#In civilian clothes (ooc)
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heirbane · 1 year ago
Ffxiv refuses to clean up gaius and give him new clothes because they know it'd just dirty other clothes. They're doing us a favor.
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zyhkoo · 4 months ago
🌊 love.
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fluff, f!civilian. inspired by @mostly-imagines ‘ fics, slightly ooc i think..
( how jason’s stone heart softens around you. pt 2 )
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Love was a very foreign concept for Jason. He has read books, watched movies with the batgirls and watch the corny love shows Dick binges but nothing seems to him show him how to love.
Sure, there are some things he likes. He likes a few things, but nothing seems to be ‘love.’
Love? It was only for the naive and the vulnerable. He had seen too many people get hurt, including himself. Love makes a person weak, those feelings would lead to mistakes and pain. So he thought he was better off without it. How could he love something, when he doesn’t even love himself?
It was a snowy night, he was leaned over some random apartment’s wall holding over his wound. His hand was pressed against his side as he felt the blood seep between his fingers. He grits his teeth in pain, the cold nipping at skin.
It was a bad night, he had been caught off by a group of criminals who ambushed and destroyed his earbud for communication. He had no choice but to seek refuge, the nearest safe house was 30 minutes away and he couldn’t make it. As the footsteps grew closer, Jason tensed up, his hand instinctively going for the gun strapped to his hip. But before he could draw his weapon, the figure came into view, wrapped in winter clothes for warmth.
Jason's eyes narrowed, trying to make out the figure's features in the low light. He had no idea if this person was a friend or foe, and as he was in no condition to fight, he would need to be cautious.
“Uh, hi?” you said, concerned about the guy on your porch. You had just come home from an odd dinner date and things couldn’t just get weirder.
Jason's eyes softened as he heard the voice addressing him. Despite his usual cold demeanor, he didn't want to startle or scare you. After all, he was in no condition to fight right now. "Hey," he responded, his voice strained from the pain. "Sorry to bother you. I just... needed a place to rest for a bit."
You looked at him, he had a damaged red helmet over his head, brown jacket and a wounded side.. isn’t this the vigilante guy? You stepped closer, but not too close. “You’re hurt.” you said, as you then looked around then back to him “D-do you need an ambulance or..?”
Jason huffed weakly, "Nah, I'll be fine. It's just a scratch" he said, trying to play it off. However, he knew he needed to do something about the wound soon. "Do you, uh, mind if I come inside for a bit? I won't be a bother, I promise."
You slowly nodded “Yeah.. yeah of course let me help.” you said as you reached out to him. Jason nodded in appreciation. He winced slightly as you reached out, still feeling the pain from his wound, but he knew he couldn't refuse any help he could get.
He leaned on you for support as he slowly stood up, his legs feeling like jelly. "Thanks," he muttered quietly. "I owe ya one, doll." You propped him on your couch, you looked down at his bleeding wound. “I can help.. uh, I know a bit of nursing.” you said.
He looked up at you, his eyes studying you intently, trying to gauge your intentions. He didn't know you, but he had no other option at the moment.
"You sure you know what you're doing?" he asked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
“Yeah, wait, let me find my first aid.” As you came back with the kit in your hand, you kneeled, lifting his shirt up to see the damage. As you looked at his wounded side, you could see the deep gash across his abdomen, with blood slowly seeping from the edges. It was a nasty wound, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with basic medical supplies.
Jason winced slightly as you touched his sides, hissing in pain. "It's not as bad as it looks." he muttered, trying to sound tough. You gave a skeptical look at his comment but continued to tend to his wound. As you pulled out some gauze and antiseptic, you couldn't help but notice the numerous scars that covered his stomach and chest.
Jason noticed your curious glances, and a flicker of unease passed through his eyes. He was used to the scars by now, but he still felt a sense of discomfort whenever someone would glance at them. He knew they were hard to ignore, but he preferred keeping them hidden whenever possible. He didn't like showing weakness, and the scars were a clear sign of his failures.
You continued on your work as you placed the antiseptic “This will sting.”
"Just do it," he said through clenched teeth. "I can handle it."
You proceeded to gently wipe the area around the wound with the antiseptic, making sure to clean out any dirt or debris that might have gotten inside. He tensed up, groaning slightly as the antiseptic stung his skin. You knew he tried to hide his discomfort.
“Sorry if I stared.” you said as you started to wrap the bandages, “That was rude of me.”
"It's fine," he said, his voice gruff as he spoke. "I know I'm not the prettiest sight to behold." you couldn't help but frown at his comment. There was more to him than just his scars, you thought. But you knew better than to say anything about it.
You wrapped the final knot as you dusted your hands, “I’m done.”
"Thanks," he tried to sit up straight, wincing slightly as he put pressure on his wound. You tried to make him sit “Woah woah, okay, don't push yourself.” He allowed you to gently push him back down onto the couch. He wasn't used to being told what to do, but he couldn't deny that he was still fairly weak from his injury.
"I'm fine," he muttered.
“What are you exactly?” you asked, brows furrowing. He paused for a bit, thinking on his answer " I'm a vigilante," he said, "I patrol the streets at night and take care of the bad guys."
“Do you… kill people?” He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. "Sometimes," he said quietly, his tone distant. "When there's no other choice."
"I don't enjoy it," he continued, "But sometimes violence is the only language criminals understand." You tell your name as he nodded in response, “Call me, Red Hood.” he said. You looked at him, pointing at his head “But that’s a helmet.” you said. He huffs “Well, I don’t exactly go around telling people my name sweetheart.”
Jason looked out the window, noting the late hour. He knew that he should get going— the night would not wait for him. He shifted on the couch, wincing slightly as he jostled his wounded side. "I should probably get going," he said, slowly getting up from the couch. Your eyed widened as you stood up as well “What? Are you sure?”
Jason nodded, gritting his teeth as he tried to stand up straight. He could already feel the pull of the stitches in his side, but he didn't want to worry you any more than he already had. "I'll be fine," he said, even though he was still somewhat wobbly on his feet. "I've had worse."
You watch him open your window and left to the snowy cold city. You walked towards your window, hands on the railings as you saw him leave, “Stay safe!” you yelled out. He turned slightly and nodded, giving you a small wave before disappearing into the shadows of the city.
About 2 days passed, somehow.. he felt this itch. He wanted to return the favor. It was a foreign feeling for him— he wasn't used to caring about anyone besides himself. But something about you just wouldn't leave his mind.
Like why does it even matter? You 're just some rando who treated his wounds.
…And so, on the third day, he decided to pay a visit to your apartment.
He didn’t know how to approach this situation, he landed on your fire escape. The steel slightly shook from his weight. He paused as he reached your window, peering through the glass with hesitance in his eyes. The blinds were closed, but he could see your silhouette from the light.
Jason tried to get a better view of you through the slits in the blinds. He wasn't sure why he was being so cautious— after all, he was the one who had decided to come here.
God this was so stupid.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the glass, signaling his presence. You were in the middle of making yourself a cup of tea when you heard a knock on the window. You were confused, and a little creeped out. Who would be knocking this late at night?
Curiosity getting the better of you, you walked towards the window and pulled the blind strings, white lenses widening at the sight of a figure standing on your fire escape. You let out a surprised noise as you saw him. You opened the window as you felt the cold air come in “Red Hood? Why are you here?”
Jason hopped into your apartment, his boots making a soft thud as he landed. He looked around for a moment, taking in the cozy space before focusing his gaze back on you. He shrugged, as if his presence here was no big deal. "Just thought I'd return the favor," he replied.
Your eyes darted around the room, “Er, by how?”
…Shit, he didn’t even think of what to return. Jason cursed under his breath, fuck why didn’t he thought this through?
He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to come up with something quickly. “I could uh, keep an eye on you. Make sure no one bothers you.” he says “If I see a shady guy sneaking around your fire escape i’ll shoot em’”
Jason mentally facepalmed at his own words. That was stupid, he thought. You probably didn't need him lurking outside your window like some kind of oversized bodyguard. You looked at your table with your tea set and back to him “Do you want tea?” you invited.
He paused for a moment before nodding slightly, “Yeah.. yeah sounds nice.” he said as he took a seat.
You then remembered he wore a helmet, “Wait— I can just drink in another direction while you…” he takes off his helmet and saw him with a domino mask. He had a white streak on his hair and he looked younger than you expected, about your age actually. “…drink.”
"Yeah," he snorts, unable to hide a hint of amusement in his voice. "I can't exactly drink with a helmet on." You sat in front of him as you poured the warm tea in his cup. He picked up the cup, wrapping his fingers around the warm porcelain. The aroma of tea drifted up towards him, and he took a small sip, relishing the hot liquid as it warmed his chest.
“Are you really here to return the favor?” you asked, looking up at him. “Yeah, I am,” he replied, “I don’t like owing people favors, much less owing one to someone I just met.” he added, "But I also wanted to check on you. Make sure you're alright."
“I’m alright.” you replied “You don’t have to return the favor, you know.” Jason shakes his head "I'm a man of my word," he retorted, "I don't like leaving things unfinished."
He took another sip of his tea, the hot liquid giving him a moment to think. "Besides," he continued, "It's not like I have anything better to do." you raised your brow, “You probably do.” you said as you sipped your tea.
“Well, yeah maybe so. But still.” Jason leaned back slightly in his seat, swirling the tea in his cup as he tried to find the right words. He knew you were right— there was always something for him to do out there on the streets. “I’d rather be here, to be honest,” he darts his eyes away from yours.
You warmly flashed a smile “Sure, you can come over anytime.” he raised his brow, "You sure about that?” he asked, a touch of humor in his voice. "You don't even know my real name."
You hummed “True, but I don’t really have any company.”
Jason studied you for a moment, trying to gauge the sincerity in your words. It was hard for him to believe that someone would be so carefree about inviting a masked vigilante into their home. But there was something genuine in your expression, a loneliness that mirrored his own.
He took another sip of tea, mulling your words over. "What, no boyfriend?” he lets put an amused scoff. Your hand moved across your neck with a bitter expression. He knew that look all too well— the look of someone with a bitter past.
"Bad breakup?" he asked. You sighed as your eyes darted down, “Yeah, it was really messy.” you said, sipping some tea.
He didn't push you for more details, knowing that you would share only as much as you were comfortable with. Instead, he simply nodded, "I can imagine," he said quietly. “It happened two days ago actually, when you sat on my porch injured.”
Jeez, how he felt terrible.
"It was that recent?" he asked and you nodded. Jason felt guilt as he realized the timing of his visit. You had been dealing with a breakup when he had shown up randomly on your doorstep. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "Bad timing, I guess." you chuckled “No, it’s fine. I guess it’s better than sulking to myself. I mean it's.. really weird but, hey.”
He let out a soft scoff, his lips curling into a slight smirk. “Yeah, I guess I’m better company than crying alone in the dark.”
Over the next few days, He would find himself returning to your apartment. Even though he was very hesitant at first, he found himself unable to stay away. He tells himself… it was just a matter of returning a favor, but he knew there was more to it than that. Your apartment had become a sort of like haven for him, a place where he could let his guard down and be himself.
Every two nights, he would make his way through the city, cloaked in shadows until he reached your window, slipping through your window without a word and settling on your couch. Each time, he would sit in silence for a few moments, as if checking to see if he was welcome or if you would turn him away. But you always seemed to accept his presence without question, offering him a cup of tea or a light conversation.
Was it stupid and dangerous for the two of you? Yes. Does he still visit you anyway? Yes.
It was another night, and Jason found himself making his way towards your apartment once again. He had gotten used to this routine, this quiet comfort of slipping through your window and finding a place on your couch. As he landed on your fire escape, he took a moment to scan the area, making sure no one had followed him. Satisfied that he was alone, he let himself into your apartment, as usual.
He entered your kitchen in his usual stealthy manner, taking off his helmet and setting it on your table. As he did, he caught sight of you sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone.
You looked up at him, “You’re a day early.” you said. He gave a soft scoff, “Am I not welcome here anymore?” you shook your head, “No, no, no, you are.”
“Good,” he replied, taking a seat on the couch. “You know you shouldn’t treat other randos like this if I’m gone.” you rolled your eyes as you stood from your seat and shuffled in your cabinets, “I know, I’m not dumb.” you replied. "Just making sure,” shrugged, you could tell that he was teasing you a bit. “Wouldn’t want some sketchy guy taking advantage of your kind heart.”
"Oh, shut it,” you retorted, turning to look at him. “I’m not that easy to take advantage of.” Jason let out a huff “Oh really? Seems to me like you're letting me waltz into your home every other night without complaint.”
You let out a huff, trying not to let your frustration show. He had a point… but you weren’t about to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
"That’s different,” you protested. "You’re not some random creep." Jason smirked, enjoying your reaction. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked up at you. "But you barely know me," he said, "For all you know, I could be some criminal mastermind, pretending to be a nice guy."
You took a box of macaroni and turned back to him with a glare, “Are you asking to get kicked out?” you don’t actually mean it, but he could be right. Jason knew you weren’t being serious, but the hint of truth in your words made him tense.
"No, I’m not asking to get kicked out,” he assured you, "I’m grateful for your hospitality, honest." You did a smug smile, “That’s what I thought.” you said as you started to cook some macaroni.
He huffed as he leaned back on the couch, watching you work. He couldn’t help but find your confidence amusing.. the way you weren’t afraid to stand up to him or tease him back.
He shifted in his seat, feeling uncomfortable with his own relaxed behavior. He couldn’t quite figure out why he was so at ease around you. Maybe it was the fact that you accepted him without question even though you shouldn’t, or maybe it was something else entirely. He couldn’t quite pin it down.
But.. either way, he admits he enjoys this.
Jason was used to bantering with his siblings, it came naturally to them. Here, it felt lighter. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.
His next visit was odd, it was a different visit from the usual. Jason arrived slightly later than usual, a scowl on his face and a heavy air of frustration surrounding him. As he slipped through your window, you could immediately tell something was off. He didn’t offer his usual greeting, and his shoulders were tense, as if he was carrying a weight heavier than usual.
He didn’t even take his helmet off, you can’t help but be worried so you walked over to him, “Are you okay, Hood?” you asked, testing the waters. Jason’s eyes flicked up to look at you as you approached him. Yet he still felt cold.
He let out a scoff, his gaze somewhere else. “I’m fine,” he muttered. You took a cautious step closer to him, your eyes studying him carefully. "Something happened?" you asked quietly, keeping your voice gentle.
Your hand hovered in the air, unsure what to do. You didn’t want to piss him further, you don’t know what he was like when he was angry. He knew that he was giving off an intimidating aura, but part of him couldn’t help but wish you would reach out.
He let out another sigh, trying to reign in his temper. "You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me," he muttered. Okay, well now you felt a little relieved at his words. You weren’t sure how he would react if you pushed further, but you also knew he needed someone to talk to.
You sat in the couch beside him, your hand finally landing on his shoulder. “You know you can talk to me, right?” you said softly. You could feel him tense up slightly, but he didn’t shrug you off.
He let out another sigh, the tension in his body slowly starting to uncoil. “It’s just family stuff,” he admitted, his voice quiet. Your eyes softened as your hand moved to his back, “You wanna talk about it?” you asked. Jason looked at you for a moment, his eyes fixed on your face. The sight of your soft, empathetic expression made his walls crumble slightly, and he found himself nodding.
“Yeah, I guess I do,” he said gruffly, setting his helmet down on the coffee table. He leaned back on the couch, running a hand through his hair. “It’s just family issues, nothing new. My siblings all drive me crazy, and everyone’s got their own drama going on. Can’t seem to catch a break.”
You pulled your legs up on the couch, “Big family?” you asked. He looked over at you, a hint of humor in his eyes. "Have you ever tried dealing with seven stubborn people under one roof?" you softly chuckled with a small smile, “Yeah, I get it.” Jason's lips tugged into a slight smile at your response, "Yeah, I figured you might.”
Your hand left his back, “You want tea?” he nodded. “Yeah, thanks.” It was oddly comforting, how you offered small acts of kindness without asking anything in return. He watched as you placed the tea set on the coffee table, the aroma of the tea starting to fill the room. He found himself strangely at ease, the tension from before slowly seeping away.
“Here you go.” you said as you handed him a cup. Jason accepted the cup of tea from you, his fingers brushing against yours briefly.
You watched as he took a sip, his shoulders relaxing a bit. "Feeling any better?" you asked, your voice gentle. Jason paused for a moment, taking another sip of tea before answering. For him, it was nice to have someone to talk to, someone who didn’t judge him or try to fix his problems.
"Yeah," he replied, "A bit. Talking about it helps, I guess." You softly smiled, “You can always talk to me Hood.”
Jason studied your face, noticing the way your soft smile and kind eyes almost made him want to spill all his deepest secrets. He couldn’t quite pin it down, but there was something about you that made him feel comfortable. Like he could trust you with his thoughts and feelings.
As he took another sip of tea, he found himself questioning whether he should reveal his real identity. It would certainly make things easier if you knew his real name… He placed the empty cup on the table, his mind still conflicted. It was a big step, revealing his identity to you. But something inside him urged him to take the risk.
“Jason’s fine.” he mumbles. You looked up at him with a curious glance, “What?”
"Forget the whole Red Hood thing,” he repeated, his voice a bit more clear this time. “You can just call me Jason.” You were stunned for a moment, you didn’t expect him to tell his name so soon— or at all for that matter. Jason could hear his own heartbeat in his chest as he waited for your reaction. Finally, you broke the silence “Then.. you can always talk to me, Jason.”
"Thanks," he replied quietly, the words holding a weight he couldn’t quite explain. "Really."
Over the next several weeks, Jason continued to find himself seeking out your company, the comfort of your presence soothing his troubled mind. Every time he dropped by, he found himself slowly letting down more and more of his walls. The rough exterior he wore like a protective suit was slowly replaced with a softer, more vulnerable one.
In all his years of being Red Hood, of being a vigilante, he had never allowed himself to get close to someone in that way.
But as he spent more time with you, he found himself slowly questioning that belief. The more he got to know you, the more he realized that maybe he was wrong. Maybe love wasn’t a weakness, but a strength. Maybe it was something that could actually make him feel alive for once.
Jason avoided the idea of love, convinced that it was something to be feared and avoided. He had witnessed the pain and heartbreak it could cause, both in his own life and in the lives of others.
And yet, as he got to know you better and better, he found himself gradually starting to question this belief. Your presence had begun to erode the walls he had built around his heart, revealing a vulnerable side of him that he had long thought dead.
He felt his hard stone heart soften around yours.
You opened the blinds on your window, looking at the snow up ahead. “I wonder when spring will come.” you commented. He leaned back in the couch, stretching out his legs in front of him. "Spring can't come soon enough," he muttered, his voice slightly gruff but lacking its usual edge. "I'm getting tired of freezing my ass off every night."
“Well, it’s already the start of the year.” you said.
Jason let out a scoff, his eyes drifting towards the calendar on your wall. Sure enough, the first month of the year was already marked off. "Yeah, and spring is like three months away," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "That's still a long way to go."
You sighed, “Right.” you said as you closed the blinds. Jason watched as you closed the blinds, shutting out the snowy landscape outside. The room seemed oddly devoid of color without the light filtering through the glass. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "At least the days are getting longer again," he pointed out, a hint of optimism in his voice. "The nights will get shorter eventually."
"Yeah, that's true," you agreed, "Soon we'll be complaining about how it's too hot instead of too cold."
"Yeah, and then we'll be wishing for winter again," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Never satisfied, are we?" You then remembered something, “Oh, by the way— look what I got for Christmas.” you pulled a box and opened the lead to reveal the record player. "A record player, huh?" he said, a "Who gave you that?"
“My dad,” you replied, “my mom gave me vinyls too.” you smiled as you pulled out a few of them. He leaned closer, peering at the titles you had pulled out. "Let me see..." he said, reaching out to take one of the records from your hand.
You handed him the record, and Jason carefully examined the album cover, running his fingers over the worn edges. He let out a soft scoff as he saw the cover. "Aerosmith, huh?" He said, ”I see your parents have good taste."
You chuckled at his comment, a smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah, my dad's a big fan," you replied. "He's always saying that '70s and '80s rock is the best music." you took out some jazz records, “There's these too.”
"Jazz? Your parents really know what they're doing. Good taste in music, that's for sure." he said. You smiled, “I didn’t take you for a jazz guy.”
"There's a lot you don't know about me," he scoffs, his eyes flickering back to you. You took the record from his hands, “Do you want me to play it?” you asked.
“Go for it.” he replied.
You crouched as you carefully placed the record on the turntable, setting the needle gently down. The soft crackle of the vinyl filled the room before the smooth, melodious sounds of the jazz instrumental began to play. You stood back up and looked at him, “What do you think?” Jason listened to the music, a thoughtful expression on his face as he soaked in the mellow tones. "It's nice," he replied.
Your expression softens, “My parents loved dancing to this, I’m glad they gave it to me.” Jason looks at your expression, "You must have a lot of good memories with them.”
"I remember watching them dance to this in the living room. They were so in sync back then, like they were made for each other." Jason listens to your words and pauses for a bit, he then stands up. “Do you want to dance?”
You sheepishly smiled “Oh— no I’m good I don’t know how to dance.” Jason extends his hand, "Dancing isn't exactly rocket science, you know," he said. "I'm sure I can teach you a thing or two. I’ll take the lead.”
He wasn’t lying, he had a lot of experiences dancing in Bruce’s Galas. "C'mon," he extends his hand further, "It's easy, trust me. I've had plenty of practice." You were complementing to take his hand or not, you then gave up as you took his hand.
Jason smiled as you placed your hand in his. He gently pulled you closer to him, his other hand finding its way to your waist. "Just follow my lead," he instructed, his eyes darting to you.
The music continued to play in the background as Jason slowly began to move, his feet guiding you through the steps. He kept his grip on your waist light but firm, his body slightly brushing against yours with each step. “Like this?” you asked sheepishly. Jason nodded, "Yeah, just like that, doll.”
He moved a bit closer to you, adjusting the position of your other arm.
You huffed, “Last time I did this was like.. high school prom.” Jason huffs, finding your comment amusing. He twirled you around slightly, the movement fluid and elegant. "I'm honored that you're dancing with me instead of some prep school kid.” You stumbled slightly at the unexpected twirl, laughing as you clutched onto him for balance. "I think I prefer dancing with you over some sweaty teenager.”
He huffs, "And why's that?"
“Because I like you.” you simply said.
His heart lurched in his chest at your words, your casual confession sending a flutter through his entire body. "You do, huh?" he asked quietly. “Why would I lie?” you answered. Jason let out a huff, his expression softening as he looked at you. "I don’t know, people lie all the time,” he said, as he looked down. His grip on you grew firmer, his hand on your waist pulling you closer. "But you sound sincere enough."
The air between you felt thick, the music now almost background noise. Jason's eyes were locked with yours, his expression unreadable yet somehow more open than you'd ever seen before. He took a step closer, his chest now touching yours as he gently continued to move you both in time with the music.
Your head then moved to lean on his chest. He held you close, his heartbeat steady and strong under your touch. Slowly, he leaned his head down, his chin resting on the top of your head. It was a vulnerable gesture, one that somehow felt more intimate than the dancing.
The only sound in the room was the steady thump of his heart against your ear and the soft, soothing tones of the instrumentals.
