#Iida x yaomomo
sleeplessdreamer14 · 3 months
𝔅𝔢 𝔙𝔢𝔯𝔶 𝔄𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔡
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fandom: my hero academia
relationship: class 1a x gn! reader (platonic)
summary: you don’t typically use your quirk as to not frighten people, but you wind up using it when Mineta is bothering your girl friends.
contains: mineta being a perv, y/n being terrifying yet beautiful, maybe a little rushed at the end sorry
Upon first getting your quirk at age four, you and your parents initially thought they were merely angel wings. By junior high however, you came to realize there was more to it than that, and after a few small incidents that included you inadvertently making a classmate nearly pass out, you opted to keep your power on the down low most of the time. But your quirk still needed to breathe, so to speak, so you let your first pair of wings out.
Once you reached high school and enrolled in UA, you were still hesitant to use your power to its full extent, and not just for the sake of not frightening anyone, but also because you were fairly certain that if you did, Bakugou would see it as a challenge and become bent on one-upping you. And you didn’t have the time for that.
Either way, it actually didn’t take too long for the truth to come out. From day one, your shortest classmate made a pretty solid impression as a little pervert, and it had you on your toes a lot, not just for yourself, but for your friends. You had gotten used to using your wings to create distance between Mineta and the girls, but you were getting real fed up with it real fast.
There were only a handful of scenarios wherein you deemed it necessary to go the whole nine yards, and when you spotted him trying to sneak up on Momo, Ochako, and Mina, you didn’t even think twice as you speed walked towards them, sliding your jacket off of your shoulders and tying it smoothly around your waist.
You put yourself between him and the girls, activating your quirk so quickly that a gust of wind blew through the room, making the girls jump in surprise a bit and causing Mineta to stumble and fall back and several other heads to turn in your direction.
There they saw you hovering a couple feet off the ground, all three sets of wings out and a soft halo of light surrounding your head. You had opened a few extra eyes, all glowing like the sun. But there wasn’t a trace of mercy in your gaze as you stared Mineta down. You almost didn’t hear the soft gasps of your other classmates as they stared at you in awe.
“Be afraid. Be. Very. Afraid.”
It took a moment for Mineta to snap out of his horrified state, before he quickly scrambled to his feet and booked it away from you, stuttering apologies as he scurried off. And with that, you lowered yourself to the ground and sighed, your halo fading and your extra eyes closing back up. Looking over your shoulder, you looked at your girl friends and offered them a tender smile, in complete contrast to the death stare you were wearing just seconds prior.
“Be not afraid.” you said sweetly before Mina gave you a big hug which you returned.
“(L/n), you’re the best!” she exclaimed joyously. “Thank you so much.” Momo said.
“No worries. I’ve been wanting to do that for quite a while now.” you said, mumbling at the last part. Ururaka went on about how she was sure that you would be an awesome hero some day, beloved by girls everywhere.
Midoriya was already flipping through his journal to add on to the entry he made about you and Jirou had a proud smile on her face, glad that someone was able to scare Mineta off like that. Iida was stunned, but honestly amazed by how gracefully you handled the situation, and Kaminari was simultaneously terrified and impressed as he made a mental note to never mess with you or your friends, even if he was one of them.
Kirishima’s look of shock turned into a beaming smile as he went over to compliment your quirk and how strong you were. Bakugou… wasn’t sure what to think. He was impressed, though he probably wouldn’t tell you that to your face, and maybe slightly intimidated by you upon realizing how much you must have been holding back during training and sparring. Aizawa on the other hand, made a mental note to try and explore this side of your quirk in future training.
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melancholymegumi · 8 months
i love mommy momo and uncle iida but i am a sucker for mommy momo and daddy iida.
