#Industrial food dryer machine
foodtechprojects · 1 year
Drying is one of the oldest preservation methods. It helps in lowering the water content in perishable foods. Refractance window drying equipment is different from other conventional drying methods.
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photonsfood · 1 year
Understanding The Process of Paddy Pre-Cleaning in Rice Production
Rice cultivation has been part of our civilization for many years. The rice harvested is also known as paddy or rough, which is usually enfolded by husk or hull. The process of rice production is usually accompanied by cleaning, drying, and packaging. 
Paddy Cleaning is a vital step in rice production that helps to separate contamination such as straw, dust, clay, and hefty flecks from the paddy before the process of rice production. 
This is where Paddy Pre-cleaner machinery has simplified the whole process. Let us dig in and understand how Paddy Dryer works. 
The age-old tradition of pre-cleaning of rice 
Earlier the process of rice cleaning involved manual labor work. The rice grains were cleaned from their impurities through wind or fan. However, this process was time-consuming and does not assure complete removal of impurities.
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The Modern Paddy Pre-cleaner process
With technology upgrading various aspects of the rice production process. Modern Paddy Pre-cleaners can easily separate rice grains from contaminated ones on the basis of colors. The Paddy pre-cleaner process improves the overall quality and quantity of the grains. 
These methods have proven to show much better output than the age-old tradition of cleaning. 
Importance of Paddy pre-cleaner in rice production
When paddy is deposited in the mill, it contains lots of unwanted material which is necessary to sieve out. The pre-cleaning process helps in improving the quality through hull and milling recovery. 
The foreign material present in the paddy does not damage or block the machinery. The rice grains are disparate according to their size with the help of separators that are installed in the Paddy Pre-cleaner machinery. 
Role Of Paddy Cleaners in the process
The Paddy pre-cleaner can easily improve the quality of rice grains by properly separating the impurities from it. 
1-the first level includes separation and detaching the hefty foreign impurities from pure grains. The pre-cleaners then separate the grains on the basis of size. 
2-straws and weed seeds are able to pass through, that is where the blower installed removes the particles and light grains. 
3- After that, paddy pre-cleaner machinery further sends grains to a sheller that completely cleans the rice from its impurities. 
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The benefit of Paddy pre-cleaner
The most essential benefit of investing in and installing a Paddy pre-cleaner is that it improves quality, increases the longevity of grains, and adds the percentage of essential oil required in bran.
If you are worried about improving the quality of the yield, then the process of cleaning and pre-cleaning is an essential step that you should not miss. The equipment allows you to smoothen the process. It is recommended to research your requirements for the Paddy Dryer Manufacturer In India while investing in Pre-cleaner and Paddy dryer machinery. 
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mariacallous · 2 years
This story is part of a joint investigation between Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. To read other stories from the series, click here.
Mitch Daniels is a numbers guy, a cost-cutter. In the early 2000s, he tried and failed to rein in congressional spending under then-US president George W. Bush. So when he took office as Indiana governor in 2005, Daniels was ready to argue once again for fiscal discipline. He wanted to straighten out Indiana’s state government, which he deemed rife with dysfunction. And he started with its welfare system. “That department had been rocked by a series of criminal indictments, with cheats and caseworkers colluding to steal money meant for poor people,” he later said.
Daniels’ solution took the form of a $1.3 billion, 10-year contract with IBM. He had lofty ambitions for the project, which started in 2006, claiming it would improve the benefits service for Indiana residents while cracking down on fraud, ultimately saving taxpayers billions of dollars.
But the contract was a disaster. It was canceled after three years, and IBM and Indiana spent a decade locked in a legal battle about who was to blame. Daniels described IBM’s sweeping redesign and automation of the system—responsible for deciding who was eligible for everything from food stamps to medical cover—as deficient. He was adamant, though, that outsourcing a technical project to a company with expertise was the right call. “It was over-designed,” he said. “Great on paper but too complicated to work in practice.” IBM declined a request for comment. 
In July 2012, Judge David Dryer of the Marion County Superior Court ruled that Indiana had failed to prove IBM had breached its contract. But he also delivered a damning verdict on the system itself, describing it as an untested experiment that replaced caseworkers with computers and phone calls. “Neither party deserves to win this case,” he said. “This story represents a ‘perfect storm’ of misguided government policy and overzealous corporate ambition.” 
That might have been an early death knell for the burgeoning business of welfare state automation. Instead, the industry exploded. Today, such fraud systems form a significant part of the nebulous “govtech” industry, which revolves around companies selling governments new technologies with the promise that new IT will make public administration easier-to-use and more efficient. In 2021, that market was estimated to be worth €116 billion ($120 billion) in Europe and $440 billion globally. And it’s not only companies that expect to profit from this wave of tech. Governments also believe modernizing IT systems can deliver big savings. Back in 2014, the consultancy firm McKinsey estimated that if government digitization reached its “full potential,” it could free up $1 trillion every year. 
