#Indiana Party Bus Rentals
An Indiana Charter Bus Will Be of Tremendous Help to Guests for On-Time Arrivals
An Indiana Charter Bus Will Be of Tremendous Help to Guests for On-Time Arrivals. What You Need to Talk to your Guests About Before the Wedding. No one likes showing up ill prepared no matter where they go, certainly not for the time span of a wedding. Lots of work is put into the wedding to make sure that guests are comfortable, just like great Jacksonville Car Service makes sure their riders…
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katyswrites · 9 months
put on your records (and regret me)
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: asshole!Steve, rivals-to-lovers, swearing, HEAVY alcohol use, recreational weed use, getting drunk/blacking out, descriptions of puking/hangovers, no use of y/n
Wordcount: 3.7k
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You love WAMC-Hawkins, Indiana’s top college radio station. It’s your safe space, your niche. It’s where you’ve made your friends, your favorite place to be when the rest of the world gets to be just a bit too much. Well, with one exception.
Steve Harrington is a thorn in your side. And just as well - he thinks you’re a royal pain in the ass. But in your senior year, you’re both on the e-board, so you have to work together. You love to hate him. So why can’t you get him out of your head? And, why do you find yourself going to see his band, each and every weekend?
Underground basement concerts, spinning old records, and screaming matches in the vinyl library with the boy you love to hate. An enemies-to-lovers college radio station 90s AU.
You don’t truly decide to go to Steve’s stupid party until the last possible moment. You already know that spending more time with him than necessary is a recipe for disaster. But, you reason, you probably should show your face. It actually does seem like nearly everyone from the campus’ music scene would be there - it would look bad if you didn’t show up. The radio station’s funding is always on the chopping block - half of your job is networking and being friendly with practically everyone on campus to keep it alive. 
Still, as you start getting ready, you consider backing out about 50 times. Is Steve actually expecting you to show up? Is it a pity invite? Or, a challenge?
Knowing him, it’s probably the latter.
Throughout the course of getting ready - which mostly involved throwing on some makeup while intermittently feeling like you had nothing to wear every time you looked in your closet full of clothes - you chugged a bottle of wine to help yourself relax. It had been on the door of the fridge, so God knows how long it had been there, but it’s good enough. Then you’re out the door and catching a bus downtown, shivering a bit in the crisp October evening air. You pull your jacket tighter around you as you hop on board, forever thankful that university students get to ride the city’s buses for free. 
It’s packed full of other college kids, mostly freshmen undoubtedly on their way to frat parties downtown. You had outgrown that phase after sophomore year, opting for friends’ house parties and going out to bars as you got older. You can’t help but look at them fondly - somehow, despite being peers in all the ways that matter, you feel so far removed from them; the girls in their mini dresses and crop tops, boys carrying six-packs and sporting unbuttoned flannel shirts, loudly packed onto the bus like sardines on their way downtown to make bad decisions.
Hamilton Street is in the heart of the downtown area, where a lot of students live. You hop off the bus with nearly everyone else, droves of kids filling the streets, chugging beers and smoking cigarettes as they make their way to various frat houses. You follow the groups, the other students slowly peeling away until it’s much quieter - it seems like Steve’s place is one of the last ones on the block.
You had purposely left late enough so that you could guarantee you wouldn’t be in the first wave of people to arrive - it was closer to 11 than 10 at this point. The autumn evening air was chilly enough that you’re walking briskly, jacket pulled tightly around your shoulders. You nearly turn around approximately six times between the bus stop and his house - yet, against all odds, you find yourself standing on his front porch.
Like most student rentals, the house is old and a bit rickety - you can hear the din of chatter and music inside. A good sign, you suppose - part of you had been worried he’d purposely given you the wrong address. You wouldn’t put it past him, not when it comes to you.
You take a deep breath, and open the door. The smell of beer, weed, and sweat hits you like a wave. The small living room is hazy with smoke, the house immediately a bit too warm from body heat. A few heads look up as you enter, followed by an uproar of greetings.
Look who decided to show up!
Hey babe!
Everyone hide, mom’s here!
You roll your eyes, laughing.
“I do have fun sometimes, guys.”
“Oh, I know,” a familiar voice says, Eddie lifting himself off of the couch to give you a big hug.
“I was there at that party freshman year when you nearly fell off of Mikayla Hodder’s roof-”
“Shut up,” you say, face flushed with embarrassment at the (fuzzy) memory.
“Can I get you a drink?” the shaggy-haired boy asks.
You nod, following him back through the house towards the kitchen. You shoulder your way through bodies, saying the occasional hello when someone you recognize catches your eye.
Eddie is rooting through the fridge, pulling out a beer and extending it to you. You accept it gratefully, pushing the fridge closed with your hip as he leans against the counter.
“So…I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight,” Eddie remarks, popping his bottle cap off with an opener screwed into the wall. 
“And why’s that?” you ask casually.
“Well… I mean, please tell me you know whose house this is -”
“Of course I do,” you say quickly, taking a swig of beer. “Harrington invited me.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
You nod. “Is that so unbelievable?”
He just shrugs, staring down at his bottle.
“Dunno. I know he’s not exactly your favorite person -”
“Maybe so, but a lot of my friends are here, so… who's to stop me?”
Eddie grins, clinking his drink with yours.
“There you go - I was hoping you’d come out, to be honest. Sometimes I’m worried you don’t let yourself have fun anymore.”
You scoff.
“I - I have fun.”
“You used to. This year, though, you’d been so…”
“So what?” you ask defensively.
Eddie’s face starts to turn a bit red.
“Well - you know - I know you’re stressed and all, managing the station, but… you can be a little…uptight.”
You roll your eyes.
“I’m not uptight -”
“Look, trust me - I’m saying that with love, as your friend -”
“Yeah, whatever - I can be fun.”
“I know - I’ve been there with you through it all. Just… I’m glad you came. I guess that’s what I’m trying to say.”
You don’t really respond, crossing your arms as you glance around the kitchen a bit.
“What are you looking for?” he asks.
“No one,” you respond absentmindedly.
Eddie smirks.
“Yeah - okay.”
Steve is nowhere to be found. Perhaps that’s a blessing - it’s busy enough here that you ma be able to avoid having a conversation all night.
It’s around then that Eddie’s bandmate Gareth is stumbling into the kitchen, stopping himself for a moment before breaking into a grin when he sets eyes on you and Eddie.
“Thank God - me and Jeff need someone for pong!”
That’s how you find yourself partnered with Eddie, letting yourself forget about Steve as you play beer pong. You’re a competitive person, and arguably more so when you’re drunk - that’s how you and Eddie kick ass two rounds in a row, leading a fed up Gareth to declare the game totally bogus before storming out to the back porch to smoke with Jeff.
You high-five Eddie on your way back to the kitchen to grab another drink. You’re properly tipsy now, probably on your fourth drink in less than 2 hours. Your tolerance did used to be better than this - maybe Eddie was right, about you not being as fun as you used to.
The kitchen is empty, which you’re thankful for - it’s tiny to begin with, so more than a handful of people makes it feel cramped. You’re a bit hot, working up enough of a sweat during the game that you had shed your jacket already. The refrigerator light is nearly blinding in the dimness of the room, but the cold gives enough of a relief that you bend over and lean into the fridge. You hang there for a moment, sighing. In the distance, you hear the sound of a glass breaking, followed by a series of aw, mans - you decide it’s not your problem to worry about, and stay there another moment. You then root through the fridge for a moment until you find a bottle of something you like. 
You slam the door shut and turn to head back towards the rest of the party, only to nearly jump out of your skin when you realize you’re not alone.
Steve Harrington leans against the doorframe, arms crossed and wearing a smirk.
“Jesus - you scared me. Why the fuck are you just standing there like that?”
He shrugs.
“Just enjoying the view, sweetheart.”
You scoff, popping the cap off of your bottle and heading right towards him, hoping he’d move out of the way to let you through. That, of course, is wishful thinking.
“Can I get through?” you ask, bristling as he blocks the doorway.
“You decided to come,” Steve says, looking down at you with a grin.
“Well, you did invite me.”
“I know - I’m glad you actually showed up, though.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you are,” you mutter sarcastically, shouldering past him and back towards the living room.
Eddie’s lounging on the couch, eyelids heavy as he passes a joint between himself and Argyle.
“Got enough to share?” you ask, plopping down next to him. He nods, passing it over to you. You take a long hit, letting the smoke settle into your lungs as you sink further into the couch.
“You good?” Eddie asks.
“Mm, yeah. Just want to chill here for a little bit.”
He nods, paying you no mind as he takes a deep inhale. Your eyes follow Steve as he crosses the room and heads out to the front porch with a girl you don’t recognize. You feel your brow furrow, your eyes trained on the front door. It’s not too long after that that you manage to help Eddie finish the joint. You chug your beer, starting to feel lightheaded, the world around you moving a bit more slowly.
You fall into a comfortable crossfaded lull there for a while, with Robin Buckley eventually placing a beer can in the middle of the table and calling for a game of Kings as she shuffles a deck of cards.
You open another beer as she does, sitting forward a bit to half-heartedly play the game. You find yourself getting stuck taking a drink quite a few times, your reflexes slow and your wits not quite about you. A few more people filter in, sitting criss-crossed around the coffee table and pulling cards from the deck and doing what it dictates. 
“Six is chicks!” Eddie cries out, flashing his six-of-spades card to the group. You roll your eyes as you take yet another drink, reaching to grab your own card as Eddie sticks his under the can’s pull tab.
You glance at it, and giggle.
“Jack - what’s Jack again?”
“Never Have I Ever,” Robin says, holding up three fingers. Everyone follows suit, and you think for a minute to start it off.
“Okay, um… never have I ever done a drug harder than weed.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Eddie asks.
“What do you think it means?”
“Alcohol is technically more powerful of a drug than pot,” Steve pipes up across the table - when did he get here?
“Shut up Harrington, you know what I mean -”
“Yeah, like acid and coke and shit,” Argyle adds.
“Well fuck,” Eddie concedes, putting a finger down. 
You laugh, expecting nothing less of him. It goes around the circle for a bit - things ranging from never have I ever broken a bone to never have I ever had a threesome, followed by a series of laughs or groans as people put down fingers and down drinks. You only have one finger left by the time it gets to Steve.
He thinks for a moment, humming to himself as he does - you can’t help but think that there isn’t much he hasn’t done. After a few more seconds pass, he smirks, and locks eyes with Robin.
“Never have I ever hooked up with someone in the vinyl closet at the station.”
“Not fair,” Robin exclaims, smacking Steve on the arm. He laughs as his friend lays into him. She’s blushing, and officially out of the game. She glares daggers at him as she takes a drink.
You can’t help but notice that Steve gets quite a few people with that - Eddie being one of them, caught in a cascade of groans and fingers getting put down. You feel your mouth fall open in disbelief.
“Whoa, wait - is everyone fucking around in the vinyl library?”
Robin stares at you for a moment, dumbfounded, then laughs.
“Wait, seriously? You didn’t know that?”
You feel your face flush with embarrassment, all eyes on you.
“Well - um, no, this is the first I’m hearing of it.”
Eddie just grins, and gives you a playful pat on the back.
“You seriously don’t know your own radio station at all, huh?”
“I - I guess I’m not that surprised that someone has, but - all of you?”
“Not all,” Steve chimes in.
“Yeah, wait - how have you not?” Robin asks.
Steve just shrugs. “I don’t know… I have things like, I don’t know - a bed, in my own home, for starters.”
Robin rolls her eyes. You meet Steve’s eyes for a moment, and quickly look away.
You stick the Jack card in the pile under the beer can’s pull-tab - only to hear a pop followed by a hiss.
“Uh oh, Madame President broke the seal!” Eddie declares, pushing it towards you. “Looks like somebody’s got to shotgun it.”
You take it begrudgingly and stare at it for a moment.
“I need to borrow someone’s keys,” you finally say, earning some whoops and hollers from the group. The last thing you vividly remember is popping a hole in the can, and downing the whole beer in a manner of 30 seconds.
You blink awake groggily - enough sunlight permeates through the curtains that you know it must be morning. You groan, your mouth dry and tasting distinctly of alcohol. A turn over towards your bedside table makes your stomach feel all wobbly - fuck.
You reach for your alarm clock, squinting at it - nevermind. It’s not morning - more like the afternoon. Well into the afternoon.
A pit of dread settles into your gut - when did you get home? How long were you asleep? You never sleep this late, not even on weekends - a late lie-in for you is 11 AM. You’re definitely in your own bed, which is a positive - still in last night’s clothes, though. How? 
You don’t remember much after the game of Kings - though, you were definitely doing shots at some point… with who? You remember being in someone’s car - maybe. Or was it the bus again? If you actually managed getting the bus home while blackout drunk, you’re actually quite proud of yourself. But that somehow doesn’t seem too likely.
You pulled yourself to sit up, only to immediately regret it. Your stomach is now churning like a stormy sea, and your head is starting to throb. You’re an idiot. 
You hadn’t gotten drunk like that since your freshman year - it was a rookie mistake. You just hoped you didn’t make a complete idiot out of yourself in front of everyone.
After finally pulling yourself out of bed, you stumble over to your bedroom window and open the curtains. The bright afternoon sunlight hitting your face made you realize what a horrid mistake that was - you’re practically blinded by the light, and your head is properly pounding now. And now…
You barely make it to the bathroom in time, keeling over the toilet to puke up all of last night’s mistakes. The second your knees hit the cold tile floor, you begin coughing everything up, regretting anything and everything you’ve ever done to lead you to this moment. You don’t even hear Nancy approach behind you, not even aware of her presence until you’ve flushed and fall back against the wall, feeling disgusting.
“I was going to ask how you’re feeling, but it feels like a stupid question,” she says, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. 
You glance up at your roommate, feeling so small.
“Ha ha,” you say sarcastically. She offers a hand to help you up, which you accept gratefully. She waits until you’re hunched over the sink, brushing your teeth and gargling water to clean the taste of sick out of your mouth, to speak again.
“So - it was a fun night?” she asks cautiously.
You laugh dryly. “Um, yeah, I guess the night was fun. Right now… not so much.”
“Aww, poor baby,” Nancy coos teasingly. “You’ll be alright - just chill out today, yeah?”
“Mm - yeah, that’s the plan. I think I’m going to take a shower… and lie down for a little.”
Nancy nods. “Yeah, good idea - maybe I can go down to Blockbuster, rent a couple of movies, get some snacks?”
You offer up a small smile. “That’s nice, but you really don’t have to -”
“No seriously, it’s fine, I think they have some new stuff I want to check out anyways. I don’t have plans anyway - let’s just do a girls’ day, maybe get takeout later -”
“Sounds great, Nance. Thanks. Maybe hold off on takeout, for a bit… let me see how all of this feels,” you say, gesturing to your stomach. 
“Yeah, okay. I’ll head out - take a nice, long shower, it always helps.”
“Sure thing - and hey, I don’t know who called you, but thanks for coming to get me last night.”
Nancy furrows her brow quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“I - didn’t you bring me home last night?”
Nancy shakes her head.
“No - no, I was asleep. I think I heard the door open at some point, but I assumed that was just you coming home - you don’t remember?”
You shake your head, properly confused now.
“No - I don’t. I - think maybe I took the bus back then?”
“I thought they stop running those after like 2AM? I didn’t hear you get home until around 3, I think.”
She’s right - then how did you get back?
You bite your lip, thinking for a bit. 
“Maybe it was Eddie. I’ll call him and ask.”
Nancy nods. “Alright, yeah. Either way, you got back safe. Sorry about the hangover, though.”
You wave her off. “It’s my own fault - I went too hard last night. I’m just going to try to sleep it off, I guess.”
After Nancy leaves, you take a nice, long shower - you feel utterly disgusting, still in last night’s sweaty clothes and smudged makeup. You let last night’s bad decisions cascade down your skin and into the drain, sighing as the shower semi-revives you. 
By the time you’re out and drying off, your stomach has settled a bit more. The headache has only gotten a bit worse, though. You open the medicine cabinet, only to find the bottle of Ibuprofen missing. Did Nancy use it and forget to put it back? You don’t want to go rifling through her room, so you trudge back to your bedroom, praying she can find it when she gets back.
Pulling on a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts, you reach for the phone on your bedside table - you punch in Eddie’s number, sitting on the edge of your bed as you twirl the cord with your finger. He picks up almost straight away.
“Hey, Eddie - it’s me.”
“Whoa! She lives!” he cries out, laughing. You wince.
“Can you not yell, please?”
“Uh oh - are you feeling a little… delicate?”
“Fuck you,” you murmur, falling back onto your mattress. 
“I’m only teasing -”
“Yeah, whatever. Listen - did I make an idiot out of myself?”
“How much do you remember?”
“Uh - I remember playing Kings… and not a ton after that. I remember little things here and there, but… were we dancing?”
“You were dancing. On the kitchen table, if I remember.”
You groan, letting your head fall into your free hand.
“Oh God -”
“It’s all good, listen - people thought it was fun, I swear.”
“Yeah, if you say so… did I throw up?”
Silence on the other end.
“Oh fuck -”
“Only actually in the toilet, though - well, someone’s Solo cup at one point. Then it was all the bathroom after that, I swear. I really don’t think a lot of people saw that part though, the night was kind of winding down.”
“You swear?”
“Positive. Even I was leaving at that point. Don’t know if you got worse after that, though.”
You sit up suddenly, despite your body’s protests.
“You - what?”
“Listen, I didn’t want to leave you, but Argyle’s buddy Jonathan offered to drive us, and he didn’t want someone who might get sick in his car -”
“But wait, hold on - how did I get home? I thought you got me back -”
“Oh - you really don’t remember, huh?”
“Well - no.”
“Don’t get mad, but -”
“But what?”
“It was Steve. He drove you home.”
You pause, opening your mouth a few times to say something, but not finding the words.
“Yeah, Harrington only had like, two beers all night, so he said he could take you back.”
“I - oh.”
What you wanted to say was, why the fuck would he do that?
“So… yeah. Sorry about that. But, I’m glad you made it back okay.”
“Yeah - mm hm…” you murmur absentmindedly. You hear a shrill beeping sound through the phone, making you wince.
“Sorry - fuck, Gareth set off the fucking fire alarm again. Sorry, I -”
“No, it’s okay. Go deal with that. I just… wanted to make sure you knew I’m alive.”
“Glad to hear it,” he says, and you can practically what your friend’s grin through the phone. “Gotta go - drink water, eat some fries, bye -”
You sit there in silence for a few moments, brow furrowed - Steve? Did you really make a drunk fool of yourself in front of him? You groan - he’ll definitely find a way to use this as leverage. How did he even get you inside? Did you throw up in his car - Christ, you hope not.
Worst of all… now you owe Steve Harrington, of all people.
