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Some little doodles of more Yulü and Annabella shenanigans, accompanied by @mushroomnoodles ‘s Imon after freeing him from Morri’s grasp (for the time being.)
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2023/04/08 Después fuimos a una antigua instalación de extracción de sal de un rio. Aunque los edificios se encuentran abandonados y caídos, todavia se mantiene en pié toda la infraestructura creada desde la antiguedad para desecar el agua y que permaneciese el condimento para la alimentación.
Then we went to an old facility for extracting salt from a river. Although the buildings are abandoned and fallen, all the infrastructure created since antiquity to drain the water and to preserve the seasoning for food is still standing.
Google Translation into French: Puis nous nous sommes rendus dans une ancienne installation d'extraction du sel d'une rivière. Bien que les bâtiments soient abandonnés et tombés, toutes les infrastructures créées depuis l'antiquité pour évacuer l'eau et conserver l'assaisonnement des aliments sont encore debout.
Google translation into Italian: Poi siamo andati in un vecchio impianto per l'estrazione del sale da un fiume. Sebbene gli edifici siano abbandonati e caduti, sono ancora in piedi tutte le infrastrutture create fin dall'antichità per evacuare l'acqua e conservare il condimento dei cibi.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Depois fomos a uma antiga instalação de extração de sal de um rio. Embora os prédios estejam abandonados e caídos, toda a infraestrutura criada desde a antiguidade para evacuar a água e preservar o tempero dos alimentos ainda está de pé.
Google Translation into German: Dann gingen wir zu einer alten Anlage zur Gewinnung von Salz aus einem Fluss. Obwohl die Gebäude verlassen und verfallen sind, steht die gesamte Infrastruktur, die seit der Antike geschaffen wurde, um Wasser abzuleiten und die Würze von Lebensmitteln zu konservieren, noch immer.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Pastaj shkuam në një objekt të vjetër për nxjerrjen e kripës nga një lumë. Megjithëse ndërtesat janë të braktisura dhe të braktisura, e gjithë infrastruktura e krijuar që nga kohërat e lashta për të kulluar ujin dhe për të ruajtur shijen e ushqimit qëndron ende.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հետո գնացինք գետից աղ հանելու հին հաստատություն։ Թեև շենքերը լքված են և անմխիթար, սակայն հնագույն ժամանակներից ի վեր ստեղծված բոլոր ենթակառուցվածքները՝ ջուրը ցամաքեցնելու և ուտելիքի համը պահպանելու համար դեռ կանգուն են:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: След това отидохме до старо съоръжение за добив на сол от река. Въпреки че сградите са изоставени и запуснати, цялата инфраструктура, създадена от древни времена за отвеждане на водата и запазване на вкуса на храната, все още стои.
Google Translation into Czech: Pak jsme šli do starého zařízení na těžbu soli z řeky. Přestože jsou budovy opuštěné a opuštěn��, veškerá infrastruktura vytvo��ená od starověku k odvodu vody a zachování chuti jídla stále stojí.
Google Translation into Croatian: Zatim smo otišli do starog postrojenja za vađenje soli iz rijeke. Iako su zgrade napuštene i zapuštene, sva infrastruktura stvorena od davnina za odvodnju vode i očuvanje okusa hrane i dalje stoji.
Google Translation into Danish Så gik vi til et gammelt anlæg til at udvinde salt fra en flod. Selvom bygningerne er forladte og forladte, står al den infrastruktur, der er skabt siden oldtiden for at dræne vand og bevare smagen af mad, stadig.
Google Translation into Slovak: Potom sme išli do starého zariadenia na ťažbu soli z rieky. Hoci sú budovy opustené a opustené, všetka infraštruktúra vytvorená od staroveku na odvodnenie vody a zachovanie chuti jedla stále stojí.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Nato smo šli do starega objekta za pridobivanje soli iz reke. Čeprav so stavbe zapuščene in zapuščene, vsa infrastruktura, ustvarjena od antičnih časov za odvajanje vode in ohranjanje okusa hrane, še vedno stoji.
Google Translation into Estonian: Siis läksime vanasse jõest soola ammutamise rajatisse. Kuigi hooned on mahajäetud ja mahajäetud, on kogu iidsetest aegadest vee ärajuhtimiseks ja toidu maitse säilitamiseks loodud infrastruktuur endiselt alles.
Google Translation into Suomi: Sitten menimme vanhaan laitokseen louhimaan suolaa joesta. Vaikka rakennukset ovat hylättyjä ja hylättyjä, kaikki muinaisista ajoista lähtien luotu infrastruktuuri veden tyhjentämiseksi ja ruoan maun säilyttämiseksi on edelleen pystyssä.