This was love. The feeling of your body against his, the way you leaned on him so trustingly, the sound of his heartbeat in your ears. It all felt so... right. He held you close, his arms encircling your frame as he continued to move with you to the music, his heart full and conflicted.
But there was fear there too. Fear of losing this, of losing you. The thought of something happening to you, of losing this quiet moment filled him with dread. The final notes of the song faded, leaving the room in a silent, intimate embrace.
Jason continued to hold you against his chest, his chin still resting on the top of your head. He didn’t want to let go, his arms around you not loosening even slightly.
He swallowed hard, his voice a low murmur as he broke the silence. "You're a good dancer." you hummed against his chest, “Mm, thanks.” you responded.
🌊 part 2. please like and reblog!! discord server
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fuxuannie · 2 years ago
Wanted to request maybe hsr men with a partner that's their exact opposite?
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* pairing(s) : various hsr men (i actually do all of them i promise) x reader
* prompt : opposites attract, amiright?
* authors note : so you may have noticed a bit of a.. redesign.. in my layout 🙏 but hi requester!! here u gooo ♡ cleaning up my requests sweep sweep. also thank you for 200 u guys r crazy omg.
* brief warning : blade is blade, sssadism if u SQUINT RLLY HARD.
(my love for gepard rlly shows in this im sorry. HABSGJABA 😭😭!!! some r rlly long.. ooc.. or short.. sbsndhsks HANDGSHWS i love gepard IM SORRY HES PRETTY BOY)
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DAN HENG appreciated his silence and alone time, you however, could not go 5 minutes without his supervision.
While he liked to plan and execute said plan perfectly, you were reckless and went into anything head-first with worrying about the possible failures later.
And because of this, Dan Heng was protective over you. He was a gentleman after all, and he would do the same for March 7th back then, so it's no surprise he'd do it for you now. Especially with your tendencies to get yourself into unnecessary fights.
It aches his heart, you know? Having to see your wounds and bruises as he patches you up. But you've made a compromise to give him the equivelant amount of kisses equal to the bandages he put all over you. (and there were A LOT)
Even if you make him worry 24/7, he'll still love you. It's not bad to have a chance of pace after all.
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JING YUAN is a man with many routines, calm and collected, with many worries on his shoulder.
You were more outgoing, a trailblazer who rode the express and were the one helping people with their worries.
He was always surprised with how helpful you really were in your first meetings, not that he doubted your abilities, but didn't expect someone to be able to do his asks as well as you did.
What didn't surprise him was how he fell for you, the way your heart was always pure and gold, and you lived a life to protect and help others.. he admired you. You were his inspiration, his muse, to be a General with that kind of care for his people.
When you two decided to date, Jing Yuan had to get used to your impulsive actions. He was always used to doing the same thing everyday, but with you? He found himself doing 50 other things before the next part of his schedule.
Not that he minded, he likes the excitement, and he really really likes you.
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GEPARD, the Silvermane guards leader, falling for his sisters co-performer.
He LOVED to watch you perform or practice, Serval always saw him with such a love-struck smile, head resting on his hand as he sat and watched his sisters and you practice. She'd tease him about it afterwards, calling him loverboy and such, but he never confirmed nor denied her teasing about him liking you.
Sometimes the guards would hear him humming your part of a song or the general tune of a melody you play, considering how much he watched you, it was no surprise that you were stuck in his head like a popular song.
He quite literally, loved you like a love song, because it's ALL he ever listened to. He'd be in bed, white shirts and shorts, his arm covering his eyes as he listens to the CORNIEST love song and smiles while doing so because he thinks of you.
When you two started dating, he was quick to realize your differences. He was a leader, an intimidating figure, and had goals and missions he swore on his life to constantly follow and pursue even outside of work hours.
You on the other hand, unless you're onstage, you're pretty shy. Not really standing out in a crowd when you're in your civilian clothing, and you liked it that way. Almost like you lived a different life from your almost idol-like persona.
Gepard did find it incredibly cute though, how you'd have an explosive personality infront of a crowd. But with him? You were at the mercy of his soft kisses and his chuckles as your face turns warm from fluster.
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SAMPO was the COMMON ENEMY between the Overworld and Underworld.
Okay, maybe a bit of an exaggeration. But YOU?? Natasha's sweetest nurse and sibling?? with the likes of HIM??
He was a liar, seemingly the type to decieve people who put their trust in him, only to repay them randomly out of nowhere with random treasure maps or save them from tight situations. It seemed like any suspicious activity was ALWAYS tied to him.
You, on the other hand, worked with your sister in her clinic. Often times praised for your kindness and patience, how amazing you were with children and people in general. Nobody would've expected that you fell for him, hell, he didn't expect it either.
But you saw that somewhere, in that heart of his, he truly did care about his friends and loved ones. Somewhere buried in his rather annoying antics, were the intentions of someone who was just worried for the others well-being. He proved it to you when he caught you crying in a dark alley, wiping your tears as you were so tired and overworked. He listened to you for hours on end, and he got to see a side of you that you didn't show to people, and vice versa. You saw the side of him people thought they'd die to see exist.
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WELT YANG was always rather serious at times, with his status and achievements, people expected it of him.
You were his closest companion, one of the few he had left from his journey, but you were also his partner. Despite being just about his age, you were so calm, so gentle. Compared to his seemingly stern nature.
You loved plants and flowers of the such, always telling Welt about the newest one you learnt from a new planet on each expedition through the galaxy. You warmed his heart with how you spoke, explaining each and every plant with such detail. He loved it whenever you spoke, 'music to his ears', he'd tell people. Anyone would be enamoured with your voice and way of speaking, he admired your intelligence, but more importantly, he admired you.
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BLADE.. with Kafka's partner in crime?
Kafka can't say she's surprised, hell, she'd love you too. But the pairing was rather odd.
Blade was monotone, cold. His stare as sharp as daggers, and could care less about those he hurt.
You, on the other hand, found immense joy in hurting others. A wicked smile on your face whenever you're permitted to do so towards anyone who dare stand in their way.
Whenever you two would kiss, the difference once again shows. You're clearly enjoying it, but Blade's expression is blank. But I guess don't judge a book by its cover? As the kiss he initiated is passionate and intimate, he's enjoying it I promise, he just doesn't show it.
Either way, you're both stuck babysitting Silverwolf most of the time. Oh well, more time with him.
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pupkashi · 7 days ago
boyfriend!jinwoo headcanons
a/n: hi hi friends !! I’ve become reobsessed with solo as season 2 comes out + i started the manhwa and i have fallen head over heels for jinwoo so enjoy ! i am so sorry if it’s ooc im still trying to get a feel for his character </3 this got really messy and all over the place my bad yall i have alot of thoughts okay that’s all bye :3
warnings: maybe minor manhwa spoilers ?? that’s about all :P
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- if jinwoo met you before his reawakening he definitely did not make the first move, instead opting to try and spend time around you without making things too obvious
- to say you weren’t charmed by the hunter would be a lie, you were absolutely smitten with him, stomach in knots everytime you saw him, giving him care packages after any missions and trying to warn him to take it easy
- your words and actions would always make him flush, “i promise I’ll be more careful” he’d smile, holding a bag of frozen peas to the side of his head
- he was the best boyfriend he could be, always getting you little things when he could, even finding wildflowers to make a bouquet for you when he couldn’t afford store bought ones
- he would take you out to picnics and any little date that he could afford anytime he could, romanticizing every moment with you and making you fall for him more and more
- he would save up anything he could to buy you jewelry or clothes or something you’d mentioned wanting in passing, surprising you with it with a goofy grin
- you’d tell him constantly he didn’t have to worry about buying you fancy things or spending money on you, but he would have none of it, assuring you his other expenses were handled and his sister was well taken care of
- jinwoo is the most supportive boyfriend in the world, if you were awakened and decided to become a hunter he would be your biggest cheerleader
- he wouldn’t have a bruised ego if you were a couple ranks higher than he was, instead he’d be incredibly proud of you, boasting to everyone “that’s my partner by the way”
- if you were a regular civilian he would support whatever career path you wanted to take, going to college? jinwoo is helping you study late at night and wishing you luck on exams. wanting to be a baker? jinwoo is there trying all your recipes and giving you honest feedback (and taking home test batches)
- you awaken as a hunter but don’t want to be a hunter? jinwoo is there to reassure you to live your life how you wanna, not once judging you
- reawakened jinwoo ,,, strap in yall
- the first time he sees you he feels like he’s an e rank hunter again the way he’s blushing and his heart racing, when was the last time he felt this nervous?
- he can barely get out a ‘hello’ as you’re smiling softly at him, he isn’t sure if you recognize him, you giggle softly and shove your friend slightly, eyes darting to him before catching his gaze, embarrassed and looking away quickly
- beru is quick to encourage his master, “his majesty is worthy of any he may choose” he reassures jinwoo, making the hunter flush and dismiss him quickly
- jinwoo finally works up the courage to talk to you, turning on his charm, he fought insanely strong enemies all by himself, he can ask you out on a date, right?
- he stumbles over his words, sentence jumbled up and you can help but smile at him and nod, “I’d love to get dinner sometime” you reply, exchanging phone numbers before excusing yourself and catching up with your friend group
- at first jinwoo is skeptic once he gets home, what if you were just using him because you knew he was the tenth S rank hunter? were you in it for money? fame?
- after your first date together jinwoo is weak at the knees and ready to give you the world, he’s already assigned one of his soldiers to your shadow
- one month after your first date he’s asking you to be his, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands and a picnic spread behind him as the sun set
- calls you a handful of pet names mainly baby, doll, my love and sweetheart
- you call him honey, lover, baby, handsome and any other silly thing you can think of to make him roll his eyes; a lot of times you’ll just shorten his name, calling him jin, jinny or just woo (you once called him your woo woo bear and he was so flustered you decided to reserve it for only certain occasions)
- jinwoo was not one to cheap out on things when it came to you, if you mentioned wanting something you’d get it as soon as possible
- he’d buy you expensive jewelry and any clothing you’d like, even paying your rent and bills behind your back, a sheepish smile on his face when you confront him about it
- “doll you spend most of your time at mine anyway, how about we just move in together hm?” easily persuades you with the promise of letting you decorate the whole place, giving you his credit card to buy whatever you wanted
- jinwoo wouldn’t say he’s a jealous boyfriend,, you however would say he definitely is ! he’s also very possessive and protective when it comes to you
- if he even senses that someone else is looking at you he’s quick to flash his eyes blue, shadows whipping around him and scaring off anyone even thinking of looking at you
- if anyone is stupid enough to actually flirt with you he will not shy away from intimidating them, eyes glowing as he stares down the person, practically snarling at them until they’re running with their tail between their legs
- “alright tough guy let’s tone it down a bit” you chuckle, letting your arms slide around his waist and pulling him close to you, jinwoo just scoffs, melting into your touch and turning to face you, pulling you by the waist and kissing your lips
- “all mine” he whispers against your lips, you smile and press another kiss to his lips, “all yours” you assure him
- he goes INSANE if anyone hurts you omg like next level crashing out he’s demolishing them into oblivion if they lay a finger on you
- “who did this to you?” his voice is deeper than you’d ever heard it, a wobble in it from the pure rage coursing through his veins, his knuckles are white and his eyes don’t have the usual warmth and love they usually do
- he can barely control his ragged breathing absolutely pummeling them into the ground, his whole body glowing and shadows crackling around him
- it’s a sight to behold, his gaze and demeanor switching in an instant when he turns to you, “let’s get you home sweetheart”
- he’s very silly when it’s just you or his family around, cracking stupid jokes and being absolutely terrible at video games during any game nights
- jinwoo is absolutely a clingy and touchy boyfriend in private, the most PDA he’d show is holding your hand or an arm around your waist (unless he’s jealous then he’d full on just make out with you to prove a point)
- im talking he wants to be IN ur skin, as close as he can be; he’d nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, wrap his arms around you and pull you into him, he’d place a flurry of kisses on your face and any exposed skin, soft giggles filling the air
- he giggles SO much with you, any compliment you give him or joke you make he’s giggling and giving you the softest look you’d ever seen on the man
- he isn’t stoic at all, eyes always bright and attentive anytime you’re talking to him
- he often leaves multiple shadow soldiers with you, having very rotate between you and his sister and mom to keep tabs on the three of you
- jinwoo falls deeper in love with you when he sees how much his sister and mom like you, with his mom teasing him and asking when he was gonna marry you after the second time he brought you to dinner with them
- even though he’s a busy man, he will always make sure he makes time for you, reassuring you that you’re a priority in his life and giving you any quality time you need
- he plans at least one date every two weeks, spending as many nights or afternoons he can with you, making sure he’s home for dinner if you were cooking and watching shows together on the couch
- jinwoo is VERY in tune with your emotions, catching on to the slightest shift in your tone or actions, he’s always quick to address anything bothering you and doing anything in his power to make you feel better
- he gives you all the reassurance you need and then some anytime you feel insecure, never making you embarrassed for how you feel, instead making sure you know how much he loves and cares for you
- boyfriend!jinwoo who is always helping you with anything you need, wether it be studying or cleaning or running errands, if he’s free he’s helping you with it; even if he’s busy if his soldiers can help you then you’ve got them at your disposal 24/7
- he is just such a good boyfriend i need him so bad
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months ago
I don’t believe in god, but I believe that you’re my saviour.
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Most likely ooc Geta and inaccuracies galore.
You shouldn’t be allowed to be as near to him as you were in this situation. Emperor Geta was corruption, death, cruelty and inhumane as they come with the sickening grin and pleasure he took from the senseless slaughter of men that he merely viewed as entertainment.
You shouldn’t be anywhere near a man who’s entire being should disgust you greatly to the point where you refuse to be within the same room as him. His hands bore the blood of the innocent but he’d look upon them with a sadistic smile as he demanded for more violence, more madness, more bloodshed to be performed as if his dark soul wasn’t given it’s proper fill.
So why was it you were here within the grandiose gardens that he had made specifically for you to enjoy your morning readings of poetry? Why was it that while his gifts consisted of jewellery that you were expect to wear within the presences of other powerful people, servants and civilians alike; Geta would also buy you books a plenty of your favourite poets, who’s hands weaved words together so seamlessly as though they were spent weaving pure gold in the most desirable clothes in another life.
So why was it that you found yourself staring into his dark eyes, which possessed the ability to be devoid of empathy, but yet gaze upon you with a softness unlike any other as the light made them warm like honey or a thick substance like syrup; gazing at you as though he was seeing you for the first time all over again, as if you weren’t already his to have and to hold in your shared chambers. His hair that was often accompanied by a golden laurel was as fiery and unyielding as he was but in certain angles it looked soft to the touch, and you would know as your fingers would often be buried in it per Geta’s insistence in the privacy of one another, away from prying eyes where it’s just you and Geta.
His temperament flared like a roaring fire, causing everyone within radius of him to flinch or fall silent with immediate effect. Yet with you his fire was more easily managed, with some slight movements where his irrationality got the best of him and you had to leave for the library or the gardens, allowing him the time alone be to air out his anger, only for him to seek you out afterwards with a heaving chest and wild eyes; His hands would soon come to cradle your face and his forehead would press against yours as he finds his calm and composure once more within your presence as he idly stroked your cheeks with his thumb.
Geta draped you in lavish clothes of silk and jewellery crafted from gold and precious stones and or gems to emphasise that you were his and only his, not even his brother was allowed to have space within your heart when he was concerned, only him as your husband was allowed to occupy any and all space that your heart was allowed to have. ‘The gods can take what they please but I won’t let them have you, for you are mine and if I must defy them to keep you in my arms then I shall make myself their enemy for your heart.’ He’d often say as he kisses your forehead with an uncharacteristic tenderness.
‘You promise too much my love.’ You replied as you close your eyes, breathing him in. ‘One might think that you hold genuine affection for me as a person and not property you’ve claimed and see it as weakness.’ You add, only speaking of the truth but Geta’s grip on your face only tightens by a little and his breath fanning your face came out uneven.
‘I’ve always held affection for you, always.’ He rebuttals.
‘No. You were possessive over me and would cut the tongues of other men who dared speak honeyed words towards me.’ You tell him, smiling softly as you opened your eyes to look into his darker ones as they went through a multitude of emotions. ‘You only hold true affection for me now that you see that I can calm the fire within your heart and put those thoughts that poison your head to rest, beyond that I am nothing more than a possession.’
‘No.’ Geta barks but it doesn’t phase you as it would others for his hands still held you softly and lovingly as his he presses his forehead further against yours, eyes glancing down at your lips with temptation eating away at his heart and soul, urging him to close the distance between the two of you and consume you like you’ve consumed him unknowingly. ‘While I may tear out the tongues of others, my heart is only occupied by you, it bleeds you, beats for you- feel for yourself.’ He then brings one of your hands tightly to his chest, allowing you a moment to feel his heart reach out for your palm within him.
‘See?’ He whispers softly, letting go of your hand when he was confident that your hand would stay on his chest, listening to his heart as his hand now crept it’s way under your chin and caressing your jaw. ‘You consume me in ways I cannot fathom and I have grown to become addicted to your sweet words as you read from your poetry book aloud to me, succumbing to your every touch as though you were touching my soul, I want to be a husband you can be proud of and I intend to do so by doing this.’ Before you could ask what he was on about, Geta plants his lips against yours, weaving his lips through yours as he pulls you against him, not allowing for a single bit of space to exist between the two of you.
You hum in delight as you reciprocate the kiss, allowing yourself to be consumed by Geta and his passion, your other hand reaches to grip his shoulder for support when you felt his tongue trail your bottom lip before entering your mouth, causing your legs to become numb as you allowed him to all you were within the kiss with the intention of allowing yourself to indulge in all he was as well.
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rainybubbles · 11 months ago
How do you meet COD Men ? - AU civilian
Soap, Ghost, Gaz, Price, König, Rudy, Alex, Nikolai
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written, mid or if they're OOC)
SOAP as a firefighter : 
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-"911, how can I assist you today?"
-"I think there's been a break-in at my place!"
-"Could you describe the intruder, ma'am?"
-"It's... a turkey."
-"A turkey?"
-"Yeah, one of those gobbling birds! My neighbors use a live one for their Thanksgiving, and it somehow busted loose. It barged into my place through the door, gave me a real fright. I dashed into my bathroom, but it went all 'Rambo' on my door, and now it's busted. My handle is broken, I'm stuck in here!"
-"Don't worry, help is on the way."
-And that's when you met Soap. There he was, showing up at your doorstep in full firefighter gear.
-"Hey there ?" he greeted, axe in hand, ready to face off against the rogue turkey.
-You weren’t kidding, he thought.
-He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the havoc that bird had wreaked in your place.
-Your poor sofa was toast, and your table was in pieces. Slowly, he made his way to the damaged door.
-"Hey there, Ah’m a firefighter. I’m here tae break down the door. Please step back."
-"Oh thanks ! I was starting to think I'd be spending the night bawling in my bathtub."
-He chuckled.
-"Wouldnae want a lovely person like yerself spendin’ Thanksgiving solo."
-"Thanks," you replied.
-"I'll get started," Soap said as he began dismantling the door.
-"Here, it looks like the turkey's gone," he reported.
-But when he turned to you, he noticed something amiss.
- Normally, people were relieved to see him, not scared out of their wits.
-His gaze shifted back, and that's when he saw it—the monstrous turkey, ready to pounce.
-Without a second thought, he scooped you up, effortlessly carrying you despite whatever size or weight you were, and bolted past the bird.
-"Why's that thing so fast?" he exclaimed.
-"They're practically dinosaurs, I swear!" you cried from the safety of his arms.
-You both made it to the street. Soap dialed up a wildlife specialist to handle the feathery menace.
-"Ah’l swearin’ off turkey forever," he vowed.
-"I think finding a new place to live might be a good idea," you whispered, still trying to calm your nerves.
-"Aye, yer neighbors are some real characters for pullin’ a stunt like this."
-"Thanks again for this. I mean, I'm sure you've got more pressing cases."
-"No’ really. Usually, it's just family squabbles. Last time, Ah had a grandma tryin’ tae kill her son wi’ mashed potatoes," he joked.
-"Grandma can get wild," you chuckled.
-"Ye have no idea. Name's John, by the way. Sorry for forgettin’ ma manners."
-"Hey, a wild turkey trying to take me out can do that to a person," you quipped. "I'm Y/n," you added.
-He grinned.
-“I owe you big time, Soap," you said, finally stepping out of the bathroom. "Guess this Thanksgiving, I'll be giving thanks for firefighters and sturdy bathtubs."
-Soap gave you a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's all in a day's work. Plus, -it's not every day I get to play hero to a person in distress... from a turkey."
-After the turkey trouble was sorted, Soap bid his farewell. Little did he know, two days later, your new neighbor would be attempting to cook aluminum in his microwave. Maybe this time he'd find a moment to ask for your number.
GHOST as a chef : 
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-The poor waitress had asked you twice if you wanted to order by the time your date arrived. But it was painfully obvious. 
-You had been stood up.
 -You tried to ignore the looks, the sensation of your clothes feeling too tight, too constricting. You felt like a clown.
-Staring at your phone, you sent messages, hoping for excuses like traffic or an important matter.
-Maybe he had a flat tire, or perhaps his boss demanded he stay late. Yet, two hours later, you were still there, feeling like a fool.
-That's when the message came: "Oh, I was just joking, you're not my type, you know."
-Tears welled in your eyes as you felt the humiliation wash over you.
-How could someone flirt for two months just as a joke? He messaged you every night; how were you supposed to know it was all a farce?
-Biting your lip, you stood up.
-At this hour, you hoped there were still buses running.
-You couldn't afford an Uber. Yet, as you gathered your things, the waitress approached.
-"Excuse me, but your food will arrive."
-"I... I'm sorry, but I can't... I can't afford anything here, and my date stood me up. He was supposed to pay, and..." you rambled, feeling ashamed, but she led you back to your seat.
-You felt even more ashamed. This place was so luxurious.
-"I really can't afford it, madam," you whispered.
-"It's on the house. The chef offered it," she said gently.
-You didn't know if you felt grateful or not. It felt like pity, but food from a Michelin-starred restaurant was still a luxury, so you ate. It was unbelievably good. You felt so thankful to the chef.
-"I... could I thank him?" you asked after finishing your dinner.
-"He doesn't speak to clients. That's why he opened his own restaurant — so he could remain unseen by his patrons and not be obligated to accept their thanks, As he says “I Ghost clients”" the waitress explained.
-"I see. His dishes are so precise, it's impressive."
-"Yeah, he's good with a knife."
-"Well, thanks again for offering me this. It was a crappy night, but at least I ended up in heaven," you said.
-She smiled, and you left.
-But you felt indebted to him. Dishes like that cost a lot.
- Even if you didn't doubt he could afford it, you felt like you had to do something in return.
-So the next night, you baked cookies.
-You felt ridiculous with your small Tupperware and homemade cookies.
-They'd probably taste awful to him, you thought, but you wanted to repay him.
-"Hi, I... wanted to give this to Ghost? He offered me dishes last time, and I wanted to thank him. I understand if you say no. I mean, it could have poison in it, but..." you rambled to the waiter.
-"No need, we'll take it," the waiter with a mohawk said with a smile.
-You felt like he knew something you didn't. As you were about to leave, a tall, blond man walked over, holding a cookie.
-"Thanks," he said with a gruff voice behind his mask.
