#Inspired by the belief that you die twice. Once when your soul leaves your body and once again when the last person rembering you dies.
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chrysanthemum-poet · 3 months ago
I'll carve out our names into hundred year old trees
So that whoever cuts it, fifty years later
Would know about you and me.
I want our love to be great and our legacy to be greater.
I'll leave our letters in my attic
So that whoever buys the house next,
Would find them with bleeding ink and smudged lipstick.
I want them to read it and know the reasons why I loved you and you loved me.
I want us burried holding hands,
With your head on my shoulder
So that a hundred years from now somebody digs up our grave
And finds our fingers interlocked, my arm cradling your head.
Once again I whisper in your ear.
You giggle.
Please consider donating to the people of Palestine. We are their last hope. Please donate whatever you can and if you cannot donate then please spread awareness about this genocide and the many others all around the world.
Nobody is free until everybody is free.
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galaxy-koi · 6 years ago
1-100 do it I dare you
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HERE WE GO. Long post ahead!
and I mean long post
1.    If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would theylead?
It’shard to imagine Cynthia as anything but an adventurer, if I had to be honest. Ifthere wasn’t a Living Plague to deal with, she may have simply joined her dwarfuncle in arena fights. Alternatively, maybe she would have joined Jinri intravelling to places that needed healers, aiding the sick in poorer villages.
2.    Who in the party would your character trust the most with theirlife?
Shetrusts Sune with her life and soul, but of the Player Characters? Paddy is youranswer.
3.    What is your character’s core moral beliefs?
- TheLiving Plague is a bitch- Roland is also a bitch- Follow Sune, even if it means a horrible death.
- Lawscan be wrong, but Sune is never wrong.
- Protectyour crew to your dying breath. Never back out of a fight if it brings yourcrew into danger.From a previous ask: “Yes! She’s a paladin, so she does have to strictly follow amoral code. She takes it really seriously too because she loves her goddess.However, despite this, her alignment is more Neutral/Chaotic good because shewill take whatever means are necessary to accomplish her goal. She follows anoath, sure, but she won’t hesitate to break city laws and illegally purchase anairship.She will do everything she can to protect those she loves, and she shows loveto those she does not know.”
4.    What relationship does your character have with their parents andsiblings?
Herrelationship with her biological family is mixed at best, as she knows theyabandoned her, possibly leaving her to die. However, she had a beneficialfamilial relationship with Mordecai (before he died), and her relationship withJinri and Daergron has certainly been great.
5.    Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
Shedoes her best to not display any traits of racism, as Sune teaches herfollowers to love everyone equally. (However, she does seem to have an aesthetictaste for gnolls.)
6.    What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
Cynthiadoesn’t mind nobles as long as they put their money towards a good cause.However, she is uneasy around authority, especially after what happened inEkrund. She does her best to coexist with authority, but she has done illegalthings to get what she wants.
7.    Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor,scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
((I realizedtoo late that this says “current appearance” whoops))
- Face-Amber, wavy hair falls to a bit above her shoulders, ending in a dramatic curl.Her bronze skin is covered in brown freckles around her cheeks and the bridgeof her nose. The facial structure is only slightly feminine in nature, with apronounced chin, normal cheeks, and rounded jawline. Her eyes are white withgolden irises and seemingly no pupils, which is the most distinctive Aasimartrait she has. There’s a healing burn scar [from S21] that’s faint and surroundsher eyes and upper nose. Additionally, purple rings are common under Cynthia’seyes, as she is a known insomniac. Her nose is somewhat large and is rounded.
