#Im done having my arm experience all types of pain at once :3
the-trans-dragon · 2 years
I have no idea what is going on with my arm, it feels like my nerves are glitching, rapidly alternating between various combinations of pain, like it’s sunburnt and like I laid on it weird at night and like its being stretched too far and like i haven’t stretched it all day and tingly and pinpricking and like I have a few thorns and like someone is moving a soft paint brush over it and like it has high blood pressure and low blood pressure and is hot and is cold and I don’t know what the fuck it’s doing :3
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ventiskies · 4 years
when he accidentally injures you | Xiao, Albedo, Bennett
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a/n: hello anon!! im doing well, thank you!! hope you are too !! thank you for giving me the chance to add characters HHHH ive been DYING to write for Xiao, Albedo and Benny so i took the opportunity to! hope you like it !! also,,, this is probably my longest post !! i loved writing this <3
pairing: Xiao x gn! reader, Albedo x gn! reader Bennett x gn! reader
warnings: vague mentions of injury and blood
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★Xiao and you had been on a stroll, something you casually did together whenever Xiao was in a good mood. the adeptus wasn’t one to get out of the confines of Wangshuu Inn, so every time he does, you cherish it and spend it as if it was your last
★but this particular stroll didn’t go as planned, at all
★the two of you had left Wangshuu Inn in the morning, when the weather had seemed as if it would be sunny the whole morning, but it had betrayed you the moment you had set foot in Minlin, the skies had loomed with darkness and occasional rumbles of thunder
★Xiao could have easily teleported the two of you together, but a sudden attack with a ruin hunter had caused him to get distracted
★he could easily defeat the creation with a simple use of his elemental burst, but you were in the vicinity and he didn’t want you getting injured, despite the chances of hitting you were low, he wasn’t going to take the chance
★he had strictly told you to stay back and out of sight, making use of the terrain to jump and strike at the core with his polearm whenever the hunter was aiming to him, but he should have known you were stubborn
★the moment you had ran into the fight, arrow pointing to the ruin hunter, the said war machine had immediately turned towards you, all four of its arms aiming missiles towards you
★Xiao had been too slow, and when he had realized it was aiming towards you, you had already been sent back flying after the hit
★your name fell on his lips, his eyes widening in anger when he had seen what the creature had done, and without any hesitance Xiao summons his elemental burst and sends the creature falling to pieces
★“y/n,” Xiao mutters, worried that he would be met with the sight of you dead, “y/n, where are you?”
★you gave a weak groan, unable to raise your head after hitting it on the sharp rocks. Xiao made his way towards you, and the rain started pouting
★Xiao knelt down and cradled your head gently, seeing the gash on your head. you were most likely suffering from a concussion as well from the way you were unable to look at him in the eye, and your hands grabbing your forehead as if it had exploded
★his eyes showing evident worry, and this was the first time he had felt so scared
★he knew he was powerful, and he was beginning to regret even taking you out of the safety of the Inn. this shouldn't have happened, he was with you because he wanted to protect you,
★and here he was being the cause of your injury
★“y/n, can you hear me?” he asked, and when you hissed the moment he placed a gentle hand on your head, he curses lightly, unable to keep himself calm as he always had anymore, “hold on,”
★Xiao had lived for years and had suffered watching deaths and injuries of the people he had been close with since he had became the adeptus of Liyue, but for once, he had felt a different type of hurt when you had been injured this time
★because this was his fault; what if it had happened again?
★he had teleported the two of you back to Wangshuu Inn, and had asked Verr Goldet to help you just because he was afraid of hurting you further
★and she knew more than to question what happened, especially after Xiao had told her with the weakest voice she has ever heard him use, and pleading eyes to take care of you.
★when you had healed completely, you noticed Xiao had distanced himself from you more than when you had both met the first time, and it had worried you to no end
★it had came to a point where he would disappear whenever you tried to search for him at the balcony, and you were getting upset that he was running away from you because of the accident that was caused by your stubbornness; and the fact that you knew Xiao blamed himself had only made you more guilty
★”Xiao,” you gently said, walking outside with a bowl of his favorite almond tofu, “I miss you,”
★he had to contain himself to avoid disappearing on you again after he heard the words. Xiao wasn’t much of an emotional person, but the memories from the accident had left him afraid of getting close to you again, in fear that he would hurt you once more
★but when he had met your glossy eyes and saw the pained expression you held, he knew that it was only going to be worse is he had avoided you
★”y/n-” Xiao started, but you had only dropped the almond tofu and ran into his arms, hugging him tight as if you were afraid to let him go
★and (with reluctance), Xiao had hugged you back, twice as hard
★it would take time for him to get back to his usual self and trust himself to go out and adventure with you again, but for him, you would wait your lifetime.
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★An experiment going wrong was a part of alchemy. It was something Albedo would expect to happen fifty percent of the time he conducts something for the first time
★He has gotten a handful of injuries from it that he had sometimes forgotten that people outside of the realm of alchemy wouldn't know what it would be like to expect a burn or scars after the first test
★So of course, sometimes even the smartest people could be careless
★Albedo had brought you to his lab in Dragonspine, claiming that he had found a rare plant and wanted to see if it was able to withstand heat
★Putting it in a flask, he had placed it on a test tube holder and your curious eyes had caught sight of the glowing pink tube
★“What’s this?” you stepped closer to inspect the glowing flask, and Albedo wordlessly looks at you with a fond smile. your curious gaze at his work had always made him feel happy; you truly were endearing
★Albedo turns on the burner, and the moment the fire had hit the flask, the substance had instantly exploded, causing you to recoil back and grab at your face when the substance had burned your face
★instantly, Albedo had abandoned his failed test and attended to you, trying to pry your hands away from your face
★“My love, I’m so sorry,” he says gently, trying to see the damage that the explosion has gave you, “please look at me,”
★you felt tears well in your eyes, the burns on your cheeks combining with the coldness of the snow stinging your face
★when Albedo had successfully pried your hands away , he grabbed them gently and looked at you, “we- we need to see the deaconess,” he mutters to himself, feeling his heart ache seeing you holding back tears, never in his life had he regretted conducting an experiment so badly;
★he had wished he was able to take the pain away from you, he absolutely despised seeing you so hurt
★after you had healed, Albedo would make a rule that you weren’t ever allowed in the premises of his laboratory ever again, and that you were banned from joining him whenever he was conducting experiments
★it had hurt you when Albedo had adamantly decided on it, but you knew that it would only hurt him more if you tried to fight him about it
★he was still blaming himself for the incident; despite him knowing that errors were completely common in alchemy
★his greatest fear was hurting you, and if he was given a choice, he would rather have you far away as possible from anything that could lead to potential harm
★(and that especially meant that when the time comes and he loses control and destroys Mond, he hopes you would be far away from him as possible, too)
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★Bennett knew he was bad luck, he knew that was mostly the reason there wasn't anyone on his team. no one wanted to get hurt and gain nothing on an adventure. no one wanted to bring a bunch of medical supplies for when an accident that was bound to happen, happens
★no one but you
★you were the only member in Bennett’s team; you were a duo. you didn’t wield a vision, but that didn't make Bennett think of you any less, in fact, he thought you were the bravest person ever for being just a feet away from him outside of Mond, and now you were a team member of his
★injuries were common for you. there would always be some sort of scratch or bleeding whenever you went out on an adventure with the pyro vision holder. if there wasn’t a monster encounter, the two of you would accidentally trip and fall into a lake
★but when the latter happens, Bennett would have a fire for the two of you, and settle in an empty (at least, you hope was) hilichurl camp nearby to warm up in
★it was the norm now, and despite Bennett wanting you to just choose another team because he couldn't handle seeing you in pain from his luck, you had always reassured him that the unexpected turns of events because of his luck was just what you had loved about adventure, and you always trusted him to take care of you whenever something like that happened
★but of course, it was only a matter of time until it was Bennett himself who had hurt you
★you were both fighting a cryo abyss mage, the bastard’s protective shield already broken by Bennett’s elemental skill, causing the creature to start crawling on the ground pathetically
★you were sure its health had already decreased a significant amount that one slice could kill it off instantly, and you had wanted to give the final blow
★but Benny seemed to have a different idea
★the moment Bennett had saw you coming, it had been too late for him to stop, because the same moment you had ran towards the abyss mage, he had raised his sword and sliced the creature hard to the point that his sword had accidentally sliced your stomach as well
★thankfully, your clothes were thick enough that the cut hadn’t been deep enough to get stitches, but it still hurt so badly that you had fallen to the floor, clutching your stomach
★“y/n, what happened?!” he asked, too worried to remember that it had been him who did it, “are you okay?!- wait, no, that was a stupid question, let me see,”
★Bennett was an excellent team leader, but sometimes, he could be a little oblivious
★he gently lays you on his lap, taking out supplies from his belt. he had saw a glimpse of red, so he takes out towels to wipe the blood
★he had gently asked if he could lift your shirt, and when you had weakly nodded, he assessed the damage
★and that was when he had saw the burns by your cut
★burns. the abyss mage was a cryo one, and there wasn't any source of fire where you were but him
★Bennett felt his breath hitch, hands holding the towel clenching in fear. what had he done?
★“no, no, no,” he says in slight panic; this was exactly what he was afraid would happen, “no, no, y/n I’m so sorry. I was supposed to protect you,” his voice broke, gently pressing the towel on your wound to soak up the blood, and when he heard you hiss in pain, he felt tears well in his eyes, “I’m so sorry...”
★he knew the cut wasn’t deep, and you were going to be okay, but the mere thought that the fact you couldn't move and were in pain was because of his doing had caused Bennett to be unable to focus
★you were taken to Barbara immediately, Bennett carrying you bridal style the whole way back (he had been silent, while you had tried to start a conversation with lighthearted banter with him, he had only given you a half hearted laugh before focusing on his journey back) and was healed with a simple swish of the deaconess’ hands
★but afterwards, Bennett had started to spend less time outside of Mondstadt, saying that he had preferred to read at the library with you, and that was extremely unlike of him
★you knew it was because he was blaming himself for what had happened, so you had to let him know that you were fine, and that you knew that it was bound to happen anyways
★It would take a lot of reassurance for Benny to agree to even step a foot outside again, but in the end, it would be worth it to see his adventurer spirit once more
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Into the Darkness
 Prompt + pairing: Criminal AU, ‘Darkness’ + Victuuri
A/N: IM SO SORRY THAT I WAS LIKE 10 MINUTES LATE ON POSTING THIS. IM SO ANGRY WITH MYSELF RN, I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY except thanks @crimson-chains for the inspiration from ther Mafia AU comic- Please go read it!  IM ANGRY AT MYSELF BUT I'LL STILL DO MY OUTRO- <3 FROM PERSEPHONE .
Read on A03           WritersMonth 2021              Masterlist
“Victor…” Yuri seemed quiet for what seemed like minutes. “ You know I don’t like it when you come over like this.”
Seemingly offended by his boyfriend's words, the silver haired man huffed and placed his hand on his hips and poked his nose into the air. “ You don’t like it when your boyfriend shows up?”
Yuri- who would never intentionally say such a thing- quickly reiterated what he had said. ''No! No- not that. I mean when you come over… messily?”
Victor raised a hand to his almost prim hair- had it not been for the few stray bits that flew in random directions. “ Should I have done my hair?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Whaaat? No, I don’t,” Vector gave somewhat of a nervous giggle- sure his boyfriend would never arrest him without evidence but there was always a chance that if he felt petty enough, he would.
Yuri simply pointed to the blood stained mess that Victor called his ‘clothes’. It was truly Victor’s luck that he arrived on the doorstep of a cop covered head to toe in blood in the dead of the night- otherwise, the both of them would be in deep, deep, shit.
“Oh? You mean my new fashionable outfit? It seemed a bit drab so I decided to colour it up,” Victor explained thoroughly.
Yuri raised an eyebrow. “You decided to colour your clothes with the blood of your victims- what about your hair? Did you decide to dip it in cheetos?”
“I would never!” Victor gasped. “My hair also needed a makeover and so I decided to touch it up a bit.”
Folding his arms, Yuri leaned against the door. “ Uhu.”
“So my beloved beautiful boyfriend? Will you let me into your humble abode and allow me to clean myself up from this horrible experience?”
Grumbling slightly, Yuri opened the door to let Victor in and sighed slightly when he saw the small bloodstains that followed Victor- indicating a trail that Yuri worried may lead someone to his door. He was extremely lucky that it was this night that the rain decided to work in his favour.
“Yuuriii,” Victor wined slightly.
On hearing his boyfriend's extremely monotonic reply, Victor decided to drop the brat act (for once).
“Yuri?” Victor put his face in front of Yuri’s screen, so he could no longer type properly. “ Are you okay?”
Yuri sighed passive aggressively. “ I’d be okay if you moved your face from my screen.”
Victor, who severely doubted this, ignored the request and instead pulled the laptop out of his boyfriend's view and instead placed his head into his lap. While Yuri was angry, he was not angry enough to shove his boyfriends adorable face off his lap and so he angrily huffed and began to stroke his hair.
Phew, at least he's not that angry.
“Yuri? Talk to me,” Victor pleaded.
“There’s no point,” Yuri admitted.
“What do you mean there isn’t a point?”
Yuri stayed silent for a bit, running his fingers through Victor’s ,now clean, silver hair. Victor wanted to stay like this, he wanted to remain in the peaceful comfort of his lover’s arms- but the longer he stayed, the more anxiety dripped into his soul and the more comfort slowly tip-toed away.
“Yuri… what'd you mean there isn’t a point?”
“I mean,” He sighed heavily pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I mean there’s no point in me complaining about you being part of the criminal underworld. There’s no point in me complaining about you coming here like this. And there’s no point compl;aining about how terrified I feel everytime I see you!”
“-And it hurts, you know? It hurts, it really hurts. Because I don’t know if you’re going to be okay. I don’t know if one day, I’ll walk into the precinct and my worst nightmare will come true. I don't know If I’ll walk in there and see you or even worse, If I’m assigned to a case linked to you? Or when you call me in the middle of the night and your voice is all weak or when I can hear gunshots or screaming in the background. Or when you show up in the middle of the night covered in blood like today, smiling like- like- like some sort of psycho!”
“Is that what you think I am?” Victor shot out of Yuri’s lap. “ Some sort of psycho? Someone who’s sick in the head?”
Yuri flinched at the sudden change in tone from Victor on realising what he had just said. “ No, I- Victor- you have to understand how it looks to me. You show up out of nowhere with a trial of blood- you look like you’ve taken a bath in ketchup and worst of all- you’re smiling. How- what else am I supposed to think? You haven’t explained what happened- you refuse to tell- why, I don’t know!”
“I refuse to tell you?” Victor’s voice sounded pained- outraged even. “ I refuse to tell you because I don’t want to put you in danger. I won't tell you because I feel sick everytime I try to remember the darkness. I don't tell you because I know how much you value your job- I don’t tell you because I don't want to make your job- no- your life difficult!”
“Well, it’s too late for that- isn’t it?”
Victor’s voice shrank. “ What?”
And suddenly, Yuri realized the magnitude of his words and like a tsunami of emotion, regret came flooding into his body, filling him from the crown to toe-top- misery consumed his body, guilt and regret overflowing from his eyes. The tears stained his cheeks as his lip wobbled.
He tried to take the words back. “ No, no- Victor- I didn’t mean it. You have to know I didn’t mean any of that-”
“-I should leave, shouldn’t I?” Victor smiled miserably. -Please tell me to stay, please tell me to stay.
Yuri stared at Victor hopelessly. Please don’t, please- change your mind, don't leave!
Victor’s footsteps seemed heavy as he moved towards the door- but it was perhaps this moment that Victor decided would not be their lady;when he turned around and smiled at Yuri. The very smile that had Yuri’s heart soaring through the clouds when he saw it for the first time and the very smile Yuri dreaded to see when Victor appeareched on his doorsteps drenched in blood as if it were the rain itself
Yuri was right behind Victor- not anticipating his sudden turn, he stumbled a few steps back. He was seconds from falling and hitting the floor only for a delicate hand to weave their wand around his waist and pull him back to warmth. He glanced upwards and found himself staring into Victor’s eyes.
Victor gulped as he stared at Yuri sans his glasses. He looked so hopeful and in that moment, it pained him more than ever when he opened the door and a took a step outside into the thundering rain.
“I won’t make your life difficult anymore.” And with that, Victor vanished, once again, into the darkness.
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jougogo · 4 years
tsukki, iwa, daichi, kuroo, sakusa, akaashi, and shibayam with an s/o who’s afraid of needles getting a flu shot
a/n: wrote this in honor of me getting of me getting my flu shot yesterday and NOT CRYING FOR THE FIRST TIME WOW WE LOVE GROWTH
characters: tsukishima kei, hajime iwaizumi, sawamura daichi, kuroo tetsuro, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, shibayama yuuki
tw: mentions of needles
"kei, i don't like needles," you whined
"well, you still have to get them. are you really this weak? i thought you were stronger," he responded nonchalantly
ok that pissed you off
but once you were on the seat with the shiny syringe right in front of you?
all that confidence was g o n e 
"remember, you said you'd prove it to me." he smirked
you gulped and shut your eyes tightly
you could've sworn you felt his hand rest on your thigh as the shot was administered
you don't know what you were expecting, but the sting was only momentary and within a couple seconds, you were finished.
"ouch." you quietly yelped.
"see, you were just being a dramatic. tsk, weakling," he flicked your forehead
nurse looked kinda concerned ngl
but afterwards he'll carry your bags for you and open the doors bc he's proud
"good job, my weakling,"
"tsukki istg"
iwa knew about your fear of needles
he found out when he noticed you grip the pushpin tightly between your fingers everytime you have to pin sticky notes to the corkboard you had above your desk
so when it was flu shot season, he'll def volunteer to get it done together w you
iwa bby being such a gentlemen gahh i cant
i can see oikawa as someone who was prob also afraid of needles, so iwa knew how to handle situations like this
"iwa-chan but they're pricking my arm and i'm gonna be numb how am i going to practice volley-"
 b o n k 
"get over it brattykawa"
jkjk he'll be so gentle and patient with you
"hey hey it's okay, dont look at the needle. look at me" he turned your face towards his, cupping your cheek to prevent you from seeing the syringe from your peripheral vision
you gazed into his pretty green eyes. 
oh, how they resembled a lush rainforest, full of tropical plants and-
before you could even realize it, the needle jabbed into your tender arm
"ouch," you groaned, leaning your head against his muscled chest.
"see, you did it!" he congratulated you, his lips curving into a small smile as he patted your head
he rolled up the sleevs of his t-shirt to reveal gloriously toned beefy biceps as the nurse administered his flu shot
ok this view is def worth the pain
as expected, he took it like a champ. manz didn't even tense up
afterwards he'll take you out for ice cream hehe
when you confessed to daichi about your fear, he was so confused
"but i see you sewing stuff all the time?"
"dai that's different im not sticking the needle in my body bro"
ohhh ok ok now he gets it
he'll be so supportive the entire time!
"hey, i know you'll do great, okay? you're the bravest person i've ever met. you dont think a little thin piece of metal will get to you, do you baby?" he whispered reassuring words into your ear and brushing a stray piece of hair away from your face
when it was time for the nurse to give you the shot, you curled your body towards him ever-so-slightly
but he noticed and he thought it was the cutest thing
"hey, i'll protect you, don't worr-" he was cut off
you were gripped his shirt tightly in your fist and wincing at the pain
"ow ow ow" you mumbled into his shoulders as you felt the sting
"you're doing so good, sweetheart," he ran his hand up and down your back, attempting to sooth you
when it's all finally over he'll drive you over to his place so he can cuddle and "protect" you from the scary movie he very conveniently insisted on playing.
"babe, you know you have to get your flu shot. what if you accidentally pass a deadly flu to my grandpa? you'd have to stop coming over to my house,"
your loving boyfriend kuroo was currently trying to get you to release your tight grip from the front door of your house
"i don't want to get your grandpa sick, but i don't want to have a needle poke me," you wailed, tears flowing down your cheek
he got tired and just carried you in his strong arms to the car and drove to the hospital, despite your protests
he just whistled and rolled down the windows so everyone can hear
ofc, you shut up right then and there
"i'll get you back for this," you hissed
once you got to the hospital, you had no other choice but to oblige to kuroo as he dragged you through the halls to the vaccination rooms
the nurse was kind, but your heart was pounding
"te-tetsu, will you hold my hand" you whimpered when the nurse went to retrieve the tray
"of course, babygirl", he replied, putting his hands on top of your trembling ones
his large hands completely enveloped yours
when the nurse pricked the syringe into your arm, he squeezed your hands
"see, that wasn't too bad, right?"
"yeah, whatever" *sniffle sniffle*
also the type to take you for ice cream afterwards.