Starr... Ure onto smth. Let's talk.
mommy!momo and daddy!iida , the soft mommy x strict daddy troupe :(( everytime you go shopping with mommy!momo, he's always there to say that "it's too expensive, you don't need it." But you do!! He's a party pooper. He also insists on you wearing pull-ups outside. Like, you're a big girl, you don't need pull-ups anymore!! (Which was proven wrong, unsurprisingly.)
he's also the one that handles all the punishments. The worst one was probably when he tied you to the chair with a vibrator strapped to ur clit and made you watch him fuck your mommy because you touched yourself! Saying that if you want the vibrator so bad, maybe it should be your only source of pleasure!
mommy!momo is nice though . She's the one who stops your daddy from punishing you worse than he was gonna :(( giving you candy and treats after you took your punishment like a good girl, maybe even hold your hand while daddy spanks you till it's a different shade of red :(
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notjustdrwhoboards · 2 months
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BNHA moodboard: Iida Tenya/Yaoyorozu Momo - Romantic Academia (requested by: anon)
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haruka-norikoyo · 3 months
Monoma x reader who is Mirio’s younger sibling
Okay, ya’ll know how Mirio out-of-pocketly told Eri that Monoma is the bad part of UA? Like bro was being insane but damn— Eri was scared of him for a while cause of that 😭
So like, what if he kept that energy up cause reader, his younger sibling, is dating Monoma? He would be hilarious as a passive aggressively protective older brother. Poor Neito, LMFAO
Part 1/?
Other parts:
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s bedtime for the students of class 1-B. Most of the students in the dorm are sound asleep, or at least, in their rooms getting ready for bed. But for Monoma, this hour is his only opportunity to sneak into the common room window now that everyone lives in dorms to meet with his significant other. Why the secrecy? Well, you so happened to have been put into 1-A after you both graduated middle school.
“I might not be able to bring you back until the dorms, but I could at least walk you halfway, you know?” Monoma says was he rests his arm out the window, his fingers threading against your up-stretched hand. “I wouldn’t want you walking on your own.” “Well, you could always be the one to visit me,” you tease, knowing he would never be caught dead within the premises of your class’ dorm. He scoffs, squeezing your hand as he looks away. “I would if your stupid classmates didn’t have godforsaken sleep schedules…”
Unlike his classmates at 1-B, Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Hagakure and Sero wake up in the most random hours, or stay in the common room and play uno until the devil’s hour. Tokoyami is basically nocturnal. Aoyama sometimes goes out of his room for a midnight cheese. Koda has a pet rabbit, so he sometimes wakes up to get food in the kitchen for it. Bakugo sleeps at 8:00pm on the dot, but he, Iida, Midoriya, and YaoMomo are early risers, which too, throws a wrench in your star crossed lovers charade. Technically there is a curfew, but Aizawa himself cherishes his few of hours of sleep, so he doesn’t bother badgering them to go to sleep. If they end up coming to class sleepy, well…
Your only solace is the 1-B dorm, where everyone goes to bed at a reasonable time, with the nigh nocturnal students like Kuroiro at least staying at their rooms. “I guess that’s true…” you smile wryly. “But you know, we could always make our relationship… known..?” You look up at him a little hopefully. The two of you got together near the end of middle school, so you never got the chance to announce it to anyone, especially here at UA with the class rivalry going on. Monoma rests his chin on his hand. “…you know I’d look like the biggest idiot if after all I’ve said, I turned out to be dating someone from 1-A.”
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot,” you smile sweetly, standing on your tiptoes to lean in and peck his cheek. “Mwah.”
“Gee thanks,” He rolls his eyes, pink dusting his cheeks. He pauses a second, moving your hand up to plant a delicate kiss on your knuckles. “…I’ll think about it.”
You smile. “Thank you, Neito.” As you withdrew your hand, his fingers follow yours for another second of your fleeting touch. You squeeze his hand one more time, and let go, using it to wave. “See you again tomorrow.”
Monoma sighs, and smiles. “See you again.” He waves. You retreat back to your dorm, and his hand which was holding yours remained reaching longingly. Maybe the humiliation he imagines would be worthwhile if he gets to spend another moment with you. But, he’ll think about that another time.
He yawns, heading back to his room. The lights are all off, but he manages with the flashlight on his phone. The dorm hallway is nothing eerie. At least, as long as he doesn’t notice the pair of eyes watching him. Monoma reaches his room. He’d already brushed his teeth and changed to his sleepwear previous to meeting with you, so all that’s left to do is go to bed. He reaches for the covers.
“Wh— eahhh!!!” Monoma screams, tripping on his own feet as he drew back from the face within his pillows. Wait a second, where is the body?!
He calms down, taking deep breaths as he stared at the face peeking out. The face stares back. He stays staring.
