#In the end it didn’t fit and I cut it out but i wanted y’all to know
jaegerisim · 1 year
TW: internalized homophobia, manipulation, panic attacks and mileven making out (sorry y'all, it's for the plot and this the last chapter they'll do it. I pinky promise 😔 we'll get onto the Henderhop the next chapter 😀).
Also the whole diary thing in this chapter I've ripped off of the actual HP lore. 🥲 I also ripped off the whole byler fight from the s3 fight. 😞😞😞
Will was not especially happy to board on the Hogwarts Express unlike his future sister, El, who was bouncing up and down with excitement. Will had gotten to know her over the summer and despite his initial jealousy, he liked her a lot. She was sweet and caring with shoulder-length brown hair and big eyes.
Will really couldn't blame her for being so joyful, she was dating Mike after all, the most loving and perfect human-being ever and as her brother, he was happy for her. Yet, whenever he saw them together or heard them talk over the phone, his guts burnt with jealousy. El was a constant reminder of how Mike would never be his to love.
Normally sitting in a compartment with his friends would make Will happy but lately being with them made him feel alone.
Thus, the train ride had been, in Will's humble opinion, absolutely miserable. With Mike and El, in the seat next to him, not being able to stop kissing for 5 fucking minutes and Mike constantly shoving Will against the window to make room for their gross make-out session. To make matters worse, in the seat in front of him, Max and Lucas were loudly arguing but every 7 insults, they'd began to make-out sloppily.
It was as if both couples were in an intense competition of who could gross Will out more. Mike and El were clearly winning because at least Lucas and Max kiss lovingly while Mike and El just, ew.
Will was growing bored and he he'd brought his wizards chess set on board since it was one of his favorite games. Mike loved it too, and so maybe he wanted to play. Will remembered fondly how the both of them used to play it in Mike's basement. Secretly, Mike's basement felt more like home to Will than the house in which he lived. Since in Mike's basement he felt safe and mostly, loved.
So Will tapped Mike's shoulder in a poor attempt to draw his attention away from El. He was met with Mike huffing annoyed.
"Mike, do you wanna play wizards chess?" Will offered with a small smile.
"But now's not the time" complained Mike, throwing his head back.
"Is it? Is it not the time, Michael?" interrupted Will.
"Well, can I at least kiss El one last time?" giggled Mike.
"Oh, God." Max facepalmed.
Mike kissed El and reluctantly began to play. He constantly rolled his eyes, huffed and complained. Will tried to not feel hurt by his best friend's behavior but when Mike began to mock the game, something inside Will snapped.
"Fine! You win! Congratulations!" Will sneered as he got up from his seat, to leave.
"Will, I was just messing around!" Mike tried to stop Will from leaving but the other boy wasn't taking it. "Let's finish for real!"
"Just forget it Mike" sighed Will packing up the wizards chess.
"But I want to keep playing, ok?"
"I said forget it Mike, okay?" Will exclaimed "I'm going outside"
Mike put himself in between Will and the door.
"Move!" growled Will, pushing Mike and brushing passed him.
"Will, come on! You can't leave!" floundered Mike.
Bet, thought Will with bitterness.
"Listen, I said I was sorry, all right? It's a really cool game! I'm just busy with other stuff right now." Mike was clearly trying to excuse his actions but Will wasn't having it.
"Yeah, Mike, that's the problem: you guys are always busy and you're ruining The Party."
Will was finally getting to say all those things he'd felt over the the last month but hadn't told anyone out of fear. Out of fear of hurting Mike, but now Will couldn't give a fuck about Mike and his stupid feelings.
"That's just not true!" Mike shot defensively.
"Really? Where's Dustin now?" Will asked crossing his arms over his chest.
Mike remained silent as he pursed his lips.
Will asked this fully conscious Mike wouldn't know. Dustin was hanging out with Steve, someone who Dustin had bonded with over the summer. Will knew this because his brother Jonathan was Steve's boyfriend, and had told Will, Dustin tagged along on many of the couple's dates.
"See? You don't even know and you don't even care." Will spat "And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him. You're ruining everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
Will shouldn't have called El stupid, he knows but in the heat of the moment and with all the bubbling anger he felt, he couldn't care less.
"El's not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike yelled.
That felt like a blow in the gut, leaving Will breathless and trembling. This meant he was weak and men shouldn't be weak (or so his father had taught him and Jonathan). Still, as much as it hurt, he wouldn't cry. At least not in front of Mike.
Mike must have known he fucked up because his voice became softer and quieter.
"Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, ok?" Mike whispered but Will scoffed. "But we're not kids anymore, I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?''
Something in the way Mike said it sounded almost desperate and pleading.
"Yeah, I guess I did." hissed Will with venom and ironically Mike seemed more heartbroken than the brunet.
Will turned around on his heel and ran away towards the bathroom, trying to swallow the lump of rage he felt in his throat.
He truly was alone, he has no one to go to. He really didn't feel like going to his brother or mother and Robin was probably annoying (read: flirting with) Nancy.
When he opened the door and entered the bathroom, he sat under the sink and curled on himself. His breathing grew heavy as he repeated "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" over and over like some sick mantra, until someone gently tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and saw Professor Creel looking at him concerned.
"Will? Are you ok?" the teacher asked sitting down next to Will.
"No, not really, Professor." he answered. He felt comfortable with Professor Creel, he was the head of Will's house, after all.
"Call me Henry." smiled the blond "Not feeling too good, huh? Well, I can't have Slytherin's best Beater not feel good, now can I?"
Will chuckled feeling proud. At least someone seemed to appreciate his Quidditch skills.
"You know when I feel sad I like to write about it in my diary. Here, I'm gonna give you this notebook so that you can use it as a diary, ok?"
Henry handed him a black notebook.
"Um, yeah, ok. Cool" Will took the notebook and held it gingerly.
"Well, I best be off. I was having quite the discussion with Professor Argyle about a muggle herb called cannabis." smiled Henry.
Will didn't care about Mike saying Henry was untrustworthy, Henry was a great person who cared about Will unlike Mike, his former best friend.
Henry got up and left the bathroom leaving Will alone, once again.
Since Will had nothing else to do he decided to go inside the nearest stall, sit down and write something in the diary. So he took out the spare quill and ink he always had on himself. After all, he was an artist.
"Hello, my name is Will Byers." he wrote.
His writing disappeared and instead another message appeared.
Hello Will, I'm 001.
Will stared at the notebook in shock.
"Are you alive?" Will wrote, quickly.
You could say that, yes. I'm a trapped consciousness inside of this diary, more precisely. Still, I once was a Hogwarts student, which I’m guessing you are, right?
“Yes, I’m from the Slytherin house and starting my third year!” he corresponded.
I was a Slytherin too, the best house. If I do say so myself.
Will chuckled, was Slytherin truly the best house? Everyone seemed to despise them. Yeah, there were a couple of assholes in the house, like Billy and Troy, but weren’t there assholes in every house?
Will could name a few ones out of the top of his head: Steve, a Gryffindor, used to be an asshole until Jonathan and him got into a fistfight; Fred Benson, a Ravenclaw, had apparently done some pretty fucked up stuff too; Jason Carver, another Gryffindor, was notorious for being extremely stuck up and throwing wild parties in the boy’s dorm (there were also rumors of him cheating on his girlfriend, poor Chrissy Cunningham, with several girls).
"Well, do you mind if I tell you something? You can’t tell anyone, though.” Will scribbled in his cursive writing.
Sure. Who would I tell anyways?
“Ok, well the thing is that….” Will recounted what happened with Mike and the further in the story, the tighter he gripped his quill. When he finished, he waited to see 001’s response:
That kid sounds like such an ass, not gonna lie. You should really stop considering him your best friend. Best friends don’t treat you like absolute garbage.
Will pondered this, and really, 001 was right.
This “conversation” kept on going for the rest of the train ride and school year. Will avoided The Party, except Max, at all costs and constantly run away to “talk” with 001 (much to Mike’s disgust and jealousy).
The year went by swiftly until the very last week of June, during which, Billy had begun a fire in the Forbidden Forest in a desperate attempt to break up Max and Lucas. Fortunately, neither Lucas or Max had been harmed but Billy died. The fire was known as The Great Fire of ‘85 and it left Max completely devastated. Mostly, because her step-brother had tried to murder her and Lucas for being an interracial couple. This left her with a huge emotional burden she’d only told Will.
Thanks to 001 he’d realized that he didn’t need to be friends that weren’t from his own house. 001 had taught Will new and more powerful spells, he’d also taught Will about how being a Slytherin mean being the best.
Now, Will was determined for Max to meet 001, his other best friend, and for him to teach Max all the things he’d taught Will. So he asked a delighted Professor Creel for another notebook for Max, who reluctantly accepted it. After a day of using it, she admitted to having loved the present.
Max and Will liked to gush about 001’s appearance and while Will imagined him as a handsome man, Max imagine him as a sickly old man. They loved their new friend and thought that 001 was the only friend they needed.
In their innocence, they both believed to have met an angel or even god, when they’d actually made a deal with the devil.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 4
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
We didn’t do hot Glenn summer for him to LOSE. Spoilers for his story but MORE PROPAGANDA FOR YOU:
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Listen, I don't know this other character but I've seem some good arguments for her However Consider Glenn Close winning through no effort of his own in a bullshit way despite being a dick is the most in character thing ever. He leveled up three times and got a crab mech, we GOT to give him this win, it's fitting
I don’t regulate if minors follow me or not bc I’m a pretty chill space but I hope the world is aware that’s the only reason I haven’t been downright nasty about Glenn close. I’m down bad. I’m NOT in the boat of ‘Glenn isn’t sexy but I want him to win bc it’s my fandom’. I would estimate I have 200+ drawings of Glenn on my phone that AREN’T safe for work. Way more that are. Where did they come from? That’s MY business. But I tell you this fact to assure you- Glenn IS sexy. I’m not voting to represent my fandom I’m voting out of TRUTH AND LOVE. IF YOU DON’T GET IT YOU DON’T GET IT!!! I just think my level of feral over this man is more powerful than y’all realize. If you don’t get his sex appeal that’s okay, but don’t doubt that this is my truth.
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. Do you think pickman needs this to feel good about herself? Can she not accept a loss for the sake of a pathetic father? Can she shake hands with the minivan fucker and his human gun and just take the L on this one? He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
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Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Mod Note 2: This tournament is about fictional podcast characters. Please do not vote for the real actress Glenn Close.
Lup (The Adventure Zone: Balance):
Is somehow the hot twin between her and Taako
Lup Bluejeans (née... Taaco? Tacco? Taco? Tako? who tf knows this is why I'm going with her husband's last name. doylistly she gets her last name from her brother whose last name is given as "Taako again but spelled differently"): Hot, funny, smart and undead. Is there anything else you could want in a woman?? Well, in case there is: she's also canonically trans
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rachelsfav-queer · 4 days
Wednesday: I really don’t see what this all has to do with the bouquet of flowers you offered me, Enid. Quite frankly, you seem to be acting stra-
Enid is left panting from screaming so much and Wednesday is left flabbergasted, mouth wide open and her face bright red. As literal months of missed flirting and misinterpreted gestures pass by her eyes in less than a second, Wednesday realizes how true Enid’s statement was, as harsh as it may have been. She truly was the most clueless person on earth, perhaps even on the astral plane as well. Just as Enid is about to storm off, Wednesday speaks.
Wednesday: Enid. I apologize for unwittingly putting you through this torture of trying to get through my admittedly thick skull and confess your feelings towards me. I’m ashamed to share any trait in common with that socially inept gorgon you call an ex boyfriend…
Enid: *interrupting sadly* Wends… I didn’t mean that whole, clueless thing. I just… my emotions got a bit ahead of me, I’m sorry. You’re not-
Wednesday: But I am, am I not? I’ve been completely clueless to your advances and looking back, it’s certainly not from a lack of trying on your part. I wish I could’ve noticed your affections earlier, so that I may have told you that they are returned in full by me.
Enid: *starstruck* Wow… well, I’m super glad that you feel the same way about me, Wends. And just for the record, trying to court you has been like, a thousand times more enjoyable than it was with Ajax. At least you were aware enough to go along with everything I had us do, he was barely aware I was even talking to him half the time. Again, he’s cute, but very clueless.
Wednesday was caught on one part of Enid’s sentence.
Wednesday: Court me? You want to court me, Enid?
Enid: *smirks and giggles* Of course, silly! I would absolutely love to get the chance to sweep you off your feet! Just like you deserve, cutie! *winks*
Wednesday: *blushes, smiles* Oh, mi loba. I would love nothing more than to be swept away by your affections. What a fitting proposal for an Addams, being courted by such a beautifully deadly creature as you, Enid.
Enid: *extends her hand* Well then, mi luna, will you allow me to court you? Prove myself worthy of your divine beauty?
Wednesday: *takes her hand* As if you haven’t already proven it by saving my life. But yes, please woo me, Enid.
On the other side of the graveyard, Yoko and Divina are watching the interaction, eating popcorn and drinking soda.
Yoko: Wow, that was literally the gayest shit I’ve ever seen.
Divina: Yeah, that was harder to watch than you trying to be flirty with me before we started dating, baby.
Yoko: *spluttering* I- you- you said! But-
Divina cuts her off with a kiss.
Divina: Shh, you’re cuter when you’re quiet. *winks*
Yoko somehow blushes bright red.
End <3
(Note: Sorry this was so damn long lol. I just couldn’t get the idea out of my head of Enid courting Wednesday, so I had to add some plot to it. Hope y’all enjoyed!)
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jasmineeeeeeeeesblog · 4 months
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Y’all I’m klauses and Caroline biggest shipper they should’ve been end game 😔
‼️SMUT‼️:p in v, masturbation, oral (m! Receiving and f! Receiving), face fucking.
Summary: You were a werewolf. You ran your pack so unfortunately living in New Orleans. You had to report back to Klaus.
I was one of the many who had to answer to Klaus. It’s not like I hated the man personally but I know he’s done very bad things . If he needed to he would cross you in a heart beat. He’s even done it to his own family. I stayed out the way with my pack and only seen him when I had too. I didn’t want my pack to get affected because I was too selfish to go meet with the big bad hybrid. He was not that bad to me. I mean obvious Klaus things but he was actually pretty kind towards me compared to others but I think that’s just towards women. I’ve never done anything to get on his bad side. I mean who would want to try. I may be a werewolf but I’m mortal. Who I look like going against an immortal original hybrid. That’s like a death wish. I’m not that stupid. He was attractive he had blonde curly hair, a fit figure, tall, and blue eyes. He was the definition of hot but id be dumb enough to fall for him. Any girl that falls for him ends up dead or was used by him. Getting caught up with Klaus is the last thing I want to do. I walk into the compound looking for Klaus. I hear him yelling my name. Me thinking something was wrong I use my super speed from my moonlight ring and I was at his bedroom door.
The door was cracked open. I could see Klaus with his around his dick with him moaning my name. “Just like that Y/n” He looked like a masterpiece his head flew back, cheeks red, messy hair, shirtless, and with gray sweatpants on. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him right now. I move slightly and he heard his eyes shot up at me he threw the covers over himself and fixed his pants under them. I stared at him. “Oh un y/n I wasn’t suspecting you” he says breathlessly. “I thought today we had the meeting” I say. “Oh I forgot to tell you that it got canceled” he says. “Yeah I can see you were busy” I say with a smirk. His face falls down to a frown. I get down on the bed and push him back again. “Don’t let me stop you” I say. He gulps as he brings his hand to his sweatpants grabbing his dick and pulling it out. He wrapped a hand around it and started going at a slow pace teasing himself. I take his other hand and slip into my shirt and my bra. I watched him touch himself with a moan as he played with my nipple. He threw his head back with a moan. After all that shit I was talking I’m here in his bed…
He bucked his hips at his hand. He made eye contact with me. I felt my stomach getting butterflies. As I got wetter. He took my boob out of my shirt and then did the same with the other one. He pulled me up onto to him and whispered in my ear “please touch me.” His voice made me wanna go insane. I brought my hand to his dick. He moaned in my ear then started kissing my neck and touching all over of my boobs. I start stoking him at a fast pace. This big bad hybrid falling apart all because of my hand. I start kissing his neck and torso. “You’re falling apart all because of my hand” I said as I came back to his ear. “Y/n I’ll fuck the shit out of you right now don’t tease me” he says. “Who’s stopping you from not” I say with a smirk. I see his eyes turn into the gold and seeing his veins for a second then it went back to normal. He grabs my head and pushes it down to his dick. “Use you’re lips for something other than talking” he says. I slowly take his tip in my mouth licking and sucking it. He let out a groan and grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down and I gagged. He took his hand off fast but I grabbed it back and put his hand back on it. He started face fucking me. His moans were driving me insane. “Y/n can I finish in your-“ he said cut off by his own moans as I start going up and down at a fast pace and sucking him as I did and licking down his dick. He finished in my mouth and I swallowed it.