- Body-Bronze skin with freckles around the shoulders. She is quite muscular innature, especially in the abs and arms. There are plenty of scars from her adventuresand from her past. Three claw marks are along her right shoulder [15 years agofrom a swamp beast], multiple separate scars along her sides due to the armorbeing weak there, and [AAF AU Only] grey scars along her left side frommultiple near-death incidents. It’s common for her to have a couple of bruiseshere and there from fighting recklessly. Her torso and thighs are large butonly slightly muscular for balance. On her right arm is her holy symbol, whichis a simplified, maroon depiction of Sune.- Clothes [Captain {Post-S18}]- A long, leather trench coat with elbow-lengthsleeves. The cuffs at the end of the sleeves have a golden trim. A golden sashis wrapped around the waist with the Featherstone crest sewn into it in blackthread. She wears a black cami and leggings underneath the trench coat, and shehas leather boots that go up to her knees.
-Clothes [Formal]- A cream dress of a thin, rough material. The dress falls downto her feet in length, and she has white flats and stockings to match. A goldensash is wrapped around the waist, and there is also a golden line below her chestthat wraps around the body. Two golden bands of fabric drape and reconnect onthe line, each with three feathers that hang from it with metal loops. Thesleeves are short and somewhat puffed. Finally, there’s a section that lookslike the shoulders of Belle’s dress from Beautyand the Beast, golden in color. I don’t know what it’s called.
-Armor- Her armor is full plate, and it is rather simple. I wish I knew how todescribe armor; it’s been something I’ve been meaning to do! On the breastplate,there is a very small line where the pieces of the breastplate were weldedtogether, and it almost divides it into fourths. Her left arm is fully platedand has a metal gauntlet, but the right arm is only plated to her elbow. Thebelt has a quartz piece in the middle of the front side that has theFeatherstone crest carved into it and painted black. Three plates cover the tophalf of her thighs on the sides. The boots are also metal, but areappropriately sectioned to allow for mobility.
- AdventuringGear- A small backpack filled with maps, miscellaneous items from the Explorer’sPack, 3 poison vials, and a leather doll that Roth’s fiend likes to possess.She has a bronze/copper kite shield, and a unique longsword [no bonuses to hit,but does 1d12+1/1d14+1 damage, which means she has a +5 to hit and 1d12+5/1d14+3damage]. The sheath for the longsword allows it to be drawn from the back withsome ease.
8.    What location encountered in the campaign has your character feltthe most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
She’srarely felt at home, mainly because she misses Kelemvor’s Snout so much.Hundelstone was fine until it got destroyed, Ekrund was incredibly sketchy toher, Vunedar was fun until Paddy nearly died twice, and then there’s themountains. She doesn’t know how to explain it, but that isolation and wildernessthat most of the mountain travel had felt peaceful to her, and was probably theclosest to feeling like home. The ice castle, if it weren’t for the eighty children,probably would have reminded her of Mordecai’s mansion a bit.
9.    What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s theiropinion on other people’s worship?
Sheworships Sune, goddess of love. She doesn’t mind other people’s faiths, especiallywith the crew having such a wild diversity in the pantheon.
10.  If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, gameset, instrument, etc., what would it be?
She wouldhave plenty of time if she wasn’t unconscious so much, but she would probablygive one of the game sets a shot.
11.  Describe your character’s current relationship with the playercharacter sitting to your right.
Well,the person to my right currently is my DM, but I assume this infers that I’msitting with the group. I usually have ArkVeil [Wall’s player] on my right, sohere’s Cynthia’s opinion of Wall.She feels bad for manipulating him to believe in lies, but she knows Wall wouldtry to apprehend every single one of them if she told him that they werepirates. She knows she can trust Wall, as his intelligence and wisdom farexceeds hers. However, it appears Wall is a bit more critical of the captainthan she is to him, and he has every reason to be critical of her decisions. Cynthiais naturally self-sacrificial, which has led into some very questionabledecisions made by the captain in an attempt to protect her crew, one of which(at least in canon, the AU has many more) inspired Wall (and Roth) to actagainst the captain and knock her unconscious before she could enforce herdecision. Of course, Cynthia does not remember this, so she has not questionedWall for it… yet.
12.  What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
Shewishes to rid the Living Plague from Iotath, whatever it takes.
13.  Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse,children, house, etc.?