"you may not come near me until you have received your flu shot," your beloved boyfriend declared
"omi omi but i need you. and also we were just cuddling this morning bruh" you pouted. "please please please will you come with me" *cue the puppy eyes*
"fine" he grunted. 
at the hospital he refuses to sit next to you, insisting that he stands def not bc he's concerned abt the germs on the seat
when you froze upon seeing the needle, he put one of his big hands on your shoulder
"you can hold my hand," 
"don't make me take it back"
you put your other hand on top of his, your arm draping across your body
his fingers intertwined around yours and clasped it when you winced at the pain
he'll draw you a bath when you get home and wash your body for you!!
so sweet and loving 10/10 experience
you were currently hiding under a desk
specifically, the doctor's desk
"my love. it's no use if you hide, we're already here," akaashi sighed
he spent the last 2 hours dragging you to the nearest clinic for a flu shot
"you need to protect yourself so you don't get hurt," he had explained calmly
only for you, his sassy s/o to retort
"so why are you dragging me to a clinic just so i can get punctured by a needle? isn't that like, pain? which im supposed to protect myself from?"
someone help this poor bby boy
but somehow he had managed to lure you into the clinic
"alright. this is the last level i have to conquer. and then everything should be fine again" he thought to himself.
just the shot. just a lil pinch. right?
w r o n g
you were hysterical and sobbing
frankly, he felt really bad. but this had to happen at some point, right? after all, your fear of needles had started since you were a child. he was bound to have experienced something like this, as your dutiful boyfriend
he actually felt really bad
so he turned to the method that has worked for him time and time again to sooth his anxiety
"here, play with my fingers, it'll distract you" he reached out his hand to you and helped you out from under the desk
it worked!!
when the nurse came back, he rubbed the back of your hand,  a silent "im here for you"
definitely lots of comfort and cuddles afterward!
"see, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
the syringe was right in front of you and the nurse was currently disinfecting your arm with the alcohol wipe.
when he saw you tense up at the touch, he'll whisper lots of reassuring words into your ears 
"hey. you got this, i promise! it'll just be a little sting, and the pain is only temporary."
when he saw tears welling up in your eyes, he'll swipe them away with his thumb, caressing your cheeks.
"make me proud," 
how could you say no to his puppy eyes?? 
"i'll try, yuuki," you sniffled
he put his hand on your shoulder, gently drumming his fingers to the tune of your favorite song to help distract you
his other hand rubbing your palm
after everything's done, he'll give the bandaid little kisses!! 
awwww he's trying to kiss ur pain away my sweet baby
he wants you to know that even through pain, he'll be there by your side.
will take you out for ice cream pt.3
tags!!: @aka-a-shii (anna thank you for getting me into writing i hope i did akaashi justice), @toshisgarden (ily big sis mwah) @gigis-galaxy(bc ILY GIGI)
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Take a Break
Supernatural : Fic
Setting: During mid to end Season 3 (Dean has his contract set for Hell)
Word Count: 1709
Warnings: There’s a removal of surgical stitches and Sam getting all flirty with the doctor, but nothing too serious 😊
Request: “1 with sibling!winchester reader? ok so what im thinking (which you can totally say no to) is that the reader and her brothers (sam and dean) are in a new town fighting a new threat and this threat gets to the reader which lands her in the hospital. her brothers are going insane waiting in the hospital or like a week until one day they’re watching over her and she wakes up?” - @aliciasayshi
A/N: Still in your state of fear at the hospital, you’re rushing to leave, all the while Sam has a little crush on your resident doctor discharging you
Part One: Broken to Whole
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There was a knock at the door and one of the doctors came walking in and both the boys immediately took (Y/N)‘s hands to keep her calm. They had developed their own little protocol. 
“Miss. Winchester? I’m Dr. Tanner. I’m here to give you your final checkup, remove your stitches, and then you’ll be free to go.” It was a nice young woman with her brunette hair up in a ponytail. She had a wheeling tray trailing behind her covered in surgical tools. 
Sam looked towards (Y/N) for a split second and turned back to the doctor, “Of course. The faster we can get out of here the better."  
The doctor came in and started putting on gloves, "Understandable." 
(Y/N)’s breathing hitched, and she squeezed her brother’s hands. The doctor seemed to notice, and she took care in handling her instruments. 
"Alright. I’m going to use these tweezers,” she held up the instrument. "To undo each knot. And then with these scissors I’m going to cut each loop and then slide them out. It’s an extremely simple procedure and is rarely painful. But you may feel some pressure, okay?“ 
The boys appreciated the doctor taking her time to present all her tools and explain the steps calmly, it definitely put (Y/N)'s nerves down. 
"Yeah, that sounds fine. Just…” she closed her eyes. “Just talk about something different to distract me." 
Dr. Tanner smiled and got to work, gently lifting her gown and covering any exposed skin with the blanket, so only the surgical stitches were showing. The metal instruments clinked from the tray and (Y/N) took a sharp breath. The brothers intently stared at what the doctor was doing, and she gave them a swift look. 
"Are you all family? Or…" 
"We’re her brothers,” Dean said. “We’re not going anywhere." 
Her smiled widened, "That’s not what I was implying. Just wondering. You two seem like the protective type." 
Sam sneaked his own smile and gave her an up and down look, "We gotta be there for each other.” He waited a few seconds before, “Why don’t you tell us about yourself, doctor?”
She gave him a gaze and switched her hands for the tweezers and a metal dish, “That’s hardly appropriate, Mr. Winchester." 
Sam moved piercing eyes from (Y/N)’s strained face to the doctor’s hands and Dr. Tanner gave a small sigh, but a smile, "Well, my name’s Brooke. I just started my residency to become a surgeon. I graduated from high school early, so I’m one of the youngest students to be graduated from medical school." 
"How old are you?" 
She picked up a piece of paper towel and hummed, "I’m twenty-three." 
He whistled, "And you had to get a Bachelors and then a Medical Degree… so you had to have graduated high school when you were at least fifteen?" 
Tanner nodded, smirking, "Yep. Most people don’t believe me when I say that. But… I like to learn." 
Sam smiled wider and continued to gaze at her, "I believe you. ”
Dean moved his head from one person to another with mild disgust on his face, and (Y/N) had her eyes still closed tight so he couldn’t get her involved. 
“Alright,” Tanner said. “That wasn’t so bad was it? The wound looks right on its way to heal completely. I’m going to put on some surgical tape, which you can remove in about five days. However your abdomen is going to be very sore for a few weeks and you shouldn’t be doing anything that could exhort you to the point that you reopen your wound.”
(Y/N) finally reopened her eyes, “Did you take all the stitches out? Are they in the bowel?” Tanner attempted to lift them up to show her and she stuttered, “No, no, no. Take it away, I believe you." 
Dean gave a sarcastic smile, "We’ll make sure she doesn’t do anything too reckless, right Sammy?" Sam still hadn’t taken his eyes off Dr. Tanner and he merely nodded to Dean’s remark, who added, "Thanks, doc. Are we good to go?”
Tanner took off her gloves and went to wash her hands in the in-room sink, “Well, the tape is secure, so yes. As long as she feels up to leaving…" 
"God, yes I am,” (Y/N) said letting go of Sam’s hand and putting it on her face. 
In response, Sam got up and ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah, um… yeah - thank you, Brooke. I mean, Dr. Tanner.” He stretched out his hand. 
Tanner gave a small laugh and went out to take his hand, “It was a pleasure. Just make sure she doesn’t do any heavy lifting." 
Sam gave a confused look for a split second before recognition hit him, "Oh, oh yeah… (Y/N). She’ll be fine." 
(Y/N) finally realized what was going on and she turned dramatically from Sam to Dean, who gave her one of the most strained and annoyed expressions she had ever seen. He still had her hand and started to help her sit up and turn to the side of the bed. It was a slow process with a few squeaks and gasps, but she survived to the standing position. 
"Uh, Sammy? A little help here?” Dean asked, interrupting Sam’s staring contest with the back of Tanner’s head. 
He snapped out of it and went over to the other side of the bed, grabbing (Y/N)’s clothes from the side table and putting an arm around her. They moved her over to the bathroom and in her struggle to get through the door and handle her own clothing, Tanner made an interjection. 
“Do you need any assistance?" 
"No,” Dean began. “She’s fine…" 
Sam took a step forward, "That would be great." 
Tanner made a move for the door and Dean didn’t make any effort to get out of the way. She went around him and touched (Y/N)’s shoulder, "Let’s get you out of here." 
She was quiet and put a hand to her abdomen, giving in, "Please." 
Once the door closed, Dean smacked Sam across the chest, "What the hell, dude?" 
Sam put a hand to where he was hit, "What was that for?”
“You’re freaking flirting with the doc while (Y/N) is still having the hardest time staying afloat in this hospital!”
“Well, I’m sorry if I get caught up looking at a beautiful, intelligent girl that will have a normal conversation with me… it’s not like you haven’t ever done that." 
Dean scoffed and put his hands on his hips, "But this is (Y/N), Sam. And you’re ignoring her." 
"It’s not like she hasn’t ignored us before. Take it easy, Dean." 
The bathroom door opened and (Y/N) came out wearing her ripped jeans and side-zipped maroon leather jacket, with a brand-new black t-shirt for underneath. 
"Let’s get out of here, boys." 
Tanner led her out until Dean dove in and took over, "Come on, (Y/N/N). You hungry?”
She gave him pleading eyes from her semi-hunched position, “Burgers… please?”
Dr. Tanner ran out of the room and returned shortly with a wheelchair that (Y/N) hesitated to get in, but pain was not her friend. Dean pushed everyone out of the way and wheeled her from the room. 
Sam gave Tanner a side look and rubbed his fingers together before quickly leaving. 
Halfway down the hall, when Sam finally caught up, Dean held a frown and a determined step to the front door. 
“Dean, hey, hold up. What are you doing?" 
They continued their walk and (Y/N) was taking deep breaths, rolling her eyes at their child-like behavior. When they got by the doors to leave, she reached up and grabbed Sam by his shirt, pulling him to her level. 
"When’s your date?”
He stuttered, “What do you mean?" 
She pulled him closer, "After you just flirted with her through my traumatizing experience…" 
"You had stitches removed, (Y/N/N),” he smirked. 
Her eyes widened, “My traumatizing experience… you better not tell me you just walked away from her. There’s no way you’re going to ignore my suffering for a girl and then just leave her like it didn’t matter." 
Sam looked at a loss for words and finally stood up straight, turning his head. Tanner was at a nurse’s station talking to what appeared to be another doctor. 
(Y/N) let her hand fall to her side and she leaned her head back, "She told me, while I was getting dressed. Well, she asked about you.” She shook her head, “Just go take her on a date." 
Sam took a step backward and then toward the front doors before whispering, "Thanks, sis.” And then went back to the nurse’s station. 
“Why are you encouraging him?” Dean asked, squatting down to her. 
She looked at him in the eyes, “She has a friend, Dean. The other doctor that did my surgery… she’s been asking about you too. But Brooke says she’s a shy little thing. Don’t do anything stupid." 
Dean stood suddenly and looked back at the same station and squinted to try and see the other doctor by Sam and Tanner. 
"Her name’s Elliana." 
"She even sounds like a delicate flower,” he said. 
(Y/N) tried to move the wheelchair, “Which is why I said not to do anything stupid. I know your time is running out, but don’t go out wasting other’s time." 
Dean gave an offended smirk, "Excuse me miss my life is a sad horror filled mystery and I refuse to talk to anyone about it." 
She laughed, "Just wanted to make you feel better that Sam’s not the only one attracting the hot doctors. Now let’s go get food. It’ll signal Sam to hurry up with his geeky date proposal." 
Dean gave one last look at the doctors before lifting an eyebrow and shrugging his shoulders. He grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and pushed her out the doors, "I hate that you’re starting to know us so well."  
She started to laugh, but then gasped and clutched her abdomen. 
"That’s right, laugh it up,” Dean chuckled.
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sher-soc-the-famder · 6 years
I know that you don’t want me here
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Summary: Patton never wanted them to know. He had dealt with it alone; he had always dealt with these moods alone.
Word Count: 2739
Pairings: Platonic LAMP
Warnings: Depression, allusions to self harm
Notes: Well I am so sorry this took so long anon ^-^;; I hope that it is worth the wait and at least somewhat close to what you were hoping for! I’m working on MTO and the other prompts that are in my inbox, so keep an eye out for those as well!
Read On AO3
Patton picked at the edges of his sleeves, and sighed. He really should get up and turn on the lights. Or do the dishes. Maybe actually make himself some food instead of shoving another piece of bread into his mouth. But the thought of moving just seemed...too hard at the moment. Like he’d be trying to walk through mud instead of air.
His phone buzzed next to his arm and Patton poked it idly. Virgil had been trying to get ahold of him all day, something about thanks for the messages Patton had been sending all week. Which only made Patton feel worse, or it would have if he could dredge up anything other than the numb ache in his chest. Because the messages had been an attempt at distracting himself and Virgil deserved better than that.
My Dark Son <3 10:13 am: pat? r u busy?
My Dark Son <3 12:45 pm: i know u don’t have work
My Dark Son <3 12:48 pm: txt me when u can
My Dark Son <3 1:03 pm: Lo wants me 2 remind u 2 eat 2
My Dark Son <3 3:28 pm: pat im concerned
My Dark Son <3 3:29 pm: if u don’t respond im coming over
Patton took a deep breath and straightened as he started to type out a message. His fingers hovered over the keypad for a long moment before dropping. He should let Virgil know that he was doing alright. That nothing had happened, that it wasn't Virgil's fault Patton wasn't responding. The guilt would only make things worse if he let the messages sit any longer.
But Patton couldn't think of anything to say.
He set his phone back down, leaving the half typed message unsent.
It would blink at him later a daunting taunt that he couldn't even work up the energy to message one of his favorite people. Patton's head slid back down to the table at the thought, and he tugged the hood of his sweater up above his head. The dark helped, just slightly, but did nothing about the pressure on his chest.
He wanted to cry but the thought of crying just made Patton feel worse. Because if he cried than someone really would notice and he would be asked what was wrong. Which was nothing. Nothing was wrong except for himself and his heart. They'd make it into a big deal, and Patton hated the very thought of it.
He didn't want his friends to try and fix something for him. There wasn't anything to​ fix. Just him and his heart that wouldn't work the same as anyone else. Not to mention that they all had it so much worse than him. He was just tired.
Yeah that was it. He was just tired and if he waited long enough it would go away and he could go back to smiling and cheering them all up. Patton could laugh and smile and then laugh and smile some more if that was what they needed him to do, be an ever eternal fountain of positivity. Patton was who they turned to when they needed a smile and he hated to disappoint them.
Which meant that he never let them see him get like this.
He could deal with it alone anyways,
Patton would simply-
Well, he'd do what he had been doing for the past two weeks, do what he had done his whole life.
Patton took a deep breath and finally heaved himself up from the kitchen table. He let the hood fall further over his face, and tugged the sleeves into sweater paws, running his fingers over the soft fluff inside of it. He left his phone on the table, trying to ignore the new surge of guilt at the thought that it would soon be blowing up with more messages that he wouldn't be answering.
Virgil would tell Logan, who would send a couple of texts, one to Roman and a total of three to Patton, before he started to call. Virgil would text up until the moment that he broke Patton's door down. Roman would alternate texts and calls before helping Virgil break into Patton's apartement. At least, that's how it went when one of the other three felt down.
And when they arrived Patton would paste on another smile, crinkle his eyes as he did so they wouldn't be able to see how it didn't reach his eyes. They would fret and Patton would laugh, wave a turned off phone around, make an excuse about how he forgot to charge it. The lie would be bitter on his tongue.
Patton's shoulders curled inward as he shuffled towards his cabinet. He reached up, towards the back where he knew not even Roman in his scavenging would find, and pulled out a box of oreos. Patton always made sure to have a pack for these days. When he needed the comfort of sugar but didn't have the motivation to bake his own batch.
Patton didn't even bite back the guilt and self hatred about that, simply ripping the packet open and shoving a cookie into his mouth. He clutched the box close and wandered away from the kitchen. He settled down on the couch, curling his legs up and then over the armrest. He closed his eyes as he leaned back and tried not to think about when the others would get there.
He dozed, hating that he wanted to simply forget about them at all, hating that even then he couldn't completely. Patton was just so exhausted. He loved his friends to the moon and back. But he- he just couldn’t. Couldn’t care, couldn’t act, couldn’t do anything, he just couldn’t today.
(You fly too high Chickadee, Mother had told him once. It's alright to think about yourself every once and a while. It's not selfish to make sure you're safe before trying to save yourself.)
Patton opened his eyes, staring at the remote for a long minute. He stuffed another cookie in his mouth and told himself that he wouldn't eat another until he had turned on something to watch. Even a little background noise would help, even if the wrong thing would make him cry. Patton stared at the remote again, and ate another cookie.
God, he hated himself in that moment.
He ate another three cookies before finally reaching for the remote. He leaned over the couch, stretching as far as he could. His fingers brushed the remote and he inched it close enough for him to grab without getting up. He straightened, holding the remote next to his oreos for a moment to just breathe​.
Patton stared at the remote in his hands, and hated that as soon as he had put in the effort he didn’t want to watch TV anymore. He let the remote drop to the couch cushion and leaned his head back to doze once more. He should probably try to take a bath or shower, or even respond to those messages from Virgil. But he didn’t. He just...didn’t.
His hand dipped into the box of oreos, blinking sluggishly as he hit emptiness. Patton stared at the box for a long moment. He would have to get up to get more. Patton didn’t even know how long he as been sitting there just eating the cookies. Time felt as much of an illusion as Logan normally said it was in that moment.
Patton didn’t have any other oreos, and the thought of eating anything else made his stomach roll. He might be able to slide by with Kraft mac n’ cheese, but he had run out of that last week and had been getting by the oreos stashed around his apartment. Patton knew from experience that trying to force himself to eat ended with gagging and hours in the bathroom if he tried to force past his gag reflex.
He heaved himself to his feet, letting the box drop to the floor despite the idle thought of throwing it away being what got him moving. Patton tugged his hoodie tighter around himself, arms wrapped around his waist in the closest thing he could do in giving himself a hug.
He ignored the way that his eyes prickeld just for a moment as he bent down to pick up the box.
His socked feet brushed against the the carpet and then the kitchen tile. The sensation grated on his nerves at the same time that wasn’t enough. He wanted more, but he wanted less. Patton wanted his brain to make up its mind.
He dropped the box into his trash can and slid to the floor of the kitchen. Patton pressed his hands to the tile, wanting to relish in the cool tiles. All it did was make him uncomfortable. Patton leaned back against the counters, ignoring the way that one of the cupboard handles dug into his back. The pain was almost a welcome relief from the numbness that wrapped around his heart.
Patton had never hurt himself, not on purpose anyways. He could never work up the courage or stomach for it. Patton ran a fingernail over the inside of his wrist, over and over again. He pressed lightly, not enough to do more than sting as he felt the slide and bump of the tendons just under his skin. He wondered if actually cutting the skin would help.
Pain scared him though, on a normal day.
Now he couldn’t care less. What kept back his fear of pain also held back the energy to truly hurt himself. Patton tipped his head back. One of the vents that connected to the air conditioning turned on, and Patton didn’t move despite the cold air that blew across his hands and face. It seeped past his hoodie and the only effort Patton made at warming himself up was curling into a tighter ball.
He ran a fingernail over his wrist again.
He knew that no one would care as long as he wasn’t being annoying. Patton could mentally picture the glass wall that he had put up himself between him and the others. He had built it with a grin and encouraging words. He had said nothing more substantial about himself, had never offered anything past his positive attitude. They had never asked and he never encouraged them too.
He was selfish for dreaming of them noticing anything was wrong when he went out of his way to hide it.
Patton closed his eyes picturing the cabinet as the glass wall. He wanted to press his back to it and wish that he had the courage to let people through, to see just what sort of pain he was in. He never wanted them to know. He hated that he could never make up his mind. There was no winning. Either he hurt them by lying and remaining silent, or he hurt them by speaking up and adding even more troubles to their burdened shoulders.
Pain sparked in his palm as his nail caught against his tendon and he winced. The movement made him realize that he was shivering. He flexed his hands, nerves tingling at the action. He stared at his hands as the pins and needles ran through them, flexing them again just for the feeling. He wondered if he would have laughed about being numb inside and the becoming numb outside as well on a better day.
Distantly, he registered the fact that his phone buzzed against the table. A bumble bee pushing against a glass wall. Bump, bump, bump. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn’t shatter the glass and reach the flower it saw behind the glass. Patton wasn’t sure he really wanted it to. He wanted-
His skin itched with the need to scratch until he could draw what he wanted out of his body and put the whole thing to rest.
He brought his hands up to press against his eyes, flinching as he felt the wetness already there. He didn’t know when he had started to cry. A little desperately, Patton wiped at his face, but the more that he cleaned himself the harder he sobbed. His breath hiccuped. His chest felt like someone had laid bricks on top of it.
Knocking echoed through his home, and Patton flinched again at the noise. Muffled voices clawed at his ears and Patton couldn’t breath. He didn’t want them to find him like this. He didn’t want anyone to know. He wanted a hug. He hated himself and the world and his body and he was so stupid and overemotional and lazy and useless and-
Patton squeezed his hand shut, pressing his palms into his eyes. If he couldn’t see them, they wouldn’t see him. A childish and stupid sentiment just like the rest of him.