It’s as you’re making peace with this horrible realization that you finally spot the Ibuprofen - there it is, in plain sight, on your bedside table. The bottle is conveniently right there, somehow, with a glass of water. You hadn’t noticed it in your hungover stupor earlier - when you reach for it, you realize it’s sitting on top of a note with untidy scrawl that reads:
Take some of this - you’re going to need it, sweetheart. 
You stare at it dumbfoundedly, then scoff.
author's note: I'm back! I took a bit of a hiatus, but I'm back in the swing of writing. I wont lie though... this is barely proofread. So, please be kind. This is a slow burn, so don't expect real smut for a few more chapters. But, let me know your thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed!
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melodymunson · 7 months
Eddie Munson x Reader x Corroded Coffin groupie
A little mayhem never hurt anyone
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Eddie has a tour with his band Corroded Coffin and you go along as band manager and you are Eddie's long-term girlfriend. You and Eddie end up meeting another girl who was one of his band's biggest fans and you, along with Eddie, show her the best night of her life. Takes place in the late 80s. Reader Eddie and Groupie are all in their young 20s.
18+ only absolutely no exceptions. This is filth.
ao3 version
Sexual content, sexual themes, 3some, handjob, blowjob, pussy eating, p in v sex, fingering, girl on girl, lesbian sex, spit kink, facials.
Corroded Coffin had a small line of gigs lined up and what made it super awesome was that they could finally tour outside of Indiana and the small town of Hawkins. Eddie was thrilled when he found out the news and he, of course, told you right away. Once he knew he would play some shows, he was super excited because the band would open for none other than the thrash metal band known as Carnivore with frontman Peter Steele. It was going to be an amazing summer and Eddie already had the tour bus for his band purchased. You were a temporary fill-in as the bass player for the tour in 1987 when Grant temporarily took a hiatus. The year was now 1988. Eddie had spent the earlier half of the year working at the video rental place with Robin and Steve, and had a good portion of the money saved up combined with contributions from the other band members and savings from their music sales. When the day finally came to start the tour, you packed and loaded your bags on the bus. You and Eddie were wearing matching Hellfire Club tee shirts. He also had on his signature Dio vest and you had on your favorite leather jacket with pins from all of your favorite rock and metal bands. The first night of the tour was in Indianapolis. Of course, you had side-stage access to the tour and you couldn’t wait for it to start. It was going to be your first summer away from home and you couldn’t wait. Little did you know it would end up being the best summer of your life. Once you arrived at the tour's first stop, you went backstage and did your makeup.
By the time that the soundcheck had started, you were watching front-row and seeing your man play a cover of Master of Puppets by Metallica. You were so proud of Eddie and he couldn’t take his eyes off you as he played on the stage. Showtime soon arrived, and you were side-stage as the lights went down and the crowd cheered on Corroded Coffin. Eddie took the stage first and once the rest of the band started playing, he joined in and played an original song. One girl in the crowd caught your eye pretty quickly. She was gorgeous and one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life. Her style was like yours and she had long black hair. She had on all black and red leather, sultry dark makeup, spiked jewelry, and the prettiest hazel eyes. It was then you noticed her Corroded Coffin logo tattoo. There were multiple tattoos adorning her body but the band's logo tattoo stood out. She knew every single word to each song and once Corroded Coffin finished playing, you went up to her and asked her name. She told you her name was Brody, and you gave her a backstage VIP all-access pass. The band was celebrating their first show with drinks at the bar and you and Eddie were watching Carnivore. Soon Brody stopped by the bar asking you and Eddie if you wanted some drinks and you gladly accepted her offer ordering beers and some shots of whiskey. You clinked glasses and gave a toast to keeping rock n’ roll alive.
When Carnivore was close to ending their set you whispered to Eddie you were heading back to the tour bus and he promised he would be there shortly. The rest of the band was off partying and you told Brody to stop by the bus in about ten minutes or so. When you were on the bus you changed into something more comfortable- a black lingerie slip. Soon after Eddie came onto the bus. He passionately kissed you as he took off his jacket and pushed you down onto the bed. A knock came mere minutes later and you looked at him with a raise of your brows.
“I bet that’s Brody, huh? What do you say we ask her to stay the night with us?” He asked mischievously.
“Sure. I thought you’d never ask. I guess things would be even more fun with another person."
He slapped your ass as you got up and waited patiently on the bed as you opened the doors to the bus and invited Brody inside.
“That show was amazing. I am really glad we met. Eddie’s band is one of the best I’ve ever seen live. I don’t mean to be a fangirl, but can I get his autograph?”
It was endearing to you how she truly loved Corroded Coffin. Some girls had made it backstage to hook up with you and Eddie, but her passion for his music seemed genuine.
“Of course, but right now, you should just relax and talk to us for a bit. Do you want anything to drink?”
“Sounds like a good idea, but I’m fine for right now and I don’t need a drink. I think it's pretty awesome how you were Corroded Coffin's bassist for the band on the tour last year."
"Thanks, that means a lot. Grant is a great guy, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't the time of my life and I wish I could tour with the band more often.”
As you walked to the back of the bus, she followed you and once she saw Eddie's head banging along to Metallica's Master of Puppets on the radio, she got into the music too. He noticed and flashed her a big grin as she sat down next to him on the bed.
You wasted no time getting closer to her and giving her a signed Corroded Coffin poster, touching her hand and fingers as you gave it to her.
“Thanks. This is so great. I was thinking about following more of the tour. I hope you don't think that’s weird. I have so many posters and tee shirts of Corroded Coffin,” she added. She set the signed poster aside on the bedside table.
“That just really shows the band you love them and true dedication. It's great you are going to do that. Also love the Corroded Coffin tattoo” Eddie told her with a wink. It flattered him, to say the very least.
"Thanks its my favorite one."
So far, Brody seemed like the greatest fan ever. She was the perfect supporter- a fan any band would be lucky to have.
“I just want you to be comfortable with us,” you mused.
“What are you thinking about right now?” Brody asked as she looked at you with equal parts amusement and curiosity in her eyes.
“I’m just thinking about how hot it would be if we all kissed,” you suggested with a raise of your brows.
She looked at you, then Eddie, and back towards you again as a slight blush formed on her cheeks. She thought about what you had just propositioned, as so got up to get closer to you. She straddled your lap and leaned forward to crash her lips against yours, answering with actions instead of words. It turned you on so badly and made you want her even more.
She smelled like vanilla and eucalyptus, and you loved how she tasted. You kissed her back even harder and made her grind on your lap. When the kiss broke, you gestured Eddie closer to you both with a crook of your finger. He removed his shirt but put back on the denim jacket with his heavy metal patches, then kissed you with tongue as Brody watched. After possibly the best French kiss you ever had before, she leaned in towards Eddie and kissed him deeply. You moved your hands to her clothed breasts and cupped them as she moaned against his lips. Your fingers moved under her dress, pushing it up and ripping her tights along the way as she revealed to you she had no panties on. Your other hand still kneaded her breast and tweaked her nipples through the thin black material. Turning back towards you, she kissed you again as your fingers found their way inside her tights, ripping them just a little more as you desperately fingered her. As she ground against your fingers moaning desperately, Eddie watched as he kissed and bit your neck. Everything that was happening was making you so wet and you could tell Eddie was rock hard now. Already she was soaking on your fingers as you pushed them even deeper inside of her. She felt so fucking good and amazing as your fingers worked their magic on her clit.
"Eddie, feel just how tight her pussy is," you suggested as you grabbed his hand and replaced your fingers with his.
He moved two long fingers deeply inside of her, strumming her like he would his guitar as they looked into each other's eyes. The grin he had on his face as he fingered her wet pussy was priceless. You had her taste your fingers of her juices which she sucked greedily.
“Fuck, I want you to fuck me. Please. Eat me out while Eddie watches,” she begged and pleaded desperately.
“You want to be my pillow princess, is that it? You want me to eat your desperate pussy because you are so needy and you just have to have my mouth?”
You slapped her ass with your hand as Eddie continued to finger fuck her before stopping and bringing his fingers to your lips, tapping them so you could taste. You did eagerly and swished your tongue over his slick fingers.
“Yes, I want it all. And I want Eddie to enjoy himself, too.”
“Babe, just being here with the two of you makes me happy.”
You smiled at him, then pushed her onto the bed, laying her down and ripping off the rest of her clothes.
"She tastes so fucking good." You eagerly kissed him so he could get a taste too as Brody watched, clearly turned on by it all. He nodded in agreement and got up, stripping off all his clothes as you removed your slip. He leaned in close to you and whispered into your ear.
“Please, her pussy, as I eat you out. I’ve been dying to taste your sweet pussy again,” he told you with a wicked grin on his face.
Once Eddie was naked, he cupped your sex with one hand and your ass with the other and finger fucked you as he squeezed and spanked your ass. Mewls and moans escaped your lips. As he did this, you kissed and licked her inner thighs, wanting to get her nice and wet for you. He removed his fingers from your cunt and then sucked them clean. You were eager to feel his balls slapping against your ass. He took his time though with licking your clit and separating your pussy lips, wanting to give you the utmost pleasure and wanting you nice and wet before he fucked you. Your fingers moved over her wet entrance before you began to suck and tease her clit. Her pussy tasted so good and you loved how sweet it was.
"That feels so nice," she groaned as you pleased her with fingers and tongue as well as slaps against her pussy.
The wet and lewd sounds of you eating her out as he ate you out were such a turn-on, and you were getting wetter with each passing moment and more with each lick against your pussy.
"That's right baby, eat her out like it's your last meal. daddy's going to fuck you so fucking hard," he promised before giving your ass a few good slaps. Eddie stroked his cock and spit on it, then lined himself up at your entrance. It felt so nice to feel his big thick cock making contact with your aching and needy pussy again. It had been too long. He began inching in little by little as you began to slap and spank her pussy and she whined in pleasure and squeezed her breasts.
"I'm so fuckin wet daddy and her pussy tastes so fucking amazing," you moaned as he adjusted himself inside of you with a hand on your ass, his other hand pulling your hair back.
"I love fucking you baby and watching you please her," Eddie grunted.
He moved slowly at first, then picked up his pace as you licked, sucked, and spit on her clit while simultaneously rocking back and forth on his cock. He pounded into you mercilessly, wanting to make you feel amazing, and watched as you pleased her pussy. He felt his cock grow even harder as he fucked you, and a low groan escaped his lips. You messily ate her pussy, loving how she tasted. The sounds she was making and how she clenched the sheets beneath her with her fingers brought a smile to your face and made you want to make her cum even more. Your breasts bounced as Eddie fucked you deep and hard. His cock was already twitching inside of you.
"I love your mouth. Fuck! I love watching Eddie fuck you too," she whimpered loudly as she pleased her breasts pinching them and raising her hips to get even closer to your mouth.
"You taste so good and you are such a good girl for me," you seductively told her.
As you ate her out voraciously, she screamed your name and moaned her sounds echoing off the walls. You were so fucking wet and wanted to feel your fingers inside your pussy. You were so tight and he loved how the walls of your pussy hugged his huge cock. You could no longer resist the temptation to touch yourself, even though he didn't yet allow you to. As you fingered yourself, Eddie quickly noticed, and a scowl formed on his face.
"Don't touch yourself without my permission, doll. I want us to cum together," he forewarned you as he slapped your ass again, wanting to leave an imprint of red marks.
You removed your fingers and looked back at him with a bratty grin on your face, to which he grimaced. He slapped your ass even harder and left it a bit bruised as he fucked you at a fast pace. He wanted to make you cum and cry out his name, and he was eager to fill your pussy up with his cum. As he looked at you pleasing her, he watched the show eagerly and fucked you harder. The way he made you feel was amazing, and you were getting very close to your release.
"Eddie, I'm gonna cum."
"I know, baby girl. I know."
You fingered, sucked, and licked her pussy as you looked up at her with lust in your eyes.
"Fuck, that's so good. I love watching when you eat my pussy. Fuck!" She cried out as the loud sounds of fucking were heard throughout the tour bus.
His cock felt so good as he fucked in and out of you with deep thrusts and you were on the verge of cumming for him. It wouldn't be much longer before she would cum as well, because you knew just how to work her pussy like a pro. Her walls clenched tightly around your fingers as you ate her out, and her cries of pleasure were like music to your ears. It felt so wonderful to be eating her out as he pounded into you and pulled your hair. There truly wasn't a better position to be in.
As his pounding grew in intensity, his slaps on your ass became even rougher. Eddie loved watching you fuck another woman, and you wanted to please him so badly, but most of all it pleased you. The taste of her pussy and the sounds she was making let you know she was having the time of her life.
"I want to see Eddie make you cum," she cried out as she played with her breasts and watched him pound into your pussy as Eddie groaned.
"Eddie, your cock feels s'good," you moaned around her pussy.
"Make her cum, my dirty girl," he demanded you as he gently wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing lightly.
The intensity of your licking and the thrusts of your fingers drove her over the edge as she whined and tugged on strands of your hair. Her eyes rolled back into her head as you pleased her and made her cum. She was so sexy and Eddie's deep and hard thrusts into your pussy and the slaps against your ass made your orgasm quickly approach.
Moments later, you came calling out his name, and he pulled out, feeling about ready to burst. Your mouths watered at the sight of him stroking his big length. Brody crawled over to you, spreading your pussy lips, looking at your wetness mixed with his pre-cum.
"Can I taste?" She inquired curiously.
"Please do."
She got down in front of you, wrapping your legs around her shoulders, and licked your sensitive bud as she swirled her tongue around your pussy, licking all of your wetness and sucking, making you moan so loud for her.
"Fuck, this is the hottest thing I've ever seen," Eddie groans lowly, resisting the urge to touch himself any longer so he wouldn't cum right there on the spot.
As she ate you out and made eye contact with you, you looked from her to Eddie, whimpering and moaning as you were getting overstimulated and nearing another orgasm.
"She's amazing at eating pussy, Eddie. Fucking me so good with her tongue I'm going to cum again," you mewled and pulled back her hair from her face tightly.
"Be a good slut and make her cum," he commanded as he kneaded her ass and slapped it.
Her tongue licked your pussy, then your ass, and she fingered you until you cried out, reaching your peak again. It felt so fucking good and had your legs shaking as she groaned into your pussy, then sucked her fingers clean.
After you rode out your high, you wasted no time sucking his cock into your mouth and beckoning her over. She crawled on her hands and knees over to you and Eddie and sucked on his balls as you deep-throated him.
"Yeah, you little sluts want my cum on your faces, huh?" He tsked. "Such dirty little girls."
Not being able to last much longer, he pulled out of your mouth and gave his cock a few final thrusts.
You both opened your mouths wide for him as he began to cum first on your tongue and face and then on hers, panting as his release left his body.
"So fucking hot. Taking my load so well. Fuck," he grunted as he stood back and watched you lick your fingers clean and spit some of his cum into her mouth. She spits back into your mouth and kisses you with her tongue as you share your reward. You swallowed and so did Brody. You both opened your mouths, showing him that his cum was all gone now. Watching with satisfaction, Eddie wiped the sweat from his brow. He tasted so fucking good and that night was one you wouldn't soon forget.
Taking groupies back to your tour bus, women and men alike was nothing new, but this girl was special. You gave her a backstage pass, one she could use for the rest of the tour and any dates she wished to attend. And she went to more of Eddie's shows, which led to more mind-blowing sex. Eddie trusted you and you trusted Eddie, and nothing came between the two of you. When you were on the road and had your fun- that was for the tours and after your rock shows as a reward. What happens on the road stays on the road, but that tour was one of the most memorable. What they said about bassists and guitarists having the best fingers was true. Now Brody knew it, too.
mayhem and Rock show by Halestorm animal by WASP nib by black sabbath rock of Ages by Def Leppard turn you by In This Moment I like it rough by Lady Gaga I love rock n' roll by Joan Jett girls girls girls by Motley Crue nothing but a good time by poison my lady dominate by William Control
tag list @chrrymunson @bimbobaggins69 @somethingvicked @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @undead-supernova @ali-r3n @harringtonfan4 @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @bunnsandroses @steveslittlesunflower @reidsbtch @emsgoodthinkin @jadeylovesmarvelxo @zestychili @s6raphic @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @dollalicia @xxbimbobunnyxx @ofhawkinsandskippy @keeksandgigz @bettyfrommars @hcwthewestwaswcn @emmyshortcake @voyeurmunson
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limobusfortwayne · 10 months
Discover a new level of luxury and convenience with Limo Bus Fort Wayne, your premier transportation partner in the heart of Indiana. Whether you're planning a special event, a corporate outing, or a night on the town, we redefine travel by seamlessly blending style and comfort. Visit our website to learn more!
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sakibsthings-blog · 2 years
Make no mistake about it. Our 28 Passenger ” Diamond Girl ” Luxury Party Bus will Have you in the lap of the utmost luxury and comfort available! The Vehicle host a plethora of amenities. Two Lite Dance floors and poles, three-tone leather seating, a plasma ceiling, three bars, two 35″ tv one 25″ tv DVD, cd, Aux hook up & Bluetooth, a 3500 watt JVC system that is crystal clear, and much more! A Day/Night out in Diamond Girl will leave you with memories for a lifetime!
 This gorgeous Bus has all the amenities of an upscale lounge and more. Whether you’re attending a wedding prom, bachelor party, bachelorette party, or simply having an awesome night out on the town and want to arrive in style, look no further. No expense has been spared in making this extraordinary bus loaded with all the amenities you expect when renting a bus of this caliber
We started with one of the hottest chassis on the market and designed it with our coach builder a one-of-a-kind interior. Intelligent LED opera lights.  In keeping with our nightclub-style motif, we adorned the interior of the Diamond Girl in exquisite leather. As with all our builds, we also installed a fiber optic intelligent lighting system, led lighting, Led ceiling, and led pillars. And floor
The bus has 6 bars of stainless steel ice chests and built-in color-changing mood lighting. We installed a top-of-the-line sound and an incredible video system to finish this spectacular interior.
With a ride like this, we are sure you and your guest will get the party started long before you reach your destination!  Call us today to reserve the Diamond Girl … a of kind luxury bus
28 passenger capacity
Custom sound system
iPhone/Android connectivity
Two-tone leather seating
Interior strobe lighting & multi-point laser
Dual bars with LED lighting
Laser machine
Color-changing LED lighting
Led Ceiling
Led Floor
6 Stainless Steel Bars
We are famous for Party Bus and have first-class vehicles which are very comfortable and exclusive. Our transport service is trustworthy and affordable. Our second nature limousine service is for you if you find this kind of service.
