#Im prolly blowing it out of proportion
nightthinker-08 · 10 months
I dont mind fumbling in a normal conversation (actually I do) but fumbling while talking to a client- Just end me alkdnas
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cinnamonellele · 3 years
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farouchestray · 3 years
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jojolimons · 4 years
groudon (pokemon ask thing)
Groudon: Least favorite pokemon of each type?
oof thats a toughy! I cant really say I outright *hate* any of the pokemon designs but I'll give it a shot
Normal: idk they're all fine? but it probably goes to the Skwovet line. they look too plain to me.
Fire: Raboot. I loved Scorbunny and was so disappointed to evolve it! Cinderace kind of makes up for it (altho it's arms are oddly proportioned). Idk I just find it odd that gains a fur hoodie upon evolution. It's kind of dumb
Water: I totally forgot about Volcanion and wanted to put it in the fire type section but it's fire/water so I get another chance to shit on it. Volcanion looks stupid and has a bad shiny. no redeeming qualities here
Grass: Quilladin (hate those proportions)
Electric: zeraora prolly. neato design but it really feels out of place. It's less that i dont like its design but it just has so little in the way of lore. feels like im not articulating this well. least favorite electric type pokemon for design would be morpeko. it's too simple for me, which is a shame since i love guinea pigs
Rock: carkol. Feels like someone at gamefreak was trying to prove they can still design pokemon similar to how they looked in gen I and failed. those eyes just do not belong on its body!!
Ground: they're all pretty cool! cant really fault any of them. I guess stunfisk is pretty goofy looking but that just endears it to me
Steel: galarian meowth. gee meowth why does gamefreak let you have two regional variants? but srsly meowth already had the alolan form why did it need another. could have given it to glameow or w/e
Ice: avalugg. litcherally just an iceberg with legs. there's really nothing exciting going on with its design. Was really funny seeing it pop up in the overworld in sw/sh, though
Dark: i like all of them! stunky and skuntank being dark type is a bit questionable but w/e
Ghost: they're also all fine! oricorio having a ghost type form is a bit odd but w/e
Psychic: chingling and chimecho. Why do they exist? They only redeeming quality is that I loved James' chimecho in the anime and cried like a bitch when it got sick and he had to leave it behind
Flying: swanna and ducklett. At least ducklett is blue. Swanna is just a swan in a bra. Could have been done so much better
Fighting: throh. looks dumb. could have lumped in sawk but my nostalgia bias makes me love sawk since he tore through lenora's gym when i first played black and white
Dragon: cant really hate on any of these designs. I guess alolan exeggutor being dragon type is kind of dumb but w/e
Fairy: spritzee and aromatisse. just dont like it. Makes me regret playing y since x has the better fairy counterpart.
Bug: the bugz are kewl :3. i guess i'm going to single out surskit here. Not for its design but for because of surskit's absurdly low encounter rate. I ran into one as my first encounter in route whateverthefuck. In pretty much every game since its been a pretty common find when its available. So I think nothing of it. I drop it after a while since masquerain isnt really all that helpful. I beat the game and for funsies look up the encounter rates on the route where you can catch it. I discover it has a 1% encounter rate. My mind is blown at this design choice. Do you know how many players blow past such a mediocre pokemon? This is the same route you can catch motherfucking Ralts. Who decided to make surskit rarer than one of the strongest 'mons in the game?? My chance encounter haunts me to this day.
Poison: idk qwilfish looks kinda stupid
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razzmatazzzzzzzzzz · 4 years
oookay there seems to be quite a bit goin on here and i am unsure exactly what happened cause there's a lot to read through but like- bros just chill, we have no control over how techno is seen in the public eye and i doubt he's gonna take advice from a single person on tumblr stating their opinion. even if it's offensive, just don't give it attention and blow it out of proportion?? the more you do that the more notorioty it gets and the more people that will start agreeing with it. chill out and just let it go. also, just cause you have adhd/autism, it doesn't make your thoughts/opinions anymore vaild than anyone else's.
Yes, please chill qwq
He can’t control how he’s totally seen.
He’s not even gonna see the post
just don't give it attention ehh not sure if i agree with this. If you want something further explained I recommend that you do RB or send an ask with your POV, if you don’t agree with something, argue against it. Things that will not do anything other than drive my descent into depression and imposter syndrome is to call me a clown, call me a fucking idiot that needs to step outside, call me a fourth grader that thinks they know everything because they read the wiki page on autism once (yes, those are vagues xx) BUT don't blow it out of proportion is a good way to go about something please just talk to me like the more polite anons have.
also, just cause you have adhd/autism, it doesn't make your thoughts/opinions anymore vaild than anyone else's not sure if this part is in my defence or the anons. Seeing as your arguments seem to be coming from my side (sorry for picking apart your ask even tho it was on my side i just saw parts i didn’t want to be taken as my opinion) im gonna say that was directed at the anon.