“Oh Padre,” Roman whispered from his left. Patton hated that he was too exhausted to figure out if it was pity or compassion in the actor’s voice. It didn’t matter. He couldn’t make anyone else feel worse.
“Go ‘way,” he whispered, “‘m fine.”
A hand pressed against his head. Patton curled into an even tighter ball. The fast that he hadn’t washed in over a week screamed at him. The fingers threaded through his greasy hair and Patton bit back a whimper at the gentle touch. Nails scratched against his scalp, a gentle loving pressure that made Patton’s shoulders shake.
“You are most certainly not,” Logan’s voice came from above him. And oh. Logan was the one petting him like there was nothing else he’d rather do than love Patton in that moment. A warm hand against his numb core. Logan’s voice softened, “But that is alright Patton.”
Patton shifted his hands so that he could take a peek at his friends. Virgil’s panicked eyes stared back at him. He crouched down at Patton’s level, looking him over with careful eyes. Patton covered his eyes again, hating the way that his stomach twisted at Virgil’s search. Of course they’d be worried about that. He was acting out of character.
“Didn’t hurt myself,” he mumbled. Logan’s hand in his hair stilled. “Don’t like hurting myself.”
“We didn’t-” Logan’s voice cracked. Patton wanted to tear his own voice out. Stupid. Selfish. How dare he make them worry. He’d be fine in a couple of days. They would have their Happy Pappy Patton and nothing would change.
Calloused hands touched his gently. They curled around his and tugged his hands away from his face. Patton squeezed his eyes shut, but in the brief moment of light he caught sight of Virgil’s gentle face and Roman’s stricken one.
“I don’t like it either,” Virgil whispered, running his thumb over the back of Patton’s hand. Patton’s shoulders dropped at the understanding in his tone. He cracked his eyes open and meet Virgil’s shaky smile. “Too much work, isn’t it? And god, do I hate having to work even more.”
Patton’s lips twitched at the joke.
“There we go,” Virgil coaxed, tightening his grip on Patton’s hands. Patton felt more tears well up in his eyes and even surrounded by their warmth he was so tired. Virgil tugged at him as he tried to curl back in on himself, and Logan’s hand on his head pressed down gently before resuming it’s stroking. “You up for telling us what’s wrong, Pat?”
Patton shrugged. The whole problem was that nothing was wrong. He didn’t have any reason for feeling the way that he did.
“Well this just isn’t fair,” Roman declared into the silence. Patton could feel Virgil’s hands twitch in surprise at the words. Roman pouted and then opened his arms up wide. “The other two get to comfort you and here I am doing nothing! It’s the cruelest thing in the world. I, for one, would very much like a hug.”
He winked. Patton sobbed, just once before throwing himself forward into Roman’s arms. Roman tugged him close, arms wrapping around his waist and face buried in his hair. Patton felt his warmth leech into his own cold bones. They tangled together until Virgil joined them; Logan’s voice above them all starting to rattle off ways that they could help and things they needed to do.
Patton buried his face in Roman’s chest, and let himself fall.
His friends would catch him.
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@moxieties @bloodropsblog @justanotherpurplebutterfly @dragonangel-funandfire @brikcsandbones
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fictional-scenarios · 6 years
May I request a continuation of the last Aizawa one where the reader is a villain? It would be cool to see how they clean up their act and how their relationship starts. Thanks for your hard work on everyone's requests. :D
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something even more new 
pairing: aizawa shouta // reader
a/n: since this is kind of a broad request im do headcanons that turn into a scenario :3 enjoy!!!!
part one!
warnings: none!
Since your last encounter with the hero EraserHead, you really are sure that you left that scene a changed person. The day after you told yourself that the call had been too close, that he really was planning on turning you in. He would have if you hadn’t caved and begged, dropping your cocky and playful attitude. You had to plead with him just for a final chance and fuck if you weren’t going to make it count. Not that you had much of a choice, afterall. If you got into trouble again you doubt he’d let it ever slide again.
A week later you finally take the first step in bettering yourself. You ghost whatever little friends you have who you’re sure would work to turn you back. You burn your suit, throw away and crush the stolen items you’ve accumulated over the years. It’s hard as hell even if you were never the most sentimental person in the world. Once your room looked nearly barren, you let out a deep sigh and flopped onto your bed, one of the only items you bought yourself with your own money upon moving into the city. Without all the mementos of your past staring you in the face, you finally feel like you might be able to breathe a little bit better.
The next step you take is finding a proper job. While you wished you would have sold all your stolen goods when you got rid of them, you knew it was better this way. You weren’t a crook anymore, and non-crooks got money the same way of everyone else does. You apply at whatever cafe you can, fill out the resumes and stealthily throw in that you’re a very ‘flexible’ person who can work many different jobs at once. Quick on your feet, easy to get along with. Of course no one knows just where your accumulated experience is from, but you’re sure you can come up with something on the spot. You’ve always been good with your words, after all.
Luckily you get an interview from a local cafe just a few blocks away from your tiny home. It’s very lax from the looks of it, mostly focusing on coffees but also bears a nice section of books and comics. Easy enough, but already you can tell it’s going to be boring compared to your old job. You get the job on the spot, the elderly owner more than happy to introduce a new member to the team. They’re all mostly older but there’s a few people your age, all of which are oddly suspicious that they’ve never met you before. You tell them something that isn’t entirely a lie: you never really got acquainted with anyone. Kept to yourself, spent most of your time working. Of course they took it without batting an eye and welcomed you to the cafe with open arms.
Working a position so mundane was one of the harder parts of ‘getting better’. You were always a person who’d love to get thrilled, lived life on the edge, so spending your time serving frappes and selling brownies didn’t really make you feel like you were getting the excitement you so craved. Every now and then you would have fun with your coworkers or you would spark up a conversation with a customer over a book they were buying, but you still found yourself daydreaming now and then about your old pastimes.
More specific, you would daydream about your old interactions. Eraserhead, namely. You missed taunting him, bounding roof to roof with him on your tale. It was always a game of cat and mouse and you enjoyed every single moment. You hadn’t seen or heard from him since then, but perhaps that was for the best. He likely wouldn’t even recognize you anymore. You certainly wouldn’t.
About a month into your new found life, you started feel yourself longing to slip back down that hill. Little things here and there, the urge to take some money from the register or snag a watch off a customers wrist. You were always confident in your skills and despite the break you were sure you could pull off your stunts just as easily as you always had been. At one point it the urge gets to bad that you almost cave. A customer leaves his wallet on the floor right by the exit and it would be so, so easy to just take it. You can see him outside the window typing on his phone, completely unaware. With no one looking, you take a deep breath, slink to the door, and pick it up. It’s heavy in your hand, the man surely has a lot of money stored away. You could steal it. Slip away and take it somewhere it would never be found. No one would suspect you- people lose wallets on the streets all the time. It would help you pay your bills now that you aren’t making nearly as much…
As you bite your lip, you make a choice that seals the deal.
“Sir!” You hollar, pushing the door open. The man stops typing, looks up at you like you’re insane. The closer you come the more he can see what you’re holding, and soon enough he’s patting his back pocket with wide eyes.
“O-Oh!” He gapes as you hand it back to him. “I had no idea…!”
“Hah, yeah. Woulda sucked to leave without your wallet.” You rub the back of your head sheepishly. “I’m just glad I caught you in time.”
“Thanks so much, this really means a lot.” He eyes you for a moment. “Y’know I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here save for working at the cafe. Live nearby?”
You shift your weight. “U-Uh yeah. Just moved here recently so I haven’t really…”
“Moved in yet?”
Despite having lived in the area for years, you nod. “Yeah. My place is like, empty, hah.”
Not a lie, but not a truth either. The man seems to bite, smiling warmly at you and saying, “Well, see you around. Thanks again, it’s nice to know we’ve got good hearted people like you in the city. We could always use the extra kindness.”
You sputter, “Have a great day, sir!”
When he nods, you turn your back on him almost a little too quickly. Heart in your throat, sweaty hands, for some reason that was one of the only things you’ve ever done that have shaken you. You’ve never been a friendly face, let alone someone considered ‘kind’. The mans words for some reason resonated within you, made you feel a strange sense of appreciation that you’d never really experienced before. Though unsure if it felt good or bad, it was definitely new.
As you step back inside the cafe, you’re stopped by a voice.
“Wow. So you really have taken a new wing.”
Instantly you’re searching everywhere, only to stop at a figure crouched atop the archway leading into your workplace. Wearing all black as always, hair messy and falling around his face, Aizawa perches and watches you from above. He’s just as scruffy as you remembered, but not nearly as annoyed. He doesn’t look as troubled as he always does when he’s chasing you through the city.
“Eraserhead.” You place a hand on your hips and flash him a cocky grin. “I was wondering when you’d show up.”
It’s a line you’ve said time and time again. He scoffs, and for just a moment, it feels like old times. He narrows his eyes at you, and this would be the moment you’d start running, but this time you don’t. For once you have no reason to. He leaps down and sizes you up, eyeing the nametag and the flour covered apron you wore.
“Never guessed you’d apply here of all places.”
“What, I can’t like coffee?”
He shrugs loosely. “Didn’t say that. Just not used to seeing you looking like a normal person.”
“Wow, thanks.” You deadpan. “This was the first place that called back, and I’ll take whatever I can get.”
Aizawa shoves his hands in his pockets and shifts his weight. “So you’re suddenly just an all new person?”
“I mean, I guess. I’m trying to be.” Looking away, you sigh. “It’s harder than I thought it would be.”
“You seem like you’re doing fine.”
“Yeah. Better than I thought I would be but…”
“You miss it.” Aizawa finishes for you. “Or it’s a habit.”
“Both.” You give an empty laugh, and he grunts. Flashing him a cheeky grin, you know you don’t nearly have as much confidence than you would if he busted you mid plan. If anything, you’re sure you look more nervous than anything else. “But hey, we had a lot of fun, didn’t we?”
The way he rolls his eyes makes you laugh again. “You were a pain in my ass.”
“Yet you always let me go.”
A pause worms it’s way between the two of you. You stare at him, he stares right back, tired eyes still watching as if he’s trying to decide your next move. Perhaps he doesn’t really believe you’ve changed, or maybe he just isn’t sure how to interact with you beyond an energetic chase. You break the silence before he can, reaching out and taking the door to pll it open. Without making eye contact, oddly docile, you say, “I’m taking my lunch, if you want to sit with me for a bit.”
Aizawa is quiet, but then he shrugs, follows you inside. You leave finding a seat to him as you walk behind the counter and clock out, hollering to your coworkers in the back that you’re taking a lunch while it’s slow. Taking a seat across the table from Aizawa, you bring both you and him cups of water. Strangely he speaks first, the moment you sit down.
“Do you like it here?”
It catches you off guard, but you nod regardless. “It’s fine. Boring, but fine. Keep’s me out of trouble.”
“Good.” He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. “I’d hate to have to turn you in after all this hard work.”
“What can I say? You scared me straight. You’d make a good security guard, you’ve got the scary eyes.”
“Thanks.” He grunts, and you flash an insolent grin.
His eyes follow the menu along the back wall as he speaks again, mumbling, “I thought you were going to skip town.”
“I thought about it but…”
His eyes flicker to you. “But what.”
“But I guess I realized running wasn’t really… An option anymore.”
“I’m surprised.”
“Why’s that?”
“Seemed like running was your favorite part.”
“It was,” You brighten. “Until you were actually going to turn me in. Suddenly it wasn’t as much fun anymore.”
Aizawa picks up his drink and takes a sip, huffing a laugh as he brings it to his lips. “Now look at you. Serving coffee with a smile.”
“Well that depends on the customer.”
“Mm. New life but the same attitude.”
“I mean I can’t change everything.” You tease. “Gotta keep some part of my identity. Plus,” You lean forward on your elbows, eyes devious as they always used to be. “You love my attitude.”
He almost chokes on his drink, and you let your head fall with laughter. This is what you missed, even if it wasn’t the same anymore.
“Not funny.” He grunts once he’s caught his breath, and you try to stifle your remaining giggles.
“Very funny. Hilarious, even.”
“Don’t forget I still have the power to turn you in.”
It’s an empty threat, you know it is. You poke the bear anyways, just as you always had.
“Me? Break a law? Eraserhead you should know me better than that. I’m just a simple person making some coffee and selling some books. I’ve never even so much as looked at a villain a day in my life.”
“Yeah, yeah. Such an innocent, law-abiding pedestrian.”
“Yep, that’s me!” You point at yourself with your thumb. “Model citizen right here.”
Aizawa scoffs, but it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him do so without the bite. Without the venom, the irritation.
“Good,” He says. “Keep it that way.”
You hum in amusement. “No promises.”
“You better. Don’t make me have to do checkups just to keep your ass out of prison.”
Your brows raise. “So now you’re trying to keep me out of prison?”
“If you ever paid any attention you’d realize that that’s what I’ve been doing since the first time I caught you red handed.”
Whatever cockiness you had before was punctured, your eyes widening for a moment. “Seriously?”
“You were such a pain all the damn time. It would have been much easier to just let the authorities handle you but,” He sighs and looks into his drink absentmindedly. “I saw potential.”
“Potential…? What kind of potential?” He lets his eyes wander around the cafe, the cheery signs, then he lets his eyes fall back to you. He stares at your nametag, and you frown. “You saw potential in me being some simpleton waitress at a cafe?”
“Being a good person. And by the looks of it, I was right.”
“You can’t prove that.” You cross your arms defiantly, eyebrows raising.
“You gave that man his wallet back when you could have easily snatched it for your own.” Aizawa’s eyes are on yours, and you slump your head down to your shoulders. Damn him for always getting you in the end, one or the other.
That strange sense of appreciation bubbles within you again. This time you cope with it differently, and you realize that it doesn’t feel bad. 
“Shut up.” You grumble. “But… Thanks.”
You shrug. “For seeing the potential, I guess.”
Leaning back in his seat, he sighs out. “Yeah. Don’t make me regret it.”
Despite knowing you’ve got nothing against him, you can’t help but give him a toothy grin. “No promises.”
“Don’t make me check in with you.”
“What if I do?”
“Then I’d have to keep tabs. Make sure you’re on the right path.”
“So you’ll visit me?”
“If I have to.”
He eyes you for a moment, catches the glint of excitement in your words. Although you’d never expect it, the corners of his lips upturn just enough to soften his expression.
“Once a week.”
“Only once?” You hum. “That leaves six other days to get in trouble…”
“Twice, then.”
“I dunno….”
“Three times. Take it or leave it.”
“Well how can I say no when you’re just so eager?”
“Could you at least try to hide your excitement?”
You giggle. “I knew you liked me.”
“Alright, that’s it.” He starts to get up and you leap, reaching out to grab his wrist.
“Wait, I’m only joking!” As he starts to sit back down, you smile. “Three days a week. Right here.”
“Three. Only three.”
You look down at your drink before flicking your eyes right back to him. “Never more?”
“Don’t push it.” He mumbles, and you realize you’ll take whatever he’ll give. Three days is a blessing.
“____!” Your attention is suddenly yanked away, and you see your coworker standing at the register. He’s one of your newer friends, someone you felt oddly close to despite your naturally high walls.
“What’s up?” You ask.
“Are you done with your date? You’ve got five more minutes.”
You gawk. “O-Oh! This isn’t-“
“Hey, no judging!” He cuts you off when you flush. “But seriously. Don’t clock in late or boss will have a fit. He’s a cool guy but he hates late-punchers.”
Aizawa sighs and stands, and immediately you’re flooded with disappointment. For the first time you’d been having fun with him, conversing. No chasing, no fighting or one liners, just… A nice conversation.
“I have to be leaving, anyways.” He says, and your face falls. He rolls his eyes. “Are you gonna start crying?”
“Maybe. I’m a bit softie now, remember?”
“Softie my ass.” He grunts as you stand up. You follow him to the door and as he pulls it open, that same disappointment only gets heavier. Regardless, you grin at him when he steps outside and turns back to look at you in the opening. “Bye.”
You go to say goodbye, but then it hits you. “Wait!” You call, and when he turns, you say, “I don’t even know your name. Just Eraserhead.”
Aizawa slumps his shoulders. “Aizawa.”
“Alright then, Aizawa,” The way his name feels in your mouth is… Nice. “I’ll see you in exactly… 2 days from now!”
“Yeah. Think you can make it?”
“I’ll do my best.”
He turns his back on you once more, and you let the door shut. Albeit still upset at the loss of him leaving, you can’t help but feel excitement building up in your stomach. Three days a week you’d have coffee with him. Just coffee, but it still made you light up in a way you hadn’t felt before.
As you clock in, your co worker pesters you about Aizawa, and you find it hard to not get even more excited talking about him. How you were going to make it two days you had no idea, but finally you were happy with the choices you’d made. Whatever urges you had before were gone, demolished.
This was going to be good for you, you could feel it it in your bones.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Twice Haunted House AU Pt4
Genre: Angst? Fluff? Murder Mystery Warnings: Mentions of murder. Trigger Warning: Mentions of a Suicide  Admin: Mirae A/n, Please Read: I have returned to the series! This was supposed to be posted on Halloween :P, fail. There is a few things I want to say first, there will be roughly 10 parts to this series. After the next chapter things will start to take off a little more, these first chapters introduced the suspects. There might be possible inconsistencies within the story for 2 reasons a)Literally the last time I wrote for this series was in January b)when I first wrote this I wasn't planning on making more parts and I certainly wasn't planning on making it a murder mystery. The first 3 parts suck so I don't know why yall wanted more but since you guys seemed to like it I decided to bring it back and im super excited. You need to read the first 3 parts to understand this so Id like to apologize in advance for how crappy they are, I might go back and redo them XD. Side Note: I made a photo edit for this but every time I tried to add it my computer and or phone crashed :\
Part 3
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Your hands typed away on your laptop as you went over everything that you and Tzuyu had been able to find out. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous and scared in this town, it felt like everyone knew everyone and they were all hiding something. Even though you have just started your investigation it felt like maybe your own parents were working against you. 
Rubbing your temples you thought back the Sheriff Kim and what Tzuyu said about feeling afraid when near him. There was a possibility that he had more to do with it than you both were aware of. How was it possible for a decorative Sheriff to not have any suspects in such a small town. Obviously there is some things you'd have to rule out when investigating. 
It was clear the the suspect was well acquainted with knives, and had combat experience as he was able to easily take out 9 teenage girls like they were toddlers just learning to walk. Then there was the part about the suspect being able to sneak into a house with 9 girls and have none of them notice them. He had to have some type of knowledge of their schedules and patterns. You thought about all the different possibilities an things that came into an investigation. You were surely no expert but with your vast knowledge of crime, tv shows you felt like you had some type of understanding of what went on. A tap on your shoulder made you yelp in surprise. 
Turning around you sighed when you saw Tzuyu stand behind you with a blank look on her face. “I overheard your parents say something about a contractor coming to look at the house and get a full report on what needs to be done,” Tzuyu said while playing with her hair. You furrowed your brows and thought about what she said 
“Yeah, well they want to fix up the place,” you simply pushed her words aside which made her slightly angry. She tapped your shoulder once you turned away from her. 
“Y/n is the same guy who originally built the house, that's why your parent hired him, to make the house look like how it used to,” Tzuyu whined. 
Your eyes widened and you swiveled in your chair once more “Really?” you questioned, even though the girls probably never met the contractor there was no doubt in your mind that he knew every inch of this house. 
“They said he would be here today, I think we should look into it. Even if he didn't do anything to us, he might know something,” Tzuyu said while tugging at your hand so you would stand up. You complied and followed her down the stairs, waving at Sana along the way. 
“Hey mom, dad,” you said with a fake smile once you entered the foyer. They greeted you back with a smile “Perfect you are here, the contractor will be visiting soon and we figured he would want in your room,” your mom smiled and rubbed your dad's upper back. You nodded your head and ats Tzuyu a glance before entering the kitchen to not look suspicious. 
“What are we even supposed to do to get the contractor to share information?” you asked, reaching up and grabbing a cub from the cupboard. 
“Just talk to him, get him to talk about his life and his work, ”Tzuyu stated like it was the most obvious thing ever. You nodded your head and lightly sipped on your water, in all honesty you didn't have much of an appetite. The thought of meeting even more people that potentially murdered the girls made you feel sick to your stomach. Even if the town and its people were innocent, you knew that they didn't do everything they could to get the murder solved. 
The front door opened and you heard a gruff voice greet your parents. Hesitantly you walked out of the kitchen and stared at the man, he was much shorter and older than you are expecting. “This is Y/n,” your father introduced with a bright smile. 
“Hi,” you simply said while approaching the man, He quickly shook your hand and ignored you. His eyes wandered the halls while he stared in awe the place, you could see a sparkle that looked like it had been hidden for years erupt within him. 
“Wow,” he simply said while looking it up and down. 
