#Indian middle class growth
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India’s Rising Incomes to Drive a Boom in Discretionary Spending by 2030
India's economic landscape is undergoing a major transformation. Rising incomes and an expanding middle class are driving a shift in spending habits. A recent report by Deloitte India and the Retailers Association of India (RAI) highlights this changing trend.
By 2030, India's per capita income is expected to surpass $4,000, double the current figure. With 165 million Indians projected to earn more than $10,000 annually, discretionary spending will surge. Consumers will spend more on fashion, travel, wellness, and entertainment.
#India economy 2030#rising income India#discretionary spending trends#Indian middle class growth#consumer spending India#retail market India#economic growth India#urban spending trends#rural consumption India#lifestyle spending India
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India is in the middle of a 44-day exercise to elect its next government, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi tipped to return his Bharatiya Janata Party to power for a third consecutive term. Modi, who aims to win nearly three-quarters of the country’s 543 parliamentary seats, has surprised many observers by using dehumanizing anti-Muslim language on the campaign trail—rhetoric that is more direct than that of his past speeches.
So far, the BJP campaign has focused on creating an irrational fear among India’s Hindu majority that if Modi doesn’t return as prime minister, a share of their private wealth and affirmative action job quotas will be given to Indian Muslims. Modi and his party have doubled down on this narrative at a moment when reports suggest that their quest for a supermajority is unlikely to succeed. The brazen continuation of such anti-Muslim rhetoric differentiates this campaign from the two others that have put Modi in the prime minister’s office.
Hate speech is a criminal offense in India, and it is specifically barred during an election campaign. However, Modi chose the three leaders of India’s Election Commission, the agency charged with conducting free and fair polls, and it has ignored his flagrant violations of the election code. As a result, as the campaign continues through the end of May, so too will Modi’s anti-Muslim tirades. India is expected to announce its election results on June 4.
If the BJP wins and Modi is once again crowned prime minister, his Islamophobic rhetoric will not simply disappear. Many political leaders campaign in poetry and govern in prose, but hateful rhetoric has real-life consequences. Modi’s campaign speeches have put a target on Indian Muslims’ backs, redirecting the anger of poor and marginalized Hindu communities away from crony capitalists and the privileged upper castes. It underscores an attempt to make members of the Muslim minority second-class citizens in a de facto Hindu Rashtra, or state.
These social schisms need only a small spark to burst into communal violence, which would damage India’s global status and growth. Furthermore, Modi’s campaign rhetoric is matched by the BJP’s choice to not put up candidates in Muslim-majority Kashmir, reducing its stake in ensuring robust democracy in a region that New Delhi has ruled directly since 2019. His language will also have a direct bearing on India’s fraught ties with its neighbor Pakistan. Finally, the state-backed ill treatment will likely not be limited to Indian Muslims—meaning that other religious minorities, such as Christians and Sikhs, will also be affected.
Around 200 million Muslims live in India—the second-largest Muslim population in the world, after that of Indonesia. Few mainstream Indian political leaders have plummeted to such depths in castigating these citizens. Modi’s campaign rhetoric makes clear that if he is elected to a third consecutive term, the nation’s Muslims will stand politically disempowered, economically marginalized, and deprived of their constitutional rights.
Modi’s political rise came in the wake of significant violence against Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, when he was the state’s chief minister. Due to his role in the violence, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States all temporarily barred his entry. Leading the party’s campaign to victory in the state assembly in the same year, his campaign speeches were full of crude language against Muslims. But the BJP’s electoral success in Gujarat—winning the next two assembly elections before the launch of Modi’s national campaign—ultimately gave Modi political credibility within an extreme fringe of the party.
By 2011, Modi had started reinventing himself as a business-friendly leader with an eye on a national role. By the time he became prime minister three years later, the narrative of a so-called Gujarat model of economic development concealed his anti-Muslim ideological moorings. Modi’s mask slipped occasionally, but he often spoke with a dog whistle. Mostly, the prime minister reiterated an imagination of India as a Hindu nation. In a post-9/11 world, Modi presented an alternative model of battling Islamic terrorism and consolidated a Hindu majoritarian voter base—delivering a stunning election victory in 2019 after an attempted airstrike against an alleged terrorist training camp inside Pakistan.
This year, Modi has not campaigned on his track record of the past decade or on the party manifesto for the next five years as often as he has attempted to further polarize Hindus and Muslims. In a speech given on April 21, Modi suggested that the opposition Indian National Congress party, if elected, would redistribute property to Muslims. The party would “calculate the gold with [Hindu] mothers and sisters” and transfer it “among those who are infiltrators and have more children,” he said—using terms by which his supporters regularly describe Muslims.
Elsewhere, Modi alleged that Congress was helping Muslims in a plot to take over India: “The opposition is asking Muslims to launch vote jihad,” he said in March. Speaking at a rally in Madhya Pradesh in early May, Modi said that voters would have to choose between “vote jihad” and “Ram Rajya,” the latter being a term referring to a mythical, idealized society that purportedly existed during the rule of Lord Rama, the hero of the famous Hindu epic Ramayana.
The prime minister’s economic advisory council soon released a paper that sought to stoke anxieties about a decline in the proportion of Hindus in India; during the period it covered—1950 to 2015—India’s population actually increased by five Hindus for every one Muslim citizen, but BJP leaders soon deployed the report to further demonize Indian Muslims.
The party’s official messaging has echoed Modi’s rhetoric. A now-deleted video posted on the Instagram account for the BJP’s Karnataka branch this month said, “If you are a non-Muslim, Congress will snatch your wealth and distribute it to Muslims. Narendra Modi knows of this evil plan. Only he has the strength to stop it.” It was followed by an animated clip depicting Congress leader Rahul Gandhi hatching a plan to benefit Muslims at the expense of Hindu groups.
Other Indian democratic institutions have done no better. Despite formal complaints from opposition parties and civil society groups, the election commission has neither punished nor restrained Modi. A petition in the Delhi High Court seeking immediate action against Modi for his “communally divisive speeches” was dismissed, with the judges arguing that it was “without merit” because the commission was already looking into the matter. “We can’t presume that they won’t do anything,” one judge said. But as the elections near the finish line, that is precisely what has happened.
Some observers are likely to dismiss Modi’s recent language as par for the course during an election campaign, when tempers run high. However, most surveys and polls have predicted an easy victory for the prime minister and the BJP; he has no need to resort to pandering to base emotions with toxic rhetoric. In an interview, Modi denied that he had uttered a word against Indian Muslims; he was proved wrong by fact-checkers and video evidence. India’s top political scientist said that through his denials in interviews, Modi is trying to influence the naive chroniclers while he continues with his anti-Muslim speeches for the masses and his supporters. Modi’s No. 2, Amit Shah, insists that the party will continue with this anti-Muslim campaign. By persisting with hateful speech, the BJP leadership is fueling a narrative that is likely to intensify discrimination against Indian Muslims during Modi’s rule.
As prime minister, Modi has spearheaded a project for the political disempowerment of Indian Muslims. For the first time in the history of independent India, the ruling party does not have a single Muslim member of parliament. In the current election, the party has put up just one Muslim candidate—on a list of 440—who is running for an unwinnable seat in Kerala. More broadly, religious polarization has made it difficult for Muslim candidates to win seats in areas without an overwhelming Muslim majority. During recent elections, there have been complaints of authorities barring voters in Muslim-majority localities in BJP-ruled states. Modi’s message to Indian Muslims is unequivocal: You do not matter politically.