“What’re your intentions with my younger sibling?”
“Huh?” Monoma blinks. Bitch who the fuck? He doesn’t know anyone in particular who’s a younger sibling that he might’ve wronged. He doesn’t think a villain would get into UA— is this just 1-A messing with him? “Who even are you?”
“My name is Togata Mirio, nice to finally meet you,” he responds, still with only his face peeking out of the pillows. “Togata..? You don’t happen to be… (y/n)’s… older brother..?”
“Ah jeez, you’re already in first name basis?”
Monoma stares at the face poking out of his pillows. (Y/n) did mention having an older brother who’s in the hero course… but they look nothing alike!
“I bet you’re thinking that we don’t look anything alike, huh?”
Can he read my mind?! Monoma shakes his head. This is his first time meeting his partner’s family, he’s gotta pull himself together. Standing up, he dusts himself off. “I assume that you’re here to see if I’m worthy of (y/n).”
Mirio stays silent, his unreadable smile remaining on his face
Monoma takes a deep breath. “I intend to cherish (y/n), and treat them with all the respect they deserve. I’ll continue striving to be a hero by their side so that I may be the one to protect them when they’re too focused of protecting others. I intend to spend the rest of my life with (y/n).” He sweats. Mirio’s expression did not change at all in the time he’d said all that. “I see. Those are very big claims,” Mirio says. “I don’t doubt (y/n)’s judgement. They’re a capable kid. However…”
Monoma gulps.
“To be frank, I do not like you, or anyone with the chance of breaking my little sibling’s heart for that matter. If you ever hurt (y/n), I’ll pummel you till your mama don’t know ya.”
Huh? “Hold on a second, that phrase…” He smiles wryly, his formalities going out the window at this revalation. It’s the phrase he’d been teaching the abroad student, Tsunotori, while Kendo wasn’t looking.
“Yep, that’s right Monoma Neito. I’m in your walls. Haha, literally.”
With one eye twitching as he smiles, he asks, “That’s a breech of privacy, is it not, Onii-san? Why would you tell me this as an aspiring hero?”
“Because no one,” he could see the evil intent in those round blue eyes. “will ever believe you.”
“You evil bastard—”
“Monoma!” yells Awase, who’s in the room beside his. “The walls are thin! Stop talking to yourself! It’s 12:00 am, go to bed!”
He turns. “I’m not talking to myself I— wait…” Monoma turns back to his pillows, and the face is gone. He snaps his head around his room. “Holy crap he’s in my walls…”
“Are you going insane?” Monoma shakes his head after looking around one more time. He shuts off the lights and tucks himself under his bedsheets. He stares at the ceiling, half expectingly to see Mirio’s face appear to stare down at him, but it seems like he’s left. Or did he?
He may never know.
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herofics · 2 months
Could you please do a class 1a x reader one-shot where the reader is turned into a nomu?
A/N: Since you wanted so many characters aka all of class-A I did HCs because like 20 characters is really hard to manage in one scene. And even though I went with HCs, I still didn’t do the whole class, probably more like a bit under half. If you want like more of a reaction to the reader's death, this post has something like that
•You disappeared during your first internship after the sports festival
•You were in Hosu, and during the chaos with the hero killer, you got snatched
•Garaki wanted people with unique, strong and useful quirks, and you happened to fit those criteria
•The class was obviously pretty messed up about losing one of their own
•Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida were feeling guilty, because they were in Hosu too and they felt like they should’ve done something
•You weren’t near the Nomu action, but they still felt like they should’ve been able to stop it from happening
•The weeks rolled by, and the training camp started, there were still no signs of what had happened to you, and no one was particularly hopeful, they wanted to believe you were fine, but that seemed unlikely