He sat up and opened my lips and seen that I swallowed it. I seen him get hard again. “You’re so perfect Y/n” he said. He flipped me over onto his bed and start kissing all down me taking my shirt off and just ripping my bra. I look at him frustrated as that was my favorite bra “don’t worry love I’ll get you new ones” he said with a smirk. He was kissing and leaving hickeys all over my breast’s and stomach. He reached the hem of my leggings and looked up at me for permission. I shook my head yes. He slid my panties and leggings down and off. I was fully naked in front of him and exposed before I could even let that sink in he slipped his fingers in me. I threw my head back. “Klaus” I said with a moan. He looked up at me with a smirk as he brought his lips to my clit. His pace quickened. He soon found my g-spot and I grinded against his fingers with a loud moan. He started hitting it at a fast pace will his tongue circled my clit. My legs were shaking. “Klaus I’m about to-“ I said but my head went back as he went faster and I finished all over his fingers. He grabbed my jaw with his other hand and made me look at him as he licked my juices off his hand. I sat up and slid his sweatpants all the way off. “Someone’s needy” he says.
He pulled me into a kiss as he laid me back on the bed and pulled away as he aligned himself to my entrance. “Can I do this y/n” he says. Instead of answer him I slowly push down onto him taking some of him he then slid the rest in me. I let out a gasp. He slowly pulled out and I whined. He than went back in me hard. I brought my hands to his back and started scratching it. He started pounding into me fast and hard. “You’re such a mess for me” he said kissing me. I cried out as he hit my g-spot. I tightened against him my whole body shaking as I finished around him. He threw his head back as I squeezed him. He went at a faster pace pounding into me. We were both a mess. He started slapping on my clit. I finished around his dick for the second time as he bottomed out and finished deep in me then with a few more thrusts to ride out our highs. He then collapsed on top of me. “This isn’t done yet”he said as fell asleep. Now I was up alone this man had just made me finish 3 times in less than an hour. That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life but then I realized I was just another fuck to him. I was gonna leave before he woke up so it wasn’t awkward. I waited and made sure he was asleep. I used my super speed I grabbed my leggings and threw them on and I found his jacket on a chair my shirt was teared and I’d just give his hoodie back or throw it away. I ran to the door I opened it and Elijah was there about to knock. He seen the state of the room and of me and he smirked “where are you going” he says. I just run past him he didn’t make it a thing to find me but I know he was going to wake up Klaus. He probably wouldn’t care though. How was I supposed to face him after this.
I went to the bayou where my pack was. My best friend seen me as I was and started questioning me. She could smell the hoodie it was klauses scent. She started asking questions as in what happened but I just ignored her. I hope I didn’t make klaus mad and he wouldn’t want to help my pack. I’ll just go over and apologize later. I don’t know why I left but I just didn’t wanna be there when he woke up. I get in the shower and wash off. Then I get out and his scent from the hoodie was driving me insane for some reason. So I put it back on with some shorts. It’s been a few hours and he hasn’t came angrily over yet so I think I’m in the clear until I have to see him again. He probably didn’t care that much then. I laid on my bed and fell asleep. I soon woke up to someone opening my door I shot up. It was a dark figure I could see. I checked the time it was 2am. I grabbed a random object to throw at the person. The figure turned the light on and it was Klaus I set the object down. “Why’d you leave” he says in a stern tone. “I don’t know” I say. “That’s the reason you left I wanted you to stay” he says. “Why so I could be your new fuck buddy that you just use” I say snapping at him. I don’t know why I did he could kill me at any moment. “Is that really what you think about me” he says his face softened. I shake my head slightly. He crawled onto the bed with me and sighed. He laid on top of me not in a sexual way but more in a soft way and he rubbed my hips. I rubbed the back of his hair and he laid he sighed as he fell asleep. I soon fell asleep with him feeling safe in his embrace.
This was smut with a little fluff I thought it’d be cute
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Gonna drop this here before I completely disconnect from the outside world.
What aboutttt bestie Sasha introducing you and drugDealer!Ony at a party, only to find out y’all already know each other very, very well.
me and you like this fr🤞🏽 we share a brain. you are me and i am you. i love you twin😩 we gon use shy!reader for this one bc regular reader would’ve been made it known that he was her man😭
“girl let’s goooo. you wont die if you just lived a little.” your roommate sasha sighed as she watched you look yourself over for the third time. “i don’t know sash. it’s a little short for me” fingers toying with the fabric of the short skirt as you looked at your unrecognizable reflection.
you weren’t really the type to wear this kind of stuff. going for a calmer, more covered up look rather than the cute skimpy outfits sasha would wear. but since this was your first party your roomate insisted you borrow some of her clothes. “girl you look sexy as fuck. if i wasn’t with connie i’d definitely hit that.”
sasha light tapped your ass before turning on her heals and leaving your room. “i’ll be in the car bitch. don’t take all night in here staring at yourself.” you sighed before picking up your purse and following her. as soon as the two of you walked in the door the smell of weed and alcohol hit you, making your scrunch up your face as you fanned your hands in the air to clear the smoke.
“no need to be doing allat girl. i’m getting you high tonight anyways.” sasha giggled as she watched your eyes widen. the two of you walked deeper into the party, eventually stopping in the kitchen for some drinks. you settled for a small cup of casamigos while sasha grabbed a couple shots of fireball.
you didn’t get the chance to take a sip of your drink before sasha began pulling you towards the backyard. “we gotta go cop some weed before we start.” you gave her a puzzled look. “connie’s not here so where you gon get it from?” your question was immediately answered when the two of you stopped in front of a man leaning on the wall.
he was tall, about 6’3 wearing his sweatpants sagging a little under his briefs. his black tee fit snug, stretching a little as his arms flexed while he was lighting the blunt in his mouth. “ony ony onyyyy.” sasha yelled as she gave the guy a side hug. “yoo sash. what you need?”
ony gave you a calm glance, eyeing you as he took a long hit from the blunt. sasha took his expression as confusion, explaining the situation to prevent any confusion. “oh!! ony this is my best friend and roommate y/nnn!!” she turned towards you, laying her hand on your shoulder to give ony an introduction as well. “y/n this is onyankopon. connie’s bestest friend and my backup plug.”
ony chuckled as he held his heart. “damn that’s all i am?” sasha sighed loudly before correcting herself. “and he’s my friend” his large hand outstretched, waiting for you to shake it. your hand slowly connected with his, looking away shyly as his deep voice rang through your ears. “nice t’meet you sweetheart. what y’all ladies lookin for tonight.”
sasha opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. “hello?….the fuck you mean?….ughhh okay….okayyy i hear you damn.” you and ony looked at her in confusion. “uhhh we gotta go. connie stupid ass left his gun in my trunk and he needs it now.” sasha rolled her eyes as she put the fireballs on the nearby chair.
you honestly didn’t wanna go to connie’s, knowing damn well the two of them was gon end up arguing then fucking mad loud upstairs while you sat on the couch watching spongebob. ony could tell you didn’t want to go by looking at your face offering to take you home instead. “i can take her. if you okay wit that” sasha immediately shook her head. “hell nah she don’t know you like that. ian gon do that to my girl.”
ony shook his head as he watched you stand there with your hands behind your back, swaying from side to side as you quietly watched the two of them go back and forth. “sash i know how y’all be getting and i know she don’t feel like sitting in the living room while you get your back blown out by my brother.” a giggle flew out of your lips as sasha gasped in shock. “oh my goddd y’all be hearing usss??”
the two of you nodded your head before sasha looked away in embarrassment. “you okay wit going wit this bum?” brown eyes looking him up and down before a small smile crept on your lips. “i don’t mind as long as you don’t drive fast.” ony’s lips twitched into a smirk. gold grills peeking at you before he replied. “i’ll drive at whatever pace you want.”
“oohhhh my godddd faster daddyyy.” you moaned as ony pounded into you. hand lying flat on your back as you drooled all over his seats. strings of your arousal kept the two of you connected as you started fucking yourself back onto his dick. “that’s right mama throw that shit back. you know how i like it.” your ass clapped repeatedly on his stomach as you moaned his name.
“love your lil outfit princess. look so sexy wit this skimpy shit on.” ony’s hand gripped the skirt that was bunched up around your hips. tugging on it to fuck you onto him harder. he took his other hand and landed two rough slaps to your ass. “ooouuu mhm.” your ass poked out more are you prayed for more of the delicious contact. “you like that mama? like when daddy spanks you?”
“ y-yea. w-want daddy t’be rough wit me.” ony smiled at your change in behavior. just thirty minutes ago you were quiet as a mouse, barely able to look him in the eye. but now here you were, getting your back blown out in the back of ony’s black srt, begging him to fuck you like a slut.
you and ony have been doing this thing for awhile now where you’d act like the two of you weren’t well acquainted in public just to fuck each other like you’re married in private. since he was a very well known guy and you didn’t talk to many people you came up with the idea to leave your little situation a secret.
trying to avoid the drama that came with having a fine ass drug dealer for a boyfriend. it’s been going well in your eyes, but ever since ony saw you all dressed up for this party he knew that tonight he’d have make you fold. wanting your sexy ass all to himself everyday and not just days you were alone and horny.
“i want you t’be my girl” he moaned as he stilled his hips. watching you continue to throw it back on him at a slow pace. his words made you look back at him, hips never faltering as you looked for a hint of untruthfulness in his eyes. “b-but people might-”
“ion give a fuck about how people gon feel. i only want one girl and it’s you.” a moan slipped from your lips as ony began thrusting into you again. light brown palms pushing your back down again before slamming into you repeatedly. “auugghh onyyy.” your hand reached back and gripped his wrist, holding it tightly as you tried to endure the harsh strokes he fed you.
“be mine y/n. that way you can be daddy’s girl every night instead of the nights you home alone.” your pussy fluttered at his words. you loved when he talked like this. “c-can i think ab-about it daddy?” ony leaned down to kiss on your neck. “take your time mama. m’stayin wit you tonight anyways.”
ony ended up crashing at your place that night. chest full of tattoos facing the ceiling as he slept on his back. his black durag that he always left in your dresser fitting snug on his head. while you admired your new boyfriend you were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. “hello?” you whispered. “hey girl m’stayin over at connie’s. you get home safe?hope he didn’t drive too fast.” you giggled as you glanced at ony’s sleeping figure, brows furrowed and lips parted as he slept peacefully in your bed.
“i got here fine. he drove really well-” the feeling of ony’s large hand pulling your back to his chest made you gasp before he spoke lowly in your ear. “why you so far away mama? when you stay at my crib you usually like to sleep on my chest.” his sleepy voice rang through the speaker, making sasha gasp. “oh. my. go-”
“see you tomorrow girl byeeee.” you hung up, putting your phone on silent to hush the millions of texts sasha was going to send soon. you turned towards ony before lightly pushing him in his back so you could sleep comfortably on his chest. “goodnight princess.” he grumbled before falling back asleep. you smiled, cuddling your face deeper into his inked chest. “goodnight papa.”
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littlexdeaths · 5 months
bye bye bye - e.m.
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y2k eddie munson x girly reader
opposites attract masterlist
warnings: gareth is a dickhead, hope y’all like some cheesy fluff, eddie is a complete dork but we love him for it.
a/n: this is a repost of my first y2k eddie fic, with some much needed edits and additions. i will be working on editing and posting the rest of this series soon. i hope you enjoy 💕
word count: 1.5k
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Today really hadn’t gone how you’d planned.
You had been hanging out with Eddie and his band mates, something you’d done quite often. Only this time you made the mistake of wearing your *NSYNC tour shirt.
It wasn’t a secret that you and Eddie had polar opposite tastes, it was apparent by just looking at you. You were all pink, bubblegum and boy bands. And your boyfriend was a leather clad, heavy metal enthusiast.
Despite these differences, you fit so well together.
And as they say— opposites attract.
But one of his friends was always more standoffish towards you because of it. While you were always nice to Gareth, he seemed annoyed anytime Eddie brought you around. But today that annoyance had seemingly reached its peak.
And all over a stupid t-shirt.
Eddie had gone to get you both a drink, leaving you in the living room with the three other males. They were discussing the newest Linkin Park album. Which oddly enough, was a band you actually enjoyed outside your normal realm of music.
You perked up at the mention of the album, as it had been the only thing Eddie had been playing since it was released. Feeling eager to see what they also thought of it.
“Oh come on man, you can't say Meteora is better than Hybrid Theory,” Jeff scoffs, shaking his head in response to Gareth’s admission as Eddie leaves the room.
The male rolls his eyes before tossing a piece of popcorn at Jeff’s head, “See that’s where you’re wrong dude, have you tried listening to the albums back to back?”
You take this as an opportunity to add in your two cents, trying to include yourself in the conversation despite your nerves.
“Well, personally I think both albums are great in their own—”
You are interrupted with a loud snort as Gareth rudely cuts you off, glancing down at your shirt before meeting your eyes.
“Why would we care about your opinion of it? All you listen to is boy band trash pop,” he sneers, rolling his eyes as he turns back to his friends.
It felt like someone had punched you in the gut, any other words became lodged in your throat. Jeff and Grant throw apologetic glances your way, but continue on with the conversation as if nothing had happened.
Eddie returns shortly after, completely oblivious to what had just transpired. He plops down next to you on the sofa and passes you a can of coke. Due to your solemn appearance, he knew something was wrong. He just didn’t know what.
A frown tugs at the corner of his mouth as he wraps an arm around your waist, tucking you into his side.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks softly, replying with a shrug of your shoulders.
You let your eyes fall to the open can of soda clutched in your fist. You didn’t want to talk about it, especially not in front of them. The last thing you wanted was to cause a scene, or to give Gareth the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
So you sat quietly through the next half hour, letting Eddie enjoy the time with his friends.
But he couldn’t seem to let it go, far too focused on what had caused this sudden shift in your mood. So he ended the hangout early, claiming to be too tired from work. But all of you knew the real reason, guilt filled your chest as he walked you out to his van.
They must think you’re a buzzkill too.
The questions started the moment the door shut behind him, badgering you the entire way back to your house. You easily dodged his line of questioning, claiming to be tired. But Eddie wasn’t having any of that, he could see right through you. He always could.
“Baby, come on. Talk to me please,” he pleaded as he followed you up the stairs to your bedroom.
You continued to ignore him as you sat on the bed with a sigh. You felt embarrassed, knowing such a silly comment shouldn’t bother you as much as it did. All you wanted was for his friends to like you, but it was made abundantly clear that they didn’t.
All because you favored pop music? It all felt so trivial, like they weren’t even willing to give you a real chance. It hurt your feelings more than you cared to admit.
But Eddie being the sweet, doting boyfriend that he was— wasn’t giving up that easily.
“Just tell me what happened, sweetheart.” He says, kneeling in front of you, palms resting on either side of your thighs.
“It’s stupid,” you mutter, avoiding his curious gaze.
“Nothing that upset you this much is stupid,” he counters as you let out a groan, dramatically falling back onto the mattress and covering your face.
You hear his exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of his chest against yours as he leans over you. Eddie carefully removes your hands from your face, looking down at you expectantly.
“Your friends don’t like me,” you utter softly.
He frowns, confusion settling on his features.
“Why do you say that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes which causes his frown to deepen.
“Well, just look at me…” you trail off, gesturing to yourself. “And look at you.”
It’s his turn to sigh now, taking your hands as he guides you back into a sitting position. Eddie cups your cheeks in between his palms, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I know what you’re insinuating, but I promise that’s the furthest thing from the truth.” He reassures you, his dark eyes utterly sincere.
And as much as you want to believe him, there’s still a small part of you that wonders if maybe they are right. Maybe you’re too different. He must be able to read the apprehension lingering on your features, as one of determination crosses over his.
“I don’t know what they said to make you think that,” he pauses to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. “But I won’t hesitate to kick some ass, sweetheart.”
Despite the teasing lithe in his voice you know he’s serious, quickly shaking your head. The last thing you’d want is to cause more beef with his friends.
“It’s fine, Eds, I’m just too sensitive.” You give him a quick peck on the lips, “Let’s just drop it, yeah?”
You pull away to scoot further up the mattress, patting the spot beside you. But he shakes his head, remaining on the floor for a moment. His eyes dart contemplatively around the room, stopping on the shelf that held your extension CD collection.
A Cheshire-like grin tugs at his lips as he moves towards it, balancing on the balls of his feet. Your brows knit together in confusion as his ringed fingers graze over the plastic spines, stopping once he finds what he was looking for. Eddie pops the disc out of its case and into the clunky boombox before pressing play.
The beginning chords of Bye Bye Bye fill the once quiet space of your bedroom. Your boyfriend quickly jumps to his feet, spinning around to face you. He plants his feet on the carpet, head falling forward as his hands raise up in a marionette style.
