#In a t-shirt in the rain with an athletic long sleeve underneath
yeastinfectionvale · 3 months
left the house thinking I forgot something...... My coat. I forgot my coat.
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
VII. Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic Trainer Pt. 2
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Warnings: Iwaizumi is smooth, like one minor suggestive joke
As the three of you walked away from your apartment, you moved your hand into Kenma's, contently swinging your interlaced hands back and forth while Kuroo spoke to Kenma. You didn't tune in to all of it, instead just looking around. It looked dangerously close to raining and after glancing at your friends, you quickly realized that none of you were dressed for the rain.
Kuroo was surprisingly casual today, a white shirt with some dark print against it, a cross-body shoulder bag, and a pair of black skinny jeans that most certainly did him justice. Kenma, for once, had pulled something that wasn't his signature black hoodie out of his closet. Wearing a long sleeve black shirt that hung off of his form, along with some black joggers. You had gone with a crewneck for your own comfort. Kenma's merch, as usual for you.
You couldn't explain what it was about wearing Kenma's merch, but for whatever reason, it brought you a great deal of comfort, which was the main reason that Kenma made sure you got at least one of everything he sold, no matter how 'exclusive' it was supposed to be, you had one. Not to mention, he liked to have his name, even if it was the one he used online, displayed on you.
But you didn't have to know that part.
"Like I said, Lev is already on top of it. If you two want to take a serious break and not even have to deal with Twitter or streaming, just say the word." Kuroo reassures, patting his smaller friend on the back, "You know, I really don't understand why you two, who hate social interaction, chose a career that depends solely on it."
Looking over, you're quick to respond, "What can we say? We like staying at home. Plus, it's not exactly a lot of work. It's just hard work and it's draining, y'know?"
Both boys give you a peculiar look, Kenma being the first of them to speak. "You know, I think you need a nap when we get home." He squeezes your hand with his own before looking forward again. "Hard work and a lot of work are... Rather close to being the same thing. Don't undermine your profession, just because other people do."
Kuroo raises an eyebrow, though he doesn't say anything as he faces forwards as well. "There he is, in the flesh," he notes as he gestures in the direction of a man leaning against a car.
Your eyes widened a bit as you took a good look at the man. He looked... Where there even words for it? Muscular arms and what you could only guess was a muscular chest was barely contained by a black shirt. Unluckily for you, blocking your view was what you assumed to be a compression sleeve, covering one of his arms from his wrist, up past his sleeve. He also wore the same black joggers that Kenma did, though through them, you could see muscular thighs and calves.
"Tetsuro, I thought you said we were going to meet a colleague, not someone who I would let do horrible, vile things to my -." Your words are cut off by an abrupt cough from Kuroo. "Come on, you both know I'm kidding!.. More or less..."
Kuroo and Kenma couldn't help but exchange pained looks - you really were going for a reverse harem, at this point, weren't you? You'd think they'd both be used to your fawning over 'pretty' and 'respectful-looking' men. Though, Hajime wasn't the worst person you could pick, at the very least.
After shaking his head in amusement, Kuroo raises an arm over his head to wave towards the other man. "Hajime!" Kuroo's deep voice cuts through the air, catching the Athletic Trainer's attention.
Looking up from his phone, the black-haired male gives a light wave, adjusting his posture to stand up straight. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he shifts his weight, his biceps flexing more than they should be allowed to, in your opinion. He might be an athletic trainer, but no one should be allowed to look that good, in just a t-shirt. Looking at the way the material stretched over his muscular arms, you wondered if it was about to tear... It certainly looked like it was close to it.
Iwaizumi allows the three of you to catch up to him as he reaches the entrance of the restaurant. He gives you and Kenma a nod, because he turns to Kuroo and begins to speak to him, though you tuned out pretty quickly when you heard him speaking to Kuroo about the previous Captain's job. What could you say? It was boring.
Crossing your arms, you spare Kenma a glance, "He could have at least said 'hi.'" You complain, not quite expecting the two in front of you to hear you.
You can hear Iwaizumi let out a quiet laugh, before he turns to face you, voice dripping in dry amusement. "I'm so very sorry, your highness." He shifts so his face is directly in front of yours. "Hi, I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, Athletic Trainer of the volleyball team. I can't wait to start our work together."
You narrow your eyes a bit, brows furrowing at how close he was to you. Heat rises to your face and you attempt to take a step back, only to find that Kenma was conveniently preventing that. You find a reason to finally look away from him as he takes your hand from Kenma's to shake it, amusement pooling in his features. Underneath the surface, though, Iwaizumi was silently thanking Oikawa for the years he'd spent with the other male, learning how to shock him enough to shut him up.
Kenma bites back his smirk, raising a hand to cover his mouth before he let out the laugh of amusement that threatened to escape him. He raises an eyebrow, nudging you, "You could at least respond, now that he has said hi."
Your two friends found far too much amusement in the interaction, in your opinion.
"Well, it's a pleasure, Iwaizumi Hajime, Olympic Trainer." You recover from your previously stunned state, a slight huff of air escaping you. "So kind of you to finally acknowledge our presence."
Kuroo sighs deeply, "Kuroo Tetsuro, table for four," he nods to the hostess, who looked amused by the interaction.
"Right this way."
Iwaizumi withdraws his hand so that he can begin following the other two, towards your normal booth in the corner. Kenma liked to have his back against the wall, always saying how it helped him stay calm. Neither you nor Kuroo had any qualms, especially if it made him feel more comfortable with you all going out in public. Though rather than moving to sit across from you both so that you could sit next to Kenma, as per usual, Kuroo slips into the seat beside Kenma, ensuring that you'd be seated next to Iwaizumi.
Puffing out your cheeks, you open your mouth to protest, only to stop and glance at Iwaizumi when you hear him speak. "Any day now, your highness."
You slide into your seat with palpable reluctance, you hostess giving you a sympathetic smile, before nodding. "Your waiter will be with you shortly."
Sinking further down into your seat, you cross your arms, "You know, I - Woah, buddy!" Jumping back up straight in your seat, you point an accusing finger at Iwaizumi, "You better watch where you're putting that leg of yours, buddy! There shouldn't be any premarital under-the-table knee touching."
Kenma lets out a breath, "You think they'll give us the check, yet?"
You and Kenma hold hands a lot in public. More than anything else, you both use it as a way to silently let one another know when you're uncomfortable. One squeeze for reassurance, two for an 'are you okay,' three for 'get me away from this conversation/person,' and four for 'home. now.'
Kuroo isn't sure how well Kenma is going to take it, when you truly start spending time with good-looking athletes, every day.
Kenma doesn't know that Suna and Atsumu are on the Olympic team and will probably kick Kuroo's ass, when he finds out. You were hurt badly, after everything. Worse than anyone but Kenma saw.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day. It is spring break and I, for one, have lost all concept of time. But still, I hope you guys are enjoying the story and having a good break. As usual, don't forget to eat and sleep, okay? And drink some water, I know you probably haven't, today.
