#In the end Vil was voted king and riddle queen so they had like. A stalemate. A “okay fine” moment
poisoned-pearls · 4 months
2nd year dance
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(taken minutes before flo and rook got into a physical fight over their gfs being the queen of the dance)
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merakiui · 1 year
mera mera mera!!! so hear me out, but yesterday was my prom and i got prom queen, but that’s not what i’m here for. originally i was going to send something angsty bc i got my heartbroken yesterday but! as i was looking at my crown i was hit with the thought of one of boys fucking reader with the crownon and calling her their queen or something.
like leona and mal going feral over it bc they’re royalty and it just fuels their desire to claim you as theirs. or imagine vil taking the crown and putting it on himself instead and making you bow down to him. or azul making this such a big deal bc he’s a simp and-
just imagining them taking you the moment your alone bc a queen deserves royalty treatment ✨✨✨👑✨✨✨ ugh it’s healing my heart as we speak 😩
- can i be concha anon plz???
OMG AND MAYBE EVEN IN THE MOONLIGHT!!!!! OTL you step out of the ballroom and wander the silent halls for a momentary respite from all of the energy, only to run into the twst character of your choice. Maybe he's also roaming the halls caught up in his feelings and then he sees you and it's like a switch flips and one thing leads to another, maybe there's even a whispered confession, some kisses are exchanged, and then you find yourself pressed against the wall.
Something about Vil taking your crown... or maybe he rails you in front of a mirror to show that both of you are queens in your own respects. Omg maybe both he and Rook come to congratulate you and it ends with you sandwiched between them hehe!!! <3 and Leona and Malleus with the debilitating horny grip because the implications that crown has when it's sat so nicely upon your head... imagine the both of them bickering over it while you're pinned between the both of them. I like to imagine Azul rigged the voting system somehow by voting more than once or making students indebted to him vote for you just so you'll win. After all, that title rightfully belongs to his angelfish! (he expects many kisses as payment for helping you win even if you had no idea this was his doing).
And Riddle!!!!! The Queen of Hearts had her king, so naturally a queen such as yourself deserves a loving, loyal king. Please let him fill that role. orz
Floyd swipes your crown from right off your head, places it on his, and then he's skipping off down the halls, daring you to come and fetch it. If you manage to catch him, he'll give you more than just the crown~
Imagine the first-years approaching you to congratulate you all at once (and also hopefully ask for a dance), but it's a little impossible to have a romantic, intimate moment when they're all surrounding you and arguing over who gets to ask first. ^^;;;
AND ROLLO...... mr. grumpy wallflower has his arms crossed and his chin turned up haughtily as he grumbles about how the entire process is none of his business and that you most likely charmed everyone with magic or some sort of hex unique to you. But if you strain to listen over the music, he says it's a title well-earned and well-deserved. Even Rollo has to agree it's fitting. After all, he's the first one to have fallen for your charms. <3
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Science fiction double feature (part 1)
Characters: Riddle, Trey, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Vil, Rook
In which twst boys watch some classic Halloween films (that aren’t horror) with you (reader)
Cw// spoilers for these movies and also octavinelle typical behavior
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Heartslabyul - Nightmare Before Christmas
Watching a fun family friendly movie with the Heartslabyul gang sounds fun for about 5 minutes, and then you remember who’s actually in the gang. Sitting in the dorm lounge with the TV booted up and ready to go, popcorn and cocoa and cider and tea all practically perfect in every way, settled on the ground in throw blankets and pillows with Ace and Deuce, the upperclassman on the couch above you and the queen of tarts herself in the armchair, it’s picturesque.
In terms of watching the movie, it’s not really happening, though. Cater is scrolling through magicam and taking pictures of all the snacks and the movie night as a whole. He has no idea what’s going on in the movie.
Riddle, despite watching it intently, also evidently has no clue what’s going on. It’s like watching it with a toddler and cinemasins at the same time. He ends up making you pause the movie once every 30 seconds to explain to him what’s going on or to make a mean comment about the continuity. “Why does Halloween town have a king and a mayor? What is this political structure? Who’s in charge of the voting system? What kind of-“
Trey is the most normal of everyone not watching the movie, since he’s just sitting there doing his homework while the movie plays. He doesn’t talk through the whole movie or make you pose for pictures or do what Ace and Deuce are doing, but he’s also not exactly participating. True dorm dad material.
