#Inside O.U.T.
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kwebtv · 2 years ago
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Inside O.U.T. - NBC - March 22, 1971
Sitcom (Pilot episode - Not Picked Up for Production)
Running Time: 30 minutes
Bill Daily as Ron Hart
Alan Oppenheimer as Edgar Winston
Farrah Fawcett as Pat Boulion
Mike Henry as Chuck Dandy
Edward Andrews as Director of Finance
Val Bisoglio as Bendix
Herb Vigran  as Harry
James B. Sikking as Patrolman
Paul Smith as Chicken man
Jim Begg as Student
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deltanyx · 5 years ago
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Day 4/100 of Productivity:
- school just flat out sucked today. I did absolutely nothing at school. I took a nap in my senior synth class because we went to the chapel instead of outside for our reflection. I was O.U.T best nap of my life if i do say so. 
- After school i went to this new coffee shop a few minutes away from my house. It’s really nice inside. But my best friend is a biggg distraction for me. we haven’t talked in so long because of the grade difference. But we caught up. 
- Later tonight im gonna help my mom cook some tacosss and then we are gonna do some yoga. Why not get a little workout in. 
- Overall, my day was ehhh in productivity but im trying my hardest. 
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vinhil · 6 years ago
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Angers, Mar. 2019
Claudian, frontside bluntslide 
 Inside O.U.T. | Théâtre Le Quai
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shimokitazawathree · 6 years ago
2019 02 16-28
16 sat
Day Time
the Still「In your youth」release party 『Picture of our youth』 
ADV / DOOR : 2000yen+1D / 2500yen+1D
the Still+シバノソウ / For Tracy Hyde / シバノソウ / merimeriyeah 
Kentaro Yoshimura(SUPER SHANGHAI BAND)
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Live Time
ticket 3,000(+drink) 
チケット予約 http://chiio.co/ticket/
CHIIO / POINT HOPE / Maika Loubté / Bearwear / 揺らぎ / ベランダ / Wanna-Gonna / ...and more 
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  Club Time
イエイエ 7th anniversary party 
OPEN / START 22:00pm-
admission 2,000JPY
小西康陽 / 新井俊也 (冗談伯爵) / 社長と専務 (ORANGE RECORDS) / HAPPFAT / BARG / イエイエクルー 
GORO GOLO / Magic, Drums & Love / ジャポニカソングサンバンチ
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17 sun
Day Time
Begininng 19.5 "ろでむばくたん"‬
12:20 START / TICKET ¥3,000+1drink
もらすとしずむ Siraska
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Live Time
o.u.t OPEN 18:00
前売2000yen+1d 当日2500yen+1d スリーパス1000+1d <LIVE>
aTTn / FOO ZA HAM / American Dream Express / Forteresse Cachee / and more....
18 mon
Live Time
See Through
OPEN / START 19:00
ADV / DOOR : 2000yen / 2500yen
PUBLICS.(京都) / white white sisters / EL SONOCOS / The Echo Dek
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Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
19 tue
Live Time
20:00 OPEN ENTRANCE ¥1,000 <LIVE>
Yodocolts / Three Ring Circus
The Plashments <DJ>
Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
20 wed
最高のウィークデイナイト『Kira Kira Vol.12』 開場/開演  19:00 チャージ ¥1,000(+2D)
■出演■ わしとマチ斉藤めい+2RPM 林 明日香 (WATER CLOSET)
■DJ■ kta
■FOOD■ デカメロン食堂
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Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
21 thu
Live Time
Rhyming Slang presents "Kill Yr Idols"  open/start 18:30 Adv: 2000yen + 1drink Door: 2500yen + 1drink <Live> The Co Founder (Bellingham,Washington🇺🇸) / Bearwear / I Saw You Yesterday / Cairophenomenons / Tomato Ketchup Boys <DJ> Nakamura (r/DOR) / Sue (Rhyming Slang)
Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
22 fri
Live Time
~CHILDISH TONES feat.宇佐蔵べに 7inch Release Party~
OPEN / START : 18:30 / 19:00
ADV / DOOR : ¥2000+1D / ¥2300+1D
CHILDISH TONES feat.宇佐蔵べに(avandoned)/ シンムラテツヤ&ジョンとヨーコのロックバンド / モッチェ永井バンド[モッチェ永井、北野原光生、TUCKER、八木橋恒治]  / Magic,Drums & Love 
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Club Time
【2/22 BLAST JAMS×block party】
BLAST JAMS!!×block party
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23 sat
Live Time