General Taglist:
@kookie-doughs @halesandy @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @its-the-aerieljeane @onlyonew @kac-chowsballs @saltylettuce @thathoneybee3 @daninaninani @akkeyomi @vintagexparker
The Next Chapter Taglist:
@bnha-meme-sanctuary @nachotrash @haijkk @maadaaaa @prettyinblack231 @sakusasimpbot @kellesvt @bebetiny @ash-levi @calumsfringe @z3ld4 @erinoikawa @bandaged-despair @chaseyui @atria-avior @just-that-bi-girl @magical-fandoms @one-simp-more
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mabeljonesrock · 4 years
Alias: feline flower demon, Pan Nuying(real name)
Birthdate: 23 of June
Place of birth: Xuanwu
Occupation: Assassin
Hobbies: origami, art, training and practicing her QI, going out
Favourite food: fish, milk
Species: human
Gender: female
Height: 180 cm 5’4ft
Hair colour: black with pink dyed tips
Eye colour: violet
Blood type: B
Appearance: very beautiful, lean and slim build, feline like eyes, very long floor-length hair with hime cut style bangs, purple nail polish. Similar to Kuki Sanban from KND, she always had her eyes shut and she only open her eyes when unleashing her dark, dangerous side.
Attire: she tied her hair up with hairbuns shaped like cat’s ears and fishtail-braided pigtails which makes them look like two tails that are both supported by lotus flowers at the end. Very short kimono dress with pink, purple and black colour schemes, lotus decorations and very long sleeves that hide her hands. She wear a black choker with a bell, Black short shorts underneath, black thigh high stockings with garters and black thigh high boots with kitten heels. Her makeup is a purple lipstick, purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner that's drawn on to resemble running teardrops. She wear a Chinese style cat mouth mask for fighting occasions.
When disguising as a civilian, she tied her hair up in a low hairbun with lotus hair decorations and wear a long, beautiful kimono dress with Pink, purple and white color schemes and lotus decorations and very long sleeves that hide her hands. She wear white flats and never wear makeup except a pink lipstick. She carry a Chinese style umbrella.
When going out, she tied her hair in two hairbuns and let her bangs free. She wear lotus flower earrings, choker, golden bracelet, a black spaghetti strap very short romper covered by a off shoulder cropped purple T-shirt with a pink lotus flower logo, shoulder high fingerless black gloves, pink tights, purple leg warmers and black leather boots with high heels. Her make up is black eyeshadow, purple eyeliner and pink lipstick.
Weapons: Her weapon of choice is a pair of claws that can slice, cut, shredded, slash and ripped her victims to death and she sometimes throws poisonous darts and paper Shurikens at her enemies. She also has incredible origami skills, specializing in folding paper throwing stars sharp enough to cut through stone. She can use them as daggers and can fold them fast enough to make a veritable storm of razor origami art.
Powers/abilities: a skilled speedster, athletic acrobatic and a very experienced expert at stealth, agility and poison. She use her QI to create fire magic.
Personality/Backstory: one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. Before she become an assassin at a very young age, she used to be a very demure, reserved and shy but gentle and kind village girl who used to lived with her loving parents in a cozy cottage. She had a simple but normal and peaceful life and she loved her family and friends. Her father teach her every kind of art activities like origami and drawing while her mother tell her amazing stories about love and tragedy(Romance is Pan Nuying’s favourite Genre).
One day, She and her friends were taking a walk in the village and they were playing Origami tricks. Suddenly, they bumped into a gang of teenaged village punks. The teenagers began bullying and beating them. They even destroyed and tear up their origami. One of the teenagers had an idea about raping the girls. They decided to Pick Pan Nuying first. The cruel leader of the teenaged bullies cornered her and he attempt to rape her. Suddenly, Her Qi awakens...
She open her eyes and find herself in bed with her mother crying while holding her hand. She asked what going on. That when her mother began explaining everything to her. When Pan Nuying’s Qi unleashed, she accidentally injured and almost KILLED all the teenaged punks with her fire Qi. After almost burning her bullies to death, she black out and her friends were horrified at what they saw and run away. The punks were sent to the village’s hospital clinic, heavily wounded and scarred.
Hearing this, she was frightened and began crying in guilt that she almost killed someone. She asked her mother if she is a monster. Her mother say nothing and hugged her in comfort.
After the traumatic incident, the whole Village learn about the girl unleashing her Qi to burned the teenagers to death. Many shady rumours spread. They began to think the girl is secretly an evil demon who seek destruction and fire or a pyromaniac witch who disguised herself as a normal girl and hypnotised her victims into thinking she was their child. Her parents try to ignored the rumours and going back to their normal life but it was very difficult. Many villagers began acting very cold and unfriendly to them. All the children in the village become very frightened of Pan Nuying and her friends quickly abandoned her. They even called her a monster. The chief of the village(who is the father of the punks’s leader) held a meeting. They discussed and agreed that the girl need to be banished and exiled from the village. Her parents pleaded the chief not to exiled their only daughter but he angrily brushed them off. He yelled at them that the damage is already done. The girl need to leave the village and never came back because she is a monster who attempted to burn his son and his friends to death and he did not wanted monsters in his village. He demanded the guards to take Pan Nuying away from the village and left her to die in the deep dark woods despite her parents’s protests. As she was taken away, she watch her mother weep in sadness and her father cried for her name. They were both begging the guards not to take her away.
After many miles away from the village and going deeper into the woods, the guards dropped her off in the deepest of the woods with no belongings. As the guards left, Pan Nuying was all alone left to die in the woods. At night, Pan Nuying build up a tent of leaves and sticks and try to sleep under it. Suddenly it began raining and she woke up when heavy raindrops hit her. She ran and tried to find a shelter. She spot an old tavern miles away from her. She enter the tavern and saw many thugs, assassins and thieves drinking and laughing in the tavern. She ask the bartender for a glass of water.
As she about to drink his glass of water, a hulking brute grab her drink and smashed it on the table. The brute began humiliating and mocking her about why a little girl enter a tavern full of warriors when she didn’t have any weapons or Qi at all. Pan Nuying tried to ignored the Thug’s taunts but everyone in this Tavern suddenly began laughing and rudely mocking at her. They give her very insulting names and jokes and some of them Join the Thug by torturing and hurting her. She tried calling for help but the uncaring bartender ignored her cries and continued his work. Suddenly, a masked mercenary enter the tavern. He saw everyone laughing, humiliating and hurting a little girl. He pointed his rifle up in the air and fired it. They stop and the masked mercenary shouted “you troglodytes! Do you not realize who your taunting? That’s the girl that nearly killed a whole group of teenagers without trying! If you keep it up this whole tavern could be leveled in a few minutes”. Everybody back off and leave her alone.
Pan’s eyes widen at the mysterious mercenary with hope. Does this mean she had a friend who could help her and give her a new home. She wait for him until he finished his drink. He was about to leave when someone tap him on the shoulder. He turn to see a small girl looking up to him with a bright smile. She thanked him for saving her from humiliation. She asked him if he could give her a new home to stay. But..the mercenary ignored her and tell her to go away before brushing her off and leaving the tavern.
No one help her when she is humiliated, tortured, tormented and laughed at. Being bullied...watching her friend almost being raped...almost killing a group of teenagers...nasty rumours...being abandoned by her friends...being separated from her parents...exile from her home...left to die in the deep woods...
That when Pan Nuying snap
The next morning, a traveller enter the tavern and was shocked to find there so many burned corpses all over the place. He saw a little girl finished drinking her cup of orange juice and turn to see the frightened traveller. Her eyes are shut and had a cheerful grin on her face. She left the tavern skipping and humming a happy tune.