Speaking of Ace and Deuce, they’re sort of watching the movie, but since Riddle keeps making you pause it they’ve lost interest and are more content to whisper stupid shit to each other and throw popcorn at everyone in the room, including you.
After finally telling everyone to watch the fucking movie, it settles down somewhat. Deuce ends up falling asleep on your shoulder, Cater continues to fuck around on his phone but now he’s paying Tetris, Riddle continues asking questions but much more occasionally, and Trey finished his homework so he’s sort of watching the movie and sort of watching Cater play his game.
Ace is the lone culprit of annoyance now because he has the bladder the size of a pea and keeps getting up to go to the bathroom and insists that you pause the movie.
In the end, Riddle ends up relating to Jack more than he thought he would, Trey ends up relating to Sally (no surprise there) and everyone else didn’t care that much about the movie or didn’t see most of it.
Trey rates it a 6/10, Riddle a 2.4/10 (for plot inconsistencies), Cater a 10/10, Ace a 7/10, and Deuce a 10/10 as well. None of them will watch this again.
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Octavinelle - Coraline
Maybe, just maybe, this was a bad idea. Sitting down Mansplain, Manipulate, and Murder down for a family fun movie sounded like a good idea in concept, but there will be long lasting consequences to your actions.
The first is that you managed to freak out THE Floyd Leech. Yes, Floyd Leech, terror of Night Raven College and poison apple of my eye, is actually scared. He’s trying not to show it, laughing too loudly and pointing at the screen, but he’s leaning toward (on) Jade, and he looks toward his phone frequently.
Azul is on the other side of Jade, but he’s leaning toward the arm of the couch. He’s trying to guess every plot point of the movie to varying degrees of success. He can read the red flags just fine, but figuring out the motives is tripping him up. It’s been a little too long since he’s blinked, because the last time he looked away for a second the other Wybie had his mouth sewn up and scared the shit out of him
Jade is by far the most calm, and actually seems to enjoy the movie. There’s a sadistic glee on his face as he watches the spidery other mother lure in Coraline, all smiles and sweets until she unravels. Perhaps he finds kinship there, perhaps he simply wants to make you scared.
After the movie, Jade spends entirely too much energy on making a creepy, handsewn doll version of you and hiding it places. At first it seems like a threat, but the smile on his face that contains nearly no malice says he simply enjoys this little game.
Floyd becomes weird about buttons. He ends up removing most of them from his uniforms, and it doesn’t entirely matter since he never wears them properly anyway, but it does make Vil stop him in the hall. He tries to sew buttons back on, and Floyd freaks.
Azul is virtually unchanged from the situation, just a little more cautious. When he finds out about Jade’s goings on he is deeply uncomfortable but says nothing since he doesn’t want to be jades victim.
Overall, Jade rates it a 10/10 movie, Floyd rates it 2/10, and Azul already forgot that you guys watched the movie so he says it’s a 5/10.
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Pomefiore - Rocky Horror Picture Show
Epel has left the chat due to the fact that he’s baby. He will reappear with Ortho later.
Now that you’re alone with Vil, the film snob, and Rook, the Frenchman, you get to enjoy the last moment of peace you’ll ever know.
Traditionally you’re supposed to see Rocky Horror at a theater, dressed up, and ready to participate. But twisted wonderland isn’t even supposed to have this movie so you just have to watch it alone and without audience participation because life has no joy.
Vil and Rook are not only the best audience members for a movie because they don’t talk through it, but they’re also the best people to show this movie too because it’s Their Brand. Queer comedy horror with a bunch of risqué content? It’s like it was made for them.
They both get really into it until the death laser and then they get a bit lost. The rest of the film seems like a fever dream and they simply. Cannot process it.
After the movie Vil texts you a 40 page essay on the deep meanings behind the film because he really wants to talk about it. He and Rook end up forming their own little club.
Vil also 100% dresses up as Franknfurter for a concert of his. It makes headlines, it makes people faint, women throw themselves at him, rook also throws himself at him, he ends up solving world hunger and brings a wave of peace to the realms through his sheer beauty-
Rook ends up kinning riffraff. I can’t say why it’s just vibes. He hums time warm when he goes Leona hunting.
Vil rates it a solid 7/10 (which is like a 10/10 for a normal person) and Rook rates it 1000000/10 because he’s a simp
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