#Il conte di montecristo
jeanlib · 18 hours
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boyruggeroii · 21 hours
Finished Il conte di Montecristo 1966 yesterday. Some points:
Albert is too cute but it's obvious this is the actor's first role and he's not very good in dramatic moments. Still, very enjoyable, a good face for Albert
He's at least a head shorter than every man on screen, at all times. This is how I'll forever imagine Albert now
He was very good in the duel scene though. You could see him swallowing his pride
Not happy with the casting choice for Mercedes, doesn't feel like her at all, too wane, but the actress is good and her interactions with Edmond are so painful
Very good the scene where she tries to call the duel off
They gave the count the Beard of Evil because frankly Giordana's face is too clean and delicate, plus fashion changes and of course he doesn't want to be recognised. But he looks bad! It doesn't suit him!
The man is a beanpole btw
Every version of Albert is smitten with him and can't get close enough to him.
There is a scene where it sounds like the count is proposing him to fuck (cosa desidera fare mentre prende il caffè? I'm paraphrasing)
Eugenie has something like three lines, a weird, high pitched voice (sorry), but the actress was a singer and they have her sing and wow she's good
Btw one of her three lines kinda made me like her anyway. The moment Danglar explains to her that he wants her to marry for the money, she immediately negotiates for herself a hell of an allowance
Villefort going mad was excellent, and so were his interactions with his father
There are some weird camera choices, such as a lot of focusing on the eyes while the actor speaks, people talking directly to the camera while in the middle of a dialogue, and getting very up and close with it
They do this A Lot
A few times they focused on the mouth, again for no particularly good reason
There is a scene where Hydee is playing some sort of violin and the actress clearly has no idea what she's doing
They could have cut Franz out and it wouldn't have changed anything. Frankly I'm not sure why he was even there, except to insist on his marriage with Valentine
He doesn't even say he loves her or anything, he just sounds a bit bummed out that she doesn't want him
He never interacts with the count ever :( and he's clearly much older that everyone else
Beauchamp was very nice instead and very close to Albert
At a certain point the count says that he never meant for his revenge to hurt the kids, which, what? He's ruining their families, how are they supposed to be kept safe from the fallout
Plus he totally meant to kill Albert in the book and there's even a scene where we see him practice his shooting from 5, 10 and then 20 steps, like in a duel, and never miss, which I thought had something to do with that but apparently not?
When the count is in his abate character he speaks with a high pitched, kinda scratchy voice and it's hilarious
The interactions between Caderousse and Benedetto are surprisingly funny
Caderousse was surprisingly funny
In the first episode there's an appearance from the kinds, more preoccupied with some chocolate mousse than with the chance of Napoleon escaping and ignoring a very frustrating Villefort
I can't remember if it happens in the book, I don't think so, but it's very funny and the king is kinda limp wristed. But maybe it's just because he's nobility idk
Every cut scene from the book that was a secondary plot point or a set up is narrated to the viewer through people gossiping at parties
There are a lot of parties and people dancing. It's very enjoyable
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A tutti i mali ci sono due rimedi: il tempo ed il silenzio.
Alexandre Dumas - Il Conte di Montecristo
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francescacammisa1 · 1 year
... in questo mondo non ci sono né felicità né infelicità, esiste solo il confronto tra una condizione e l'altra, ecco tutto. Solo chi abbia provato l'estremo dolore è in grado di percepire l'estrema felicità. Bisogna aver voluto morire, Maximilien, per sapere quanto è bello vivere.
Alexandre Dumas - Il conte di Montecristo
Ph Zdzisław Beksiński
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 months
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
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un giorno adelphi mi spiegherà il motivo per cui produrre un libro grande come mezza teglia è parso una buona idea
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canesenzafissadimora · 2 months
A tutti i mali vi sono due rimedi: il tempo e il silenzio.
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Alexandre Dumas -"Il conte di Montecristo"
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perpassareiltempo · 11 months
La vita è una tempesta, mio giovane amico. In un momento potrete scaldarvi al sole, in uno successivo andare a frantumarvi contro gli scogli. Che cosa vi rende un uomo, è ciò che si fa, quando arriva quella tempesta.
Alexandre Dumas, Il conte di Montecristo
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boyruggeroii · 3 days
maybe this time they won't arrest him and him and Mercedes will be happy
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alonewolfr · 4 months
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A ogni male ci sono due rimedi: il tempo e il silenzio.
|| Alexandre Dumas, Il conte di Montecristo
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francescacammisa1 · 10 months
A tutti i mali ci sono due rimedi: il tempo e il silenzio.
Alexandre Dumas - Il Conte di Montecristo
Ph Lina Morozova 
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finestradifronte · 1 year
Il conte di Montecristo. Qualsiasi cosa di Benni e di Fabio Bartolomei e di Fabio Genovesi e di Tullio Avoledo, Paolo Malaguti una chicca.
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
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kyda · 8 months
ma adesso la vera domanda è: stasera inizio il conte di montecristo o la nona casa di leigh bardugo? proprio simili come libri devo dire ma è un bel dilemma 🤔
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yugen3 · 1 year
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Ho promesso di leggere prima il conte di Montecristo quindi ci vediamo tra 4 mesi mi sa...
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perpassareiltempo · 1 year
La vita è una tempesta, mio giovane amico. (…) Che cosa vi rende un uomo, è ciò che si fa, quando arriva quella tempesta. 
Alexandre Dumas - Il conte di Montecristo
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