#Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya
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panicinthestudio · 2 years ago
An intricately carved seashell at an exhibition of women artisans' wares Indira Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal, Madyha Pradesh, India Source: Flickr: agirlcalledjaya
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Sea Shell Carving
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news365timesindia · 5 days ago
[ad_1] Bhopal- Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday emphasized that Madhya Pradesh, with its strong talent pool and flourishing industries, is emerging as a preferred business destination. He urged investors to capitalize on the state’s growth potential, stating, “This is the time, and the right time, to invest in the state.” Speaking at the ‘Invest Madhya Pradesh – Global Investors Summit 2025’, held at the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya near Upper Lake in Bhopal, PM Modi highlighted India’s robust economic trajectory. He cited the World Bank’s recent report, which reaffirmed India’s position as the world’s fastest-growing major economy for the next two years. He also underscored the role of the Deregulation Commission in fostering an investment-friendly regulatory framework across states. Key Announcements and Highlights: 18 New Investment Policies: PM Modi unveiled state government policies designed to attract major investments. Growth Sectors: He identified aerospace, textiles, tourism, and technology as key drivers of job creation. Electric Vehicle Leadership: Madhya Pradesh is among India’s leading states in the EV revolution. Healthcare & Wellness: The global acceptance of India’s ‘Heal in India’ initiative presents vast opportunities in the health sector. Reflecting on Madhya Pradesh’s transformation over the past two decades, PM Modi said the state once grappled with power, water, and law-and-order challenges, making industrial development difficult. However, under the BJP’s ‘double-engine government,’ MP has now become a top investment destination. Highlighting India’s green energy progress, PM Modi mentioned a recent UN climate report, which hailed India as a ‘solar power superpower’. “While many nations only talk, India delivers results,” he asserted. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, addressing the summit, reiterated his government’s commitment to doubling Madhya Pradesh’s economy within five years, aligning with India’s Vision 2047 to become a developed nation. He declared 2025 as the Year of Industries and Employment, reinforcing MP’s focus on industrial growth and job creation. The summit aims to position Madhya Pradesh as a global investment hub, attracting industrialists and businesses eager to be part of India’s economic success story. The post ‘Right Time to Invest in Madhya Pradesh’: PM Modi at Global Investors Summit appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 5 days ago
[ad_1] Bhopal- Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday emphasized that Madhya Pradesh, with its strong talent pool and flourishing industries, is emerging as a preferred business destination. He urged investors to capitalize on the state’s growth potential, stating, “This is the time, and the right time, to invest in the state.” Speaking at the ‘Invest Madhya Pradesh – Global Investors Summit 2025’, held at the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya near Upper Lake in Bhopal, PM Modi highlighted India’s robust economic trajectory. He cited the World Bank’s recent report, which reaffirmed India’s position as the world’s fastest-growing major economy for the next two years. He also underscored the role of the Deregulation Commission in fostering an investment-friendly regulatory framework across states. Key Announcements and Highlights: 18 New Investment Policies: PM Modi unveiled state government policies designed to attract major investments. Growth Sectors: He identified aerospace, textiles, tourism, and technology as key drivers of job creation. Electric Vehicle Leadership: Madhya Pradesh is among India’s leading states in the EV revolution. Healthcare & Wellness: The global acceptance of India’s ‘Heal in India’ initiative presents vast opportunities in the health sector. Reflecting on Madhya Pradesh’s transformation over the past two decades, PM Modi said the state once grappled with power, water, and law-and-order challenges, making industrial development difficult. However, under the BJP’s ‘double-engine government,’ MP has now become a top investment destination. Highlighting India’s green energy progress, PM Modi mentioned a recent UN climate report, which hailed India as a ‘solar power superpower’. “While many nations only talk, India delivers results,” he asserted. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, addressing the summit, reiterated his government’s commitment to doubling Madhya Pradesh’s economy within five years, aligning with India’s Vision 2047 to become a developed nation. He declared 2025 as the Year of Industries and Employment, reinforcing MP’s focus on industrial growth and job creation. The summit aims to position Madhya Pradesh as a global investment hub, attracting industrialists and businesses eager to be part of India’s economic success story. The post ‘Right Time to Invest in Madhya Pradesh’: PM Modi at Global Investors Summit appeared first on Global Governance News- Asia's First Bilingual News portal for Global News and Updates. [ad_2] Source link