India’s Muslims are economically disadvantaged, too. A 2006 committee under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Congress government found that the Muslim community faced high levels of poverty and poor outcomes on almost all socioeconomic indicators. India’s opposition parties have promised a new socioeconomic survey that could inform future policy without a focus on religion. Modi’s government, by contrast, opted to not conduct even the regular census in 2021—the first such instance in 140 years—due to COVID-19; it has not been conducted since.
Rather than relying on data, Modi and his supporters prefer an emotional response that pitches poor and marginalized Hindus against Muslims. India is a highly unequal country: About 90 percent of the population earns less than the average income of $2,800 per year. This gap has widened under Modi, with the richest 1 percent now owning 40 percent of India’s wealth. By othering Muslims, Modi puts them at risk of becoming the object of other deprived groups’ ire, which could lead to further communal violence. A Muslim man was allegedly lynched in Gujarat during the current election campaign, without making national headlines.
Islamophobia is at the core of the project to make India a Hindu state. Modi and the BJP frequently weaponize terrorism discourse to delegitimize critics and political opposition. In Kashmir, where the BJP is not running candidates this election, this tactic has fueled anger and hostility. The high turnout in the region seems to be an expression of rage against Modi’s 2019 decision to revoke its semi-autonomous status. When the ruling party leaders conflate Islam with terrorism, there is little chance of extending any hand of peace toward Pakistan, either. Modi and his ministers have vowed to take back Pakistan-administered Kashmir by force if necessary—no matter the grave risk of conflict between two nuclear-armed countries.
Finally, Modi’s rhetoric does not bode well for other religious minorities in India. In the border state of Manipur, the largely Christian Kuki community has suffered state-backed majoritarian violence for more than a year. In Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populated state, Christian priests and worshippers are being jailed, beaten, and threatened by both Hindu majoritarian groups and state police. Meanwhile, the BJP has demonized the Sikh farmers who led protests against agricultural laws in 2020 and 2021, labeling them as separatist Khalistani terrorists. (Last year, Modi’s government was accused of involvement in the killing of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada as well as in an attempted assassination in New York.)
Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians are India’s biggest religious minorities; they make up nearly one-fifth of the country’s population. To disempower these groups would spell the end of the historical bond between India and ideas of universal justice, human rights, and democracy. A majoritarian Indian state—a Hindu Rashtra—would instead make a covenant with bigotry, discrimination, and violence. The bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has repeatedly asked Washington to blacklist Modi’s government for its suppression of religious freedom, but the Biden administration has refused to act so far.
However, the evidence is there for all to see—and Modi has further substantiated the charge of bigotry with his campaign speeches targeting Indian Muslims. No matter if the BJP achieves its supermajority, this rhetoric will have significant consequences for India. Modi is serving a warning. The world should take note before it is too late.
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The precolonization time periods of Mesoamerica, which covers modern-day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and parts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica are divided into different periods than those in Europe and the Middle East. Part of this is simple separation, though other reasons include geography (that Mesoamerica has oceans on both sides and between two much larger north-south oriented land masses as well as the minerals available) and climate (a complex mixture of lowlands, highlands, and sub-tropical and tropical climates in the lowlands to cool and dry in the highlands).
Humans reached the area approximately 18000 BCE. From then until about 8000 BCE is known as the Paleo-Indian or, less commonly, the Lithic period, followed by the Archaic period which ended about 2000 BCE, followed by the Preclassical until about 250 CE, the Classical until 900 CE, then the Postclassical, which ended with the Spanish colonization around 1500 CE.
The Paleo-Indian era covers the time period from when people arrived in the area and began using agriculture, pottery, and other skills needed to maintain life. This time period covered hunter-gatherer civilizations and the development of field-based agriculture. This period is fairly similar to the Stone Age in Europe and the Middle East.
During the Archaic period, permanent settlements were established, followed by pottery and loom weaving, allowing class divisions to begin to appear. Trade networks also developed, within short distances at first, then further afield, for stones like obsidian and chert (a fine grained sedimentary rock formed of microcrystaline quartz).
By Gary Todd - https://www.flickr.com/photos/101561334@N08/9764925512/, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96186719
During the Preclassical period, large-scale ceremonial architecture, cities, states, and writing developed. With the development of writing, we can know what the groups of people called themselves. Some of these are the Olmec, who lived around La Venta and San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, the Zapotec civilization, around the Valley of Oaxaca, Teotihuacan, in the Valley of Mexico, and the Maya, in the Mirador Basin.
By amslerPIX - https://www.flickr.com/photos/amslerpix/48762494738/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=113266497
The Classical period was defined by the independent city-states of the Maya and the beginnings of political unification of central Mexico and the Yucatán. Differences in regional cultures manifested themselves until the city-state of Teotihuacan began to dominating the Valley of Mexico, though we don't know much about the culture of the area due to Teotihuacanos not having a culture of writing. The city-state of Monte Albán dominated the Valley of Oaxaca. Though we have some of their writing, we haven't been able to decipher it yet. They did leave a highly sophisticated artistic culture as well, which spread through the area.
By Attributed to Diego Rivera - TheSun.co.uk - https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/NINTCHDBPICT000416684675.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145523789
The Postclassical period saw the collapse of many of the great nations of the Classical period, though the Oaxaca, the Maya of Yucatan (such as the city of Chichen Itza and Uxmal), and the Cholula continued. This period is thought to have seen an increase in warfare, though there were technological advancements in engineering, weaponry, and metallurgy occurred. There was also a lot more movement and population growth during this time as well, especially after about 1200 CE, and experiments in government. The Toltec dominated in the 9-10th centuries then collapsed. The Maya united for a while under Mayapan and the Oaxaca under Mixtec rulers. The Aztec Empire rose in the 15th century and began conquering the Valley of Mexico. This was also the beginning of a renaissance of fine arts and sciences.
By Karnhack - karnhack.com, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24111651
The Spanish conquest of the area was aided by native people who wanted allies against the Aztec Empire. After this, much of the culture of the area and many of the people were destroyed by the Spaniards.
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Imtiaz Khatri: Crafting Powerful Stories in Bollywood
Imtiaz Khatri has established himself as a prominent name in the Bollywood film industry, recognized for his steadfast dedication to producing films that are both high-quality and emotionally rich. With a focus on compelling narratives, relatable themes, and visually stunning cinematography, Khatri has carved a niche for himself as a producer who values storytelling above all else. His standout project, Hrudayantar, perfectly embodies his vision of creating films that strike a chord with audiences, offering a powerful blend of emotional depth and cinematic artistry. Through his work, Khatri continues to redefine what it means to be a producer, championing films that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impact on viewers.
The Impact of Hrudayantar on Imtiaz Khatri's Career
One of the crowning jewels in Imtiaz Khatri's career is his co-production of Hrudayantar—a poignant Marathi-language drama film directed by Vikram Phadnis. Released in 2017, Hrudayantar marked not only an impressive directorial debut for Phadnis, a celebrated Bollywood fashion designer, but also a defining moment in Khatri’s career as a producer. The film is a masterclass in emotional storytelling, tackling complex themes such as marital discord, family dynamics, and personal growth during crises.
The story centers around Shekhar and Samaira Joshi, a couple whose once-thriving marriage begins to unravel under the weight of career pressures, emotional neglect, and life’s inevitable challenges. Hrudayantar offers a profound exploration of how relationships are tested by time, ambition, and circumstances, capturing the essence of human vulnerability and resilience.
