#In a good way btw! Like he just seemed so silly and intriguing to me
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thatsadguymochi · 9 months ago
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Hiii, saw you taking art requests, if it’s open, is it ok to request you Mey Mey from wonderful pretty cure?
AHHH sorry I haven't gotten around to this ask!!! I haven't seen this anime before so I don't fully know if I got him right but looking at some pictures of this guy he seems so cute! Honestly might just get around to watching it after I finish dungeon meshi :D
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A oneshot where the rest of the hazbin crew finding out that Alastor already owned Reader's soul?! Fluff btw!
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"Some overlord owns your soul?? Who?!"
Reader: "hahaha.. I wonder who.."
Husk: "you don't wanna know."
Alastor sipping his tea on the other side of the room (obviously listening in)
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The Hotel was abuzz with life; Charlie rushed around checking in with everyone as they worked on various tasks, and said occupants tried their best to focus amid her constant scurrying.
The Princess of Hell had decided a Grand Opening event would benefit the Hotel.
You didn’t think it was half a bad idea, recently a resident of the newly improved establishment yourself and a sinner with a rare knack for helping others. The promise of redemption did seem silly to you, but the idea was fresh, and you desired to see if it was possible before completely disregarding the Princess’s dream.
You gave a helping hand whenever asked, smiled as kind as ever, and had a genuine nature subtly, inviting the others closer into your friendly aura.
Angel referred to you often as the “sweetest doll in the shop,” poking fun at your generous endeavors, but truly a fan of your presence nonetheless. Vaggie came to you for advice often, needing a calmer voice of reason when Charlie’s overbearing tendencies became too much for her, and you’d give your time graciously. Husk and Niffty, you knew all too well before you arrived at the Hotel, generally comfortable in their company and able to enjoy a drink with them occasionally.
Everyone cherished you in one way or another, which showed significantly in their approach to you.
Angel, as vulgar as he was, tended not to tease you as often as the others. Though there were times he couldn’t resist a good jab at your modesty, amused by how quickly you blushed while attempting to stutter out an equally snarky remark.
The two of you were at it now, taunting one another while giving a once over of the hotel's new advertisement flyers, but your focus was nowhere near the polished posters as you tried to retort Angel's last statement. He’d made another comment about your avoidance of the hotel's resident facilities manager.
The mere sound of his name made you skittish and visibly flustered, and Angel took notice of said reactions very quickly. “You sleepin’ around with him, aren’t ya toots?…” He snickered as you froze up, ears fluttering down as your eyes widened in his direction, “N-no!? Angel…you shouldn’t say things like that!” You puffed your cheeks out, the tip of your ears turning bright red as the spider demon cackled across from you, “Hah! You aren’t denying it either, doll face, so now I know it’s true!..”
“No, it’s not Angel!…” you grumbled childishly, glancing around the room apprehensively as if the overload would emerge from the shadows at any moment, and he very well could…
However, Alastor remained hidden, shadow lingering on an armchair in the dimmest corner of the room, and his attention fully fixed on your exchange with the raunchy spider as it progressed.
The deer demon was intrigued by the interaction, mildly curious about how you’d handle Angels prying, and quietly prideful of his effect on you.
“You can’t fool me toots. I see how you look at ‘em’ when he’s in a room. He breathes, and you’re a mess! It’s actually kinda cute how much you like him!” You glared at Angel, ears standing straight as you seethed at him, “I. Don’t. Like. Him…”
He clicked his tongue, leaning forward with a coy smirk, “Really? So it’s just a coincidence you get all nervous around him but do everything he says without question?… “ Angel was unfazed by the quiet growl you responded with, “That doesn’t mean I fancy him-“
“Okay, so how else would you explain it then?” Angel sat back, arms folding over his chest and torso as he peered at you expectantly.
By this point, Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk were listening to the rift between you two. Although, Husk lost notable interest when he realized the subject of discussion while the others subconsciously chimed in without warning.
“He’s right, though..” Vaggie stared at you intensely, trying to piece together clues you swore weren’t there, to begin with, and Charlie soon joined her in the friendly interrogation. “Did you know Alastor before you came here or something? You do act a little off when he’s around…”
For the love of Satan!
Why couldn’t they just let it go?!?
You huffed and hung your head, agitated with so much attention being thrown onto you and becoming uncomfortable under pressure.
The matter of your soul belonging to Alastor was a subject you weren’t fond of breaching for several reasons.
1. Everyone would want to know why and how the arrangement occurred.
2. You were afraid they’d look at you differently, as less than worthy of being treated as a friend or reduced to being Alastor’s property and nothing else…
In reality, you meant much more to the overload than that, but no sinner needed to know such a thing, and to an extent, you weren't aware of his affection either.
Alastor preferred it that way.
It gave the overlord a vague thrill to leave you clueless about his infatuation while enjoying the way you couldn’t hide your adoration for him…
He chuckled to himself watching you squirm under the group's collective curiosity, admiring the deep rose color that set into your cheeks as you pouted.
Precious little thing…
The stag’s grin grew as the thought settled in his mind, eyes hooding over as a hum filled his chest, and though the sound was quiet, you still heard it.
He was there.
In the same room.
Waiting and watching…
A small groan fell from your lips as you lifted your head, gaze shifting around the room to pinpoint where Alastor was, but there was no trace of him…
Or so you thought…
“My, my, you all are a nosy bunch! Leave the poor dear alone …” Alastor appeared behind you, mic in one hand while the other came to rest on your head.
He petted your hair softly, silently comforting your frazzled state, and you welcomed the gesture with a soft sigh.
Angel raised a brow at the sight, gaze shifting from your content expression to Alastor’s satisfied one as he caressed your ears. “See, this is what I was talking about. You act as if he owns you or something-“
Alastor whipped his head in Angel's direction, startling him and the others a bit as he interjected the observation. “That’s because I do own her, my good man. Mind. Body. & Soul…” The air grew thick with static, an uneasy wave of tension drowning the hotel lobby as Alastor glared daggers at everyone.
However, you still sat obediently under his touch without anxiety clouding your demeanor.
Charlie laughed nervously while Vaggie’s eyes widened as the revelation dawned on them both. Angel's mouth fell open, and Husk grumbled before rolling his eyes.
“Thought it was obvious…” the winged feline mumbled to no one in particular, refocusing on organizing the bar's alcohol arrangement as the conversation carried on.
“A-Alastor owns your soul?” Charlie asked, clearly shocked but actively masking it with a light-hearted tone. You nod slowly, choosing not to speak as his claws scratch behind your ears tenderly.
Vaggie shrugged, “Now, it makes sense…”
Angel finally clasped his mouth shut, stifling a laugh as he leaned further back into the parlor's sofa. “So I was right!” He shouted triumphantly, which earned a side glare from you. “Oh, shut up! Just because he owns my soul doesn’t mean I like him…”
Alastor gave you a quizzical look, humming thoughtfully as he processed your words, “Is that so, my dear?… You feel nothing for me at all?…”
Oh….maybe I shouldn’t have said that-!
Your mind raced to find a suitable reply, but all you could manage was a shaky laugh. “W-well, I wouldn’t say…’n-nothing’…”
His smile grew, “Would you like to elaborate on your true feelings for me in private, then?…”
“Sounds kinky…” Angels mumbled cheekily while flashing a closed-eye smirk, but neither Alastor nor you offered the remark a response.
“Wait, where’d they go?!..” The spider demon sat up pin straight as he realized you two were no longer in the room. The only sign left of your disappearance was the lingering tufts of black shadows swirling the spot he’d seen you and Alastor occupying a moment ago.
Vaggie rolled her eyes, turning on her heel to return to the task she’d left undone moments ago, “Not my business…” she sighed.
Charlie followed after her, stuck between confusion and giddiness over the newfound information, “I would’ve never thought Y/n belonged to Alastor. Wait, do you think she can still be redeemed, or are there strings attached…?”
Her rambling continued on as everyone found themselves busy again.
Everyone except you and Alastor…
You found yourself all alone with the owner of your soul, hidden in his infamous Radio Tower with the beginnings of a confession poised to slip from your tongue as he sat you in his lap.
“Now, I believe you were going to tell me exactly how you feel, darling….” Alastor lowered his head, hands resting on your waist to keep you flush against his chest, and your heart nearly flew from your chest as he did.
“You have my full attention, sweetheart.”
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx
I rewrote this five times….all because of writer's block :( ❤️ someone please send help -I'm hanging on by a thread rn…
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unwantedshivering · 4 months ago
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HEADCANONS for KEVIN KATCHADOURIAN as you try and figure out what he truly feels about you.
WARNINGS: mentions of reader death, emotional manipulation, overall toxicity
FOR: Kevin Khatchadourian
NOTES: @slasherscream totally inspired this, their characterization of kevin made me want to write for him !! :) this is entirely too long to be considered hcs btw
Truly, you believed he hated you. Why else would he stare as though he was trying to telekinetically explode your head? It’s a wonder how you even started hanging around him. It wasn’t necessarily out of your own volition, really, as you were just the Khatchadourians’ neighbor tutoring and hanging out with Celia in exchange for your sibling receiving archery lessons.
You grew up practically adjacent to Eva’s household, so it was just a small, kind gesture you’d do when you visited from college. You remembered that weary, worn down visage of hers from your childhood and let it pull at your heartstrings. You were sensitive, and perhaps that’s what drew him in.
You were watching a kid’s movie with Celia, and unbeknownst to you: Kevin was eyeing you.
He wasn’t usually home, off in his room when he wasn’t attending his own classes. Quiet. Off-putting as he would taper down the creaking steps, barely acknowledging your presence before leaving. Usually he’d grab an apple, glance over you as if you were nothing but air.
It was intriguing to you. Kevin had always been intriguing to you. He was unnaturally, uncannily pretty. Like a bust set on display within his own modern-century home, you couldn’t touch or manage to decipher him. It was embarrassing to say he had been the face of several boyfriends in your silly teenage dreams.
It was pure happenstance as he came down just in time to watch as you hiccuped during the movie, tears streaming down your face. Celia was long-gone off in dreamland on the couch.
It wasn’t enthrallment that Kevin felt. It wasn’t even want. It was a sick, morbid curiosity. Celia, despite her humanity, wasn’t entertaining to Kevin anymore. Not as she was when she was eight and entirely naïve, cut bare in her love for her big brother.
You gave him something new. He halted in his steps. For the first time in simply years, you heard Kevin speak to you.
“Stay a little bit longer.”
Through your own bewilderment, you agreed. Kevin had no reason to continue his sweet, loving son act. Not really. Still, he smiled something that could only be described as honey. It was drenched in a sickening sweetness, something with a bite. A bit of blood in his teeth.
He took you archery shooting. It was way past the acceptable time for you to be in the Khatchadourian household, and yet you stayed. Fly wrapped in silk. Bug to be eaten, saved for later.
It felt magical to be the center of Kevin Khatchadourian’s attention. In school he was a little misunderstood and disconcerting, but nothing truly horrific happened. It was that same quietness he displayed that made him so elusive, so lovely to you.
He displayed amazing skill when it came to archery, a terrifying mastery. You only chuckled nervously when it whizzed past you, making your hair stand on end and fingers clench.
