#IkePri JP
dark-frosted-heart · 2 days
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dreamofjoys · 26 days
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aquagirl1978 · 2 months
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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You've Got Some Nerve Trying to Buy Me
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
Not proofread.
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Two nights before Silvio's birthday一
A bunch of nobles and merchants showed up at his villa for the party, and there I was, facing him, not as his fiancée, but just as another businesswoman.
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "........"
(The wig totally completes the disguise. Even he shouldn't recognize me like this.)
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Silvio: "What are you doing here?"
(He totally recognized me!)
Emma: "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just here for some business negotiations."
Silvio: "Hey, throw this one out."
Emma: "Wait, please don’t, Prince Silvio—I mean, ahem!"
I cleared my throat exaggeratedly to cover my slip.
He looked at me with a mix of exasperation and annoyance, his expression hard to read.
(Calm down. He might have noticed, but the others probably haven't yet.)
(In any case, I haven't lied.)
(I'm here to negotiate business with him.)
Emma: "You're just brushing me off without even hearing me out? You seem pretty different from what I heard."
Emma: "I heard you were a man who took business negotiations seriously."
Silvio: "Oh?"
(The atmosphere changed.)
Silvio: "If you say it's all business, I won't hold back. Don't complain if every single hair of yours ends up being mine."
Emma: "I came here with that resolve from the start."
(I was right to guess that he'd take on anyone in a business meeting.)
(It's going to be fine. If I stick to my plan, everything should go well.)
Earlier this morning一
Emma: "What? No letter again today?"
Carlo: "Yes, I'm sorry."
Carlo, who had just returned from Silvio's villa, bowed his head apologetically.
Emma: "Sorry if I came off like I was accusing you. It's not your fault."
Carlo: "But I promised I'd bring a reply! And yet, here I am like this."
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(Carlo looks really tired. He must be very busy.)
(A schedule that requires him to stay holed up at the villa must be quite demanding.)
Five days ago, Silvio suddenly declared that he would be staying at his villa for a week for a business meeting. Without giving any particular explanation, he retreated to the villa, as he had announced.
Carlo had been acting as the messenger, exchanging letters with Silvio, but since two days ago, the replies have completely stopped.
Emma: "There's nothing wrong, is there?"
Carlo: "Um, there are some issues, but I think the main thing is just that he's super busy."
(If that's the case, I can't really complain.)
(But it's still lonely not being able to see him for a week. The whole villa retreat thing was so sudden.)
Carlo: "Lady Emma."
(I shouldn't let Carlo see me like this. I don't want to make him feel awkward.)
Emma: "I'm fine! Could you please deliver today's letter to Prince Silvio?"
Carlo: "Yes, of course."
Carlo: "........."
(What is it?)
Carlo: "Lady Emma, how about going to see Prince Silvio yourself?"
Emma: "But Prince Silvio said not to come to the villa."
Carlo: "Yes. I've been strictly told not to bring you, but that doesn't mean you can't go there yourself."
Emma: "What do you mean?"
---------Flashback Ends--------
(So, I ended up making a plan with a somewhat desperate Carlo.)
(And now here I am, barging into the villa.)
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Silvio: "So, what is it that you want to sell? If it's something trivial, I'll throw you out immediately."
His gaze was sharper than usual.
It looked like other people at the party had noticed the conversation, and their attention started to focus on us.
(I'm getting nervous.)
(But there's no turning back now.)
Emma: "Before that, let me first discuss the payment."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "If you like my product, I'd like to request your birthday as the payment!"
Silvio: "Huh?"
Despite his incredulous tone, the room was buzzing with excitement.
A little farther away, Carlo nodded vigorously with his hands clasped in front of his chest.
(I can cook Silvio's favorite food and help him with his work.)
(As long as it's something that makes him happy, I can offer it as my product!)
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Silvio: "Look, you..."
Merchant 1: "Please wait."
Merchant 1: "Shouldn't the opportunity for this business negotiation be offered to everyone present here?"
Merchant 2: "You're right. We would also like to celebrate on the day if permitted."
(If permitted? What does that mean?)
(I thought every year, merchants and nobles would crowd in to celebrate his birthday.)
Despite my confusion, voices of agreement rise from the merchants.
Merchant 3: "If we can have Prince Silvio's birthday, I don't mind giving this up."
Merchant 4: "Same."
(Crap. What should I do? Everyone's getting into it!)
Merchant 1: "Prince Silvio, what do you think?"
With the words of one merchant, all eyes turned to Silvio.
Silvio: "Damn it, talking about buying someone's birthday and whatnot. You guys are saying whatever you want."
Silvio: "Since when did I become a product?"
(He's right. His birthday isn't a commodity.)
(Every year, he makes time to celebrate with me despite his busy schedule.)
(This year, I thought I'd go to him to ask for time, which is why I proposed this negotiation.)
