#Indoor LED Display Screens
ledcontrollercard · 1 year
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Leading the Light: LED Screen Suppliers in the UAE
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In the fast-changing world of visual technology, LED screens have become  breakthrough, changing how we see visual content. Whether for advertising, events, or improving a space's atmosphere, LED screens provide the clear, vibrant, and versatile displays.In the UAE, known for its innovation and high standards, one company stands out as the top supplier of LED screens – Adorn. Here’s why Adorn is the best LED screen supplier in the UAE.
Quality is the top priority. The company sources its LED screens from the best manufacturers, known for their excellence and the innovation. Each screen undergoes thorough testing to meet high standards before being sold. This dedication to quality ensures that when you choose them in the UAE, you're investing in the reliable, high-performance technology that will deliver stunning visuals for years.
Wide Range of Products
Adorn offers an extensive range of LED screens to suit various needs and applications. From large outdoor billboards to sleek indoor displays, Adorn has the perfect solution for every project. Their product range includes:
Outdoor LED Screens: These screens are tough and weather-resistant, great for ads and the public displays outdoors.
Indoor LED Screens: Ideal for shops, offices, and entertainment places, offering clear visuals indoors.
Rental LED Screens: Flexible options for events, meetings, and short-term setups.
Customized Solutions: Tailored designs to fit unique spaces and specific requirements.
With years of experience, Adorn has earned a reputation for excellence. Their experts know the latest LED technology well, ensuring they offer the best solutions. From consulting to installation and support, Adorn provides a smooth experience. Their expertise sets them apart from other LED screen suppliers in the UAE.
Adorn stands out among LED screen suppliers by focusing strongly on customer satisfaction. They work closely with clients to understand their unique needs and  goals, delivering customized solutions that exceed  expectations. Adorn's commitment to excellence goes beyond sales, offering continuous support and maintenance to ensure your LED screens always perform at their best.
Adorn provides high-quality products and services at  competitive prices. They make sure you get great value for your investment without sacrificing quality. Adorn's clear pricing and the flexible financing options make it easy to find  solution that fits your budget, making them  top choice among LED screen suppliers in the UAE.
The UAE is known for innovation and progress, and Adorn has become a trusted partner in this dynamic market. Their successful projects in different sectors show their expertise and reliability. Whether for big events, busy retail spaces, or advanced corporate setups, Adorn has the skills and resources to make your vision a reality. When you need LED screen suppliers in the UAE, Adorn is the name to trust.
In the fast-changing LED technology world, Adorn is the top LED screen supplier in the UAE. They focus on quality, innovation, customer satisfaction, and the sustainability, making them the best choice for high-quality LED screens.Choosing Adorn means more than buying a product; it means teaming up with  company committed to excellence. Illuminate your world with Adorn – the top LED screen supplier in the UAE.
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ledscreendisplay · 4 days
Spotlight on Excellence: Hyderabad's Top LED Display Manufacturers
Highlighting Excellence:  led display manufactures in Hyderabad Some of India's most creative LED display manufactures are based in Hyderabad, an active town famous for its technological strength. We highlight the excellence of led display manufactures in Hyderabad in this extensive blog post, highlighting their outstanding contributions to the sector.
1. Innovation Fundamentals Find out how the top led display manufactures in Hyderabad are developing the area of innovation. These manufacturers are leading the way in affecting visual experiences with their modern display technology and seamless integration with digital display systems.
2. Exceptional Caliber and Dependability In the LED display organization, quality and dependability are crucial, and led display manufactures in Hyderabad develop at producing goods that accomplish global standards. Examine how their high quality control techniques guarantee that each display unit operates at its most effective even in demanding settings.
3. Innovative Technology Discover the cutting-edge innovations that the leading LED display manufacturers in Hyderabad have included. These manufacturers use the latest technology to satisfy to a wide range of customer needs, be it interactive display capabilities, energy-efficient designs, or high definition resolutions.
4. Personalization and Adaptability Particularly with regard to the LED display business, one size does not fit all. Manufacturers in Hyderabad are aware of this and provide bespoke solutions that meet certain needs. Find out how they work with customers to create displays that precisely complement branding, operational objectives, and space limitations.
5. Industry Uses and Adaptability Sports arenas and corporate boardrooms are just two of the many industrial uses led display manufactures in Hyderabad provide. Examine actual cases showing their displays in use in retail, entertainment, education, and other areas.
6. Sustainability Designs Receiving conscious of the environment is becoming more and more important in current production environment. Discover how the leading led display manufactures in Hyderabad incorporate sustainable practices into their business operations, from responsible use of materials to energy-efficient designs.