Your eyes widen in realization as you crawl back towards the edge of your bed, suddenly intrigued. Eddie shoots a wink your way once he meets your gaze, beginning to sing along. His voice stood out amongst the others, the raspy quality brought a new edge to the track.
But he didn’t stop there.
You watched in amazement as he nailed all the choreography from the music video. You had no idea when he found the time to study all the moves. Between classes, work, hellfire and band practice he barely had time to think.
But knowing he took the time to do this, specifically for you— made your stomach flutter.
You can’t stop the smile from lighting up your features, giggling as your boyfriend continues to serenade you.
“I don’t want to be your fool, in this game for two…”
Eddie drops to his knees at your feet again, coaxing you onto the floor with him. He presses feather light kisses all over your face, the sensation causes you to giggle more. As hurt as you had been, the male always knew how to make you forget your problems.
At least for a little while.
“That’s my girl,” he mumbled, grinning down at you.
He’s a little out of breath from his impromptu dance routine, bangs lightly sticking to his forehead.
“You’re an absolute dork, Ed,” you giggle, ruffling his curls in a playful manner.
But the way he’s looking at you has your heart racing. His head dips, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss as the song comes to an end.
“Now, admit it,” he chuckles against your mouth, nudging his nose with yours. “I’m a much better dancer than that Dustin Timberlake.”
You laugh loudly, fondly shaking your head at him.
“It’s Justin, baby…”
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
trevor zegras x fem!reader
part of the Speak Now Fic List
summary: in which y/n and Trevor’s relationship is constantly being criticized by outsiders but they know their love is real.
warnings: references to nsfw activities, hate from outsiders, dialogue heavy, not proofread
notes: written semi-quickly, shorter than my other recent works, idk how i feel about this one, but it’s done and i hope y’all like it. ending is kinda iffy but oh well.
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it seems like there’s always someone who disapproves of Trevor and i’s relationship.
my parents don’t like his carefree and confident demeanor. his younger brother didn’t trust me because i was someone new. his friends didn’t like that i write songs about exes and my relationships.
but most of all his fans and the media, judge us like they know us personally.
mostly judging me.
as a singer, my every move was criticized and picked apart. what i wore was either too homely or too dressed up. i was too skinny or too big. my heels were too tall, but then my nike’s were too ‘tom-boyish’. but the judgement had only seemed to get worse once i started dating Trevor.
suddenly his fans were saying i wasn’t good enough for him. analyzing our body language in photos and claiming that i didn’t act like i liked him. saying i was using him to further my fame.
but on the other side, i had my fans commenting that i was too good for him. citing his previous playboy ways and saying that he wasn’t smart enough or mature enough for me. claiming his bad boy attitude drew me in and that i would ‘come to my senses’ soon.
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liked by trevorzegras, gracieabrams, and 151,308 others
y/nofficial summer with my boy toy <3
tagged trevorzegras
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trevorzegras my beautiful girl, you were off to a great start in the beginning and then you added the last photo
y/nofficial wdym? i think that ones my favorite!
trevorzegras whatever floats your boat mamas
gracieabrams cutest couple in the world ♥️
y/nofficial you’re the real loml <3
gracieabrams shhh i thought we weren’t telling trevor?
user81 i wonder if it’s about Trevor
jackhughes was i cut out of the last pic?! i thought you loved me, y/n 😪
y/nofficial in the wise words of Ariana Grande “you ain’t my boyfriend”
user40 the way she’s leaning away from him in the 5th pic? oh she’s over him
user95 she’s finally over the bad boy thing, i guess
user02 thank god! i don’t want her to get hurt!
user73 @/user02 HER to get hurt?! she’s gonna end up writing a slandering song about my baby Trevor and painting him to be an asshole
user02 @/user73 lmao yeah, well the shoe fits. why shouldn’t she write a song showcasing his true colors?
user73 @/user02 i’m not about to fight with a Y/N stan of all people— have fun supporting your famefucker
user02 @/user73 oh please, she doesnt need to use your little hockey asshole for fame when she’s already more well known than him
user12 we love a PR relationship 🫶
my converse squeak against the marble floors as i leave my execs meeting, catching the attention of many up and coming artists that are waiting in the lobby. i can feel their gazes following my every move, from when i stop in front of the elevator to when i press the down button, and i can’t help but laugh in my head; reminiscing of when i was the same way. star-struck and in awe whenever i saw any artists leaving the same doors i just walked out of.
but now, having been in the business for two years, that feeling has come and gone, replaced by small talk with those very same people that i once looked up to.
“hi.” i smile politely at a redheaded girl that sits close to the elevators, a notebook in her hand and stars in her eyes.
she looks around, as if searching, before she lets out an awkward chuckle. “oh- hi!”
the elevator dings twice before the doors open to another crowd of wannabe pop stars, and i step aside to let them out before waving a goodbye to the doe-eyed redhead and stepping into the elevator.
i’m excited to get back to my boyfriend, but that excitement vanishes when i scroll through twitter on my uber home.
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oh- that was fast.
i can’t help but scroll through the replies and quote tweets, and by the time i arrive back home, i’m disheartened to say the least.
i thought i was being nice by greeting her? even if i couldn’t stay and talk. but apparently i should take this as a lesson for the future, don’t say hi to anyone unless i can stay and chat.
and my mood only worsens when i make it into the house, calling out my boyfriend’s name, to which i get no response.
“Trev?” my voice echoes off the walls of our home as i step into our bedroom, in search of the six foot tall hockey player. but i come up empty, finding that he still isn’t home from training camp.
i slide my phone from my pocket, drafting up a text before ultimately trying my luck at a phone call instead.
the outgoing ring reaches my ear twice before it stops, the call picking up.
“hey babe, what’s up?” Trevor’s tone is light and airy, painting an immediate smile across my lips.
“hey, i was just checking in.” i sit upon the fuzzy white blanket that’s folded along the foot of our bed, running my hands over the soft fabric. “i thought training was supposed to end at noon?”
“oh, yeah, it did.” he confirms, and i can hear someone else talking in the background. “Jimbo and i decided to grab lunch and catch up a bit.”
“oh, okay.” i nod, despite the fact that he can’t see me, and i can hear him conversing with someone.
“shh. hold on.” he tells someone. “he wants to say hi.”
i laugh as Jamie’s voice comes through the line. “HEY Y/N!!!”
“hi Jame!” i reply, listening as he grunts, wrestling the phone from Trevor, i assume.
“i’ve missed you!” he sounds closer now, while Trevor sounds farther away, calling out for his phone back, confirming my suspicions. “when do i get to see you again?”
“i’ve missed you too. if it’s alright with Trevor, and if you’re free, you can come over for dinner tonight?” i tell him. “i can go to the store and grab stuff to make my garlic and basil chicken pasta.”
“oh my favorite! i’m in! i don’t care what Trevor has to say about it, to be honest.” his response causes me to laugh, while my boyfriends calls out an offended ‘hey!’
“see you later!” Jamie yells, as i assume Trevor gets his phone back.
“did you need anything else, babe?” Trevor asks distractedly.
“no, nothin’ else.” i stand, gathering my car keys from my nightstand. “actually, i’m gonna go grocery shopping, can you think of anything we need?”
“condoms,” he replies unabashed, and i blush at the thought that Jamie heard him. “and frosted flakes. i finished ‘em off this morning.”
i roll my eyes before teasing, “the condoms or the frosted flakes?”
“both.” my skin heats up at the reminder of our morning activities, Trevor having woken me up before the sun even came up.
“oh- uh- okay.” Trevor laughs as i stumble over my words. “i’ll grab some more…of both.”
“thanks, love you!” he waits for my reply before hanging up, and i pad out of the bedroom, slipping my shoes back on by the front door before heading out to my car. i wasn’t big on driving, usually letting Trevor take that responsibility, and avoiding it when possible, so i only really used it when i had to go grocery shopping, relying on ubers to go anywhere else.
i slip into the drivers seat, huffing when i find that Trevor messed with my seat again. a harmless prank he likes to pull, just to see when i drive again and if i’ll notice. i adjust my seat before i pull out of the driveway, the radio playing faintly to fill the silence.
i’m nearly done with my shopping trip when it happens.
“he still uses those?” i’m mid-tossing the family size box of Frosted Flakes in the cart when the words reach my ears, and at first, i don’t even notice they’re being spoken to me. “he always said it felt like he was wearing nothing.”
i glance over to find a tall blonde standing next to my cart, staring down at my items.
“i’m sorry?” my brows furrow in confusion.
“oh- the condoms. Skyn Elite? Trevor used them back when he and i used to hook up a couple years ago.” the girl smiles, the supermarket lights reflecting off her sparkly lip gloss. “you’re his new conquest, right? y/n?”
“i’m his girlfriend, yes.” i nod, pursing my lips together in a straight line.
“right,” she nods. “girlfriend. you got the envied title.”
“i guess so.”
she gives another falsely innocent smile. “good luck keeping it! he’s insatiable, is he not? seemed like he was always keeping an eye out for the next girl.”
i’ve never particularly cared about the ghosts of Trevor’s hookup past. why would i be? i had them too, so who was i to be bothered by his? besides, right now, he’s mine. i’m the one he comes home to; the one he loves and talks about a future with.
“well, i should get going.” i tell her, already beginning to push the cart towards the end of the aisle, in route to check out. “it was nice to meet you.”
i was lying, sure, but i wasn’t going to let her get to me.
she bids me goodbye as i walk away, and when i glance back, i see her faux smile drop, her eyes rolling as she sneers, turning the other way.
yeah, i pretty much expected that.
i’ve just made it into the kitchen, dropping the grocery bags onto the counter, when my phone begins to ring, buzzing in my pocket with an incoming call.
i do an awkward dance of trying to free my hand from a twisted bag handle, before retrieving the vibrating device from my pocket, my fathers contact taking up the screen. pressing accept, i hold the phone up to my ear.
“hey, dad!” i chirp, opening the refrigerator to begin unloading the food.
“hey, pumpkin. what are you up to?” his voice drifts in my ear as i put away a gallon of milk.
“just unloading groceries.” i inform him. “what are you and mom doing?”
“oh, nothing.” he sighs. “just missing our little girl.”
i laugh at his dramatics.
“i know, i need to come visit.” i stuff a few cartons of berries and a bag of grapes into the fruit drawer before shutting the fridge.
“so catch me up, honey. what’s new?”
“nothing really. i’m working on some new music, and i had an exec meeting this morning to discuss how the album is coming. but other than that it’s same old same old.”
i open the cupboard, taking care of the box of cereal and a couple bags of chips as i speak.
“and you’re still dating the uh…” he trails off. “the one with the tattoos?”
i can hear the disapproval oozing from his voice and my eyes roll in my head.
“Trevor, yes.” i confirm, walking down the hallway to our bedroom and placing a few things on Trevor’s nightstand before setting a new bottle of shampoo on our bathroom counter.
“yeah, him.” he sneers, and it’s then that i hear the front door open, two sets of footsteps reaching my ears. a smile spreads across my face as Trevor calls out my name. “i don’t understand why anyone would do that to their body. that’s permanent, ya know.”
“mhm.” i hum in disinterest. “hey, dad, i gotta go. i’ll call you later.”
“oh alright, honey. love you!”
“love you too.” i hang up the phone as Trevor steps into the room, smiling at the sight of me.
“there you are.” he beams. his arms snake around my waist, pulling me against him, and his head dips down to bring his lips to mine.
“here i am.” i mumble against his lips, causing a chuckle to arise from his throat.
“Jamie is in the living room. followed me home claiming that he had to see you.” he tells me, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his close friend.
“yeah, i invited him over for dinner.” i inform him. my hands cup the back of his neck, pulling him back down for another kiss.
my whole body relaxes, any tension disappearing when his lips meet mine. his eyes scan my face as he pulls away, and his faces falls, his lips forming an exaggerated frown.
“what’s wrong?” he whispers, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear before pulling my head to his chest.
his heartbeat echoes in my head, calming me immensely.
“nothing.” i mutter, my eyes falling shut when he begins rubbing circles on my back.
“i don’t believe you.”
“it’s nothing, really.” i insist. “nothing that’s actually bothering me. just a little annoyed.”
“what annoyed you, baby?” he sways us back and forth and his hand on my back trails down to tickle at my side, making me giggle.
“well,” i sigh and he pushes me back to look into my face. “i said hi to a girl at warner today-”
he hums, encouraging me to keep talking.
“but it was just a quick ‘hi’. apparently she’s a fan of yours, and she thought it was rude of me to greet her and then not stay and chat.” i explain. “so she took to twitter to say so.”
Trevor huffs, his nose scrunching in annoyance. “well that’s just stupid. you don’t owe anyone a conversation…. except me. because you love me, obviously.”
i laugh at his joke, making his face light up at his successful attempt to cheer me up.
“what else, baby?”
“well then, at the store, i ran into one of your ex-hookups.” i continue, and his brows thread together in confusion.
“which, ya know, doesn’t bother me.” i clarify. “but she made a comment on the condoms we use and implied that our relationship wouldn’t last long.”
“our love is not hers to speculate on.” he gruffs out in annoyance, and i nod along.
“i know. so i walked away.”
“i’m proud of you, love.” he presses a kiss to my forehead, a smile resting upon my face as he does. “is that all?”
“almost.” i breathe out. “then i got home, and my dad called as i was putting away the groceries.”
“okay.” he nods, obviously confused why i would be annoyed about my father calling.
“and he made some snide remarks about your tattoos.” Trevor barks out a laugh at that, quite used to people commenting on the art that adorns his skin.
“i ignored them, and hung up pretty much right after, because you got home. but, i just wish he could look past them, because then maybe he’d see the kind, funny guy that you are and understand why i’ve given my heart to you.”
his eyes squint as he grins at my words, bending his neck to pepper kisses across my nose and cheeks. i squeal at the affection and he pulls back to look me in the eyes.
“baby, i don’t care what your dad thinks of me. only that you like me. and i’m pretty sure that you love me just the way i am.”
i nod, biting my lip and holding back a smile. my cheeks turn hot, a blush settling over them, and he smirks at the sight.
“i don’t want you to worry your pretty little mind, baby.” he coos. “so someone was wrongfully upset that you didn’t take time out of your day to talk to them— who cares? people like to throw rocks at things that shine. and you, my darling, shine so beautifully bright. they’re just jealous.”
i roll my eyes at his cheesy statement, but the sentiment warms my heart. “thank you, Trev.”
“any time, baby.” he pulls me in for another hug, my head resting on his chest again. “our love is ours. nobody else’s. what other people have to say about it, and about us, doesn’t matter.
“you hands belong in mine, my heart belongs to yours, and no matter what life throws at us, i’m by your side.”
i open my mouth to respond, but i’m cut off by another voice.
“aww, that was sweet.”
i lift my head from Trevor’s chest, our heads both turning towards the entrance to our bedroom to find Jamie standing there with a cheesy smile.
“Jimmy, what are you doing in here?” Trevor lets out a wheezy laugh at his friend, his head dropping back and his shoulders shaking. the sound is like music to my ears.
this man.
i am so irrevocably in love with him.
“i got bored.” Jamie shrugs. “you guys were taking forever.”
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pedritomosquito · 1 year
All Choked Up (Ch 2)
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Summary: After your post-rehearsal hook-up, how will shoot day with Pedro go?
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actress!Reader
Word count: 5.7k
Content: SMUT, Minors DNI Blog, choking, fingering, oral (f receiving), protected P in V, Daddy kink, enthusiastic consent, Pedro is a consent king, soft dom, praise, degradation
Chapter 1 Here
You dart forward, knife raised as Pedro advances toward you. His large hands grip your forearms and you try to tear your way out of his grasp. He twists your wrist just enough for the knife to fall from your hand. His fist flies toward your face and you throw your head to the side to sell the punch. You allow him to easily push you the two steps back until you feel your back hit the wall. 
He’s stepped right up into your space, your bodies nearly pressed together, both of his hands around your throat. You can feel him panting on your cheek, eyes locked on yours. You put all your efforts into struggling against him. You claw at his hands with the pads of your fingers so you don’t scratch him and writhe in his grasp. The feral glint in his eyes is only growing the more you fight and you know it’s Joel, not Pedro, but your mind is absolutely running away with the primal display.
Once you lose consciousness, Pedro lets go and you drop as heavily as you can to the floor. He walks out the door which leads to dead space between set walls, out of view. 
You open your eyes and Pedro reappears above you with his usual soft expression. He helps you back to your feet and can’t seem to stop himself from reaching out and fixing one of your rogue hairs this time.
“Thank you,” You smile and he shoots back a wry one of his own.
“Okay,” Craig says, a bit slowly, like he’s interrupting something, “That was… great, but I need you to act like you hate each other this time.”