Contractors around the world are selling governments on the promise that fraud-hunting algorithms can help them recoup public funds. But researchers who track the spread of these systems argue that these companies are often overpaid and under-supervised. The key issue, researchers say, is accountability. When complex machine learning models or simpler algorithms are developed by the private sector, the computer code that gets to define who is and isn’t accused of fraud is often classed as intellectual property. As a result, the way such systems make decisions is opaque and shielded from interrogation. And even when these algorithmic black holes are embroiled in high-stakes legal battles over alleged bias, the people demanding answers struggle to get them. 
In the UK, a community group called the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People is trying to determine whether a pattern of disabled people being investigated for fraud is linked to government automation projects. In France, the digital rights group La Quadrature du Net has been trying for four months to find out whether a fraud system is discriminating against people born in other countries. And in Serbia, lawyers want to understand why the introduction of a new system has resulted in hundreds of Roma families losing their benefits. “The models are always secret,” says Victoria Adelmant, director of New York University’s digital welfare state project. “If you don’t have transparency, it’s very difficult to even challenge and assess these systems.” 
The rollout of automated bureaucracy has happened quickly and quietly, but it has left a trail of scandals in its wake. In Michigan, a computer system used between 2013 and 2015 falsely accused 34,000 people of welfare fraud. A similar thing happened in Australia between 2015 and 2019, but on a larger scale: The government accused 400,000 people of welfare fraud or error after its social security department started using a so-called robodebt algorithm to automatically issue fines.
Another scandal emerged in the Netherlands in 2019 when tens of thousands of families—many of them from the country’s Ghanaian community—were falsely accused of defrauding the child benefits system. These systems didn’t just contribute to agencies accusing innocent people of welfare fraud; benefits recipients were ordered to repay the money they had supposedly stolen. As a result, many of the accused were left with spiraling debt, destroyed credit ratings, and even bankruptcy. 
Not all government fraud systems linked to scandals were developed with consultancies or technology companies. But civil servants are increasingly turning to the private sector to plug knowledge and personnel gaps. Companies involved in fraud detection systems range from giant consultancies—Accenture, Cap Gemini, PWC—to small tech firms like Totta Data Lab in the Netherlands and Saga in Serbia.
Experts in automation and AI are expensive to hire and less likely to be wooed by public sector salaries. When the UK surveyed its civil servants last year, confidence in the government’s ability to use technology was low, with around half of respondents blaming an inability to hire top talent. More than a third said they had few or no skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automation. But it’s not just industry experience that makes the private sector so alluring to government officials. For welfare departments squeezed by budget cuts, “efficiency” has become a familiar buzzword. “Quite often, a public sector entity will say it is more efficient for us to go and bring in a group of consultants,” says Dan Sheils, head of European public service at Accenture.
The public sector lacks the expertise to create these systems and also to oversee them, says Matthias Spielkamp, cofounder of German nonprofit Algorithm Watch, which has been tracking automated decision-making in social welfare programs across Europe since 2017. In an ideal world, civil servants would be able to develop these systems themselves and have an in-depth understanding of how they work, he says. “That would be a huge difference to working with private companies, because they will sell you black-box systems—black boxes to everyone, including the public sector.” 
In February 2020, a crisis broke out in the Dutch region of Walcheren as officials realized they were in the dark about how their own fraud detection system worked. At the time, a Dutch court had halted the use of another algorithm used to detect welfare fraud, known as SyRI, after finding it violated people’s right to privacy. Officials in Walcheren were not using SyRI, but in emails obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED through freedom-of-information requests, government employees had raised concerns that their algorithm bore striking similarities to the one just condemned by the court.
Walcheren’s system was developed by Totta Data Lab. After signing a contract in March 2017, the Dutch startup developed an algorithm to sort through pseudonymous information, according to details obtained through a freedom-of-information request. The system analyzed details of local people claiming welfare benefits and then sent human investigators a list of those it classified as most likely to be fraudsters. 
The redacted emails show local officials agonizing over whether their algorithm would be dragged into the SyRI scandal. “I don’t think it is possible to explain why our algorithm should be allowed while everyone is reading about SyRI,” one official wrote the week after the court ruling. Another wrote back with similar concerns. “We also do not get insight from Totta Data Lab into what exactly the algorithm does, and we do not have the expertise to check this.” Neither Totta nor officials in Walcheren replied to requests for comment. 
When the Netherlands’ Organization for Applied Scientific Research, an independent research institute, later carried out an audit of a Totta algorithm used in South Holland, the auditors struggled to understand it. “The results of the algorithm do not appear to be reproducible,” their 2021 report reads, referring to attempts to re-create the algorithm’s risk scores. “The risks indicated by the AI algorithm are largely randomly determined,” the researchers found. 
With little transparency, it often takes years—and thousands of victims—to expose technical shortcomings. But a case in Serbia provides a notable exception. In March 2022, a new law came into force which gave the government the green light to use data processing to assess individuals’ financial status and automate parts of its social protection programs. The new socijalna karta, or social card system, would help the government detect fraud while making sure welfare payments were reaching society’s most marginalized, claimed Zoran Đorđević, Serbia’s minister of social affairs in 2020. 