Despitebeing the oldest member of the party (?? Unless Wall is older), Cynthia has notreally had a serious time to wonder about things like that. She never got thechance to settle down except when she was dealing with serious grief, and shenever liked the idea of staying put anywhere. Her mind has been constantly seton the ridding the Living Plague, and she doesn’t want to do anything else untilit’s over.
14.  Has your character ever been in love?
Yes;she has had some previous crushes and small relationships. This is includingbut not excluded to: Parisa Lajani (S0-S7), Bruno (S5-S7), Korst (S13-current?),Sylsys (S14). However, her main relationship is currently with Paddy McLoughlin,a human artificer who is also her quartermaster/first mate/lieutenant/co-captain.She’s had a crush on him since a little before the fall of Hundelstone, but thetwo did not go into a relationship until S15. She’s polyamorous and panromantic.
15.  What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to yourcharacter?
TheFall of Hundelstone (S6-S7) is probably the most memorable in the campaign toher. (I, however, think S15 had the most memorable fight because oH BOI)
16.  If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would theybe instead?
Iwould say Cleric, but considering her WIS score is 10, probably Fighter or Barbarian.
17.  What is your character’s favorite season?
I’msure I’ve answered this once before and I’m now changing that answer to fall.
18.  What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, followingstereotypical astrology?
19.  Where in the world does your character most want to visit?
20.  What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
Inthe campaign, that award goes to everything she did in S20. She did nothing rightin that session. In the AAF AU, the answer changes to S24A.
21.  Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what aretheir stories?
Answeredin #8.
22.  What animal best represents your character?
Cynthia’sfursona is a cat. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules
23.  If your character could go back in time and change one thing abouttheir life, what would it be?
Shewould have found a way for Mordecai to be saved instead of her during the fallof Kelemvor’s Snout.
24.  Which other player character does your character find themselveshaving the most in common with?
RothPhilious, for sure.
25.  Does your character regret any particular choice the party hasmade?
Doyou mean: that she’s made? Yes. She’s the captain, after all, so the finaldecision often lands on her. She kind of regrets heading into the mountains forthis long, especially since the Plague has spread quickly since the fall ofHundelstone. However, she got a sword out of it, and she’s now had time to mostlyrecover from the Plague’s infection. She wishes Paddy had not approached thegnome man in S20, mainly because he nearly instantly died from the poisonblade. She occasionally regrets picking up Wall as well, as she’s actually hadto be clever with her lies around him. She does not regret picking up Poth atall, though.
26.  What would your character say their best trait would be?
Shevalues her ambition and determination.
27.  What is your character’s greatest fear? Deep, irrational?
Shefears losing the crew, and she also fears the Living Plague.
28.  What is currently motivating your character to stay with theparty?
Hercrew are all valuable members to have, and she knows she needs others if shewants to rid the Plague.
29.  What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of theirclass?
Sheenjoys writing in her journal and is quite skilled in calligraphy. Additionally,she knows how to play the flute, but this rarelycomes up in the campaign.
30.  What would most people think when they first see your character?
A lotof the NPCs have commented initially on Cynthia’s natural charm and charisma,some even disliking her for it. Some have noticed her age and compared it tohaving good experience in adventuring (which is false). These have givenCynthia an upper hand with being on good terms with some of the NPCs (exception:Jeeves).
31.  What stereotypical group role does your character play in theparty? (The Mom, the Mess, the Comic Relief, etc. Optionally: What role wouldyour character play in the “Five Man Band” structure?)
Sheis simultaneously “The Mom” and “The Mess” of the party.
32.  What is your character the most insecure about?
Shecan be insecure about if Sune actually likes her or not, as she does almosteverything to try to sway Sune to like her. Sune is her last connection toMordecai that she will have, and she definitely does not want to lose it.
33.  What person does your character admire most?
Sheadmires Mordecai Featherstone the most, as she was his squire.