Oops. Guess you were having a bit too much fun.
“Let’s reset,” He directs, then looks at you and Pedro and reminds you both, “You want to kill each other.”
You and Pedro are both nodding. Pedro looks a little embarrassed, which you find some glory in. 
Jess starts straightening you back out for the next take. She has a shadow of a smirk on her face.
“What?” You question her.
“I didn’t say anything,” Jess maintains her innocence.
“Y’all just look like you’re having fun out there, that’s all,” She shrugs with a knowing tone.
“Alright, let’s go again!” Craig called. 
You shoot another take and after calling cut, Craig waves you and Pedro over to the monitor. 
“Come see what we’re seeing,” he says. 
They play back the take as you and Pedro watch. The sequence does seem a bit… heated, in more ways than one. 
“Pedro, I need you further back from the wall for the choking—and your faces are too close. It’s not creating the right kind of tension,” Craig instructed. 
Exactly what kind of tension it is creating goes unmentioned. 
“And I need more fear from you,” Craig tells you. “Your character is fierce and brave, but towards the end you’re realizing you’re about to die. I need that terror. Sound good?”
You and Pedro are both nodding like bobble heads, desperate to try again and undo the impression you’ve given everyone. You’re both people pleasers, for better or worse. 
The next take finally reads like a murder instead of a porno, but it’s turning you on without fail. You have to do two more takes after that before Craig deems them ready to move on to the next angle.
“Just a minute to set up the next camera angle, please,” Craig says. 
You’ve soaked your underwear to the point of discomfort. In a fit of equal parts pettiness and arousal, a downright evil idea springs to life in your mind. 
You walk the few steps over to Pedro, casually pulling him through the set’s fake doorway. The space it leads to is hardly bigger than a closet but it’s out of sight of the crew. He looks at you curiously and is about to say something when you stop him, crowding him against the wall.
“You,” You say, hand slipping under your waistband to dip two fingers into yourself, “Made a mess.” 
You withdraw your hand and bring it up to his lips. 
“Clean it up,” you whisper. 
His mouth parts silently and you slide your fingers in. His tongue drags along them, sucking them clean. 
As quickly as you’d pulled him aside, you exit back onto the main set, leaving him behind without another word. You make your way over to Jess who starts fixing your hair.
It’s a long moment before you see Pedro emerging from the doorway from the corner of your eye.
“You good, Pedro?” Craig asks with a touch of concern.
Everyone within earshot turns to look at him, including you. His face is a little flushed and his eyes look wild. He schools his expression, even though the blush is continuing to spread down his neck.
“Yep!” He says with an easy grin.
You walk past him to your starting mark, twirling the knife in your hand.
“Someone needs to work on their acting,” You tease quietly with a smug smile, “Can see it all over your face, querido.”
“Alright, that’s a wrap for today,” Craig called, “We have cupcakes here for Tina’s birthday, don’t forget to grab one on your way out!”
Cupcakes? Hell yeah, thank you Tina!
After you change back into your clothes, you find a small group crowded around a table with the birthday treats. You shuffle through and pick up a vanilla cupcake. You see Pedro across the small room and you catch his eye. 
You decide you’re not done playing games with him today.
You take your finger and swipe it through the soft, white frosting. You stare at him as you lick at the sweet icing before sliding your entire finger into your mouth. 
The intense look in Pedro’s eyes sparks a fire of anticipation as he swiftly makes his way over to you. He stands a little close, seeming to tower over you. You look up at him innocently. 
“Need a ride home?” You ask. 
“Yes, I do,” he answers through gritted teeth. 
You sit in silence as you drive down the dark road. You sneak glances at him, catching his profile in sliding strips of streetlights. You can feel his eyes on you too. He shifts in his seat and you can tell he’s trying to subtly adjust his pants. 
You pull into his driveway and throw your car into park. 
You look over at him and he simply leans over the center console, pulling your keys out of the ignition. 
“Come inside.”
Your breathing is shallow. You just nod and climb out of your car, following him up the front steps.  
As soon as the door is closed behind you, he has your back pressed up against it, one hand on your throat, another on your waist, and a knee pressed between your legs. 
“Do you understand what you’ve gotten yourself into?” He asks, lips nearly against your cheek, “Do you know what’s going to happen now that you made me want you so fucking bad?”
You shake your head minutely, holding your breath. 
“I’m going to make you fall apart with my mouth,” He explains slowly, “And then on my fingers. And then I’m going to fuck you good and deep.”
He’s nodding as he speaks and you mirror him mindlessly, clutching onto his shirt. 
“How does that sound, querida?” He asks. You nod more emphatically but he interrupts and says, “Need to hear you say it, sweetheart.”
“S-sounds good,” you manage to whisper. 
He lets out a soft laugh and a genuine grin tugs on his lips. His touch lightens. “You really are just a sweet little thing, aren’t you?
“All bark and no bite,” You confess quietly with a sheepish grin. 
“You like it when I’m rough with you?” He asks sincerely. 
“God yes,” you answer instantly. 
He chuckles again, the darkness flowing back into his eyes. His hand from your waist travels down and palms over the crotch of your pants. 
“The safe word is cupcake, okay?” He whispers in your ear, a precious secret just for you and him. 
“Okay,” you nod, your eyes falling shut. 
“Try it,” he directs you softly. 
“C-Cupcake,” you repeat it hesitantly. 
The weight of his body against yours disappears and his hands withdraw. You open your eyes to see him standing in front of you. 
“Good girl,” he praises softly. He then snatches up your wrist and tugs you into him. “Fuck I can’t wait to see you cum again,” he says before his lips lock onto yours. 
He’s soon dragging you down a hallway and into his bedroom. You pull off your pants and he does the same. He starts undoing his shirt but you take over, making him sit on the edge of the bed. You straddle him as you undo the buttons.  
“Missed being in your lap,” you sigh, hands working down his shirt. He hums in agreement as you push the fabric off his shoulders and his mouth finds yours. His hands find the hem of your top. He pushes it up your stomach. You take hold of it and break the kiss to pull it off. You reach back and unclasp your bra, letting it slide down your arms. 
He drags a hand down your chest, too tempted by the expanse of soft skin not to touch it. You roll forward and both of you let out contented noises at the sweet friction. He wraps an arm around your back to pull your bare chest flush against his, feeling his heartbeat against your own. 
You rake your fingers through his hair and he grabs your ass, pressing you down tight onto him. You’ve soaked through the thong you’re wearing and you’re already leaving a wet spot on Pedro’s briefs.  
He stands up with you still wrapped around him, turns around, and tosses you down onto the bed. 
He crawls up beside you, licking over one of your nipples on his way to your lips. His hand travels down between your legs. 
“God, are you always this wet?” He asks reverently, rubbing slow circles over underwear.
“Siempre estoy mojada pensando en ti,” You reply. I’m always wet thinking about you.
He groans deep in his throat and you feel him push his hard-on against the side of your hip. “Didn’t know you could speak Spanish, querida,” He says breathlessly.
“Sip,” You nod, squirming under his touch. Yep.
“You’re just full of goddamn surprises, aren’t you?” He teases, rolling his fingers tortuously slow.
“Pedro–please,” You say, trying to circle your hips.
“What?” He asks innocently, “You want me to slip my fingers underneath these and touch your wet pussy, play with it til you cum?”
The vulgar words coming from his sweet mouth sends a rush of heat over you. 
“Mhm,” You nod fiercely. 
He pulls his hand away instead and a wounded noise leaves your mouth. 
“I don’t think I will,” he says defiantly, “I think I need to taste you again.”
“Oh my god, yes,” You murmur. He moves down your body, placing himself between your legs. You watch as his teeth scrape over the skin of your left hip and capture the waistband of your underwear. He hooks a finger under the other side and drags the fabric down. You help him slide it all the way down and off. 
A broad hand settles on each of your thighs and he pushes your legs apart. You can feel his breath rolling over your wet cunt before his tongue glides over you, bottom to top, gathering up the taste of you. You gasp and sound rumbles deep in Pedro’s chest, vibrating against you. 
He covers all of you with his mouth, overwhelming you with heat. He runs the underside of his tongue over you and he feels so soft, like a ribbon of silk.
His tongue strokes and circles your clit. 
Your hands weave into his hair. 
“Fuck, yeah,” you breathe. 
He begins sucking gently, alternating with flicks of his tongue. The more he works you over, the faster your breathing becomes.   
He moves his tongue down, pressing it into your entrance. You grind into his face, your clit pressing to his nose.
“Fuck, fuck, you’re getting me so close,” you pant.  
He can feel the way you’re clenching around nothing, trying to grip his tongue. 
He pulls away and you whimper.  
“All fours. Elbows and knees.”
You comply instantly, rolling onto your stomach and dragging your knees up underneath you. You expect to feel his mouth or cock press against you, but instead you feel the mattress shift. Pedro lays on his back, his head underneath your hips between your legs. 
“Oh fuck,” You breathe, taking in his position.
He yanks your hips back and pulls your cunt down to his mouth. He starts by flicking his tongue over your clit, making you jump. His hands grip tighter, keeping you pressed to him. One of his thick fingers begins to circle your hole before dipping inside.
You push back against him, gliding your clit over his tongue and taking his finger deep inside you. 
“Oh fuck yes,” You moan. You’ve never done this before, not in this position, and it’s simply divine. You rock back again and are met with a second finger slipping inside you. “Fuck!” You tilt your hips to hit Pedro’s tongue just right. 
Pedro turns his head to the side, kissing your thigh. 
“That’s it, querida, use my mouth,” he says, “Fuck yourself on my fingers.”
“Holy shit Pedro,” You breathe as he returns his mouth to your clit, “feels s-so good.”
He just groans in agreement. He sucks your clit until you can’t keep still, pushing back into his fingers. He opens his mouth, allowing you to grind on his tongue. Your thrusts devolve from polite to needy.  
His fingers begin to press down harder, rubbing over a sensitive spot inside you. 
“Fuck, just like that!” You tell him. You start to lose control over the rhythm of your hips.  He stays steadfast in his movements, making the pressure inside you grow and twist. 
“Oh fuck, Pedro! Faster! You’re gonna make me cum!”
He hums against your clit, sending a vibrating jolt into the depths of your stomach. His fingers start hooking faster. 
You feel a new kind of pressure rushing into the base of your hips and realize what is about to happen. 
You wonder if you should tell him to stop, if you might die of embarrassment, but it doesn’t matter either way because your orgasm is bursting from you before you can act. 
“FUCK—” You cry with a choked off sound, squirting on Pedro’s face. 
You’d only ever accomplished this on your own twice and never at all with a partner. Dear god, you’re praying that he’s into this. Your hips jerk away from his mouth at the oversensitivity but he keeps up with his fingers. 
“Fuck, that’s a good girl,” he praises, “Soak my face.”
His words alone earn him another gasped “fuck” and more wetness on his cheeks. You look underneath yourself and find him with his mouth open, trying to drink in as much as he can get. You drop your head and cry out into the bedding. 
When you come back to your senses and unbury your face from the sheets, your thighs are trembling and Pedro is firmly kneading them in his grip with grounding strokes.
You lift up your knee to un-straddle him and clamor down the bed to be beside him. You take his face in your hands and get a good look at how his skin shines with your cum. Before he can speak, you bring your tongue to his jaw, licking away the wetness. 
“That’s it,” He says lowly, “My perfect little slut, cleaning up her mess.”
Your eyes become hooded at the new name as you continue to lap at his face. Pedro doesn’t miss it. 
“Aw, you like being called a slut, don’t you?” He smirks, “My sweet girl isn’t so innocent after all, huh?”
You groan and start pawing at the waistband of his briefs. He takes your hand in his and guides you to palm over his cock.  
“That what you want, querida?” He teases. 
You nuzzle your nose into his cheek and nod with a whimper. 
“Say it,” He demands. 
“I—I want your cock,” You reply. 
“And where do you want it?”
“Want it inside me,” You reply, groping him through his underwear, “Want you to cum while you fuck me.”
He sits up and slides off his boxers. He leans over and grabs a condom from the night table, tearing it open. He places it on the tip of his cock. 
“You’re going to put this on me with your mouth, okay?” He directs with a condescending tone that makes your brain whir. 
You nod, moving so you can place your mouth on him. You wrap a hand around the base of him and start working your lips down his shaft, unrolling the latex. Pedro’s hand winds itself into your hair as he groans. 
“Next time, you’re going to fuck me with that beautiful mouth of yours,” he decides in a strained voice, “But right now I have to have your pussy wrapped around me.”
“Mhm,” You agree with your lips wrapped around his dick. With the help of your fingers, you unravel the condom all the way down his thick cock. Pedro gives a tug on your hair, pulling you off of him and guiding you up the bed. He climbs on top of you and lays his body over yours. His left hand strokes over your throat as he speaks in your ear. 
“You had fun today, didn’t you? Teasing me at work,” he chides, mouthing at your neck, “You wanted me to know that you’re a dirty little slut, huh? So I’d know to treat you like one?”
You nod with a little whimper escaping. 
He rolls his hips and his hard length slides over your clit and back, notching at your hole. You try to push against him but he pins your hips with his own. 
“You know what I think you want more than anything?” He teases, “I think you want my hand around your throat while I fuck you.”
“God, Please, Pedro,” You nod, your hips attempting to buck up into his again. 
The fingers stroking over your throat stop and his hand spreads across the fragile skin.
His hardened facade falls away for a moment.“Tap twice if you want me to lighten up, three times for cupcake, okay?” He whispers. 
“Okay,” you whisper back. “I’ve—I’ve never done this before,” You admit, placing your hand over his. 
“I’ll be gentle,” He assures you softly, “And we can stop whenever you want. Does that sound okay?”
“Two taps for looser, three taps for stop,” he reminds you. “Show me.”
You tap twice on his wrist and he nods in approval, then you tap three times. 
“Good girl,” he tells you quietly and your muscles tense up with a shiver. He captures your lips in a kiss, rolling his hips over yours. One of your hands moves to his hip and the other trails into his hair. 
The head of his cock keeps grinding over your clit as he moves. You try to pull on his hip to get more friction but he stops. 
“So needy,” he says, “be patient.”
You whine in protest, squirming under him. 
“Please,” you beg. 
“Please what?” Pedro asks, pressing a little on your throat. 
“Ohmygod, I need you inside me,” You reply, “Please!”
“Okay querida, I’ll give you what you need,” he allows. He reaches down and guides the tip into your hole. He pushes forward slowly, giving you the first couple of inches.
The way Pedro gasps and moans into your ear makes you dizzy. He’s barely even a third of the way in and you already feel stretched. You grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his skin like teeth. He pushes in farther and you try to keep still and take it. 
“Relax,” Pedro says quietly, the hand on your throat sliding off and resting on your collarbone, “Breathe.”
You open your eyes and exhale. 
“That’s it,” he says, waiting a moment before continuing, “I’m going to give you more, okay?”
You nod and he places kisses over your cheeks as he pushes forward. Your hands regrip, pawing at his shoulders absently, looking for something to ground you. He’s a lightning rod in your storm of adrenaline. 
“I’ve got you,” he says, “You can take it, querida. Doing so good for me.”
His praise loosens the aching stretch inside you. He eases in the rest of the way until you can feel the base of his stomach pressed to your clit. 
“Good girl,” His head drops to your shoulder as he groans. 
“S-So full, fuck,” you gasp. 
“You like being full of me, sweetheart?” His voice strains. 
You nod, reaching down to grab his ass cheek, keeping him close to you as you grind up against him. 
His breath hitches and you catch what nearly sounds like a whine. He pulls back and pushes into you experimentally, fed by your delicate sounds and breathing. 
“Goddamn, you feel so good,” he sighs heavily as he thrusts again, “Taking me so well.”
“Wanna be good for you,” You replies desperately.
“Oh yeah?” He asks menacingly. 
You feel his hand slipping back up to your throat. 
You nod. 
“After being such a bad little slut all day,” He says, “Now you wanna be good for me?” 
“Yes,” you squeak as he picks up a slow rhythm to his thrusts. 
“Okay sweet girl,” He replies, leaning down to feed you scorching, messy kisses as he fucks you. You wrap your legs around him, forcing his hips closer to yours. You move a hand to the one he has on your throat and grip onto his wrist, pushing it. 
He breaks his mouth from yours, easily clued in on what you want. 
“If I knew all I had to do to get you under me was put my hands on this pretty little neck, I woulda done it ages ago,” He says, “You look so pretty with your bullseye necklace.”
You imagine his view, the bullseye tattoo between his thumb and first finger framed perfectly in the center of your throat. The thought makes you moan. Your grip on his wrist becomes more insistent. 
“Okay,” he acquiesces to your silent plea. “Gonna start real gentle, okay?” He says softly, looking at you for permission. 
You marvel at the way he drops in and out of his dominant character, rough all over yet smooth around the edges. Knowing that you get both sides of him—all of him—is intoxicating. 
