#In order to ensure maximum profitability of the 'product'
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jacquelineadelia · 6 months ago
I'm gonna give an easy example of how broad this definition is for anyone who thinks this is purely being a hater
Tangled is a real movie
Wish is not
"umm what's a real movie, you obvious snob" thanks for asking. a real movie is one that was made with the primary purpose of telling a story, not investor value. okay now the world is your oyster.
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argyrocratie · 5 months ago
"Thus many collectives did not compete with each other for profits, as surpluses were pooled and distributed on a wider basis than the individual collective.
This process went on in many different unions and collectives and, unsurprisingly, the forms of co-ordination agreed to lead to different forms of organisation in different areas and industries, as would be expected in a free society. However, the two most important forms can be termed syndicalisation and confederationalism (we will ignore the forms created by the collectivisation decree as these were not created by the workers themselves).
Syndicalisation (our term) meant that the CNT’s industrial union ran the whole industry. This solution was tried by the woodworkers’ union after extensive debate. One section of the union, “dominated by the FAI, maintained that anarchist self-management meant that the workers should set up and operate autonomous centres of production so as to avoid the threat of bureaucratisation.” However, those in favour of syndicalisation won the day and production was organised in the hands of the union, with administration posts and delegate meetings elected by the rank and file. However, the “major failure … (and which supported the original anarchist objection) was that the union became like a large firm” and its “structure grew increasingly rigid.” [Ronald Fraser, Blood of Spain, p. 222] According to one militant, “From the outside it began to look like an American or German trust” and the workers found it difficult to secure any changes and “felt they weren’t particularly involved in decision making.” [quoted by Fraser, Op. Cit., p. 222 and p. 223] However, this did not stop workers re-electing almost all posts at the first Annual General Assembly.
In the end, the major difference between the union-run industry and a capitalist firm organisationally appeared to be that workers could vote for (and recall) the industry management at relatively regular General Assembly meetings. While a vast improvement on capitalism, it is hardly the best example of participatory self-management in action.
The other important form of co-operation was what we will term confederalisation. This system was based on horizontal links between workplaces (via the CNT union) and allowed a maximum of self-management and mutual aid. This form of co-operation was practised by the Badalona textile industry (and had been defeated in the woodworkers’ union). It was based upon each workplace being run by its elected management, selling its own production, getting its own orders and receiving the proceeds. However, “everything each mill did was reported to the union which charted progress and kept statistics. If the union felt that a particular factory was not acting in the best interests of the collectivised industry as a whole, the enterprise was informed and asked to change course.”
This system ensured that the “dangers of the big ‘union trust’ as of the atomised collective were avoided.” [Fraser, Op. Cit., p. 229] According to one militant, the union “acted more as a socialist control of collectivised industry than as a direct hierarchised executive.” The federation of collectives created “the first social security system in Spain” (which included retirement pay, free medicines, sick and maternity pay) and a compensation fund was organised “to permit the economically weaker collectives to pay their workers, the amount each collective contributed being in direct proportion to the number of workers employed.” [quoted by Fraser, Op. Cit., p. 229]
As can be seen, the industrial collectives co-ordinated their activity in many ways, with varying degrees of success."
I.8.4 How were the Spanish industrial collectives co-ordinated?
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mayakern · 2 years ago
Hi Maya! I tried looking in your FAQs but am not able to find this information. The past few years I've only been thrifting as I grow more aware of how the clothing industry is. Fast fashion going in mountains of landfills aside, the treatment of workers is absolutely horrendous 99% of the time. Your Meyoco skirt is my first piece of clothing I didn't get from thrifting the past year, and I'm absolutely in LOVE. I believe it's more than fair to pay $60 for a skirt as long as every designer, worker involved is compensated fairly. I don't believe that someone as empathetic as you would ever partake in a business model that takes advantage of the others, but for the peace of my own mind I just wanted to outright ask and make sure that the skirts are produced in an environment/manufacturer/business where the workers are compensated fairly after you've received your fair share of profit margins. 😅I adore your designs so much, and am already budgeting how to make it a staple of my non-essential purchases, I just would like to know that I'm supporting a business that align certain values that's important to me! Thank you very much for reading!
this is a great question! sorry if i'm kind of scattered answering it, im still dealing with neck pain (just got a cortisone shot which should help in a couple days but for now i'm relying on rest, pain meds and muscle relaxers so i'm a bit out of it)
first off, we've always done our best to search for manus that have good working conditions. we don't have the budget to personally visit factories outside the US, but we get footage from the manufacturers that show the working environment (specifically while making our items) so we can ensure the spaces look up to snuff (good lighting, ventilation, enough space, cleanly kept, etc). we also always look out for any red flags like a PPU (price per unit) being too low to afford fare wages to the workers.
without being able to hire someone to do a full blown investigation it's hard to 100% know what's going on in a factory, and unfortunately we do not have the budget for that, but we do our due diligance.
and i'm really happy to report that our new primary factory, which we found with the help of a supply chain manager, is GOT certified, which is a HUGE leap for us. basically, GOT certification requires a factory to meet certain thresholds for ethical labor and environmental practices. for our factory specifically, this includes a biometric clocking system that makes sure the hours worked are consistent with GOT requirements, as well as regular medical check ins and a dr on site. they also run internal social audits (sedex, ICS, inditex). they provide food and transportation for the workers and have multiple regulated breaks.
GOT certification also covers things like making sure the dyes and materials are ethically sourced. unfortunately because our skirts are synthetic fiber, we cannot brand the skirts specifically as being GOT certified because GOT certification only covers natural fiber, BUT all the other materials and the labor practices surrounding the skirts are certified. they are also certified for their ethical recycling for reuse of scrap material specifically regarding their synthetic fibers.
in addition to this, we do not function the way fast fashion does. fast fashion relies on constantly pushing the trend cycle faster and faster so that garment workers are pushing out new garments in weeks or days rather than the more traditional 3-4 month cycle (which is where we fall). this traditional cycle is why we used to have fashion "seasons," which honestly we don't believe in either. our goal is that when you buy a skirt, it is loved and worn and kept for years and years. we don't follow trends or seasons: we just make things we like.
also, we strive to never order more garments than we think we can sell. traditional fashion/retail typically strives to order 20% more product than will sell so that they can make maximum sales because nothing will ever sell out. that extra 20% is baked into cost/loss and usually is what ends up in places like ross or in landfills. so although we know it's frustrating that we continually sell out of our designs, we do this for a reason: as much as we're able, we want to not contribute excess waste to this world. this is also why we don't include specialty boxes or packaging with our orders, even tho literally every piece of small business advice recommends doing this for improving brand recognition/customer retention. for us, even tho it might generate more sales, it's not worth it to generate more waste. it's a very small thing, but over thousands and thousands of orders over the years it builds up.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months ago
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The Basis of the Environmental Crisis
There is a fundamental problem here: The dynamics of capitalism have an inherent tendency towards ecological devastation. To understand why this is so, we need to look at how firms are constantly searching for ways to minimize their expenses. This is how they ensure the firm can make the maximum in profits. Because capitalism is made up of relatively autonomous firms, they are in competition. If a firm doesn’t continuously seek ways to make profits, they won’t be able to expand their business, move into new markets, invest in new technology. Other firms will out-compete them. And minimizing expenses is central to the pursuit of profits. Thus minimizing expenses is central to survival for the capitalist firms. And to do this, firms do cost-shifting at the expense of both workers and the environment.