(But if I can buy his time, it opens up a whole new situation.)
As I reflected on my own naivete and was about to back down,
Silvio: "Well, it’s not so bad to be on the receiving end once in a while."
Silvio: "As you all said, the opportunity for business negotiations should be given equally. So, we’ll decide it by auction."
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Silvio: "The one who bids the highest for me will get my entire birthday."
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Part 3 ╎ Part 4
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
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penthepen · 3 months
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otomehoneyybearr · 3 months
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Kagari: "Zero sense of caution, defenseless, and weak, yet always trying to help others at the expense of yourself. ...Hmm? Of course, I'm talking about you, princess."
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lucyw260 · 25 days
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So cute! 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺
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shatcey · 10 days
My fiancé has become a child JP (Nokto)
Luke Licht Nokto
Strangely enough, there were no references to the main route in this story. Maybe I just didn't notice them. Nokto's habit of keeping everything to himself and not showing his struggle to anyone played a huge part in that story. I hadn't thought about this side of him before, and now I'm really curious to re-read his route to check.
Nokto came to the garden on a break from work and suddenly…
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First of all, I like that look on his face. I don't know why. I just like it. Secondly… I have to apologize. Initially, it was indicated what kind of tree it was. But… my translator told me that it was a "taru tree", and I thought I would figure out its meaning later, and did not take a screenshot with the original text. And now I have no idea what that might mean. So… Let's imagine that Nokto is not a botanist and has no idea what kind of tree it is.
He assumed that she was the daughter of some visiting nobleman, but was surprised not to notice her guardian nearby. He approached her cautiously and asked her what she was doing.
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She reminded him of someone. He thinks that maybe it's not the first time they've met. What's wrong with you, Nokto? How could you not recognize her at first sight?
But right after he found out her name, he just thought… Oh, yes, I haven't seen her all day, that explains why. So calm…
Emma asks him to play, but he says he has things to do, but after that they will play.
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I have no doubt what you mean by that.
In the library, Emma was amazed to see how many books there were.
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Emma asks what he was looking for, and after some thought, he decides to tell her. He tells her that there is a spell on her. And then she asks which one…
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That's so sweet of you to assume that, baby…
He decided not to correct her, but simply to agree with her theory. And he asked her to help to find a book about magic. She enthusiastically began to help. But after reading a lot of books, Nokto felt depressed because he didn't find anything that could help.
He looked at Emma and realized that she looked under the weather as well. When he asked her why.
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Well, this is Emma, she's an empath, she feels other people's emotions like her own.
He on the other hand assumed that she was just bored because he wasn't paying much attention to her. Suddenly the door opened, and Nokto hides the girl that she had not noticed the newcomer. Assuming that if she saw him, she would cry. And considering that this is exactly what happened in Luke and Chev's stories, it was very likely.
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I thought he would at least said something. Like… how did it happen? But Nokto didn't even give him the chance. He invited Emma to return to the garden. Don't you think your break has suddenly turned into a day off?
In the garden, he continued to be sad about it, and Emma handed him another book. Telling that this book is just about how to turn adults into children. He looks into it…
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Awww, it's so sweet of you to think about Clavis right now. I'm looking forward to this event with him. Assuming it's going to be his Belle… It's going to be the most fun. I hope I didn't miss it.
After reading this book, he decided to use everything that was indicated there as methods. He sings (I'd like to hear it. I thought he'd call Licht… he has a wonderful voice). It didn't work. The next one was a potion made from some rare flower. But the description of the flower made him doubt it.
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OMG! I like that look on his face. Serious Nokto is the most beautiful one. In fact, I liked the serious Keiji better too. Perhaps this is already a tendency.
So he decided to switch to other methods… Emma looked at him and asked him to play again. He asked her to wait a bit more… and she started crying
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Awwww, she's such a sweet kid!
While she "wasn't" crying, Nokto tried to comfort her as best he could. But he himself understands that he has failing. She seems uncomfortable in his arms.
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These are new complex emotions. It's a good thing. This is called growing up! You should watch "Inside out". Sorry, it's a different time period. Just take my word for it, honey.
He told her that they were done with it for the day and had to go to the castle. While he was thinking, he needed to find a way to cheer her up.
They are sitting in the living room. Picture books and toys are scattered everywhere, but Emma still doesn't look very happy. Nokto is trying to figure out what caused the sudden change in her behavior. Suddenly, the door opened…
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As we all know, Luke gets along very well with children. Who wouldn't like this cute ginger with a sweet and convincingly sincere smile on his face? So he'll cheer Emma up pretty quickly.
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Oh, he's jealous…
Luke even made a bracelet for her. Nokto thinks he will never win. He feels completely depressed because he can't take proper care of his own fiancee.