You give a small nod and he slows the rhythm of his thrusts, focusing in on his grip. 
It’s not exactly the sensation you expected when he begins to squeeze his hand. He’s pressing in on both sides of your throat and pulses the amount of pressure he applies. It amplifies the feeling of his cock sliding inside you and you catch just the echoes of a misty, heady feeling. You want more. 
He lets go and you moan at the loss. 
“That feel good?” He asks. It’s dirty talk as much as it is an honest question. 
“Yes,” You reply instantly, feeling the desperation setting in, “Yes.” Your hand returns to his wrist, already pleading for more. 
“Easy, querida,” He hushes, “I’m taking my time with you.” He gives you a particularly slow, deep thrust. 
“Oh god, love when you give it to me deep,” You admit breathlessly. 
His hand leaves your throat and hooks your thigh, pulling your knee up higher to give him more access. 
“You take it so well, sweetheart,” He praises, rewarding you with more. 
He reaches new depths in this position, fucking you in places you swear were previously untouched. You cry out and your hands scrabble for purchase in his hair to his back to his shoulders. 
“Fuck, please, please!” You beg. 
“Tell me what you want,” he says. 
You just whine in response, grabbing at his wrist. 
“Tell me,” he commands. 
“Choke me!” You finally manage to blurt out, “Please, I want you to choke me!” 
“There you go,” He smirks.
“H-Harder, please,” you quietly add. 
“So good, telling me what you need,” he replies, somewhere between sweet and wicked, “I’ve got you.”
His hand travels to your throat and he skims his fingertips over your skin before finding his grip, starting to press. As promised, it’s tighter than before. 
It’s perfect. 
The mist begins to blur everything but the feeling of Pedro fucking you, the sensation crystal clear and torrid. You would scream if you could. Instead, the pleasure stays locked inside you, building and swirling.  
You distantly hear Pedro moan and it makes your cunt flush with a new wave of wetness. 
He lets go of you and air rushes into your lungs. 
“Yes, Pedro!” You exhale. 
“Can tell you love it,” He replies with a strained voice, “Getting me all wet while your pussy grips me so fucking tight.”
Your inhibitions fall away with the way he reads your body like a book. There’s no hiding from him.
“Fuck me,” You plead. 
He’s happy to obey, picking up speed. It’s hard and fast, slamming your hips with a tightening, growing heat. You know that you’re whimpering out little yes’s and fuck’s but it’s dulled against the lightness in your head. 
“Already close again, querida?” That smirk returning to his lips, “You going to come on my cock?”
You let out a choked sob and can only nod in reply.
“Give it to me,” he says, fucking you impossibly harder. 
The heat filling you to the brim climbs higher than you can stand. 
Pedro immediately slows to a near stop and his eyes bore into yours. Your hand flies to your mouth.
“Oh,” He says dangerously low, amusement pulling at his lips and dancing in his eyes, “Now what do we have here?” 
“Sorry,” You barely whisper. Humiliation rushes to your cheeks. He rolls his hips hard and presses even deeper into you, making a messy whimper tumble from you.
“No, you’re not sorry,” he replies steadily, withdrawing back, “Go ahead. Say it.” 
His grip on your throat tightens as he buries his cock inside you.
“That’s my girl,” He nearly laughs, beginning to fuck you in a steady rhythm again, “Shoulda known. Such a good little slut, course you wanted Daddy to fuck you, didn’t you?”
You nod frantically.
“Deep breath, querida.”
You inhale and feel his hand squeeze tighter. Blood rushes in your ears and you watch him watch you. Four thrusts more and he releases you, leaving you gasping.
“There you go,” he says, “You love that, don’t you?”
“Yes Daddy,” You reply reflexively.
His hips stutter as he groans.
“Jesus Christ,” He breathes. 
He suddenly hooks his arms under yours, pulling you up to sit chest to chest. He wraps one arm around your back to keep you up and his free hand is at your throat again. 
“Oh fuck!” You helplessly cry as he fucks up into you, “Daddy!”
He tightens his grip on your throat and everything but Pedro leaves your head. There’s nothing but him, inside you, all around you. 
“Make a mess in my lap, baby,” He demands, nosing against your jaw, “Come for me.”
He releases his grip and everything floods through you, burning hot and bursting. You come with your mouth falling open, unable to say a word. 
“That’s it, I’ve got you,” he encourages as he fucks you through it, “Give it to me.”
Your soundless scream finally turns into a flurry of gasping sobs as you tremble in his lap, cumming hard.  
“Good girl. Fuck, that’s my good girl.”
You’re drawn into the mist that hums quietly in your head. You feel Pedro’s hips slow underneath you and hear him swearing as he unloads into the condom inside you. 
Every inch of your body is ringing with dizziness and sunlight and Pedro. You float in the blissful glow. 
You’re drifting back down like a leaf falling from a gentle breeze when you realize there are soft sheets and a pillow underneath you. Your face is tucked into Pedro’s neck as he holds you, his quiet voice in your ear. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. I’m right here, I got you. Such a good girl,” he murmurs. 
You pick your head up a bit to look at him. 
“There you are,” he says with a small smile, a hand brushing over your cheek, “Are you okay?”
“Um, yes,” you reply with an incredulous look. Duh. Thought I made that pretty clear when my soul left my goddamn body. 
“Alright,” he laughed gently, “No need for the sass. I’m going to get you cleaned up, okay?”
You nod and reluctantly let him go. 
He was wearing a condom so you wonder how much mess there could possibly be, but when you pull back the sheets, you realize that your own cum has coated your thighs. Jesus.
Pedro returns with a warm washcloth, gently wiping your skin clean. You watch his careful ministrations for a moment, hesitating to ask him the question on your mind.
“Was that…” You try to piece together the words, “For you, I mean—was that…”
“Mind blowing?” He offers. 
“I was going to say extraordinary,” You giggle. 
“Earth shattering.”
“Divided life into two eras—before that fuck, and after.”
That assessment finally breaks you with a laugh.
“Yes, it was incredible, querida,” he says softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips before retreating to the bathroom to get rid of the washcloth. 
You sit up a little as you watch him go, knowing that you have a dumb smile on your face. You glance over at your clothes on the floor. 
Shit, are you supposed to leave now? This is technically a hook up, so maybe you’re expected to get dressed and go, or slip out in the morning undetected. 
What happened these past couple of days didn’t feel like a hookup. That wasn’t Pedro’s intention here, right? He was so intimate and sweet and sincere and… 
God, what if you’re being ridiculously naive? What if he does this with every extra he can get his hands on? What if Jess puts concealer on his scene partner’s hickeys every week?
Pedro’s gentle voice pulls you out of your thoughts. He’s approaching the bed, his gaze following yours to the outfit laying on the hardwood. 
He sits down on the edge of the mattress. 
“I don’t… I don’t want you to go,” he admits quietly, “And I don’t want you to disappear on me in the morning.”
You just blink at him. How does he know you like this? You think back through your memories with him and try to put your finger on when he had managed to learn you like this. 
“You can, if you wa—“ He quickly begins to correct himself. 
You interrupt the doubt wavering on his tongue with your lips, kissing him short and fierce. 
“You really think I’d want to disappear on you after life-dividing sex?” You smirk. 
He smiles, kissing you till you lay back down, and follows after you. He settles alongside you, pushing aside the comforter and opting to pull the blanket from the bottom of the bed over you both. You wonder why until you realize the comforter is soaked with wet spots. 
“I’m sorry about the, um… the mess,” You say, a bit of embarrassment painting your cheeks, “that’s never happened before.”
Pedro groans a little. 
“Querida, you’re going to get me hard again,” he complains out the feeble warning with a little laugh. “I’m really the first person to make you do that?”
“Yes,” you reply as he wraps his arms around you. You place an arm and a leg over him, resting your head on his chest. 
“I don’t think you understand how fucking hot it was,” he says, “I couldn’t care less about clean up. Now I know to put a towel down next time.”
Next time. 
Your stomach does silly little butterfly flips. 
“You were really good at… um… you know…” 
You can feel Pedro beginning to laugh again. 
“You are so sweet,” he says, “a minute ago you were begging for me to choke you, now you can’t even say it?”
“Okay, that was kinky me!” You explain, “She’s a whole different person. I don’t know her!”
“Oh I see,” He says in mock realization. 
“But really, you were really good at it,” You continue, “You must have done that before.”
“No way,” You reply incredulously, craning your neck to look up at him, “How did you know how to do it like that?!” 
“I did some googling when I got home last night,” He says simply. 
“You googled how to choke me?” You hold in your giggle. 
“And phoned a friend,” he adds. 
Now that piques your interest. You pick your head up to look at him fully. 
“You phoned a friend?”
“It’s Hollywood, everyone is kinky!” He defends with a wry smile. “It was just a good friend of mine.”
Your mouth drops open as a name pops into your head. 
“Oh my god, it was Oscar Isaac, wasn’t it?” You gasp quietly. 
Pedro bites his cheek and fights a smile. 
“You called Oscar Isaac and asked him how to choke me?!” You prodded. 
Pedro can’t help a proud smirk and gives a nod. 
“I mean, the bar is exceptionally low, but that’s one of the nicest things a man has ever done for me!”
“I think doing a little research to make sure you don’t hurt your partner is pretty bare minimum,” he scoffs. 
“The bar,” you remind him, demonstrating with a flat hand in front of you, “Exceptionally low.”
“I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself,” he says as you place your head back down. 
“Enjoyed is a bit of an understatement,” you reply quietly. 
You nuzzle in as he adjusts the blanket back over your shoulder. 
You reach your hand up blindly and find the side of his face.
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
He turns his head, pressing his cheek into your palm. 
“You’re welcome, querida.”
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tiesthatbind-tf · 1 year
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If you’re on a desktop, please full-view these lads if possible! Tumblr  compressed the hell out of the preview unfortunately, but so much love was poured into them that it’ll be a shame if y’all didn’’t full view for the goods ;u;b (click, then right-click and open image in new tab!)
I’ve always held a deep fascination of for the Lambros, though for whatever reason, media beyond G1 seem allergic to actually making them brothers, or at least brothers who LIVE till the end and have something resembling a healthy/active relationship, so it was something I wanted to explore with TTB’s version of The Lads--Serafino and Sergio Saverio--who, despite being Twins, are very distinct individuals (Sideswipe in particular has a narrative focused on self-realization after a past of being constantly second best/in Sunstreaker’s shadow, and establishing healthy boundaries, even with those closest to you) with their own occasionally intertwining stories
They’re the team’s Battlefield Hellions, a pair of Feral Elric Brothers willing to punch open multiple Gates of Truth for each other, and who despite their flaws---especially Avowed Bastard Sunstreaker, whose protectiveness and care for Sideswipe is, at times, seemingly his only saving grace---will never have anyone questioning their love for each other. 
You can find their (2881 words, this one’s a doozy!) pre-war full story below the cut! 
Born to a Manual Class couple in the Little Italy neighbourhood of Lower Manhattan, the Saverio Twins could have easily gone the path of Cain and Abel, and given the lopsided treatment they received from their parents as children, it was a miracle that they didn’t. 
Serafino Saverio — hair kissed by the sun — was the much-welcomed firstborn upon whom their hopes were pinned on. 
Sergio Saverio – hair tainted with blood – was the surprise second and didn’t even have a name until after a week of his birth (he could only assume they were hoping he didn’t make it that long, being the twin with ‘complications’) as the unplanned and unwanted spare mouth to feed in a household which had always been intended for a family of three, and not a day of his young life passed that he wasn’t reminded by his parents that they had kept him as a favor.
The favoritism was as blatant as it was malicious when it came to food, praises and gifts—all of which were afforded to Serafino, all of which were an afterthought for Sergio who always took everything with a smile, having been told to simply be thankful he had a family, and that Serafino had to come first.
However, Sergio’s treatment didn’t go unnoticed or ignored by Serafino—sharp and cunning for his age—who began to question why his brother had less than him, why his brother was beaten for doing the things which he himself would simply be given a stern talking to, why his mother’s tone fell and rose so drastically between her sons and why his father never had a kind word for a boy who constantly bent over backwards for a fraction of the love they afforded him. 
The aching sadness the older twin saw in his brother’s eyes when they were seven and had received their birthday gifts—a beautiful hand-crafted wooden sword for him, a cheap gas station tin Lamborghini for Sergio—gave birth to childhood defiance as he exchanged his gift with Sergio to the surprised dismay of their parents who were stuck awkwardly trying to explain why he couldn’t do that and why they saw it fit to treat two brothers so differently on they day they were born together, only seconds apart. 
It was here that the seed was planted of Serafino’s protectiveness over Sergio–his best friend, his playmate, his shadow—and Sergio’s near-unwavering loyalty to Serafino—his defender, his confidante and the only one of their family who truly cared for him. 
They grew up tight as thieves as Serafino’s disgust at their parents’ attempts to drive a wedge in between them burned ever brighter, because if they would not treat his brother the same as he, then he would act out in defiance until they treated him the same way they treated Sergio out of sheer frustration. 
They walked hand in hand in the streets, always looking out for each other, and sparred fist to fist on the apartment rooftop where they would learn to fight together because the world wasn’t kind to little Manuals—and they had the cuts and bruises to show for it—but from up here where that world seemed so small beneath them, they could dare to dream of a better one where Sergio could be the dashing fighter Serafino’s sword allowed him to see himself as, and where Serafino would be able to one day own and drive a car similar to the little model he had traded that sword for.
School was no more kind to them than the streets were—at twelve, Serafino had learned to read the people around him and kept an aloof and guarded presence, but Sergio — eager for warmth and connection — forged friendships openly and recklessly, class divisions be damned.
His perceived insolence to The Way Things Were earned him the ire of a group of law enforcement prodigy picks when he befriended a girl among their ranks, and they set out to teach him a vicious lesson about staying in his lane despite her protestations. 
He fought back hard, but it was Serafino’s fury that was unmatched when the older twin came across the assault in progress and leapt into the fray to back him up. 
When the dust had settled, the brothers stood tall among the twitching bodies of five prodigy picks, the leader of the group beaten up so severely by Serafino that their dislocated jaw had to be wired shut for a month. 
Serafino earned the scar on his jaw from this altercation, and as the twin who had dealt the most damage, was suspended from schooling indefinitely and put to work to help pay off the medical bills forced upon his family despite open confirmation from the girl at the center of the fight that the brothers’ role in it was that of self-defense (and it was reasoned that if he was so quick with his hands, he best put them to a more productive use). 
His reputation as a pugnacious, split-knuckled hellion preceded him among the rough-and-tumble warehouse workers he was stationed with, and, for better or worse, they accepted him into the fold as ‘one of the lads’ despite his youth.
Over beer and cigarette smoke—a vice he embraced too early—he became privy to how truly hopeless their lives were, born in the same class as their parents and their grandparents before them, destined to die in the same class no matter how hard they worked to climb a ladder whose rungs seemed to increase every year, and it made him all the more bitter to the world. 
When he crossed paths with one Tulio Hoffman — a stag Beastman attempting to evade authorities in an alley — while on his way back to the workers’ hostel, he made a split-second decision to cover the man’s tracks and pointed the cops elsewhere out of spite for them. His chutzpah, as Tulio called it, earned him the Stagman’s respect, and having seen the calluses on his palms and the crowbar he wielded with unusual expertise for his age, Tulio—who revealed himself as the elusive Thunderhoof, an up and rising don— extended a hand to him with the promise of a better life, one that didn’t require him to slave away in a warehouse for an eternity. 
He agreed, seeing a chance to wrest the life he wanted for himself—and by proxy his brother— by force, and pledged loyalty to Thunderhoof who initially employed him as a scout and informant. It was work Serafino excelled in — his relentlessness to get the job done won the Stagman over, and he was quickly promoted to Thunderhoof’s personal assistant, following the don on business deals and clandestine meetings across the city and helping the man keep his ledgers and income on track.
He experienced the High Life for the first time—fine clothes, good food, a fast car—and it was a lifestyle he grew an insatiable taste for and was desperate to keep for himself (attempts at sharing this life with Sergio were politely declined, and there was an understanding of their different approaches to climbing out of the dregs, even if they did not always agree with the others' methods)
The big money Thunderhoof made from taking part in illegal pitfights seemed like a natural progression given his prodigious skill with fisticuffs, and his first win when he was 18 was one the Stagman—who had taken on the role of a somewhat twisted adoptive father—celebrated and honored by gifting him the neck chain he wore, which also served as a symbolic gesture from Thunderhoof that the business would one day be passed to him. Serafino continued his career as a much-feared pitfighter with a rumored body count— the dreaded ‘Aureleone’ (Golden Lion) of the rings — all the while rising up the ranks of Thunderhoof’s mob until he was the man’s underboss, and keeping an eye out for Sergio like any good big brother worth their salt.
