922 D. 1923 AnswerAnswer 1921 10. Which of the following will organize the 22nd edition of the Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM), from 16th to 26th February 2023? A. Film and Television Institute of India B. Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute C. Asian Academy of Film and Television D. National School of Drama AnswerAnswer National School of Drama Now Try Quiz of Feb Current Affairs 2023 Attention: You must prepare daily current affairs of Feb 2023 for Quiz, so you can rank better and motivate for your upcoming government exam competition.
Also practice other's day current affairs of Feb 2023
- Current affairs of 1st Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 2nd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 3rd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 4th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 6th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 7th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 8th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 9th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 10th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 11th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 12th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 13th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 14th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 15th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 16th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 17th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 18th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 19th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 20th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 21st Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 22nd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 23rd Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 24th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 25th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 26th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 27th Feb 2023 - Current affairs of 28th Feb 2023 Read the full article
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jameszeeshan · 2 years
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World Interfaith Harmony Week Interfaith Harmony is not about convincing what is right or who is superior but rather respecting others opinions, learning to coexist, finding common ground, establishing dialogues, initiating mutual activities, and most importantly celebrating the differences #WorldInterfaithHarmonyWeek #UN #InterfaithHarmony #right #superior #respecting #opinions #learning #coexist #commonground #dialogues #celebratingTHEdifferences #instaZJ #tumblrZJ #pinterestZJ #tweetZJ #linkedinZJ #youtubeZJ #tiktokZJ #wordpressZJ #quoteZJ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoONZ7AsTyh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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filial-projects · 6 years
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irfwpny · 6 years
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