Yes. Having adhd/autism does make their opinions more valid because they do have to deal with ableism. But this doesn’t mean that your opinions are any more valid than someone who is (90% sure) they’re nd. Really all I need is to ask for an actual diagnosis. All my IRL ND friends have agreed that im prolly nd, and my sister has also called me “not neurotypical” a good few times.
I have to deal with the “just control your motivation!” the “I don’t know is a fucking terrible reply. Why don’t you know” the “istg just DO IT,” the “fucks sake just do the reading” the “be more spacially aware” the “focus! what are you looking at!” the  “control your emotions and don’t lash out even if someone just threatened you with full seriousness” the “stop flapping your hands because it means your stressed. Get the emotions out some other way” and the “stop saying you can’t do something. Everyone else at this fucking dinner table can!”. 
But yes.
Please chill.
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bittersweet--chaos · 2 years
meh im prolly blowing it out of proportion
anywho sorry for dumpin it on you
- :)
It’s fine I don’t mind
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inosukeslefttoe · 4 years
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ayo so like... hear me out... im not into physics or math or conspiracy theories bc they usually make my brain hurt but theres this thing called Zipf’s Law or smthn like that and its tripping me out homies so of course i would love to talk about it
so from my understanding it basically states that the frequency words appear on any given article of writing exist in an inversely proportional relationship to the rank of how often it appears. so like if the top words were “the” “and” and “i”, then “the” would appear a thousand times, “and” would appear half of that, “i” would appear a third of that and so on... and yeah thats like a cool nifty pattern but like
HOLY FUCK ?? HOW IS IT THAT A FUCKIN MATH EQUATION CAN JUST ?? PERFECTLY DESCRIBE THE PATTERNS OF SMTHN AS SEEMINGLY ABSTRACT AS HUMAN LANGUAGE ?? like YEAH i get that languages have specific structures n shit and obviously the most used words are gonna be super common words that appear a hell of a lot,, but at the same time that just blows my mind that smthn i view more as artsy and creative and abstract and human but then suddenly this lil math equation comes out of nowhere and can predict everything in here
and get this... this equation remains true for literally every language that its ever been tested on... and again,, i am aware of language structure but I DUNNO DUDE SOME LANGUAGES OUT THERE SEEM LIKE THEY STRUCTURED KINDA DIFFERENTLY AND JUST THE IDEA THAT THIS SEQUENCE WORKS EVEN ON ANCIENT LANGUAGES THAT REMAIN UNDECIPHERED... 
i guess ppl are just kinda wired to create language and stuff with that very specific pattern which i guess is kinda similar to this thing i saw about there only being like ,,, 32 stories ?? or smthn?? lol sorry that was off topic,, but n e ways, its kinda spooking me that ppl who i view as these wild abstract creative beings with souls n shit that dont rlly stick to science when it comes to creativity,, have again and again without fail created language systems that just keep following the same pattern. and yeah part of its prolly bc yknow old languages evolve into new ones so thats why structures are so similar but... idk homie to me this is just too weird to fully comprehend. ive never been one to rlly understand the whole conspiracy of “omg we r living in a simulation!!1!” but after learning about this zipf mf.... girl i can definitely see how that could be fuckin possible. like that would perfectly explain how something that seems outside of the bounds of mathematics and equations to ppl like me can like,, fit perfectly into an equation yknow? idk i just thot this was  a neat thing to think about sorry if i sound dumb :)
lol if anyone smart wants to comment on here or explain this/more shit like this to me i would love that
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brilliant-soul · 4 years
This is gonna be a highkey vent so just scroll past if ya dont wanna hear me complain lol
I dont wanna say work has been hostile recently but like,,the amount some ppl are going now to be extra rude to me is... exhausting to say the least
And it feels crazy bc its not even that bad yanno, i could just be blowing everything put of proportion
It just doesnt feel like it yanno. Like im never gonna bring it up to anyone but everyone acting like im some fuvin idiot was grating on my nerves enough but not to be purposely othered whenever i talk like im crazy or irrelevant?? Slowly killing me
So idk what i can do abt it, prolly nothing, but going into work stresses me out so much and i hate it
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