But within months of the system’s introduction, lawyers in the capital Belgrade had started documenting how it was discriminating against the country’s Roma community, an already disenfranchised ethnic minority group. 
Mr. ​​Ahmetović, a welfare recipient who declined to share his first name out of concern that his statement could affect his ability to claim benefits in the future, says he hadn’t heard of the social card system until November 2022, when his wife and four children were turned away from a soup kitchen on the outskirts of the Serbian capital. It wasn’t unusual for the Roma family to be there, as their welfare payments entitled them to a daily meal provided by the government. But on that day, a social worker told them their welfare status had changed and that they would no longer be getting a daily meal.
The family was in shock, and Ahmetović rushed to the nearest welfare office to find out what had happened. He says he was told the new social card system had flagged him after detecting income amounting to 110,000 Serbian dinars ($1,000) in his bank account, which meant he was no longer eligible for a large chunk of the welfare he had been receiving. Ahmetović was confused. He didn’t know anything about this payment. He didn’t even have his own bank account—his wife received the family’s welfare payments into hers. 
With no warning, their welfare payments were slashed by 30 percent, from around 70,000 dinars ($630) per month to 40,000 dinars ($360). The family had been claiming a range of benefits since 2012, including financial social assistance, as their son’s epilepsy and unilateral paralysis means neither parent is able to work. The drop in support meant the Ahmetovićs had to cut back on groceries and couldn’t afford to pay all their bills. Their debt ballooned to over 1 million dinars ($9,000). 
The algorithm’s impact on Serbia’s Roma community has been dramatic. ​​Ahmetović says his sister has also had her welfare payments cut since the system was introduced, as have several of his neighbors. “Almost all people living in Roma settlements in some municipalities lost their benefits,” says Danilo Ćurčić, program coordinator of A11, a Serbian nonprofit that provides legal aid. A11 is trying to help the Ahmetovićs and more than 100 other Roma families reclaim their benefits.
But first, Ćurčić needs to know how the system works. So far, the government has denied his requests to share the source code on intellectual property grounds, claiming it would violate the contract they signed with the company who actually built the system, he says. According to Ćurčić and a government contract, a Serbian company called Saga, which specializes in automation, was involved in building the social card system. Neither Saga nor Serbia’s Ministry of Social Affairs responded to WIRED’s requests for comment.
As the govtech sector has grown, so has the number of companies selling systems to detect fraud. And not all of them are local startups like Saga. Accenture—Ireland’s biggest public company, which employs more than half a million people worldwide—has worked on fraud systems across Europe. In 2017, Accenture helped the Dutch city of Rotterdam develop a system that calculates risk scores for every welfare recipient. A company document describing the original project, obtained by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED, references an Accenture-built machine learning system that combed through data on thousands of people to judge how likely each of them was to commit welfare fraud. “The city could then sort welfare recipients in order of risk of illegitimacy, so that highest risk individuals can be investigated first,” the document says. 
Officials in Rotterdam have said Accenture’s system was used until 2018, when a team at Rotterdam’s Research and Business Intelligence Department took over the algorithm’s development. When Lighthouse Reports and WIRED analyzed a 2021 version of Rotterdam’s fraud algorithm, it became clear that the system discriminates on the basis of race and gender. And around 70 percent of the variables in the 2021 system—information categories such as gender, spoken language, and mental health history that the algorithm used to calculate how likely a person was to commit welfare fraud—appeared to be the same as those in Accenture’s version.
When asked about the similarities, Accenture spokesperson Chinedu Udezue said the company’s “start-up model” was transferred to the city in 2018 when the contract ended. Rotterdam stopped using the algorithm in 2021, after auditors found that the data it used risked creating biased results.
Consultancies generally implement predictive analytics models and then leave after six or eight months, says Sheils, Accenture’s European head of public service. He says his team helps governments avoid what he describes as the industry’s curse: “false positives,” Sheils’ term for life-ruining occurrences of an algorithm incorrectly flagging an innocent person for investigation. “That may seem like a very clinical way of looking at it, but technically speaking, that's all they are.” Sheils claims that Accenture mitigates this by encouraging clients to use AI or machine learning to improve, rather than replace, decision-making humans. “That means ensuring that citizens don’t experience significantly adverse consequences purely on the basis of an AI decision.” 
However, social workers who are asked to investigate people flagged by these systems before making a final decision aren’t necessarily exercising independent judgment, says Eva Blum-Dumontet, a tech policy consultant who researched algorithms in the UK welfare system for campaign group Privacy International. “This human is still going to be influenced by the decision of the AI,” she says. “Having a human in the loop doesn’t mean that the human has the time, the training, or the capacity to question the decision.” 
Despite the scandals and repeated allegations of bias, the industry building these systems shows no sign of slowing. And neither does government appetite for buying or building such systems. Last summer, Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance adopted a decree authorizing the launch of an algorithm that searches for discrepancies in tax filings, earnings, property records, and bank accounts to identify people at risk of not paying their taxes. 