“Is it just how you remember?’ you asked curiously. He side eyed you and nodded “A little, JYP tried to change it but I'm glad to see he hasn't done much damage,” you noticed the intense hatred he seemed to give at the mention of JYP. 
“Ah did you not want him to mess with what you created,” you asked surprised by how easy to talk to he seemed to be. 
He shook his head and sighed, finally turning to face you “Honestly, I didn't appreciate the changes they were going o have done to my creation all because of those girls but I understand why he was doing them. It's nice to see it in persona gain, this is my proudest work, ya know kid?” he asked with a cheeky smile You felt yourself loosen up at his smile, he really didn't seem like the type of person that would harm others. It just seemed like he didn't appreciate JYP for trying to change his proudest work but it didn't seem like he hated the girls.
 “I wonder what happened to them, the girls I mean,” he added with a soft sigh. 
“Do you mind if I follow you around while you look at the house? I've been thinking about getting into contracting,” you lied in order to stick close to him. 
He shot you and surprised glance and nodded “Go ahead kid,” he said while walking up the stairs to check out the upper level. 
“The girls were murdered, ya know,” you asked while following close behind him. 
“I know, sad isn't it? I used to hate myself and this house because of the horrific murders that happened, I wish the Sheriff got over his high horse and actually did something about it,” he confessed and gave you clues. 
“The sheriff? I don't think he wanted to solve the murder” you said in order to see how the contractor would react. 
“Personally if you ask me I say he did it. His daughter used to be a training here, ya know. After she didn't make the cut for the silly singing group she decide to make the cut on something else, if you catch my drift,” he grumpily mumbled. 
Your eyes widened at his words “His daughter killed herself?” you asked, finally noticing Tzuyus presence. The other girls were coming out for the hiding posts and listening to the contractors words. “It was so sad if I'm being honest when the girls were first murder everyone in town blamed the sheriff. We were all sure he did it, he hated them because of his daughter,” the contract signed and wrote some stuff down in his notebook. 
“Thank you sir! I just realized I have something important to do so I'll take my leave,” you said while running away. 
“Aye wait, kid!” he hollered meaning you stop in your tracks. 
“I don't think you should get to involved in the murder, kay? I'm promisin you that you’ll get hurt,” he voice was low and firm sounding. You felt chills run up your spine,, Nayeon scoffed and flicked the guy's forehead causing him to randomly yelp in pain. 
“Asshole,,we will make sure that nothing happens to Y/n,” Nayeon was actually be nice for you, for once. Tzuyu tugged on your arms and you hurriedly followed her into the basement without your parents noticing. 
“Yeah I know I'm not the best at noticing things but that guy is a little creepy,” Chaeyoung said causing you to nod. 
“He really tried to blame the sheriff, have you met him yet?” Nayeon asked you. Both you and Tzuyu shook your head no, still lying about your visit to the station.
”I didn't know that about his daughter and now I feel bad,” Momo whined while rubbing the back of her neck. Sana gave her comforting parts to the back, giving her an adorable smile to calm her down. Tzuyu gave you a knowing look, you pulled out your phone and quickly wrote down in your suspect section. 
“Contractor Lee, fell in love with the house, his greatest life creation. He didn't like what JYP was doing to the place, he wanted to restore its olden beauty. Could that have possibly led him to kill the girls? His rage to to restore the beauty
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selenecrawford · 6 years
Selene Crawford: The Lady, the stapler and the Snake
Thank you for the comments and likes. Im taking my time making this story but Im happy is going well. As always I hope you like it ^^
Warnings: mild cursing.
“Selene this is the fourth stapler lost. We can't buy anymore. Will you take care of this issue?” said Hideoyoshi in a somber tone.
It's been now almost four months since Selene joined the firm. Due to her performance her status changed, as a permanent one, including a new title as executive assistant. She practically, run the office on her own with the full trust of Nobunaga and Hideoyoshi. Selene was happy with her progress and promotion. She managed to settle herself and get a good apartment near her job which let her walk without problems. She enjoyed early mornings walks or taking the bus. The car was a bit old, with certain repairs needed to be done. If her luck will keep at that level she will managed to get on her goal and start saving to go college.
Once Hideoyoshi went back to his office, Selene took her tablet and wireless headset and walk to the kitchen. It was time to set the table for breakfast and prepare a bit of Miso soup with some tofu. If her instincts didn't fail her two hangovers will be appearing soon adding to the grumpiness of the office. Multitasking was as easy as breathing for her. Calls came in while she prepare the miso, the agenda was full until the next so it was just a matter of playing chess between re-schedules, court appointments and other activities. The agendas were  now organized on a stand on the wall representing all the members of the firm plus the mysterious sixth one. Selene tried to ask who that belong to but no one offered an explanation. Not even Mitsurani who shared a brotherly love with her. As far, as Selene was concerned it was forbidden and yet Nobunaga almost bit her head off the day she suggested put it away on storage.
The miso was done and the smell soon drift away, from the kitchen. Setting the plates on the table, little by little the men started drifting to the table. The first ones to appear were Nobunaga and Mitsurani. The second like a robot and with a report on his table was reading while Selene keep taking things away in order to prevent him from falling. Nobunaga, took a cup of coffee and went to get his oatmeal cookies. Only two this time since Hideoyoshi was watching his sugar intake. Still Selene managed from time to time slide some Kopentiko to his office while Hideoyoshi was away in order to keep her boss happy. Yeah, she needed to make alliances since Hideoyoshi was Mother of all of them including her. Her modesty and virtue were saved with him. While, Masamune keep asking her out all the time and she evading giving an answer. At the moment, he only smiled and make jokes but from time to time they bump into each other and the sparks were flying everywhere. He was direct and sincere, Selene appreciated that. But she also understood how unstable he was. Sometimes, he was hanging with a different woman every week. His limit had been 3 weeks. Besides bumping into at the hallway from time to time Masamune also tried to feed her. She always had to take a break for lunch or he will be upset. He even recruit the rest of the men in his quest to make her gain a couple of pounds since he thought she was not eating properly or enough. She didn't mind the pampering, it was the first time in her life this many people care for her well being. At the same time a weird feeling of caution started to grow in her. Selene didn't want to admit that she wanted to be with someone. It was too soon, she said for herself. The wound was still open. And yet, she sometimes will hug herself desperate to feel something that will make feel warm and at peace.
The click on the door let her know the missing two were about to enter. Masamune, arrived with a set of sunglasses while Mitsuhide was squinting his eyes and holding his neck with his right arm. The plates with hot miso soups were already on the table with 2 aspirins and some cold compresses.
“Gentlemen enjoy the breakfast I will be going to deliver the agendas to your offices.” with this Selene took the exit and went to give the agendas an update with all the activities they needed to work out.
“So, what's new with you two?” said Nobunaga breaking the ice.
“Well, my date was a complete disaster. Spent the rest of the night watching movies and fell asleep at the sofa.” said Masamune gulping the pills down then taking a sip of the hot miso soup. “Damn the Lass improves every time she makes it.”
“Well, my investigation is going well, I just need some information from the docks, but they won't let inside their circle.” said Mitsuhide in a nonchalant way. What he didn't tell is that after giving the rounds he always goes to check on Selene. The woman is pretty but she also is sharp, perhaps too much for a simple archivist. He knows a fellow comrade when he sees it and that woman really is more than meets the eye.
With a smug smile the snake decided to poke the tiger and see what bites.
“Well, I don't know you guys but I think I might ask Selene out. The girl seems decent, even adorable with that scar on her nose.” Mitsuhide laid the bait and waited.
“And do what? She is not your type.” Masamune didn't wait long to bark a response.
Mitsurani uncharacteristically from him responded without taking his eyes from his tablet. “She likes to go out during the week. Weekends are too stressful for her. Also there is a new martial arts movie you should take her there but again make sure its a time where there is not many people or too crowded.”
The table seemed to stop in time. Nobunaga, Masamune and Mitsuhide looked dumbfounded at Mitsurani without giving credit to what they heard.
“Wait, how do you know that?” asked Masamune.
“We hang out sometimes, she is cool and a very intelligent woman. We even went to the museum last week and sometimes go for some ice cream.” responded Mitsurani. After that he stood up and with a polite goodbye he left still not taking his eyes from the tablet.
“Well I'll be dammed.” said Nobunaga with a chuckle. “I never thought the day we will be defeated by Mitsurani of all people.” crossing his arms he looked at Masamune's and Mitsuhide's reaction. As always Masamune was an open book. But Mitsuhide just gave a smug half smile and kept slurping the soup until it finished it.
Mitsuhide took his leave to get a change of clothes at his office. The doll was quicker than he thought. Years of experience taught him that sometimes even the most pure thing could be corrupted. And he thought Selene was not the exception. She was in that world, the question was how bloody her hands were.
Meanwhile Masamune kept silent while Nobunaga took his coffee calmly . The Devil looked at the Dragon and saw many emotions on his face. He knew Masamune, he might be loud but sometimes the man might keep to himself. And it was on those times that it was wise to keep an eye on him.
“Oi, what's wrong boss?” Masamune couldn't stay quiet it was not his style at all.
“Nothing, I just wonder when are you going to stop wasting your time. You might fool everyone but not me. You like her don't you?” said Nobunaga with a smirk.
“Well everyone seemed to had taken a turn to get her.” Masamune regretted saying the moment he let it out of mouth.
“That's bullshit and you know that. It might be a short time but that woman is not weak, useless or stupid. Plus, she might like you. Not your mask, but who you really are Date. Stop playing around. Who knows she might be the one?” said Nobunaga taking his leave before Masamune could respond.
Masamune sighed feeling exhausted. Everyone felt entitled to tell him what to do. Yeah, he will change and just like that she will fall at his feet, right. Everyone had might seen different sides of her. But what he feels every time he sees those emerald eyes is a deep pain and sadness.  He knows that look all too well. During the passed months she had been eating his food and that had given him some hope aside from leaving her notes and food nothing else changed. Not even the intentional bump had work.  She needs time to heal. Closing his eyes for a moment he felt the faint fragrance of lavender and knew she was near. For a moment he let himself believe she was hugging him. Until the vibration of the cellphone took him out of his fantasy.
“Date.” sounding harsher than usual.
“It's me Kojuro. We have something you might want to see down at the station. Can you come right away?”
“Sure, give me 30 minutes?” said Masamune turning into his detective persona.
Masamune stood up and cleaned the kitchen. On his way out, he let Selene know where he was going.
Selene smiled hiding her worry when Masamune left. When the men started talking about their night it was her cue to leave and also her opportunity to check Mitsuhide's offices. She had a suspicions that the resident snake was the culprit but she needed proof. She took a look around at the office and found one of the latest staplers behind some books. The back of her hair went up and she knew that, he was already in the room.
“Well I guess the place now have a little infestation.” taking a seat behind his desk Mitsuhide gave Selene a smug smile.
Selene hold her right arm and tried not to shudder at Mitsuhide's attitude. Meanwhile something stirred inside her. Something she thought was dead but given the circumstances it was still inside buried and fighting to get out once again. Not trusting herself , she could only take a a notepad and scribble some words before throwing them to Mitsuhide and leave the office in a hurry. Mitsuhide frown at her reaction, that was not what he as expecting. Taking the notepad he look at the note and raising one brow in amusement he took the note and tucked it on his wallet.
“So the plot thickens uh?” a sly smile appeared while Mitsuhide started working on his case.
Taking her purse Selene looked for her phone and went to roof of the building. Making sure she was completely alone she dialed the number and waited for the answer.
“Hi it's me, tell me everything you know about Mitsuhide Akechi. Please.”
@datemasamunemaiwaifu @colivara @masa-little-kitten @elievalentine @epicdragonlady @yeshasays @unstoppablelinda @mikamiw @ikesenhell
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bxebxee · 7 years
ok and i know yr on break so dont feel pressured to answer or anything!! and im sorry for writing a whole novel in yr inbox, i was trying to figure out how they might build up to actual penetrative sex and i got rlly invested 😳
omg do you know how much i love you!!!!!! I hope EVERYONE clicks on the read more because you are the best anon!!!!! I bolded and underlined my favorite bits and wrote a tiny thing at the end because you’re the BEST. I haven’t felt this rush-inspired in such a long time!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
becky i was thinking ab yr nj humiliation drafts ([one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six]) and how they might progress and i started thinking ab rope bondage and how at first she was too nervous to touch him but once she gets more comfortable its all she wants to do!! but hes worried bc of how restrained/repressed shes been in the past and to keep her from jumping the gun he starts tieing her up?? (1/5)
and its small things at first like restraining her hands behind her back so she wont touch him or herself while he makes himself cum (and then maybe if shes good and doesnt complain he’ll let her ride his fingers to get off, hers still tied behind her back. or if hes feeling mean he makes her grind herself against a pillow or the arm of his couch while he watches) (2/5)
and some mornings he’ll have her come over and strip so he can tie her up and then redress over the knots and spend the rest of the day like that under her clothes (esp patterns where the ropes pull straight up between her legs) and when he takes them off at the end of the day and hes rubbing her down where the skin mightve chaffed shes way more affected than she thought she’d be and comes untouched? (3/5)
and then one day when they both have a free day he spiral ties her legs and restrains her arms behind her and then after he makes sure shes comfortable and knows her limits he just- leans back on the bed and starts reading his book like she isnt tied up and at his mercy right next to him? (4/5)
and when he finally puts down his book after what feels like forever instead of doing anything right away he throws back to how this all started and tells her if she wants him to touch her tonight shes going to have to tell him exactly what she wants from him in excruciating detail. and before she can even think about it, this barely coherent, desperate plea for him to just fuck her escapes. and then after shes calmed down and can speak properly he does exactly as she asks. (5/5)
You’re nearly in tears when Namjoon puts his book down - finally, fucking finally. You hate crying in front of anyone because there’s always so much snot that goes into production. It’s the furthest thing from pretty or ladylike or decent. You don’t want to show Namjoon that side of you just yet.
There is an ache that’s been building at your core for quite some time that’s exacerbated by the numbness you feel at your legs and hands. It’s not the most uncomfortable thing in the world, but people have a tendency to overlook the importance of fidgeting in every day life. You know that you certainly didn’t know how much you missed simple movement until Namjoon tied you up and allowed you to “relax” for a hot second.
At first it felt fine - good even. He asked you a million questions about your comfort, and it just felt like you were laying down. And you might have been able sleep were it not for the itch on your nose that bloomed unexpectedly.
It’s the small things in life that set you off, and fixation over a small itch made you desire free hands like nothing else. The only way you could get over it was to focus on Namjoon reading silently at his desk, feet propped up as he concentrated on the book before him.
He looked so good, so perfect - all long limbs and careless expression of height for no reason. His fingers turned a page and your mouth went dry. You had never been jealous of paper before in your life.
You could have begged him to scratch your nose for you, but it seemed like such a silly reason to interrupt his reading. And it wasn’t until he made eye contact that you were pushed into some weird territory of desire. But Namjoon didn’t stop reading. You knew he was actively absorbing whatever it was he was reading because he had his literature face on - scrunched eyebrows that moved expressively as he took in the text.
Your boyfriend is a pervert, but so are you. By the time your mind has sent you to and from four different fantasy trips, each involving Namjoon’s pretty cock, your lips are dry from sucking in too much air. It’s a sharp contrast to the way your panties feel.
He puts his book down, and your heart races.
“You’re so obvious,” he says, eyes dripping with fondness.
“I’m not hiding anything,” you tell him, sincere and horny. “I want you so bad.”
And Namjoon is overjoyed really, and so, so proud that you’ve come this far. You admit things to him, but more importantly, to yourself without shame. You’re the same woman he met, but he’s pretty sure you’re a bit happier.
Namjoon pushes because that’s what he’s good at.
“I can tell,” he replies, undoing a few buttons of his shirt. He’s about ninety-nine percent sure he’s going to make you cum tonight. “But I’m not going to touch you until you’re more specific.”
You moan, biting your lip as your arousal grinds a heavy ax on your core.
“You need to tell me every, little detail,” Namjoon orders, “or I’m not doing anything.”
It’s excruciating the way you open your lips for nothing to come out. Speak, your mind begs. You’ve just had four delicious fantasies for material, and yet there’s a disconnect between your mind and your mouth. All you can think about is the lump in his pants covering his cock, and the way that cock felt in your dreams.
And you’ve done everything with him except actual, vaginal, penetrative sex. Namjoon makes your jaw hurt and your throat raw whenever you suck at him, and not a day goes by when you don’t think about how sore your vagina would feel with him stretching you out. Just two of his fingers feel like the end of the world for you.
Despite your reservations about penetration, you want to experience it. You want Namjoon to experience it. You’ve watched so much porn together - you seated on his lap with one of his long fingers shoved up your pussy while the two of you viewed some girl getting pounded by a well-endowed man. Every time you pictured Namjoon would one day try fucking you just like that.
A whine escapes your throat as the images are too clear in your mind. Namjoon has you face down on the bed in your fantasy, spreading apart your asscheeks with two hands to scrutinize your holes. He’s picking one to fuck and settles on rubbing his cock against your filthy slit weeping with arousal.
Namjoon in real life is patient as he sees you working up the courage. You waited for him as he read, and he could most certainly wait for you.
“Fuck me,” you whisper, and the expletive sounds like a gunshot even though your tone is softer than feathers. You close your eyes. “F-fuck me… ngh.” And in your head, the fantasy of Namjoon sinking in and using you until he’s satisfied play out again and again until the only things that come out of your mouth are sad little begs.
Namjoon still waits, taking in the show you’re putting on for him because it’s not every day you fantasize about him right in front of his eyes. He likes to watch you think things through.
You take long, shuttering gasps of air to calm the fuck down because you need to talk if any of this had a snowball’s chance in hell of coming true. And after some tens of seconds go by where the only thing you do is think of absolutely nothing, you are finally able to open your eyes and dislodge the stopper between brain and mouth.
“I wish you would untie me first,” you start. It’s not a question or a request. “Then undress me. Undress yourself. Touch me.”
“Slow down,” Namjoon chuckles. “You’re skipping all the good stuff.”
“All I want is for you to spread me open with those big hands of yours and shove your cock in whatever hole you want,” you continue as if he never said anything. You didn’t care about going through what he wanted because this is your fantasy, and he’s just here for the ride.
“Keep going.”
Good, you think. Namjoon is playing along.
“You’re going to choose my pussy.”
“Interesting that I have no say in my own choice.”
“Shut up.”
Namjoon’s heart seems to stutter in its beating, and he can tell you’re also surprised by your own outburst. He’s almost scared that you’re going to backtrack and take it back, because you were doing so good so far.
“Um,” you pause, “yeah… shut up.”
He can’t help but to smile when you forge ahead, and he zips his lips like the obedient boyfriend he wants to be for you.
“You go in slow just to test me. First the tip to see if I can take it at all. And then you push right in even though it feels like I’m going to spit you out.”
This is exhilarating. Your mind provides words for you easily, as if you’re lying down in bed with your phone in hand typing out something naughty for Namjoon. It feels just like that moment of freedom, and you relish it.
“You don’t go slow,” you say with a laugh. “You’re fucking me for you.”
“Stop right there,” Namjoon interrupts. “I’m going to untie you.”
“Thank you.”
It doesn’t take long for Namjoon to remove the ties and toss them off the bed. He massages your arms and legs to help with the circulation and holds you as you shake from the pins and needles shooting its unpleasantness up and down your body.
“Is it going to be tonight?” Namjoon asks. “Because we don’t have to.”
You smile, a little teary because the pain was real after the ties were loosened. “I really want it to be tonight.”
Namjoon kisses your forehead.
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somethinglacking · 6 years
Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 3
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Relationship:707 | Luciel Choi/Main Character Characters:707 | Luciel Choi, V | Jihyun Kim Mary, Vanderwood 3rd, Jumin Han, Zen | Hyun Ryu, Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, Main Character, Rika, Saeran ChoiUnknown | Ray
It was late in the night, or early in the morning depending on how you choose to view it. V's fever had returned it had been alarming. Nari wiped the sweat from V's brow with a cool cloth. His skin was flushed and felt hot to the touch. Nari brushed his hair from his clammy flesh. Vanderwood and Seven seemed to be talking about something important in the other room. The door was cracked, but all she could make out was hushed harsh tones. Nari sighed; it appeared Seven was now fighting two hackers instead of just Ray. She laced her fingers through V's in hopes to comfort the sick and broken man before her. She opened the messenger app. 2 missed chat rooms, one with Rika, and another with the second hacker. Nari sighed to herself as she logged back out. She couldn't even bother herself to read the chat rooms. She set the phone down and laid her head down on their conjoined hands. Her eyes looking at V's sleeping face. She felt helpless; she didn't have the supplies she would have liked. She knew she was lucky to get what she had, but there where many things she didn't realize the importance of until now. Closing her eyes she realized that without the hospital she was useless. That was depressing.
She woke to the feeling of a finger running through her hair. She sighed a little at the comforting touch, before opening her eyes. Brown met with mint.
"Nari... are you awake?" His voice was soft.
"V how are you feeling?" She asked not lifting her head allowing him to keep playing with her hair.