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more-savi · 1 year ago
Bhopal mai Ghumane ki Jagah
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Bhopal mai Ghumane ki Jagah - भोपाल के पर्यटन स्थल
Discover top tourist places in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh! Plan your visit to Bhopal Mai Ghumane Ki Jagah and explore the city's captivating attractions. Upper Lake , Bhopal ऊपरी झील, जिसे भोजताल के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, भोपाल की एक महत्वपूर्ण और ऐतिहासिक कृत्रिम झील है, जो भारत में सबसे पुरानी मानी जाती है। स्थानीय तौर पर इसे बड़ा तालाब के नाम से जाना जाता है, यह पीने के पानी का एक प्रमुख स्रोत है, जो निवासियों को सालाना लगभग तीस मिलियन गैलन पानी की आपूर्ति करता है। झील के एक कोने पर एक स्तंभ पर राजा भोज की मूर्ति है। पुल पुख्ता नामक एक ओवरब्रिज ऊपरी झील को निचली झील से अलग करता है। पूर्वी हिस्से में बोट क्लब पैरासेलिंग, कायाकिंग, पैडलिंग और राफ्टिंग जैसी विभिन्न जल गतिविधियाँ प्रदान करता है। कमला पार्क इसकी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता को बढ़ाता है। शाही उद्यान नए अनुभव चाहने वाले आगंतुकों को आकर्षित करता है और पीक सीज़न के दौरान यहाँ हलचल रहती है। 
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Van Vihar , Bhopal केंद्रीय चिड़ियाघर प्राधिकरण भोपाल में वन विहार में प्रकृति रिजर्व और वनस्पति आवास का प्रबंधन करता है, जो श्यामला हिल्स के पास और ऊपरी झील के नजदीक स्थित है। वन विहार जानवरों के लिए एक प्राकृतिक सेटिंग प्रदान करता है, जो उन्हें अपने मूल पर्यावरण के करीब स्थितियों में पनपने की अनुमति देता है। पर्यटक विभिन्न प्रकार के जीव-जंतुओं और पक्षियों को देख सकते हैं, जिनमें पैंथर, चीता, नीलगाय, पैंथर और वैगटेल शामिल हैं। सफेद बाघ को देखने का सबसे अच्छा समय जुलाई और सितंबर के बीच है।    Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya , Bhopal इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय मानव संग्रहालय एक अनोखा संग्रहालय है जो भोपाल के श्यामला हिल्स में वन विहार राष्ट्रीय उद्यान से लगभग एक किलोमीटर दूर स्थित है। यह भारत में सबसे बड़े मानवविज्ञान संस्थान और भोपाल में एक लोकप्रिय आकर्षण के रूप में प्रसिद्ध है। संग्रहालय मानव संस्कृति और विकास को प्रदर्शित करता है, जिसमें सजाए गए रॉक हाउस, औपनिवेशिक स्वदेशी रीति-रिवाज, वास्तुकला और परंपराएं शामिल हैं। इसमें दृश्य-श्रव्य संग्रह, नृवंशविज्ञान आइटम और इंटरैक्टिव फिल्में हैं। लगभग 200 एकड़ में फैले इस संग्रहालय का उद्देश्य भारतीय आदिवासी समुदायों की विविधता और सामाजिक रीति-रिवाजों को प्रदर्शित करना है। जनजातीय लोगों द्वारा विकसित, नृवंशविज्ञान स्थान जीवन के पुराने तरीके और पौराणिक निशानों को संरक्षित करता है। संग्रहालय सुबह 10 बजे से शाम 5.30 बजे (सितंबर से फरवरी) और सुबह 11 बजे से शाम 6.30 बजे (मार्च से अगस्त) तक खुलता है, सोमवार और सार्वजनिक छुट्टियों पर बंद रहता है। प्रवेश शुल्क रु. वयस्कों के लिए 50 रु. प्रति व्यक्ति छात्रों और समूहों के लिए 25।   Chhota Talab, Bhopal निचली झील के नाम से भी जानी जाने वाली यह झील भोपाल रेलवे जंक्शन से लगभग चार किलोमीटर दूर स्थित है। यह लोअर लेक ब्रिज, या पुल पुख्ता, एक सस्पेंशन ब्रिज द्वारा ऊपरी झील से जुड़ा हुआ है। 1794 में निर्मित, निचली झील को शहर के आकर्षणों को श्रद्धांजलि देने के लिए बनाया गया था। यह प्रभावशाली पहाड़ियों से घिरा हुआ एक शांत और शांत वातावरण प्रदान करता है।    Bhimbetka caves भीमबेटका दक्षिण एशिया का एक महत्वपूर्ण पुरातात्विक स्थल है, जो मानव अस्तित्व के सबसे पुराने साक्ष्य प्रदर्शित करने वाले पांच सौ से अधिक शैल आश्रयों के लिए जाना जाता है।वनस्पति रंगों का उपयोग करके बनाई गई प्राचीन रॉक कला, गुफाओं की दरारों और आंतरिक दीवारों में उल्लेखनीय रूप से अच्छी तरह से बची हुई है। भीमबेटका एक आकर्षक गंतव्य है जो सभी आयु वर्ग के लोगों के घूमने के लिए उपयुक्त है। यह भोपाल और होशंगाबाद को जोड़ने वाले राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग 12 के माध्यम से आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है। भीमबेटका गुफाओं तक पहुंचने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका एक निजी टैक्सी सेवा किराए पर लेना है।    Gohar Mahal,Bhopal यह भोपाल में ऊपरी झील के तट पर स्थित एक आश्चर्यजनक स्मारक है, जिसे 1820 में शहर की पहली महिला शासक गौहर बेगम ने बनवाया था।महल तक आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है, हवाई अड्डा लगभग नौ से दस किलोमीटर दूर स्थित है, और निकटतम रेलवे स्टेशन साइट से लगभग छह किलोमीटर दूर है।    Birla Museum,Bhopal मध्य प्रदेश में बिड़ला संग्रहालय क्षेत्र की समृद्ध प्रागैतिहासिक सभ्यता का एक उल्लेखनीय भंडार है। भोपाल आने वाले इतिहास और पुरातत्व प्रेमियों के लिए यह संग्रहालय अवश्य देखने योग्य आकर्षण है। ��िकटतम रेलवे स्टेशन भोपाल मुख्य स्टेशन है, जो लगभग पाँच किलोमीटर दूर है। हालाँकि, बिड़ला संग्रहालय तक पहुँचने का सबसे सुविधाजनक तरीका सड़क मार्ग है, या तो ड्राइविंग करके, कैब लेकर या बस का उपयोग करके।    Shaukat mahal,Bhopal भोपाल में शौकत महल एक आश्चर्यजनक वास्तुशिल्प चमत्कार है जो इंडो-इस्लामिक और यूरोपीय डिजाइन तत्वों के मिश्रण के लिए जाना जाता है। इमारत के शीर्ष पर त्रिकोण के रूप में जटिल मेहराब हैं, और अग्रभाग सुंदर पैटर्न से सजाया गया है, जो कलाकार की शिल्प कौशल को प्रदर्शित करता है। पर्यटक निजी टैक्सी किराए पर लेकर या आसानी से उपलब्ध सार्वजनिक परिवहन का उपयोग करके शौकत महल तक आसानी से पहुंच सकते हैं, क्योंकि यह भोपाल रेलवे जंक्शन से लगभग चार किलोमीटर दूर स्थित है।    Bharat Bhavan,Bhopal भोपाल में स्थित भारत भवन, 1982 में भारत की पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री इंदिरा गांधी को समर्पित एक स्वतंत्र बहु-कला परिसर और संग्रहालय है। केंद्र का लक्ष्य दृश्य, भाषाई और प्रदर्शन कलाओं के माध्यम से आगंतुकों को एक आकर्षक और यादगार अनुभव प्रदान करना है। यह आधुनिक अभिव्यक्ति, रचनात्मकता और मुक्त भाषण कार्यक्रमों के लिए एक मंच के रूप में कार्य करता है। भारत भवन पूरे देश के प्रतिभाशाली नृत्य और गायन कलाकारों को देखने के लिए पर्यटकों के लिए एक लोकप्रिय गंतव्य है। अपर लेक के पास स्थित, यह राजा भोज अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे से 12 किमी, हबीबगंज रेलवे स्टेशन से 8 किमी और नादिरा बस स्टैंड से 6 किमी दूर है।    