34.  What does your character admire and dislike the most about theplayer character sitting to your left?
RiahkHaladin(Paddy’s player) usually sits to my left, so this will be about PaddyMcLoughlin.She admires his charming looks and aesthetic the most, but in close second ishis innovation in many scenarios. Paddy has come up with a lot of strangesolutions that Cynthia barely understood how he came up with, but they mostlyended up working. Those two things are why Cynthia picked him to be hersecond-in-command.
35.  Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-characterreason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Due toher optimization, she has three dump stats, with INT and DEX both tied forlowest score as an 8 (-1). In-character, however, there is some explanation.Mordecai trained her to be similar to him in mind and body. Mordecai never trainedher to be quick or agile, just strong and able to land a powerful hit.Additionally, Mordecai didn’t really educate her on book smarts since his partyusually took care of that and because Cynthia rarely paid attention to him whilehe tried.
36.  What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favoritegenre of music?
Thishas separate answers… It’s been currently established that her theme song is “Rubik’sCube” by Athlete. Her favorite artistwould probably be Hozier, and herfavorite genre would probably be indie or gospel.
37.  What stereotypical role would your character play in a high schoolAU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.)
38.  What treasure/item/artifact that your character has collectedduring the adventure is the most important to them?
It’sa tie between her diary and her new longsword!
39.  Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that your characterlongs to find?
Shekind of wants to know if Mordecai had a diary, and if so, if she can find it.However, she also jokes to herself that it may just look like chicken scratch, asshe gained her calligraphy skills from Jinri.
40.  Where does your character feel the most at home?
Kelemvor’s Snout
41.  Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others?How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
Yes!She did attempt to act more formal around Paddy’s family, and as I statedbefore, she does everything for Sune. She manipulates people to like her onrare occasion as well, but she hates resorting to that.
42.  What does your character think is the true meaning of life?
(offucking course this is question 42)She believes it as finding some goal and then accomplishing that goal, nomatter how big or small that is.
43.  What is your character’s scent? (Bonus points for a descriptionthat sounds like it could be from a bad [or awesome] fanfic.)
I’mgonna be honest, I don’t like this question, but I’ll do my best to answer itfor you. She does have basic hygiene. Sometimes, the “smell of metal” (funfact! Metal doesn’t have a smell, and the smell is from a reaction from theoils on our skin and the metal!) stays on her after a long adventure, or shecarries the smell of blood from being seriously injured so many times. However,in non-canon examples like “An Angel’s Fall” where she’s in a formal situation,she carries the smell of roses with her.
44.  Does your character think more with their heart or their brain?
Youthink Cynthia, with 8 INT/10 WIS/18 CHA, would think with her brain? No. Shethinks with her heart.
45.  What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare?
Shefrequently has nightmares of the more traumatic sections of Cynthia’s past, buther most recent nightmare would have been the night before S24 ended, which wasmost likely about losing her crew to the potential upcoming fight with a lich.
46.  What opinion does your character have on [CERTAIN ESTABLISHEDGROUPS/AUTHORITIES IN THE GAME WORLD]? (Dragonmarked Houses, royal crown, etc.)
Shedoesn’t like any of them, mainly because she believes none of them are doinganything about the Living Plague. However, the Council of Vunedar is prettylikable because they’re actually trying to do something. She hates the cultiststhey met in Ekrund, as they managed to corrupt the city government.
47.  How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they growup/who were their childhood friends?
Shehad a few childhood friends in her early childhood; a couple of older Aasimarboys were her friends that led her into occasional mischief. As a squire, she metquite a few people of her age, but only for a few days or weeks.
48.  What aspect of your character’s future are they most curiousabout? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?)
Doesshe get to go back home?
49.  What colors are associated with your character?
I’vedone my best to associate each party member with a color. Cynthia’s colors areorange and gold.
50.  Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in direcircumstances?
I’mso sorry Party 4, but she wouldn’t hesitate to save Paddy.
51.  Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
52.  If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what wouldthey use it for?
OH IWAS GOING TO WRITE SOMETHING RELATED TO THIS QUESTION! She would attempt tobring back Mordecai. Why not rid the Living Plague? Because there’s no good wayto wish it away.