And this is how the feline flower demon is born.
She is quite happy-go-lucky, friendly, Chipper, jovial, Bubbly and giggly towards her allies and enemies alike. She is hyper and spontaneous, as well as being quick on her feet. She is easily entertained, and easily excitable. She’s shown to have a giddy, childlike side of hers like humming a high-pitched tune while skipping. Despite seem to be harmless and sweet at first, she is a very dangerous and deadly threat. She’s clinically psychotic, taking great enjoyment out of her missions and being willing to inflict pain on others to get what she wants. Her often bubbly behavior and nonchalance towards anyone that stands in her way often puts her at odds with the main cast, and can easily become bored while she playfully seeks violence to a sadistic degree. The only side Nekomata is truly on is her own. She is overly affectionate and can be sometimes be a hopeless romantic. To the point she becomes a yandere for whatever unlucky person becomes the target of her affections(like Wu Laohu).
•she began training at age nine before completing at age 12.
•as a kid and teen, she used to wear a pink, purple and black sailor Fuku with very long sleeves that hide her hands, long white stockings and black Mary Janes. By the time she turn eighteen, she ditch her schoolgirl uniform and Mary Janes for a very revealing hanfu dress and stilettos.
• while she is crazy for boys, she like Wu Laohu the most. To her, Wu laohu is different then all other guys, he never seemed even the slightest bit interested in anybody ever, him brushing her off made her want him even more, hes weird but hes different, nekomata needs that differentness
•she is loosely based off Pan jinlian
•she had great rivalry with Thirteen and their relationship is similar to seven and Redtooth
•when not working as an assassin, she like going out to clubs, shopping and chasing boys. She enjoy art activities like origami and drawing with crayons.
•she used to have her hair down before losing her sanity and becoming an assassin.
•her hairstyle is inspired by a nekomata(hairbuns shaped like cat’s ears and long fishtail-braided pigtails resembles nekomata’s iconic two tails)
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kumeko · 5 years
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Title: spring cleaning
A/N: For the @mmrikazine ! I wanted to do a bit of Rika and Yoosung’s relationship, before it all went wrong.
Dried by the harsh sun, the once soft soil had hardened until it was like armour. Rika pressed her fingers against the cracked earth, tracing the web-like lines that laced the surface. After a few minutes of prodding, she found a weak spot and pushed her trowel into it. The metal barely scratched the surface.
 This garden clearly hadn’t been cared for in months. Frowning, she gripped her trowel tighter and shoved it in harder. Eventually, the earth gave in, revealing the dark earth underneath. An exposed worm wriggled from a hole, showing a good sign that at least the soil had some nutrients left.
 “This is impossible!” Yoosung grunted next to her. Sweat dripped down his face as he stood, back bent, a shovel in both hands. Earlier in the morning, he had confidently taken the tool from her, claiming that he could handle the heavy labour. Now if she were to ask, Rika was certain the answer would be different. “Am I hitting a rock? Is this all rock?”
 Rika chuckled, sitting back. Her knees sank into the brittle grass, a soft cracking as stems broke under her weight. “This garden hasn’t been taken care of properly,” she agreed, clasping her hands on her lap.
“That’s an understatement.” Yoosung shot her a baleful look, his eyes watery. Her teenage cousin had a sense of drama to him and she half-wondered if he should take the stage with Zen one day. “You sure this is even a garden?”
 “Hmmm…” Slowly, Rika glanced around her. They were in the middle of a closed off courtyard, placed in the center of a senior center. Tall brick walls rose around diamond-shaped space, with a short path meandering through it from one doorway to another. There were two benches along the path and a large tree, its branches bare. Turning back to Yoosung, she cocked her head. “It looks like one.”
 Yoosung flushed a bright red. Rubbing his wrists, he turned away and mumbled, “Well, yeah, I know that much, but…”
 She giggled once more. Her cousin was adorable. Still, she couldn’t let him get too sore, not when he had school the next day. Standing up, she brushed the dirt off her cotton skirt. “We can take a break if you want.”
 Yoosung perked up, excited. The shovel almost fell out of his hands. “Ye—” Quickly, he closed his mouth. He straightened his spine, standing straight and tall. “I can still work.”
 “Really?” Rika glanced at his determined face. Yoosung really did like to push himself above and beyond what was required. Even this, helping her with all of her volunteer work, was something she didn’t expect from a highschool student. It certainly wasn’t the most exciting way for a kid to spend the day.
 “R-really.” His arms trembled as he lifted the shovel once more, his body revealing just how worn out he was. Patches of sweat and dirt stained his ratty old t-shirt, an indication of just how much effort he’d put in so far. “I’m good.”
 How stubborn. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she closed her eyes wearily. “It’s hot for a spring day. Water would be nice, don’t you think?”
 “Water?” Yoosung swallowed, his grip loosening.
 “And maybe a snack—we’ve been at this for hours, after all.” Rika rubbed her belly with a sigh. It wasn’t a complete lie; there had been a soft, gnawing in the pit of her stomach for a while now.
 “…me too,” he admitted, finally letting go of the shovel. He gave one last look at the garden they’d spent almost the entire morning on.
 While it wasn’t much progress, it looked much better than it had when they’d first arrived. The courtyard had three flowerbeds, all in various states of disrepair. Considering how long the first one was taking them, it’d be a couple of weekends before they got the senior center’s courtyard into a useable condition. At least this particular flower bed was cleared of all the dead plants now.
 Well, almost all the dead plants. A single, withered sunflower stalk stood at the edge of the bed. Noticing Yoosung’s hesitation, she gave one final push. “How about we take a break after pulling out that plant?”
 “Yes.” Eager to prove his strength, Yoosung marched over to the stalk and gripped it with both hands. Tensing his muscles, he pulled.
 And nothing happened. Surprised, Yoosung stared at the plant. “Huh?”
 “Try again!” Rika encouraged, following after him. The sun beat down on the back of her neck, her clothes sticking to her skin uncomfortably. A cold shower would be nice after this.
 “Yeah!” Planting his feet firmly into the ground, he growled as he pulled on the stalk. It crackled under his grip, the stalk slowly breaking, yet the plant remained secure in the soil. Yoosung grunted, but no matter how he changed his posture, it refused to move.
 Rika blinked. Now, this was strange. While her cousin wasn’t the most athletic, a sunflower shouldn’t cause this much trouble. Rolling up her sleeves, she stood next to him. “Here, I’ll help.”
 Yoosung frowned, ready to protest, but he couldn’t deny the facts. Grumpily, he shifted his hands, clearing a space for her to grab. “Thanks,” he mumbled, his ears red from embarrassment.
 “This is what volunteering is about, helping each other,” Rika replied tactfully. “On three—ready? One, two, pull!”
 Synchronized, they leaned back as they pulled. The sunflower stalk splintered in their hands in a massive crack, snapping as their muscles strained. Still, the flower refused to budge. Even while seemingly dead, the sunflower didn’t want to leave its home, no matter how harsh it was to live there. Rika dug her heels in. The earth shook from the pressure before finally giving in, releasing the sunflower and its maze of roots. Surprised, Rika and Yoosung fell backwards onto the lawn.