•After Bakugou was rescued, the Nomus that were left in the facility, were taken away and studied
•They of course made the horrific discovery of how the Nomus were made, and they found that you had been turned into one as well
•It wasn’t just that your quirk had been taken, oh no, you were the basis for the Nomu, so you were dead
•The class of course did not take this news very well, especially the ones that had been in Hosu when you had disappeared
•The ones that had gone to rescue Bakugou of course couldn’t have done anything either, since you had already been dead for a while
•Like they don’t have enough trauma already, losing one of their own like this definitely didn’t help anyone in the class
•For a lot of the class, it made them work harder and go beyond their limits, because they wanted to make sure they would be ready to protect each other and whoever may need it
•Some of them, such as Midoriya, who was the tendency to overthink a lot, kinda catastrophized about how you’d died and what had happened to you before that
•He didn’t share his thoughts with anyone, because he didn’t want to upset anyone any more than they already were
•A lot of the class actually came up with a lot of pretty horrifying scenarios about what you’d gone through, but none of them shared them with each other
•Kaminari probably had the worst nightmares about it, he has a bit of an overactive imagination
•Yaomomo tried to be a bit of a therapist to everyone after you passed, but the class didn’t talk that much as a whole group
•Uraraka, Asui, Midoriya and Iida talked amongst each other, so did the Bakusquad
•The whole class knew the general feelings of each other, but the more in depth conversations were reserved for their closest friends
•Todoroki didn’t really want to talk to anyone, same with Tokoyami, but they actually ended up talking to each other a bit, neither of them is very talkative, but still
•Jirou and Mina kinda freaked out the first few times that they couldn’t find someone they were looking for, because it was an instant flashback to when they found out you had gone missing
•The whole class supported each other, but there was still a bit of a dark cloud looming over them
•If this could happen to you, what if one of them was next?
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cincincinnanom · 1 year
unapogetic t4t hcs I have, a list by fandom
MtF Hintsuru x FtM Giyu (basically all the Uzui's x Giyu but the t4t part is Hina and Giyu (duh, this au owns me, give me asks I will talk about them))
MtF Kie Kamado x FtM Tanjuro Kamado (don't ask me why i hc this idk why but it was one for my first t4t kny hcs and I will not redact it, send asks pls)
NBY Muichiro x MtF Genya & FtM Muichiro x NBY Genya
FtM Chuuya x FtM Dazai
FtM Simga x FtM Dazai (duh, this au has my whole heart)
MtF Nikolai x NBY Fyodor x FtM Dazai (ASK ME I LOVE THIS AU)
FtM Aku x genderqueer/boygirl Atsushi (kinda obvs)
MtF Lucy x boygirl Atsushi (I will ramble about this au if I get asks)
NBY Ranpo x FtM Poe
FtM Todoroki x NBY Midoriya
MtF YaoMomo x Ftm Jiro (ik this one is out there but i rlly love it, I will ramble abt au)
FtM Dabi x NBY Shigiraki x FtM Hawks (don't ask questions but I will happily ramble about this au)
CANNON!MtF Mange X FtM Compress x NBY Kurogiri (I love this ship I will ramble for hours)
FtM Aizawa x NBY Hazashi (present Mic)
Genderfuild Toga x NBY Midorya x FtM Todoroki x Uraraka x Iida (Ik not technically t4t but its more trans ppl than not so it counts)
MtF Toga x FtM Uraraka (I'm very fond of this au, if you send asks I will be so happy)
FtM Stanley x He/it Narry &/or NBY Stanley x she/it Narry (I will legit foam at the mouth if someone sends an ask /in a good way)
FtM Xiao x Genderfuild Venti
Genderfuild Zhongli x MtF Ningguang (give me asks about this)
NBY Razor x FtM Bennet
FtM Wanderer x NBY Kazuha
FtM Hu Tao x MtF Yanfei (sned asks for au)
FtM Ayato x FtM Thoma
MtF Rosaria x FtM Keaya
anways in geniral if you send me asks about any of these t4t hcs I will start to foam at the mouth and wiggle happily while i type a response and giggle and get really happy. aaaaaaa anyways that all the t4t for today, if you have asks send fucking asks.