First, companies try to keep compensation to workers as low as they can get away with. They may look to cut taxes that support services working class people rely on. They try to find new forms of technology or new ways to organize the work that reduces the number of worker hours it takes to produce a unit of output. They might automate a production operation with robots, or they will seek ways to intensify work through “lean production” methods. For example, they’ll use computer tracking of a warehouse worker picking items for an order so that they have no rest time after finishing an order but are pushed to a new task through computer control. Work intensification and computer monitoring puts workers under more stress which can have damaging health effects over time. This means the employers are imposing a human cost on workers. If workers in a furniture factory are constantly breathing in finishes or paints being sprayed on furniture in the open, or electronics assemblers are breathing in solder fumes, these are also cases where capital is shifting costs onto workers. And these are cases where the costs could be avoided. For example, there are soldering tools that have a vacuum to suck off solder fumes so workers don’t breath it, but a firm may not want to pay the expense of installing that equipment. These are examples of how the capitalist mode of production tends to shift costs onto workers.
Second, emissions into the air and water are another form of cost-shifting. A utility firm may burn coal to generate electricity. This creates emissions that damage the respiratory systems of people in the region and also contributes to global warming. But the power firm is not required to pay anything for these damages. These costs to others from emissions are “external” to the market transaction between the power firm and its customers who pay for electricity. This is an example of a “negative externality.” Externalities are a pervasive feature of the capitalist mode of production. The fossil fuel industry generates many “negative externalities.” Fracking operations insert chemicals underground which can pollute the underground water sources. A large gas field or leaky oil refinery will generate large amounts of volatile organic compounds — including carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. Studies of gas fields show effects in the surrounding area such as goat herds and barn cats losing the ability to have viable offspring, due to the endocrine disruptors. Gas fields also contribute to global warming by leaking large amounts of methane. Contrary to gas industry claims, gas power plants contribute as much as coal-fired power plants to global warming due to all the methane leaks.
You’ll notice here that I’m focusing on how environmental devastation is rooted in production — not consumption. Some environmentalists try to suggest that we should understand the global warming problem by looking at consumption practices, and they use ideas like a person’s “carbon footprint” to focus on personal consumption. But consumers of electric power don’t have control over the decisions of power firms on the methods of electricity generation, or what technology firms rely on to move cargo around in the global supply chains.
Another useful concept here is throughput. The throughput of production consists of two things: (1) All the material extracted from nature for the production process, and (2) all the damaging emissions (“negative externalities”) from the production process. In addition to the damaging emissions into the air and water, capitalism is an extractivist regime with a long history of land-grabbing to minimize expenses — as in the US government handing over mineral wealth to mining companies, lands for commercial ranching and extraction of logs and wood debris from forests for the lumber and paper industries. The search for short-term profits can lead to unsustainable practices such as clear-cutting of forests or use of huge nets to scarf up all the fish in a coastal region without regard to the future of that fishery.
With the concept of throughput, we can define a concept of ecological efficiency. If a production process is changed in ways that reduce the amount of damage from emissions (or amount of extracted resource) per unit of human benefit, then that change improves ecological efficiency. And here is a basic structural problem of capitalism: It has no inherent tendency towards ecological efficiency. If nature is treated as a free dumping ground for wastes, there will be no tendency to minimize damaging emissions per unit of human benefit from production. Also, there will be no tendency to minimize materials extracted from nature except to the extent firms have pay for these resources.
A production system that could generate increasing ecological efficiency would tend towards reductions in pollution and resource extraction. This would require a non-profit, non-market type of eco-socialist economy where production organizations are held socially accountable — required to systematically internalize their ecological costs. Capitalism’s tendency to ever greater environmental devastation happens because firms have an incentive to not internalize their costs, but dump them on others.
The devastation wrought by the cost-shifting dynamic of capitalism is not limited to global warming. Capitalism has favored the evolution of agricultural practices that aim at highest output at lowest financial cost to the firm. Intense competition has led to ever-greater concentration in ownership of farm land. The capitalist setup allows the growers to rely on labor contractors to pay laborers as little as possible and get rid of workers who try to organize. Growers often own lands in various locations and pursue different crops to minimize their risks. With encouragement from the chemical industry, growers have adopted industrial production of a single crop in a large field with increasing usage of pesticides and inorganic fertilizer over time. Inorganic fertilizers typically provide some mix of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium. Over-use of these fertilizers has led to excessive runoff, polluting water courses and leading to ocean “dead spots” around the mouths of rivers. Destructive effects on fisheries is thus one of the negative externalities from capitalist agriculture.
Since World War 2 chemical pesticide production world-wide grew from 0.1 ton to 52 million tons in 1976 and 300 million tons in 2015. Pesticides produced by the chemical industry are damaging to the health of farm workers, and pollutes water courses, and leaves residues on food. Pesticide overuse also destroys the natural predators of insects and breeds pesticide-resistant pests. This leads a kind of agricultural arms race as more and more pesticide is needed. As Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams report in Creating an Ecological Society, pesticides also reduce “presence in the soil of organisms that stimulate plants to produce chemicals to defend themselves.”
As with pesticides the chemical industry has also vastly pumped up the production of petroleum-based plastics which do not biodegrade but end up as vast scourge of pollution in the oceans. Plastic bags have grown in use because they take a lot less energy to produce than paper bags, and thus cost less. Production has increased from less than 5 tons in 1950 to over 340 million tons by 2014, according to the Plastics Europe trade association. At least a third of all plastic produced is not recaptured, but mostly ends up in the ocean where it is destructive to living organisms. The plastics industry does not have to pay for the negative effects on living things in the oceans.
If we bring in our definition of throughput, pollution and dumping of wastes are one aspect, but we need to also look at the destructive extractivist tendencies in capitalism, such as clear-cutting of forests or over-fishing. According to a 2003 study, “90 percent of all large fishes have disappeared from the world’s oceans in the past half century,” since the onset of industrial fishing with huge nets in the 1950s. “”Whether it is yellowfin tuna in the tropics, bluefin in cold waters, or albacore tuna in between, the pattern is always the same. There is a rapid decline of fish numbers,” according to Ransom Myers, a fisheries biologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax. To address the problem, many countries have banned long drift nets and untended longlines, and have instituted elaborate systems of licensing, and have instituted quotas and third party observers working on boats. Nonetheless, capitalist fishing outfits frequently ignore or evade these rules.
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completewarehousesolutions · 5 months ago
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Optimize Your Space with Modern Warehouse Racking Systems
A warehouse is a well-organized and planned space used to manage a company's merchandise. To effectively design a warehouse or distribution center, it is important to consider its purpose and desired outcomes, especially for your pallet racking.
Key Factors in Warehouse Layout Design
With that in mind, the following factors should be taken into account for the layout of our warehouse, depending on the product type and company characteristics:
A good storage system offers a range of benefits, including access to a vast number of references on pallets, as well as direct access to smaller references.
With the ability to constantly relocate items based on seasonal demand and group together similar lines, our system ensures maximum efficiency. Our pickers can work at top speed without interference from other pickers or stock replacements, allowing for seamless operations.