Taj-ul-Masjid,Bhopal ताज-उल-मस्जिद देश की सबसे बड़ी और सबसे शानदार मस्जिदों में से एक है, जिसमें विशाल गुंबदों, उत्कृष्ट मीनारों और आश्चर्यजनक गलियारों के साथ लुभावनी वास्तुकला है। हालाँकि, मस्जिद के अंदर प्रवेश केवल मुसलमानों के लिए प्रतिबंधित है। राजा भोज टर्मिनल से सिर्फ नौ किलोमीटर और हमीदिया रोड पर शहर के केंद्रीय रेलवे स्टेशन से चार किलोमीटर दूर स्थित, मस्जिद तक आसानी से पहुंचा जा सकता है। विदिशा, सांची, उज्जैन, इंदौर और अन्य शहरों और कस्बों जैसे आसपास के क्षेत्रों के लिए लगातार बसें उपलब्ध हैं, जिससे भोपाल के सार्वजनिक परिवहन नेटवर्क के माध्यम से पहुंचा जा सकता है।    भोपाल में खरीदारी करने के कुछ प्रमुख स्थान हैं:   New Market: टीटी नगर भी कहलाने वाले न्यू मार्केट में कई दुकानें हैं जो कपड़े, सहायक उपकरण, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स, जूते और बहुत कुछ बेचते हैं। बजट खरीदारी और सौदेबाजी करने के लिए यह बेहतरीन स्थान है। Bittan Market: यह बाजार साड़ियों, कपड़े, आभूषण और हस्तशिल्प के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। यह पारंपरिक भारतीय कपड़े और अन्य सामान की तलाश करने वालों के लिए एक लोकप्रिय जगह है। MP Crafts Exhibition: बिड़ला संग्रहालय के पास स्थित यह एम्पोरियम मध्य प्रदेश के पारंपरिक हस्तशिल्प की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला प्रदर्शित करता है, जिसमें कपड़ा, मिट्टी के बर्तन, आभूषण और बहुत कुछ है। DB Mall - इस आधुनिक शॉपिंग मॉल में भारतीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय ब्रांड हैं, जो इसे मनोरंजन, भोजन, फैशन और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स के लिए एक वन-स्टॉप स्थान बनाते हैं। Ashima Mall: आशिमा मॉल, एक और आधुनिक शॉपिंग कॉम्प्लेक्स, ब्रांडों, खाद्य कोर्टों और मनोरंजन क्षेत्रों से मिलकर एक परिवार के अनुकूल शॉपिंग स्थान है। C21 Mall- मॉल विभिन्न खरीदारी और मनोरंजन आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करता है, खुदरा दुकानों, खाद्य पदार्थों और मल्टीप्लेक्स सिनेमा के एक मिश्रण के साथ। ये भोपाल में खरीदारी करने के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण स्थान हैं। पुराने बाजारों से लेकर आधुनिक शॉपिंग मॉल तक, शहर में कई अलग-अलग खरीदारी अनुभव हैं, जिससे यह सुनिश्चित होता है कि सभी पसंद के खरीदारों को उनकी पसंद के अनुसार कुछ न कुछ मिल जाएगा।   आप भोपाल पहुंचे कैसे?   विभिन्न परिवहन साधनों से मध्य प्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल तक आसानी से पहुँचना संभव है। यहाँ भोपाल पहुंचने का तरीका बताया गया है: राजा भोज (IATA: BHO) हवाई अड्डा भोपाल से प्रमुख भारतीय शहरों से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है। आप दिल्ली, मुंबई, कोलकाता, बैंगलोर आदि से सीधी उड़ानें ले सकते हैं। शहर के केंद्र से हवाई अड्डा लगभग 15 किलोमीटर (9 मील) दूर है। By Train भारत के सबसे बड़े रेलवे स्टेशनों में से एक भोपाल जंक्शन देश भर के कई शहरों से अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है। यह स्टेशन सुपरफास्ट ट्रेनों और लंबी दूरी ट्रेनों से जुड़ा हुआ है। इस शहर को दिल्ली, मुंबई, चेन्नई और कोलकाता से अच्छी रेल कनेक्टिविटी है। By Bus- भोपाल में अच्छी तरह से विकसित सड़क नेटवर्क है, जिसमें अंतरराज्यीय और शहरी बस सेवाएं उपलब्ध हैं। इंदौर, नागपुर, जबलपुर और अन्य आसपास के शहरों से अक्सर बसें चलती हैं। भोपाल बस स्टेंड (हमीदिया बस स्टेंड भी कहलाता है) सबसे बड़ा बस टर्मिनल है। By Car कार से भोपाल राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग (एनएच) और राज्य राजमार्गों से जुड़ा हुआ है। भोपाल पड़ोसी राज्यों और शहरों से जा सकता है। आम तौर पर सड़क अच्छी है, और यात्रा में मनोरम दृश्य हैं। जब आप भोपाल पहुंचते हैं, तो शहर के आसपास जाने के लिए आपको साइकिल रिक्शा, टैक्सी, शहरी बसें और ऑटो-रिक्शा जैसे कई स्थानीय साधन मिलेंगे। परिवहन विकल्पों के बारे में सबसे नवीनतम जानकारी की जांच करना उचित है, खासकर अगर मेरे पिछले अपडेट से कोई परिवर्तन या सुधार हुआ है। Homepage Read the full article
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nuego-bus · 2 years ago
Journey from Indore to Bhopal: Exploring the Heart of Madhya Pradesh
Introduction: Embarking on a journey with NUEGO from Indore to Bhopal is like taking a delightful trip through the heart of Madhya Pradesh "The Heart of India." This travel route offers a unique blend of historical heritage, natural beauty, and cultural wonders. Join us as we take you on a virtual tour of this enchanting journey, highlighting the must-visit places and experiences that will leave you captivated by the essence of this incredible state.
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The Departure: Bid Adieu to Indore's Charm As your journey commences from Indore, you bid farewell to the city's vibrant energy and regal past. With a mix of historic monuments, bustling bazaars, and mouth watering street food, Indore leaves an indelible mark on your travel memories.
Ujjain: A Spiritual Sojourn En route to Bhopal, make a pit stop at Ujjain, one of the holiest cities in India. This ancient city, located on the banks of the Shipra River, is renowned for its temples, particularly the Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga, one of the twelve sacred shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva. Witness the mesmerizing evening aarti (prayer ritual) by the ghats of the Shipra River, an experience that fills your soul with tranquility.
Bhopal Beckons: The City of Lakes and Culture Arriving in Bhopal, you are welcomed by the city's serene lakes, which have earned it the nickname "City of Lakes." Upper Lake and Lower Lake, connected by an over-bridge, offer picturesque views and serene boat rides. Embrace the city's rich culture at Bharat Bhavan, an acclaimed multi-arts complex, or visit the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (National Museum of Humankind) for an immersive cultural experience.
