#Incorrect RoCo
incorrect-mltd-quotes · 3 months
Subaru: My girlfriend is wearing an actual suit to her autism diagnosis appointment. Roco: It’s a special event!
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oddeyevibes · 1 year
Seeker: Has anyone tried making edibles but without weed? Like virgin edibles or something?
Switchblade: Bitch you mean food????
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danganronpa-atn · 1 year
Rose: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Nico: This is a lie. Nico: I'm literally dating her. This is a lie. Nico: SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS??
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starsailorstories · 5 years
since last weekend’s brief discussion i’ve given more thought to how the gang texts
Lux: Wouldn’t, because both bright screens and cellular signals passing through her receiver at close range give her a headache, but if she did it would be exceedingly terse and perfectly grammatical. Except every so often when she said something mean but clever she’d follow it up with a second message that’s just o:)
Rin: Overrelies on autocorrect to the point where they’ll just leave contextually incorrect words in if they like, rhyme with what they meant, and expect their loved ones to solve their mysterious word puzzle
Cepheid: Reassuringly mirrors the texting style of whoever she’s talking to but with 200% more emojis. Or if she has time texts in the style of a Carrie Fisher tweet
Nina: Has an arcane system of expressing tone using the various leaf and flower emojis that not even she can completely explain
Carey: Normal text. Normal text. CAPS LOCK TEXT
Devin: Ends everything with a tilde~ Difficult to know how to interpret this~
Shade: The kind of person who types LOL in all caps every time. You know the kind.
Bolt: As discussed, an emotional punctuator
Deadeye: Grandma who ends every text with an ominous ellipse....
Oakley: Painstakingly replaces all her o’s with cherry blossom emojis until Shade is like I Am Sorry But Please Stop and she stops because she was getting tired of it anyway
Blue: Ends friendly requests/conversations with “TIA!” or “SYS!” and has no idea how obnoxious it sounds
Roco: Read at 10:48AM
Twitch: Replies with single emojis and not even like, easy-to-interpret ones
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 4 months
Azusa, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was queen of the ducks. Roco: I would, but then I would be lying to the Queen of All Ducks.
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 8 months
Roco: My diagnosis? Rowdy little scoundrel disorder.
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Subaru: Could you ever see us being...being more than friends? Roco: YES! I’m so glad you asked! I can totally see us as dragons. Hang on, let me find the picture I drew—
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 7 months
Reika, over text: Check your mail. Roco: Why did you send me packing peanuts? Roco: Nevermind, there's an item.
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 7 months
Roco, too nervous to ask for emotional support: Man, it smells like wrongdog in here.
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 6 months
Roco, cradling Anna’s face lovingly: Hey. I spilled superglue on my hands.
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oddeyevibes · 1 year
Switchblade: You use emoji’s like a straight person.
Lancer: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
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Anna: I wish puberty took you to a customize character screen.
Roco: Do you realize how many people would be dragons?
Anna: You say that like it’s a bad thing.
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Roco: Craft stores are just like "Can I interest you in some...objects? Some items? Would you love some things?" and every time I'm like OOOH I love objects and items and things!
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Roco: People are so annoying. "You can't paint your bedroom pink, you're an adult". I did not spend my entire life waiting to grow up and control my life to paint my bedroom beige.
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Roco: Picasso died in 1973...nobody talk to me I thought this man lived in the 1500s.
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Yuriko: So how old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
Anna, whispering to Roco: How old am I again?
Roco: You’re 14 years old.
Anna: I was 14 years old.
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