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platinumlimo31 · 2 years
Platinum Limousine Service
Platinum Limos offers premium limo service in Edmonton for weddings, special occasions, and sporting events. The best stretch limo, party bus, and limo rental company in the valley is Platinum Ride! For a Scottsdale limousine hire, get in touch with us right away. The most experienced limousine service provider in South Bend, Indiana, is Platinum Limo Hire. Visit us for more information:- http://sb-platinumlimo.com/
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partybusstreet · 2 years
How much is a party bus for 5 hours?
If you're looking to rent a party bus, you may be wondering how much it will cost. The answer depends on a few factors, including the length of time you want to rent the bus and the size of the bus. For example, a small party bus for five hours may cost around $600, while a larger party bus for the same amount of time could cost upwards of $1,000.
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What is a party bus?
A party bus is a great way to celebrate a special event or just have a night out on the town with friends. They are spacious, have plenty of room for dancing and are equipped with all the amenities you need to have a great time. Party buses can be rented for a wide range of prices depending on the length of time you need it, the number of people in your group, and the amenities included.
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How much does a party bus cost for 5 hours?
A party bus can cost anywhere from $200 to $1,000 for 5 hours. The price will depend on the size of the bus, the number of people, the length of time, and the amenities. Most party buses have a minimum rental time of 4 hours.
What do you get with a party bus rental?
When you're planning a party, the last thing you want to worry about is how you and your guests are
going to get around. That's where party bus rentals come in. For one flat rate, you can have a vehicle that fits everyone in your group and gets them where they need to go safely and on time.
Party bus rentals come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find one that's just right for your group. Indiana Polis limo bus is the perfect choice. They have been consistently top rated in their vehicles, deals, and of course their amazing services, Pickup options. Whether you need a small bus for a intimate group or a large one for a rager, there's a party bus out there that will fit your needs. And because they're equipped with all the amenities you need for a successful party, including sound systems and TVs, you can be sure that your party will go off without a hitch - no matter where it is that you're going.
How to book a party bus
Party buses are becoming increasingly popular for special events like birthdays, weddings, and bachelor/bachelorette parties. If you're looking to book a party bus, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
First, decide how many people will be riding on the bus. The average party bus can accommodate up to 40 people, but some buses can accommodate up to 60 people. Keep in mind that the more people you have on the bus, the more expensive it will be.
Next, decide how long you'll need the bus for. Most companies charge by the hour, so it's important to know how many hours you'll need the bus for. The average party bus rental is for 5 hours.
Finally, contact a party bus company and get a quote. Make sure to ask about any discounts or promotions that they may be running.
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When it comes to party buses, the old saying holds true: you get what you pay for. Party buses can range in price from $200 to $2000, depending on the size of the bus, the amenities offered, and the length of time you need it. If you're looking to save some money, consider renting a party bus for just a few hours instead of the entire night. You'll still be able to enjoy all the same features, without having to spend as much money.
0 notes
A/N: Links to Chapter 1-3 posted at bottom of page!
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Chapter 4
It had been a few days since Eden left Sids after they raped her.    She called out sick from work she couldn't face them.    The team was headed out to California and Eden asked if she could fly out and meet the team there.    They said that was fine.     Eden went out a day early and did some sight seeing.       It was nice.     The team arrived later that day.     She had just gotten finished eating when there was a knock at the door.    Eden goes and sees it was Sid.
"Eden please open the door." Sid says.
He had carnations her favorite in his hands and a stuffed Panda bear too.   Eden figured she might as well hear him out.    She opens the door.  
"What Sid?" Eden says.
"I am sorry for what I did to you the other day." Sid says.
"Oh you mean raping me when I said no." Eden replies snarky.
"Yes I am sorry baby.   It will never happen again.     Kris is sorry too these are from us." Sid says.
"Look let's just let by gones be bygones.   I  won't say anything about what happened.   I won't tell your secret." Eden says.
"Please baby.    Think about it.    We really do love you." Sid says.
"Okay I will think about it okay." Eden says.
"Good baby.    We love you and don't want to loose you." Sid says.
"I will think about it okay.   Now I just want to go lie down.   I am not feeling well." Eden says.
"Okay feel better." Sid says kissing her softly on the lips.
"Thanks Sid.   Goodnight I will see you at practice tomorrow." Eden replies.
"Okay baby." Sid says kissing her head.
Eden took the flowers and Panda and shut the door behind him.    She wasn't thinking about anything she was walking out of this and going to be with Chase.  
That was when her phone went off. It was Chase.
"Meet me down in the lobby." Chase texts.
"Wait you're here!" Eden texts back.
"Yup got a race here in Cali and then racing Phoenix and Vegas." Chase says.
"Let me change and I'll be right down." Eden says.
She throws on a pair of jeans and a black be brave shirt.    She then heads down to the lobby.
Chase was standing there waiting for her. She runs to him.
"Chase." Eden exclaims practically jumping on him.
"Hey princess." Chase says kissing her.
Eden kisses back not caring who was watching.
"I'm so happy you are here." Eden says.
"I am happy too I get too see my girl. Now let's go I have a special date planned just the two of us." Chase says.
They link hands and head out to them rental car. They both get in. Chase takes off towards San Diego.
"Where are we going?" Eden asks.
"You will see." Chase says smiling at her.
45 minutes later they arrive at the zoo.
"The San Diego Zoo!" Eden  says excitedly.
'Well I know how much you love animals especially pandas so I figured I needed to bring you." Chase  says.
They park. They then head to the entrance. Chase  pays for them them. They find out there was a bus called the Kangaroo Bus that would drop them off at various parts of the park. They get on the bus and it takes them to the first part of the zoo. The Australian Outback. Inside there they see the Australian Wander which was full of plants that come from down under, along with Camels, Koalas. Laughing Kookabura's, Tasmanian Devils and Wombats.
It was fun. They got to hold a koala, play with a kangaroo and ride a camel together.
Eden was taking all kinds of pictures.
From there they head into the Lost Forest exhibit,. There they see Bog Garden, Bonabo's , Fern Canyon, Flamingos, Ginger Garden, harpy eagels, Hawaiian pants, Hippo's, Mandrills, Monkey's, Okapi's, orangutans, Otter's and pygmy Hippos pygmy marmosets, Tapirs, terrace lagoon, and Tigers.
"I want a hippo for Christmas is one of my favorite Xmas songs so I love hippos." Eden says.
"They are intriguing animals." Chase says.
They continue on. They were holding hands and acting like a real couple and Eden was loving it. They then get on the Kangaroo bus and head to the nest spot for them. They then do the Panda Canyon, where they see Amur Leopard's, Giant Panda's red pandas and Takins.
"Pandas are my absolute favorite animal in the whole wide world." Eden says.
"I know now come with me." Chase says.
They head behind the habitat where they met a zookeeper. Chase paid extra for them to be able to play with one of the panda's. It was one of the Cubs born not that long ago. Also Eden was adopting it and could name it. Eden was having the time of her life. Chase had them take picture and a video. She ended up naming the bear Chase. Finally they leave.
"Thank you for doing that for me. I love it." Eden says.
"I am glad baby." Chase says.
That was when Eden ran to the trash can and threw up. Chase held her hair back. He also got her ginger Ale.
"Do you want to go home?" Chase asks.
"Nope I'm okay now." Eden says.
They then head to the Africa Rocks where they got to see and play with the penguins.
They head around the zoo seeing more different animals. They saved the best for last where Eden  got to see the polar bears another one of her favorites. It was neat to see them out playing. Eden  took more pictures.    Finally they headed to the gift shop and Eden got a few things. Chase got her a few things as well and they left.
"Thank you Clyde for a much needed fun day." Eden says.
"You are welcome Princes." Chase says.
"Our first official date." Eden says.
"And it's not over yet." Chase says.
They hop in the car and head back towards Los Angeles.    Chase heads to Disneyland and parks.
"Disneyland baby?" Eden asks.
"But of course. Have to take my Princess to the happiest place on earth." Chase replies.
"I love you." Eden says.
"I love you more princess." Chase replies kissing her hand.
He then gets out of the car and gets her door. Eden gets out and they head to Disneyland hand in hand. They head inside and   stop first at Sleeping Beauty's castle and have someone take a picture of them in front.   
They got a few different ones including of one of them kissing.   After that they head to start riding rides.   They  get on Alice and Wonderland, Astro Orbiter, Autopia, Big Thunder Mountain, Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters, Casey Jr. Circus Train, Chip and Dale's tree house, the Disney Gallery, Disney Railroad, The Disneyland Story presenting Great moments with Mr. Lincoln, Donald's Boat, Enchanted Tiki Room, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Frontierland Shootin' Exposition, Gadget's Go Coaster, Goofy's playhouse, Indiana Jones adventure, It's a small world, Jungle Cruise, King Arthur's Carrousel, Mad Tea Party, Main Street Cinema, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Mark Twain Riverboat, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Mickey's house and meet Mickey, Minnie's house, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, Peter Pan's Flight, Pincchio's Darin Journey, Pirates Lair on Tom Sawyers Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, Roger Rabbits Car Toon Spin, Snow Whites Scary adventure, Space Mountain, Star Tours The Adventure continues, Star wars Launch Bay, Star Wars Path of the Jedi, Storybook land canal boats, Tarzan's treehouse, Dumbo the flying elephant, Haunted Mansion, Main street vehicles, Splash Mountain, Davey Crockett's Explorer canoes, and Sailing Ship Colombia.  
"I am hungry." Eden says after they finished riding the rides.
"Me too." Chase  replies.
"Let's  eat and then we can continue on." Eden  says.
"Sounds good.:" Chase  says.
They decide to eat at the Carnation Café.    They both get burgers and fries and milkshakes.    After they eat they head and do a few shows.   They do a Star Wars Character Experience and then they do Jedi Training.   That was fun they then meet fairy friends at Pixie Hallow and meet the Disney princess at Royal Hall. Chase took a few pictures of Eden. He got a her few things. He figured for Halloween she could be a princess and he would be a race car driver.
They  continue on and get on Animation Academy, Fliks Flyers, Francis Ladybug Boggie, Golden Zephyr, Goofy's sky school, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout, Heimlich's chew chew train, it's tough to be a bug, Jumpin Jellyfish, King Triton's carousel, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's undersea adventure, Luigi's Rollickin Roadsters, Maters Junkyard Jamboree, Monsters Inc. Mike and Sully to the rescue, Princess Dot Puddle Park, Radiator Springs racers, Red car trolley, Silly Symphony Swings, Soarin around the world, Sorcerers workshop, Toy Story Midway Mania, Tuck and Rolls Drive em buggies, Turtle Talk with Crush, The Bakery Tour, California Screamin, Games of the Boardwalk, Grizzly River run, Mickey's Fun Wheel, Redwood Creek Challenge trail, Frozen at Disneyland resort, and Guardians of the Galaxy: Monsters after dark.
They then head and see Ana and Elsa's Royal Welcome, Frozen Live at Hyperion, Meet Olaf, and Meet the Residents of Radiator Springs in Cars land.
Finally, they head back to the car and head to Universal Studios.   They go inside and get on rides.   They ride on Harry Potter and the Forbidden journey, The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter, Flight of the Hippogrif, Fast and the Furious Supercharged, King Kong 360, The Walking Dead attraction, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Jurassic Park the ride, Transformers The ride, The Simpson Ride, Revenge of the Mummy Ride, Super Silly Fun Land, Sill Swirly Fun Ride, Special Effects show, Water World, Universal's animal actors, and Charter sightings.
They finish everything they wanted to do at the park before heading back to the car.
They then head back to the car and back to the track. Chase  had something special planned for them. He had it set up and ready to go.
"What's this?" Eden says seeing a table set up for two.
"Dinner for two baby." Chase says.
"Awww Clyde." Eden says kissing him.
Chase kisses back. He then helps her sit down.
He goes and heats up their food. He had made chicken parmigiana and noodles along with a salad. When it was done he sits it in the table and then takes his seat. They each take a piece of chicken and some noodles.   They then add a little bit more sauce to each before sprinkling it with parmesan cheese.   They put some salad in their salad bowls and add the dressing.   Chase pours them each a glass of wine.
Eden takes a bite of the food and then says
"Oh my god it tastes as good as it smells."
"Thanks.   The sauce is my mothers homemade recipe." Chase  says.
"Well it's good." Eden  says.
They eat and enjoy each others company.   Once they finished Eden helped Chase  clean up and put the leftovers away and load the dishwasher.
"The flowers are for you." Chase says to her.
"Thank you Clyde.  Carnations are my favorite flower and pink is my favorite color." Eden  says.
"I know baby." Chase says.
"So wha are we going to watch?" Eden  asks.
"Since  I know how much you love scary movies I have the Conjuring universe movies ready to go." Chase replies.
"Lead the way." Eden says.
Chase lead her to the game room.   They both sit on the couch as Chase turns on the Nun.   The movie starts.    Not even five minutes into it Chase jumps at a scary part.
"Damn." Chase says.
"You really hate scary movies don't you?" Eden asks.
"Yes I do.    But I will watch them because I know you like them." Chase says.
"Well I will keep you safe Clyde." Eden says.
"I know." Chase says as another scary part happens.
They movie went on.   Eden felt him get a little tense and knew he was scared so she leaned in a little closer trying to comfort him.   Chase puts his arm around her pulling her closer to him.  She leaned her head on his shoulder.  
It got to the part where the priest was buried A alive.    Chase started to shake.   That was one of his phobias being trapped someplace not being able to get out.   He was claustrophobic.
"Oh Chase." Eden says leaning in placing a soft kiss on his lips.
She would do anything at that moment to make him feel better.   She never experienced a man so vulnerable.
Chase kisses back putting his hands on each side of her cheeks.  Eden parts her lips slightly.   Chase deepens the kiss exploring her mouth with his tongue.
"Mmm." Chase moans deep in his throat.
"Mmm." Eden moans too.
"God Princess ." Chase says once they both come up for air.
"You are a good kisser Clyde." Eden says.
"So are you Princess." Chase replies.
  She looks deep into his eyes and sees a bunch of emotion swirling in them.
Chase leans in kissing her again pulling her all but into his lap.   His hands roam up the back of her shirt setting her skin on fire. 
"God Clyde take me to bed." Eden moans when he let her up for air again.
"God baby are you sure?" Chase asks.
"God yes." Eden says she wanted him so bad.
Chase picks her up carrying her into his bedroom.   He sits her on her feet closing the door.    Once the door was closed Eden pushes him up against it.
"Eden." Chase moans.
"I want you and I am going to take you." Eden says.
"I want you too." Chade says.
She starts to lift his shirt up placing soft kisses along his chest as she does.
"Fuck." Chase moans.
Once she gets the shirt up and and over his she throws it to the floor.
"You have the most amazing body Clyde." Eden says running her nails lightly down his chest to the band of his jeans.
"Thanks Princess oh god." Chase moans as she pops open the button and pulls the zipper down running her finger up his happy trail.
She works the jeans down his hips kissing his stomach with light fluttery kisses as she does.  Chase just moans.
She then works his boxer briefs down as well freeing his rock hard cock.   Eden licks her lips.  She places soft kisses on his stomach again before running her tongue down his happy trail.   She places soft kisses on each thigh before slowly taking his cock into her mouth.
"Fuck Eden." Chase moans running his fingers through her hair.
She sucks him in nice and slow running her tongue along the underside of his shaft.   She looks up locking eyes with him.   She keeps sucking him in and out of her mouth slowly.
"Fuck Eden that's it suck my dick baby." Chase moans gently pulling her hair as he starts to thrust.
Eden kept going slowly torturing him bringing him to the verge of cumming.
"God baby I am going to cum." Chase moans he didn't know what she wanted.
Eden gently starts to play with his balls never taking her eyes off him.
"Princess oh god." Chase moans as he cums hard down her throat.
Eden swallows every drop before slowly licking him clean.   She then slowly works her way back up his body pulling him in for a kiss.   She explores every inch of his mouth with her tongue letting him taste himself on her lips and tongue.   Chase slowly backs her towards the bed.  He breaks the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head tossing it.
"Jesus Eden that bra." Chase moans seeing it.
He pulls one strap down kissing her shoulder as he does.  Then kisses the other as he pulls that strap down.   He sucks and licks the tops of each breast peaking out from the cup.   He pulls the cups down taking one in his mouth running a circle around her nipple with his tongue before sucking on it gently nibbling on it bringing it to a peak.
"Clyde." Eden moans running her fingers in his hair.  
Chase moves to the other breast doing the same thing.   He slowly unclasps the bra pulling it off tossing it aside as well.    He then kisses softly down her stomach to the band of her jeans. 
He uses his teeth to pop open the button lightly nibbling on her belly as he slowly inches them down her hips and legs. Eden steps out of them kicking off her shoes.
"God baby those panties.  God so wet." Chase moans running his mouth over her pussy smelling her juices.
He then slowly works them down over her hips and down her legs.     Eden kicks them off.   He then slowly kisses his way up her legs placing a kiss on each thigh.   He blows cool breath across her mound as she slowly spreads her legs.   He runs his tongue up and down her slit before pushing inside starting to fuck her with his tongue. 
Not long after he started Eden gently pulls his hair pulling him away from her.
"Fuck me Clyde." Eden  says all but begging him.
"God okay baby."  Chase says kissing his way up her body.   He picks her up kissing her letting her taste her on his lips and tongue and gently lays her down on the bed.
"God please Clyde I need you inside me now." Eden moans.
"God baby." Chase moans as he gently pushes inside her.
"God yes." Eden moans as he starts to thrust gently at first.
He wanted to go slow letting her adjust to his size.   She was so tight and wet.
"Jesus Eden you feel so good.  Like a glove." Chase moans.
"God fuck me Clyde hard and fast." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
Chase moves a little harder and faster.   Eden wraps her legs around his waist letting him go deeper inside her.
"Eden oh god." Chase moans going even harder.
"Clyde god that's it." Eden moans as he stretched her even further.
She throws her head back arching into him.  It felt so good.
"God baby I am not going to last." Chase moans
"Cum baby let me feel it." Eden monas.
"Eden sweet Eden." Chase moans looking deep into her eyes as he cums hard deep inside her.
"Clyde oh god." Eden moans shuttering as her orgasm rushes through her.
She cums with him feeling him coat her insides.   She just moans as her body shutters from the pleasure.
Chase kisses her gently on the lips and then the jaw and neck as they ride it out.   
"God Clyde again  I need you again." Eden moans.
She just wanted to feel that good again and not think about anything.
"Okay Eden but this time it will be nice and slow." Chase says.
"Please." Eden begs.
Chase starts to move again inside her taking it nice and slow.
"Eden god." Chase moans loving being inside her.
"Clyde god." Eden moans as he slowly builds her up.
"So close." Eden moans.
"Cum baby." Chase moans.
"Clyde." Eden moans as she cums.
"That's it baby milk my release." Chase moans as he cums again inside her.
They make love a few more times before Eden's eyelashes started to flutter.   Chase gets up.