Sergio’s scar above his eyebrow remains a daily reminder of the day the system came for him and his brother, and while he was allowed to remain in school, he was transferred to a heavily-manual establishment which would ‘better suit those like him’. 
The situation at home became even more unbearable than it already was, as his parents blamed Serafino’s downfall on his carelessness and stupidity—despite Serafino’s assertion that the bullies deserved everything that happened to them and he would reoffend on sight if they hurt Sergio again—and he began to spend more and more time outside, visiting Serafino at work whenever he could to repeat the day’s lesson during breaks so his brother still had access to education and sneaking into worker’s rallies by the docks. 
It was here that he was drawn to the music and effortless charisma of a young dock worker and union figurehead, Jace Zayden (Jazz), which whom he struck up a friendship, and where Thunderhoof brought Serafino deeper into the underbelly of the city to escape the system, Jace gave him hope that change could happen on the surface, in the sun. 
After a blowout with his parents when he was 16 where they’d made it clear he should never have been born, he finally left the house. Not wanting to burden Serafino who had already suffered enough for him in his eyes or be indebted to Thunderhoof (who he respected for taking care of his brother, but understood was a dangerous man with an agenda), he roomed with Jace who had taken on the role of his mentor and helped him find employment as a warehouse worker so he could save up to afford rent for his own place once he was old enough to sign a lease. His nights were divided between helping Serafino with supply runs and stock-checking for Thunderhoof’s contraband goods, and joining Jace at union meetings as well as helping the man with his activism and protest plans. 
When Jace was arrested after a brutal crackdown on a workers’ rally and never came back to the neighborhood, Sergio feared the worst but wasted no time stepping into Jace’s position when their local union chapter began to flounder so he could continue their fight for a better life. 
Like his brother, he had become intimately acquainted with the injustice perpetuated by the neverending cycle of poverty their class was intentionally, systematically trapped in, but rather than abandon it and the people in it as Serafino had chosen to do, he wanted to help break it so his community could rise above it with him. 
As the most prominent figurehead of an unprecedented, rising tide of unionization in Manhattan  which started from across the pond in the UK, he was marked out as a person of interest by local officials desperate to keep the status quo, and his increasing clashes with local cops tasked with bringing those behind these ‘public disturbances’ to heel brought him in contact with a face he remembered from his school days—the same upperclass girl he had tried to befriend, whose testimony had helped keep him and Serafino out of juvie and who was now a tough-as-nails rookie with a reputation for breaking ranks. 
Stella Armstrong (Strongarm) was more than a little surprised to find out that the scrawny, bright-eyed Manual scrapper who had suddenly disappeared from her classroom after the Big Fight was now a feisty, quick-talking, hot-tempered rabble-rouser with a careless smirk and a witty comeback for every police warning lobbed at him. 
Regardless of his teasing and her scoldings for the ‘trouble’ he made for her whenever they crossed paths, Sergio kept eye out for her on the streets—good cops didn’t last long in the ranks, he knew this much—and vouched for her being an ‘honest one’ whenever she was stonewalled for information regarding her cases. 
In turn, Stella spoke out in defense of him whenever her colleagues brought him in and attempted to remand him for a period much longer than the minor infractions he was hauled in for could justify, and stopped any attempted violence on him and his community in lockup, making enemies among the force in the process.
When several prominent union supporters began turning up dead to the radio silence of the police, Sergio approached Stella for help in investigating the matter, and she agreed to do so after finding out that reports filed on the murders had been closed before any investigations had wrapped up. 
She gave him a burner cell to keep their communications private after the two agreed that something about the situation smelled like a cover-up.
All of this was confirmed when Stella called him with a warning that the killings were tied to the current mayor who had pro-functionist ties, cops on payroll and was desperate for a re-election in the coming month.
She had also found documents approving the use of Mnemosurgery on a list of union figureheads to turn them into Trojan Horses on their own movement and communities—a list which Sergio’s name headed, which meant he had to go into hiding before the next minor infraction brought him back to lockup. 
When she couldn't give him an answer on if the breach of classified information could be traced back to her, he feared for the worst again—the unsolved fate of Jace still hung heavy in his mind—more so when further calls he made to her went to voicemail. 
The next call Sergio received from her sent him on a hunt for her in the winding alleys of Brooklyn, where he found her bleeding out from a through-and-through gunshot wound to the stomach she received from her own colleague, after it was revealed that the drug bust she was a part of was a front to get her in a vulnerable position so they could take her out.
Her refusal to back the thin blue line at all costs, newfound knowledge of wide-spread corruption in the ranks and growing friendship with a ‘target’ had made her a liability, one they had orders to get rid of. 
He raced her to a back-alley clinic, unable to bring her to the local GH because of the real danger of the rest of the force coming over to finish the job. 
Stella survived the ordeal with his help, and the two of them went into hiding together to plan their next move; As she had never turned off her body camera, she had damning evidence of the hit which she had immediately downloaded to the burner cell for safekeeping in case the footage was later remotely wiped, and she had taken pictures of the documents beforehand. 
To Sergio’s surprise, help came from two unexpected places; Jace, who returned from self-exile in the UK after it was discovered that the same thing planned for Sergio had earlier been planned for him, and Serafino, who had broken the Mafia Code and put aside mob work and pitfighting the moment he caught wind of the target on his baby brother’s back. (When Thunderhoof had demanded that his loyalty to the mob come before his loyalty to his brother if he were to take over the mantle of Don, he balked at the idea)
As it turned out, Jace was part of the Resistance movement back in the UK which had branched out worldwide and inspired the rising workers’ protests in the States as well, and worked as a saboteur who had experience in exposing corrupt men in power for filth. 
Stella’s near-death experience and the ongoing risk to her life made a strong case for her filming a dying confession which Sergio delivered along with her body cam footage to her father, who then passed both to an attorney whose services her family had employed to find justice for their ‘missing’ daughter. 
The documents and list made it to the ACLU’s New York office, while Serafino and Jace both worked on a sting to catch the mayor red-handed, as they posed as bounty hunters looking to collect on Sergio’s head. As Sergio played his role as defiant captive and tactically bandied words with the mayor to lead the man to a full confession, Jace’s colleague, Brandon Shen (Blaster) hacked major digital billboards at Times Square to air the footage in real-time, destroying the man’s name and political career in the span of fifteen minutes. 
Regardless of their victories however, both Sergio and Stella had become far too big of targets to remain where they were, and Jace offered to bring them all into the Resistance’s fold. 
Sergio, for his own safety, had to hand over the reins of leadership to a new leader of the Manhattan Movement, though his community, knowing full well the risk he had put himself through for them, encouraged him to find safe harbor with Jace’s team mates who could afford him the protection he needed. .
He had carried on Jace’s work when Jace had to leave, and there would be others to continue the work here.
Serafino, chafing harder and harder against the control that Thunderhoof was rapidly losing on him, threw all caution against the wind, chose the codename Sunstreaker and joined his brother. --now codenamed Sideswipe -- as the new frontliners of the wider Resistance movement.
Whether he would come to regret the decision was still up in the air, but brothers stuck together, and the path ahead was one both of them would forge back to back with each other as fate damn well intended. 
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naturesapphic · 4 months
jw x r fluff req : sikowitz ships them and they’re always together in partner projects etc
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The perfect play
Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing, fluff
A/n: this is from episode 7 season 3
“All right! Now let’s talk about the new play im directing!” Sikowitz says with a creepy smile on his face. “Do I get to star in it?” Jade asks and Andre immediately gets defensive. “Uh I think it’s mine turn to star in it.” Andre argues and then everyone starts to argue and get into a hissy fit while you just sat there playing with your hands. Jade sees this and gives you her keys to play with so you don’t pick your nails or skin. Sikowitz sees this and makes a mental note of it. He secretly ships you and Jade together and with his new play he’s making, he knows just how to spice things up.
“This time, you people will choose your own roles.” Sikowitz says as he grabs a little box and hands it to Andre and beck. They are playing as twins and Andre makes a funny comment about how the mom has some explaining to do which made everyone laugh. Sikowitz makes a annoying car sound and stops by jade and she picks “Walter swain. Loving husband of Nancy.” She said blankly. Then sikowitz makes more noises as he goes over to you and puts the box in front of your face. You put your hand inside the box and picked out a piece of paper that read “Nancy swain. Loving wife of Walter swain.” You read out loud.
You felt your cheeks heat up and you look over at Jade who still had a blank look on her face as she looked at you. You didn’t notice but when sikowitz walked away he had a big smile on his face as he was hoping that his plan will work. For the next past few days you and Jade have been hanging out so y’all could rehearse. You started to see a side of jade that you didn’t even think beck saw and you were grateful for it. Jade behind all of her tough and scary exterior was really just a hurt girl who just wants love and to be treated right. Jade and you were putting on y’all’s costumes before the play when sikowitz came over. “Are y’all ready? We will be starting in two minutes. Y’all got this!” He said quickly and yelled at cat to get him his coconut.
You walked out with Andre and beck onto the stage and started it the play. All eyes were on you and you definitely started to feel the nerves and pressure of it all now, but it went away when you heard the car door sound come on, signaling that Jade will be coming out. A few more minutes into the play and it was about over, Jade did the part where she pretends to fall asleep on your chest and she puts her full body weight onto you. “Honey? Wake up.” You say softly as jade shoots up looking around crazily “blastoff!” She exclaimed. “No. No you were saying I’m so…” you started and Jade cuts you off “oh right. You’re so good, gentle…how can you love a sleepy loser like me?!” She exclaimed and looked up dramatically. “You are no sleepy loser. You’re an astronaut.” You said lovingly as you hold onto her arm as you look at her with so much love in your eyes. “I love you.” Jade says as she looks deep into your eyes.
“I love you.” You replied and the scene was that you were supposed to hug but what you weren’t expecting was Jade to grab you by your waist and crash her lips onto yours. You kissed her back as you heard clapping and cheering in the background. The both of you pulled away and grabbed each others hands and bent forward. Out of the corner of your eye you see sikowitz clapping and cheering y’all on like a crazy person. The curtains were rolled, covering the stage and you looked at Jade once more. “Did you do that for the show or did you actually mean it…” you asked Jade, hoping that you will get the answer you are hoping for. “I meant it. Go on a date with me…please?” She silently begged at the end which made you smile because you know that THE Jade west never begs. “Of course we can. How about now since the play is over?” You said as you grabbed her hand and Jade followed you out of the school building to your car. You were gonna thank sikowitz later.
A/n: sorry anon that this took so long but I hope you enjoyed this! And I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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horny4hetfield · 20 days
Getting Business Done
On man!  I can see how this can become addictive!!!    I hope y’all like this one!!!
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, slight degrading and confrontation, NSFW
You are very happy in your job.  You’d been there for several years.  Your boss, James, is a good looking – hell – handsome man.  Standing 6’1” with silvered short cut hair, horseshoe mustache, heavily tattooed, he could be an imposing figure.  Until he smiled.  It was always bright and his bluer than blue eyes would sparkle.  Both of you had been through some tough times.  His divorce.  Your long term relationship ending.  Having to move the company office due to water damage.
Then came the contract that on the surface looked to be a dream deal.  You, James and his business partner Chad, have spent numerous late nights in the conference room going over every word in the contract.  Finally, the day the customer was to come into the office to sign the deal arrived.  James had promised everyone that should this deal get signed, he was taking everyone out to dinner.  Studying your closet, you select the lacey purple dress.  Since it was July, the short skirt would be acceptable.  Somewhere in the back of your mind, you hope that James likes it too.  Quickly collecting your work things you hurry to get to the office.  You end up parking your car next to the huge black tuck that belongs to James.  You collect your things, get out of the car, lock it and get to your desk just inside the front door.  Your computer is just finishing powering up when you hear James walk up behind you.
“Hey, do you think this paragraph is really correct?” he sets down the stack of papers on your desk, pointing to the words in question, his other large hand resting gently between your exposed shoulder blades.  You really have to concentrate on the words and not the feeling of his hand on your back.  Pulling up the document on your computer you get to the paragraph in question.  You do a quick read through and make some edits.
“Does this work better?”
James flips the papers over grabs a pen and scribbles some changes.  You quickly make them.  He leans over you again to read the paragraph.  His cologne is just enough to be alluring. Looking sideways at him, his lips curl up into a radiant smile.
“That’s it!”
Hitting the print icon, “It’s on the printer!” 
He pats your back and leaves your desk area “I’ll go get it!”
You watch James go down the hallway.  You can’t help yourself.  He’s wearing the black jeans that just fit his ass perfectly.  The cowboy boots are perfect.  A white button down shirt with the rolled up sleeves exposing his tattooed forearms.  Your heart flutters.
The front door flies open and in walks the customer.
“Mr. Mancini, welcome to ….”
Mr Mancini almost throws his phone at you.  “You need to fix my travel!”  You take a step back as his face is filled with rage.  “I hate that airline!  And where is my coffee!  I told you to have my coffee waiting!”
You start out calmly, “Mr Mancini, I didn’t do your travel, but I will see what I can do …”
“You will fix it!  And get my coffee now!”  He’s yelling at you full volume.  In all your years of working, no one has yelled in a rage at you.  “I said now!”  Mr Mancini manages to land a backhanded swipe across your left check. 
It sends you stumbling into the short file cabinet behind your desk where you collapse to the ground.  Your head reeling.  From down the hallway you hear Chad yelling and a roar that can only come from James.  Chad is pushing the customer back.  James leaps the countertop of your desk to plant one foot on either side of you, hugging you with his lower legs.
“Chad if you want this contract, it’s yours.  But I want nothing to do with that man.”  The tone in James’ voice is one you’ve never heard him use before.  Low.  Growl.  Dangerous.  Leaning down, James tenderly puts his hands on your shoulders making you jump slightly.  “Hey”  His voice now a gentle rumble next to your ear.  “Can you stand up for me?”  You are shaking to your core and can’t move.  Gently lifting you, James collects you into his arms and bulldozes his way out the front door, leaving the shouting voices behind.
Taking you to his truck, he balances you on his knee while he opens the passenger door.  He hoists you into the passenger seat and secures the seatbelt.  Making sure that you are completely inside, he closes your door.  Moments later he’s in the driver’s seat and the truck roars to life. 
You are totally numb.  He tenderly grasps your left wrist, “Hey” his voice a gentle rumble, “stay with me.”
Your eyes lock onto his tattooed hand.  The warmth of his fingers are slowly warming your cold arm.  “What did I do wrong?” comes out in a squeak.
His fingers gently squeeze, “Nothing.  You did absolutely nothing wrong.”
The tears start to fall.  You can’t stop them.  You’re afraid to move.  Moving would let the dam break.
His voice a comfort, “I’m taking you to my place.  You don’t need to be alone right now.”  The truck makes a right turn, “Don’t worry.  I got you.”  It seems like moments later the truck pulls into his driveway.  He jumps out and pops open your door.  Undoing your seat belt, James scoops you out of the big vehicle, kicks that door closed and carries you inside.  He kicks off his boots just inside the garage door.
You barely notice where you are.  You are only acutely aware of being in James’ arms.  The warmth he radiates.  The rumble of his voice.  The hints of clean cotton shirt, his cologne and cigar from his neck as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
He sinks into the sofa, which puts you squarely in his lap.  He gingerly brushes a stray bit of hair from your face.  “You are safe now.”  That simple declaration opens the flood gates.  Your sobs are uncontrollable.  James just wraps you up in his arms securely.  “Let it out.”  He tenderly tucks you closer to him, “It’s ok” he coos into your hair.  He gently strokes your hair.  Your sobs slowly ease to hiccupping, then to sniffles.  The shoulder of his shirt now soaking wet.
James, holding you even tighter to his chest, leans over to the sofa table, collects the tissue box, sits back and hands you several.  Turning your head away, you blow your nose.  He gently wipes away the tear streaks down your cheeks with his thumbs.  His fingers gently lift your chin, “Let me see.”  His blue eyes filled with concern.  You let him turn your head.  His fingers gently touch your cheek.  Your face still being tender from being slapped, you flinch slightly.  He cups your head in both his hands and pulls you closer, “No bruise.”  His lips press tenderly to your forehead.
You pull back, blinking slowly, looking into his big blue eyes seeing the concern shift to – well – something more.  The denied tension inside you bubbles up flushing all other feelings away.  You take a shuddering shallow breath as he leans in closer, his eyes locked on yours.  You meet his lips.
A silent explosion happens between the two of you.  You both feed from the other.  His hand cups your head and his other arm wraps around you holding you close to his chest.  Your arms wrap around his shoulders and neck.  You are both panting when the kiss slowly breaks.
Almost in a whisper, “HR isn’t going to like this.”
A smirk spreads across his face, “I can fix that.”  He kisses you again, “You’re fired.”  A longer kiss.