7. Client Contentment and Help Top LED display manufacturers in Hyderabad stand out for their outstanding customer service. Discover about their dedication to providing quick support, all-inclusive guarantees, and continuous maintenance services.
8. Upcoming Developments and Trends Discover the latest developments and trends in the LED display industry in Hyderabad manufacturers, and acquire an understanding into the future of LED displays. Imagine what will happen next in visual technology, from developments in immersive technology integration to designs with extremely flexible displays.
9. References and Success Stories See client endorsements and success stories from companies who have worked with the best LED display manufacturers in Hyderabad. Find out how these partnerships have improved brand awareness, interaction, and general business performance.
After concluding our investigation into Hyderabad's thriving LED display manufacturing industry, it is evident that these manufacturers are more than just screen producers they are visual experience designers. Leading LED display manufacturers in Hyderabad have shown unmatched creativity by adopting cutting-edge technologies to completely change the way we interact with digital displays. Their dedication to perfection is evident in every pixel, from breathtaking clarity of display through perfect integration across a variety of events.
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ledcoms · 13 days
P1 25mm indoor HD fixed LED display module disassembly
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ledvideo · 16 days
Challenges and Opportunities of LED Display Industry
As a strategic emerging industry, LED display shows huge market potential and application prospects worldwide. As an important participant in the LED display industry, it is facing fierce international competition and internal development bottlenecks. This article will explore the current situation, challenges and coping strategies of the LED display industry.
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Current Status of LED Display Industry
After rapid development in recent years, the LED display industry has formed a complete industrial chain from raw materials to application products. At present, there are more than 2,000 LED display companies, of which more than 70% focus on application products and supporting services. LED products are in a leading position in the world in many fields such as urban lighting, tunnel lights, medical lighting and display screens, and even attract companies from developed countries such as the United States to come to purchase. How to find an LED screen factory?
A, Challenges
Although the LED display industry has made remarkable achievements, there are still some problems that need to be solved:
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Dependence on core technology
There is a large gap between the research and development of LED chips and the international advanced level. Many companies have to rely on imported LED chips, which limits the industry's independent development capabilities. Take you to understand LED chips: technology, applications and development.
Blind expansion risk
The blind expansion of emerging industries may lead to waste of resources and market imbalance, affecting the healthy development of the industry.
Funding bottleneck
LED display companies generally face funding bottlenecks, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Financing difficulties limit their technological innovation and market competitiveness.
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International competition pressure
Western developed countries have invested heavily in the research and development of emerging industries, and companies face tremendous pressure in international competition.
B. Response strategies
Strengthen core technology research and development
The LED display industry should increase R&D investment, break through the core technology bottleneck, and improve independent innovation capabilities.
Optimize industrial structure
Avoid blind expansion, optimize industrial structure, improve industrial concentration, and form economies of scale.
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Policy support and financial innovation
The government should introduce relevant policies to support the development of the LED display industry, while encouraging financial innovation and solving corporate financing problems.
International cooperation and exchanges
Strengthen cooperation and exchanges with international advanced companies, introduce advanced technology and management experience, and enhance international competitiveness. Here is a guide to holographic display technology.
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Although the LED display industry faces many challenges, it also has huge development potential and market opportunities. By strengthening core technology research and development, optimizing industrial structure, policy support and financial innovation, and international cooperation and exchanges, the LED display industry is expected to achieve sustainable development, enhance international competitiveness, and contribute to a new round of industrial revolution.
Thank you for watching. I hope we can solve your problems. Sostron is a professional LED display manufacturer. We provide all kinds of displays, display leasing and display solutions around the world. If you want to know: Guide to Cleaning and Maintenance of Outdoor LED Displays. Please click read.
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officefluxuae · 1 month
Buy Indoor led Display Screen Suppliers in Dubai - OfficeFlux
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Engage your audience with stunning displays from OfficeFlux, the premier supplier and exporter of top-tier indoor LED screens in Dubai. Featuring renowned brands like Absen, Aoto, LG, QSTECH, Samsung, and Hikvision, our high-resolution screens make a lasting impression. Explore our latest range of indoor LED screens, including LED Posters, LED Cabinets, Flexible LEDs, and Transparent LED Screens, perfect for captivating audiences in malls, events, schools, and more.
Website: https://www.officeflux.com/led-display/led-display-indoor-led-screen-supplier-dubai
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seouaenew · 2 months
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We specialize in captivating LED displays, both indoors and outdoors. Add vibrancy to your interior with stunning indoor LED screens, or grab attention with impactful outdoor LED billboards across the UAE.