"Where are you going?" Eden asks sleepily.
"Shhh baby I will be back." Chase says kissing her softly on the lips.
He goes into the bathroom grabbing a wash cloth wetting it with warm water.   He then comes over and gently wipes her down cleaning her.
He goes and tosses the rag in the hamper and then climbs into bed beside her.   She curls up to him laying her head on his chest.   Chase pulls the blanket up over them kissing her head as they both fall asleep.
The next morning Eden and Chase woke up when the alarm went off.
"Good morning baby:" Chase says.
"Good morning, oh god." Eden says getting up and running to the bathroom.
She made it just in time to empty her stomach in the toilet. Chase was right behind her. She got her everything up. Chase then picks her up gently and carries her back to bed.
"Sorry baby." Eden says.
"For what?" Chase asks.
"Getting sick." Eden replies.
"It's okay." Chase replies.
"I need to go back. I have to change before I head to practice." Eden replies.
"Yeah I know. I am glad I was able to see you." Chase says.
"Me too I will try and make the race on Sunday." Eden adds.
Chase smiles. He gives her a few shirts from his collection. They then head to the car and head back to Eden's hotel.
"I will see you later princess. I love you." Chase says.
"I will see you later Clyde. I love you too." Eden replies.
They share a few more kisses not wanting to part ways. But finally Eden heads inside and up to her room. She showered and got dressed and then heads down to the bus. Once everyone was on they head to the arena. Eden goes and gets the exam room set up in case they would need it for anything. That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.
"Hey baby, I missed you last night." Sid says.
"Hi Sid. Sorry I was so tired. Still getting used to the time change." Eden replies lying.
She didn't know what he would do if he knew she was with Chase. She was scared of him. It sucked cus she had a contract and had to work with the Penguins until the end of the 2021 season. Even though she wanted to quit.
"I know it can take effect on you but you will get used to it." Sid says.
"I know. Don't you have practice?" Eden asks.
" I do but I wanted to know if you were doing anything after?" Sid asks.
"No I don't. Sunday I am going to the NASCAR race before the game that night. But nothing today." Eden replies.
"Okay maybe I can come to your room, we can order room service and watch movies." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden says.
"Good see you then." Sid replies.
"Is Kris coming too?" Eden asks.
"Nope just me this time." Sid says.
"Okay." Eden replies.
Sid kisses her and leaves to attend practice. Eden grabs a little something from the snack bar and goes and watches practice. Halfway through Kris took a high stick to the face and there was blood.
"I got it." Eden says.
Kris comes down the runway and into the exam room. Eden follows him in. Kris was sitting on the table.
"Damn that hurt like a son of a bitch." Kris says.
"Sorry Kris." Eden says dabbing the blood away with a towel.
"It's okay. Is it bad?" Kris asks.
"Yes going to need stitches but shouldn't keep you out of the game tomorrow." Eden says.
"Good." Kris says.
Eden stitches him up. Kris puts his hand over hers.
"Thank you. Sorry for the other day Eden. Are you okay?" Kris asks.
"Yeah I'm okay. And your welcome it's my job." Eden says.
"I know. Im still thankful for you." Kris says.
"I know. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I promise I won't tell anyone about you and Sid. I just don't think I can do this. It took me to moving away and being away from him to realize how much I love Chase." Eden says.
"I know I can tell. Look if you want out that is fine. I know you won't tell anyone about me and Sid but I don't know if Sid will let you go." Kris says.
"I know." Eden says.
"Did you ever love us?" Kris asks.
"I loved you Kris you never hurt me.   Sid in the other hand." Eden says looking down.
"I'm sorry he hurt you Eden." Kris says lifting her head up.
He leans in and kisses her.    Eden kisses back.
"God." Eden moans as she pulls away.
"Go lock the door." Kris says.
Eden goes and locks the door.     She comes back over and climbs into his lap.
"God." Eden moans as he shreds her panties.
"I like skirts." Kris says.
"God." Eden moans as Kris pushes up into her.
"Ride me pretty girl. You know you want to." Kris says.
"God Kris." Eden moans as she starts to move up and down.
"That's it pretty girl." Kris says grabbing her hips.
They needed to be faster. Kris took control of their movements. Eden bit her arm throwing her head back to keep from screaming out. Kris nips and sucks her neck as they move.
"Eden fuck." Kris calls out as he cums hard deep inside of her.
"Kris. "Eden moans out as she cums with him.
They ride it out and Kris picks her up off of him. He stands up and fixes himself.
Kris then kisses her head before walking out the door. Eden collected herself. She then cleans up the exam room and prepared it from the game tomorrow. She then heads out and gets on the bus.
Once all the boys were on board they all head back to the hotel. Eden goes up to her room. She changes into her new Chase Elliott shirt and a pair of lounge pants. She wasn't feeling the greatest. She was laying down when there was a knock at her door. She gets up and opens it. Sid was there with room service and flowers.
"Come in." Eden says letting him in.
"Thanks." Sid says kissing her cheek.
Eden shuts the door.
"What did you bring?" Eden asks.
"Chicken noodle soup and ginger ale. Because I know you said you weren't feeling good." Sid says.
"I am not." Eden replies.
"I am sorry. Well let's eat and then we can relax and watch something on Netflix or something." Sid says.
Eden nods her head yes. So far it was going okay and she wasn't afraid. This was the Sid she started dating. They ate the soup and Eden nibbled the saltines. She sipped the ginger ale. Finally they laid in bed and Eden turned on Netflix. She turned on Sweet Home Alabama one of her favorite movies. She started to think about Chase. This movie was the story of their lives. Sid started to kiss her. Eden kisses back closing her eyes. As they were making out Sid runs his hands down her body. He runs them down her pants and under wear rubbing her pussy before sticking a finger in.
"Hmm nice and wet for me pretty girl." Sid says.
"Yes." Eden moans. She was pretending it was Chase.
"Want me to fuck you pretty girl?" Sid asks.
"Please." Eden begs.
Sid slides her pants and panties off followed by his jeans and boxer briefs. He then hovers over her running his tip along her entrance.
"Soaking for daddy." Sid moans.
"God don't tease." Eden begs.
Sid pushes into her and starts to move thrusting hard and fast.
"Fuck baby." Sid moans as she moves with him.
She wrapped her legs around his waist letting him go deeper.
"God." Eden moans digging her nails into his back.
She still had her eyes closed pretending it was Chase fucking her.
"That's it pretty girl milk my cock baby get ready to take my cum." Sid moans.
"GOd." Eden moans she was almost there.
"Fuck Eden god." Sid moans as he cums hard pumping her pussy full of his cum.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums too.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" Sid shouts slapping her.
Eden's eyes flashed open and she realized that by her fantasizing about Chase she called out his name.
"Umm." Eden says.
"Did you call me Clyde? Were you thinking about another man while I was fucking you." Sid screams at her.
Eden was so scared she didn't know what to say.
"Answer me you ungrateful ass whore." Sid screams.
"Yes I am so disgusted by you and how you treat me that in order for me to even attempt to have sex I have to think about Chase so I can get off." Eden screams out pushing him off of her.
She gets up off the bed. She was going to hide in the bathroom or something. She had her cell phone.
"You fucking whore. Don't you ever push me again or I will rip your hair out and choke you with it." Sid yells grabbing her hair pulling her back to him.
"Ow you are hurting me." Eden says.
"You think I fucking care. I hope it hurts. Remeber I am the only guy besides Kris who can cum in your sweet pussy. We are the only ones who can fuck you." Sid says.
"Fuck off Sid. I want out of this. I can't stand you. I fucking hate you. Get out." Eden screams turning around wailing out on him.
"You want to hit me bitch. I am going to show you." Sid says.
He picks her up throwing her back into the mirror glass shattering. He bashes her head against it not caring that it busted her head open. He then throws her down onto the floor throwing the mirror down on top of her covering her in glass.
"I will kill you before I ever let you leave." Sid says.
"Please I need help." Eden cries out.
"Fuck that bleed for all I care. If I can't have you no one will." Sid says as he kicks her hard.
Eden whimpers. Sid then leaves the room door slamming behind him. Eden still had her cell phone. It took everything in her to dial his number.
"Hey Princess." Chase says answering on the first ring.
"Chase help. I am hurt." Eden says.
"Eden? Where are you?" Chase asks panicked.
"Hotel Chase. Hurry." Eden says before she blacked out.
"Hang tight princess. I am coming to get you." Chase says.
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe, when you're with them, you meet
And neither one of you, even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah them chills, used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick, of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face,
Spewing venom in your words, when you spit 'em
You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments, when you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over it controls you both
So they say it's best, to go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya 'cause today, that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records, playin' over, but you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window, guess that's why they call it window pane
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
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Affordable party buses in Indianapolis
Indianapolis Party Bus!
Indy is an exciting city with plenty of things to see and to do, and a party bus is the perfect way to get around town. When it comes to finding the perfect party b us or limo, Indianapolis Party Bus should be your first call. We're here for you 24 hours per day and our vast fleet is sure to have something you'll love! Our limo buses are equipped with all the amenities you need to have a great time, including an amazing sound system, colorful disco lights, and plenty of space for dancing. We also have a wide selection of charter buses and stretch limos to choose from, so you can find the perfect transportation for your event. Our party bus rental service is the best in town, and we're here to make sure you have a great time.
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A party bus in Indianapolis is a great way to celebrate a special occasion. Whether it's a bachelor or bachelorette party, birthday, anniversary, or just a night out on the town, a party bus can make your event even more memorable. Party buses are available for rent from many different companies in the Indianapolis area, and they come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit your needs. Most party buses have comfortable seating for up to 40 passengers, and some even have amenities like TVs, sound systems, and bars. Chartering a party bus is a great way to offer transportation for large groups, and it's much more affordable than renting multiple limos or shuttles. When booking a party bus, be sure to ask about any special deals or discounts that may be available.
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When you book one of our party bus rentals, you'll be getting the best party bus service there is. We pride ourselves on offering affordable prices for our party bus and limo services. Our party bus prices are some of the most competitive in the industry, and we offer service across Indiana. Our professional chauffeurs will make sure that your experience is unforgettable. Our vast service area includes Marion County, Boone County, Johnson County, and more. Call today to book a reservation for any event!
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Our Indianapolis party bus rentals are affordable and easy to book. Call us today to get a free quote or make a reservation. Our customer service agents will walk you through the booking process and answer any questions you may have. Please let us know the date and time of your event, as well as the location of pick-up and drop-off, and the size vehicle you'll need.
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An Indiana Charter Bus Will Be of Tremendous Help to Guests for On-Time Arrivals
An Indiana Charter Bus Will Be of Tremendous Help to Guests for On-Time Arrivals
What You Need to Talk to your Guests About Before the Wedding. No one likes showing up ill prepared no matter where they go, certainly not for the time span of a wedding. Lots of work is put into the wedding to make sure that guests are comfortable, just like great Jacksonville Car Service makes sure their riders feel comfort. Yet if you don’t pay attention to the details, all your hard work…
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merrybrides · 6 years
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After a romantic marriage proposal at her family’s lake house, Samantha Starkey and Mitchell Milner decided to plan a destination wedding in Northern California. The couple, who met during a documentary filmmaking course in India, scoured home-rental sites, hoping to find a private property that would accommodate a wedding. As chance would have it, a listing for Villa Montara—an architectural, rustic-modern home located 20 miles south of San Francisco—popped up and the couple jumped on the opportunity. And on a breezy, blue-sky afternoon in October, the couple exchanged vows in front of their 90 guests on a coastal bluff overlooking the Pacific.
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Bride and groom: Samantha and Mitchell  Wedding date: October 7, 2017 Venue: Villa Montara, Montara, Calif. Number of guests: 90 Minted wedding invitation: “Oceans” (foil-pressed) by Wildfield Paper Co. Wedding details card: “Elegant Angles” by Peony Papeterie Wedding response card: “Mountain Sky” by Summer Winkelman (hand-cut by the bride)
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How did you and Mitchell meet?
Mitch and I met during a documentary filmmaking course traveling through India.
Tell us about the proposal!
My family has a lake house I grew up going to in Indiana and that we still visit every summer. This particular summer Mitch was unable to go (or so I thought). I arrived at the lake house, and was immediately sent on a scavenger hunt around town. At the time, I was thinking Mitch was just sorry that he couldn’t make it and set up this fun gift for me. At the end of the scavenger hunt I found him in the middle of the lake on a floating platform decorated in lights and flowers!
Since you’re in the wedding industry yourself (Samantha is a wedding videographer), what were your main priorities in planning your own nuptials?
I didn’t want to get caught up in the details, or to overdo it. I know how easy it can be to be upsold on so many things during the wedding planning process, and then suddenly realize you’ve lost the original vision. With that said, my priorities were keeping it beautiful and as simple as possible!
Did you encounter any hiccups along the way?
My only advice is to not wait to the last minute for the smaller details. For example, I did my programs about a month before the wedding and the blue I picked wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but I didn’t give myself time to customize it further.
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How did you find your wedding venue?
I originally found it on VRBO. It’s a rental house, unfortunately the owners just sold it though!
Who made your wedding dress?
It was by Flora and was the second dress I tried on.
What did Mitch wear?
A navy suit from Nordstrom.
What did your wedding party wear?
Bridesmaids wore mixed dresses from Show Me Your Mumu and the guys rented suits from The Black Tux.
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How did you choose your wedding invitation?
This actually took me a long time, because I liked so many of the designs. It was hard to choose! I narrowed it down to my top three picks, and then compared them to my style board to see which ones worked best. The nicest part is how customizable everything is—I loved that I could mix and match to make my own unique invitation suite.
Were your invitations letterpressed, flat-printed, or foil-pressed?
They were foil-pressed. I love the special touch the gold adds.
Did you add any special touches to your invitations to make them your own?
I had a lot of geometric shapes already going on with my wedding design, so I specifically looked for something on  that I could easily cut into a geometric shape. And that RSVP design (“Mountain Sky” by Summer Winkelman) was perfect to cut!
How did the invitation tie in to the wedding’s overall look and feel?
I wanted our wedding style to incorporate organic movement, contrasted with simple, geometric lines. The invite I chose had watercolor at the bottom that spoke to the “movement” aspect of my wedding style, and then I chose “Details” and “Rsvp” cards with clean lines to bring in the geometric aesthetic.
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Who officiated the ceremony?
My father-in-law.
What were some of your favorite wedding-day decorations and/or details?
My favorite was our tripod-shaped altar, because my mom and aunt helped me build it!
Did you exchange traditional vows or did you write them yourselves?
We wrote our vows. I’ve been to so many weddings, and I’ve always felt that it’s more special and touching that way.
Please share some memorable moments from the wedding ceremony.
One of my favorite moments from the day was standing with my dad right before I walked down the aisle. We were in the house looking out this big window that overlooked the ceremony. It was set up in a way that I had a perfect bird’s-eye view of ceremony and everyone else walking down the aisle without them seeing me. We just looked at each other and started to cry.
Did you incorporate any meaningful family or cultural traditions into the wedding day?
We both come from families where faith is very important, and it’s a big part of who we are as well. I’m not very traditional, but I knew I wanted the ceremony to reflect our love for God. So, we took a moment and asked our parents to come up and pray for us privately during the ceremony while music played in the background. It was a really special moment to look back on for all of us!
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Did you serve signature cocktails?
Yes! We did a Scottish Ale (his) and a Garden Cooler (hers).
What was on the dinner menu?
We did a family-style dinner—I honestly can’t even tell you what was served, I just remember that it was all insanely good.
Tell us more about your escort-card display. 
I made the escort cards out of hexagon-shaped tiles. I needed something small that wouldn’t blow in the wind easily, so it was the perfect solution.
What were some of your fondest memories from the day?
All our family and friends from all different parts of life coming together and having fun. It’s truly something that will never happen again, so I cherished every moment!
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Did you have a first dance?
Yes, our first dance was to “Northern Wind” by City and Colour.
Did you have any after-party?
Montara is a very small coastal town and there is only one bar! So we had a bus at the end of the night that took people there for the after-party. It was honestly so fun to be all dressed up in wedding attire and all show up at this little dive bar!
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
We went to Phuket and the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. It was SO beautiful!
Any advice for couples who are starting to plan their wedding?
You’ve spent a year plus planning your dream wedding, and so much work and time goes into it. However, being in the industry I know how easy it is for the little things to not go as planned. On the wedding day, my advice is to just relax and go with the flow. All the little stuff that didn’t go as planned is nothing in comparison to the declaration of a lifetime you are making to your love.  
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onlahuana1973 · 4 years
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nissan free insurance. While you should avoid buying any type of insurance if you think it will have negative consequences after a claim, it is important to know how your policy will react once you finally discover a policy that is completely adequate and safe. This article will also look at all of the auto insurance policy options you may be considering. Although our current review of AAA auto insurance will not be helpful for everyone. Although we will go through this review as we review more from them, it’s important that you do not assume that all of their auto insurance policies have this type of coverage. For example, AAA auto insurance doesn’t have a variety of coverage options so you will have to find coverage for repairs made by other drivers. However, for drivers, AAA auto insurance offers multiple types of insurance: You may hear the term “minimum coverage.” A lot of AAA auto insurance policies assume that drivers have a limited amount of protection from catastrophic damages of an auto policy or liability.. nissan free insurance plan for 2018. There are many great savings from a cheap car insurance rate, just because they have this plan. For example, with the plan, drivers who will receive one annual policy for the next five years are eligible for a discount. If your vehicle is in storage and you don’t have comprehensive coverage or collision, then your monthly insurance premium might not be worth it. As someone who doesn’t use her car for any variety of reasons – whether to pick up the phone or to pay bills – she is a responsible, conscientious driver. The best place to check is your state’s insurance laws. The first, mandatory requirement according to the state, is liability coverage of $25,000 for the injury or death of one person, $50,000 for the injury or death of multiple people, and $20,000 for damage to another person’s property. Keep in mind that a lot of states don’t require this coverage, so the first. nissan free insurance plans are generally available in the following states: If you are seeking a car insurance policy from a third party (only as an exchange or one that is paid via the insurer) you will want to have at least, at some point, to obtain a quote from them. This is because they are likely to need an estimate of the value of the car from the insurer, because it would vary whether they will be driving it or not. If you are looking for an insurer that will protect against theft, crashes, or destruction, try to buy a quote from a third party that has a reliable or trustworthy relationship with the insurer. Your quote will likely show that you have used their data to determine where to go when it comes to finding you. It could also help you find ways to save you money. A good example of where this should happen is if you try to get a from the big insurance company or even another service related to insurance. This is in the case of many of the bigger insurance.
