#Im so tempted to just. stick my head out the window and start barking back
puppyeared · 10 months
Shit the fuck UPPPPPP
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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themagicalreads · 5 years
The Missing Piece (Prompt)
I swear I tried thinking up a whole lot of different ideas for this prompt to avoid writing in the perspective of a puzzle but, for the LIFE OF ME, my brain could NOT stop finding its way back to this. And I struggled a bit with the writing, as you miiiight be able to tell? Hahaha. Still, I do hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading. <3
Every day, the void became smaller, but it was always far too great to travel beyond. Jack stood leaning against his blue chevy impala, tossing pennies in the air in wait for a girl that would never come. He hadn't been able to keep his eyes off her since she'd started working at the Moonlight Drive-In's food joint. They hadn't always served food here—the building had only been built something but a few months ago, and Jack had yet to try out the snacks. He would have if he'd been able to walk over there but, for now, all he could do was observe from afar.
Her hair was bobbed, wavy and brown as bark. Just like the other girls, she wore a white-aproned purple skirt that fell just above her knees, and a purple-collared blouse. But what had first caught his eye was her smile, bright as the stars above, and genuine as a puppy's, obvious even from this far out. She was the most beautiful girl he'd yet to lay eyes on.
If it wasn't for the void, he'd have been over there in a jiffy. He'd have asked her to watch the latest flick with him on his hood, followed right up by the meteor shower. Surely she'd never caught well from behind that counter. A familiar clench in his chest came at the mere thought of her. Jack wanted more of her than the guy's tales of back seat bingo. He wanted to know her from the inside out, because he knew he'd love everything about her. The feeling in his gut told him that much.
The purity of her heart radiated right through the pitch black nothingness of the universe.
A group of giggling ankle biters swarmed past Jack, breaking him away from his admiring. "Hey, Jack!" Jamie said, running over to him. "Wanna play a game of hide and seek?"
Jack smiled warmly at the kid. "Not right now, Jamie. But I'll catch you later," he added when Jamie drooped with disappointment. "I got a new version of the game planned out that I think you'll like, too." And, just like that, his front-toothless smile slid right back on.
"Yay!" He exclaimed, about to run back off. He turned back before he could get too far. "Got some chalk for hopscotch?"
"I'll have to check the stocks," Jack answered, even though he knew there'd be a fresh stick in the glovebox. It was always there, fresh as a daisy. Jack sauntered over to the passenger's side of the car and poked his slender arm through the rolled window. Jamie ran off with a joyful yelp as soon as he handed it over to him. When he was lost in the sea of people and cars, Jack looked up at the sky just in time to see a sliver of darkness mold into soft, navy blue.
Every day, the void became smaller, piece by tiny little piece.
Every day, the Moonlight Drive-In healed itself from the single worldly rip until, one day, it didn't.
"Hey there, Daddy-o." A voice he'd never heard before said on the ninth day of nothingness. Jack glanced to the side to see a girl with stark white hair and eyes as blue as his leaning against his chevy."What's cookin,' good-lookin'?"
Jack glanced back at the sliver in the void, where the girl was serving a couple of movie-goers. "Nothing extraordinary." He knew it was impolite to not ask what was up with her, but Jack wasn't in the mood for flirting. He scanned the area casually for Jamie and his friends—they hadn't stopped by tonight, which made Jack wonder what shenanigans they were up to this evening. Worse yet, did they decide they no longer wanted him around?
The bleached-blonde bumped her shoulder against Jacks. When he looked at her, he saw her eyeing him and the Sliver. "Can't help but notice you been castin' an eyeball over at that brunette."
Jack jerked back. "Don't know what you mean."
Bleached-blonde groaned, rolling her eyes at Jack. "Oh, cool it. Don't play dumb with me, Jack. She's pretty."
Jack stilled. "How—?"
Bleached-blonde cocked her head to some invisible thing in the distance. "The kid told me. James, right? But you call 'im Jamie."
Jack lifted his brows. "You seem to know a whole lot."
"That's what happens when you go out and talk to people," Bleached-blonde laughed. "I'm Elsa." She held out a hand, which Jack hesitantly shook. She didn't stop staring even after they let go. "Would you believe me if I told you I met her before?"
Jack frowned at the thought. "Impossible."
Elsa looked away momentarily, shoulders drooping as she pouted. "Sweet girl. Not her type."
"Me. But that's beside the point. The point is I can get you over there."
Jack couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, yeah? How?" He went quiet as soon as he noticed what she was looking at.
The sliver in the void.
"You can't be serious."
Elsa smiled. "I'm the most serious girl you'll ever meet."