-Shit. Ghost was... this man?
-This mountain of muscles made those beautiful dishes? Those meticulous details came from his hands? You were impressed.
-"Do you like it?" you asked, unsure.
-"Best cookies I've tasted."
-"I know you're lying."
-"Second," he admitted. "My ma's were better."
-You chuckled.
-"I can give you the recipe. I mean, you really saved me last night. It was so... humiliating."
-"It's not. The only one who should feel ashamed is the bloke who stood you up, love."
-"You're right, but still."
-"Come back again, Friday. With the recipe."
-"I can send it by email."
-"I want you to taste a new dish."
-"Having someone honest is nice. It's a change from all the compliments."
-"Okay," you agreed.
-Little did you know, Simon would always find new dishes to make you come back.
-Of course, he could ask his sous-chefs or waiters to taste, but seeing your smile or frown after a taste was so much better.
-(I need a long fic about Simon being a chef, like this AU has so much potential, plus in kitchen you have “brigade” which could be like 141)
GAZ as a primary school teacher : 
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-You were on your usual delivery route, this time dropping off packages at the primary school.
-As you made your way through the corridors, you spotted Gaz, the primary teacher, who greeted you with a smile.
-"I was waiting for you," Gaz said cheerfully.
-"Oh, am I right on time?" you responded, glancing at your phone in confusion.
-"Yes, but the kids are eager," Gaz explained.
-You furrowed your eyebrows. Eager for what? Seeing a delivery person? Or perhaps the contents of your package were something special, like paintings or other intriguing items?
-"I see," you said, still puzzled.
-"Follow me," Gaz instructed, leading you into his classroom before you could protest.
-As you entered, you were met with the curious gaze of twenty pairs of eyes.
-It dawned on you as you glanced at a piece of paper – Gaz had mistaken you for the guest speaker, an athlete scheduled to address the students.
-"Sir, I think there's been a mistake," you whispered to Gaz, but before you could say more, a child wrapped their arms around you.
-"I'm so glad you're here!" the child exclaimed, melting your resolve. How could you shatter their excitement?
-You couldn’t bear to crush their excitement. Besides, it was clear that the athlete wasn’t going to show up; it was already 10 AM, and they were supposed to be there by 8AM according to the schedule on the board.
-And so, you found yourself spinning tales to answer their questions, pretending to be the athlete they expected. 
-“Um, hey there ! Being an athlete is pretty cool, you know” you improvised, trying to sound convincing.
-“How does it feel to do sports all day ?” one curious kid asked
-“Well it’s tough but you know riding horse is fun”
-“I thought you were running”
-“RUNNING ! Of course, horse is just a hobby” you blurted out
-Despite your fibs, the kids beamed with admiration, hanging onto your every word.
-After a couple of hours, Gaz approached you with a knowing smile.
-"You're not the athlete, are you?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
-"How did you figure it out?" you replied sheepishly.
-"When you mentioned unicorns helping your coach – that was a dead giveaway," Gaz chuckled. "But I appreciate you playing along."
-"I couldn’t bear to disappoint the kids. Kids' dreams are important," you admitted, feeling a twinge of guilt.
-"Yeah, they are," Gaz agreed. "Thanks for going along with it."
-"It was more fun than my usual deliveries, anyway," you admitted with a grin.
-“Wait, your boss won’t be mad ?! I mean two hours, sorry you must be so late, no ?”he said worried
-“Don’t worry you were my last”
-As you prepared to leave, Gaz introduced himself properly.
-"Thanks against or helping out. And by the way 'm Kyle, but the kids call me Gaz – it's easier for them," he explained.
-"It was nice meeting you, Gaz," you said sincerely, touched by his kindness towards the children.
-As you left the school, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. And to your surprise, when you made your next delivery, there was Gaz, offering to lend a hand. 
-"Thought you might need some help this time," he said with a wink.
-Maybe it was repayment for your earlier assistance, or perhaps the kids had teased him about having a crush on you – either way, you were grateful for his company.
PRICE as an uni history teacher :
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-It was about 10 PM, and there you were, sprinting in high heels, your wig dangling precariously.
-"Oh, for the love of all that’s good," you muttered under your breath.
-The situation was straightforward, yet utterly absurd.
- You, a university teacher, found yourself at a costume party with a Bridgerton theme.
- After hastily getting ready at your friend’s place, it dawned on you that you had forgotten your house key.
-Sure, crashing at your friend's was an option, but you had a furry friend waiting at home who needed your attention.
-So, off you went, driving back to the only place your keys could be: the teacher's offices at the university.
- Picture this: you, clad in an 18th-century outfit, a fake wig teetering on your head, and a petticoat swishing around, all the while cursing your luck and hoping no students would spot you.
-Finally, you reached the office, finding it deserted. You located your keys and—
-"Quite the accurate ensemble, I must say."
-You froze, turning to find a man with a rather impressive beard. "Um, I can explain?"
-"Are you a student?" he asked.
-"No need to butter me up; I know I don't exactly look like one," you confessed.
-He chuckled. "Sorry, I was just trying to give you an out. You know, student parties and whatnot."
-"Thanks, but yeah, I'm the… new teacher. Guess we haven't crossed paths yet. Been here about a month," you said, extending your hand.
-"Well, isn't this a fortunate coincidence?" he remarked.
-"How so?"
-"I’m John Price," he revealed.
-Your eyes widened. Oh, crap. You just met THE history teacher of the campus dressed as a Bridgerton character. What were the odds?
-He laughed. "Nice to meet my new colleague. Heard quite a bit about your work."
-"Likewise, and… sorry about the attire," you apologized.
-"No need. It suits you. Makes me feel like a proper gentleman seeing someone dressed like that," he said with a grin.
-You chuckled nervously. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Price."
-Little did you know, your next class for the first year was a shared one with him. Dodging him might not be as simple as you thought.
NIKOLAI as a F1 pilot :
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-Your friend's desperate plea over the phone stirred something in you.
-"Alright, I'll come help with the shoot," you conceded, feeling a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension.
-As you arrived at the location, taking in the serene surroundings, you couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place among the bustling crew.
-Your specialty lay in capturing the untamed beauty of animals—dogs, cats, and the like.
-This commercial setup felt like a far cry from your usual stomping grounds.
-Engaging in conversation with the staff about the artistic direction, you couldn't help but notice the artificiality of the setting, with fake plants and trees surrounding you.
-Nevertheless, you settled in, adjusting lights and preparing for the task at hand.
-"The model is here," an assistant announced, drawing your attention to the center of the room where a man stood, completely naked.
-"Why is he naked?" you whispered in disbelief, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks.
-"It's for the charity event, featuring naked pilots for calendars," the staff explained casually, oblivious to your discomfort.
-Stunned, you turned to your friend, silently questioning her decision to involve you in this unconventional endeavor.
-"I photograph nature and animals, not... naked humans!" you protested, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration.
-"Well, technically, you photograph a big snake," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye.
-You rolled your eyes, suppressing a sigh. "Ugh, don't even mention his...thing, please."
-"I don't mind being called an anaconda," the man interjected with a smirk, his gaze lingering on you in a way that made your heart race.
-Caught off guard by his boldness, you shifted uncomfortably, suddenly hyper-aware of his proximity.
- "Sir, I'm sorry, but I wasn't warned about these... circumstances," you stammered, struggling to maintain composure.
-"I understand. If we need to reschedule, no problem, Солнышко ," he reassured, his voice low and soothing, sending shivers down your spine.
-"What did you just say?" you asked, unable to hide the hint of fluster in your tone.
-"Sorry, I meant no problem to reschedule, sunshine," he clarified, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
-"But you're... a star?" you questioned, feeling a mixture of confusion and intrigue.
-"I'm a well-known F1 pilot, yes. But I'm closer to retirement than those young ones. I doubt people would buy the calendar for me," he admitted with a self-deprecating chuckle, his vulnerability tugging at your heartstrings.
-"I'd certainly buy it for you," your friend chimed in, breaking the tension with a playful grin.
-He laughed, his gaze lingering on you with a warmth that made your cheeks flush. "And you?"
-"I... maybe? Okay, we'll do it, but I can't guarantee anything. I'm more accustomed to animals, so..." you trailed off, feeling a rush of adrenaline at the prospect of working closely with him.
-"Let's get started," he suggested, his smile softening the edges of the room and easing your nerves.
-And so, the shoot commenced, with Nikolai proving to be a surprisingly adept model, effortlessly charming everyone with his wit and charisma.
- As you directed him through the poses, you couldn't help but notice the subtle tension between you, a magnetic pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.
-"Thanks for today. Need a ride?" he offered, his gaze lingering on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
-"No, I came in my car," you replied, torn between the desire to stay and the need to escape the overwhelming atmosphere.
-"The red one?" a staff member inquired, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling between you.
-"Yeah, why?" you asked, feeling a knot form in your stomach at the thought of your car.
-"Sorry, mate, your car got impounded," they informed you, their words puncturing the bubble of tension that had enveloped you.
-You sighed, feeling a sense of defeat wash over you. "So, a ride?" Nikolai offered, his gaze softening with concern.
-"Yeah, I guess. What a crappy day," you muttered, cursing your luck.
-"Don't say that, it was great," he insisted, his voice gentle and reassuring.
-You nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude towards him for his unexpected kindness. In his car, as he drove you away from the chaos of the shoot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over you, a feeling that was only amplified by his soothing presence.
-"Not what you were expecting, huh?" he remarked, his tone playful yet sincere.
-"Well, I wasn't expecting a race car drive, but yeah," you chuckled, feeling the tension between you slowly dissipating.
-"I drive safely. Sometimes you need low adrenaline," he explained, his words resonating with you in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
-"Thanks again for the ride," you said, turning to him with a smile that felt more genuine than any you had worn all day.
-"No problem. I mean, you've seen me naked, so..." he trailed off, a mischievous glint in his eye.
-"Yeah, sure," you laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you at the playful banter.
-"If you want, you can still come to one of my races," he offered, his gaze lingering on you with a hopefulness that sent a flutter of excitement through your chest.
-"I'll think about it," you replied, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at your lips as you contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead.
ALEX as a lawyer :
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-You couldn't believe your eyes.
-A client was after you for a cup of tea—yes, you heard that right, a freaking tea!
-The same tea you accidentally spilled during a chaotic rush, and she tripped you with her feet, claiming you scalded her with hot tea. The kicker?
-You knew it was iced tea.
- But it was your word against hers, and she had a squadron of lawyers ready to pounce, while you were broke. It was pretty clear how this would end.
-You sighed, resorting to searching for lawyers online, but all you found were scams.
-One promised to chase after dead people, another claimed you'd make thousands just by being pretty, and the rest boasted about defending infamous criminals with laughably bad Photoshopped images.
-Feeling desperate, you reluctantly agreed when your mom mentioned your cousin knew someone who knew someone. You certainly didn't expect a model-lawyer showing up at your doorstep with a bright smile and legal expertise.
-"Hi, I'm Alex," he offered his hand.
-"Hi, I guess you know about my... case?" you replied.
-"Yes, there's a high chance of her winning since similar cases have ruled in favor of people like her. Remember the McDonald's hot coffee incident?" he explained.
-"So I'm screwed?" you muttered.
-"Not necessarily. I can prove she's acting out of self-interest."
-"...before you say anything, you know, I can't... afford it?" you interjected.
-"Yes. I... I used to be a prominent lawyer. Perhaps you've heard of the Shepherd case?" he mentioned.
-"The CEO who got off the hook despite everyone knowing he committed tax fraud?" you recalled.
-"Yes, I was his lawyer," he admitted.
-"Oh," you murmured, taken aback.
-"I... I'm not proud of the people I've defended. I didn't realize the harm I was causing to victims. For me, everyone deserved representation, but when I saw what Shepherd did with his ill-gotten gains... I couldn't continue down that path. I signed up to advocate for people. Not evil," he confessed.
-"So you took on lost causes like me?" you mused.
-"You could say that," he smiled.
-"Well, it sounds like Daredevil. Maybe I'll catch you wearing a latex suit at night while fighting crime," you joked.
-"You might be onto something there," he replied, his expression serious.
-"Wait, you're joking?" you asked, but he didn't crack a smile.
-"Mr. Keller, you're joking, right?" you pressed, but he just smirked.
-"Let's focus on your case," he redirected.
-"You can't just dodge my question. I need to know—" 
-"Boxing. I box at night, nothing illegal. I train kids, and I've competed in the past," he confessed.
-"I see. Why do I find that hard to believe?" you teased.
-"I'm a damn good liar. I'm a lawyer," he retorted.
-"Fair point," you chuckled.”well at least I believe in the latex suit at night”
-“Kinky”he joked, you smiled.
-Alex got down to business, helping you devise a strategy.
-Maybe with this super lawyer on your side, you stood a chance. Yet, you couldn't shake the curiosity about his secrets. Who knows what uncovering them might bring?
KÖNIG as a baker :
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-König had just opened his bakery.
- Eager to be neighborly, he sent some cookies to the local shops nearby.
- However, when his customers arrived one day, one of them expressed hesitation: "You know, I was hesitant to buy here because I heard you made the florist down the street sick."
-König couldn't believe his ears.
- Ashamed, he double-checked his ingredients, but everything seemed fine.
-So, he decided to switch things up and bake some croissants instead.
-Yet, the next day brought news that the florist had fallen ill due to food poisoning.
-Determined to make amends, König sent something different the following day.
-And the pattern repeated itself. After a week of this, he finally decided to confront the florist.
-Entering their cute shop, he whispered nervously, "Hallo."
-"Hi," you replied.
-"I'm König, the—"
-"The baker," you interrupted.
-He froze.
-Well, he certainly hadn't made a good impression.
-After seven incidents, he couldn't expect a warm reception, but he hoped you’d understand he hadn't done it intentionally. He wasn't a villain.
-"I'm sorry about the pastries," he began, "I swear I don't know what went wrong. Other shops ate them and had no issues. I—"
-"I know you're not trying to poison me," you interjected.
-"Oh, but... then why?" he asked.
-"I thought someone would have told you, maybe Horangi, the chef at the restaurant. But I'm lactose intolerant. I assumed you knew, so I ate your pastries thinking someone had informed you. Then, I realized that wasn't the case. But if I didn't eat your gift, you might have thought I was upset with you, so I still ate them, and—"
-"It was a misunderstanding," König finished their sentence.
-"Two anxious people overthinking things, but yeah," you admitted, laughing.
-"I promise to bake you something lactose-free," he vowed.
-"Thanks, it'll be appreciated. Your pastries were good, just not for my digestive system," you replied.
-He nodded and returned to his bakery, pondering the idea of introducing gluten and lactose-free versions of his pastries. Surely not because of the cute florist who seemed to visit more often now. Nah.
RUDY as a librarian :
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-You were a young journalist, eager to dive into investigative reporting, but your editor relegated you to the local sports section since you were the new kid on the block.
- It wasn't exactly your passion, but you made the best of it. Your current assignment: write about Rodolfo Parra, a former boxer.
-Avoiding the internet due to its unreliable nature, especially for local stories, you opted for the library.
- As you searched for information on Parra, a man approached.
-"Need a hand?" he offered.
-You glanced at his badge, confirming his name as Rudy.
-"Yeah, I'm digging up info on the boxer Rodolfo Parra. I heard his early days were at the local club, so I figured the archives might have something," you explained.
-Rudy smiled. "Rodolfo Parra, huh?"
-"Yeah, you know him?"
-"You could say that, but I've heard he's not too keen on journalists."
-"Exactly why I couldn't land an interview," you sighed.
-"But why write about him? He retired two years ago," Rudy questioned.
-"My boss wants it, so here I am," you replied with a hint of resignation.
-"I've got some info, but can I trust you?" Rudy hesitated.
-"Absolutely, I'll respect his privacy. I just want to know his story, his struggles. I've heard rumors about a fixed fight where a coach, El Sinombre, forced him to lose," you shared.
-Rudy's expression darkened. "It was more than that. I'm surprised you know about it."
-"I've delved into El Sinombre's dealings before. I wanted to write for investigative reporting," you confessed. "I found it odd that a sports club had ties to a pharmacy."
-"They developed stimulants to win fights, and more... potent substances," Rudy revealed.
-"So Rodolfo lost to a doped-up opponent?" you concluded.
-"Yeah. Rumor has it, El Sinombre threatened his family if he didn't comply. Rodolfo vowed never to lose, so El Sinombre took matters into his own hands..." Rudy trailed off.
-"And Rodolfo ended up paralyzed," you finished solemnly.
-"Yeah, but with rehab, he's probably walking now. But he can't fight anymore," Rudy confirmed.
-"Having your dreams crushed like that must be devastating. A fighter silenced," you mused.
-"Maybe it was for the best," Rudy countered.
-"You think so?" you questioned.
-"Boxing isn't a lifelong career. Maybe retiring was a blessing," he reasoned.
-"I don't know, having your dreams shattered like that... it must take a toll. Imagine if someone burned down your library," you countered.
-"Well, this library was my backup dream, so I'd just have to find another," he quipped.
-You nodded, then realization dawned. "Your backup dream?"
-"Yeah," Rudy admitted. "Rudy for Rodolfo. Not the smartest move for a future investigative journalist, huh?"
-"Hey! You—yeah, I was naïve, but you could've given me a heads-up," you teased back.
-"Now, tell me about your boss. Things might be more complicated than we thought," Rudy suggested.
-"Do you think El Sinombre is after you?" you pondered.
-"We'll find out," he replied cryptically.
-Maybe your beat would evolve over time...
If you want more : my masterlist
I still need to write Alejandro, Lasswell and Farah, maybe in a next part with other characters :) !
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tomurawr44 · 8 months ago
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okay my last one recieved alot of love and I'm so happy for that 🖤 send in yall's reqs please, sorry if this is kind of ehh and the timelines are weird.
WARNINGS: spoilers, OOC tomura maybe, dating hcs, gn!reader
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unlike all the tiktok hcs I've been seeing around, he's not the perfect boyfriend but he's not absolutely evil towards his partner. no he would not hit you, he doesn't even hit any of the league, why would he treat his partner any differently?
for villains/allies
he will treat you like a member of the league, but he trusts you more, obviously, he'll come to you for an opinion on his plan and he will trust your judgement, although not all the time. just don't do it infront of other members, he'll get pissed and sulk about it.
when you get harmed on a mission, he'll voice his concern by calling you an idiot for getting yourself hurt, and he'll call whoever hurt you an idiot for harming what he cared about.
he really is absolutely down bad hates you, he hates the way you make him feel so..vulnerable, and he hates the way you care about him so much, why are you kissing his bruises and wounds? he can bandage himself by himself, don't act all smartass when he gets hurt, you got hurt not too long ago too! he hates all of it! but in the end, he'll crawl into your arms just to hold you, even if it's just by your clothes, or it's you holding him, he'll grumble about how stupid it is before he presses closer against you.
he loves watching you fight or just be in your element, combat based? your his personal bodyguard now. you're kinda like skeptic where he's mostly computer based? he loves to watch and cover for you, it makes him feel like he's in a game or movie.
during the time Kurogiri was captured and sent away, that was the time you kind of saw him spiral a little, not in a manic way just in a way where he was forced to mature so suddenly and it took him a little bit to get used to it, so please be there for him.
during the overhaul arc, you were his righthand (person), there to intimidate and speak alongside him to try and get him to be mature around overhaul. luckily though that fell through.
and then, when the MLA arc started, thats when he feared for you, he knew that you were capable of protecting yourself but it wasn't so secret to the public that you were very close with him. mostly just being called 'Tomura Shigaraki's partner' or something alongs the lines of that, and he had a feeling they were going to try and target you to get information or get under his skin.
it didn't happen though, and you two ruled the PLA together and everyone was afraid of you🖤
during the months leading up to his surgery, it's up to you how you feel about it but you're worried, obviously. who wouldn't be? it was scary.
after his surgery and he obtains AFO, it kind of feels like you lost touch with him, as though he's a completely different person and it's just..off. when you find out AFO is controlling him though, somewhat like what happened during the final endings of the chapters, you're able to connect with him and try and soothe him from the inside out, even if you know it won't do much with AFO in the way.
for civilian s/o (pre USJ/15-18yr old tomura)
it was a wonder that you two got together, you'd have to be the one to approach him first though, places i think you'd be able to spot him in are the arcade, the mall, the gameshop, a 24hr place, computer cafes or hanging around different bars.
he won't be the one to confess first, actually, there won't be a confession, he kind of just thought you two became official somewhere along the way due to how close you two have become.
AFO does not approve of you, he sees you as a source of love and care that he does not want tomura to have distraction and he's torn because he does like you but he also values his master more. so once AFO finds out, he'll become distant :(
but in the end, he might end up lying or trying to brush you off whenever you become a subject between him, Kurogiri and AFO.
he hasn't done anything criminal yet so he usually tells Kurogiri he's going to the mall when in reality he's heading to you .
please just love this man. he needs it, please be patient with his bratty bullshit and show him your not gonna leave no matter what. he might throw temper tantrums but just hold him, kiss his fingers and watch him try and close off but your just too warm for his cold heart.
he's whipped, he doesn't really say i love you though, you have to say it alot otherwise he'll sulk. (he never says it back)
he tends to express his thankfulness/love language through acts of service, quality time and gift-giving. he's scared to touch you, if he disintegrates the only person to actually make him feel normal, what then? what becomes of him?
contrary to some, he's actually very insecure. like, he tries to put it off but he just hates how he looks in general, please praise him, tell him how handsome he is. he doesn't know how he's able to date someone like YOU. he doesn't consider himself as someone to take a second glance at, not even decent because of all his itchies, he doesn't tend to dwell on it but when he does, you can tell.
he never lets you sleep in the same bed as him, for obvious safety reasons but he loves watching you rest. seeing how peaceful you are wrapped up in his blankets, he loves it. sometimes while a game is taking a long time to load, queue, or install, he'll just watch you. call him creepy (please don't) but he has a bunch of pics of you sleeping.
he loves your hair, he loves smelling you, if you use scented things, he loves running his hands carefully through your hair and watching as his fingers disappear into the strands. he loves it when you do the same to him and scritch scritch here and there on him.
speaking of scratching, kissing his neck or face whenever he tries to itch them almost makes the feeling for him drop instantly, not so much but it shocked him the first time you did it.
he loves watching you laugh and smile, doesn't matter if it's about something stupid, it makes him smile too oddly enough.
to date him you have to go through the trials of mamagiri and AFO, get ready to be interrogated when he goes to the bathroom or god forbid you stay for dinner. Kurogiri will be TALKING. (In mhoj2, Kurogiri's a big talker, as in he has voicelines a minute or so long.)
he will tell you his real name if he trusts you enough (AFO does mention his real name to him when he first picked him up so im pretty sure he knows it.)
he's just a sad wet cat please love this crusty munch.
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—Ake 2024
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https-milo · 7 months ago
Family Man
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Summary: Dabi meets the love of his life and leaves the LoV to care for her and their new baby
m. list / inspired by this post of mine B)
TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF • no one is dead >:( • OOC Dabi, sue me!
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Being a parent was always something I dreamed about. When I was little, I used to imagine meeting the man of my dreams and starting a family with him as soon as possible. But with every failed relationship I seemed to have, my hopes that would happen diminished. I was walking home from the hospital I work at when I stumbled across a man with a long black coat and a scarred face. He had black hair and piercings and it looked like his scars had staples where they met the non-scarred skin. He was hunched over and clutching his stomach. I wearily approached him.
"Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. The sound of my voice made his head shoot up, he looked my straight in my eyes. My [eye color] eyes met his icy blue ones.
"Obviously not," He replied through gritted teeth.
"I can help you, the hospital isn't too far-" he cut me off.
"I can't go to the hospital," He said.
"Why not?" I asked
"Just help me out and maybe I'll tell you afterward," He answered. I nodded and walked over to him.
"Here, I can help you walk. I'll take you to my house, it's not that far from here," I said with a smile. The man rolled his eyes at me and supported himself using my shoulder. We stumbled up a few blocks to my apartment building. It was a cheap place and looked run down, but the quality wasn't horrible. I couldn't complain.
"What happened?" I asked. We were now in my apartment and I had the stranger sitting on one of my kitchen chairs.
"I got stabbed. The fucker got me good too," the man replied.
"Can you uh... Take your shirt off?" I asked. The man smirked a bit at my awkwardness.
"Sure," He replied. He took off his jacket and shirt tauntingly slow. He never gave up eye contact either. He was well built and muscular. He had scars on his stomach that matched his face. A weird part of me found it attractive. But I quickly shook that thought and began working. I looked at the wound and my quirk told me everything I need to know.
My quirk was basically an X-ray without all the machines, and it gave me a description of the wound with what caused it. "You're lucky, if you were stabbed one inch to the right, it would've hit your intestines," I explained.
"How do you know? You haven't even touched me," he asked.
I hummed, "My quirk. Wasn't fit to be a pro, so I became a doctor." I walked away to grab a needle and thread to stitch him. "What's your deal? Are you in a gang or something?"
He hesitated, "You could say that."
I nodded, "Ah ok. At least you weren't some random civilian that got stabbed then."
"What? You think I deserved to be stabbed?" He asked.
"That's not what I meant. No one 'deserves' to be stabbed. I'm just saying crime has been on the rise and I'd hate it if someone defenseless got stabbed. But since you're in a sorta-gang or whatever, then you can handle yourself," I explained.
He scoffed, "Whatever. I kill people, you know. I could kill you right now."
I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. My job is helping the sick and injured, not persecuting them. And done. There, all stitched up and not bleeding."
"What already?" He asked. "I didn't even feel you start."
"Just another part of my quirk. When someone who's hurt talks to me, it gives the same effect painkillers would. Pretty nifty, huh?" I explained. "I'm Y/N by the way. If you're ever injured again, you can stop by. I usually get off work around 10 PM and go in at 8 AM."
"Dabi. I'll keep you to that offer," He simply said before putting his clothes back on and leaving.
"Take care, be safe," I said as I closed the door.
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The second time I saw him it was midnight and there were loud knocks at my door. Hurriedly, I rushed to the door and opened it. Dabi was there with a teenage girl in his arms. "I didn't know where else to go," he said. "Please."
"Don't just stand there! Put her on the counter!" I instructed. I pushed everything that was on my counter to the floor to make room for the girl. Dabi gently placed her down and I scanned her body. She had 2 stab wounds on her lower stomach and large lacerations on her arms and legs. "Who did this? What happened? Try waking her up, I need her to speak to me so she doesn't feel any pain."
"We were trying to get more recruits for our group. Apparently we messed with the wrong gang. They went crazy and started attacking us," Dabi explained. He tapped the girls face and gently woke her up.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Hi, I'm Y/n and I'm going to help you out, okay? Can you tell me about yourself?" I was cleaning the cuts on her arm first. I couldn't start stitching the stab wounds until she was awake and speaking to me.
"My name is Himiko Toga. It's nice to meet you," she answered. I wrapped her arm with bandages and moved to her legs.
"Hi, sweetie. How old are you?" I asked. She was starting to get more awake and that's all I needed.
"I'm 16, how old are you?"
"I'm 22, do you feel any pain?"
She looked at her bloodied badge wildly, "No-no but I'm sure I should? I'm bleeding!"
"Don't worry, it's just my quirk. You're gonna be okay. Dabi, can you dress this real quick? I want to stitch her quickly before she loses too much blood," I asked.
Dabi nodded and grabbed the bandages from my hand. He wrapped her leg wounds as I started to stitch the first stab wound on her stomach. "I need you to keep talking to me, okay? It can be anything, just keep talking," I said. Himiko nodded.
"Well I saw this really cute kitten! It was adorable! It was so small. It was gray with brown spots! I'm gushing just thinking about it! While me and patchwork were on our mission, one of the gang members looked soooo cute! Her hair was really pretty. Almost as pretty as yours! You're really pretty, by the way. I bet you'd look even cuter if you bled a little!~"
"Done! And thank you for the compliments, but I'm not really a big fan of bleeding. Would you like a change of clothes? I can grab something of mine real quick," I offered. Himiko nodded and sat up. I left the room and went to my closet. I tried taking her clothes into account for what she'd like. I settled for a white skirt and pink cardigan with a white undershirt. Just as I was about to walk back into my kitchen, I heard the two talking.
"She's super pretty, and nice! You should totallyyy try getting with her~," Himiko said.
Dabi scoffed, "As if she'd like someone like me. Incase you forgot, we kill people for a living. She saves them. As pretty and nice as she is, no one can look past that fact."
"Ooo so you totally would if the circumstances were different!!"
Dabi shrugged, "Who wouldn't?"
I walk over to them and hand Himiko the clothes. "Here you go, hon. You can go change in my bathroom, it's the first door down the hallway." Himiko nodded and walked to my bathroom to change. I turned to face Dabi. "You okay? Any wounds?"
He shrugged, "None that are too deep."
"I can dress them if you want. I'd rather they didn't get infected," I said. He rolled his eyes but didn't stop me from pushing him into a chair. He had some scratches on his face I hadn't noticed before, along with surface-level gashes on his arm.
"Why do you even care?" He asked. I was cleaning the blood from his cheek. Our faces were only centimeters apart. I looked into his eyes and blushed wildly.
"Everyone deserves to have someone who cares. I'm here to take care of you whenever you need me," I replied kindly. He scoffed.
"I don't deserve this," He said.
"Why not?"
He hesitated, feelings were something he obviously wasn't good with. "You're too nice. And I'm... me."
"I'm not 'too nice'," I replied. "I just... do what I can. Everyone deserves someone in their corner. And, even if I don't support what you do, I'm here for you and whoever else needs my help."
I was done bandaging him and Himiko came out of the bathroom. "I'm ready! Do I look cute?~"
"The cutest girl in the whole world," I replied happily.
"Thank you!" Himiko replied. She jumped into my arms and squeezed me. "Can I have your number? I need more girls in my life."
"Sure, do you have your phone?" I asked.
"Yep! Right here!" She pulled her phone out and handed it to me. I put my contact in and handed it back.
"Feel free to come over whenever. You don't need to be injured to hang out," I said to Himiko. I turned to Dabi, "That goes to you too."
He scoffed, "Yeah, whatever. C'mon, crazy."
He and Himiko left my house. "Take care, be safe," I said to them as I closed the door.
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I was walking to my apartment when I saw Dabi standing outside my door. It had been 2 months since we first met. In those two months, he was consistently coming over. I noticed with each time he was less hurt. "Dabi? What's up? You okay?" I doted. I scanned over his body and saw no injuries.
He sighed, "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm just... I don't know. I can leave if you want."
"What? No, of course not. Come in," I replied. I unlocked my door and let him in. "I was just about to make some dinner."
"What're you gonna make?" He asked.
I rubbed my neck sheepishly, "I was going to make some ramen. Sorry, if I knew you were coming, I would've prepared something."
He just shrugged, "You work long shifts, I don't mind. As long as I'm with you."
I flushed. "You don't mean that."
"Why wouldn't I?" Dabi asked. "You... you're good to be around. I don't know... You... You're safe."
I smiled brightly, "Well, I enjoy being around you too." I finished our ramen bowls and brought them to the living room. I placed the two bowls on the coffee table. I sat down and Dabi sat beside me. Even though the couch was medium-sized and there was way more room, we were shoulder to shoulder. I handed him the remote. "Put on whatever you want."
He nodded and put on a random horror movie. "So, what'd you do today?" He asked.
"Hmm. Well, I went home early because we were double-staffed so they sent me home. Which is so stupid? Like I literally have the x-ray and painkillers built into me. And, get this, my replacement was some girl whose quirk is growing hair. Not to quirk shame, but c'mon!" I complained. "I'm not too shocked though, my manager hates me. We used to have a fling but I broke up with him because he cheated on me. And he's not over me?! Ugh, boys are so stupid. No offense."
Dabi hummed in acknowledgment, "Sounds rough."
I sighed, "Yeah. But it's ok. You're here now. What did you do today?"
"Normal league things. I got into an argument with our leader. I couldn't stand being with him. I wasn't sure where else to go, so I came here," Dabi explained.
"You're always welcome here, you know," I said.
He hesitated. "Yeah. I know."
I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up with my head on Dabi's shoulder and his head on mine. I blushed wildly. I lightly pushed him off of me and let him lay down fully on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over him. It was 7 am and I had to work in an hour, so I decided to make a small breakfast. I got instant pancake mix and made a couple pancakes for Dabi when he woke up. I made a few extra on a separate plate for Himiko if he saw her today. I wrote a note for him.
We fell asleep watching the movie last night whoops :,) I made you some pancakes and there should be a few extra for Himiko if you see her today (but if youre extra hungry, feel free to eat them all!! I didn't tell her about them ;) ) visit me again sometime? I enjoyed your company <3
- Y/N
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Dabi has been visiting me everyday for the past two weeks. He always came around 11 PM and stayed until 2 AM. Usually, though, we'd fall asleep on the couch. It was weirdly domestic. Whenever I heard his knock at my door, a feeling of unbeatable happiness overcame me. When he walked in, it felt different. I wasn't sure how or why, but something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I did a scan and he had no injuries, which made me even more confused.
"My boss wants to know who I keep sneaking off to see," Dabi said. He rubbed his neck. "He wants to meet you. Everyone does."
"Oh, ok. That's fine. Um they're not gonna like... Hurt me right?"
Dabi's eyes widened. "No. And if they try anything, I have you."
I sighed, "Okay. So like... Right now... Orrrrrr?"
He nodded, "Right now preferably."
"Ok, let me just change out of my pajamas," I said. He nodded and sat on my couch. He made himself at home as he always did. I put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. It wasn't too cold outside so I wasn't worried. I put on my sneakers and walked over to Dabi. "Ready?" He nodded and we left my apartment.
It was a 10 minute walk to his base. In that time he was growing more and more anxious. We were just outside the entrance when I stopped him. "Are you okay? Like seriously, what's up?" I placed my hands on his arms to stop him from moving.
"It's nothing. It's stupid," He said.
"it's not stupid if it's affecting you," I replied.
He sighed. "It's just... God this is pathetic... I just don't want you to like them more... than... you... like... me..." He hesitated on his words as he went on.
I giggled but hid it behind one of my hands. "You're jealous! That's so cute."
He scoffed, "Yeah, yeah. Adorable." He refused to meet my eyes. But I grabbed his face and gently tilted it down to look at me.
"You don't have to worry. I'm not gonna leave you," I said. His eyes lightened and he sighed.
"Whatever. Let's just meet them," He replied. I nodded and he grabbed my hand to lead me inside. Immediately, Himiko jumped in my arms.
"Y/n-channnn!~" She cheered as she spun us around.
"Himi-chan!" I greeted back. "How are you?"
"I'm good! Did you get the cat picture I sent you?" She asked.
"Yes! He was so cute! Did you see the makeup look I sent you?"
"Yesss!! You looked so cute! I loved the red, it almost looked like blood!~"
"I knew you'd like it! That's why I did it!" I giggled. The two of us were holding hands and excitedly talking. Unbeknownst to me, Dabi was talking with a guy with light blue hair; their boss.
"This is the girl you've been meeting?" He asked.
"Yeah. She's something, isn't she?" He had a faint, almost unnoticeable smile on his face. Shigaraki cleared his throat and I turned my attention to him. I forgot about everyone else I was meeting, I was just really happy to see Himiko.
"I'm so sorry! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n," I introduced. I extended a hand out to their boss, but Dabi pushed it down. I spared him a confused glance before looking back at the boss.
"Shigaraki. Dabi has told us a lot about you," He said.
"All good things, I hope?" I joked lightly. Shigaraki just hummed. I turned to the rest of the League. They were all in their villain outfits. One of them had a full body suit on with the mask being half grey and half black. One of them wore a full suit; the button-up was orange-red and he had a top hat with a mask on. Another was a lizard with purple hair and a red torn up scarf, something that obviously drew inspiration from Stain: The Hero Killer. And the final man was... made of gas? He was purple and black and sort of looked like a weird cloud.
"it's nice to meet you guys as well," I said with a wave. The man in the body suit approached me, and looked me up and down before jumping excitedly.
"Oh it's gonna be so fun to have someone new around!" He said. Then his personality completely shifted. "No it won't. Yes it will. No. Yes."
I just kinda stared at him awkwardly. I looked to Dabi for some help and he pulled me away from him. "That's Twice," he introduced. "He's a little crazy." I nodded.
"No problem! I was just a little concerned," I replied. The lizard man grabbed my attention.
"I'm Spinner. Hey, do you happen to know who the Hero Killer is?"
"I know of him, yeah," I shrugged.
"Do you agree with him?" Spinner asked.
"Well, I think there are a lot of fake heroes but like I don't think anyone deserves to die. I see a lot of people close to death with my job, and each time it doesn't get any easier," I answered.
"You do know who you're talking to right?" The top hat wearing one asked.
"Yeah, you know we kill people, right?" Shigaraki asked.
"Yeah I know. I don't support it. But, my job isn't persecuting criminals; it's helping people. So, even if I could never do what you guys do, I don't hate you or think lowly of you," I explained.
Shigaraki approached me, he placed four fingers on my shoulder and Dabi tensed. "What are you doing?" He asked.
Shigaraki smirked, "What makes you trust us? We could kill you right now."
I showed no fear. I looked him in his eyes. His red ones met my own. "I don't trust you. Nothing is stopping you from killing me. But... I don't think Dabi would walk me into a situation he knew I wouldn't leave from. I trust him and Himiko."
Shigaraki scoffed, his grip on my shoulder tightened. His index finger, which he was keeping off my shoulder, was inching closer and closer slowly. It was as if he wanted a reaction from me or someone else. I was about to say something when Dabi shoved him away from me.
"Quit it, will you?" He said gruffly, clearly annoyed. "You're lucky I even dragged her here to meet your ugly ass."
"Going soft, Dabi?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi didn't answer. He just grabbed my hand and we walked back to my apartment. His hand never left mine.
When we got home and the door was shut, he looked me up and down - as if trying to find an injury. I recognized the habit as one of my own whenever he was at my door. "Hey I'm okay," I reassured.
"The... The reason they wanted to meet you was because I've been talking about you. A lot," he said with a sigh as he lazed about on my couch. I joined him and sat curled up on his chest. These past few months have been the best of my life. He, despite being a serial killer, was safe.
"And what do you tell them?" I ask.
"I tell them I want to be with you," he admits. I could tell it wasn't easy as he hesitated on his words and his heartbeat quickened. I looked up at him.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's not going to be... easy liking me and I get it if you don't like me like that. Except, I might have to kill you cause this is too embarrassing to not kill over." Now, normally if a mass murderer says something like this, I'd be concerned. But Dabi said it in a light way. There may have been some truth but I don't think he'd ever kill me... Right?
"Nothing is ever easy. I thought you were cute the minute I saw you shirtless in my kitchen," I joked. "I like you too, Dabi."
He hesitated greatly at my words. "...Touya. My name is Touya."
My eyes widened, "Woah wait what? Dabi isn't your real name?"
He looked at me quizzically. "No?? What kind of name is Dabi for a baby??"
"I don't know! I thought your parents hated you or something!"
"I mean, you could say that. My old man is a piece of shit to put it lightly. I was sick of the way things were going so I... Faked my death and became a villain."
"I'm sorry, Touya. I can't imagine," I said gently. I sat up from his chest and made him look at me. There was something so cute about him, about us. He closed his eyes and placed a hand on the back of my neck, pushing my face closer to his. I closed my eyes as well and our lips connected halfway.
In that moment, we were eternal. Nothing else mattered. The cars that sped down the street and the dogs that barked, all those noises were drowned out simply by the feeling of being so close to someone else. His hands traveled to my waist and he pulled me into his lap. My hand moved from his face to his shoulder to support myself. We disconnected our lips from each other after a minute, taking deep breaths and admiring the other.
"Maybe I am going soft," He mumbles. I didn't hear him though. I was already passed out sitting in his lap.
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Two months into dating and Touya practically lives with me. Some of his clothes were in my closet and drawers, I had his favorite foods constantly stocked in my cabinets and fridge, and he even had his own toothbrush in my bathroom. We were sitting on my couch when I got a call from my sister, I looked puzzled and paused our show.
"[Sisters name]? What's up?" I asked. Dabi was about to ask me something but I held a finger up. He scoffed, crossed his arms, and pushed me away dramatically. "You want me to watch your kid..? Um yeah sure! Drop him off at my house." She hung up quickly after the confirmation.
"Who was that?" Dabi asked.
"My sister. We haven't spoken in 2 years and suddenly she has a kid and wants me to babysit? Ugh," I groaned.
He just hummed. "Do you think she's gonna freak out when she sees my face?"
"considering the fact it's on wanted posters; probably," I loving tap his cheek and he rolls his eyes. I was about to move off the couch but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"Do you want kids?" He asked. It was the question I was both dreading and incredibly excited for.
"I would like some, yes. But with work and everything I don't know if I'd be able to," I replied.
"What? Like it's a one person job?" He teased.
I rolled my eyes. "With the people I used to date, I knew it would've been. How about you, Mr. Murder?"
"I used to think starting a family would be out of the picture for me but I don't know if that's the case anymore," he replied simply. He said it so casually I thought I was reading too deep into things.
"Y-you want to to have a family with me?" I asked.
He shrugged, "I don't know who else I'd rather have one with. Besides, we'd make cute babies."
My sister arrived with my nephew. It was our first time meeting and I'm sure it was likely going to be the last. I brought Kam to the living room and introduced him to Touya.
"Kam, this is Touya. Touya, this is Kam," I said.
"Are those real?" Kam asked, pointing at Touya's face.
"My scars?" Touya asked. Kam nodded. "Yeah, bud. They're real. I got into a really bad accident when I was younger. They don't scare you, do they?"
Kam shook his head immediately. "No! They look super cool!"
Touya smiled. "Yeah?"
"Mhm!" Kam replied with an innocent smile on his face. Touya looked at me with a soft smile of his own. He had a look in his eyes as he played and talked to Kam. It was nothing I'd seen before. His eyes were full of fatherly love.
It was around 5 when the three of us were curled up on the couch. My head rested on Touya's chest and Kam sat on Touya's lap. He had protective arms wrapped around us. Kam was already sleeping and I was about to lull off myself, but then Touya started speaking.
"We should have one," He said. "These couple hours have been better than I could've imagined."
"You know it isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows, right? If we have one it's gonna be a newborn and it'll cry all the time," I replied.
"Do you not want one?"
"I do. I really do. But, I don't want to force you into a commitment you're not ready for. Kids are a handful."
"I know. But... My life has been totally different these past months and it's because of you. Fuck, princess, I don't know what kind of drug you are but I'm addicted. You make me want to be a better person. But I know even if I wasn't, you'd still be there. You're the best damn thing in my life."
"Look at you getting all sappy on me," I teased.
"Forget it then," He scoffed. I rolled my eyes and moved off his chest to look at him in his eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and and kiss him.
"I'm only teasing. You're the best thing in my life too. Before I met you, I was just in a constant loop. My days would feel the same and my life didn't feel worth it. Even if you're a crazy murderer, you're my crazy murderer."
He sarcastically smiled and rolled his eyes. "I think I'm the more sane one in this relationship."
"Only because I got you started on meds," I shrugged. "If you're serious, we can have a baby."
"Of course I'm serious. I just... Don't want to be like my dad."
"And you're not gonna. I'm not worried about that in the slightest. I can keep you in check."
"Yeah, I know you can, doll," He breathed out a sigh. He looked down at his lap as Kam shifted to get comfortable. His smile met his eyes as he leaned his head against mine.
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I woke Touya up with an at-home pregnancy test in my hand. The two lines on it made me feel anxious. I was worried he wouldn't actually want to have a kid, that maybe he just said it to make me feel better. "Touya," I said as I shook him awake.
"Hm? I'm trying to sleep, princess," He groaned into his pillow. By this time, he was fully living in my apartment. I got new pillows and sheets, we painted the walls, and hung up photos of us together. It really felt like a home.
"You might want to wake up," I said. "Something happened."
He shot up almost immediately. He looked at me and scanned my body as if he had my quirk. Then his eyes fell onto my hands with the pregnancy test in their grasp. He looked at me shocked and then he grabbed the test. He saw the two lines and breathed deeply. "We're going to be parents?" He asked.
"Y-yeah," I choked. "I understand if you don't want me to have it... I know we talked about it a lot but I get it if you... want.. to.. leave..?" I looked down and refused to meet his eyes. He sighed.
"After all this time, you really think I'm going to leave you?" He asked. He grabbed my face and looked at me so sincerely. "We're gonna be parents, princess. I'll leave the league, I'll try seeing what I can do to become reformed, I want to be with you."
"You mean it?"
"Never wanted anything more in my life."
Touya came home from visiting the League with a bruise on his face. I rushed over to him immediately. "What happened?" I doted.
"They couldn't believe I was leaving. Me and Scratchy got into a fight," He smiled. "They want to see our baby when he's born and Crazy says you need to text her."
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It had been three months since Touya started his reformation process. It wasn't easy. I was basically a glorified babysitter. He was put on meds that blocked his quirk, something I knew he hated. But he kept going for me. Today was finally the day we were going to see his siblings. His father, Endeavor, was someone he wanted nothing to do with. Even after all the therapy he went through, nothing could shake the hatred he felt. His natural hair was showing now, he stopped dying it black and it was now a bright white. I wore a simple light purple dress and Touya had black jeans and a dark purple button-up on.
"What if they don't like me?" I groaned as we walked to his house.
"I should be the one worrying about that. You're not a serial killer," Touya grumbled.
"Former serial killer," I chimed. He rolled his eyes. I looked up and we were on the Todoroki Family's doorstep. "Are you ready?"
He shrugged, "Only been a decade or so since I saw them."
I huff and knock on the door. A girl opens it, Fuyumi I assume. "Hi, I hope you were informed about our visit..." I asked worriedly. Touya was standing awkwardly at my side.
"No, I'm sorry. Who are you?" Fuyumi asked.
My heart dropped. "I'm your brother's girlfriend, and this is Touya." I introduced the two for him, I knew he wouldn't be able to. Fuyumi's eyes widened.
"Touya?" She gasped. She looked at his scarred face and blue eyes. A look of recognition flashed behind her own.
"Hey, Yumi," Touya replied. He acted casual, but I could tell it was eating him up inside. There was so much he wanted to say, but no words could describe.
"Does Dad know you're here?" she asked.
Touya tensed. "He knows we're here, but I refuse to see him." His sister hummed.