 “Oof!” Yoosung gasped as his butt hit the ground. The sunflower stalk was still in his hands and he stared in shock. “We got it.”
 “We did.” Rika rubbed her sore behind, looking back at the hole in the soil. It shouldn’t have been so hard. Maybe the earth was more packed in than she had expected.
 “We did it!” Yoosung leaped to his feet, holding his trophy above him. He shook it and dirt rained down on his hair. Immediately, he dropped it, his hands running through his hair to clean it. “Oh my god, are there any worms? Bugs?”
 Laughing, she got up and reached for his head. He still hadn’t had his growth spurt yet, their heights almost identical. “Lean closer, I’ll take a look.”
 Obediently, he bent forward, pushing his hair into her hands. His eyes were squeezed close and his hands closed into a tight fist. “Are there any?” he asked in a high-pitched voice, shaking in fear.
 “Let me see.” Calmly, she parted his hair, brushing through the locks and pulling out clumps of dirt as she inspected him. His black hair was soft in her hands. Humming as she worked, Rika combed through his hair twice before finally releasing him. “All good.”
 He straightened up, gingerly touching his scalp. Cross-eyed, he impossibly tried to look up at the top of his head. “Thanks.”
 It was only now that Rika realized just how dirty her cousin had become. “You’re a mess!” Quickly, Rika dusted off his shoulders and shirt. It didn’t help—instead, it made things worse as the dirt smeared against his blue t-shirt. With a sigh, she gave up and set her hands on her hips. “Auntie isn’t going to be happy.”
 “Huh?” Yoosung stared down at his shirt, pulling at the hem until he witnessed the extent of the damage. His eyes widened before he covered his face with a moan. “Mom’ll never let me live this down.”
 “I guess she won’t let you volunteer with me anymore,” Rika sighed ruefully. While her aunt was kind, that could only go so far and if she was anything like Rika’s mother…
 “No, it’ll be fine!” Sensing her distress, Yoosung vehemently shook his head. “Mom’s happy you take me out with you—I don’t get enough sun otherwise, according to her.”
 “Really?” Surprised, Rika stared at him. Could anyone be fine with their kid coming home a mess?
 “Yeah, really.” Yoosung grinned brightly. He reached out and clasped her hands. “She actually wants you to take me out more.”
 Rika didn’t know what to say. It must have been nice, growing up with Auntie. Overcome, she squeezed his hands back. Yoosung’s stomach grumbled at that very moment and he blushed. Letting go of her, he turned away and marched stiffly to the closest bench. “So. Lunch.”
 Laughing, Rika followed him. His backpack and her picnic basket were sitting on the metal grate. The tree’s shadows created a lattice network of naked branches on the ground. Sitting down next to her basket, she rummaged through her basket, taking out plates and cups. She passed them to Yoosung, who neatly set them next to him. “I made sandwiches.”
 “Nice!” Yoosung took one of the carefully wrapped sandwiches, peeling back the paper towel and saran wrap to reveal the white bread inside. Biting it, he moaned happily. “This is amazing!”
 “I’m glad you like it.” Rika brushed a lock behind her ear, pleased. “V helped me with them, he made the sauce.”
 “That’s…good.” Yoosung’s face fell, his voice stilted.
 It was something Rika had noticed before, but she wasn’t sure she completely understood it. “You don’t like it?”
 “No, no, it’s great!” He rapidly took bite after bite of the sandwich, stuffing his face. “It’s delicious.”
 “Okay.” Rika watched him for a moment, concerned. When he didn’t say anything else, she took a sandwich of her own. Glancing around the abandoned garden, she took note of the leafless trees, the withered plants. There was a desolate beauty to the place and she could just picture her boyfriend with his tripod, focusing on the perfect shot. “V would like it here.”
 Yoosung’s lips twisted, looking like he bit something sour. “Too bad he’s not here.”
 Twice. This had happened twice and both times when she’d mentioned V. Scrutinizing her cousin, Rika delicately asked, “What do you think of V?”
 Yoosung choked, dropping his sandwich on his lap at the unexpected question. As he coughed, Rika pushed a water bottle in his hand. Her other hand patted his back gently, trying to dislodge the obstruction.
 He downed the water in three big gulps. Breathing heavily, he stared at her like a deer in the headlights. “What?”
 She wasn’t sure if she wanted to ask the question anymore but if his reaction was like that, she had to find out the truth. “What do you think of V?”
 “He’s…nice…and kind…” Yoosung mumbled, wiping the water from his mouth. He averted his gaze as he picked the sandwich off his lap. “And a good photographer.”
 “Did he do something to you?” Concerned, she squeezed his shoulder. “You can tell me.”
 “What?” Startled, Yoosung shook his head quickly. “Nothing—why’d you think that?”
 “Because of how you’re acting.” Rika pulled back, perplexed. If V didn’t do anything to Yoosung, then why did her cousin have such an extreme reaction? “You don’t like him.” She hadn’t meant to say that, but as they left her tongue, the words rang true. Finally understanding, she repeated, “You don’t like him.”
 “What? No! That’s—” Yoosung stuttered. When it was clear she didn’t buy it, he hung his head in defeat. “Maybe just a little.”
 “A little?” she asked.
 “A little,” he confirmed, indicating the amount with the distance between his thumb and forefinger. After a moment, he increased the distance. “…more than a little.”
 “Why?” Rika asked, pressing her hands against her skirt. Her fingers clenched against the fabric as she waited for his answer.
 “I…I dunno.” Uncomfortable, Yoosung peeked at her and then stared down at his lap. “I…just do.”
 “Oh.” It was…not disappointing, to be exact. Sad? Her heart clenched. He didn’t like V. Her two favourite people couldn’t be together. “That’s…”
 “But…” Yoosung interrupted. “You love him.”
 Not sure where he was taking this, she nodded. Like. Love. She wasn’t sure she had a word that could describe her feelings, these emotions that threatened to overwhelm her at times. Brushing a lock of hair behind her ear, she gave a small smile. “I do.”
 Puffing his cheeks, Yoosung looked away. Begrudgingly, he raised his hand again. The gap between his fingers was almost minute now. “Then…I can like him too.”
 The feeling that overwhelmed her this time was love, was happiness, was joy. Without thinking, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Her cheeks were wet with tears as she pressed her face into his shoulder. “Yoosung!”
 “Rika?” Struggling to adjust to the added weight, Yoosung grabbed hold of the bench.
 “I’m just…” She didn’t know what to say. Long ago, she had assumed that she’d be lucky if even one person accepted her. And now she had two. “Thank you.”
 “It’s…nothing.” Awkwardly, he patted her back. His stomach gurgled again, and she could feel more than see his skin turning red. “Not again!”
 This time her stomach grumbled as well, reminding her about the lunch that they both seemingly had forgotten in her excitement. Pulling back, she wiped her eyes. “Come on, let’s finish eating.”
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 years
If I may, could I ask for Autumn Prompt #2 - Crunchy leaves. Oversized sweaters. Hurricanes. Cold hands and Scented candles for Gokudera, Ryohei and Squalo Thanks ♥
Of course you can! Thank you for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
🍁 crunchy leaves: what's your favorite noise/sound to hear?
