#Illbleed Inspired Oc
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years ago
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#Jillian's#GoingDownMemoryLane #DefunctPlaces #ArcadePlayerCard #MyPhotos #PoodleArtMyArt #LuxAbode #Illbleed #IlbleedInspiredOc
I like to collect cards from defunct places that don't exist anymore but this is my favorite one. This is a player card from a old school arcade place that doesn't exist anymore called Jillian's.
This used to be a arcade place that was inside of a long gone mall with a movie theater, a Maggie Moos ice cream, and a bowling alley under the arcade.
Also there was a toy train that moved around the mall from above the mall that had the Jillian's.
This arcade had tickets and tokens or play coins in it and was before every arcade got digital with saving the points on the card.
I remember the prizes being Fiesta animal plushies and different colorful versions of Garfield plushies with T-shirts on with something written on it.
This player card inspired Lux Abode my infected realtor oc off this place and Illbleed as a dreamscape since that's the only way I could revisit the memories.
Lux Abode would give these out instead of her realtor business card with 1863 written on it which is a Illbleed reference.
She would hand them out like Michel Waters is or do the behind your ear trick to reveal her card to the buyer.
I miss this place and Gameworks which is gone too.
Gameworks had sega themed games like the super monkey ball arcade cabinet with a lightly loose banana controller you use to play the game.
And UFO catchers with sonic, tails, and knuckles plushies while also having the Disney plushies in them.
I have a Pluto from Disney plush for sale too from that place.
10” Sega Ufo Catcher Pluto Mickey Mouse ClubHouse Plush | eBay
What Jillian's is
Jillian's | Arcadepreservation Wiki | Fandom
Party at Jillian's! - YouTube
at 7:53.
Top 5 Forgotten Entertainment Restaurants - YouTube
The Fiesta plush I have for sale that I got from that arcade before it was gone.
16" 2000 Fiesta Safari Jungle Cat Leopard Plush With Tags | eBay
The Garfield plush I'm talking about.
I had a blue version but I sold that a long time ago.
Images not mine but link are there.
Garfield Green With Envy Plush | eBay
Garfield I Need a Hug 8 inch Blue Plush Stuffed Animal Nanco Cuddly Preowned | eBay
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misscloudiedays · 3 years ago
Hello cloudy are you familiar with zodick ?
He a basically a horror game version of sonic a demon looking sonic from the game illbleed
He is a easter egg and he a boss you fight in that game and have a few traits that he got from sonic.
His fingers wagging animation but used it as a taunt
Roll into a balll
Also drops rings when injured
Also he is giant sized
Plus not many people know him or even draw fan art of him or even there own ocs based on him
Here what he looks like and technically he basically the original sonic exe before sonic exe existed
Here is my fan made version of him in drawing but below him is his inspiration :
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I know almost nothing about him but Ive seen him a few times including on your blog djdndj
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year ago
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#Illbleed #RevengeOfQueenWorm #Househuntedgame #LuxAbode
My favorite Billboard from Level 2 of Illbleed.
This was another inspiration for my Realtor oc Lux Abode since has solar panels on her upside down house body.
Image, game not mine but link is there.
Tsushi 🍣 (tumblr.com)
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years ago
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#DreamOc #OkKoOc #Bedtaur #ShifterOc #Ordealeana #Halluctasmica #MyOc #PoodleArtMyArt
She was my 7th Dream oc.
Ordealeana has a amazon like company called Slamazon and a streaming service.
She is the ceo of her company that is in competition with both Boxmore and Lakewood Plaza Turbo.
Once a item is bought then it teleports to their house fast.
She wants to buy out company's from both sides but slowly distort the business companies over time and then close them down to completely take over the businesses.
She bounces from being a hero and a villain.
She is pretty neutral.
She also has a tailmouth and her name is Halluctasmica.
Her level fluctuates and she can live in both the real world and the dreamworld. 
Her tailmouth mimics stairs and is actually her sister.
It's a reference to Girafarig and also the beta version since the sister has a more human like form.
Hallucination and Phantasm (Tailmouth name ref.)
Likes: The shade, scaring people by pretending to be a random bunk bed for people to rest in then slowly lifting her arms to grab people then drag them under the bed, vintage/thrift stores , 70's-2000's  bedsheets, obscure foods/expired foods, waxing her bunkbed beams, having frenemies, and old obscure songs.
Weakness: Bed Bugs, getting stained/smells bad.
