nerdy uni bf blye shirt peter smut tomorrow at 8pm est
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lonelystarhere · 1 year
TOUCHED MILES HEAD WHILE HUGGIN HIM TIGHTLY AND MAYBE MAYBE a kiss from alex (I'm not sure from that angle maybe just a tight hug)
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mar1ove · 3 months
need me a man who looks at me like Matt looks at camera.. just pls😩🙏
::: vid by sturniolccv(tt)
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gothdyke222 · 2 months
God, when will the yearning subside
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purpledreambeebz · 10 months
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[ Art for a character ]
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low-x-battery · 4 months
I'm not okay at all.
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purplepeopleuuu · 1 year
Heart break is crazy
No way this just happen my friend from 3rd grade is dating my crush and my crush was making moves on me just to find out that he’s dating the girl who knew I liked him this breaks my heart   this is why i don’t trust darkskins and she not even cute man now I’m crying in my room see this is why I do not like people and they wonder why I do not want to be at this school w hem like damn give me a second to breath man I do not even want to get out of bed anymore I’m tired of al these people being fake and then acting like nothings wrong the next day i hate it here i just have to get through these years till I’m in high school  make new friends do more and be less introverted be louder be smarter be better and no more stupid little crushes and guess what my other crush i my best friends cousin and he’s has a crush on her older sister like omg and my last 2 crushes turned out to be gay i cant like no one in middle school man i give up this is the last thing about love for a boy from me. I do not want to be her or anything i just want what was mines back.
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queens-snowfall · 1 year
What did I just find
So I work in a grocery store and I was working on one of the ails and...I find this.... Salad....Cream....THIS IS CALLED SALAD CREAM?!?!?! THEN WTF IS DRESSING?!?!?!?!?!!?
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the-spark-bug · 2 years
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A new year comes with new opportunities.
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idoanythingforyou · 2 years
funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving
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arjunasearth · 2 years
Today, I made a decision.
A decision to stop neglecting myself.
A decision to stop being the outsider and finally take action.
I realized that I always give 110% for others, while i often give Zero to myself. This has to STOP: NOW. I'm done with self-sabotage just to please others. I feel like Ive been in an extreme social isolation for the last 8 Months. Always scared to get to know new people . Not seeing my friends. THIS NEEDS TO END NOW. Ive caught myself in a victim role (again) that I dont wanna be in anymore. The only person I am hurting is literally myself. EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO HAVE FRIENDS. And today I realized how certain people tried to take that right away from me, which is impossible. Do I have to suffer? NO. IM FUCKING DONE WITH SUFFERING AND BLAMING MYSELF. I RELEASE ALL OF THAT SHIT. I miss my people, my tribe. And I have EVERY RIGHT to see them whenever I want to. I made a decision to stop saying no because of fear. My friends are my friends. And they will always stand behind my back. How could I forget that? Truth is, I never did. Im not here to freaking please anyone 24/7. Not my mother nor my boyfriend. Ive been carrying WAAAY too much burden of other people and almost lost myself.I LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND. I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD: I WANT TO MEET COOL PEOPLE. I want to hang out with my friends without being jugded, neglected, victimized or WHATEVER. ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT NEEDS TO STOP: And it will. Every being deserves friends. And I wont let others tell me anymore whom to be with and what to do. Im SICK OF THE PASSIVE ROLE. Time for Activity, for LIFE.
It's time to change the narrative and only I will be able to do so.
The time of forced social isolation is over now. And everyone who will try to hinder me can just fck off seriously
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mistermixmania · 12 days
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alexvanhok · 18 days
Feel overwhelmed. Like, literally. There's a lot things to do at the same time: I need to call vet 'bout my dog, I already called him once, he didn't answer. If he wouldn't answer again, then I'll need to call and go to the nearest vet clinic, so my woo can get help. Because he still feels really bad. In the same time I need to visit my friend-bro in the mental hospital, and I'm already a bit late, and there's just 2 hours for meetings, so I'm just losing my time with him... My studying finally started, cause I received all the access in the Thursday evening, and all education is on English, and it's like really hard between 2 languages: like, outside lessons I need to use my native, but then I'm coming back for homework and then I already need English. Just crazy, it's so insane so I already started to use much more English slang and words while speaking native, also I'm started to think on English like 50/50, some thought still on native, but then it's come out as "such a fucking fuck I'm having now in my life" and I think I'm slowly driving crazy.
Then it's turning into troubles with money, salary and work at all. I starting thinking 'bout I need Web-Designer portfolio, so I can get a better job where salary would be at least 20 thousand rubles, not just 10, after that it's coming up to "I need take some orders on freelance", but it also not as easy as people think. Then it's coming to I dunno what to do with my Tattoo-Artist career, cause if ur tattooer u need social media with target marketing, u need to regularly post smth and at least once at week you need to post ur new work, but i still don't have any clients at all, like for last 3 months it were just 3 people. And that's it. I'm disappointed, because I was working really hard and there's nothing I got for that.
Also there's thing abt routines and my health at all, I'd been at dentist clinic, doctor saud I need to brush my teeth like every day, 2 times (basic), but i need to spent for that at least 20 minutes, now i have 2 brushes, so i need use first one, which is usual, with toothpaste and with indicator which shows you how much ur teeth is dirty, and brush them till thus indicator wouldn't shows pink, and after that one more brush, and this one you need to brush teeth like every single one, tooth my tooth. Also I have antidepressants every evening, every morning - man juice, also sometimes I need to take a shower, I need to eat everyday, so that's mean I need to cook everyday, and I need to have breakfast always, I need to have lunch always, I need to have dinner at least sometimes, then maybe I'll need to give smth my dog everyday, also some facewash everyday, everyday exercises on press, all that,
So I'm mostly done. Too much. I can't handle that amount of everything in the same time, something will fall down. The question is what concretely will.
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mama-in-de-stress · 2 months
When the person who "loves" you won't even put in the fraction of effort you easily give to them......this is draining the fuck out of me.....I'm going to let you be miserable from now on. My happiness and self-worth don't depend on you anymore. 🖕
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mrsmanoi1 · 5 months
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caspersadboi · 5 months
man I give up
I'm about to just end it all I'm so fucking done I'm 13 I shouldn't be fucking homeless
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