“I’m sorry,” he said, yet it was low, accompanied by eyes that seemed anything but apologetic. “You should really stand on the side, I must’ve overshot it.”
As you continued staying longer, mutual exchange forgotten, he grew more and more expressionless. The most he would usher you was a glance under firm eyebrows, a wry little twitch of lips when you did something particularly amusing. You felt like a piece of brain tissue on a petri dish.
Kevin was actually scarily kind to your sibling and family though. It was like a flip-switch: he went from helping your mother with carrying dinner to silently staring at you, trying to pick apart your body, all smiles and good-boy mirth gone from his eyes. Most of the time, he fiddled with his technology as you did your own thing. Reading? He’d be clicking away, his incessant typing as your white noise. Crochet? Doing it outside as he practiced archery. Talking? He’d stare to let you know he’s listening.
Unfortunately, this still left you neglected. Initiating physicality was on his own terms, and you’d get a quick look before being brushed off if he wasn’t into it. Speaking about your troubles with him is met with silence. At the beginning, it was even met with slight condescension and mockery. One step forward? It didn’t matter, Kevin himself was never going to be able to fulfill all of your needs.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t have other friends. Most of them didn’t know Kevin. If they did, they didn’t speak of him to you; speaking of him made you jittery, a little doe-eyed, but you always spoke of him fondly. They could never understand why.
Kevin knew all your friends. You were at a house party, introducing them with a blinding grin on your face. He disliked them. If there was one thing he held other than apathy, other than wanting to feel more than he’s capable of, it was the need to harbor your attention. You were his only source of anything. You were clearly fond of him, no matter how strange or unnerving he showed to be. You talked seamlessly and mindlessly about your interests. He knew sunsets were pretty, but because he saw them through you. He knew what cafés were the best, what to get his mother for a gift when Frank pressured him to.
In the same breath, Kevin resented and found himself thinking often on that part of you. There wasn’t a way he could name it, but the feeling was dull. It stung a bit, hearing you speak about anything outside of his reach. He liked the sting somedays: it was proof he felt. Other than his heart thrumming in his ears, he felt something other than disdain and unadulterated anger.
He hated feeling jealousy, though.
It was quiet like the rest of him. Your friend, Matt, kept pushing. It was becoming sickeningly obvious that he thought of you more than a friend, and yet whether it be your own denseness or the fact that you’d known Matt since forever, you didn’t stop him. Not the meaningless touches on your arm, not the compliments on things only Kevin thought he’d noticed about you. Sick. Sick. It was that old, juvenile anger he felt spike again.
There was a barely there acknowledgement of the fact that you were attractive. He found you attractive even faintly. Then, there was the notion of your attractiveness shoved in his face. Others found you attractive.
His family already assumed you were dating. You hung around too often for them to not believe so. Your friends? They didn’t know. Before this, Kevin didn’t necessarily care whether or not you were called his significant other or the person he kept around. It was only then where he realized the perks of you being his: no Matt.
It was impulsive. He kissed you. It was under the porch light after Matt hugged you goodbye, and as he started to pull out of the driveway Kevin ducked in for the kill. It was impulsive, a bit too strong, and left you lightheaded like you drank more than you should’ve. Being with Kevin was like being an alcoholic.
There was an emptiness in his eyes as he pulled away. He didn’t even hold your cheek, he simply ducked forward. You felt… odd. Confused and a bit embarrassed that you let him do that simply for his own whim. What you didn’t see were the indents of Kevin’s fingers in the cup he was holding onto the entire time, the way he fiddled with the lighter in his pocket, the way his jaw clenched.
There’s a certain value Kevin placed on you. You don’t know if it’s that of a toy, lover, or a third scarier option. There’s a big chance you’d never know either.
What you do know is that he’d give you his jacket when it’s cold, and surprisingly he’d take off yours for you when you enter his house. It’s done so casually that you forget it’s typically uncharacteristic of him.
He played nice with Celia when you were around. He played nice with your family, to the point where you might even misunderstand and believe he wanted them to think highly of him.
Kevin could be awfully kind. It’s never a kindness for the sake of it, but it only ever distinctly shows itself around you. If you were ever sick or vice versa, you’re spending all your time around him for the day.
If he had the fever, he’d push his forehead against yours while you’re both lying down, lazily breathing with his eyes closed. If you were the one ill, Kevin sits on the bed instead, placing one hand on your hand or your forehead. It’s a cool, light feeling. His hand is large enough for it to fully encompass your face if he so wished, or at least your neck, and yet he chose to be gentle.
He doesn’t like the idea of you being special to him though; the fact that you’re exempt from even some of his antagonizing ministrations makes it frustrating. You shouldn’t be. You were something he hung around and dated technically, so the idea of you actually being the definition of a significant other made him heavy in the chest.
If you show that you like the idea of being special to him, at least in the beginning, it’s easier for him to pull away. Whether physically or emotionally, he can shut off completely from you. Deciding to stay is what does it for him. How can you stay? Even with all the silence and work it takes for him to do anything?
His kisses grow less rushed. They’re even somewhat experimental later on. Kevin doesn’t really know if he likes it, but he knows you do. A nip at your lip, eyes closed, fluctuating pressure. He’s a fast learner. He’d pull away prematurely, waiting to see how you’d react. Usually he’d just walk away afterwards like nothing happened, but if he’s feeling the reactive impulse to he’ll duck right back in.
Kisses with Kevin leave you panting. Sometimes you believe he truly is attempting to steal your breath, and he might just be. He has more often than not almost let the arrow hit you when you watch him practice archery. It never does, but it’s always close. There’s a furrow in his brow afterward, like he’s examining how he himself feels on you almost dying by his own hands.
He has also more often than not found that it leaves him annoyed.
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nukecommacomrad · 1 month ago
Hallooo everynyan
yee it is my headcanons of the relationships between the characters, the way how i see it (just hear me out, if you can read)(und i fell like shit, so I need to write for a while, and then I'll start drawing again, and also i want you to know who you're contacting when you see this mindset >:))
in general, it is difficult to do this, given that the characters do not interact with each other at all from the word at all, but you can fantasize. And I can even fantasize in this context :)
I consider this as in the approximate canons of the game and generally do not like that everything would be so easy. Everything should start with a little intrigue, so not everyone has a love relationship and stuff at once, yeee...I know it might be boring for you, but accept it from me that I'm nerd 🤓
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lmao good luck sorting this out. I went overboard so much, but I hope that everything is roughly clear there ":)
btw, I'll explain the most complicated relationships I have, which I find quite funny, and I haven't noticed anyone else making the same assumptions yet. Therefore, I will say what I cannot keep silent about 😔🗣️if you want, you can ask me questions about this or anything else! I won't mind at all, and I can still take requests!! I need to do something while I can't draw funny drawings.
Glass Joe&Von Kaiser. Glass is not as cute as he seems, although he is a little silly (but everyone there is a little silly, so this is the norm, lmao)
if you know history you will understand 🔽🔽🔽
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The relationship between Kaiser and Joe is really similar to that of an elderly married couple, although they themselves are unaware of it. Joe and Kaiser are the oldest there, so it seems to me that they started their boxing careers a long time ago and have known each other for a long time. Joe also has patriotic tendencies like Kaiser (none of the other guys shout about their country as loudly as he does, lol). Therefore, it seems to me that they must have had a conflict on this ground. When they were both in their prime, they started arguing over who could last the longest in boxing. Joe recognizes strength only in spirit, while Kaiser recognizes physical strength and discipline. And maybe it started when they were over 27 (for Joe) or 30 (for Kaiser). And now, these weirdos are still in the ring, refusing to give up on each other. The Frenchman already has problems with his head physically, and the German mentally (how ironic), but these stubborn sheep do not give up. These many years hand in hand have brought them very close and they can be considered best friends, because sometimes they can just peacefully exist side by side. But, nevertheless, taunts and insults jokingly pass between them, i like that dynamic ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
Besides, it seems to me that these guys obviously knew Doc when he was still in good shape. They probably remember how he defeated them in the ring, and perhaps the legendary "star punch" performed by Mac. Of course, they wouldn't have recognized Doc now, but they would have found out about it after the second round, it would have been a pleasant reunion of old acquaintances. They have respect for him, so they will treat Mac more kindly than as a destroyer of their skulls.
Don Flamenco&Carmen&Super Macho Man. Oh-Ho-ho-hon yeeee-..I like this ༼ง=ಠ益ಠ=༽งIn my opinion-..Okay, let's assume that the blonde is Carmen Don was talking about (but there's also a theory that Flamenco didn't have anyone in particular, because in Spanish, Carmen is just the epitome of a femme fatale, but okay, let's imagine that he was referring to the very Carmen). For me, she's also as silly as everyone else, so she's the girl who likes to watch men beat each other in the ring and she likes it and she's pretty good at it, knowing almost all the fighters and watching the TV footage if she couldn't buy a ticket. I think she's in love with Flamenco. She doesn't look Spanish, but she probably has Spanish roots, and she lives in America with relatives who live in Spain. For the sake of Flamenco, to see his fight live, she comes to Spain, where a spark broke out between them😍 (yeeeas slaaaayyyy)
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but before they met, she was spotted by a Macho Man. Because I doubt that cool men will spend so much on just one girl out of a thousand, which is clearly a sign of attention on his part. Carmen agreed to chat with him, but she did not find him olfactory, and when he offered to buy her jewelry, she did not expect him to do so and quickly refused, because that heart has long been occupied by someone else...
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And, my God, what a drama, two people in love with the same girl. But she loves only one thing, and that's clear, but the Macho man tries not to show that it hurts him, although he visibly hates Don for it. And Don also hates Macho for the fact that he keeps up with her sometimes, although it's clear that there's something between him and Carmen.That's why they're rivals>:) und blonde is sexy chicka who deserves a happiness 😘
Aran Ryan. Yeeaa, surprisingly, not all the arrows on it are black, but that's because it all depends on other people ;) And hey, hey, Little Mac is the main character! The person we're playing from. Of course it's impersonal and a bit wooden! Therefore, we must identify him for ourselves and mold his character based either on our feelings from the game, or just to amuse ourselves. And I imagine Mac as a very patient boy who just has an inner scream of horror in his head from everything that is happening(what happened to me when I saw from his face who he was fighting with and what he was going through, jajajaha).Although he doesn't show it outwardly, deep down he really gloats, laughs, gets mad as hell, and sometimes does cheeky things and says them.
He kicked Aran's ass, and Aran seems quite pleased and seems to be enjoying it. It seems to me that Aran still saw the same hooligan notes in Mac, so he can consider him a good rival and friend. And in general, Aran finds friends in other people only those who can compete with him, because he is a very strong boy and he is bored with others. But he also likes people who put up with his antics and maybe find them funny if he didn't do them out of spite. Popinsky, Disco Kid, and Lil Mac himself belong to this type.
