#Imagaging an average sized human dimitrescu is strange
delightfulcrasher · 3 years
How was the Lord in his youth? Was he like any of his sons, or a combination of all of them? Was he forced to act "proper" at such a young age? Did he ever rebel? What were the repercussions if he did? Did Belmont inherit the prankster side through his father (like the Lord was speaking if his antics and it inspired Belmont) ? Is that why he was so strict after he got caught in one of the pranks?
I crave young Lord D content
Dimitrescu in his youth:
The young Lord, Albin Dimitrescu, grew up in the early 20th century. And being part of the esteemed house Dimitrescu, a lot was expected of him.
As it was his birth right to inherit the family name, he had to live, speak and breathe elegance. Even in his childhood he was given strict etiquette behavioural lessons.
I don’t think he would resent being part of the Dimitrescu bloodline, but he did resent the lack of freedom he had. Very little of what he did was his choice, and when he did go against the grain, there were punishments/’lessons’ to ensure he didn’t repeat the same mistake.
I like to think that he enjoyed horse riding. The grounds are big enough to give the races a run for their money, so there is plenty of space for him to practice. His parents were neither for or against it. But let’s just say his parents were less than trilled when they discovered he inherited the blood disease.
It was in the late 1930′s where Albin explored his love for jazz music, and together with the help of his friends at the gentleman's club, formed a touring group. Finally away from the pressures of the house, Albin started to loosen up a bit.
He was more carefree, enjoyable, and even pulled a few good hearted tricks on his fellow band members. It was short lived as he was dragged back to the castle due to the aftermath of the second World War.
Although not fond of his own parents, Albin still respects the heritage of the Dimitrescu household, and thus still wishes to retain its image. He does give his sons behavioural lessons but he is far more lenient than his parents ever were.
And yes, Belmont did get his prankster side from his father. Dimitrescu told his son about it one day, saying that making himself laugh took some of the pressures of his younger years, and Belmont sort of uses it in the same way (Apart from, you know, just taking pleasure in other peoples misfortunes.)
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(I assume the same person asked this so I’ll answer them both here.)
See, the fun thing about making an au is you can decide how close you want it to be the the cannon material. If that’s how you wish to envision the younger version of Dimitrescu, go ahead there’s nothing stopping you.
It’s interesting to think that way. I don’t think Mirus would have a high tolerance for any funny business that gets in his way. He has to deal with the needless bickering of Dimitrescu and Heisenberg on a daily basis, but it doesn’t effect him directly, so he can just ignore it. But if anyone were to pull a prank on Mirus while he was working... He would show them terrors beyond that of human comprehension, assuring anyone who lived to see the next day to be stricken with fear.
Personally though, I’m trying to work as close to cannon as possible, with a few sprinkles of my own interpretations. So if I’m following the games lore, Dimitrescu doesn’t know Mirus until he was already an adult, meaning Mirus never saw Dimitrescu in his childhood (Unless again I am missing some massive piece of lore here and I’m very wrong.)
But it does make you wonder how the game will play out if all the Lords knew each other when they were younger. Would it effect the outcome of the game? Would their be childhood friendships that eventually fall apart? Who knows.
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