Powers: Shapeshifting, ability to have fire/ice powers, laser eyes/mouth, flight, hypnosis, bed manipulation, and teleportation.
Inspirations: Nights (both games), Nightmare  Ned (game and series), Klonoa, Girafarig, Obscure stores closed down by popular ones.
Sketch Background: White Main Background: Brown
This is the form of what a human bedtaur would look like. This is what my shifter teacher oc turned into by a cursed school that appeared out of nowhere.
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #ENS
BedTaur Lore
BedTaurs are shapeshifters that eat dreams, nightmares, dream travelers, inner thoughts information, emotions from others, and adrenaline from a person or being.
They tend to occupy abandoned buildings and fix them up so they can lure humans or other beings that can sleep so they can eat.
Their human forms tends to be low poly like the characters similar to Illbleed and don't have facial features just straight faced.
They move their body to convey talking and emotions while talking with their mouths are on their backs.
Every time a bedtaur successful eats it adds a new room to the newly fixed abandoned building based off the dream they just ate.
Every bedtaur is different in bed design like a pull out couch bed or a murphy bed.
Even if a person on being has insomnia the bedtaur will make that person or being successful sleep.
The bedtaurs are both hot and cold to the touch which is kind of like a real life bed.
They can control fire and ice.
Some bedtaurs hate bedbugs, stinky things, and being dirty but some don't mind that.
Each bedtaur's home is unique and some have toy bodyparts like dolls, wheels, and stuffed animal parts.
Some bedtaurs tend to help other species out to get food by making a human or being sleepwalk then wake the person up only if the monster wants that as a request.
What makes most bedtaurs angry is not cleaning up after yourself as they are letting you stay for free, not eating meals on time, being together in a group when multiple guest are over in the dream world, being abusive to other being and people, being nosy/digging in places you shouldn't be, and looking in special places like a mini fridge a bedtaur is hiding important things in you are not supposed to see.
If you break any rules the bedtaur will be disappointed but will give you three strikes before giving you up to a monster that wants to eat you.
Kind of like a soup kitchen for monsters that stink at hunting, down on their luck, or lazy monsters that need a quick snack.
If a person dies in the dream or nightmare they die for reals but will leave a little bit of life force just in case the monster wants to chase or seem like the person still has life.
Most bedtaurs keep the kids of the abusive parents and raise them as their own but if the kids rebels then they have the same fate as the adults they feed the monsters too but feel really sad about it later.
Human form of the bedtaurs tend to get paid by other monster by kissing the face cheeks of the monster or any physical touch like a hug or a fist bump but not sexual to gain only 5 seconds of facial emotions before freezing back up to their unchanging low poly default straight face but it's worth it and also slowing stealing the life force of the monster.
When a bedtaur dies then the building returns to it's abandoned state because it was the dream/nightmare hallucinations keeping the illusion of a normal place like for example a airbnb but it's a little off.
Also if the bedtaur has an item that it love or wants to keep it will protect it by making traps to prevent anyone from stealing it.
Also the bedtaur can control the victims of rest and use them to fight/protect from damage in human form which is human weak.
Their true form can only be seen in dreams but can be imagined in the abandoned building as a physical force.
Also each Bedtaur has a secret code word to confirm that the monster wants a meal then a hotel stay.
Shifters can be effected by the sleep but can only be immune if the shifter adapts.
The ads they make to advertise a business seems normal until they say something in shiften (Which is the main fake language that all shifters speak similar to Phantomile or Balanese or whatever lanuage Blinx was using in Blinx 1) in reverse which is a calling card for the underground monster soup kitchen.
Not all Bedtaurs do the soup kitchen thing most use their powers to help people like helping people with sleep problems.
The fake human forms carry their bed/couch halves as a backpack, suitcase, or handbags shaped like the bed/couch that can be removed then teleport back if lost or stolen.
> images.cb2.com/is/image/CB2/Do… > rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.… Her bed sheets. > img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-stat… Bunk bed sheets> www.istockphoto.com/vector/bun… As a art ref for the pose. > us.123rf.com/450wm/lenm/lenm10… Songs she likes. > www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gE0M3…
Color Refs for Ordealeana and Halluctasmica (Tailmouth) Her hair is black with pumpkin orange, navy blue, metallic dark green, metallic purple, metallic pink, raspberry, and blue green hair tips. Her skin is pewter or metallic dark gray.