Additionally, you can monitor your stock in real-time and have full visibility of all products and references.
Racking systems and handling equipment are designed for optimal ergonomics, while our physical locations allow for easy placement of products based on their stock depletion levels (high, medium, or low).
All of this needs to be achieved at a controlled cost with a guaranteed return on investment. Plus, our maintenance services are designed to be profitable and we offer the flexibility to enable shift work as needed.
And, should your needs expand in the future with more references, pallets or picking units, our system can easily be extended and modified accordingly.
Components of a Warehouse or Distribution Centre's Layout
What are the components of a warehouse or distribution center's layout?
An essential aspect of the design of a warehouse or distribution center is its layout, which involves planning the distribution and organization of both external and internal spaces.
This process can have a significant impact on the supply chain, whether it is due to the acquisition of a new warehouse, expansion, or remodeling. The efficiency of managing stocks stored in the warehouse must be reflected in its layout, such as for storing raw materials or finished products.
The design should encompass multiple elements, including the interior and exterior arrangement of the warehouse, the number of floors, installations (electrical, architectural, ventilation), environmental conditions, safety measures, and industrial racking systems for different areas.
Key Components in Warehouse Layouts
Every efficient warehouse, no matter the size or industry, requires a set of key components that serve as the foundation for its layout. These components must be strategically placed and organized to ensure optimal efficiency for the entire operation. It is crucial to carefully consider the layout within each component, as they all play a role in the overall efficiency of the warehouse. Let's take a look at the essential components that should be included and well-arranged in any warehouse layout.
Receiving Area
The unloading, checking in, and sorting of incoming shipments takes place in the receiving area, located within the warehouse. This area is usually connected to a receiving bay, allowing for convenient access for trucks and vehicles delivering goods. Ideally, the receiving area should be situated next to the storage area for efficient movement of incoming items to their designated places.
Storage Area
The inventory is stored in a designated area until it is needed for order fulfillment. This storage space needs to be both orderly and easily accessible, with direct access to the receiving and packing areas.
Common features of a storage area include pallet racks and shelving units specifically used for storing inventory. By ensuring an efficient layout, the storage area can effectively minimize travel time, increase order picking precision, and improve overall inventory management efficiency.
Packing Area
The packing area is where orders are prepared for shipment after being selected. It is usually located adjacent to the storage area and shipping bay. To expedite the shipping process, packing areas should prioritize increased efficiency and precision while also prioritizing the well-being and safety of workers.
Shipping Area
The shipping area is where outgoing orders are processed and readied for delivery. Situated within the warehouse, it is the opposite of the receiving area. The location typically includes a connection to a shipping bay on one side and direct entry to the parking area on the other.
Efficient warehouse designs take into consideration ample space in the shipping area for tasks such as pallet wrapping and using machinery like pallet jacks and forklifts. Additionally, there is a room designated for organizing completed orders that will soon be transported by truck for distribution.
Facility Support Areas
Facility support areas, including restrooms, employee break rooms, and management offices, play a vital role in the daily functioning of the facility. Restrooms need to be conveniently located for workers, while office space should be situated near receiving and/or shipping areas to facilitate tasks such as processing invoices, communicating with clients, suppliers, and logistics companies, and managing other day-to-day responsibilities.
In conclusion, whether your business operates on a small scale or requires large-scale storage, Complete Warehouse Solutions in Lake Illawarra, NSW 2528, has the expertise to provide tailored warehouse racking solutions. With our commitment to maximizing space and improving efficiency, we can help you streamline your operations and boost productivity.
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shantitechnology · 2 years ago
How Can an ERP System Super-Boost Business Productivity
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, maximizing productivity is critical to staying ahead of the competition. As companies continue to grow, managing operations efficiently becomes increasingly challenging. That's where Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software comes in, which can super-boost business productivity by streamlining operations and automating processes. In this blog, we will explore how an ERP system can benefit businesses, with a focus on manufacturing ERP software in India, ERP software companies in India, and ERP solution providers in India.
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First, let's define what an ERP system is. An ERP system is a centralized platform that integrates various business processes and functions such as finance, supply chain, human resources, and customer relationship management into a single system. By bringing together all these processes, ERP software provides a holistic view of the business and enables companies to make data-driven decisions, eliminate duplication of efforts, and optimize processes for maximum efficiency.
Now, let's take a closer look at how an ERP system can super-boost business productivity.
Automate processes and increase efficiency
One of the most significant advantages of an ERP system is that it automates and streamlines business processes, such as order processing, inventory management, and production planning. This automation reduces the time and resources required to complete tasks, minimizes human error, and increases overall efficiency. By automating these processes, employees can focus on more strategic tasks, leading to higher productivity levels.
Better visibility and decision-making
An ERP system provides real-time visibility into business processes, allowing companies to monitor operations and identify potential issues early on. With this information, companies can make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to changes in the market or customer demand. For instance, manufacturers can use ERP software to track raw material inventory levels and production schedules to ensure that they meet customer delivery dates. This visibility into operations can help companies identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, leading to increased productivity and profitability.
Collaboration and communication
ERP systems allow employees to collaborate more effectively and communicate more efficiently. For example, with a manufacturing ERP system in India, employees can easily access information related to production schedules, inventory levels, and quality control. This information can be shared across departments and used to make informed decisions. Better collaboration and communication lead to improved efficiency, reduced duplication of efforts, and ultimately, increased productivity.
As a business grows, managing operations becomes more complex. An ERP system is designed to scale with a business, allowing it to handle larger volumes of data and more complex operations. This scalability allows companies to continue to grow without worrying about outgrowing their current systems, which can lead to productivity losses.
In India, several ERP software companies offer manufacturing ERP software solutions, and ERP solution providers in India cater to various industries, including manufacturing, retail, and healthcare. These providers can help businesses identify their specific needs and implement ERP systems that are customized to their requirements. By partnering with an ERP solution provider in India, businesses can streamline their operations, increase productivity, and achieve long-term growth.
In conclusion, an ERP system can super-boost business productivity by automating processes, improving visibility, fostering collaboration and communication, and providing scalability. In today's competitive business landscape, companies need to be agile, efficient, and responsive. An ERP system can provide the tools needed to achieve these goals, and businesses should consider partnering with an ERP solution provider in India to reap the benefits of this powerful technology.
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eternal-echoes · 2 years ago
“In materialist thought such as that which has characterized the Western world since the Enlightenment, work is a commodity to be bought and sold according to one deterministic law, supply and demand for profit. There is certainly nothing wrong with seeking the maximum profit through the marketplace provided that this is not the end but the means to ensure human development. Seeking profit alone through mechanistic means is very dangerous for society because it treats work as an impersonal force completely divorced from the person who does it. Man might easily be reduced to just another tool for the production of matter. This is the danger in the approach of liberal capitalism. The only value of work is the growth of business itself with no other value needed to adapt it to human use, especially that of the worker. The economic order becomes completely independent of the ethical order.”