Emma, smiling happily, runs up to him and shows him her new bracelet. She looks at him and asks seriously
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Because of his constant gloomy expression, she thought he was in pain. As expected from the extremely kind and caring Belle… I'm sorry, Emma.
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Because he thought she was a child, he gently touched her and as a result began to feel fear of doing something wrong. And Emma felt it. She's really an empath.
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It sounds like a promise. Well, will see, I guess…
He asked if she still wanted to play with him. And she's so glad to hear it. I do not know what will happen next, because this is the end of the normal ending. Well, I guess until next time.
I'm actually very surprised at how collected he is, how much he thinks and analyzes. This is probably my first event with him. As I said earlier, I don't particularly like him. I'm a Licht's girl and probably can't feel sympathy for Nokto.
My previous theory about the dream doesn't work here at all. This Emma is definitely Belle. She is kind, sensitive and very sweet. I can't imagine Nokto being like this even as a kid. Sorry, night boy, this doesn't suit you.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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lostbelt · 12 days
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"It's Halloween, so I dressed up as a wizard. But there's only one magic spell I can use, do you know what it is?"
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gil isn't THAT short >_> chev better be standing on a rock or something
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(but i also love gil being THAT short)
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dark-frosted-heart · 30 days
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beechoux · 6 months
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Welcome, Prince Matthius 🩵
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
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Chevalier, Main Route - Romantic End, Ch. 24 - Premium Challenge
Gilbert, Main Route - Romantic End, Ch 24
Same line - one happy, one heartbreaking (I'll let you decide which one is which). Both definitely needed a hug in these scenes. They're both so different, yet so alike, and so connected to the other.
I finished reading Gilbert's Romantic End earlier. And after that trip (yes, his route made me cry a second time - but also again, not for anything he said or did), I had to be comforted by reading Chevalier.
Ep 0 has another flashback to when Chevalier and Gilbert were young and friends. Gilbert helps another child, and Chevalier is confused why Gilbert would help. He just doesn't get it. Gilbert then tells him...
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Flash forward to present day now. Emma is getting fitted for a new diplomatic dress. Chevalier is watching her and thinking about how much he loves her.
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Emma was the one to show him what it's like to be loved and show love; Gilbert was the one who told him.
I wonder how Gilbert would feel being called "scourge of the world" and how it compares to "eyepatch bastard" 😂
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 4 months
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I Love You, I've Sinned - Silvio
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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While I was busy doing official duties, a maid walking behind me suddenly called out.
Maid: "Um, there's a hickey on the back of your neck."
Emma: "What!?"
I hurriedly let my hair down to hide the hickey, but the embarrassment made my face flush.
(I told Silvio so many times!)
Just a few days ago, another maid pointed out a hickey to me, and I confronted Silvio about it.
Emma: "Prince Silvio, what’s the meaning of this?"
Silvio: "Huh? Why do you look so angry?"
Emma: "Who do you think is responsible for making me this angry!?"
Emma: "Didn't I mention last time not to leave hickeys where I can't hide them?"
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Silvio: "Heh, you already noticed?"
Emma: "The maid told me. I was so embarrassed I felt like my face was on fire."
Emma: "Why do you always put them in such obvious places? You're so cruel."
(Just remembering it makes me want to faint.)
Even though I was seriously protesting, he laughed as if it were none of his business.
Silvio: "You're my woman. What's wrong with marking what's mine?"
Emma: "There's nothing wrong with it, but at least do it in places where I can hide it."
(I'm happy to hear him say that, but having other people point it out all the time is still embarrassing.)
Emma: "Anyway, seriously, please stop."
Silvio: ".........."
Emma: "W-What?"
Striding over to me, he grabbed my chin and tilted my head up.
He gazed at me with eyes that held a hint of amusement and smirked.
(I have a bad feeling about this.)
Silvio: "You don't like it when others point it out, right? In that case..."
With a confident gesture, he pointed to my neck.
Silvio: "Here."
Emma: "Here? Wait, what!?"
Without hesitation, he pressed his lips there and sucked hard.
Feeling a slight pain, I quickly pulled away and rushed to the mirror, where I saw a vivid red mark.
Emma: "Just because you gave me a warning doesn't make it okay!"
Silvio: "Like I care."
Emma: "You should care!"
As he tried to close the distance again, I turned to evade him, but he grabbed me from behind, nibbling on my nape this time.
Silvio: "How about here next?"
Emma: "Ah!"
Frustratingly, I couldn't deny that I was weak to his kisses, as my voice betrayed me.
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Silvio: "You act so stubborn, but you sure make pleased sounds."
Emma: "You're the one who's being stubborn."
Silvio: "Huh? I can't hear you."
His teasing voice brushed against my ear, and he traced his tongue over the freshly made hickey.
Emma: "........."
Silvio: "If your embarrassment is stronger than the mark I've given you, maybe you don't fully realize that you're my woman."
