#In pittsburgh my friends will tell you there were some nights i just didnt show up
freebooter4ever · 2 years
I will confess i dont like the planned aspect of LA - everything has to be done in advance, you have to get tickets so early and its so expensive. And im not good at any of that unless its something really really special :/
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bondtravels · 5 years
Story time
So last night I saw Neck Deep, Blink-182, and Lil Wayne in Pittsburgh. I got pretty drunk but I was in bed by midnight. While in bed, I remembered that I saw Kells posted on Twitter earlier that he was going to be at his pop up shop in Cleveland the next day at 11am. In my drunk bliss, I sent a girl I went to hs with a message bc I knew she loved MGK. I asked if she was busy the next day and wanted to drive up with me. She said yes but that she was working until 6am (she’s a waitress and it was a Saturday night). We decided we would leave by 7am bc Cleveland is about 3 hour drive from where we live. Poor girl 😂.
I slept for 5 hours and woke up nauseous and hungover as fuck from the Blink show. I was so sick that I puked shortly after waking up. I had a pounding headache. Yet I still got my shit together and left to go pick up my friend. She was running on 0 hours of sleep. We were a mess but we got to Cleveland by 10am. There weren’t that many people standing in line outside the pop up shop which was surprising. Of course the line grew later on and we made friends with some people while waiting.
One of the kids in the line was wearing devil horns, an EST bandana, a purple suit, and shoes that said “EST kid.” He was so sweet. He was holding a wrapped present. When we asked his mom about the present she said that her son told her Kells’ new album sounded sad and that he wanted to get him a present. I’m not sure what was in it, I didnt wanna intrude. But how damn sweet of him. His name is Xander. Kells ended up just giving him merch for free. 😭. When they were leaving I heard his mom keep saying, “I can’t believe that just happened.”
The night before, Kells posted on his insta a video of a tray of shots. So I knew he would be in the same hungover shape as I was and I knew his ass wouldn’t show up at 11am 😂. The sun was blazing down, I hadn’t ate because of my hungover nausea, and I was dying of thirst. Meanwhile my friend is almost falling asleep standing. 😂 He rolled up at 1130 or so, and walked by the entire line of people and put them on his insta. We were on his insta story. My friend and I were going insane. Also thank god for her bc she’s taller than me and was able to get some better pics/vids for me.
Once we got into the shop, there were two lines. One was to buy merch and the other was to get it signed. We bought shirts and Kells’ daughter was the one running the register. She was so cute and sassy 😂. People were being slow, so she pounded on this hotel bell saying, “next?????????” She complimented my friends nails and was surprised to hear my friend got them from Walmart and that they were press ons. She was so adorable. You can see her to the right in the pics we got of Kells and Xander.
There were two douche bags in front of the line that went into the shop with a massive amount of shit for Kells to sign that they had brought in from outside, not merch from the shop. When he said no, the douche bags got kicked out and proceeded to throw a fit. Saying, “he won’t sign anything. He won’t take pictures with anyone” blah blah blah. Kells asked the group of us inside if anyone of his real fans were blocked from getting in by said douche bags. We said no. He seemed to truly care about his fans getting in and being able to get the merch they wanted. He did ask for no photos, though. Which I can respect. I’m bummed I couldnt get a picture with him, of course, but I respect that he’s probably exhausted. I was thankful for him even signing shit, tbh. Came to find out later that one of the douche bags posted a hat Kells signed on eBay for almost $400 and a title that said “RARE.” What a dick. People like that end up ruining shit like this for people like us. I hope Kells never sees it, honestly.
While I was waiting in the “sign” line, Kells came back to the middle of the line to tell us he had to go to a baseball game. He stuck out his tongue at the mention of the game (which was crazy adorable) and you could tell he didn’t want to leave. I was terrified I wasnt gonna get him to sign my shirt before he left. But he said, “I wanna make sure I get everyone in this lines stuff signed before I go.” Bless him. He was begging Ashleigh to stay at the shop longer. He looked at her and said, “Ash do we really gotta go right now?” And then he told all of us to go with him to the game. My loud ass friend was like, “Don’t threaten me with that, I will go to the baseball game just to see you.” 😭
Anyways, he finally got to my friend in line. She is the exact opposite of me. When I meet a famous person I freeze up and go silent. She just blurts out whatever comes into her head. He signs her shirt and her arm bc she asked him to and then it’s my turn. She literally looks at him and goes, “This is my miniature friend.” I’m 5 foot tall. Lmao. He looks at me and goes, “I have a miniature friend too, he plays the drums for me, his name’s Rook.” And I almost died. He signed my shirt and I asked for a hug. He hugged me. And not in the half-assed one arm hug way. Like seriously squeezed my sides. I almost died again.