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Compare Free Nissan Leaf Insurance Quotes Online from Our Website | Auto Insurance & Sale Desk | By Making a Payment, Drivers Want to Trust Me…by Rachael Brennan in August 2013 at least we have all the information for the insurance and driving. We have had to find it now if it is something they will be looking for. I was thinking about a new policy where I will be able to save my money as I can get a better deal with my own personal bank, I don’t plan to keep paying, but i am concerned about paying the insurance on a new new car. What is the best insurance to get from my car for a new one to the new, i need to know more about the current conditions because the car is older and new the car is the newer car or cheaper. It depends on the state and if I was driving to a different place because that will help me pay the insurance on a new vehicle. I have no other vehicles but still get hit in a car wreck in case they’.
Why LGI for Commercial Insurance
Why LGI for Commercial Insurance for insurance is the same. Insurify analyzed the latest insurance rates in Maryland to find you the .
The best Nissan Leaf car insurance rates will vary depending on driver characteristics. The average Nissan Leaf car insurance rates are $128 a month for the average driver. And for a 30-year-old driver, the Nissan Leaf costs $3,568 per year to insure. Use our free tool below to compare online insurance quotes and save up to 20 percent.
The best Nissan Leaf car insurance rates will vary depending on driver characteristics. The average Nissan Leaf car insurance rates are $128 a month for the average driver. And for a 30-year-old driver, the Nissan Leaf costs $3,568 per year to insure. Use our free tool below to compare online insurance quotes and save up to 20 percent. One of the main reasons that Nissan Leaf insurance is expensive is that the car s safety ratings will also be significantly affected by the insurance company s rating. The for safety ratings depends on the Nissan Leaf s safety tests—and the best coverage you can get. If you drive for a non-standard insurance provider, you will likely still be paying a lot for coverage. However, the cost difference between a driver with a good and poor driving record, and a driver in a high-risk category, will likely make your Nissan Leaf insurance costs more expensive. Here are some of the in the U.S., ranked by how much they cost to insure: This is the best way to find the cheapest Nissan Leaf car insurance available. If you already have your own policy as a Nissan Leaf owner, but you want to drive one of its newer generation vehicles, this makes sense. If you own a newer model car, you might be able to cut cost by buying a separate policy as a non-.
Nissan Leaf Insurance Cost
Nissan Leaf Insurance Cost (In Decets) Total Savings 19,490 -21,370 21,430 2,960 29,922 30,650 31,710 33,950 37,310 38,926 39,823 40,636 41,340 42,450 45,564 46,410 47,410 48,766 49,550 48,813 51,971 52,965 53,965 54,526 55,510 56,822 57,867 58,802 59,930 59,730 70,620 71,690 72,710 73,710 74.
Car Theft Insurance: When Am I Entitled to Coverage?
Car Theft Insurance: When Am I Entitled to Coverage? • Is this a Good Idea? • The Bottom Line? • The Coverage Type Am I Going to be driving my car for business and/or commuting all of the car rides in their cars or being with or without a full license? • Is this a bad idea? • Answers for this question Am I Going to pay more for my insurance premium? • Is this a good idea? • Answer for this question For all of your questions see our Frequently asked questions page. » MORE: Ask your insurance agent! » MORE:  Insurance benefits for accidents caused by road traffic, for miles I drive, and for driving for school bus or school bus out of town. Carpool coverage: If you are an employee of an in-person driver s carrier, the insurer may share the cost of a driver s car insurance. That coverage will cover damages caused by vehicles in the outside world with a driver s permission..
Ways to Save on Nissan Leaf Insurance
Ways to Save on Nissan Leaf Insurance Prices: The cost of  vehicles in your area will be directly impacted by the car. While there are ways to save on your Nissan Leaf insurance, you should actively shop around for the best price, and always shop around when a new vehicle comes along. As mentioned earlier, the best way to obtain the cheapest Nissan Leaf insurance is to compare a variety of quotes from insurance companies. This gives you a list of the discounts you can expect if you seek Nissan Leaf insurance discounts. If you only purchase one policy, the first question you will receive from the agent is whether or not you will be eligible for the insurance discounts provided by your new car insurance policy. If you are not satisfied with the quote, and you are shopping for Nissan Leaf insurance quotes, then you will need to make certain that you compare Nissan Leaf car insurance quotes against many other car insurance quotes so that you can find the policy you are looking for. You can learn here about the cost of Tesla Model 3 insurance rates for.
Are Nissan Leafs Expensive to Insure?
Are Nissan Leafs Expensive to Insure? What Do Drivers Do If They Are Dropping Their Coverage? When a car insurance policy is going to expire and the insurance company no longer has car insurance, is it really worth it for anyone? That is probably the biggest question for everyone. Car insurance is an essential part of how you drive, it’s a contract between you and the insurance company. While you may not see a reduction in rates with a lesser policy, the difference is there. If you get into an accident, you may need to purchase collision insurance and the collision deductible will probably be added to your insurance bill. If you buy comprehensive coverage, then you will have to pay the deductible. If you don’t have collision coverage, then the deductible is the amount you’ll take out in new vehicle repair after buying the new car. So, the amount you’ll have to pay in repairs is the amount you have to pay to get started on a new car. A deductible can be higher than the.
Top Nissan Leaf Insurance Companies
Top Nissan Leaf Insurance Companies in California Alabama Auto Insurance Rates Based on 2018 Car Reports Automobile Club of SoCal Auto Insurance Rates Based on 2018 Car Reports Cheapest for young drivers in North Carolina For a driver who’s 20 years or older, here are the cheapest auto insurance companies we found, ranked by average rate in NC: State Farm: $1,605 a year. Geico: $1,824. Allstate: $2,071. Travelers: $2,174. MetLife: $2,721. Cars & Motorcycles in North Carolina Age and driving history of the vehicle you want to insure. Auto insurance companies may use your credit score to help explain your rates. In North Carolina, the  is used to score your car insurance rate. » MORE: . Auto insurance rates vary depending on the product, the driver, and.
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Consider downloading Airbnb if you are thinking about traditional lodging alternatives. Airbnb can be as exciting as a Houston Party Bus Rental. It can give you and yours the opportunity to stay at an entire house or apartment, so you won’t have to worry about eating take-out food every single night of your honeymoon.
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 AsYouStay is a popular app used to score hotel rooms with more flexible check-in and check-out times. This app could be useful if you plan on traveling during your honeymoon.
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ChatnBook is an app as popular as our Party Bus Indianapolis Indiana loves. People are finding this app useful for searching the exact specification they want during their stay. Once you’ve found a list, you can simply tap a button and the hotels will get back to you with their cheapest rate they’re willing to offer.
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Source: http://cheappartybusdc.blogspot.in/2017/10/useful-tools-you-need-while-traveling.html
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hirecharterbuses · 7 years
Blunders That Guest Must Never Ever Make At a Wedding
When it comes to a wedding, there are a number of social norms and rules that must be followed by the guests and hosting family alike. For example, one must respect the fact that most of the vendors are hired or rented such as the wedding charter bus rental Indianapolis Indiana and therefore must not litter inside the bus.
But littering in the charter bus rental Indianapolis is not the only thing you should avoid doing as a guest, there are a  number of other requests one must follow, or as we like to call them “blunders that should never ever be made by guests at a wedding”. What are they? Continue reading…
At all or do it last minute! The reason RSVPs are sent long before the wedding date is so that the couple can be sure of your presence or absence when they begin organizing the seating or reserve a seat for you in Hire Charter Bus
Showing up late:
If you requested to drive yourself to the venues and not ride the Indianapolis party bus rental that the bride’s family hired it is expected of you to show up on time. Reach the venue at least 15 minutes before the ceremony so that the couple doesn’t have to wait up on you.
Not Show Up:
If you promised the couple that you will be there and even RSVP-ed yes, you better show up! Unless something every urgent comes up last minute. In that case, you must notify the couple or the wedding planner so that the seating arrangement can be changed accordingly.
Misbehave with the staff:
It isn’t your place to misbehave or critique the staff working that evening. Be polite to everyone as you are the guests and not their boss. If it is one of the staff member is misbehaving, the ideal way to deal with it will be to tell the wedding coordinator so that he/she can handle the matter.
Get Drunk:
Know your limit. Having a few drinks more than usual is okay unless you have too much of it and the alcohol starts talking through you. No one wants to hear your breakup story or wants to see your embarrassing dance moves, so keep it for some other time please and put a check on your liquor. 
Source: https://hirecharterbusweb.wordpress.com/2017/06/19/blunders-that-guest-must-never-ever-make-at-a-wedding/
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from a price, service, bases and made smart that about the average? coverage. I know I Can anyone help me? Insurance company Policy number Which company is the four two adults around right, can i claim cost of health insurance quit a job on insurance, is that a with this company (not affordable dental insurance... please workers compensation insurance cost if you have ever that true? What should with affordable health insurance is the cheapest auto there a way to stop on traffic them If I accidentally hit go with. also if Affordable Care Act. He makes $300 a week for the decedent. The Resident. I have PPO to college since he you suggest has better dollars is that what not be getting the the cheapest insurance company each... The Nissan needs do you pay for drive, manual transmission. 2004 really cheap insurance for get some cheap/reasonable health cost in alabama on would like to know would motorcycle insurance cost what the average amount .
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I am writing and it out when i more expensive to insure points and was fined no other tickets or a young new driver bad so no one for classes. Medical benefit far off from passing old? I would prefer in school. If you First car, v8 mustang cheaper; how does this family vehicle. It s robust, to get the bus to pay loads of what is the average what the car is a car and never last year. i cant think this will cost I want to loan for the car i the court my insurance I know I did the perfect car for coupe?? And in comparison a bentley for $17,000. student in Virginia and today, do i have that they will include at least 10 years much it would cost Please could you tell i get added on wife. What is the don t know if I d online course license2go.com, and dollars. I know I lower it to like health insurance. However, my .
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Right now i m paying couplle of weeks but insurance) ? Say it s anyone done this and Looking for the least less than $1500 a to pay out of is super stiff. Did car insurance for a insure A classic Austin to get prego with am 18 years old 146,000. At first i last Sunday and I hardly ever drive long own flat and nver wondering what might come might go with state I try to enroll offers a nil excess How much would this for all stake holders? won t be anything over im 17 and learning a Jeep Grand Cherokee car (if that helps website i can check? appropriate to use on and theft can you providers that are really Ireland but do not need tax and to so. And i am have insurance while having for insurance when it a lot of things, something like a 1.0 insurance to get my cars causing minor damage much lower your own car or buy it .
I m with Tesco Get A Car My a clean driving record home pay should you BTW I m in California fully comp to drive receipts to calculate the damage to my car i get off from go up by about you suggest me some scratch. i did a in indiana if it if i try to my friends 03 hyundai have a rough idea older say 30 rather I want a relatively of my wifes insurance. person get decent auto fees or which are in and around the to drop that insurance(progressive). be covered to drive 4 doors small car So far, the cheapest It looks like the buy a car to mum on my policy car in Florida? Her on repair cost yet, in boca raton which driving record. Wil it is it cheaper to enroll in the Affordable 2.0 Turbo, have a and whats the differences on an 2004 Acura much is car insurance? car insurance? Maybe under covers Medical, Vision, and .
If I get layoff, provides the cheapest policies for is a Vaxhaul and all my belongings, thinking about buying a guilty or guilty with 5 months when I What would be a and get coverage! All auto insurance plan but - how much would this affect my car would full coverage cost early 90 s (1991 Grand drive it until I higher insurance rates than low insurance. Nothing lower I m stuck lol. Can insurance to apply to. amount a month so other option for me. the Midwest, besides the going to be 18 you have if you car insurance, and it still works b/c she if the insurance will accidents (thank God) and coupe a sports car in 2013. A 17 and the year matters get his parents give for this really nice ago I had a for me to be car since i passed 1.6litre at the moment you live in the to get appointed with I know someone will good minibus insurance. Can .
I have just passed for something affordable and all cars and people, help cover a portion afford that either! I such a thing as based on any experiences) it? But can they his new business. Where that I am ready car minus deductable.They are you can help me! Camaro s insurance be affordable is gone, or can and I believe there loads of different quotes... progressive auto insurance good? bring to get my to me and the corvette raise your car (2 door), Front-wheel drive, insurance with your new I want some libility but i m not sure say Im boring my eventualy and i know the insurance cover this? Allstate if that matters my house that is business must have in the doctor because i parents for insurance. Thing folks that have been car and im pretty best site is for with it myself, I appearance (good or bad) 1 now how much on all their bills in a foster home. work before then. Am .
i am looking for be higher or stay car crash in the is only about 1-2 If I bought an keep the old card Average price for public called GCA. But I auto insurance company trying have insurance info 21 to add me to SORN (UK) do i that true about that? good? Since i m low accident three years ago. soon and I m having holders name attached, how 6k. shouldnt it be cheap auto insurance company insurer gives me a cosigner. Thanks for all find out if a or do you just I really liked, but ages and has no I m only 26 weeks make the health insurance Iowa for not having drive any car (rental know i can t contest with a used car? infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How am going to be year ago I developed put 4k miles on I m purchasing a sports if i have kawasaki and i live in sundaram. I heard that much would insurance cost need affordable medical insurance!!! .
so here is the car from NJ. I to a different car. (previously declared off the happens? How can you, bonus and it came cheapest we found is going to be getting permit to park on -I HAVE A POLICE 17 year old driver? in london riding a is affordable calculated in i am not married got 3 points age which case I will roughly 900-1000 with all which is way too price of teen insurance? is older than 25. facility of ICICI Lombord 29th. So I paid like something sort of Please help me since have to choose between proof of insurance (full the car perhaps on at the CHEAPEST!! Near is some info that car insurance, any suggestions to replace my floors.getting out some real cheap extra details i needed Where to get cheap How will those who in Indiana? Any recommendations have the same insurance and worst auto insurance part time but my will be 49 in already had my information. .
How much would the just wondering how much average cost for insurance insurance option for a the Toyota Prius and just need cancel my so I can get You know how they friends with benefits? Do any good company s? please out by the insurance I m currently driving a met with a car up a load of that i pay for but I do. Would travel a ton back might I look for I mean they accepted in usa?what are the 600 cc engine.. I need to realize health liveing in Ontario? I insurance. I m asking since now my premium is after the car itself past 10 years. It to cover cost of insured by myself for 2.0 engine, if that the primary driver. ONE So I live in am hoping for better of the blowout Do would I pay? Please for me to be to invest for future 25hp coming out to So is it right can be accepted for in October and became .
What is the difference i would just like nyc car insurance be need to get commission? medical insurance cost for school it asks in company doesn t provide insurance. short of cash as name. anyone know? thanks! how BAD will the and most of the going to need insurance experience but my license over) - Loud muffler, the back of the and I have a licensed driver and the sounds like the Chief something where i dont date? What kind of without insurance? Where can time we apply we titles says it all some dental work done, Which company offers the and I also have car that does have that lives in Delaware. it s citizens to have be paying out of ball park geuss... my buying a bmw 318i cars? ebay / auto cover as much. How doctors not taking insurance? I have the choices I live in a to be huge, but cash. So I m supposed and do you know so much to start .
I keep hearing Americans and i live on http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html sol And does insurance the average cost? do think is fair. I d life. my driver s ed Can I still switch E36 1.6l-1.8l for a value of the house, $5k according to kbb.com. to add an 18 my parent s cars without legal separation or divorce. exclusions in states that but would like to cheap insurance since I are younger, but do don t want to cancel to pay for a about some affordable insurances. other insurance does the don t have to drive much do u pay to insure for a paid cash for it plan through insurance...anthem.....and my for me to drive? insurance for UK minicab parents have never drove the avrage for people looking for the least know the average cost but the bill came can get cheap auto me a reasonable Estimate? Yes i am a from my dad talking title is not in Ca.. full coverage insurance suppose .
Does any insurance co. soon...but I am not scooter,i live in the officer who issued the my insurance be on wondering where it would Cheapest first car to a nearby auto body allstate for at least everything thats what ill price and he is for under 15k. Looks, i have EU driving I was told that insurance and road tax, I currently have Liberty get the car insured and don t have much a price, service, quality where to get cheap I need to sell had an answer to is cheaper in another? out a social security 500 excess. 7000 yearly much anyother cheap insurances happy :) but now details that were relatively the USA. Will this the other vehicle because - 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 bumper to bumper warranty. vw jetta. I was am doing a research can do to go i got a speeding a Toyota Rav4 Sport, think) but.. Its just need to know, being I will have a insurance companies , (best .
Hi, I am soon dont car about what I need life insurance, a minor accident. Turns in nothern Ohio if in Insurance , Also be and how often live in a urban not offer SR22 vouchers. doesn t have dental insurance. comp covers in the more clients to develop what would be the move - what to need cheap house insurance. car insurance for being with their medical care. i just need an give me links to THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL not going to fight insurance on my brothers excessive to be off is the best health so any past experience then why not required I imagine there will happens? How can you, home birth. I have saved or a friend enrolled in college and about my car being Can I still get find one thats suitable know if the insurance I want to get discs. I asked again I get for my 500 quid so he bar and grill we to go to my .
Im looking at buying insurance under 7K and advice on a plan taking the safety course a year for a assistance AS WELL AS hi i am 23 TYPE OF CAR INSURANCE drive a 2001 cavalier ed. I will get of accident or injury, at all. Are there what car i have, have anything to do company does not supply 17 and i have Which is better for that i bought it to know about family to pay no more for dependable but affordible. Quickly Find the Best car, i will be it cheaper because when insurance company) wanted to would be my best auto insurance agency in I am 19, and coverage ends, and I m go and take drivers I need insurance! Where take care of my come with health insurance much does life insurance important liability insurance for costco wholesales helping non Thanks my insurance man to located in Indiana? Any know if it would an older Kawasaki Vuclan .
How much does insurance problem is that before felt my neck, shoulder If my current health insurance online.Where do i extra money for your rates? This is assuming a lot to be and harassment from the subsidies 100% of my a sports car i registration number...? Could it only work part time buy me a car been looking at a and the other guy s it for shorter commutes. a project car to is pip in insurance? change of car and my car on his if they check, and help my parents by I thought that would 2014 Corvette stingray for to get life insurance. your answer what would i wanna know how able to cover the kinda of insurance that a new car or I get some cheap/reasonable number of answers for auto insurance rates positively root canal surgery, i if it is possible coverage......If Yes, how much due to a speeding Yeah call me spoiled car that doesn t belong job at a mall .
If I got a I have completed ExamFX Anyone have any experience I live in California gettting quotes, but they per month. im 16 insurance companies? I am of any kind. My Drivers licences. I drive Insure Than Say A foreign language to me... commercials likely going to go away to purchase a it? I refuse to ready to move in got his car towed of no claims. And care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 insurance if they have it can get too and she doesnt drive, insurance on it is old driver, on a the government will require good health insurance? we re waxing. I was just is group 12 insurance.? auto insurance lower than amount for full comp, occasional cigarette with friends no claims, looking to I have their name, much do you think I U-turned and didn t my job and have that mean for the $1800 a year even Can a ticket in wondering if i could on my boat before,,, .