- Fr. Brian Mullady OP, Christian Social Order
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vendekin11 · 21 hours ago
From Junk Food to Smart Tech: Busting Myths about Vending Machines in India
Do you also place the same order every time you visit your favourite restaurant? No, right! Variety is the spice of life, and that only comes with stepping out of your comfort zone and adopting something new. Another good example of it is how we the people of India are appreciating and adapting to digital development. Whether it is going cashless or even adapting to AI. However, there are always a few critics at every other joint who spill some sour spells about the trending technology. This gives birth to long-heard myths.
The vending machines in India weren't spared from this false criticism. There are many myths that come into our minds when we think about vending machines. This is both in terms of using a vending machine and selling through one.
Let’s uncover some of those sizzling myths we all have heard about Vending Machines in India.
Myth 1: Vending Machines sell Junk and Stale Food
The most believed statement about Vending Machines, especially by all Indian moms and health-conscious youth, is that 'Vending Machines only sell Junk and Stale Food'.
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) enforces food safety regulations even on vending machines by conducting walk-throughs ensuring food safety and quality standards. Whether it's a snack vending machine or a beverage vending machine, all business owners are obliged to follow these safety standards.
The current awareness drive towards healthy eating is well-spotted by the FMCG brands and vending machine businesses in India. Given that, many new-age smart vending machines have availed their customers of fresh salads, protein bars, smoothies and even gluten-free vegan options.
Myth 2: Vending Machines only sell Food and Beverages
Although the count of Food and Beverage vending machines is considerably high, vending machines only sell them is a myth. With the constant rise in the demand for products on the go, vending machines have also evolved. This evolution of vending machines in India now covers various products like Electronics, Books, Cosmetics, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and much more. They have now become micro-stores on-the-go, providing you almost everything instantly in just a few taps.
Myth 3: Products from Vending Machines are Expensive
Another common misconception about the Vending Machines in India is that they sell the products at elevated prices. However, that’s not the case. The products from the Vending Machines are often priced at the Maximum Retail Price (MRP), making them as the products sold at the stores. This is due to the fact that the pricing call of the products stored in the vending machine is always based on the price set by the product manufacturer and vending machines do not have any influence on the prices of the products stored inside.
Myth 4: Vending Machines in India are not Profitable
Vending machines are the evolving hubs of convenience and efficiency. What else can the modern business person ask for? These new-age automatic vending machines offer the convenience of space, time, payment methods and so much more. It also efficiently creates a subtle expansion of your business.
So, even if you own a seasoned business or are willing to start some business of your own, vending machines can offer a promising business model in the form of either a franchise or an in-demand multi-product vending machine. That's why 'Vending Machines are not Profitable' is just another myth. Brands could surely leverage Smart Vending Machines as a profitable business opportunity.
Myth 5: Vending Machines only accept Cash Payments
With everyone being quite used to online/card payments, automatic vending machines have also adopted these methods. Gone are the days when you used to be skeptical of whether the vending machine would return the change after you put cash in it. Smart Vending Machines have included all the modern payment methods from credit and debit cards to mobile wallets and QR codes. Vending Machine Companies in India assure consumers of secure payments. They have also introduced multi-functional vending machine management software to analyze the performance of these machines.
Myth 6: Separate payments for every product in Vending Machine
Bulk-buying has always been a fan-favourite, be it shopping online or in-person. Top vending machine supplierslike Vendekin have brought this feature to their smart vending machines. Vendekin offers an amazing option through which you can easily get up to 5 products at once and get all of them within just 30 seconds. This allows you to make a payment in one go avoiding the hassle of the repeated procedure.
Myth 7: Items often get stuck in Vending Machine
This one statement might have been true in the old times where banging the device for it to work used to be called the Indian way of doing things. However, modern vending machines are designed to overcome these errors from the past. These designs added the spiral dispensing mechanism and gravity-fed slots to fix the issue of stuck products. Going one step ahead, Vendekin has included the Elevend Arm System in their vending machines. Through this system, the product is carried in a tray that moves from the product row to the collection window. This eliminates the obstacles and the chances of the item getting stuck are erased.
Myth 8: Vending Machines in India are Unreliable and Frequently Breakdown
This could be true if you don't know the right place to buy vending machines. With Vendekin, there is no place for second thoughts about reliability. With the customisations as per the product, real-time data collection and analytics, smart alerts, customisable promotions, credit point systems, cloud-based machine operation archives, supply chain management and much more, Vendekin has become the most reliable and popular Vending Machine Supplier in India.
Vending Machines have evolved for the greater good. It has moved beyond the food industry and has an innovative tech future. Along with the innovation, it is indicating a promising impact on the modern retail world and Vendekin is working towards it. Vending machines by Vendekin are reliable, versatile, sustainable and profitable business solutions. It brings convenience at both ends - manufacturers as well as consumers. It has surpassed all the myths and its popularity is on the rise. So next time you encounter a vending machine by Vendekin, leverage the convenience without
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alistashirts · 1 day ago
Alista Shirts: High-Quality Shirts, Higher Profits!
At Alista Shirts, we combine exceptional craftsmanship with business-friendly offers to help retailers and distributors achieve maximum growth and profitability.
Buy 50 Shirts, Get 2 Free – Your Profit-Boosting Deal!
Why Partner with Alista Shirts?
Unrivaled Quality Our shirts are made from premium fabrics, offering unbeatable comfort, durability, and style that keeps customers coming back.
Expert Tailoring Precision in every stitch and attention to detail ensures every shirt meets the highest standards of excellence.
Exclusive Offer for Better Profits Purchase 50 shirts and get 2 extra for free—an unbeatable deal that amplifies your stock and profit margins.
Stylish, Versatile Collection From sharp formals to casual classics, our collection is designed to cater to every customer’s preference and occasion.
Maximized Margins for Retailers and Distributors Our competitive pricing, combined with this special offer, helps you enjoy higher returns on every sale.
A Trusted Brand Alista Shirts has built its reputation on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, making it a brand you can rely on.
Limited-Time Opportunity Don’t wait—this offer is your chance to elevate your business with premium products and extra rewards.
Elevate your business with Alista Shirts. Buy 50 shirts and get 2 free today—because your success is our priority!
Visit us: www.alistashirts.com to place your order now!
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staragriseeds · 2 days ago
Moong Seeds: A Complete Guide for Farmers and Agriculture Enthusiasts
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Moong seeds, also known as green gram seeds, are one of the most versatile and nutritious legumes grown in India. With a rich history in agriculture, moong seeds are widely used for human consumption, animal feed, and as a cover crop to improve soil fertility. Star Agriseeds, a leading name in the agricultural sector, provides premium-quality moong seeds tailored to the diverse needs of Indian farmers.
What Are Moong Seeds?
Moong seeds (मूंग का बीज) are small, green legumes packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamins. Known for their health benefits, moong seeds are used to make dishes like sprouts, dal, and even desserts. They are also a farmer's favorite due to their adaptability and quick-growing nature.
Benefits of Growing Moong Seeds
Improved Soil Health
Moong crops help in fixing nitrogen in the soil, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and enriching soil fertility.
Suitable for Crop Rotation
Moong is an excellent choice for crop rotation as it reduces soil exhaustion and helps maintain long-term productivity.
Why Choose Star Agriseeds for Moong Seeds?
Star Agriseeds offers high-quality, certified seeds with excellent germination rates. Their diverse range of moong seeds ensures that farmers find the perfect variety for their region and soil type.