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ao3feed-izch · 10 months
Class 1-a gc with some people
by Little_Birdie_Love
HIII so here are the names
Emo bird- tokoyami mom- yaomomo kermit rip off- tsu kirby- ururaka I HATE ALL OF YOU- bakogou Emo slay depressed queen- todoroki class president- iida spider man- sero I TWINKLE- aoyama shark- kirishima pikachu- kaminari animals- koda octopus- shoji ROCKSTAR- jirou THE BEST DANCER- mina im married with the hospital bed- midoriya tail man- ojiro invisible girl- hagakure mind control freak- shinsou imaginie- camie Dadzawa- aizawa KFC- hawks I SING- mic L.O.L- mrs joke
Ships: Todomomo( todoroki x momo) izuocha( izuku x ochako) tokotsu( tokoyami x tsu) Kirimina( kirishima x mina) Some dabihawks( dabi x hawks) eraserjoke ( eraserhead x mrs.joke)
Words: 116, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tokoyami Fumikage, Asui Tsuyu, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Ojiro Mashirao, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Utsushimi Camie, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Aoyama Yuuga, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Satou Rikidou
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie, Asui Tsuyu/Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Tokoyami Fumikage, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51626821
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soulscamper · 2 years
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Kamino ward: gays flying
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captainsbaby · 3 years
Boobs, butt, thighs or tummy?
(pro-hero age) class 1-a
↳todoroki, kaminari, tokoyami, midoriya
↳Kirishima, bakugo, iida
↳sero, shoji, yaomomo
↳bakugo, kirishima, uraraka
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thezeninclan · 4 years
UA students protecting your drink at a party
you ask the bnha students to protect your drink at a party while you go to the bathroom and how you thank them
warnings — alcohol mentions/mentions of drinking
characters: midoriya, tsu, uraraka, iida, bakugou, todoroki, kirishima, kaminari, mina, shinsou, yaomomo, jirou, tokoyami
will glare the fuck out of anyone who even looks in his general direction while he’s holding your drink, which scares them off immediately. he’s also the most likely to refill your drink if he sees its getting a little low, because he’d do anything to see you smile. when you come back from the restroom and thank him with a tight embrace and a kiss to his cheek he can’t help but flush, the warm of his cheeks making steam rise off his cold side.
will treat the cup like its a sacred object in a hero mission, protecting it with his literal life. you’d even stake your life on him jumping in front of the cup if a villain suddenly appeared. when iida and uraraka come up to chat the poor boy cant even focus on what they’re saying he’s so concerned with staring at your cup and making sure it stays safe. but it’s all worth it when you come back from the bathroom and curl up in his arms, lying your head against his chest and thank him for always taking such good care of you.
will act like it’s not a big deal, like its something stupid to watch your dumbass drink. but will take it 10000% seriously. literally anyone who even looks at your cup will be getting blasted, kaminari and kirishima can attest to that. when you skip back to him, all fresh faced and happy, looping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek he’ll try to shrug you off, but you can see the reddish tinge to his ears and the slight smile that pulls at the corners of his lips.  
will instantly create something fancy and over the top to cover your drink. except its not a simple like....lid. momo will literally create a government spy level briefcase with 17 locks and a passcode and fingerprint recognition backed up with poison darts and a very impressive looking emergency system. and you don’t even mind because when you get back from the bathroom and she shows you her briefcase with a huge smile on her face and her eyes sparkling you cant help but chuckle and kiss her, so happy that your girlfriend cares so much about you that you don’t even scold her for going so over the top and using up all her lipids.
will take it so seriously you have no idea. she’ll take a break from dancing to stand off to the side and hold your cup, making sure that nobody even gets close. she will 100% almost pass out from holding her breath for the entire time you’re in the bathroom as she makes your cup float, and when you get back to your fainting girlfriend and admonish her gently, telling her that wasn’t at all necessary, you still cant help but feel flattered that she cares so much, showing your appreciation with a tight squeezing hug. 
will singlehandedly prove to everyone watching that you absolutely can breakdance while holding a drink and not spill a drop. you’re not sure if she’s well practiced in the art of breakdance-drink-holding or if she’s trying even harder than usual because its yours. but when you round the corner to find your girlfriend in the middle of a throng of loudly cheering dancers you cant help but be amazed. you make your way towards her, downing your drink in one go and then turning your full attention towards pulling her into your arms and making your way to the middle of the dance floor.
will demonstrate firsthand just how manly it is to keep women safe. he holds your drink pinned between his forearm and chest, hardening his skin so that if anyone even tried to grab it they wouldn’t be able to break his hold. even serbro and bakubro can’t get near, thats how serious he takes it. it all worth it though, when you come back and pull the cup away from him, pushing yourself into his arms instead. he lavishes in the way you kiss his cheeks, curling up against him as you finish before leading him out onto the dance floor. 