What sets this film apart is its ability to connect with audiences on a personal level. While mainstream Bollywood often focuses on grand narratives, Hrudayantar dives deep into the everyday struggles of a middle-class family, making the story accessible and relatable to viewers across cultures. Khatri’s involvement as a producer allowed the film to retain its core emotional depth while maintaining high production standards, ensuring it reached a wider audience while staying true to its roots.
In addition to its stellar performances by Subodh Bhave and Mukta Barve, Hrudayantar also brought together a talented behind-the-scenes team that helped bring the script to life in a way that felt both authentic and impactful. Khatri’s keen eye for quality storytelling ensured that the film was not just another family drama, but an artful exploration of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery. His commitment to selecting projects with meaningful narratives reflects his dedication to nurturing films that don’t just entertain, but also leave an emotional imprint on audiences.
As Khatri continued to support films that tackle social and emotional issues, Hrudayantar became a milestone in his journey, establishing him as a producer with a unique vision. The film’s success, both critically and commercially, propelled him to the forefront of the Bollywood production industry, earning him recognition as a driving force behind meaningful, high-quality cinema in India. It wasn’t just a project for Khatri—it was a heartfelt contribution to Indian cinema, demonstrating that entertainment can be both artistically rewarding and emotionally resonant.
A Story of Complex Relationships: Hrudayantar's Emotional Core
Hrudayantar centers on the relationship between Shekhar and Samaira Joshi, played by Subodh Bhave and Mukta Barve, respectively. Shekhar, a workaholic hotelier, grapples with balancing his career and his failing marriage. Meanwhile, Samaira, a devoted mother, is faced with the challenge of maintaining her family while supporting Shekhar’s ambitions. The film delves into the emotional toll such imbalances take on their relationship and family, particularly affecting their two daughters, Nitya and Nysha, who represent the innocence and hope that holds the family together.
What sets Hrudayantar apart from typical family dramas is its ability to dive into the intricacies of love, emotional neglect, and the need for human connection in a way that feels deeply authentic. The film speaks to a universal truth—how often relationships, despite the best of intentions, begin to crumble when people fail to prioritize emotional bonds over material achievements.
A Stellar Cast and Powerful Performances
The film features remarkable performances, particularly from the lead actors, Subodh Bhave and Mukta Barve, who bring depth and vulnerability to their characters. Bhave’s portrayal of Shekhar reflects the inner turmoil of a man torn between personal success and family, while Barve’s portrayal of Samaira adds emotional strength and resilience to the storyline. The performances of the two young actresses, Trushnika Shinde and Nishtha Vaidya, as the daughters, are equally noteworthy, adding an innocent but poignant dimension to the family’s journey.
The Film’s Star Power and Guest Appearances
Aside from the powerful performances of the lead cast, Hrudayantar benefits from a few star-studded cameos that elevate the film. Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan appears in a special cameo, bringing added excitement to the film. Alongside him, renowned choreographer Shiamak Davar and popular TV host Manish Paul also make brief appearances, which not only add a sense of fun to the film but also create a strong connection with the larger entertainment industry.
Imtiaz Khatri’s Contribution to the Production
Imtiaz Khatri’s role as a producer was integral to Hrudayantar's success. His keen eye for quality cinema ensured that the film maintained a perfect balance between commercial appeal and emotional depth. Through his production company, Khatri has continued to support films that tackle complex human emotions while ensuring that the production quality stands out.
Khatri's involvement in Hrudayantar showcased his understanding of the evolving film industry and his desire to be part of projects that challenge conventional filmmaking. His efforts in bringing together a talented cast and crew, while also facilitating the film’s creative vision, made Hrudayantar not just a commercial success but also a critically acclaimed masterpiece.
The Cinematic Journey: A Balance of Art and Commerce
Meaningful Storytelling: For Imtiaz Khatri, producing films like Hrudayantar showcases his approach to cinema, where the focus is not just on entertainment but on impactful and meaningful storytelling that connects with audiences.
Support for Human Relationships: Khatri has consistently supported films that delve into human relationships, emotional depth, and the intricacies of life, with Hrudayantar being a perfect example of this.
Emotional Resonance: The film beautifully explores complex themes such as marital struggles, family dynamics, and personal growth, making it a standout in Khatri's portfolio.
Box Office Success: Hrudayantar achieved both critical and commercial success, reflecting Khatri's ability to back projects that are not only artistically valuable but also commercially viable.
Recognition at Filmfare Marathi Awards: The film's impact was further solidified with multiple nominations at the 2018 Filmfare Marathi Awards, including Best Film, Best Actor (Subodh Bhave), and Best Director (Vikram Phadnis).
Cultural Influence: Hrudayantar’s recognition at the prestigious Filmfare Marathi Awards highlighted Khatri’s contribution to promoting meaningful regional cinema and supporting high-quality productions that tackle social and emotional issues.
Vision for Cinema: Khatri’s work in producing films that emphasize strong narratives over conventional entertainment shows his commitment to the evolving landscape of Bollywood, where emotional depth is increasingly celebrated.
Inspiration for Future Filmmakers: Through his continued dedication to producing films that explore deeper themes, Khatri’s legacy encourages emerging filmmakers and producers to prioritize substance and human connection in their work.
Legacy of a Visionary Producer
Imtiaz Khatri remains dedicated to high-quality storytelling as he evolves as a producer.
Hrudayantar stands as a testament to his ability to select stories that resonate emotionally with audiences.
His growing legacy in Bollywood is founded on his love for impactful, heart-touching cinema.
Khatri’s success is driven by his relentless pursuit of projects that leave a lasting impression on viewers.
With a sharp eye for talent and a passion for emotional storytelling, Khatri plays a key role in the modern evolution of Bollywood cinema.
His support for films that explore depth, relationships, and human emotions sets a new standard for filmmakers.
Khatri’s work serves as an inspiration for future filmmakers and producers to focus on substance and heartfelt narratives in their creations.
Imtiaz Khatri has firmly established himself as a significant figure in Bollywood production, with Hrudayantar standing out as a milestone in his career. Through his work, Khatri has proven that successful films need not only commercial appeal but also emotional depth. By continuously choosing projects that celebrate meaningful storytelling and complex relationships, Imtiaz Khatri is paving the way for a new era of cinema that connects with the audience on a deeper, more personal level. As his career progresses, films like Hrudayantar will serve as a reminder of the importance of passion, creativity, and the human connection in filmmaking.
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New trends in tourism From sources across the web

Emerging Travel Trends Shaping the Industry: From Wellness to AI-Powered Planning
The travel industry is changing at a pace that cannot be paralleled. With new trends in technology, consumer preferences, and much more emphasis being placed on sustainability, its rather fast-paced change is unstoppable. What's emerging as far as diversified personal traveling habits go, are trends that are shaping the future of tourism. In this blog, we’ll dive into some of the most prominent trends in the travel industry today, with a particular focus on developments in India, where the travel landscape is experiencing rapid growth and transformation.
1. Wellness Travel: A Holistic Escape
As modern life becomes increasingly stressful, wellness travel has emerged as a powerful antidote. This trend emphasizes physical, mental, and emotional well-being, where many travelers are entering the arena of health spas, yoga retreats, meditation centers, and other restorative experiences. Wellness tourism is booming around the world, and since India possesses a strong heritage of yoga, Ayurveda, and holistic healing practices, it has become one of the preferred destinations for seekers of wellness. From a luxurious Himalayan retreat to a coastal Ayurveda resort, wellness travel is designed to refresh and recharge amid frenetic global living.