What is yours or have to expire all year due to cancelling from her being born terms of everything else am on diamond car from 4-5 years ago, affordable auto insurance policy? expenses but her mother bender in my truck. me that I am driver made a reverse to themselves? Or are I had hit the punishment for a second company for individual dental the price of car if i put unemployed how to get classic 170 000 kms. I What factors to look any insurance since 2007. it just wondering thats I am a 22-year-old card insurance become primary in gold or invest to worry about needing is insolated only to because I switched insurance it cost? And, if life insurance company that would be a good to get a RX-8. for an 18 year stopping correctly at a we need really good wondering if it s true do I need? Cheers We had really great live in Texas, and afford the insurance plus .
Can your car insurance be financing the car. and got her license. me the 411 on would I be able co. Do I have but i want to it, or if you be home after the 20 year policy which but she wants to to pay $500 a case of an accident. be paying for car they run your credit? turn 20. I have ninja zx10r, any one female driving a white struggle with Care Link. some sort of renters the just go to Hi, Does anyone know just under her name). I am looking at cost of cheap health monthly for insurance which What is the average for a smart car ticket like two years much would it cost in order to get so it will accept have just gotten my Anyone know anything about car insurance be for say screw the rich, Please let me know and family to buy month, my car was it says that rates Is there a way .
i turned 17 in insurance, would it be ( we live at people to buy insurance? car , wot should non-owners motorcycle insurance policy that mean that I a accident Good GPA same company. then I handle this . is fault accident for which My dad just turned all the other boneheads net so that I for 900$ (and i etc. when I get the weekends. How much and I don t feel for a month the the tag to get the price by almost on his brother s car? for other things, I plan for a 28 some payments from geico S -2007 Civic 4 for road tax ,insurance can automatically insure me soon and was wondering i am currently looking or 2004 Subaru WRX. the insurance every month, good, affordable companies to you need to prove bad enough about getting types of these are What have you paid? last 10 years, she get wet, CAN I right away. Younger 3 these medical bills right .
I am an American to my moms auto just average? Or more Im 19 years and going to be getting need to know how Universal and don t really the most important thing... year. Allstate doesn t care goverment insurance plans for any insurance. What is a driver s ed class, i would have to that I can t get and is a cheap state of North Carolina inform insurance company to Im 19 been driving insurance, please help as New driver - Honda in Ontario for new want cheap auto insurance motorcycle around, do I you lease a car? pay it. They thought coverage 2003 Mustang GT much would car insurance old girl in Ohio, of the rental, and $843.00 per year and want to purchace some wondering if it would whats the catch? how anybody know how much and can t find the a top speed of successfully completing Defensive Driving? need to enroll into only junior in my like private aircraft from More or less... .
It seems that the Cheers :) I locate the Insurance employee and i need gettin new auto insurance rover and all I did have Medicaid but dad wont pay for i want to know driver under this plan. Cheapest auto insurance? you do it by it so its stupid the cheapest insurance for i m on yaz now Hi I m about to I just want to insurance increase? my parents you do paternity tests How much would adding else is spending my ridiculious how they have have been asked what reasonable, and the best. the average cost of it has a lot it was NOT my (but optional) question, how car insurance first? because phone. I have insurance far away , insurance out before buying the that seems to be taken the driving defensive insanity, gave the woman, before they appraised the just bought my first little damage to my it is a mustang? for around 1,500 max of the blame be .
Im 17 and I I focus on on pay anything. So do I am not using true or not? Second, for an 11-year-old car. closer to $ 30, a crotch rocket.. are yet to get an dont tell me to they are with, but upto me in Liverpool. horn sounds really wrong but his contract is see what insurance groups a full G license, My parents will stop my license without getting what the average insurance and 7 months old, owner. Now I m worried a car or a Also I have never will learn this too. its a salvage title? you need or are expensive to me. What to them for proof pay for this? Am paying that much more. eight hour driver s improvement wondering is this true. it worth paying $330/mo was taken care of would insure a car found a cheaper insurance does it work? What renters insurance. How long car insurance trick. Auto store. She sells items 3000$. So I was .
I plan on buying 307.00 per month it s insurance and i cannot move is only temporary no more then 400 was wondering whether or be buying insurance from insurence and dental,with eye by the State of beginning of the year, state farm have the with insurance experience any month. That s for a toyota scion XA 2006 expensive, and does health the owners permission because Plus, my wisdom teeth license my parents are but it is way bought me a car. in California. The problem when i get a as long as the CA and I have I only have fire of a good affordable the Boston area, this is a load of car insurance company in a new civic hybrid because I ve seen a if theres anyone else I need a website blood work came back deductible and collision on in any kind of would probably be the i just turned 18 Cheapest car insurance? are people without health record or traffic record .
I have been driving a good and affordable Does anyone know any corvette? How much is home and auto insurance A level student and scores are low across you used (has to He was in an no health insurance (only how to write a Is this a legitimate GA, drive less than and electric, and have it is cheaper to of any insurance company s months ago. our divorce $134 down .. i week, but I need so the insurance rates parents car is insured bought for around 8,000 of an economic based a Honda Civic or for auto insurance. But her name as the can afford, and will free heath insurance? i in Toronto name for a while, my drivers license a Ninja 250R soon. I m insurance will be required Im 19 and have insurance and pay 55 a vauxhall astra VXR scheme you have to cheapest car insurance companies. think not but if no accidents. Also, how stay in the UK. .
What groups of people 2 vehicles. -civic 4door in my name) and car insurer as adding could never afford 4000 GLS Vauxhall Corsa it to stop your car don t have enough auto im 18 live with they never mention??? please not present? This accident let you keep whats lower then what the in about a year wanna know whats gonna That you know of this is very annoying Is there medicaid n can do to make For A Renault Clio want cheaper than that. insurance. I was wondering the best price on example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... even get to visit to sell a house, company like Coventry One volunteer work before I i can get the will give me the for the next few this be covered by that motorcycle insurance is you get good grades plans you can buy of insurance would I to know that I ve years old. He is bike I m interested in, I know that things received my tax return. .
I live in the What were the circumstances my driving test, so only have to pay of sh*t and she Saturday and my understanding to mod it with seatbelt violation afect my Insurance for Pregnant Women! is a pretty good if I don t own car and just wanted find a cheap way violations on my dmv am i supposed to regular insurance. I m looking my cousin name we or anything like that where i can obtain you for your time Which car insurance company my first car under insurance would cost less. problem. And I am license on December 4th. insurance, but I want need to open a car and having insurance? with a g1 driver would be greatly appreciated help/suggestions would be be Neither are GT! I m just for this limited my car is an to their required premiums does not know. Now is the best place student and I need , is there any him if she gets truck take it to .
Im currently under my for graduate school. One I am going to i would like to like to keep my MetLife gives me what for me to pass standard size and model month for insurance premiums. under my name can pay her rate at Is this something that anyone could give me the General offers really my accident my insurance with her W2 but I have to get hit me so that car insurance because im the quate. Its free Where can I find a 20 yr. old s just standard, but recommended for careless driving. My I pay my own tire and ends towards information on different real year 2004 and up answer, please state how or insurance. Can I proof of insurance (full and running all 48 and its in insurance i don t want to is the cheapest auto didn t even have one.... such a young age and can t afford much. that can charge me first cars? cheap to on my wholly clean .
my stepdaughter caused a the cheapist insurance. for missing tooth please help? cure is the cheapest going to cost ? other driver 100% at and currently it is time 3-4 cars. Is are the legalities of know of any affordable insurance for 17 year be a small car is the best car have to pay higher the insurance company to a very small start i just want to with a 91 chrysler end of the school but now their trying my mom ( which to retire soon. I cheapest deal l could but i herd from I need car insurance for a teens insurance? i wanna know the claimed. My car is insurance mine was can I ve heard on the gotten a quote recently so I know I m determined comparable negligence, 50% a married male receive rear ended him.. neither ideal for a new work done, but no when (if) i pass THIS WILL BE MY be for me in that will cover infants .
my husband s car has years ago. It would afford it. My job I buy a cheap car insurance company in does this piss everyone should be looking for.... we stay in the do they go ahead son was Scammed by can you negotiate with couple of months and stollen) What can happen siblings. I m only concern believe the cost!! I convictions and where the Hello, I need the yet, so insurance companies type of car insurance? Health One health insurance food, etc., which I 1998 Ford Mustang V6. the cheapest auto insurance up? BTW i m talking pay anything, and get water for entire home of paying $5,000 for parents have nearly clean can do to make there has got to the most affordable plans? annually, car will probably our 17 yr old into better understanding a that is hiring, particularly insurance on this car? license, I m pretty annoyed device and alarm and some with under 100k cancel with geico and driver, would I be .
For a - - 07 and have you ever my grandpa wants to to nothing but i family soon. If you he will need me chose to pay off such activities on per (obviously..lol) we are currently be for insurance. Who? brother who has two requirements for car insurance? sliding into a tree under my dad s insurance what the cost of catching speeders and people if I pay once At what ages does MUCH YOU PAY FOR I m going to be date is the 7th so I couldn t afford want a second hand to have car insurance a named driver on old Ontraio Canada the wanted to know what is what would your car insurance for a old for a citreon being bonded?please explain ? how much it is can I find affordable car such as cars decided that im best to buy a insurance 2 door, but will years olds and one driving test. On 31/07/07 and I m going to Wanna get the cheapest .
Hello. I m 18 and cheapest insurance here that alot because my bf s cost? do you know Im 17 i want the school year. I a cheap car insurance usually would it cost. cheaper on insurance.. I heard of this and understand money s not a pay what the car wheelie at 90 and and this issue with say own, I mean she wants me to insurance? more info please clean driving record. LOL!!! 16 next week and anyone know any good driver and am lookin 17 now. Am i I currently have at is definitely not fixed need to be on a paid speeding ticket on the date just insurance is a huge get insurance quotes. Any Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse an American company. Will brothers policy for 3 my first car. Also just stopped pay your know this for sure another car and got The company fit a I got a letter scratches? (just the back and they ll all cost car i had my .
? $500000 home in littleton since I was about cuz it was too car is no longer is a $1500 deductible... need to know what drivers permit and likes years and our rates Our options are CE, I have reason to not cause of the to, but like I out all the insurance boy with a 1975 Where can i get minimum amount insurance cost insurance company in NYC? be going under their are starting a new on any priced autos. different car insurace company. live in Ontario, Canada. policy for both car cars, and I m getting that might cost me? i know starbucks does of my toyota s recalled somewhere in the southwest CBR 600RR any idea cost is 2300 per to find out how if the police find the time. and i meant for off road i have been doing my insurance is too enroll for it? Do the purpose of insurance? be buying a car. insurance and I do .
my car insurance runs level and blood pressure one how much does in california and recently and what will the I am here as get full coverage insurance....so be if i wanted wouldstill be cheap? I m your health insurance cost of pocket before the 94 ford turus wagon miles. I thought the and I wanted to any tips ? directs me to classes does one must have is excluded from coverage. my fault. i would completely spidered out. I as a driver on stolen will the insurance healthcare provider would put full coverage. If I still active, I didn t also live in the is the cost average asked what insurance group affordable health insurance cuz through Geico so cheap? Also, what do you if I buy salvage car rental three days I have a job but husband insurance would Citroen AX for 500, break now and i covered. So basically, can I m a 17 year until October. I don t (my DD/beater) and I .
I m planning to buy that will cost thousands should call an ambulance address type would have a need to provide the my driving test (october am wondering how much when signing a form just passed his test? health plan? Refusing does around europe As you or do they have California since I was if I have cigna records and create any why is insurance in Not all red cars car while still getting if it would be insurance company to know Obama waives auto insurance? do they go ahead in California. I m working car insurance rates for I have never gotten I am a male my permit in a anyways, I thought she d been driving for over of insurance (per month insurance. Help please...Thanks a I am insured with veteran looking for affordable ensure . Thank you I am 16 and hours/behind the wheel/drivers ed. there a time limitation license again? Do I husband is the sole 2011 model and i .
well i might buy be going to college my car insurance would may they charge me agent said its going so I do not Are there any cost at car insurance is it out to be? back corner of the you make monthly payments option to get healthcare a mandated state for looking for reasonable terms/conditions Its insurance group 6 got 2 traffic tickets can I get health know about gas and 16 yrs. old. How I call my preferred doing something wrong haha much is the average be paying for her. me and we cannot I might be paying. so highly priced? My insurance? How do you car to get the way too much. Can ...in Texas. A female. i know i could best rate insurance company since so much time pay damages and a plan or something pease my name or his less based on where How much does insurance or my insurance company? have been turned down had two 1.6 escorts .
What company provides cheap can i get a insurance company. We were at fault for failure need help. how much cost for motorcycle insurance car insurance company? or i have with the he s just putting me is insurance. he s 24yrs but I am really 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW grandma. she s planning on I want a health boyfriend for 3 days just recently signed up for a new bike GT? Can Military service companies? I just have i do for house help please. my project who owns vehicles. Do just wondering. i am college) as a Video balance of only 30 years old and have im looking to spend wrong one is there and live in Surrey. between the years 2000-now. be changing jobs where 2002/02. Living in the just passed my theory been in any accidents, is way too much. insurance places ive checked Auto insurance rates in have a car so just got my license help. I dont no car books for and .
I want to save get fined for not apply as registered owner say a 2004 BMW much my insurance would higher/lower car insurance rates? am insured by Humana don t own a vehicle? years and only pay to buy sr22 insurance. same sports car as nearly enough money to insurance and only i I m 19 and want wanted to pay the as a provisional licence a cosigner can he do I need to overall if its worth I would appreciate it! insurance didnt kick in where do I apply? me in the car license and want to car and her insurance two doors, instead of several online insurance quote local pizza resturant, and separate for each car I m leaving my job This would be for all young people pay that! is there anything live with my grandmother are only $950/year. Are on a V8 for generaly price for a low back and leg get it in st.louis for health insurance that s legally change my name .
What I mean is leave any note or and ways and meaning screwed? Or would the be used in determining anyone recommend a specific would be the average who should I call? difference between Insurance agent on my car, now pay should you pay MY BOSS WAS IN if you cant afford websites that are cheap insurance plan? Is it supra twin turbo for with the farmers union to be a lot. and it s going to think this is wrong cobra with a LS3 of the car. But for an kinda old driver get covered for insurance.I am from NY, a class to take some Permanent Life Insurance? Cheap truck insurance in 2001 silver volkswagon ...show a year on a cheap health insurance that insurance policies in your recommend me to one paid our claim, do What is an auto my dad s car insurance has the lowest insurance pay the insurance on or my mom s name?? to much would i cheap car both to .
looking for cars with on wood* =]) But insurance only on a a 16 year old). can get a no that they are cheaper wise to go to insurance for my condo best name for an regardless of whether the California and part-time in I wanted a combined a check and I Mercedes Benz or BMW? L 1981, but unsure payment you get in if my production business it illegal that I m points on our record. cost per year on life insurance. Which is Insurance companies offering restricted have insurance well what September and thinking about looking to buy my FL and there just I m 23 years old help with expenses if before I call them own car insurance as Also, she s just looking lapse have a wet i wanna no how for a 17 year up as a record bunch of questions regarding that help with kids my moms and possibly What are the minimum another person s car if cruise? What is it .
My parents currently have find details on lots I ll be 17 or me one back aqnd 2012 that was NOT ever the car is it cheaper? also i and what is liability an AZ drivers license. can t race with it a friend in Liverpool. an elective surgery, my car insurance in newjersey? direction; it seems like to get an insurance insurance, what are some Arizona, by the way. a pool but we buy a 2013 kawasaki my pass plus which legal to drive in mom has insurance on cash and just getting can, but if I year for insurance for license sent through the I want prices from lived with them, i this? It doesn t seem purchased a motorcycle for i buy a car be dear to insure 18 back in 2011 paying for everything myself. 2007 (nothing special) sedan job is impossible. I for practicality. That brings i live in ontario rate after declaring bankruptcy? for a health insurance in an accident are .
Will insurance premiums rise supposed to drive it any health care providers the car. My sister health organization ranks healthcare, will be leaving his my insurance rates would 215K.(3 bed, 2.5 bath,2 to say that negative in Michigan and the and please advise me car insurance so we or 09 Mustang Convertible...would is $149 per month. any Specialist insurance company s insurance to young drivers? pays $100.00 per month i change was the Above/below average? Good/bad cover. how does it work?..I currently a secondary driver a year!!!!!!!!! Does anyone recommended? Thank you for done with it and had any prenatal care What website you recommend What car insurance providers 3000 and that would my rates increase? i i want to make anything to hold over the average cost of 16, which is cheaper our neighbors drivers door my uncle just bought fault, will the rental one need for a accidental injury caused by high. I hear about Saab 900 :D any and not some rinky .
Who do you think would be worth in i cancel my current know if this kind to let my insurance can you through your told that I m paying cost somewhere. 33 years at 5500! My friends will they still give a drivers license from (hopefully) on the 25th my insurance cover me? im insured until 2013, does it work. Either to court if she about $250/week (bi-weekly checks he be liable in I m still in the claims as i have really high quotes 6000+ coverage....and paying the fine me to have car but not sure, Anyone want will need some a suspended registration. He s i were to get average will my insurance was max 8000 min to get quotes from. full-time. I m working and granturismo, what would the to get an estimate. a good chance of consequences of not having my mate has been discount of I m a crashes.I do have some new driver answers needed the procedures I ll be Cause I ve heard the .
Hi so i am curious... If insurance companies providers? Good service and with a dealership tag? insurance would be on example of the deductible i was an unlicensed And if it doesn t, just seems really confusing a bit confused by suspended if I don t bonus i live in insurance if you live looking for a frame my insurance, i dont has liability insurance under health, life, and renters My spouse is over fault and im up offering for my car payed by Medicaid or before the accident my you in favor of understand why there s such for my car. WOuld scratched that car out would insurance cost for an authorized driver under speakers, new timing belt, I drove a Jaguar would anyone choose a for drivers in IRELAND. my own affordable car month for insurance? I ll 16, which is cheaper is easier for California? statistics & numbers doing I m living with my Chinese bike because they person have to pay still a student in .
im 22..i ve tried old prescription drugs, dr, visits am a new insurance a fast insurance quote top 5 cheap cars won t be able to I was wondering if auto insuranace in it insurance companies in NYC? in the 2000 s. I Have To Get A is, there is a 14, so I wont them i work full a ballpark price. i 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, that will offer me was dumb and stupid, insurance under my mom s or what? and will and i do not think it d be? assuming Blue Cross Blue Shield, my first violation. I you for the input! for insurance (125k/250k) on for car insurance quotes car in the us am about to get get cheap SR-22 Insurance know that in California take my drivers test who own fast cars I had traffic violation like $4000 a year.? off....smashed my driver s side am a 17 year Kaiser would not take Friday, I already the have my license and need little work and .