will absolutely not hesitate to brainwash anyone who comes near him to force them to walk away. he’s more than happy to stand away from the thick of the crowd and nurse your half filled drink. also the most likely to take a sip of your drink out of curiosity, and when you come back he’ll tease you about the fruity thing you’re drinking and make fun of you for not being able to handle your liquor. but he will still blush when you press your lips to his, silencing his teasing at once. 
will take it as seriously as he takes holding anyone else’s drink. he stands off towards the side, chopping his hand and frowning his eyebrows and glaring at anyone who walks by. nobody is going to be able to even come near the cup, especially not without getting a lecture on party safety 101. you smile as you watch him lecturing poor midoriya, who had probably just come to say hi to iida, you’re quick to help him escape by coming up behind your boyfriend and wrapping your arms around his neck, making him freeze and go stiff before realising it was you embracing him. he lets himself melt against you, you soft voice whispering a sweet thank you against the shell of his ear.
will take it 100% seriously, contrary to popular belief. he knows firsthand how creepy men can be when it comes to girls at parties— hell he’s friends with mineta after all. so he covers your cup with his hand, looking around furiously to see if anyone is coming, already building up his electricity for a massive shock to anyone who comes near. but when you come back, he’ll act like he didnt take it that seriously, blushing and scratching the back of his neck shyly. you know the truth, but act like you didn’t, just settling for giving him an affectionate kiss before pulling him out on the dance floor. 
will be more than happy to wrap her tongue around your cup and boost it as high as she can reach, proving that even though she’s the shortest of class 1A (sitting back on her hands and knees) she can hold it higher than anyone else. it’s almost like training, seeing how high she can lift the cup and how straight she could hold it, making sure she doesnt spill a drop. until you get back and skip over to her, leaning down to kiss your cute lil happy frog on the forehead.
will literally tape your drink to the ceiling, so securely wrapped that when you come back from the bathroom its literally impossible to get down. he flushes pink and beats a hasty retreat, quickly going back to the kitchen to get you another drink. he’s embarrassed at first, but you assure him that its not a problem, not to be embarrassed, that youre happy he cares so much about you. 
will be so shy and sweet when you ask her to hold your cup for you, so happy that you trust her enough to watch over her drink. she will literally glare and frown at anyone who even comes close, threatens to shock kaminari when he tries to get too close. acts like she isnt blushing when you hug her tightly and kiss the top of her hair in thanks.
will summon dark shadow and gives him your cup, watching as he lifts himself up to 20 ft above the crowd and squawks/curses/threatens to kill anyone who approaches. tokoyami’s also likely to accidentally growl at you for trying to take the cup before he realises that it is you. you thank him by first kissing the side of his beak, and then doing the same to dark shadow, smiling happily as both of your boys blush pink. 
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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melancholymegumi · 8 months
mommy momo asking 'uncle' iida to come over because you've been so bad, but she doesn't have the heart to discipline you :(( sigh and open docs..
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moonsbijoutoo · 3 years
i am really about to brotp momo and hatsume instantly.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ MASTERLIST ♥
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Last updated: October 4th, 2020
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 100 EVENT ♥
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 300 Event! p.1 ♥
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 300 Event! p.2 ♥
✰ - Personal favorite!