But as more governments adopt these systems, the number of people erroneously flagged for fraud is growing. And once someone is caught up in the tangle of data, it can take years to break free. In the Netherlands’ child benefits scandal, people lost their cars and homes, and couples described how the stress drove them to divorce. “The financial misery is huge,” says Orlando Kadir, a lawyer representing more than 1,000 affected families. After a public inquiry, the Dutch government agreed in 2020 to pay the families around €30,000 ($32,000) in compensation. But debt balloons over time. And that amount is not enough, says Kadir, who claims some families are now €250,000 in debt. 
In Belgrade, ​​Ahmetović is still fighting to get his family’s full benefits reinstated. “I don’t understand what happened or why,” he says. “It’s hard to compete against the computer and prove this was a mistake.” But he says he’s also wondering whether he’ll ever be compensated for the financial damage the social card system has caused him. He’s yet another person caught up in an opaque system whose inner workings are guarded by the companies and governments who make and operate them. Ćurčić, though, is clear on what needs to change. “We don’t care who made the algorithm,” he says. “The algorithm just has to be made public.”
Additional reporting by Gabriel Geiger and Justin-Casimir Braun.
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marshmallow--3 · 1 hour
I'm stuck because I really don't think I can get over the ceilings, they're really ugly (they're this industrial look with exposed concrete and big metal pipes)
But then I wonder how much time I'm gonna spend looking at the ceiling
Like, pros: has SMART meters so I can switch to prepayment, company doesn't require a guarantor, in a quiet area of town, good bus routes, we're allowed to decorate, it has a shower, it's a refurb so germaphobically speaking, it's gonna be as clean and sterile as it gets, there's a dropped curb by the entrance so delivery van can park quite close to the front and there's no steps at the entrance, it's a little ramp so I'm less likely to slip in bad weather and the stairs themselves inside don't look too steep to get furniture up
Cons: no lift so I would be carrying food shopping up two flights of stairs each time, bedroom is tiny, it's not much bigger in width than the length of a double bed and I wanted to decorate my bedroom in dark moody colours so I won't be able to do that bc it'll make the space look even smaller, no space in the utility closet for a mop bucket and vacuum cleaner and we'd have to buy our own washing machine so as there's no space for a tumble dryer, I'd have to buy a washer-dryer which I believe cost a fortune to run and slow you down as you'd only be able to do one load at a time and the heating + hot water set up is also an expensive one
But also, it's somewhere to live
I just need somebody I can talk to about this
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microsilindia · 1 day
Benefits of Using a Lypholizer Freeze Dryer
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The Lypholizer Freeze Dryer is an advanced machine designed to remove moisture from products through lyophilization. Ideal for preserving biological materials, pharmaceuticals, and food, it ensures stability by freezing items and then removing water via sublimation. Microsil India is a leading manufacturer of high-quality Lypholizer Freeze Dryers in India, offering innovative and reliable solutions. This technology maintains the integrity of sensitive materials, extending shelf life while retaining their original properties. Perfect for laboratory and industrial use.
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drytechengi · 9 days
Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia
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Drytech Engineering Systems is a leading Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering Systems is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Spray Dryers, Flash Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, and Multi Effect Evaporators. Flash Dryer Manufacturer specializes in designing and producing flash dryers, which are industrial machines used for rapidly drying materials. These manufacturers focus on creating equipment that utilizes high-velocity hot air to evaporate moisture from various substances, including powders, granules, and slurries. Why Choose Our Flash Dryer? Reliability: Built with high-quality materials for durability and longevity. Customization: Tailored solutions to meet specific production needs. Expert Support: Our team provides comprehensive support from installation to maintenance. Features: Fast Drying Process: Utilizes high-velocity hot air to quickly evaporate moisture, significantly reducing drying time. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of materials, including powders, granules, and slurries. Energy Efficiency: Optimized design minimizes energy consumption, lowering operational costs. Compact Design: Space-saving structure allows for easy integration into existing production lines. Control Systems: Advanced automation and monitoring ensure precise temperature and airflow control, enhancing product quality. Applications: Food Industry Chemical Processing Pharmaceuticals Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia locations in Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Bizerte, Aryanah, Gafsa, and El Mourouj. Contact Us For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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foodtechprojects · 2 years
Industrial food dryers are an essential piece of equipment for many food processing operations. These machines are used to remove moisture from food products, which can help to preserve them for longer periods and make them more suitable for storage and transportation.
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freezedryusa · 10 days
What Are The Environmental Benefits Of Using Industrial Freeze Dryer Machines?
In the quest for sustainable practices and eco-friendly solutions, Industrial freeze dryer machines in USA are making waves. But what exactly makes these machines an environmentally friendly choice? Let’s dive into the benefits and discover why they’re a great addition to any green initiative.