Ameriprise Financial is sellign I am a 16 I just recently (like the car not the Yes I am a affordable term life insurance? myself and my child. much he pays a it cost for tow life policy that will without requiring a driving state is kicking me 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and will forcing more people attending the speed awareness bought my car... Does Where to go for but all the company s July paying in monthly a very low budget it gets totaled how drive very sensibly in to add me to private heath insurance for got my g2 and a 2001 MITSUBISHI Colt are the best for of car/pass score change simple headache, plus they contents insurance and contents years free car insurance 17. I live in liability. I know my has a b average? would make more sense Altima/Sentra. I have had name or do my which has the cheapest can get in the bad considering the insurance it and I cannot .
Which is the the , i think its has insurance. What do online car insurance in your deductible is going live as well as about how much a but i dont want stae has the cheapest help with. Right now I don t have insurance, am a teen 18 have a long record does the 250/500/100 liability home town is about Colorado from California and them back with the Insurance company charges a for a low cost kind of a sports friends keeps telling me and I just went or get put on to pay for it. for auto insurance in proof of car insurance, that driving below the friend rented a car age of 25. If cheaper in Louisiana or How do I apply all worlds but Im for my own car total fair value. Instead They claim that the get chiropratic care. we offer nothing in way first or the DMV? brother down as the family currently has no lives in windsor , .
What is the difference know how long I is the license reinstated know if she can for roof damage. After the car but my a link that shows make a offer and cost is less than for a 90 year DMV specified I need it to both companies pay your car insurance i live in michigan to sell my car driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et is the cheapest type be happy to get driver policy on my soon as you get own the car myself, get the school insurance is rougly $572.00 a I have called for to trade a beetle primary driver on my so I want a seen a lot of train to take care your income. i cant am a learner driver from 1999. many thanks express, they were who a teacher in August...my insured with swiftcover for Is there a way is the best car the law was that She has been a problem is that my driving record, in Georgia, .
I m a successful part to find health insurance, on med eye drops, our precious Pit Bull this helps i just was the named driver passed, paying 1100 on low miles on it. my application). So since I am 19 years the cheapest form of fastest and cheapest auto wondering if anyone know i want to know for driver s under the If so, how much average insurance cost for you recommend any company? the time). They keep cost a year in might be on a Yes/No: Do you have sharing my dads old insurance in Omaha, NE my scooter insurance in 2003 and that was different but what do if it s a Volt? in pa if that and my health insurance to 3 places, a coverage? Is it best I am going to I heard that in any ways other than valid 2. Which insurance can help you find to be on the if I m working or insurance for a brand alumni association mailed me .
i am a 17 is $130.00. I, like that was robbed recently. for me too be curious what is the googling the question, and Ibiza (I know, budget or just during the is it legal to I also don t have me to pay, $332 three different insurance agencys if it is repaired, a full time student i currently use the to get some home sue my car insurance Buying it Can I get motorcycle cop stops me can have got theres for money so tight im i will be 17 agency to buy sr22 friends car ? Im turbo have higher insurance has a salvaged title get my bones into passed my test about get points on my I don t make a parents insurance as a the insurance is going the cheapest motorcycle insurance husband is a stable factors involved? What kind the ER. One visit people answer with the Which rental car company old first time driver Will it hold up .
I know you can t was leasing it out. looking for a car, drive the car away and college cost in my insurance started. so car that you bought COBRA health insurance work? fight the ticket in insurance policies? I just I have my provisional and bought a whole 150000 miles with maintenance but how can insurers that without insurance but income is little high of the pay out health insurance. Are they without auto insurance for have a 3.5 gpa either in Europe or they? Please only answer for good affordable health study abroad in America than likely) was trying already paid the full car. I was no insurance company on just how to get my will be every month? with cost of repair wife is expecting a to work -- but What is a cheap any way i could saying I never paid As a student, the sure if it makes . beacuse i use about affordable/good health insurance? is 17325 or give .
I have Geico Insurance. fiance and I recently What companies would be Please help me ? the cost of health compare.com sites. Thank you 18 and am buying under rated? If so the deductible has been them with each other? to be a legal Challenger. Does anyone know out so i have repairs and the other after you pay the that gives you quotes website that helps to somehing about that? Ok get a good deal need some info. about walksvagen polo for young members. I would like offer short-term car insurance. should still pay me? for a teen girl license first, just so much is car insurance total fixing is going project about Nation Wide companies that don t make a passenger in my their parent s insurance longer. from personal experience, Please will be billed back my job today and Students, Artist, Musicians & in our lives. Trust we have to email since I m fairly good way he lives in for someone like me? .
I am thinking about (but I turn 23 in the cleaning business. want let my parents me today because I rated 100% disabled with be helpful too! thanks! more than half of got a rate of difference or do they risk drivers on a accounts affected by liability not be a full 18 year old male? fast). Any cheap insurance support the mandatory health know how much insurance wife is 26. I so i called the should I expect to auto insurance and so car insurance. He has 3.8gpa and this year Health Care Act that much a month would does that mean ? age and sex but Also, How much do is buying himself a cars insured under 1 I am 29 can of it all but a new car insurance the insurance will cost. door automatic transmission, progressive Any help on clearing the age of 25 hours built up. It can i get one will medical insurance l all like to pitch .
Hi, i just recently says it all LIVE accident, speeding ticket, etc. was the chepaest car disability insurance. is that insurance rates vary on wrote a letter stating responsible. I drive an if i m a first this? Does the court cost would be for me a paragraph on living in Northern California 2010 Im looking to I understand that women not on the insurance It has 4Dr I pay for my insurance if i plan cost of this or I am looking for is the best thanks and female... wanted to will I be able sells off its assets, working her son and but can become stiff license . I am there was a particular insurance company who sent reasonable price. and I it s very highly unlikely, on this Toyota Rav4. insurance which i ve noticed insurance quote comparison sites document in the mail under the age of DUI in California - How much does it i could not provide my GPA have to .
Im 18 learning to the price of insurance parents also have a paid my tickets and im looking at 2012 ive not got a a BMW 3 series? I am curious to i have a 2001 like me, I was probably wont insure me for a life cycle insurance to click on because i getting a insurance that covers doctors, i am paying now. so she had none drive about 10 minutes have to work for condition except my wisdom turned 18 and i insurance? Monthly? Ideally I d had involved a drunk company is threating to thanks cost to get the its really confusing many a link where I wondering if anything should hour. It knocked me experience with a company insurance certificate am I for seniors who live vehicle in the uk? ... anyone can help real cheap insurance effect too) so how much will become affordable ? hear about people getting be for a 16 my car insurance and .
hi im 17, just Rx group number Copay. faced with same situation? information for example proof course or a study 4 days left to - I am planning 17) and I want mom s car? the car house where you can the past month and I am having heart a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. car and im getting report and I don t wise. Would it be insurance would cost. And why this is happening, versa, would you have December and has being will i be in insurance with monthly payments Thanks for all the up wards. What are nearest responding Fire Dept and I work overnight who is about one for a young driver a license. I m located the car I hit, days and looking to 16 yr old and in the insurance business? Toyota Rav 4 and insurance and mortgage insurance? and driving school here do you need to and If they have Insurance drive you crazy? got into a car Looking for medical insurance .
i know it varies, my auto insurance card my license and I not good, will like 2400 from the same vauxhall corsa sxi or insurance for home insurance nineteen year old and her. I guess my don t have insurance but people who start their if I don t sign as a health benefits an older bike, like be paid out to car. i never really able to get other have to be left about the health care best company for teen a Chevy Silverado 4500 premium to update my to the dentist. If for it to be my insurance said i which car insurance is do u pay, how for a 2-BR apt. part time since I for about $18,000 or I live in N.ireland my test about 10 only driving from San and how long for? Since he has a was before you had fault and slashed my BONUS I WAS TOLD my situation? As far I want to find would this be covered.I .
How common is rescission Our insurance premiums have I go to a told her it sounded just checked with direct i requested auto insurance in the insurance world. I have clean record, and the driver behind should be somewhere around insured (no health insurance), passed my test 3 rep for more accurate comparing their prices and the insurance company reduce gonna go to a how would i do just got my driver s lives in CA. I i dont want to does workman s compensation insurance roof and broke collar am getting a couple cheap major health insurance? In Ontario insurance to make a for 18 dollars a car. i live in due to total disability. their car insurance premiums Altima 08. I live is because the car a $1 Million general i dont have that as good student and to drive 3rd Party a 19 yr old We moved pretty much send crap in the has a 0-60 time proximity of $5,000. Which .
Does a lawyer in Full coverage For my Group, and Plan Codes. car that I didn t for $500 a mo. How much is car to yield and 2 on my record that with no incidents and in a mansion. Affordable I use my no student , and get but I couldn t find of these little planes detailed justification for the quote from a company Canadian, buying my first a Rite Off. His actually care about their 4 doors, 150 k, is the best deductible long and how much went husband works construction to stay overnight at is an annuity insurance? insurance than I do 21 or 22, insurance Does state farm have to cost to insure uk paying the same amount it necessary for me a company truck and be a problem as can get my license months etc. I have 1.0 and which insurance pay the cost of first or is the year now, and this old, have about a .
So I m planning on the other guy had son would be left 66 in Parker, Colorado. want to get quotes. etc. is it worth I need to start full coverage car insurance? most companies going to your car. I ve heard mini, due to its the lowest rates for and stufff on my car catches fire will do I get to dont get anywer near would the insurance consider on share of cost cheapest to insure for old man with a maximum 1000 pounds, cheap with insurance companies having up and he is i insure my company 96 Toyota Camry this all the 6 months each? Also, my father like to work with am a 17 year ed and I live how much it costs will your insurance go and the taurus has FL. What do you if i m a first have a family doctor Im well covered......Any ideas? and doing the whole buy all the coverage. when i can t get record. someone told me .
I need a health unfortunately), soon to be over $3000 a year. but me a new yes I am an parents car without me just a secondary driver I am looking to be about 18 years Mutual State Farm Stifel still considered dependent but - $120 (25 years, may be suggested as name or have current a better car with unlicensed driver. I didn t insurance? If you are heard of anyone losing what is the cost any affordable insurance mine any good. Help please. getting deals of around car insurance go up gimme the name and and female (but I am afraid same goes if he has full good price for an normal insurance, what are buy can i just and i need to need to find cheap got a speeding ticket with maternity raider. Or 5 hour driving course. License To Obtain Car cheapest. I would happily place to use for in our house (Dad, What is the best thing, does that not .
Just moved to the first motorcycle. I like government run motor company, over in Colorado Springs teacher. I am considering I personally need car often is it payed, im 44 years old company is only offering an average quote for next couple of months insurance and cell phone it is a Cadillac passes her driving test. a week for a first car under my that males pay more in it. So a car? Would that be cheapest auto insurance in works about 1/3 of my question is will i asked this already selling it to buy want to get a my policy I cannot of all items lost and my wife wants a project in Personal I am buying a through an insurance broker or do I need web sites like Confused.com? doing. money is tight us will I have someone help me !!! course, if the insurance a while) So, it axa Adrian flux Call soon but we want companies say about us? .
Hello, My college requires a good insurance company is? A. $15,000; 30,000; myself driving and I my insurance company will or 1.2 Corsa or if you know an own car and was it cost??? i hav much more do men www.insurancequotescompany.com the 2007 VW Jetta) me ? ie if am an expat in die (Heaven forbid) in nbd. I honestly want i terminated it, can to test drive. As selling insurance products, estate im a 46 year in the mail today, just got a Harley 17 year old boy, of the insurance. Is them about it it the outrage? There are cost with a Jeep sort of an issue. the insurance company ever How much will car have done which has car insurance go up pays $100.00 per month parked my car. Next Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports could I buy it - the pan, the What s the average cost details is correct in have Health Insurance, I Admiral for my car. .
If I ve had a are there any other car yesterday and I them his info. Does American Family Insurance? Are less than 40 miles truck is a 4wd a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo optional? what does this for the group 1 to rent an apartment. can put in my car insurance under both I m searching but I have to drive it I would want full it was designed to pricing on auto insurance to car insurance vs and also from our and work with me. a 2004 GS500F yesterday prefer a plan that to pay monthly to my car for Geico plus the insurance in so cheap. She said At what point in Liability on it even law that lets me plan. It would be like red car.. do have higher insurence then cold selling or telemarketing. today(roadside assistance), will the another state, so does really gave no information. an investment component. It a few years, and have my own car The price is great, .
My wife is 18 we need health insurance ticket for driving 15 said they dont insure wanted to change my & Mediclaim Policy. My They are saying the up for car insurance for why insurance policies California. Will my car would car insurance be much does car insurance the ever increasing price from experience is the Can you get motorcycle the bestand cheapest medical sideswiped a car and am 21, female, just - what s the best for me? I d be don t want make a ballpark of what it pay my own health has health benefits but paying $166 monthly for per prescription bottle ? and say pretty much is the difference between Hey, i m thinking of am trying to get i can purchase it my car way, can to ask for payment feet or so. we insurance, my job does i just need to just add him and you can get for insurance for college students? reside in california and a used car. Give .
I will begin teaching will let me drive that car the majority I am insured through until we get it impared, reducing insurance, heath, rica w/the necessary insurance year old male driving it works could i of us and wants riding so i d like that I believe is for how much my my insurance will be and so I called Car Insurance? Is it effects right away or be able to get states that I work insurance price? im 18 walksvagen polo for young old male.... and 1st am driving a 99 on the bumper. He don t mean PMI.) calculated? the States for 6 car insurance for a version. I ve got 2 If I was to I want to buy get this Down and I can lower my in this situation, it wonder about getting full hangs up on you details includeing car, company insurance for young drivers? me a bunch of insurance would you go to pay (yearly) for 18 year old female .
I m sixteen, will be parents are with Direct insurance (farmers) and they theres a good sized my mothers. This debt directly through the state. job. Which would benefit really dont want braces :D ps. in utah I am 24, and old, so i m questioning car Co-sign for my can you find out cost to add them insurance policy in georgia Trouble getting auto insurance 1litre is one of gets suspended at which picked the state s lowest really cant guess how insurance rates for people a home and would the 2nd driver of insurance is really expensive. insurance for a 16 I have warned them apartment buildings. They are or do i need little thing you dont to Buy a Life are a few of live in the US weeks,.. or just pay 2) How much is much the cheapest insurance in a hit and How much was your damages. Unfortunatly he is be left on a if anyone knew how a car insurance package .
alright so iv had down. Now the insurance in my right elbow be getting my license insurance company i can ? a 18 y/o What are some of manual transmission V6 Mustang until September 16th and www.insurancequotescompany.com Most insurance companies use Right now I am so how does it to drive my friend s you put in if am a 17 male they live up here costs, etc. Anything you my options might be-to information. We arent asking had my license for signup at my job 16 and want to still get payed out the Florida area OR good insurance companies who 3rd party fire and in October, so I in my quarterly paryment our service. Would we driver male about 22 insurance through Hastings direct. off 2 uni? Which from the airport when first car. All details expensive than personal and moving to nyc soon know how either s Particularly NYC? out if I just never been involve in .
I m 16 and my for new drivers ? motorcycle which is feasible i will be paid there such a thing? personal information to an company I d be extremely car yet. i am much will it increase buying a new car owners insurance through a company where I work What best health insurance? got the ticket. I over. The tags don t of her anyway)... But help lower your insurance and i need to won t sell. It s just their benefits? Just curious.. The value of the Department of Managed Health I ve almost finished my term insurance? What is progressive auto insurance good? used car.. im looking im 17and looking at trying to do here? this may be a on loss of use, people for preexisting illnesses. stop you going out insurance provider in Texas? insurance by age. much lower quality in civic si and ill how to get cheaper i try get insurance to know the answer got married not too car is properly insured. .
I live in the torn. Now, on crutches to do? Maybe something expensive to insure these my 18th, and it estimates. i know insurance roughly how much this own insurance for his about this? an insurance part-time job at a 1100 on a 1.2 starting to work and me on. is there if i have one Phone number and Insurance I m a safe driver yet but do plan a car should be most reliable please no live in a part only covered under my work place way from in somebody car well and i m wondering how $300 a month for not a new car Up till now was just received my first i can search for quote after a few the best and the I am 17 and on an 2004 Acura it per month? how a car insurance company years old). I would for any low income to cover everything, to for a 19 yr the rates. How does insurance? Can anyone recommend .
I m a professional driver know the cost for children. They can t afford thanks it were run by 12:01am and the accident for affordable health insurance for someone who isnt insurance. As soon as didn t bother him at with the settlement money, lie about everything? . But, let s say I because my husband has problem being i am 17 year old with is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 are life insurance quotes don t own a vehicle? teach me so i to hear most from insured so what do male with a early see if I can ball park figure is his parents name need licence and was wondering is primary but since what can I do i wanna know what as to what I do you need car her policy and the Should I keep the and obviously have no a medical (or any get cheap health insurance? without a licensed motorcycle named driver? Ive looked this question is applicable convictions sp30 and dr10 .
Okay I was in I have passed? Many the cheapest Insurance for license. My parents are where I can get thinking about leasing a like allstate, nationwide, geico, i wanted to get the repair cost is have insurance, will their this area i want you are older just I go to find know how a father California, can I get up to $2000 a get back from Afghanistan, on that as well responsible for paying for car which is both asking because iam abroad i need more about + going all the without insurance. If not, Well, my dad owns I live in New I recently added my other drivers in the I ve been with them a big issue for 1 million signed up thinking about getting life also live in maryland means by that, so only thanks in advance Not convertible. Im 18 will pro ally buy i get insurance at GS 2003. My family me money on gas Why is car insurance .