They are rivals with Don, because they literally go toe-to-toe in all parameters. They are the same age, the same height and both are strong, but I am sure that Aran has moved higher only because he cheated, and the Spaniard did not suspect this at all (for which he now hates him deep down) ༼ᕗຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Heheheh I like that Don has a pretty scandalous personality, which perfectly shows his loss to lil Mac ffhgdsdhsshgrf
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rosescore245 · 2 months ago
the tags you added to the gay rights red memes on my art blog made me cackle, your takes on him are so right and you should say it
Aaa thank you!!! Red has lowkey been a kin of mine since I first read the manga when I was like. 6. And now that I am almost 12 years older than I was then, I Have Thoughts.
I am using this ask as an excuse to blabber about Red btw, because I always have Opinions and I Think I Am Right because that's how most opinions work
(I'm so so sorry in advance it keeps getting longer. and more retrospective and a little symbolic. whoops. got too silly)
(Like 3 or 4 sentences out of this entire thing allude to Red being Attracted To Blue and tbh Green and Vio too, and there are like 2 mentions of Vio and Shadow being Gay As Hell. this did not become crazy shippy. But what is a ship but the way that characters are intertwined by their actions and being, when one's every action is to keep another happy and safe, is there any need for the words I Love You? I think not. So I guess with that logic this entire thing is one big makeout session, the fourth gayest thing, below "situationship where you're beaten with hammers", "toxic doomed yaoi", and "literal gay sex" lmao)
Red genuinely intrigues me so much and I love to look at him, study him like a bug.
The Link at the beginning of the manga showed so many traits, but I wouldn't quite say any Fully Aligned with who Red presented as. We saw Green's determination and drive, Blue's frustration and quickness to believe others are doubting his abilities, and arguably Vio's foresight in the way Link brought a flower from the Outer Kingdom to bring to Zelda, knowing it would lift her spirits. That's something that kinda holds hands with Red's behavior, but absolutely nowhere before pulling the sword does Link show that naivete and whimsy that made Red, well, Red!
Then Link splits, and they're all different. Green and Blue are the Most like Link, Green a little more so, and Vio hadn't been incredibly off with his smugness and high opinion of himself. Red, however, from the beginning, seemed just a little Out of Place. Green brings up working in a team out of Necessity, not because he likes it that much, and while Blue and Vio openly disliked the idea, Red simply states, well, a fact; "I've never been on a team before!"
He doesn't say Quite how he feels about it, which I think is Telling. He's feeling out the situation, even if just a little, and he's trying to adjust accordingly. He's Adaptable (and gay /silly) and notices during that first little battle that they are NOT working together. So he knows they Need to Work Together, and he knows that they Are Not Doing That.
He gives them someone to protect. I think like 90% of what he does is exactly how he feels, just cranked up a good bit, but he realizes that they need a center. It's not perfect, but it works Okay, at least for a while, and he's happy with it. I don't think he wanted to team up, either, because literally none of the other three Really did. If 3/4 of a guy start gagging at the idea of Working With People, the chances of that last part doing the same is pretty high.
He definitely latched onto the others, Vio and Blue more than Green, and I frankly think he admired Blue the most. It became less necessity and more "I want us to stay together."
It's not perfect, it never would be on such short notice. Blue's temper is insane, Green seems to doubt himself, Vio literally wants to be anywhere else all the time, and Red's trying to give them a shared goal of Not Letting Him Die.
Red's lesson from being split up kind of...doesn't make sense to me, personally. The lesson he said ("I learned I can't rely on others to protect me all the time!") seems flimsy. The situation he was put in, Kakariko and the Fire and the Thief, doesn't FIT that lesson. Not quite. Sure, he was alone there, but that was the case for ALL OF THEM (except Vio and Shadow making out in the trees), he wasn't special for that. I honestly, wholeheartedly believed Red learned a different lesson, and he felt like he couldn't Say It.
He learned he doesn't always know what's right. He saw a kid in trouble, and his morality told him to protect the child, as the son of the captain of the royal guard. He did so because it is in his moral compass, and he paid for it. He chose to try and trust the kid again because of his kind nature and soft spot for children, and, again, it BIT HIM. He tried to do what HE THOUGHT was RIGHT, and things kept getting WORSE for him. He learned that trying to hold the group together the way he was, the "right way" in his mind, wasn't going to make things better.
So he eases out of that role little by little, not too quick upon reuniting with Blue and eventually Green. By the time they're in the Tower of Winds with Vio on their side again, Red is still like chest deep in the role he made for himself.
Their father appears, and he's terrified because he's caught between moralities, I think. He must protect the ones he cares about the most, but when both blades are held by hands he knows so well, it's tearing him apart.
He genuinely cares about the other three. When he was grasped and in danger and Blue saved him before he could even think about it, I think it was one of the most Real versions of him that compelled him to act SO GAY. "My blue hero!" GIRL PLEASE.
Shadow sacrifices himself, and Red looks almost Blank about it. He doesn't understand, not fully. It's not sinking in, the sacrifice made. He is meant to protect and care for and hold Link together, to be a foundation of good deeds. Red is Link's Morality, and Link's Morals are very ideal.
In the Ideal Situation, Shadow wouldn't need to die. Because he's atoned and chosen light, then Hylia should have let him live in that light. But as the glittering shards of the shade float away, that's not what happened. It wasn't RIGHT, it wasn't how it should have gone. Like Blue, who kept lashing out, though much more self-aware, Red hadn't done a 180 upon learning his lesson. What was right, even if it didn't always Fix Things, was RIGHT, and the goddesses were meant to be RIGHT.
And the end wasn't right, either. They grew and changed so, so much, shouldn't they have a happy ending? But he understands a little better, now, and knows that what he thinks is right might not be what is right to the goddesses, so he's resigned, if not emotional.
He may have gotten a chance to show he cared, but as Blue wiped his tears and told him they were all just going to be closer than ever, he never got to SAY how much he cared.
Shaken, changed, and unresolved, they plunge the sword into the pedestal, and Red's story ends.
I have no idea how much of this made sense, but these are my biggest thoughts whenever I read through the manga. If Blue and Vio are the two plates, and Green is the main part of the scale, then Red is the thing binding Blue to Green to Vio, allowing their differences to weigh and be judged. Red is what connects them, it's what he'd been trying to do from the beginning.
Everything he did was to try and keep them together, because the stories always taught the lesson that the hero with the strength of four fought to the end as one. Even if he didn't personally like it, it was how it was supposed to go.
And that's one thing he was sure he was right about as it all blended together.
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mangokabuto · 11 months ago
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Ohhh man... I'm going to be murdered if I say "all of them" but. Well. I promise I'm not "different from the other girls" or something LMFAO I just typically can't get behind monogamous ships because they do not interest or intrigue me, usually? It takes some really compelling characters to pull it off in a way that will get me invested. And honestly, I REALLY hate in shipping fanfiction/etc where the shipped-characters-in-question are portrayed as feeling "more" for their partner (singular or plural) than the rest of the crew. I feel this way for One Piece and the strawhats specifically. Like, as soon as I see the "A missed their captain and their crew, but they realized that they missed B more" or "loved B more" I've clocked out. It's just fully not believable to me. Why does romantic always have to be more, instead of just different? This is separate from my bias as a polyamorous person, btw. I'm not fond of the idea that you HAVE to love your romantic partner MOST; Like if you're closer to your best friend than your partner then you've failed somehow?? Or like you're supposed to be less close to your friends once you have a partner?? That's insane to me. And SPECIFICALLY I think it doesn't fit these characters. If there's anyone on the crew that any of them feel "more" for than the others it's Luffy, and they ALL feel that way, and it doesn't interfere with their romantic relationships because that is silly. ...I realize this probably isn't the type of answer you were looking for, haha. For a simpler one: I don't really get the romantic chemistry behind zosan as a ship, unless they're in a polycule with other people. Which is weird, because enemies-to-lovers usually gets me! Also I don't get the romantic chemistry behind lawlu either.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I have several favorite characters honestly, and I haven't been in the fandom long enough to know the most common opinions like that outside of some large-sweeping and very common ones. (So, it's hard for me to answer this question with Franky or Bon Clay.) So, I'll pick an example that involves two of my favorite characters (Usopp and Zoro) I feel very strongly about the platonic divorce arc (Water Seven), and I think a lot of people either don't really understand what Usopp did/was thinking, or don't really understand what Zoro did/was thinking, or both. Which sucks. "Get wrong" is a loaded term, since everyone's entitled to their own opinion/interpretation, ofc, but... I stand FIRM in my belief that if Zoro had not held the line like that, Usopp would not have been able to come back to the crew, and the crew wouldn't have survived it if he came back anyway. Zoro enforced that boundary BECAUSE he loved everyone involved, not because he "hated usopp's cowardice" or whatever the fuck. Usopp decided to leave, and Zoro held him to his word, and there is a lot of respect in that. And Usopp DID fuck up! Bad! He needed to apologize, and the Usopp fans out there who think "Usopp did nothing wrong/shouldn't have needed to apologize" need to unpack why they think so. This isn't to say Zoro and the others did everything right, either. EVERYONE fucked up there, but Usopp fucked up the most! Usopp stans I know there are few of us and we're used to him getting shit on by the fandom, but we need to accept that he really was at fault. And it's good to have a character in fiction who stumbles for understandable reasons, then pushes too far, and then is able to fix what they'd done and mend their relationships. That is a beautiful and important thing to have. (If anything, I think Usopp's apology should have been a little better, but that's just me.)
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
I could be here all day. :') I know anything is possible and different strokes for different folks, but I cannot believe THAT MANY people find Sanji and Law THAT attractive. Sanji's popularity baffled me more than law, but still. I know tattoos are hot but come on. Lets be serious. It's just us here I won't be mad tell me the truth
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
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For my other controversial picks I also think Franky, Jinbe, Mont Blanc, Brook, Big Mom, Blackbeard, Magelllan, World from that one movie, and Borsalino are attractive but those aren't as controversial -- I've seen a couple other people be as open about them -- but no one appreciates my husband. Cowards!!
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jounosparticles · 1 year ago
Hello o/ i just finished midterm im finally free orz.How are you doing?