My Hero Academia
Bakugou Katsuki ~
Dummy. (FLUFF)
Empty Home (ANGST)
ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʙᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ. ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀɢᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ. (COMFORT)
Gymnast Girlfriend (HEADCANONS)
NS*W Headcanons
Tall Girlfriend! (HEADCANONS)
you are my sunshine (ANGST) 
Dealing with a Rude Family Member (HEADCANONS)
Poly KiriBaku! helping S/O deal with rude family (HEADCANONS)
Girlfriend wears makeup! (SCENARIO)
Finding themselves as a Shimeji on S/O’s Computer! (HEADCANONS)
S/O’s Pro-hero Father Dies in action (ANGST, COMFORT)
3 A.M. Dance <3 (FLUFF)
Reader can fullass bully Katsuki and live another day! (P! BAKUGOU)
Izuku Midoriya ~
Finding themselves as a Shimeji on S/O’s Computer! (HEADCANONS)
Todoroki Shoto ~
Comforting an Upset S/O (COMFORT)
Platonic! Shoto with Reader who used to be Best Friends With Toya (ANGST, CHAOS) ✰
Coming out to Shoto as pansexual! (HEADCANONS)
Iida Tenya ~
Genderfluid Reader (HEADCANONS)
ɪ’ʟʟ ʙᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ, ꜱᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ʙᴇ ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ. (COMFORT)
Sick reader! (COMFORT)
Reader gets Clingy and Teary when tired (HEADCANONS)
Uraraka Ochako ~
S/O with Migraines (HEADCANONS)
Relationship Headcanons
Denki Kaminari ~
Fire Anniversary (FLUFF, CHAOS)
Wing Love (FLUFF, CHAOS)
Birthday Cuddles! (FLUFF)
ᴡɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴏʀ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴ? (ANGST)
ʜᴇʏ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴇ. ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜᴇ. (COMFORT)
American Transfer student with a Water Quirk (FLUFF, CHAOS)
Tall Girlfriend! (HEADCANONS)
S/O thats even MORE chaotic than him, and is the captain of the wrestling team! (CHAOS, HEADCANONS)
Mina Ashido ~
ʜᴇʏ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴇ. ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜᴇ (COMFORT)
Gymnast Girlfriend! (HEADCANONS) 
Relationship Headcanons!
Boyfriend Obsessed with Sports(Basketball)! (HEADCANONS)
Anime obsessed boyfriend! (HEADCANONS)
Kirishima Eijirou ~
Overtime (COMFORT)
S/O with Migraines (HEADCANONS)
Tall Girlfriend! (HEADCANONS)
Protecting his Girlfriend from the Grape boy (FLUFF, CHAOS)
Poly KiriBaku! helping S/O deal with rude family (HEADCANONS)
Girlfriend from another school! (FLUFF)
Comforting a S/O who lost a friend (COMFORT)
Poly KiriBaku! Headcanons
Reader gets Clingy and teary when Tired (HEADCANONS)
Asui Tsuyu ~
Finding out her S/O is the traitor! (ANGST)
Reacting to S/O’s  SH scars (HEADCANONS)
Boyfriend thats FTM (HEADCANONS)
S/O thats a literal Dumbass (HEADCANONS)
Tsu’s S/O barges in during class! (HEADCANONS)
Jirō Kyōka ~
Finding out her S/O is the traitor! (ANGST)
Reacting to S/O’s SH scars (HEADCANONS) 
Boyfriend thats FTM (HEADCANONS)
Boyfriend thats Obsessed with Sports(Basketball)! (HEADCANONS)
S/O thats a literal Dumbass (HEADCANONS)
Jirō’s Fem! S/O brings her lunch! (HEADCANONS, FLUFF)
Anime obsessed boyfriend! (HEADCANONS)
Momo Yaoyorozu ~
Finding out her S/O is the traitor! (ANGST)
Relationship Headcanons!
Boyfriend thats FTM (HEADCANONS)
Boyfriend thats Obsessed with Sports(Basketball)! (HEADCANONS)
Anime obsessed boyfriend! (HEADCANONS)
Sero Hanta ~
Tall Girlfriend! (HEADCANONS)
Reader gets Clingy and Teary when tired! (HEADCANONS)
Hitoshi Shinsou ~
Reader with edgy quirk!
Class 1A:
The girls fall asleep in a gossip session! (HEADCANONS, FLUFF)
Student with a demon quirk! and a mask! (HEADCANONS, FLUFF)
BAKUSQUAD (Platonic!) Headcanons! (FLUFF)
Aizawa Shota (EraserHead)
Finding out his student is the traitor! (ANGST)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Cockwarming Hawks (NS*W)
Celebrating his S/O’s BDAY! (FLUFF/HEADCANONS)
Finding themselves as a Shimeji on S/O’s Computer! (HEADCANONS)
24 hours to spare. (ANGST, VERY SHORT)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Open your mouth. (NS*W)
Dabi (Toya)
Platonic! Shoto with Reader who used to be Best Friends With Toya (ANGST, CHAOS)
Celebrating S/O’s BDAY! (HEADCANONS)
Dabi + his hand around your cute throat :) (NS*W//KINDA)
Shigaraki Tomura
Being their younger sibling! (HEADCANONS)
Shigaraki’s Little Sister’s just a badass (CHAOS)
S/O forces him to eat healthier! (HEADCANONS, FLUFF)
Reader with a raspy voice! (HEADCANONS)
Himiko Toga
Wingman Toga! (HEADCANONS)
Reacting to S/O’s SH scars (HEADCANONS)
Being their younger sibling! (HEADCANONS)
S/O thats a literal Dumbass (HEADCANONS)
Reader with a raspy voice! (HEADCANONS)
【(Teen reader) League of Villains:】
Reader pulls some Black Widow Shit (CHAOS)
I’ll Leave a Light On. (PURE FUCKING ANGST)
I’ll leave a Light On. (CHAPTER TWO)
Random League Headcanons!