Her X nose is half ice blue and half metallic dark red.
Her ears are metallic dark red and ice blue. 
Her eye antenna is black with metallic dark green with metallic yellow with a black dot pupil.
Her eyes on her shoulders are metallic yellow with black whites for eyes.
Her bellybutton eye is metallic yellow with a black X on the inside of her eye with metallic dark green whites of eyes.
Her teeth are navy blue with a black inner mouth, her tongue is light brown, her cool and hot mouth symbols are metallic dark red (right symbol)with ice light blue (left symbol). Her (right) hot long finger is metallic dark red and her (left) cool long finger is ice blue. 
Her wings are pumpkin orange. Her bed spread and sheets are blue green, black, and navy blue.
The pillows are white.
Her bed frame is dark brown.
Her bottom half of her body is lightly colored black and their dress is blue green, black, and navy blue.
Her legs are black with metallic dark gray or pewter paws with metallic dark red and ice blue claws. 
Her tailmouth warmer collar is blue green, black, and navy blue.
She also wears metallic gold necklace with different colored gems.
The first gem color is a metallic dark green with metallic dark blue symbols on the sides. 
Her other gems are metallic dark blue, metallic mauve, metallic dark purple, metallic yellow, and metallic pink on her tailmouth.
Her taimouth's eye is metallic yellow with black symbol in her eye and metallic dark green on her face.
The tailmouth's tongue is a light brown ladder tongue.
Her paw pads are like normal paw pads but are square and is ice blue and metallic dark red.
Her elbow spikes are metallic dark red and ice blue.
She has a half black and half raspberry squares on her shirt and on her bed sheets/dress.
Her shirt is blue green, black, and navy blue. Her tailmouth is metallic dark gray or pewter.
She is light colored black where the bottom  of the bunked is.
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years ago
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#ENS #Nexus #MyOC #MiraMathMirror #Illbleed #PoodleArtMyArt
This is ENS (Nexuz) This is his fake human form caused by him being trapped inside of a school where monster characters or non humans characters become low poly humans that can't move their face to convey emotion or move their mouths.
And humans become the monsters that attack you. The mysterious shrapastone might be the key to end this nightmare.
He was original going to be a ENA oc but I changed him to be original and be like a spiritual successor to Illbleed for like one level themed after a school that just appears out of nowhere.
Ens (The glitched word for ensure when my charger doesn't charge right on my laptop. What his name means in his cannon Educational Neurological Solutions.)
He has two forms a human form that is similar to the art style of the Illbleed characters and his fashion sense is from the early 2000s mostly 2001. Only have a blank expression on his face but moves his body to convey emotion and also his voice sound B movie like.
Has a secret mouth on his back that is hidden to keep the effect like Illbleed. His real form is more monster like and only appears when angry or when he's thinks he is alone with his thoughts but he tends to hide his real form from others.
He's a shapeshifting teacher that was trapped in a haunted school that he is locked inside by the shrapastone. The shrapastone turns non humans into humans similar to the Illbleed residents being low poly and unable to use powers and move their face to emote.
You also have to wear a similar orange, green, and purple school outfits. While humans become monsters. Also there is also an evil superintendent that keeps the story going and this also happens during prom in the gym which is where the boss is.
His uses his math mirror or Mira like a horror monitor/ copier. This can prevent traps and copy items. He has different colors of this item be he likes red. His real name is Nexuz.
Carla The Cautious Cab (Flying, Waterproof, Living Car) you see a purple and yellow cab stop sign with Cɔ it says Close Call like Narrow Escape in Illbleed.
You have to do a hitch hiker thumb motion to get her attention or find the item the handy phone that is shaped like a hand it calls her faster it similar to the speed ladder. She will run over the enemies that you left behind and you gain courage.
The courage is similar to adrenaline in Illbleed it gives you the energy to push through the stage and set everything right and retrieve the shrapastone. But you gain less courage if you use the cab too much so you can fight off the monsters.
The Mira image link.
Missouri State Bookstore - GEO-REFLECTOR MIRROR #IN9389
The songs that inspired him and I own none of these songs.
Illbleed fright/shock SFX - YouTube
Dross - Illbleed OST: Track 3 - YouTube
Fantastic Plastic Machine - You Must Learn All Night Long 【PV】 - YouTube
His ringtone reference.
【���ァミコン風】 園内BGM ~ILLBLEED - YouTube
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