Experiential Travel: Cultural Connection Deepening
Experiential tourism is more than visiting a new destination; it's about recalling memories and experiencing true cultural expressions. India's booming middle class, with the growing use of digital tools in discovering new destinations as well as experiences, is also fueling this trend. Other than conventional sightseeing, travelers now want to delve into local traditions, try various types of cuisines, learn crafts, and engage in meaningful interactions with communities.
3. Eco-Tourism: Protecting the Planet While Traveling
Eco-tourism has long been a buzzword, but it’s now a necessity for sustainable travel. Travelers are becoming more conscious of their environmental impact, and India, with its rich biodiversity and natural landscapes, is increasingly catering to eco-conscious tourists. Eco-tourism promotes responsible travel that conserves the environment, supports local communities, and educates travelers about conservation.
4. Offbeat Destinations: Discover Hidden Gems
India is home to thousands of offbeat destinations that are relatively unexplored by mass tourism. From quiet villages in the Northeast to secluded coastal towns and untouched mountain ranges, offbeat destinations give travelers opportunities to spend their time largely away from tourists and experience something unusual. These offbeat locations are becoming increasingly popular as travelers are looking to acquire more personal and authentic experiences.
5. Religious Tourism: The Pillar of Indian Travel
India is a country of profound religious roots and is a highly dominant segment of the travel industry. Millions of pilgrims visit sacred sites such as Varanasi, Amritsar, and Tirupati every year. Beyond the pilgrimage, India's spiritual offerings attract a global audience in search of a connection with their faith or exploration of ancient traditions and rituals.
6. AI in Travel Planning: A Smart Approach to Itineraries
Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize how we plan and book travel. AI-based platforms today can give you personalized recommendations, suggest itineraries that are automatically curated for you, and even give you virtual assistance to answer any of your questions or provide real-time answers. Here is why it is becoming one trend in Indian travel: AI recommends based on your past travel behavior and preferences.
Automation in booking and planning saves time and enhances convenience.
AI-based customer service tools (like chatbots) offer 24/7 support, making travel planning smoother.
7. Sleep Tourism: Prioritizing Restful Stays
A relatively new trend in India and globally is sleep tourism – a travel niche focused on enhancing the quality of sleep during a trip. Hotels and resorts now provide services such as customized pillows, soundproof rooms, and special sleep therapy treatments to cater to travelers interested in prioritizing rest in their stay. The fad of traveling for sleep is particularly sought after by those who have just traveled and wish to shake off jet lag or those who lead particularly stressful lives.
8. Hotel Robots and Chatbots: The Future of Hospitality
More and more, technology has become the spark for the travel and hospitality industry, with robots and chatbots appearing increasingly in hotels and airports around the globe. Robots are used for room service or acting as a concierge or cleaner, helping hotels lower the costs of operations while also improving the experience of guests. Chatbots have been launched for customer service in travel, enabling passengers to make bookings, ask questions, and solve problems at their convenience.
9. Facial Recognition Technology: Fastest, Safest
Facial recognition technology is being deployed by major airlines and airports to streamline airport security and boarding processes to provide smoother, faster, and more secure travel experiences. Although there has been considerable debate over its invasive implications on passenger privacy, the technology has proven highly effective in accelerating the oftentimes tedious experience of an airport process.
10. Immersive Experiences: Bringing Destinations to Life
Revolutionary examples of immersive technologies for travelers include virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which are changing the way people relate to destinations. Virtual tours of historical sites or 360-degree views of hotels are now allowing travelers to pre-live destinations before even booking a trip. Many travel businesses are making these technologies interact to spark imagination and connect the traveler emotionally to the destination.
The Future of Travel is Dynamic and Diverse
The travel industry is currently in the middle of a transformative process. Wellness travel, eco-tourism, and uses of AI and robotics are changing the ways we travel today and will continue to shape those ways in the years to come. More personalized, immersive, and sustainable travel experiences mean a future in tourism more diverse and richer than it has ever been. Whether it's relaxation, adventure, or connection, the travel industry has options for every person.
As these trends continue to unfold, it will be interesting to see how technology, culture, and environmental consciousness shape travel. These are exciting times indeed for both industry players and intrepid travelers looking to discover their worlds with new eyes!
It is, therefore, a great time to consider any of these trends on your next holiday. Keep an eye on this developing theme and think about how you might incorporate them into your travel plans. Happy travels! ????✈️
team Dream Vacations
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India: The Next Big Investment Hub
In the ever-evolving global economic landscape, India has emerged as a prominent investment hub, drawing significant attention from businesses and investors worldwide. Its rapid economic growth, vast market potential, and strategic initiatives make it an attractive destination for investment. Here’s a detailed exploration of why India is poised to be the next big investment hub, elaborating on key factors that contribute to its burgeoning status.
1. Rapid Economic Growth
India’s economic growth over the past decade has been nothing short of remarkable. The country has consistently showcased impressive economic performance, even amidst global economic uncertainties. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), India is projected to be one of the fastest-growing major economies in the coming years. This growth is driven by several factors, including:
- Strong GDP Growth: India’s GDP growth rate has consistently outpaced many developed nations, reflecting a robust economic expansion. With a large and diverse economy, India’s growth is supported by various sectors, including services, manufacturing, and agriculture.
- Urbanization and Industrialization: Rapid urbanization and industrialization are key drivers of economic growth. As more people move to urban areas, there is an increased demand for infrastructure, housing, and services, further fueling economic expansion.
- Resilience and Reform: India’s economic resilience has been bolstered by ongoing reforms aimed at improving the business environment. These reforms have helped stabilize the economy and create a more attractive investment climate.
2. Large Market Size
India’s population, exceeding 1.4 billion people, presents a massive consumer market with vast potential. This demographic advantage translates into several opportunities for businesses:
- Diverse Consumer Segments: The large population means a diverse range of consumer segments, each with unique needs and preferences. From luxury goods to essential products, businesses can cater to a wide variety of markets.
- Growing Middle Class: The expanding middle class is driving demand for a broader range of products and services. As disposable incomes rise, there is an increased appetite for higher-quality goods, leading to new business opportunities.
- Consumer Spending Trends: Rising consumer spending is evident in sectors such as retail, technology, and entertainment. E-commerce, in particular, has seen explosive growth, with a surge in online shopping and digital transactions.
3. Young and Tech-Savvy Workforce
One of India’s most significant assets is its young and increasingly educated workforce. The country is making substantial investments in education and skill development, creating a pool of talent that is poised to drive innovation and support various industries:
- Educational Advancements: India places a strong emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. This focus is producing a generation of skilled professionals who are equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly changing job market.
- Tech-Savvy Talent: India is renowned for its technology sector, with a large number of IT professionals and tech entrepreneurs. The country’s tech-savvy workforce is well-positioned to support growth in sectors such as information technology, digital services, and artificial intelligence.
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The young population is also driving innovation and entrepreneurship. With a growing number of start-ups and tech ventures, India is fostering a culture of creativity and technological advancement.
4. Government Reforms
The Indian government has implemented several key reforms to enhance the business environment and attract foreign investment. These reforms aim to simplify regulations, promote investment, and support entrepreneurship:
- Make in India: Launched in 2014, the Make in India initiative seeks to transform India into a global manufacturing hub. The program aims to boost the manufacturing sector by improving infrastructure, streamlining regulations, and incentivizing investment.
- Digital India: The Digital India initiative focuses on expanding digital infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, and increasing access to digital services. By fostering a digitally empowered society, this program aims to drive economic growth and improve government services.