The sound of a thunderstorm, the rain heavy against the roof and windows and the thunder booming overhead, always relaxes Gokudera, provided he’s not out in it.
👕 oversized sweaters: what sweater weather outfit are you looking forward to wearing? (Bonus if pictured)
Gokudera wears a lot of hoodies over t-shirts when cold weather hits, with a jacket over top if it’s really cold, normally with slightly baggy jeans or leather pants. His sleeves are normally slightly pushed up and he’ll always have a few accessories. Oddly enough, he wears boots or sneakers but still no socks unless the day is bitterly cold - he hates socks, he really does. Something like this or this is pretty normal!
☔ hurricanes: what do you do on rainy days?
Unless he has plans with Tsuna or another member of the family, or knows he can make some, Gokudera tends to stay inside for the most part, working on a project or burying himself in a hobby or thought that’s been buzzing around his head. He doesn’t mind venturing out in the rain though and will normally take at least a walk a day, hood pulled over his head, hand cupped over his smoke to keep it from getting wet.
👐 cold hands: anyone to hold them?
Nope. And even if he did have someone to hold them, it’s not preferred. He finds it takes too long for his hands to warm up that way and he feels a little guilty about making his partner’s hands cold.
🔥 scented candles: 5 favorite smells
Cigarette smoke. Black pepper. Fresh brewed coffee. Honey. The damp smell of cellars. 
🍁 crunchy leaves: what's your favorite noise/sound to hear?
There’s just something about the crisp and crunch of his feet as he walks along a fresh, undisturbed blanket of snow on an early winter run that always makes him happy, no matter how he’s feeling about winter at that point.
👕 oversized sweaters: what sweater weather outfit are you looking forward to wearing? (Bonus if pictured)
Ryohei’s style is sporty and simple. He’d likely wear a warm track jacket with a tank top or t-shirt underneath, with sweatpants or jeans, moisture wicking socks, and heavy hiking boots or running shoes. He looks like the quintessential athlete, something like this or this.
☔ hurricanes: what do you do on rainy days?
Ryohei is not one to let a little water keep him from doing anything he wants to do. He treats rainy days no differently than any other day, doing errands, training, or hanging out with friends as he normally would.
👐 cold hands: anyone to hold them?
No - Ryohei prefers to hide one of reusable hand warmers in the pocket of his jacket or sweater so his hands rarely, if ever, get cold.
🔥 scented candles: 5 favorite smells
Ocean air. Frying, sizzling bacon. Sweat, the smell of a good workout. The air at dawn. Boxing gloves.
🍁 crunchy leaves: what's your favorite noise/sound to hear?
Absolute, complete silence. The absence of all sound. It’s so incredibly rare for Squalo to actually get a moment of complete silence that when he does, he can’t help but be struck by how amazing and terrifying it is all at the same time.
👕 oversized sweaters: what sweater weather outfit are you looking forward to wearing? (Bonus if pictured)
Squalo sticks normally with something similar to his Varia uniform - long, heavy coat, tight pants, and heavy boots. Even when in casual wear, he tends to stick to the tight pants and heavy boots, with a long jacket or a sweater over top of it. Something like this or this would be things he’d wear!
☔ hurricanes: what do you do on rainy days?
Much like Ryohei, Squalo can’t and won’t let rain get in his way. He’s an elite Varia member and, much like the postal service, does his work no matter snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night. Even when he doesn’t have a job, he trains, runs errands, and behaves as he would any other day.
👐 cold hands: anyone to hold them?
Nope and he wouldn’t need anyone. Squalo’s hands rarely get cold - he only has one and he wears a glove to keep it warm, like any smart person would.
🔥 scented candles: 5 favorite smells
Fir trees. The smell right after the first snowfall. A good whiskey. The smell of the sea, the salt spray on the air. Sawdust.
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shelleyrobbinsus · 6 years
What to pack (and wear) on your next trip
I’m going to review something a little atypical today for our site, but it’s incredibly important for travelers, just the same: clothing.
Actually, I’ve covered what to pack when you’re traveling abroad before, but this time I’ll cover what clothing you should bring and wear when you’re on vacation, visiting, or even living in a foreign land. I’m also going to gear this towards traveling in the tropics and warm weather climates, so your winter trip to Iceland (or your summer trip to Iceland) or Europe won’t be served by this.
However, if you’re heading down to Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, over to Morocco or sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, or many other places where the thermostat routinely nears 100 F (and the humidity is out of control), this review may offer some help.
I’ll also gear it towards the space-conscious backpacker or traveler, not vacationers filling up five designer-label suitcases for their 5-day stay.
Black t-shirts I had a buddy who just retired from a career in the armed forces and hit the road to travel for a year around the world with nothing but an army duffel backpack. His simple wardrobe consisted of camo shorts and long pants and then a dozen plain black t-shirts. They never got dirty (or showed it), went with any outfit for any occasion, and could easily be replaced.
Dry wick shirts It’s really hard to keep cotton dry in the tropics, whether from sweat, rain, ocean water, or just humidity. Dry wick shirts and shorts – like the athletic gear they commonly sell these days – dries very quickly, doesn’t stretch or sag, won’t be cold when it gets wet, and doesn’t get moldy or smell.
Drawstring pants and shorts When you wear classic-style shorts or pants, you have to weave a belt through, which means that you also have to carry around a not-so-light belt, as well as take it off every time you go through airport security. Instead, looking for bottom-ware that has a drawstring, so it’s much easier to get in and out, lighter and more flowing, and more comfortable.
No linen, silk, or fabrics that need to be ironed Ironed? What are you, staying at the Ritz Carlton? We’re talking about going on some epic and rugged adventures in nature, so there will be no time nor opportunity to take out a proper iron and start neatly pressing your shirts. We want clothing that you can fold up and stuff in your suitcase or backpack, and it’s still wearable.
Button down collared shirts While many other fancier garments may be ill-suited for the heat, humidity, and lifestyle of the tropics, I find that simple button-downed short sleeve collared summer shirts area great. They’re lightweight, don’t take up much space, and the air really flows through them.
One baseball cap A baseball cap comes in handy, as it blocks the sun, so you don’t get sunburn or heat stroke, can be useful on a rainy day, and is great for when you just jump out of bed and run to the airport too early. It also gives you a chance to rep your favorite team or hometown back in the states (or wherever).
What should you pack (and wear) on your next trip abroad to the tropics? Whether you’re hiking to Machu Picchu in Peru, surfing off the wild shores of Costa Rica, or backpacking through Thailand, this is a good list of what to throw in your bag – and throw on. Of course, check out the above list.
One pair of running shoes You’ll only need one pair of actual “shoes-shoes,” so I suggest you make them a comfortable, supportive, and breathable pair of running or athletic sneakers. These should cover you even when you’re hiking or just walking around, but if you buy them in all black, you can probably sneak them into a nicer restaurant with a pair of jeans or khakis.
Flip flops They’re called slippers, sandals, or even thongs depending on where you are in the world, but in the tropics, hot climates, and beach areas, most people just wear them 24-7. Bring ones that can dry easily, not fancy leather ones.
Aquatic shoes The only other kicks you’ll need are those super unfashionable and dorky aquatic shoes. However, they’re also lifesavers when hopping in and out of boats, climbing rocks, traversing caves, or island hopping. Get ones with a hard sole, not just the soft booties.