I want to asked what do you think about Fukuchi?like his relationship or morality anything in general.Hes such an interesting character i wish ppl talk about him more.
hello! i’m pretty good! finished a read through bsd beast today (fantastic novel btw) and will work on some writing tonight i think!
i hope your midterm went well!! feel free to tell me about it if you’d like :) i’m interested
and ty for asking about fukuchi! i have lots to say about him.
fukuchi - my opinion
first off i will preface this by saying i USED to be a fukuchi hater. he used to really piss me off but looking back it was 100% biased towards the characters he hurt and i didn’t think too much of his motives. i actually really like him now and believe he’s very underrated.
for starters, i LOVE his design. the face scars especially really tie everything together. i also like his silly moustache hehe
his role as a hunting dog was really great and i hope we see more of that—some sort of pre-DoA scenes where we see the hunting dogs work together so i can look into their dynamics more. it seems that he genuinely was a good leader and cared for his squad. he was fun and lighthearted and seemed to be kind to his subordinates.
i really hope we get some sort of scenes where we see him interacting with the other members of the DoA, flashback scenes or something. we only really seen him interact with bram. i feel he would have gotten along well with sigma, since neither of them are bad people. in contrast i want to see him interact with fyodor and nikolai for the very opposite purpose.
i somewhat sympathized with fukuchi when he was fighting atsushi and akutagawa, his view on war clearly messed him up a ton and he just appeared to have a bad approach to solving what was right. i regret to admit i think i let a lot of the general perception of fukuchi hinder my opinion on him here. i understood his motives to a degree but couldn’t like him for that (which has since changed).
i wholeheartedly believe fukuchi is a good person. he is severely traumatized from all the war he had to deal with, which altered his perception on a good approach to solving things.
assuming he is around 45 years old, he would have received the warning of the war at the age of 9. imagine being a small child and realizing you have to save millions from dying? yet throughout it all he kept a great composure and was kind to others. the scenes where he was with fukuzawa as a child showed he was a good kid despite the huge task he would need to complete. this displays immense courage.
now more onto the DoA era.
notice how he turned everyone into vampires instead of just killing them? partially this was likely to build an army, however i assume part of it was to keep people from dying. he doesn’t want any more bloodshed and did what was necessary. he never told anyone about this though, there’s a good chance bram would have been more willing to help had he been open about the plan. maybe?
the way he treated bram wasn’t great though. it would have been cool to see him talk to bram about it and they work together. of course bram didn’t really seem to care too much about humanity before meeting aya, so he may have not agreed.
fukuchi was also incredibly smart for trusting fukuzawa to do what was right. it really shows their bond and how they knew each other. i’d love to look into their dynamics more, especially the scene where fukuchi tries to convince fukuzawa to go to war since there was a ton of symbolism there.
fukuchi and jouno’s bond also intrigues me. we know he invited jouno to the hunting dogs with the goal of him joining the DoA yet jouno was too influenced by good to be able to do it. i wonder if fukuchi would have told jouno the truth in the case that he agreed to join? or did he assume jouno was willing to be a ruthless killer? id like to think that fukuchi believed jouno had the morality to keep the agency safe despite being supposed to act evil; since fukuchi didn’t actually want them dead. ill make a longer analysis about this idea soon actually since it has the little gears in my head turning.
his relationship with tachihara is also interesting to me. i haven’t thought too much into it, but i believe fukuchi said something along of being disappointed in tachihara’s "betrayal". it makes me wonder if maybe he had hoped tachihara’s morality had changed in the mafia so he would never need to face him in battle? i’ll have to reread the chapters and look into this more.
his relationship with teruko also is one that makes me quite sad. she looked heartbroken as she had to kill him. she was also the only one he told other than fukuzawa about his real plan (as far as im aware). they were definitely close.
in the end, fukuchi’s reveal of the truth and everything he had been dealing with for so long made his actions make a ton of sense. he was just a person with a huge responsibility who tried to save things as well as he could. i really wish he could have gotten closure on the world he saved (if he is truly dead). he’s a fantastic character and has a ton of depth. i only scratched the surface here. maybe i will need to make an "in defence of fukuchi" essay at some point.
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thesingingrevolution · 1 year ago
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when i started liking nct, i wasn’t sure what it would be like to have a bias. do i have just one for the whole group? do i have several? i wasn’t sure. before i made an active choice to learn them, i actually knew many of their names and faces, just not who was who. i was familiar with mark and johnny (ofc hahaahah) as well as some others such as taeyong (superm), yuta (my artist friend likes him and used to draw him), ten (superm), jaehyun (i liked him), jungwoo (i was really into skz and i saw him with lee know all the time), hendery (i wanted to know if any idols speak portguese and i found out nct has a member from macau), and yangyang (i followed him on insta and he was hilarious lol). im so silly i just named like all of them hhhng but i knew a lot of their names, some of their faces and for the majority of the ones listed i knew both. i knew my favest fav winwin by name. i found dm i sent him long before i stanned him. i sent him his own then-recent post and i said he was cute. i knew of him but i didn’t know him. and with nct it took me a while to figure it all out, but once i did i never looked back hahaha.
the first neo who every caught my attention in a bias kinda way (not like mark for appearing in a kpop funny moments or knowing ty from superm) was actually jisung. i saw him sing and dance and i thought he was so cute. i did my research and found out more about him and while i was casually checking them out i really liked jisung. i also had a jeno phase but jisung was really my guy hahahahaha.
i don’t remember everything, but when i started being an NCTZEN for real, my first fav was jaehyun, i have always loved jaehyun because his vibes are so good i genuinely really love him. he was the fav for a while. i was also really intrigued by taeyong, he was one of the top contenders. i was also considered yuta but it was a little less than ty and jh. when i really got into dream jaemin really caught my attention. i loved his personality and his performances. Wow….. jaemin is so special his energy is everything it felt so right. hahahaha. i soon after checked out wayv and i was CAPTIVATED by xiaojun, honestly how is he so gorgeous. i thought he was unreal with his beauty and his talents. i think xj, alongside jh and jm was one of the first that really was a strong contender for #1. but as i got more into wayv, I was obsessed with kun. Like crying because of how much i loved him obsessed (well documented on here btw). he is just too amazing i’ve never seen anyone like him. he basically shot up so many places so quickly. the first member version i ever got for any album was a kun one. there isn’t really a specific part on the timeline for this but i considered my original fav mark. mark is the first neo i ever heard of because of course, and mark is just awesome. i think just like jh his vibes are so good. you can just immediately fall in love with his adorableness and how funny and sweet he is. he was and always will be up there.
but honestly, everything changed when i started paying attention to winwin. i can’t even explain it, It was literally like a magnetic pull because i was so close to just giving up and being like dang i guess i dont have a oneitis in this group. i dont have just one Bias™️. and it’s all good. but someone had a problem with that lol. like i said it happened overnight basically but i started paying attention to him after he initially captivated me and i just knew. like within 3 days i knew . Well honestly i knew before but i was like 100% sure in a matter of days. basically love at first sight idk. Everyday i wake up and know i made the right choice even though it was never really a choice like he decided it for me. i just fell in love with his adorable and funny personality as well as his sweet face. i really love his dancing and how i see so much……. good? from him. It’s hard to explain exactly. but he just seemed so right from the start. and i adore him so much he is just so lovely…. i’m grateful for him. i’m grateful for all neos i love u all so much. but of course special shoutout to my main man 🤭
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
Or you should only get married once- or that! Ok! Girl YOU help, you're the one there!
This scene made my mom do her resistance band physiotherapy while we were watching lol Oof poor beckett. trauma or smth. Like hamantha except it doesn't actually work that way, right? Mythbusters did that
Oh that's so tragic Is that pattern or blood on him? Pattern. it is the weave of his shirt.
not a good joke XD Beckett looks nice today but also like that shirt is pyjamas. Castle looks normal, good as always, ryan is wearing that suit style he does, love the vest as always. & let's check my laundry to make sure it doesn't flood. Wait I had a dream about chicken stock last night. It was intense. At least, for me, a chef.
When I first watched this I didn't get it but now that it's the second time I can hear the "It’s a common ammunition favored by… ...........long range shooters." LMAO INTERNET EXPLORER do adults actually say "I'm a big girl" in a serious way? I thought it was lighthearted, like it seems here. "haha I'm a big girl now, you don't need to avoid the word, silly you silly me" See after this point it became seamless, shooter sniper whatever. Bro what's so special about "my unit" of special forces. (tho yeah it really is skill to be able to do that) Oof she asked if she felt it Why would you say that castle?
Ok so exit wounds are so so much worse than entrance wounds, but we only get a glimpse of her back so yk maybe we can't see it. But as someone else pointed out, She Had Surgery. She should have not only a Bullet Scar, but also the Surgical Scar.
Ooh now that's a sexy gun. & I'm an anti-gun person. (doesn't mean I can't find guns intriguing.)
The way the shooter was looking made it seem random. I also did not see a flag.
Poor beckett & the car door. Someone needs to write that fanfic at the diner under the table & I think it is going to have to be me. The captions wrote nada THIS time. The what now? I'm not american idk any dc shooter Ooh good scenes, the overwhelm overstim sounds doppler shiny it tickles my neurodivergence (adhd) as it prods at hers (ptsd) yo I LOVE hearing him talk smart like that. Lanie looks soo so cute when she's concerned Nobody's going to offer her a hand up? why was the /siren/ the trigger tho? btw nice jean jacket
wait I was looking on the wrong side of the sign! I went back & I did see the corner of the flag I think.
Ryan has a nice jacket, light grey with a faint square pattern on it, plus a lapel pin as always, blue dhirt, tie, & looks like the pants match the jacket. Esposito has a collared t-shirt, grey/black, only three buttons or so, badge around his neck. Yeah castle shut it Uh gates, you should have identified that you were asking about links first. close to a thousand qualified shooters just from this country tho. You have more than that. Ryan asks if she is ok when she just doesn't respond & like bro of effing course she is not ok but he is expressing concern & I love it
KB: I don’t have PTSD. me: you literally do??? You know, paranoia sucks but sometimes it can be useful. I always try to sit facing so I can see the room or the door but that's mostly paranoia. I NEVER go through a door I don't know I can open again but this one is actually useful & important. Yeah it is a bit paranoid to check the door every time I take a break at work but at school I went to take a break & check the door & I was right that it didn't open. In fact: right after I checked, someone came through a door on the other side & I had to let them in. Mum used to work in an airport. I grew up post 9/11, there are school/mass shooting crises, so the airport would host active shooter training. Heck, I was at a religious event & we got a bomb threat! So yeah, I care about this stuff. Always know the exits & muster points in case of fire or shooter. Always know where the fire extinguishers are. Yeah maybe some anti anxieties would help take the edge off until you deal with the trauma, then you can go off the meds once you've dealt with it. But lots of anti anxieties & SSRIs take a couple weeks to work hun "you don't have to" ugh so so good She's got to be able to do something to take the edge off while she refuses to deal with it for real...
RC: How worried should I be about Beckett? She’s never snapped at me like that before. JE: ... ??/ . RC: And meant it. JE: Hell, it was bad for me when I came back and I never took a bullet. Except then in s5 they retcon that, espt says to his bud that he took a bullet for him & the bud owes him info on this burner laptop. RC: Well, at least she doesn’t remember it. JE: Or she doesn’t want to remember. RC: JE: A thing like that? It’s easier to just keep in a box. [& yk what? Good for her if that was the case.] This case might bust that box open. RC: So, what can we do? KR: Catch the shooter. ["I will be once jerry tyson is in cuffs"] JE: He’s right. Best thing for everyone, Beckett included. In the meantime, just give her space and don’t take it personally. They all love her sm lmao freaking windows media player he is either taunting you, or he is asking for help, same with the little things he leaves at every scene dna? really? ig it is just a figure of speech
cool ass telescope wow I hate the imperial system sm why would a worker's kid be up here with a paper doll? on top of the sandbag/cement bag, castle. That's how you shoot babe. Adjusting for wind is so technical, it's so smart & difficult. Ooh! Another shooting victim? At the same time that espt is explaining it? So cool! hats off to the writer/director/editor/everyone. Or wait, it is not a NEW shooting, it is the one we already saw. Regardless, I love the audio too.