Historical Heritage: Bhopal's Architectural Gems Step back in time as you explore Bhopal's historical landmarks. Gaze in awe at the magnificent Taj-ul-Masajid, one of the largest mosques in Asia, adorned with intricate designs and splendid architecture. Don't miss the 200-year-old Shaukat Mahal and Sadar Manzil, showcasing a fusion of Indo-Islamic and European architectural styles.
Van Vihar National Park: A Date with Nature Nature enthusiasts will find solace at the Van Vihar National Park, an oasis of greenery amid the city's hustle. This national park houses a diverse range of flora and fauna, and a safari through the park promises sightings of various species, including tigers, leopards, and deer.
Bhojpur: Temples Frozen in Time A short detour to Bhojpur will take you to the fascinating Bhojeshwar Temple. Built in the 11th century, this incomplete marvel boasts the world's largest Shiva Linga and intricately carved pillars. Explore the enigmatic history surrounding the temple and marvel at the architectural brilliance of ancient times.
Conclusion: The journey from Indore to Bhopal weaves together the tapestry of Madhya Pradesh's rich heritage, spiritual significance, and natural beauty. As you travel through this enchanting route, you'll discover the essence of India's heartland. From the spiritual sanctity of Ujjain to the architectural wonders of Bhopal, each place on this journey offers a unique and memorable experience. So, pack your bags, hit the road with NUEGO Bus and immerse yourself in the heartwarming journey that awaits you from Indore to Bhopal. Bon voyage!
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mptourandtourism · 2 years ago
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krishnamaheshwari30098 · 3 years ago
Padma Shri Awards: Ordinary people being recognised for their life’s work
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Padma Shri, also spelt Padma Shree, is one of the highest civilian awards of the Republic of India, after the Bharat Ratna. It is awarded by the Government of India every year on India's Republic Day. Padma Awards were established in 1954 to be awarded to citizens of India in honour of their distinguished contribution in various provinces of activity including the arts, education, industry, literature, science, sports, medicine, social service and public affairs. It has also been awarded to some outstanding individuals who were not citizens of India but did contribute in different ways to India.
The selection criteria have been scrutinised in some quarters with the claim that many highly worthy artists have been left out to favour certain individuals. India has now built an online nomination platform for the common citizens to recommend the nomination for the annually given civilian "Padma" awards.  As of 2021, 3225 people have received the award. Among the Padma Awardees this year, some very ordinary people that have inspired us with their great accomplishments have made a positive change in society and have contributed to society. Here is a mention of a few of those. This list does not, in any manner, consider the achievements of others inferior.
Bhuri Bai
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Bhuri Bai of Zher came to Bhopal twenty years ago. She works at Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya IGRMS on a daily wage basis. She has been painting with acrylic on canvas for the past nine years and has already authenticated herself as a Bhil contemporary artist. The walls of the Museum of Mankind are covered with Bhuri Bai’s paintings. As a child, she would go to the haat or local fair, an essential part of Bhill life, where the colours inspired her to paint. She paints the laugh and fun of the Gad Bapsi festival, where young men try to scale an oiled pole to get the coconuts tied to its top.
Asavadi Prakasarao
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Dr Asavadi Prakasa Rao is a famous poet, Avadhani, writer, critic and translator besides being an academic, who had served as Principal of Govt. Degree Colleges; Member, Executive Committee, AP Sahitya Akademi; and Member, Executive Council, SK University. As Ashtavadhani, he gave 170 performances and has authored 50 books across various genres. And 18 books, including a doctoral thesis, have come out on his learned output. A distinguished orator, he took part in some radio/ TV programmes. He is also into social service. He has received several honours in his life work.
Gopiram Bargayan Burabhakat
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Veteran Assamese folk musician from Majuli, Shri Gopiram Bargayan Burabhakat will be conferred with Padma Shri this year. He is known for refining the Sattriya traditional music for over 7 decades.
He has been awarded the prestigious Padma Shri award for his contribution to Art.
Chutni Mahato
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Chutni Mahato, also known as Chutni Devi (b. 1959), is a social worker from Jharkhand, India. Once a victim of witch-branding, she now strives to help others who have been branded as witches and spreads awareness about superstitions and witchcraft.
Mahato was born in Bholadih village, Jharkhand in 1959. Married off as a child, she was labelled a witch in 1995 after a family member fell ill. The villagers grabbed her property, ill-treated her including sexual abuse, forcing her to drink urine and being displayed semi-naked. She ran away, finding her way back to her parent's house.
An Indian Administrative Service officer connected her to social workers who were working in the area of prevention of witch-hunting. Following this, for over two decades, she has taken up the cause against superstitious practices and beliefs in Jharkhand.
Shanti Devi
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Shanti Devi is famous for her contribution towards restoring peace in the Maoist affected areas in Odisha. She leads the voluntary organisation Seva Samaj, who was born in the Balasore district on April 18, 1934. She got married at the age of 17 to Mahatma Gandhi follower Dr Ratan Das. After marriage, she shifted to Koraput from Balasore. Later, she founded an ashram at Gobarapalli in the Rayagada district. Her carrier in social work began from there. She worked for the growth and education of tribal girls. She also started multiple ashrams for the education, recovery and vocational training of orphans and destitute children. She wanted to make all girls self-sufficient so that they can live with self-respect in society.
Purnamasi Jani
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Purnamasi Jani, a Kui poet from Odisha. She is among the 5 Odias who have been recognised for their services. A tribal poet, Jani is popularly known as Tadi Sarubai in the region for her devotional songs and poems which she sings in the Kui dialect. In the last 40 years, Jani has written and sung thousands of devotional and folk songs. She has never been to school not does know how to read and write, other than reciting poems in the Kui dialect. Locals see her as a healer, whose songs are balm to the soul.
Manjamma Jogati
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Manjamma Jogathi is an Indian Kannada theatre actress, singer and dancer of Jogathi Nritya, a folk dance form of North Karnataka. In 2019, she became the first transwoman to be the president of Karnataka Janapada Academy, a state top institution for folk arts. After leaving her house aged 15, she identified herself as a woman. Having completed education only till Class 10, she resorted to begging. During this time, she was sexually abused. Later, a father and son duo introduced her to dancing and took her to dance teacher Kallava Jogathi, where she learnt the Jogathi dance.