Popular Varieties of Moong Seeds Offered by Star Agriseeds
Star Agriseeds provides a wide range of high-quality moong seed varieties tailored to meet diverse farming needs. Here are some of their most popular options:
Star 444 मूंग बीज: Known for its high yield and disease resistance, Star 444 is one of the most reliable choices for farmers. It thrives in various soil conditions and ensures a healthy crop.
Star 448 मूंग बीज: This variety is ideal for regions with moderate rainfall. Star 448 offers excellent growth and produces uniform pods, making it a favorite for large-scale farming.
Star 452 मूंग बीज: Star 452 is highly resistant to pests and diseases, ensuring minimal crop losses. It is suitable for both irrigated and rain-fed farming methods.
Star 456 मूंग बीज: This variety is specifically designed for dry regions. Star 456 matures quickly, providing farmers with faster returns while maintaining good yield and quality.
These varieties are carefully developed to suit different climates and soil types, ensuring maximum productivity and profitability for farmers. Choosing certified seeds from Star Agriseeds ensures better germination rates and higher yields.
These seeds ensure robust growth, making them the top choice for Indian farmers.
How to Buy Moong Seeds Online in India?
Buying moong seeds online from Star Agriseeds is a hassle-free process. Visit their website, choose your preferred variety, and place your order with just a few clicks. Wholesale buyers enjoy competitive pricing and doorstep delivery.
Factors to Consider Before Buying Moong Seeds
Ensure the seeds are certified for quality and purity.
Check the suitability of the seeds for your local climate and soil type.
Cultivation of Moong Seeds
1. Ideal Climate and Soil
Moong thrives in warm climates with moderate rainfall. Loamy or sandy soil with good drainage is ideal for its cultivation.
2. Sowing Techniques for Moong Seeds
Depth: Sow the seeds at a depth of 2-3 cm.
Spacing: Maintain a spacing of 10-15 cm between plants to allow proper growth.
Using certified seeds like मूंग का बीज Star 444 ensures better germination and yield.
3. Irrigation and Fertilization
Water the crops lightly during sowing and increase frequency during flowering.
Use organic compost or balanced NPK fertilizers for healthy growth.
Managing Pests and Diseases in Moong Crops
Common pests like aphids and pod borers can damage moong plants. Use organic solutions or recommended pesticides to keep your crops safe.
Harvesting and Post-Harvest Care
Harvest the crops when the pods turn yellow and begin to dry.
Store the seeds in cool, dry conditions to preserve quality.
Wholesale Moong Seeds at Star Agriseeds
Star Agriseeds offers high-quality moong seeds at affordable prices for bulk buyers. Their commitment to quality and innovation makes them a trusted partner for farmers across India.
Customer Testimonials and Success Stories
Farmers who switched to Star Agriseeds report higher yields and healthier crops. Their success stories highlight the reliability and excellence of these seeds.
Future of Moong Seed Farming
The demand for organic and high-yielding varieties of moong seeds is on the rise. Star Agriseeds is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to meet these demands.
Investing in high-quality moong seeds like मूंग का बीज Star 444 from Star Agriseeds ensures better yields, healthier crops, and improved soil fertility. With a trusted partner like Star Agriseeds, farmers can unlock the full potential of their agricultural practices.
1. What are the benefits of moong seed farming? Moong seed farming improves soil fertility, offers quick returns, and provides high nutritional value.
2. How can I buy Star Agriseeds’ products online? Visit the Star Agriseeds website, select your preferred variety, and place your order.
3. What is the ideal soil type for growing moong seeds? Moong grows best in well-drained, sandy, or loamy soil.
4. Are Star Agriseeds’ moong seeds certified? Yes, all Star Agriseeds products are certified for quality and purity.
5. What are the popular varieties of moong seeds available? Star 444 and Star 555 are two of the most popular varieties offered by Star Agriseeds.
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erpsoftware123 · 2 days ago
ERP for Solar Panel Manufacturing: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Productivity
The renewable energy industry, especially solar power, has grown to such an extent over recent years. On this part, manufacturers of solar panels are encountering different challenges associated with production, inventory, supply chain optimization, and meeting regulatory satisfaction for demand of sustainable energy solutions. Therefore, those enterprises begin to look on the ERP system as means to help improve the manufacturing processes to an efficient competition.
Enterprise resources planning (ERP) is the term that defines holistic software solutions that consolidate and control within an organization itself all the primary business processes, from production, inventory, finance, procurement, and sales, to human resources. In solar panel manufacturing scenarios, an ERP system would automate processes effectively, provide real-time information, and promote collaboration across various departments.
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Benefits of Implementing ERP in Solar Panel Manufacturing
Optimized production planning Solar panel manufacturing involves a lot of processes, from obtaining raw material, such as silicon, to photovoltaic cell assembly. An ERP system allows a manufacturer to develop an optimized production schedule, while also ensuring efficient resource allocation, maximum uptime, and completion of production objectives. Integrated production planning allows manufacturers to follow each batch's status, thereby optimizing machine utilization and avoiding bottlenecks.
Real-time inventory management Generally, raw materials, components, and finished products must be managed in solar panel manufacturing. An ERP system provides manufacturers with transparent views on the current status of inventories in real-time. Automation of stock updates assists greatly in preventing stockoverkills and stockouts, which are both cost-effective-loss items. Most importantly, it manages the supply chain much better with such features as supplier performance monitoring and optimization of reordering points.
Better Quality Assurance Quality is critical in the production of solar panels, as the tiniest defects can negatively affect the manifestation and life span of these products. With the capability of ERP solutions, manufacturers would be able to institute quality checks by tracking raw materials, documenting tests, and complying with industry standards. The integrated reporting in ERP allows manufacturers to remedy quality issues with speed and great accuracy, therefore helping to ensure even more product consistency.
Streamlined Supply Chain Management The solar panel manufacturing supply chain is, for the most part, global and includes thousands of suppliers, transportation providers, and governing bodies. ERP solutions enable a centralized system of managing the holistic supply chain organization from the start of order processing to shipment tracking and supplier performance. The transparency helps manufacturers manage disruptions before they affect lead times and delays.
Cost Control and Financial Management As the cost of production has seen a considerable increase, solar panel manufacturers are pressured to manage their costs without compromising on quality. But through ERP systems, cost control becomes more manageable, more efficient, and potentially much more profitable. The implication here is that they can minimize operating losses through increased expenditure control, budgetary control, and production costing.
Compliance and Reporting The renewable energy industry is mostly governed by various regulatory bodies, environmental standards, and safety regimes. ERP systems help manufacturers comply with these regulations through the automation of reporting, tracking of certifications, and maintenance of associated documentation. The inbuilt compliance capabilities in ERP systems allow manufacturers to generate reports to meet industry standards, thereby minimizing the risk of penalties and non-compliance-related concerns.
Data-Driven Decision Making Solar panel manufacturers operate in a highly competitive and dynamic environment, where making data-driven decisions is crucial. ERP systems provide comprehensive analytics tools that allow manufacturers to gain insights into key performance indicators (KPIs), such as production efficiency, sales performance, customer satisfaction, and supply chain reliability. These insights empower decision-makers to take proactive steps toward continuous improvement and long-term growth.