"Well, come in. Tell us where you've been!" She said kindly. She led the two of us in and sat us down at the table. "Nats! Sho! Come down here!"
Touya was growing more and more anxious. He couldn't stop the feeling of anxiety that crawled within him. I placed my hand in his and squeezed tightly, he gently sighed and took deep breaths. Natsuo and Shoto came down, they were expecting dinner and not their long-lost brother and his girlfriend, obviously.
"Who are they?" Shoto asked.
"Touya?" Natsuo said, amazed. Shoto looked at Touya shocked. Natsuo pushed past Fuyumi and Shoto and embraced Touya tightly. I smiled at the sight.
Touya and I sat at the table as he reconnected with his siblings. After the initial shock of seeing him wore off, they welcomed him with open arms. We still hadn't told them the "big news" so to speak.
"We didn't come here just to meet and catch up," Touya said. He glanced at me and I looked down slightly. "Are you two getting married?" Fuyumi asked. I blushed viciously. "N-no!" "Well?" Natsuo prompted. Touya looked at me and I nodded. "She's pregnant," Touya explained. All three of their eyes widened. Fuyumi immediately started doting on me and cheerfully checked over my body. Natsuo patted Touya on his back and Shoto was just stunned. "Oh my god! How far along are you?" Fuyumi asked. "14 weeks," I answered. "I hope you guys aren't too shocked." "Well, our brother comes back from the dead with a girlfriend and a baby on the way... I think we can be a little shocked," Natsuo said. I laughed a bit. "You're having a kid out of wedlock?" Shoto asked. "Yeah," Touya said as he rubbed his neck. "It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision." "At that exact moment sure, but we talked about it beforehand," I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I'm not complaining," He teased. I blushed and stuck my thumb down at him. Shoto made a fake throw-up noise and Natsuo looked away with a soft smile. Fuyumi shook her head.
"How are you going to tell Dad?" She asked. Touya shrugged, "Simple. We're not. He'll find out when he finds out but he won't hear it from either of us." Fuyumi just nodded. "I'm glad to have you back, Touya." "Me too!" Natsuo agreed. "It is nice," Shoto added. Touya just sheepishly rubbed his neck again, he clearly wasn't expecting so much support. "It's good to be back," Touya said.
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Our baby woke up crying for the third time that night. It was now one full year since Touya started reforming. He went to all his mandatory meetings, took his meds, and went through extensive therapy. I was about to get up but my white-haired boyfriend stopped me. Even though he seemed annoyed, I could see the love in his eyes from just knowing our baby was alive and with us. He was happy because we had a family. "I'll get him, princess," He said. He pushed me back to lying down and pulled the blanket back over my body. I smiled at him and watched as he went over to the crib we set up in our room. He held our baby in his hands and cradled him tightly as he rocked him back to sleep. After a few minutes, our baby fell back asleep. Touya smiled and gently placed him back in the crib.
Touya crawled into bed with me and held me close. "Thank you," Touya whispered into my hair. "For what?" I asked, snuggling into him further. "Giving me something to live for," He replied.
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
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itsvenera · 4 months ago
Helloo! could I humbly request relationship headcanons for Sasuke before and after the war? as in the difference between him then and after? I always thought he'd be a lot more mature and his views on things might change? especially since before he never would've had the time to actually consider things like romantic relationships and such to a deep extent? I'd love to hear your thoughts! I wish you a good day/night!
(fem reader or gn!neutral is up to you! I'm okay with either!)
author's note: hi, lovely! I am so glad to get a request for Sasuke, as he is one of my favourite boys, but I don't really get the chance to write a lot for him. I guess the "after the war" Sasuke can be a bit OOC if you follow Boruto, but as I haven't watched it and I don't really agree with how most of the characters developed... I just kind of wrote the way I envision it. I hope you enjoy! <3
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BEFORE the war
It is very hard to imagine Sasuke having a relationship with someone during the time when the only thing that plagued his mind was the idea of revenge.
If he was to get interested in someone, I would imagine it would be a civilian/retired ninja during his travels with Team Taka. (I don't really imagine him falling for a ninja tbh)
I think even here, we have to separate before and after Itachi's death...
Let's roll with the idea that he meets his s/o before killing his brother. During this time he won't be really interested in forming a relationship - for a really long time he won't even understand what is that funny thing inside his chest and why he feel the need to visit his s/o's house every few months.
Sasuke has the tendency to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, so I imagine that this is how he will behave with his s/o the same way - he will visit his their house at random times, always staying for different periods of time; demand that they heal him (if his s/o is a healer or had any basic medical knowledge); he would buy stuff for the house from the local market or leave some of his own (such as some of his clothes), almost as a way to establish a claim over them/their property.
He would never put a label on the type of "situationship" him and his s/o share, but it is clear to both that whatever is going on is deeper than a friendship.
Still very cold and reserved - would share very minimal information about his past or his goals, preferring to either sit in silence or ask his s/o questions.
Kind of grumpy and rude ALL THE DAMN TIME.
He didn't want to entertain the idea of having feelings for someone, yet he couldn't stay away. The intentions of his visits were always masked with some type of "excuse" - he was in "hiding"; he needed somewhere to "heal"; he wanted a "break" from his team etc. Yet he couldn't help but feel annoyed he was getting distracted from his main goal and he was taking it on his s/o in the form of snappy comments, rolling eyes, constant huffing and just in general bad attitude.
A silent protector - he would check on his s/o quite often, sometimes not even visiting their house, just watching from a distance to make sure they are okay. I imagine during this time he would be highly alert and worried Itachi may try to target his s/o, so he may even act a bit controlling by banning them from leaving their house after dark or letting any strangers inside.
Now Sasuke after killing Itachi and learning the truth about his clan... is a COMPLETELY different story.
We all know his mental health completely collapsed during this time and his mind spiraled downward. This would affect not only his actions, but also his relationship.
For starters, he would clearly establish that he consider them as "his" (if it was not clear before, it is now). His paranoia that everyone is after him, fueled with the fact that he not only wanted a revenge on Konoha, but also the belief that he needs to start rebuilding his clan soon, would push him into constantly trying to persuade his s/o to leave with him.
Now I've said that before, but I don't see Sasuke with the shy, agreeable type of partner... so most likely his s/o would just cuss him out and tell him to leave.
Lot's of arguments, jealousy and gaslighting - Sasuke is literally a walking RED FLAG during that time.
He also is not the type to give up easily, so even if his s/o tries to 'break things off', there is no getting rid of him - his s/o is HIS and he would make sure not only they understand it, but that the WHOLE WORLD does. Nobody loves like an Uchiha after all...
AFTER the war
If you expect head canons based on Sasuke's personality in Boruto... you better stop reading here! I've never seen Boruto, but I've read enough to know that (at least for me) almost all of the OG characters are ruined. So here is my interpretation of what type of partner Sasuke would be after the war...
Firstly, let's start with the fact that he will be by himself for a long time while travelling during his "exhile". Even if he had some type of partner/crush before the war, it is unlikely their relationship would survive after the war.
(which is quite good actually, because as I mentioned above, such relationship would be highly toxic and dysfunctional!)
I think at least a few years need to pass for him to really find himself, find his purpose and accept his past and that of his clan. He has been through a lot of trauma which needs a lot of healing and self-discovery.
Like mentioned above, I don't think he would fall in love with a ninja. In fact, I believe someone who is not really part of that bloody and cruel world would be perfect for him and he would finally have the chance to be himself.
Someone with a lot of patience would suit him well, because while he is more mature, I think he would be very insecure. He never really formed any significant bonds with other people, so he is unsure how to proceed and how to properly treat his s/o.
Definitely friends-to-lovers type of love story.
Sasuke after the war would be more patient and calm, but still fiercely overprotective. I still think he would scold his s/o of they are too careless or too trusting with strangers, he would be nearly as controlling as his younger self.
Tbh I never understood the character development in Boruto, because in my opinion adult Sasuke would totally want a quiet settled life with his partner, away from battles and more bloodshed.
It's already settled in him to be a provider and to be honest I imagine him as a very traditional male figure - the head of the family, the one taking care of his partner and kids, providing protection and security.
He still has a lot to learn and overcome, but the main thing that sets him apart from his younger self is the willingness to listen to his partner and work on himself.
He is still occasionally rude and snappy, and to an outsider way too cold and reserved toward his partner, but to his s/o it would be obvious that he does try to show affection in his own way - waking up before everyone else, so he can prepare breakfast; unconsciously shielding his partner (and kids) with his body in public; small gifts, most of which handmade; subtle touches on the arm or the lower back...
Overall, a piece of work... but definitely one that is worth it!
cc artwork: Christian Benavides
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tarnishedsilverjewelry · 2 months ago
Happy New Year! I was wondering if you could write a Smoke x reader about the reader at a New Year's party at Johnny's house and Smoke tries to get close to the reader so he could give her a kiss on New Year's?
New years kiss
A/N: Im so sorry this is so late guys I had to draft this like 7 times bc I hated the dialogue I wrote:( ALSO ugh Tomas my BABBYYY also I also made y/n chubby bc I said so. ALSO HARUMI IS HERE BC I LOVE HER🗣️🗣️🗣️
Warnings: possibly ooc smoke and use of Y/n. Don’t like Y/n? Don’t read it🤍
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Johnny had invited Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Harumi to a New Years Even Party. Johnny had raved about seeing the ball drop and having a night of simple, good fun.
Harumi, who’d spent a good portion of her life in a far off corner of the world begged Kuai Liang to go, because she wanted to experience a true American New Years Eve celebration
Kuai hadn’t been able to say no to her, and agreed to go but asked Tomas to come too since the last time they’d had a celebration Bi Han had nearly killed her. They arrived in a week early and Johnny helped them put together more civilian type outfits instead of their ninja uniforms
Tomas shifted uncomfortably in his clothes, he hadn’t had many chances to wear clothes like these since his adoption. Kuai was in a similar situation, but managed to get past it when Harumi would twirl around in front of Johnny giant mirror “Do I look American?” She asked, twirling herself into his brothers arms
“I was going to say ravishing, my lotus.” Tomas walked out of the room to ignore their affectionate nature.
Kuai Liang was dressed in a plain white undershirt with a long sleeved deep navy button up with matching pants and a brown belt with a brassy-gold buckle, matching brown dress shoes. Kuai Liangs sleeves had been roiled up to his elbow and the top few buttons left unbuttoned so everyone could see his undershirt peaking out. Johnny had lent him a gold watch and a few necklaces to wear to tie the outfit together.
Harumi had been handed a tight black dress with sparkling silver straps, a pair of black high heels (which she took a few minutes to actually be able to walk in), and a sparkly headband to help keep her hair back.
Tomas had a pair of black dress pants on, with black dress shoes, a black belt with a silver buckle, white undershirt and a black long sleeved button up. He kept his shirt fully buttoned but still rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. Instead of gold jewelry he had a silver watch, a few bangle bracelets on the other wrist, a few rings he saw in the mall, and some of Johnnys silver necklaces
They had helped Johnny set up the party and greet the catering staff he’d hired to bartend and to feed everyone. People started arriving in groups quickly, and the music was blaring loudly. Harumi and Kuai Liang were dancing together happily, while Tomas uncomfortably slipped out onto the balcony
The music was still just as loud, but being away from the crowd soothed him somewhat. The beer bottle in his hands was mostly full, it being a drink he didn’t even like, clanked gently against the railing.
Happily detached from the crowd he saw a small group of women being welcomed by Johnny. He greeted them with big smiles and hugs, and directed them to a coat closet. One however stuck out to him. Long hair pulled into a slicked back bun, chunky gold earrings, a tight black sleeveless dress that clung to every curve of her torso, and her thick ass. The dress ended just below her bottom, and her thighs were clad in red tights, and she wore a pair of small dark red kitten heels with pointed toes and a shiny silver buckle on the top of them
Tomas felt his mouth dry out, and his pants tighten. By the elder gods she was gorgeous. Her small but plump lips were pulled into a wide smile that bared all her teeth.
Gods even her teeth were nice. He’d seen plenty of straight and glaringly white teeth in arriving groups. But hers weren’t. They were yellowed and slightly crooked, and fit her face much better than the ‘veneers’ as Johnny called them.
He needed to be close to her. Hear her voice, her laugh. He had to. Every fiber of his being was vibrating to be near her. He needed to see the crinkles around the corners of her eyes up close, see the smile lines around her pretty mouth, feel every curve of her body with his hands, feel her hands running over his body gently
She walked over to the bar tender and was poured a glass of red wine before walking over to her friends and talking happily to them. He watched them for a half an hour from the balcony, eyes focused spilt on her when she turned her head to look at him.
Tomas felt his eyes widen and face burn in embarrassment, he dropped his eyes to the floor as the air in his body left him. He hadn’t even gathered the courage to talk to you and he’d already wasted his chances. Fuck.
Slowly he looked up, eyes zeroing in on you easily, and you smiled at him. Tomas felt the blush on his face worsen, but he smiled back. He even managed a little wave, that made you smile harder your pudgy frame shaking from laughter. But you waved back.
You on the other hand were giggling with your friends, who were trying to get you to talk to him. “Go talk to him! He’s seriously like…transfixed by you!” One said. Another joked “I knew you were secretly a siren!” You snorted. “Oh…I don’t know. You know guys don’t really like me for…me.” You admitted ashamed.
Your free hand pressed against your bulging stomach, and all the memories flooded through your mind. “Girl, I love you. But those people suck. They’re painfully insecure douches who don’t deserve the time of day! Look, Johnnys your cousin he invited everyone! Ask him about the guy, since he never invites anyone but people he knows and trusts!” Your third friend said, already waving your older cousin over.
Johnny was your rock through every guy who’d hurt you, and you’d stuck with him even before he started directing the Mortal Kombat movies and his fame skyrocketed. “Hey! What’s up?” He asked throwing an arm over your shoulders. “Who’s that guy? We’re trying to get Y/n to talk to him! He’s like…in awe of her!” Johnny followed her finger and huffed.
“That my friend Tomas, he and his brother and sister-in-law are visiting from Japan. He’s really nice, and as much as I’d like to say stay away from him..I don’t think you will.” He admitted, pressing a kiss to your head and walked back over to welcome the last group of people to arrive
You were about to go over and talk to him, when a very familiar song came on. “Come on! You can talk to him after our song!” You laughed and let them pull you on the dance floor. You laughed happily, eyes straying over to Tomas who now sat on the couch staring at you
You danced happily with your friends, unaware of Tomas who was currently wiggling his way through the crowd of dancing people. His eyes scanned you up and down enjoying the way your body moved with the music.
It seemed your friend had saw him approaching and ended up slowly pushing you back towards him as the song went on, because one half step backwards and you were standing back-to-chest with him
His face was a deep red and his hands were stiffly by his side. You admired his face, and made the choice to grab his hands and place them on your hips. Immediately his grip tightly slightly, then you leaned back into him and continued to dance with the music. Tomas followed your lead
This continued for a few songs, and not once did your leave stray from each others face. His hands however strayed from your hips, and roamed your sides, shoulders, hands, stomach. Like he was mapping out your body with his hands.
You were a bit shorter than him, being 5’4” to his 6’1, and came up to just past his shoulders in your shoes. Tomas craned his neck to face you, and he struggled to not tear you away from the dance floor and keep you for himself
His hands pulled you to be more flush against him, and your arms went up to loop around his neck. Your fingers brushed abound the back of his neck and his jawline softly. Tomas leaned his head down to rest his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
Your hands continued to brush against his neck, and his continued to wander over your body. You didn’t close your eyes, instead opting to map out his face in close detail.
You two were alone in your own world, when suddenly a hand try to pull you from Tomas. Startled you looked over to see a man, nondescript and boring grinning at you. He was saying something, but you could care less. Then he tried to pull you away from Tomas (who was surprisingly strong), but Tomas smacked his hand away with a glare.
Gently, so gently, Tomas pushed you behind him and away from the man. The man took this opportunity to try and pick a fight with Tomas and when people swarmed around them you were pushed off of the dance floor.
Your friends joined you and took you to the bathroom. There, helped you fix your hair, and pelted you with questions. “We were dancing, and it was like it was just us. Alone in our own world when this guy, who’s probably been deemed the new big thing because he looked young, tried to pull me away from him!” You scoffed, looking in the mirror to fix your lipstick. “But Tomas smacked his hand away, and pushed me behind him and then he tried to like attack him! I got pushed aside by the crowd.” You huffed.
You desperately wished that you knew where he was, or that he was here with you. You wanted to feel his hands on you again, hear his voice. But instead you let your friends pull you around and socialized. Eyes swiveling around for Tomas
Tomas pushed the man off him, and blocked his punches and kickes until Johnny came over and threw the guy out. A few women then turned their sights on him and swarmed him. Uncomfortably he sent Kuai Liang a desperate glance, and was thankfully saved by his brother and sister.
He departed from them and started walking laps around the house, looking for you. His eyes were slightly frantic. What if you’d gotten hurt? What if you were mad at him.
The night continued on, 9 turned to 10 and 10 to 11 and he still couldn’t find you. He’d searched every corner of every room, every crowd, the bar the catering staff, he’d looked everywhere he could think of. He glanced at his borrowed watch, 11:36, and frowned deeper. Kuai Liang and Harumi had migrated to the back yard where it was quieter. He’d seen them on his many laps around the house.
Tomas did three more laps around the house, and growled in frustration. Had you left? What if you left with someone else? What if you didn’t want to see him again? He chilled the time again. 11:49.
Finally accepting his defeat he took his original position on the balcony, staring out at the hoard of people. A part of him hoped to see you in the crowd, and rush down to you. He deflated further and checked the time again. 11:52.
At 11:54 he thought he saw you in the crowd, but she wore blue tights not red. 11:56 he saw your friend group lingering in the backyard, but no you.
He checked his watch again. It was 11:57, when he heard a little gasp. “It’s you.” Whirling around he was met with the sight of you. “It’s me.” He nodded dumbly. “I’ve been looking for you. I thought you left or got kicked out.” You admitted, taking a step forward. “No, I’ve..also been looking for you. I thought you left.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed.
You took another step forward, and his hands regained their place on your hips. “Y/n. My name is Y/n.” You said suddenly. “Ah, my name is Tomas. I…” he trailed off, voice failing. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck again. He pulled you against his chest again. He glanced at his watch again. 11:59.
“Would…you like to be my New Years kiss?” He watched a smile stretch across your pretty face. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to do a lot more than just kiss you. But sure. I’ll be your new years kiss.” Tomas blushed red, and you snorted.
“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy new years!”
Distantly, Tomas was aware of fireworks exploding and people cheering. But all he could feel was bliss. Your lips were soft, and the gloss you wore tasted like cupcakes. Your lips locked onto his left Tomas feeling a feeling of pure euphoria. Pulling away, you pressed your face into his shoulder. “Happy New Years, Y/n” “Happy New Years, Tomas.”
Bonus! Dialogue between kombatants
Tomas: Thank you for inviting me to your party Johnny. I had a wonderful time!
Johnny: More like you and Y/n had a wonderful time!
Johnny: Still can’t believe you’re hooking uo with my baby cousin!
Tomas: We’re not just hooking up!…Whatever that is
Raiden: You’ll have to introduce us to your new infatuation, Tomas
Tomas: Yes I think you’ll get along very well
Tomas: Do you know what ‘hooking up’ is Johnny says Y/n and I do that
Raiden: Uhhh..ask Johnny
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timetoletmyimaginationfly · 6 months ago
Little Flower
Ryomen Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, slight mention of cannibalism, NO smut. I tried not to make him too OOC. To me, Sukuna is 100% a dark romantic morally black dude. But I’m not that type of writer. He’s more morally grey here.
Song: Fear by Current Joys
“Fuck. Wake up. Brat…open your eyes!” And slowly you did. You fought the urge to keep the close, your eyelids half closed as you stared at the King of Curses. It was your first time seeing him like this.
Vulnerable. Scared. Broken.
“I’m going to kill them,” Sukuna said, his grip slightly tightening around you. And you nodded.
Sukuna’s concubines. Former concubines. Those who felt ignored and jealous. Those who felt hatred towards you because Sukuna favored you and only you. You haven’t noticed before, but one day, Sukuna called you his Queen. It was all you needed to hear to confirm his own feelings for you. You’ve bothered him with ‘I love you’s’ and Sukuna would smile, his eyes softening at you before poking your forehead in response.
“N-Not Shoko-chan or U-Utahime-chan,” you said. And he nodded.
“I promise.”
“I love you.” Again, his grip tightened.
“I promise that I’m going to wait for you,” Sukuna said softly. “I promise to find you in your next life. You’ll wear the necklace I gave you. And I’ll win you back. Maybe, just maybe, this immortal life I live can be broken. And I can live and die with you.”
“Th-they s-s-say l-love is a-a curse,” you said. Sukuna nodded.
“Have a curse destroy a curse.”
“S-Sukuna…” a tear slipped out from the corner of your eye. Sukuna softly kissed it away and shushed you.
“I love you, too.” He felt it. Nothing. He felt nothing within your soul. He let a tear escape his eyes. “Rest easy, little flower. My Queen.”
The moment Jogo burnt to a crisp and he defeated Mahoraga, the evil laugh and smile left his face. Uraume, who appeared to greet his master, followed his gaze. Along with Sukuna, Uraume’s eyes widened.
“Is that—“.
“Little flower…” But you were different. The expression on your face wasn’t as gentle nor innocent like before. Instead of tending to flowers, your hands held katanas. Instead of a white kimono that he loved seeing you wear, you wore fitted clothing that hugged your body. Your typical hair that he loves seeing flow past your shoulders was tied up in a high ponytail.
“Sukuna!!” you yelled angrily as you ran to him to strike him. And you knew that the King of Cursed was stronger, way stronger than you could ever imagine. You weren’t at Gojo Satoru’s level. You’re evenly matched with Nanami Kento. He had the power and you had the brains. It didn’t surprise you that Sukuna stopped you. But what surprised you was the way he looked at you. Eyes so soft as if he recognized you.
“Y/N,” he said quietly. Your eyes widened. You watched his eyes trail your body, until it stopped towards your chest where your necklace laid. “You have it.” His hand reached out to your necklace, but you quickly jumped back, leaving a distance between you two.
“What do we do, My Lord?” Uraume asked.
“Nothing,” he answered, his eyes lingering on you. “Make sure she’s not unhappy, Uraume.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“Itadori-kun! Wake up!” you yelled. Sukuna froze. The body he took over. The body he mentally tortured as he killed thousands of civilians.
“A thousand years,” he said. “It took a thousand years to see you again.” His statement made you falter, but you quickly gained back your composure. Even your eyes never left his. “And you can’t remember me.”
“My lord.”
“She’s on the other side,” he said, his hands being stuffed in his pockets. “I can’t disappoint my Queen.” You gasped. You watched Sukuna go down on his knees, eyes still on you. You watched Uraume do the same. And the two of them deeply bowed.
“My Queen,” they both said. That was when you stood up and looked at them. They remained in their spot, bodies still bowed down deeply to you.
“Quit playing games,” you said as you slowly made your way towards them. The moment you stood close in front of the two, they both lifted their heads up. Sukuna slowly stood up on his feet. Uraume followed.
“My Queen,” he said again. He didn’t move. He didn’t reach out to caress your hair or face like he usually did.
“My Lady,” Uraume said, bowing his head yet again.