People are GOING Love how castle makes it sound like it's his idea Loud clap of the elevator doors
HOLY CRAP 92 IS A HECK OF A LOT. Seriously, if you want to get into a fight, get two lines of people, & make em hash it out in a good old fashioned brawl, no weapons, & see who wins. woah kate maybe it is time you step off the case. Ask gates to force her off the case. Beckett would hate you even more, gates, but the rest of the team would thank you.
Hun becks is not the one to ask for his help after accusing him like that. kinda wish we got to see more of espt's interview with the fellow
castle coffee is not a good idea, it makes you shakey & anxious. Wait it's decaf. Decaf is just the grossness of the coffee without the caffeine... I think that castle gave her that magnifying glass oh nvm little point viewing espt's interview with marcus
KB: >:( KR, softly: Hey. We’ll figure it out, okay? ugh so soft & caring wait u can get dna from sweat? Also how do you get the sweat dna without the moleskin dna? wow I just noticed beckett has small ears KB: You know he saw her face when he killed her? People always think that snipers are so removed from their targets. But he wasn’t. He was as close as we are right now, looking through that scope. Wow that's something.
mum didn't even recognize becks here bc she looked so out-of-it tbh I thought this was a dream. esp with where her gun was. fun story (with sui tw): mum got into a car accident on the way to school. The car flipped upside down & she had to push herself against the roof of the car to be able to unbuckle herself & get out. When she was ou ttho, she realized she had to go back in & remove the heavy metal music from the CD player so the media couldn't blame it for the accident. As she was going back in, she cut her hands by crawling on the glass. There was blood dripping down her hands onto her wrists. Mum looked at the car & said "my parents are going to kill me." So rumour got around. Nowtransparent had blood on her wrists! Ntp was bleeding from her wrists, she got cut on her wrists! She said her parents would kill her! Ntp cut her wrists! Ntp cut her wrists on purpose! Ntp killed herself because her parents were going to kill her! Ntp's parents were so mad that she killed herself! & then mum showed up to school & everyone was like "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD" (reminds me, she apparently cut herself when she was younger maybe 13, to see how much it would hurt if she killed herself, because she was an undiagnosed ADHD girl in the 80s.)
You know what, some ppl complain that alexis should not have been the one to figure it out bc there is a team of cops but seriously? I think it doesn't matter & is better for the story & possibly more accurate in some ways too. Tho it just so happens that alexis knows this painter? that part is far fetched. along with the pronunciation. But heck yeah let her live her life it's fine!
Yeah ppl are going to think it is self inflicted. She should really be wearing a more skintight type of sweater, I know she has them, & she should not have bled thru at least not that far. as a SHer I say she could do so much better ryan's so pretty! I'm not a fan of striped shirts but he wears them so often & this one is so pretty. & he has a tie & vest of course. lmao love how beckett is "new york city street name" but ryan is like "church" it warms my folk-catholic heart why are So Many phones ringing & why is nobody answering...? this is the entire homicide department
Well that was scary she was just there on the stretcher... When she took off her jacket I thought for sure she'd have a vest on. she takes off all the stuff to get out of cop mode! that's it! Like how you are only allowed to play with your service dog after you take of their jacket & they clock out. Where is castle tho? He surely would have followed her
This episode is way more esposito involving than I thought it would be. [21:59, INT. PRECINCT, BULLPEN - DAY] RC: She’s spinning out of control. She’s losing her ability to cope. [Esposito blinks at Castle solemnly. The elevator dings & Castle nods to it. The door opens and Beckett hesitates & then steps out, her hands are deep in her pockets.] RC, lowering his voice & stepping closer to Esposito: She should not be on this case. JE: Well, she’s not just going to walk away. [is this man wearing eyeliner btw? bc if he is I love it] RC: No, she’s going to drive herself into the ground. And you’re the only one [Esposito breaks eyecontact] who has any clue as to what she’s going through. So, what helped you? [Esposito looks over to Beckett. Castle follows. Beckett walks to her desk, seemingly shaken. Esposito looks back at Castle & nods.] I'm sure more of them have been shot at some point or another but ig beckett's experience was probs more intense since she almost died. I mean remember when esposito said that ryan was waiting for the other shoe to drop in 4x4 in reference to 3x6?
[22:28, INT. PRECINCT, EVIDENCE ROOM - DAY] KB, hands still deep in her pockets: Espo, what are we doing back here? [I like the nickname espo just fine but the emphasis is on the sito half of it & most nicknames are the emphasized part.] JE: I want to show you something. [Esposito takes out a sniper rifle from under the table.] KB: What is that? JE: The rifle…that shot you. KB, soft & strained: You are way out of line. JE, lifting his fingers to gesture while he holds it: Just look at it. KB: [backs away a bit] No, what the hell are you doing? JE: I’ve been where you are. I know what you’re going through. KB, looking a bit mad now even tho she's on the verge of tears: Javi, I’m fine. [ooh first names] JE, walking slowly closer to her around the table: You’re not fine. You’re just trying to act like you are. [fake it until you make it?] This is just a tool. [Beckett stands with her arms down & out, most fingers are holding her jacket sleeves down but one on each hand is sort of pointing to her.] It’s a hunk of steel. It has no magical powers and the person that fired it is not some all-powerful god. He’s just a guy with a gun. [Beckett either nods or kind of sobs/shakes I can't tell.] Just like the guy we’re hunting now. And like every other bad guy, ["bad guy"] he’s damaged goods. KB: [Blinks, then swallows.] So am I. JE: [eyes flick down to where she was shot for a split second.] That’s right. [Beckett watches him with hurt in her face.] And that’s okay. You think it’s a weakness? [with a firm, almost angry face] Make it a strength. [some things you can do that with but idk abt this... I do like how he does not argue that she is not damaged tho. he says yes you are, we are, & it is not going to break us, it is not going to hold us back. He also says that somehow one can make it into a strength but yk I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.] It’s a part of you. [Beckett cries a single tear. Esposito holds the rifle out for Beckett to take it.] JE: So use it. [The music is solemn. Beckett slowly approaches Esposito who has the rifle extended & she takes the rifle slowly, hands shaking. She sniffs & is crying. Esposito watches her. Beckett makes eye contact & nods. Esposito nods back. He glances down, probably to make sure she has it, then walks away.] Ok so wtf just happened? is THAT what helped u espt? You're just going to leave her now? I'm kind of confused. It was a great great scene tho. Maybe I'll record it for the internet
The nods between castito Man is definitely flashing the camera that coffee cup on purpose
Oh I thought esposito was covering for her, she's actually out here running down a lead. Or not a lead but she's out here with that gun. She just has it & is walking around with it She pulled something? She has a cell phone...
Man just counting money at the table The faces that caspocketto share when becks comes back in <3 Hey mom said she thought the guy had a limp!
Was there some sort of identity switch? He's still my brother
Yeah people are very good at not noticing homeless people
Oh dang that's not an it. Those are many.
Different lighting. The bullets sound like a pack of pencil crayons. Ryan has not changed, is it the same day?
Castle CARES. He is not just in it for the story, he is more useful helping ryan figure out the victims.
I know I'm anti gun with pronouns but dang that is a nice gun. hold on where did they find his car? Was it near where he is rn, getting into position?
lmao high schoolers. I like how the bus driver just smiles back at them too.
I like how the one pedestrian starts running when they see the cops. Esposito goes the other way... Also he gets the big gun lol. Ryan whispering "Come on, come on." & then yelling "Answer your phone, damn it!"
he is NOT going to be there. Or he is & is going to target beckett on purpose. wait this was ONE open suite? It's huge! he isn't going to be in this room either or nvm there's just a random photo of a schoolbus there or wait no he's not here or ok he is then! Wow that was a lot ooh, you see how he kicked her gun off to the side but he has a prosthetic leg? Love it when they have characters with speech impediments & it is not the butt of a joke Just like Mike Royce said, flash your tits! See? He was leaving those dolls there for a reason u r still the enemy kate... Frame rate. They sell highspeed cameras you know. Tho idk how much one would cost for movies. It might have a better frame rate but it might be more pixelated or the colours might be off idk. THAT'S why esposito went to the other roof. He looks stressed af there, see the way he's breathing out?
RC: Just waiting for my partner. Maybe you’ve seen her. Pretty girl, thinks she can leap tall buildings in a single bound, carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet still manages to laugh at some of my jokes. [xd some of my jokes] well castle did push, but he pushed esposito. always <3
girl back in s1 maybe s2 you said it took a year of therapy to get over the fact that your mom was killed & you spent your life then being normal so why can't you go back to that? CB & me: she's dead, u can't let her down I hope he doesn't turn out to be evil.
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tvmm7 · 8 months ago
LMAO I GET SO WORRIED ABOUT RANTING!! but yes, I believe everyone should agree with getting Jay.
TO RANT MORE!!! ‼️spoilers lmao‼️
Okay I absolutely love the concept of Brian and Alex coming back like what you portrayed.
I also enjoy how you gave Alex some sort of humanity, since he was such a morally gray villian in MH. Him warning Tim, (but of course Tim isn't gonna listen) and then him knowing Jessica wasn't ready, voicing his concern, showing that he really does care. He's worried, and seems to be more upset at Brian for letting Jessica do that – giving her the idea to dress up and then ultimately dying on her first mission. I wonder if he felt guilty for not fighting her and Brian on it more, since he was quick to try and make Tim not go to Jay's when Tim discovered that Jay is Skully.
Don't get me started on how you portray Brian. I absolutely love how you made his character so silly, but also so serious all in one. It's hard to do, and you did that perfectly with Brian in QB. Him knowing he can't stop Jessica, so easily giving in and having some sort of hope that she could help, giving her the disguise, and leading her to her demise. He had to have known she wasn't ready, just like Alex had told him, but he wanted to have hope. I'm wondering if it's because he also wants Tim safe? They were best friends (and I am... a Brim shipper.. so excuse me for this speculation but I love them!) Same with what i said with Alex, I wonder if Brian feels guilty for guiding Jessica to her death.
And then Jay. While I'm so angry at him right now, how you've written him feels so genuinely manic. How he still acts like Jay, you didn't take his character away, but you've expanded on the issues he already had and made them so much worse. You didn't exactly add anything extremely new to him – not talking about the scars um! Those are new alright! – but the way you expanded on his already present issues is so genuinely intriguing to me because that is so hard to do. You've built is character insanely well, how he seems to love Tim but he has something he "has" to do – or he thinks he has to do. I actually have no idea how you're redeeming this man btw because WDYM WHAT HES DOING IS WORSE THAN WHAT ALEX DID....
Tim. God Tim. You have actually written him so insanely well. As above you've written everyone really well! But the way you portray him after everything – accurately portraying the trauma he would have gotten from MH. The love he still has for Jay, the immediate comfort Tim finds with Jay because it's familiar. The fact that Tim is so easily manipulated by Jay. Tim having such a naive trust in Jay because Jay was all he had for so long during MH and he loves him. And that is SO HEART BREAKING because obviously, Jay either feels the same way, or he just knows and used it against Tim – though, I'd like to assume he feels the same way.