Rain poncho Don’t worry about fancy and expensive rain gear and windbreakers, etc. – just bring one of those huge lightweight ponchos that have a hood and covers your whole body, as well as a backpack underneath.
Great sunglasses I know it’s tempting to buy those designer knock-offs or gas station sunglasses, but they’re doing some permanent damage to your eyes. Especially when you’re traveling near the Equator with crazy-strong sun that’s also reflected off the water, invest in a really good pair of protective sunnies.
Swim shorts You need shorts, and you need swim trunks. The best invention ever was those swim trunks that look like khakis or regular cotton material, as you can wear them anywhere, day or night, and not worry about drying or changing when you swim, or they get wet in the rain.
One Hawaiian shirt Just because. It’s fun to have a shirt that gives you a cheezy tropics Fight Club one-man-party persona while you’re traveling.
On a side note: don’t wear a Fedora. Seriously. Just stop.
Spandex undershorts I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again now: cotton kills , and undergarments are no exception. Especially when you’re traveling in the tropics in 100-degree heat, 90 percent humidity, on long bus and train rides. In fact, the serious medical condition of “Swamp Ass” affects nine out of every ten travelers. Need I say more? Luckily, they make awesome boxer briefs of breathable and quick-dry materials these days that are perfect for swimming, working out, sweating, or just walking around.
One pair of jeans It’s good to have at least one pair of pants, or maybe two if you’ll be traveling a while. Bring a pair of comfy broken in jeans that you can wear to dinner, on the plane, or just walking around. Or, wear skinny jeans. I don’t care – it’s your fashion funeral.
In addition to jeans, bring along a pair of super loose and baggy beach pants, like the kind that are linen or a cotton blend that you can just throw on with a drawstring and roll up the pants legs if need be. These serve a double purpose, as they’ll be way more comfortable on long plane rides than restrictive jeans.
Basketball jerseys! I’ve traveled since before I could walk or talk (supervised, of course), traversed through Europe by high school (unsupervised), backpacked around the world for a year, and lived abroad since 2011. And what is my daily garment of choice? Basketball jerseys.
They’re loose, comfy, easy to dry, breathable, you look athletic wearing them (even if I’m not), and you can rep your favorite team – a conversation piece as you travel.
Come to think of it, one of these days, I need to get a special AllWorld.com basketball jersey made.
The post What to pack (and wear) on your next trip appeared first on AllWorld.com.
Via https://www.allworld.com/what-to-pack-and-wear-on-your-next-trip/
source http://allworldus.weebly.com/blog/what-to-pack-and-wear-on-your-next-trip
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allworldus · 6 years
What to pack (and wear) on your next trip
I’m going to review something a little atypical today for our site, but it’s incredibly important for travelers, just the same: clothing.
Actually, I’ve covered what to pack when you’re traveling abroad before, but this time I’ll cover what clothing you should bring and wear when you’re on vacation, visiting, or even living in a foreign land. I’m also going to gear this towards traveling in the tropics and warm weather climates, so your winter trip to Iceland (or your summer trip to Iceland) or Europe won’t be served by this.
However, if you’re heading down to Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, over to Morocco or sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, or many other places where the thermostat routinely nears 100 F (and the humidity is out of control), this review may offer some help.
I’ll also gear it towards the space-conscious backpacker or traveler, not vacationers filling up five designer-label suitcases for their 5-day stay.
Black t-shirts I had a buddy who just retired from a career in the armed forces and hit the road to travel for a year around the world with nothing but an army duffel backpack. His simple wardrobe consisted of camo shorts and long pants and then a dozen plain black t-shirts. They never got dirty (or showed it), went with any outfit for any occasion, and could easily be replaced.
Dry wick shirts It’s really hard to keep cotton dry in the tropics, whether from sweat, rain, ocean water, or just humidity. Dry wick shirts and shorts – like the athletic gear they commonly sell these days – dries very quickly, doesn’t stretch or sag, won’t be cold when it gets wet, and doesn’t get moldy or smell.
Drawstring pants and shorts When you wear classic-style shorts or pants, you have to weave a belt through, which means that you also have to carry around a not-so-light belt, as well as take it off every time you go through airport security. Instead, looking for bottom-ware that has a drawstring, so it’s much easier to get in and out, lighter and more flowing, and more comfortable.
No linen, silk, or fabrics that need to be ironed Ironed? What are you, staying at the Ritz Carlton? We’re talking about going on some epic and rugged adventures in nature, so there will be no time nor opportunity to take out a proper iron and start neatly pressing your shirts. We want clothing that you can fold up and stuff in your suitcase or backpack, and it’s still wearable.
Button down collared shirts While many other fancier garments may be ill-suited for the heat, humidity, and lifestyle of the tropics, I find that simple button-downed short sleeve collared summer shirts area great. They’re lightweight, don’t take up much space, and the air really flows through them.
One baseball cap A baseball cap comes in handy, as it blocks the sun, so you don’t get sunburn or heat stroke, can be useful on a rainy day, and is great for when you just jump out of bed and run to the airport too early. It also gives you a chance to rep your favorite team or hometown back in the states (or wherever).
What should you pack (and wear) on your next trip abroad to the tropics? Whether you’re hiking to Machu Picchu in Peru, surfing off the wild shores of Costa Rica, or backpacking through Thailand, this is a good list of what to throw in your bag – and throw on. Of course, check out the above list.
One pair of running shoes You’ll only need one pair of actual “shoes-shoes,” so I suggest you make them a comfortable, supportive, and breathable pair of running or athletic sneakers. These should cover you even when you’re hiking or just walking around, but if you buy them in all black, you can probably sneak them into a nicer restaurant with a pair of jeans or khakis.
Flip flops They’re called slippers, sandals, or even thongs depending on where you are in the world, but in the tropics, hot climates, and beach areas, most people just wear them 24-7. Bring ones that can dry easily, not fancy leather ones.
Aquatic shoes The only other kicks you’ll need are those super unfashionable and dorky aquatic shoes. However, they’re also lifesavers when hopping in and out of boats, climbing rocks, traversing caves, or island hopping. Get ones with a hard sole, not just the soft booties.
Rain poncho Don’t worry about fancy and expensive rain gear and windbreakers, etc. – just bring one of those huge lightweight ponchos that have a hood and covers your whole body, as well as a backpack underneath.
Great sunglasses I know it’s tempting to buy those designer knock-offs or gas station sunglasses, but they’re doing some permanent damage to your eyes. Especially when you’re traveling near the Equator with crazy-strong sun that’s also reflected off the water, invest in a really good pair of protective sunnies.
Swim shorts You need shorts, and you need swim trunks. The best invention ever was those swim trunks that look like khakis or regular cotton material, as you can wear them anywhere, day or night, and not worry about drying or changing when you swim, or they get wet in the rain.
One Hawaiian shirt Just because. It’s fun to have a shirt that gives you a cheezy tropics Fight Club one-man-party persona while you’re traveling.
On a side note: don’t wear a Fedora. Seriously. Just stop.
Spandex undershorts I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again now: cotton kills , and undergarments are no exception. Especially when you’re traveling in the tropics in 100-degree heat, 90 percent humidity, on long bus and train rides. In fact, the serious medical condition of “Swamp Ass” affects nine out of every ten travelers. Need I say more? Luckily, they make awesome boxer briefs of breathable and quick-dry materials these days that are perfect for swimming, working out, sweating, or just walking around.