"I'm much better... because you stayed with me all night long. Thank you, Nari." V's eyes where kind as he moved his hand to pet her head. "I went there to save you, but instead, I'm getting help from you. You seem to be a very strong person. But compared to you, I'm..." He paused collecting his thought. "I'm not at all responsible as a person in charge of an association."
Nari closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "It's alright. You're good enough just the way you are."
"Thank you for saying that. I feel so comfortable, so at ease when I talk to you... I'm not sure why. Is it because this vibe you have...?" His confession made Nari blush slightly. "I'm... arguing every day against myself... whether I'm on the right track... However... when you support me when that happens... I get a little... very little confidence that I am on the right track. Sorry for making you see me like this." His voice was breaking a little. Nari opened her eyes to look at the gentleman before her. "Nari, please don't be too nice to me, I'm not worth it." She went to say something and he shook his head, fingers still tangled in her hair." as I was talking to you, I was able to realize so many things I never knew. Once my vision, I could see little by little of how trapped I was in my world. However... I'm already a sinner. There are so many sins I've committed. I don't deserve to be happy with someone. The happier I become... the more Rika would hate me. There will be even more misfortune and unhappiness. I must do something about Rika. I must sacrifice myself to stop her." Nari' s head shot up startling him a little. Her eyes were hard as she looked at him.
"There goes your habit again. You're trying to handle everything by yourself-." He silenced her out bust by placing his fingers on her lips.
"Do you think... this is my habit?" He questioned her soothingly stroking her hair again, Nari could only nod.
"But this is a bit different. This is something I must handle on my own. I can no longer watch any other people getting hurt. I'm the one who ruined her... so I'll be the one to put her in peace. It takes only me. If I sacrifice myself, Rika will stop. That's all I can ever wish for. I'll be at peace too... if I do that.." His eyes were sad, they were focused on his hand on her head as he spoke.
"You don't have to do this alone. We can work together." Nari assured him.
"I'm not the type of man who could do that. I've already failed once... Rika changed like that. It's because of me... it's because I loved Rika. Please, let me do this alone. There's only one victim necessary- me. I'll stop Rika and protect everyone. That's the only meaning left in my life. I can never forgive myself... maybe I shouldn't have started this... maybe I should've never done something like love. If I'd known this is how things would turn out... then... I wouldn't have started it in the first place..." He confessed. Nari looked at him with sad understanding eyes.
"There's nothing that shouldn't have started. Back then you only have innocent intentions... you only wished to experience love." Nari tried to soothe him.
"Nari, you keep telling me that I might as well really trust that your right. Do you think I'll be forgiven?" He asked eyes looking at her. Nari smiled softly and nodded.
"Haaa... you'd better stay away from me. I..Im a bizarre person, just like Rika. I might hurt you. You might find yourself in greater danger because of me. What if you suffer... because of me...? I'll be in so much pain... If I think that you might suffer because of me. What if you become like Rika...? What if I ruin you as you stay with me? I'm a monster, like Rika. Please... I don't want to hurt you. Not you." He was getting mystical with his thoughts.
"You're not a monster, V!" She yelled loudly causing him to close his mouth looking at her in surprise. She flushed, it came out so loud she was sure the others heard her.
"You're just... you've experienced tragically sad love. That's all." She voice was soft and quiet.
"No, I am a monster... I was addicted to loving someone endlessly, to the point I devastated someone. I was a fool... a monster... who thought that was the proper way of love. I'm just an empty shell... that tried to find meaning in love. Because I didn't even know who I really am." He sighed sadly closing his own eyes, his eyebrows scrunched together. He was fighting a battle within himself.
"Nari... this is who I am. I'm a photographer, the head of RFA, Rika's past love. The one who ruined Rika. A scaredy-cat trapped by my own fear... Wait... actually, I don't know... I don't know who I am, what kind of person I am. Perhaps... There is no definition of the real me. I'm just a bunch of complicated problems like a package of white blank puzzles..."
"You can find your hue from now on. You can start discovering yourself from the beginning." Nari mused softly, His eyes opened on surprised.
"Thank you... Nari. I wish I could have met you sooner... But I if I did... do you think there would've been anything different?" Nari flushed as he spoke. Unable to form words herself.
"This idea wouldn't leave my head. Do you think I would become like this... Rika would've become like this... if you were there? Haha... seriously I keep wondering why I had to meet you now... it's already too late... I'm determined to vanish alone once I stop Rika." His voice getting quieter as he spoke.
"Please don't go. Stay. Stay and find a new path." Nari heard her voice crack as she pleaded with him.
"I must go. It's too late to find another path. I've come... too far. So please... don't try to comfort me anymore, Nari. I... I can't stay with you. I don't deserve it. But thank you, Nari... if there comes one more chance... no nothing... if I continue this conversion... " He moves to stand, Nari, moved to allow him to do so.
"I fear I might say something funny to you. I'm sorry... and thank you for bearing with me." And with that, he left her alone in the room. Nari bit her lip thinking back on the conversion. She wanted to help him; she'd do anything to help him.
After a few moments, she realized just how stiff her body was. She stood stretching her worn out body, it popped and snapped in protest. She flinched at it. She took a deep breath before walking into the main room herself. Vanderwood and Seven were quietly doing things on their computer, but V was nowhere in sight. Realizing he probably wanted to be alone and went outside, she took to the kitchen.
Thanks to Vanderwood there was actual food to prepare. She was preparing omelets from everyone. She wished she had rice, but since there wasn't a rice cooker here, Vanderwood didn't bother getting any. She sighed they'd have to make do without. She made herself busy chopping some vegetables when V walked back into the cabin. Her eyes met him and he smiled before turning to busy himself with whatever Seven was doing.
Nari was about to place the omelets in the pan when her phone went off. She sighed picking it up checking the caller ID... Reluctantly she answered Rika's call.
"Good morning, Nari!" She shined and Nari rolled her eyes.
"Is there something you needed, Rika?" Nari asked. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. V was quick to his feet as he moved closer to her. Seven was right behind him. Nari put a hand up to stop the approach.
"I just called because I missed you." She replied.
"Is that all..." Nari questioned knowing it wasn't all.
"Well, I've been thinking about what we've been talking about in the chat rooms. I wanted to warn you not to trust V so early... he'll destroy your evil too. It's such a beautiful demon I couldn't bear it if you lost it."
"Rika, I want to help you... can't you just let go and stop all of this. Please." Nari pleaded with the girl eyes moving from Luciel's and V's
"Fallen angels like us are here to help those in pain from being shunned by the light!" Rika explained and Nari pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Maybe someone should tell these fallen angels it's the pain that makes us human," Nari muttered hitting the call end button dropping the arm with her phone to her side.
"You okay?" Luciel asked being the first to break the silence. Nari looked up smile plastered on her face.
"Yup! Breakfast will be ready soon!" She exclaimed bidding her emotions as she turned to finish cooking. The boys look unconvinced but didn't push the matter further.
Later on, Nari decided to step outside to enjoy some of the afternoon suns. She was starting to see groggy and hoped that small walk around the cabin would wake her up. She had a patient after all; it was already irresponsible to leave him in the care of Vanderwood. But both he and Seven insisted she takes a break since V currently took a nap. She argued back, but with the two men tag teaming against her it was a losing battle from the start.
She smiled looking up at the clear blue sky feeling the suns warmth on her skin. After speaking to V, she now understood why he was so fascinated with the sun. It really was the mother of all life. It made her feel safe; yes being under the sun had always made her safe. Like a mother's warm hug. She frowns shaking her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about mothers.
She sighed turning to return from her brief break. Once she entered the cabin, she noticed V and Vanderwood almost sizing each other up. Nari raised an eyebrow walking toward the men.
"There's no time... I'm fine. I can handle this. Could you please help me?" V asked the other man who looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm already helping you," Vanderwood stated.
"Please take me where I tell you. I must see Rika." V was practically begging. Nari eyed the redhead in the corner; she could slightly hear the music coming from the headphones he was wearing. "I must see her in person... at mint eye."
Nari scoffed gaining the attention of the men. "You're not even doing well! Stop being so stubborn." Her tone was stern.
"Wow, that was a bullseye, miss," Vanderwood said in shock. "You'd better listen to her."
"There is no point in talking to Rika like this. It'd be different if I talk to her face-to-face."
"V, please for the sake of what's left of my sanity don't go." Nari pleaded causing V's eyes to meet hers.
"I'm sorry I'm being difficult, Nari. This is something I have to do." V spoke carefully trying to make her understand. Nari sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Enough with your obsession with Rika! You should treasure yourself more." Nari practically growled through her teeth. Vanderwood looked startled by the venom in her tone. V only gave her a sad smile.
"She's right. You should treasure yourself. Why keep playing the hero?" Vanderwood backed her up. V sighed closing his eyes.
"Thank you, Nari. There was only one person who ever told me that, and now that person isn't even part of this world." His eyes bore into hers. She saw the pain. The fear. The uncertainty.
"You don't have to sacrifice yourself for Rika..." Her voice cracking as a tear spilled from her eyes. "You're already priceless to me."
V looked at her with a surprised expression at her confession. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath while a frown formed on his lips. He was quiet for several moments. "Luciel was right. You're so virtuous and brilliant."
She gasped and flushed at that. Her eyes didn't leave V's while he collected his thoughts and debated his options.
"I already know it's too late, but I keep regretting that I met you so late." He laughed humorously. Nari raised an eyebrow trying to understand what the mint-haired man was trying to tell her, without actually telling her. She was missing something she was sure of it.
"Nari?" He questioned when you were quiet for too long.
"You already have the courage to put an end to your obsession. It's already inside you, and I'm sure you can find it. Give yourself more time." She beamed him despite her frustrated tears.
"Courage to put an end to obsession." He pondered to himself.
"Now that sounds good." Vanderwood chimes.
"Nari, tell me to do you think I could really do That?" His eyes were searching to find the strength to within hers.
"Of course, as long as you love yourself," Nari answers softly.
"As long as I love myself? I..." he stopped mid-sentence and quietly walked into the bedroom. Nari kept a wary eye on him as he retreated. Vanderwood just gave her a small smile before returning to work. Nari sighed laying down on the couch.
Luciel eyes Vanderwood as he sat down on the other computer returning to the images. Luciel had only clued in there was an argument when Nari yelled. He didn't draw attention to himself, but he muted his music to listen in. He was stunned to hear the girl lose her patients with V, but was kind of relieved she managed to talk him out of going to Rika. That would have only made things worse. He sighed staring at the lines of code before him; it was infuriating that the opposing team's hacker was better than him. Whenever there was an opening there was also an attack. It was either take the opening or defend against the attack. He groaned tapping his keyboard a little too hard in aggravation. Seven then stood from his computer earning a frown from Vanderwood.
Ever since Vanderwood confronted him about Nari and her behavior toward V, he hasn't been able to concentrate. He walked toward the kitchenette to grab another. His hold eyes landed on the sleeping girl on the couch and he smiled a little to himself. She had her cherry lips slightly parted, and her long lashes laid upon her. There was a slight flush to her face as she slept. His eyes wandered down her body, the dip from her hip to waist was delectable. Her long coffee hair scattered about her frame. There was no denying she was a beautiful woman. Luciel eyes the girl over one more time before grabbing a discarded blanket and covering her. He felt Vanderwood's eyes on him as he softly felt her hair and gentle carcasses her cheek.
"You should get back to work." Vanderwood harshly whispered to gain his attention but not to wake the girl. Seven closed his eyes before shooting a glare toward his handler.
"Mmmm... Seven." She mumbled shooting a sense of panic down his spine. He stared at her wide-eyed as she shifted. Soon enough she settled, clearly still in a deep sleep. Luciel let out the breath he was holding before his eyes softened on the girl before him. A smug smile formed on his lips, she was dreaming about him. Deciding he was safe to move Luciel moved back to the kitchen to retrieve that he needed.
Soon enough he was stationed at his computer again. Ph.D. Pepper and HB chips before him, and never-ending broken code flashing upon the screen. The hacker apparently didn't know when to give up. Seven sighed bring a chip towards his mouth and bit it, typing with his left hand. He was trying to recover the messenger's core data, boot out the intruders before dawn, but it seems the other hacker had other plans. It was nothing but unrelenting attacks to his algorithm in place.
"Just remember what we discussed," Vanderwood mumbled toward Luciel gaining his attention.
"I thought I told you this isn't some soap-opera." He practically snapped back while his fingers typed.
"Honestly I understand the appeal of her," Vanderwood admitted causing Seven to look at the man.
"Her appeal doesn't matter." Luciel bit back, his eyes looking back at the computer sipping his drink.
"I mean there is no rule about fucking her..." Vanderwood stated causing Seven to choke on his drink.
"Shut up! I'm trying to work." Luciel snapped placing his headphones over his head blasting music into his ears. His mind filled with not so safe for work images of the petite brunette on the couch. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to tame his thoughts. He took a deep breath through his nose and allowed it out threw is the mouth. Vanderwood said that as if he went there with Nari it would be enough. Luciel knew that if he crossed that line there wouldn't be anything he could do. He'd be selfish and keep her. He lends back in his chair placing a hand in his packet. Vanderwood had said that just to make him feel complicated He was sure, but now the floodgates of his mind where open.
Nari woke to hear Vanderwood and Luciel muttering to one another in English. She frowns as she listened to them. It seemed they weren't getting any lead way with the hack... hackers? It seems like Mint-Eye wouldn't go down without a fight. She sighed stretching upon the couch. She looked toward the window to see the sun starting to set. Nari brought a hand to her eye looking at the blacker place on her. She smiled at it. Someone had taken the time to care for her.
"Forget the girl and work!" Vanderwood yelled in English causing her to sit up to look at the two behind the couch.
"Think what you want, but she's the one in danger!" Seven yelled back in English.
"You both know I speak English, right?" She informed the two men on perfect English, causing them both to whip around. She smiled at the two frazzled men before her.
"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you." Seven apologized.
"It's fine, I probably slept too long." She yawned while both men eyed her.
"I'll be damned she really does know English." Vanderwood gasped in Korean.
"It helps when you're working the ER." She explained switching back to her native tongue as well. Luciel just smiled before turning back to the computer.
"Any other languages?" Luciel questioned resuming his typing. She shook her head though he couldn't see.
"Nope. Just the two." She explained as Vanderwood turned back to his computer.
The two resumed talking in what she assumed to be Spanish. She sighed just how many languages did they know? Instead of letting curiosity getting the better of her, she stood from the couch and wandering into the bedroom to check on V. He was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled as she walked toward his bed before placing her fingers on his neck to feel for a pulse; startling the man awake.
"Nari?" He groaned.
"Just checking in on ya!" She chimed with a smiled. His mint eyes met with her honey brown ones. He smiled softly sitting forward.
"Give it to me straight Doc." He joked taking her off guard. She smiled before letting out a giggle.
"Congratulations! YOU'RE GOING TO LIVE!" She yelled lifting her arms up dramatically. In return, she got a heartfelt chuckle.
"All thanks to your efforts." He smiled.
"Thank you! Thank you!" She muttered in English bowing.
"I'm going to head to the restroom. Thank you, Nari, for everything." He stood as she moved to the side to allow him room.
"It was nothing." She brushed him off while waving her hand inform of her face. He just smiled at her before taking his leave. She sighed moving to make the bed.
Nari found herself outside layer the evening. Score for the RFA, but mostly Seven for reviving the messenger, but also score to Mint Eye for making Rika and Ray unable to be deleted from said messenger. Luciel was still hard at work trying to boot them out before actually allowing the other back into the messenger. She sighed looking at the rising moon starting over the trees. She took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. It was always one small victory for them, that lead to an even greater victory for the opposing team. She honestly worried for Luciel at this point. She hasn't seen him sleep since they've arrived at their little hideout. If it wasn't for her cooking, and Vanderwood getting food, he would have been living off of HB chips and Ph.D. pepper. The whole situation was infuriating to no end.
"I'm so mad." Nari mutter as the redhead walked up behind her. "I just feel like screaming."
"Then why don't you?" He asked joining her, looking at the moon with her. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath in.
"ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!" Nari screamed at the top of her lungs into the night sky catching the hacker by surprise.
"Did that help?" He asked with a frazzled smile.
"I do feel a bit lighter. Why don't you try?" She turned to him smiling.
"I don't really think simply yelling for no reason will help." He muttered turning his gold eyes toward the girl.
"Never know unless you try." She pushed and he smiled taking in a deep breath.
"You have to do it with me." He stated and a grin graced her lips. She turned forward head tilted toward the sky, moonlight making her honey eyes sparkle.
"On the count of three?" She suggested and Luciel chuckled.
"One." He started the count
"Two." She giggled.
"Three!" They muttered together.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" They both let out a scream from the top of their lungs. Then there was a moment of silence. Nothing but the light bristle of leaves. They then looked at each other with beaming smiles. Gold met with brown entrancing the duo.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two!" A very angry Vanderwood snapped from the door, V was behind him looking bewildered.
It caught them from their daze and they erupted with laughter they both had to grab their sides.
"It worked." She chimed still laughing.
"Even though it was ridiculous it did." Seven laughed with her.
"Nothing's wrong?" V asked breathlessly looking at the pair laughing at him.
"You're both insane! Absolutely insane!" Vanderwood yelled stroking back into the cabin. The two doubled over in more laughter.
"I'm so sorry we startled you!" Nari gasped through her giggles.
"It was your idea!" Luciel informed her.
"I know. I'm so sorry... not sorry. Sorry. Not sorry..." She chimed causing Seven to laugh harder.
"Please don't do that again. We thought something happened." V said evaporated.
"Sorry... not sorry." Nari continued still laughing moving toward the cabin. Her laughter was cut when foot caught a rock-throwing her forward. A strong arm caught her before she could hit the ground. Opening her eyes she looked up at Luciel's face a flushed. It was that moment she got a good look at the hacker. He was about four inches taller than her, with endless gold eyes that bore into hers causing her to flush. His red curls move in the light breeze. The only conclusion she could come up with was he was beautiful.
"Careful." He muttered helping her upright.
She listened carefully to the deep husk of His voice, truly listening to it. She felt his arm started the release his grip on her small frame when she started laughing. He raised a confused eyebrow.
"You're always picking me up when I'm down!" She spoke honestly watching a flush snake its way up his neck. As if she burned him his arm withdrew from her. She frowns a bit at the loss of contact instantly missing his warmth. Realizing this Nari felt her cheek warm as she blushed under his stare, probably confusing the man before her further.
"Would you have preferred to have fallen?" He asked.
"Oh, you know what I meant." She muttered sticking out her tongue with a wink before starting toward the cabin.
She laid a hand on V's arm as she muttered something with a small giggle and beaming smile. V nodded to Nari before her figure disappeared from Luciel's sight. Luciel's eyes met with V's before he followed behind her. He knew that look. It hadn't been one he himself has gotten directly, but he has seen enough movies to know what the mint-haired man was thinking. Suddenly the situation felt like a soap opera. Luciel sighed picking the rock that tripped Nari before turning back toward the moon. He looked at the moon as he sighed. He was only human after all.
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cityofnumbersix · 7 years
Electric Moment - Chapter 11 - Bonus 2
Bonus 2: Return of the Filler
Bonus: After The Drop-Off
Katsuki wasn’t going to lie, returning back to his own apartment after having dropped off Kirishima was kind of a bitch. They lived on completely opposite ends of the city, and trying to make his way around the stations, on and off each last train before it departed was the second most irritating thing he’d had to deal with tonight. He wouldn’t complain though, not when he’d been the one to make the decision in the first place. He knew in the back of his mind that taking Kirishima back to his own stop would mean he’d be rushing around trying to make trains before he was left stranded, but at the time all that had really mattered was making sure the redhead got home so that he didn’t have to deal with Mina’s wrath if the drunken boy got himself into any more trouble than he already had.
And maybe, somewhere, in the back of his mind, he’d wanted to partially act on the manners his parents had drilled into him from a young age. “Make sure they get home safe Katsuki” –though ‘they’ at the time had most certainly been ‘she’.
Katsuki was currently pressed back into the warm patch of seat where Kirishima had previously been sitting. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t sat down himself before, maybe it was the fear of being too close to Kirishima, of pressing their legs together, brushing their shoulders, but now that he’d sat down, he relished the relief the action brought to his legs, that he hadn’t realised were quite so tired until now.
Katsuki relaxed into the seat behind him. It was stiff, but the heat that radiated up from it was a comforting contrast to the chill he had felt when the train doors opened upon different platforms, letting in waves of the city’s early morning breeze. He tried his best not to think of Kirishima, he really did, but the harder he tried to fast his mind would flicker back to the bathroom. With his eyes pressed shut in a drowsy fashion, the memories of blood and the feeling of Kirishima’s hard abdomen under his fingers played like a picture show over the back of his lids.