Jessica.. I love how protective you wrote her, how she was quick to realize something is wrong with Jay. How she knows they've gone into something they definitely cannot handle. How she knows Tim is going to throw away the life he's built for himself. And how she decides she has to find proof that Jay is Skully, because she doesn't want Tim to be manipulated by him. Which ultimately led to her demise. Her determination and care let her to her demise, and that hurts more than her dying in general. The fact she died trying to protect, trying to help, trying to make sure Tim stays free from whatever is happening.
All in all, you write emotions so well. It all feels so real, which really puts MH to justice since MH also felt SO real in emotions. Also, the way you draw it all is so so good. The way you can portray the emotions in the comic is insane, because it's hard to do. You have inspired me so much ngl I really wanna make art for this 😭
Anyways, after that long rant! Hope you enjoyed that LMAO
Hi! I am LOSING IT.. I just binged all of Quartz Bees and LET ME TELL YOU..
1. I am obsessed with it! It's so cool!!
2. Almost the entire read through either my jaw was on the floor or I was panic covering my mouth.
3. I AM GOING TO GET YOU.. I am so in love and angry all at once I AM HURT.. I am so angry at Jay 😭
4. Absolutely in love with Brian and Alex being ghosts!! The concept is genuinely so cool to me!! I love Brian's goofy self.
5. I saw the thing where you said that Jay is going to do SO MUCH WORSE than was Alex did in MH and you have no idea how scared I am like I am fr horrified. Idc how many times you're apologizing Jay idc how sorru you are I AM GOING TO GET YOU!!!
..sorry for that rant! Anyways, please expect fanart from me when I finish my art fight attacks!
I am so happy you liked it!!!! Also I'm glad my whole audience agreed that they're going to get Jay XDDD
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gaycrimesagainstmutants · 2 years ago
Oh yasss rottmnt!!! Btw drink some water my fella!
Anyways, I was wondering if you could do a Donnie x male reader where the reader has recently adopted a kitten who's very playful and tends to scratch a lot but is still an adorable sweetheart and when Donnie goes to visit him, the kitten immediately likes him? I've seen cats distrust and dislike people that aren't good for their owners so the idea of the cat immediately accepting Donnie would be super cute imo. You can skip this ask if you want lol ^^
Kitty Cat
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Genre: Fluff
A/N: I'm prettyyyy sure Mnt. Dew has water in it, so I should be good! :) Haha, in all seriousness, ya'll stay hydrated! And thanks for the request. ^-^
"I seriously doubt you thought this through," Donnie said, tapping his foot as you fiddled with the door to your apartment.
"I did, Don. Trust me when I say that this was a perfectly thought out plan," You replied with a smile, cheering as you finally got the door open. Damn door and it's finicky lock, Donnie knew he'd have to fix it someday soon. Lest you break your hand trying to get it open.
When you had called Donnie a few nights ago, saying you found a poor little kitten in an alleyway, abandoned by it's mother, he had thought you would take it to a shelter. Or maybe give it to some extended family members. Not immediately get attached and try to keep it.
Not that he's surprised, you always had a bleeding heart.
Now, you had somehow roped him into meeting the thing. Something about how you wanted your two favorite creatures to get along. Donnie still thought it was a bad idea - you lived in a rinky dink apartment in New York, a city which had a new mutant or yökai or another odd threat every other week - but he couldn't judge. Your life, your choice.
So, as you two stepped inside your apartment and you went to go put up your belongings, Donnie decided to go searching for the little creature who lived in your walls. Didn't take him very long, the thing had somehow slipped behind the microwave and was meowing loudly for someone to come save it.
Donnie picked up the kitten by the scruff of it's neck and held it up, examining the cat with an analytical eye. The kitten was still young enough that there wasn't any clear way to tell their gender and from what research he did on cat species, they seemed to be a Ragdoll. "Intriguing," he muttered.
"Donnie, I swear, if you're expirementing on poor Crash," you said as you walked into the kitchen, gently scopping the kitten from his grasp and setting them back down to let them scamper off to go explore the apartment more.
"Crash?" Donnie asked.
"Short for Crashworth Cortex Bandicoot the First," you said with a shrug, before leaving the kitchen to go sit on the couch. Donnie paused for a moment, thinking about how silly of a name that was for a cat, before turning his attention to your snack cabinet.
After settling down on the couch next to you - granola bar and flavorless juice in hand - he thought that was the last he'd see of Crash for the rest of the day, besides the little bugger running into the living room to play.
At least, until he started clawing at the couch, meowing for your attention.
"Aw, come here baby," You cooed, picking them up and holding the kitten close to your chest. Donnie could almost wish you'd talk to him like that - so soft and full of childish love - if you didn't already do that, in front of his brothers no less. Oh well, it's onlt naturally for a kitten to want to spend time with it's owner.
Yet, the kitten kept meowing.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked, still using that cute baby-talk voice as Crash simmied out of your arms and leaped over to him. They circled around on his lap for a while, before laying down to rest, purring. "Hey, they like you!" You exclaimed, eyes shining with pure delight.
"I...suppose so," Donnie said, confusion laced in his tone. He knows cats can eat turtles - and that cats will, on many occasions - so he thought Crash would just see him as a gaint, walking tray of yummy turtle meat.
He supposed not.
Slowly running his fingers through the cats fur he was...pleasantly surprised. Normally, stuff like cat's fur would trigger all his sensory issues, but this nice and fluffy and didn't feel like a thousand ants trying to bury under his skin.
"You good, babe? You're zoning out," You asked, tapping his shoulder lightly with a concerned look on your face. Donnie cleared his throat.
"There isn't anything wrong, my dear. Let us focus on the show. Oh, remind me, what's it about again?" Donnie asked. The question sent you on a hyperfocused-induced ramble, which allowed Donnie a moment of breath and also to distract you from the rare pet name that slipped out in a moment of weakness or how he kept petting the sleeping kitten for the rest of the marathon.
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beeindaclouds · 3 years ago
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[I had to answer it this way so it looked better for me, hope you don't mind <3]
But hallo @thatoneh03 , love the username btw, but you gave me a run for my money haha/pos. This is the most specific request I have gotten so far but, like always, I'll try my best and hope not to disappoint
I did this while listening to Melanie Martinez cause I like a lot of her songs, so there's a little fun fact haha :)
Quackity × ancient!GN!Reader
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[The title is a bit confusing, but idk what to name it]
You became well known around the end of 2019
After appearing in the "movie" for Melanie Martinez's new album K-12
Some of the outfits perfectly fit your style and you were also able to help the actual stylist with some of the dresses for "Recess"
By 2020 you already had a good amout of fans and hopped on the trending app, tik tok
Instead of making silly little dances (I don't mean this is a mean way) you used the app to show off your many ancient outfits based off of the 700's
You loved to show off the super elegant dresses and prettily patterned suits; you even showed objects around your house that you found from the many vintage shops you visited
It didn't take long for you to gain your own community on the app. The fans loved the way you talked freely about your interests and you loved to share them
Something else you did on the app was storytelling. It was always easy for you to make up your own fantasy stories and share them with your audience, who listened like kids getting told their bedtime stories
Wilbur Soot was the one that reached out to you, after getting sent a tik tok of your stories from Tommy, and asking you to help them with their lore
You had watched some videos of the DSMP enough to know who was part of it and what was happening in it, so you accepted without a seocnd thought
You didn't partake into the lore, you were simply there to assist them with their stories, but you got whitelisted
That's where your and Quackity's paths first cross
Wilbur had told everyone in the SMP that if they ever needed help with lore they could ask for your help and Quackity quickly jumped on the opportunity
You gladly helped him with his ideas for Las Nevadas and you also made small talk about your lives and hobbies
He was always intrigued whenever you would talk about your stories and also reminded himself to compliment you after checking out your tik toks
And then he came to visit you
Something sparked when you two actually went out togheter for the first time
You two connected better then you ever had online, even if you didn't share many interests
He always seemed so awestruck whenever you talked about the stories behind the ancient objects around your house and you always flushed whenever he would go on one of his laughing fits
Needless to say that before the end of the trip you two had a long talk about your feelings and decided to make it official right then and there
You started appearing in some of his streams and people seemed to quickly recognize you as the ancient tik toker lol
Quackity loved to see you play on the SMP, not only to see you struggle with the games commands but also to see you interact with his friends and that part of his life
Something that did suprise your fans and Quackity was just how much your attitude changed
You've always been seen online as the "wholesome and polite" type and yet here you were sassing and cussing left and right
He almost fainted from all the laughing
You also made him try on some suits from the 700's and sometimes posted pictures of your matching outfits on Instagram and Twitter
Yall went viral once, if was a great collaboration between your fans
You 100% helped Quackity film for his recent lore stream
Definitely almost cried when he told you the idea for Slime's death
And he had to comfort and cuddle you for the rest of the day cause wHY SLIME. HE DIDN'T DESERVE IT AND I'M STILL NOT OVER IT- sorry ;-;
I went off topic at the end there oops :')
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chickenparm · 3 years ago
Btw would you be willing to write about Thieram again. I would love for the reader to make him blush and squirm.
okay yeah sure here's some more thieram, eat up anon slurrrrrp
Thieram(Chuck)/gn!Reader Drabble - NSFW Deep-Throating, Blowjob, Fluff ---
“Fuck-... Gods, you’re so good…”
Your hum is the encouragement he needs, compounded by the way you look up at him with pleading eyes and wet lashes from your tears. Another curse cuts from his mouth as you take him all the way inside again, your nose brushing the fine hairs at the base of his cock while you desperately try to work past the instinct to gag around him.
It happens anyway, and his head hits the wall with a sharp thud as he rolls it back. His hands clamp onto you - one around your shoulder the other at the back of your head to keep you against him for a moment longer. As soon as you start to pull away, he lets you go and looks down his face at you. You look a mess, drooling and crying and heaving for breath. Even so, you’re struck by the way his eyes almost seem soft.
Your tongue rolls out, intent on taking him until he can’t hold back anymore, but he hits you with a question that startles you, “A-Are we a thing?”
“Are you really asking that right now?”
“I-I mean… Sorry, I just… Nevermind.”
Thieram is still hard in your hand, and you resolve to answer that question as soon as you’re finished here - if only because you’re suddenly intrigued. The topic is dropped as his cock hits the back of your throat again. As you swallow and hum around him to stave off your natural reaction to the intrusion, Thieram whines your name in a way that is most definitely influencing your thought process, stunted as it might be at present.
Just like the times before, but no less satisfying, you let Thieram release on your tongue. He watches with fluttering eyes as you show it on your tongue, then pointedly swallow it. You hope he never gets used to your antics, if only to keep seeing him like this where his pulse is fluttering and he’s gripping the wall behind him with scratching fingernails.
When you get to your feet and kiss him, solidly and with his hands roaming wherever he can reach, you stop him from going any further than over-the-clothes groping. There’s a bit of panic in his eyes, and you realize it’s stemming from the unanswered question - he must think he’s crossed a line. Perhaps a few weeks ago he might have when this all first started, but you’ve had time to be unintentionally wooed by him when he sneaks glances at you at every opportunity.
The next kiss is much softer, more so than anything that’s been exchanged so far. To anyone else, it may be answer enough, but Thieram’s an overthinker with little to no confidence - so you spell it out for him.