"That's a death's trap!" Jack exclaimed.
"Only if you let the darkness pull you in. Which—little survival tip—don't let it do that. I made that mistake once, and—" She shivered, "One of the worst things you'll ever experience. Unexplainable, to say the least."
Jack looked back at the Sliver, at the wisps of hungry black tendrils pressing against the thin path. It hadn't gotten wider in what felt like forever—would it ever go away, or were they destined to live like this forever? He looked up at the girl, then, her bright smile apparent even from this far away. It couldn't be a coincidence, his feelings for her. Jack knew he wasn't the type for love at first sight—especially when it came to girls he hadn't even met. But he couldn't ignore the pull trying to yank him toward her.
He looked up at the moon, almost not visible in the sky, and then he decisively turned back to Elsa. "Let me write a note to Jamie."
"Good choice." Elsa grinned. "Seeing you sulkin' every day was makin' everyone a bit sad. Come on, Daddy-o."
After scratching a note down and jamming it in the window with the chalk Jamie still hadn't come to fetch, Jack followed Elsa to the Sliver. She leaned in close to him as soon as their feet stopped moving.
"The thing about the Sliver is, most people try to run straight across to get in and out as soon as possible. But the trick is going slow. See, fella, it's a lot darker than it looks in there—you won't be able to see a thing but the moon when you're inside, so focus on walkin' a straight line, kay?"
Jack stared at her. "You're not coming?"
Elsa almost seemed insulted at the mere thought of that. "'Course I am. I'm goin' first, silly." She smiled mischievously. "Got my own pie face to visit. What? You didn't actually think I'd do all this just for you, did ya?"
Jack shrugged. "Can't blame a fella for thinking a stranger would do something out of the coldness of their hearts for em'."
"Ha!" Elsa moved forward, glancing at the girl through the Sliver. "And your heart's awfully warm for someone named Frost. Hers is Rapunzel, by the way."
Jack blinked. "What's that?"
"The name of the girl you're in love with, knuckle head."
"I'm not—"
"Oh, please," Elsa rolled her eyes again, stepping into the darkness. Her voice was nearly completely muffled now as she yelled out. "See you on the other side!"
A chill raked over Jack. He'd had a feeling about today—a good one. He hadn't been sure what it was about, exactly, and he still wasn't. Surely it wasn't this. Not this uncomfortable knot in his stomach he couldn't manage to untie.
It was a strange thing, feeling as if the world around him was pulling him back into place and tugging him forward simultaneously.
With that, Jack closed his eyes and stepped into the abyss. The first thing he noticed was how he didn't hear a loud nothingness like he thought he would; the sound of whistling wind drowned the world out just as much as the darkness did. The second thing was the sense of levitating. Though he could feel the soft ground under his feet, he could also feel how, a few inches on each side of his feet, it all disappeared, devoured by the universe, awaiting creation.
It was like holding a piece of information on his tongue; Jack was positive he knew what lay beyond, but he couldn't remember no matter how much he thought of it. Don't let it pull you in, Elsa had told him. But he couldn't help it. The thoughts of beyond devoured him whole, blowing him up with a curiosity he never had the chance to release.
Desperate, Jack opened his eyes, only to find himself lost and terrified. The moon. He looked up at what had to be the sky, finding the bright orb instantly. He'd only barely seen it through the Sliver before, so high in the sky it was clouded. I swelled a balloon of hope inside of him, spurring him on one more step, then another.
Everything was going splendid, given the circumstances, until he looked down for Rapunzel, not remembering he could no longer see anything but pitch black. A wrenching feeling warped inside of him. He swung his gaze back up, disoriented, and searched desperately for the moon, only to find it wasn't where it had just been. Jack stopped hard in his track, suffocation threatening to overtake him. The void wanted him badly. The tickling wisps wrapping themselves around his limbs over and over proved that right. And then there was the voice, so luring he was almost tempted to follow it without thought.
"Jack, come to me!"
"Follow my voice."
Jack fell to his hands and knees and gripped the edges of the path. Slowly, he moved forward, noticing how the voice was become louder and louder with every step. As long as he followed the road, he'd emerge on one side of the void or the other. Jack carefully trekked on until something clamped hard on his right hand. A yell tore through him, the pinch on his fingers as he tried and failed to yank them free, a growingly unbearable pain. Without thinking, he completely let go of the road so he could tug his hand free. He knew it was already too late—it would be crushed beyond measure now. When he looked up in desperation, Jack's eyes met with the moon again, and he yelled. Over and over until the darkness and the pain finally completely disappeared. He lay on his stomach, cold asphalt underneath him. Hand free from the universe's grip.