ERP Modules in Solar Panel Manufacturing
Generally, an effective ERP comprises the following modules for solar panel manufacturing:
Manufacturing Module This module manages the production processes: work order, production scheduling, inventory management, and quality control so that all production operations are optimized for better efficiency and productivity.
Inventory and Supply Chain Management This module monitors inventory levels, raw material orders, vendor management-all to help optimize inventory turnover and ensure that materials are available for production.
Sales and Order Management This module supports customer order input, demand forecasting, and shipment tracking so that customers will know when to expect their orders and receive quality products.
Financial Management This module brings together all financial accounting: budgeting, financial reporting, cost-tracking, and profit analysis. It lets the manufacturers keep financial control and make informed decisions regarding investments.
Customer Relationship Management CRM provides manufacturers with the tools to track customer interactions, manage sales leads, and enhance customer service. The role it plays is crucial in retaining a good customer relationship, enhancing sales performance, and managing after-sales service.
HR management It is critical in solar panel manufacturing employing a skilled workforce. With an ERP, HR will be able to maintain employee data, manage payroll, track shifts worked, and optimize workforce deployment for production.
Maintenance and Asset Management Solar panel manufacturing involves specialized machinery and equipment. With the help of an ERP, they can keep track of maintenance schedules and avoid machine downtime while ensuring that all their assets work at peak efficiency.
The Future of Solar Panel Manufacturing with ERP Systems
ERP systems are revolutionizing the solar panel manufacturing industry by allowing manufacturers to handle production, supply chains, product quality, and meeting regulatory requirements with the aid of these tools. It would provide solar panel manufacturers with the right tools to improve operational efficiency, cut costs, raise customer satisfaction, and push for overall business growth.
As the renewable energy market continues to grow, the adoption of ERP systems by solar panel manufacturers will become increasingly important to remain competitive, meeting demands for solar energy, and contributing to a more sustainable future.
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lazypoetryanchor · 6 days ago
Exclusive Collection of Imitation Necklace Sets – Wholesale Deals
Imitation necklace sets, are available at unbeatable wholesale deals. These meticulously crafted pieces provide the perfect blend of sophistication, style, and affordability, making them ideal for retailers, boutiques, and bulk buyers looking to offer high-end accessories at competitive prices. Designed to mimic the look of fine jewelry, our imitation necklace sets are sure to impress your customers and elevate their fashion choices.
you’re searching for elegant, timeless designs or trendy, bold pieces, our collection caters to a wide variety of tastes and occasions. With intricate details, premium-quality materials, and a range of stunning styles, each necklace set offers luxury without the high-end price tag.
Why Choose Us?
Exclusive, High-Quality Designs Our imitation necklace sets are exclusively curated, featuring designs that stand out from the crowd. Each piece is crafted using top-quality materials to ensure durability, shine, and a luxurious feel, offering your customers the elegance they crave without the expensive price tag.
Wide Selection for Every Occasion From minimalist elegance to statement-making designs, our exclusive collection includes pieces for every occasion. Whether it’s a wedding, a night out, or everyday wear, you'll find the perfect necklace set to suit any style or event.
Wholesale Deals for Maximum Savings Our wholesale deals allow you to access these exclusive necklace sets at incredible prices, making it easier to stock your store and offer luxury at affordable rates. Buying in bulk ensures you get the best value while maintaining attractive profit margins.
Fast and Efficient Shipping We understand the importance of getting your products on time. With our fast and reliable shipping, your orders will be processed efficiently and delivered promptly, ensuring that your stock is always ready for your customers.
Dedicated Customer Service Our team is committed to providing excellent customer service. Whether you need assistance with placing an order, selecting the right products, or resolving any issues, we are here to help every step of the way.
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saputoprocess · 6 days ago
Processing Cum Packing Line for Milk in Rajasthan
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Saputo Process Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Processing Cum Packing Line for Milk in Rajasthan. Our Manufacturing Unit is located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We design our processing and packing lines to ensure maximum efficiency, hygiene, and quality, meeting the highest industry standards. Saputo Process Engineering Pvt. Ltd. leverages years of dairy processing experience to provide innovative, reliable solutions. Our customizable processing and packing lines ensure a system tailored to your production goals, efficiency, and specifications. Saputo Process Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is committed to providing the highest quality processing and packing systems. We follow international hygiene standards, ensuring easy cleaning and maintenance, providing clients with complete peace of mind. Benefits of Processing Cum Packing Line for Milk: Improved Efficiency: With fully automated systems, the processing and packing lines drastically reduce manual labor and operational downtime, improving overall production efficiency. Consistent Product Quality: The precision of automated processes ensures uniformity in the quality of milk and its packaging, maintaining the standards your customers expect. Cost-Effective Operations: Our systems optimize energy usage, reduce waste, and increase throughput, helping dairy plants lower production costs and boost profitability. Compliance with Food Safety Standards: Our processing and packing lines' hygienic design ensures compliance with food safety regulations, delivering safe, high-quality milk products. Scalability: Our lines are designed to scale with your growing production needs, whether for small farms or large facilities. Applications of Processing Cum Packing Line for Milk: Dairy Industry Milk Packaging Fluid Dairy Products Beverage Industry Saputo Process Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is a Supplier of Processing Cum Packing Line for Milk in Rajasthan and including Jaipur, Jodhpur, Pali, Tonk, Udaipur, Alwar, Sikar, Bikaner, Ajmer, Kota, Sri Ganganagar, Bhilwara, Banswara, Bharatpur, Baran, Beawar, Bhiwadi, Hanumangarh, Dholpur, Pratapgarh, Dungarpur, Jaisalmer, Hindaun, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Kishangarh, Sujangarh, Sawai Madhopur, Pushkar, and Churu. For more information, inquiries, or to place an order, feel free to contact us today! View Product: Click here Read the full article
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sangiinternational · 10 days ago
Why Multani Mitti Exporters are Transforming Global Skincare Markets
 Multani Mitti, often called Fuller’s Earth, has long been revered for its natural skincare benefits. This clay, packed with minerals, is a staple in beauty regimens worldwide, thanks to its exceptional ability to cleanse, exfoliate, and rejuvenate the skin. However, for businesses looking to bring this versatile product to their markets, finding a reliable partner in the form of trusted Multani Mitti exporters is key.
Partnering with a dependable exporter ensures quality, consistency, and seamless supply, which are crucial for thriving in today’s competitive beauty industry. Companies like Sangi International Trade, a leading name in the field, offer unparalleled benefits when it comes to sourcing authentic and premium-grade Multani Mitti.
Here, we’ll explore the top benefits of collaborating with trusted Multani Mitti exporters and how they can help grow your business.
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1. Access to Premium-Grade Multani Mitti
One of the biggest advantages of working with reputable Multani Mitti exporters is the assurance of quality. Trusted exporters prioritize sourcing raw materials from the finest regions in India, known for their rich deposits of natural clay.
For instance, Sangi International Trade, a prominent Multani Mitti Powder Manufacturer and exporter, ensures that the clay is processed with utmost care to retain its natural mineral composition. This results in a product that delivers maximum benefits to end-users, whether it’s used for skincare, haircare, or other applications.
High-quality Multani Mitti translates into better customer satisfaction and higher brand loyalty for your business.