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amalaabhishek · 2 months
The Leading Digital Printing Company in Dubai,UAE
MEGACOM MEDIA is the Leading digital printing company in Dubai since 2011.This company is not just any digital printing service; it's a testament to quality, innovation, and comprehensive digital printing solutions that cater to a vast array of needs across the GCC. We do all kinds of Large Format Printing which includes Fabric, Vinyl, PVC Banner (Single sided & Double sided), Artistic Canvas, UV Flat Bed, Signage Fabrication, wood works and we have even introduced the 5-meter UV Printing Machine. Also we providing high quality services of digital signages, Indoor Led Screen and Outdoor Led Screens .
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help bring your vision to life through our digital printing services.
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eagerledscreen · 4 months
Top Trends in Front Service LED Screen Technology
Technology is constantly evolving, and the field of LED screen is no exception. Front service LED screen have revolutionized the way we display information and capture attention. These screens are not only visually stunning but also offer convenience and flexibility in terms of maintenance and installation.
In this blog, we will explore the latest trends of 2024 of front service LED screens that are shaping the industry.
Seamless Integration
One of the key trends in front service LED screen technology is seamless integration with various digital platform. LED screens can now be easily connected to smartphones, tablets, and other devices, enabling businesses to display dynamic content and engage with their audience in real-time.
Enhanced durability
These screens are now built to withstand harsh weather conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations. With improved durability, businesses can confidently invest in front service LED screen and expect a longer lifespan, reducing the need of frequent replacements.
Customization option
These are becoming increasingly customizable, allowing businesses to create unique and captivating displays. Whether it’s adjusting the screen size, shape, or resolution, LED technology offers endless possibilities for customization, ensuring that businesses can effectively communicates their message to their targated audience.
Energy Efficiency
Sustainability is a growing concern in today’s world, and LED screens are addressing this issue by becoming more energy-efficient. With advancement in LED technology, front service screen now consume less power while delivering brighter and more vibrant visuals.
Easy maintenance
Unlike traditional LED screens, front service LED screens are designed for easy maintenance and repair. With front access panels, technicians can quickly access the internal components of the screen, minimizing downtime and reducing maintenance costs. Front service LED screen technology offering businesses new opportunities to engage with their audience and deliver captivating content. As we move forward, expect to see even more innovation in this field, making front service LED screens an indispensable tool for businesses across various industries.
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staietech2 · 5 months
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meiyadled · 6 months
Meiyad indoor P1.538 led wall Large stock available with low price and good quality
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Glimmering Dubai: LED Screens Enhancing the Cityscape
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Dubai, famous for its amazing buildings, luxury, and the innovation, needs the highest standards in all its infrastructure and technology. In such a competitive and aesthetically driven environment, Adorn LED Screens have emerged as the leading provider of LED screen display solutions in Dubai, setting new benchmarks for quality, creativity, and performance.
The LED Screens in Dubai are well-known for their clear and sharp display.They use advanced LED screen technology to show clear pictures, videos, and graphics with bright colors and high contrast. Adorn screens are bright and clear indoors or outdoors, even in direct sunlight, perfect for Dubai's sunny weather.
Adorn in Dubai uses the latest technology in their LED screens. They have high-definition resolution, energy-saving designs, and connect easily with digital platforms. Adorn screens are easy to use, with simple controls for managing content and schedules.
Adorn in Dubai provides a variety of customizable LED screens to meet different project needs. They offer screens in various sizes, shapes, and setups, suitable for uses like advertising, entertainment, and corporate presentations. Whether it's large outdoor billboards or detailed indoor displays, Adorn ensures their screens match specific requirements.
In Dubai's fast-paced setting, Adorn LED Screens are built tough to handle extreme heat and sandstorms, ensuring they last. With strong construction and top-notch materials, Adorn screens need little maintenance and offer maximum uptime, giving clients peace of mind.
Adorn cares deeply about their customer service in Dubai. They offer full support, from planning and design to installation and after-sales assistance. Their experts collaborate closely with clients to meet their needs and ensure their screens work perfectly with regular maintenance and quick fixes.
Adorn is also dedicated to environmental sustainability in Dubai. Their LED screens are designed to be energy-efficient, reducing power consumption without compromising on performance. This not only lowers operational costs but also minimizes the environmental impact, aligning with Dubai's vision of a sustainable future.
Adorn LED Screens are widely used in Dubai's famous places. They are seen in busy malls and at entertainment venues, adding to the city's visual appeal. Adorn screens are also popular at important events, exhibitions, and public areas, showing their status as the top LED screen provider in the region.