Silvio: "In that case, I'll just have to keep marking you until you do. Next will be here."
Emma: "That's not the point, mmph!"
He firmly embraced my waist from behind, repeatedly sucking on my shoulders and neck while we stood.
The relentless rain of forceful kisses showed no sign of stopping, and he showed no remorse, let alone any hint of regret.
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Things are getting out of hand. I need to come up with a plan.)
(Now that this happens...)
Silvio: "Hey, Emma. Later..."
Emma: "........."
(Since he's not showing any remorse, I'll have to maintain a stern attitude and not let my anger show for a while.)
I remained resolute in my silence, but since he had repeated the same behavior yesterday and the day before, perhaps sensing my irritation, he furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed my arm as if to stop me.
Silvio: "Are you sulking?"
Emma: ".........."
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Silvio: "Don't just stare at me."
(I bet he only thinks I'm just slightly upset.)
(I won't talk to him unless he gets the message.)
Emma: "Take this!"
Silvio: "Damn it, don't just suddenly hug me like that!"
Blushing and clearly flustered, he watched me flee hastily from the corner of his eye.
Silvio: "Don't make things any more difficult."
(Ugh, I didn't expect him to chase after me.)
Silvio: "Hey, if you have a complaint, say it to my face."
(I tried to tell him, but he didn't listen to me!)
In defiance, I turned my face away.
Emma: "If you're not going to listen to my requests, then I have the right not to listen to yours."
Silvio: "You finally decided to speak up, huh? And what's up with that attitude?"
Silvio: "You know what'll happen if you talk to me like that, right?"
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(Until he understands my side, I won't yield to any kind of threat.)
Emma: "I don't know. I've said my piece, so if you'll excuse me."
Silvio: "Fine, suit yourself."
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The next morning--
Emma: "What the hell is this!?"
I started getting ready but was shocked by my reflection in the mirror.
(There were hickeys on my neck, arms, collarbone, and in places I couldn't hide.)
Silvio: "I could hear you all the way from the hallway."
(When did he come into the room!?)
I was too shocked by the hickeys to notice.
Emma: "What’s the meaning of this?"
Silvio: "I did it while you were asleep."
Silvio: "They suit you better than any jewel."
Silvio: "You understand now, right? No matter how much you struggle, you're mine, so let me leave my mark as I please."
Emma: "Y-You tyrant!"
(I only wanted him to show some remorse, but my defiance seems to have fueled his fire even more.)
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(I've completely lost this round. Ugh, this pisses me off!)
Emma: "I'm sorry. I apologize for ignoring you."
Silvio: "You're unusually obedient."
Emma: "I've realized that resisting is futile."
Silvio: "As long as you understand."
I suppressed the urge to charge at him.
Emma: "I appreciate you giving me hickeys, but I can't help feeling embarrassed when others point them out."
Emma: "And I also don't want to show the marks you leave on me to anyone else."
Silvio: "You felt that way?"
Silvio: "Then why didn't you say so from the beginning!?"
Emma: "Kyaah! Don't ruffle my hair like that!"
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Silvio: "Shut up! It's your punishment for ignoring me."
(My cheeks must be as red as his by now.)
To dispel the awkward atmosphere, he cleared his throat softly.
Silvio: "Since you seem to understand what happens when you defy me, I'll forgive you this time."
Silvio: "But think about why I purposely leave marks in places you can't hide."
Silvio: "I don't like pests getting too close to my woman."
(I feel embarrassed, but his feelings make me happy.)
Suddenly, he pulled out a sea-colored scarf from his pocket and wrapped it around my neck, covering my hickeys.
Silvio: "You drive me crazy when you ignore me."
Silvio: "So from now on, I'll be a little more careful."
Emma: "Thank you."
(He always seems to understand my feelings.)
(Still, putting so many hickeys is going too far.)
As a small retaliation, I hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his Adam's apple.
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Silvio: "W-What the!? You!"
Ignoring his flustered reaction, I sucked on his skin and left a mark.
Silvio: "You always do this to me."
Emma: "I'd like to call it even, but there aren't enough yet, so brace yourself."
I made the declaration, and he burst into laughter.
Silvio: "You've got some nerve. I hope you don't regret it."
After leaving a kiss on the back of my hand and marking it, he lifted me in his arms and pushed me down onto the bed.
Silvio: "It's not me who needs to brace myself."
Silvio: "I'll leave plenty in places covered by clothes, too, so get ready."
Emma: "W-Wait! It's my turn to leave marks now!"
Evading my plea with a smirk, Silvio continued to leave marks all over my skin.
Repentance and retaliation both eventually turned into sweet moments as I bathed in the evidence of his love.
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mxrmaid-poet · 11 days
Sariel’s sequel is a chance for them to say that Sariel IS the king of rhodolite’s son, making him the actual first prince 👽🙊
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