And that is the end of the story. I was shaking so bad when I left that I could barely type on my phone. 😂 I’m so fuckin glad that this random spur of events just happened. Was today even real?
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Some photos are mine, some are my friends.
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Friendships from Afar
Distance creates a barrier of trust. There are no worries. There is always a safety net to fall back on that protects from hurt or pain. Beginning in second grade, my personal goal had always been to find a singular, perfect friend who lives far away. We could talk openly with each other, and I would have the ability to be myself. The plan is that years later, I would meet this person in the weirdest of circumstances, and we would be best friends forever. It’s even better if this friend is a guy, so then we can both fall in love and get married to live happily ever after.
In second grade, the entire class received school pen pals, and while my fourth-grade pen pal was not ideal, I knew I loved this “secret” letter writing system where I am just Rebecca, nothing more or less. Moving into fifth grade, Mrs. Smith found me a pen pal from China. Through our teachers, we would send each other letters back and forth until the school year was over. From this moment onward, I was hooked; pen pals didn’t care what I looked like or how shy I was or how involved my mother was with the school, I could just be me, and they only knew the information I told them. Without asking for help, I scavenged through the internet, trying to collect pen pals as if they were Webkinz. I was convinced this perfect friend could only be found on pen pal websites that look like they were made by my fellow fifth graders.
Starting in sixth grade, I would spend night after night stalking the profiles of random teenagers on Students of the World, a supposedly “safe” pen pal website for kids. Gender? Who cares. Age? About 10-16. Likes? Reading, of course. Language? English please. I would then press search and sift through hundreds of profiles, finding the perfect candidates to be my best friend. This process was extremely predictable, including:
The teenage boys “looking” for a relationship:
Nathaniel, Age 14, UK
Cinema, Television
Painting, Drawing, Art
Hi! Are you looking for a cool guy to write to? Send me a nice message otherwise you’ll miss something priceless. 
I can speak:
English, French
The liars that claimed they like everything and speak every language:
Janhvi, Age 16, USA
Cinema, Television
Animals, Nature
Painting, Drawing, Art
Hello !!👩I'm Janhvi .I like to travel.I have traveled in to many countries .Such as india , sri lanka, china, france and more.I like make new friends.message me soon guys.👭👫OUR LIFE IS CHANGE , BUT FRIENDSHIP NEVER BE CHANGE.
I can speak:
English French German Italian Spanish Arabic Chinese Japanese Korean
The students making a profile for class:
Chaya, Age 13, USA
Cinema, Television
Animals, Nature
I am looking for a penpal for our school project. I would like to find some in Atlanta, Georgia.
I can speak:
I would scroll through these profiles so constantly that I rarely found new profiles. I was judging every profile based off of the person’s name, biography, age, likes, languages, everything. Most people without a profile picture wouldn’t receive an email from me. I tried to avoid messaging anyone from the United States unless they sounded like a major fangirl or fanboy over the books I liked. I automatically favored anyone from Europe, especially if they had an interesting name. But regardless if anyone from anywhere sent me a message first, I would respond back at least once.
Shortly after the search began, I received a message from a girl named Julia from Australia. She and I were the same age, we both needed a friend, and we both liked reading, animals, music, and clothes. Quickly, my life began to revolve around the fourteen hours that always stood between Australia and the United States. Throughout sixth and seventh grade, we would be constantly messaging on the messaging app “kik,” confiding everything deep and useless to each other like best friends do:
Becca says:
Hey, how are you?
Julia says:
Everyones well... Mum and dad start the long drive to melbourne this weekend so everythings kinda topsy turvy :p
How is your family and pets? Im sorry for my rudeness that i didnt ask earlier
Nearlytime for school?