“Ok.”  You relax into his arms.
He shifts you off his lap forcing your legs to pop up.  “Where are my shoes?”
His eyebrows scrunch up, “Maybe in the truck.”  He gently shifts your legs so he can stand.  Holding out his hands to you, you stand.  James gently pulls you toward him.  His fingers softly caress your arms, up over your shoulders, down your back – slowly unzipping your dress at the same time.  A shiver runs through your body.  You rest your hands on his waist.  At the end of the zipper, James fingers start working up your back, slowly pulling your dress open.  He pauses for just a moment when he expertly unhooks your bra.  His fingers pull both clothing articles off your shoulders.  They puddle around your bare feet.  Leaving you standing in front of this imposing man naked – save for the lacey purple thong.  Locking your eyes to his, you hook your thumbs into the waistband.
James’ hands quickly covers your, “I’ll get to that” his lips silence yours “In a moment.”
Your hands ghost up James arms.  His large hands rest on your naked waist.  Your fingers trace their way to the buttons on James’ shirt.  You undo the top button.  James’ fingers are making lazy circles on your hips.  The second button is undone.  You pull the fabric open and kiss the bit of his chest newly exposed.  He inhales sharply.  Another button undone.  Another kiss to his chest.  Another hitched breath.  Reaching behind him, you untuck his shirt from his jeans.  James grabs his shirt and yanks it open, the remaining buttons pop off in all directions.  You run your hands up his body to his shoulders pushing the ruined fabric from his body where it joins your dress on the ground.
You take a half step back, but James’ arms pull you back into his body.  His lips crash into yours.  Your arms wrap around his now bare back.  Your palms plant on his skin pulling him closer to you.  You can feel his erection pressing against his jeans.  His chest hairs gently rub against your very erect nipples.  Your loins flutter in response as a whimper escapes you.
Not breaking the kiss, James lifts you and carries you from the living room to his bedroom.  Kneeling up onto the bed, he lays you out under him.  His lips not breaking from yours.
Finally pulling away from your mouth, James kneels up.  His eyes drinking in your body.  His hands exploring your curves.  “You are beautiful” he breathes.
Reaching up, you undo his belt buckle and pull the leather from his pants and toss it aside.  The belt buckle clatters on the tile flooring.  James reaches to undo his jeans, but you gently push his hands away.  Smiling down at you, James lets you have your way.
Running your hands down his hips to his thighs, you feel his body respond to your hands.  James sighs deeply. Slowly your hands move to the front of James’ thighs just above his knees and slowly up.  Your fingers find his erection held in check by the fabric of his jeans.  Firm.  Strong. Throbbing.  You palm slowly up his cock.  James sucks in a sharp breath.
Pushing your arms to the side, he leans over you.  Planting his hands on either side of your body, kissing you.  He slowly lowers his body over yours.  You whimper.  “Just wait” he smiles at you.  “You can have that soon enough.”  His kisses slowly move down your neck to your chest.  “You first” he whispers into your ear.  You whimper as your pinned hips try to buck up into his.  He moves slowly down your body.  Kissing.  Nibbling.  Sucking.  Licking.  Making you moan and whimper as he leaves his love marks on your flesh.
He positions himself on his stomach between your legs.  His eyes lock on yours, his grin deliciously evil.  You wiggle your hips silently begging.  Resting on his elbows, his hands cup your butt and lift your hips to his mouth.  His gaze shifts from your eyes to look hungarily at your sopping wet thong.  He inhales deeply about half an inch from you making you whimper in anticipation. 
Flipping your legs over his shoulders frees his hands.  He pulls his knife from his back pocket.  Your eyes open wider at the blade when he snaps it open.
“I have wondered if the carpet matches the drapes” he chuckles.  The sharp blade slices the waistband easily of your thong.  James closes the blade and tosses the blade in the general direction his belt went.  Your hands fly to cover your crotch as James literally sucks the fabric from your body.  He groans in ectasy as he savors your essence from the fabric.  He spits the destroyed garment to the side.  Opening his eyes, he sees your hands covering your privates.  He looks curiously up at you.  Seeing the twinkle in your eyes, he smiles and kisses your knuckles, “Please?"”
Grinning and wiggling a little, “What do you think?” biting your lower lip at him.
Gently licking your knuckles, “They match” he chuckles.
Smiling, you move your hands, “Ta dah!”
His eyes open wide, “Ahhh!  Bare floors!”  Kissing your pubic bone, “Why?”  His fingers squeeze your ass cheeks.
Letting your fingers caress his face, “Personal preference.  I just don’t like hair … there.”
James sends his tongue in a long slow lick from your taint to your clit making your hips thrust up into his face, pulling a long groan from you.  Licking his lips, his blues eyes catch yours, “Yeah.  Hair would just get in the way.”  He lowers his mouth back down and his tongue starts exploring your sex.  His licks, swirls, suckings and tender nibbles render you unable to form a coherent word.
As the tension in you builds, he lowers your hips to the bed, wrapping his arms under your legs up over your thighs so that his hands grasp your hips, locking you in place.  The sudden inability to move intensifies the sensations that James is doing to your nether regions.  A few expert licks from James’ tongue sends you over the edge.  Your body tries to buck against the restraint James’ hands have your body. Your vision blurs and the moan becomes a scream of release.  His tongue keeps working your clit, overstimulating you to the point where you can longer move.  Panting.  Barely able to move.  Vision blurred.  You are only aware of his mouth on your cunt.
James slowly pulls away from your overstimulated clit.  He presses feather soft kisses on your inner thighs.  Slowly he releases his hold on your hips.  You are weak from release.  James slowly works his way up your body leaving a blazing trail of kisses, licks, nibbles and hickies on your flesh.  It feels like he is reviving your body with the intensity of his lips.
Your eyes flutter open to find his bright blue eyes directly in front of you.  Your arms don’t want to respond, so you crunch up and lock your lips to his.  James kisses you back with a passion that reaches deep into you – to your very soul.  His eyes fill with everything his kiss gives to you.  Passion.  Desire.  Wants.  Needs.  Lust.  You two feed off that kiss.
Recovering, you realize that he has shed his jeans.  His naked body is pressed against yours.  His erection is twitching at your dripping opening.  Your fingers find his face, tracing his eyebrows, down his nose, his mustache.  His lips kiss your fingertips, gently sucking on the pads of your fingers.  Reaching between your bodies he teases your clit with dripping end of his cock leaving you moaning and wiggling under his torturous teasings.  The only words you can barely utter “James, please.”
James grins at you and slowly pushes the head into your soaked pussy.  The size slowly filling you makes you suck in a deep breath, your eyes flaring wide.
“Shh, shh” James coos at you as he pauses.  “Breath” he whispers.
It takes you a few moments to adjust to the feeling of him stretching deep inside you.  Once the discomfort dissipates, you rock your hips up and hook a leg around his waist, your heel digging into his ass forcing him still deeper into you.  This action makes you both inhale deeply. 
James plants both his hands above your shoulders.  His knees nudge up tight against your hips, forcing him still deeper into you.  He lowers his face down to the crook of your neck, his panting breath warm on your flesh.  You can tell he’s holding back.  Waiting on you.  Wrapping your arms around him, you turn your face to his ear right by your lips.  Kissing his ear, you whisper, “yes.”
James’ groan reverberates through your body as he slowly starts moving his hips.  His shaft gets impossibly thicker, stretching and filling you as never before.  At first, James’ movements are slow.  You can feel every vein in his cock, the shape of the head as he slowly moves in and out of your tight hole.  His voice growls in your ear “You are so tight.”  He grunts as his cock drives slowly into you “So wet.”
Your fingers dig into his back, clutching his neck.  You tighten your leg around his waist “All for you” as he dives deeper.  He growls louder and sinks his teeth into your shoulder.
Arching your back, you cry out in both ectasy and pain.  You use all your strength to hold his head close to your neck.  Jame’s teeth tighten on your shoulder.  He keeps a steady rhythm pounding his hips against yours.  The pressure building in you.  The room is filled with the sounds of wet flesh slapping wet flesh as he pounds away in you.  The obscene sound of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy.  Both of you are reduced to primal grunts and groans.  You rake your nails down his back.  Letting go of your shoulder, he lifts his head roaring, his hips slamming even harder into you.  You reach down and claw his ass.  He cries out again.  His thrusts slamming you into his arms above your shoulders, holding you for his pounding pleasure.
The orgasms crash into you both at the same time.  The gummy walls of your cunt squeeze his cock intensely as his cum fills you.  James manages a few jagged thrusts before calming and slowly lowering his weight on to your body.  His softening cock slides from within you.  You can feel the warm mix of your climaxes seeping out.
His hands caress you.  Starting with your hair.  Slowly touching your face.  His fingers gently closing your eyelids.  “Just feel” he whispers into your ear.  His fingers glide gently over your neck, over your shoulder.  As they move over your bicep, sleep grabs hold and pulls you under.
A gentle rumble in your ribs pulls you back to wakefulness.  Your left arm is over your head, your right hand is draped over James left arm – which is wrapped around your ribs.  He is sound asleep, his face burrowed into your left side.  The top of his head pressed into your armpit – keeping you from lowering that arm.  His left leg is up over your hips.  Your legs dangle over his right thigh.
You have not felt this way – safe – in ages.  You softly trace the intricate tattoos on James’ left forearm.  He snorfels into your ribs which tickles and makes you giggle.  He tightens his hold on your ribs and blows mouth farts on your side.  You squeal in laughter.  He blows another.  “Stop!  I gotta pee!” you cry out in laughter.
Rising up on his elbow, a smile spreads across his face to his eyes.  James leans over you planting a kiss on you.  He releases his hold on you, “Bathroom is that way” he points.
Slipping off the bed you make your way to the door indicated.  Finding the toilet in it’s own little room, you sigh in relief.  Washing your hands after, you quickly return to the bedroom. 
James passes you “My turn” landing a backhand smack to your bare ass.
You stretch out on the bed.  James returns and spoons up behind you, pulling you into his body.  Kissing your neck, “Oh shit.  I bruised you.”  You can feel his fingers tracing out the spot on your neck.
“That will cover up ok.”  You roll to your back within his arms.  “At least you didn’t draw blood.”
Shaking his head, “Not my thing.”
Smiling, you pull his face closer and kiss him.
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” James grins at you.
Doing an exaggerated pout, “I got fired.”
James, trying to be serious, “I know a guy.  I could put in a good word for you.”
A wicked smile grows on your face.  “That’s sweet.  But …”  Leading with your hips, you manage to roll him to his back letting the momentum carry you up on top of him.  “There’s a new position I thought I’d try for.”  You grind your dampening crotch into his quickly growing erection.
“Oh!  That’s interesting.”
Reaching between your bodies, you place his cockhead at your entrance, “I hear the interview is very penetrating” as you slowly sink down his length, stretching your depths.
James groans and pulls down on your hips, driving deeper into you.  “Well, that’s a great opening” he manages.  Using your Kegels, you grip his cock, squeezing and releasing.  He groans again.
James thrusts his hips up, overbalancing you.  Catching yourself on his shoulders – your left hand sliding off and landing by his neck.  James cups the back of your head and kisses you as you keep your actions working his cock.  Breaking the kiss, “That’s great multi-tasking abilities” he hisses.
Planting both your hands on his chest, you sit back up driving him deeper into your wetness.
Feeling his response, you speed up the rhythm.  His eyes roll back as you can feel his cock twitch inside you.  James reaches for your clit, but you grab his hands, “uh huh.  This is all for you.”  A few more strategic grinds and Kegels and he is undone.  With grunts and groans he fills your insides, your gummy walls milking every drop out of him.
James’ hands caress up your sides gently urging you down to his side.  He kisses your forehead, “You’re hired” he smirks.  You kiss his face and neck.  He lazily wraps his arms around you and heaves a sigh.  There you two linger. 
Then with a speed and agility you didn’t know he had, you are caught off guard as you find yourself on your stomach, he is behind you, his knees have knocked yours wide and you are impaled by his cock slamming back into your still dripping cunt.  His large hands pulling you tight against his body.
You can feel his chest hairs grazing your back as he leans over you, “Now.”  He slams into you again, “Let’s talk benefits.”
Only one word barely escapes your lips “ok!”
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leaentries · 2 years
ethan landry x chubby!reader headcanons
SFW & NSFW under the cut!
warnings: none
ethan is a major cuddler. he loves they way your soft plushy thighs feel against his head when he takes naps. your his own personal pillow :(((
imagine you’ve just come home from class and ethan’s already waiting for you to get comfy bc you already know he can’t even think of sleeping without the feeling of his special girl under his body
he absolutely LOVES the way your clothes fit you, no matter what you’re wearing
you’re wearing tight fitting clothing? gorgeous. he could watch and admire the way your body curves for hours upon hours. i mean this man has dedicated and will continue to dedicate his time to remembering each and every dip and stretch your body has to offer
you’re in the mood for a baggy t-shirt or hoodie? stunning. he loves how cuddly and soft you look. he would literally grab you and throw you into bed with his beefy arms ready for his daily nap
now we all know that he is a shy baby boy, but let someone disrespect you in front of him? it might, quite literally, be the last thing they ever do
he can be a bit possessive of you. just the thought of someone else touching the roundness of your hips or the swell of your soft, beautiful, tummy is enough to have his skin crawling and blood boiling
he always makes sure to have some sort of physical contact with you 24/7. i mean, he just can’t help himself. he just melts when he feels your body, he would probably glue you to himself if he could tbh
warnings: explicit language, detailed smut, mentions of virgin!ethan, sub!ethan, a bit of dom!ethan, use of the names slut, corruption, breeding kink, marking/biting
to start, i love to think of virgin!ethan and little bit along the corruption lines
like the first time he saw you naked he pretty much came untouched. his swollen angry, red cock dripping precum waiting to be touched by you
i feel this is collectively established at this point, but this man whimpers. that’s it.
he feels your round, full breasts pressing into him while he rubs his painfully hard cock along the outside of your clothed core and he’s cumming in his pants
he’s just so pathetic for you. he can’t control himself. your just so unbelievably pretty and soft.
his poor and untouched body just begging for you to play with him :((
i get the feeling that once y’all have gotten used to each others bodies, he definitely opens up. he becomes more stern and his more possessive and dominant side shows out
he just loathes the idea of any other person having a shot with you, so making sure to pump your abused pussy full of his cum by the end of the night just helps him sleep better. so he claims
along with this is his raging marking/biting obsession. he’s a simple man really, he wants everyone to know your his and i mean only his.
a good way to get him riled up is to push his limits and make him jealous.
this just inspired me to write a little blurb, so here you go 😋
everything is hot. your body, that way ethan’s hard glare sends waves of arousal to your core. it shouldn’t turn you on, you know he’s pissed, but it’s so hard to deny the ache of lust that begins to make its way through your bones. ethan makes his way towards you, eyes locked onto where your full hips had just been pressed against some other guy. you didn’t intend to flirt with someone else, but the way ethan looks right now almost makes it worth it. the wave of pleasure and need drowns out the slimmer of guilt that began to rise. as ethan approached you, you couldn’t help but clench your thighs together slightly in attempt to ease the dull throbbing between your legs. his grip is tight around your wrist as he begins to lead you up the stairs and to the nearest empty bedroom. he drags you through the door, making sure to lock it behind you. his hands immediately find their way to your throat, pushing you against the door. his dark eyes meet yours in a collision of lust and fire.
“you want to be a little slut? grinding against another guy, knowing damn well i’m right there? you belong to me and now you’re gonna prove it.”
a/n: this was inspired by a post from @whorrorifics thank you for putting the chubby!reader agenda in my brain 😍
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 3
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
We didn’t do hot Glenn summer for him to LOSE. Spoilers for his story but MORE PROPAGANDA FOR YOU:
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Listen, I don't know this other character but I've seem some good arguments for her However Consider Glenn Close winning through no effort of his own in a bullshit way despite being a dick is the most in character thing ever. He leveled up three times and got a crab mech, we GOT to give him this win, it's fitting
I haven't dedicated the last 2 months of my life drawing Glenn close for him to lose
Vote for Glenn Close or I will make you read the parody I did of the vaporeon copypasta
I don’t regulate if minors follow me or not bc I’m a pretty chill space but I hope the world is aware that’s the only reason I haven’t been downright nasty about Glenn close. I’m down bad. I’m NOT in the boat of ‘Glenn isn’t sexy but I want him to win bc it’s my fandom’. I would estimate I have 200+ drawings of Glenn on my phone that AREN’T safe for work. Way more that are. Where did they come from? That’s MY business. But I tell you this fact to assure you- Glenn IS sexy. I’m not voting to represent my fandom I’m voting out of TRUTH AND LOVE. IF YOU DON’T GET IT YOU DON’T GET IT!!! I just think my level of feral over this man is more powerful than y’all realize. If you don’t get his sex appeal that’s okay, but don’t doubt that this is my truth.