Google Translation into Greek: Μετά πήγαμε σε μια παλιά εγκατάσταση για την εξόρυξη αλατιού από ένα ποτάμι. Αν και τα κτίρια είναι εγκαταλελειμμένα και εγκαταλελειμμένα, όλες οι υποδομές που δημιουργήθηκαν από την αρχαιότητα για την αποστράγγιση του νερού και τη διατήρηση της γεύσης του φαγητού εξακολουθούν να υπάρχουν.
Google Translation into Dutch: Daarna gingen we naar een oude installatie voor het winnen van zout uit een rivier. Hoewel de gebouwen verlaten en vervallen zijn, staat alle infrastructuur die sinds de oudheid is gecreëerd om water af te voeren en de smaak van voedsel te behouden, nog steeds overeind.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Så dro vi til et gammelt anlegg for utvinning av salt fra en elv. Selv om bygningene er forlatte og forlatte, står fortsatt all infrastrukturen som er opprettet siden antikken for å drenere vann og bevare smaken av mat.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnie udaliśmy się do starej instalacji do wydobywania soli z rzeki. Chociaż budynki są opuszczone i zaniedbane, cała infrastruktura stworzona od czasów starożytnych w celu odprowadzania wody i zachowania smaku żywności nadal istnieje.
Google Translation into Romanian: Apoi am mers la o veche instalație pentru extragerea sării dintr-un râu. Deși clădirile sunt abandonate și în paragină, toată infrastructura creată din cele mai vechi timpuri pentru a drena apa și a păstra aroma mâncărurilor rămâne în picioare.
Google Translation into Russian: Затем мы отправились на старое предприятие по добыче соли из реки. Хотя здания заброшены и заброшены, вся инфраструктура, созданная с древних времен для отвода воды и сохранения вкуса еды, все еще стоит.
Google Translation into Serbian: Затим смо отишли до старог објекта за вађење соли из реке. Иако су зграде напуштене и запуштене, сва инфраструктура створена од давнина за одвод воде и очување укуса хране и даље стоји.
Google Translation into Swedish: Sedan gick vi till en gammal anläggning för att utvinna salt ur en flod. Även om byggnaderna är övergivna och övergivna, står all den infrastruktur som skapats sedan urminnes tider för att dränera vatten och bevara matens smak fortfarande kvar.
Google Translation into Turkish: Sonra bir nehirden tuz çıkarmak için eski bir tesise gittik. Binalar terk edilmiş ve sahipsiz olsa da, eski zamanlardan beri suyu boşaltmak ve yiyeceklerin lezzetini korumak için oluşturulan tüm altyapı hala ayakta.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Потім ми пішли до старого об’єкта для видобутку солі з річки. Незважаючи на те, що будівлі покинуті та занедбані, вся інфраструктура, створена з давніх часів для відведення води та збереження смаку їжі, все ще стоїть.
Google Translation into Arabic: ثم ذهبنا إلى منشأة قديمة لاستخراج الملح من النهر. على الرغم من أن المباني مهجورة ومهجورة ، إلا أن جميع البنية التحتية التي تم إنشاؤها منذ العصور القديمة لتصريف المياه والحفاظ على نكهة الطعام لا تزال قائمة.
Google Translation into Bengali: তারপর আমরা একটি নদী থেকে লবণ আহরণের জন্য একটি পুরানো সুবিধায় গিয��েছিলাম। যদিও ভবনগুলি পরিত্যক্ত এবং পরিত্যক্ত, তবুও জল নিষ্কাশন এবং খাবারের স্বাদ সংরক্ষণের জন্য প্রাচীনকাল থেকে তৈরি সমস্ত অবকাঠামো এখনও দাঁড়িয়ে আছে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 然后我们去了一个从河里提取盐的旧设施。 尽管建筑物已被废弃和废弃,但自古以来为排水和保存食物风味而建造的所有基础设施仍然存在。
Google Translation into Korean: 그런 다음 우리는 강에서 소금을 추출하는 오래된 시설로 갔습니다. 건물은 버려지고 버려졌지만 고대부터 물을 빼내고 음식의 맛을 보존하기 위해 만들어진 모든 인프라는 여전히 남아 있습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אחר כך הלכנו למתקן ישן להפקת מלח מנהר. למרות שהבניינים נטושים ונטושים, כל התשתית שנוצרה מאז ימי קדם לניקוז מים ולשימור טעם האוכל עדיין עומדת.
Google Translation into Hindi: फिर हम नदी से नमक निकालने की एक पुरानी सुविधा में गए। हालांकि इमारतों को परित्यक्त और परित्यक्त कर दिया गया है, पानी की निकासी और भोजन के स्वाद को संरक्षित करने के लिए प्राचीन काल से बनाए गए सभी बुनियादी ढांचे अभी भी खड़े हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kemudian kami pergi ke fasilitas tua untuk mengambil garam dari sungai. Meski bangunannya terbengkalai dan terlantar, semua infrastruktur yang dibuat sejak zaman kuno untuk mengalirkan air dan menjaga cita rasa makanan tetap berdiri.