53.  What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells:what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
Whileit’s not a spell, she tends to use Divine Smite and Lay On Hands a lot. Herfavorite, however, is Find Steed because of Nur! :D
54.  How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the restof the party?
55.  What type of creature in the world is your character the mostintrigued by?
She’svery intrigued by dragons; Mordecai told her a tale of him conquering a dragon,and ever since that, she’s wanted to find one herself.
56.  When they were a child, what did your character want to be, orthink they were going to be, when they grew up?
She wantedto be a paladin, so everything worked out for her in that regard!
57.  The player character to your left admits that they’re passionatelyin love with your character. How would your character respond?
Thishappened, and that’s called the Pathia ship. It’s great, and I definitely recommendit.
58.  If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) yourcharacter trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’sbest interest, who would they side with?
If it’sSune, then she would turn against the party. Otherwise she’s ride or die withthe party.
59.  Does your character value their own best interest more than theparty’s?
Yesand no? The only thing that stands above her party’s interests is taking downthe Living Plague.
60.  What decision would the party have to make in order for yourcharacter to consider splitting off from the group?
Anypossible decision that could fill this answer’s criteria would be wildly out ofcharacter, so we’re safe for now! :D
61.  How does your character imagine the way they will die?
Sheoften thinks about how she may die to the abominations of the Living Plague,and she feels it will be in combat. She doubts there will be a natural deathfor her, especially with her being immune to natural diseases.
62.  What is your character’s greatest achievement?
Therewas a similar question in an earlier ask meme, so I’ll shorten it: taking herOath and being cured of the Living Plague are tied.
63.  Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others inorder to achieve their goal?
She’swilling to risk the well-being of herself to achieve her goal, but she’shesitant when it comes to others.
64.  What is your character’s opinion on killing others?
As longas there’s a good reason to kill them, it’s fine.
65.  What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
She’skind of like me in this sense where she just likes food.
66.  How generous is your character? Especially to those they don’tknow?
She’ssort of generous.
67.  What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone inthe party?
She’senvious of Poth for still having childhood innocence.
68.  The player character to your left and the player character to yourright are both telling your character two different versions of the truth. Whodoes your character believe?
She’dtrust Wall over Paddy, mainly because she doubts Wall is capable of lying.
69.  What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex?
70.  What is your character’s biggest pet peeve?
71.  Describe how your character feels about the party’s currentsituation/objective/etc.
She’sexcited to try to explore the dungeon, but she’s worried that she’s about tomake a mistake entrusting her only hope of living to Uther.
72.  Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep animportant secret?
73.  If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, howwould they spend the rest of their life?
She’dabsolutely make sure Iotath was taking action against the Plague before shedies. When she’s getting close, she’ll go hunt for Roland and try to kill him.
74.  What makes your character feel safe?
Whenshe’s being held by someone she can trust
75.  If your character had the chance to rename the party/give theparty a name, no questions asked, what would it be?
Shesimply calls herself and the others the members of the Grey Rat, and she’s honestly contempt with that name.
76.  What memory does your character want to forget the most?
Shewishes she could forget every single moment leading up to the fall of Kelemvor’sSnout.
77.  If your character had to multiclass into a class they currentlyaren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would theyhave for doing so?
If shehad to multiclass, she would probably go for Fighter since it’s the closest toPaladin that doesn’t involve her horrible stats.
78.  What television/book/video game/etc. character would yourcharacter be best friends with? (Or: what media character is your character themost influenced by/similar to?
a) I’d want her to be friends with Magnus Burnsides from The Adventure Zone!
b) She was originally influenced by Moxxi from Borderlands 2, and I would eventuallyhave other characters influence Cynthia as well, including other OCs.
79.  What unusual talents does your character possess?
The abilityto have impressive saving throws and yet somehow still fuck up horribly
80.  How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Arethey more of a leader, or a follower?
She’sdefinitely a leader in nature, but she prefers to hear opinions from the crewbefore she makes a final decision.