Becca says:
Lol that is fine! I get to school around 8, so normally ill drop off right before, lol i try to remember to tell you but i tend to forget. Theyre good though. Willie and Apricot are happy my grandma left :-P mom and dad are helping me with my ancestry project and exploding of happiness because I got a position in that volleyball club and my sister has been working and spending money :-P her favorite thing to do
Julia says:
Ahh the christmas spirit... Lol is there anyone in the house who loves your grandmother?
Becca says:
Lol we love her because shes family, but no one loves her when shes here if you know what i mean.
What’s up?
For two years, the conversations would continue for hours, as we both wait anxiously for the “ding” on our tablets, indicating a new message. Julia’s father was a firefighter who fought the nasty bushfires that haunted their country. I interviewed him as my hero for my final paper and presentation in my eighth grade English class. I interviewed him through email after our initial plans to Skype were sidetracked by the active wildfires, and I so proudly presented the information about him that you would have thought he was my father.
One day, Julia told me about her divorced parents. Then, she told me about the twins her mom just gave birth to. Then, she explained that she actually has a twin brother and no younger siblings at all. Then, she became an aunt to twin nephews. Then, her house burned down, and she had to move across the country. Then, her parents just moved across town. The stories continued and continued only within months of each other, not adding up in any way, shape, or form. With hope still in my heart, I sent her all three books of The Hunger Games trilogy since she really wanted to read them, but two months later, the books came back in the mail as undeliverable. The address did not exist.
Unable to admit defeat or accept the idea that my best friend might not be real despite all of the evidence, I started to panic. What if she is catfishing me? I’ve seen that show before, and I even gave “her” my address. Whoever this person is could easily come to my house and kidnap me...maybe I should tell my mom and warn the police. But maybe, she just has a really hard life, and she compulsively lies to make herself feel better? Maybe, she just really wants attention, and that’s why none of her stories are adding up. Besides it could still be her, she may just be scared. She could have just lied and is younger than she said and is trying to sound cool to impress me.
With these panicked thoughts raging through my body like wildfire, I blocked her from kik and began to ignore her emails. I forced myself to just disappear, so then I would have nothing to worry about. I cannot trust that Julia is really Julia, so I will just watch “her” occasional emails come in, analyzing from afar who “she” may be. I’ll search for her on Google and Facebook and Instagram and Students of the World and anywhere else I can look. The emails would keep coming for years and years, but they never held much content to them, and I’m still left to question who “Julia” is.
My Julia investigation was stalled for now, and the void of not having a constant penpal to talk to quickly came back. Therefore, my search to find the perfect best friend needed to be expedited since Julia was certainly not cut out for the position. I continued to search Students of the World with my new smartphone every chance I had. In between games at volleyball competitions, Hope and I could be found by the nearest outlet on my phone, scouring the website for the perfect answers within someone’s profile. We would send out messages together to the nerdy fangirls and fanboys around our age. Every day during the bus ride home from school, Jenna and I looked through the website on our phones, judging everyone’s biographies and pictures. Jenna created a profile too, and we would have three-way Skype sessions with Sylvia from France until the two of them became too close and stopped inviting me to Skype with them.
Finally in April of ninth grade, I received a promising email from a 16-year-old boy from France:
My name is Kristopher and Im from France !
I watched a few days ago Divergent and it made me want to read the books !
I see you like tv shows and video games as I do !
I am not fluent in English but I can talk to you !
If you want I can learn you French ! :)
Typically, I would spend about twenty minutes every day responding to emails from random penpals on my way home from school, but within the first three or so emails to a person, one of us would just stop responding. In regard to Kris, I generally liked video games, but I wasn’t obsessed with them, and I had a weird taste in TV, so we probably couldn’t talk about that much. But Divergent by Veronica Roth was my all-time favorite book. As soon as I read that word in the email, I knew I would be responding until he stopped responding to me. It had always been my goal to fall in love with a fanboy, especially one with the same taste in books and movies as me, so I immediately responded with:
Hi Kristopher!
What part of France are you from? I live near Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Yes, definitely read the books! They are amazing! I find myself gravitating towards video games and shows more than sports! :P
I don't know much of French as I take Spanish in school, but I'd love to learn some and help you with English as well!