Google Translation into Japanese: それから、川から塩を抽出するための古い施設に行きました。 建物は廃墟と化していますが、古くから水を抜き、食べ物の味を保つために作られたインフラはすべて残っています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Анан дарыядан туз чыгарган эски жайга бардык. Имараттар кароосуз калы��, жараксыз абалга келгени менен сууну агызып, тамак-аштын даамын сактап калуу үчүн байыркы замандан бери түзүлгөн бардык инфраструктуралар сакталып турат.
Google Translation into Malay: Kemudian kami pergi ke kemudahan lama untuk mengekstrak garam dari sungai. Walaupun bangunan terbiar dan terbiar, semua infrastruktur yang dicipta sejak zaman purba untuk mengalirkan air dan mengekalkan rasa makanan masih ada.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Тэгээд голоос давс олборлох хуучин байгууламж руу явлаа. Хэдийгээр байшин барилгууд нь эзэнгүй, эзэнгүй байсан ч ус зайлуулах, хоолны амтыг хадгалахын тулд эрт дээр үеэс бий болгосон бүх дэд бүтэц хэвээр байна.
Google Translation into Nepali: त्यसपछि हामी खोलाबाट नुन निकाल्ने पुरानो ठाउँमा गयौं। भवनहरू जीर्ण र जीर्ण भए पनि पानीको निकास र खानाको स्वाद जोगाउन प्राचीनकालदेखि निर्माण गरिएका सबै पूर्वाधारहरू अझै यथावत छन्।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਫਿਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਨਦੀ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਲੂਣ ਕੱਢਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਸਹੂਲਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਏ। ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਛੱਡੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਬੇਕਾਰ ਹਨ, ਪਾਣੀ ਦੇ ਨਿਕਾਸ ਅਤੇ ਭੋਜਨ ਦੇ ਸੁਆਦ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਤੋਂ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਗਿਆ ਸਾਰਾ ਬੁ��ਿਆਦੀ ਢਾਂਚਾ ਅਜੇ ਵੀ ਖੜ੍ਹਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بیا موږ د سیند څخه د مالګې استخراج لپاره یو زاړه تاسیس ته لاړو. که څه هم ودانۍ پریښودل شوې او ویجاړې شوې، ټول زیربناوې له پخوانیو وختونو راهیسې د اوبو ایستلو او د خوړو د خوند ساتلو لپاره رامینځته شوي.
Google Translation into Persian: سپس به یک مرکز قدیمی برای استخراج نمک از رودخانه رفتیم. اگرچه ساختمان ها متروکه و متروک هستند، اما تمام زیرساخت های ایجاد شده از زمان های قدیم برای تخلیه آب و حفظ طعم غذا هنوز پابرجاست.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Teras we indit ka fasilitas heubeul pikeun extracting uyah ti walungan. Sanaos gedong-gedongna ditinggalkeun sareng terlantar, sadaya prasarana anu diciptakeun ti jaman baheula pikeun ngocorkeun cai sareng ngawétkeun rasa kadaharan masih aya.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Pagkatapos ay pumunta kami sa isang lumang pasilidad para sa pagkuha ng asin mula sa isang ilog. Kahit na ang mga gusali ay inabandona at pinabayaan, ang lahat ng imprastraktura na nilikha mula noong sinaunang panahon upang maubos ang tubig at mapanatili ang lasa ng pagkain ay nakatayo pa rin.