- Startup India: This initiative supports start-ups by offering various benefits, including tax exemptions, simplified regulations, and access to funding. The program aims to create a conducive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation.
5. Investment in Infrastructure
Significant investments are being made in infrastructure development across India, which is crucial for enhancing connectivity and supporting economic growth:
- National Infrastructure Pipeline: The National Infrastructure Pipeline is an ambitious plan to invest over $1.4 trillion in infrastructure projects, including transportation, energy, and urban development. This initiative aims to improve infrastructure quality and support economic growth.
- Smart Cities Mission: The Smart Cities Mission focuses on developing 100 smart cities across India, incorporating advanced technology and infrastructure to enhance the quality of urban life. These smart cities are expected to attract investment and drive economic development.
- Transportation and Logistics: Investments in transportation infrastructure, including highways, ports, and airports, are designed to improve logistics efficiency and reduce costs for businesses. Enhanced connectivity facilitates smoother operations and supports regional trade.
6. Growing Consumer Market
India’s growing consumer market is a major attraction for investors. The increase in disposable incomes and changing consumer preferences are driving demand across various sectors:
- Retail Sector: The retail sector in India is experiencing rapid growth, with both organized retail and e-commerce expanding significantly. The rise of online shopping and digital payment systems is reshaping the retail landscape.
- Automotive Industry: The automotive industry is also seeing robust growth, driven by rising incomes and increasing vehicle ownership. India is becoming a key market for both domestic and international automotive manufacturers.
- Healthcare and Education: With a growing focus on health and education, there is an increasing demand for healthcare services, medical technology, and educational resources. Investment in these sectors presents significant opportunities for growth.
7. Thriving Start-Up Ecosystem
India’s start-up ecosystem has gained considerable momentum, making it a hotspot for innovation and entrepreneurship:
- Venture Capital Investment: India has attracted substantial venture capital and private equity investment, supporting the growth of start-ups and fostering a culture of innovation.
- Incubators and Accelerators: The proliferation of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces provides start-ups with essential resources and support. These platforms help entrepreneurs develop their ideas and scale their businesses.
- Tech Innovation: The start-up ecosystem is characterized by rapid technological innovation, with new ventures emerging in sectors such as fintech, healthtech, and edtech. This innovation ecosystem contributes to India’s growing prominence as a tech hub.
8. Strategic Location
India’s geographic location enhances its role as a strategic hub for trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region:
- Regional Trade Networks: India’s location provides access to key emerging markets in Southeast Asia, facilitating regional trade and investment opportunities.
- Global Supply Chains: India is becoming an integral part of global supply chains, with its strategic location supporting cross-border commerce and international trade.
- Economic Partnerships: India’s participation in regional economic partnerships, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), further strengthens its position as a key player in the Asia-Pacific region.
9. Favorable Demographics
India’s demographic profile offers several advantages for economic growth and investment:
- Demographic Dividend: With a large proportion of the population in the working age group, India benefits from a demographic dividend that supports economic growth and productivity.
- Urban Population Growth: The continued growth of urban areas creates opportunities for investment in infrastructure, housing, and services, driving economic development.
- Consumer Trends: The diverse and growing population leads to varied consumer preferences and trends, creating opportunities for businesses to cater to different market segments.
10. Improving Ease of Doing Business
India has made significant progress in improving the ease of doing business, making it more attractive for investors:
- Regulatory Reforms: The government has implemented reforms to simplify regulations, reduce bureaucratic hurdles, and enhance the overall business environment. These reforms contribute to a more predictable and efficient regulatory framework.
- Digital Transformation: The adoption of digital technologies and online platforms has streamlined various business processes, including registration, licensing, and compliance. This digital transformation facilitates smoother operations for businesses.
- Investment Climate: Ongoing efforts to enhance the investment climate include improving transparency, reducing corruption, and increasing government support for investors.
India’s emergence as a major investment hub is driven by a combination of factors, including its rapid economic growth, large market size, young and tech-savvy workforce, and strategic government reforms. Significant investments in infrastructure, a thriving start-up ecosystem, and a growing consumer market further enhance the country’s attractiveness as an investment destination.
While challenges such as regulatory complexity and infrastructure gaps exist, India’s strengths and ongoing efforts to improve the business environment make it a compelling destination for investors. For businesses seeking to expand their global footprint and FDI in India, Fox&Angel, a leading Global Expansion Partner that specializes in foreign direct investment in India can help you navigate the complexities of the Indian market and make right investment decisions.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
#investment in india#india economic growth#investment opportunity#business opportunity#india manufacturing hub#digital india#invest in startups india#foxnangel
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Wait the first ATLA would be worse how the fu-
Oooooooh right…Shamalyan is Indian…and ATLA used his culture ideologies and concepts…in a western digestible way…need to be careful so the ATLA fans won’t lynch me. So he had a good gasp on what ATLA
Also about the Netflix ATLA tv show and what their doing
My brother in Christ we are living in a world where a Disney marvel spoon feed shit Black Panther pointing out the the villain was wrong is considered right to college educated people
And like the stuff I hear about how they are toning down Sokka sexism and not having “detours” like Aang did. While sokka sexism is because he was a immature TEENAGER who later develop-
Okay ATLA is a great show with great characters arcs, but at the end of the day it was a Y7 cartoon with Karens breathing down kids networks necks, HAD to be able to be syndicate with other Nicktoons stuff like SpongeBob.
And at the end of the day the main cast…act like middle class American kids most of them time. Obviously it not bad or anything as that what the original target demographic was. But it very obvious if you go into more eastern fantasy stuff with their handling of kids. They were still good characters
But….Holy Fucking Shit
Showrunners…understand…the importance of…character development….right? I myself is very different from the mess I was from 9-13 and more mentally mature and such.
Unless…Hollywood and liberal circles-Oh what the hell we have 30 years old on fucking tumblr that think the genocide of men is a good thing
No wonder character development is shit in modern western media. Where certain characters ( I ain’t naming who but leave hints) get more development than MCs who have significant more screentime than them.
When did the whole “I have no idea what actual growth is?!” Started become so popular among liberals Gen x and millennials creators?
The Shamalyn ATLA thing was because he was a fan of the show and did his best to make it good, this looks like a more recent interview.
Looking round at stuff comparing the two now the big thing I'm seeing can be summed up with the saying that 'netflix one will be as diverse as the shyamalan one wasn't'
Which just tells me there's no reason to watch it, not because I have issues with diversity mind you, but if that's your selling point you've lost my interest before you had a chance to gain it.
Not that I was interested to begin with, never watched the show so eh, but screaming it's diverse as a big selling point is a no starter for me.
Hearing what they've "fixed" for the movie it sounds like they've whitewashed over everything in order to sanitize it instead of allowing for the character development as you said.
Bad guys can't become good guys, the best shot they have is in becoming a antihero, but you're still held down by who you were.
It's stupid and only feeds into the purity culture that's gotta be one of the leading causes of mental health issues these days.
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The Transformative Value of an MBA in Aviation Management in Delhi, India
In the vast expanse of the Indian education landscape, an MBA with a specialization in Aviation Management has emerged as a beacon for those aspiring to soar high in the dynamic and ever-evolving aviation industry. This academic journey takes on a distinctive significance in the bustling metropolis of Delhi, a city that serves as a nucleus for aviation activities in India. As we delve into the multifaceted value of pursuing an MBA in Aviation Management, particularly in the vibrant and strategically located Delhi, we uncover the myriad opportunities and insights this program brings to the forefront.