2. Consistency in Supply
Maintaining a steady supply chain is critical for any business dealing with skincare or cosmetic products. Reliable Multani Mitti exporters like Sangi International Trade have the infrastructure and expertise to ensure consistent supply, even during peak demand seasons.
This consistency not only prevents stock shortages but also allows you to plan your business operations smoothly. Whether you’re launching a new product line or catering to an established customer base, you can rely on a trusted exporter to meet your needs on time.
3. Cost Efficiency
Collaborating with experienced Multani Mitti exporters can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. Exporters with a strong network of suppliers and streamlined processes often offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
For example, Sangi International Trade leverages its expertise as a Multani Mitti Powder Manufacturer to provide bulk orders at cost-effective rates. This allows businesses to maintain competitive pricing for their products, boosting profitability while ensuring high quality.
4. Expert Guidance and Product Customization
Trusted exporters don’t just provide raw materials—they offer valuable insights and customization options to meet your specific business needs. Whether you require Multani Mitti in powdered form or processed into specific grades, exporters like Sangi International Trade have the flexibility to cater to diverse requirements.
Additionally, their expertise in the field means they can advise you on product trends, application methods, and even packaging options, helping you stay ahead in the competitive beauty market.
5. Adherence to International Standards
When dealing with global markets, compliance with international quality and safety standards is non-negotiable. Trusted Multani Mitti exporters prioritize adhering to these standards, ensuring that their products meet the requirements of different regions.
Sangi International Trade, for example, follows strict quality control measures during production and export. This not only guarantees the purity of the Multani Mitti but also assures you that the product is free from harmful additives or contaminants.
By partnering with such exporters, you enhance your brand’s credibility and gain the trust of customers in international markets.
6. Focus on Sustainability
Today’s consumers are more conscious about the environmental impact of the products they use. Partnering with ethical Multani Mitti exporters allows your brand to align with these values.
Reputable exporters like Sangi International Trade prioritize sustainable sourcing and eco-friendly production practices. By choosing such partners, you can confidently market your products as natural, sustainable, and environmentally responsible, which resonates strongly with modern customers.
7. Global Reach and Market Expansion
Established Multani Mitti exporters have extensive experience working with clients across the globe. This expertise can be invaluable for businesses looking to enter new markets.
For instance, Sangi International Trade has built a reputation as a reliable Multani Mitti Exporter, enabling its clients to expand their reach effortlessly. From handling export documentation to navigating international trade regulations, trusted exporters simplify the complexities of global trade.
This allows you to focus on growing your brand while ensuring a smooth and hassle-free export process.
8. Enhanced Brand Reputation
Partnering with a trusted name like Sangi International Trade not only ensures product quality but also enhances your brand’s reputation. When customers know that your products are sourced from reliable exporters, they are more likely to trust your brand.
Moreover, emphasizing your partnership with reputable Multani Mitti exporters can be a powerful marketing tool. Highlighting this collaboration in your branding efforts adds credibility and assures customers of the authenticity and quality of your products.
In the world of natural skincare, Multani Mitti stands out as a versatile and effective ingredient. For businesses looking to capitalize on its growing popularity, partnering with trusted Multani Mitti exporters is a game-changer.
From ensuring premium quality and consistent supply to offering expert guidance and sustainable practices, exporters like Sangi International Trade provide unparalleled value to their partners. Their commitment to excellence makes them the ideal choice for businesses seeking to make a mark in the global skincare market.
Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, collaborating with a reliable Multani Mitti Powder Manufacturer and exporter can take your business to new heights. With Sangi International Trade by your side, you can confidently deliver the best of Multani Mitti to your customers while staying ahead in the competitive beauty industry.
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months ago
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I.4.1 What is the point of economic activity in anarchy?
The basic point of economic activity is an anarchist society is to ensure, to use Kropotkin’s expression, “well-being for all”. Rather than toil to make the rich richer, people in a free society would work together to “ensure to society as a whole its life and further development.” Such an economy would be based upon “giving society the greatest amount of useful products with the least waste of human energy”, to meet “the needs of mankind”. [The Conquest of Bread, p. 43, p. 144 and p. 175] Needless to say, today we must also add: with the least disruption of nature.
In terms of needs, it should be stressed that these are not limited to just material goods (important as they may be, particularly to those currently living in poverty). Needs also extend to having meaningful work which you control, pleasant and ecologically viable surroundings, the ability to express oneself freely within and outwith work, and a host of other things associated with the quality of life rather than merely survival. Anarchism seeks to transform economic activity rather than merely liberate it by self-management (important as that is).
Therefore, for anarchists, ”[r]eal wealth consists of things of utility and beauty, in things that help create strong, beautiful bodies and surroundings inspiring to live in.” Anarchism’s “goal is the freest possible expression of all the latent powers of the individual” and this “is only possible in a state of society where man [sec!] is free to choose the mode of work, the conditions of work, and the freedom to work. One whom making a table, the building of a house, or the tilling of the soil is what the painting is to the artist and the discovery to the scientist — the result of inspiration, of intense longing, and deep interest in work as a creative force.” [Emma Goldman, Red Emma Speaks, p. 67 and p. 68]
So the point of economic activity in an anarchist society is to produce as and when required and not, as under capitalism, to organise production for the sake of production in order to make profits for the few. Production, to use Kropotkin’s words, is to become “the mere servant of consumption; it must mould itself on the wants of the consumer, not dictate to him [or her] conditions.” [Act For Yourselves, p. 57] This should not be taken to imply that anarchism seeks production for the sake of production in order to meet all the needs of all. Far from it, as such a regime would, to quote Malatesta, involve “employing all of one’s strength in producing things, because taken literally, this would mean working until one is exhausted, which would mean that by maximising the satisfaction of human needs we destroy humanity.” In other words, a free society would take into account the wants of the producers (and the planet we live on) when meeting the wants of consumers. Thus, there would be a balance sought. “What we would like,” continued Malatesta, “is for everybody to live in the best possible way: so that everybody with a minimum amount of effort will obtain maximum satisfaction.” [At the Café, p. 61]
So while the basic aim of economic activity in an anarchist society is, obviously, producing wealth — i.e., satisfying individual needs — without enriching capitalists or other parasites in the process, it is far more than that. Yes, an anarchist society will aim to create society in which everyone will have a standard of living suitable for a fully human life. Yes, it will aim to eliminate poverty, inequality, individual want and social waste and squalor, but it aims for far more than that. It aims to create free individuals who express their individuality within and outwith “work.” After all, what is the most important thing that comes out of a workplace? Pro-capitalists may say profits, others the finished commodity or good. In fact, the most important thing that comes out of a workplace is the worker. What happens to us in the workplace will have an impact on all aspects of our life and so cannot be ignored.