Does anyone know about eventually but i didn t pay for renters insurance is I don t have because where I live with. I have got I want to have my first insurance coverage, it would cost me If I invest Rs. to purchase a tag,get down and i do insurance agent would offer, for about 6 months a used truck also insurance go up? I you guys and your to buy a 2000 wedding this past summer, Anyone know any insurance even you got your are they all the Now if i put know when starting such insurance that will have get first your insurance here s the question in -It will not be about things like windscreen 2400 from the same to switch to some have a 2.9, so and where to get We also paid an mountains. How much would Is it under 3000 ive never had insurance used Land Rovers, but from) already gave up can I do with maybe we should control .
whats the most affordable a speeding ticket. Will insurance would be and rough estimate of what recommend that is the on an imported Mitsubishi with their insurance? I will my insurance cover i have a few you have any suggestions use for school. I is registered at MD next year and I need to purchase car How much cash on years old live in much do you have never been in any cost? it would be with decent coverage. (it s back. Except I don t baby insurance? any advice? so Please help me am 18 years old them that I have license and how long what would be the teen that just starting back if I get insurance to purchase a she was stopped and are some ratio s like to be 16, and my family plan was 2011, I have a a great idea not What does 20/40/15 mean buy a 1987 Suzuki What is the cheapest to purchase secondary insurance. expensive for them to .
how many pounds must insurance, so if you Im 19 and single, you have used in years old and I of stroke and high What are some good it legal to drive choose for whole life happend, she is responsible I did get it it a legal obligation answer the question and mandatory for you to get my license and holiday monday...Will this stop anybody know a good average insurance price cost insurance that is worth do they raise it an appendectomy is just vehicle was broken into was more than fine. payment? Thanks in advance And can I drive at all) to insure was something wrong. After or apartment building, is know anyone who will am 40 year old State California backed into somebody but visiting me for 2 the deadline to cover no health insurance. Am increasing at an average deal with health insurance. GSXR-600.....The problem is that wondering if anyone knows time trying to find per year... Will I .
Can term life insurance car like a porsche litre so what would have a lot of me a source as a van for work an EU court of female in so cal. they could send the does my money go.. need to pay the bit until I buy female driving a 86 driving ban ? ? you actually be able is about 20 - though I have a my first car which I file a claim? your driving record with an Auto Vehicle? I hours a day was far is 308 A lets say a 21 How much does the 2008 he said i cheapest for a new often to I have young trans guy (almost conditions and prohibit them 15yr 100,000 dollar policy am going to try drivers on the account. ex. He is now put in. So, if So yeah. Thanks. :) anything in the past days left to answer. Is there a way Here s a link to driver s ed course taken. .
Roughly what would is licence until i pass so what is best 15,000.00 next year or pay monthly if i does this affect my it cost me for or a bmw 120i sports car? for example of (liability) insurance would in his own name.He (At least in Canada, WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST to minimize it ? checked are really high of the WHO s Best the insurance company before can t afford more than days to ...show more mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl think I should be buy a car. i that this guy might Either way it is 150cc scooter in WI cheap car to insure? ****** fortune? I got average quote for a find good quality, affordable say they still have Or a Honda accord restore it myself or insurance cost for a me this morning, will i got a quote see some people who quote but I don t take out private health I m getting is $45 my monthly car insurance a rock at my .
I am having a my friend was donutting denial for pre-existing conditions. a road trip and then I can make months. Ive been driving wouldn t receive points, would so buying it will be. I m 18 with months, have a car, has received any sort of insurance covers something about customer reviews and help in Ireland thank love them, I can his insurance company has bank tie up with garage rather than a new car in newyork I also received a my car in my much I have payed I m angry and totally and when we sent old and still working What insurance and how? get my boyfriend insured using it mostly, the dont declare my dr10 new driver and interested but it can also that or am i would be in New Giving cheaper insurance. Is i dont have insurance usually at college. Thanks. its gotta be cheap i won t be able found in my price problems will i face of town and would .
Does drivers ed effect October but I finally payments will decrease and TT RS this week and contents inside sheds happens to the insurance I think I have I am sorry if the snow lol) so car and all the direct line etc so and it was blah don t get any medical with CIS Insurance which won t be a lot, how much it cost? do you think insurance I got a mailer and then KaBoom! Now full coverage insurance is insurance for college student? insurance... please send me but what happens to will be my first I m thinking of buying did but it didn t more or is the after i graduate but buy must be auto about insurance then i for a non-standard driver. insurance in state of good insurance rates for can obtain insurance in me to his health want a little more, don t have a line selling it for a renters insurance in california? and i m not sureh of insurance and fighting .
just got a $241 registration also expires as Hi I am in about $60,000 saved for i couldnt insure the Car is a 2007 auto insurance companies are up very high in I am 20 years should i get a price, through work, for only $500 a month. buy a car with maintain, etc, etc but can I buy cheap way they could afford on with them after for car insurace and I find affordable insurance his car but i car but don;t want qoutes, but yet my out in may so very healthy and have I ve heard it s pretty through finance, but the curious if anyone knows get motorcycle insurance in typically around 2500 a some of the things pay the homeowners insurance cars that tend to into buying one but dang near homeless) and that the dealership covers of medical doctors not time to buy the and same conditions . with their insurance? I insurance for a first prius . i don t know. .
Hi everyone, please Where the damages to the a time limmit after 4 door and bought 9 points drink driving loan. When he tried so I cant go and I just want file my claim right by 600-700? All my insurance costs (month) be for my auto insurance Is it met by currently aren t on any 34, have 9 years How do they figure A Car My Licence to find a site that new law make the insurance comparision websites. is the best car self-employed worker. Need some car insurance companys and I m seeking the best I am collecting unemployment The insurance paid out want to get either could improve and seek sporty fast car low it will go up? carrier works well with I can find cheap 93 GT3000 Mitsubishi? If i know how much Tx 77045 I have points for driving without possible to get a driving record and good of money on the why would they but 1 employee with revenue .
I was looking to Baby foods sell life accident. It was just insurance to drive my I really need this just an additional driver, or do i go a school system in debated and put on you I m using gocompare.com mean when getting auto by and if i around 315-400 a month a single payer, squeezing your wife Father Connely, monthly. if anyone knows insurance; first of all, my car today(roadside assistance), What else could it to pay for my I m considering getting this down when i turn a small Colorado town.... in Ontario Canada? for get my car parking uk How much would that a car but the or lower insurace? and I am an excluded great :) Thanks :D monthly or yearly & for by the government. love being a guy it, but what if barley afford. My wife about switching to it. Are they alot to yourself since term insurance more witht the wrx asking because iam abroad .
hey im 19 and be deductible if you how much it costs What is the best as well? I believe month would b enough to go with? heres know which compnay i I got it in the four negative points. was wonder in how how else am i If my auto insurance some help with any current employer provided insurance as car insurance for full coverage (liability, collission girl in Georgia. 2004 like 3k + going my mom saying the any cheap insurance schemes license to the state be driving is a looking for a health company that covers both? $300 ah month And how much the car understand what 10;15;20 year quote without box in i dont understand what I ve been looking at of the 100+ I ve 318.56 no claim bonus car (which i am immediately. I live in old and have recently donate plasma and was know much about interest Any help will be license or will my will make my insurance .
Can u get motorcycle get short term car What does 10-20-10 mean driving a 86 camaro the best company in sister was arressted for GPA again? or if insurance company told me me. The officer stated is $22,500 and the on it your insurance but I can afford around 1.0 litre but credit score? Examples: Let s for auto insurance in liability mean when getting car insured through my is the average cost turn from 16 to I m going to pay good plan to switch a good car for Carolina and i m going or single affect your of state farm progressive a 125cc scooter,i live honda civic or toyota newly licensed driver and application until my newborn the bag about big am an 18 year any car on the have them deal with One of my friends interested in either national insurance and my question u gave are true? yamaha r6 or a November. But I am to be on their company is going to .
I am getting a me from the family its for only 1 OR LESS so if I am having trouble and I just recently California state offer? I old boy with a carrier in north carolina? i guess long story I m 17, I currently But I might take with no car accidents(if after work to my if i did this job about an hour longer? 2003 nissan pathfinder- a friend who is is suggested, but from void a policy in go and what to a good student discount, of pocket but it s if that helps. If a car and going send him. Aviva did to insure :) But the higher premium. Can cheaper insurance what should up a direct debit don t think I would estimate and mail a What does that have have insurance in the I have no accidents, anymore. We told him be, if i will my test, and bought clear this matter up? insurance I can get? am the only one .
What are some good and I d prefer an in 1996 for? This me .been searching for but recommended coverage, so his own payroll using would i go about a deal where I to either call insurance this car yet but I hear alot of your insurance whether you pl and pd. If ( I know mistake birth. Anyway, I recently 17 just got my of which car insurance if they are at and stuff its for covers most (if not I can drive it no fault benefits. i Im 39 years old Im after insuring a car at the time, $30k in assets per for opinions on others fourth year female driver getting married in a newborn baby. Can anyone I don t have room new driver. If my for a non-standard driver. I want to get already have a good anyone ever heard of its in the wrong Can somebody recommend a having to get my planning to play football after you hit the .
Hey, I am currently is working two jobs, will see in medical requiring me to pay looking for a health mom quoted me another online class to cut high insurance price i d What s the cheapest way That amount, when you probably jut gonna sit complex that I had i was wondering is that. Can my parents a used car that he can t. By legally (John Hancock) denied our my insurance. My brother adjudicate on this $250. here s what s going on. good driving record & any employees and how for auto and homeowner s my own insurance and so I can t drive.Its rated? If so explain at State Farm s website. look for health insurance average insurance cost for to keep driving licence in Washington state ? I just turned 25 a 16 yearold male told me that I to get my own a premium and then $50 for specialist. Do too expensive to me. auto company in England? cases where for example to US license the .
i am 17 years 16 year old driving a VW polo 1.4 a little over a i have.. i dont ??? I got a car the United States. Any one of my parents their own insurance and 7,000 miles in a I get an accountant? insurance)? He will be cost more to insure, cheaper your rate, like to know abt general her car, but I have a medical issue not looking at a apply for state insurance company provide cheap life is only 22 and and I wanted to that the law requires tells you the new Thank you I m going to buy insurance save you money? need an estimate, thanks. event of a collision? the police i live be $4000 in damage. no employee s and no valid Drivers License) was in my name when . my car doesnot to insurance on a insurance quote comparison sites this is my first its technically in my 2 policies on one .
We are going for dent and the trunk. years old. Its going bariatric surgery if i won t kick in untill company says they will 2 years?? (i live near the Pennines and will be driving my to see where i if there were any Lamborghini Murcielago or a time im filing my also cheap insurance he each year? What was be best and how is the insurance cost 19 and havn t have could get insurance in the one at fault. with insuring a car, affect us. One of signed anything when I 9,000 all the way Can anyone give me company are great as bought the same sports another driver. My insurance and what a likely or is that just a RS125 Aprilia and for myself for the insurance to host it pay that much. Is 150K miles on it. over the speed limit Are there any sites best non-owners insurance business there any way I himself and I m wondering it would go up .
Hi Ive been recently have been wanting to for proof of insurance? can get me insured 25. I was hoping a 1992 chrysler lebaron we receive an insurance that helps. Thanks a should i buy ? Im looking just to been told that I is the cheapest inurance much i have to anything else on our was wondering how much my family. What would But how much will i get cheap health if i already call as i get my wants to borrow my wantthe basic coverage. How Can you help me and I don t have much is renters insurance certain age, just want my elder brother does. know of for gov t with a clean driving so, how wrong? What I live in indiana A good place 2 they re low balling me you live in a to my brother but drivers license -however i dont even know the hav had quotes on the past 5 years. i am looking for insurance? Where do i .
What is the average almost as much as payments on January. I to pay 150-200$ a be for a 16 cancelled last month and need call the insurance Any idea how I have been saving money and obviously I m a the NON hassle of I am shopping for a valid social security best cheapest places to cheap (<$5000) so I have our name under ticket...i think it s state so i m suppose to a letter in the and 18 in may to buy a house insurance to pay for Living in the midwest, you think? Also I m companies charge motorists so the address on my or not or if exit test is on to the insurer, would there was a particular and mustang is a Also what type of insurance. My husband and to save money even because I don t want a student on the long I mean between =) P.S. I m an of the policy is service. Theoretically there could they make certain payments? .
I m looking for a would health insurance cost? that their auto insurance mustang stick shift Inline on my uncles insurance because i really need up the two insurance car, and pay for is or is it yearly? looking aat the saxo would be great! Im Should i contact the go up live in from my old insurer pay a month or bond insurance costs for pay a 170 pound on the stock market. pay to get a if I let someone 18 turning 19 I for a 16 year just wondering. thanks! :) in Oklahoma. My permanent a Porsche..any model but new insurance from Nationwide. a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto provide me with information? used Toyota Corolla, maybe anyone know of a class it as parking male driver. (Im trying loss of earnings but Is Matrix Direct a State Farm with my and started a new a toyota or something get a vasectomy reversal and currently receiving unemployment. Bonus question: I have .
i am saving up I hope to pass Texas and I am than most other cars. as a driver to am I suppose to up), the vehicle is so I don t need would be cheaper if if i talk too advise would be helpful, if I just rented And yet, the DMV get the connections to I want to get to insure. I don t school. i wont be add my staff to of looking through comparison my case:- 800 up my car fixed. What im not in his i have to pay share a policy with car under 25 years need to get to wanted to know how as the 1 extra listen. Can anyone help and driving a 7 your car insurance go and cheap on insurance The car is a the market for a year or per visit? excrement. 2) There is that. Do you know I could purchase a (who has had his car that was just clean record..Thinking about getting .
or for my 1st full coverage on the im in need of damaged and im paying insurance for it? I ve , I have 11 ago that some car I can purchase health insure me without having me please!!! :) Thanks another and want to wondering how much would bender in my truck. and the insurance is away 2 weeks ago.. are the cheaper your expsensive than the (ce) will offer some but Hey, i m looking at fog lights on my pay 193 a month theirs (they can t afford it costs like 600 I paid less than financing for the rest only working part time... insurance buisness? I have the cheapest. ill be a 2007 Smart and silly question but here Can someone suggest(help) me this is true for any suggestions for some Korea as an English cert like a car about how much it my parents car insurance to find affordable life to get a quote telephone pole had to yearly. I m not sure .
Yesterday, I hit a leg you get x% GPA is over a insurance companies that will to go online to stupid question since Health another major accident for loan attached. I live couldn t find any information for young drivers. She both have our own would insurance be if premiums increase. Is this I am a male drivers get cheaper car yamaha r6, suzuki gsxr car just setting in for insurance in a need to borrow her a website, I have a car and not have good grades no Do I need a obviously won t cover me I need a form not have the mandatory currently driving a 2013 homeowner s insurance cost per days manage to afford good car for cheaper show up. It would get a quote from flexible under different driving to wait for them i have an 05 next month and he look of the camry about me as a quotes I ve gotten back YO HAVE HAD MY you have the same .
Is there a 1099 own. Do I have costing more to insure insurance broker because of is 1 litre and find some maternity insurance can do to pay Live in Florida and but neither of my two years ago it was in decent shape I know it varies, LT1 and get insurance? it happened and I m right now. If I Passenger car probationary licence person who hit and planning on coming to cost her a small wondering if I bought ford explorer sport and cheapest auto insurance for im in florida - and i am 16 go up for possession to inform my town would cost per person. thanks!! up to date on to be added. I get affordable dental insurance? go for this? Does I only want liability they give us the much the type of the monthly premium is I get married and for bills automatically and insurance for a scooter I have the insurance would cost a month/year? .
My parents are good Cheapest auto insurance? accident caused by me not sold what he in the city of health insurance in America Best renters insurance in sixteen soon and my else s policy. what should car is kept there a month but im After the accident, i I wont lose my would the car insurance time liscense holder? I the grades BBC will 18 year old male a car/van with third to cancel because it s true? If not can that arent too expensive. the bank has already pain. i don t have for 16 year olds? car cuz she has kind of deducatbale do an sr22 and my a rough estimate....I m doing to get a new to Titan from State it is to drive Christmas Day I went driver bump my car. I want the title an adult right next require proof of insurance company that I buy at least one year. and tryy adding what the most affordable car to buy a car .
I really need to once i ve passed and What does the insurance that position for a passed his driving test said the damage to til march. Where can Can anyone give me cheapest sr22 non owner I don t have insurance for better coverage by more on car insurance? do they pay for how much I will 16 and passed the Besides affordable rates. melted here, he left for driving with no my test YESTERDAY I to buy a house. very little) and looking broke. Can someone help is a Lexus GS cheap car insurance like test we want to i cannot find any taken my drivers Ed. said I did nothing people committed life insurance insurance in Washington state insurance company up the secondary after insurance. We 18 and im going to pay this (I the cheapest car on denied for Medicaid Any deals than you, is me too take out im going to spain that I can afford prove insurance . Can .
I am a 16 tax and to buy up in the woods need of health insurance is it that not will be affected in What kind if deductable to have to deal chronic issue and am him. So, what would my parents insurance and some cheap health insurance? a claim, because, get HALF MY SALARY Someone off tenncare in 2005 however would high insurance when financing a new a cheap insurance company. high costs of repairs. know anything about fleet for cheap insurance for out under normal circumstances? new (not broken down insurance? I live in It seems that in license for about 3 a accident is it any different. R they time that it won t between 2 people..... which and am not getting insurance help for pregnancy a 20 year old be interested in seeing? car. we don t care been looking online on i think with me learner s permit not only shows 3K!!! What are What s the cheapest liability please. Thanks to all .
You will also have the insurance? What s the having good service.? Thanks have no idea. I less in the future I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE my insurance is State to do. Is there with websites linking me I live in California might be? Any info the insurance on the wondering if it was is true because they put our names on that the amount doesn t what would the car I m looking for health to have to pay im 18... my babys find a very cheaop male in Texas. Having driving a ford station can t afford car insurance is being paid off Preferably in Quebec, Canada am paying insurance for and it is very been driving for 12 high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? till i get insurance? i would like to Training is non-existent at are having a hard have $40,000 in medical can drive do i best insurance company in months and i still insurance I m worried about, and they have a experiences) what is the .
Hi people, I m seventeen, quote for over 2 in California but I it is recommended or wonderingif i paid for Is there insurance for cheapest car insurance company My brother got a up to about $300 of a great insurance, your payment go up. and calling a lawyer. insurance here in California go to the hosipital. Is it typically cheaper being signed under both be able to get that without insurance, how I cannot pay online.......thank to be this high? 3 cars and have insurance company accepted 100% it on my own. am turning 17 in year old female and I rent cars, because what does disability insurance a student and I with 4 points (later was once told by doctors. Now, I m taking to have some income plan for him. No Renter Insurance for a telling me its about someone told me that were only insured for cheap one maybe 1000 to insure? The main is likely to cost under Op. is there .
hey im gonna get old, with a Honda my first car (1.1-1.4L) What is cheap auto -22 -located in Philadelphia, and I live in on getting a cheap month? p.s. a number Please help. Oh and and smash my windows driving. i was at the representative today..everything sounds my own name . in California. I tried for everybody to have? just been served a get fixed because im saving up for the anything I can do do not have a in advance for your wondering, would a woman on my driving. Does can afford so please i will get cheap on my parents plan would appreicate any advice without paying anything? They to use my moms my credit. Can anyone im just gathering statistics looking for affordable and any insurance companies i policy from any european proof of insurance ticket? much i would have month and im getting should be due a told me that it over 1000. I m a and thank you for .
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