Sorry, SOLD OUT‼️ 2019/02/23(土)下北沢THREE " WEARING THE INSIDE OUT " Presented by 揺らぎ ・揺らぎ ・No Buses ・羊文学 DJ DAWA FOOD:タキタ食堂 17:15 OPEN/18:00 START 21:00〜AFTER PARTY 当日券若干数予定 
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24 sun
Live Time
森雅樹( EGO-WRAPPIN’ ) / NIGARA ( GARA ) / yudaini ( Function ) / ERIKO NAKAO Lコード 75882 イープラス https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/2806520001-P0030001P021001?P1=0175
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25 mon
Live Time
2/25 (月曜)
DOOR ¥1,000 (+1D)
open 19:00 / start 19:30
END 22:30
なかむら りな
50 pears
Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
26 tue
Live Time
Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
27 wed
Live Time
Re:Road企画「on the Road:Re」
~神門”エール”狐火”35才のリアル”W Release Tour東京編~
開場18:30 開演19:00
前売2500円(+1D) 当日3000円(+1D)
神門 / 狐火 / GOMESS / DETOX
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Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
28 thu
Live Time
Re:Road企画「on the Road:Re」
開場18:30 開演19:00
前売2500円(+1D) 当日3000円(+1D)
Sentimental boys / OCEANS / rem time rem time / DETOX
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Bar Time
🌙  スタンドかげん🌙
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gll-chui · 4 years ago
Special Delivery
★彡( 𝙻𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚗 )彡★
Well shit, he didn’t think that this would have happened to him today. 
It was supposed to be a simple drop off mission. Garuru was given the task to hop into a mech suit and deliver a single cartridge to the drop-off point on one of Nimona’s craters. It seemed simple enough, so simple that Garuru even instructed his team that they could remain on the ship and continue to circle the small moon while he goes ahead on his own. Though, the moment he started to land at the given coordinates he realized that something was wrong. The drop-off camp which would usually be bustling with other Keronian soldiers and waiting for his arrival were seemingly all gone, some shady figures were in place in their stead. Vipers.
His keen eyes got a good glimpse of these insolent creatures before goundfall but it was already too late, he was already a projectile coming in from the atmosphere at a couple hundred miles an hour and he was aiming right for the landing pad near the very center of the desolate camp. Garuru could only brace himself for the impact and make a couple of commands to the mech suit with his fingertips to start loosening up the straps that kept him in place. Was it a foolish idea? Definitely, but he needed to get out of the suit quickly if he didn’t want to get turned into nothing but holes. 
They didn’t even know that Garuru and his suit were coming in until he was merely seconds from landing on the platform with a loud deafening ‘crunch’ in the moon’s grit. The Lieutenant had already stiffened himself to ready the blow he was no-doubt going to receive to the back of his head from the harsh impact, but damn did that shit hurt. All in the same second Garuru opened the hatch that was in the center of the Mecha’s chest and jumped out to get cover behind some hefty metal crates not too far from the landing pad. Sure, some could argue that he could just remain in the suit and open fire the moment he landed, but after coming in hot like that from the atmosphere? It would be detrimental if that one lucky bullet found its way into the fuel chamber on his suit. 
Ka-Boom. To put it simply. 
Despite the pain radiating from the back of his head to the space in between his eyes Garuru managed to take aim and shoot at a couple of those vile Vipers, he ducked accordingly when the lucky few had taken cover to start returning fire as well. He remained close to the ground, letting his right hand reach up to the back of his head, throbbing and stinging under his touch. If it wasn’t for the pain he was already feeling then it was surely the wetness at the back of his head that gave it away that he was surely injured. Garuru peeked at his hand then wiped it off on his thigh to clean it off, that...was quite a bit of blood. It was a miracle he didn’t kill himself from blunt force trauma in the suit. 