His phone was continuously vibrating in his pocket. He assumed it was probably Kirishima, a reason he’d never allowed the boy to have any more than his Snapchat in the first place –he did suppose a few would probably be his friends though, Ochako, Deku, checking up on him and asking why he’d left without a second word. He’d come up with a lie later, a believable one that didn’t involve pretty red heads and bootleg Marvel Comic attempted rapists, but only once he’d drank some water and gotten some sleep.
The vibrations continued, one after the other, and it got to the point where Katsuki was pulling his phone from the depths of his back pocket, the skim of his fingers along the denim of his jeans being a subtle reminder of how Kirishima’s own fingers had done the same, less than half an hour ago.
When he pulled his phone out, there were a series of different notifications. He was correct about Ochako and Deku, but there were even a few from Mina asking if he’d seen Kirishima, if they were both okay, because no one else had seen them in a while. The rest were indeed, Kirishima and Katsuki absently wondered why the boy had the time to spam the shit out of Katsuki, but couldn’t take two seconds to let his own best friend know that he was alive and well.
The notifications from Kirishima varied, at first they were just Line messages, simple drunken things like:
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: omg I just saw Ms Nakamura from next doors cat run into the alleyway behind her house.
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: Do u think it will get mad if I try to touch it?
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: Im not sure where this alleyway goes tho
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: omg BakuBro I see the cat
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: omg I’m going to send u a picture
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: nvm she ran away
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: omg Im 2 drunk for this
Something jumped from within Katsuki’s chest, and he swore it wasn’t his heart. It wasn’t his place to take care of Kirishima, nor was it his responsibility to worry about whether the guy was running around intoxicated through alleyways that he didn’t recognise, but still. A part of him had wished he’d picked up his phone sooner, so that he could tell Kirishima that those actions were most defineantly not a good idea.
He also did too, almost swapped out his Line app for the phone one. Considered hitting Kirishima’s number, dialing him just to make sure the idiot hadn’t gotten himself killed. That was until he read on.
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: Ok im out of the alley
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: that was super exciting
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: like an adventure
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: lets go on an adventure one day dude
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: ok im home
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: I hope ur almost home 2
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: u should reply to me soon so that I kno
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: safety is important
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: u should always have a train buddy
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: thats wat mama says
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: thx for being mine
Katsuki shook his head as he peered down at the messages that littered his screen. He may have even laughed a little, drawing the attention of another passenger, the only other one who was on the train. They peaked up at him, and Katsuki glared, shooting them down and snickering proudly to himself as the guy let his own eyes drop.
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: Omg
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: omg
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: holy fuck
(LINE) <3 Kirishima <3: im gonna show u something on snap
(Snapchat) New Snap from Red Riot
(Snapchat) New Snap from Red Riot
(Snapchat) New Snap from Red Riot
Katsuki blinked down at his device. The screen was glowing brightly, illuminating his face and making his eyes hurt just enough that it was irritating. There was something within him that began to rumble. He wasn’t sure what it was that Kirishima wanted to show him, but for some reason the possibilities were turning his stomach into a mess. He didn’t understand why. It was probably just something dumb like another cat, or a some other strange, yet completely mundane thing like that. Looking back at it, he should have trusted his gutt, shouldn’t have opened the pictures in public, even if his only other company was some tired looking dude who was probably now far too afraid to look up.
When he opened Kirishima’s snapchat messages, he was bombarded with three –for once brief, pictures of Kirishima. The first one was of his face as a whole. His eye was more swollen now, and had started to take on the deep purple colour of an eggplant. It looked painful, even though the screen of Katsuki’s phone. The next picture was still of his eye, but it was up much closer this time, and Katsuki could see the way the skin was risen high against the phone, the red tinted edges of the forming bruise.
“Fucking intense.” Was the caption on both of them.
It was the next picture though, that caught Katsuki off guard, sent his body into hyper drive and may have even caused a temporary outer body experience to occur.
It was another picture of Kirishima, but this time it was of him standing in front of a full length mirror. He was in what Katsuki assumed to be his bedroom. He could see the set of bunkbeds in the rear of the photo, the mess of what he assumed was clothing and other items that littered the floor. A mess presumably belonging to both Kirishima and Kaminari.
In the picture, Kirishima’s shirt was most probably amongst that mess, because it was no longer present upon his body. His torso, chest, and broad arms were on display, the phone held up above his face and flash shielding what would have been the outline of his head, and his hair. Kirishima’s pants sat loose and low on his waist, unbuttoned and held up only by his underwear and thighs.
That’s when Bakugou saw them, four finger-point bruises lining the area beneath Kirishima’s navel. They too, had begun to turn purple, but were still red around their perimeter. Fresh, new, and Katsuki knew almost immediately where they had come from.
“These ones are my favourite tho” the caption read, and everything Katsuki was currently feeling went straight to his groin.
Katsuki ghosted the ends of his own fingers along there area of his own body where Kirishima’s bruises lay. He dusted his touch over his own abdomen, eyes staring down at the screen of his phone as the photo ticked away, before disappearing completely. Katsuki had done that, he knew it for certain. It was when he was panicked, when he had Kirishima pressed up against him behind the vending machine at the train station. He’d known at the time that his touch had been too rough, but he’d been more concerned with making sure that Kirishima didn’t accidentally give away their position, that his wrists had become ridged, and he’d been unable to let up.
Katsuki wasn’t sure what to say now. He had both his hands on his phone, thumbs typing out a multitude of different responses. Anything that he could think of in response to the pictures. Kirishima had sent them to him, he’d wanted Katsuki to see them, and Kirishima knew that Katsuki knew it had been him to inflict those marks. He didn’t know how to respond however, what to say. He typed out apologies, jokes, rants, but nothing stuck, nothing felt right. So he simply types out:
BakuBae: That’s what you get for being such a loudmouth. Had to shut you up somehow.
Katsuki’s mind was still reeling. A part of him hoped that Kirishima had already passed out, surcome to his drunken body and fallen into a deep sleep where he wouldn’t see Katsuki’s reply until morning. Katsuki hadn’t even had the chance to lock his phone though, when his Snapchat began to flicker beside Kirishima’s name.
Red Riot is typing…
Red Riot: Kinda takes a lot more than that to shut me up
Red Riot: tho im not complaining
Red Riot: strong string fingers u hav there
Red Riot: bet they’re good for more than just guitar
Surely this wasn’t happening. Katsuki was far too drunk. Maybe none of this had really happened at all. Obviously he was already home, drunk, deep in sleep and having some kind of toxically realistic wet dream, because he’d been too drunk to actually release his frustrations before sleeping. There was no way that Kirishima was flirting with him, this wasn’t flirting. This wasn’t suggestive flirting directly after Kirishima had sent Katsuki a shirtless picture. Things like this just didn’t happen.
Just how fucking drunk are you?
Katsuki typed out with shaking fingers, positioned the text over a quick snapshot of the train floor. He glanced up over his lashes for a moment, making sure the guy at the other end of the train was still preoccupied with his own device, replying to his own messages, or playing some stupid game against the surface of the touch screen.
He knew he didn’t really have any reason to be nervous. From the outside, he probably just appeared to be having a normal conversation with someone on his phone. No one could tell that he had just been sent a couple of suggestive messages from his drunken band mate, his drunken band mate who was exceptionally attractive, and who may or may not have been the subject of Katsuki’s thoughts for weeks now.
The reply didn’t come straight away. For a while, Katsuki actually believed that this time Kirishima had actually passed out –that whatever situation that had just been arising, had also passed with the closing of his eyes. But then his screen lit up in his grip, and Katsuki, with his leg jumping up and down, free hand tugging at the tight fabric of his jeans, didn’t even hesitate to open the notification.
Red Riot
It was another picture of Kirishima’s abdomen, but this time it wasn’t in a mirror. Kirishima was presumably laying down, the edges of his hips fallen shallowly into the depths of what appeared to be a blanket. He was in his bed, and he still didn’t have his shirt on. The picture was closer this time, and Katsuki could clearly see the intensity of the bruises he’s made on Kirishima’s skin. There too, was the navel piercing that had driven Katsuki insane the few times Kirishima had decided to show it off, but now it was on full display in the picture, glimmering under the flash of Kirishima’s camera.
“Hardly” It was captioned, and Katsuki swore he was ten seconds away from blacking out.
Katsuki run his hand along the length of his own thigh, eyes peering down at the slight tent that now edged along his thigh. It was embarrassing, but he had been drinking, and it’s not like it was something that he could control. Plus, Kirishima was totally, like, saying all this with purpose right? Even someone like Bakugou could see that, but his brain was a mess of so many things. So much had already happened tonight -his first concert, Deku’s dumb boyfriend, being attacked, Kirishima saving him from being attacked. It wasn’t Katsuki’s fault he was reacting this way, if anything; it was completely unavoidable in every sense. There were a lot of emotions there, and a pretty boy flaunting himself all over his screen. What’s a guy to do in this kind of situation?
You’re drunk, idiot
It wasn’t what he wanted to say. If anything Katsuki really wished he could indulge himself right now. It had been so long since he’d let himself have that, to let himself crave another person and let go of all the tension he built up inside himself for sport. He wanted to give Kirishima the responses he probably expected, but he was raised better than that. Plus, he didn’t want to start something he knew Kirishima probably wouldn’t want to finish. They were the same age, but Kirishima seemed younger in some ways, more curious, less experienced. It would make sense, with the way both Mina and Kyoka seemed to want to protect him from almost anything, from Bakugou especially. Maybe there was something they knew that he didn’t.
Red Riot is typing…
Red Riot: u don’t have to do anything
Red Riot: if you don’t want to
Red Riot: but I kinda do
Red Riot: idk
Red Riot: maybe it’s the adrenaline from hittin that guy
Red Riot: but ur really hot
Red Riot: u probably kno that tho
Red Riot
The next notification to pop up was a picture, and Katsuki allowed himself a few seconds to breath as he considered whether it would be a good idea to open it. There were so many things that could go wrong with this situation. Suddenly, every warning that Jirou had given him previously, all started to come together and make a whole lot of fucking sense. This guy, Kirishima, he was really hard to say no too, so fucking hard to resist.
Katsuki tapped his screen, watched as another picture of Kirishima’s abdomen came up on the screen. Same angle, same bruise, same piercing, but Kirishima’s jeans were nowhere in sight now. Maybe they were on the floor, or maybe they were pooled around his knees or ankles. It was really hard to tell from just a picture. Katsuki kind of wanted to ask, but at the same time there was no way he was going to let himself buy into this. No way was he going to allow Kirishima to realise how very weak he already was for him. Katsuki was stone, solid and jagged, holding in an intense inferno that no other human would ever be able to control.
The picture faded from view.
Red Riot: Im gonna take ur silence as a yes
Red Riot: b cur silences always seem to mean yes
Red Riot: I like that about u y’know
Red Riot: u don’t hav to say things
Red Riot: bc people listen anyways
Katsuki gaped down at his screen, head reeling as he attempted to process Kirishima’s words. Was this what sexting was to guys like him? Polite compliments and rambles scattered with teasing pictures of his highly worked body and killer abdominal muscles? He wouldn’t be the least bit surprised, it was Kirishima after all.
BakuBae: Im on the train dumbass
It was meant to be a warning, a kind of “You don’t have to do this, you shouldn’t do this”, but it ultimately failed, because Kirishima sent through a series of messages anyway, followed by a picture than Katsuki was yet to work up the courage to open.
Red Riot: Thats ok
Red Riot: u don’t have to do anything
Red Riot: I mean like
Red Riot: it would be cool if u did
Red Riot: bc then at least I kno im doing it rite
Red Riot
Another picture of Kirishima lit up Katsuki’s screen, and this time, almost as immediately as he looked at it, Katsuki felt himself instantly tilting his phone in a direction that he knew would protect it from any wandering eyes. Mostly because, this time, the picture was less of Kirishima’s chest and abdomen, and more of the length of his toned thighs, spread wide against what Katsuki certainly knew now was his bed. Kirishima laid there in only his boxers and on closer inspection, Katsuki could quite easily tell that he was at least semi-hard beneath them. Kirishima’s hand –the one that wasn’t handling his phone, had its thumb looped in the hem of them, pushing them down his hip on one side.
If Katsuki wasn’t hard before, he most definitely was now. He tried to hold back any visible response other than that from his body, however. He kept his face stiff, but casual. He never once looked up from his phone –he didn’t want to seem like he was on the lookout for wandering eyes, though this was insanely difficult, because all he really wanted to do was be on the lookout for wandering eyes.
Kirishima was either nervous, or really eager, because no long after Katsuki had opened his most recent picture, another one was already there, ready to be opened. Katsuki didn’t want to keep him waiting. He didn’t want to make Kirishima feel insecure, even if he really should have been stopping Kirishima from doing this in the first place.
Red Riot
The next picture was a little different. Kirishima’s boxers still tilted to one side from where he had tugged them down in the last picture, but this time the angle had changed once more and Katsuki was peering up and over Kirishima’s body. He could see the rise of the boy’s boxers where his member sat hard, flush beneath their grip, and Kirishima’s hand was up near his face, fingers teasing his mouth, cheeks pink and blotchy with presumably intoxication and arousal. He looked good, insanely good, with his biceps bulging and hair let loose from its previous tie –allowing for it to fall and frame Kirishima’s face.
Red Riot: I was attracted to u from the first time I saw u
Red Riot: but u could probably tell
Red Riot: thats y I got ur snapchat from mina
Red Riot: I was kinda pissy she kept u to herself
Red Riot: pls forget I said any of this in the morning
Red Riot: I kno its super embarassinf
Red Riot: its just ur really great
Red Riot
Kirishima followed his ramblings with yet another picture of himself. This one had Katsuki choking on air, gasping as he inhaled a mixture of oxygen and his own embarrassment. The guy up the other end of the car twitched when he did, looking up, only to be shot down by another one of Katsuki’s murderous glares. He wasn’t sure how much of an insidious affect it probably had, with his face assumed to be as bright as a tomato and his back hunched in order to shield his progressive issue in his pants. Maybe he would just look really drunk.
The picture, as it were, was far more provocative than any of the ones before it. Kirishima was sitting up now, propped against a wall, underwear pushed halfway down his legs, his length in his hand. He held the phone above his head, an aerial view of his entire form. His thumb was teasing over the head of his dick, and Katsuki couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if it was his own hand in its place. How would Kirishima react, what would he sound like? He’d make him feel good; he knew that for a fact. He’d work his way over Kirishima’s body, finding every single place that made the redhead twitch; anywhere spot that could potentially make the younger boy dissolve.
Katsuki may not seem it from the outside, but he took pride in the way he cared for his lovers.
Katsuki was sunk deep into this phone, so far that he didn’t even notice when the next thing that came through on his app wasn’t actually a picture, but a video. He didn’t even consider the consequences when he immediately pressed it, the sound of Kirishima’s voice radiating out into the once quiet air of the train carriage.
“Bakugou…” Kirishima’s voice whined out through his phones speaker, causing Katsuki to flail his hands, dropping the device to the floor in front of him, and if he’d been doing a good job at concealing what he’d been up to until this point, he wasn’t anymore.
Everything around him appeared to go still in that moment. Katsuki could do nothing but sit there, in shock, staring down at the backside of his phone, its screen still lit and washing the edges of itself in its own light. He didn’t know if his fellow passenger was watching, but he probably was. There was no way he’d missed that in what had been one of the deadest silences in the history of silences.
Katsuki drew in a breath alongside the sound of the train’s automated announcement providing him with the necessary information that this next stop, would be his. He was grateful for it, because no matter how much stone Katsuki built around himself, there was absolutely no fucking way he was going to be able to continue sitting in this train car with that stranger after he’d just played Kirishima’s sex driven voice out loud like a symphony.
Katsuki scooped his phone up from the surface of the floor, just as the train began to shudder to a standstill. He gripped the device tightly within his fingers; eyes flickering up to knowingly meet the gaze of the man downwind from him, who watched him curiously, knowingly. Katsuki could do nothing but attempt to put up his wall. He smirk, smug and deep like it didn’t matter to him in the slightest if this guy knew what he’d been doing. He even made a show of it, adjusting himself in his pants so that it would be more comfortable for him to walk, not bothering to be subtle in any way.
Once he was off the train, that’s when he let himself breathe for the first time since Kirishima’s corpulent moan of his name had hit his ears. It was colder outside than he’d anticipated, and the chill from upon the platform was almost enough to cool the head of his skin, wind hitting his flushed face, neck and arms. Everything within him burned, with want, with desire.
He gazed back down at his phone, screen blinking as it vibrated repeatedly within his grasp.
Red Riot: uh so like was that too much??
Red Riot: I don’t kno ive never done this before
Red Riot: I dunno I just thought it might be hot for u to hear
Red Riot: do u think so???
Red Riot: oh shit
Red Riot: fuck I think someones hoem
Red Riot: ive gotta go
Red Riot: thx for like
Red Riot: letting me do that
Red Riot: yeah
Red Riot: don’t forget to call me in the morning!
Red Riot: I cant wait to hear ur voice ;)
Red Riot: be safe!
Red Riot: gn
Katsuki hovered in his place for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes. It was dead cold outside, and he was in nothing but a pair of jeans and a t-shirt –his jacket still being with Kirishima, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to move. He just stood, staring down at his phone, the messages from Kirishima, the memories of what had just occurred running races around his brain. He wasn’t much sure how he was supposed to react, but Kirishima seemed to feel casual about it, so maybe that was a start.
Kirishima had also said that Katsuki should forget this in the morning, pretend like it had never happened. Katsuki was good at that, acting like nothing had occurred, even when it was something near impossible to forget. He told himself that he’d do that. That he’d follow Kirishima’s wishes, and he wouldn’t bring it up. He told himself it was for Kirishima’s sake, but somewhere deep down, what he was really choosing to do was to protect himself.
With nibble fingers, and a few taps across the cold glass of his phone screen, Katsuki types out a final few messages.
BakuBae: its fine Shitty-Hair
BakuBae: gn
And that was that.    
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house-of-seoul · 7 years
Saudade [2]
✥ pairing: Jungkook | reader I Yooongi ✥ genre: angst (Soulmate!au meets Hanahaki!au) ✥ word count: 3.863 ✥ warnings: none ✥ author’s note: mylord end me. i have absolutely no hint of a plot whatsoever so im making this into something along the lines of a three part story. like three stages of heartbreak or somthing along those lines. take it, eat it and shit it out im done with everything bless you. 
Series: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3                                 
Saudade;                                                                                                           ↪ The feeling of intense longing for a person or place you love but is now lost
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You coughed, surprising yourself. A burning sensation started to travel up from your abdomen to your throat.  You started to cough so hard you felt like throwing up.
A wave of pain suddenly washed over you; it was exquisite and debilitating. For you, it was the worst burning sensation you had ever felt. Your throat gurgled as you struggled to breathe, spitting blood. Your body was shaking. Slowly breathing hard, your hand shot to your side, clutching it as an electric shock from the pit of your stomach ran throughout your body, and then caught fire. The pain was merciless without escape. You fell to your knees, hands stretched out in front of you on the ground for support.
You felt something caught in your throat. Then, you sputtered out something – something dry.
There, you saw it.
Your eyes went wide and for a moment, you couldn’t breathe. You scooped it up in your hands, fighting the urge to cry.  
In your palm lay a familiar cluster of rose petals.
With a burst of anger, you threw away the petals, now littering the washroom floor. Biting back tears, you slumped your head against the cabinet in defeat. You watched the petals splay across the floor with an unwavering gaze as their fiery red orb of light slowly sank into threads of light, dyeing the petals first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the petals were a chalky mauve.
Coughing out flowers sounded like a curse out of a fairy-tale – one that could never and would never exist in the real world. It was too beautiful, too unearthly to be true. However, when you first started coughing out tiny rose petals, you found out that you were cursed with the Hanahaki disease.
The disease started when you met Jungkook. The two of you were five-year-olds, innocent as day. Jungkook moved next door and he had reluctantly joined your tea party and a friendship slowly blossomed between the two of you. You had not have begun to cough flowers just yet. The two of you were far too young to experience any form of puppy love.
The first time you coughed out rose petals, the two of you were ten. Sitting near the edge of a lake, Jungkook had opened up to you and as his best friend, you listened. He told you about his crush on another girl in your class. When he first mentioned her name and how much he had a crush on her, your chest tightened, and your throat felt as if something was clogging it up. You gasped for air, and Jungkook thumped your back and a handful of rose petals fell onto your lap.
Screams erupted from both your lips and Jungkook practically carried you all the way back, even though you resisted his offer. Jungkook went home that night, thinking that you had accidentally eaten some flowers as a joke and everything was normal again. It was that night when your mother explained the Hanahaki disease to you for the first time.
It was said that a witch once cursed the entire women of a village for loving the village head – someone who wasn’t their soulmate. Although finding your soulmate was, and still is a rarity, the witch cursed them with the Hanahaki disease. The flower that grew within you would be different for each person – it would reflect the splashes of colors you had painted for their soulmate to see.
Your mother had explained how she too, used to cough out flowers when she was a little girl because she was in love with your father but he never reciprocated her feelings until later. It was a fatal disease, for the growing flowers would eventually clog up your respiratory system. The disease could only be removed if one undergoes an operation to remove the flowers, along with their feelings.