81.  What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as aplayer did you choose your character’s name?)
Cynthia’sfirst name doesn’t speak much, but her inherited last name, Featherstone, meanseverything. It’s a reminder that she has a legacy of adventurers to follow withher heart, and it’s a name that she keeps close to her. It’s incredibly unlikelythat she’ll change it, even if she ends up marrying someone.
82.  Is your character more of an introvert, or an extrovert?
83.  How far is your character willing to go to pursue the “greatergood”? Do they believe in a greater good at all?
No matter what.
84.  What does your character want to be remembered by?
Shewants to be the one remembered for ridding the Living Plague.
85.  What would be your character’s major in college?
Ahfuck I know I had a domestic AU somewhere but I don’t remember my answer umuI might have said a Humanities major or some Religion major but idk :(
86.  Does your character consider themselves a hero, villain, orsomething else?
She’sthe only hero the world has.
87.  What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
88.  Where does your character see themselves in 20 years?
Hopefullydone with the Plague shit and adventuring around
89.  What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scaredof it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
Hermagic is divine, and so her relationship with it is pretty spiritual.
90.  Who is your character’s biggest rival?
Roland,but she mainly just wants to kill him.
91.  What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
She may enjoy getting hurt a lot
92.  What does your character hope for the afterlife?
Shewants to be reunited with Mordecai in the afterlife.
93.  Who in the party does your character trust the least?
Noone should ever trust Poth
94.  What is your character’s biggest flaw?
Hertwo big flaws is her dumbass energy and being way too self-sacrificial.
95.  How did your character learn the languages that they speak?
Hernative language was Celestial from her biological family, and Mordecai slowlytaught her Common.
96.  What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type ofweaponry?
Evocation/Enchantmentand longswords!
97.  What is most important to your character: health, wealth, orhappiness?
98.  What advice would your character give to a younger version ofthemselves?
“Goodluck because everything’s going to go to shit and you’re going to get blamedfor it”
99.  Are there any social or political issues your character feelsstrongly about?
Yeahand it’s called why the fuck is no one doing shit about the Living Plague?
100.   What, currently, is your character the mostcurious about?
She’scurrently curious about the mystery surrounding the Braveheart’s. Why are theretwo of them? Who is responsible for it? Why did she meet both of them? Arethere more?
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isidaclinic-blog · 7 years ago
Miscarriage: a real story of ISIDA clinic patient
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Spontaneous loss of the desired pregnancy is a tragedy in every woman’s life, and if it repeats more than once or twice, even the strongest person can give up. In a situation like this, the most important thing is not to lose hope and belief in your own abilities, to move on and not to fight all alone with this misfortune.
This is exactly what our patient A. did - the mother of two charming girls currently residing with her family in Moscow. Sharing on how she managed to cope with the problem of miscarriage, A. deliberately did not raise her medical records, as she wanted the story to consist exclusively of the memories left in her heart:
«Our story is unusual, really blessed by God. The beginning, however, is quite typical: my husband and I got married and we had a daughter. I had problems with kidneys, so our girl was born with the help of caesarean section. When our daughter went to school, we thought about the second child. I was already pregnant when we moved to Kyiv. We were living in good conditions, waiting with impatience for the birth of our second baby. But at a very late date, after 6 months, our child faded away ... It was like a nightmare for us ...
Next year I became pregnant again, only now with twins. And on the fifth month we survived yet another misfortune - I lost my children ... During those terrible days I met a wise aged woman, a therapist. She gave me a very sensible advice: she told us to find a good doctor who will lead our pregnancy from the first days and up to the birth of a child. That's when I decided to make an appointment with Khazhilenko Ksenia Georgievna.