Cars drove in out of nowhere to park, but Jack barely even noticed them. He was too busy locking eyes with a worried-looking girl crouched on roller-blades above him.
"Hey, bean," her voice was soft, gentle. Just like he'd thought. "Are you alright?" She was beautiful, up close, more than he ever would have imagined. Her eyes were a vivid green he'd never seen on anyone before. And they were glued to him. Him.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you step in there," she continued. "But you fixed it! Just like that."
"I feel stupid for askin'," Jack started, voice weaker than he intended. "But what did I fix, exactly?"
Rapunzel's smile warmed something inside of him. She reached a hand out, gently pushing his head to the side. Jack didn't have enough time to soak in the touch. Instead, he took to staring at the Drive-In.
Completely whole, with no void in sight.
Rapunzel's voice brought him back to reality. "The moon disappeared as soon as Elsa came over to see me. She told me you were in there—the white-haired boy, Jack. And then..." Her mind went elsewhere, eyes filled with wonder. "And then the void started repairing itself. It's gone! Everything is fixed!"
Jack brought his right hand up to his face, surprised to see it wasn't a crushed mess. Guardian, he was hearing people whisper. The Moonlight's guardian. It felt strange having so much attention. All he'd had before was Jamie's little gang of ankle biters. He didn't know whether he liked it or not, though that might've just been because he'd have preferred his first meeting with Rapunzel to be slightly more intimate. Her thoughts seemed to parallel with his.
"Come on," Rapunzel took his right hand in his and pulled him to his feet. She skated over to an old, yellow truck parked off to the side and opened the tail gate for them to sit on.
"Do you feel complete?" She asked, out of the blue, before shaking her head. "Sorry. It's just—I've been watching you from the Sliver for a while now, and—oh, god. That sound's creepy. I haven't been watching you. More like... noticing. You're hard not to notice."
"Is it my startling blue eyes?"
A blush crept over Rapunzel's cheeks as she laughed. "I'd say the entire package." She held out a hand to shake. "I'm Rapunzel, by the way. I didn't introduce myself."
"Jack," Jack said as he took her offered hand. He held it a beat longer than he should have, something Rapunzel didn't seem to mind, to his relief. "Don't you have food to serve?"
She tugged at her skirt, which brought Jack's gaze to her short, sun-kissed legs. He held himself back from reaching a hand out toward the sliver of bare skin, looking back up to meet her gaze instead. Beautiful, his heart yelled out. She was so, incredibly beautiful. "They can handle themselves for a few minutes without me." She reached out, suddenly, stilling Jack's heart as she cupped his face with a hand. "You feel it too, don't you? The tug. It's like I've been looking at a glass of water sitting across the room, throat dry as the sand, and now I finally have it in hand. Not that I'm comparing you to an inanimate glass of water."
Jack smiled. "Sounds like you are."
With her other hand, Rapunzel playfully shoved at his shoulder. Jack caught her wrist in his hand and pulled her closer, so they were now only inches apart. "I feel it too," he finally said. And he did. He knew the void's disappearance wasn't his doing, that was the make of some higher power, but it had filled a hole inside him that'd been empty for far too long. Hearing that he wasn't alone in that thought proved his gut hadn't been wrong. He kissed her on the cheek, then on the corner of her lips. She was the one to fully cup his jaw, to pull him into a magical kiss.
When they finally pulled away, Jack took off his jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders so she could lean back comfortably onto the truck. Her roller blades thunked onto the tailgate. "They can hold the joint up a bit longer without you, right?" Jack asked, just as the first meteor fell.
"I'm long overdue for a break," Rapunzel answered. The flutter of her fingers against his sent a spark through his veins.
And so they lay there, hand in hand, staring at the stars that never faded, at the meteors sparking through them brightly. A final piece finally set in place.
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[DRABBLE] Boyfriend!Jeonghan (G)
Requested by: @jeonghanlife Prompt: Jeonghan Christmas winter scenario Word Count: 1,908 Genre: Fluff Warnings: None!
A/N: WHOO IM ON A ROLL WITH THESE REQUESTS (I can only hope that my drive doesn’t crash and burn anytime soon) Okay, I know Christmas is WAY over, so I changed the request a little (I am so sorry ;;). But I still hope that this drabble manages to encapsulate the same magical feeling. I’m really new to this whole winter stuff *glares at the temperature which peaked at literally 34 degrees Celcius today wowilovesingapore* 
Please enjoy it ^^
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*highpitchedscreeching* BYEOBEETCHINAERINDA SHYAALAALALAALALLAALLAAAAAA cough sorry ok on with the story
You find yourself stirring awake after lingering in the abyss of sleep, and your eyes flutter open to unfamiliar surroundings. This isn’t your room, is it?