“Garuru to Platoon, come in platoon, I’m under attack--” Garuru ducks down even further, lifting his left hand with the pistol just enough over the cargo box he took for cover and trying to fire back. If he hit someone, good, but more importantly he took those shots so that he could force them into cover and get himself a breather. The communicator in his other hand crackled with Taruru’s voice, and then Pururu’s, but he couldn’t hear a word that they were saying. The Lieutenant flips the com over so he could look at the connection, the signals were jammed. He presses a single button that was there to get in contact with his dispatcher, usually the function was for the dispatcher themselves to connect to the team to let them know he was under attack, or injured, etcetera. His com blinks a few times, then vibrates and…..nothing. “Fuck.” he musters with a short aggrivated sigh. Well, that means he was on his own for this, that’s fine by him.
At least, he thought he was alone.
Garuru was readying his sniper so that he could immediately start taking shots the moment he got out of cover, but before he could even come out he heard screams...the Viper’s screams. And more gunshots. His years worth of tactical training and survival instincts kicked in, he had to find a new form of cover--higher ground and all of that--so he could see what the hell was going on. The Lieutenant peeks over, seeing a small group of metal containers stacked upon one another then decides to run for it, keeping his head ducked down and sliding into position at the very bottom of it. He hops up onto the metal crate and pauses to hear the bursts slowing down. There was no more screaming now, but a couple of well aimed shots did shoot at the container Garuru had used for cover before running over to this side. He held his arm up to shield his eyes from the dust and debris that flew over, then silence fell on the camp again. 
It was a deafening few seconds before Garuru had the nerve to look out from his cover. He removed his scope from the sniper and kept it on his lap at first, grabbing a small pack that was beside him and underhanded it into the opening. No shots were made at it. He then slid slowly towards the edge of the crate that covered him, taking his scope and inching it out so that it peeked out from his hiding place. Nothing. For sure if this person was a sniper they would have shot at the tiny glistening metal and glass in his hand if they suspected it to be an enemy peeking out from cover. Hell, he would. 
Garuru sighed, getting on his knees to move to the edge and finally look through the scope to see where this other person was. He didn’t see anything at first, and the scanner that came equipped inside his scope couldn’t find any traces of life among the lifeless moon landscape either when he continued to look. But then he saw it, a little glitter? No. It was Keronian morse code. ‘E.N.E.M.Y’? After a pause it started up again. 
K.E.R.O.N.I.A.N / O.R / E.N.E.M.Y 
Garuru tilted his thumb so that it could cover the scope then removed it again to see through it in a pattern, knowing that the reflection from the sun was already making his scope glisten and tried to sign back as best as he could. 
K.E.R.O.N.I.A.N / S.O.L.D.I.E.R / A.L.Y 
He waited patiently then signed his message back again. Whoever it was he was signalling to seem to know Keronian Morse code very well because it only took them the second time of seeing his message before they began their reply. 
H.O.W / M.A.N.Y 
Garuru’s reply. 
A Keronian appeared from what looked like to be out of thin air, he was sand colored with yellow eyes and red markings on his face under his sharp eyes and two belts across his chest. Garuru even jolted when the random Keronian appeared, did he have some cloaking device on him that made him stand out in the opening like that? Then again, it would make sense how he managed to take down three Vipers on his own without so much as breaking a sweat if they couldn’t see him. After making his presence known the Keronian used what looked like a small flashlight in his hand to click it on and off to signal back. 
K.E.R.O.N.I.A.N / S.P.E.C.T.R.E / A.L.L.Y / C.O.M.E / O.U.T 
A Keronian spectre? That was lucky of him. Usually Keronian Spectres have worked off galaxy side, fighting or indoctrinating other sides of the cosmos in hopes of spreading Keron’s territory, not running around on a moon that was so close to their home. Garuru slid off of the crate and onto his feet, wobbling a little as he did so but he wasn’t worried, his vision was still clear, his breathing was fine, he didn’t think his body was going into shock or anything...yet. Garuru makes one more glance around to ensure that it was indeed just the two of them before getting out of cover, then slowly making his way past the Vipers that all laid there pathetically in the moon sand. Huh, he managed to hit one of the  guys when he wasn’t looking, that was also lucky of him. 
The other Keronian was already standing at the foot of Garuru’s mech suit, looking at it as though he was just a passerby admiring a good piece of machinery and not that he just killed some enemies on their home turf. “Sir.” Garuru greeted with a salute, being that the other soldier turned and gave him a casual salute back only meant that they were the same rank so Garuru put his hand down and met him at the mech. “I appreciate you helping me out back there.” 