Industrial Freeze Dryer Machines: A Quick Overview
Before we explore their environmental benefits, let’s understand what industrial freeze dryer machines do. These machines use lyophilisation to remove moisture from products while preserving their structure and nutrients. These machines efficiently dry goods without excessive heat by freezing the product and then reducing the pressure to allow the frozen water to sublimate.
1. Reducing Energy Consumption
One of the standout environmental benefits of industrial freeze dryer machines is their energy efficiency. Unlike traditional drying methods that often rely on heat, which can be energy-intensive, freeze drying uses a more controlled process. 
By operating under a vacuum, the machine reduces the energy needed to remove moisture, translating into lower energy consumption. This not only helps in reducing the carbon footprint but also results in cost savings for businesses.
2. Minimising Waste Production
Industrial freeze dryer machines are designed to preserve products' quality and nutritional value. This efficiency in preservation leads to less food waste. Traditional drying methods can sometimes lead to degradation of valuable nutrients and a higher spoilage rate. 
The final product retains its original attributes with freeze drying, meaning less waste is generated, and more food reaches consumers in optimal condition.
3. Extended Shelf Life
Extended shelf life is another key environmental benefit of industrial freeze dryer machines. By removing moisture, these machines help significantly prolong the shelf life of products. 
This reduction in spoilage benefits consumers and reduces the frequency of product replacement and disposal, which can positively impact waste management and resource use.
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4. Reduced Packaging Requirements
With increased shelf life and reduced spoilage, businesses using industrial freeze dryer machines often find they can reduce their packaging requirements. Less packaging means fewer resources are used, and less waste is produced. 
Additionally, the lightweight nature of freeze-dried products often results in lower transportation costs and reduced environmental impact from shipping.
5. Eco-Friendly Production
Industrial freeze dryer machines contribute to eco-friendly production practices. Using a process that avoids high temperatures and harmful chemicals, these machines help maintain a cleaner and greener production environment. 
This sustainable approach aligns with global efforts to reduce industrial emissions and minimise manufacturing processes' environmental footprint.
6. Versatility and Resource Efficiency
Industrial freeze dryer machines' versatility allows them to process various products, from fruits and vegetables to pharmaceuticals and pet foods. 
This resource efficiency means fewer specialised machines are required, which can reduce overall resource consumption and waste. It also means businesses can optimise their processes for various products without needing multiple systems.
Conclusion: A Green Choice for the Future
Incorporating industrial freeze dryer machines into production processes offers significant environmental benefits. 
From reducing energy consumption and minimising waste to extending shelf life and decreasing packaging needs, these machines are a sustainable choice for businesses aligning with eco-friendly practices. 
By investing in industrial freeze dryer machines, companies can enhance their product quality and contribute to a greener planet.
So, the next time you think about sustainable solutions in production, consider the eco-friendly advantages of industrial freeze dryer machines. They’re not just a smart choice for preserving products—they’re a step towards a more sustainable future.
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photonsfood · 1 year
Advancing Food Industry Efficiency with Photons Food's Industrial Measurement Equipment and Rice Mill Dryer
The ever-evolving food business has made innovation and technology essential. The leading supplier of cutting-edge industrial measurement tools and solutions for rice mill dryer is Photons Food, a pioneering business. In this article, we look at how Photons Food modernizes the food processing industry by reducing processes and improving product quality.
Industrial measurement technology is revolutionizing efficiency:
The industrial measurement equipment from Photons Food delivers a paradigm shift in the way the food processing industries track and regulate numerous crucial parameters. These high-tech devices combine cutting-edge sensors and data analytics to deliver in-the-moment information on important variables, including temperature, humidity, moisture content, and grain quality. With this level of accuracy, food producers can streamline their operations, cut waste, and preserve a constant level of product quality.
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Industrial measurement equipment benefits include:
Precision Monitoring: The equipment's accurate measurements guarantee that food processing activities uphold the strictest quality requirements, leaving no space for speculation or mistakes.
Process optimization: Food producers can spot bottlenecks and inefficiencies and improve productivity and cost-effectiveness by continuously monitoring and analyzing data.
Quality Control: Regular monitoring allows for the early identification of any irregularities, ensuring that only top-notch products are sent onto the market and enhancing the brand's reputation.
Using a rice mill dryer to increase rice drying efficiency:
Effective drying is essential for preserving the quality and shelf life of the finished product in the rice processing sector. In this regard, Photons Food's Rice Mill Dryer is a game-changer, utilizing cutting-edge drying technology to guarantee uniform and quick moisture removal from freshly harvested rice.
Rice mill dryer's main characteristics:
Uniform Dying: The rice mill drier uses cutting-edge temperature and airflow controls to produce consistent drying, lowering the danger of spoiling by uneven moisture distribution.
Energy Efficiency: By minimizing energy usage throughout the drying process, the rice mill dryer offers rice processors a practical option that is also low-cost.
Maintaining Nutritional Value: Rice's nutritional value is maintained during gentle drying, giving consumers access to tastier and healthier foods.
