#Im kissing all of you on the foreheads
badlydrawnronpa · 6 months
i love how this blog called "badly drawn" while like some of these doodles are better than my finished sketches lol
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moonilit · 7 months
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Lynette: I think ppl should use their brain and eyes to solve their problems
Lynette: and smashing ur problems is also important and needed in the appropriate situation freminet u are doing amazing sweetheart and we love to have you here
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spyglahass · 2 years
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All is fair in love and war
But I can't fight with you anymore
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pilotduty · 2 months
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hello awtto nation.
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rpf is fine - pilotduty
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gay-idi0t · 2 years
Noah didn't get the role for Theo in The Goldfinch because it would've spoiled willhail being canon season 5 of Stranger Things🤭🤭
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simandy · 1 year
My guys. Im not forcing any of you to only dress in black and play with colorful sims, variations of the lo-fi aesthetic and sepias, even though i think they're the best thing in existence. Let people like colors. Let people enjoy colors you don't like. Some people like beige, some like black, some simmers are berry, some are not-so-berry, some only play with pastel colors and others are there using the highest contrast possible and all the blacks in existence. Let people enjoy their colors. Enjoy yours too.
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glitchdollmemoria · 11 months
do people who disregard photosensitivity realize that seizures can fucking kill or do they just not care. do people not realize that their "aesthetic" "cool" flashing lights that happen without SUFFICIENT warning... are fucking capable of killing people. i dont even care if i sound pissy right now because i am pissy, im sick of feeling like myself and others with epilepsy arent even afforded the right to be an afterthought to most people. im not even photosensitive but ffs this shit makes me so angry.
seizures themselves can be deadly if they go on too long, theyre essentially electrical overloads in the brain, you know, that organ that controls the entire rest of the body? and seizures can result in injuries or death from falls. from choking on our own vomit. from drowning in our own bathtubs, if we think we might be safe to bathe and then get proven wrong. maybe someone just wanted to watch a video or movie while they took a spa day.
did you know that epileptics are more likely to die younger than those without epilepsy, with all those risks and more? and have you heard of SUDEP? sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, death without a known cause, a rare but very real possibility for us. it kills approximately 1 in 1000 epileptics a year, if not more since it may not be accurately tracked. thats thousands of us dead a year. we do not need you to add to our death rates.
"all these things are known risks, epileptics just have to be more careful-" epileptic people should not have to be on constant fucking high alert. how about instead, people just learn to give a shit about life threatening disabilities? it takes so little effort to just offer a CLEAR and VERY OBVIOUS warning AHEAD OF TIME, for a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF TIME, before your stupid flashing lights. or just dont add them at all. are they necessary? are they really necessary? would you really fucking rather photosensitive epileptics have to be constantly on guard, IMPOSSIBLY on guard, rather than you just considering their safety? nobody can anticipate every instance of unexpected flashing lights they might come across. but you, creators, are able to provide warnings, and if for any reason you arent, then hire someone else to edit the warnings in or just get rid of the fucking lights altogether.
again, my epilepsy is not photosensitive, but i will never stop being protective of my photosensitive siblings. my own life is scary enough with the form of epilepsy i have, i cannot imagine how terrifying it must be to have to maneuver through the world with photosensitivity, and i dont want careless assholes to go killing my fucking community because you dont give enough of a shit to worry epileptic people. i am pissed off and emotionally exhausted and the shit with elon musk having a flashing gif on his twitter account was the straw that broke my back today so youre getting a pissed off PSA. everyone better start doing a whole damn lot better.
link to the CDC page about SUDEP
link to the epilepsy foundation site page about seizure risks
people without epilepsy are encouraged to reblog but know that i am already angry and will not tolerate bullshit on this post. give a fuck about other peoples lives and safety or im blocking you.
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stinkrascal · 1 month
im so drunk.. i got crumbl cookie… i love you mutuals
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steponmesilco · 2 years
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~~ Striking ~~
I'm technically 1 follower away from the 400 milestone, but heres my 400 follower artwork anyway because I finished it tonight <3
This is also available on my inprnt shop: "Striking" by Robyn on INPRNT
and you can support me on kofi ✨HERE✨
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spidvrbatz · 19 days
Green Lantern Comfort Board - Gift
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I'm so excited to gift this to you @nothaljordan !!! i have another one for u as well but that'll prolly be tmrw night!! I hope you like it T-T n that I characterized ur dad the right way
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(as always, look in tags for hc's 🥳)
#as I was making this I was like “oh yeah-its all coming together now..”#Hal Jordan moodboard for my amazing awesome kind miraculous moot Lantern#on to the headcannons for u <3#he sleeps without a pillow n if he does he like- puts his hands underneath it n sleep on his stomach#cuddles you tight at night like your his little teddy bear- in his free time you guys build pillow forts or if he's working he always#appreciates a surprise pillow fort and some dandelions cuz i think they're his favorite flower#he has coffee breath im sorry he just does#loves bacon n eggs but is also just fine with plain cereal (specifically honey nut cheerios)#he's not very good at baking nor does he have a green thumb but he will tell you all about planes n how they're made#his little mechanic#if youre scared of the dark its okay he'll make sure you wont come in harms way- for all intents and purposes..he's your hero and thats wha#makes him feel special to you#patches you up after particularly hard falls then kisses you on your forehead n tells u to try again#if you dont want to he wont force you n he'll hold your hand n take u to get ice cream prolly#he likes to play old games on a beat up gameboy#he does know how to chop ur fruits n veggies up into cute little pieces so you'll eat it!#knows you like the plates with the seperators and is an award winning dishwasher - calls you kiddo - little man...#he eats gum when he works (paying) and collects bottle taps from the egregious amounts of dr pepper he drinks#he actually rlly likes exotic foods n sweets - or maybe im just getting hungry#dc agere#moodboard tag#batman agere#GL agere#green lantern agere#sfw regression#sfw age regression
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purrvaire · 9 months
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i have not known a moment of peace since season 2 came out
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parkercore-69 · 3 months
thank you J.R.R. Tolkien for writing the most devastating romantic subplot in your lotr books without even realising it
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definitelynotarabbit · 6 months
Never gonna get over the fact that the king of genderfluidity, Shi Qingxuan, went through her immortal life telling every god he came across that they needed to become a woman with her, and the ONE (1) person that it worked on was the physical embodiment of the word "No", feared calamity, ghost king Black Water Sinking Ships, He Xuan.
And in all appearances, He Xuan isn't really a fan of it. But like, Sir???? You had no reason to do that???
idk it's just every time I come across the scene where Xie Lian properly meets Shi Qingxuan I lose my shit all over again
heaven must have some wild gossip about the earth master
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tartagliatum · 5 months
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z-eddsworld · 1 year
Hi guys
*kisses you guys on the forehead*
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magpie-trinkets · 8 months
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Apollo has had enough
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