“Stop,” you said and took a step back while shaking your head. “I’m not your queen or lady, or whatever.” He suddenly felt everything. The confusion, the fear, and the heartbreak. And something else he didn’t want to decipher.
“You like someone,” he said.
“So?” you questioned. A small yet soft smirk formed on his face.
“Is he hurt? Give me the name. I’ll kill the one who hurt him.” You quietly gasped, your eyes wide.
Anyone around the area watched with wide eyes. For the first time, they watched and witness the King of Curses submit to someone. Because a thousand years ago, you were the only one he would submit to. The only one he took orders from. The only one he would listen to.
The trance stopped when others went in to attack. You joined in and Sukuna dodged as he jumped away from everyone.
“Give Yuji back, Sukuna,” you ordered. Sukuna looked at you again. His hand slightly raised up. You watched the soft glow in his hands and watched it move towards you. It disappeared once it was in front and you watched as the eyes and tattoos on Yuji disappeared.
“What was that?” Kusakabe questioned with so much confusion. You sat there, elbows resting on your lap, your fingers interlocked while your chin rested on the top of your hands.
“It’s interesting,” Panda mentioned. But you ignored them, thinking about the situation at hand. Your hand moved to the necklace, the grip on the pendant tight. You gasped, a quick flash of a memory appearing in your mind. The back of a woman in a white kimono, standing outside in a beautiful garden.
“What the…” You muttered. Immediately, you stood up.
“You need to stay, Y/N-san,” Kusakabe said. “We can’t risk any losses.”
“Then don’t follow me,” you said as you continued to walk away. The two just watched until your figure disappeared.
You walked back out into the destruction of Shibuya. You ran and ran, reaching your way back to the station. You saw a sudden vision again. Familiar blonde hair. Body half burnt. Walking in exhaustion.
You ran and ran, sprinted while your lungs hurt.
You found your way inside, running inside the tunnels. You quickly and easily fought your way through transfigured creatures on your way.
Another vision appeared. It was the same one. More of him. But this time, he was fighting. And now, you used up all of your energy to run faster and faster. Your heart raced with fear while tears were blurring your vision and fighting their way out. You noticed a familiar figure. And you could only hope that it was the right person.
“Itadori-kun! Hurry! Kento!” you yelled when you recognized him about to run as well.
“Sensei! What’s wrong?” Yuji asked curiously.
“I-I don’t know. We need to hurry,” you said, your voice breaking. When you turned to look at Yuji, your eyes widened the moment you saw two lower eyes, all four of them crimson red with black tattoos on his face. The lower eye looked at you. The type of softness you never would’ve thought you would receive from. “S-Sukuna.” But he didn’t reply and ran with you.
You were out of breath. You found Mahito in front of Nanami. The evil and merciless smile Mahito had gave you chills down your spine. When Nanami turned around, a small smile appeared on his lips. You felt a sting in your heart.
Before you know it, Mahito was far away and smashed against the wall. Both yours and Nanami’s eyes widened. The tension in the air grew. You watched as Mahito cried in fear before he burnt into a crisp. You quickly ran to Nanami as he fell to his knees.
“Kento,” you called softly. Nanami looked at you with a tired smile. “You’re okay.”
“Sort of,” he answered, his hand slowly reaching and holding yours. “Glad to see you’re okay.” You let the tears escape. But you quickly turned around when footsteps walked closer to you. You stood up, standing in front of Nanami, your hands on the handles of your katanas, and ready to fight.
“You like him,” Sukuna said. You stared at him again. Your head slightly tilted in curiosity.
“B-Be careful,” Nanami said softly, his sight never leaving Sukuna. You nodded.
“What a shame,” Sukuna added. “If I killed him, would it hurt you?” Your grip tightened.
“Y-Yes,” you answered as strongly as you could. The thought of Nanami being killed right before your eyes killed you.
“If I inhabited his body to keep him alive, would it hurt you?” Your eyes widened.
“I-Is he—“
“No. Just a thought, little flower.” Your body stilled at the nickname Sukuna called you. Sukuna raised an eyebrow. You stared blankly at the man. Another vision. This time with Sukuna in his true form from his four arms and his taller height. Your body faltered and Sukuna almost took strides to catch you.
“What did you do to me?!” you yelled, trying to fight the visions away. “That glowing thing… what was that?!” Sukuna never faltered, but you caught the concern in his eyes. “Why? Why me?”
“Little flower…”
“Please…it—it’s too much,” you said as you shook your head, wanting to shake the visions away while your tears were flowing down your cheeks. The tears broke him. He walked quickly towards you, but Nanami was quicker as he held you in his arms. It angered Sukuna. You watched the crease of his brows and the scowl on his face. You feel the anger from the thick tension of the air. The urge for him to kill. “Please don’t hurt him.” The pleading voice made him soft. Oh how he used to hate that it made him soft. But it did and it still does.
“I won’t,” he said as he took a step back. He went down on one knee, his eyes never leaving yours. “Tell me what to do, little flower. Let me help you with your mission.”
“What game are you playing?” Nanami asked. He leaned against you. Exhaustion was quickly hitting him. Sukuna’s gaze hardened when it moved to Nanami. He scowled at him.
“You don’t question me,” Sukuna said darkly before looking at you again. And you watched him soften. “I only serve you, little flower.”
“But why?” you asked. This time, you were curious. Your eyes widened, your hand reaching for your necklace. “This necklace. What do you know about it? You have to know.”
“I do know,” he answered. “A necklace from my time from a thousand years ago. A necklace I created. Just for you.” It shocked you and Nanami.
“A thousand years…a thousand years to see me again?” Sukuna nodded. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“People become reincarnated throughout life,” Sukuna explained. He was patient, oh so very patient. You wouldn’t be able to tell that he was a murderous monster. “I see it all the time, but it was never you. I could never feel your soul. And I didn’t want to believe it, until now. Until I saw you.”
“But…but you—legends say that—“
“I love power. I kill for a living. I consume so much hatred and could careless for every human around. I could careless about this boy I inhabit and that man holding you. But you…”.
“Me?” But Sukuna closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened them, this time you were out of Nanami’s hold as you stood in front of him. “Kento, you should go to Shoko-chan.”
“No, I’m not—“
“Go.” But you never heard him leave. Sukuna stood up, his deathly stare lingers on Nanami. “I’ll be fine.” Both Nanami and Sukuna knew that tone. Nanami wouldn’t win it. You would’ve dragged him to Shoko and return back to Sukuna. But he was stubborn as well.
“I’m not leaving you alone with him,” Nanami said.
“And I’m not letting you die.” Sukuna smirked.
“Best you listen to her. But I won’t do anything to her nor you,” Sukuna said.
Sukuna grew impatient. He was glad that Nanami was too weak to fight. He took the opportunity to hold on to the both of you, bringing Nanami to Shoko and bringing you somewhere. Alone.
“Y/N!” Nanami yelled.
Sukuna gently put you down. You walked over to a tree to lean your back against the trunk. You watched Sukuna standing there, staring at you yet again.
“Quit staring,” you said as you looked away. “It’s creepy.” Sukuna smirked, a small chuckle escaping his lips. The pink color forming on your cheeks brought the same amusement back to him.
“You never thought it was creepy before,” he mentioned. “In fact, you loved that I did. You loved the fact that I always keep an eye on you.” He watched the bottom of your lip, jutting out into a small pout.
“This reincarnation thing, how is it true?” you asked. “Don’t people remember stuff or have like deja vu happen to them?”
“Not always, little flower,” Sukuna answered. “It’s things I see. Things I recognized.”
“But…you’re a curse now. And…shit, y-you were one back then.”
“And you’re still a curious human.” You glared at him, making him chuckle yet again. “What a shame that you have no memories from before. More of a shame that you have to side with the ones I hate the most.”
“Then kill me,” you said with confidence. But it made him frown, adding more to your frustrations. “Why won’t you?!”
“I watched you die in my arms once! I’m not doing that again!” Your eyes widened. You felt your heart skip a beat. “You…You—fucking shit!” You stood there still and watched him with worry. “Shut up, boy!” Your eyes widened.
“The fuck do you know?” It was like watching a madman talking and cursing to himself. You watched him talk and pace angrily, assuming it was at Yuji. “I fucking hate humans and their stupid fucking feelings. Their emotions. Everything! But—“ Sukuna looked at you. The anger immediately gone, replaced with something soft and tender. It made your heart race.
“Sukuna.” It was the softness in your voice that made him crack. You watched a small tear slip out from the corner of his eye.
“You were so innocent and full of life. You kept to yourself. You always smiled and laughed. We were the complete opposite. You were the type of human I hated. I hated it so much that I wanted to kill you but I fell in love with you” Sukuna confessed. “The moment I felt your sadness, I’ll kill those who caused you that. Those that brought you pain and anger. I would do anything to hear your voice and laugh, see your smile, watch you tend to your garden, and just to be with you. And you loved it too. That’s why you’re the only one I listen to. I submit only to you. My one and only Queen. So, tell me what to do and I’ll do it. You want me to rebuild that goddamn city. I’ll fucking do it. Need me to heal those human friends of yours. I’ll do it. I’ll even—“.
“Are you a part of this whole scheme?” you asked.
“No. I had other things in mind.”
“Then stop this. Stop whoever is doing it,” you said.
“Your wish is my command, little flower.”
“I want you to heal my allies as well. Even Kento.”
“What else?”
“Make sure Yuji comes back. Stop tormenting him, please.”
“Okay.” Sukuna walked closer to you. He gently reached out to your face, fingers gently cupping your chin to look at him. “I’m still keeping my promise to you, somehow.”
“P-Promise?” He nodded.
“And when I fulfill it, we’ll live our lives how we were supposed to live a thousand years ago.”
“How? You’re a curse, unleashed through cursed tools.”
“If there’s a will, there a way.” You pulled away, eyebrows furrowed, and crossed your arms against your chest.
“I don’t want you using Itadori-kun’s body afterwards. In fact, I don’t want you to use anyone’s body as a vessel,” you said. His eyes squinted in slight annoyance.
“You always have to make things difficult, my little flower,” he replied.
“If you’re that determined to have me, so be it,” you said. Sukuna smirked.
“Challenge accepted. I always get my way. And when I win you back, you’ll see how much of an importance you are to me, even if you don’t see it now.”
“Little flower…”
You turned around. Tears rolled down your cheeks. The sunlight reflecting the water in your eyes made Sukuna’s heart clench. He walked closer and closer, lifting your chin up to face him.
“M-My lord…”
“I told you, address me by my name. You are my Queen after all, little flower,” Sukuna said. “Now…who the fuck hurt you?”
“Why do you give me special treatment? Why do you consider me as your queen?” His eyes squinted. Slight irritation from you for not answering his question directly. But he can feel it. The confusion and hurt in your delicate soul.
“Because you’re the only one I can tolerate,” he answered. “For some reason, I let you talk back to me, order me around, and question me. Did I hate it? Yes. I wanted to kill you. But you stop me from doing so.”
“But why? A lot of women here are better than me. Prettier. More confident. They don’t like me cause they find me replaceable.”
“Tell me who. I will kill those who defy you.”
Your eyes opened. You quickly shot up, the shock in your dream waking you up. You looked around. You found yourself in the school where Shoko heals the students. A soft chuckle perked your ears, and you turned around to find Shoko healing a student.
“We were worried,” she said. “You haven’t woken up for a little over a week.”
“Yeah. Sukuna brought you back to us,” Shoko answered.
“H-How’s everyone? Where’s Satoru? And what happened to Kenjaku? Shibuya? Itadori-kun?”
“Hold on. So much happened that we were all confused about,” Shoko said.
It didn’t take long. You and Shoko sat down together alone in her infirmary, and soon after, Gojo entered the premises. The three of you sat down together.
“I don’t know what you have going on with Sukuna,” Gojo started, “but he’s the reason why this whole fight in Shibuya is over.” Your eyes widened.
“Wait. Where’s Kento?” you asked as he suddenly appeared in your thoughts.
Hospital,” Shoko answered. “But he’s okay so far.” Your shoulders relaxed. But the mention of Sukuna somewhat made you nervous. You didn’t know yourself. The visions and dream of him appearing.
“I just remember seeing Sukuna when he unsealed me from the box,” Gojo said. “And everything was over.”
“He brought you back to us first, but you were unconscious,” Shoko said. “No injuries, nothing. But we watched Sukuna fight Kenjaku. He killed him, so Kenjaku is gone. And we watched him with caution as he was healing everyone. Watched as he helped rebuild the city until Itadori-kun returned back to his body. Or Sukuna let him return.”
“W-What? H-He didn’t say anything afterwards?” you asked. Gojo shook his head but Shoko nodded.
“That he hopes that you’re happy that he fulfilled your wishes,” Shoko answered.
“Is he still in Itadori-kun’s body?” Shoko and Gojo nodded.
“And he’s been a bit distant since then,” Gojo mentioned.
“Where is he now?” you asked.
“In his dorm,” Gojo answered.
“I have to find him.”
You quickly headed out. You squinted the moment you were outside from the bright sun. You walked swiftly towards the dormitory in the campus. By the time you arrived by Yuji’s door, you took a deep breath. Your knuckles raised up to the door to knock, but the door swiftly opened, revealing Yuji with a bright smile on your face.
“Sensei! You’re awake!” he said cheerfully. “Come in!”
“Thank you, Itadori-kun,” you said and walked inside. You pulled a chair out and sat down. You watched the young boy sit on his bed, crossed legged, and looked at you. “How are you? I heard you’ve been…distant.”
“Just taking everything all in,” he answered truthfully. “Sensei, what Sukuna said. Is it true?” Your eyes lowered to your lap.
“I don’t know,” you answered. “B-But it has to. He could’ve killed us all.”
“He’s a part of me, sensei. He tries to fight it so I don’t know how he’s feeling but, it’s the first time I felt so much from him. It was strange and I don’t understand it.”
“Can you describe it?” Yuji placed a hand on his chest. A soft smile was forming on his face.
“Overwhelming,” he said. “His heart races and I know when he could care less and is angry and well, downright evil. But the moment he looks at you, I feel something fluttering. And, well, it’s pretty cute.”
“Cute?!” Yuji lightly laughed.
“It’s cute feeling how the King of Curses feel from his typical evil self. It’s like…there’s just something human in him for sure. And if I can, I would like for him to become one.” Your expression soften.
“You’re a kind boy, Itadori-kun,” you said softly and wholeheartedly.
“Everyone deserves a chance in life, right?”
“Right.” You watched Yuji’s expression slightly change into something curious.
“Yeah…you really like her. I can’t shut up about it. I never get to feel things like this. Why don’t you just take over? Oh. I see. Well, do you have any ideas?”
“Itadori-kun, was that him?” Yuji nodded.
“The glowy thing he did, he wants you to remember. Eh? What do you mean I wasn’t supposed to tell her?” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, if you kill me, my sensei will be upset. You’re whipped, Sukuna.”
Inside, Sukuna was cursing at the young boy. And it only made him more mad the moment Yuji chuckled.
I wanna kill this brat.
“Itadori-kun, make sure Sukuna stays in good control for me. He better stop cursing at you,” you said.
This fucking woman. I can’t deny her wishes.
“He can’t deny your wishes, Sensei.”
You sat alone in your home. You pulled the necklace over your head, the pendant resting on your hand. You remember buying it at a thrift store. An ancient looking relic that you never thought would catch your interest. You remember gravitating towards it. You remember the strong feeling inside you as you held it in your hands.
“Ryomen Sukuna,” you mumbled. You tightly gripped the pendant and closed your eyes. You channel your cursed energy to the pendant, focusing on it and on Sukuna.
“You’re new,” Sukuna said. You found yourself in a large estate. You wore a white kimono and your hair was out of its usual ponytail. You bowed deeply to Sukuna who stood in front of you.
“My lord,” you said.
You felt time passing. You heard murmurs from other women. Other women you recognized that Sukuna would spend time with. You found yourself walking in the empty hallways until you reached two large dark doors. You didn’t knock. Instead, you slowly placed your hand on the handle to open the door. As you did, the other door opened swiftly. On the other side was Sukuna. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Your eyes slowly widened and you placed your arms by your side and bowed.
“My lord,” you said softly. “I want some company in the gardens.” A small request for his time and a request Sukuna slowly always accepted. You looked up to find soft, red crimson eyes meeting yours. In response, Sukuna walked out of his room, closing the doors behind you, and taking your hand in his.
“What’s bothering you, little flower?” he asked. “I can feel your soul trembling.”
“Do you still sleep with the other women in your estate?” you asked. “They all complain for having less time with you.” A small chuckle escaped Sukuna’s lips. You looked at him with curiosity, the soft breeze blowing your hair. Sukuna turned to you, his m right arm tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.
“It lessened sometime after our first night together,” Sukuna answered. “And now, I don’t.”
“Why’s that? They all miss you.” His chuckle made your heart race.
“Are you that naive?”
“I just like direct answers.”
“Tsk. You always do,” Sukuna said. And then, he was silent. But you heard him stand up from the bench. You listened to him walk behind you. And before you know it, you felt something cool around your neck.
“Don’t lose it,” Sukuna said. “It was made specifically for you and you only. Okay?” You started at the engraved pendant with admiration. Sukuna watched a smile from on your lips.
“Of course, Sukuna.” You looked at him and you watched a smirk form on his face.
“You’re lucky I like you enough to call me by my name.”
“Of course I am. I am your special lady, am I not?” His smirk widened.
“It’s why I keep you around, little flower.”
You opened your eyes. Everything you saw was overwhelming. You felt tears fall from your eyes. The grip on the pendant tightened more as you brought it close to your chest. Instead of the fluttering feeling you had during the vision, you felt the pain develop more and more.
“Sukuna, I sense that you’re hungry,” you said. “I know a few people who’s been being a little naughty today.” His arms were crossed as he stared out blankly in front of him. Your smile dropped when he didn’t respond. You took a seat next to him, slowly scooting yourself closer to him. “You haven’t eaten.”
“I haven’t,” he replied, doing his best not to burst out in anger.
“You haven’t killed anyone in a while, huh?” He shook his head, his grip tightening on his arms. “Why not?”
“It displeases you.” You can feel your heart race, butterflies roaming in your stomach.
“Just…just don’t have me see, smell, or hear it,” you said softly as you shyly looked away.
“I’ll have Uraume take you out today. Maybe have two of your friends with you as well. You’ve been in the estate for too long.”
Your body was shaking. You wanted to stop but you had to see more.
“Little flower. You’re not at the garden tonight.” You turned around and found Sukuna walking closer to you. You smiled softly at his presence. You stood up and met him halfway, your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.
“I was waiting for you, my King,” you said. “Uraume-san said that you were returning tonight.” You caught the small smile form on his lips.
“Let’s go.”
He sat on the dewy grass, pulling you up on to his lap. His lower arms supported his weight as he leaned back while the upper two held you close to him while your back leaned against his chest.
“I’m coming with you next time on your missions,” you said with a small pout.
“You’ll hate it.”
“Yeah but I hate it more without you here. Despite the killings you do, I rather be around with that than be alone.”You felt the soft vibration of his chest as he chuckled.
“As you wish, my Queen.” You felt your body relaxed, snuggling closer to his body. You closed your eyes and sighed in content.
“I love you, Sukuna.” He felt you fall asleep. His one arm caresses your hair before he leaned in and kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.
It was different. It really felt like you were there. The eerie silence in the estate and the way you cautiously walked around to get to the gardens to clean. Shoko and Utahime were out with Uraume to buy more food at the market. You wanted to stay behind and clean out the garden.
You gasped loudly and before you could yell, your mouth was covered. You opened your eyes to see all the concubines surrounding you. They were angry. They didn’t say anything. All they did was attack you. Hurt you until you could barely breathe and keep your eyes open.
You remember the feeling of his arms. The tightening grip, scared for you to go. You remember the first time you saw the fear in his eyes. The water forming in them. His body trembled. Anger, pain, and anguish increasing every second.
“I love you.” Again, his grip tightened.
“I promise that I’m going to wait for you,” Sukuna said softly. “I promise to find you in your next life. You’ll wear the necklace I gave you. And I’ll win you back. Maybe, just maybe, this immortal life I live can be broken. And I can live and die with you.”
“Th-they s-s-say l-love is a-a curse,” you said. Sukuna nodded.
“Have a curse destroy a curse.”
“S-Sukuna…” a tear slipped out from the corner of your eye. Sukuna softly kissed it away and shushed you.
“I love you, too.”
“Reincarnation…” you said to yourself. You shook your head. “But how?” Your hand remained by your chest. The pain was too much and it wouldn’t go away. You shook your head, letting heartbreaking tears escape. You brought your knees up to your chest and buried your face in yours knees. “What the fuck…?”
And then you thought about Nanami. The walking green flag of a man. The one who always make sure that you’re okay and helps you out on missions, whether you were alone or with the students. You knew he had some feelings towards you and you a well for him. And in general, he’s a protective man to his friends and students. It didn’t matter how much Gojo annoyed him, Nanami would be there to help and protect him.
“Maybe he’s awake.”
You scrambled yourself out of bed. You headed to the bedroom to take a quick shower and change into a long sleeve dress, warm tights, knee high boots, and a sweater. You grabbed your purse with your phone and wallet before heading out. You lived close to Shibuya. And you were amazed how the area looked like nothing happened on Halloween day. And it amazes you more that there were just as many people.
Did he—-no he didn’t. I never asked.
You made your way to Nanami’s room. You heard voices fill the room. When you peeked inside, you found Gojo, Shoko, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Ino. You knocked on the door, gathering their attention, before entering inside. You watched the soft smile form on Nanami’s face as you greeted everyone.
“I could’ve just gone with you guys,” you said as you put your purse on the table. You looked at Nanami and smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. Almost as if nothing happened.”
“Yeah, I’m surprised as well,” Nanami said. His voice was gentle yet with his response, it felt stern and suspicious. “I heard you just woke up.” You blushed.
“Y-Yeah,” you answered as you brushed the ends of your hair with your fingers. “I figured I check up on you.”
“You should be resting.”
“I feel fine.”
“Well, we should go,” Gojo said. “Let’s go kids.”
“Bye, sensei!”
“See you later, guys.”
The five of them left, leaving the two of you alone. You moved an empty chair closer to Nanami’s bed and sat down. The silence felt somewhat awkward.
“A-About that night,” you said. “T-There’s a lot to talk about.”
“There is.”
“I don’t want you to be mad and—“
“I’m not mad,” he said. “If Sukuna wanted, he would’ve killed us on the spot. Even if I wasn’t injured and tired, it would be easy for him to kill us.” You nodded. “So, you tell me because you apparently know him.”
“Earlier, the reincarnation thing he talked about,” you said. “Maybe I am a reincarnation of the woman he loves. I’ve been having dreams and visions. I’m in them. All of them, Kento. All of them with Sukuna. And in them, he’s isn’t what we learned he is. As if he’s a human and not a curse nor a demon.”
“You’re taking a liking to him,” Nanami said. Your eyes were wide and Nanami chuckled softly. “I do like you a lot, but if the version of you now have some feelings towards him, I’m not stopping something that’s meant to be.”
“I—“. You shyly looked away. “What can we do?”
“I don’t know. I know Itadori-kun would love to give him a chance of becoming a human. However, I don’t know how to even start with that,” Nanami said. “I would say he’s putting up an act, but he’s so strong that he doesn’t have to do all of that.”