“Do you want to be together? Be honest.”
It’s more emphatic than anything he’s said to you before, clear and concise and no sign of his nervous stutter. You’re almost ready to tell him you’re proud, before you remember exactly what that had been in answer to. And perhaps it’d be a bit demeaning, now that you think about it.
“Okay. So here’s what we’re gonna do, just so you don’t second-guess it,” You shift his hands to your waist, leaving him holding you comfortably as you lean into him in an embrace that’s decidedly tender, rather than the ones of passion you’d shared before. Thieram’s throat bobs as you lay everything out for him to understand, “We’re going back to my place when you’re done locking up. You’re going to fuck me stupid, and then I’m going to tell you that I love you, and you’ll get the answer to your question then, alright?”
The silly grin that’s beginning to spread across his mouth tells you that he very much understands, but he nods in approval anyway. For the first time, he takes the initiative to kiss you - so sweetly that it hurts your teeth. You love it anyway, going back in for another, then one more, and chasing after so many that he has to push you away or else Silco’s going to realize the two of you are fucking each other while Thieram’s on the clock.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 4 years ago
July 2nd - Daniel Ricciardo
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Based on New Year's Day by Taylor Swift and this request by @spikejonzed
Fluffly, mentions of sex, banter, nothing graphic.
BTW, I don't know how I've never paid attention to this song, it's so so beautiful and honest. I've thought about this concept before though: the "Sunday afternoon effect", when all the excitement of the weekend wears off and you're just hanging out with your friends, laughing about silly stuff, or cleaning up the house after the party. The thing is, the friends that stay till then are the ones you wanna hold on to, and the same goes for lovers. I feel kind of bad... well not BAD but you know, must be hard... when you're famous and rich, to recognize the good ones from the beginning before you give yourself too much away and it's too late.
To be honest with you guys, I think Daniel must feel a bit lonely sometimes. We all do, but to think that people are only interested in you for your fame and money must be tough... something you worked so hard, that you keep dedicating your life to, to think that that thing is the reason for your heartbreak, to your loneliness... It's a two-edged sword, isn't it? Anyway, I wrote this little something with Daniel in mind, hope you guys like it. Hope he finds someone to be like this someday. Hell, hope I find someone to be like this someday. I think everyone deserves that.
Daniel woke up in his bed, no shoes, but jeans and party shirt still on. The light coming through the windows, shining directly on his face, threatening to make his headache even worse. He let out a groan and turned to the side. There's someone on his bed with him. Shit. He just remembered. Last night was the first time he was introducing (y/n) to his friends. His birthday "small get together" (or at least that's what it was supposed to be) was the perfect opportunity for testing the waters and giving the "next step" without making too much fuss about it, after all, they've only been going out for a couple months and with his tight schedule it meant a lot of facetime calls and weekends, but almost no weekdays and routine stuff.
Yet, he was absolutely smitten with her, she was fun and easygoing, passionate about her own work and friends, but still caring and interested in him. They had amazing chemistry, mind-blowing even. But Daniel had lived enough to know that hanging out with someone on the weekends and knowing their best side was one thing, living through daily and mundane stuff was a completely different thing. Where this could go was still a mystery to him and he didn't want to raise too many expectations before he was sure. Still, she looked so beautiful sleeping, a true vision. He tried to remember if something had happened last night, but judging by his clothes still on, and hers as well, he guessed not. As if on cue, she smiled, with her eyes still closed.
"Stop being creepy" she said smiling. "I can feel you watching me sleep"
"You're not even asleep anymore" he smiled and she opened her eyes. He was taken back by her eyes staring directly into his.
"Still creepy though" she laughed, getting closer to him. He held her and they stayed like that for a while.
"Are you ok?" he asked her.
"What do you mean?
"Aren't you hungover, or sick?" he asked again and she laughed.
"Not at all. I have this really weird superpower, you know, I don't get hungover. Ever, actually" she laughed.
"I don't believe you. I have the headache"
"No, it's true. We did drink a lot yesterday, though" she commented.
"Yeah, well, welcome to having Australian friends. No such thing as light drinking with those guys" he laughed but grimaced at the pain in his brain.
"I'll get you something"
"For the pain" she explained getting up from the bed.
After a while she returned with a pill and a glass of water, passing them to him.
"Thank you, baby" he took the glass, finishing it. "Come back to bed now"
"Your house... like, I'm not even sure if I should tell you to take a look or just pack your essentials and abandon it" she smiled.
"Uhh" he groaned. "I'll call someone later"
"Like a constructor with a wrecking ball?" she laughed.
"It can't be that bad"
"It's bad" she started. "But we can manage it" He looked at her intrigued. "After a shower" she pulled his hand. "Join me?"
"If I ever say no to that question, just put me in an asylum" he said. "I need a kiss though, as motivation" he smirked.
"Noo... I have morning breath"
"What? Me too" he said pulling her down and kissing her anyway. "Uh, no. You're right. Yours is worst" he said laughing while getting up and walking into the bathroom.
"Asshole!" she laughed following him.
They stripped and got into the shower, taking turns in letting the water run through their bodies.
"Come here" Daniel said, putting some body wash in his hands and spreading them over (y/n) body.
"Hum... this feels nice" she said.
"You're so beautiful" he said kissing her shoulder.
"You're so wasted" she laughed lightly.
"Hey! I'm sober. I'm just too tired. Give me a couple hours to recover, and I'll claim my birthday privileges"
"Birthday privileges? It's not even your birthday anymore" she laughed.
"Okay, but first, it's the weekend of, and second, I didn't get any time alone with you yesterday"
"Fair. And what will be your requests, may I ask?" she asked teasingly.
"Humm... you're so creative" he said kissing her. "I'm sure we'll think of something"
They finished the shower after a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable silence.
"Did anyone crashed here?" (y/n) asked when they were stepping out of the shower.
"I have no idea" Daniel answered. "I just remembered going to take a nap and waking up this morning. Shit, we didn't... did we?" (y/n) laughed out loud at that.
"Wow! Really, Dan?"
"We did not. I would've remembered"
"Good save. Such a gentleman" she laughed.
"I drank way too much. Sorry. Don't be mad"
"It's fine. I'm messing with you, I don't remember anything either. To be honest, I don't even remember joining you on your 'nap'" she said making air quotes.
"We're the worst hosts" he said getting out of the bathroom and going into the closet to get some clothes.
(y/n)'s heart swelled at the thought of hosting a party with Daniel. There was something so intimate about that statement, so homey.
"You want a shirt?" Daniel asked from the other room, waking her up from her daydream.
"Yeah, sure" she took the shirt, some underwear, and some sweats. Then brushed her wet hair and looked in the mirror. Not a trace of makeup left. She sighed thinking about how falling into a routine with Daniel meant letting the barriers down.
"Alright, snap out of it" she said to herself, getting out of the bathroom and walking outside, to the living room where Daniel was standing rubbing his neck and looking around.
"This is bad" he said when he saw her joining him. There were empty beer bottles and cups all around the living room and balcony, pizza boxes (with half-eaten slices left behind) in the coffee table, party decorations hanging from the ceiling, and the kitchen was even worse, with liquid spilled on the ground and bottles everywhere. There was glitter all over the floor and the couch - someone had brought some of those party poppers, which looked so much fun yesterday, but no so much now. But the best part was the polaroids, left all over the house with the craziest poses.
"Pack your stuff, we're deserting this goddam hellhole" he said and she knew he was joking, he said that about everywhere, but she still shook her head and rolled her eyes, picking a polaroid photo from the ground.
"Everyone had so much fun" she showed it to him. "I loved meeting your friends"
He took the photo from her hand, it was one where (y/n) was sitting on the couch with two of his buddies from Australia, making funny faces while holding cups. He remembered the moment because he was the one who took the photo.
"How's the headache?" she asked him.
"Almost gone"
"Good. So you don't have an excuse. Move your ass, where are the trash bags?" she laughed going into the kitchen.
"Hey! That was very sneak of you" he laughed but followed her anyway.
They spent the next hour collecting bottles, vacuuming glitter, and just cleaning the whole house. Daniel complained the whole time, but in truth, he was very glad to have her there. Sure, he could just ignore the whole mess and hire someone on Monday to clean everything (he probably would still do that anyway, for the heavy cleaning like bathrooms), but it was really nice of her to just stick around, seeming unbothered by the housework. When she finished tying the last trash bag and putting it on the entry hallway she flopped on the couch besides Daniel, who had called it a day some good 10 minutes ago.
"Done?" he asked her.
"I feel like punching you for asking me that" she answered playing annoyed. He lifted his hand in defense.
"What? I did my part!"
"Men" she shook her head. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about being hungry yet"
"Well, I'm starving! Was just waiting to suggest going out, or ordering in"
"Ordering in, please. I don't want to get off this couch any time soon"
Daniel got his phone out to order some food. It was almost noon, so he thought about something like pasta, some carbs would be nice right now. Then he felt (y/n)'s head drop on his shoulder, her hand caressing his arm. It was such a sweet gesture, so understated, he just stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
"What?" she looked at him.
"I'm really glad you're here. Thank you"
"It's nothing" she smiled.
"I don't mean the cleaning. Well, that too. But just, thank you for being you and wanting to hang out with me, you know, after the party"
"I'll always wanna hang out with you, partying or cleaning bottles" she said and leaned in to kiss him. "Happy birthday old man" this made him smile through the kiss.
"Thank you, young lady" he said still smiling. "Let's feed you now, yeah?"
"Please! Let's get some carbs on this house!" she smile.
"Hey, guys!" (y/n) and Daniel looked up to see Luke, one of Daniel's buddies walking out of the guest bedroom.
"Dude! I didn't know you were here" Daniel laughed.
"Yeah, just woke up. Definitely wasn't hiding in the bedroom waiting for the cleaning end to get out" he grinned making (y/n) and Daniel laugh.
"You know what? Just for that, you're going downstairs to pick up the food when it gets here, and taking out the trash!" (y/n) teased him, tossing a pillow from the couch at him.
Daniel just observed while his friend and his girlfriend joked and laughed. He thought about how right now he was enjoying a feeling of contempt that wasn't really natural or much appreciated by professional athletes, but this time felt right to indulge in it. He felt safe like someone's got him, finally. He took (y/n) hand on his and squeezed it three times, he knew this was already a good thing, something to last. She looked at him, she knew exactly what he meant.