Utilizing Photons Food in Sustainable Ways:
Sustainability is a fundamental concept that underpins all of Photons Food's offerings in terms of both goods and services. The Rice Mill Dryer and Industrial Measurement Equipment's energy-saving features help lessen the food processing's environmental impact. By implementing these strategies, businesses can support sustainability initiatives and encourage environmentally friendly practices in the food sector.
The Industrial Measurement Equipment and Rice Mill Dryer from Photons Food are innovative leaders in the food processing sector, providing strong instruments to improve productivity, product quality, and sustainability. Photons Food is dedicated to providing food makers with cutting-edge solutions that will help define the future of the global food business. As technology advances, the company remains at the forefront of this field.
Company Name:-  Photons Food
Visit our Website:- https://photonsfood.com/
Call:- +91-8610167937, +65-91684326
Address:-  Brahmanagudem Village, Nidadavole, 534 302, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh 534301 India.
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maabharti · 11 days
Tray Dryer |  Maabharti Industries Pvt Ltd
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Maabharti Industries Private Limited deals in Tray Dryer, also provides a wide range of Tray dryer, Excellent drying times and is available for various applications. Tray dryer is widely used in laboratories, food, chemical, pharmaceuticals, textiles & other industries. Our Tray Dryer is conventional drying equipment effective for drying wet powders, sticky/non-sticky powder suitable for further processing into API Processing Powder.
Whoever is willing to get the best quality tray dryer machine to their budget! Don't hesitate to contact us at, +91 7595938888 or Email us now, [email protected]
Visit our website: https://www.maabhartipvtltd.com
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In modern agricultural production, organic fertilizer has been paid attention to because of its ability to improve soil structure and soil fertility. The Organic Fertilizer Production Line is a key link in achieving this goal, and the Compost Crusher is an integral part of the line. This article will introduce the process flow and importance of Compost Crusher in Organic Fertilizer Production Line in detail.
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1. Preliminary treatment of Organic Fertilizer Production Line
The first step in the Organic Fertilizer Production Line is the initial treatment of the raw material. This typically includes the collection and sorting of organic waste such as livestock manure, crop stalks, and food industry by-products. After initial screening and decontamination, these materials are transferred to Compost Crusher for further processing.
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2. Function of Compost Crusher
Compost Crusher is specially designed for the treatment of organic materials with high water content. It pulverizes the material into smaller particles through a high-speed rotating blade to increase the surface area of the material, thereby improving the efficiency of subsequent fermentation and granulation processes. Compost Crusher is characterized by its ability to adapt to different material humidity without the need for additional drying of the material.
3. Material treatment after crushing
After the Compost Crusher, the material is usually sent to a fertilizer Mixer (such as the Double Shafts Paddles Mixer) for mixing and mixing. This step is to ensure the uniformity of the material and to lay a good foundation for the subsequent fermentation and granulation process.
4. Fermentation and granulation
The well-mixed material then enters the fermentation stage, where it is converted into a stable organic fertilizer. The fermented material enters the Fertilizer Granulating Production Line and is fed through a Granulator, such as Rotary Drum Granulator, to form a granular fertilizer. This process not only improves the physical properties of the fertilizer, but also facilitates storage and application.
5. Drying and cooling
Finally, the newly made granular fertilizer is dried by a Rotary Dryer Machine to reduce the moisture content and prevent fertilizer clumping and mildew. The dried fertilizer particles will be cooled into the Rotary Cooler Machine to ensure the stability of the fertilizer and facilitate subsequent packaging and transportation.
To sum up, Compost Crusher plays a vital role in the Organic Fertilizer Production Line. It not only improves the production efficiency, but also ensures the quality and effect of organic fertilizer. By understanding the process flow of Compost Crusher, we can better understand every link in the organic fertilizer production process, thus providing more efficient and environmentally friendly fertilizers for agricultural production.
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downtoearthmarkets · 15 days
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September is National Food Safety Education Month in the United States, a month for raising awareness about the importance of food safety and how to prevent foodborne illnesses. Food safety matters everywhere food is sold, prepared and consumed, but here are some guidelines for safe food handling from the farmers market to your dinner table.
Keeping it Clean Maintaining a clean and sanitary environment while you’re shopping and when you’re back home in the kitchen is one of the basic underpinnings of food safety. We encourage you to bring reusable shopping bags to the farmers market to help reduce unnecessary plastic pollution. Don’t forget to frequently wash your fabric grocery totes in the washing machine or by hand and line dry or put them in the dryer. You can wipe insulated bags with a disinfecting or sanitizing cloth, especially along the seams.
When selecting fruit and veggies at the farmstalls, inspect for large bruises, cuts and insect holes which can harbor mold and bacterial growth. You can cut away damaged areas with a knife but toss very damaged pieces. Farmers market produce undergoes less handling than supermarket produce, but is often sold ripe and minimally treated for pests if at all, which may lead to superficial dings.