“The man has no patience,” you said. You crossed your legs and arms, irritably looking away. “Always so demanding, I had to put him in his place. You know, back then, he immediately beheads those that just even question him. He almost did it to me. I questioned his request and it was the first time I’ve seen him so angry. But even angrier when he stopped himself from…killing…me.” You slowed down when you finally realized that you were talking about the past. You blushed and looked at Nanami. “Kento, it’s—“
“Don’t fight it, Y/N. He cares for you and you care for him. You want to give him a chance because deep down, you being a reincarnation, you still love him too. You’re just not how you are back then. How were you back then?”
“Quiet, more submissive, more emotional. I hated violence to the point Sukuna starved himself from humans because he knows that I hate it when he does that. I had to go out to town with Uraume-san when he does that. Sukuna and I are polar opposites but we compromise well.”
“You’re not quiet,” Nanami said. “You’re pretty stubborn and you don’t let your emotions get to you. And yet, Sukuna is still determined for you. Look, it’s against every rule of sorcery to do this, but I will help. Once I’m discharged, I’ll help Itadori-kun free him.” Your eyes widened and sudden tears formed in your eyes.
“I owe you so much, Kento,” you said. Nanami smiled, his hand reaching to your hand and rest on top of it.
“Anything for you to be happy. You’re one of my best friends,” he confessed.
“You know what, whenever you’re ready for the dating game, I’m your wingwoman.” Nanami chuckled.
“I’ll keep that in mind. It be better than Gojo-san being my wingman. He gets over the top with things.” You laughed and nodded.
It was now December. You watched as small snowflakes slowly fell from the sky. You were at the school, busy with paperwork that you ended being behind on. As you wrote on one hand, your other held on to the pendant tightly. You felt something, something strange every time you held it. The only thing bringing you back to reality was the soft knock on the door.
“Come in,” you replied. You watched as Shoko and Utahime entered inside. Your smiled brightened. “Here to visit, Utahime-chan?”
“Of course,” she answered. “I haven’t seen you guys since the incident.”
“Shoko-chan, did Kento and Itadori-kun return from their mission yet?” you asked.
“Not yet but Gojo did tell me that they should return back in a few days,” Shoko answered.
“What are they doing?” Utahime asked. You and Shoko shrugged your shoulders.
“You two here to help me escape from paperwork?” you asked.
“Duh! I’m more important than the paperwork,” Utahime answered with a wink. You laughed, placing the files back in a folder before grabbing your things. “I heard of this new Bistro that opened. Let’s check it out.”
The three of you chatted, even when the food arrived. You’ve caught Utahime with everything that’s been happening after the incident: Sukuna, the necklace, and reincarnation.
“So, we’re your reincarnated friends,” Utahime stated. You nodded. “I’ve read a lot on it. It’s an interesting topic. Especially with family members when they think another generation of a child is a reincarnated version from someone in the past.”
“So, you believe in it?” you asked curiously.
“I actually do. What Sukuna said can be true. He may be an evil curse, but I believe he’ll always state the truth. He loves to be right.”
“It could be like that red string of fate tale, too,” Shoko mentioned. “It’s those type of love stories I tend to hear about every now and then.”
“Look, if you got him wrap around your finger, you better make sure he doesn’t kill us,” Utahime said, her finger wagging up in the air. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“He didn’t in the last life, that I believe,” you said. “Now, we need to find a girl for Kento.”
“What kind of girls does he like?” Utahime asked. You shrugged.
“Someone similar to you,” Shoko said. “Maybe more stubborn.”
“Who’s more stubborn than her?”
“What? It’s true!”
“Not completely! Maybe he needs someone quiet.”
“No independent!”
“I have someone in mind.” The three of you jumped and looked up to find Gojo.
“Such a stalker,” Utahime said as she rolled her eyes.
“What? I heard you’re in the city! How can I not be here to bask in your presence?!” With Utahime’s bickering with Gojo, you quietly gasped. You noticed Shoko look at you with a raised eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” Shoko asked, giving Gojo and Utahime your attention. Your hand reached to your pendant.
“I felt something,” you said.
“Sukuna?” Gojo asked. You nodded.
“But, I don’t know how to describe it. It’s…strong.”
You arrived straight home after your outing with the three of them. You quickly showered and dressed in something comfortable for the evening, a pair of shorts and an oversized crew neck. Your hair was tied up in a messy bun and you sat in your living room while trying to find something to watch.
“Holy fuck!” you yelled when loud knocking was present at your door. You ran quietly to the door and peeked up at the peephole. Your eyes widened and you swiftly opened the door. “S-Sukuna…”
He didn’t look any different. His hair stilled spiked up, hair color was now black instead of pink like Yuji’s. His crimson red eyes remained on you, watching you observe him. He was tall, that was for sure. You were probably two heads shorter than he was. He wore black pants, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket to keep him warm. Black boots. A chain bracelet and necklace to accessorize.
“No…wait…you’re not—“
“It’s me, little flower.” His voice was still the same. So soft spoken just for you. Tears automatically blurred your vision. You brought him to your arms, your face buried in his chest as you cried.
“Sukuna…” You felt strong arms envelop you. He slowly brought you two inside and gently closed the door behind you. “H-How…?”
“Nanami Kento and the young boy did their research,” he said. “It was risky but it worked.”
“You didn’t do anything to them to them, did you?” you automatically asked. Sukuna huffed.
“If I did, it risked my chance of being with you,” he answered. “Can I go in and sit?” You nodded.
“Take your shoes off.”
“Yes, little flower.”
“Sit on the couch, I’ll make us some tea.”
“Which one do I like?”
“Green tea. Straight up. You hate sweets unlike me. You always rolled your eyes at me whenever I requested for sweets, nonetheless, you still go out to gather any sweet cravings I have.” You heard a chuckle.
“You remember.”
“How could I forget, my lord.”
“What did I say about you addressing me that way?”
“You hate it,” you answered and stuck your tongue out at him. Sukuna sighed and took a seat on the couch. He sighed in content. He never thought some sort of furniture would be this comfortable. He eyed around your apartment. Everything around was so new and…intriguing?
“You’ll need to teach me about this time,” Sukuna said. “Especially this technology crap. I could’ve killed anyone who was about to run me over because they were busy on their phones while driving.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I told you, though. I was going to somehow break out of this immortal shit.”
“And your power?”
“I’m still powerful. I can feel it,” Sukuna said. “But…fuck, do you always need me to tell you these things?”
“I like direct answers, Sukuna! That never changed!”
“Tsk.” You returned with two cups of tea. “I promised you, didn’t I?”
“Still not a direct answer I wanted.”
“Fucking woman…” You giggled. A sound that perked his ears and that he missed so much. “I would do anything and everything to be with you, little flower. I’ll even stop being this powerful and evil person for you. Though, I would hope you would still let me.”
“Only within reason, you ass.”
“I’m stating the truth.”
“Heh, you always do. That’s why I always kept you around too. I remember the first day meeting you.”
“When I was scared shitless because I thought you were going to kill me after we had sex.”
“I don’t like random women caressing my face after!”
“Mister evil demon lord,” you mumbled as you took a sip of your wine. Your eyebrows raised when he chuckled. You couldn’t help but smile. “So…you’re human now.” You watches him nod. “Is it—well…does it suck?”
“Do you want to be with me?” He watched you blush, a huge satisfaction in his end. “I’ll take it as a yes. So no, it doesn’t suck.”
“B-But why? Why am I that worth it for you, Sukuna?” you asked curiously.
“I’m not a good guy,” he said. “I still don’t like like humans. But, you were the best human I’ve met and—you’re purposely trying to make me give you a direct answer.”
“Quit beating around the bush.”
“Quit being weak—eek!” Sukuna pulled you in his arms, holding on to the tea cup so you wouldn’t spill anything on you.
“The first time I saw you crying, I knew it was when I need to keep you around. God, I hated that vulnerable feeling when I first saw those tears. And…I-I’d rather be a mortal human if that means we can be together and have time together again in the next life.” He looked at you. He looked at the soft smile your formed. A smile just for him that he was dying to see.
“So…am I any different now than I was a thousand years ago?” you asked.
“More stubborn, definitely not as innocent as you kill curses now, and not as delicate and fragile. But your soul remains the same and I still love you for still being who you are.”
“You know I can’t say that I love you yet,” you said. You noticed the rare fear in his eyes. “But, I’m willing to try. Having you in my life and see where things go.”
“Then, if that’s what my Queen wants, that’s what she’ll get.”
“You really would do anything and everything for me huh? Like, you’re wrapped around my finger type of love?”
“Silly human.”
“You’re human now too.”
“Still.” You couldn’t help but laugh. You leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips.
“It does feel good though. Being together with you.” You felt the grip on his arms tighten.
“I missed it. So damn much. Now…” Sukuna’s eyes eyed on the remote controller on the coffee table. He reached over for it and handed it to you. “Explain this device.”
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kiddiewrites · 7 months ago
I'll break every bone in your body while naning them pt.1
A story of an army doctor... and how they learn to take your strength into account.
Ok, im so so so sooooo sorry for not updating, life has been chaos lately but but but i bring to you a tiny story about the time someone tried to fuck around and found out.
Platonic!T.F.141 x reader, Minor Injuries , bit of OOC T.F. 141, pining!reader, Sexual Harassment (they get what they deserve), Not proofread
So medic!reader who’s all sunshine and cutey and nice, all soft curves and chubby cheeks and soft giggles but… strong. Like FREAKISHLY strong, there’s a reason your threat to Johnny wasn’t taken lightly by the others, they’ve seen you and they KNOW that you absolutely will do it.
What happened? Well it went like this: 
One of the rare night’s out where you’re allowed a tiny leave you went to the pub with the guys, them being a little reluctant to you being there but at the end won over by puppy eyes and a promised first round. 
We ALL know that civilian clothes do wonders for the boys, not really their usual outfits but …
The black jeans hugging Ghost’s powerful thighs and the deep gray loose hoodie (god knows where he got it cause… THAT’S a BIG MAN)covering almost every inch of skin. His blonde hair covered by a black cap with a few tufts peeking out of it, his face covered by a black surgical mask along with his black combat boots already making him look as his usually sexy scary self. Not that you were looking…
Johnny wore khaki shorts and mountain trainers (why? Idk he looks like a guy who would do it uwu specially if it’s cold af) A loose white t-shirt, though “loose” it’s a mild way to put it… The man is built like a tank (he has massive pillowy strong titties, fight me) so the shirt expands across his well formed chest, letting the fabric drop over his stomach. And don’t even get me started on the way the sleeves FIGHT to stay in one piece, his arms are almost the size of your face, his biceps bulging with every flex aaaand maybe stoooop staring.
Kyle decided on a bit more of a soft approach, dark blue jeans that seemed a bit too tight but not as intense as Ghost’s but still it was a nice view from the back, the light brown sweater he had on concealed a bit of the muscles he had built over the years, Key Word: A bit. The sweater bulged over the muscles of his arms and hugged his toned chest in every perfect way. Along with his freshly groomed mustache and beard… Kyle was a vision; the warm energy he exuded was enough to send your head spinning in the most delicious way.
The captain had a navy blue t-shirt, his strong arms making it seem tighter than intended, although not as tight as Johnny’s, the small pudge of belly hanging beautifully over his dark blue jeans, the dark brown belt and trainer boots tying it all together. His mutton chops recently groomed making him look even hotter than he already is (I swear to GOD Price has me on a chokehold 😍 Such a fine MAN 🤤) 
Walking down the road to the jeep issued for your unit, you missed the glances headed your way from the boys, a cute warm baby pink sweater exposing your neckline and some of your shoulders, the cleavage stopping just right above your chest line, sleeves rolled up a bit to prevent them from getting in the way, tight ripped clear blue jeans paired with pink converse make you look even younger than you were, your (h/c) pulled back a bit just enough to get the hair out of your face by pins with a few strands falling from them. The boys knew that you’re a beautiful girl, seeing you in the more laid back outfit without the military issued uniform had them quickly looking away when you turned to look at them.
You took the middle seat with Kyle and Johnny by your sides, Simon climbed in at the copilot seat and the captain was driving. The drive to the pub was calm with a small talk with Kyle about the type of music you both enjoyed, Johnny joined in the conversation every now and then , Price smiled a bit at the sight of you getting along better with the team and even felt his grip on the wheel loosen a bit but he knew it was only temporary. Simon tried really hard to maintain his eyes on the road but his eyes couldn’t help but to deviate to the rear view mirror where he had a perfect view of your jean clad legs, the fat of your thighs relaxing against the hard seat of the jeep making it really hard for him to tear his eyes away.
However Simon was not the only one to notice the soft edges of your body moving and jiggling with the movement of the truck
Johnny had his arm placed around your headrest and everytime he turned to join the conversation he felt his side squishing you and it felt so good, the urge to just hug you by the waist and bury his head in your pretty tummy was…  Intense
He was known to be some sort of a flirt and had a very friendly way with people, but lately he was being a bit short with you. You attributed it to the stress of the missions so when the opportunity came to take some sort of leave you took the chance, much to the starting annoyance of the team. They still treated you kindly but it was kind of disheartening.
When you arrived at the pub Kyle helped you down the van and offered his arm for you to take - Such a gentleman, Sarge.- You smiled up at him and took his arm into yours,  your other hand resting over it. Your chest pressing against his arm was so soft and so warm, he felt himself blush as he smiled back at you.
Once inside it seemed like they had a designated table, the bartender smiled up at them and wave them at a tabla at the back -I’ll be right there boys!- a cute smile adorning his features he seemed well acquainted with them
John thanked him and led the way to the table with Simon and Johnny following behind both you and Kyle announced you were going for the drinks. The guys shouted back at you what they wanted and you headed up to the bar.
As you were walking a sudden slap at your booty had you wiping your head so fast Kyle thought you might snap your neck. It was all so sudden so you didn’t had the chance to pinpoint who the bastard was, but Kyle did.
An older man with obviously a lot to drink laughed loudly at your face along with his friends, Kyle immediately went up to grab him but the friends of the other men had you surrounded in a matter of moments.
-What’s tha matta, soldier boy? Yer net gonna tell me that fat ass wasn made to be slap’d aroun’ aren’t ya?-
If the look full of fury didn’t kill the man the right hook to the chin must definitely brought him to the edge of it. Thanks to the booze the friends of the drunk man had little time to react before they realized it wasn’t the man that threw the first punch…
It was you…
The strength of your punch was enough for the man to just fall to the ground with a Thump and gave enough time for the rest of your squad to get to where you were at.
The way you looked at the man had him scared enough to try and run away. Emphasis on "Try"
Simon grabbed the man by his collar and picked him up, you couldn’t really make out what he was saying, given that one of the drunk friends tried to lounge at you.
To their utter surprise they saw you fling that man over your head and into the ground nearly hitting his head against the edge of the table
- By all means, keep doing something stupid. Im begging you to give me the excuse -...
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wanderingsoul6261 · 9 months ago
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Gif credit to thepalmofyourfreezinghand
James Beaufort x tailor!Reader(Female)
Synopsis: Reader is James new tailor. Will be a small series. This fic is small, as it sets the basis, paves the way, whatever, for the series.
Mortimer is probably a bit OOC in this (but I set it where he is good friends with the reader's family? And things will be explained further in the series. But Mortimer is good friends with her father and grandfather primarily) I don't know. We will see where it goes. I might make edits if it's not working in the way I'd like.
The doors to the room burst open, alerting the Beauforts. Heads turned, and glares were given at the intrusion. James had wrinkled his nose in disgust at the newcomer, who wore ripped jeans and a baggy hoodie and had all but practically fell into the room. His eyes moved to his father, whose eyes were on the girl in an instant. James had expected his father to look at her the same way he had and give her an earful, but instead, James was caught by surprise by his father's reaction.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” James whipped his head back towards her. This was his new tailor. This girl, in civilian clothes. Could she even afford lavish clothes? Did she live in a one bedroom house with the rest of her family? 
“Mr. Beaufort. I'm so sorry for being late. I had a family emergency to attend to. I told someone to let you know.” James went to open his mouth to say something sarcastic in response, but his father beat him to it. 
“No need for apologies. I was informed. I hope all is well. We aren't in particularly a rush today, so all is well.” Mortimer turned to his son, who looked between his father and the girl in astonishment? What happened to his father? The brute that threatened to wreak havoc at the smallest of inconveniences. 
“This is Y/N Y/L/N. She is your new tailor. She has trained under some of the finest tailors in the business, so I expect some good things.” James only stared in silence at his father, before his attention turned to her, his jaw clenching. This had to be some joke, but as she readied herself with a measuring tape and motioned for him to take his spot, he knew it wasn't so. “In the meantime, me and your mother have business to attend to.” With that, Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort gave her a polite smile and left the room, Lydia in tow. She shared a look with her brother, who didn't look enthused in the slightest. 
He watched his family leave, and then turned to Y/N, who waited for him to move. But he stood there and stared at her. 
“You're my tailor?” He spoke with a tone that held disgust, his eyes somehow showing the same as he looked her over again. 
“And you're my client? I know. Not how I wanted to spend my afternoon.” She bit back and it surprised him. Not many spoke to him in such a tone, especially someone dressed in such a way that she was. “The Beauforts. Known for their money, and their arrogance.” His jaw clenched, as well as his fists. He wanted to fire back. She hadn't said much to warrant anything too nasty from, but he didn’t like people speaking about his family in such a way.
“You say that, but you still decided to work for us?” It came out as more of a question.
“My family has worked for the Beauforts for many years. Just carrying it on.” her tone altered slightly, almost in a solemn way, before it changed into a mock cheeky tone. 
“And while I know that much about your family, we both also know how your father can be with inconveniences, so we better get started before we really set him behind schedule.” He did know his father, which was why James was surprised when he didn’t lash out when she was half an hour late to their appointment. But he also knew that she was right. The half an hour was small, miniscule. But anything more than that, was up for debate. He didn’t want to see or hear what would come if they fell even further behind schedule. 
“Aren't my measurements already on file?” He asked instead, looking at her pointedly.
“Bodies change, Mr. Beaufort.” She spoke with snark in her tone. “I just want to be sure. Ya know. The ‘do the job once and do it right’ kind of thing’.” She gave him a cheeky grin. Oh how bad he wanted to swipe that grin off her face. She infuriated him, and they have known each other for all but ten minutes. 
He finally took a few steps towards her. 
“Oh, what a good Beaufort!” She exclaimed. He whipped his head towards her in a sneer. 
“Do not, speak to me in such a way.” Y/N had looked almost bored at him. 
“I'm so threatened. Now get over here so I can do my job. I don't want to be here as much as you do, you can trust me that much. But I'm not doing it for me or you, no less your father.” She matched his glare, the two of them knowing full well where these appointments were going to go every time he had one. 
James blew air out of his nose in irritation, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he stared her down. When she only raised an eyebrow and stood her ground, he finally gave in, but if she wanted a fight, James was going to give her one. 
When she was finally allowed to, she finally got to work with measurements, surprising James with how gentle she was being, despite their tiny spat. 
But as she continued to do her job, he felt several emotions. Anger, frustration, disgust, amongst others that described his distaste for her. The other was confusion. Who was she? What was her status? Why did his father treat her with so much respect? And what happened to the man that was his previous tailor? 
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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darkuselesssomebody · 11 months ago
𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - slightly dark!steve murphy x reader
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summary || in which the reader parties a little too hard, and then gets the d.e.a. at her door.
a/n || this is for @toxicanonymity's boyd-a-thon fundraiser where $10 is donated to PCRF for every (up until 30 total) fic she gets about a Boyd Holbrook character. this is the link for more information on the writing event: boyd-a-thon!! I think it's so fun: building community, getting some great content and donating to a very worthy cause. if you're interested, please check them and the fundraiser out.
➵ warnings for specific content before the divider, please heed them
➵ technically ooc to steve in the show, and is set pre-connie, when he was working DEA in Florida.
➵ not proofread
➵ comment/message if you'd have a request
warnings || smutty/slightly dark
➵ !! reader is somewhat inebriated and is coaxed into compliance to a certain extent !!
➵ !! civilian/handcuffed criminal & officer power dynamic; ergo, abuse of power !!
➵ dubcon
➵ manhandling/cloth ripping
➵ abuse of power
➵ groping
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she really wasn't the typical co-ed.
especially compared to her classmates, she tried so hard to stay away from the frat boys, the sweaty, horrible sex, and the copious amounts of substances. she'd promised her parents as much, and they'd threatened to otherwise cut off their support, so, she made sure to be as prim and proper as possible.
of course, she wasn't a nun. she drank, smoked if a cig was offered, had a few bad hook-ups, but come on. compared to everyone else? she was the virgin Mary.
and she'd told her parents as much, when they'd found out about her post-lecture activities.
unfortunately, that wasn't quite enough.
she had poured out her sorrows to her boyfriend- well, situationship - mark, as he kept instructing the bartender to pour her drinks, in the small, poorly lit, but quiet, bar.
"they won't pay my tuition or rent." she pouts, "I'll have to get an job, and then I won't be able to study - and then-" he shushes her with a sloppy kiss.
"you'll be fine." he assures, and she's just drunk enough not to realize he's saying that so he can get her into his bed faster.
it works, and, by one a.m., they'd gotten back to his, had sex, and she'd passed out. he wasn't a heartless bastard, though, he makes her some breakfast the next morning, and finally, properly, listens to her woes.
"i'm just so stressed. and I dunno if they'll - well… forgive me." she groans, rubbing her temples. he sighs, looking across at her contemplatively.
"you know what you need?" he muses, "to relax. thank god spring break is coming up, we should go somewhere." he suggests, squeezing her hand.
"somewhere? mark, the only place I can afford is the local diner." she scoffs, making him laugh, rolling his eyes.
"i'll pay for you." she blinks, looking up at him curiously.
"what?" she knew he came from a pretty well-off family, but that was a pretty big gift.
"yeah, c'mon. you've been such a recluse the last 2 years, s'what your friends say. let's go to Miami beach, hmm?" he smiles, hugging her as he noses up her neck. her face flushes, going warm.
"mi-miami b-beach? are you kidding me, mark? that's not you being good to me, that's - so expensive." he laughs at her worry.
"you're worth it." that makes her smile, "gotta make my girl feel better, right? besides…" his voice quietens conspiratorially, "I wanna finally corrupt you." laughing, she swats at his hands.
"corrupt? mark!" her tone is scolding, but it does little to deter mark.
"live a little, baby." he hums into her neck.
her face grows hotter.
"whatever you say."
miami was one of the warmest places she'd been to. always with a thin sheet of sweat, and always with one of those gimmicky, hand-held fans, she kept a firm hand in mark's to avoid the scammers, and worse, the creeps. he laughs at her apprehension, helping her into the taxi to their hotel.
it was small, with just a simple bed, but mark assured her it's fine because they'd hardly be there anyways. she wondered what that meant.
she immediately found out what it meant, that night, when mark drags her to one of the massive parties held at the nearby clubs and at the beaches. surrounded by primarily college students, mark keeps a hand on her hips as they navigate the party. "get a drink?" he shouts over the music and chatter, and she nods, pressed against him so she doesn't get lost.
she gets something with ice, not really caring about the actual drink - just needing to cool off. mark sways to the music, holding her close, and she giggles as he tries to get her to dance with him.