“There’s a lot of blood in there.” the sand colored soldier stated, nodding his head to the mech suit and the Lieutenant winced inwardly when he saw the roof of the suit covered with blood. Yup. His blood. “It wouldn’t warrant those bastards to come this close though.” 
“It wouldn’t, that blood is mine. They were already here when I was starting to land.” Garuru explains, turning his head slightly when the other soldier leaned over so that he could look at the back of his head, it must not be good if the guy audibly hissed at the sight. “I was supposed to meet with a group here for a delivery mission, but we didn’t receive word or anything about the campsite getting taken over.” The soldier nods his head, looking back at the Vipers that laid about and then back to Garuru, asking him what he was supposed to deliver. “A package, for the Lieutenant Colonel in charge of this crater.” 
“I’m Lieutenant Vern, or carrier seven-one-eight-six-three.” the soldier finally speaks up, bringing his wrist up so that a holographic screen could come in between them. The screen flickered with different information and files before coming set onto one that showed a picture of Garuru and his platoon all together, Garuru could read that the file name was in Keronian but the rest of the file itself was in another language….Nimonian? No doubt about it, it looked Nimonian but unfortunately he didn’t know a lick of it. “You must be Lieutenant Garuru then, of the Garuru Platoon. I think we were supposed to meet originally on behalf of the Marquees Greedo.” 
“That sounds about right.” Garuru states, nodding in affirmation. He and his platoon were supposed to meet someone with the identification numbers seven-one-eight-six-three when they had received their orders, of course they were also supposed to meet in a ‘fortified camp’ as well, but things change, and even though Garuru was curious to find out what the hell happened here it wasn’t part of the mission to know. Just to deliver this package to said Marquees who...might or might not be among them anymore if they had the scene at this meeting place to go by. Garuru was about to jump back into the suit to grab the package but was instead stopped by Vern who grabbed his shoulder when his back was turned and held him in place. The Lieutenant was about to ask the guy what he was doing before he felt a slight pinch and a whole lot of burning in the back of his head, making him swear aloud. 
“My apologies, it’s just better to seal this hole in the back of your skull before it has the chance to get any worse.” the soldier behind him states, though his voice was monotone and deep it sounded a bit playful near the end of it, almost as if he was smiling at his own little joke. Nonetheless, Garuru appreciated it. 
“Do you know what happened here?” 
 “Only about as much as you, I just got here as well.” They stood in silence a little more before Vern’s grasp finally let go of Garuru’s shoulder and the burning in the back of his head subsided as well, no longer did it throb and pulsate but instead felt numb. Garuru sighed in relief, stretching his stiffening neck and shoulders then running his hand gently behind his head to feel the injury that was as distant as a misplaced memory. The skin there had healed up and the blood was now dry, the area itself was still a little sensitive to the touch but nothing compared to when it was fresh.
“Thank you, Vern.” Garuru was sincere with his thank you, if it was any other soldier they would turn a blind eye if a comrade was hurt but they learned that a medic was in their platoon. ‘Why should I waste my resources if a medic is nearby?’ would be their mentality, but this guy was kind enough to heal his injury enough so that he could keep on working. The soldier didn’t looked all that pleased at his thanks, nor didn’t say ‘your welcome’ or ‘no problem’ or ‘anyone would have done the same’, this guy stayed true to the Nimonian stereotype and just answered back a short and simple: 
“Let’s get you back on the mission, Lieutenant.”  
★彡( 𝙻𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚏𝚏 )彡★
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chimshi-blog1 · 7 years ago
[B]Welcome my loves; to a place like no other.
Our home is yours; feel free to step inside. Don't be alarmed if you feel fangs on your flesh; it's just our way of welcoming you.
Just Remember Once You're In There Is No Way O.U.T.
Here in this place we call home; humans and vampires roam around. Although most humans become just like us. We vampires aren't monsters; unless you make us act like one
This is a 15+ Group. Can't handle this? Don't join. To be accepted state your age in your request to come inside.
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hottytoddynews · 8 years ago
The addition to the student union that will occupy all the new food options coming this fall.
The wait is almost over. The newest portion of the Ole Miss student union is getting close to completion.
“The addition of the union is finished for the most part; it’s just the finishing touches to it,” said Peter Rumbarger, who is the project superintendent.