Jungkook’s crush with that girl in his class didn’t last very long, and thankfully, the flower petals stopped for a period of time. However, flash forward to your second year in high school, things were different now with you and Jungkook. Sure, the two of you were best friends, and the two of you spoke and hung out together a lot; but the only thing that was different was your love for Jungkook and Jungkook’s love for someone else.
It was like history repeated itself when he had told you that he planned to ask out your sister. He’s always fancied her, you’ve just been in denial for the entire time.
You sat under the sunset, reading a book when he first told you.
“Y/N, I’m going to ask Hyojin out,” he had mentioned out of the blue. Your chest tightened, the same way it did when you were ten. You felt a tingling, itchy feeling clawing up your throat and stopping midway. It felt like a hairball that had been stuck, but you managed to swallow it down with some water.
“Y/N, are you okay? You look like your –“
“I’m okay, Jungkook. I just choked a little on my water when I laid down,” you lied, clutching your chest and covering your mouth to prevent yourself from coughing out any more petals.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow but did not question further. “Well, what do you think I should do?”
You thumped your chest and the tightening feeling disappeared for a while. “Just go straight up to her and tell her,” you said. “Look she’s right there,” you pointed out to your sister, who was much prettier, perfect and definitely much more of Jungkook’s type than you ever were.
With a small smile, he ruffled your hair. “You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for,” were his last words to you before Hyojin accepted his confession.
That night, you tossed and turned in your sleep, until you gave up. It was three AM, you sat on your bed, coughing out petal after petal, tears streaming down your face as you clutched your chest. The endless stream of petals seemed as if it would never stop, likewise with your tears as one single word ran through your mind. Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook. How ironic was it that he was as beautiful as the flowers you were coughing out?
You shut your eyes, trying to compose yourself before you were forced to go outside once again. On your knees, you and gathered the petals and dropped them into the toilet, flushing them away. You stared at the bowl as the petals swirled through the water, whirled away from you.
You stood up, gripping the side of the vanity. The pain had an unpleasant warmth to it, eating at your stomach. You felt slightly nauseous, just enough to make you hold onto the table for support and breath slow. You’ve often prized yourself in ignoring the pain and just rocking on regardless, but that just wasn’t possible right now. It owned you, dominated every thought, and controlled your every action.
You stared into the mirror in front of you. Your hair was sticking to the sides of your face as a thin sheet of perspiration glistened on your neck and forehead. Your cheeks were flushed and the tip of your nose was pink from crying. Dried up tears were streaked across your face, glistening under the fluorescent lighting. There was something solemn swimming in your eyes. Their stunning, deep brown held a truth that your face could not hide. The despairing chill that they conveyed made you feel heartbroken. You looked away; you couldn’t bear it. A lone tear rolled down your cheek.
And so, the world turned into a blur along with all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was just gone. You paused trying to hold back the strange feelings rumbling inside of you but you couldn’t. Another tear traced down your cheek, and just like that, the floodgates opened. So many tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down your face. Your chin trembled as if you were a small child. You breathed heavier than you ever had before.
You heard the door creak open, the sound of footsteps coming to halt.
“Oh shit,” you heard a panicked voice curse from the doorway.
Your heart missed a beat.
“Sorry, the door was unlocked…” his voice trailed off the moment his eyes landed on you.
Through the mirror in front of you, you saw him.
“I-I was j-just leaving.”
Immediately, your hand flew to your face, wiping away your tears. You quickly removed the strands of hair sticking to the side of your face. You didn’t wait for a response as you tried to leave the washroom – you were beyond mortified.
You felt a hand firmly grasp your arm, halting you from moving any further. a soft whimper left your mouth as you desperately tried to wriggle out of his grasp. you tried your hardest not to look at him. you didn’t know what would happen if you did.
“Jungkook,” you choked out as you wilted under the heat of his stare. Your eyes trailed up to meet his. The two of you were standing in the washroom, staring at each other. Your stomach filled with a sense of fear and excitement. Time seemed to stop as those eyes met your own.
His touch was as gentle as silence but was still firm, unwilling to let go of you. You brought your head down to look at his chest instead.
“Jungkook, l-let go of me,” you repeated, your voice came out as a whimper. The familiar scent of his cologne infiltrated your nose and invaded your senses. You needed to get out. Now.
When Jungkook spoke, his voice trailed slowly, like his words were unwilling to take flight. There was a sadness in his eyes, the brown too glossy – similar to when you two were on the rooftop a few months ago.  
“Y/N,” Jungkook paused, it was the first time in months you had heard his voice say your name. “I-I’m sorry,” his voice was as light as a whisper but heavy with emotion.  
You tilted your head to look at him. Your eyes landed on his jaw and trailed up his cheeks to meet his eyes. His eyes were heavy with unshed tears.
“For what?” you felt your stomach as it clenched and unclenched, You were worried that the petals would come straight back up.
“For everything,” his voice cracked, “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Just like that, your brain powered down, unable to process what was happening. A thousand different thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to focus on what was in front of you.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said,” he let out a tiny exhalation, as though saying the words gave him relief. “I’m sorry I left you like that, for what I said to you,” he took in a breath, “ever since that night, I’ve physically felt your absence.” His voice got softer, “missing you is the hardest part of my day.”
You couldn’t speak, it felt like you were swimming through a fog.
“Then why did you leave?” the back of your eyes burned with tears.
“I—I, I was confused. I didn’t understand what I was doing,” he shook his head.
“Confused?” you pressed. A swinging, seasick feeling took over your head, “you were my best friend.”
“I know,” again he looked troubled, as though trying to recall the meaning of the words. “I–,” he opened his mouth to apologize again when you stopped him.
“Don’t,” you couldn’t stop your voice from rising. The anger was vibrating, ripping through you like a live current. “Don’t say it because I know you don’t mean it,” your vision got blurry. “I loved you. You were my one thing. My—,” the sickness surged up and you took a step forward, clenching your fists, blinded with rage. “Why did you have to take the one thing that made me happy? Why did you take it? Why do you always take everything?” you felt hot tears rolling down your face. “Did you even miss me?”
Jungkook’s mouth opened, but for a reason unknown to you, he closed it. You waited for an answer, but you were met with silence.
You scoffed, “I knew it.”
“Y/N –,” his eyes flashed with guilt.
You wriggled yourself out of his grasp and pulled yourself away from him. “Why do I even waste my time,” you said under your breath as you tried to push past him once again.
“No,Y/N!” Jungkook grabbed you by your shoulders, “I missed you every single hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I’d catch myself walking around to find you, not for any reason, just out of habit, because I’d seen something that I wanted to tell you about or because I wanted to hear your voice. And then I’d realize that you weren’t there anymore, and every time, every single time, it was like having the wind knocked out of me,” his voice was strained by the time he finished talking.    
You saw how he was staring at you. You couldn’t bear to see the way he was looking at you. His eyes bore into yours and became glazed with a glossy layer of tears. As he blinked, they dripped from his eyelids and slid down his cheeks. Jungkook bit his lip tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from his mouth – your heart sank. You swallowed hard and looked away, hating the weakness of your spirit. You were more than this. You were stronger than this. But damn it, this hurt.
It hurt because he was the man responsible for making you burn. For making you feel like a woman. It hurt because it had been a trick. An illusion. And it hurt most of all because he did not see you the way you saw him.
“Y/N, please. Just listen to me,” Jungkook pled, “Don’t walk away from me,” tears had poured from his eyes. It was from pure pain and surrender.
Your eyes enthralled on him. His eyes were like crisp toffee drizzled in melted chocolate and framed with darling lashes. A blade nose and burrowed cheekbones, his appearance only to die for. You couldn’t help to notice leathery black strands flopping over his face which to your distaste was veiling some of his enticing features. So perfect, yet so frustrating that you could bear no social contact with that sensuous man. Damnit.
Jungkook did not belong to you, he belonged to your sister – Hyojin. She loved him, and you loved your sister. But you also loved Jungkook. You couldn’t break your sister’s heart, even if it meant breaking yours
“I’m good at walking away. Rejection teaches you how to reject,” you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes as you said it. You immediately regretted your words as soon as you thought of them, but you had no other choice.
You felt his hands drop from your shoulders in shock. Without sparing him another glance, you raced out of the room.
Your muffled sobs went unheard as you entered the living room. Immediately, you were hit with a suffocating wave of humidity. The air stunk with sweat and alcohol. Music blasted from the speakers and bounced off the walls of the house at a deafening volume. You could hear everyone screaming with joy and could feel their feet disturbing the ground around you. Without looking, their smiles extended towards you, attempting to rope you into one of their conversations. You saw people dancing – their bodies moved together as they celebrated, rhythmically breaking into shapes and colors that you were resentful of. You saw your sister, Hyojin, catch your gaze and attempted to pull you towards her group of friends. You simply looked away and headed towards the kitchen.
The kitchen was closed off and separated from the living room to which you were immensely grateful for. Along with you, there were a couple of people in a circle off to the side of the room, happily chatting amongst their selves.  You walked to the counter and spotted a jug full of what you assumed to be water and poured some for yourself. You were never a fan of parties, especially not your sister’s and his first anniversary.  
“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you,” you heard a light voice come from behind you.
Scared, you dropped the cup and splashed the contents of your beverage all over the kitchen counter and onto your dress.
Shit, you swore under your breath as you vigorously tried to rub off the liquid from your clothes. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man step toward you. His hand was stretched out to stop yours from moving. You turned to look at the man that caused you to ruin your dress and for a moment, you stopped breathing.
His hair was black as the wintry night; eyes as deeply dark as were the desert skies. His beauty was as fervent as a fiery moon.
“Oh, did I scare you?” you heard him say with a small smile. “Ah, don’t worry about your dress. Vodka doesn’t stain.”
He nodded. The man offered you a comforting smile as he leaned against the wall. “Mostly vodka, there’s a whole lot of other shit in there.”
You laughed and immediately regretted it as you felt your head begin to hurt. You pressed your hand against your temple, feeling it pound under your fingertips.
“Normally people get head splitting migraines after they get drunk,” he playfully teased you. You lightly hit his arm.
“Do you want some water?” he asked you. You nodded your head before you clutched your eyes together. The pain was getting worse.
He walked to the back of the kitchen, bringing back a bottle for you. “Here,” he gave you a plastic water bottle. Grateful, you muttered a rushed thank you and immediately gulped down the clear liquid. You hadn’t realized how parched your throat was until that moment.
“Whoa there, slow down. You’re going to ch—“
You coughed out some water as you choked on it. A warm hand patted your back as you gripped onto the edge of the sink in front of you.
“Today just isn’t my day,” you awkwardly laughed.
You turned around to face the man once again. His eyes were as dark as ebony, looking straight at you with a hint of curiosity. He reminded you of the night – he was as fair as a star when only one was shining in the sky.
His eyes smiled as he stretched out his hand towards your own, “Min Yoongi.” You were slightly taken aback at the sudden introduction, but slowly, you returned the handshake, feeling his soft hands carefully grasp your own and shake it. You told him your name and you heard him hum in acknowledgment.
The man’s eyes slowly crinkled at the corners, his lips twisting from the side. His eyes formed into small crescents, similar to Jungkook – the ones you fell in love with.
Your chest began to constrict and you felt yourself about to cough at the mere thought of Jungkook. Hastily, you reached for the water bottle again and drank from it, trying to suppress your urge to throw up right there and then. You looked back to see a concerned expression on the man’s face.
You offered him a sheepish smile, “I’m sorry you had to witness all of that. I’m normally not like this. On regular nights, I can drink water without choking on it,”
He kept looking at you, his face grew serious, “what makes tonight any different?”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you before you made any motion to respond. You mentally debated if you should tell him about Jungkook. You hadn’t talked - couldn’t talk to anyone about this particular matter and Yoongi looked genuinely interested in what you had to say. You heaved a sigh and turned to look at him. “Tonight, I lost my best friend because I was stupid enough to fall in love with him,” the reality of the situation hit you after you admitted it out loud.
Yoongi made no comment. Instead, he leaned in, resting his arm on the counter top. His eyes flashed with concern as he waited for you to continue.
With an intake of breath, you poured your heart out to a complete stranger.
“For months now, a - a stone has been sitting on my heart. I’ve shed a lot of tears over him, lost a lot of sleep, and eaten a lot of cake batter. But now, after tonight, I have to move on. Life is going to be hell if I don’t shake loose from the grip he has on my heart. Even if he feels like the one. Even if I’ve always thought we’d end up together. Even if he still has a choke chain on my heart. But I can’t,” you looked at him, “Yoongi, I can’t shake him loose from the grip he has on me. I miss the smell of him. I miss his lips and his strong arms. I miss him.”
His eyes showed you the kind of gentle concern your mother used to show you. He laid his hand lightly on your shoulder, and instead of flinching like you thought you would, you were soothed by it. He left his hand there and spoke with such a soft voice you felt his words calming you more by the way they were said than the actual words. It felt as if you were wrapped in a blanket of his caring.
“I don’t think anyone can give you advice when you’ve got a broken heart. But, think of it this way: you can’t have heartbreak without love,“ he pointed out. "If your heart was really broken, then at least you know you really loved him.”
You took a minute to let his words sink in. Yoongi kept his hand on your shoulder, now sliding down to hold your arm, squeezing it slightly. You couldn’t help but ask him a question that’s been eating at you ever since you were left alone on the rooftop.
“Do people always fall in love with things they can’t have?’
“Always,” he said. You could see the silver of pain hidden deep inside his starry eyes.
He looked at you intently, from what seemed behind the veil of a grave experience. Then slowly, he said something that sent chills down your spine.
”Y/N, the heart was made to be broken.”
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kai-fawn · 7 years
Got tagged by @wonderseverythingabove, thank you for tagging me ^^
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag
1. A lot of pens and pencils in my shark etui  2. A stash of different pain killers 3. Phone charger cables and tablet cable 4. A wireless mouse  5. Allergy pills 
Five Things In My Bedroom: 1. Anime figures/figma’s .. (Im trash..) 2. Posters 3. Clothes thrown everywhere ( my room is a mess ahhhh) 5. Manga...
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life: 1.Learn to play piano 2.Travel to cool places 3.Sky dive maybe 4.Go scuba diving 
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
2.My ships and favorite characters 
3.When my art turns out alright
4. when there is an update to fics I like
5.When someone gives me positive attention 
Five Things On My To-Do List:
1. Write an internship report  2.Find a second place to go for internship  3. Make a presentation about my internship 4. Change up my portfolio  5. Finish line arting some art and continue with my animation 
Five Things People May Not Know About Me: 1. I always walk around the house wrapped in a blanket, blankets are life  2.I used to study metal Technics 3. I study animation now 4. I used to really, really love dinosaurs as a kid, they’re still rad ofcourse though I have forgotten most of the info I had of them as a child  5 I have a shiro and lance charm hanging on my phone because I love my children 
Name?: Kai
Nicknames?: Kai.. I don’t rlly think I have a nick name, I dunno
Zodiac?: Virgo
Sexual Orientation?: Pan 
Ethnicity?: Surinamese/Dutch both my parents are rlly mixed 
Favorite Fruit?: melon
Favorite Season?: spring
Favorite Flower?: I don’t know much about flowers but water lilly’s are pretty cool
Favorite Scent?: faint sweet smells, neutral smells
Favorite Animal?: dude... that’s so hard..I love too many.. I like the build of big cats such as tigers but I also rlly like canine types..but shark’s are cool too but small rodent types like rats or ferrets. Ahhh I love animals too much I’d probably choose canine types like coyotes or wolves or dogs like huskies but deers are so majestic too... it’s hard man..
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: Tea
Cat or dog?: probably dogs but I rlly like cats too
Dream Trip?: Go to New Zealand or Japan
Number of Followers?: 658 tho I maybe only talk with like 3 
What do I post about?: mainly my ships or fandoms, my aesthetics and horrible memes, I sometimes post some art 
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: Nah, It’s rare that I get an ask
Favorite Band?: Don’t rlly have one but have been listening to ‘’glass animals’’ the last few days
Aesthetic?: Nature, pastel colors, dusk or the way sun hits certain things sometimes, abandoned areas, places or moments that seem almost unreal, comfortable silence between people that travel together, soft long sounds like the wind or music that makes you float, soft minimalistic places, bruises and blood, Dark clothes
Fictional Character I’d Date?: Takashi Shirogane because he seems like a rlly great and nice guy plus I love his entire character design, buff, the robot arm, the scar, the hair, his eyeliner, heck yehhhh
Hogwarts House?: Ravenclaw
Rules: BOLD or star the statements that are true for you!
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller  I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have a slight 4pack if I flex does that count? I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people- I’m kinda shy but new ppl are cool People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well -I have been told so, I don’t think I’m that bad I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping ( I can do 20 but not 30 haha) I’m a fast runner I can draw well - I sure hope so, this is what my study’s all about, it’s about the only thing I sorta can do I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports- sorta tho I’m not actually allowed to play quite a few of them I’m thecnically not even allowed to run but come on... I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing -for myself I do or have done martial arts- it was MMA for school a few times does that count?
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol  I have scored the winning goal in a sports game  I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting  I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts- of mice&men at the time
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them  I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend 
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close at my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie -it’s spelled Jamy but yeh, my sister I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
I tag who ever wants to do this
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insarations · 7 years
Here’s this survey thing
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. dont use itunes anymore so spotify but same thing...santeria by sublime. she likes girls by metro station. different people by no doubt. we can make love by SoMo. when the end comes by andrew belle. my humps by tbep XD
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Gwen Stefani, no doubt ;) :D
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "yeah" he said. The light turned green. I braced myself.
4) What do you think about most? um well it depends on the day and time and what not but I guess lately just a certain person. and also about traveling and where I wanna go.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? yes both
6) Do you have any strange phobias? eh not really strange..theyre all pretty common
7) What's your religion? Christian/non-denom
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? walking to the car or inside XD
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? No Doubt
10) What was the last lie you told? hmm honestly i'm not sure. I'm not really the lying type
11) Do you believe in karma? ehh... in a sense but idk
12) What does your URL mean? um well its part of my middle name... play on the word daydreams...cause i daydream alot lol
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? i hate that question lol
14) Who is your celebrity crush? it changes alot but currently Anna Kendrick
15) How do you vent your anger? depends. lately I workout. but sometimes I draw or paint or listen to music or just sleep really. sometimes i just reblog things on tumblr or write something
16) Do you have a collection of anything? um kinda... vans, i used to have a lot more cause I worked there but i guess i dont really anymore. books and dvds. um hmm...i feel like i used to collect something else but cant think of it
17) Are you happy with the person you've become? for the most part, yes. theres always room for improvement :)
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? hate-utensils scratching on a plate. love-my cats purring
19) What's your biggest "what if"? ugh, stop.
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes to both...but probably in different sorts of ways than most people believe in them.
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right-beanbag chair. left-box of cheezits
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? the macncheese i just ate
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to? hmm good question... idk really. i've enjoyed pretty much all the places ive traveled to
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? uh hmm no one comes to mind atm haha. im too gay i suppose XD but i guess ill say zayn
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? please dont get me started. i could write an essay
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? well yes i drive but dont have my license... never crashed.
27) What was the last movie you saw? Pitch Perfect 3!!!! so amazing
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had? when I broke both arms at once
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? its something new all the time really im always obsessing haha i guess anna kendrick
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? ugh yes
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? not usually..it depends. a lot of times its not even a grudge..i forgive easy but bitter feelings stay a while in certain instances
32) What is your astrological sign? aquarius
33) What's the last thing you purchased? a movie ticket
34) Love or lust? L.O.V.E.
35) In a relationship? nope
36) How many relationships have you had? 4...and a 1/2 XD long story
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? um just be myself..not really a weapon lol
38) Where is your best friend? i dont even know who that is anymore :/
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleeping
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yes i think so..id probably annoy myself at somepoint. hell i already do lol but im alright XD
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? stop, help the dog. animals are just as important as people. if someone cant understand that oh well. i cant always find another job. but animals are life.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? probably those most important to me b) What do you do with your remaining days? quit work. go traveling. spend time with my favorite people and my animals and eat a whole hell of a lot lol c) Would you be afraid? maybe a tad at first but i'm not too afraid of dying, I know i'd be with God and away from the pain of this world. i'd moreso be a little afraid of the pain i might possibly have while still alive
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? hollback girl :D
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? so many things but just... two people that love each other that click and mesh and would do anything for each other and just make each other happy and take care of each other... alot of things i suppose though.
45) How can I win your heart? hmm. just be yourself. be respectful. be sweet. be funny..even if in your own dorky awkward way. be kind and thoughtful. put me first just as much as i put you first. just be genuine and real and true and never lie to me. just, be real.
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? oh yes
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? hmm damn what a question. honestly.... I really don't know the answer to that. not that i havent made good decisions. but... idk what was the best. gotta think on that.