In busy Dubai, celebrated for its innovation and luxury, Adorn LED Screens are known for their excellent displays. They stand out for their advanced technology, customizable options, durability, and  exceptional customer service. Whether for  business, corporate events, or entertainment purposes, the LED screens in Dubai are the ideal choice to elevate any visual presentation and create a lasting impact on viewers.
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ledscreendisplay · 5 days
In Focus: Top Video LED Walls for Events in India
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Top video LED walls are now necessary to create immersive and memorable experiences in the dynamic world of Indian events. An amazing visual enjoy may be created at any event, be it a corporate meeting, a magnificent wedding, or a music festival, with the help of an LED wall. Here's a detailed look at the best video LED walls that are becoming the standard for Indian events.
Top Video Led walls in India: P3 LED Walls for a Dynamic Visual Experience Among the best video LED walls in India, P3 LED walls are famous for their perfect display and excellent picture quality. These panels offer great resolution with a three millimeters screen pitch, which makes them ideal for indoor events where detail and clarity are crucial. Every visual component jumps out because to the brilliant colors and crisp graphics, drawing in viewers as soon as they walk into the venue. P3 LED walls take the visual experience to new levels for any kind of event, whether it's a large celebration or a corporate gathering.
Top Video Led walls in India: Adaptable and Durable P4 LED Screens P4 LED screens, among the top video LED walls available in India, are particularly important for outdoor events requiring durability and adaptability. These panels, which have a four millimeters pixel pitch, combine strong performance and excellent resolution to easily handle changing outdoor conditions. P4 LED walls are the perfect option for producing unforgettable outdoor experiences because they offer continuous performance and beautiful images, whatever the event type a massive business meeting or an expansive music festival.
Top Video Led walls in India: Integrated Leading LED Walls Among the top video LED walls in India, flexible LED walls have a spectacular viewing experience that improves audience engagement while providing a unique visual appeal. These walls produce a more immersive setting, making them ideal for advertising events and product is released. Their ability to bend and create the display makes it possible to create imaginative designs that effortlessly adapt to the various characteristics of any location, making them an engaging and adaptable option for a variety of events.
Top Video Led walls in India: Creative Interactive LED Walls These innovative interactive LED walls, which revolutionize audience involvement with content, are among the best video LED walls in India. These interactive walls are perfect for trade events, educational seminars, and interactive exhibitions since they facilitate touch and gesture engagements. Through the incorporation of interactivity into the visual display, these LED walls offer a cutting-edge approach to producing engaging and unforgettable experiences by establishing a dynamic platform for audience participation.
The Top LED Video Walls in India: Selecting the Ideal Wall for Your Event The size, location, audience, and content requirements of the event must all be carefully taken into account when selecting the best LED wall from the top video LED walls in India. It is essential to understand these details in order to choose a wall that will increase the impact and engagement of the event. The execution and overall success of your event can be greatly impacted by collaborating with knowledgeable suppliers who have expertise in various LED technologies. This will guarantee that the visual experience properly fits your objectives and the expectations of your audience.
The top video LED walls available in India are a need for organizers who want to create memorable and captivating experiences. Event planners can make sure that their events capture the spirit of the occasion and continue to resonate with audiences long after the event concludes by carefully choosing the correct LED wall. Utilize these innovative video LED walls for improving your next event and bring the visuals to high levels of excitement and engagement.
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vivencyglobal · 7 months
Transforming Spaces with Dynamic Visual Displays: Indoor and Outdoor LED Screens from Vivency Global in Dubai
In today's visually driven world, captivating and dynamic visuals play a crucial role in grabbing attention, delivering information, and creating impactful experiences. This is where LED screens come into play, offering unmatched brightness, clarity, and versatility for both indoor and outdoor environments.
Indoor LED Screens:
Enhancing Visual Impact:
Brilliant Colors and High Resolution: Indoor LED screens provide vibrant colors, sharp images, and wide viewing angles, ensuring optimal visibility even in well-lit spaces.
Versatile Sizes and Configurations: From small modular panels for retail installations to large-scale video walls for event venues, indoor LED screens come in various sizes and configurations to seamlessly integrate into different environments.
Dynamic Content Integration: Display real-time content, including video, images, and graphics, to create engaging and informative experiences.