He emailed me back within minutes, and we emailed for most of the evening, talking about books and food and the differences between the United States and France. That night though, my phone battery had died, and it was only for a few hours. After plugging it in, I found five unread messages from him, making sure I was okay.
Lol it works ! :) Good courage to go back to school ! :)
Hey sweetie 😆
How are you Miss ?
Do You use words like ain't or gonna ? 😆
Are you OK ?
As soon as I read these messages, my heart fluttered a little. This was just the beginning of our constant messaging and talking. I happily responded to him, and within days, Kris was my perfect, new best friend. The random space he left between the last word and the punctuation of a sentence would drive me insane, but I didn’t have the heart to explain the process to him. We talked so consistently that it would probably be considered unhealthy, discussing pets, family, being the youngest child, aspirations, atheism, languages, food, books, video games, and everything else under the sun. I was stuck to my phone all day, and every time I picked it up, I waited in anticipation for a notification with his name and the random spaces between his words and the punctuation.
The six-hour time difference between the two of us meant nothing, with him staying up late and me getting up early. Between classes, we would sneak each other messages about how our days were going. My week-long field trip to San Antonio, Texas was spent either messaging him or scouting out an outlet to plug my phone into so that I could talk to him. The more access I had to Kris, the further I distanced myself from my friends and family. When my phone would die or I wouldn’t have reception, I would look around, annoyed by whoever the people around me were. Kris was the perfect friend I always wanted; he was my best friend, and I was his. Neither of us needed anyone else, and hopefully, all of our talking and flirting would lead to love which would lead to marriage.
The summer before tenth grade came, and Kris seemed to be growing distant. Supposedly, he was travelling all summer, and he would rarely have access to wifi. I counted down the days until he would be back home, and after one measly conversation, he disappeared again. I sent message after message, finally receiving a response about his brother pushing him in the pool and his phone being in his pocket at the time, so it was destroyed. The summer seemed to be surrounded by disappointment, but hopefully when we went back to school, our relationship would continue to be as strong as it was before.
Tenth grade began, and Kris was still busy all the time. Apparently if he kept up his hard work, he would be valedictorian. Since I couldn’t spend lunch chatting with him anymore, I bragged that I was basically dating this amazing French guy who is valedictorian at his school. Until October hit, and then I would receive the dreadful message that he has a girlfriend. Ironically, this only made our conversation stronger than it had ever been, and he even picked out my new haircut, sending me endless compliments on it. The next day, he sent another message, explaining that his girlfriend didn’t want us talking anymore so it would probably be best if we just stopped. I was bad at listening to these directions, following this conversation up with many, many new messages in attempts to strike a conversation with him again. These messages earned me a nice block from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.
My only method of contact would now be email, so night after night instead of stalking Students of the World for new pen pals, I would send Kris emails. I now began to understand that feeling that I caused upon Julia, who may or may not have been Julia. Throughout October and November, I received a few responses that sounded like an automatic email reply, but one email in mid-November stood out, as it was one of the last ones I would receive from him.
Hello Becca,
I did act stupid and didn’t answer your messages at all. When I emailed you first, I never thought our friendship would get that strong !
Guess what, there used to be a time I was really in love with you, but I haven’t dared say so … The one biggest reason was the 6000 km that stand between us ! You were the one I loved talking to ! So I talked to you and you never waited to answer and neither did I.
I don’t know, something went wrong, time changed, I’m sorry I haven’t answered you for long, this is all my bad. I wish I could go back to past to fix this.
This message will never ever be able to patch things up, but it (I hope ) will tell you that I never forgot you .
My mother would tell me time and time again that any type of relationship separated by physical distance would never work. I had never believed her, but after receiving this email, I understood. Why had I ever believed that the perfect friendship would be through time differences of at least five hours? These relationships do not automatically create a barrier of trust, often making it even harder to trust. There are always going to be worries about who that person is and what their intentions are. There is no safety net to keep you from being hurt or feeling pain. Once there is a roadblock within your barrier of communication, you cannot simply get it back after running into each other at Walmart or flashing them a fake smile as you pass them in the hallway at school. As soon as one person blocks the other or the number of unread emails increases substantially over months, that person is gone forever.
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