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? hmm ive never thought about it lol honestly when i'm gone...do whatever the hell you want haha but i guess if i had to choose..something about my kindness or uniqueness ? idk i try to be kind and different lol
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart." cant say right now
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? purple, black, silver, blue
51) What is your current desktop picture? its just black no picture not sure why i havent changed it
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? thats horrible. honestly i wouldnt do that to anyone..even the people i dislike most. well actually, maybe donald trump XD but no still even then i dont think i could do it even though i'm sure itd make america great again XD
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? hmm honestly idk im a very honest person
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? those are too many words you couldnt just ask me what superpower i want?? XD so now i'm gonna be a bitch and not answer
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? um. its between two. both of which involve time with someone important..cant choose which
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? losing people that were important to me
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? hmm i guess if i had to choose right this second... anna kendrick.. pretty sure ive mentioned her like a hundred times in this survey
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? right now ummm...boston
59) Ever been on a plane? many times
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Anna Kendrick. Channing Tatum. Jennifer Lawrence. Nicole da Silva. michelle rodriguez
0 notes
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The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
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I want to have insurance and the car will be a daily driver just around my city .Helppppp
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Okay so im 17 and getting a 1.1 litre care soon, my dad has no cars listed under his insurance but is a named driver on my mums car. Can i put my car under his insurance and sign the car as his in the log book and be a 2nd driver? how much extra will that cost a month ? hes been driving 27 year , thank you.""
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I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
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Transfering from Missouri where I have American Family. I am moving to Louisiana and American Family doesn't write there. I've only looked at progressive and they were pretty expensive, mass mutual wouldnt take an SR-22. Any suggestions?""
Insurance companies.?
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Driving my moms car and insurance coverage?
My mom's car has full coverage insurance on it. I am not added to her insurance as a driver because I only drive it once a month or so. If I ever got into an accident, will her insurance still cover her car?""
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Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
How much will be car insurance be for a 2.2l Renault Laguna?
Basically, I've got my hands on a Renault Laguna 2.2l Diesel. It's a 2002 model. I've also just passed my driving test 2 months ago, and would like to know what to expect with insurance. I'm not keen on selling the car, so I'd like to know which companies are best for young drivers. Oh yeah, and I'm 17 years old.""
Auto insurance settlement offer too low?
We were in an accident in September, my 4 y/o son and i went to see a chiropractor and i also seen a physical therapist a few times, (i actually still have pain from time to time in ...show more""
Which auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I disagree with the use of credit scores and auto insurance, and would like to find an auto insurance company that doesn't use the method when selling me their service. Does anyone know of companies that don't check your credit, and instead uses your driving record, age, etc....like it used to be?""
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Why does insurance go up ?
I understand if I have been in an accident that my I may pay more insurance because its in my record. My question is .. if I buy a car that has record of having an accident does that make the insurance higher?
How much would insurance be per month for a 17 year old driving a 2014 Mazda 3?
I am 17 years old and just graduated high school. I will be 18 in 5 months. I am looking into buying myself a new car. I know all of the responsibilities that comes along with buying a new car and talked to my parents about it. I did my research and I found that a new 2014 Mazda 3 is only $200 a month. Which I can afford. However, I was wondering how much insurance would be. I looked up a few quotes but I'm not sure how accurate they are. I was wondering how much other people were paying. Of course age is taken into consideration so it will be higher. However, if it will be too much I am planing on going under my fathers name since he is much older and clearly has more experience. So if anyone would like to help me out and tell me what they pay for insurance it would be very helpful! Thanks!""
""What life insurance is best for a senior 62 female, on a fixed income, AARP or Landmark Life? asap?
My mom and I are ingnorant to the premiums and the small print on determining the rates. Need an honest opinion from a good christian person. Just need help in determining which is better AARP or Landmark Life? I see two very charts that have us concern if we made the right choice with the one paying more to get less...over a ten yr period. Thank you for taking time to respond
Do any insurance companies do SEASONAL motorcycle insurance?
I am deploying at the end of the summer and was curious if any insurance companies do seasonal or monthly insurance. I live in NJ so if you know of any place that does this please let me know. I tried riders insurance and progressive already. Thank you
Question About Car Insurance
I know that if you cancel your Car Insurance, or it lapses, the NC DMV will take your tag. BUT, Here is my situation. In order to get your license you have to have proof of insurance, And being i would be covered under my moms insurance, and Her car, What would happen if MY insurance lapsed... Basically, I cannot afford insurance, But i have to get some before i can drive, and i do not know how long i will be able to keep it, Would i loose my license if my insurance was canceled? or what would happen? What are the Penalties to driving Without Insurance?""
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
Car insurance when buying a new car ?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
Life insurance thc test?
Does anyone know if country companies tests for thc for their life insurance policies?
Health Insurance for kids?
I have health insurance through my employer, I have a baby due in July and I have looked into adding her as a dependent but it is way to costly. It jumps from 88.00 a month for Keystone Health Plan East to 400 a month if I add her. Can anyone recommend any health insurance companies that will just cover her by herself. Iam not interested in CHIP or Keystone Mercy or any other state facilitaited health insurance. Thanks for the help.""
What is the best life insurance for a 77 year old man?
What is the best life insurance for a 77 year old man?
What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability?
Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane.""
Does car insurance cover brakes?
i have full coverg on my bmw and it need front and back brakes and pads will my insurance cover this
Adding teenager to car insurance?
I'm turning 16 in a few months and my parents said if i paid for the extra cost they would put me on their policy and i was wondering how much money it would be. We have Geico
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
Is there an industry that does not utilize insurance?
I need to name one industry that does not utilize insurance. Please help! Thanks!
Is this a good world to bring a child into?
I sometimes worry about having kids due to the world going down hill, theres so many bullies and bad people out there,i dont think I can handle my children getting hurt by someone or bullied,also how much will car insurance be in 18 years, a 19 year old at work keeps getting 5000 quotes for 1.1 cars,id like some opinions on this as me and my wife are planning to have kids soon,am I worrying about nothing or does anyone else feel like this?,i want my kids to have a nice life.""
What is the best..or cheapest...?
Car insurance? I wanna know the best. And i wanna know the cheapest. Thanks!
Is there anyway I can get insurance coverage for a vehicle if I don't have a license?
I am a senior citizen and have never driven. I need transportation desperately. I can purchase a car but find I cannot get insurance for any driver of my car if I don't have a drivers license. I have not been able to find anyone I would really trust to put the car in their name. Any suggestions?
How much does a male aged 17 pay for car insurance?
Well I'm 17 years old and I'm currently taking driving lessons and hopping to do my driving test really soon. So the reason i asked this question is to just find out how much you pay for your car insurance. P.S If things do go well and I pass my driving test, I am planning to get a 05 Reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI. So it would help if someone owns a 1.2 car and they're 17 years of age to answer this question. Thanks!!""
Health Insurance Cost?
Health Insurance through my employee for me and my two sons will cost me about $480.00 per month. That's a lot compare to what I make. Any suggestions or referrals for affordable health insurance for the Dallas/Forth Worth area in Texas. I'm in a big dilema.
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Will insurance pay for an insured car that's borrowed and driven by an uninsured driver?
well, it's a brand new car that belong to my father, i borrowed it and got in an accident because i slip off the road, the car is totaled and im really worried about the coverage. my dad has Infinity-insurance, so yes the car is insured however i do not have any kind of auto-insurance at all nor am i listed in my father's policy. will my father's insurance pays for the car?( if possible, please answer it base on Infinity-insurance)""
Im 17 make minimum wage and want a car. parents wont help pay car insurance or car payment. what can i d?
im 17 years old and make minimum wage. i want a car but my parents wont help pay for car insurance or car payment. i also need gas money and lunch money. i only make $6 an hour at my job and my insurance $115 and the car payment is $98. is i possible for me to get a car at all?
Can a lender file a claim against your insurance company after repossession?
My car was repossessed on 9/11. I attempted to get my car back..but Wells Fargo played games..such as saying the car is on its way to the auction...no, its still there and we can't place a hold on it..it leaves for the auction in a couple of days. So, I went and got me another car. Now, today..I find out that they are filing a claim for the very day that they took the car. The claim was filed at 1:06 today. However, the car was not insured on that very date. Also, I had to sign some papers to reinstate the policy to the effect that no claims would be filed because NO accident occurred. Will the lender be able to file against my insurance policy under these circumstances?""
Car insurance help?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Wtf Is going on with car insurance companies?
Last company auto renewed my policy but i wasnt aware of this as had moved address, so to cancel it I had to pay 133 as id already started going with someone else on top of the initial deposit amount i had to pay for both companies which has took a large chunk of my money for what i feel was no fault of mine, then a month later im getting letters from my current insurance asking me to pay an extra 90 plus 25 admin fee or my policy will be cancelled AGAIN meaning a cancellation fee because when i said i had held my licence for 8 years they recon its 7 ive held it for and this makes my policy go up, thing is i got my licence on 22/08/2003 and took my poliocy out on the 19/08/2011 so they're making out when i took out the policy i only had licence for 7 years for sake of 2 days who the hell wouldnt have said 8 to that? it just seems theyre trying everything now days trawling through all your stuff finding the smallest detail just so they can get money off you or cancellation fees cos that way they're not risking anything on insurance but still gettin money off you for cancellation fees its a joke and I can really see why people think there's no point having insurance anymore. Plus I have never made a claim since I started driving but because others have in the country im being punished with premiums going up. Will it just end up where everyone who simply cant afford it thinks sod it and drives round with no insurance? surely that would make things even worse but all these cancellation fees if it happens again that I have to cancel that will be 550 ive paid in the last 2 months and still my car wont have insurance????? arghhhhh its doing my head in surely something can be done to help the customers a little more as insurance was always a headache but this is becoming ridiculous now. ..""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Where can i get free insurance when buying my first car???
im looking to buy my first car, and was wondering if i would be able to get free years insurance from a local dealership, or is it only mainstream dealerships do that? im looking to spend 1000 on a car, but 2000 if i can get free insurance, how would i be able to get this? Im 17, if age takes any part in this, and living in britain.""
First time driver getting insurance quotes for  4.5k is this average?
Hi I've tried a few online companies for my husband he passed today and is trying to get insurance for a 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 plate. He's 25 and this Is his first year with a driving licence but 4.5k seems unreasonable for 3rd party fire and theft or am I justnout of touch anyone willing to share there quotes so I can get an idea if these quotes are average?
What is the average cost for small business health insurance with less then 15 employee ?
What is the average cost for small business health insurance with less then 15 employee ?
Do you need car insurance to borrow someone's car?
Like if I were to borrow someone's car, would I personally need car insurance (like from my own car), or only if the owner of the car had insurance would that be okay if I drove it? I live in Illinois if that makes any difference.""
Does anyone know whats the cheapest car insurance in NY ?
I have a 2003 Mitsubishi I'm 24 and i want to know which is the cheapest insurance that i can afford. I check a lot of the insurances out there but they are all so expensive. i just want something with the basic cover in order for me to be able to afford it. If someone knows of anything cheap please let me know thank you so much
Need a MRI and obgyn but don't have insurance?
I have had abnormal vaginal bleeding for a month and I found out the other day I have a tumor on my uterus and need a MRI and see a OBGYN but I don't have insurance. Would they just bill me? I'm low income and on work comp right now so it's even lower. I am applying for cmsp that's california state assistance but I won't have it by then
""And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact?
people less well off then you would have a better chance at life.
Car Accident-Health Insurance?
I was in a low-impact car accident and went to the ER the next day to get checked up just incase. I went to my doctor because of back pain and when I mentioned I was in a car accident. They told me I could not go through my health insurance that it has to be through my car insurance. It turns out I have herniated discs and now my doctor has referred me to see an orthopedic surgeon but, I do not feel that the car accident was the cause of the herniated discs. I asked again if I can treatment through my health insurance and I was told by one of the office assistants that it is fraud if I use my health insurance. If I explain to my doctor that I fell down the stairs and insist that I do not want to through through my car insurance because I do not feel the car accident was the cause will he change his mind and refer me to the specialist using my health insurance or should I go through another doctor.""
""I need some sort of health coverage, help me find an affordable option?""
I work full time for my company, but part-time in one postition and part-time in another still makes me a part-time employee and ineligible for benefits. I make a little too much for medicaid, but not enough to buy a plan that covers me. I lost my last health insurance 2 years ago when I lost my old job while I was having surgeries on my hand to fix a bone defect. My problem is now that I'm having a lot of problems with my hand and will need another surgery to fix the problem. I can't afford to pay 30k for it and no doctor will do it because it's not an emergency eventhough I'm in pain. I know that I'll have to be insured for a year before it will cover a pre exhisting. The hospital turned me down for any type assistance, and even if it did I the doctors are all seperate so I'm still in a lot of debt plus physical therapy is expensive. What can I do?""
How to insure my car if I go to live in France?
I'm moving to France soon and I would like to keep my english car. Insurance companies are asking for the bonus-malus and I don't know the equivalent in english...so they can't tell me how much it would be...Does anybody had to insure their car in France? What do I need to do? thanks xxxx
""Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old, impossible?""
I need insurance for a job & i can't afford insurance.. So expensive atm, last year was about 1700 now its 4000 for 1L? What they playing at, anyone insured anyone recently with cheap car insurance at 17, i don't want to know why it is expensive thanks!""
Do I HAVE to have car insurance in order to drive?
So I just got my license a few days ago, and I'm confused with the whole insurance thing... I am not getting my own car until I graduate high school, which won't be for like a year ish. So do I need insurance in order to drive my parents car OCCASIONALLY? Both my parents have car insurance. So pretty much, it would have been better to just have my permit where I don't need car insurance, instead of getting my license and being forced to get car insurance even if I'm going to be driving RARELY? Whereas with my permit, I could drive within hours with an adult for as long as I want without needing car insurance.........""
Auto insurance. please help me. =)?
I'm sixteen and i just got a truck. it's a 1977 dodge pick up 4x4. i can't drive it without insurance and i don't know where to get my insurance from. i've tried getting online quotes and stuff and it didn't work. anybody know a good insurance company with a plan that covers the basic stuff i need just so i can drive my truck?? thanks. =)
""Served my country, but can't get life insurance?""
I have served in the US Army for 17 years, I have deployed 5 times in support of many operations to include twice to Iraq and preparing for a 3rd. I took a physical last year for life insurance when I retire and it was found that I have a high level of protein in my urine. I have been denied time after time because of this preexisting condition. Who can I go through so I can get some affordable life insurance. It is sad how this country takes care of it's veterans. I have done everything that was asked of me as a Soldier, now that my time is almost up, my country turns it's back on me. What a shame.""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?
Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.""
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Insurance on Rx-8 for a 29yr old male?
I'm almost 29 and I'm thinking of buying a Mazda Rx-8, the 230bhp version. I've got 2 yrs no claims and was wondering if anyone of similar age has one and if they could give me an idea of what the insurance would cost in Ireland??""
I was recently in a car accident and fractured my hand in two places. How much should my settlement be?
The accident was not my fault, but the other driver did not have insurance. My left hand was fractured at the pinky knuckle and also lower in my hand at the middle finger. I was in a splint for 8 weeks, and went to see a physical therapist for only two weeks. I still have pain in the pinky knuckle and cannot bend it as far as the right hand. The doctor told me that I will most likely have severe arthritis when I get older (I am 26 now). I was only out of work for three days, but I had to be on restricted duty for a month. I had a hard time buttoning and pulling up my pants, as well as fixing my hair. It took me an extra half hour to hour to get ready every day. I want to know what to expect from the insurance company.""
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Looking for Maternity Insurance?
We're wanting to get preggers in the near future. We're trying to look at our financial options for insurance. Currently we don't have major medical insurance (I don't need any comments on this, it's not what I'm asking about). I'm hoping to get a type of maternity insurance that will cover a couple thousand dollars. We're also planning on home birthing (again, this isn't my question, so I'm not interested in opinions on this matter). Does anyone know any carriers that I could get some maternity insurance from for the states of Utah and/or New Mexico?""
What are some names of some cheap 3rd party Auto Insurance companies in Texas?
Tittle say it all, best answer 5 stars""
If I apply for life insurance through a different company will they know what I told the first company?
I have life insurance with State Farm. I quit smoking on a daily basis 2 years ago but had a cigarette and 1 hit of marijuana on June 18th of this year. I told this to the underwriters because I wanted to be completely honest. All blood work came back negative for nicotine (Cotinine) and THC. State Farm charged me the smoker's rate and said I can get it reevaluated in 1 year. My agent told me I should have lied since it was just the 1 cig. I am not happy paying the smoker's rate as I don't consider myself a smoker. I called an Allstate agent and she says I can go thru her and just say no this time when asked by the underwriters about smoking. My question is, do they have the State Farm phone interview with the underwriters stored somewhere in some database and they will know I smoked the one cigarette or will I be ok just going thru Allstate and saying no to the smoking question this time?""
Canceled Car Insurance?
So, I found out today, that State Farm canceled my car insurance. My coverage was good through Feb. 1st. My billing date is also Feb. 1st, but they usually charge me a day or two late. They charged me today for my renter's insurance, which is how I found out that I have no car insurance. State Farm never informed me that they were canceling my policy. They said I have had too many incidents. I have had 2 accidents and 1 ticket in the past 2 years. One accident was my fault and the other was not. The ticket was because of the accident. My question is: What can I do to get insurance with another company when I have not had insurance for the past 4 days (even though I didn't know it) and is it going to be a lot more expensive because I do not have a current policy?""
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Would it be cheaper to put I rent my home or just other on my insurance for my vehicle.
How much does a teenage car insurance for a 1991 chevolet corvette convertible cost per month?
my grades havent been good till this year i kinda have a bad record idk if that would effect it so ya i no i turn 16 on tuesday and im getting the car for my bday so i need to no quickly how much the insurence would cost thanks
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
Different ways to lower insurance cost. could i have my boyfriend insure my car for me?
Please, if you're not 100% sure don't answer,, it's confusing. Anyways, i recently financed a vehicle, 06 Taurus, and the insurance is killing, nearly higher than the car note! ($314 a month). & now that I'm pregnant i need to save $. My boyfriend doesn't have a car or license, but is there any way he could get insurance under his name & then add my car? Or any other work a rounds? Btw, I'm willing to fix his license if that's an issue. I'm 23, He's 29. I live in what's considered to be more dangerous city than he does. Also, he has less moving violations than me. So a policy for him maybe be anywhere from 40-60% cheaper than mines.""
Why is my car insurance quote so high?
I have been to CompareTheMarket for a quote on car insurance, and the cheapest quote was around 5,000 for a car that costs 250. Why is my quote so high? I'm a first time driver living in an area with a fairly high crime rate. After changing the address to my girlfriends the quote came down to 2,000. This is still way too much considering the cost of the car! Is there any way to bring the insurance cost down? I wont be able to afford to drive at this rate.""
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Whats a good cheap auto insurance company on just liability? ( I am 24 in college)?
Will my car insurance go up?
I live in the state of Missouri and I got my first speeding ticket. I have Travelers insurance. Does anyone know if my rate will go up or do they let the first one slide?
Cheapest car to insure/ run in UK for a 21 year old female?
Someone said Renault Clio. Then someone said no, because they're branded boy racers. Then someone said Vauxhall Corsa. But then they're supposed to break down frequently. I don't like Ford Ka's or Micra's. Help me please! Aha x""
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
Is it a legal requirement in Texas to have health insurance?
after i graduate high school and when i turn 18 and move out i will not be a full time student there for not covered under my parents insurances in any way... so is it a legal requirement in Texas for me to have health insurance like it is for car insurance? thanks in advance
Car insurance question?
I have basic liability insurance with American Family Insurance, About a week ago my boyfriend (who has a suspended license) took my car when i was sleeping, almost hit a deer and went in a ditch with my car and im pretty sure its totaled its a 97 lumina. I have a title loan on the car, will insurance pay it off?""
CAR INSURANCE <how much>?
how much is the car insurance for eg. opel corsa <cheapest car> because it would be my first car if you're a woman under 25 im actually 18
Car insurance per month?
I was just wondering if any one could give me a close estimate on how much car insurance would cost a month if you drove a 2003 Cadillac CTS & were 16 years old. The car is used. Please don't say depends what insurance company you have. Thank you.
Where can you find the best/cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 years old and I hav recently jst passed my driving test. I was wondering where i can find the cheapest car insurance. Preferably, i would like to put myself as second driver of the car (under my dads name who is the main driver). But does any1 kno where i can find the cheapest car insurance for someone my age? Thanx in advance.""
Where is the best place to get earthquake insurance quotes?
I live in Seattle, WA and I currently do not have earthquake coverage. I don't know what carriers provied earthquake coverage, and I don't know if I need to also get homeowners coverage from the same carrier.""
Car insurance when buying a new car ?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
Does anyone knows an affordable weight loss camp for a 20 years old?
I am desperate to lose weight and i need a healthy, but affordable way to do so in the Florida area OR new England""
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Which auto insurance is the cheapest? HELP PLEASE?
I'm 16 years old and I want insurance on my moms car. What is the cheapest company to have? help please! I really want to drive and moneys a big problem in my family.
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
Rome New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13440
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