Retail: Digital signage, product promotions, interactive displays
Corporate: Lobbies, conference rooms, employee communication
Hospitality: Hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues
Education: Classrooms, auditoriums, training rooms
Indoor Events: Conferences, exhibitions, product launches
Outdoor LED Screens:
Weatherproof and Durable:
Built to withstand extreme temperatures, rain, dust, and sunlight, ensuring consistent performance in harsh outdoor conditions.
Long Lifespan: Outdoor LED screens offer a long lifespan, providing years of reliable operation and minimal maintenance.
Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, building facades, street furniture
Public Events: Concerts, festivals, sporting events
Transportation: Train stations, bus stops, airports
Real Estate: Building exteriors, information displays
Outdoor Retail: Shopping malls, plazas, storefronts
Vivency Global: Your Partner for Indoor and Outdoor LED Screens in Dubai
Vivency Global, a leading technology solutions provider in Dubai, offers a comprehensive range of indoor and outdoor LED screens to meet your specific needs. They are committed to providing:
Cutting-edge LED Technology: Featuring high-resolution displays, advanced image processing, and weatherproof enclosures.
Expert Consultation: Assisting you in selecting the right LED screen for your application and budget.
Professional Installation: Ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance of your LED screen.
Comprehensive Training: Providing training on how to operate and manage your LED screen effectively.
Unwavering Support: Offering ongoing maintenance and technical support to ensure long-term satisfaction.
Additional Benefits of Choosing Vivency Global:
Extensive Experience: Proven track record of successfully implementing LED screen projects across various sectors.
Customizable Solutions: Tailoring LED screens to your specific needs and requirements.
Competitive Prices: Offering cost-effective solutions to fit your budget.
Unwavering Commitment to Quality: Delivering high-quality products and services backed by industry-leading warranties.
Investing in indoor and outdoor LED screens from Vivency Global can significantly enhance your communication, advertising, and entertainment efforts.
Ready to transform your space with dynamic visual displays? Contact Vivency Global today to discuss your project and discover how their innovative LED screen solutions can help you achieve your goals.
Additional Tips:
Consider the intended purpose and target audience when choosing the size and location of your LED screen.
Ensure your content is clear, concise, and visually appealing to maximize impact.
Partner with a reputable LED screen provider like Vivency Global to ensure a successful installation and long-term performance.
Invest in ongoing maintenance and support to keep your LED screen operating at its best.
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ledvideo · 2 months
Key indicators of LED display
LED displays have become a common display device in various scenarios, from outdoor billboards to indoor conference displays, and their applications are becoming more and more widespread. However, when choosing an LED display, it is crucial to understand its key performance indicators. The following are some key performance indicators of LED displays:
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Anti-static ability: LED is a semiconductor device and is sensitive to static electricity, so anti-static ability is crucial to the life of the LED display. Generally, the human body electrostatic mode test failure voltage of LEDs should not be lower than 2000V.
Attenuation characteristics: After long-term operation of the LED display, the brightness will decrease and the color will be inconsistent, which is mainly caused by the brightness attenuation of the LED device. High-quality LED devices can well control the brightness attenuation amplitude, which generally should not exceed 2% for red and 10% for blue and green. To provide you with knowledge about nit brightness.
Brightness: The brightness of LED lamp beads is an important determinant of the brightness of the LED display. The higher the brightness of the LED, it is beneficial to save power consumption and keep the LED stable. Do you understand the working principle of LED lamp beads?
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Viewing angle: The angle of the LED lamp beads determines the viewing angle of the LED display. Different scenes may require different viewing angles. Viewing angle selection needs to be determined based on specific uses. Provide you with 3 LED lamp bead specifications.
Failure rate: The LED display screen is composed of a large number of LEDs. The failure of any LED will affect the overall visual effect. Therefore, the failure rate should be as low as possible, generally not higher than 3/10,000.
Consistency: The consistency of the LED display includes the consistency of brightness, wavelength and chromaticity, which affects the visual effect and color performance of the entire display. Good consistency can improve the display effect. How to adjust the brightness and contrast of LED display?
Lifespan: The theoretical lifespan of LED devices is up to 100,000 hours, making them one of the most durable components in LED displays. Reasonable use and design can extend the service life of LED displays.
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Size: The size of the LED device affects the pixel distance and resolution of the LED display. LED devices of different sizes are suitable for displays with different pixel densities.
In summary, understanding the key performance indicators of LED displays will help you choose high-quality products that suit your needs and improve the display effect and user experience.
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Thank you for watching. I hope we can solve your problems. Sostron is a professional LED display manufacturer. We provide all kinds of displays, display leasing and display solutions around the world. If you want to know: Common causes and solutions for black LED display screens. Please click read.
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ledscreenuae · 7 months
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