But a low rumble of a snore reminds you that you’re in Jeonghan’s apartment, cozily tucked in his bed despite the day being well into the afternoon. When the temperature had dropped to the negatives on the day you were planning to go sightseeing, and with your body not being very accustomed to cold weather having lived in the tropical regions of Australia for most of your life, Jeonghan was more than happy to call it quits. As a result, his more-than-happy declaration of “Today will be a lazy day” was what you went with eventually.
And after spending the morning watching through old movies in his bedroom, Jeonghan has you wrapped around his limbs like a bolster with his eyes shut. Unable to escape, you eventually proceeded to join him in dreamland.
Admittedly, it isn’t your ideal kind of date, but how are you to resist the tempting thought of being in Jeonghan’s warm embrace as he spoons you from behind, in the middle of a cold, harsh winter?
With his arms and legs still entangled around you, and his deep breathing sounding so peaceful to your ears, you are unwilling to pull away. So, you decide to cast your eyes out towards the window to pass the time.
There isn’t that much to appreciate from the 2nd storey with another building obstructing the view, except several trees lining the pavement. But you make the best out of it anyway, finding wonder observing the faded, greying bark and barren branches. Winter at where you’re from is boring to say the least, and you got nothing aside from a slight dip in temperature and the occasional rain.
But after coming to Korea, you were absolutely enthralled at the sight of golden brown leaves scattered all over the floor, and you had begged your boyfriend (whom you had met online and visited during the holiday season), Jeonghan to let you play in them.
He had granted permission while ruffling your hair at your cuteness, promising that there will be more to come as winter deepens in Korea.
And he had been right. You thought your eyes are playing tricks with you at first, but when more crystalline white particles descend from the sky, you know that you aren’t seeing things. Your heart starts accelerating at exponential rates, and you suddenly feel wide awake. Can it be, really?
“YOON JEONGHAN!” you scream, turning around and shoving the sleeping lump next to you with excitement-fueled strength. You barely notice how he tumbles off the bed in an ungraceful heap, and you jump on your feet, finally free of your restraints.
“Babe, what the hell?” he grunts, his voice still raspy from sleep. But you ignore his grumpy words, for you’re already bouncing at the window.
“Look, Jeonghan!” you cry in delight, jabbing your finger at the glass pane. Now standing up, you’re able to watch this phenomenon up close, and it’s more beautiful than you ever could have imagined.
“It’s snowing! It’s actually snowing! Isn’t it pretty?” Turning around, you watch Jeonghan as he slowly clambers onto his knees and rubs the sleep dust out of his eyes. When he lowers his eyes, it is filled with drowsiness and slight exasperation.
“Seriously?” he rasps. “You woke me up just to watch some ice?!”
You blink, slightly taken aback by his less-than-enthusiastic reaction. Why isn’t he just as excited as you are? But you shrug it off; he’s probably cranky from being so rudely woken up. He’ll get perky in time.
“But, but…” you try to find something to evoke his enthusiasm. “Isn’t there this thing in Korean folklore? The one about couples being able to stay together forever if they are able to witness snow together?”
But to your dismay, he lets out a bemused huff deep from his lungs, clambering back onto the king-sized futon bed. “You must be mistaken,” he says as he flops back onto the mattress. “The folklore specifically mentioned for it to be the ‘first snow’, not any regular ol’ snow.”
“W-what?” You feel your face crumple at his nonchalance, but he simply lies down front-first with your pillow tucked under his tummy.
“You heard me.”
“But…” you try again, but no words come out. Your boyfriend simply closes his eyes again.
“There’s plenty more where that came from, babe,” he mumbles before parting his jaws in a yawn. “There’s really no need to be so worked up over one bout of snow. Besides, you won’t be so grateful when it drowns you in icy cold horror come February.”
You feel as though someone has tied an anvil with your heartstrings, sending your heart plummeting to your feet. How can he be this apathetic? Sure, he’s been living here his entire life, so snow’s probably as common as rain. But can he at least offer you, who’s never even experienced sub-zero weather, some empathy?
You can only stick your lower lip out in a pout and wrinkle your nose to express your dissatisfaction, turning around to face the scenery outside the window once more.
“If you want,” he says again, “I’ll take you to see the snow.”
At that, you brighten up hopefully, but your expression immediately crumbles when he makes no move to get up. “Another day,” he adds pointedly. “Because after all, didn’t we agree to make today a lazy day?”