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phulpakharu · 3 years ago
some initial thoughts about gintama now that i've started watching
NOTE: this entire post is my thoughts & just a whole bunch of speculation, so don't take me too seriously
gintoki: i love him. he is so pathetic, he is my girlfriend, my wife, my babygirl. but more seriously, i am sooooo intrigued by his character. i know more than the avg watcher because ruks has told me spoilers, but my initial perception of him is that he just... he wants to exist. he wants to exist, but is burdened with all of these things that i have yet to learn of. in the first episode alone you see a lot of... nuance? in his character. idk if that's the right word. but he's so... lawless? in his actions? again, it is difficult to find the right words— so he's lawless, but also displays a great sense of responsibility and general care for people around him. (except for when he left his katana with shinpachi so the cops wouldn't come after him, but he does feel guilty for it). but also he had no qualms about stealing and wrecking a cop car— loved that btw. also when he said: "the country? the sky? you can have them. i'm busy protecting the things in front of me." THAT WAS SO !! it's really setting the tone for how i perceive him. silly problematic guy who cares deeply for people and has a sense of responsibility. also when he encourages shinpachi to go after otae, that felt significant to me. for a man who was ready to run from the scene of the murder he committed, he's still so ready to help out these kids and easily helps because he's not willing to let them fend for themselves when he can readily help. he's careless when it comes to social norms and rules, but is deeply kindhearted and good, despite what i imagine is a very tragic backstory that i know only a few things about.
ok so, shinpachi: he's similar to gintoki, in that i think he just wishes he could exist simply; without the burden of dept, and the difficulties he faces as coming from a samurai family. he's the first character we meet in the show, which i think will be significant. while gintoki is the main character (with the show even being titled after his balls— how charming), i think shinpachi will end up being significant in a very.. understated way. like he's the glue that makes all the elements in his dynamic with gintoki & kagura work. idk if that makes sense. right now idk much about shinpachi, other than he, despite seemingly wanting a simple life, free from trouble, for him and his sister, there seems to be this underlying desire for something bigger? idk. but when he looks at gintoki at the end of the episode, after otae tells him to go in search of whatever he's looking for, it left me with a very strong impression. and i think that's all i can say for shinpachi right now— a strong personality, which seems to go kind of unseen. we shall find out when i watch i guess, lmao.
now, otae: i love her. i am in love w her. feral women are so important! she has a temper, and she wears her heart on her sleeve— in contrast to shinpachi, who seems more reserved than his big sister (at least that's what i'm getting rn). she's at times aggressive and asserts herself as such, because she has to be. without their father, i imagine she's carrying a big burden of taking care of herself and shinpachi, while also preserving their dojo and home. she cares deeply for people, and i think there's this emphasis on remembering the past with her, like: remembering where you came from. she holds their late father in high regard, despite him having made some poor choices in the past, leaving his children to handle the debt he's racked up. she's kindhearted, and when i look at it, it seems she's more forgiving than shinpachi (who's more bitter in some ways?) AGAIN THIS IS ALL SPECULATION, I COULD BE COMPLETELY WRONG. and yeah. shinpachi is by no means apathetic, but he kind of just lets things happen— in contrast to otae, who is more proactive. her temper does sometimes get the better of her, however, but she's— out of everyone, so far— the most earnest and forthcoming with how she feels, and what she wants. also she punched that shabu shabu alien fucker, and that made me real happy.
uh. i don't have many more thoughts. except, i am Very aware it's a bit insane to spend this much time flushing out my thoughts on a show i JUST STARTED. but i feel like that's just the gintama effect? i am just very attached to these characters already.
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jacepens · 3 years ago
Hey, how u doing? I wanted to ask for you for indications on washette fanfics, what are the best that you have
p.s. and yes, I do want to hear as well about yours in that list as well, 'cause they're gold
Hey! I'm doing alright:) Thanks for asking! What about you? (is this the correct tumblr to anon etiquette?)
Oh goodness this is such a loaded question because the answer is many. I hope you're alright with a big list sorted by category <3
Fluff! Fluff!!
The French Mistake
One of the first washette fics I read, so it holds a special place in my heart. A little silly, a little lams, ultimately very cute and good time.
Under the Arches of Moonlight and Sky
Just very good, cute, soft weary bed sharing. (this is only wholesome, I swear)
Let's Dance
Short, sweet fic with dance instructor George and our beloved two left feet Laf:)
I Like You Better in Real Life
Did someone say Influencer/Youtuber!Laf and President!George?? No??! Well start and read this fic. Seriously, it's a longer one, and just really damn cute. A bit of slow burn in terms of internalized homophobia (done in a good way) and trans Laf?? Yes. It's really so good.
The Prince
Ok, ok, it's one of mine. The one chapter is deceiving, it's decently long and featuring Prince!Laf and Royal Knight!George!:) Also magic!! angst, fluff, denial of feelings but then of course love confessions;) after angst though, don't worry haha.
Fathoms and Foundlings
Ooooohh boy. This. This one. Mermaid Laf and regular ol George! So so so well written, I mean, the feelings, the war, the weather, literally everything you can name, it's spectacular in this fic. Be warned, it is incomplete, but I remember when the latest chapter was released when I lost all hope (plus the author is still active) so I definitely don't count this one out of being updated!:) But, I'll be honest, I'm unsure about it being finished BUT I still think you should 1000% read this because you really will not find something like it anywhere else and it's just so cute!! Did I mention fucking amazing?
Whom can we trust now?
Platonic washette!! Really well written and just altogether really well put together!:) comfort after Arnold's betrayal! Seriously, I highly recommend this fic it's just so perfect of their relationship and cuuute.
The Particulars of Language
Oh goodness. Oooh goodness. This is so so cute. A nice little blend of angst and fluff and did I mention internalized homophobia? (In a good way, if that makes sense) Also so well-written by an incredible author, I just- language confusion. Need I say more??
Ok, ok, it's been too long since I read this one, so I will say, it is very tentatively going in this category. I just love soulmate au washette! Angst! Kidnapping? ...no final chapter. So I'm not sure, it could've been planned on ending very happy and fluffy! I do believe overall, this leans on the darker side, but I know I really love this one and they love each other. I want more washette soulmate aus.
Breaks your heart, puts it back together
what's my name, what's my station
Oh God oh fuck it's this one. (said with love). Brutal? Hot? Expanding my vocabulary?? An incredibly beautiful use of metaphors??? Actually feel like crying when I read it. Yeah. This is amazing.
May the Melody Disarm Us
Oh Godd oh Fuck it's this one. (maybe I should change this section's title) this one isn't even angsty per se, it's just like...brutally beautiful. They love each so much but oh my god. The metaphors, the way the author sets the scene and environment and everything! Ugh. So so good.
Let Down My Guard
Oh dear lord in heaven above preserve me. I'm gonna be dramatic but there are simply not enough words in the universe I have that can describe how I feel about this fic and how damn incredible it is!! And boy do I mean it when I say this one breaks your heart and puts it back together. I have seriously never sobbed over any piece of fiction like I did this. Just ahhhh. The feelings they develop for each other, the confusion of cultures, the secrets revealed?? I didn't even tell you Laf is a mermaid yet. Just- please. Please read this. It will rip your heart out, but it will put it back together. But really, this is just a fucking masterpiece and so so beautiful.
Porn With Plot
that dress you like
Very nicely done smut + feels! (Did I mention how nicely it's all done?) Oh! Did I mention genderqueer Laf? Yes.
Mon General / My Marquis
Ok the only reason this is going in this category is because I find the others up there more heart-breaky than this one. I love this one!! The historical details! Their loving relationship!! Very very good and lovely. With some angst of course.
The Mistranslation
Oh God oh Fuck it's this one. (I'll be saying that a lot). Would you like all these categories put into one beautiful fic?? Here it is, here. It's incredible. Please read it. It's free serotonin. (Did I mention incredibly written??)
The Things I Would Do to You
Ahhh ok. So. Super duper sweet, lots of angst sprinkled throughout but Laf's visit to Mount Vernon + feels + (smut). Need I say more??! Seriously, this is wonderful.
Not So Easy to be the Teacher's Pet
Oh. Oh god it's this one. So this is borderline Oof (Laf is 17) but if that does not bother you, then you are in for a treat!(??) Ok but really, lots of feels, denial of feelings, way-too-sweet-for-his-own-good Lafayette and poor confused George. Just fantastic.
Devil to Pay
Hoooo boy. If you like pirates or sea adventures, (hot pirate captains. I'm just gonna say it) then I'm literally begging you to read this. Kidnapped noble Laf?? Slowly falling for the pirate captain Washington?? Not to mention so many maritime details and wonderful emotions, beautifully crafted just. Spectacular. Please, read it if you haven't. Even if pirates don't appeal to you, they will after this fic.
A secret weapon
Ahhhh!!! Thiiiiiis. Is everything. Ok, yes, it includes more than washette, but I mean come on, it's (sexy) demons. It's desperate Washington trying to win a war and fight his gay feelings (guess which fight he wins?) But also, super well written and detailed and feels!! I adore this fic, and the whole series is a treat. Go read it. It's wonderful, you won't regret it.
Oof (not in a good way)
The Sweet Enjoyment of Partaking
If the not-so-sweet side intrigues you more, this is one of the few washette fics that I do love and is...not so nice. It's really good as a not nice piece! Pretty straightforward and fucked up. Ya (I) love to see it.
Oooohhhhhh. This is a fic I didn't read for a while just because I didn't know what it was but boy let me tell you, it is soo good. I'll say it's not as oof as the fic above, but oooh maaaannnnn. I don't know how to describe it just, don't expect sweet things, but if darker takes are your thing please go read this. You will not regret it. It's so damn good.
Day One Way, By Night Another
Ok ok here me out. This one might seem a bit random and it is. It's very short and for the longest time I didn't read it until I did and said ow because ow!!? I find this has the most impact going in unarmed so...watch out. (but like check it out. it's just so unique I really do love it)
Once More, With Feeling
Oh GOD. This one is quite brief and straightforward but if you are looking to rip your heart out with feels and angst then boy do I have the perfect fic for you. But seriously, it's so well-written and just expresses all the feelings so so perfectly. But at what cost? (Pls read it)
A Beautiful Tragedy
Hello darkness my old friend. Ok but seriously, this fic still remains so impactful in my own mind just as the writer. It's not a happy ending, but I try to leave you with hope. Pretty music that I highly recommend listening to, I don't know. I think it's really good, I don't say that often about my own stuff soo if you're ok with heavy amounts of angst and pretty aesthetics then check this ok!:) (but guard your heart, sorry not sorry<3)
Porn Without Plot
Betrayals and Allies
So, admittedly, this one very tentatively goes into this category because I find compared to the others, this one has less feels and less focus on it, but don't get me wrong this is very emotional!! It displays their relationship and love so cutely (and smutily..? new word) and as extra bonus it fills in the gaps of the deleted scene from Turn. You know the one;) It's very good!!
Cold Nights
Look at me adding another of my own. This is super duper short, but I kinda like how the emotions turned out. I think this was the beginning of my first dive into my current style of writing so that's cool I guess? But yeah no, it's porn without plot lol.
What Good is Honor When You're Starving?
Oh dear, another of mine in this category. I barely put this here, but the main focus is on the smut, but there are many many feels aplenty. Oh wait, did I mention vampire Laf? George definitely not falling in love... but really, I like how this one turned out!:) Good sexy vampire times (with feelings)
Ah wow! You stuck with me! Thank you! I...tried to keep it brief. This is not an exhaustive list by any means btw, there were a few (many) I decided to cut because I wanted this list to be all encompassing of many authors, styles, etc.
But anon, thank you for the ask and giving me the chance to rant about my favorite fics! My apologies on taking so long to finish, I hope you can understand my life has been a little hectic, but I always try to make time for washette;)
Thank you!!<3
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