Manjamma became a permanent dancer in Kallavva's Jogathi dance group, performing in different parts of India.
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Patiala-based Phulkari artist Lajwanti (64), who has been doing the artwork since she was six. “My family brought the art to India while migrating from Multan, Pakistan, during Partition. I learnt it from my grandmother out of interest,” she said.
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M. Pappammal alias Rangammal was born to Velammal and Maruthachala Mudaliar in the village of Devarayapuram in 1914. She lost her parents at a young age, and she and her two sisters were raised in Thekkampatti, Coimbatore by their paternal grandmother.
She is an organic farmer from Tamil Nadu, India. At the age of 105, she is argued to be the oldest farmer still active in the field. She is regarded as a pioneer in the agriculture field and is affiliated with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University's department of education. At her age, she works every day on her 2.5 acres of land.
Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat
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Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat is an Indian businesswoman, who is one of the founders of Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, a women's worker cooperative involved in manufacturing various fast-moving consumer goods. She started the company with a seed capital of ?80 (US$1.10), their cooperative venture - the Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad and now has a turnover of over ?1,600 crores (US$212 million). Her organization has employed nearly 45,000 women. While most people may not recognise her by name, it is unlikely that you are unfamiliar with her product. If you are someone who watched television during the 90s.
Nanda Prusty
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102-yr-old 'Nanda sir', who provided free education to children and adults at Jajpur, Odisha for decades, raised his hands in a gesture of blessing the President," the official account of the President's office tweeted while sharing photos from the awards ceremony, which took place Monday at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Fondly known as 'Nanda Sir', he has spent several decades of his life providing free education to children and adults in Jajpur in Odisha. Having only been able to study till Class 7 owing to his family's financial condition, he has been teaching children free of cost since Independence to eradicate illiteracy in his village.
Sindhutai Sapkal
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Sindhutai was born on 14 November 1948 in a cattle-grazing family in Maharashtra Wardha district. Being an unwanted child, she was referred to as Chindhi. Sapkal devoted herself to the orphans. She is fondly called "Mai", which means "mother" by the people around her. She has nurtured over 1,500 orphaned children under her care. She has a grand family of 382 sons-in-law, 49 daughters-in-law, and over a thousand grandchildren. Many of the children whom she had adopted are now well-educated lawyers and doctors. Some of her adopted children - including her biological daughter - are running their independent orphanages. She has been honoured with more than 900 National and International awards for her commitment, dedication and work. She used the grant money to buy land to make a home for her orphaned children. Apart from being a caring soul, she was also a good speaker and her hunger made her speak, she recites motivational lines for society and youth.
Sudha Hari Narayan Singh
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Sudha Singh (born 25 June 1986) is an Indian Olympic athlete in the 3000 metres steeplechase event. A national record holder in the event, she has represented India at international events since 2005. Singh is an Asian Champion in the discipline and has won two gold and four silver medals at varying editions of the Asian Games and the continental championships.
P. Subramanian
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Subramanian was the Founder-promoter of Shanthi Gears, a leading Gear Manufacturer located in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. He is fondly remembered as the “Gear-man of Coimbatore. Padma Shri (posthumous) awardee P Subramanian, founder of Shanthi Gears, is remembered for offering quality food at a low price through his charitable trust Shanthi Social Services at Singanallur. His zeal for entrepreneurship and social service won him the affection of the masses. The 79-year-old industrialist, fondly called the ‘gearman of Coimbatore’, was an alumnus of PSG Polytechnic. He joined PSG Polytechnic as a lecturer in the late 1960s. Even while working as a lecturer, he started a workshop to pursue his interest in machines. That proved to be the foundation for Shanthi Gears in 1972.
New initiative of Indian government to recognise the achievements of common citizens nominated by any individual. India posses alot of talents which are either unrecognised, untapped or struggling to perform due to lack of efforts. In this modern era where technology has touched the lives of common man, there is a lot of scope to support such talents through crowdfunding platforms like Filaantro.
Crowdfunding is a means of raising money with the help of a large number of people and usually these people are public or individuals who can donate, invest in projects, causes or help towards something or someone in need.
Read more to understand: https://filaantro.org/blog/index.php/post/understanding-crowdfunding/48
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rajsingh321 · 3 years ago
Padma Shri Awards: Ordinary people being recognised for their life’s work
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Padma Shri, also spelt Padma Shree, is one of the highest civilian awards of the Republic of India, after the Bharat Ratna. It is awarded by the Government of India every year on India's Republic Day. Padma Awards were established in 1954 to be awarded to citizens of India in honour of their distinguished contribution in various provinces of activity including the arts, education, industry, literature, science, sports, medicine, social service and public affairs. It has also been awarded to some outstanding individuals who were not citizens of India but did contribute in different ways to India.
The selection criteria have been scrutinised in some quarters with the claim that many highly worthy artists have been left out to favour certain individuals. India has now built an online nomination platform for the common citizens to recommend the nomination for the annually given civilian "Padma" awards.  As of 2021, 3225 people have received the award. Among the Padma Awardees this year, some very ordinary people that have inspired us with their great accomplishments have made a positive change in society and have contributed to society. Here is a mention of a few of those. This list does not, in any manner, consider the achievements of others inferior.
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Bhuri Bai
Bhuri Bai of Zher came to Bhopal twenty years ago. She works at Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya IGRMS on a daily wage basis. She has been painting with acrylic on canvas for the past nine years and has already authenticated herself as a Bhil contemporary artist. The walls of the Museum of Mankind are covered with Bhuri Bai’s paintings. As a child, she would go to the haat or local fair, an essential part of Bhill life, where the colours inspired her to paint. She paints the laugh and fun of the Gad Bapsi festival, where young men try to scale an oiled pole to get the coconuts tied to its top.
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Asavadi Prakasarao
Dr Asavadi Prakasa Rao is a famous poet, Avadhani, writer, critic and translator besides being an academic, who had served as Principal of Govt. Degree Colleges; Member, Executive Committee, AP Sahitya Akademi; and Member, Executive Council, SK University. As Ashtavadhani, he gave 170 performances and has authored 50 books across various genres. And 18 books, including a doctoral thesis, have come out on his learned output. A distinguished orator, he took part in some radio/ TV programmes. He is also into social service. He has received several honours in his life work.
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Gopiram Bargayan Burabhakat
Veteran Assamese folk musician from Majuli, Shri Gopiram Bargayan Burabhakat will be conferred with Padma Shri this year. He is known for refining the Sattriya traditional music for over 7 decades.
He has been awarded the prestigious Padma Shri award for his contribution to Art.
