#Interactive Webcomic
colonycorps · 1 year
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You navigate down to "Field Engineering for Dum-Dums" and feels like a months worth of reading a large print text in headache form fills your think-pan. Are you reading or more remembering? Either way, you're not sure what's up with that but you feel all the more able to field strip a rifle, fix a carburetor, and figure out the tensile strength of a manufactured bridge. Good on you. Your basic competency went up.
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Don't let it go to your head. And for the interesting experiment "Mental Democracy" was, you're pretty sure you're gonna stick with "Go with the first loudest thought that pops into your head."
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fourazosmomo · 1 year
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Un joven hombre se encuentra parado en su habitación... Bla bla bla, dejémonos de tonterías, que ya es un cliché que todos comiencen así.
Parece que es tarde, muy tarde, ¿qué haces despierto? ¿Y por qué te preparas para salir? Al parecer habías quedado con tus amigos para hacer algo de exploración, más específicamente a una cueva ubicada no muy lejos de acá. A decir verdad te da algo de miedo, quién sabe que clase de mierda pueda haber dentro. Decidieron separarse en dos grupos de a cuatro y entrar unos por el este y otros por el oeste. Tú estás dentro de esos últimos.
Ah, sí, ¿como te llamas?
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thatawkwardbryce · 1 year
Interactive Web Comic?
Would anyone who follows me be interested in a Webcomic about people stuck in a shadowy world trying to avoid losing their light and turning into shadow monsters?
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virusmeds · 10 months
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sorry guy but... i guess.... i coulnt fight the homestuck...😢😔💔💔
i have nothing to post rn and i noticed that i recently got like 3-4 homestuck fans following me SO THIS POST GOES OUT TO THEMM!!!!! shoot-out to u!!
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elbdot · 5 months
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This man HAS to have a favorite Pokemon that isn't a bug, there is just NO WAY, GO GET HIS AS-
EDIT: Part 2 is here! :D Thank you all for your patience, glad to be back with a new update! Comic Guide | Webtoons
Special Thanks to my Patrons for supporting this series!! You can already read the next update now on Patreon! ☺️💖
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run-sburb · 10 months
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...and a young boy puts the finishing touches on a masterpiece.
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zesketches · 2 months
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I've been wanting to experiment with ways to better interact with my readers, and I figured this might be a fun way to do so. It's been up on Patreon a couple of days so they've already casted their votes~ I'm curious to see what y'alls are.
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k3yboi · 1 month
Do you think the wills ever spero? Do you think,,,, willspero kissing? Do you think……….. he finds value in another guy only to fall into a similar cycle of disbelief that he could be worth anything or that he could be loved in any way?
YEEEEEESSS I SO WILL THE SPERO!!!! they lowkey might be one of my favorite pairings theyre so so goofy. i love the idea of them helping each other with their issues. i have willspero angst wips but perchance another time… will would definitely feel odd receiving care and would not know how to process someone showing they value him and i’m kinda eating it up. they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re mine.
btw these r all doodles i made a bit ago of doe’s (@cherrycokedup) college au
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the qpr ever.
expect more willspero in the future.
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therabbitreaper · 2 months
One of the coolest things about reading webcomics is watching artstyles change and improve over time especially when you stick with one for long enough were it gets to truely gorgeous art and you go back to the early episodes and its like ??? My series??? I forgot you looked like this
Big artstyle change comics I’ve read
-castle swimmer
I’m the grim reaper and nevermore have had artstyle changes as well but they haven’t been as significant to me
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psycho-aiden · 16 days
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ranticore · 5 months
Real talk, every time (every time!!) someone sends me a sweet ask about my books and what they thought of them, I get a sale. Even the most basic "I liked it!" ask makes a material difference to me and I am incredibly grateful. I know somebody who took the time to recommend it to a bunch of their friends and now i have the stats to prove word of mouth works. I'm really thankfully not in a position where I rely on art sales to survive but I'm still super grateful (I paid my car insurance with inprnt money last year for example) and things would be a lot worse without it. Yay thanks 🧡🧡
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colonycorps · 2 years
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A completely understandable tone of voice to take regarding the current situation. The voices in your head are proud. Though thankfully it doesn't take long to regain your composure, and Slim his.
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SLIM: Would love to keep goin' man but after crestin' a steep hill and listening to all your commotion, kinda had to step on the breaks. Not calling anything ominous or nothin...
SLIM:But it sure is spooky.
The colonial infrastructure is wrecked, possibly from disuse, or intentional sabotage? Either way it is a long way down, and likely a little too long for even your ability to tuck and roll to account for and counter.
Time to consider your options.
And as always you can...
>Submit Commands Directly.
>Check Your Inventory.
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moony-bird · 3 months
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Definitely a bit too late for Webcomic Day but it's about time that I promote Bad Company here!
Following images and the comic itself has massive warnings for gore, body horror, and sensitive topics.
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Here's the jist of it: Bad Company is an interactive horror webcomic about a guy named Joe Everman trying to clock out of work after the elevator broke down.
Only that, he happens to work for a company run by eldritch horrors beyond our comprehension which kind of makes the previous statement a bit harder to fulfill.
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Much like the text adventures of yore, commenters are encouraged to guide Joe down through the floors of the Company as he encounters and interacts with his coworkers and as well everything that comes with that.
So, if you're looking for an interactive comic that's filled with corporate horror, long-winded snark, long-winded chatter, the absurdity of it all, and a guy who is having a supremely ungood time, check out Bad Company!
Bad Company is hosted on ComicFury but you do not need to sign up for an account to comment!
Like the beginning of the post warns, Bad Company has content warnings for gore, body horror, depression and depressive thoughts. Please read cautiously!
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hayleymarriedjakurai · 2 months
Duke Will dynamic? I'm all ears
ok listen. LISTEN. imagine all the shit monty had to explain to him so he could get his identity down better. imagine will practicing the french in front of the mirror like an idiot. will is only good at being everyone else and never himself dude is performing all the time to please others
then we have duke, an actual performer who tends to use a more carefree, lighthearted attitude not only to interact with people, but to hide when he is feeling vulnerable. just like imagine the two of them alone together for like ten minutes and will just start instinctively mimicking his body language or tone and duke like immediately knows what he’s doing because how could he not? will is putting on a show and that’s all he knows how to do!!
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helios404 · 2 months
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Within the confines of a dimly lit storage room, a robot powers on. She isn't just any robot: she's an Amicabot, a state of the art companion-like artificial intelligence designed to replicate and simulate sapient life. She's not the only one of her kind - or, she thinks that she probably isn't... Truth be told, she's not entirely sure what's going on, or where she is.
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randomreader5 · 5 months
Hmu if you got any chansaw or Whiteraven fanfics 🙏
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