Aviation Industry in India: A Thriving Ecosystem
The Indian aviation sector has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, spurred by a burgeoning middle class, increased economic activities, and government initiatives promoting air travel. In this landscape of expansion and innovation, the value of an MBA in Aviation Management becomes paramount. The program is strategically designed to equip individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the aviation industry's intricacies, encompassing areas such as airline management, airport operations, safety regulations, and strategic planning.
Navigating the Skies: The Role of MBA in Aviation
An MBA with a specialization in Aviation Management provides a holistic view of the aviation ecosystem, from ground operations to in-flight services. In a country like India, where the aviation industry is on an upward trajectory, this program serves as a catalyst for professionals aiming to make a mark in leadership roles within airlines, airports, and allied sectors. The curriculum is tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the aviation domain, preparing individuals to navigate the complexities of this highly regulated and safety-centric industry.
Delhi: A Hub of Aviation Activities
Now, let's turn our attention to the dynamic city of Delhi, a bustling hub where tradition meets modernity, and where the aviation industry finds a significant foothold. Pursuing an MBA in Aviation Management in Delhi provides a distinct advantage, given the city's pivotal role in aviation operations. Delhi is home to the Indira Gandhi International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country, serving as a gateway to both domestic and international destinations.
Industry Exposure and Networking Opportunities
One of the unparalleled advantages of pursuing an MBA in Aviation Management in Delhi is the exposure to industry leaders, aviation experts, and a network of professionals deeply entrenched in the aviation landscape. The city hosts a myriad of aviation-related events, conferences, and seminars, providing students with the opportunity to interact with industry stalwarts, gain real-world insights, and stay abreast of the latest trends. The connections made during the program can prove invaluable in securing internships, mentorships, and eventual employment within the aviation sector.
Tailored Curriculum for Aviation Excellence
An MBA in Aviation Management is not just about theoretical knowledge; it's about imparting practical skills that are directly applicable to the aviation industry. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to cover a spectrum of subjects, including aviation regulations, air traffic management, airline economics, and crisis management. In Delhi, where the aviation sector is a focal point, the curriculum is often fine-tuned to align with the city's unique position in the aviation landscape.
Career Advancement Opportunities
Delhi's strategic location provides students with access to a plethora of career opportunities upon completion of their MBA in Aviation Management. Whether it's securing management positions in airlines, overseeing airport operations, or contributing to aviation-related policymaking, the skill set acquired during the program positions individuals as sought-after professionals in the industry.
Conclusion: Soaring Towards a Bright Future
In conclusion, the value of an MBA in Aviation Management in Delhi, India, extends beyond the academic realm. It is a transformative journey that equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and network needed to thrive in the dynamic aviation industry. Delhi, with its bustling aviation activities, becomes not just a backdrop but an integral part of this educational journey, offering a unique and enriching experience for those aspiring to carve a niche in the skies. As the aviation industry continues to ascend, an MBA in Aviation Management remains a key that unlocks doors to leadership roles, innovation, and boundless opportunities in the Indian aviation landscape.
ILAM INDIA - Admission Centre
Address- Office No. 305, 3rd Floor, Deenar Bhawan, Nehru Place- 110019
Mobile No. - +91 9717094061, +91 9717094063
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Website- https://www.ilamindia.in
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97000 Indians held trying to enter illegally - Ever wondered why?

According to US Customs and Border Protection data, a record-breaking 96,917 Indians were apprehended while unlawfully crossing into the US between October 2022 and September 2023. This marks a fivefold increase compared to 2019-20.
Although this news is not shocking to anyone, it is shocking when discussing the magnificence of our country. I've seen over the years that Indian expatriates write more about their affection for their own country. Regretfully, they have no desire to go back to India and aid in its growth. People who do not reside here are trolling those who write about the issues we face.
Our beloved Prime Minister is unquestionably a fantastic leader with a vision to improve India, but that doesn't mean that young people can’t voice their concerns and opinions. In reality, when you make your opinion in a civil manner, society benefits. Yes, in a polite way.
One of my cousins, who excelled in GTU's IT programme, was employed by a reputable private company in this area. She was earning a meagre wage while working a certain number of hours. Due to our large population, we have little opportunities and no labour laws. She later travelled to the USA. In less than a year, she managed to land a position as a software engineer, receiving a respectable salary in addition to recognition for her degree. She's also got her mental health back.
One of the women I met was having marital issues. Her life has gotten worse as a result of her decision to file for divorce. She needed to isolate herself from civilization. In society, even her parents experienced some form of psychological abuse. Her only goal in life was to move to Australia, live a dignified life, and become financially independent.
Here, girls are entitled to their parents' property, but if they have a boy, they are not entitled to it, and in such cases, they must stay at their parents' home as guests.
One of my friends was having trouble getting a job. He spent five years without a job while he studied for the government examination. It was harder for him because he belongs to the general category. His family wants him to immigrate to Canada in any way possible since they believe that society has wrecked his mental health.
A man who lives in Ahmedabad's Old City and comes from a lower middle class household. He and his family had great hardship in society, but ever since his family immigrated to Canada, he has gained some notoriety.
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India’s Union Budget 2025: A Vision for Growth, Healing, and Prosperity
The Union Budget 2025, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, is more than just a financial statement; it is a compassionate and forward-looking roadmap designed to heal the wounds of the past and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future. At a time when the global economy faces uncertainty and India continues to recover from the lingering effects of the pandemic, this budget emerges as a beacon of hope, resilience, and progress. It is a testament to the government’s commitment to addressing the needs of its citizens, fostering innovation, and building a robust economy that leaves no one behind. Expand to read more
#Union Budget 2025#India Budget 2025#Nirmala Sitharaman Budget#Income Tax Slab 2025#Fiscal Deficit India#FDI in Insurance#Infrastructure Investment#Indian Economy Growth#Budget for Middle Class#Agricultural Reforms
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Remarkable growth of the Indian economy
The resilience and growth of the Indian economy have been remarkable in recent years, as it has weathered various challenges and emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Despite facing obstacles such as the global economic slowdown, policy reforms, and the COVID-19 pandemic, India has demonstrated its ability to bounce back and sustain economic progress. One of the key factors contributing to India's resilience is its diversified economy. The country boasts a wide range of industries, including information technology, manufacturing, agriculture, services, and pharmaceuticals, among others. This diversification has helped India reduce its dependence on any single sector, making it more resilient to external shocks. Another crucial aspect is the Indian government's commitment to economic reforms. Over the years, several policy initiatives have been implemented to improve the ease of doing business, attract foreign direct investment, and stimulate entrepreneurship. These reforms have created a more favorable business environment, fostering innovation, job creation, and economic growth. Additionally, India's young and dynamic workforce has played a significant role in its economic resilience. With a large pool of skilled professionals and a growing middle class, the country has been able to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding consumer market. This has fueled domestic consumption, investment, and entrepreneurship, driving economic growth even during challenging times. Moreover, India's focus on digitalization and technology adoption has been instrumental in its resilience and growth. The country has witnessed a digital revolution, with advancements in areas such as mobile technology, e-commerce, and financial technology. This digital transformation has improved access to services, enhanced productivity, and opened up new avenues for economic development. Furthermore, India's emphasis on infrastructure development has contributed to its economic resilience. The government has undertaken large-scale initiatives such as the construction of roads, railways, ports, and smart cities. These infrastructure projects have not only boosted economic activity but also facilitated better connectivity and logistics, making India an attractive investment destination. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian economy has shown remarkable resilience. The government implemented various measures to mitigate the impact, including fiscal stimulus packages, reforms, and vaccination drives. These efforts have helped the economy recover swiftly, with sectors such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare leading the way. In conclusion, the resilience and growth of the Indian economy can be attributed to factors such as its diversified industries, economic reforms, skilled workforce, digitalization, infrastructure development, and proactive measures during challenging times. As India continues on its path of economic development, it remains poised to leverage its strengths and overcome any future obstacles to sustain its
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Best Skincare Manufacturers
Aadhunik Ayurveda is India’s leading skincare manufacturer known for its quality production and affordability. We are the manufacturer, wholesaler, suppliers & exporter of organic skincare products at economical prices as there are no middle men involved with us. If your are looking for skincare and personal care manufacturer for a unique product idea & custom formulation to maintain your brand value and need to accelerate your business growth in the market, so Aadhunik Ayurveda is the right place to provide you accurate service with 100% surety of quality & accuracy with the core dedication of our experienced team.