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Chutni Mahato
Chutni Mahato, also known as Chutni Devi (b. 1959), is a social worker from Jharkhand, India. Once a victim of witch-branding, she now strives to help others who have been branded as witches and spreads awareness about superstitions and witchcraft.
Mahato was born in Bholadih village, Jharkhand in 1959. Married off as a child, she was labelled a witch in 1995 after a family member fell ill. The villagers grabbed her property, ill-treated her including sexual abuse, forcing her to drink urine and being displayed semi-naked. She ran away, finding her way back to her parent's house.
An Indian Administrative Service officer connected her to social workers who were working in the area of prevention of witch-hunting. Following this, for over two decades, she has taken up the cause against superstitious practices and beliefs in Jharkhand.
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Shanti Devi
Shanti Devi is famous for her contribution towards restoring peace in the Maoist affected areas in Odisha. She leads the voluntary organisation Seva Samaj, who was born in the Balasore district on April 18, 1934. She got married at the age of 17 to Mahatma Gandhi follower Dr Ratan Das. After marriage, she shifted to Koraput from Balasore. Later, she founded an ashram at Gobarapalli in the Rayagada district. Her carrier in social work began from there. She worked for the growth and education of tribal girls. She also started multiple ashrams for the education, recovery and vocational training of orphans and destitute children. She wanted to make all girls self-sufficient so that they can live with self-respect in society.
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Purnamasi Jani
Purnamasi Jani, a Kui poet from Odisha. She is among the 5 Odias who have been recognised for their services. A tribal poet, Jani is popularly known as Tadi Sarubai in the region for her devotional songs and poems which she sings in the Kui dialect. In the last 40 years, Jani has written and sung thousands of devotional and folk songs. She has never been to school not does know how to read and write, other than reciting poems in the Kui dialect. Locals see her as a healer, whose songs are balm to the soul.
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Manjamma Jogati
Manjamma Jogathi is an Indian Kannada theatre actress, singer and dancer of Jogathi Nritya, a folk dance form of North Karnataka. In 2019, she became the first transwoman to be the president of Karnataka Janapada Academy, a state top institution for folk arts. After leaving her house aged 15, she identified herself as a woman. Having completed education only till Class 10, she resorted to begging. During this time, she was sexually abused. Later, a father and son duo introduced her to dancing and took her to dance teacher Kallava Jogathi, where she learnt the Jogathi dance.
Manjamma became a permanent dancer in Kallavva's Jogathi dance group, performing in different parts of India.
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Patiala-based Phulkari artist Lajwanti (64), who has been doing the artwork since she was six. “My family brought the art to India while migrating from Multan, Pakistan, during Partition. I learnt it from my grandmother out of interest,” she said.
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M. Pappammal alias Rangammal was born to Velammal and Maruthachala Mudaliar in the village of Devarayapuram in 1914. She lost her parents at a young age, and she and her two sisters were raised in Thekkampatti, Coimbatore by their paternal grandmother.
She is an organic farmer from Tamil Nadu, India. At the age of 105, she is argued to be the oldest farmer still active in the field. She is regarded as a pioneer in the agriculture field and is affiliated with Tamil Nadu Agricultural University's department of education. At her age, she works every day on her 2.5 acres of land.
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Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat
Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat is an Indian businesswoman, who is one of the founders of Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, a women's worker cooperative involved in manufacturing various fast-moving consumer goods. She started the company with a seed capital of ?80 (US$1.10), their cooperative venture - the Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad and now has a turnover of over ?1,600 crores (US$212 million). Her organization has employed nearly 45,000 women. While most people may not recognise her by name, it is unlikely that you are unfamiliar with her product. If you are someone who watched television during the 90s.
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Nanda Prusty
102-yr-old 'Nanda sir', who provided free education to children and adults at Jajpur, Odisha for decades, raised his hands in a gesture of blessing the President," the official account of the President's office tweeted while sharing photos from the awards ceremony, which took place Monday at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. Fondly known as 'Nanda Sir', he has spent several decades of his life providing free education to children and adults in Jajpur in Odisha. Having only been able to study till Class 7 owing to his family's financial condition, he has been teaching children free of cost since Independence to eradicate illiteracy in his village.
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Sindhutai Sapkal
Sindhutai was born on 14 November 1948 in a cattle-grazing family in Maharashtra Wardha district. Being an unwanted child, she was referred to as Chindhi. Sapkal devoted herself to the orphans. She is fondly called "Mai", which means "mother" by the people around her. She has nurtured over 1,500 orphaned children under her care. She has a grand family of 382 sons-in-law, 49 daughters-in-law, and over a thousand grandchildren. Many of the children whom she had adopted are now well-educated lawyers and doctors. Some of her adopted children - including her biological daughter - are running their independent orphanages. She has been honoured with more than 900 National and International awards for her commitment, dedication and work. She used the grant money to buy land to make a home for her orphaned children. Apart from being a caring soul, she was also a good speaker and her hunger made her speak, she recites motivational lines for society and youth.
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Sudha Hari Narayan Singh
Sudha Singh (born 25 June 1986) is an Indian Olympic athlete in the 3000 metres steeplechase event. A national record holder in the event, she has represented India at international events since 2005. Singh is an Asian Champion in the discipline and has won two gold and four silver medals at varying editions of the Asian Games and the continental championships.
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P. Subramanian
Subramanian was the Founder-promoter of Shanthi Gears, a leading Gear Manufacturer located in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. He is fondly remembered as the “Gear-man of Coimbatore. Padma Shri (posthumous) awardee P Subramanian, founder of Shanthi Gears, is remembered for offering quality food at a low price through his charitable trust Shanthi Social Services at Singanallur. His zeal for entrepreneurship and social service won him the affection of the masses. The 79-year-old industrialist, fondly called the ‘gearman of Coimbatore’, was an alumnus of PSG Polytechnic. He joined PSG Polytechnic as a lecturer in the late 1960s. Even while working as a lecturer, he started a workshop to pursue his interest in machines. That proved to be the foundation for Shanthi Gears in 1972.
New initiative of Indian government to recognise the achievements of common citizens nominated by any individual. India posses alot of talents which are either unrecognised, untapped or struggling to perform due to lack of efforts. In this modern era where technology has touched the lives of common man, there is a lot of scope to support such talents through crowdfunding platforms like Filaantro.
Crowdfunding is a means of raising money with the help of a large number of people and usually these people are public or individuals who can donate, invest in projects, causes or help towards something or someone in need.
