#Im still thinking about what the koala told boimler
amateur-mint · 1 year
Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 7
First of all, I was RIGHT!!!! The ships aren't destroyed, and neither are the crews! We're more than likely gonna get more of that one Klingon kid!
Secondly, at first I didn't really like this episode. It felt like the show was spinning its wheels, chucking characters around randomly. Why Peanut Hamper again? Why Agimus? Why did Badgey show up, only to ascend? How the hell did Ruthie make an AI advanced enough to ascend to godhood?
Then I realized: they're clearing the villains roster. PH, Ags, and Badgey were all previous villains that had just kinda been left in the open since they were seen last. Giving them all an end to their arcs (PH going back home, Agimus actually trying to be better, Badgey splitting off into Goodgey and ascending) is Lower Decks' way of saying these are not our Big Bad. They're intentionally snipping off those loose strands I talked about last week, leaving only a few options left.
Additionally, we've got minor villains from 3/4 of the main squad out of the way here. Tendi was Peanut Hamper's liaison, Boimler betrayed Agimus, and Rutherford finally reconciled with his son. I have a feeling somebody from Mariner's past is going to show up, and it isn't going to be pretty.
Either way, this has Section 31 written all over it. With our inorganic friends out of the way, who else could it be?
We've got William Boimler and one hell of a Mariner blow-up on the horizon, plus hopefully some more T'lyn development and maybe a little more of the Tendi/Rutherford stuff that's going on.
It's going to be a very interesting three episodes!
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