Long Time, No see. (CHAPTER ONE?)
More random Headcanons!
Reader sings to relax the League after a long day! (CHAOS, FLUFF)
Reader has a crush on a Hero! (FLUFF, EVEN  MORE CHAOS)
Hell of a Family.  (FLUFF, COMFORT)
G o o d b y e   t o   a    w o r l d (ANGST)
In case of a Bad Night!
A reminder from me!
Hotlines and help <3
A reminder from me! (#2)
802 notes · View notes
qui-02 · 4 years
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Class 1-A M.List
Kaminari Denki
Threesome with Kiri
S/O who has never touched the snow
Decorating the apartment 
They wake you up from a nap
How would they confess their feelings for you
Random hc about him
Things he did in middle school
What makes his heart flutter
Reacting to your skirt riding up
When you ask to touch his abs
Perverted things he does
Getting him a present
S/O kissing him under a mistletoe
They wake you up from a nap lol
When you have freckles
How would they confess their feelings for you
When you fall asleep on their shoulder
Random hc about him
Things he did in middle school
What makes his heart flutter
How he takes care of his sick S/O
When he overhears his crush calling him cute
His love language
Reacting to your skirt riding up
S/O who works as a detective
Hickey prank
Perverted things he does
Todoroki Shoto
Shoto with sleeping problems S/O
Fashion designer S/O
Stressed S/O
Warming you up
When you have a plant quirk
They wake you up from a nap
When you have freckles
When you like an anime character
When they like the same girl
How would they confess their feelings for you
When you falls asleep on their shoulder
Random hc about him
Things he did in middle school
What makes his heart flutter
How he kisses/make out
His love language
When you receive an anonymous love letter
Reacting to your skirt riding up
How he makes love to you
Ass thighs or boobs
Perverted things he does
Iida Tenya
Random hc about him
Yayorouzo Momo 
When you have a plant quirk
Things she did in middle school
Bakugou katsuki
Bakugo with a S/O with sleeping problems
Berserker S/O
Kissing their S/O under a mistletoe
When you have a plant quirk
They wake you up from a nap
When you have thick thighs
When you have freckles
When you like an anime character
When they like the same girl
How would they confess their feelings for you
When you fall asleep on their shoulder
Random hc about him
Things he did as a toddler
What makes his heart flutter
How he kisses/make out
How he takes care of his sick S/O
His love language
When you receive an anonymous love letter
Reacting to your skirt riding up
S/O who works as a detective
When you ask to touch his abs
Hickey prank
Ass thighs or boobs
Perverted things he does
Kirishima Eijirou
Kirishima with a S/O with sleeping problems
Kirishima x chubby reader
Threesome with kaminari 
Kissing their S/O under a mistletoe 
How would they confess their feelings for you
Random hc about him
Things he did in middle school
What makes his heart flutter
S/O who works as a detective
Asss thighs or boobs
Sero Hanta
“Really? You wanna have sex…. here? Now??”
When you have thick thighs
What I think their favorite drink is
How would they confess their feelings for you
Random hc about him
What makes his heart flutter
How he kisses/make out
How he takes care of his sick S/O
When you ask to touch his abs
Ass thighs or boobs
Perverted things he does
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu x villains/o
Café dáte
What I think is their favorite drink
Mezo shoji
Perverted things he does
305 notes · View notes
notjustdrwhoboards · 4 years
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BNHA moodboard: Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shoto/Yaoyorozu Momo (requested by: anon)
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