One pair of jeans It’s good to have at least one pair of pants, or maybe two if you’ll be traveling a while. Bring a pair of comfy broken in jeans that you can wear to dinner, on the plane, or just walking around. Or, wear skinny jeans. I don’t care – it’s your fashion funeral.
In addition to jeans, bring along a pair of super loose and baggy beach pants, like the kind that are linen or a cotton blend that you can just throw on with a drawstring and roll up the pants legs if need be. These serve a double purpose, as they’ll be way more comfortable on long plane rides than restrictive jeans.
Basketball jerseys! I’ve traveled since before I could walk or talk (supervised, of course), traversed through Europe by high school (unsupervised), backpacked around the world for a year, and lived abroad since 2011. And what is my daily garment of choice? Basketball jerseys.
They’re loose, comfy, easy to dry, breathable, you look athletic wearing them (even if I’m not), and you can rep your favorite team – a conversation piece as you travel.
Come to think of it, one of these days, I need to get a special AllWorld.com basketball jersey made.
The post What to pack (and wear) on your next trip appeared first on AllWorld.com.
source https://www.allworld.com/what-to-pack-and-wear-on-your-next-trip/
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romeybensen · 8 years
Wardrobe: Ladies, Optimize Your Clothes Collection!
How awesome is your closet? Is your storeroom loaded with superfluous garments, unseemly for your vocation or way of life, and sick fitting to your body sort or weight? It just requires a touch of investment to experience your dresses, beginning with your storage room, then proceeding onward to your drawers, shoes and gems to refine your all around adjusted closet. Utilize this as a rule and request that a companion work with you in your “mold makeover.” Have fun! Treat it like a reality appear! Set out to characterize your garments classes and discover what you have worth keeping and what you have to supplant or purchase new.
Watch that you have your fundamental blend and-match basics that will fit into a few classes - easygoing, business, or dressy. On the off chance that you don’t as of now have these in your wardrobe, then consider purchasing flexible sews from a travel store like Chico’s or Magellan’s. Chico’s Travelers line is produced using 95% acetic acid derivation and 5% spandex. Two nuts and bolts you’ll need are the rib weave tank best with a scoop neck and the sew pants with a simple fit extend abdomen that doesn’t look loose. On the off chance that you assemble a solid establishment with a key determination of such nuts and bolts that will function admirably with practically everything in your storage room.
Make the tank beat a dark one that can be worn including khakis to a mixed drink skirt. Not exclusively can dark go from daytime to evening time, dark gets to be distinctly imperceptible and nobody can perceive that you are wearing a similar part - tank, skirt, pants, sweater- - twice in seven days. Remain with impartial hues. On the off chance that dark is not for you, then attempt beige or beige for your bits of blend and match nuts and bolts.
A T-shirt just shouts “Easygoing” and your accumulation must have both a short-sleeve white and a short-sleeve dark T-shirt. The best short-sleeve length is around ½ to 1 inch longer than a commonplace top sleeve as it has a complimenting appearance. Likewise incorporate a team neck sweater and other complimenting weave tops, however choose thin sews in cotton or fleece that layer effortlessly.
With respect to pants, notwithstanding the dark sew pants in your Basics accumulation, you should have pants however it merits paying additional for sets that really fit and compliment. Toss those out that no longer fit you or that are excessively worn. In the case of purchasing new pants, investigate extend denim without any than 2 percent Lycra so the denim mix texture will take after your bends and keep its shape. On the off chance that you like Khakis, then overlook the creases since a level front is all the more complimenting, and do without the front wrinkle, as well. All things considered, these are intended to be easygoing jeans. Load jeans are an extraordinary expansion since those profound pockets are so convenient and the look is so casual and casual. All these match well with shoes, boots and athletic shoes.
Your Business gathering must incorporate a few coats, skirt suits and gasp suits, dresses, skirts, shirts, and under-tees, emphasize scarves, pleasant gems and agreeable pumps and open-toe heels. For your essential business look, incorporate a dark cashmere turtleneck. There is less mass with cashmere and it feels so great!
Additionally, ensure you have a fitted white conservative shirt. A fitted shirt is simpler to tuck in and watches neater when forgotten. What’s more, a long-sleeve dark T-shirt functions admirably under a dress shirt- - or even a dress. You likely have a some dark jeans however in the event that you are purchasing another, pick an all-season texture, similar to gooey or tropical fleece.
Have a few coats and, contingent upon the season, make them denim, light fleece, silk or cloth. A slimmer fit and great cut will look more cleaned. Furthermore, a nonpartisan hued cardigan or weave sweater coat is pleasant for layering and pick a more drawn out style that hits just underneath the hip as it’s an additionally complimenting search for any stature or any weight.
Contingent on your profession, “business clothing” can be spruced up with scarves or gems or a formal haircut for some a dressy event. In any case, your Dressy accumulation ought to incorporate a long skirt, long and short night dresses, wraps for warmth, gems, a little handbag, strappy heels and dressy shoes. Most regular is the velvet coat and unsettled shirt with pants. Denim is a tough texture however Jeans can be spruced up or down and the look is exemplary.
For those sleeveless dresses and strapless outfits, you require a rich shawl and a lightweight cashmere and silk wrap is an impeccable highlight. You can wrap shawls and tie them in intriguing ways. On the off chance that you become weary of them slipping off your shoulders, you can attempt the “Shoul.” It is the brilliant shoulder wrap intended to resemble a flawlessly hung shawl- - however it won’t slip off your shoulders. The shoul is another mold staple that works with many parts of your accumulation, mixing including dresses to pants.
Discover something like Magellan’s Crinkle Jacket as a stay bit of night wear for your Dressy gathering. It can be spruced up and dressed down. The exquisite style makes it helpful for wearing with the coordinating pant, velvety jeans, skirts, capris or pants. It is very much outlined with a zip-front, mandarin neckline, and two zippered princess crease pockets. The creased texture opposes wrinkles and is made of a rayon/polyester/spandex mix.
Workout Apparel
We effortlessly ignore that our workout clothing is a piece of our aggregate closet and structures its own particular accumulation. Check your closet stock for games bras, racer-back and spaghetti-strap practice finish with support, stockings, capris, white viscose shorts, and great athletic shoes. Ensure that you have a white tank beat that takes a gander at the exercise center and additionally to bike and climbing, The zip hoodies and sweater coats we wear over our workout rigging can be the open door for a workout gathering articulation. It ought not be designed but rather leave that for those superb T-shirts that report you’ve finished beautiful Zumba or hard-edge, high contrast P90X or Insanity preparing. Keep in mind your bathing suit, bathing suit coverup and shoes.
It’s a smart thought to have a light coat, a substantial coat, a full length dress coat, a rain coat, gloves, fleece caps to pull down over your ears and an umbrella. The functional thing for your Outerwear accumulation is to consider where you live and ensure you have the glow, the water resistance and the head scope you require. Caps, hoodies and profound coat stashes all keep you warm. The standard trench coat is an awesome look and you can get one with a zoom in wool lining for cool areas or icy seasons. Caps are essential for sun and wind insurance and these can differ from baseball tops to felt or straw sorts that give your general appearance an exceptionally singular interest.