"c'mon, baby, loosen up." she pouts.
"I don't wanna sweat, mark." he laughs, wiggling his eyebrows.
"that's the whole point. besides, I'll have you sweating by morning, anyways." his tone drips with innuendo, and she rolls her eyes playfully, pushing away his face. he evades, dipping his head and playfully biting her jaw, making her squeak.
"loosen up." he insists, and she giggles.
the night went on for way too long. after one drink, she started dancing with mark. after two, they started making friends. after three, they got invited to someone's hotel room, where she's already a little woozy from the alcohol and heat.
"you wanna try something?" mark asks, leading her into the hotel bathroom, and locking the door, "scored some nice shit for us." he grins, fishing a baggie from his pocket. her eyes widen in slight horror and significant shock.
"what the hell, mark?" she mumbles, lips a little numb, but he dismisses her with a wave of his hand.
"it's fine, baby, loosen up." she looks at him indignantly.
"it's not fine, mark! isn't it really addictive? and really illegal?" she hisses, voice lowered out of worry someone outside will hear them. he rolls her eyes.
"baby, I've been on this stuff with sophomore year, and you didn't even know. s'not that addictive, and you just gotta be a little careful. that's what you got me for." he pulls her into him, both of them leaning on the sink counter. "besides… you gonna rat me out?" he jokes, making her cheeks warm.
"no…" she murmurs meekly. he kisses her cheek.
"good! then we won't get in trouble. you trust me, right baby?" his voice has just that perfect mix of pleading and reassurance, and she sighs.
"atta girl! you're in for the night of your life."
it wasn't the night of her life, it was a whole week. every day was the same routine, late morning with a greasy breakfast to combat the hangover, afternoon at the beach, early dinner, and the trawling for a party. they'd drink, dance, and then find a bathroom to fuck in, which wasn't too different than what they did on normal weekends, but this week, she had the added intake of coke to sustain the lifestyle.
it was euphoric, and unlike any experience she'd have. a little gross, what with the snorting, but mark wasn't too bad with the aftercare. he never told her where he got his supply, and she never asked. who'd she tell, right?
at least, that's what she figured until the party they were at got raided by the d.e.a. she squeals in shock as she hears the harsh shouts of some officers, and mark is quick to press his hand tightly over her mouth, pressing a finger to his lips to motion her to shut the fuck up.
he slowly readjusts her skirt to place it back above her hips, but it's a shoddy job, and they breathe into each other's mouths as they wait in silence, hoping the locked door will be inconspicuous enough that they can't get caught.
unfortunately not.
a sharp knock on the door makes her jolt again, mind already a little fuzzy from the start of the party, and the voice that accompanies it is as intimidating as she'd imagined.
"d.e.a., open up!" they command. she goes to comply, but mark immediately pulls her back, gripping her hard enough to hurt, making her eyes widen in shock. he looks at her with eyes saying what the fuck are you thinking?! and she looks back with i'm scared. the knocks don't stop, "want me to break this damn door down?" the voice threatens, and mark grits his teeth in annoyance as he secedes, unlocking the door.
a man - built, taller than her, maybe mark's height - with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, raises an amused brow at the pair.
"look who we have here, brady." he tilts his head to call for his partner, who comes clambering back into the room, whistling in excitement.
"yeah, they'll do. c'mon, you two." he gestures mark and her to walk out, "we need to have a few words."
she was now sitting in the back of a cop car, handcuffed, feeling tears brimming in her eyes.
after handcuffing the two, steve and brady had flipped a coin to decide who got to interrogate the pretty little thing, and who got the dweeby boyfriend. brady's luck was really not on his side this week - even his cards had been screwing his over on his nights - and he rolled his eyes as he, rather forcefully, shoved mark in a patrol car.
steve grinned as he opened her door for her - almost like a gentleman - making sure she was nicely settled before starting the ignition.
she wasn't hurt, sure, but god, was she scared. she was always such a good girl - and she'd just gotten arrested?! halfway across the country, while on vacation?! she felt like a complete idiot, and she was starting to feel pretty bitter towards mark for even roping her into this.
her lip had quivered as she heard steve talking about his eta to the station, and she was now dejectedly tearing up at the thought of having this on her record.
she's a good girl.
that was what she was telling herself, and what steve was gleefully realizing, as he glanced back at her in the rearview mirror.
"y'ain't been caught up in this kinda stuff before, have ya?" he finally breaks the near-silence, and it makes her glance up at the little dit of his profile she can discern in the dark car.
"n-no, officer." she finally stutters out, throat dry. he notices, passing her some water.
"hot as a bitch, ain't it?" he hums, tone friendly, and it makes her soften as she gulps the liquid down.
"yeah… it is." there's another moment of silence, before she realizes they're coming to a stop. at a pretty abandoned street corner. she looks around, confused, before she sees steve turning in his seat to face her.
"why don't you an' I have a li'l chat right here, darlin'?" he proposes, and she immediately tenses in discomfort.
"wh… why not at the station?" he laughs, a little breathily.
"why would I go all the way to the station, when you can tell me what ya know right here, right now, without worrying yer pretty little head about yer record. ya do know coke abuse, now, that's a pretty serious crime, darlin'." he drawls, eyes grazing over her body. she bites her lip.
to have no real record of this? that would be amazing…
"um… okay? I guess, what - what did you wanna ask me?" she doesn't know if she can meet his eyes. it makes her core pulse.
"now, you don't look like you were the one gettin' those goodies. who was givin' 'em to ya, hmm?"
"my - uh…" she inhales sharply, unsure if she can rat out mark. she really doesn't want to; he's good to her. most of the time. "some guy at the party." it's not technically a lie, which makes steve scoff more pronounced.
"it was yer friend, darlin'. or was it boyfriend? based on that li'l bathroom debacle, seems like he's yer boyfriend." he teases.
her cheeks heat, flush obvious even though he can hardly make out her face, just from her shifting alone. why was she suddenly so shy about the label?
"it's not really like that…" and why is she trying to assure this officer that she's not taken?
"yeah, darlin', s'what I figured - after all, you're name's spillin' out of his mouth accordin' to my partner." her eyes widen in horror.
"wait, what?!"
"yeah, that's what he's sayin' - that ya went out back and then came in with a baggie." steve has to hide his smile, because he almost adores the little look on her face which tries - and fails - to conceal her conflicting emotions of betrayal, disgust and confusion. steve knows just why - mark probably isn't that type of guy. and Steve knows that, cause he just made that little tidbit up, "so, what's it gonna be, darlin'? i'd definitely have to take you in if my only talkin' witness says yer the culprit."
her eyes sting with frustration and fear, and small whimper of discomfort bubbles in her throat.
"fine, fine. it was him, he's been buying coke for most of the past few nights. but I don't know where he gets it from." she insists, deflating a little in the backseat. that causes steve to wave his hand dismissively.
"ain't gotta be worried 'bout that, darlin', he can rat out his own friends." he assures, before humming in satisfaction, "see? now, was that so hard?" his drawl is condescending, and she picks at a hangnail. "yer a good girl, darlin', ya shouldn't protect guys like that." he assures, nonchalantly tugging her fingers away from each other so she doesn't continue the fidget-y, destructive behavior. "what's he even got goin' fer ya fer ya t'wanna save his ass?" he muses, a predatory smile on his face. she thinks it looks cruel.
"he's not a bad guy, he's not some drug lord, he's just gotten too caught up in all-"
"s'he yer man?" he cuts through her timid explanations. he's asking again, with a direct purpose this time. "girl like you… he wouldn't know a damn thing 'bout handling ya." he teases, hands moving down from where he's keeping her fingers from picking at themselves, and onto her knees that poked out, bare, under her short, somewhat flowy dress. "ain't I right, darlin'? he could never treat ya right, could he?"
she stills in utterly shock, before sliding her ass back until it slammed the backrest, effectively jolting away from him. "what are you doing?!" she gasps, and it makes him grip her knees harder, pulling her towards him.
"s'okay, m'jus' talkin' ta ya, darlin'." he assures, thumbs rubbing circles into her skin to soothe her. it hardly works, and she feels a paradoxical discomfort in her throat and arousal between her legs. "answer me, then. he treat ya like ya deserve?"
her breath hitches, "I - i don't know what that means-" she admits, too flustered to even let out a coherent thought. he tuts in disappointment.
"then he's a bigger bastard than I thought. not worshippin' a girl like you…" he goes quiet, before a throaty groan leaves him. "it's a cryin', fuckin' shame." he grips her thighs so tightly that she winces, and the little noise is enough to make him go crazy. before she can process, he's out of the front seat, and climbing next to her in the back. her hands are stiff cuffed, and it allows him to move her body easily to be pressed against the opposite door, giving him plenty of room to slide in. "ya wanna have a real man, darlin'? tha's wha' it is? these fuckin' college boys should know better than to disappoint ya, huh - tryna play with the big boys with that li'l baggie you were snortin'?" his words are rough, heavy, fast and overlapping, and she's quickly overwhelmed purely by his presence. his mouth is on hers before she can stop him, but it doesn't exactly seem to him that she would have - the way her lips press back against his hungrily and her tongue flicks out curiously.
a soft moan escapes her, and he grabs the collar of the low-cut dress, ripping it straight down her middle. "oh my god-!" she tries to gasp, but his bruising kiss shuts her up as he gropes her breasts hard enough to make her whimper and squirm.
"thatta girl, wanna li'l rough lovin'?" his eyes are wild and ecstatic, looking down at her as he pants in anticipation. he slowly begins to undo his shirt, and her eyes widen as she follows the movement of his deft fingers down his button-up, greedily savoring the slivers of skin that are exposed underneath. he finally pulls it off, lean body more defined in the dim light of the back alley, shadows accentuating the curves of his biceps, as he places his hands on the door either side of her face, leaning down to mouth at her neck.
for a moment, it's romantic, and then, it's desperate. the taut skin of her neck is the meal to his starved kisses and bites, painful and arousing nibbles trailing down her neck and the newly exposed skin of her chest from where he'd ripped her dress.
"officer, wait-" he presses a hand quickly over her mouth - with the reflexes of a trained law enforcement agent - and the protest dies in her throat. she's almost grateful - she would have sounded like a right hypocrite when she inevitably moaned during her attempt at protest.
"don't ya say a word, darlin'. just stay sittin' pretty for me, hmm?" his voice is so rough that it's almost mean, but she nods obediently, letting him work his way down her body. she gasps as his tongue darts out and flicks once at the elastic of her underwear, body jittering in anticipation and needs.
"Murphy, come in." the crackle of his police radio snaps them both from their pleasure, and the both whip their heads to look at it. steve looks like he wants to murder something, blue balls making his muscles twitch. when he goes to ignore it and continue enjoying his lovely company, he has to resist the urge to shoot his partner when brady speaks again, "come in, murph, he gave us a lead on the supplier. they want us on it, now." steve thinks maybe he should finally get into that meditation bullshit.
he slams the car door shut as he gets out of the backseat, leg bouncing in annoyance and need. he lights a cigarette, before picking up the radio. "brady, I hear ya. we'll be there in 10." he clambers back into the car, slowly driving out of the alleyway, tapping on the steering wheel, antsy. realizing he's still taking her to the station, she exclaims an incredulous 'what?!'
"wait, but you said-"
"no one's gonna know about yer fuckin' drugs." he snaps, a scowl on his face. he glances at her nude body only lightly contoured with the scrappy fabric of her dress. he throws his jacket back her to cover herself up.
"then why am I coming with you?" she asks in a soft voice, more reserved and less emotional.
"you're gonna sit in my office, and wait till I get back from that bust, ya got that darlin'?" her eyes widen in shock, but the harsh look in his eyes tells her not to argue. the pulse in her core also reminds her of it.
"yes, officer." she mumbles.
"good girl."
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islayhawkin · 10 months ago
Coming home
Simon "Ghost" riley x f!asexual!reader
Request: Hello! I saw you're cool with writing fics for ace readers and I was wondering if you'd like to write something for either Ghost from COD or V from Devil May Cry? Something like they're reassuring the reader that they're okay with them being ace? If it's not possible, that's completely fine! I'm just so happy to see someone including us in fanfiction 🖤💜🤍Thank you, and have a good day/night! :) Warnings!: mention of sexual themes, making out, human body reaction, swearing ooc simon ( bc it's kinda unrealistic that he'd even be in a relationship but we can do in fanfiction what we want so we're gonna ignore that. In my head he's just a lost puppy ) Hurt/comfort, fluff A/N: I did my reasearch in form of fanfiction too and literally almost every fic on tumblr under ghost x reader is smut so I'm starting the counter-revolution for aces. Hope anon will find this again. Bc I've been on hiatus for some time.
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The 141 had gone to a bar at friday night after a long mission. They had the weekend off for the first time in a while. They all had a hard time adjusting to the civilian life again but most of them did have a life to return to outside of work. For ghost, well rather simon, this life contained you. His civilian life was practically you. It was all he cared about outside of work really.
The group sat around the table with glasses in their hands conversing about nonsense really but for them it was pretious to be this careless for a moment. Simon sometimes contributed dry comments which earned some laughter from soap beside him.
Simon had invited you. Though he was at first hesitant to bring you together with the 141 however that changed quickly when he heard that you'd be walking home alone in the darkness than. And as if you didn't do that every day he seemed adamant to not let you do that when he was around.
The bar they were at was relatively quiet as you entered and spotted the team on the other side of the room. A small smile formed on your lips when you saw the back of his head.
Unfortunately for you the men had settled on the topic of sex when you joined them.
"Can't wait to get that stress of the last months sorted out." Gaz chuckled. The others laughed while adding comments of their own. "I bet riley's gonna have a blast tonight when he gets home." Soap laughed with a teasing look to his commrade.
There was a small grin on Simon's lips at the teasing but he quickly shut them down. "Shut up johnny."
You made intentionally loud noices when walking the last few steps to make yourself known to the group and also not to startle simon. He turned around in his chair and immediately stood up to greet you. When he stood up his figure towered over you.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back." You smiled and gave his arm a small squeeze. You were still quite distant from eachother due to your knowlege about him, were you aware what he was comfortable with. You were sure he didn't even feel your soft touch through all that cloth and muscles though.
He made a quick introduction to the team before everyone rearranged themselves so you were able to get a seat beside simon.
The evening was great. You got along really well with everyone especially with soap. There were laughs here and there sometimes teasing comments towards you and ghost, which he quickly shut down. But they still lingered in the back of your mind when you came home to your shared apartment.
It's not like you minded their comments. You all were adults and it was their way to chill after weeks of just living in life-death situations. Some jokes were actually quite funny you had to admit. These men who normally went around threatening people were actually really hilarious.
You clicked the lights on in your apartment and threw your shoes off. Ghost stood for a while at the entrance hall watching your every move as you moved around the apartment, changing your clothes into something comfortable.
When you realised he didn't follow you inside you took a cautious step back into the entrance hall and tried to read his emotions through his mask and gear. "Are you okay?" You asked softly as you approached him. Your hands slowly moving around his waist.
"Hm." He nodded.
"Your home." You whispered with a smile and moved your hand up to remove his mask. He didn't stop you from doing so.
His hair sprang out from under it and you were able to fully take in his state. He looked incredibly tired and worn out.
"Home..." he repeated lowly. The sound vibrating through his body.
You traced a scar on his face tenderly. "Let's get you to bed hm? You look exhausted."
"I'm fine."
"I'm sure you're fine. Just let me take care of you. I'll give you a massage or something..."
The side of his mouth quirked up at that thought. "Alright."
You stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving for the bedroom again. This time ghost followed you.
His sweatpants and a pair of handmade socks were already neatly folded on his side of the bed. He made quick work of removing his vest and shirt at the sight, leaving his muscled upper body exposed. You had already moved to his side to help him unclasped his belt for him with quick fingers.
"You want to take a shower?"
You unsipped his trousers and he stepped out of them.
"Not now. Tommorow."
You threw the pyjamas pants to him and handed the socks over after he had his pants on.
"You made these for me?" He asked quietly. His eyebrows rose with surprise.
"Yep." You smiled shyly. "We got a matching set now." You showed the socks on your feet. A proud look showing on your face.
One of his rare genuine smiles took over his face. "You're adorable." He chuckled and fastly took his big arm around your waist to pull you flush against him.
"I missed you." The words only a low rumble vibrating through his throat. His eyes switched from your eyes to your lips before he cupped your cheek and leaned into a kiss. His touch was always surprisingly tender with you, almost cautious. As if afraid he'd crush you under his strenght.
The first few times you slept in the same bed with him you even needed to reassure him that he wouldn't crush you beneath him while he slept with you in his arms.
His kiss on the other hand now showed a bit of force behind it as he pushed you slowly against the wall behind you. You both gasped for air when he finally pulled his lips from yours.
A smile tucked at your lips and you stroked your hand through his tousled hair. "I missed you too love."
He didn't give you a long time before pushing his lips to yours again. His free arm resting besides you against the wall. You felt his body react to you as he pulled himself as close to you as he possible could. One of your leg was positioned between his thick thights making it impossible for you not to notice.
The next time simon pulled away he muttered a breathy "sorry. I didn't mean to-" before leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm just- it was much the last few weeks. I've felt bloody alone without you."
"I know." You caressed the side of his head. "Let's go to bed okay? You can cuddle with me all night."
He nodded and cautiously disconnected his body from yours. "I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" There was a dark shadow over his eyes, which gave you a glimpse of the eyes his enemies saw.
"No. It's alright..." you faltered for a moment. "Are you content this way?"
He looked almost betrayed. "What do you mean? Of course I'm content. I couldn't think of anything better to come home to. You're the bloody best thing that happened in my shit life."
You smiled sadly at his words and took his big hands in your smaller ones. "I mean with me being asexual. I know you said it was okay but I can't help but think I'm depriving you of it when you actually want it. The others made these comments and it got me thinking that you can't have these experiences and advantages of having a partner."
You could see how he was taken aback by your words. As if he never even considered it this way. "I'm not coming home every time again just so I can fuck you. When I'm all alone out there, with the possibility of dying everyday I'm always thinking about you. You're the one that keeps me alive. And you give me so much more that I could ever have asked for. I don't care if I want to have sex. I can't stop wanting it but I can live without it, I can't live without you."
There was silence in the room except for the small breathes.
You smiled tearfully. "Who would've known you could be such a poet." You chuckled.
He grinned. "I'm just stating the truth."
You kissed his crooked nose. "God I love you."
You snuggled up against his bare chest. His arms engulfing you in them. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you. But simon was still in his head. You thought he was trying to process the events of the past weeks.
"I don't want you to think of us like this ever again." He muttered.
"What?" You raised your head.
"I don't want you to think that I'm unhappy with you. That you are depriving me of something. I'm sorry for not showing it more often what you mean to me."
"That's alright. I know how you struggle..." you caressed his side with your palm.
"No it's not alright. You always do this. You're so sweet and understandable of me but I never give you enough back. So please don't think that I think any less of you because of your asexuality. For me you are the best person."
You smiled softly against his chest. "Thank you. I'll try not to."
"good." He squeezed you against him.
It was some time before you spoke up again. "You think about me when you're out there?"
"All the time. You're the reason I'm still alive and come back to you every damn time."
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ordowrites · 10 months ago
cw: mdni, minors do not interact, minors dni, slight nsfw, nsfw mentions, neuvie has two dicks, afab reader, oral (f.receiving), fade to black, pet names ("darling"). if i am forgetting a tag, please let me know! first time writing neuvilette, i am very sorry if he is ooc.
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Neuvilette has always been fascinated by humans - he watches them from afar. The way they live life so easily, influenced by their emotions and strong sense of desires and even their own ideas of justice. The courtroom is such a place where their emotions flow ever so freely and he watches every human that comes and goes - always trying to learn and discover.
He thinks he has it figured out until he met you - you were loud, you were opinionated in a way that didn't quite match to Furina's. After a case, you personally went to his office to tell him your thoughts on the case - something no other human dared, and the way you stared at him with your arms across your chest and your eyes narrowed, he chose to humor you.
Humor. Not quite - after that, he'd invite you back to his office quite frequently to hear your thoughts. Perhaps a civilian, a human like you, could provide an even bigger insight into the ideas of justice, or even life in general. And boy, did you have thoughts and opinions and you were not afraid to criticize him to his face. Neuvilette respected that fact.
Human emotions fascinate him - so why is it that he's finding himself with you in his lap, his hands sliding under your clothes while pressed in a heated kiss? This could pose a problem in the future but that doesn't matter now, he figures his his tongue slithers right into your mouth. You're receptive to touch and that intrigues him even more. Your skin soft, your breasts nice to hold until you pull away to remove your top entirely.
He's pressing soft kisses to your neck as his hands play with your breasts, squeezing and pinching at your nipples while you grind against him. He bends some, teeth grazing against the nub and tongue flicking out.
"Oh -" You gasp out when you realize that he's hard. You grind against him and he lets out a groan that seems so unnatural for him. "Monsieur Neuvilette, how naughty." you tease as you move to undo his pants. He groans as he grips your hips, moving his leg so it rubs against your clothed, aching folds and you moans.
It's when you manage to get his pants undone, hands fumbling and how you stopped for a moment to stare at his dick - well, penises - with wide eyes. Neuvilette can't help but fear you may leave him for this but the grin on your face tells him otherwise.
Your lips brush against his ear as you grip one his dicks and gives a slow pump. He moans, a bit shameful about how debauched he feels, despite the two of you barely doing anything.
"I bet they both can fit," you husk and he shudders, gripping your hips and shifts a bit and lifts you up, lying you on his desk and forcing your skirt and panties down, revealing yourself to him. Neuvilette licks his lips, looking up at your face for a moment before kneeling down and presses a kiss to your wet cunt.
"Do you wish to continue, darling?" he asks.
"Are you seriously asking after that?" you breathe out. "Please keep going."
Neuvilette kisses your needy cunt again, tongue flicking out and flattens against your folds. You are much sweeter than water, Neuvilette thinks. He could sustain himself off of you, he's sure of it. He licks and sucks, listening to your sweet moans and gasps - his fingers pressing against your entrance, slipping inside.
"Archons." You gasp as he hits the sweet spot inside of you, hips bucking. Your slick makes a mess of his face as he continues to work you, spurred on by your squirming and pulling at his hair. Neuvilette decides that he likes doing this - humans are so fascinating but if there's one truth amongst all beings, is this.
You cum, your legs quaking around his shoulders and he continues to work at you until you're cumming again, fingers gripping and pulling hard at his hair. Neuvilette reluctantly pulls away, moving your legs to his hips, and pressing the tip of one of his dicks at your fluttering entrance.
"Are you ready for me?" He murmurs, his thumb playing with your clit and you moan, your hands gripping his arms.
"...Both?" Neuvilette's eyes widen at your hopeful question and your lopsided grin. "I bet I could take both, Neuvilette."
It takes everything in him to not comply but he shakes his head.
"No," he says, softly - his fingers pressing against your lips. "We will work towards that. I do not wish to harm you."
You pout and concede to his words and he smiles, bending down to kiss you and allowing you to taste yourself on his lips. He groans as he enters you, tight, wet - needy for him. Neuvilette decides that your meetings will have to happen more often, and outside of his office setting as well. If for no reason other than to hear you gasp out his name like you do as he fully enters you, bottoming out.
You make an fascinating case study as a human, after all. And he's simply getting to know the human culture.
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