Your mouth falls open, a protest at the tip of your tongue, however your boyfriend has already become one with the bed once more, his breathing deepening into snores. You deflate, unable to fight back the wave of disappointment that threatens to choke you. You press your palm against the window, looking out at the white crystals longingly.
No, you tell yourself. This is the first snow you’ve witnessed in your years in living, and you can’t let your spirits be dampened just like that. With your boyfriend or not, you’re going to experience your first snow first-hand.
Tiptoeing around the large bed, you stand in front of Jeonghan, waving a hand back and forth in front of his face to make sure he really fell back asleep. When he shows no sign of disturbance (and letting out a loud, offending snore to boot), you finally convince yourself to sneak outside to have some fun. And so, slipping on your trenchcoat, you carefully push open the main door, descending down the stairs to reach the courtyard below your apartment.
You step out of the building to be greeted with the most wondrous sight in your life. Silvery white powder rains down upon you, landing on you and feeling like soft kisses when they melt against your skin. Children let out excited squeals as they run around the frostbitten grass, under the watchful gazes of their parents. They’ve probably hardly experienced snow in their lives, so you relate to their stupefaction easily.
You can’t help but giggle like a kid again, extending both your hands to receive the icy particles. You love this so, so much. Everything about wintertime in Korea amazes you so much, you wonder if you should stay here permanently.
You close your eyes and take in everything, but your trance gets abruptly cut off when you hear a familiar voice yelling your name.
“Babe, where are you?!”
You whip your head around, startled when Jeonghan bursts through the building door, a heap of clothes bundled in his hands. He locks in your location and clumsily stumbles towards you.
“Jeonghan, what even?” you gasp when he all but throws the clothes onto your shoulders, causing your knees to buckle from the force. He pulls on a padded jacket over your trenchcoat before wrapping a thick scarf around your neck.
“What were you thinking, going out in nothing but that thin piece of rag cloth?” he demands hotly, shoving a too-big snowcap atop your head, making you wince when it simply falls over your eyes and face like a ski mask.
Nagging like a mother, Jeonghan continues, while re-adjusting the headgear, “You could have caught a cold, coming out in this weather. I know your body isn’t used to the cold at all, so why did you leave the house? Didn’t I tell you that I’d take you to see the snow another time?”
A part of you is really touched that Jeonghan is so worried about you, and you feel slightly bad for imposing this much panic on him. Yet, you had been so gratified by your short experience in the snow, you wanted, no, needed Jeonghan to understand how you feel.
“I wanted to see it so badly, Jeonghan,” you confess with a sheepish shift of your foot. “I know It isn’t the first snow or anything, but at least to me, it is. This is my first snow. I want to remember just how magical it had looked when i first saw it falling from the sky. So... I couldn’t resist taking a closer look.”
You look up and meet his eyes, surprised to see his pupils soften with guilt when you actually expected for him to chide you some more. He holds your gaze a little longer before letting out a gentle smile.
“That is what you’re feeling?” he asks with a pout, rubbing your head in apology. “I didn’t realise how much this must mean to you. I’m sorry.” Your heart swells at his words, impressed.
“Jeonghan, there’s no need to talk to me like I’m a four-year-old,” you laugh, swiping his hand away and giving him a light tap on his shoulder. He chuckles, making a grab for both your arms and pulling you into his chest.
Only now you realise how warm his body is in comparison to yours, and how you had taken little into account the sheer cold. As a result, you melt into his embrace with a sigh of perfect contentment, just like the snow. He laughs, playing with the furry ball at the tip of your snow cap.
In return, your fingers fumble around the soft fabric of his jacket, realising belatedly that it had been worn inside out in his haste to reach you. “Wow,” you breathe in awe, as though you had witnessed something legendary. “Did you just abandon your precious nap so that you can come out to give me clothes?”
He gives you a sassy roll of his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, are you honoured yet?”
“Oh, you big, soft teddy bear, you. I knew you had a soft spot in there somewhere.” You jab him in the belly playfully. “But since you’re out here, can we please just stay out for a while longer?”
He purses his lips to one side, as though contemplating heavily, but you can see his resolve visibly crash once you give him the biggest puppy eyes you can muster. Sighing heavily like he’s just got the weight of the entire world dumped upon his shoulders, he agrees.
“Fine, but just for half an hour. Then we’re so heading back for a nice, warm cup of mixed coffee in our nice, warm bed, and we are gonna share some nice, warm cuddles together, got it?”
You squeal in ecstasy at his consent, already dragging your boyfriend further out into the snow before he can finish his sentence.
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