While you deal with garments you as of now have and purchase new things to fill in the crevices, remember the standards of your essentials and remain inside your blend and-match shading plan. Be cautious about picking designs and splendid hues however change it up by the cut and state of the pieces. Also, enjoy maybe a couple in vogue, bright or designed things (a scarf or a coat) that you can without much of a stretch exchange out in the following year or two for the following most recent pattern. That will be your gem for exceptional events. Take after these rules to the closet basics you require and streamline your day by day dressing necessities. Presently when you ask yourself “What should I wear?,” you can answer easily. You have something agreeable and in vogue to wear for each event.
0 notes
greenskygoldheart · 8 years
Wardrobe: Ladies, Optimize Your Clothes Collection!
How awesome is your closet? Is your storeroom loaded with superfluous garments, unseemly for your vocation or way of life, and sick fitting to your body sort or weight? It just requires a touch of investment to experience your dresses, beginning with your storage room, then proceeding onward to your drawers, shoes and gems to refine your all around adjusted closet. Utilize this as a rule and request that a companion work with you in your "mold makeover." Have fun! Treat it like a reality appear! Set out to characterize your garments classes and discover what you have worth keeping and what you have to supplant or purchase new.
Watch that you have your fundamental blend and-match basics that will fit into a few classes - easygoing, business, or dressy. On the off chance that you don't as of now have these in your wardrobe, then consider purchasing flexible sews from a travel store like Chico's or Magellan's. Chico's Travelers line is produced using 95% acetic acid derivation and 5% spandex. Two nuts and bolts you'll need are the rib weave tank best with a scoop neck and the sew pants with a simple fit extend abdomen that doesn't look loose. On the off chance that you assemble a solid establishment with a key determination of such nuts and bolts that will function admirably with practically everything in your storage room.
Make the tank beat a dark one that can be worn including khakis to a mixed drink skirt. Not exclusively can dark go from daytime to evening time, dark gets to be distinctly imperceptible and nobody can perceive that you are wearing a similar part - tank, skirt, pants, sweater- - twice in seven days. Remain with impartial hues. On the off chance that dark is not for you, then attempt beige or beige for your bits of blend and match nuts and bolts.
A T-shirt just shouts "Easygoing" and your accumulation must have both a short-sleeve white and a short-sleeve dark T-shirt. The best short-sleeve length is around 1/2 to 1 inch longer than a commonplace top sleeve as it has a complimenting appearance. Likewise incorporate a team neck sweater and other complimenting weave tops, however choose thin sews in cotton or fleece that layer effortlessly.
With respect to pants, notwithstanding the dark sew pants in your Basics accumulation, you should have pants however it merits paying additional for sets that really fit and compliment. Toss those out that no longer fit you or that are excessively worn. In the case of purchasing new pants, investigate extend denim without any than 2 percent Lycra so the denim mix texture will take after your bends and keep its shape. On the off chance that you like Khakis, then overlook the creases since a level front is all the more complimenting, and do without the front wrinkle, as well. All things considered, these are intended to be easygoing jeans. Load jeans are an extraordinary expansion since those profound pockets are so convenient and the look is so casual and casual. All these match well with shoes, boots and athletic shoes.
Your Business gathering must incorporate a few coats, skirt suits and gasp suits, dresses, skirts, shirts, and under-tees, emphasize scarves, pleasant gems and agreeable pumps and open-toe heels. For your essential business look, incorporate a dark cashmere turtleneck. There is less mass with cashmere and it feels so great!
Additionally, ensure you have a fitted white conservative shirt. A fitted shirt is simpler to tuck in and watches neater when forgotten. What's more, a long-sleeve dark T-shirt functions admirably under a dress shirt- - or even a dress. You likely have a some dark jeans however in the event that you are purchasing another, pick an all-season texture, similar to gooey or tropical fleece.
Have a few coats and, contingent upon the season, make them denim, light fleece, silk or cloth. A slimmer fit and great cut will look more cleaned. Furthermore, a nonpartisan hued cardigan or weave sweater coat is pleasant for layering and pick a more drawn out style that hits just underneath the hip as it's an additionally complimenting search for any stature or any weight.
Contingent on your profession, "business clothing" can be spruced up with scarves or gems or a formal haircut for some a dressy event. In any case, your Dressy accumulation ought to incorporate a long skirt, long and short night dresses, wraps for warmth, gems, a little handbag, strappy heels and dressy shoes. Most regular is the velvet coat and unsettled shirt with pants. Denim is a tough texture however Jeans can be spruced up or down and the look is exemplary.
For those sleeveless dresses and strapless outfits, you require a rich shawl and a lightweight cashmere and silk wrap is an impeccable highlight. You can wrap shawls and tie them in intriguing ways. On the off chance that you become weary of them slipping off your shoulders, you can attempt the "Shoul." It is the brilliant shoulder wrap intended to resemble a flawlessly hung shawl- - however it won't slip off your shoulders. The shoul is another mold staple that works with many parts of your accumulation, mixing including dresses to pants.
Discover something like Magellan's Crinkle Jacket as a stay bit of night wear for your Dressy gathering. It can be spruced up and dressed down. The exquisite style makes it helpful for wearing with the coordinating pant, velvety jeans, skirts, capris or pants. It is very much outlined with a zip-front, mandarin neckline, and two zippered princess crease pockets. The creased texture opposes wrinkles and is made of a rayon/polyester/spandex mix.
Workout Apparel
We effortlessly ignore that our workout clothing is a piece of our aggregate closet and structures its own particular accumulation. Check your closet stock for games bras, racer-back and spaghetti-strap practice finish with support, stockings, capris, white viscose shorts, and great athletic shoes. Ensure that you have a white tank beat that takes a gander at the exercise center and additionally to bike and climbing, The zip hoodies and sweater coats we wear over our workout rigging can be the open door for a workout gathering articulation. It ought not be designed but rather leave that for those superb T-shirts that report you've finished beautiful Zumba or hard-edge, high contrast P90X or Insanity preparing. Keep in mind your bathing suit, bathing suit coverup and shoes.
It's a smart thought to have a light coat, a substantial coat, a full length dress coat, a rain coat, gloves, fleece caps to pull down over your ears and an umbrella. The functional thing for your Outerwear accumulation is to consider where you live and ensure you have the glow, the water resistance and the head scope you require. Caps, hoodies and profound coat stashes all keep you warm. The standard trench coat is an awesome look and you can get one with a zoom in wool lining for cool areas or icy seasons. Caps are essential for sun and wind insurance and these can differ from baseball tops to felt or straw sorts that give your general appearance an exceptionally singular interest.
While you deal with garments you as of now have and purchase new things to fill in the crevices, remember the standards of your essentials and remain inside your blend and-match shading plan. Be cautious about picking designs and splendid hues however change it up by the cut and state of the pieces. Also, enjoy maybe a couple in vogue, bright or designed things (a scarf or a coat) that you can without much of a stretch exchange out in the following year or two for the following most recent pattern. That will be your gem for exceptional events. Take after these rules to the closet basics you require and streamline your day by day dressing necessities. Presently when you ask yourself "What should I wear?," you can answer easily. You have something agreeable and in vogue to wear for each event.
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