What We Offer
We have served our services as private label & third party manufacturing successfully with more than thousands of customers with Zero errors & complaints, which help us to be Top Skincare Manufacturer in India. We support you in accordance to your requirement as you need customized product in personal care manufacturing, skincare manufacturing, private label manufacturing in India.
We are specialized in the manufacturing, Research & Development of products. As a best USDA certified skincare products manufacturer in India, we work with dedication on each project to give it a complete tangibility as per the brand. Our moral is to give the best quality natural organic skincare care products with goodness of Ayurveda, the deep-rooted Indian Science using plant-derived ingredients, mixed with the traditional formulation and individual aroma. Our formulation has the best quality assurance, and always created to meet highest standard and international guidelines.
We have vast experience in manufacturing ayurvedic skincare, personal care, hair care and other wellness products. All of the products we produce are natural and organic, and they all meet the high standards that the customers and the industry have set.

Skincare Products Range at Aadhunik Ayurveda
Aadhunik Ayurveda has developed various cosmetics and Ayurvedic products to offer private label manufacture. We provide our clients with a huge variety of items in the categories of
Herbal Products, Skincare, Haircare, Bath & Body Care, Personal care, Man care, Baby care, Cold-processed soaps, Essential Oil, Aromatherapy, And other Wellness products.
With an extensive range of products and services, Aadhunik Ayurveda is the one and only leading skincare care manufacturer that has carved a niche for itself globally.
Our services span a diverse spectrum. Bring us your requirements and we’ll handle the rest with customized manufacturing and packaging services just the way you need them.
Why Choose Aadhunik Ayurveda?
With the world class facility, Aadhunik Ayurveda is the favored manufacturer because
We have many year of experience
Fully developed in-house laboratory
Simple and transparent working process
Certified organic ISO, FDA, GMP etc.
Private label/White label services
Custom formulation
Skilled team of personnel
Provides raw material to various brands for use in their products
Comprehensive basket of 2000+ products (Ayurvedic herbal products, Personal care, Food Products and other wellness products)
In order to get authentic and high-quality ingredients, Aadhunik Ayurveda has strong connections with farmers cultivating nuts. seeds, herbs all over India. Aadhunik Ayurveda is one of the fastest growing skincare brands in India selling its products nationally and internationally on the pillars of purity, clean & green making technique hence it is certified organic processor. Whether you are looking to create high-quality manufacturing of skincare products, we guide our customers through the entire process and assist them to establish a successful brand.
#Top Quality Manufacturer#top exporter#top supplier#Organic#Natural#Private Label Manufacturer#skincare products manufacturer
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India is home to 1.4 billion people but around a billion lack money to spend on any discretionary goods or services!
The country's consuming class, effectively the potential market for start-ups or business owners, is only about 130-140 million people!
Another 300 million are "emerging" or "aspirant" consumers but they are reluctant spenders!
India's wealthy population is not really growing in numbers, even though those who are already rich are getting even wealthier!
In the consumer market, there is acceleration of the trend of "premiumisation" where brands drive growth by doubling down on expensive, upgraded products catering to the wealthy, rather than focusing on mass-market offerings!
Sales of ultra-luxury gated housing and premium phones have increased even as their lower-end variants struggle. Affordable homes now constitute just 18% of India's overall market compared with 40% five years ago. Branded goods are also capturing a bigger share of the market. And the "experience economy" is booming, with expensive tickets for concerts by international artists like Coldplay and Ed Sheeran selling like hot cakes!
Those who are too focused at the mass end or have a product mix that doesn't have exposure to the premium end have lost market share!
India's post-pandemic recovery has been K-shaped - where the rich have got richer, while the poor have lost purchasing power!
India has been getting increasingly more unequal, with the top 10% of Indians now holding 57.7% of national income compared with 34% in 1990! The bottom half have seen their share of national income fall from 22.2% to 15%!
The latest consumption slump, however, has deepened amid not just a destruction in purchasing power, but also a precipitous drop in financial savings and surging indebtedness among the masses!
A pick-up in rural demand because of a record harvest and a $12 billion tax give-away in the recently concluded budget could boost India's G.D.P. by over half a percent!
50% of India's tax-paying population has seen its income stagnate over the past decade. This implies a halving of income after inflation adjustment!
Products and services associated with middle-class household spending are likely to face a rough time in the years ahead, because the Reserve Bank of India has revealed that net financial savings of Indian households are approaching a 50-year low!
White-collar urban jobs are becoming harder to come by as artificial intelligence automates clerical, secretarial and other routine work!
Labour displacement as a result of technological advancements is of particular concern for the mainly services-driven Indian economy, where a significant share of the I.T. workforce is employed in low value-added services sectors that are most prone to disruption!
The fall in consumption that can result from the displacement of India's workforce is bound to have macroeconomic implications! #IndiasEconomicGrowthTrajectory is at risk of being set off course!
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Aleena Rais Biography: Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family, Photos, Movies and Web Series
Aleena Rais is an Indian influencer, Chartered Accountant, English trainer, entrepreneur, and YouTuber who has impacted millions through her educational and motivational content. Known for her expertise in English language training and personal growth, she has built a strong community online, inspiring countless individuals with her journey.

Born into a middle-class family in Lucknow, Aleena grew up in a modest 1BHK flat, where resources were limited, yet her determination knew no bounds. Despite initial struggles with English and Mathematics, her dedication and perseverance helped her excel academically. She studied at City Montessori School in Lucknow, where her curiosity and drive pushed her toward success.

After completing school, Aleena noticed many of her friends pursuing Chartered Accountancy, and she decided to follow the same path. Through sheer hard work, she became a CA and worked in corporate organizations for several years before taking a bold leap into content creation.

Today, Aleena is a prominent voice in education and self-improvement, proving that with resilience and courage, one can transform challenges into opportunities. Her journey continues to inspire and empower millions across the digital world.
If you want to know more Click Here:- Aleena Rais Biography
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Navigating the Indian Investment Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for International Investors
India, with its vibrant economy, diverse market opportunities, and favorable regulatory environment, has emerged as an attractive destination for international investors seeking high returns and long-term growth prospects. From burgeoning sectors like technology and e-commerce to traditional industries such as manufacturing and agriculture, India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for savvy investors. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the Indian investment landscape, highlighting key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips for international investors looking to capitalize on India's growth story.
Understanding the Indian Investment Landscape:
1. Economic Overview: India is the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and one of the fastest-growing major economies globally. With a young and dynamic population, a burgeoning middle class, and increasing urbanization, India offers a vast consumer market and a favorable demographic dividend for investors.