Communicating with Ksenia Georgievna, I never stopped admiring her unusual method of work. She worked like a professional detective and identified four of my main problems. The first - an inside raphe after cesarean operation was very badly sewn up, I had a very rough scar. The second is an antiphospholipid syndrome, the third is an immune disorder, that is, my body rejected the fetus as a foreign body. The fourth problem is endometriosis and cell memory».
After the prescribed treatment, A. had to move from Ukraine with her husband and daughter. She strictly adhered to all medical instructions, constantly keeping in touch with Ksenia Georgievna in online mode:
«We lived in another country, she didn’t have any material interest in us, she helped us purely because of her altruism, personal enthusiasm. We sent her the results of all tests, she examined them and told us what to do next. In this mode, we lasted up to 7 months. I remember how I begged to do a cesarean section at that time. "Let him be born, while he is still alive!" - I asked. But they decided to wait a little bit more, at least a couple of weeks. During these two weeks, I started to have kidney problems. And one day, while taking a shower, I realized that I was standing in a cabin flooding in blood. I managed to call my husband, I felt dizzy. The husband called an ambulance, went to our daughter's room and told her: «Whatever happens, do not leave the room».
I lay down on the bed with only one thought: if my child dies, I want to die with him. Women who also survived miscarriage will understand me. It's so scary - when your child dies inside of you. It's such an enormous pain, such a blank! You can’t forgive yourself, you torment yourself and your loved ones, you pray and you manage to overcome this condition with great effort, but half-dead. Part of you dies with a child ... In those minutes, I realized that I no longer have enough strength to survive the death of another baby, that I won’t be able to recover myself again and move on.
I was saved because of the doctors’ quick reaction. The next morning I woke up after the operation and saw my girl – little baby with completely Asian facial features, but with blue eyes. This is really a child sent-from-heaven... I have a complete lack of words to express my huge gratitude to Ksenia Georgievna. A beautiful, intelligent, strong woman who really helped us a lot. She is just an incredible professional who leads the pregnancy so thoroughly, thoughtfully, carefully, that it results is a real miracle. Our miracle, our girl is 6 years old now. She's a talker, a beauty, an incredible bunch of positive energy.
I want to tell those girls who also experienced the horror of miscarriage, the death of their child: "Do not lose your courage!" When you really want a baby, his soul is already near you. And the only things left for you are praying and seeking a professional who will help this soul enter our world. We found this professional. This is Ksenia Georgievna Khazhilenko. Blessings to Ukrainian land, blessings to ISIDA clinic and Ksenia Georgievna - they gifted us happiness».
Miscarriage is a serious problem, accompanied by strong stress, but there is always a solution. In this situation, it is extremely important to have loving, caring people around, as well as a competent specialist who will prescribe necessary examination and find out the reasons for such an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. Based on these results he will subsequently prescribe correct treatment regimen for successful onset and development of pregnancy, which will eventually lead to the birth of the desired baby. We hope that story of A. inspires other girls who have faced this terrible problem, never to despair and continue to fight for their little big happiness!
Contact us!
Phone: +380 (44) 455 88 14
(044) 490-95-24.Viber: +380 (67) 333 88 14
Skype: ISIDA International
Address: 65, Vatslava Gavela Blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
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chrysanthemum-poet · 3 months ago
Once again I whisper in your ear.
You giggle.
This poem is inspired by the belief that you die twice. Once when your soul leaves your body and once again when the last person rembering you dies.
When the person would dig our grave, inspite of being dead we would live and exist in that person's memory, hence being alive once again.
I'll carve out our names into hundred year old trees
So that whoever cuts it, fifty years later
Would know about you and me.
I want our love to be great and our legacy to be greater.
I'll leave our letters in my attic
So that whoever buys the house next,
Would find them with bleeding ink and smudged lipstick.
I want them to read it and know the reasons why I loved you and you loved me.
I want us burried holding hands,
With your head on my shoulder
So that a hundred years from now somebody digs up our grave
And finds our fingers interlocked, my arm cradling your head.
Once again I whisper in your ear.
You giggle.
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Nobody is free until everybody is free.
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