Glenn fuckers fought tooth and nail to get us here from like 38% dawg we DESERVE THIS. GLENN IS THE SEXIEST MAN!!! HE WAS THE FIRST FICTIONAL CHARACTER I FOUND HOT AND HE’S GONNA CONTINUE TO SWEEP!!! Your hot goat woman sounds sexy don’t get me wrong but I’m forever fighting for the man that changed my brain chemistry. Proud of our fandom tbh. I don’t think y’all understand the sheer amount of effort I have put in to get my boy where he is today but this placement feels well earned. TO GLENN SWEEP!!
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
Yalll better vote glenn i swear to god
Vote Glenn or else the bird gets it🐦🛸
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. Do you think pickman needs this to feel good about herself? Can she not accept a loss for the sake of a pathetic father? Can she shake hands with the minivan fucker and his human gun and just take the L on this one? He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Taako (The Adventure Zone: Balance):
A celebrity chef from another plane
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If you want another request, how about something with Four? I feel like he is an undertapped Link in the LU x reader fic verse. I also think he fits in well with a bunch of different story types. He has the skills to live a peaceful life at home with a partner, he has the Colors, he also can be small (or a Minish depending on whether you believe his is small or transforms into a Minish), & shadow…. I am not picky whatsoever , but if you are willing, could you do some Four x reader?
Order up!
*ahem* I AM MOST DEFINITELY WILLING. GIVEGIVEGIVEGIVE- I agree with you. This man needs more love. Formatting a little differently this time, let me know what y’all think!
(thanks again to @litrllyvoid for proofreadin’)
Hope you enjoy~
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Long he had lived a simple life. Even with the dramatic disruptions of the world, he could tell it wasn’t a life cut out for him. That grandeur had called to him, and when he responded, there was only judgement in turn. Since he was little, Link had found peace with the small world within his village. Running through uneven grassy hills and causing havoc, hand in hand with you. His arms and legs bruised, but with a full heart and genuine grin. Though, the older he gets, and the more the edges of his memory begin to fray, he wonders if that were truly the case. Perhaps it wasn’t that he was content with the world he was born into. It is on cold mornings such as this where the question burdened him most. Was it life that made him happy, or was it just you?
He burned the thought away, tugging at the fragile nerves that caressed his heart. He shrugged on some clothes with little regard for what he adorned himself with. It wasn’t as if there was anyone to impress— especially when he’d be working for the most of the day.
Each stair step creaked and groaned. His grandfather sat at the table, already eating breakfast. He plucked an apple on his way to sit, its waxy skin once a luxury that would’ve been shared. He no longer needed a knife to split the core in half. The juice tasted less sweet when there wasn’t sweet laughter accompanying it.
“Yikes, bad apple?” His grandfather laughed huskily in reaction to his dismay, crows feet and smile lines etched into his face. How was it that he could find happiness here where Link could not?
“Rough morning.”
“Ah. I see. Please… take a break if you need to” The old man clasped his hands, bony elbows rested on the table. It wasn’t hard to spot the concern in the deepset wrinkles of his grandfather’s face. Link found the strength to nod and move on for the moment.
The dull ache of his arms never faded as he worked. It was to be expected, forging something from an abstract nothing was not a task even the gods found simplistic. Monotonous, sure. There was a rhythm in each strike against the metal, a pattern to be found within the firings.
There was a finality like death in the quench of the blade.
The weight of his work and a life brought to an abrupt end.
And like a body, he decorated the corpse with wood, wrapping it in delicate cloth— a casket of its own.
Creation was not a task meant for mortals, he thinks. Though people often try to make it so, the hollow pain in his joints and sear of his muscles make it apparent. It strains him, though it is what fuels him. There is a sense of grief whenever he hands over a blade he slaved over— a mourning so powerful that no amount of rupees wish away.
It was in such a similar manner that he loved you. With such a sense of fullness and unconditionality, he did not stop to think of a world for which you were not in it. It is foolish of him to long for his childhood just because it was spent hand in hand with you. But he’d give anything to have colors be so bright again and for his smile to be so wide and genuine. It didn’t matter how bruised he’d be, so long as he gained those bruises running down riverbeds with you.
Now, he dressed up the body of those memories. Decorating you in his mind's eye with blue thistles, sprigs of rosemary, wild poppies and violets. Each aspect of him paying homage to their love of you. Of who he can only hope you continued to be.
The blade he held cracked when it was dipped into the water, split in twain. He looked at the jagged edge where the hilt was severed.
He could not find it within himself to remeld the pieces.
It would not be the same again.
He needed to move on.
He was close enough when adventuring with his brethren. There was enough fighting and adrenaline to keep his mind off his wounds. He let himself attach —maybe not in such a similar fashion as he did you— but in a way equally fulfilling.
What a fool he was.
How could he not notice the darkness creeping its way in? The abyss called for his return, sentencing him back to a cage he built. And so, he returned. Back to a life wherein he could reap no joy but couldn’t muster the strength to leave.
He wished he had his brothers. Time to help him forge a plan of escape from the mundane. Twilight to offer assistance in the smaller tasks— so he could manage life just a little bit easier. Sky to boss him into taking a break, even if it were just stretching. Legend to banter with as he worked, taking the weight off of the task. Wild to make use of the end product, to give the life of the blade meaning. Even just the careful eyes of Wind studying what he did. He missed how individual he felt, yet still holding his place among the set. He’d always have a home there, even if he was fundamentally different from his brethren.
He wished he still had a home with you.
You still had a home with him.
If only you’d return to him…
But life is not such a simple endeavour, and he doubts your parents would be content with you marrying some blacksmith, even if he held the title of hero. That was if you weren’t already forced to marry. That was if you still loved him.
He hopes whatever life you’ve been condemned to is happy.
Because if he is not there to protect you from the worst that fate has to offer, he can at least hope that there’s someone there who can.
Even though it isn’t him.
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
hate sex with luke 😙🙏🏻🩵
animosity - l.r.h.
requested: yes! thank you for the request, and keep sending them in :)
a/n: y’all love the hate fucking concept LMAO i can’t blame you.
cw: SMUT!! slight angst, rough sex, swearing, choking, reader goes into head space, fluffy end
i had never met a person who was more insufferable than luke hemmings. i tried to be nice to him, i really did. i don’t know what i did that made him hate me so quickly, but i know he’d rather die than be alone in a room with me.
we had met because of your mutual friends. michael had introduced me to the group, and i had been so excited to meet them all. when i had met luke, it was like he decided he hated me, right then and there.
i had made efforts to talk to him and involve him in conversations, but he would only glare at me and respond with a dry tone.
the decision to hangout with everyone tonight at michael’s apartment was a bold one. i knew luke was going to be there, and i knew he’d avoid me the whole night if i was lucky.
sometimes he’d pretend i wasn’t there. other times, not so much. he would mock me and just be a massive dick.
i decided to not worry about that for tonight, and continue getting ready before heading to michael’s.
i had put on my usual mascara and eyeliner, and decided on wearing one of my favorite cardigans over a tank top, and a small flowing skirt.
as i left my house, i texted michael letting him know id be there soon. once i arrived, i knocked on the door, immediately being let in, and pulled into a hug by michael. i laughed at his actions.
michael was almost like a little brother to me, despite him being a few years older. i walked through the door, seeing everyone was already here.
“we were just getting drinks out, want one?” michael asked. i glanced over at the group, seeing luke’s eyes already burning into mine. i looked back at michael, nodding my head.
he passed me a shot, giving me a wine cooler afterwards to get the taste from the shot out of my mouth. i walked to the living room, sitting down on the floor, leaning my back against the couch.
luke’s eyes still stuck on me with a scowl. i ignored it, trying to enjoy my time with my favorite people. we sat there drinking, talking about anything and everything. at this point, i was the only person truly sober, besides luke.
we all started gossiping, talking about people we knew and didn’t necessarily like. “i swear, the chick next door to me is actually crazy. she’s got this boyfriend who just yells at her constantly and just spews insults at her, yet she’s still with him!” i spoke in disbelief.
“maybe you guys have something in common.” luke muttered. heads turned to him, confused looks on everyone’s face. “what does that mean, luke?” i questioned.
he smirked, knowing he was about to get a rise out of me. “i mean that you’re both crazy.” he spoke flatly.
“and why is that?” i continued asking. he just chuckled before answering me.
“she’s crazy in the sense she lets this guy keep coming back. you’re crazy in the sense that you think any guy will come back to you.” he spat.
“what are you trying to say about me luke? that im desperate?” i asked. he shrugged.
“if the shoe fits. i think we all know you’re a bit of a slut, y/n.” he spoke. tears pricked my eyes.
“woah, no one, and i mean no one, thinks that about y/n.” caluk spoke up. i bit down on my lip trying not to let luke win and see me cry.
he continued smirking, knowing i was holding back. i stood up, walking to where he was. once close enough, i stood there staring down at him.
he raised an eyebrow, curious what i was doing. i quickly pulled back my hand, slapping him hard across the face. “fuck you, luke.” i spoke, walking to michael’s guest room, closing the door.
i had sucked back the tears, now only letting myself be angry. what the hell did i ever do to him? why did he hate me so much? why did-
my thoughts were cut off by the door opening. i turned my head. of course it was him. he quickly crossed the room to me, grabbing my wrists.
“you think you can just get away with that? you’re sorely mistaken, darling.” he said darkly. he pushed me to the wall, kissing me hard.
i gasped at his actions. if he hated me so much, why was he doing this? it was almost as if he read my mind.
“wanna know why i fucking hate you, y/n? cause you act like you’re so fucking perfect. like you’re too good for anyone. too good for me.” he growled. i raised my brow.
“i tried to be nice to you, luke. you’re just a fucking asshole.” i spat back at him. he pinned me to the wall with his hips. i gasped at the feeling, taking notice of his hard cock.
“i knew you were a fucking slut.” he smirked, seeing my reaction to him pressing against me. he grabbed my throat squeezing it harshly.
i let out a moan, my eyes rolling back. he groaned, kissing me again, roughly. i whimpered as he held onto my throat, making him laugh darkly.
he pulled away, staring into my eyes. “so gorgeous.” he cooed, making my face heat up.
“what, so the hating me thing was all an act?” i teased.
“don’t test me, y/n. it may be all an act but i’m gonna fuck you like it wasn’t.” he spoke boldly, making me melt into his touch.
he swiftly pulled my top off, throwing it across the room. he kissed down my chest, leaving rough hickies along my neck and collarbones. i gasped, loving the feeling.
he slid my skirt off, dipping his hand underneath my panties. his fingers rubbed my clit, causing me to moan. he continued suckling on my neck, purple marks already showing.
without warning, his fingers slipped inside my heat, curling upwards. my knees weakened, causing luke to grab one of my thighs to hold me up. i tugged on his hair, pulling him back to kiss me.
“please, need more.” i begged. he laughed, continuing his actions. “you think you’re gonna get what you want?” he asked. i pouted, making him bite down on my lip.
i squealed, throwing my head back. he removed his hands from me before i could get close to cumming, causing me to whine.
he picked me up, dropping me onto the bed. he pulled my panties off, unbuckling his belt afterwards. he kicked his jeans and boxers off, making me squeeze my thighs at the site of him.
his dick was hard and red, begging for attention. he stroked himself a few times, before slamming into me. i let out a scream, but it was cut short as luke cupped his hand around my mouth.
he smirked at my position. “so fuckin pretty. this is why i’ve hated you baby. cause i haven’t been the one wrecking you.” he grunted, pulling my leg above his shoulder.
i gasped as he hit deeper, and at such a fast pace. the pain and pleasure sent my head spinning. tears fell from my cheeks, making luke laugh as he wiped away the tears.
“don’t cry angel, you’re taking me so well.” he praised, still slamming into me. i cried out in pleasure from his words.
my eyes started rolling back, and my head felt fuzzy. i felt my stomach tighten, signaling that i was close. “g-gonna cum.” i squeaked, feeling myself release on his cock.
he squeezed my thighs, pulling out as he came on my stomach. i was still gasping for air, my head still feeling foggy.
i stared off at the ceiling, my body still shaking. “y/n? you in there?” i hear luke ask me. when he didn’t get a response from me, he sat up, shaking me. he started panicking. grabbing me, and pulling me close.
“angel, you’re scaring me. need you to use your words, are you alright?” he questioned. i slowly started to come down, squeezing his shoulder as he held me.
he sighed in relief, stroking my hair. “was i good?” i asked meekly. he nodded his head.
“did so good. might’ve fucked you too good.” he boasted. i smiled into his chest.
“so you don’t really hate me?” i looked up at him. he shook his head, kissing mine.
“i only hated you because you weren’t mine.” he whispered.
“i wanna be yours, luke.” i said softly.
“then be mine, y/n.”
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illwynd · 1 year
What direction would you have enjoyed most for Thor and Loki after TDW?
I recall in the long dry years between TDW and TR, a large part of the conversation in the fandom around this topic was on how pissed off Thor would be when he learned that Loki hadn’t actually died and had kept that fact from him (or “faked his death,” however you wanna phrase it) and how much trust would have to be rebuilt. And there is definitely that aspect of it. I think there was trust that needed to be rebuilt on both sides, in fact, and many long-overdue conversations about everything that had gone wrong to get them to that point. Conversations about Loki’s ancestry and his miscalculation with the Destroyer and all the questions Thor didn’t ask when Loki reappeared and not visiting him in the cells and ancient resentments and so many other things. 
But most of the fandom, in the discussions I’ve seen, seems to have been hoping for resolution between them, for things to get all healed and tied up in a tidy little bow and have their character arcs just ride off into the sunset and… yeah, I don’t want that. I never wanted that. There is way too much emphasis these days on “healthy” and “wholesome” and, goddamn, like what are y’all doing looking at these two if you’re looking for therapist-approved wellbeing? You’re digging in the wrong place. (Something that I feel is carried over from Norse mythology into their characters is the idea that there is value and importance in lives that don’t have a Happily Ever After, worlds ending in destruction and final defeat but with a deep integrity to what mattered. The world doesn’t promise healing. Sometimes, living with the knowledge that things will not be fixed in the end but it all matters anyway, and the connections between people matter, and the ability to find flickering moments of joy amidst the sorrows… to me that is far better, far more fitting to who they are than any tidy, happy resolution could ever be.)
One of the things that I love about many of their comics arcs is the sense that while things do change between them over time, with different emphases coming into focus and into prominence, there is an essence to both of them that keeps them in perpetual conflict and ALSO keeps the love strong enough that neither of them ever wants to go their separate ways permanently. They both have their own lives, with Thor doing his best at heroing and Loki doing his best at being himself, but Their Relationship is a constant, and it’s nobody else’s business, and whether they’re on opposite sides in their daily lives doesn’t really factor into it. 
So basically, in my ideal world in which phase 3+ didn’t suck, TR would have involved some of those long-overdue conversations and some working together against a bigger bad, but the kiss-and-make-up would have been incomplete, like an unresolved chord at the end of a phrase of music. Loki would have disappeared again but this time making sure Thor knew he wasn’t dead, and he’d have popped up again from time to time, always with uncertain allegiances, to have a few poignant interactions with Thor, or to absolutely destroy some big bad that’s threatening Thor’s life but in the meantime doing something that makes it seem like he got some material gain out of doing so (just to keep everyone on their toes), and if anyone questions this in Thor’s presence you’d get a very stormy look and a subtle suggestion that he doesn’t have to be slumming it on Earth. 
Loki would be there to be The Most Important Person in Thor’s life even when he’s not physically present, and the niggling itch that never quite goes away from the fact that things aren’t resolved and may be unresolvable. (Having a relationship like that—where it is possible or likely that things can’t be fixed—is actually really important to telling Thor stories that have emotional weight. Resolving the relationship or making the question null through death cuts off so many of the important questions that cling to Thor in themes and resonances. To a character who embodies the virtue of striving for heroism and goodness, an unquenchable love for such a liminal character as Loki, whose moral standing flits all across the field at any given moment, and having Thor see that not as a problem, as a liability or an inconsistency but instead as a value in itself—that keeps Thor from becoming an insufferable, inflexible moral pedant.) And Thor—Loki’s love and devotion to Thor, mingled with his resentment of him and the lingering frayed edges of his trust and the centuries-old anger and desire to win against him just once—would be there to rest like a base color underpainted beneath everything Loki does in his schemes and clever workings and, a gnarled anchor or a rusted root, keep him from wandering too far afield.
And, I mean, they’re gods. If you carry any story on long enough it ends in death, but in a story of superheroes and modern legends, the gods should still be there in the end, at the edge of the tale, perhaps, but continuing nonetheless, spinning against the stars, the huge half-invisible shadows of giants bordering the far horizon, the cycles of their lives so much longer than ours.
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