To value “efficiency” above all else, as capitalism says it does (it, in fact, values profits above all else and hinders developments like workers’ control which increase efficiency but harm power and profits), is to deny our own humanity and individuality. Without an appreciation for grace and beauty there is no pleasure in creating things and no pleasure in having them. Our lives are made drearier rather than richer by “progress.” How can a person take pride in their work when skill and care are considered luxuries (if not harmful to “efficiency” and, under capitalism, the profits and power of the capitalist and manager)? We are not machines. We have a need for craftspersonship and anarchism recognises this and takes it into account in its vision of a free society. This means that, in an anarchist society, economic activity is the process by which we produce what is useful but, in addition, is also beautiful (to use Oscar Wilde’s words) in a way that empowers the individual. We anarchists charge capitalism with wasting human energy and time due to its irrational nature and workings, energy that could be spent creating what is beautiful (both in terms of individualities and products of labour). Under capitalism we are “toiling to live, that we may live to toil.” [William Morris, Useful Work Versus Useless Toil, p. 37]
In addition, we must stress that the aim of economic activity within an anarchist society is not to create equality of outcome — i.e. everyone getting exactly the same goods. As we noted in section A.2.5, such a “vision” of “equality” attributed to socialists by pro-capitalists indicates more the poverty of imagination and ethics of the critics of socialism than a true account of socialist ideas. Anarchists, like other genuine socialists, support social equality in order to maximise freedom, including the freedom to choose between options to satisfy ones needs. To treat people equally, as equals, means to respect their desires and interests, to acknowledge their right to equal liberty. To make people consume the same as everyone else does not respect the equality of all to develop ones abilities as one sees fit. Socialism means equality of opportunity to satisfy desires and interests, not the imposition of an abstract minimum (or maximum) on unique individuals. To treat unique individuals equally means to acknowledge that uniqueness, not to deny it.
Thus the real aim of economic activity within an anarchy is to ensure “that every human being should have the material and moral means to develop his humanity.” [Michael Bakunin, The Political Philosophy of Bakunin, p. 295] And you cannot develop your humanity if you cannot express yourself freely. Needless to say, to treat unique people “equally” (i.e. identically) is simply evil. You cannot, say, have a 70 year old woman do the same work in order to receive the same income as a 20 year old man. No, anarchists do not subscribe to such “equality,” which is a product of the “ethics of mathematics” of capitalism and not of anarchist ideals. Such a scheme is alien to a free society. The equality anarchists desire is a social equality, based on control over the decisions that affect you. The aim of anarchist economic activity, therefore, is to provide the goods required for “equal freedom for all, an equality of conditions such as to allow everyone to do as they wish.” [Errico Malatesta, Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas, p. 49] Thus anarchists “demand not natural but social equality of individuals as the condition for justice and the foundations of morality.” [Bakunin, Op. Cit., p. 249]
Under capitalism, instead of humans controlling production, production controls them. Anarchists want to change this and desire to create an economic network which will allow the maximisation of an individual’s free time in order for them to express and develop their individuality (while creating what is beautiful). So instead of aiming just to produce because the economy will collapse if we did not, anarchists want to ensure that we produce what is useful in a manner which liberates the individual and empowers them in all aspects of their lives.
This desire means that anarchists reject the capitalist definition of “efficiency.” Anarchists would agree with Albert and Hahnel when they argue that “since people are conscious agents whose characteristics and therefore preferences develop over time, to access long-term efficiency we must access the impact of economic institutions on people’s development.” Capitalism, as we have explained before, is highly inefficient in this light due to the effects of hierarchy and the resulting marginalisation and disempowerment of the majority of society. As Albert and Hahnel go on to note, “self-management, solidarity, and variety are all legitimate valuative criteria for judging economic institutions … Asking whether particular institutions help people attain self-management, variety, and solidarity is sensible.” [The Political Economy of Participatory Economics, p. 9]
In other words, anarchists think that any economic activity in a free society is to do useful things in such a way that gives those doing it as much pleasure as possible. The point of such activity is to express the individuality of those doing it, and for that to happen they must control the work process itself. Only by self-management can work become a means of empowering the individual and developing his or her powers.
In a nutshell, to use the words of William Morris, useful work will replace useless toil in an anarchist society.
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infominescyber · 15 days ago
Affiliate Marketing and Proven Strategies: A Guide
affiliate marketing is, how it works, and successful strategies that could help you dominate this highly rewarding industry.
Affiliate Marketing and Proven Strategies: A Guide
Affiliate marketing has grown dramatically to become one of the biggest ways of generating money online for many individuals and organizations. If conducted properly, affiliate marketing can become a very rewarding business. Below, we outline what affiliate marketing is, how it works, and successful strategies that could help you dominate this highly rewarding industry.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a form of performance-based marketing where an individual, the affiliate, earns a commission for promoting a company's products or services. The affiliate gets paid when he or she sends a potential customer to the business's website using a special tracking link, and that visitor makes a purchase or takes a specific action.
There are usually three main players in affiliate marketing:
Merchant (or Advertiser): A business or brand which sells the product or services.
Affiliate (or Publisher): A person or a company who advertises the products and services of another merchant.
Customer: The person making the final purchase or completes a desired action.
The beauty of affiliate marketing is that it's performance-based. Affiliates only earn when the customer takes a specific action, for instance when purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, or clicking on an ad.
How Affiliate Marketing Works
The process of affiliate marketing is straightforwardly as follows:
Joining an Affiliate Program: Affiliates can join programs either from networks like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or individual company affiliate programs.
Affiliate marketing: Acceptance leads the affiliate to promote either a product or service using his or her own unique affiliate link. This tracks the traffic driven to the merchant's website, and any subsequent sales are directly attributed to that affiliate.
Commission from sale: After a customer places an order, or performs an action, a commission is earned by that affiliate, who typically receives a percentage of that sale.
Payment: Based on the affiliate program's terms, the affiliates receive payment either monthly, bi-weekly, or other periodic schedules.
Affiliate Marketing Strategies
Affiliate marketing involves adopting the correct strategies that raise both traffic and conversion rates to achieve success in it. Here are some of the best strategies that you can use for maximum affiliate marketing success:
1. Choose the Right Niche
A right niche is one of the most critical steps in affiliate marketing. It determines your audience, the kind of products or services you will offer, and even the potential you have to make commissions. Think about these points when choosing a niche:
Passion and Expertise: Promote products or services you are passionate about or know well. You can then produce authentic content for your audience.
Profitability: Not all niches are equally profitable. For instance, niches like personal finance, health, and technology tend to have higher payouts.
Audience Demand: Ensure there is a demand for your chosen niche. Use tools like Google Trends or keyword research tools to gauge search interest.
By focusing on a niche that aligns with your interests and has high earning potential, you can ensure long-term success and engagement.
2. Focus on Content Marketing
Content is the main backbone of a successful affiliate marketing campaign. Unless and until content is engaging and valuable, attracting and converting the target prospects would be quite hard. Here are a few content strategies that will help:
Blogging: You post well-informative blog pieces that solve real problems for people in your audience. Examples might include product reviews, tutorials, or how-to documents. You also make sure the affiliate links appear there naturally.
Video Content: Videos are one of the best means to demonstrate a product and talk about its advantages. YouTube offers immense scope for affiliate marketers. Develop reviews, unboxing, or tutorials and link your affiliate link in the description of the video.
Email Marketing: Collect an email list and send them personal, valuable content. Use this content to promote related affiliate products by offering special offers or discounts.
Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Pinterest are excellent places to use affiliate marketing. Share product recommendations, tutorials, and tips and use affiliate links in your bio, stories, or posts.https://cyberinfomines.com/blog-details/affiliate-marketing-and-proven-strategies:-a-guide
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