Rinse your fruits and veggies under running water to remove pesticides, dirt and bacteria, even if you plan on peeling them before eating. Unlike the fruit and veggies grown on large industrial farms, our small farms use little to no pesticides and other chemical inputs but sometimes produce such as potatoes and other root veggies carries residual soil or sand. This harmless residue is an indication of the direct connection these foods have to the ground in which they were cultivated. There’s no need to remove any more than loose dirt before storing, as it’s best to wash fruit and vegetables just before their use. Once they’re wet, the surfaces become a moist environment where bacteria can thrive.    
Once it’s time to start prepping your farmers market haul, wash your hands in hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils, and countertops with hot, soapy water after working with each food item. 
Maintaining Boundaries It’s important to prevent cross-contamination while shopping at the farmers market by placing animal products, such as raw meat, poultry and seafood, into separate reusable bags apart from fresh produce and other items. Always wash bags that have been used to carry animal products after every use.
In your kitchen, the same principles apply. Store raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs away from other foods in your fridge and make sure that the packages aren’t leaking. Use separate cutting boards for fresh produce and raw meat, poultry and seafood.
Chilling Out Keeping things cold and refrigerating your farmers market purchases promptly are critical for preventing spoilage and bacterial growth. Bring an insulated bag or cooler with ice packs to the market to keep raw meat, poultry, seafood and dairy cold until you get home. Purchase raw meat, poultry, seafood and dairy after making your rounds to select fresh produce and other less perishable and non-perishable foods. In the summer or on hot days, go straight home after finishing your shopping to avoid spoiling your food in a hot car.
When you’re back home, be sure to refrigerate or freeze meat, poultry,  seafood, cheese, eggs and other perishables within two hours of purchasing or cooking. Refrigerate within one hour if the temperature outside is above 90° F.
Here in the U.S., eggs are wet washed after being laid to rid the surface shell of salmonella and other pathogens. However, washing removes the cuticle, also known as the bloom, which is a natural layer on the shell that protects the egg from bacteria and air. This is why eggs must be refrigerated after purchase.
Unlike pre-washed, pre-peeled and pre-sliced supermarket produce, the vast majority of farmers market produce is sold intact and whole. This preserves its freshness and nutritional content, eliminates the use of excessive packaging, and reduces the risk of pathogens. Refrigerate cut or peeled fruits and vegetables within two hours.
Cooking Things Up When you’re cooking, foods need to get hot and stay hot as heat kills germs and pathogens. Use a food thermometer to ensure that your raw meat, poultry and seafood are cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature to destroy any harmful bacteria. Use the following guidelines to ensure that your food has reached the optimal temperature:
Beef, Pork, Lamb 145 °F
Fish 145 °F
Ground Beef, Pork, Lamb 160 °F
Turkey, Chicken, Duck 165 °F
These basic food safety best practices apply in any situation where food is being sold, prepared and consumed. Happily, by shopping at the farmers market, you’re selecting the freshest, locally grown produce that’s free of the effects of extensive travel, handling and other exposure that can cause contamination and bacterial growth. Plus, our meat and poultry come from healthy, unstressed animals raised with plenty of space and unfettered access to the outdoors. We look forward to seeing you in the farmers market!
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adroitextrusion · 26 days
Vertical Granule Mixer with Dryer in Tamil Nadu
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Adroit Extrusion is a Supplier of Vertical Granule Mixer with Dryer in Tamil Nadu. Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We provide a range of Multi-Layer Blown Film Machines, including 7/5 Layer Barrier, 5 Layer POD, and 3 Layer Blown Film Plants. Adroit Extrusion specializes in manufacturing, supplying, and exporting various types of blown film machines, including Monolayer Blown Film Machines, ABA and AB Blown Film Machines, as well as Multi-Layer Blown Film Machines. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Vertical Granule Mixers with integrated dryers. Our advanced equipment is designed to streamline your production processes, offering superior performance and efficiency. Why Choose Us? Expert Manufacturing: With years of industry experience, we provide reliable and high-performance mixers and dryers tailored to your specific needs. Global Supplier: Serving clients worldwide with timely delivery and exceptional customer support. Custom Solutions: We offer customization options to meet your unique production requirements and operational needs. Features: Efficient Mixing and Drying: Our vertical granule mixers come with built-in dryers, ensuring thorough mixing and quick drying of granules in one compact unit. Advanced Technology: Equipped with state-of-the-art technology to deliver consistent and high-quality results, reducing production time and improving output. User-Friendly Design: Engineered for ease of use, with intuitive controls and a robust build that ensures long-term durability and minimal maintenance. Versatile Applications: Ideal for various industries including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food processing, and plastics, accommodating a wide range of granule types and sizes. Energy Efficiency: Designed to optimize energy consumption, helping you reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Adroit Extrusion is a Supplier of Vertical Granule Mixer with Dryer in Tamil Nadu and includes locations like Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli, Salem, Ambattur, Tirunelveli, Tiruppur, Avadi, Tiruvottiyur, Thoothukkudi, Nagercoil, Thanjavur, Pallavaram, Dindigul, Vellore, Tambaram, Cuddalore, Kancheepuram, Alandur, Erode, Tiruvannamalai, Kumbakonam, Rajapalayam, Kurichi, Madavaram, Pudukkottai, Hosur, Ambur, Karaikkudi, Neyveli, Nagapattinam. For further details, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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lyogroup49 · 1 month
Navigating the Future of Lyophilizers Manufacturers
In the rapidly evolving landscape of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and food science, lyophilizers—also known as freeze dryers—have emerged as indispensable tools. These sophisticated devices are crucial for preserving sensitive materials by removing moisture through sublimation, thereby extending shelf life and maintaining quality. As the demand for lyophilized products grows, manufacturers are at the forefront of advancing this technology. This article explores the dynamic world of lyophilizer manufacturers, highlighting their contributions and innovations that are shaping the industry.