Google Translation into Thai: จากนั้นเราไปที่โรงงานเก่าเพื่อสกัดเกลือจากแม่น้ำ แม้ว่าอาคารต่างๆ จะถูกทิ้งร้าง แต่โครงสร้างพื้นฐานทั้งหมดที่สร้างขึ้นตั้งแต่สมัยโบราณเพื่อระบายน้ำและรักษารสชาติของอาหารยังคงอยู่
Google Translation into Urdu: پھر ہم دریا سے نمک نکالنے کے لیے ایک پرانی جگہ پر گئے۔ اگرچہ عمارتیں لاوارث اور ویران ہیں، لیکن قدیم زمانے سے پانی نکالنے اور کھانے کے ذائقے کو برقرار رکھنے کے لیے بنائے گئے تمام انفراسٹرکچر اب بھی موجود ہیں۔
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My first press release on Google News. Shout out to 24HipHop.com, RADIOPUSHERS and Musichypebeast. Shout out to the GOAT Johnathan P. Wright for putting these inspirational words together. It is truly the point of no return. It’s now or never for Money Gripp and Caked Up Entertainment. #pressrelease #googlenews #24hiphopdotcom #forgiveness #realmusic #imon #moneygripp #cakedupent #thegripplife #radiopushers #musichhypebeast #hustleharder #dreamhustlewin #betonyourself #bigfacts #millionairmindset #2023 #2023goals #recordingartist #hiphoplifestyle #moneygripp #cakedupfilms #cakeduppictures #cakedupent #thegripplife (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSjrYqpffO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Zarria Imone for Savage x Fenty SS 2024 Collection
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Paulo Imon
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At one of the wizard city clinics, Imon gets regular check ups to ensure he would have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Finally he is able to get an ultrasound to see his best friend, and what do you know, they’re going to be a girl. QQ
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#THEY LOOK SO GOOD#IMON MY KNEES IN THE MIDDLE OF WALMART#oh they know we want these photos of these two together#AND THANK YOU FOR THAT#benedict bridgerton#luke thompson#sophie beckett#sophie baek#yerin ha#benedict x sophie#benophie#bridgerton
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de stress doodles w my fursona:3
#i can finally draw a septum on my fursona oh my gaw….#shapeshifter who chooses to mainly stay as a hyena my beloved#for the more accurate doodles of them they don’t have extra ear piercings. instead they have scarring#don’t pierce yourself at home#or do#I am so tired#art#my art#furry#fursona#furry art#fursona art#my ocs#my fursona#doodles#imon my 5th day working. i have to work 2 more days. i will be working for a week straight . i want to sit at home andDraw
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#if shanya baszler has 1000000 fans imone of them if she has 1 fan its me if she has no fans im dead#shayna baszler#women of all time#picmix#eris crafts
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johnny chaos is that really you.........
yes it me... Someone got The Ban ! oh no Aaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!! concerning..........
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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i have to rant about this because i'm tired of seeing it 20 times a day in my personal activity, and i probably have already ranted here, but anyway --- 1) sammy was not in tai's care to begin with, he was with simone's parents, so even if tai hadn't left suddenly, he would not suddenly go back to her. i promise he is not still waiting to be picked up from school. 2) she was elected as senator literally a week ago, she has not been sworn in to office yet, she is not skipping out on her job, i promise her being elected as senator is still very relevant to her motivations + her ongoing arc.
mostly my frustration is the claim that "the show just forgot about tai's family" because i think that misses the point of tai's arc, which is that she literally did just ghost them. the point is that she did not care and that she, selfishly to her family and her team and to v.an, skipped town without warning or explanation because she needed help but wasn't willing to do it anyone else's way. we are supposed to be left wondering how her family is doing because tai made the selfish choice.
it's only been a few days too, but regardless, they're still mentioned throughout her arc and the show has not "forgotten" about them. she breaks down to v.an about desperately needing help because she put her family in danger, she opens up to l.ottie about this other version of herself wanting to hurt her family, she jumps when the phone rings thinking it's the hospital, and her voicemail notes that her in laws are rightfully angry with her. they're still very much a part of her arc and her motivations.
there are plenty of criticisms to give her that she absolutely has earned. she felt so threatened by simone's continuous attempts to support her + get her help that she crashed the car with her in it, then ultimately left her behind without knowing if she was going to recover. even though sammy is not in her care, she could have been there to support him through a very scary time, but she wasn't. her assistant was trying to help her prepare to eventually take office but she took her car and left it on the side of the road without giving her any explanation. but her immediately leaving town without warning, without explanation, and without actively checking in constantly herself is not the show "forgetting" about these things, it's the show making a point to what kind of wife, mother, and leader she is. she is selfish, her motivations are selfish, and it's okay to admit that because that's what her arc is telling us.
i would like a resolution about simone's recovery, but i don't think it fit into season 2 -- partly because we ended the season with tai still at the compound and she does not have a resolution herself, so it makes sense that viewers wouldn't either --- but more importantly because it seems like her season 3 arc is set up for her to try to get her life back in order, starting here. it can't be as simple as she wants it to be, but what she wants is for everything to be "perfect" again, to get her wife + kid back not out of love but out of fixing her life to make it seem right again. it can't go back to that, her family doesn't deserve to just be an accessory in her life, and it's not what's right for tai either, but that is her whole goal this season despite having left them --- she fucked up with them and she has to face her problem head on so she can circle back and make it right again, using v.an to her own benefit in the process, but tai's definition of 'making it right' is not what's right for any of them.
#post inspired by like the 6th comment today from someone who did not pay attention to tais plot and assumed sammy was in foster care. ??????#anyway in case i havent said it today yet. s/imone you deserve better i love you#wheres that video of t/awny saying 'i dont think she gives a fuck if her wife and kid come back to her'#this was a tag rant but i decided to say it with my whole chest i guess#hc.
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asexual terrence.... send post
#imon the brink of passing out3 but#asexy terry bevause i can have a treat and make him evil and asexual#jist like me apart from killing. for legal reasons#maybe he wanted randy but man power made him lose his mind and wanted more than just some guy
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