Those finishing touches include completing the roof, adding in the glass railings inside, finishing up the terrazzo flooring, bricking the remainder of the building, painting sheet rock panels, adding in the ceilings and finishing the electrical work.
Many of the restaurants have begun to come together as some of the coolers they need to store food have already arrived, been assembled and put into place.
Once all the construction is finished, workers will begin putting down grass, planting trees and asphalting the lot, which will include an O.U.T. stop. Rumbarger says that will all happen between now and the start of the fall semester in August.
“It will go from looking like a construction site when students leave to being complete when they come back with grass down and trees up,” said Rumbarger.
Students are ready.
“I’m excited to see it once it opens. It looks better than the one before from the renderings that have been shown” said, student Gerrit Neilson. “The main thing I want to see is how they transform the stone pillars due to how they shaped.” 
For others, it’s all about the eats.
“I’m looking forward to many of the food options we will have come this fall,” said student Jared Cox.
The first floor of the union will feature Qdoba, Chick-fil-A, Which-Wich and Panda Express, and the second floor will be dedicated to McAlister’s Deli.
“It will be nice seeing some newer options around because some things got old. There is not a Which-Wich at all in Oxford but there were already two Subways,” said Cox.
In addition to these food options, the third floor will house a large ballroom for catering and conferences.
Rumbarger says they’re planning for a soft opening of the union addition in early August before school starts again on August 21.
At that point, temporary walls will be in place to separate the new section from the older areas of the union that still need renovation. The entire project should be complete by August 2018.
Story produced by Johnny Ison: [email protected].
The post VIDEO: Inside Ole Miss Student Union Construction Site appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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vinhil · 6 years ago
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Angers, Mar. 2019
Arthur, frontside smith grind Inside O.U.T. | Théâtre Le Quai
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vinhil · 5 years ago
[z]ineside O.U.T.
Angers, Mar. 2020
Entre les mois de février et juin 2019, le théâtre Le Quai - Centre Dramatique National Angers Pays de la Loire - a invité l'artiste Arthur Chiron à imaginer une sculpture composée de volumes à manipuler et agencer. Le résultat, intitulé "inside O.U.T.", prend la forme de deux rhombicuboctaèdres géants pouvant devenir autant de modules répartis dans l'espace du Forum et dédiés à la pratique du skateboard. J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir immortaliser, par la photographie, quelques unes des sessions qui s'y sont déroulées.
0 notes
hottytoddynews · 8 years ago
The addition to the student union that will occupy all the new food options coming this fall.
The wait is almost over. The newest portion of the Ole Miss student union is getting close to completion.
“The addition of the union is finished for the most part; it’s just the finishing touches to it,” said Peter Rumbarger, who is the project superintendent.
Those finishing touches include completing the roof, adding in the glass railings inside, finishing up the terrazzo flooring, bricking the remainder of the building, painting sheet rock panels, adding in the ceilings and finishing the electrical work.
Many of the restaurants have begun to come together as some of the coolers they need to store food have already arrived, been assembled and put into place.
Once all the construction is finished, workers will begin putting down grass, planting trees and asphalting the lot, which will include an O.U.T. stop. Rumbarger says that will all happen between now and the start of the fall semester in August.
“It will go from looking like a construction site when students leave to being complete when they come back with grass down and trees up,” said Rumbarger.
Students are ready.
“I’m excited to see it once it opens. It looks better than the one before from the renderings that have been shown” said, student Gerrit Neilson. “The main thing I want to see is how they transform the stone pillars due to how they shaped.” 
For others, it’s all about the eats.
“I’m looking forward to many of the food options we will have come this fall,” said student Jared Cox.
The first floor of the union will feature Qdoba, Chick-fil-A, Which-Wich and Panda Express, and the second floor will be dedicated to McAlister’s Deli.
“It will be nice seeing some newer options around because some things got old. There is not a Which-Wich at all in Oxford but there were already two Subways,” said Cox.
In addition to these food options, the third floor will house a large ballroom for catering and conferences.
Rumbarger says they’re planning for a soft opening of the union addition in early August before school starts again on August 21.
At that point, temporary walls will be in place to separate the new section from the older areas of the union that still need renovation. The entire project should be complete by August 2018.
Story produced by Johnny Ison: [email protected].
The post VIDEO: Inside Ole Miss Student Union Construction Site appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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