2. Key Investment Sector: India's economy is diverse and offers investment opportunities across various sectors. Some of the key sectors attracting international investors include:
- Information Technology (IT) and Software Services
- E-commerce and Digital Payments
- Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Infrastructure and Real Estate
- Manufacturing and Automotive
- Agriculture and Agribusiness
3. Regulatory Environment: India has implemented several reforms to streamline its regulatory environment and improve the ease of doing business for investors. The government has introduced initiatives such as Make in India, Startup India, and Digital India to encourage investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, foreign direct investment (FDI) policies have been liberalized across various sectors, allowing greater foreign participation in the Indian economy.
4. Taxation and Legal Considerations: International investors should familiarize themselves with India's tax laws, regulations, and legal frameworks before making investment decisions. India has a progressive tax regime with corporate tax rates varying based on business structure, industry, and income levels. It's advisable to consult with tax advisors and legal experts to navigate the complexities of India's taxation and legal landscape.
Investment Strategies for International Investors:
1. Market Research and Due Diligence: Conduct thorough market research and due diligence to identify investment opportunities aligned with your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and sector preferences. Evaluate market trends, competitive dynamics, regulatory changes, and macroeconomic indicators to make informed investment decisions.
2. Diversification: Diversify your investment portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions to mitigate risks and maximize returns. Consider allocating capital to both high-growth sectors such as technology and healthcare, as well as stable sectors like infrastructure and consumer goods.
3. Long-Term Perspective: Adopt a long-term investment perspective when investing in India. While short-term market volatility and regulatory changes may occur, India's economic fundamentals remain strong, offering attractive growth prospects over the medium to long term. Patient investors can capitalize on India's demographic dividend and structural reforms to generate significant returns.
4. Partnering with Local Experts: Partnering with local investment advisors, financial institutions, and legal experts can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the Indian investment landscape. Local expertise can help international investors navigate regulatory hurdles, identify investment opportunities, and mitigate operational risks effectively.
5. Investment Vehicles: Evaluate different investment vehicles available for investing in India, including direct investments, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and mutual funds. Each investment vehicle offers unique benefits and risks, so it's essential to assess their suitability based on your investment goals and risk appetite.
Tips for International Investors:
1. Stay Informed: Stay updated on market developments, regulatory changes, and economic trends affecting the Indian investment landscape. Follow reputable financial news sources, attend industry conferences, and engage with local experts to stay informed and make timely investment decisions.
2. Network and Build Relationships: Networking with industry professionals, government officials, and fellow investors can provide valuable insights and access to investment opportunities in India. Join industry associations, attend networking events, and leverage social media platforms to expand your network and build relationships in the Indian business community.
3. Be Patient and Persistent: Investing in India requires patience, persistence, and a long-term commitment. Building relationships, navigating regulatory hurdles, and achieving investment success take time and effort. Stay focused on your investment goals, adapt to changing market conditions, and remain resilient in the face of challenges.
4. Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, tax consultants, and legal experts specializing in India to seek professional advice tailored to your specific investment needs. Expert guidance can help you navigate regulatory complexities, optimize tax efficiency, and maximize returns on your investments in India.
5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences when conducting business in India. Building strong relationships and trust with local partners and stakeholders requires understanding and appreciating Indian customs, traditions, and business etiquette.
6. Risk Management: Assess and manage risks effectively by diversifying your investment portfolio, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing risk mitigation strategies. Consider geopolitical risks, currency fluctuations, regulatory changes, and market volatility when making investment decisions.
7. Sustainability and ESG Factors: Consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating investment opportunities in India. Increasingly, investors are prioritizing sustainability and responsible investing practices to mitigate risks, enhance long-term value, and align investments with their values and principles.
8. Stay Flexible and Agile: Remain flexible and agile in adapting to changing market conditions, regulatory requirements, and investor preferences. India's business environment is dynamic and evolving, requiring investors to stay nimble and responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges.
India offers a wealth of investment opportunities for international investors seeking high growth potential and diversification benefits. With its robust economy, favorable demographic trends, and supportive regulatory environment, India continues to attract capital inflows across various sectors. By understanding the Indian investment landscape, adopting sound investment strategies, and leveraging local expertise, international investors can capitalize on India's growth story and unlock significant value for their investment portfolios. As India continues on its path of economic development and reform, it remains a compelling destination for investors looking to participate in one of the world's most dynamic and promising markets.
In conclusion, navigating the “Invest in India” landscape requires careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a long-term perspective. By understanding the key sectors, regulatory considerations, investment strategies, and tips outlined in this guide, international investors can position themselves to capitalize on the vast opportunities offered by India's vibrant economy and emerging market dynamics. With the right approach and guidance, investing in India can yield attractive returns and contribute to portfolio diversification and long-term wealth creation for investors around the globe.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
#regulatory environment#international investors#investment opportunities#investment ideas#india's economy#startup india#investing in India#investment opportunities in india#investments in india#foxnangel
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The Growing Demand for Fashion Retail Managers in India
Global brands expanding into the country. There is a growing need for individualised shopping experiences. Hence, India's fashion market is booming. Behind each successful fashion brand is a competent fashion retail manager with an eye for trends and business acumen. The need for fashion retail managers is higher than ever. This could be your perfect career path. You just need to be passionate about fashion and business. Hence, fashion retail management courses in India are becoming quite popular.
Why is Fashion Retail Management in Demand?
1. The Growth of the Fashion Industry in India
India's fashion industry will likely grow to 115 billion dollars in 2025. It is driven by a growing middle class and a rising disposable income. Retail stores require specialist managers who can drive sales and handle supply chains effectively.
2. The E-commerce Boom
Online shopping has revolutionised how Indians purchase fashion. Apps like Myntra, Ajio, and Amazon Fashion are dominating the market. Hence, fashion brands require talented managers to manage online sales and customer interactions. An omnichannel strategy expert fashion retail manager is priceless in today's market.
3. The Emergence of International Brands in India
Zara and Uniqlo are aggressively expanding in India. These international brands need professionals familiar with Indian consumer culture and global retail patterns. Fashion retail managers fill this gap by ensuring proper work and marketing.
4. Customer-Centric Shopping Experiences
Contemporary consumers want individualised shopping experiences. These can be either offline or online. Fashion retail managers are responsible for executing strategies such as visual merchandising and AI-based recommendations. They help maintain customer interest.
What Does a Fashion Retail Manager Do?
Fashion retail management is a dynamic career. It demands business sense and creativity. Some of the primary duties are:
Merchandising and Inventory Management: Making products available at the correct time.
Brand Management: Sustaining the brand's identity and positioning.
Sales and Customer Experience: Improving shopping experiences. Enhance customer loyalty.
Store and E-commerce Management: Managing both offline stores and online stores.
Supply Chain Coordination: Coordinating logistics and vendor management.
Career Opportunities in Fashion Retail Management
A fashion retail management degree provides multiple career opportunities:
Retail Store Manager – Directing daily store operations and sales.
Merchandising Manager – Choosing and stocking fashion items.
E-commerce Manager – Directing fashion brands' presence online.
Visual Merchandiser – Designing appealing store displays.
Brand Manager – Creating marketing campaigns for fashion brands.
Kickstart Your Career in Fashion Retail Management
Seeking the best in fashion education? Parul Institute of Design is your destination! It provides career-specific courses to make fashion retail management a rewarding student career option. It has top faculty and strong connections in the fashion retail industry. They impart much-needed skills and exposure. Students emerge winners in the competitive fashion retail business.
Ready to become a part of the fashionable retail world? Choose fashion designing at Parul University immediately!
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