Read more to understand: https://filaantro.org/blog/index.php/post/understanding-crowdfunding/48
Author : Lubdha Dhanopia
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igrms · 3 years ago
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Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat programme aims to enhance interaction & promote mutual understanding between people of different states/UTs through the concept of state/UT pairing. The states carry out activities to promote a sustained and structured cultural connection in the areas of language learning, culture, traditions & music, tourism & cuisine, sports, and sharing of best practices, etc. Under the EK Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Banner and celebrating AZADI KA AMRITMOTHSAV, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal starting new series on *People of India* in a form of *an exclusive exhibition on folk and tribal art & culture – GUJARAT* from Tuesday 16th November 2021 onwards. #AmritMahotsav #EkBharatShreshthaBharat #MinistryOfCulture #PMOIndia #GKishanReddy #ArjunRamMeghwal #MeenakshiLekhi #igrms @Minis @MinOfCultureGoI @PMOIndia @MDoNER_India @AmritMahotsav @kishanreddybjp @arjunrammeghwal @M_Lekhi @secycultureGOI @PIBCulture https://www.instagram.com/p/CVqXFiZMMRA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carrentalservice · 4 years ago
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Bhopal is full of tourist attractions which include Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,  Bhimbetka Rock Shelters, Van Vihar, Gohar Mahal, and many more. Our car rental in Bhopal provides you the safest and comfortable journey with the best vehicles. We all want hassle-free rides to enjoy our trip to the fullest well Chiku Cab offers the best transport solutions for your local and outstation rides. For more details visit the website or call on-8448445504.
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rkalert · 4 years ago
IGRMS Junior Clerk Admit Card 2021 Exam Date Download Stenographer Clerk Hall Ticket @igrms.gov.in
IGRMS Junior Clerk Admit Card 2021 Exam Date Download Stenographer Clerk Hall Ticket @igrms.gov.in
IGRMS Junior Clerk Admit Card 2021 Exam Date Download Stenographer Clerk Hall Ticket @igrms.gov.in.If you want the Latest Information for IGRMS Junior Clerk, Accounts Officer Group-B/Senior Stenographer Group –B and other Post than you are visiting a good Education Page. Will Be provided here Direct Download Link for Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya [IGRMS].IGRMS Released Latest…
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more-savi · 2 years ago
Tourist Places to Visit in Bhopal
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Tourist Places to Visit in Bhopal
Upper Lake , Bhopal The Upper Lake, also known as Bhojtal, is an important and historic artificial lake in Bhopal, considered the oldest in India. Locally known as Bada Talab, it provides a major source of drinking water, supplying around thirty million gallons annually to the residents. The lake features an idol of Raja Bhoj on a pillar at one corner. An overbridge called Pul Pukhta separates the Upper Lake from the Lower Lake. The Boat Club on the eastern side offers various water activities like parasailing, kayaking, paddling, and rafting. Kamala Park adds to its scenic beauty. The royal garden attracts visitors seeking new experiences and is bustling during peak seasons.   Van Vihar , Bhopal The Central Zoo Authority manages the nature reserve and botanical habitat at Van Vihar in Bhopal, located near the Shyamala Hills and adjacent to the Upper Lake. Van Vihar offers a natural setting for animals, allowing them to thrive in conditions close to their native environment. Visitors can spot a variety of fauna and birds, including panthers, cheetahs, nilgais, panthers, and wagtails. The best time to see a white tiger is between July and September.   Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya , Bhopal The Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is a unique museum located in Shyamala Hills, Bhopal, about one kilometer from Van Vihar National Park. It is renowned as the largest anthropological institute in India and a popular attraction in Bhopal. The museum showcases human culture and development, featuring decorated rock houses, colonial indigenous customs, architecture, and traditions. It houses audiovisual collections, ethnographic items, and interactive films. Spanning around 200 acres, the museum aims to display the diversity and social customs of Indian tribal communities. Developed by tribal people, the ethnographic place preserves the old way of life and mythological traces. The museum opens from 10 am to 5.30 pm (September to February) and 11 am to 6.30 pm (March to August), closed on Mondays and public holidays. Entry fees are Rs. 50 for adults and Rs. 25 for students and groups per person. Chhota Talab, Bhopal also known as the Lower Lake, is situated about four kilometers from Bhopal Railway Junction. It is connected to the Upper Lake by the Lower Lake Bridge, or Pul Pukhta, a suspension bridge. Constructed in 1794, the lower lake was built as a tribute to the town's attractions. It offers a tranquil and peaceful environment, surrounded by impressive hills.   Bhimbetka caves Bhimbetka is a significant archaeological site in South Asia, known for its over five hundred rock shelters displaying the oldest evidence of human existence. The ancient rock art, made using vegetable colors, has survived remarkably well in the crevices and interior walls of the caves. Bhimbetka is a fascinating destination suitable for people of all age groups to explore. It is conveniently accessible via National Highway 12, connecting Bhopal and Hoshangabad.the best way to reach the Bhimbetka Caves is by hiring a private taxi service.   Gohar Mahal,Bhopal It is  a stunning monument located on the banks of the Upper Lake in Bhopal, was built in 1820 by Gohar Begum, the city's first woman ruler. The palace is conveniently accessible, with the airport located about nine to ten kilometers away, and the nearest railway station around six kilometers from the site.   Birla Museum,Bhopal The Birla Museum in Madhya Pradesh is a remarkable repository of the rich prehistoric civilization of the region. For history and archaeology enthusiasts visiting Bhopal, this museum is a must-see attraction. The nearest railway station is Bhopal main station, approximately five kilometers away. However, the most convenient way to reach the Birla Museum is by road, either by driving, taking a cab, or using a bus.   Shaukat mahal,Bhopal Shaukat Mahal in Bhopal is a stunning architectural marvel known for its fusion of Indo-Islamic and European design elements. The building's top features intricate arches in the form of triangles, and the façade is adorned with beautiful patterns, showcasing the artist's craftsmanship. Visitors can easily access Shaukat Mahal by hiring a private taxi or using readily available public transport, as it is located about four kilometers away from Bhopal Railway Junction.   Bharat Bhavan,Bhopal Bharat Bhavan, located in Bhopal, is an independent multi-arts complex and museum dedicated to former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, in 1982. The center aims to provide an engaging and memorable experience for visitors through visual, linguistic, and performing arts. It serves as a platform for modern expression, creativity, and free speech events. Bharat Bhavan is a popular destination for tourists to witness talented dance and singing artists from all over the country. Situated near Upper Lake, it is 12 km from Raja Bhoj International Airport, 8 km from Habibganj Railway Station, and 6 km from Nadira Bus Stand.   Taj-ul-Masjid,Bhopal The Taj-ul-Masjid is one of the largest and most magnificent mosques in the country, featuring breathtaking architecture with massive domes, exquisite minarets, and stunning corridors. However, entry inside the mosque is restricted to Muslims only. Located just nine kilometers from the Raja Bhoj Terminal and four kilometers from the city's central railway station on Hamidia Road, the mosque is easily accessible. There are frequent buses available to and from nearby areas such as Vidisha, Sanchi, Ujjain, Indore, and other cities and towns, making it accessible via Bhopal's public transport network.   Read the full article
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mptourandtourism · 2 years ago
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globalexpressnews · 4 years ago
BHOPAL: 15th Blind Car Rally organised to generate awareness about visual impairment, sees participation from across Madhya Pradesh
BHOPAL: 15th Blind Car Rally organised to generate awareness about visual impairment, sees participation from across Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal: The 15th Blind Car Rally 2021 was organised on Sunday to generate awareness about visual impairment. Arushi, an NGO, organised the event in association with Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal. Museum director Praveen Kumar Mishra flagged off the rally from DB City Mall in the city. It ended at Vithi Sankul of the museum. The rally covered a distance of 30 kilometres. The…
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nishantsinghseo · 7 years ago
Why Homestay in Bhopal and Indore proves to be best accommodations for tourists?