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The Science Behind Lyophilization
Lyophilization is a process that involves freezing a substance and then reducing the pressure to allow the frozen water to sublimate directly from a solid to a gas. This technique is widely used to preserve pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biologics, and food products without compromising their structure or efficacy. The process involves three primary stages: freezing, primary drying (sublimation), and secondary drying (desorption). Each stage requires precise control of temperature and pressure, which underscores the importance of advanced lyophilizer technology.
Leading Manufacturers and Their Innovations
 Lyo Group 
At LSI, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, high-performance freeze dryers for the research, and pharmaceutical industries. Our roots can be traced back to New York in 1996, where we first began our journey to become a leading provider of freeze drying solutions. Today, we are proud to have a global reach with multiple locations and representatives serving customers all around the world.
We believe that our success lies in our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our business. From the materials and components used in our equipment, to the testing and validation processes, we aim to provide our customers with freeze dryers that are reliable, easy to use, and easy to maintain.
The Future of Lyophilization Technology
The lyophilizer market is poised for significant growth, driven by advancements in technology and increasing demand across various industries. Future developments are likely to focus on enhancing automation, improving energy efficiency, and integrating advanced data analytics. Manufacturers are also exploring innovations in materials and designs to address the challenges of scalability and process optimization.
In addition, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning is expected to play a pivotal role in the future of lyophilization. These technologies could revolutionize process control and optimization, leading to more efficient and cost-effective lyophilization processes.
As the lyophilization industry continues to evolve, leading manufacturers are pushing the boundaries of technology to meet the growing demands of diverse sectors. From advanced control systems and energy-efficient designs to customized solutions and future technological integrations, these manufacturers are driving innovation and shaping the future of lyophilization. By staying at the forefront of these developments, they are not only enhancing the quality and efficiency of their products but also contributing to the advancement of industries that rely on the delicate process of lyophilization.
For businesses and researchers in need of reliable and cutting-edge lyophilization technology, understanding the capabilities and innovations of leading manufacturers is key to making informed decisions and achieving optimal results.
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infiniteuptimeusa · 1 month
Condition Monitoring Applications - Predictive Maintenance Solutions
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Condition Monitoring Applications that nobody else can!
While Condition monitoring standard applications is straightforward, the true challenge lies in monitoring critical applications where readily available solutions are scarce. Infinite Uptime, leveraging its continuously powered piezoelectric sensing technology, excels at diagnosing faults even in the most demanding scenarios. With our Predictive Maintenance and Plant Reliability Services, we provide unparalleled accuracy and reliability in the most challenging environments.
Elevated Temperatures
Battery-based MEMS sensors are not suitable for high-temperature applications. Infinite Uptime excels in monitoring high-temperature applications, reaching surface temperatures of up to 300°F. These applications span various industries, including Steel (hot strip mills, fume exhaust blowers, blast furnaces, preheater fans), Cement (Pyro Section), and Paper (Wire, Press, and Dryer section).
High Humidity
Battery-based sensors suffer from self-discharge issues in humid conditions due to Lithium-Ion batteries. However, Infinite Uptime’s technology is humidity-resistant, making it an ideal choice for applications in challenging humid conditions commonly found in paper plants, the food industry, and steel rolling.
Low & Variable Speed
Monitoring low-frequency, slow-speed industrial machinery demands specialized sensing and processing capabilities. Infinite Uptime excels in minimizing structural and ambient noise, enabling monitoring at speeds as low as 6 rpm. Our intelligent system configurations account for variations in duty cycles when diagnosing faults in rotating equipment.
Corrosive Environment
In chemical factories, fertilizer units, and additive manufacturing plants, sulfur and nitrogen oxides frequently corrode sensors designed to protect equipment, rendering them ineffective. Infinite Uptime’s sensing technology is resistant to corrosive environmental conditions and the damage caused by repeated use of chemical cleaning products. With its stainless steel corrosion-resistant sensor casing, Infinite Uptime ensures continuous monitoring of your machines.
To Know more about Condition Monitoring: https://www.infinite-uptime.com/condition-monitoring-applications/
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foodtechprojects · 1 year
Refractance window dryer systems have shown good product value. A continuous drying process is initiated with the help of a refractance window dryer. Refractance window food drying is an effective process of drying food products. Contact professionals for industrial food dryer machines in India.
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