Indore and Bhopal are the cities of the State Madhya Pradesh in India that holds the most important place as Indore is referred as the commercial capital of the state and Bhopal is the historical as well as the present capital of the state. However, in both the cities you can find very friendly people who are always ready to welcome tourists wholeheartedly just like their friends and relatives. Further, both cities you will find the great blend of preserved traditional values of the land as well as the western culture that are swiftly influencing coming generations of the cities. In addition, in both cities of Madhya Pradesh tourists can find several places and sights that hold historical importance, natural beauty, religious places, and innovative developments of the contemporary era.
Most renowned tourists’ destinations of Bhopal & Indore
If we talk about Bhopal tourists can easily reach to Taj-ul-Masjid, Bhojeshwar Temple, Laxminarayan Temple, Bhimbetka, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Manav Sangralay, Science Centre, Upper Lake, Lower Lake, Van Vihar, and several other places from where you will bring back many sweet memories from your holiday. Further, in Indore you can hang-out at different tourists’ attractions like Annapurna Temple, Bada Ganpati, Chhatris, Geeta Bhawan, Gomatgiri, Khajrana Ganesh Temple, Lal Baag Palace, Ravindra Natay Grah, Sirpur Lake, Vaishnav Dhaam, Venkatesh Temple, and so on where you can get unusual spiritual feel, able to great architectural heritage of the city, and can enjoy rarest natural beauty.
From where tourists can get an array of option to get best ever accommodation in Indore and Bhopal
As when we look at growth & development graph of Indore and Bhopal it can be easily found that both the cities are swiftly offering flourishing atmosphere to different businesses including tourism and hospitality industry. Further, both the cities are speedily transforming into the cosmopolitan city like Mumbai, Delhi, and so on. Thus, a number of tourists and travelers visit the city to enjoy the charm of the amazing cities of Madhya Pradesh. The basic need of each tourist or traveler is to find best and customized homestay accommodation in Indore and Bhopal to make their holidays pleasing and culturally rich. In this regard, the reputed companies available on the online platform can help you in finding customized budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore, which will definitely suit your specific need. In addition, the accommodations in Indore and Bhopal will keep always with natives of the cities who will help you by their choice in discovering rare locations of the cities, which generally tourists and traveler living in hotels and hiring guides miss. Thus, in order to make your holiday in both these cities most cultural tour & travel the tourist and traveler should book budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore.   
  Luxurious serviced apartments
In Indore and Bhopal, there are several residents who are willing to rent their luxurious serviced apartments to solo tourists or may be tourists visiting the cities in a very small group. In the budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore you will all the contemporary amenities and at the same time from these homestays, tourists can also get close proximity to different tourists’ point of the cities. However, it is not as easy as it looks because once you land in the cities you cannot go door to door along with your languages for renting budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore. Therefore, it is always advised tourists should take help of online platform to book the Homestay in the cities to stay away from any kind of hassle.  
Budget Homestay in Bhopal & Indore
If you are the tourist who is planning spend his or her vacation in the great cities of Madhya Pradesh and looking for budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore. As you want to bear the least burden of expenses then you must use your Android phone, laptop, or any other gadget from which you can access internet and book budget Homestay in Bhopal & Indore from top-rated websites offering such facilities online to tourists residing globally.
Treehouse in Bhopal
When you visit some of the high-end websites available online you can also get amazing experience by staying in tree houses as the websites will offer you the choice of such accommodations in Indore and Bhopal. Thus, by making a click on the internet you will be able to make your trip to Bhopal & Indore just like a safari in midst of busy and crowded city.
Palaces, Resorts, and Villas The top-rated companies offering accommodation in Indore and Bhopal can also offer you numerous choices of palaces, resorts, and villas, which will prove to be your luxury class as well as budget Homestay in Bhopal and Indore. However, before booking such Homestay in the cities of Madhya Pradesh you must ensure the authenticity of the website where you are booking your accommodation in Indore and Bhopal.
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igrms · 4 years ago
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*OBJECT OF THE WEEK* *Punarvilokan* (An online exhibition on the objects under category ‘AA’ and ‘A’ from collection of IGRMS) वेबसाइट की लिंक / Website link - https://igrms.com/wordpress/?page_id=4174 The series entitled "object of the week" was a new initiative taken by Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya to remain connected with the visitors during the period of Covid- 19 pandemic. The ongoing series was started from 28th may, 2020 that initially showcased the 64 masterpieces of AA and A category. The categorization of these Anthropological and Ethnological objects as AA and A category are based on National Register criteria of AnSI. The criteria for the AA and A category objects includes the specimen from extinct ethnic groups, having special importance, unique to their culture & contributed to their cultural history, rare and fragile in nature etc. Although, all 64 number of objects belong to AA and A category have been completed but this series will continue with other rare and valuable objects of equal importance that are part of IGRMS Reserve Collection. #igrms #museumfromhome #objectoftheweek #ethnograhicobject #museumobject #museumofman #museumofmankind #museumofhumankind #experienceigrms #igrmsstories #staysafe #covid19 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSoIzCUjLG2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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